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1. 서론 1-1 연구 배경과 목적 1-2 연구 방법과 범위 2. 클라우드 게임 서비스 2-1 클라우드 게임 서비스의 정의 2-2 클라우드 게임 서비스의 특징 2-3 클라우드 게임 서비스의 시장 현황 2-4 클라우드 게임 서비스 사례 연구 2-5 클라우드 게임 서비스에


한국프로젝트경영학회 공개강좌시리즈 제3강 2013. 6. 18 PRINCE2 - Organization 이 재성 박사 리엔맥컨설팅 PRINCE2 Practitioner/Trainer 1

목 차 1. 목적 2. 조직의 정의 3. 조직에 대한 접근 1. Levels of organization 2. The project management team 3. Working with the project team 4. Working with the corporate organization 5. Working with stakeholders 4. 조직 주제와 관련한 책임 5. 검토, 비교 및 시사점 2

1. 목적 조직 주제의 목적은 책임에 대한 프로젝트의 구조를 정의하고 설립하는 것이다. The purpose of the Organization theme is to define and establish the project s structure of accountability and responsibilities(the who?) PRINCE2 is based on a customer/supplier environment Effective direction, management, control and communication Defined organizational structure Successful project management team Business, user, and supplier stakeholder representation Appropriate governance Reviews of the project roles Effective strategy to manage communication flows to and from stakeholders 3

2. 조직의 정의 Project 합의된 사업취지서에 따라 하나 또는 그 이상의 사업 제품을 인도하기 위해 창조된 임시 조직이다. A temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case Programme 조직 전략 목표에 관련된 결과 및 편익을 인도하기 위하여 한 세트의 관련된 프로젝트 및 활동의 실행을 조정, 지휘, 감독하기 위하여 창조된 임시의 융통성 있는 조직구조이다. A temporary flexible organizational structure created to coordinate, direct and oversee the implementation of a set of related projects and activities, in order to deliver outcomes and benefits related to the organization s strategic objectives. 4

2. 조직의 정의 Corporate organization Project는 Programme의 일부이거나 아닐 수 있다 그러나, Project는 corporate organization의 환경 안에 존재 Corporate organizational structure는 from traditional functional structures to project-focused corporate organizations 사이에 분포 Roles and jobs PRINCE2 does not define management jobs to be allocated to people on a one-to-one basis. It defines roles, each of which is defined by an associated set of responsibilities. 5

2. 조직의 정의 Three project interests PRINCE2 project는 세 가지 범주의 주요 이해관계자를 가지고 있고, 이 셋의 이해관계가 만족되어야 성공할 수 있다 6

3. 조직에 대한 접근 Levels of organization The four levels of management within the project management structure 7

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Levels of organization Project management team structure 8

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project management team structure A temporary structure specifically designed to manage the project The structure allows for channels of communication The Executive and Senior User roles can often be combined Some of the PRINCE2 responsibilities cannot be shared or delegated The Project Manager and Executive roles cannot be shared The Project Manager and Project board decision-making accountability cannot be delegated 9

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project Board Together, the Executive, Senior User(s), and Senior Supplier(s) make up the Project Board The Project Board has authority and responsibility for the project within the instructions set by corporate or programme management PRINCE2 defines the duties of the Project Board as: Being accountable for the success or failure of the project Providing unified direction to the project Delegating effectively, using the PRINCE2 organizational structure and controls designed for this purpose Facilitating integration of the project management team with the functional units of the participating corporate or external organizations Providing the resources and authorizing the funds necessary for the successful completion of the project Ensuring effective decision making Providing visible and sustained support for the Project Manager Ensuring effective communication among stakeholders 10

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project Board A good Project Board should display four key characteristics: Authority Credibility Ability to delegate Availability The frequency and detail of communication required by the Project Board should be documented in the Communication Management Strategy The Executive is ultimately accountable for the project s success and is the key decision maker The Project Board is not a democracy controlled by votes Throughout the project, the Executive is responsible for the Business Case The Senior User(s) is responsible for specifying the needs of those who will use the project s product The Senior Supplier(s) represents the interest of those designing, developing, facilitating, procuring and implementing the project s products 11

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project Assurance The Project Board is responsible, via its Project Assurance role, for monitoring all aspects of the project s performance and products independently of the Project Manager The Project Board may also make use of other members of the corporate organization taking specific Project assurance roles Project board members are accountable for the Project Assurance actions aligned to their area of interest, even if they delegate these to separate individuals Personnel involved in Project Assurance are also responsible for supporting the project Manager, by giving advise and guidance on issues such as the use of corporate standards or the correct personnel to be involved in different aspects of the project, e.g. quality inspections or reviews The Project Board should not assign any Project Assurance roles to the Project Manager Project Assurance should be involved in all of the PRINCE2 processes 12

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Change Authority Who is permitted to authorize requests for change or offspecification It is the Project Board s responsibility to agree to each potential change before it is implemented The Project Board should define in the Configuration Management Strategy a scale of severity ratings for requests for change. Depending on the severity, the request for change could be handled by: Corporate or programme management The Project Board Delegating to a Change Authority Delegating to the Project Manager The Project Manager and /or the people with delegated Project Assurance responsibilities may act as the Change Authority 13

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project Manager The Project Manger is the single focus for day-to-day management of a project This person has the authority to run the project on behalf of the Project Board within the constraints laid down by the Project Board The Project Manager is responsible for the work of all the PRINCE2 processes except for the Directing a Project process, and appointing the Executive and the Project Manager in the Pre-project process Starting up a Project 14

3.조직에 대한 접근- The project management team The many facets of the Project Manager role 15

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Team Manager The Team Manger s primary responsibility is to ensure production of those products allocated by the Project Manager The Team Manager reports to, and takes direction from, the Project Manager Many reasons why the Project Manager may decide to appoint other people to be Team Managers: The size of the project The particular specialist skills or knowledge needed for certain products Geographical location of some team members The preferences of the Project Board PRINCE2 uses Work Packages to allocate work to Team Managers or team members A Team Manager, for example, may be more senior in the corporate organization than the Project Manager. In the context of the project, however, the Team Manager reports to, and takes direction from, the Project Manager 16

3. 조직에 대한 접근- The project management team Project Support Project Support is the responsibility of the Project Manager. If required, the Project Manager can delegate some of this work to a Project Support role: Providing administrative services or Guidance on the use of project management tools or configuration management Providing specialist functions to a project such as planning or risk management Unless performed by a corporate or programme management function, Project Support is typically responsible for administering any configuration management procedure and tools as defined in the Configuration Management Strategy Project Support and Project Assurance roles should be kept separate in order to maintain the independence of Project Assurance 17

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with project team Balancing the project, team and individual People are crucial to the success of a project. It is not enough to have the required processes and systems in place: if the people on a project do not work effectively together, then the chances of the project s success are severely restricted Knowledge of different types of personalities and how these work together can help the Project Manager to structure balanced teams that can work together effectively during a project 18

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with project team Training needs for the project teams At the start of the project, team members may need training. This could include training on any processes and standards to be used on the project such as Configuration management procedures Quality methods Progress reporting and other project specific areas Or it could be an introduction to the project and its goals designed to motivate the team members Project Board members may also need training on their roles, including what is expected of them and the procedures needed to carry out their responsibilities The Project Manager should ensure that training needs are built into the appropriate plans 19

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with the corporate organization Line management/functional management In a strongly functional environment, Project Managers can find difficulties when managing cross-functional projects due to the inability to agree overall leadership from within the various groups As a result, the Project Board may need to be involved more closely to lead, direct and prioritize work and resolve issues Whatever the environment, the Project Manager will have to adapt to, and work within, the corporate organization and this will affect the level of management required for the team members Setting up clear project controls at the start of the project, and agreeing these with the Project Board, will help to ensure that the Project Manager understands the level of interaction and support to expect during the project and is given appropriate exposure to other areas of the corporate organization 20

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with the corporate organization Centre of excellence The concept of a centre of excellence is that of a central standards, which defines standards(such as processes, templates and tools), and provides skills, training and possibly independent assurance functions to a number of projects A centre of excellence can be useful where: Resource shortages, either in numbers or skills, make it difficult to supply people to perform project administration for each current project There are a number of small projects of a diverse nature that individually require only limited support from Project Support There is a large programme, requiring coordination of individual projects A large project requires several resources to handle Project support roles 21

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with stakeholders Types of stakeholder Individuals or groups who are not part of the project management team, but who may need to interact with the project or who may be affected by the project s outcome. Such people may: Support or oppose the project Gain or lose as a result of project delivery See the project as a threat or enhancement to their position Become active supporters or blockers of the project and its progress 22

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with stakeholders Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder engagement is the process of identifying and communicating effectively with those people or groups who have an interest or influence on the project s outcome Six-step procedure for stakeholder engagement: Identifying stakeholders(who?) Creating and analyzing stakeholder profiles(what?) Defining the stakeholder engagement strategy(how?) Planning the engagements(when?) Engaging stakeholders(do) Measuring effectiveness(results) 23

3. 조직에 대한 접근- Working with stakeholders The Communication Management Strategy The Communication Management Strategy contains a description of the means and frequency of communication to parties both internal and external to the project If a formal stakeholder engagement procedure has been completed, such as that described earlier, this should also be documented as part of the Communication Management Strategy The Project Manger should be responsible for documenting the Communication Management Strategy during the Initiating a Project process During a project, corporate or programme management retains control by receiving project information as defined in the Communication Management Strategy and taking decisions on project-level exceptions escalated by the Project Board 24

4. 조직 주제와 관련된 책임 Corporate or programme management Appoint the Executive and (possibly) the Project Manager Provide information to the project as defined in the Communication Management Strategy Executive Appoint the Project Manger(if not done by corporate or programme management) Confirm the appointments to the project management team and the structure of the project management team Approve the Communication Management Strategy Senior User Provide user resources Define and verify user requirements and expectations Senior Supplier Provide supplier resources 25

4. 조직 주제와 관련된 책임 Project Manager Prepare the Communication Management Strategy Review and update the Communication Management Strategy Design, review and update the project management team structure Prepare role descriptions Team Manager Manage project team members Advise on project team members and stakeholder engagement Project Assurance Advise on selection of project team members Advise on stakeholder engagement Ensure that the Communication Management Strategy is appropriate and that planned communication activities actually take place Project Support Provide administrative support for the project management team 26

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 PRINCE2에서는 Project를 임시조직으로 정의하고 있다. 프로젝트를 임시조직이라고 정의하는 것은 PRINCE2 방법론에서 굉장히 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 프로젝트관리를 임시조직관리로 볼 수도 있다. 프로젝트관리의 정의에서도 이러한 개념은 분명히 나타나고 있다. 프로젝트관리는 프로젝트 모든 국면의 기획, 위임, 감시 및 통제, 그리고 참여자에 대한 동기부여 라고 하고 있다. 특히 위임(delegating)과 동기부여(motivation)를 프로젝트관리의 정의에서 명시적으로 적시한 것은 PRINCE2에서는 프로젝트를 조직으로 보는 중요한 근거가 될 수 있다. 프로그램도 임시적인 유연한 조직 구조 라고 정의하고 있기 때문에 프로젝트와 프로그램 모두를 임시조직으로 보는 시각은 동일하다 이 정의는 프로젝트관리 실무자들 사이에서 흔히 발생하는 프로젝트관리가 기술인가 관리(또는 경영)인가 하는 의문을 근본적으로 해소할 수 있는 중요한 근거를 제공한다고 볼 수 있다. 프로젝트가 임시조직이고 영구조직이 아니기 때문에 나타나는 문제를 직시할 필요가 있다. 27

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 프로젝트가 임시조직이라는 것은 프로젝트관리가 기업조직 또는 정부 조직에서 잘 받아들여지지 않는 이유를 암시하고 있다. 기업들은 영구조직인 기능별 조직에 익숙하기 때문에 임시조직인 프로젝트를 이해하기 어렵고 받아들이는 것에 위협을 느낄 수 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해서는 최고 경영진이 프로젝트관리의 가치를 이해하고 조직을 통째로 변화시키겠다는 결의가 없으면 하부 조직에서 아무리 건의해도 성사되기 어렵다. 정부조직은 대표적인 기능조직이며 200년이 넘는 역사를 지닌 관료조직이기 때문에 프로젝트관리가 도입되는 것은 그들에게는 큰 위협이 될 수 있다. 따라서 정부 조직이 프로젝트관리를 쉽게 받아들일 것으로 기대하는 것은 다소 안이한 기대가 될 수 있다 프로젝트관리의 홍보를 위해서는 많은 조직에서 이미 활용되고 있는 Task Force(TF) 와 PM을 비교하는 접근법을 연구할 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다. 28

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 조직 주제가 PRINCE2 프로세스에 반영되는 모습 조직은 조직 목표를 달성하기 위하여 일반적으로 Business Process가 있고, 이 Process들은 구체적인 활동(Activity)으로 이루어지고 있다 PRINCE2의 Business Process는 준비 프로세스 등 7개 프로세스로 이루어지고, 개별 프로세스는 프로세스마다 몇 개의 활동(Activity)으로 구성되고, 개별 활동은 다시 몇 개의 조치(Action)로 나누어진다. PRINCE2의 모든 프로세스의 활동은 조직에서 정의한 여러 가지 역할(Role)이 제품 창조에 대하여 각각 어떠한 책임을 지는가를 분명히 하고 있다(사례 슬라이드 참조) 전체 프로세스를 대상으로 활동을 규정하고, 이 활동에서 이루어져야 할 구체적 조치와 창조되는 제품(Product)을 규명하면서, 조직 주제에서 정의한 8개 역할(Role)이 각자 작성(generating), 검토(reviewing), 승인(approving)에 대한 책임을 지도록 한 것은, 프로젝트를 조직으로 정의하는 것과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 보인다. 29

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 조직구조와 프로젝트 진행의 각 단계에서 역할과 책임이 잘 규정되어 있다. (예시) - 프로젝트 준비단계에서 Business Case는 누가 준비하는가? 30

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 조직구조와 프로젝트 진행의 각 단계에서 역할과 책임이 잘 규정되어 있다. (예시) - 프로젝트 준비단계에서 프로젝트 팀 구성은 누가 하는가? 31

5. 비교, 검토 및 시사점 조직 주제가 한국기업 경영자들에게 던지는 시사점 프로젝트는 임시조직이기 때문에 프로젝트매니저가 혼자서 모든 책임을 수행하기에는 무리가 있다. 따라서 프로젝트매니저를 지원하거나 감독할 수 있는 여러 역할이 반드시 필요하다. PRINCE2에서는 Executive를 경영층을 대변하는 최고 의사결정자로 규정하고 프로젝트에 관한 궁극적 책임을 부여하고 있다. Executive의 책임은 Project Manager에게 위임될 수 없다. 한국의 현실에서는 프로젝트매니저가 프로젝트관리 전체에 대하여 책임을 지도록 하는 경우가 너무 많기 때문에 프로젝트 성과가 부진한 주요 이유가 될 수 있다. 한국기업들이 PRINCE2의 조직 구조를 정확히 이해하는 것은 한국 PM 발전의 새로운 전기가 되리라고 본다. 32

끝 End of presentation! Thank you for listening. 33