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Focused Issue of This Month Nutrition in Childhood for Lifelong Health Jeong Wan Seo, MD Department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine E - mail : jwseo@ewha.ac.kr J Korean Med Assoc 2009; 52(3): 233-243 The childhood and adolescence is an important period for establishing lifelong health. If parents want their children to live a healthy life, they should fix their children a nutritionally balanced diet and they should encourage their children to have a healthy eating habits and active physical activity. The beginning of lifelong health should be breastfeeding which reinforces immunity. What parents need to do is preparing nutritionally balanced meals at certain place at regular times. Children themselves control the amount of food they need to take. The parents should be a role model of their children to improve their childrens' healthy lifestyle. After 2 years of age, fat intake must be gradually decreased to 30~35% of total energy intake. The parents should limit their children eating saturated or trans fatty acids. Sweet or salty taste should be given as late as possible, and the parents should make efforts to give their children fruits and vegetables at each meal. Also they have to serve milk, dairy products, beans, tofu which are abundant of calcium. Traditionally, physicians has been treating sick children but nowadays physicians have to ask about childrens health before anything else and inform the parents what to do to keep their children healthy. Keywords: Childhood; Nutrition; Eating habits Abstract 233

Seo JW 234

Nutrition in Childhood for Lifelong Health 235

Seo JW 236

Nutrition in Childhood for Lifelong Health Table 1. Dietary reference intakes for Koreans (KDRIs)-acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges Macronutrients Age 1~2 y 3~19 y Adults Carbohydrate 50~70% 55~70% 55~70% Protein 7~20% 7~20% 7~20% Fat 20~35% 15~30% 15~25% The Korean Nutrition Society, 2005. 237

Seo JW 238

Nutrition in Childhood for Lifelong Health 239

Seo JW Table 2. Dietary reference intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) for calcium and vitamin D in children. The Korean Nutrition Society, 2005 Age Calcium (mg/d) Vitamin D (/d) EAR RI AI UL AI UL Infants 0~5 mo 200 5 25 6~11 mo 300 5 25 Children 1~2 y 300 500 2,500 10 60 3~5 y 400 600 2,500 10 60 Males 6~8 y 550 700 2,500 10 60 9~11 y 550 800 2,500 10 60 12~14 y 800 1,000 2,500 10 60 15~19 y 800 1,000 2,500 10 60 Females 6~8 y 550 700 2,500 10 60 9~11 y 550 800 2,500 10 60 12~14 y 750 900 2,500 10 60 15~19 y 750 900 2,500 10 60 EAR (Estimated Average Requirements), RI (Recommended Intake), UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level), Vitamin D: 1 =40 IU. 240

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