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하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을


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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'




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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

서론 34 2



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09 ½ÅÇù3¿ùb63»ÁöÃÖÁ¾FFš

#1_초급 본문

09 ½ÅÇù2¿ùÈ£b63»ÁöÁ¤¸»ÃÖÁ¾š


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철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf


U7 Vocabulary Unit 7 Which One is Cheaper? Clothing a dress some gloves some high heels a jacket (a pair of) jeans some pants a scarf a school uniform a shirt some shoes a skirt (a pair of) sneakers a suit a sweater tie t-shirt regular clothes designer clothes men s/ women s/ unisex clothing Adjectives/ Comparative Adjectives black blue red white colorful/more colorful dark / darker light / lighter new / newer old/ older baggy / baggier tight / tighter comfortable/ more comfortable nice / nicer stylish / more stylish cool / cooler cheap / cheaper expensive / more expensive good / better bad / worse U8 Sentences - Comparing things Which tie is more expensive (, the dark one or the colorful one)? The dark tie is more expensive. Which ones are cooler? The colorful pants are cooler. Is the blue shirt cooler than the red shirt? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t Are those sneakers more comfortable than your old sneakers? Yes they are. / No, they re not. The red dress is cheaper than the black one. These shoes are more stylish than those shoes. The red dress is as expensive as the black one. The black dress isn t as cheap as the red one. 1


U7 Grammar Which shoes are nicer, the blue ones or the red ones? X>Y or Y>X? Which noun(s) be-v + adj-er/more adj, something (X) or Y? The red shoes are nicer than the blue shoes. something (X) be-v+ adj-er /more adj + than Y. X>Y Are your jeans more comfortable than my jeans? X>Y? Be-v something (X) adj-er /more adj + than something (Y)? Yes, they are. X>Y Yes, something (X) + be-v No, they aren t/they re not. X not >Y No, something (X) + be-v + not. These pants are baggier than those ones. X>Y This dress is more expensive than that dress. something (X) be-v + adj-er/more adj + than something (Y). These pants are not baggier than those ones. X not>y( = X Y) This dress isn t more expensive than that dress. something (X) be-v + NOT + adj-er/more adj + than something (Y). Your high heels are less nice than my high heels. X<Y something (X) be-v+ less + adj + than something (Y). My suit is as nice as your suit. X Y something (X) be-v + as + adj + as something (Y). That skirt isn t as dark as yours X Y something (X) be-v + NOT + as + adj + as something (Y). 3

U7 Speaking- Talking about Clothing 1. Do you like to wear colorful clothes? Why? 2. Do you like shopping for clothes? Why 3. What do you think of people who always and only wear black? 4. What is your shoe size? 5. What kind of shoes do you like to wear every day? 6. Which is more comfortable, a suit or a school uniform? 7. What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy? 8. How much money do you spend on clothes a year? 9. What color clothes do you like (or hate) to wear? Why? 10. What's your favorite color for shoes? 11. Does your mother wear nice clothes? What does she wear? 12. How often do you wear jeans? 13. When you are old, what clothes will you wear? 14. Who has the nicest clothing in the class? 15. What kinds of clothes do you wear on weekends? 16. What did you wear yesterday? 17. Are high heels comfortable? Do they look nice? Why? 18. Where do you usually buy clothes? 19. What do you think about school uniforms? 20. Is it more important to wear nice or comfortable clothes? Why? 21. Should men wear skirts? Why? 22. What is better, men s clothes or women s clothes? 4

English/Korean Clothing a dress / dresses a glove / gloves high heels a jacket / jackets jeans pants a scarf / scarves a shirt / shirts a shoe / shoes a skirt / skirts a sneaker / sneakers 드레스 장갑 하이힐 재킷 청바지 바지 스카프 셔츠 신발 치마 운동화 a suit / suits 정장 a sweater / sweaters 스웨터 a tie /ties (necktie) 넥타이 a t-shirt / t-shirts 티셔츠 regular clothes 일반 옷 designer clothes 디자이너 옷 men s clothing 남성 의류 women s clothing 여성 의류 unisex clothing 남녀 공용 의류 a school uniform / school uniforms 교복 Adjectives/Comparative Adjectives to be black 검정색 to be blue 푸른색 to be red 빨간색 to be white 흰색 to be nice / nicer 좋은 / 더 좋은 to be stylish / more stylish to be cheap / cheaper to be expensive / more expensive to be colorful / more colorful to be comfortable / more comfortable to be new / newer to be old / older to be baggy / baggier to be tight / tighter to be cool / cooler 멋진 / 더 멋진 to be dark / darker 어두운 / 더 어두운 to be light / lighter 가벼운 / 더 가벼운 to be good / better 좋은 / 더 좋은 to be bad / worse 안 좋은 / 더 안좋은 세련된 / 더 세련된 싼 / 더 싼 비싼 / 더 비싼 다채로운 / 더 다채로운 편한 / 더 편한 새로운 / 더 새로운 늙은(오래 된, 낡은) / 더 늙은 헐렁한 / 더 헐렁한 꽉 조이는 / 더 꽉 조이는 5

Sentences Which tie is more expensive? 어느 넥타이가 더 비싼가요? (어떤 넥타이가 더 비싸요?) The dark tie is more expensive. 그 어두운 넥타이가 더 비싸요. (어두운 색이 더 비싸요.) Which ones (pants) are cooler? 어느 바지가 더 멋진가요? (어떤 바지가 더 멋있어요?) The colorful pants are cooler. 그 다채로운 바지가 더 멋져요. (컬러풀한 바지가 더 멋있어요.) Is the blue shirt cooler than the red shirt? 그 파란 셔츠가 그 빨간 셔츠보다 더 멋있나요? (파란 셔츠가 빨간 것 보다 더 나은가요?) Yes, it is. 예, 그렇습니다. (네.) No, it isn t. /No, it s not. 아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. (아뇨.) Are those sneakers more comfortable than your old sneakers? 그 운동화들이 너의 낡은 운동화보다 더 편하니? (그 운동화들이 전에 것보다 편해요?) Yes they are. 예, 그렇습니다. (네.) No, they aren t. /No, they re not. 아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. (아뇨.) The red dress is cheaper than the black one. 그 빨간 드레스는 검정 드레스 보다 쌉니다. (빨간 드레스가 까만 것보다 싸요.) Jane's shoes are more stylish than my shoes. 제인의 신발은 내 신발보다 더 세련됐습니다. (제인 신발은 내 것보다 세련됐어요.) The red dress is as expensive as the black one. 그 빨간 드레스는 그 검정 드레스 만큼 비쌉니다. The black dress isn t as cheap as the red one. 그 검정 드레스는 빨간 드레스 만큼 싸지 않습니다. 6