Microsoft PowerPoint - ACEE434_Week1.ppt [호환 모드]

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레이아웃 1

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ACEE 434 Environmental Systems Design Week 1 September 2, 2009 ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 1

Instructor HEE-DEUNG PARK Affiliation Assistant Professor 807A Innovation Hall School of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Korea University Contact Office phone) 02-3290-4861 Cell phone) 010-3089-3650 E-mail) Office Hour 2-4pm Wednesday @ 807A Innovation Hall ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 2

Etiquette During class: - Turn off your cellular phone or use vibration mode. - Don t chat. - Bring a scientific calculator. Read textbook before class. Do your homework by yourself although discussion with your colleagues is encouraged. Involve the class actively. ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 3

Grading Policy Midterm exam (20%): An exam covering week 1-7 lectures Final exam (30%): A comprehensive exam Homework (20%): Late homework will be penalized by a factor of 10% per day Group project (20%): Evaluation through presentation and report Participation (10%): At least 10 weeks of attendance will be required to get a credit ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 4

Text Books 1. Main text: Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, McGraw-Hill 2. References: Reynolds and Richards, Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering, 2 nd edition, PWS Publishing Company. Qasim, Wastewater Treatment Plants, CRC Press ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 5

Course Material ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 6

Course Objectives 1. To introduce fundamentals of the wastewater treatment plants and their unit operations and processes. 2. To provide basic design skills and knowledge on the wastewater treatment plants and their unit operations and processes. 3. To experience a design project on a hypothetical wastewater treatment plant. ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 7

Course Overview Week Topics Readings 1 Introduction to wastewater treatment Chap. 1 2 Technical tour - 3 Wastewater characteristics Chap. 2 4 Design overview (Process, Mass balance) - 5 Flow, Hydraulic profile, Layout - 6 Screening and grit removal Chap. 5 7 Primary sedimentation Chap. 6 9 Biological wastewater treatment 1 Chap. 8 10 Biological wastewater treatment 2 Chap. 8 11 Secondary clarifier Chap. 8 12 Disinfection Chap. 12 13 Sludge thickener and digester Chap. 13 14 Instrumentation and control - 15 Presentation of the design project - ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 8

What is Design? Versus Airport terminal (Madrid) / / / / NewAreaTerminalBarajasAirport/NewTerminalBarajas.aspx Cement silo ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 9

What is Design? An engineering design process is a process used by engineers to help develop products. the engineering design is defined as the process of devising a system, component or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation. Wikipedia ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 10

Introduction Wastewater Treatment Plant ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 11

Wastewater Raw wastewater Treated wastewater Rawwastewaterandfinaltreatedeffluent.JPGaste aterandfinaltreatedeffl ent ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 12

Wastewater Infrastructure MeCalf & Eddy Figure 1-1 Schematic diagram of a wastewater management infrastructure ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 13

Terminology Biosolids: Wastewater characteristics: Wastewater constituents: Disinfection: Effluent: Non-point source: Nutrient: Reclamation: Sludge: Stabilization: ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 14

Unit Operations/Processes WW constituent Unit operation/process p Suspended solids: Screening, grit removal, sedimentation Biodegradable organics: Anaerobic and anaerobic treatments, chemical oxidation, membrane filtration Nitrogen: Biological nitrogen removal, air stripping, ion exchange Phosphorus: Biological nitrogen removal, chemical treatment Pathogens: Chlorination, ozonation, UV VOCs: Air stripping, carbon adsoption ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 15

Overview WWTP ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 16

Overview WWTP Raw Sewage Screen Grit Chamber Equalization Tank Pump Pretreatm ent Primary Treatment Secondar ry Treatme ent Advanced d Treatmen nt Primary Settling Biological Treatment Secondary Settling Advanced Treatment Receiving Body ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 17

Overview WWTP Influent Screens Disinfection Effluent Inert Solids ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 18

Overview WWTP time Ati Activated tdsludge ld ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 19

Overview WWTP Screens Bar racks Step screen Fine screen (Rotamat) t) icmulti-stepscreen01hr.jpg n_und_feinstsiebe/01_rotamat_rechen/03_rotamat_ nd Rechen/03 Siebanlage_RPPS/Bilder/pro_rpps_gesamt02.jpg Purpose: to remove large objects that would damage or foul pump, valves, and other mechanical equipments. ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 20

Horizontal-flow grit chamber Overview WWTP Grit Chambers Aerated grit chamber Circular grit chamber 007.gif 570751367_phrsfe.jpg Purpose: to remove grit (sand, broken glass, silt, and pebbles) to avoid wears of pump and other mechanical devices. ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 21

Overview WWTP Primary Clarifier Round shape 1 st clarifier Rectangular shape 1 st clarifier Purpose: to remove suspended solids (raw sludge) from wastewater ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 22

Overview WWTP Aeration Tank / / % / % atment%20plant%20photogallery/wastewater_treatment_plant_aeration_tank_rectangular.jpg Purpose: to remove mostly dissolved organic matters from wastewater ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 23

Overview WWTP Aeration Tank (Amann et al., 1996) / / % / % atment%20plant%20photogallery/wastewater_treatment_plant_aeration_tank_rectangular.jpg Activated sludge: active biological matter produced from aeration tank of wastewater treatments ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 24

Overview WWTP Secondary Clarifier Purpose: to separate activated sludge from treated wastewater by gravity settling ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 25

Overview WWTP Disinfection Ultra violet lamps Chlorine contactor ltraviolet_disinfection_system.jpg stem Purpose: to inactivated harmful microorganisms to human (pathogens) ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 26

Overview WWTP Anaerobic Digester Egg shaped digester Inside of the digester f / / f Purpose: to reduce (or stabilize) the mass of sludge (plus energy!!!) technical_writing/anaerobic_digester_diagram.jpg ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 27

Regulations 구 분 BOD (mg/l) COD (mg/l) SS (mg/l) T-N (mg/l) T-P (mg/l) 대장균군수 (개/ml) 특정지역기준 10 이하 40 이하 10 이하 20 이하 2 이하 3,000이하 기타지역기준 20 이하 40 이하 20 이하 60 이하 8 이하 (1,000이하) 폐수종말처리시설 30 이하 40 이하 30 이하 60 이하 8 이하 - 하수도법 시행규칙 별표 1- 하수도법 제6조 제1항 관련 가. 하수도법 제6조 제1항의 제3호 가목의 한강수계지역중 환경정책기본법 제 22조의 규정에 의하여 지정 고시한 특별대책지역 중에서 팔당호 상수원수질보전특별대책지역과 잠실수중보권역에 대하여는 2002. 1. 1일부터 특정지역기준을 적용한다. 나. 제3호 각목의 규정에 의한 한강수계지역(잠실수중보권역 제외) 낙동강수계지역 금강수계지역 영산강 및 섬진강수계지역에 대하여는 2004. 1. 1일부터 특정지역기준을 적용한다. 다만, 하수종말처리시설의 방류수가 제3호 각목의 규정에 의한 각 수계의 본류 및 그 지천으로 유입하지 않는 시설 중에서 방류지점 하류에 수도법 제3조 제15호의 규정에 의한 취수시설이 없는 경우에는 기타지역기준을 적용한다. 다. 특정지역기준을 적용받는 지역외의 지역은 기타지역기준을 적용하되, 이 지역에 대하여도 2008년 1월 1일부터는 특정지역기준을 적용한다. 라. 특정지역기준을 적용 받는 경우에도 총질소 및 총인에 대하여는 겨울철(12월~3월)에는 기타지역기준을 적용한다. 마. 대장균군수는 모든 지역에 대하여 2003. 1. 1일부터 적용하고, 아래의 경우에 해당하는 지역은 방류수 수질기준을 1,000MPN/mL로 강화하여 적용한다. (1) 수질환경보전법 시행규칙 별표5의 규정에 의한 청정지역 (2) 수도법 제5조의 규정에 의한 상수원보호구역 및 그 경계구역으로부터 상류로 유하거리 10km 이내 지역 (3) 수도법 제3조 제15호의 규정에 의한 취수시설로부터 상류로 유하거리 15km 이내 지역 ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 28

WWTPs in Korea Flow (m3/d) # of facilities Capacity (m3/d) 500-1,000 70 50,200 1,000-5,000 110 315,700 5,000-10,000 54 399,900 10,000-50,000 94 2,325,700 50,000-100,000000 000 28 2,040,600 100,000-500,000 34 7,669,000 500,000-2,000,000,, 13 11,629,000, Total 403 24,430,000 Reference) Ministry of Environment, Year 2009 ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 29

Future Trends Aging infrastructure how to retrofit? Eco-friendly design Reclamation & reuse Water supply is not sufficient to allow wasting Biosolids Lack of landfill space for ultimate disposal, it is not allowed to dispose in ocean from year 2012. ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 30

김포하수처리장에 친환경 레코파크 정원 조성 기사입력 2009-07-20 08:56 (매일경제신문) ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 31

Summary Overview of wastewater treatment plant - Preliminary, primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment - Unit operations and processes Future trends of WWTP Next week: WWTP tour - Start @ Engineering Building 9:00 am sharp!! - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm @ Guri City WWTP - Bring a camera - Homework: Introduction of Guri City WWTP ACEE 434 Fall 2009 HDP 32