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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

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1 1 만 알아보기 1000이 10개이면 10000입니다. 이것을 또는 1만이라 쓰고 만 또는 일만이라 고 읽습니다. 9000보다 은 2 다섯 자리 수 알아보기 9900보다 보다 보다 1 큰 수입니다. ⑴ 1000

- 2 -


Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M





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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직



3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해



2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째


Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to talk about family activities and events. Express Numbers 21-100 Provide your home address Provide the age of your family members Request the price of merchandise Buy merchandise Identify Days of the Week Recognize days of the week Pronounce days of the week Name different activities you perform on different days of the week Identify Months Recognize months Pronounce months Provide you and your family member s birthdays Discuss military activities for the month Recognize Dates Write the dates for personal / military activities Identify the dates of the Korean holidays Talk about specific holiday activities Identify important family dates pages 226-242 pages 243-244 Pages 245-246 pages 247-248 pages 249-256 pages 257-260 INTRODUCTION GRAMMAR VOCABULARY CULTURAL APPLICATION NOTES NOTES ACTIVITIES SKILL ENHANCEMENT pages 261-265 HOMEWORK 225

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION 1. Counters Tip of the Day Tip of the day In Korean, there are three different means used to count people (counters). The two most common counters are -명 and -사람. When you count people of senior status, you use -분, instead of -명. 2. Appropriate titles for sons and daughters When you ask about children of a person of senior status, you use the honorific word 자제분. Likewise, a daughter is 따님 instead of 딸 and a son is 아드님 instead of 아들. When you count your own children, it's modest to use Native-Korean numbers without a counter. Numbers 21 100 Native-Korean Sino-Korean 21 스물 하나 이십일 22 스물 둘 이십이 23 스물 셋 이십삼 24 스물 넷 이십사 25 스물 다섯 이십오 30 서른 삼십 40 마흔 사십 50 쉰 오십 60 예순 육십 70 일흔 칠십 80 여든 팔십 90 아흔 구십 100 백 백 226

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 1 Repeat after your instructor to practice the pronunciation of the following Sino-Korean numbers. (1) 31 INTRODUCTION (2) 40 (3) 25 (4) 78 (5) 22 Exercise 2 Listen to the instructor as the following Native-Korean numbers are pronounced. Write them down in Arabic form. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 227

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Lesson Scenario 1 Baby s 100th Day Party Mr. Kim is Korean and Mr. McGuire is American. Mr. Kim has a special occasion and invites Mr. McGuire to his house. Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: Kim: McGuire: McGuire 씨, 이번 주 일요일에 뭐 하세요? 일요일에는 교회에 가요. 이번 주 일요일 저녁에 저희 집에 오세요. 왜요? 제 아기의 백일파티가 있어요. 그래요? 축하해요. 댁이 어디세요? 잠실이에요. 주소를 가르쳐 주세요. 서울시 송파구 잠실 2 동 127 번지예요. 김동현씨는 자제분이 어떻게 되세요? 딸이 하나 아들이 하나 있어요. 나이가 몇 살이에요? 딸은 여덟 살이고 아들은 백일 되었어요. McGuire 씨는요? 저는 딸이 둘 있는데, 스물 여섯살과 스무살이에요. Scenario1 Exercise 1. Why does Mr. Kim invite Mr. McGuire to his house? 228

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 3 The situation is that you are having an informal discussion with your counterpart after work. The subject of families comes up. You re interested in whether he has children of the same age as you. Ask your partner about his/her family members and their ages. Afterwards, reverse roles so both partners can practice. INTRODUCTION Example: A: 가족이 어떻게 되십니까? B: 어머니와 동생 둘이 있어요. A: 어머니께서는 연세가 어떻게 되십니까? B: 올해 예순이십니다. A: 동생들은요? B: 여동생은 열 다섯, 남동생은 열 일곱이에요. Exercise 4 The situation is that you took your family to the Air Show on Korean Army Day. Your three children, a son who is 9 and two daughters that are 7 and 4, your parents, and your wife will all attend. While waiting for the show to begin, you meet your counterpart with his family. Introduce your family to him. He asks questions about your family and you tell him their names and ages. He then introduces you to his family members. Example: A: 제 가족을 소개합니다. 제 부모님, 아내, 제 아이들입니다. B: 자제분 나이가 몇 살입니까? A: 아들이 아홉 살, 딸이 일곱 살, 네 살입니다. 229

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 5 The situation is that you are discussing going out to dinner with your counterpart. He agrees to pick you up at your house, as he knows the city you live in is better. However, he doesn t know exactly where you live. Provide him with your address. Your partner will play the role of your counterpart. Exercise 5a This is a continuation of the previous activity. The situation is that the dinner plans you both agreed on fell through, because your counterpart s car is still in the shop. So, he asks if you can meet him at his place. You agree and ask him for his address. Hint: Make up a Korean address from the box below. 서울시 종로구 낙원동 13-5 번지 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 은하아파트 C 동 513 호 부산 광역시 중구 중앙동 49-1 번지 대전 광역시 대덕구 문평동 미성아파트 3 동 110 호 전라북도 전주시 완산구 경원동 경원아파트 2 동 312 호 제주도 제주시 삼도 2 동 17-9 번지 경기도 부천시 소사구 송내동 16-8 번지 강원도 동해시 천곡동 721 번지 230

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Lesson Scenario 2 The Price of Merchandise Speaker A is visiting Korea on a business trip. He heard that there are many great markets with good prices in Korea. Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. INTRODUCTION A: 이 전자시계 미국 달러로 얼마예요? B: 미화로 40불이에요. A: 너무 비싸요. 그것 보다 더 싼 것을 보여 주세요. B: 27불 짜리, 20불 짜리가 있어요. A: 20불 짜리로 좀 보여 주세요. B: 예, 여기 있어요. Scenario2 Exercise 1. What does speaker A want? a. A hand bag b. An electric watch c. A suit Exercise 6 The situation is that you are at a department store in the home electronics department. Your partner will play the role of the salesperson. You are interested in the prices of different items, because you want to see if they are cheaper in the department store or at the PX. Ask about the prices of the different merchandise. Your partner will respond accordingly. Afterwards, change roles and repeat the activity. LG 냉장고 GE 냉장고 AEG 세탁기 LG 선풍기 GE 가스 레인지 840,000 원 (팔십만원) 2,600,000 원 (이백 육십만원) 1,280,000 원 (백이십팔만원) 58,000 원 (오만 팔천원) 1,600,000 원 (백육십만원) Example: A: LG 냉장고가 얼마예요? B: 팔십만원이에요. 231

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 7 The situation is that your wife asked you to pick up some fruit on the way home from work. You are at a fruit stand. Your partner will play the role of the vendor. Ask the price for the various fruits. Using the price table below, your partner responds appropriately. Afterwards, change roles. Example: A: 사과가 얼마예요? B: 한 개에 오백원이에요. Name Price per Item 바나나 900 원 포도 800 원 사과 200 원 배 300 원 키위 350 원 오렌지 500 원 232

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 8 The situation is that you and your counterpart are going shopping. He forgot his glasses at home and he asks you to read the price tags for him. Help him out by reading the prices in Korean. Afterwards, exchange roles and repeat the activity. INTRODUCTION 피망 (200 원) 상추 (400 원) 오이 (50 원) 고추 (510 원) 계란 (920 원) 쇠고기 (1000 원) 파인애플 (800 원) 마늘 (70 원) 생선 (780 원) 딸기 (630 원) 233

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 9 The class will work together in two groups. The situation is that you are attending a garage sale. This is a special sale, because any item you want is available. The issue, of course, is the price. One student from each group will act as the vendor, the other students will act as prospective customers. Using the vocabulary that you know, see what you can buy. After ten minutes, the vendor will change. The activity will continue until all students have played the role of the vendor. Example: A: 이것 얼마예요? B: 컵이요? 한 개에 칠백원이에요. Work Days Tip of the Day day Most Koreans work six days a week. Unlike people in the United States, Koreans work and go to school on Saturdays. Usually Saturday is a halfday and they get off work around lunchtime. For Koreans, the weekend starts on Saturday afternoon. 234

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 날짜 (date) / 요일 (day) 오늘 날짜가 무엇 입니까? 오늘은 2004 년 5 월 3 일 입니다. INTRODUCTION 오늘은 무슨 요일 입니까? 오늘은 월요일 입니다. 계절 봄 여름 가을 겨울 Season spring summer autumn / fall winter Days of the Week 일요일 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 235

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 10 Listen as your instructor pronounces the different days of the week and write them in English. (1) 일요일 (2) 목요일 (3) 월요일 (4) 토요일 Exercise 11 The situation is that you just came out of the field after a long exercise. You re disoriented. You see your counterpart and he asks you how it went. You say fine. You wish him a nice weekend. And he replies, It s not time for the weekend yet! You re puzzled. Your partner plays the role of your counterpart. You ask (1) what day today is. (2) what day tomorrow is. (3) what day the day after tomorrow is. He answers surprised. You laugh and say that you re just joking. Reverse roles so that both students can practice. 236

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 12 The situation is that you re setting up your schedule for the week and your counterpart walks in. He wants to know what your week looks like, so you decide to explain your entire schedule to him. He asks you about specific days and you reiterate. Below is your agenda for the week. Reverse roles so both partners can practice. INTRODUCTION 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 일요일 영어 학원에 갑니다. 영화구경을 합니다. 헬스센터에 가서 운동을 합니다. 음악회에 갑니다. 친구를 만납니다. 데이트를 합니다. 등산을 합니다. Exercise 13 This is a continuation of the previous activity. The pair groupings remain the same. The situation is that you have both discussed your upcoming work schedules and are coordinating things that you want to do together each day. Using the table below, the pair will come up with a joint schedule showing the activities that they will do together. 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 일요일 237

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Tip of the Day Tip of the day Unlike in English, the sequence of units always proceeds from larger elements to smaller ones in Korea. For example, dates are read in the order of year, month, and date. Month Names 1 월/일월 January 2 월/이월 February 3 월/삼월 March 4 월/사월 April 5 월/오월 May 6 월/유월 June 7 월/칠월 July 8 월/팔월 August 9 월/구월 September 10 월/시월 October 11 월/십일월 November 12 월/십이월 December 238

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 14 Listen to the instructor as the Korean months are pronounced. Write them down in English as you hear them. INTRODUCTION (1) 삼월 (2) 오월 (3) 시월 (4) 일월 (5) 십이월 (6) 이월 (7) 십일월 (8) 유월 (9) 팔월 (10) 칠월 Exercise 15 The class will divide into pairs. One student in each pair will be female and the other will be male. Take turns converting the following sentences in the correct gender specific forms. Reverse roles so both people can practice. (1) My older sister's birthday is June 24th. (2) My parents celebrate their birthdays by the lunar calendar. (3) My older brother's birthday is October 3rd. (4) My birthday is November 16th. (5) My grandfather's birthday is March 28th by the lunar calendar. 239

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 16 The situation is that you and your counterpart are discussing family issues. Ask each other your family member s names, their ages, and their birthdays. Record each other s information in the following table. Example: 가족이 어떻게 되십니까? 성함이 어떻게 됩니까? 연세가 어떻게 됩니까? 생일은 언제입니까? Title Name Age Birthday Exercise 17 The situation is that you and your counterpart are discussing Korean holidays. You ask your partner when he/she celebrates family events such as 백일, 돌, 약혼식, 결혼 식, 부모님의 환갑, and 진갑. Your partner should respond using their personal information or made up information. Reverse roles so that both partners can practice. Example: A: 아버님 환갑이 언제십니까? B: 5 월 9 일이십니다. 240

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Exercise 18 The situation is that in an earlier discussion you talked about family events. Ask your partner what holiday that his/her family celebrates is his/her favorite. Also ask what he/she does on that holiday. Write the information below. Exchange roles so your partner can record your information. Afterwards, each pair will report their findings to the class. The instructor will record the information on the board and the class will discuss the most popular holiday and activities. INTRODUCTION 241

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Discuss Military Activities for the Month 4월, 전술훈련 (April, tactics training) 7월, 전투수영 (July, combat diving) 9월, 을지 훈련 (September, UFL training) 12월 동계훈련 (December, cold weather training) Write the Dates for Personal / Military Activities 생일: Birthday 결혼 기념일: Wedding Anniversary 현충일: Memorial Day FEB. 4th MAY 20th JUNE 6th OCT. 1st 국군의 날 : Armed Forces Day Holiday Activities Youngja (영자) talks about her plans for the coming Full-Moon Day. 추석에 우리집 식구 모두는 할아버님 댁에 갑니다. 교통이 혼잡하지만 기분은 좋습니다. 저녁에 도착하면 대가족이 모여 식사를 할 겁니다. 그리고 할아버지, 할머니에게 선물을 드릴 겁니다. 추석에는 맛있는 음식이 너무 많아 배탈이 나기 쉽습니다. 추석 날 밤에는 식구들과 달맞이를 가서 소원을 빌겁니다. 추석은 모든 식구들을 만나서 재미있게 지낼 수 있는 날 입니다. 242

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 1. Coordinate Connectives and Conjunctions -고 Two clauses can be connected by attaching -고 to the verb stem of the first clause. 제 성은 김입니다 (My family name is Kim.) + 제 이름은 미연입니다 (My given name is Miyon.) = 제 성은 김이고, 제 이름은 미연입니다. GRAMMAR NOTES Exercise 1 Combine the following two sentences using "-고". (1) 저는 김지연입니다. 제 동생은 김미연입니다. (2) Johnson씨는 미국 사람입니다. 김철민씨는 한국 사람입니다. (3) 저는 군인입니다. 송창우씨는 민간인입니다. 2. The use of -씩 The word "-씩" is often used in a sentence stating or questioning how much things cost. It is hard to translate into English, but basically means so much money per item / unit. 책 한 권에 20 불씩 (20 dollars per book) 사과 한 개에 500 원씩 (apples, 500 won each) 243

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Exercise 2 How do you say the following expressions in Korean? (1) 5 dollars per piece GRAMMAR NOTES (2) 50 dollars per book (3) 2 dollars per bottle 3. Comparative -보다 (더) -보다 (더) is attached to the thing compared to and usually precedes the subject for comparison. The word 더 (more) may follow -보다 for emphasis. For example, A is cheaper than B = B +보다 precedes A. 사과보다 배가 더 비싸다. (Pears are more expensive than apples.) 배보다 사과가 더 싸다. (Apples are cheaper than pears.) 4. The use of 짜리 The word -짜리 indicates the value of the item it refers to. For example, "1불 짜리 동전" means "a one-dollar coin" and "10불 짜리 모자" means "a 10-dollar hat. 244

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 구정 대보름 설 세배 세뱃돈 차례 현충일 추석 환갑잔치 명절 추수감사절 기념일 돌 백일 생신 생일 약혼식 결혼식 계획 연휴 / 명절 (Holidays / Family Dates) Lunar New Year s Day Full Moon Day New Year s Day traditional deep bow New Year s gift of money ancestral rites the Memorial Day Full Moon Day 60th birthday celebration (party) national holidays, festive days Thanksgiving a day of remembrance first birthday 100th Day birthday (honorific) birthday wedding engagement ceremony wedding ceremony plan VOCABULARY 양력 음력 요일 밤 보름달 주중 아침식사 오후 저녁 주 주말 시간 (Time) solar calendar lunar calendar day of the week night full moon during the weekdays breakfast afternoon evening week weekend 딸 아내 식구 자제분 아기 사람 (People) daughter wife family children (honorific) baby 국군 동계 을지 전술 전투 훈련 군사용어 (Military Terms) the National Armed Forces the winter season Ulji tactics combat, battle exercise, drill, training 245

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I 떡국 고기 복숭아 식품 (Food) rice cake soup meat peach VOCABULARY 가다 먹다 비싸다 싸다 세다 등산하다 맛있다 보러가다 퇴근하다 동사 (Verbs) to go to eat to be expensive to be cheap to celebrate to climb a mountain to be delicious to go to see to get off work 유용한 단어 (Useful Words) -날 a day, a date, time 댁 house (honorific) -보다 rather than -불 dollar -쯤 approximately -초 beginning 왜 why 일찍 early 주로 mainly 우리 our 큰 big 근교 suburb 대부분 almost 미국달러/ 미화 American dollar 소풍 picnic 수영 swimming 연세 age (honorific) 경사 happy event 교회 church 전자시계 digital watch 집안 household 주소 address 파티 party 잔치 party 공연 performance 246

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Family Celebrated Holidays 100th Day (백일) Previously in Korea, infant mortality was high because of a variety of disease and other health problems. Therefore, it was customary for families to wait until the hundredth day to officially celebrate the birth of a new child with a big party. Relatives and close friends were invited to participate in the happy event. The meaning of this day has slightly changed in the modern day, but Baek-il is still celebrated as one of the most important family events. CULTURAL NOTES New Year's Day (설) The first day of the first lunar month has traditionally been the biggest holiday. The entire family gathers together and, dressed in their best clothes, observes the ancestral rites. After the ceremonies, they enjoy a feast and younger members of the family make a deep traditional bow called Saebae (세배) to their elders. The elders give well wishing remarks and money called Saebatdon (세뱃 돈) in return. Traditionally in Korea, everyone becomes one year older on the Lunar New Year's Day. 247

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Full Moon Day (추석) CULTURAL NOTES Chusuk is the Korean name for the Harvest Moon Festival. It is on August 15th on the Lunar calendar and is one of Korea's most celebrated holidays. People usually get together with family members and hold special rituals to honor and give thanks to their ancestors for the harvest. People also enjoy foods taken from the fall harvest. Songpyun (송편), the half-moon shaped rice cake and cooked new crop are Chusuk's special dishes. Songpyun is usually stuffed with chestnut paste, fruit, brown sugar, and sesame seeds. 248

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Activity 1 Match the following Native-Korean numbers with their corresponding Sino-Korean numbers. 스물일곱 삼십오 아흔셋 이십칠 일흔여덟 삼십일 서른하나 구십삼 예순둘 사십 쉰여섯 육십이 마흔 육십삼 아흔일곱 칠십팔 서른다섯 구십칠 예순셋 오십육 Activity 2 Follow along with your instructor as he/she reads the following dialogue and answer the questions. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES A: William 상병님 가족은 언제 모두 모이세요? B: 추수감사절에 모여요. 추수감사절에는 형제들이 모두 부모님 집에서 만나지요. A: 추수감사절에 무엇을 하세요? B: 가족이 함께 식사를 해요. 칠면조 고기와 호박 파이가 맛있어요. A: 김대위님 가족은 언제 모두 모이세요? B: 추석에 모여요. 추석은 한국의 추수감사절이에요. 249

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I (1) What are they talking about? (a) their family members birthdays (b) their family-celebrated holidays (c) their jobs (d) their food preferences (2) What is the most celebrated holiday for William s family? (a) Thanksgiving (b) Christmas (c) New Year s Day (d) his birthday (3) What holiday does Kim s family celebrate the most? (a) 크리스마스 (b) 설 (c) 추석 (d) 단오 (4) According to the dialogue, what does William do on this holiday? APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (a) he watches the full moon (b) he has dinner with his family (c) he goes out with his friends (d) he celebrates alone (5) What is the special food that the William s family eats on this holiday? (a) 송편 (b) 떡국 (c) 생일케익 (d) 칠면조 고기 250

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Activity 3 Complete the following interviews by writing in the appropriate questions. (1) A:? B: 제 이름은 김철수입니다. (2) A:? B: 서울시 반포동 32번지에서 살아요. (3) A? B: 올해 스물 여섯입니다. (4) A:? B: 제 생일은 4월 19일입니다. (5) A:? B: 제 아버지는 올해 사십 구세이십니다. Activity 4 The situation is that you are at a department store to buy clothing for your family. The department is having a sale. Your partner will play the salesperson. The sale prices are located in the following ad. Ask about specific items and whether they re still available. Also, decide what you will buy and thank him for his assistance. Reverse roles so that both partners can practice. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 251

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I 알뜰 바겐 세일 캐쥬얼 의류 바지 95,000 원 원피스 125,000 원 청바지 27,000 원 반바지 15,500 원 니트 T 75,000 원 정장 상의 135,000 원 하의 88,000 원 잠옷, 내의 남녀 잠옷 30 % 세일 백양 내의 2,000 원 Activity 4a APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Referring to the previous ad, write the prices of each item. Item Blue jeans Shorts Underwear Dress Jacket Casual pants Dress pants Price 252

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Activity 5 In pairs, review the following article, which contains information on Korean celebratory events. Afterwards, answer the question regarding the text. Be prepared to support your answer in class. 설날에는 떡국을 먹고 어른들께 세배를 드린다. 또한 가족들과 윷놀이를 즐긴다. 추석에는 송편을 먹고 보름달을 보면서 소원을 빈다. 이두 명절이 한국에서 가장 큰 명절이다. 이때 교통이 엄청 복잡하다. (1) Why is there heavy traffic on celebratory days? Activity 6 Complete the following exchanges by writing in the missing words from the box below. You may use words more than once. (1) A: 하십니까? B:, 하세요? (2) A: 제 은 존 맥스웰입니다. 뵙겠습니다. B: 반갑습니다. 저 김인경입니다. 여기 서울에서? APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (3) A: 네, 반포에. B: 저는 한남동에서 살아요. (4) A: 선생님 번호는 되십니까? B: 597 0763 입니다. 선생님 전화번화는요? (5) A: 624 1359 입니다. B: 그럼 또. 안녕히. (6) A: 네, 안녕히. 또 뵙겠습니다. 살아요, 가세요, 에, 뵙지요, 는, 처음, 안녕, 네, 안녕, 사세요? 전화, 어떻게, 계세요 253

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Activity 7 Listen to the instructor as the ages of the following people are read. Fill in the blanks as you hear them. 이름 김호석 이샛별 최진환 차석호 노용준 최진 강원태 이해린 김성수 김해진 나이 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Activity 8 The situation is that you are discussing whether your counterpart has plans for the weekend. Ask what he/she usually does on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Then, using the expression "주말에는 무엇을 합니까?" ask what he/she likes to do on the weekends. Also, ask about his/her specific plans for this coming weekend. Change roles and repeat the activity. 254

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Activity 9 The class will be divided into two groups for this activity. Group together the items from the box below that are related to each Korean holiday and write them next to the name of the holiday in the following table. If one item applies to more than one holiday, write that item next to all the holidays it applies to. Discuss where and why things go together. Each group will share their findings with the class. 신정 추석 광복절 구정 세배, 양력 1월1일, 차례, 한복, 태극기 계양, 보름달, 송편, 떡국, 음력8월15일, 음력 1월1일, 양력 8월15일, 널뛰기, 윷놀이, 세뱃돈, 귀향, 한국의 독립기념일 Activity 10 This is a continuation of the previous activity. The groups will remain the same. Write the appropriate expressions from the box below next to their corresponding occasions in the following table. Some expressions may relate to more than one occasion. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 생일 추석 손님 설날 약혼 결혼기념일 승진 달구경, 맥주파티, 외식, 반지, 장미꽃, 떡국, 미역국, 송편, 어서 오세요, 새해 복 많이 받으세요, 축하합니다, 또 오세요, 세배 255

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Activity 11 Working in pairs, partners will take turns saying what is customary and appropriate for each event that is listed below. They will match them accordingly. If you end up with two "un-matchables" start again. 설날 생일을 축하합니다. 회갑잔치 신랑 신부의 행운을 위해 축배! 성탄절 수고 많이 하셨습니다. 추석 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 20 년 근속 메리 크리스마스 결혼식 만수무강 하십시오. 생일 달구경 합시다. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 256

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Activity 1 The class will be divided into groups of three students. The situation is that you are a military policeman who has taken information from two witnesses. Take information from your partners about their names, addresses, and telephone numbers and report the information to the class. Use the following statements as examples. Example: 그분의 성함은 입니다. 그분의 주소는 입니다. 그분의 전화번호는 입니다. Now give information about yourself. Keep in mind the level of speech for the strangers and yourself. Change roles so that all the students can elicit and provide information. Activity 2 Read the following conversation and answer the questions. A: 어서오세요. 뭘 찾으세요? B: 지난 주에 전투화를 주문했어요. 사이즈가 275mm예요. A: 언제 주문하셨어요? B: 금요일에요. A: 이름이 어떻게 되세요? B: 이건영이에요. A: 이건영씨요. 아, 죄송해요. 아직 안 왔어요. B: 언제 오면 되요? A: 이번 주 금요일에 오세요. SKILL ENHANCEMENT 257

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I (1) According to the sales clerk (a) they could not repair the boots (b) they do not have the boots (c) they ordered the wrong size (d) they ordered the wrong color (2) When did speaker B order the boots? (a) last Wednesday (b) last Sunday (c) last Friday (d) last Monday (3) What does the sales clerk suggest 이건영 to do? (a) forget about the boots (b) buy them somewhere else (c) get a different color (d) come back on Friday Activity 3 Follow along with your instructor as he/she reads the following short report and answer the questions. SKILL ENHANCEMENT 지난 7 월 10 일 토요일에 이태원에 가서 양복과 구두를 샀습니다. 양복은 고동색이고 구두는 검정색입니다. 모자도 하나 샀는데 모자의 색깔이 좋습니다. 양 복은 미화로 150 불이고 구두는 78 불입니다. (1) What did this person do last Saturday? (a) he went shopping (b) he went to cut his hair (c) he met his friend (d) he went out for a drink (2) Where did he go? (a) 남대문 (b) 이태원 (c) 동대문 (d) 롯데 백화점 258

Korean SOLT I (3) What kind of money did he use? (a) American dollars (b) Korean won (c) Japanese yen (d) Italian lira Module 1 Lesson 6 (4) Which of the following items didn t he buy? (a) a pair of shoes (b) a suit (c) a hat (d) a bag (5) What color was the suit? (a) black (b) gray (c) brown (d) blue Activity 4 The situation is that you re trying to enhance your political acumen. In pairs, look at the chart below with the portraits of past Korean presidents on it. Ask your partner when each president was born, where he s from, and the years he served as president. Your partner should then look at the chart below and answer your questions. Switch roles so you can both practice asking and answering questions. Example: 이승만 대통령은 몇 년에 태어났습니까? 이승만 대통령은 몇 년부터 몇 년까지 대통령이었습니까? 이승만 대통령의 생일은 언제입니까? 이승만 대통령의 고향은 어디입니까? SKILL ENHANCEMENT 259

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Photo Name Date of Birth Hometown Years Served 이승만 1875 년 4 월 18 일 황해도 평산 1948 1960(1,2,3) 윤보선 1897 년 8 월 26 일 충청남도 아산 1960 1962(4) 박정희 1917 년 4 월 9 일 경상북도 구미 1963 1979(5,6,7,8,9) 최규하 1919 년 7 월 16 일 강원도 원주 1979 1980(10) 전두환 1931 년 1 월 18 일 경상남도 합천 1980 1988(11,12) 노태우 1932 년 12 월 4 일 경상북도 대구 1988 1993(13) 김영삼 1927 년 12 월 20 일 경상남도 거제 1993 1998(14) SKILL ENHANCEMENT 김대중 노무현 1926 년 1 월 6 일 1946 년 8 월 6 일 전라남도 신안 경상남도 김해 1998 2003(15) 2003 현재(16) present 260

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 1. Read the following numbers aloud in Native-Korean and write them in the blanks below. (1) 25 Answer: (2) 67 Answer: (3) 38 Answer: (4) 44 Answer: (5) 59 Answer: (6) 72 Answer: (7) 91 Answer: (8) 83 Answer: (9) 26 Answer: (10) 60 Answer: 2. Read the following numbers aloud in Sino-Korean and write them in the blanks below. (1) 34 Answer: (2) 52 Answer: (3) 89 Answer: (4) 23 Answer: (5) 97 Answer: (6) 21 Answer: (7) 48 Answer: (8) 65 Answer: HOMEWORK (9) 76 Answer: (10) 100 Answer: 261

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I 3. Read the following dialogue and select the appropriate response to fill in the blank. A: 이 전자시계 미국 달러로 얼마예요? B: 미화로 40 불이에요. A: 너무 비싸요. 그것 보다 더 싼 것을 보여 주세요. B: 가 있어요. A: 좀 보여 주세요. B: 예, 여기 있어요. (a) 오십불짜리 (b) 육십불짜리 (c) 이십불짜리 (d) 팔십불짜리 4. Looking at the calendar below, answer the following questions in Korean. January Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 HOMEWORK (1) What day of the week is Jan. 3rd? (2) What day of the week is Jan. 26th? (3) What day of the week is Jan. 7 th? (4) What date is the third 금요일 on the calendar above? (5) What date is the first 화요일 on the calendar above? 262

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 5. Referring to the example below, write how the dates are read in Korean. Example: June 6th -- 6 월 6 일/유월 육일 (1) March 30th Answer: (2) December 1st Answer: (3) July 25th Answer: (4) January 15th Answer: (5) October 8th Answer: 6. Listen to the following dialogue between Mr. Baker and Sumi and answer the question. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 26 - M1L6HW6) According to the dialogue, when will they go to the concert? (a) Wednesday evening (b) Sometime next week (c) Friday evening (d) Sunday evening HOMEWORK 263

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I 7. Listen to the audio clip and answer the following question. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 27 - M1L6HW7) What is not mentioned in the passage above? (a) the origin of Chusuk (b) the brightness of the full moon on Chusuk (c) the ritual on the morning of Chusuk (d) the traffic jams on Chusak 8. Listen to the audio clip and answer the following question. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 28 - M1L6HW8) According to the passage, why are Korean children so happy on the Lunar New Year s Day? HOMEWORK (a) 맛있는 음식이 많아서 (b) 세뱃돈을 받아서 (c) 가족들이 한데 모여서 (d) 떡국을 먹게 되어서 264

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 9. Read the following dialogue and choose the appropriate answer for the question below. Mrs. 장정미 s colleague just found out that she has children. She asks the ages of Mrs. 장 s children. A: 장정미씨, 자제분이 어떻게 되세요? B: 딸이 하나, 아들이 둘 있어요. A: 따님이 몇 살이에요? B: 두 살이에요. A: 아드님들은 나이가 어떻게 돼요? B: 큰 아이가 아홉 살, 작은 아이가 다섯 살이에요. 장정미씨의 자제분은 어떻게 됩니까? (a) 삼남입니다. (b) 열 살입니다. (c) 이남 일녀입니다. (d) 네, 결혼했습니다. HOMEWORK 265

Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Student Notes : 266