I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien

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- 2 -

수능 CAT






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k so I loo cool!

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancient times. It seems that Napoleon didn t like his soldiers bad habit.

Listen 1 What does Jinsu like doing these days? I m really into. Challenge! What are the speakers going to do this Saturday? Talk 1 Ask and answer. A: What are you interested in these days? B: I enjoy taking pictures. How about you? A: I m really into playing board games. Your own play board games watch movies play computer games 100 Unit 05

Listen 2 What are the speakers looking at? Challenge! Do they agree with each other? Yes No Talk 2 Talk with your friends. Yes No angry with us wait for the train Your own angry with us wait for the train look at something (Your own) look at something It seems that the little girl is angry with us. I think so, too. / I don t think so. p.21 Fun Fashion Facts 101

Listen and complete the dialog. You would look very good with it on. Have you read anything interesting? It seems that you are really interested in fashion. Jennifer: Stephanie: Jennifer: Stephanie: Jennifer: Stephanie: What s the topic for your report? I m going to write about the history of fashion. Yeah, I m really into reading books about fashion these days. Really? Yeah, I found out that the Egyptians were the first people to start wearing makeup. Jennifer: Stephanie: Wow! That s very interesting. By the way, do you think I would look good with some Egyptian makeup? Jennifer: I think so. 1. What is Stephanie going to write about for her report? 2. What is Stephanie into these days? 3. What did Stephanie find out from reading books about fashion? fashion finish It seems to me that / you are really interested / in fashion. I found out that / the Egyptians were the first people / to start wearing makeup. Practice with your friends. 102 Unit 05

What are you into these days? Yes, I m into it/them. No, I m not into it/them. I m really into computer games. I think they are very good for reducing stress. I m into... playing the piano We re into... playing soccer My partner is into... computer games Donggil and I are into different things. Donggil is into computer games. He thinks they are very good for reducing stress. I m into playing the piano. It makes me happy. We are both into playing soccer. It teaches us how to work together. Fun Fashion Facts 103

If you look around, fashion is all around us. Every day, we see people wearing fashionable clothes, shiny jewelry, beautiful makeup, and so on. Fashion is an important part of our lives, and has a history filled with many interesting stories. Let s take a look at some of them. fashionable shiny jewelry makeup look around filled with 104 Unit 05

B uttons are usually used to fasten clothes, but they are also used to make clothes more fashionable. However, sometimes they have nothing to do with fashion at all. Have you ever wondered why there are buttons on the ends of jacket sleeves? Well, this could be because of Napoleon Bonaparte. It is said that Napoleon wanted to stop his soldiers from wiping their sweat or runny noses with their jacket sleeves. It seems that Napoleon didn t like his soldiers' bad habit. So, he ordered his tailors to sew buttons on the sleeves so that the soldiers wouldn t be able to use their jacket sleeves as a handkerchief. Since then, tailors have started putting buttons on the ends of jacket sleeves. What was Napoleon s soldiers bad habit? fasten sleeve wipe runny nose tailor handkerchief be used to have nothing to do with stop ~ from... Fun Fashion Facts 105

W omen love to wear jewelry. However, it was actually men who first started wearing jewelry. They did this in order to show their social status, and in order to bring good luck on the battlefield. Did you know that there are two types of jewelry? They are costume jewelry and real jewelry. Costume jewelry is usually used in fashion, while real jewelry is usually used as an investment. It is known that many high class celebrities use costume jewelry in public and keep their real jewelry in their safe. Why did men start wearing jewelry in the first place? social status battlefield investment in order to costume jewelry in public 106 Unit 05

P eople started wearing makeup around 4000 B.C. in Egypt. At that time, berries and other natural ingredients were used to make the face more beautiful. It is also believed that both women and men in Egypt wore eye shadow. Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancient times. They used rice powder on their faces to make their skin whiter. This desire to wear makeup has continued for thousands of years. These examples from history show how fashion has shaped our culture and sense of style. Fashion has been and will always be a part of us. Because of this, we need to consider fashion as a part of our culture and history. Why did women from East Asia put rice powder on their faces? berry ingredient eye shadow rice powder consider be a part of 371 words 2min. 25sec. 1st reading time min. sec. 2nd reading time min. sec. Fun Fashion Facts 107

A Tic-Tac-Toe Who started wearing jewelry first? Men or women? What did both men and women in Egypt wear? What were used for makeup at first? When did people start wearing makeup? What are buttons usually used for? What are two types of jewelry? What did Napoleon s soldiers use their sleeves for? What did East Asian women use to make their skin whiter? Why did Napoleon order his tailors to sew buttons on the sleeves? 108 Unit 05

B soldier public ingredient means relating to all the people in a country or a community. Do you wear any jewelry, makeup, or unnecessary buttons? If you do, why do you wear them? I wear a necklace because it makes me look more beautiful. Fun Fashion Facts 109

He has been talking on the phone for two hours. Who is he talking to? His mom. It seems that he has been missing his mom ever since he left home. How have you been doing? 과거부터 계속되어 진행되는 일을 말할 때 How have you been doing? He has been talking on the phone for two hours. 110 Unit 05 추측하거나 짐작하여 말할 때 It seems that he has been missing his mom ever since he left home.

1 Tom speaks Spanish very well. Don t you think so? Yes, he has been learning Spanish for five years. (learn) The weather is terrible, isn t it? Yes, it Do you know Sujin who lives next door? Of course. She all day long. (rain) here since last year. (live) 2 hungry late cold Matt is taking medicine. It seems that. Tina is running into the classroom. It seems that. Jenny is eating too much. It seems that. 3 It seems that Sumin is baking cookies. It seems that she loves baking. pp.22~23 Fun Fashion Facts 111

The boy is too tall to go through the door. How will he get inside? It seems to me that he has to lower his head. 1. Jimin The shirt is small for Jimin wear. How will she put it on? she won t be able to wear it. 2. Suji The shirt. How will she put it on? 1. How can the tall boy go through the door? 2. Does the shirt fit Suji? 112 Unit 05

How long has your family been living in your house? We have been living there since. Do you like your house? Yes, I like it. / No, I want to move to a new house. Tell me about one of your hobbies. My hobby. How long have you been doing it? I have been doing it since. About My Friend My friend,, has been living in his/her house with his/her family since. His/Her hobby is. 1. How long have you been living in your house? 2. What is your friend s hobby? p.24 Fun Fashion Facts 113

Listen and take notes. Come and Get Your Clothes Here s a tip for this s fashion. will be the most popular color for the. We, at Tina s Clothing Store, have popular, jeans, and scarves in. Why don t you visit us today? Fill in the blanks and talk. TV Here s a tip for this (color) We, at s fashion. will be the most popular color for the. (your name) in (color) (season) (season) s Clothing Store, have. Why don t you visit us today? 114 Unit 05

Look and think. Then, say it in English. Do you think those jeans would fit me well? How do I look? Yeah, they would... That jacket... Preparation Time 15 seconds Response Time 15 seconds 1. A: Do you think those jeans would fit me well? B: 응, 넌 키가 커서 저 청바지가 잘 맞겠다. 2. A: What do you think of that T-shirt? B: 저 티셔츠는 유행이 지난 것 같아. 3. A: How do I look? B: 저 재킷은 너와 잘 어울린다. 4. A: 어떤 옷 입는 걸 좋아하니? B: I like to wear sweaters. 1. 이 티셔츠와 어울리는 청바지를 사고 싶어요. 2. 너는 패션에 대한 안목이 있어. (an eye for) Practice with your friends. Fun Fashion Facts 115

짝과 함께 보드게임을 해 봅시다. 1. 117쪽 Check Up 안의 표현의 의미를 확인하다. 2. 동전을 던져 앞면이 나오면 1칸, 뒷면이 나오면 2칸 움직인다. 3. 녹색 칸에서는 주어진 표현을 사용하여 현재 완료 진행형 문장으로 말한다. He has been playing the guitar. 흰색 칸에서는 It seems that ~ 을 활용하여 추측하는 문장을 말한다. It seems that the jacket is expensive. 4. 뱀의 꼬리가 있는 칸에서 올바른 문장을 말하면 뱀의 머리가 있는 칸으로 이동한다. 5. 먼저 FINISH에 도착한 사람이 이긴다. Unit 05 05 116 Unit

1 How about going to a(an) show this weekend? Well, I m not art these days. Then, why don t we go to a? Sounds great. 2 What s your topic for the final report? Well, I m thinking of writing about the history of fashion. Oh, it s a great topic! (that / me / it / to / seems) 3 People started makeup around 4000 B.C. in Egypt. At that time, berries and other natural ingredients were used to make the face more beautiful. It is also believed that both women and men in Egypt wore eye shadow. Women from East Asia also have been makeup since ancient times. They used rice powder on their faces to make their skin whiter. 4 He to music for three hours. Fun Fashion Facts 117

1 Words makeup fasten handkerchief wipe status ingredient social sleeve consider in order to in public be used to 2 sad sorry upset excited 3 I can t believe it. It s very delicious. Thank you, I d love to. Of course. Feel free to take it. 4 I m into singing these days. What do you do for a living? What do you like to do? What do you want to sing? What s your favorite song? 118 Unit 05

[5~6] Have you ever wondered why there are buttons on the ends of jacket sleeves? Well, this could be because of Napoleon Bonaparte. It is said that Napoleon wanted to stop his soldiers from wiping their sweat or runny noses with their jacket sleeves. So, he ordered his tailors to sew buttons on the sleeves so that the soldiers wouldn t be able to use their jacket sleeves as a(n). 5 It seems that Napoleon didn t like his soldiers bad habit. 6 jewelry makeup handkerchief accessory 7 Women love to wear jewelry. However, it was actually men who first started wearing jewelry. They did this in order to show their social status, and in order to bring good luck on the battlefield. Did you know that there are two types of jewelry? They are costume jewelry and real jewelry. How did you do? 50 Excellent 41-50 Good 31-40 Try again 16-30 Study more 0-15 Fun Fashion Facts 119

UNIT 01~05 What are you into these days? I appreciate you helping me with my homework. Why did you bring an umbrella? Excuse me, do you mind taking a picture of us? Australia is the largest country in the world. Oh no! The cookies are all burnt! It s so hot today! I can t stand hot weather. I think Lee Soon Shin is the greatest hero in Korean history. I hate hot weather! I go to the swimming pool every day.

It may rain later. Not at all. Say cheese! I m afraid that s not right. Russia is the largest. What makes you think so? Why don t you turn on the air conditioner? Speaking of hot weather, August is the hottest month in Korea. I m sorry. It s all my fault. I must have kept them in the oven too long. It seems that you really like swimming. Don t mention it. I m really into playing chess these days. UNIT 06~10