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가장 낮은 증가세를 기록했다. 분기당 400만 명을 유치하긴 했지만, 경쟁업체로 부상하고 있는 인스타그램(Instagram)은 분기당 500만 명을 유치했다. 분명히 트위터는 어려운 시기를 겪고 있고, 기업가의 입장에서는 이를 극복할 수 있는 방안 모색이 필요한 시점이


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Going Home - Korean

Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M



I am Shepard Smith in New York and you re looking live San Bernardino California where a mass shooting event is now underway. Police confirm multiple people shot and multiple fatalities. There are local news reports of at least 12 people dead, though Fox news channel cannot confirm that. We know as many as 20 people have been shot and they are taking the victims to area hospitals. The witnesses have described the perpetrators as one to three men. Most often, witnesses say, there are 3 perpetrators, but in some cases, they may have just seen one. Multiple reports of the perpetrators being described as white men wearing mask and body armor. This all began just about 45 minutes ago. There are three buildings here. One of them has been evacuated, according to authorities. Buildings 2 and 3, it s still underway. The Sheriff s department has ordered all emergency personnel to evacuate those 2 buildings and they now have what appears to be an active shooter situation and a standoff with SWAT teams underway now. I am a sergeant with the San Bernardino police department. Can you step up close please? You gotta step very close. Thank you. How s that? OK, my name is Vicky Serbantas. I am a sergeant with the San Bernardino police department. Um just an update for you. The number of wounded has increased to 17 at this point, the number of fatalities has remained at 14. We have a telephone number that we would like to provide for people that want to be united with their family that was possibly at the regional, inland reginal center today. And that telephone number is 800-637-6653. We are asking that anybody that has family that was at this facility, um, call tis telephone number first and the person will advise you where you need to go in order to talk somebody get reunited with your families. If you look at the back left passenger side of this driver side of this vehicle, they just pulled what appears to be a deceased man out of the back seat. From the way they pulled this person, it appears that this was a person who was in the back of this vehicle. And closer look inside the vehicle, if there is another person in there, now we don t see that person and this just in from the L.A. Times. the L.A. Time is quoting a federal official who says the feds believe a man was in this meeting when the shooting began. A man was in the meeting, angrily left the meeting, then returned with one or two others and started shooting. So according to reporting at that time, a federal official says one of the shooters was actually in this meeting, left and came back with others in this what is now clearly a very organized event. One person pulled out of the back of that SUV now, another person dead on the streets. And there are multiple reports in and around Loa Angeles, Brat, including that of NBC 4, the NBC news owned and operated station that in fact, one suspect is still on loose. Fox news canlt confirm that and we don t at this moment have reason to believe that. But I should tell you that NBC is reporting that and we will see. 1. I am Shepard Smith New York you re looking live San Bernardino California mass shooting event now underway. 2. Police confirm multiple people shot multiple fatalities. 3. local news reports least 12 people dead, though Fox news channel cannot confirm. 4. We know many 20 people shot they taking victims area hospitals. 5. witnesses described perpetrators one three men.

6. Most often, witnesses say, 3 perpetrators, some cases, they may just seen one. 7. Multiple reports perpetrators being described white men wearing mask body armor. 8. all began just about 45 minutes ago. 9. three buildings here. 10. One them evacuated, according authorities. 11. Buildings 2 3, s still underway. 12. Sheriff s department ordered all emergency personnel evacuate those 2 buildings 13. they now what appears be active shooter situation standoff SWAT teams underway now. 14. I am sergeant San Bernardino police department. 15. Can you step up close please? You gotta step very close. Thank you. How s? 16. OK, my name Vicky Serbantas. I am sergeant San Bernardino police department. 17. Um just update you. 18. number wounded increased 17 point, 19. number fatalities remained 14. 20. We telephone number we would like provide people want be united their family 21. possibly regional, inland reginal center today. 22. telephone number 800-637-6653. 23. We asking anybody family facility, um, call tis telephone number first 24. person will advise you you need go order talk somebody get reunited families. 25. If you look back left passenger side driver side vehicle, 26. They ve just pulled what appears be deceased man out back seat. 27. From way they pulled person, appears person back vehicle. 28. closer look inside vehicle, if another person, now we don t see person 29. just from L.. Times. 30. L.. Time quoting federal official says feds believe 31. man meeting when shooting began. 32. man meeting, angrily left meeting, 33. then returned one or two others started shooting. 34. So according reporting time, federal official says one shooters actually meeting, 35. left came back others what now clearly very organized event. 36. One person pulled out back SUV now, another person dead streets. 37. multiple reports around Loa Angeles, Brat, 38. including NBC 4, NBC news owned operated station 39. fact, one suspect still loose.

40. Fox news can t confirm we don t moment reason believe. 41. I should tell you NBC reporting we will see. Snow Frolic 1. I am Shepard Smith in New York and you re looking live San Bernardino California where a mass shooting event is now underway. 뉴욕의 셰퍼드 스미스 기자입니다, 대형 총격적이 진행되고 있습니다. 2. Police confirm multiple people shot and multiple fatalities. 경찰은 여러 사람이 총을 맞고 사망했음을 확인합니다. 3. There are local news reports of at least 12 people dead, though Fox news channel cannot confirm that. 현지 뉴스는 적어도 12 명의 사망을 확인했습니다. 폭스 뉴스 채널은 그 확인 할 수 없지만 4. We know as many as 20 people have been shot and they are taking the victims to area hospitals. 우리는 20 명의 사람들이 총을 맞고, 지역 병원으로 피해자를 데리고 갔다는 사실을 알고 있습니다. 5. The witnesses have described the perpetrators as one to three men. 증인들은 가해자들이 1-3 명이라고 합니다. 6. Most often, witnesses say, there are 3 perpetrators, but in some cases, they may have just seen one. 대부분의 경우의 증인은 3 명의 가해자라고 하지만, 어떤 경우에는, 그들은 단지 한 사람을 보았다고 합니다 7. Multiple reports of the perpetrators being described as white men wearing mask and body armor. 가해자 관련한 여러 개의 보고서는 범인들이 마스크와 방호복을 입은 백인 남자들로 묘사됩니다. 8. This all began just about 45 minutes ago. 이 사건은 약 45 분 전 시작했습니다. 9. There are three buildings here. 여기에 세 개의 건물이 있습니다. 10. One of them has been evacuated, according to authorities. 그 중 하나는, 당국에 따르면, 대피하고,있습니다. 11. Buildings 2 and 3, it s still underway. 두 번째 및 세 번째 건물은 대피가 진행 중입니다 12. The Sheriff s department has ordered all emergency personnel to evacuate those 2 buildings 경찰은 모든 응급요원들에게 두 건물에 대한 대피를 지시했습니다 13. and they now have what appears to be an active shooter situation and a standoff with SWAT teams underway now. 이제는 총격전 상황으로 보입니다. 그리고 경찰 특공대와의 대치 상태입니다. 14. I am a sergeant with the San Bernardino police department. "나는 샌 버나 디노 경찰의 경사입니다 15. Can you step up close please? You gotta step very close. Thank you. How s that? 당신은 조금 가까이 올 수 있나요? 매우 가까이 고맙습니다.이렇게요? 16. OK, my name is Vicky Serbantas. I am a sergeant with the San Bernardino police department. 제 이름은 비키 입니다 나는 샌 버나 디노 경찰 경사입니다 17. Um just an update for you. 여러분들에게 사건 관련 업데이트 입니다. 18. The number of wounded has increased to 17 at this point,

부상자의 숫자는 현재 17 명으로 증대 했습니다. 19. the number of fatalities has remained at 14. 사망자의 수는 14 명 입니다. 20. We have a telephone number that we would like to provide for people that want to be united with their family 우리는 가족들을 만나려는 사람들을 위한 전화번호를 제공하려고 합니다 21. that was possibly at the regional, inland reginal center today. 지역 센터에 있던 사람들 말입니다 22. And that telephone number is 800-637-6653. 전화 번호는 800-637-6653 입니다. 23. We are asking that anybody that has family that was at this facility, um, call tis telephone number first 우리는 가족이 이 시설에 있었던 사람들에게. 이 전화로 먼저 걸라고 요청합니다 24. and the person will advise you where you need to go in order to talk somebody get reunited with your families. 그러면 직원이 당신의 가족과 재회 하기 위해서, 여러분들이, 어디로 가야 하는지 충고를 할 것입니다. 25. If you look at the back left passenger side of this driver side of this vehicle, 이 차량의 운전자 측의 뒷면 왼쪽 승객 자리를 보면 26. they ve just pulled what appears to be a deceased man out of the back seat. 그들이 뒷좌석에서 사망 한 것으로 보이는 남자를 끌어내었습니다. 27. From the way they pulled this person, it appears that this was a person who was in the back of this vehicle. 그들은 이 사람을 끌어내리는 것을 감안 할 때, 이 사람은 뒷자리에 있던 것으로 보입니다 28. And closer look inside the vehicle, if there is another person in there, now we don t see that person 더 차량을 가까이서 보면, 만약에 내부에 다른 사람이 있다면, 이제 그를 볼 수가 없습니다. 29. and this just in from the L.A. Times. LA 타임즈는 30. The L.A. Time is quoting a federal official who says the feds believe 이 신문 연방 정부 관계자의 말을 인용합니다.. 연방정부가 믿기를.. 31. a man was in this meeting when the shooting began. 총격이 시작되었을 때 한 사람이 이 만남을 하고 있었습니다. 32. A man was in the meeting, angrily left the meeting, 회의에 있었던 남자는 화가 나서 떠났습니다 33. then returned with one or two others and started shooting. 그리고는 한 두 사람과 돌아와서, 총을 쏘기 시작했습니다. 34. So according to reporting at that time, a federal official says one of the shooters was actually in this meeting, 당시 보고에 따르면, 연방 정부의 관계자는 범인 중의 한 사람이 이 회의에 있었고 35. left and came back with others in this what is now clearly a very organized event. 떠났다가 다른 사람들과 돌아왔다고 합니다. 확실히 매우 조직적인 사건입니다. 36. One person pulled out of the back of that SUV now, another person dead on the streets. 한 사람이, 지금 SUV 의 뒤쪽에서 내려지고, 다른 한 사람은 길에서 죽어 있습니다. 37. And there are multiple reports in and around Los Angeles, Brat, 브랫 기자, LA 주변에는 여러 개의 보도가 있습니다 38. including that of NBC 4, the NBC news owned and operated station NBC 뉴스가 소유하고 운영하는 NBC 4 의 포함해서 말입니다. 39. that in fact, one suspect is still on loose. 이 방송사는 사실, 한 용의자는 도주 중이라고 했습니다.

40. Fox news can t confirm that and we don t at this moment have reason to believe that. 폭스 뉴스는 확인을 할 수 없습니다. 그리고 이 순간 그 사실을 믿어야 할 이유가 없습니다. 41. But I should tell you that NBC is reporting that and we will see. 하지만 NBC 의 방송내용을 말씀 드린 것입니다. 지켜보시지요 있습니다. Snow Frolic 눈 장난