김종빈 외 - - - - - - Fig.. Comparison of postoperative day pain intensity among three groups. There was no significant difference among three groups in a

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KISEP Head and Neck Korean J Otolaryngol ;:- 편도선 적출술 후 통증조절과 정상적인 일상 생활로의 복귀시간에 미치는 Myprodol 의 효과 김종빈 김성완 장명근 조중생 The Effectiveness of Myprodol on the Post-tonsillectomy Pain Control and Time to Return to Normal Daily Activities Jong Bin Kim, MD, Sung Wan Kim, MD, Myung Keun Chang, MD and Joong Saeng Cho, MD Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea ABSTRACT Background and Objectives:Pain is one of most troublesome discomfort after tonsillectomy. Although various analgesics have been administrated for pain control, it has not been effectively controlled until now. This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of Myprodol codein combination analgesics, on the pain control and time to return to normal daily activities. Subjects and Method:Ninety adult patients undergoing tonsillectomy were included in this study. Patients were randomly divided into a Myprodol group n, a NSAID group n and a codeine group n. They received Myprodol NSAID and codeine, respectively, from the rd to th postoperative days. On the st, th and th postoperative days, which consisted of rising, breakfast, lunch and supper time, we assessed pain intensity by visual analogue scale. And on the st postoperative day, we investigated time to return to normal daily activities and adverse effects of analgesics. Results:When pain intensity on the st postoperative day was compared, there was no significant difference among groups. On the th postoperative day, the Myprodol group showed significant pain decrease compared with the codeine group but did not with the NSAID group. On the th postoperative day, the Myprodol group showed significant pain decrease compared with both NSAID and codeine groups. The Myprodol group also showed shortened recovery time compared with the others and there was no significant adverse effects in any of the groups. Conclusion:We find that Myprodol is an effective and safe oral analgesics for pain control and shortens time to return to normal daily activities. (Korean J Otolaryngol ;:-) KEY WORDS:Myprodol Pain, postoperative Tonsillectomy.

김종빈 외 - - - - - - Fig.. Comparison of postoperative day pain intensity among three groups. There was no significant difference among three groups in all times. Group AMyprodol, Group BNSAIDS, Group C : codeine.

편도적출술 후 Myprodol 효과 Fig.. Comparison of postoperative day pain intensity decrease among three groups. Group A showed significant pain decrease compared with Group C but not Group B in all times except rising time. Group AMyprodol, Group BNSAIDS, Group Ccodeine. p., difference of pain intensity between postoperative day and day. Fig.. Comparison of postoperative day pain intensity decrease among three groups. Group A showed significant pain decrease compared with Group B and C in all times except rising time. Group AMyprodol, Group BNSAIDS, Group C codeine. p., difference of pain intensity between postoperative day and day. Time to return to normal daily activities day A Fig.. Comparison of time to return to normal daily activities between two groups. Group A showed shorter recovery time compared with Group B and C. p.. Group AMyprodol, Group BNSAIDS, Group Ccodeine. Table. Adverse effects of Myprodol, NSAIDS and codeine Nausea Abdominal discomfort Constipation Nights with awakenings Rash Total Group AMyprodol, Group BNSAIDS, Group Ccodeine B C Korean J Otolaryngol ;:-

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