. 1 1. 1. 3 1. (Pre- K to 12) 4 2. Pre- K to 12 (Foundation for Architecture) 6 3. (Post - Secondary) 9 4. (Pre- Professional and Professional Development ) 11 5. (Pre- Professional and Professional Development ) 14. 17 1. 17 2. 20. 23 1. 23 1997 Gary O. Larson, (N.E.A) Lifelong Journey - An Education in the Arts. : ( ) - i -
.... ;,. : ; ;....,,,,... (National Endowment for the Arts; NEA)..,. : (1) (2) (3) - ii -
(4).,,,. 18 21.,. - iii -
.,,.,,.,.,,,,,. 1. : (1) (2). (3),,,,. (4),. (5),,,,,. (6).,,,,,,,, - 1 -
. : (1),. (2). (3). (4). (5),. - 2 -
.... (The voluntary National Standards for Arts Education) (state),,. :. (1). (2),. (3),,,. (4),. (5),,,,. (6),, - 3 -
. (7). (8). (9). 1. (Pre-K to 12) - (As s o c iate d Wirting P ro g ra ms and Ohio Arts Co unc il)!.. 9 3... 24. Fairfax (Ohio Arts Council).. (Commonwealth University) (Rosanne French Thornhill) - 4 -
..,. (Wright State University).,,, 5. 10,,,. 12.. (Mary Ellen Grunder) 12 (Stepahnie Corcoran).,.. (Bob Fox),... - 5 -
.,.,. (Jody Morton junior High School)...,.. 2 5 4 5.. 2. Pre-K to 12 (Foundation for Architecture) R 1), 3. :,.. 1) 3R: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic,, - 6 -
.. 1981.,, 3,,.,,,.,,,,,. (Pamela Carunchio).,,...,. (Alexander McClure Elementary School)..,,,,,,.,,.,. - 7 -
. (Edward Paliscoc)....,, 5,000, 2,000. 8,,,,. 1986 : 200 20. 1,000 3,000,. 8 (Lucille Keyes) 4..,,.. 4....,. - 8 -
3. (Post-Secondary) (Illino is Ins titute o f Te c hno lo g y). (John Heskett).,,.,...,,,.,,. (Institute of Design) 19 20,.,,,,,,.., - 9 -
.. 19 20,,,.. (1),,,, (2),,, (3),.,,. CD-ROM.,. (Pre -P ro fe s s io nal and P ro fe s s io nal De ve lo pm e nt in the A rts ).. - 10 -
. (1). (2). (3). (4)..,,,,. : (1). (2). (3),. 4. (Pre-Professional and Professional Development) (Alv in Aile y A me ric an Da nc e Ce nte r) (Alvin Ailey) (Alvin Ailey - 11 -
American Dance Theater)., 1969... 125,. 1970 (Pearl Lang) (American Dance Center). (Dennis Jefferson) 3,000..,,... (Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo). (Katherine Dunhan) ( )..,. - 12 -
,. (Graham).,,,..,,.,... ( 50-60 ).,,.. (Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble).,.,,.. - 13 -
.,.,.. 5. (Pre-Professional and Professional Development) (Ne w Yo rk Fo lklo re S o c ie ty ; NFS ),.. (NFS Mentoring Program for Folklife and Traditional Arts)..,. (John Suter)..,., (Marty Cooper). - 14 -
(Pat Wells),,,,....,.,,..,.., (El Dia Del Nino).. (Rhythm Cultural Institute), (Haitian band Jazz des Jeunes) (hiphop)..,., - 15 -
., - 16 -
...,.,,,.,,,,,.. (1), (2), (3),. 1. ; GRACE (Grass Roots Arts and Community Efforts; GRACE).. (Don Suseri). 20-17 -
.,,.. GRACE,.,.,. GRACE.. (Sunseri). GRACE, G.R.A.C.E News : GRACE. (Northeast kingdom) 3,000.(,.),,. (,,,, ).,,,..,. (Lucy Lippard) GRACE. GRACE. - 18 -
(Roland Rochette) 99 2.,............ GRACE 450....,...,,.. GRACE., CNN,. GRACE. GRACE (Michael - 19 -
Gray)... 2. (Ore g o n Co as t Co unc il fo r the Arts ). 2,000..,,,..,,,,,,.,. 1977 (OCCA). (Newport Performing and Visual Arts Center) OCCA,. (Family Arts Agenda ; FAA). (Robin Ely) - 20 -
OCCA,,,..,,,. OCCA (Sharon Morgan).,.,,.. OCCA,,,,.,....., YMCA,,. 85,000 OCCA 7 11-21 -
Kid connection., 136...?.,,,.,,..,.,. (Kid connection)'.,,....... - 22 -
..,.,., (bon),,,.,. : (1). (2). (3) ( / ). (4). 1. Co rne rs to ne s, Co m m unity Partne rs hips. - 23 -
.. 1,500. 18 19.,,. (New Mexico Community Foundation), : (Symbols of Community) 1985. (National Endowment of for the Arts; NEA) 800,,.. (Symbol of Community)' 1994, Cornerstones&Community Partnerships (Sam Baca).,,.., (mayordomos).,. - 24 -
, ( 100 ). Baca.,.,,.,. (Mora) (St. Gertrude) (Tim Martinez)..,. (Zuni Pueblo) (Dona Ana). (Zuni) (Hopi). (General Educational Development; GED),. (Ziv ili) (Zivili).. ( ). - 25 -
. (Melissa Pintar Obenauf) (Zivili).. (ethnic),,.,.,. (Pamela Lacko Kelly),,.,..., ( (slavic) ),,...,... 1973 30,, (informances)', (master class) 200,000., - 26 -
.,.,..,..,.., (Dale Harris).,,.,. - 27 -