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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장





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- 2 -

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을




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328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


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바르게 읽는 성경

수능 CAT


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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~



2 Lesson A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 단원 설정 취지 새끼 거위들의 어미 역할을 하는 소녀에 대한 영화 이야기를 통해 동물에 대한 사랑과 더 나아가 동물과 인간, 환경과의 관계에 대해 생각해 보게 한다. 단원 목표 Communicative Functions 사실적 정보 묻기 Do you know how to take care of your dog? 이유 묻고 답하기 Why do you like dogs? Because they are smart and faithful. 한정하여 말하기 As far as I know, iguanas are not common pets. Grammar Points Amy Alden is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. Low fuel makes them land on a U.S. Air Force base. Period Section Page Activity Master Plan 1 Listen Listen & Speak 1 pp. 30~31 Listening to dialogs about favorite animals Having a conversation about pets 2 Listen & Speak 2 Speak in the Real World pp. 32~33 Listening to a dialog about endangered animals and doing a role-play Having a conversation about zoo animals at a zoo 3 Before Reading Reading pp. 34~35 Building background knowledge of the main text Reading the first part of the text 4 Reading p. 36 Reading the second part of the text 5 Reading After Reading pp. 37~38 Reading the last part of the text Working with comprehension check-up questions 6 Language Focus Writing 1 pp. 39~40 Reviewing vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar points Answering some questions related to grammar points 7 Writing 2 p. 41 Writing an introduction of a movie 8 Express Yourself pp. 42~43 Listening to an apartment complex announcement Reading a passage about keeping pets in an apartment Talking and writing about keeping pets in an apartment 9 Check Yourself pp. 44~45 Reviewing this lesson by answering five types of questions 10 Project Culture Link pp. 46~47 Making a storybook about abandoned animals Reading about animals as good luck symbols

1 Listen / Listen & Speak 1 pp. 30~31 학습 목표: 수업 자료:,,, Listen A Warm-up Listen and choose what the speakers are talking about. a b c Warm-up Hello, everyone. Open your books to page 28. What is the title of lesson 2? The title is A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose. What do you think the lesson is about? It s about a girl who help geese to migrate to a bird sanctuary. Now, look at the Grammar Points and Communicative Functions. They are useful grammatical structures and expressions that you will learn in this lesson. Let s read them out loud together one by one. Today, we re going to study Listen and Listen & Speak 1. First, let s start with Listen. B C Listen and Choose 1. Why does Yejin like dogs? a It is because they look so cute. b It is because they are smart and faithful. c It is because they are easy to care for. 2. How does Yejin get information about how to care for her dog? a by reading guides for pet owners b by meeting many pet owners c by searching the Internet Listen and Answer Listen and choose the most appropriate response from the box. 1. Development Listen A Warm-up 1. Listen to a dialog and choose the right picture for what they are talking about. Script B: What do you usually do in your free time? 너는 여가 시간에 보통 무엇을 하니? G: I watch movies. 나는 영화를 봐. B: Really? I like watching movies, too. 정말? 나도 영화 보는 것을 좋아해. G: What s your favorite movie of all time? 지금까지 본 것 중에 네가 제일 좋아하는 영화는 무엇이니? B: My favorite is Fiy Away Home. I love animal movies. 내가 제일 좋아하는 영화는 아름다운 비행 이야. 나는 동물 영화를 사랑해. of all time 역대, 지금껏 What is the right picture? Right, it s. They are talking about watching movies. B Listen and Choose 1. Let s move on to B. Listen to a dialog and choose the right answers to the two questions. 30 Lesson 2 Script 2. 3. a Adventure movies are my favorites. b I want to do some volunteer work there. c It is because they are exciting and good for killing time. d Well, not really. These days, many people keep them as pets. G: What s your favorite animal, Junsu? 준수야, 네가 제일 좋아하는 동물은 무엇이니? B: I like all kinds of animals. I am an animal lover. What about you, Yejin? 나는 모든 종류의 동물을 좋아해. 나는 동물 애호가야. 너는 어때, 예진아? G: My favorites are dogs. 내가 제일 좋아하는 동물은 개야. B: Why do you like them? 왜 개를 좋아하니? G: Because they are smart and faithful. 개는 영리하고 믿음직스럽기 때문이야. B: Do you have any dogs? 너는 개를 키우니? G: Sure. I have a two-year-old Boxer. 물론이야. 2살 된 복서가 있어. B: Do you know how to take care of your dog? 너는 개를 어떻게 보살피는지 아니? G: Of course. I often read guides for pet owners. 물론이지. 나는 애완동물 주인들을 위한 안내서를 자주 읽어. how + to부정사 ~하는 방법 take care of 돌보다 58 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose Listen Further 1. Why does Minju NOT have pets? a It is because she doesn t like animals. b It is because her mother doesn t want to. c It is because she doesn t have enough space for pets. 2. What foods are dangerous to pets according to the dialog? a chocolate and nuts b chocolate and orange c cake and nuts Listen and Talk Listen & Speak 1 1. Listen and check the answer to each question. Why do people love pets? they are always with us they bring joy and happiness to us What is her dog s name? Bruce Hero What does the dog like? to play with a toy to make friends 2. Complete the dialog with the answers from above and practice it with your partner. A : Do you know why people love pets? B: I think it s because (reason for loving them). A : Yes, I think so. Do you own any pets? B: Yes, I have a dog. A : What is his name? B: His name is (name of her dog). A : It s a very nice name. What does he like? B: He likes (what he likes). A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 31 나는 액션 영화를 좋아해. G: Why do you like them? 왜 액션 영화를 좋아하니? B: It is because they are exciting and good for killing time. 액션 영화는 재미있고 시간을 보내기 좋기 때문이야. G: I heard Minho owns an iguana as a pet. 나는 민호가 이구아나를 애완동물로 키우고 있다고 들었어. B: Yeah, he got it last month. 그래, 그는 지난달에 그것을 얻었어. G: As far as I know, iguanas are not common pets. 내가 알기로 이구아나는 흔한 애완동물이 아닌데. B: Well, not really. These days, many people keep them as pets. 글쎄, 실제로는 그렇지 않아. 요즘은 많은 사람들이 애완동물로 이 구아나를 키워. B: Do you know where the nearest animal shelter is? 너는 가장 가까운 동물 보호소가 어디에 있는지 아니? G: Yes. It s near Sadang station. Why? 응. 사당역 근처에 있어. 왜? B: I want to do some volunteer work there. 나는 거기서 봉사 활동을 하고 싶어. what kind of 어떤 (종류의) animal shelter 동물 보호소 Listen to the dialog again. Are you done? Let s check the answers. Good job. Teaching Tips Listen and Choose 지도 시, 한 번 듣고 문제를 푼 후 다시 한 번 들으면 서 답이 맞는지 확인하도록 하는 방법과, 한 번 들려준 후 문제를 풀게 하고 dictation sheet를 이용하여 다시 들으면서 학생들이 정리하게 하는 방법이 있다. C Listen and Answer 1. This time, you will listen to three short dialogs and choose the most appropriate responses from the box. Let s check the answers together. Script G: What kinds of movies do you like? 너는 어떤 종류의 영화를 좋아하니? B: I like action movies. Listen & Speak 1 Now, let s move on to page 31, Listen & Speak 1. Listen Further 1. Listen and find the correct answers to the questions. Script B: Do you have any pets, Minju? 민주야, 너는 애완동물을 키우니? G: No. We don t have enough space for them. 아니. 우리는 애완동물을 키울 만큼 공간이 넉넉하지 않아. B: What animal would you like to keep if possible? 만약 가능하다면 어떤 동물을 키우고 싶니? G: Well, I d like to own a cat. 음, 나는 고양이를 키우고 싶어. B: Why do you want a cat for a pet? 왜 애완동물로 고양이를 원해? G: Because they are cute and friendly. 왜냐하면 귀엽고 친근하니까. B: Oh, there s one important thing. Do you know what happens to cats and dogs when they eat chocolate? A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 59

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 아, 한 가지 중요한 것이 있어. 고양이와 개가 초콜릿을 먹으면 어떤 일 이 일어나는지 아니? G: As far as I know, they get sick. 내가 아는 바로는, 아프게 될걸. B: Right, and nuts are also dangerous to pets. 맞아, 또한 견과류도 애완동물에게 위험해. G: Thank you for the good information. 좋은 정보 고마워. get sick 병에 걸리다, 앓게 되다 thank you for ~에 감사하다 B: Yes, I have a dog. 응, 나는 개를 길러. A: What is his name? 그의 이름이 무엇이니? B: His name is Bruce. 그의 이름은 Bruce야. A: It s a very nice name. What does he like? 매우 멋진 이름이구나. 그는 무엇을 좋아하니? B: He likes to play with a toy. 장난감을 가지고 노는 것을 좋아해. Let s check the answers together. Listen and Talk 1. Listen to a monolog and check the answers. Script G: Do you know why people love pets? It is because they bring so much joy and happiness to us. I have a four-year-old dog. His name is Bruce. He s very active and strong like the Hollywood action hero. He likes to play with a toy. When I come back home from school, he jumps up on me. We walk side by side when we go out. He s a close friend to me. I love him. 너는 왜 사람들이 애완동물을 사랑하는지 아니? 우리에게 즐거움과 행 복을 가져다주기 때문이야. 나에게는 4살 된 개가 있어. 그 개의 이름 은 Bruce야. Bruce는 매우 활동적이고 할리우드 액션 영화 주인공처 럼 강해. Bruce는 장난감을 가지고 노는 것을 좋아해. 내가 학교에서 돌아오면 그는 나에게 뛰어올라.밖으로 나갈 때 우리는 나란히 걸어가. Bruce는 나에게 가까운 친구야. 나는 그 개를 사랑해. Let s check the answers together. Wrap-up Let s review today s lesson. When you want to ask and answer a reason for something, what expression can you use? Right. Why do you ~? and It s because ~. Next time, we ll do more listening and speaking activities. Bye. More for Your Class Useful Expressions for This Lesson A: What s your favorite pet? B: My favorite pet is a dog.=my favorite is a dog. =A dog is my favorite.=it s a dog.=a dog. A: Why do you like them?=what makes you like them? =What is the reason for liking them? =Do you have any reason you like them? B: It s because / Because they are smart and faithful. 3. Complete the dialog with the answers from above and practice it with your partner. Script A: Do you know why people love pets? 너는 왜 사람들이 애완동물을 사랑하는지 아니? B: I think it s because they bring joy and happiness to us. 내 생각에는 우리에게 즐거움과 행복을 주기 때문인 것 같아. A: Yes, I think so. Do you own any pets? 그래, 나도 그렇게 생각해. 너는 애완동물을 기르니? More Tips for Your Dog 1. Avocado Avocados contain persin. Large amounts of persin can be toxic to dogs. 2. Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeine Caffeine can be fatal for a dog. 3. Chocolate Chocolate, especially dark blends, can be toxic to dogs. 4. Macadamia Nuts Macadamia nuts or foods containing macadamia nuts can be fatal if dog eats them. 60 Lesson 2

2 Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real World pp. 32~33 학습 목표: 수업 자료:,,, Warm-up Today, we re going to study Listen & Speak 2 and Speak in the Real World. Open your books to page 32. Listen & Speak 2 Dialog Practice 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. Amy: These days, I am interested in polar bears. Minho: Why are you interested in them? documentary Amy: It s because I saw a film about them. The movie illustrates how climate change affected their lives. Minho: Yeah, I heard the same thing from environmentalists. Amy: As far as I know, it s really serious. Minho: Right. Do you know any way to help them? Amy: One simple way is saving electricity. Minho: I see. Development 2. Listen again and check your answers. Then, practice the dialog with your partner. Listen & Speak 2 Role-play Dialog Practice 1. First, read the dialog in the box. Can you guess the words for the blanks? Do a role-play with the information below. a penguins oil spill my dad helping clean up the oil spill b zoo animals visitors zoo keepers being careful not to feed them c d Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. birds destroyed forest animal lovers recycling paper Your Own Dialog G: These days, I am interested in polar bears. 요즘, 나는 북극곰에 관심이 있어. B: Why are you interested in them? 왜 북극곰에 관심이 있니? G: It s because I saw a documentary film about them. The movie illustrates how climate change affected their lives. 그것들에 대한 다큐멘터리 영화를 봤기 때문이야. 그 영화는 기후 변화 가 어떻게 그들의 삶에 영향을 미쳤는지를 보여 줘. B: Yeah, I heard the same thing from environmentalists. 응, 나도 환경 보호론자들에게서 똑같은 얘기를 들었어. G: As far as I know, it s really serious. 내가 아는 바로는, 그것은 매우 심각한 일이야. B: Right. Do you know any way to help them? 맞아. 너는 그것들을 도울 방법을 알고 있니? G: One simple way is saving electricity. 한 가지 간단한 방법은 전기를 아끼는 거야. B: I see. 알겠어. these days 요즘에 be interested in ~에 관심이 있다. 3. Are you done? Good. Let s check the answers while watching the video clip. 4. Practice the dialog with your partner. Role-play 1. Let s do a role-play with the information below. Look at the dialog cues to practice. Choose one of the roles in the dialog and practice the dialog with your partner by substituting the cues for the pink-colored parts. Are you ready? Let s get started. Script 32 Lesson 2 G: These days, I am interested in penguins / zoo animals / birds. 요즘, 나는 펭귄들 / 동물원의 동물들 / 새들에 관심이 있어. B: Why are you interested in them? 왜 그것들에 관심이 있니? G: It s because I saw a documentary film about them. The movie illustrates how oil spill / visitors / destroyed forest affected their lives. 그것들에 대한 다큐멘터리 영화를 봤기 때문이야. 그 영화는 기름 유 출 / 방문객들 / 파괴된 숲이 어떻게 그것들의 삶에 영향을 미쳤는지를 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 61

Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real World pp. 32~33 보여 줘. Speak in the Real World B: Yeah, I heard the same thing from my dad / zoo keepers / animal lovers. 응, 나도 아빠 / 동물원 사육사들 / 동물 애호가들에게서 똑같은 얘기를 들었어. At a Zoo 1. Talk with your partner about the animals you want to know more about. G: As far as I know, it s really serious. 내가 아는 바로는, 그것은 매우 심각한 일이야. B: Right. Do you know any way to help them? 맞아. 너는 그것들을 도울 방법을 알고 있니? G: One simple way is helping clean up the oil spill / being careful not to feed them / recycling paper. Talk about it! 한 가지 간단한 방법은 유출된 기름을 치우는 것을 도와주는 / 그것들에 게 먹이를 주지 않도록 주의하는 / 종이를 재활용하는 거야. Which animal do you want to know better? Why did you choose that animal? What information did you get from your partner? B: I see. 알겠어. 2. Check the conversation below. 2. 대화에 들어갈 정보를 스스로 만들어 대화 완성하기 A : Hello. I am a zoo keeper for today s tour. The tour begins at the Elephant Exhibit. We have six elephants here. Do you know where they are from? Now, make your own cues and complete the dialog. B: They re from Africa, aren t they? A : Actually, only two of them are from Africa. The rest of them are from India. B: Do they have names? 3. 발표하기 I d like you to volunteer for your dialog presentation. Who will be Amy? Who will be Minho? Sample Dialog : G: These days, I am interested in elephants. A : Sure. This is Tembo. She is an African elephant. She is about 37 years old. B: How long do elephants live? A : Usually they live 40 50 years in the wild and 65 80 years in the zoo. B: Wow, I didn t know they live much longer in the zoo. 3. Make your own dialog and do a role-play with your partner. B : Why are you interested in them? G: It s because I saw a documentary film about them. The movie illustrates how elephant ivory trades affected their lives. B : Yeah, I heard the same thing from my biology teacher. G: As far as I know, it s really serious. B : Right. Do you know any way to help them? G: One simple way is never buying ivory products. B : I see. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose with your partner while answering the questions. 3. 동영상을 본 후, 자신의 경험에 대해 대화하기 Now, watch the video clip and think of the situation where you are at a zoo. Have you been guided by a zoo keeper or a guide at the zoo? Talk about your experience. Script Speak in the Real World Look at page 33. In this section, you will listen to a conversation happening at a zoo and watch the video clip. And then, make your own dialog. 1. 사진을 보고 장소와 상황에 대해 추측하기 Look at the picture. Where do you think the elephants are? They are at a zoo. What is the man doing? I guess he is talking about the elephants. Then who s the man? He is a zoo keeper, I think. 2. 더 알고 싶은 동물에 대해 짝과 이야기하기 Read the questions in the picture and talk about them 62 Lesson 2 A: Hello. I am a zoo keeper for today s tour. The tour begins at the Elephant Exhibit. We have six elephants here. Do you know where they are from? 안녕하세요. 저는 오늘 투어를 담당한 사육사입니다. 투어는 코끼리 전 시관 에서부터 시작됩니다. 여기에는 6마리의 코끼리가 있습니다. 코끼 리들이 어디에서 왔는지 알고 있나요? B: They re from Africa, aren t they? 아프리카에서 왔어요, 그렇지 않나요? A: Actually, only two of them are from Africa. The rest of them are from India. 사실, 그들 중 2마리만 아프리카에서 왔어요. 나머지는 인도에서 왔어요. B: Do they have names? 코끼들이 이름이 있나요? A: Sure. This is Tembo. She is an African elephant. She 33

Lesson 2 Lesson A Girl Becomes 1 Schools a Mother for Your Goose Job is about 37 years old. 물론이에요. 이쪽은 Tembo입니다. 암컷인데 아프리카 코끼리예요. 37살 정도 되었어요. B: How long do elephants live? 코끼리들은 얼마나 오래 사나요? A: Usually they live 40-50 years in the wild and 65-80 years in the zoo. 보통 야생에서 40~50년 정도 살고 동물원에서는 65~80년 정도 살 아요. B: Wow, I didn t know they live much longer in the zoo. 와, 저는 코끼리들이 동물원에서 훨씬 더 오래 산다는 것을 몰랐어요. how long~? 얼마나, 오래 4. Make your own dialog based on your experience and then role-play the conversation with your partner. Top Grossing Animal Movies (other than dog) of All Time 1. King Kong (2005) (gorilla) - $218,051,260 2. Free Willy (1993) (killer whale) - $77,698,625 3. March of the Penguins (2005) (penguin) - $77,437,223 4. The Black Stallion (1979) (horse) - $37,799,643 5. Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005) (horse) - $32,751,093 6. The Bear (1988) (bear) - $31,753,898 7. Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995) (killer whale) - $30,077,111 Climate Change and Animals Teaching Tips - 먼저 학생들에게 사진을 보여 주며 동물원임을 인지시킨 후, 동물원에 가 본 경험에 대해 이야기하게 한다. 특히 동물원에서 흥미롭게 본 동물이나 동물 원에서 가장 보고 싶은 동물 등에 대해 이야기하게 한 후 Talk about it!에 있 는 질문에 답하게 한다. - 동물의 구체적인 특징에 대해 이야기하고 있는 대화문이므로 학생들이 대화 를 스스로 만들어 대화를 완성하는 활동을 하기 전에 대화에 사용할 정보들 을 미리 조사하여 정확하고 유용한 정보를 가지고 활동하도록 한다. Wrap-up Today, we ve practiced asking a reason for something and answering it in the sample dialog about animals. We also did a role-play. We talked using the expression, as far as I know, too. Next time, we will study the reading section. It s a movie about a girl who becomes a mother goose. See you next class. More for Your Class Top Grossing Dog Movies of All Time 1. Marley & Me (2008) - $142,992,475 2. 101 Dalmatians (1996) - $136,189,294 3. Cats & Dogs (2001) - $93,385,515 4. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) - $92,072,613 5. Eight Below (2006) - $81,612,565 As temperatures continue to rise, animals will be affected by climate change. They will be forced to change the way to live or move to new areas, or they will disappear because they can t find the type of home or food they need. Many birds have already moved up the start of their annual migrations by up to three weeks in response to rising temperatures. Some other wildlife began behaving differently than normal, and some types of animals have perished. For example, tens of thousands of Adelie penguins have died in the Antarctic. Ice no longer extends far enough into the sea for them. So, they can t find breeding grounds. In another case, the polar bear relies on Arctic ice to hunt seals. But a record loss of ice makes bears spend more time on land or drown at sea. Some fish can t live in too-hot water and won t be able to find refuge places. Walruses and gray whales in the Bering Sea near Alaska already are finding less of their traditional prey because fish normally found in warmer waters are moving in. Sea turtles are affected throughout their lives by climate change. Their sex is determined by the temperature of the sand. Cooler sand produces males, and too-hot sand produces females only. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 63

3 Before Reading / Reading pp. 34~35 학습 목표: Before Reading A Look at the posters for movies and discuss the common things of the three movies. 수업 자료:,, Warm-up Open your books to page 34. Today, we re going to do some activities before you read the main text and then read the first part of the main text. First, before we start reading, guess what we re going to read. Then, let s start with Before Reading. Free Willy (1993) Fly Away Home (1996) B Look at the pictures and guess the story of the film. Hatchi (2009) Development Before Reading A Look at the posters for movies and discuss the common things of the three movies. 1. Look at the three movie posters. Can you read the titles? Have you seen the movies? Find the common things of the movies looking at the movie posters. 34 Lesson 2 Are you done? Compare the answers with your partner s. Sample Answer : 1. One of the main characters in the movies is an animal. 2. All the movies look like animal adventure movies. 3. All the movies may have touching stories. B Look at the pictures and guess the story of the film. 1. Here are four pictures. They are the scenes of the movie, Fly Away Home. Look at the pictures and then guess what the story is about. Are you done with the story? I d like someone to present your story and share it with us. Any volunteers? Sample Answer : Geese eggs hatch and the baby geese think a girl as their mother. The girl takes care of the baby geese. She learns how to fly a plane and teaches the birds to fly by making them follow her in her plane. Finally, the geese fly with her. Reading Let s move on to the main text. Have you seen a movie, Fly Away Home? This text is an outline of the film. 1. Look at the picture in your books. What is the girl doing in the picture? Can you guess what the reading passages are about? Let s study the new words. Listen to the pronunciations of the words and repeat after them. [ New Words ] miserable a. very unhappy, depressing abandon v. to leave completely barn n. a building for storing hay, grain, etc. hatch v. ( ) to come out of the egg by breaking the shell imprint v. to fix firmly on the memory migration n., the act of animals moving from one place to another 64 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose Reading A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose: Fly Away Home come across, imprint on A as B stick to, 4. Read again and find what the main idea is. One rainy night in New Zealand, 13-year-old Amy Alden played by Anna Paquin is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. Amy is taken to her new home in Ontario, Canada, by her father who is an inventor, Thomas Alden played by Jeff Daniels. She thinks her new life is miserable until she comes across abandoned goose eggs in a destroyed forest. She puts the eggs in her father s old barn and they hatch while imprinting on her as their mother. Because geese learn everything from their mother, they will not survive the winter unless Amy can teach them a migration route. Otherwise they must have their wings cut in order to stay in the house. Amy and her father, Thomas, attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane. No matter how many times they try, the geese prefer to stick close to Amy. Thomas builds a new aircraft with wings and a head that look like a goose s for Amy. She learns how to fly the plane. To everyone s joy, when Amy flies, the geese follow her in flight. Q 1. What does Amy do with goose eggs in a destroyed forest? 2. How do Thomas and Amy attempt to teach the birds to fly? miserable[ ] abandon[ ] barn[ ] hatch[ ] imprint[imprint] migration[ ] A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 35 5 10 15 5. Let s check the structures. [ Structures ] One rainy night in New Zealand, 13-year-old Amy Alden played by Anna Paquin is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. She puts the eggs in her father s old barn and they hatch while imprinting on her as their mother., Amy and her father, Thomas, attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane.,, No matter how many times they try, the geese prefer to stick close to Amy. Translation 어느 비 오는 밤 뉴질랜드에서, Anna Paquin이 연기한 13살의 Amy Alden 은 엄마와 함께 자동차 사고를 당하고 엄마가 그 사고로 죽는다. Jeff Daniel이 연기한 발명가 아버지 Thomas Alden이 Amy를 캐나다 온타리오에 있는 새 가정으로 데려온다. 그녀는 파괴된 숲에서 버려진 거위 알들을 우연히 발견하 기 전까지 자신의 새 인생이 비참하다고 생각한다. 그녀는 아버지의 오래된 헛 간으로 거위 알을 가져오고 알들이 부화하면서 그녀를 어미로 각인한다. 거위 들은 모든 것을 어미에게서 배우기 때문에 Amy가 거위에게 철새의 이동 경로 를 가르쳐 주지 않으면 그 겨울을 버텨내지 못할 것이다. 그렇지 않고 집에 남 아 있으려면 날개를 잘라 내야 한다. Amy와 그녀의 아버지 Thomas는 거위들이 비행기에 탄 그를 따라오게 함 으로써 나는 것을 가르치려고 시도한다. 아무리 여러 번 시도해 보아도, 거위들 은 Amy한테 바싹 붙어 있는 것을 더 좋아한다. Thomas는 Amy를 위해 거위 의 것처럼 보이는 머리와 날개가 있는 새 비행기를 만든다. 그녀는 비행기를 모 는 방법을 배운다. 모두가 기쁘게도, Amy가 날자 거위들도 그녀를 따라 날아 오른다. 6. Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Answer : More Questions 1. She takes the eggs to her father s old barn and makes them hatch. 2. Thomas and Amy attempt to teach the birds to fly by making the birds follow him in his plane. 1. How old is Amy Alden when her mother dies? She is thirteen years old. 2. What does Amy s father, Thomas build for Amy? He builds a new aircraft with wings and a head that look like a goose. 3. Now, read the text silently and check any unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] be involved in~ Wrap-up All of you did a good job. Next class, we will read the second part of the text and see what happens to the girl and the geese. See you. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 65

4 차시 Reading p. 36 학습 목표: ➊ 그림을 보고 읽기 지문의 내용을 예측할 수 있다. ➋ 제시된 새로운 어휘와 표현을 익힐 수 있다. ➌ 읽기 지문을 읽으면서 그 내용을 이해할 수 있다. Amy and Thomas set off on their journey to help the geese migrate to a bird sanctuary in North Carolina, USA. After crossing Lake Ontario, low fuel makes them land on a U.S. 수업 자료: textbook, computer, CD-ROM Air Force base and almost get arrested. After they tell their story, however, they are welcomed and allowed to stay the night. The following morning, their amazing journey becomes national news. However, thirty miles before reaching the bird sanctuary, 5 Thomas aircraft crashes in a field. Warm-up Amy: Are you okay? Last class, we read the first page of Reading. Today, we re going to continue to read the text and find what happens to the girl and the geese after that. Open your books to page 36. Dad: ( panting) Uh. Whew! Amy: What are we gonna do now? How will we get there by sundown? 10 Dad: Ah! I think I ve dislocated my shoulder. Look, you re going to have to take them the rest of the way. Amy: Can t we both go in my plane? Dad: Amy, I can t ride with you. There isn t enough fuel for both of us. You can do it. Amy: I can t find my way without you. 15 Development Reading 1. 그림을 보고 본문 내용 추측하기 Look at the picture. Guess what s going on in the text. 2. 새로운 어휘 학습하기 Q First, let s learn the new words at the bottom. 1. What makes Amy and Thomas land on a U.S. Air Force base? 2. How far is it from the field to the bird sanctuary? [ New Words ] journey n. 여행 traveling sanctuary n. (조수) 보호 구역 a place where birds or animals are protected fuel n. 연료 a substance such as oil, gas, or coal that produces heat arrest v. 체포하다 to seize a person by legal authority pant v. (숨을) 헐떡거리다 to breathe quickly and loudly dislocate v. 탈골하다 to move out of the position of bones journey[ ] sanctuary[ ] pant[ ] dislocate[ ] fuel[ ] arrest[ ] 36 Lesson 2 Translation Amy와 Thomas는 미국 노스캐롤라이나에 있는 조류 보호 구역으로 거위들 이 이동하는 것을 돕기 위한 여행을 떠난다. 온타리오 호를 건넌 뒤 그들은 연료 가 부족하여 미국 공군 기지에 착륙해 거의 체포당할 뻔한다. 그러나 자신들의 이야기를 한 뒤 환영을 받았고 그날 밤 거기에 머물러도 좋다는 허락을 받는다. 다음 날 아침 그들의 놀라운 여행이 전국적인 뉴스가 된다. 하지만 조류 보호 구 역을 30마일 앞두고 Thomas의 비행기가 들판에 추락한다. 3. 본문을 읽고 표현 정리하기 Amy: 괜찮으세요? Dad : (숨을 헐떡이며) 어. 휴! Amy: 이제 우리 어떻게 해요? 우리 어떻게 해 지기 전까지 거기에 가죠? Dad : 아! 내 어깨가 탈골된 것 같구나. 자, 네가 거위들을 데리고 나머지 길을 가야 해. Amy: 제 비행기에 타고 우리 둘 다 가면 안 돼요? Dad : Amy, 난 너랑 같이 탈 수 없단다. 우리 둘 다 탈 만큼 연료가 충분치 않 아. 넌 할 수 있어. Amy: 아빠가 없으면 저는 길을 찾을 수 없어요. Now, read the text silently and check any unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] set off : (여행을) 출발하다 be gonna : ~할 것이다(= be going to) 4. 본문을 다시 읽고 중심 내용 파악하기 This time, read the text aloud and find out what s a main event in the text. Amy and her father start their journey to help their geese migrate, and Thomas aircraft crashes in a field. Then, what s going on in the movie script? Right. Amy s father gets hurt and persuades her to take the geese the rest of the way. 66 Lesson 2 5. 구문 확인하기 Let s check the structures. [ Structures ] Amy and Thomas set off on their journey to help the geese migrate to a bird sanctuary in North Carolina,

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose USA., After crossing Lake Ontario, low fuel makes them land on a U.S. Air Force base and almost get arrested.,,,, 6. Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Answer : 1. Low fuel makes them land on a U.S. Air Force base. 2. It s 30 miles to the bird sanctuary. dunno = don t know e.g. I dunno what s going on. = I don t know what s going on. cause, cos, cus = because e.g. cause I love you = because I love you ain t = am not / are not / is not / have not / has not e.g. You ain t going anywhere. = You are not going anywhere. I ain t marching anymore. = I am not marching anymore. He ain t mean. = He is not mean. You ain t seen anything yet. = You have not seen anything yet. ya=you e.g. Good to see ya again. = Good to see you again. More Questions 1. What is the purpose of Amy and Thomas journey? It is to help the geese migrate to a bird sanctuary in North Carolina, USA. 2. What happens to Thomas after his plane crashes? He dislocates his shoulder. Teaching Tips 본문에 해당하는 부분의 영화 속 장면을 편집하여 학생들에게 보여 주고 영화의 자막을 보지 않은 채 들어보도록 함으로써 학생들의 수업에 대한 흥미도를 높이 고, 동시에 읽기와 듣기가 통합된 영어 학습을 가능하게 할 수 있다. Wrap-up Today, we read a movie script. What story is going in the script? Amy s father got hurt and he told her to go on the journey by herself. OK. That s all for today. Next class, we will keep reading the rest part of the text. Have a good day. See you next class. More for Your Class 구어체에 자주 등장하는 영어의 축약형 gonna = going to e.g. We re gonna start. = We are going to start. wanna = want to e.g. I wanna drink a coffee. = I want to drink a coffee. gotta = have got to = have to e.g. I gotta go. = I ve got to go. = I have to go. Script for a Scene of the Movie Dad: Suppose I built another aircraft. And then taught Amy how to fly it. Susan: What? Dad: Look, the birds will fly with her, she ll fly with me. I could lead them all south. Susan: You re joking, right? She nearly broke her neck yesterday. Dad: I know. Susan: This is a joke, right? Dad: No. Amy: No, it s not. Dad: No. Amy: It s a great idea. We can make it work. You know. The birds follow me, I follow you. We all go south. It s brilliant. I knew you could think of something. Susan: It s the most stupid, irresponsible, harebrained scheme I ve ever heard! Dad: It s the only way they ll fly with her. That s the way it works. Susan: What is wrong with you? Dad: I thought you liked the geese. Susan: I do like the geese! Dad: Look, it s a lot more dangerous for her to get in my truck and go down the expressway. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 67

5 Reading / After Reading pp. 37~38 학습 목표: 수업 자료:,, Warm-up Hello, everyone. Today, we re going to read the last part of the story. Look at page 37. Development Reading 1. Let s learn the new words at the bottom of the page. [ New Words ] townspeople n., the people who live in a town or city environmentalist n. a person who is concerned with the environment bulldoze v. to destroy something using a bulldozer disappointment n. the state of feeling disappointed Dad: Yes, you can. Because you re so much like your mother. She was brave, you know. Q She went off and followed her dream even when nobody helped her. You ve got that strength in you too, Amy. Amy: I wish she were here now. Dad: She is. She s right next to you. She s in the geese. She s in the sky. She s all around you. And she won t let you down. Amy: I can t leave you here. You re hurt. Dad: Yes, you can. I want you to go. You take that plane, those geese, and you fly away. Amy: (hugging Dad) Bye, Dad. Amy takes off alone and begins to head toward the sanctuary. While waiting for Amy, her father, his friends, townspeople and many environmentalists stand up to the developers who start bulldozing the sanctuary. Amy finally appears with the geese and lands safely, much to the joy of the environmentalists and Amy s family, but to the disappointment of the developers. Her geese flock happily to their new winter home. In the following spring, Amy s flock took off and headed north on their own. All 16 geese returned to Amy s home. 1. Who stands up to the developers? 2. What happened in the following spring? townspeople[ ] environmentalist[ à ] bulldoze[b ld uz] disappointment[ ] flock[flak] A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 37 5 10 15 flock n., a group of birds Now, read the text silently and check any unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] let ~ down : ~ stand up to : ~ 3. Read the text aloud and find the main idea in the text. 4. Let s check the structures. [ Structures ] Yes, you can. Because you re so much like your mother. :,, Yes,, I wish she were here now. :, ( ). Translation Dad : 아니, 넌 할 수 있어. 너는 네 엄마와 너무 많이 닮았거든. 너도 알다시 피, 네 엄마는 용감했단다. 엄마는 아무도 도와주지 않을 때조차도 자신 의 꿈을 쫓아 떠났단다. 너한테도 그런 힘이 있어, Amy. Amy: 지금 엄마가 여기에 계시면 좋을텐데. Dad : 여기에 계신단다. 바로 네 옆에 계셔. 네 엄마는 거위들 안에도 계셔. 하 늘에도 계셔. 네 근처 어디든지 다 계신단다. 그리고 네 엄마는 너를 실 망시키지 않을 거야. Amy: 아빠를 여기에 두고 떠날 수 없어요. 다치셨잖아요. Dad : 아니, 그래도 돼. 난 네가 갔으면 한다. 저 비행기와 저 거위들을 데리고 날아가렴. Amy: (아빠를 껴안으며) 안녕, 아빠. Amy가 혼자 이륙해 보호 구역을 향하기 시작한다. Amy를 기다리는 동안, 아버지와 그의 친구들, 마을 사람들, 그리고 많은 환경 보호론자들이 보호구 역을 불도저로 밀기 시작한 개발업자들과 대치하고 있다. 환경 보호론자들과 Amy의 가족들에게는 너무나 기쁘게도, 그러나 개발업자들에게는 너무나 실망 스럽게도, Amy가 마침내 거위들과 나타나 안전하게 착륙한다. 그녀의 거위들 은 즐겁게 자신들의 새 겨울 서식지로 몰려든다. 이듬해 봄, Amy의 거위 떼는 스스로 서식지를 떠나 북쪽으로 향한다. 열여섯 마리 거위 모두가 Amy의 집으로 돌아온다. While waiting for Amy, the developers who start bulldozing the sanctuary. : 68 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose After Reading A Rearrange the sentences in the time order. Amy and Thomas set off for the bird sanctuary to help the geese migrate but Thomas Amy and Thomas teach the aircraft crashed in a field. geese to fly by making them follow the plane. In the following spring, all Amy takes off alone toward 16 geese returned to Amy s the sanctuary and lands Amy finds goose eggs in a home. safely. destroyed forest and they hatch. B Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box to summarize the reading text. bird sanctuary geese Amy Alden Canada Fly Away Home is a family adventure movie. Anna Paquin stars in it and plays Amy Alden. The main setting is her father s farm house in Ontario, Canada. The movie is about a girl who tries to help her geese migrate to a bird sanctuary in America by plane. At the end, Amy lands safely on the bird sanctuary and the geese return home in the following spring. 1 Amy is taken to her father s house in Canada from New Zealand. After Reading A Rearrange the sentences in the time order. 1. Rearrange the sentences in the time order of the story. Are you done? Let s check the answer. C Check True or False. 38 Lesson 2 1. Amy enjoyed her new life when she came to her father s house. 2. Baby geese consider Amy as their mother. 3. When Thomas and Amy land on a U.S. Air Force base, they get arrested. 4. Amy reaches the bird sanctuary safely on time. T F ( ),.. 5. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Answer : 1. Thomas, his friends, townspeople and many environmentalists stand up to the developers. 2. In the following spring, Amy s flock took off and headed north on their own. All 16 geese returned to Amy s home. B Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box to summarize the reading text. 1. Fill in the blanks. Translation 아름다운 비행 은 가족 모험 영화이다. Anna Paquin이 그 영화의 주인공인 Amy Alden역을 연기한다. 영화의 주 무대는 캐나다 온타리오에 있는 그녀 아 버지의 농가이다. 영화는 미국에 있는 조류 보호 구역으로 자신의 거위들을 이 동시키려 애쓰는 한 소녀에 대한 이야기이다. 마지막에 Amy는 조류 보호 구역 에 안전하게 착륙하고 거위들은 이듬해 봄에 다시 집으로 돌아온다. Let s check the answers together. C Check True or False. 1. Check whether the sentence is true or false. More Questions 1. What is the most appropriate sentence that describes the character of Amy s mother? She was brave. 2. What does Dad want Amy to do by herself? He wants her to take the plane and the geese and fly away. Let s check the answers. Wrap-up You did very well. Next class, we will study Language Focus and Writing 1. Bye. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 69

6 Language Focus / Writing 1 pp. 39~40 학습 목표: 수업 자료:,, Language Focus Vocabulary 1. stay the night stay home stay calm 2. set off on a journey make a journey break a journey Warm-up Today, open your books to pages 39 and 40. We re going to study vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar of this lesson. Also, we ll answer the Check-up questions. Let s start with Language Focus on page 39. Fill in each blank to complete the sentence. 1. The teacher tells students to stay calm. 2. Junsu and his father set off on a journey to Africa. Useful Expressions 1. To everyone s joy, when Amy flies, the geese follow her in flight. 2. She won t let you down. 3. Many environmentalists stand up to the developers. Development Language Focus Vocabulary 1. First, let s learn the collocations of the words, stay and journey in Vocabulary. stay is a verb and journey is a noun. Read aloud the collocations in number 1 and 2. 1. He can t stand up to his father. 2. Jane decided to go to college because she didn t want to let her mother down. 3. To his joy, he could finish his homework. Grammar Fill in each blank to complete the sentence. 1. Amy Alden is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. Many environmentalists stand up to the developers who start bulldozing the sanctuary. 2. Amy and her father, Thomas, attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane. Low fuel makes them land on a U.S. Air Force base. cf. I have[let] her take any class. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 39 Now, let s do the Check-up questions. Fill in each blank to complete the sentence. Are you done? What are the best words for the blanks?. 2.. Teaching Tips 학생들에게 stay와 journey가 사용되는 연어의 다른 예를 찾아오도록 해서 발표하게 하거나, 수업 시간에 전자사전이나 인터넷 검색을 통해 찾아보도록 해 좀 더 많은 연어를 학습할 수 있도록 유도한다. Useful Expressions 1. Let s go over the Useful Expressions in lesson 2. 1. to one s joy e.g. To my disappoinment, she broke her word again.,. 2. let ~ down e.g. I don t want to let you down again.. 3. stand up to e.g. Only brave men can stand up to more powerful people than themselves.. Let s do the Check-up questions. Fill in each blank to complete the sentence., Grammar 1. Now, let s review the grammar that we ve studied in the reading section. 70 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose Writing 1 Grammar Check-up in Writing A. Choose the appropriate word form to complete each sentence. 1. The girl made the geese ( follow / to follow ) her. 2. Mom has him ( clean / cleaned ) his room. 3. I let my children ( sing / singing ) loud for all to hear. B. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word. 1. The man is my English teacher. + He has traveled to many cities in America. The man is my English teacher, who has traveled to many cities in America. Writing 1 Grammar Check-up in Writing A Choose the appropriate word form to complete each sentence. 1. Choose a more suitable word form in each sentence. 2. I know a famous actress, Jumi Han. + She lives next to my house. I know a famous actress, Jumi Han, who lives next to my house. Let s check the answers. Grammar in Context Complete the text by rearranging the sets of words in order. For many of us, pets are faithful friends (A) laugh / who / us / make and keep us company. Their friendship warms our hearts and lights up our daily lives. Some of them are willing to take a risk to protect our young children and us, (B) danger / who / are / in. Also, we love and help our pets. Some people spend a lot of money to save their pet s life. Some people are trying to protect the endangered animals. B Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word. 1. There are two sentences in each question. We can combine two sentences into one sentence. Fill in the blank with an appropriate relative pronoun.,, 40 Lesson 2 Are you done? Let s check the answers together. 1. e.g. I saw the boy who was playing soccer in the park.. 2.,,,, e.g. His boss had him finish his project. He made me dance for him.. My dad wouldn t let me drive his car.. Grammar in Context 1. Complete the text by rearranging the words. Translation 많은 사람에게, 애완동물은 우리를 웃게 하고 우리와 함께 있어주는 충성스 런 친구이다. 그들의 우정은 우리의 가슴을 따뜻하게 하고 우리 일상을 밝혀 준 다. 그들 중 몇몇은 위험에 처한 우리의 어린 자녀와 우리를 보호하기 위해 기 꺼이 위험을 무릅쓴다. 우리도 또한 애완동물을 사랑하고 돕는다. 어떤 사람들 은 애완동물의 목숨을 구하기 위해 많은 돈을 쓴다. 또, 어떤 사람들은 멸종 위 기의 동물들을 보호하려고 애쓴다. Are you done? Let s check the answers. Answer : (A) who make us laugh (B) who are in danger Wrap-up Let s wrap up today s lesson. Today, we ve studied Language Focus and Writing 1. I hope you will go over the expressions and structures at home. Bye. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 71

7 Writing 2 p. 41 학습 목표: Writing 2 수업 자료:,, Step 1 Brainstorm Write the titles of the movies you ve seen. Warm-up Open your books to page 41. Today, we re going to do some writing activities. They are about movies you ve seen or your favorite movies. Development Writing 2 STEP 1 Brainstorm 1. Think of the movies you ve seen and write the titles in the box. Sample Answer : Ice Age 4, The Dark Knight Rises, Mission Impossible, Lion King, Harry Potter, The King s Speech Compare your movie titles with your partner s and talk about the movies. Step 2 Step 3 Prepare Choose one of the movies you ve written. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the title of the movie? (title) 2. What kind of movie is it? (genre) 3. Who is starring in it? (actor/actress) 4. Where / When was the movie filmed? (setting) 5. What is the movie about? / What happens in the movie? (story/plot) Write Write an introduction of your favorite movie. Fly Away Home the title It is a family adventure movie. kind of movie It was released in 1996. the year of release Anna Paquin is starring in it. main actor/actress It takes place in her father s farm house in Canada. It is setting about a girl who tries to help her geese migrate south plot by plane. the title It is a. kind of movie It was released in. the year of release is(are) starring in it. main actor/actress It takes place in(at/on). setting It is about who(that) plot A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 41. STEP 2 Prepare 1. What is the best movie you ve ever watched? Choose one of the movies you ve written. Then, think about the questions in Step 2. Answer the following questions in a full sentence. You can use the answers in Step 3, Write. Sample Answer 1 : 1. The title is The King s Speech. 2. It is a history movie. 3. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are starring in it. 4. It takes place in Britain. 5. It is about King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, who gets over his speech problem with the help of a speech therapist and their friendship. Sample Answer 2 : 1. The title is Harry Potter. 2. It s a fantasy movie. 3. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are starring in it. 4. It takes place in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly. 5. It is about Harry and his friends who overcome the Dark Wizard. STEP 3 Write 1. Look at the sample writing on the left. You can fill in the underlined parts with the answers of Step 2 and complete the writing, or you can fill in them with the things of your most favorite movie. Sample Writing 1 : It s a history movie. kind of movie It was released in 2010. The King s Speech the year of release the title Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are starring in it. main actor / actress 72 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose It takes place in Britain. It is about King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, who gets over his speech problem with the help of a speech therapist and their friendship. Sample Writing 2 : It s a fantasy movie. kind of movie It was released in 2001. Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are starring in it. It takes place in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly. It is about Harry and his friends who overcome the Dark Wizard. setting the year of release the title main actor / actress,, Are you done with the writing? Let s share your writing with the class. Any volunteers? Teaching Tips plot setting - 수준별 수업의 일환으로, beginners를 위해서는 Step 3에 있는 예시를 토 대로 Step 2의 질문에 답을 써 보게 하거나 공책에 Step 2의 답을 순서대로 써 보게 한 후 예시 정답과 비교해 보도록 할 수 있다. 또는 2명이 짝 활동으 plot 로 영화 하나를 정해, 서로 도와 가며 Step 2를 작성한 후 Step 3를 완성하 여 발표하게 할 수도 있다. - Beginners를 위해 아래와 같이 본문의 내용을 활용하여 다소 익숙한 내용의 예시를 제시해 줄 수 있다. <Sample Answers for Beginners> 1. The title is Fly Away Home. 2. It is a family adventure movie. 3. Anna Paquin and Jeff Daniels are starring in it. 4. It was filmed in her father s farmhouse in Canada. 5. It is about a girl who teaches geese fo fly by making them follow her in her plane. Wrap-up Today, we did some writing activities. First, we wrote the titles of some movies, and next we wrote the answers to the given questions about a movie you had chosen. Finally, we wrote an introduction of your favorite movie. Next class, we will study Express Yourself. See you next class. More for Your Class Writing Clinic e.g. The following morning, their amazing journey becomes national news.,,,,,,, e.g. I went to the Banana Growers Conference in London last weekend. I prefer to watch the BBC news.,,,,,,, e.g. Do you have any time on Monday?,,,, e.g. Can you speak Russian? They are not American but Canadian. e.g. Have you spoken to Vice Presedent Jane yet? George Washington was the first president of the United States.,,,, e.g. The Old Man and the Sea A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 73

8 Express Yourself pp. 42~43 학습 목표: 수업 자료:,, Express Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. Listening 1. Who is the man talking to? He is talking to pet owners living in the apartment building. 2. What is the man talking about? He is talking about a few things that pet owners should keep in mind. Warm-up Today, we re going to study pages 42 and 43. In this section, we will do four kinds of activities related to four skills. Let s get started. Development Experss Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. You re going to listen to a monolog. Listen carefully and answer the questions. Script M: Pet owners, may I have your attention, please? This is the management. In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for our residents, I d like to remind you of a few things. Residents in all our apartments want their neighbors to be quiet. Please don t let your pet disturb your neighbors. When you take your pet on walks, keep the animal on a leash and also bring a pet waste bag with you. Nobody wants any harm or damage that is petrelated. Never let your pet out alone. Thank you. 애완동물을 키우는 분들, 잠시 주목해 주시겠습니까? 관리소입니다. 입주자 분들에게 안전하고 건강한 환경을 제공하기 위해, 몇 가지 사 항을 다시 한 번 알려드리겠습니다. 저희 아파트의 모든 입주자 분들은 이웃들이 조용하기를 바랍니다. 부디 애완동물들이 이웃들을 방해하 지 않게 해 주십시오. 애완동물을 산책시킬 때는, 애완동물을 줄로 묶 어 주시고, 애완동물 쓰레기봉투도 가지고 다니십시오. 누구도 애완동 물과 관련된 피해나 손상을 원하지 않습니다. 절대 애완동물을 혼자 내 보내지 마십시오. 감사합니다. 42 Lesson 2 B Read and answer the questions. I think keeping my pet in my apartment gives me both benefits and difficulties. I live in a small apartment. Before I got my pet, I felt lonely. I didn t have a chance to meet neighbors. Now, I don t feel lonely because I am always with my pet. Besides, I get a chance to meet other people because my pet leads me to them around my apartment building. Also, I get out more and get more exercise because I have to walk my pet. However, there are some difficulties. I have to keep him quiet and be careful when I walk with him. It might disturb my neighbors. In addition, there are some residents who think it is not good for their health to have pets around their apartment. Reading 1. What is the topic of the passage? the benefits and difficulties of keeping your pet in your apartment 2. Write benefits and difficulties of keeping a pet in the apartment. ⑴ Benefits : ⑵ Difficulties : Read the passage and answer the questions. Translation 아파트에서 애완동물을 기르는 것은 나에게 혜택과 불편함을 둘 다 준다고 생 각한다. 나는 작은 아파트에 산다. 애완동물을 갖기 전에는 외로웠다. 이웃을 만날 기회도 없었다. 지금은 나의 개와 항상 같이 있기 때문에 외로움을 느끼지 않는다. 게다가, 나는 다른 사람들을 만날 기회가 생긴다. 나의 애완견이 아파 트 건물 주변에 있는 사람들에게로 나를 이끌기 때문이다. 또, 나는 개를 산책 시켜야 하기 때문에 더 자주 밖으로 나오고 더 많이 운동을 한다. 그러나 어려운 점도 조금 있다. 나는 개를 조용히 시켜야 하고, 개와 산책할 때 조심해야 한다. 이웃들을 방해할 수도 있기 때문이다. 게다가, 아파트 주위에 애완동물이 있는 것이 건강에 좋지 않다고 생각하는 몇 입주자들도 있다. Listen to the monolog again and check your answers. B Read and answer the question. 1. Look at the pictures in the box. Can you guess the topic of this passage? Yes, I think it s about pets. 3. Now, let s check the answers. Answer : 2. (1) not to feel lonely / to have a chance to meet other people / to get out more and get more exercise (2) to keep the dog quiet / to be careful when taking a walk / some residents negative thinking about having dogs in an apartment 74 Lesson 2

k iting+spea Lesson 2 A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose C Your Opinion Wr ing 1. Talk about whether you agree or disagree with keeping pets in an apartment and why. - When you state your opinion, use the expressions. In my opinion,. I think/believe that. I d like to point out that. 2. Summarize each member s opinion. Name Opinion Reason Jina disagree A loud pet could be annoying to neighbors. 3. Prepare your speech using the expressions you used in your discussion. Some people agree with keeping a pet in an apartment, but others disagree. I agree/disagree with the idea because. We should also consider. is more important. 4. Do a one-minute speech in front of your group members. Write a manuscript for your speech using the expressions you ve used in your discussion. Sample Answer 1 : Some people agree with keeping a pet in an apartment, but others disagree. I agree with the idea because there s no problem with keeping a pet in an apartment, as long as it gets good training and care. We should also consider that pet owners think of pets as their family. I think how to take care of them is more important. Sample Answer 2 : Some people agree with keeping a pet in an apartment, but others disagree. I disagree on the idea because it is not good for both the pets and the neighbors. An apartment is not a good place for pets because they can t move freely and get enough exercise. Also, your neighbors feel annoyed with loud pets. Providing the healthy and comfortable apartment for all the residents is more important. 4. Do a one-minute speech in front of your group members. Listen carefully to your group member while he/she is making a speech. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 43 C Your Opinion 1. Talk about whether you agree or disagree with having pets in an apartment and why. Sample Answer 1 : In my opinion, having pets in an apartment is not bad. I think pets give a lot of benefits to pet owners. In addition, I d like to point out that pets are not just another animal. They are close friends to pet owners. Sample Answer 2 : In my opinion, having pets in an apartment is not a good idea. I believe that pets in an apartment complex are headaches. For example, They make a lot of noise, which makes some of residents upset. I d like to point out that an apartment is not a good place to keep pets because you share the building with other residents. Summarize each member s opinion in the table. 3. Wrap-up Today, we did four kinds of activities with the topic of keeping pets in an apartment. Next class, we will review the whole lesson by answering some questions. See you. More for Your Class Best Pets to Keep in a Small Apartment Here are some of the best pets that you can have while living in a small apartment. 1. Birds Most birds take up very little space. If they are trained properly, they may become people friendly. 2. Snakes Snakes are good apartment pets. They only need the space that their glass tank requires. 3. Rats Contrary to popular belief, rats are very clean animals. Rats raised alone will even form a strong bond with their owner. A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 75

9 Check Yourself pp. 44~45 학습 목표:,,,, 수업 자료:,, Warm-up Open your books to page 44. Today, we re going to check your comprehension of the whole lesson. Let s start with the listening task. Check Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. Which is NOT correct according to the dialog? a Yejin doesn t have any pets. b Yejin wants to keep rabbits as pets. c Yejin thinks rabbits look cute. d Yejin knew the rabbit is a lucky animal in America. 2. Which of the following is considered lucky in America? a patting a rabbit s back b patting a rabbit s head c touching a rabbit s nose d touching a rabbit s foot Development Check Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. Look at the questions. Do you understand the questions? Listen carefully to the conversation and answer the questions. Script B: Do you have any pets, Yejin? G: No, but I really want to have one. B: What animal would you like to have as a pet? G: Well, I d like to keep rabbits. B: Why do you want rabbits as pets? G: Because they look so cute. B: Oh, do you know that the rabbit is a lucky animal in America? G: Really? That s interesting. I didn t know that. B: In particular, touching a rabbit s foot is considered lucky. G: Thank you for the good information. Let s check the answers. Look at number 1. What is the answer? Right. Of the four options, is not correct. Look at number 2. What is the answer? Good. The answer is. Listen to the dialog again and check how well you understand it. Good. B Answer the questions. 1. Do you understand all the questions? Are there any words you don t know? 2. OK. I will ask you the speaking questions one by one, B C 44 Lesson 2 Answer the questions. 1. What is your favorite animal movie? 2. What kind of animal is the movie about? 3. Is that a funny story or a touching story? 4. Why do you like it? Fill in each blank by using the given words. If necessary, change the form. abandon imprint dislocate environmentalist 1. He has dislocated his shoulder twice. 2. We could never understand parents who abandoned their child. Environmentalists 3. are people who are concerned with protecting nature. 4. I looked at the beautiful field again and again to imprint it in my mind. and then answer the questions. 3. I want two volunteers: one to ask the questions and the other to answer them. Are there any volunteers? Sample Answer: 1. My favorite animal movie is Hatchi. 2. It s about a dog that waited for her owner even after the owner died. 3. It s a touching story. 4. It s because I like dogs and the movie really touched my heart. C Fill in each blank by using the given words. If necessary, change the form. 1. Answer the questions using the given words. Are you done? Let s check the answers together. 76 Lesson 2