김 은 중 T 1. [중2수학-(하)] 원에 내접하는 10각형의 꼭짓점 중에서 세 점을 연결하여 삼각형을 만들 때, 처음 주어진 10각형과 공유하는 변이 하나도 없는 삼각형이 만들어질 확률을 구하시오. 2. [중3수학-(하)] 한 모서리의 길이가 6cm인 정육면체 AB

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- 2 -


회원번호 대표자 공동자 KR000****1 권 * 영 KR000****1 박 * 순 KR000****1 박 * 애 이 * 홍 KR000****2 김 * 근 하 * 희 KR000****2 박 * 순 KR000****3 최 * 정 KR000****4 박 * 희 조 * 제


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior



새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구



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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no




뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜


김 범 근 T 1. [중2수학-(하)] 그림과 같이 에서 변 에 접한 원 를 생각할 때, 빗변 와 원이 두 점 에서 만나고 호 를 현 로 접었더니 호 의 중심이 에 일치했다. 원의 반 지름을 구하시오. 2. [중3수학-(하)] 그림에서 이고, 이다. 이 때, 의 길이를 구하시오.

김 은 중 T 1. [중2수학-(하)] 원에 내접하는 10각형의 꼭짓점 중에서 세 점을 연결하여 삼각형을 만들 때, 처음 주어진 10각형과 공유하는 변이 하나도 없는 삼각형이 만들어질 확률을 구하시오. 2. [중3수학-(하)] 한 모서리의 길이가 6cm인 정육면체 ABCD-EFGH가 있다. 아래 그림과 같이 꼭짓점 A와 두 모서리 FG, GH의 중점 M, N을 지나는 평면으로 정육면체를 잘라서 두 개의 입체로 나 누었을 때, 점 E를 포함하는 입체의 부피를 구하시오.

김 태 헌 T 1. [중3수학-(하)] 그림과 같이 이고, 인 직각삼각형 ABC에서 점 M은 의 중 점이다., 일 때, 의 길이를 구하시오. 2. [고등수학-(하)] 의 넓이는 16, 변 의 길이는 4이다. 변 에 평행한 직선이 두 변 와 만나는 점을 각각 라 하고, 를 지나 변 에 평행한 직선과 를 지나 변 에 평행한 직선이 외부의 점 에서 만날 때, 와 의 공통부분 의 넓이가 최대가 되는 의 길이를 구하시오.

나 상 빈 T 1. [수-2] 점 에서 곡선 sin (단, )에 그은 두 접선이 직교하도록 점 의 좌표를 정하시오. 2. [적분과 통계] 직선 위에 있고, 좌표가 모두 음이 아닌 정수인 점들의 집합을 A 라 할 때, 집합 의 원소의 합을 구하시오.

류 리 라 T 1. [중1수학-(하)] 그림에서 두 점 M, N은 각각, 의 중점이고 이다., 일 때, 의 길이를 를 사용한 식으로 나타내시오. 2. [중2수학-(하)] 아래쪽 그림과 같은 에서 의 삼등분점 중 꼭짓점 B에 가까운 점을 P라 하고,, 일 때, 의 크기를 구하시오.

이 민 호 T 1. [적분과 통계] 같은 종류의 흰 공 4개, 같은 종류의 검은 공 7개를 모두 사용하여 일렬로 나열하려고 한 다. 색깔의 변화가 번 일어나도록 나열하는 경우의 수를 이라 할 때, 보기에서 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고르면? 보 기 ㄱ. ㄴ. ㄷ. 2. [기하와 벡터] 인 사면체 에 대하여 꼭짓점 에 서 평면 에 내린 수선의 발 가 의 내심일 때, 을 구하면?

이 주 현 T 1. [중1수학-(하)] 다음 그림에서 의 값을 구하시오. 2. [중1수학-(하)] 그림과 같이 직사각형 ABCD에서 선분 EC를 접는 선으로 접었더니 이었다. 이때 의 크기를 구하시오.

정 성 진 T 1. [고등수학-(하)] 실수 가 을 만족할 때, 의 최댓값과 최솟값의 합을 구하시오. 2. [고등수학-(하)] 그림과 같이 제1사분면에서 원 위의 점 에 대하여 직선 와 두 점 에서의 접선이 만나는 점을 각각 라 하고, 두 점 에서 축에 내린 수선의 발을 각각 라 하자. 이때 보기에서 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고르면? 보 기 ㄱ. ㄴ. ㄷ.

최 가 진 T 1. [중2수학-(하)] 두 개의 주사위 A, B를 던져서 나오는 눈의 수를 a, b라고 할 때, 두 방정식, 의 해가 존재하지 않을 확률을 구하시오. 2. [중3수학-(하)] 다음 그림과 같이 한 변의 길이가 4인 정사각형 ABCD를 점 O를 중심으로 회전시켜서 정사각형 EFGH를 얻었다. 이 때 두 사각형의 겹치는 부분의 넓이를 구하시오. (단, 점 O는 정사각형 ABCD의 두 대각선의 교점이다.)

최 재 영 T 1. [수-2] 그림과 같이 가로의 길이가 충분히 길고 세로의 길이가 10인 직사각형 모양의 종이의 한 꼭짓점 를 선분 위의 점 에 맞추어 접는다. 이 종이를 접은 선이 선분 선 분 와 만나는 점을 각각 라 하자. 선분 의 길이가 최소일 때, 선분 의 길 이는? 2. [기하와 벡터] 그림과 같이 평면 위에 반지름의 길이가 인 네 개의 원,,, 가 서로 외접하 고 있고, 두 원, 의 접점을 A라 하자. 원 위를 움직이는 점 P 와 원 위를 움직이는 점 Q 에 대하여 AP AQ 의 최댓값은?

최 준 섭 T 1. [적분과 통계] 집합 에서 로의 함수 중에서 다음 조건을 만족하는 함수 의 개수 는? (가) 함수 의 치역의 원소의 개수는 4이다. (나) 합성함수 의 치역의 원소의 개수는 1이다. 2. [기하와 벡터] 좌표공간에서 네 점,,, 가 다음 조건을 만족시킬 때, 의 최댓값을 구 하시오. (가) (나) cos ( )

최 혜 림 T 1. [미적분과 통계기본] 개의 야구팀,,, 가 다음과 같은 방법으로 우승팀을 결정하기로 하였다. (가) 팀과 팀이 경기를 하고, 팀과 팀이 경기를 한다. (나) (가)에서 이긴 팀끼리 경기를 한다. (다) (가)에서 진 팀끼리 경기를 한다. (라) (나)에서 진 팀과 (다)에서 이긴 팀이 경기를 한다. (마) (나)에서 이긴 팀과 (라)에서 이긴 팀이 경기를 한다. (바) (마)에서 이긴 팀이 우승팀이 된다. 매 경기에서 각 팀이 이길 확률은 모두 로 같다고 하자. 팀이 우승했을 때, 팀이 (가)에서 이겼을 확률을 구하시오. 2. [수-2] 양의 실수 전체의 집합을 정의역으로 하는 함수 에 대하여 의 역함수를 라 하자. 보기에서 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고르면? 보 기 ㄱ. 점 는 곡선 의 변곡점이다. ㄴ. 방정식 의 실근 중 양수인 것은 하나뿐이다. ㄷ. 함수 는 에서 미분가능하다.

한 승 욱 T 1. [수-2] 축 위의 점 에서 함수 의 그래프에 이르는 거리가 최소인 점을 라고 할 때, lim 의 값은? 2. [기하와 벡터] 인 둔각삼각형 의 외심을 라고 할 때, 내적 을 구하시오.

전 란 희 T 1. [고2-고3 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하시오. [고2] (A) As you know, I have been the volunteer Spanish-English media liaison for the Soccer Cup ➀for four years running. I have enjoyed the work immensely, and I consider this an important role to the Soccer Cup organization. For those reasons, I regret to tell you that I must resign my post. Having begun a new job this year, I find that the demands of my work schedule simply prohibit my spending the time necessary to your organization. I am giving you two months' notice with the hope that ➁you will have time finding another bilingual sports aficionado to handle my job. I suggest that you begin your search for a replacement in the communications department of the local college. [고3] (A) In countries with strong private radio industries, such as the United States and Canada, music s associations with youth have produced major tensions between broadcasters and record companies. Record companies have always wanted radio stations to play new releases, to expose them to potential buyers, and have long embraced ➂the excitement of which Top 40 formats, chart countdowns, and listener request lines brought to the presentation of music. Radio stations, in contrast, have turned increasingly away from contemporary pop and rock, in an effort to reach those listeners most desired by advertisers. By the 1970s, for example, most radio programmers throughout North America had eliminated listener request lines, ➃on the grounds that those like to call were probably not representative of their desired audiences. Figuring out the musical tastes of desirable listeners employed, financially stable adults in their thirties or forties has been a major challenge for the radio industry.

전 란 희 T 2. [고2-고3 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문맥상 혹은 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하시오. [고2] Even those of us who claim not to be materialistic ➀have no choice but form attachments to certain clothes. Like fragments from old songs, clothes can evoke both cherished and painful memories. A worn-thin dress may hang in the back of a closet even though it hasn t been worn in years because the faint scent of pine that lingers on it is ➁all that remain of someone s sixteenth summer. An impractical white scarf might be pulled out of a donation bag at the last minute because of the promise of elegance it once held for its owner. And a ripped T-shirt might be rescued from the dust rag bin long after the name of the rock band once written across it has faded. Clothes document personal history for us the same way that fossils chart time for archaeologists. [고3] Retirement is an ambiguous term in the world of airplanes. Reassignment is the better one, as actual scrapping is fairly uncommon. It comes for various reasons, and age, strictly speaking, isn t always one of them. Planes are sold, traded, or mothballed because they ve become uneconomical, ➂not they ve become unsafe or are falling apart. This may or may not be directly related to their date of construction. Take the case of Delta and American, who chose to retire their McDonnell Douglas MD-11s, ➃yet plan to hold on to older MD-80s and Boeing 767s for many years. Operators will speak of a particular model s mission, one in which very fragile balances.tiny, shifting percentages of expenses and revenues make the difference between red and black. Poor performance means a quick exit to the sales block. To another carrier with different costs, routes, and needs, that same aircraft might be profitable.

심 미 연 T 1. [고2 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 곳을 골라 수정하시오. (A) The problem with the now commonly ➀ is holding notion that the stock market is the best way for individuals to get rich is that this view is based on the past. But if you think about this, it is probably naive to look at seventy years of recent financial history and use it as the definitive model for the future. What if the past even decades have been a blip in the millennia-long history of wealth accumulation on this planet? It's a bit like evaluating a baseball player's potential based on one week's play. Three home runs in one game doesn't mean ➁that player will be a prolific batsman as Babe Ruth. Likewise, just because stocks have been a great investment for seventy years doesn't mean they will be a great investment in the future. (B) New technological capabilities played a particularly strong role in spreading innovations across distribution centers and stores in the retail sector and across banking and brokerage branches in the financial sector. However, ➂fast diffusion is a double-edging sword. While it improves overall industry productivity, it can erode the competitive advantages of individual companies. Once rivals in a sector adopt an IT innovation, after all, it becomes just another cost of doing business. As a result, many companies that spent heavily on state-of-the-art technology in the 1990s failed to recoup their investments. Online banking spread so rapidly, for example, ➃which no individual band was able to reap any competitive advantage - the benefits all went to customers.

심 미 연 T 2. [고1-고2 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 곳을 골라 수정하시오. [고1] Unlike deviance in other settings, deviance in sports often ➀involves an unquestioning acceptance of an extreme conformity to norms and expectations. For example, most North Americans see playing football as a positive activity. Young men are encouraged to be all they can be as football players and to live with slogans such as "There is no 'I' in t-e-a-m." They are encouraged to increase their weight and strength, so that they can play more effectively and contribute to the success of their teams. When young men go too far in their acceptance of expectations to become bigger and stronger, when they are ➁so committed to play football and improve their skills on the field that they use muscle-building drugs, they become irrational. This type of 'overdoing-it-deviance' is dangerous, but it is grounded in completely different social dynamics from the dynamics that occur in the 'antisocial deviance' enacted by alienated young people who reject commonly accepted rules and expectations. [고2] An infant is born with billions of brain cells called neurons. Some are engaged to other cells before birth to regulate the basics of life, such as heartbeat and breathing. Others are waiting ➂to wire to help him or her interpret and respond to the outside world. Experience dictates the arrangements of parts that function as a unit. As the child matures, cells reach out and set up pathways to other cells needed to determine a behavior. For instance, the neurons in the eye send branches to the visual cortex, which interprets what the eye sees and, via other branches, ➃cue the person to react to what is seen. Each time an experience is repeated, the pathways are strengthened.

장 라 윤 T 1. [고2 기출 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하시오. The great British explorer was seeking crew members for his 1914 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Believe it or not, people from all walks of life applied to join the team. Earlier in 1907,Shackleton and the British Antarctic Expedition set sail in the Nimrod to reach the South Pole. Shackleton set a record ➀for going the farthest south, reaching 88 23'S. Unfortunately, however, he had to turn back 156 kilometers from the South Pole rather than risk the lives of his men. Writing to his wife, he explained, I thought you'd rather have a live donkey than a dead lion." Other explorers were luckier than Shackleton. Roald Amundsen, for example, reached the South Pole in 1911. Since the South Pole had already been conquered, Shackleton set the bar higher. He would attempt the first crossing of Antarctica from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea, a distance of about 2,897 kilometers. In 1914, Shackleton and a crew of 27 started the daring expedition aboard the Endurance. Shackleton had confidence, but no idea what he and his men would have to go through. Shackleton's extraordinary leadership skills contributed to the harsh conditions of the Antarctic ➁successfully survived by these 27 men. When the ship became locked in pack ice, Shackleton's calm an confidence were encouraging to his crew. When he found it impossible free the ship from the ice, he did not show the slightest sign of disappointment. During the agonizing boat journey to South Georgia, one crew member wrote, "No matter how bad things were, he somehow inspired us with the feeling that he could make things better." Shackleton sustained morale and created a perfectly unified team by keeping everyone busy and equal. For example, Shackleton had scientists scrub floors alongside seamen and ➂university professors ate besides fishermen. Though called "The Boss, " he did not differentiate himself from his men. After abandoning the ship, he literally served his men. Rising early in the morning, he made hot milk and personally delivered it to every tent in the camp. When Shackleton died of a heart attack in 1922, his body was going to be brought back to England. His wife, however, realized that the best place for him to lie was in the gateway to the part of the world ➃that meant the most to him, the Antarctic. Today Sir Ernest Shackleton, the great explorer, rests in peace on South Georgia.

장 라 윤 T 2. [고2 기출 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하시오. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. "And what do you want?" the pharmacist ➀asked in an annoying tone of voice. "I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages," he said without waiting for a reply to his question. "Well, I want to talk to you about my brother," Tess answered back. "He's really, really sick... and I want to buy a miracle." "I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist. "His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?" The pharmacist's brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does your brother need?" "I don't know," ➁Tess replied with tears welled up in her eyes. "I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money." "How much do you have?" asked the man from Chicago. "One dollar and eleven cents," ➂Tess answered bare audible. "And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to." "Well, what a coincidence," smiled the man from Chicago. "A dollar and eleven cents ➃are no more than the price of a miracle for little brother," He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said, "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you need." That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. The operation was completed without charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well.

박 상 유 T 1. [중3 기출 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하 시오. [중3] (A) Portable Lantern Service At first, Louis XIV ➀got a private company deal with the problem. In 1662, a businessman opened a company that provided a portable lantern service. Men carrying lanterns were placed at various points in Paris. When Parisians wanted to go out at night, ➁all they had to do were go to one of these places. Then, a lantern man would take them to any place in Paris. Parisians loved this new service. However, the service was not cheap and did not last long. Paris went back to being a dark city again. (B) My first experience of making kimchi became almost a drama. First of all, I bought a Korean cookbook. That was easy. After that, however, ➂everything turned out differently from my plan. I had to buy Korean cabbages, not head cabbages, and other vegetables, but I didn't know where to go. ➃It took me three days finding a supermarket that sold those vegetables. Next, I had to salt the cabbages. It took me all morning. Then I had to mix them with red pepper, other vegetables, and fish sauce. In no time, cabbages, hot pepper, garlic, salt, and fish sauce were all over my kitchen. The fish sauce smelled terrible. The salt and hot pepper made my hands burn.

박 상 유 T 2. [중3 기출 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 에러가 있는 것을 고치고, (B)는 복문으 로 전환하시오. [중3] (A) I am sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. ➀Whenever I see the lock of your hairs, I wish you were here with me. Things are pretty more the same here at Amherst except that I am very happy that the postage is now only five coppers. We can now exchange more letters! ➁Your secret love D must become a star in the night sky since I cannot see him these days. I hope you can come here to Amherst, so we can go to school together. One day, when we finish our education, you may be Plato and I will be Socrates, if you aren't wiser than I am. All the girls here and I send much love to you. (B) I learned why people in dramas wore red plastic gloves when they made kimchi. Four hours later, I had one bowl of kimchi. I was so proud that I invited my Korean friends to taste my work. They tasted a little, but didn't know it was kimchi. "What kind of salad is this?" they asked. "Well, it's a special American cabbage salad," I lied. ➂ Kimchi was too difficult for me to start with. 다음 단문을 복문으로 전환하시오. ➂ Kimchi was too difficult for me to start with.

이 예 진 T 1. [중3-고1 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 에러를 찾아 수정하시오. [중3] Carbon dioxide is one of the main causes of global warming. Global warming brings about unexpected weather changes and destroys the environment. As a result, we cannot expect our lifestyles to be sustainable. So, it is very important that we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we give off. Turn off lights and computers which are not in use. Bring your own cup instead of using paper cups. Don't use plastic bags ➀ when you go shop. Walk or ride a bike to school. Recycling also helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. Each of these is part of a sustainable lifestyle that protects the environment. You may not be able to immediately change your lifestyle. However, ➁the more slowly we change, the warmer the earth gets. Start right now. You can help leave the earth clean and green for future generations. [고1] We decided to stay in Taiwan for four days. My parents asked my brother and me to plan all of the details for the trip. The first step was finding a cheap flight. Some airlines were having special sales on flights to Taiwan, but unfortunately, ➂any of them didn't match our travel dates. After comparing many different sites, however, we managed to purchase airline tickets at a good price. After that, we went to another site and booked two rooms in a small hotel at a reasonable rate. Then we started making a detailed schedule of our trip. My parents asked us to make a schedule that would allow us to get the most out of the local attractions. Thanks to the help of the Tourism Authority of Taiwan, we were able to get free tourist information and choose the places we wanted to visit. Finally, we made an itinerary of all the things we were going to do ➃and off went we!

이 예 진 T 2. [중3 기출 응용어법] 다음 글의 흐름상 밑줄 친 곳에 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 것을 골라 수정하시오. Encyclopedia was reading about diamonds when his father, Chief Brown, entered his room. Do you know ➀if diamonds are so hard that they re used to cut stone? Encyclopedia asked. He wanted to talk about diamonds, but his father had a problem. He said, Mr. Goldman the jeweler, ➁had a diamond necklace be stolen. Chief Brown and Encyclopedia went to see Mr. Goldman in his store. Mr. Goldman seemed very upset. ➂The stolen diamond necklace insured for five million dollars, but money can t buy such fine diamonds. Chief Brown pointed at the necklace on Mr. Goldman s desk and said, What is that necklace? Mr. Goldman said, That is a copy of the stolen diamond necklace. It s made of glass. At night, the two necklaces are kept together in the safe on the second floor. Mr. Goldman stood up. Let me show you how it happened. From the office, Mr. Goldman led the way into the hall. The hallway floor was made of stone. Mr. Goldman climbed the stairs. At the top, he turned around and said, ➃Short after 10 o clock, I was bringing the glass necklace downstairs for display. He pretended he was carrying the glass necklace and started down the stairs. Suddenly, two masked men appeared and attacked me.

이 희 진 T 1. [중2-중3 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 어색한 것을 골라 수 정하시오. [중2] Welcome, Jim. First of all, how did you first start playing baseball? Well, on my fourth birthday I was given a soccer ball by my father. But I didn't really like soccer. Also, ➀all other boys were playing baseball. Did you ever feel that life was unfair to you? Sometimes, but mostly no. I was given so many things in life. Yet only a few things were taken away. You thought about giving up baseball at times, didn't you? Yes, but I loved throwing a baseball. If you really love something, you never want to say "Never!" You talk a lot about children with disabilities these days. Yes, I feel very lucky to help them. That's great. Any final advice for your fans? Find something that you love and go after it. [중3] Yesterday, when I was walking through town, I decided to go to Tom's Ice Cream. My friend Kate works there. ➁She serves ice cream for people. She provides a service for them. A service is any kind of work that someone does to satisfy our needs or wants. I asked Kate for my favorite kind of ice cream: cookies and cream. "I'm sorry, David, we're all out of it," she said. So I chose chocolate ice cream. ➂The supply of cookies and cream at Tom's was all gone because it was in high demand. Look at the graph. What flavors are in supply at Tom's Ice Cream? Kate asked me whether I would like my chocolate ice cream in a cup or cone. I asked for a cone. She said I was lucky ➃that there was only one cone leaving. There was a scarcity of cones at Tom's. Scarcity means that resources are not enough to satisfy our needs or wants. Therefore, we must make choices.

이 희 진 T 2. [중3 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 에러를 찾아 수정하시오. (A) A father sent his son to learn the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The boy wandered through the desert for forty days and finally came to the wise man s castle, high up on a mountain. The boy expected ➀that he would find the wise old man living all lonely. However, when he entered the main room of the castle, he saw much activity: artists were creating works of art, people were talking in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a big table covered with dishes of the most delicious food. The wise man spoke with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours ➁ before it was his turn to give the wise man s attention. (B) He suggested ➂that the boy looked around the palace and returned in two hours. While you look around, I want you to do something, said the wise man, handing the boy a small spoon that held two drops of oil. As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill. The boy began walking around the many rooms of the palace, ➃keeping his eyes fixing on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was. Well, asked the wise man, did you see the beautiful paintings hanging in the hall? Did you see the garden that took the master gardener ten years to create? And did you notice the wonderful books in my library? The boy was embarrassed, and told the wise man that he had observed nothing.

이 원 혜 T 1. [중2 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 어색한 것을 골라 수정하시오. (A) W: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? M: You can use the Internet in the computer room on the second floor. W: I beg your pardon? M: You can go to the computer room on the second floor to use the Internet. W: Thanks. M: ➀You'd rather leave your bag in a locker. You can't take your bag with you into the computer room. W: I beg your pardon? M: No bags in the computer room. I think you should leave your bag in a locker. (B) Princess Paul lived with her parents, King Nancy and Queen David, ➁in a castle in which was not far from here. Wait a minute, Princess Paul? Not Princess Paula? Yes, that s right. You see, in this kingdom, girls names were Fred or Peter, and boys were Katherine or Emma. In this kingdom, when people got up in the morning, they had dinner, and everyone ate breakfast when the sun went down. People walked front to back. When two people met on the street, they said, Morning good or You see to nice! And no one thought it was wrong. But there was one girl who didn t think the same way. She said, How do you do? when she meant, Do you do how? She walked back to front, looking ahead. ➂Everything made her very confusing. Because of this, people called her Princess Backwards. They said to each other, She can t do anything correctly. She s very strange! (C) You re welcome, the princess answered, smiling. Can you believe it? People were always afraid of Marvin, but he just wanted a big drink of water! From that day on, Princess Backwards and Marvin became good friends, and Marvin became the firefighter for the kingdom. People now learned that different wasn t wrong. People said to each other, ➃A girl who couldn t do anything rightly saved us! Now everyone said, Princess the for hurray!

이 원 혜 T 2. [중2 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 어색한 것을 골라 수 정하시오 (A) Girl : Did you buy all the things we need for camping? Boy : Let me check my list. I bought a backpack, a raincoat, and a cap. Girl : ➀You are needed to buy some bandages. Boy : That's right. Where is the drugstore? Girl : I have no idea. Let's ask that man over there. Boy : Excuse me, is there a drugstore near here? Man : Sure. ➁Go straightly and turn left in front of the bookstore. It's next to the bakery. (B) The world of nature has ➂many wonders that it often surprises us. One of them is the relationship between animals. How do animals help each other? Let's learn about their fantastic relationship. Goby fish: You've finished building a house! Pistol shrimp: You know, I really like building houses. It's a safe place. You can stay here. Goby fish: Thank you. Pistol shrimp: It's my pleasure. I'm happy to share my house with you. (C) M1: We have our first caller now. Hello. M2: Hello. I'm Minsu Kim. I'm a middle school student from Seoul. M1: Hi, Minsu. So what do you want to say about uniforms? M2: I don't think our school uniforms are very stylish. ➃We don't look good with them. The colors are too dark. I want bright colors. M1: I see. You want colorful uniforms. M2: I also want to wear shorts in summer, too. M1: It's too hot in summer, isn't it? M2: Yes, it is.

변 다 운 T 1. [중3 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 어색한 것을 골라 수정하시오. (A) Girl : David, you have a new hairstyle! David : Right. Girl : ➀What's a matter? You look angry. David : I'm upset because I look funny. Girl : ➁Where did you cut your hair? David : In fact, my mom did it. She told me she could make me look cool. Girl : You don't look so bad. You look cute. David : But I don't like this style. Maybe I should wear a cap for a while. (B) Last Saturday, Junho and Minji went to the Museum of Natural History with their grandfather, Mr. Yun. They learned about animals that lived many years ago. "Look! Here is a very cute one!" said Minji. It looked like a small bear. It had small eyes and a big nose. Junho pressed the button to get some information on the animal. The animal appeared and began to speak. I was Austrailia's best- loved animal, the koala. "Koala" means "doesn't drink ➂This was the reason I got water only from eucalyptus leaves. I only ate evcalyptus trees. A lot of eucalyptus trees were cut down. I couldn't get enough food. Many of my friends were hit by cars and died, too. So, there are no more koalas. (C) Jake : Mom, the traffic light has turned green. Hurry up. Mom : Jake, you should not cross the road like that! Jake : Why not, Mom? It is green. Mom : ➃You should look either ways before you cross the road. Jake : I see

이 정 구 T 1. [고2 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분들의 체크포인트를 설명하고, 어법 혹은 문맥상으로 어색한 것을 골라 수정하시오. (A) My Dear Theo, My warmest wishes for good health and peace of mind on your birthday. I wanted to send you the painting The Potato Eaters for this day, but although it s coming along well, it isn t quite finished yet. ➀I could finish it earlier, but it has taken a whole winter to draw the heads and hands. For the past few days ➁it was a tremendous battle, but I was filled with great enthusiasm. Even though at times I was afraid I wouldn t succeed, I never gave up. In this picture, people are eating potatoes by the light of a lamp. I ve tried to bring out the idea that they are now putting the same hands into the dish ➂they have dug the earth. The painting suggests manual labor and a meal honestly earned. I wanted to convey a way of life quite different from ours, so the last thing I would want is for people to admire it without truly appreciating that way of life. (B) A lady in Greenwich, Connecticut, had a beautiful vase made of Lowestoft china. It was over 150 years old and was valued at $20,000. She prized it above any of her possessions. One day she accidentally brushed up against the vase and sent it smashing to the floor. For days a feeling of anger and frustration depressed the woman. Gradually she reasoned with herself and came to the consumption that she had become a slave to one of her possessions. She realized that ➃she was becoming very attached to her material blessings that her freedom was restricted. In her own words, she confessed, "I was possessed by my possessions."

임 새 잎 T 1. [고1 한국사] 대한민국 임시 정부의 진로에 대한 아래 세 사람의 주장은 각각 뚜렷한 입장 차이를 보인 다. 인물과 당시 상황에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은? (가) 3 1운동에서 나타난 민족적 열망을 바탕으로 출범한 임시 정부는 민족의 대표 기 관이다. 문제가 있다면 조직과 체제를 개선해서 임시 정부를 활성화시키는 것이 옳 다. (나) 국민대표 회의는 임시 정부의 분열만 일으키므로 애초부터 불필요하였다. 서로의 갈등만 증폭시키고 있는 국민대표 회의를 즉각 해산해야 한다. (다) 미국 정부에 일본 대신 국제 연맹이 우리나라를 위임 통치해 줄 것은 청원한 이승 만은 대통령으로서의 자격이 없다. 항일 무장 투쟁을 보다 효율적으로 하기 위해서 는 만주나 연해주로 가서 임시 정부를 대체할 새로운 조직을 만들어 투쟁해야 한 다. 1 상하이에 통합된 대한민국 임시 정부가 출범한 직후부터 창조파와 개조파로 노선이 갈라 졌다. 2 (가)는 창조파의 입장에서 민족의 실력양성운동을 주도하였다. 3 (나)는 침체된 임시 정부의 새로운 활로를 개척하고자 한인 애국단을 조직하였다. 4 (다)는 개조파의 입장에서 무장 혁명 투쟁을 초지일관 주장하였다. 5 노선 투쟁과 이념 갈등으로 시련을 겪은 임시 정부는 국민대표 회의를 계기로 활기를 되 찾았다.

임 새 잎 T 2. [고1 한국사] (가), (나) 국왕에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것을 <보기>에서 모두 고르시오. (가)은/는 탕평파를 적극 육성하여 이들을 중심으로 정국 을 이끌어 나갔으며, 강화된 왕권을 바탕으로 노론과 소 론 사이의 균형을 조정하여 정쟁을 억제하고자 했다. (나)은/는 집권 초기 권세를 누리던 외척 세력들을 제거 한 후, 노론,소론,남인을 모두 관직에 기용하는 탕평책을 실시하였다. 그는 또한 수원 화성을 건설하여 상업기능을 고루 갖춘 도시를 완성하고자 하였다. 보 기 가. (가)는 붕당의 근거지인 서원을 정리하였다. 나. (가)는 노비종모법을 시행하였다. 다. (나)는 규장각을 설치하고 초계문신제를 실시하였다. 라. (나)는 속대전을 편찬하였다.

이 혜 영 T 1. [고2 생명과학Ⅰ] 그림은 버킷림프종 환자의 세 가지 세포에 들어 있는 8번과 14번 염색체를 나타낸 것이다. 8번 14번 8번 14번 8번 14번 난원 세포 상피 세포 버킷림프종 세포 이에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것을 <보기>에서 있는 대로 고르시오. 보 기 ㄱ. 버킷림프종은 자녀에게 유전되지 않는다. ㄴ. 버킷림프종 세포는 체세포 분열의 결과로 형성된다. ㄷ. 버킷림프종 세포에서는 8번과 14번 염색체 사이에 역위가 일어났다. ㄹ. 이 환자의 버킷림프종은 부포의 생식세포에서 전좌가 일어났기 때문이다.

이 혜 영 T 2. [고2 화학Ⅰ] 그림은 사슬 모양 탄화수소 의 탄소 수와 각 탄화수소 한 분자가 완전 연소될 때, 생 성되는 물분자의 수를 나타낸 것이다. 생 성 되 는 분 자 수 (개) 탄소 수(개) 탄화수소 에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것만을 <보기>에서 모두 고르시오. 보 기 ㄱ. 탄소 원자를 중심으로 결합각은 이다. ㄴ. 실험식이 같은 분자는 3가지이다. ㄷ. 에는 이중결합 ( )이 1개 들어 있다.

안 영 애 T 1. [고1 지구과학Ⅰ] 다음 그림은 어느 시점의 지구의 모습을 가정하여 나타낸 것이다. 타원 궤도 원 궤도 태양 지구 태양 지구 (A) (B) 이에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것만을 <보기>에서 있는 대로 고르시오. (단, 그림에서 지구 자전 축의 기울기는 23.5 이다.) 보 기 ㄱ. (A)일 때 근일점 부근에서 우리나라의 계절은 겨울이다. ㄴ. (A)에서 자전축의 기울기가 그림보다 커진다면 남반구의 연교차는 커진다. ㄷ. 지구의 공전 궤도가 (A)에서 (B)로 변화한다면 북반구의 연교차는 작아진다.

안 영 애 T 2. [고2 물리Ⅰ] 그림과 같이 지면으로 들어가는 균일한 자기장이 있는 공간에 ㄷ자 도선이 수평으로 놓였있 다. 이 도선에 질량이 인 도체 막대를 놓은 후 오른쪽으로 의 초속도로 운동시켰다. 자 기장 영역은 충분히 넓으며, 전기 저항은 저항체에만 존재하고, 마찰과 공기저항을 무시한다. 금속막대가 운동하면서 일어나는 현상을 바르게 설명한 것을 모두 고르시오. 보 기 a. 도체 막대는 왼쪽으로 일정한 크기의 전자기력을 받는다. b. 막대가 정지할 때까지 저항에서 소비한 전기에너지는 이다. c. 막대가 정지할 때까지 저항의 소비전력은 시간이 갈수록 감소한다.

전 혜 진 T 1~2. [고2 화법과 작문2] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (가) 世 솅 宗 御 製 訓 훈 民 민 正 音 나 랏 ᄀ말 미 中 듕 國 귁 에 달 아 文 문 字 와 로 서르 디 아 니 이런 젼 로 어 린 百 姓 셩 이 니르 고 져 홇 배 이 셔 도 내 제 ᄂ 들 시 러 펴 디 몯 노 미 하 니 라 내 이 爲 윙 야 어엿 비 너 겨 새 로 스 믈여 듧 字 노 니 사 마 다 수 니 겨 날 로 ᄃ 메 便 뼌 安 안 킈 고 져 미니 라 (나) 강촌( 江 村 ) 고 아나 흐르 디, 긴 녀 江 村 (강촌)애 일마다 幽 深 (유심) 도다. 절로 가며 절로 ᄅ오 닌 집 우흿 져비오, 서르 親 (친) 며 서르 갓갑 닌 믌 가은 며기로다. 늘근 겨지븐 죠 그려 ᄆ쟝긔파 어, 져믄 아 바 두드려 고기 낫 낙 다. 한 病 (병)에 엇교져 논 바 오직 藥 物 (약물)이니, 져구맛 모미 이 밧긔 다시 므스글 求 (구) 리오. 1. (가)와 (나)에 대한 설명으로 바르지 않은 것은? 1 (가)에서 나타나던 우리말 표기법이 (나)에서도 그대로 이어졌다. 2 (가)에서는 쓰던 음운이 (나)에 와서는 소실되는 것들도 있었다. 3 (가)에서는 모음조화가 잘 지켜지다가 (나)에 와서 혼란기를 겪었다. 4 (가)와 (나) 모두 받침에 8자만 쓸 수 있는 8종성법을 사용하였다. 5 (가)와 (나) 모두 원순모음화가 실현되지 않아 현대 국어와 차이를 보인다. 2. ᄀ~ᄆ에 대한 설명으로 알맞지 않은 것은? 1 ᄀ 말 미 : 주격조사 사용, 이어적기 2 ᄂ 들 : 어두 자음군, 목적격조사 사용 3 ᄃ 메 : 관형사형 어미 사용, 이어적기 4 ᄅ 오 닌 : 관형사형 어미 사용, 이어적기 5 ᄆ 쟝긔파 : 모음조화 지킴, 목적격 조사 사용

정 원 교 T 1~2. [고1 국어] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 살어리 살어리랏다 쳥산( 靑 山 )애 살어리랏다. ᄀ멀위랑 래랑 먹고 쳥산( 靑 山 )애 살어리랏다. 얄리얄리 얄랑셩 얄라리 얄라 어듸라 더디던 돌코 누리라 마치던 돌코. 믜리도 ᄆ괴리도 업시 마자셔 우니노라. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 ᄂ우러라 우러라 새여 자고 니러 우러라 새여. 널라와 시름 한 나도 자고 니러 우리노라. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 살어리 살어리랏다 바 래 살어리랏다. 자기 구조개랑 먹고 바 래 살어리랏다. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 가던 새 가던 새 본다 믈아래 가던 새 본다. ᄃ잉 무든 장글란 가지고 믈 아래 가던 새 본다. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 가다가 가다가 드로라 에졍지 가다가 드로라. 사 미 대에 올아셔 금( 奚 琴 )을 혀거를 드로라. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 이링공 뎌링공 야 나즈란 디내와손뎌. 오리도 가리도 업슨 ᄅ바므란 엇디 호리라. 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 가다니 브론 도긔 설진 강수를 비조라. 조롱곳 누로기 와 잡 와니 내 엇디 리잇고 얄리얄리 얄라셩 얄라리 얄라 - 작자 미상, <청산별곡> 1. 작중 화자가 자신의 비통한 감정을 객관적 상관물에 이입시켜 드러내고 있는 연은? 1 1연 2 2연 3 3연 4 4연 5 5연 2. 이 시를 <보기>와 같은 대칭 구조로 파악할 때, <보기>의 가~라에 들어갈 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? 보 기 중심 소재 의미 중심 소재 의미 제1연 청산 가 제6연 바다 도피처 제2연 새 비애 제5연 돌 숙명 제3연 나 미련 제7연 다 기적 제4연 밤 고독 제8연 라 해소 가 나 다 라 1 도피처 가던 새 에졍지 배브른 독 2 이상향 물 아래 사슴 강술 3 현 실 장글 대 조롱박 4 도피처 가던 새 사슴 강술 5 이상향 믈 아래 해금 누룩

2013년 10월 강사시험 및 강의 재평가 류 리 라 T 1. [중2수학-(하)] 두 개의 주사위 A, B를 던져서 나오는 눈의 수를 a, b라고 할 때, 두 방정식, 의 해가 존재하지 않을 확률을 구하시오.

2013년 10월 강사시험 및 강의 재평가 정 성 진 T 1. [고등수학-(하)] 의 넓이는 16, 변 의 길이는 4이다. 변 에 평행한 직선이 두 변 와 만나는 점을 각각 라 하고, 를 지나 변 에 평행한 직선과 를 지나 변 에 평행한 직선이 외부의 점 에서 만날 때, 와 의 공통부분 의 넓이가 최대가 되는 의 길이를 구하시오.

2013년 10월 강사시험 및 강의 재평가 이 정 구 T 1. [고1-고2 기출 응용어법] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문맥상 혹은 어법상 어색한 곳을 골라 수정하시오. [고1] Unlike deviance in other settings, deviance in sports often ➀involves an unquestioning acceptance of an extreme conformity to norms and expectations. For example, most North Americans see playing football as a positive activity. Young men are encouraged to be all they can be as football players and to live with slogans such as "There is no 'I' in t-e-a-m." They are encouraged to increase their weight and strength, so that they can play more effectively and contribute to the success of their teams. When young men go too far in their acceptance of expectations to become bigger and stronger, when they are ➁so committed to play football and improve their skills on the field that they use muscle-building drugs, they become irrational. This type of 'overdoing-it-deviance' is dangerous, but it is grounded in completely different social dynamics from the dynamics that occur in the 'antisocial deviance' enacted by alienated young people who reject commonly accepted rules and expectations. [고2] An infant is born with billions of brain cells called neurons. Some are engaged to other cells before birth to regulate the basics of life, such as heartbeat and breathing. Others are waiting ➂to wire to help him or her interpret and respond to the outside world. Experience dictates the arrangements of parts that function as a unit. As the child matures, cells reach out and set up pathways to other cells needed to determine a behavior. For instance, the neurons in the eye send branches to the visual cortex, which interprets what the eye sees and, via other branches, ➃cue the person to react to what is seen. Each time an experience is repeated, the pathways are strengthened.