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20 : The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 2004, Vol. 16, No. 1, The Psychological Aspects of the Suicide Sites and the Anti-Suicide Sites: Two Case Studies Sung-Won Moon Woosuk University The suicide sites were grouped into pro-suicide sites and anti-suicide sites, and the psychological aspects of those sites were analysed in view of sites' masters. Through the online and offline, a master of the suicide site and a master of the anti-suicide site were interviewed and the contents of interviews were analysed by the development and management of the sites, and the psychological background of those masters. The suicide site was closely related with the psychopatholgy of a site master, and the anti-suicide site was related with therapeutic experiences of both the master and users. But, the anti-suicide site was sometimes involved with the occurrences of the suicides because of the lack of knowledges and careful consideration for the potential dangerousness of suicide sites. The master of anti-suicide considered the conflict with the parents as a major source of suicide impulse, the adolescent as a major victim. The role of counseling psychologists with the suicide sites, prevention of suicide were discussed. Key Words : suicide site, anti-suicide site, psychopathology, adolescent, crisis intervention, prevention

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