CHAPTER 03 1 2 3 4 5 1 59
2 Levin & Shanken-Kaye 2002 Stipek 2001 1 2 60
3 4 90 Kindsvatter 1978 Dewey 1916 Menacker Weldon & Hurwitz 1989 Bayh 1978 Elliott 61
& Voss 1974 Feldhusen 1978 20 1950 DVD CD-ROM PC 20 1970 1980 50 32 97% Toffler 1970 35 62
40 Stinchcombe 1964 1964 64
3.1 10 20-3 1 65
Gabay 1991 5 3 2 3.2 5 1 50 5 CD-ROM 66
TV 99% TV Kaiser Family Foundation 1999 TV 28 40 American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry et al 2000 Kaiser Family Foundation 1999 TV TV TV 1993 American Psychological Association TV 40 1950 TV 11 Congressional Quarterly 1993 2000 TV TV TV 50 60 26 80 American Psychiatric Association 2002 TV 18 16 000 200 000 American Psychiatric Associa- 67
tion 2002 TV Atkin 1983 TV bodycount journalism Simmons 1994 Kerbel 2000 1990 450% Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy 2000 40 50% Klite 1999 Cantor 1999 Rees 2003 TV Cantor 2002 1950 TV 1980 Pearl Bouthilet & Lazar 1982 1993 TV p 33 TV bystander effect Congressional Quarterly 1993 30 68
American Psychiatric Association 2002 p 1 National Institute of Mental Health TV American Psychiatric Association 2002 p 1 TV Rice 1981 1984 TV TV TV Singer Singer & Rapaczynski 1984 Murray 1995 TV Pearl 1984 30 observational modeling theory TV Bandura 1973 Cantor 2002 TV Rice Huston Wright 1982 arousal TV 89% Federal Trade Commission 2000 CQ Researcher 80% Congressional Quarterly 1993 4 5 69