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26 3 (2005 9 ) J Korean Oriental Med 2005;26(3):55-65 The Effcects of Psoraleae fructus Extract on Melanin Synthesis of B16 Melanoma Cells Jae-Ho Chung, Hyung-Sik Seo Dept. of Ophthamology, Otolaryngology & Dermatology, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University Objectives : This study was carried out for the development of medicine for vitiligo treatment and focused on the effect of Psoraleae fructus extract on melanin synthesis of B16 melanoma cells. Methods : Activity of tyrosinase playing a vital role in the synthesis and quantity of melanin, which is the final product in cultured B16 melanoma cells, the effects of Psoraleae fructus extract were measured. Results : The results indicated that Psoraleae fructus extract increased both the amount of melanin and the activity of tyrosinase according to concentration, also supported by western blot analysis. Conclusions : The results suggest that Psoraleae fructus extract has an advantageous effect on the promotion of melanin synthesis and will contribute to the development of vitiligo treatment through further related studies. Key Words: Psoraleae fructus, melanogenesis, tyrosinase, vitiligo. (vitiligo), : 2005 3 2 : 2005 5 3 : 2005 6 4 :. (Tel : 019-470-2985, E-mail : aran99@sangji.ac.kr) 1 3% 1-4). L-Tyrosine tyrosinasel-tyrosine dihydroxyl-l-phenylalanine(l-dopa), L-DOPA dopaquinone, dopachrome, indole-5,6-quinone 5). tyrosinase 6).,,, 55

(514) 26 3 (2005 9 ), 7-9),. 9), 7), 10), 11), 12), 13).,,. 14-19) 20),. B16 melanoma tyrosinase western blot. 1). 100g (50 % ) 500-70 PBS(phosphate buffered saline; Sigma Co. U.S.A.). 2) B16 melanoma B16 melanoma RPMI-1640(Gibco BRL Co, Gaithersburg, MD) 5 % FBS(fetal bovine serum; Hyclones Co.) Fungizone 37, 5 % CO2. 1) crystal violet. 24-well culture plate well 2 10 5 cells 24. 24 PBS 0.5 % crystal violet(in 20 % methanol) 300 /well 5 tap water. lysis buffer(10 mm Tris HCl, ph7.6, 150 mm NaCl, 1 % SDS) 100 30 570 nm(reference 450 nm). 2) Tyrosinase Tyrosinase Martinez-Esparza 21). PBS 100 Buffer(1% Triton X-100, 10 mm Sodium phosphate, 0.1mM PMSF).. 100mM Sodium phosphate(ph 7.0) 100 50 37 5. 100mM catechol 50 405 nm. 3) Hosoi 22). PBS 10% DMSO(dimethyl sulfoxide) 1N NaOH 200 80 1 405nm. 100. 4) Western bolt (1) 1 10 7 1% SDS 100 56

(515) Fig. 1. The survival of B16 melanoma Cells treated with Psoraleae fructus extract in kao-liang liquor. Fig. 2. The microscopic images of B16 melanoma cells. lysis. 10,000 15. (2) BCA(bicinchoninic acid, Sigma, U.S.A.) BSA(bovine serum albumin, Sigma, U.S.A.). 96-well plate BSA(1 ) 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 BCA 100 20 37 540nm. 2 BCA 100 20 37 540nm. (3) Western blot 100 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel nitrocellulose membrane transfer. Membrane 5 % milk PBS-Tween(0.01 %) 1 hybridization. membrane tyrosinase(santa Cruz, U.S.A.) 1 shaking hybridization PBS-Tween 20, membrane horseradish peroxidase 57

(516) 26 3 (2005 9 ) conjugated antimouse IgG antirabbit IgG 1 hybridization. Membrane PBS-Tween chemiluminescence (DuPont, NEM) Fugi X-ray film. 5) SigmaStat(ver 2.1) one way ANOVA test,, p<0.05. B16 melanoma crystal violet. 0 100, 10 / 64.3% (p<0.05)(fig.1), (Fig.2). 10 / 0.5 /, 1 /, 2 /, 3 /, 4 /, 5 /. tyrosine dopa, L-dopaquinone.. 0.5 5 0.5 /, 1 /, 2 /, 3 / 3 / 118 14%, 4 110 8% 5 / 105 16% 4 (p<0.05)(fig. 3). Tyrosinase. tyrosinase B16 melanoma tyrosinase Fig. 3. The melanin content of B16 melanoma cells treated with Psoraleae fructus extract in kao-liang liquor. 58

(517) Fig. 4. The tyrosinase activity of B16 melanoma cells treated with Psoraleae fructus extract in kao-liang liquor.. Tyrosinase 0.5, 1, 2, 3 3 / 193 22.2%, 4 152 6.5% 5 112 4.9% 4 (p<0.05)(fig. 4). - western blot 0, 1, 3, actin tyrosinase (Fig. 5). B16 melanoma tyrosinase. 0.14 3.0%, 23). 1-4)., 7). Fig. 5. Western blot analysis. 59

(518) 26 3 (2005 9 ). tyrosine dopa dopaquinone, indoleindole 2 24). tyrosinase..,,, 4 1,2,7)., 2).,,, tyrosinase. 1).,,,, 1). 10 15% 1%., 9). 1 3% 20 30% 4,25).. posralen,, 1-4)., psoralen 8- methoxypsoralen trimethylpsoralen (UVA) (PUVA). 2-3. psoralen (15 25 ) 100 1,9). 9).,,,,, 26). 1,3,4)..,,,, 1,2,4). covermark, 1,27). 60

(519),,,, 7-9). <> 28),.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7).,,,,.,,,, 9)., 7). 11) B16 melanoma, 12), 13), 29), 30), 6), 31). 8). 32). 33), 34), 35).,.. (Leguminosae) Psoralea corylifolia L.,,,,,,,,, 14-19)., melanin 15-18) < > 36) < > 37)., coumarin psoralen, isopsoralen, angelicin, psoralidin, isopsoralidin, corylidin, 8-methoxypsoralen, flavon bavachalcone, isobavachalcone, 61

(520) 26 3 (2005 9 ) corylifolinin, bavachin, coryfolin, bavachinin, isobavachinin, psoralenol,,,, bakuchiol, stigmasterol, - sitosterol-d-glucoside, triacontane, psoraldehyde, saponin 38,39). psoralen (PUVA) B.C. 2000, 1948 El-Mofty 40) 1974 Parrish psoralen UVA (PUVA) 25).,, psoralen 41). B16 melanoma 0 100 Crystal violet 10 64.3% 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5., 4. tyrosinase rate-limiting step, tyrosine dopa tyrosinase hydroxlase, dopa dopachrome dopa oxidase melanin polymer 48). Tyrosinase, 4. tyrosinase, tyrosinase, 48). tyrosinase,. tyrosinase. western blot actin tyrosinase tyrosinase. B16 melanoma tyrosinase,. psolaren. 62

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