2017년 3월 고2 모의고사 분석노트.indd

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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

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1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


498 石 堂 論 叢 50집 이야기의 담론에서 발생하기에 독자의 삶에 깊이 관여한다. 인간은 본 능적으로 재현의 욕구가 있다. 재현된 형상화를 재형상화하면서 독자 는 세계를 이해하고 자신의 삶을 이해한다. 그렇게 삶의 뜻을 다시 풀 어보고 행동을 통해 자기 삶을 새롭게

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Well-Wrought Self-Study Book 17 년 3 월고 2 모의고사분석노트 모의고사 2017 년 3 월 해설서고 2 분석노트 [ 자습서 ]

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 02 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 18 글의목적 소재 아파트임대연장계약해지요청 01 Dear Ms. Rider, 01 Rider 씨께 02 My wife and I have lived at the Spruce Apartments for the past twelve S V = 지난 02 지난 12 년동안 Spruce Apartments 에서제아내와저는살고있습니다. years. 03 [As you know], we recently renewed our lease [with plans {to stay for S' V' S V O = ~ 처럼 another year}]. 04 In recent weeks, my wife s health has taken a dramatic turn for the worse, 가주어 and it is now apparent [that we must move to an assisted-living facility {where she can receive the help (that she needs)}]. 05 As longtime residents, I am writing [to ask {that we be released from the new lease}]. 06 It would be a substantial hardship on us [to pay for this apartment as well as an assisted-living facility]. S1 V1 O1 [ ] 는 it의진주어절 S2 V2 C2 S' V' = in which S" V" O" O S V { } 는 facility를수식하는관계절 ( ) 는관계절 = 장기간의거주자로서 가주어 S V C = 요청하려고 { } 는 plans의내용을설명하는형용사적 to부정사 03 아시는것처럼, 저희는최근에한해더살계획으로임대계약을갱신하였습 [ ] 는부사구니다. = 보조를받는생활시설 S V S' V' [better / worse] 선택 04 최근몇주동안에제아내의건강이급격하게악화되었고, 그녀가필요로하는도움을받을수있는생활보조시설로저희가이사를해야만한다는사실이이제분명합니다. [facility 시설 / faculty 능력, 재능 ] 선택 be released = should be released [ 주장 명령 요구 충고 ] 의동사 + that S + (should) V ~. 구문주의 release = 놓아주다 be released from the new lease = 새로운임대계약에서해방되다 05 오랫동안살아온거주자로서, 저는새로운임대계약의해지를요청하고자 { } 는 ask의목적어절글을쓰고있습니다. [ ] 는목적의부사적 to 부정사구 substantial [considerate / considerable] 어휘변형선택 = 상당한어려움 [ ] 는 It 의진주어 as well as 에의해 for 의두개의목적어가연결됨 pay for ~ = ~ 에대한대가를지불하다 B as well as A = A 뿐만아니라 B 도 06 생활보조시설뿐만아니라이아파트의임대료도지불하는것은저희에게상당한어려움이될것입니다. 07 We would very much appreciate your consideration for us in this difficult S V O time. 08 I look forward to [hearing from you]. 09 Sincerely, Henry Martin [thank + 사람 / appreciate + 사물 ] 어휘선택 [heaing / hear] 어법선택 1 hear you = 너의목소리를듣다 2 hear of you = 너에대한이야기를듣다 3 hear from you = 너에게소식을듣다 S V O [ ] 는동명사구로전치사 to의목적어 Sincerely (yours) [= Yours sincerely] = 경구 ( 敬具 ) ( 사신 ( 私信 ) 의맺음말 ) 경구 = 경백 ( 敬白 ) = ' 삼가말씀드림 ' 의뜻으로편지끝에쓰는말 07 이어려운시기에저희를위해배려해주신다면대단히감사하겠습니다. 08 답장을받기를고대합니다. 09 Henry Martin 올림 01 renew 갱신하다 02 lease 임대계약 03 dramatic 극적인 04 turn 변화 ; 변화하다 05 apparent 분명한 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 06 assisted-living facility 생활보조시설 07 longtime 오랫동안의 08 resident 거주자 09 release 풀어주다 10 substantial 상당한 02 11 hardship 고난, 곤궁 12 appreciate 감사하다 13 look forward to ~ 을고대하다

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 03 M E M O QUESTION 18 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? Dear Ms. Rider, My wife and I have lived at the Spruce Apartments for the past twelve years. As you know, we recently renewed our lease with plans to stay for another year. In recent weeks, my wife s health has taken a dramatic turn for the worse, and it is now apparent that we must move to an assisted-living facility where she can receive the help she needs. As longtime residents, I am writing to ask that we be released from the new lease. It would be a substantial hardship on us to pay for this apartment as well as an assisted-living facility. We would very much appreciate your consideration for us in this difficult time. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Henry Martin 1 임대기간만료를알려주려고 2 아파트보수공사를독촉하려고 3 아파트임대료인상을통보하려고 4 임대계약기간의연장을부탁하려고 5 아파트임대계약의해지를요청하려고 정답 18 5 03 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 04 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 19 심경 01 I rode my bicycle alone from work on the very quiet road of my hometown. S V O = ( 직장에서 ) 일을끝내고 01 나는일을끝내고내가사는곳의아주한적한도로에서혼자자전거를타 [to ride / ride] 어법선택 고갔다. notice ~ Ving / V = ~ 이 V하는것을알아차리다 지각동사 + 목적어 + 원형부정사 or ~ing S V O OC 02 갑자기, 몰래내뒤에서자전거를타고오는, 머리가긴남자가내눈에띄 secret (X) riding을수식하는부사이므로 었다. 지각동사 + 목 + 원형부정사 03 나는내심장이마구뛰는것을느꼈다. 02 Suddenly, I noticed a man with long hair [secretly riding behind me]. 03 I felt my heart jump. S V O OC to jump (X) 04 I quickened my legs [pushing the pedals], [hoping to ride faster]. S V O [ ] 는현재분사구 소재 떨어진가방을돌려주려다생긴오해 hoping = as I hoped [ ] 는이유를함축한분사구문 04 나는더빨리달리려고페달을밟는발을빨리움직였다. 05 He kept following me through the dark, across the field. S V O 06 At last, I got home and tried to reach the bell. S V1 V2 O2 07 The man reached for me. S V O reach for ~ = ~ 을잡으려고손을뻗다 08 I turned my head around and saw the oddest face in the world. S V1 O1 V2 O2 [to say / saying] 어법선택 09 From deep in his throat, I heard him [say, Excuse me, you dropped = 그의목구멍깊은곳에서부터 gave (X) your bag, {giving the bag back to me}]. O' { } 는 say 와동시상황의분사구문 giving ~ = as he gave ~ = ( 그가 ) 주면서 10 I couldn t say anything, but was full of shame and regret for misunderstanding him. S V O OC S' V' [ ] 는 heard의목적격보어 지각동사 + 목적어 + 원형부정사 = 부끄러움 S V1 O1 V2 C2 be full of ~ = ~ 로가득하다 = 후회 05 그는벌판을가로질러어둠을뚫고계속해서나를따라왔다. 06 마침내나는집에도착했으며초인종에다가가려고했다. 07 그남자가나를잡으려고손을뻗었다. 08 나는고개를돌렸고, 이세상에서가장이상하게생긴얼굴을보았다. 09 나에게가방을돌려주면서 실례합니다만, 당신이가방을떨어뜨리셨습니다. 라고목구멍깊은곳에서부터나오는목소리로그가말하는것을나는들었다. 10 나는아무말도할수없었지만, 그에대해오해한것에대한부끄러움과후회가마음속에가득밀려왔다. 01 notice 발견하다 02 secretly 몰래, 비밀리에 03 quicken 빠르게하다 04 pedal 페달 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 field 벌판 06 odd 이상한 07 throat 목구멍 08 drop 떨어뜨리다 04 09 shame 부끄러움, 수치심 10 regret 후회 11 misunderstand 오해하다

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 05 M E M O QUESTION 19 다음글에드러난 I 의심경변화로가장적절한것은? 1 무서워하는 당혹스러운 2 걱정하는 자랑스러운 3 들뜬 실망스러운 4 행복한 우려하는 5 지루해하는 감동을받은 I rode my bicycle alone from work on the very quiet road of my hometown. Suddenly, I noticed a man with long hair secretly riding behind me. I felt my heart jump. I quickened my legs pushing the pedals, hoping to ride faster. He kept following me through the dark, across the field. At last, I got home and tried to reach the bell. The man reached for me. I turned my head around and saw the oddest face in the world. From deep in his throat, I heard him say, Excuse me, you dropped your bag, giving the bag back to me. I couldn t say anything, but was full of shame and regret for misunderstanding him. 1 scared embarrassed 2 worried proud 3 excited disappointed 4 happy concerned 5 bored moved 정답 19 1 05 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 06 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 20 01 Much has been [written and said] [about positive self-talk] for example, [repeating to ourselves { I am wonderful when we feel down}, { I am strong when going through a difficult time}, or { I am getting better every day in every way each morning in front of the mirror}]. 01 예를들자면, 우리가의기소침할때 나는멋져 라고, 어려운시기를겪을때 나는강해 라고, 혹은매일아침거울앞에서 나는매일모든면에서더좋아지고있어 라고되뇌는것과같은, 자신에게하는긍정적인말에관한많은글이쓰이고, 많이이야기되었다. = 모든면에서 = 격려의말 S1 동격 S' V' V1 C1 V2 02 이러한종류의격려의말이효과가있다는증거는빈약하며그것이실제로 S2 S" [ ] 는동격의명사절 V" S = 효과가있다 = is effective V S 도움이될수있기보다는오히려해를끼칠수있다는것을제기하는심리학자들이있다. [ ] 는관계절 { } 는 suggest의목적어절 ( ) 는 much의비교급 more와호응하는비교의부사절 02 The evidence [that this sort of pep talk works] is weak, and there are psychologists [who suggest {that it can actually hurt more (than it can help)}]. 요지추론 have been (X) Much 는 3 인칭 / 단수주어 03 Little, unfortunately, has been written [about real self-talk], [acknowledging honestly {what we are feeling at a given point}]. 04 [When feeling down], [saying { I am really sad or I feel so torn } to ourselves or to someone {(whom) we trust}] is much more helpful than [declaring I am tough or I am happy. ] 소재 자신의감정을솔직하게인정하기 = 자신에게하는긍정적인말 S V1 V2 [ ] 는 Much를수식하는형용사구 아래 3번해설참고 = 많은것 [ ] 는 has been에두개의과거분사가 and로연결되어 < 현재완료수동 > 구문을이룸 [ ] 는 positive self-talk 의구체적인예 [ ] 는 positive self-talk 과동격의동명사구 V = 어려운시기를겪다 = 의기소침하다 or 로연결되된세개의 { } 부분은 repeating 의목적어 더좋아지다 1 People have written little about A. = 사람들이 A에대해서 ( 이제까지 ) 쓴게별로없다. 명사로써 little은보통단독으로쓰이지않고수식어가이어짐 2 Little about A has been written (by people). = A에대해서 ( 이제까지 ) 쓰여진것이별로없다. 1번문장의수동태로행위자는생략됨 3 Little has been written about A. 2번문장의변형 about A 구조가길어질경우술어동사뒤로이동가능함 03 불행하게도, 우리가주어진시점에느 S V [ ] 는 Little을수식하는형용사구 끼는것을솔직하게인정하는 자신에 = < 관사없이 > ~ 한것이별로없다 '~' 는술어동사 [ ] 부분이길어져술어뒤로이동됨 게하는진실의말 에대한저술은별로없다. [ ] 는동명사구 O' S' V' = ( 어느 ) 주어진시점에 [ ] 는 real self-talk과동격 { } 는 acknowledging의목적어절 [ 서술형 ] 1번문장의 repeating과동일 what은 feeling의선행사포함목적격관계대명사 [ 조건 ] 1 Little을주어로할것 2 what을포함할것 = ~ 할때 declare = 선언하다 S { } 는 saying의목적어 [ ] 는동명사구로 is의주어 O' S' V' V C { } 는관계절 [ ] 는동명사구로주어인 [saying ~ we trust] 와 more than 에의해비교됨 = 비참한 = miserable say A to B = A 를 B 에말하다 04 의기소침함을느낄때, 우리자신에게혹은우리가신뢰하는어떤사람에게, 나는정말로슬퍼 혹은 나는몹시비참한심정이야 라고말하는것이 나는강해 혹은 나는행복해 라고선언하는것보다훨씬더도움이된다. 01 positive 긍정적인 02 selftalk 자신에게하는말 03 go through ~ 을겪다 04 mirror 거울 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 evidence 증거 06 psychologist 심리학자 07 unfortunately 불행하게도 08 acknowledge 인정하다 06 09 trust 신뢰하다 10 declare 선언하다 11 *pep talk 격려의말

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 07 M E M O QUESTION 20 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? Much has been written and said about positive self-talk for example, repeating to ourselves I am wonderful when we feel down, I am strong when going through a difficult time, or I am getting better every day in every way each morning in front of the mirror. The evidence that this sort of pep talk works is weak, and there are psychologists who suggest that it can actually hurt more than it can help. Little, unfortunately, has been written about real self-talk, acknowledging honestly what we are feeling at a given point. When feeling down, saying I am really sad or I feel so torn to ourselves or to someone we trust is much more helpful than declaring I am tough or I am happy. 1 타인에대한비난은자신의감정도상하게한다. 2 우울할때자신에게하는격려의말은큰힘이된다. 3 자아성찰은타인의조언을받는것보다효과적이다. 4 가까운사이일수록말과행동을조심할필요가있다. 5 자신이느끼는감정을솔직히인정하는것이도움이된다. 정답 20 5 07 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 08 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 21 주제추론 01 The word sin itself is an interesting concept. 소재 체력을길러야할필요성 S V C 01 sin( 죄 ) 이라는말자체는흥미로운개념이다. = 궁술 [ 활쏘기기술 ] = off the mark S1V1 C1 S2 = which is from archery V2 O2 02 그것은실제로궁술에서온용어인데, 그것은 과녁을빗나가다 라는것을의미한다. = ( 범죄 실수등을 ) 저지르다 S' V' O' 동격 { } 는 the sin과동격의동명사구 03 우리가적절한영양, 운동, 휴식을통해서우리의몸을관리하는데실패하 [ ] 는시간의부사절는 죄 를저지를때, 우리는인생의중 proper nutrition, exercise, and rest}], we re missing the mark of [what life 요한것의과녁에서빗나가고있는셈 = 적절한영양 S V O O" S" 이다. 서술형 [ ] 는명사절로전치사 of의목적어절 is all about]. what은전치사 about의선행사포함목적격관계대명사 [ ] = 인생의중요한것 V" 02 It s actually a term from archery, and it means to miss the mark. 03 [When we commit the sin of {failing to take care of our bodies through 04 Businesspeople will tell you [that the individual {who is in the best physical S V 간O S' S" V" { } 는관계절 shape} often wins in negotiations, {because he has the physical stamina (to see the deal through)}]. 04 최상의신체적건강상태에있는사람은계약을끝까지성사시킬수있는체력을지니고있으므로, 그런사람이흔히협상에서이긴다고사업가들은여러분에게말해줄것이다. ( ) 는형용사적 to부정사구 see ~ through = ~ 을끝까지성사시키다 ; < 계획등을 > 끝까지해내다 [ ] 는관계절 05 세계수준의골프선수들이자기시대 S = for which S' V' = far superior to ~ 변형출제가능의다른골프선수들보다한수위에있 are (X) 어법 = ~ 보다훨씬뛰어난는이유들중하나는그들이다른선수 the other golfers of their era] is [that they are in so much better shape 들보다몸상태가훨씬더좋다는것 전치사 above의목적어시대 = V S" V" = 훨씬 ( 비교급강조 ) 이다. { } 는 better와호응하는비교의부사절 [ ] 는 is의보어절 much = still, even, by far, far, a lot 05 One of the reasons [(why) world-class golfers are head and shoulders above {than the others are}]. 06 They work out [not just on the practice range but in the weight room], S V 어법 [which means {that they have the strength and stamina (to win not just the physical game but the mental game) (in order to close out their opponents in major tournaments)}]. [ ] 는 tell 의직접목적어절 V' 협상 S V { } 는이유의부사절 S V do (X) are = are in good shape not just A but B = A뿐만아니라 B도 = 운동하다 practice range = 골프연습장 [ ] 는전치사에의한두개의부사구가 not just A but B 구문에의해병렬로연결됨 { } 는 means 의목적어절 S' V' S" V" O" ( ) 는형용사적 to부정사구 [ ] 는앞문장전체를부연설명하는관계절 which means = meaning ( 분사구문 ) = and it means = 육체적인 = 정신적인 O 06 그들은골프연습장에서뿐만아니라체력단련실에서도운동을하는데, 이것은그들이중요한토너먼트에서상대편선수를물리치기위해서육체적인경기에서뿐만아니라정신적인경기에서도이길수있는힘과체력을지니고있다는것을의미한다. = 물리치기위해서 opponent = 상대편선수 ; 반대자, 상대 반대의 ; 맞은편의 ( ) 는목적의부사적 to부정사구 close out = dispose of (a line of merchandise) at reduced prices = 할인된가격으로물건을처분하다, 폐업하다 해석에서는의역됨 close out은 beat 등으로변형출제가능함 01 concept 개념 02 term 용어 03 archery 궁술, 양궁 04 miss 빗나가다 05 mark 과녁 06 commit 저지르다 07 proper 적절한 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 08 nutrition 영양 09 exercise 운동 10 rest 휴식 11 businesspeople 사업가 12 physical 육체적인, 신체적인 13 negotiation 협상 14 stamina 힘, 정력 08 15 deal 계약 16 worldclass 세계수준의 17 strength 힘 18 mental 정신적인 19 opponent 상대편선수 20 major 중요한 21 *practice range 골프연습장

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 09 M E M O QUESTION 21 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 체력을길러야하는필요성 2 구체적인목표설정의중요성 3 장애를극복하는다양한방법들 4 사업과스포츠의차이점 5 성공적인협상을위해고려해야할것들 The word sin itself is an interesting concept. It s actually a term from archery, and it means to miss the mark. When we commit the sin of failing to take care of our bodies through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, we re missing the mark of what life is all about. Businesspeople will tell you that the individual who is in the best physical shape often wins in negotiations, because he has the physical stamina to see the deal through. One of the reasons world-class golfers are head and shoulders above the other golfers of their era is that they are in so much better shape than the others are. They work out not just on the practice range but in the weight room, which means that they have the strength and stamina to win not just the physical game but the mental game in order to close out their opponents in major tournaments. 1 the necessity to build up physical strength 2 the importance of setting specific goals 3 various ways to overcome obstacles 4 differences between business and sports 5 things to consider for successful negotiations 정답 21 1 09 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 10 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 22 01 [Introducing recovery in all aspects of my life] has transformed my overall experience. 제목추론 introduce = ~ 을도입하다 S [ ] 는동명사구로 has transformed의주어 overall = 전반적인 O 01 나의삶의모든면에회복시간을도입하는것이나의전반적인경험을바꾸어놓았다. { } 는 sessions를부연설명하는독립분사구문 each는과거분사인 followed의의미상의주어 = ( 활동 ) 시간 each = each session S V S = 거의대략 O V 어법 OC S' V' 02 각각적어도 15분의회복시간이뒤따르는한시간반동안의활동을네번이나다섯번집중적으로하는것에서, 내가전에하루 12시간연속해서일한그정도만큼의일을해낸다. 02 [In four or five intensive hour-and-a-half sessions, {each followed by at = 집중적인 [ ] 는전치사에의한부사구 least fifteen minutes of recovery}], I get just about as much done [as I did previously in a twelve-hour marathon day]. 소재 몸과마음의휴식을위한시간 V = 그정도로 as 는지시부사 was (X) 어법 did = get much done [ ] 는 as much와호응하는비교의부사절 as much as ~ = ~ 만큼그정도로많은것 much는명사 03 [Taking one full day off every week] makes me more productive overall rather than less so. = 전반적으로 03 매주하루를종일쉬면나는덜생산적인것이아니라오히려전반적으로더생산적이게된다. productively (X) productive는 5형식동사 makes의형용사보어 make + 목적어 (A) + 형용사보어 (B) = A를 B하게만들다 see A as B = A를 B로보다 [ 여기다 ] S V O OC 04 그리고마침내, 나는휴가를좋은투자로보게되었다. come[get] to V = V하게되다 done은 work과수동관계의과거분사 S V O OC S' V' 05 나는요즈음단거리선수처럼, 전에마라톤선수처럼했던것만큼의일을훨 [ ] 는 as와호응하는비교의부사절 씬더적은시간에훨씬더많은에너 지와긍정적인감정을가지고해낸다. a lot은비교급을강조하는부사 04 And finally, I have come to see vacations as a good investment. 05 Today, like a sprinter, I get as much work done [as I did previously like a marathon runner] in a lot less time and with a lot more energy and positive emotions. am (X) do = spend more time with my family and friends 06 나는나의가족및친구들과더많은시 S1 V1 O1 S' V' S2 V2 간을보내며, 그렇게할때나는더현 [ ] 는시간의부사절실에충실하다. 06 I spend more time with my family and friends, and [when I do], I am more present. 07 There is no magic here; I am simply paying better attention to my human needs. S [ ] 는동명사구로 makes의주어 V O OC take one full day off = 하루종일쉬다, 하루종일 ( 비번으로 ) 근무하지않다 = less productive = ~ 이아니라, ~ 라기보다오히려 C2 = 현실에충실한 = faithful to the present 변형출제가능함 서술형 [ 조건 ] 동명사를주어로할것 V1 S1 S2 V2 O2 07 여기에는마법은전혀없다. 나는그저인간적인욕구에더주의를기울이고있을뿐이다. 01 recovery 회복 ( 시간 ) 02 transform 바꾸다, 변형시키다 03 overall 전반적인 ; 전반적으로 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 04 intensive 집중적인 05 session ( 활동 ) 시간 06 investment 투자 10 07 sprinter 단거리선수 08 present 현실에충실한 09 pay attention to ~ 에주의를기울이다

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 11 M E M O QUESTION 22 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 생산성은인내에서온다 2 몸과마음에휴식을취할시간을주라 3 운동에중독되는것은위험하다 4 긍정적인사고로긍정적인감성을활성화하라 5 일할시간은더많게그리고휴가를위한시간은더적게가지라 Introducing recovery in all aspects of my life has transformed my overall experience. In four or five intensive hour-and-a-half sessions, each followed by at least fifteen minutes of recovery, I get just about as much done as I did previously in a twelve-hour marathon day. Taking one full day off every week makes me more productive overall rather than less so. And finally, I have come to see vacations as a good investment. Today, like a sprinter, I get as much work done as I did previously like a marathon runner in a lot less time and with a lot more energy and positive emotions. I spend more time with my family and friends, and when I do, I am more present. There is no magic here; I am simply paying better attention to my human needs. 1 Productivity Comes from Endurance 2 Give Your Body and Mind Time to Relax 3 It Is Dangerous to Get Addicted to Exercise 4 Activate Positive Emotions with Positive Thinking 5 Take More Time for Work and Less Time for Vacation 정답 22 2 11 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 12 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 23 [ ] 는목적의부사적 to부정사구 S V O = 즐겁게하려고 S' 01 아이들은때때로어른들을즐겁게하려고여러것들을보고말한다. 교사들 = 앞문장의내용 = 앞문장의내용 은이사실과, 그것이암시하는힘을이해해야한다. O' O'1 O'2 O" S" V" imply = 암시하다 = suggest [ ] 는관계절 prefer + 목적어 (A) + to V = A가 V하기를바라다 { } 는 prefer의목적보어 S S' V' O' OC' S" V" 02 미 ( 美 ) 를자신들이보는대로아이들이보기를선호하는교사들은아이들의 [ ] 는관계절 = ~ 하는대로 ( ) 는양태의부사절 미적감각을북돋워주지못하고있다. 01 Children sometimes see and say things [to please adults]; teachers must realize this and the power [(that) it implies]. 02 Teachers [who prefer that children {see beauty (as they themselves do)}] are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in children. V 03 They are fostering uniformity and obedience. 04 Only children [who choose and evaluate for themselves] can truly develop their own aesthetic taste. 03 그들은획일성과복종을조장하고있는것이다. 04 스스로선택하고평가하는아이들만이진정으로자기자신만의미적취향을발전시킬수있다. O = ~ 인것처럼 [ ] 는양태의부사절 S' V' C' S 05 읽고쓸수있게되는것이교육의기본목표인것처럼, 모든창의적초기아동 { } 는동명사구로 is의주어 program (X) one of ~ 복수명사 프로그램들의핵심목표중하나는어린아이들이미술에관한자신들의태 V OC 도, 감정그리고아이디어에관하여자 = to develop help ~ (to) V = ~ 이 V하는것을돕다 [ ] 는명사적 to부정사구로 is의보어 유롭게말할수있는능력을발전시키도록돕는것이다. ( ) 는 the ability를설명하는형용사적 to부정사구 { } 는 help의목적보어 05 [Just as {becoming literate} is a basic goal of education], one [of the key goals of all creative early childhood programs] is [to help young children {develop the ability (to speak freely about their own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art)}]. 주장추론 소재 아동의미적감각교육방법 O foster = 조장하다 ; 기르다 = 미학 ( 美學 ) [obeidence 복종 / disobedience 불복종 ] S V O1 O2 = 통일성, 획일성 evaluate = 평가하다 = assess S S' V' = 스스로 V [ ] 는관계절 06 Each child has a right [to a personal choice of beauty, joy, and wonder]. S V O a right to ~ = ~ 에대한권리 [ ] 는전치사에의한형용사구 07 Aesthetic development takes place in secure settings [free of competition and adult judgment]. S V [ ] 는형용사구 free of ~ = which are free of ~ take place = 발생하다 (be) free of ~ = ~ 이없는 [ 없다 ] cf. take the place (of ~) = (~ 을 ) 대신하다 06 각각의아이는미, 기쁨, 그리고경이에대한개인적인선택권을가지고있다. 07 미적발달은경쟁과어른의판단에서벗어난안전한환경에서생겨난다. 01 please 즐겁게해주다 02 imply 암시하다 03 foster 조장하다, 육성하다 04 uniformity 획일성 05 obedience 복종 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 06 evaluate 평가하다 07 literate 읽고쓸수있는 08 education 교육 09 key goal 핵심목표 10 take place 생겨나다, 발생하다 12 11 setting 환경, 상황 12 competition 경쟁 13 *aesthetics 미학 ( 美學 )

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 13 M E M O QUESTION 23 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? Children sometimes see and say things to please adults; teachers must realize this and the power it implies. Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they themselves do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in children. They are fostering uniformity and obedience. Only children who choose and evaluate for themselves can truly develop their own aesthetic taste. Just as becoming literate is a basic goal of education, one of the key goals of all creative early childhood programs is to help young children develop the ability to speak freely about their own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art. Each child has a right to a personal choice of beauty, joy, and wonder. Aesthetic development takes place in secure settings free of competition and adult judgment. 1 아동의정서발달을위해미술교육시간을늘려야한다. 2 아동이스스로미적감각을기를수있게해주어야한다. 3 아동미술교육은다른과목과통합적으로실시해야한다. 4 아동의창의성을평가할때미적인감각도포함해야한다. 5 아동미술교육은감상보다창작에더비중을두어야한다. 정답 23 2 13 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 14 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 25 세부내용 소재 정신과의사 Victor Frankl 01 Victor Frankl, a famous psychiatrist, remained head of the neurology S 동격 V C head = 우두머리, 수장, 과장 department at the Vienna Policlinic Hospital for twenty-five years. 01 유명한정신과의사인 Victor Frankl 은 25 년동안 Vienna Policlinic Hospital 의신경학과장이었다. 02 He wrote more than thirty books for both professionals and general readers. S V O = 전문가들 = experts 02 그는전문가와일반독자를위한책을 30권넘게썼다. meet with ~ = < 美 > < 남과 > 약속하여만나다, 회견하다 03 그는자신의책을읽고영감을받은정 S V O1 O2 { } 는 world leaders를수식하는형용사구 치인, 교황바오로 6세와같은세계적 [ ] 는 with의목적어로여섯개의명사 ( 구 ) 가 and로연결됨 인지도자, 철학자, 학생, 교사, 그리고 수많은사람들을만났다. O3 O4 O5 O6 S' V'1 numerous = 수많은 { } 는관계절 who의선행사는앞에나온 with의목적어인각각의여섯개의명사구 V'2 his books는 had read와전치사 by의공유목적어 < 과거완료수동 > 에서 (had) 가생략됨 앞에이미나와있으므로 S V1 [ ] 는장소의부사구 04 그는유럽, 아메리카, 호주, 아시아, 그리고아프리카에서널리강연을했으며, 하버드, 스탠포드, 그리고피츠버그대학교에서교수직을맡았다. V2 O2 [ ] 는장소의부사구 03 He met with [politicians, world leaders {such as Pope Paul VI}, philosophers, students, teachers, and numerous individuals {who had read and (had) been inspired by his books}]. 04 He lectured widely [in Europe, the Americas, Australia, Asia, and Africa]; and held professorships [at Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Pittsburgh]. [ ] 는두개의 {to부정사구} 가 and로연결됨 continue to V = 계속 V하다 05 90대에도 Frankl은전세계에서온방 S V1 O1 문객과의대화를계속했으며, 매주자 engage in ~ = ~ 에참여하다, ~ 을하다신이받은수백통의편지중일부에는직접답장을계속했다. V2 05 Even in his nineties, Frankl continued [{to engage in dialogue with = 그의 90 대나이에 visitors from all over the world} and {to respond personally to some of the hundreds of letters (that he received every week)}]. O' S' V' ( ) 는관계절 06 Twenty-nine universities awarded him honorary degrees, and the American S1 V1 간 O1 직 O1 = 명예학위 Psychiatric Association honored him with the Oskar Pfister Award. S2 V2 O2 honor A with B = A 에게 B 의영예를주다 06 29 개의대학교가그에게명예학위를주었으며, American Psychiatric Association 은그에게 Oskar Pfister Award 를수여했다. 01 psychiatrist 정신과의사 02 head 장 ( 長 ), 우두머리 03 professional 전문가 04 general reader 일반독자 05 politician 정치인 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 06 pope 교황 07 numerous 수많은, 다수의 08 inspire 영감을주다 09 lecture 강연하다 10 professorship 교수직 14 11 engage in ~ 을하다, ~ 에참가하다 12 award 주다, 수여하다 13 honor 수여하다, 경의를표하다 14 *neurology 신경 ( 병 ) 학

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 15 M E M O QUESTION 25 Victor Frankl에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Victor Frankl, a famous psychiatrist, remained head of the neurology department at the Vienna Policlinic Hospital for twenty-five years. He wrote more than thirty books for both professionals and general readers. He met with politicians, world leaders such as Pope Paul VI, philosophers, students, teachers, and numerous individuals who had read and been inspired by his books. He lectured widely in Europe, the Americas, Australia, Asia, and Africa; and held professorships at Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Pittsburgh. Even in his nineties, Frankl continued to engage in dialogue with visitors from all over the world and to respond personally to some of the hundreds of letters he received every week. Twenty-nine universities awarded him honorary degrees, and the American Psychiatric Association honored him with the Oskar Pfister Award. 1 전문가와일반독자를위한책을 30권넘게썼다. 2 자신의책에영감을받은많은사람들을만났다. 3 대학교에서강연을했지만교수직은맡지않았다. 4 90대에도방문객과의대화를계속했다. 5 29개의대학교에서명예학위를받았다. 정답 25 3 15 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 16 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 28 어법 01 The competition [to sell manuscripts to publishers] 1 is fierce. 02 I would estimate [that less than one percent of the material {2 sent to publishers} is ever published]. 01 출판사에원고를팔려는경쟁은치열하다. 02 출판사에보내진자료중 1% 미만이출판되는것으로나는추산한다. { } 는과거분사구 V' [ ] 는이유의부사절 selective = 선택적인 S' V' S V C 03 아주많은자료가작성되고있어, 출판사는매우선택적일수있다. that은 publish의목적격관계대명사 [ ] 는관계절 { } 는 choose의목적어 choose to V = V하기로선택하다 S O" S' V' O' V1 04 그들이출판을위해선택하는자료는상업적가치를지니고있어야할뿐만 not only A but B에의해조동사 must 뒤에두개의본동사가병렬로연결됨 아니라매우적절하게작성되어있고 편집및사실오류가없어야한다. O1 (must) 는생략됨 V2 [ ] 는 be의보어 C2-A C2-B 03 [Since so much material is being written], publishers can be very selective. 04 The material [(that) they choose {to publish}] must not only have commercial value, but 3 (must) be [very competently written and free of {editing and factual errors}]. [ ] 는동명사구로 at의목적어 S S' V' O' V O 05 오류를포함하는어떤원고도출판을위해받아들여질가능성이거의없다. [ ] 는관계절 at ~ = < 능력 성질등의소재 > ~ 의곳에 ( 서 ), ~ 의점에서 stand ~ = ~ 을받다, ~ 에따르다 stand a chance of[at] ~ = have a chance of[at] ~ = (~ 의 [~ 에 ]) 가능성이있다 05 Any manuscript [that contains errors] stands 4 little chance at [being accepted for publication]. 06 Most publishers will not want to waste time with writers [5 whose material contains too many mistakes]. 소재 출판사에원고를팔려는치열한경쟁 S [ ] 는형용사적 to부정사구 V C = ~ 미만 S V S' [ ] 는 estimate의목적어절 { } 는 of 의목적어 be free of ~ = ~ 이없다 = 사실적인 [accepting / being accepted] 어법선택 being accepted 는 manuscript 와수동관계의동명사 S V O S' V' O' 수식 [ ] 는두개의형용사구가 and 에의해병렬로연결됨 written = 씌여진, 문서의 written 은 free 와병렬 written 을 be 와연결된수동태로보는것이타당하지만, free 와의관련성을고려하여위와같이설명함 competently = 적절하게 ; 유능하게 being (X) 원문어법 be 는조동사 must 에이어지는본동사 whose는소유격관계대명사 06 대부분의출판사는자료에너무많은오류를포함하고있는집필자와시간 [ ] 는관계절을낭비하려하지않을것이다. whose는 wirters를이어받아 material을수식하는관계사 01 competition 경쟁 02 manuscript 원고, 필사본 03 publisher 출판사, 출판업자 04 fierce 치열한 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 selective 선택적인, 선별적인 06 commercial 상업적인 07 stand little chance at ~ 의가능성이거의없다 16 08 competently 적절하게, 유능하게 09 editing 편집

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 17 M E M O QUESTION 3 문맥상 must 다음에오는 have 와대등한관계를이루는동사원형이 <not only ~ but (also)...> 의구조로연결되어야하므로 being 을 be 로고쳐야한다. 28 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? The competition to sell manuscripts to publishers 1 is fierce. I would estimate that less than one percent of the material 2 sent to publishers is ever published. Since so much material is being written, publishers can be very selective. The material they choose to publish must not only have commercial value, but 3 being very competently written and fr`ee of editing and factual errors. Any manuscript that contains errors stands 4 little chance at being accepted for publication. Most publishers will not want to waste time with writers 5 whose material contains too many mistakes. 정답 28 3 17 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 18 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 29 = 터무니없이 excessively, absurdly, illogically, irrationally 변형가능 01 때때로자신에대한우리의판단은터 S V C 무니없이부정적이다. 01 Sometimes our judgments of ourselves are unreasonably negative. 02 This is especially true for people [with low self- esteem]. 03 Several studies have shown [that such people tend to (A) magnify the importance of their failures]. 04 They often underestimate their abilities. 05 And [when they get negative feedback, {such as a bad evaluation at work or a disrespectful remark from someone (whom they know)}], they are likely to believe [that it (B) accurately reflects their self-worth]. 06 People with low self-esteem also have a higher-than-average risk of [being depressed]. 02 이것은자존감이낮은사람에게있어특히그러하다. 03 몇몇연구는그런사람이자신의실패의중요성을확대하는경향이있다는것을보여주었다. 04 그들은자주자신의능력을과소평가한다. 05 그리고직장에서의나쁜평가나아는누군가로부터의무례한말과같은부정적인피드백을받을때, 그들은그것이자신의자존감을정확하게반영한다고믿을가능성이있다. [ ] 는 risk와동격의동명사구 06 자존감이낮은사람은또한우울해질위험이평균보다높다. not only A but also B에의해 hurts의목적어두개가병렬로연결됨 07 이것은한개인의정신적그리고정서 S V O1 = 안녕, 행복, 복지 적안녕뿐만아니라그사람의신체적건강과사회적관계의질도또한해친다. O2-A O2-B quality = ( 품 ) 질 07 This (C) hurts not only an individual s mental and emotional well-being but also his or her physical health and the quality of his or her social relationships. 어휘 소재 자신에대한부정적인판단 S V C [ ] 는형용사구 with ~ = who have = 자존감 S V S' V [ ] 는 have shown의목적어절 O' [successes / failures] 어휘선택 S V O S' V' O' = ~ 할때 = 무례한 = impolite, rude, impertinent [ ] 는 believe의목적어절 { } 는형용사구 O" S" V" S ( ) 는관계절 V S V O be likely to V = V할가능성이있다 = 정확하게 = precisely, exactly S V O 동격 [depressing / depressed] 어법선택 depressed 는 People 와수동관계의과거분사 01 unreasonably 터무니없이, 비이성적이게 02 selfesteem 자존감 03 magnify 확대하다 04 underestimate 과소평가하다 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 evaluation 평가 06 disrespectful 무례한 07 remark 말, 언급 08 reflect 반영하다, 나타내다 18 09 selfworth 자존감 10 higherthanaverage 평균보다높은 11 quality 질

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 19 M E M O QUESTION 29 ( A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? Sometimes our judgments of ourselves are unreasonably negative. This is especially true for people with low self -esteem. Several studies have shown that such people tend to (A) [ignore / magnify] the importance of their failures. They often underestimate their abilities. And when they get negative feedback, such as a bad evaluation at work or a disrespectful remark from someone they know, they are likely to believe that it (B) [accurately / inaccurately] reflects their self-worth. People with low self-esteem also have a higher-than-average risk of being depressed. This (C) [hurts / improves] not only an individual s mental and emotional well-being but also his or her physical health and the quality of his or her social relationships. 1 ignore accurately improves 2 ignore inaccurately hurts 3 magnify accurately improves 4 magnify inaccurately improves 5 magnify accurately hurts 정답 29 5 19 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 20 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 30 지칭추론 01 The nurse showed Lina an opening in the side of the incubator. S V 간O 직O = 창, 구멍, 틈 02 Lina slipped her hand in and touched her daughter s hand. S V1 O1 V2 O2 03 She lightly rubbed the baby s wrist and fingers. incubate = ( 알을 ) 품다, 부화하다 ; 보육하다 ; 생각해내다 01 간호사는 Lina에게인큐베이터측면 = 보육기, 부화기에있는창을보여주었다. 02 Lina 는자신의손을안으로슬며시넣어서자기딸의손을만졌다. S V O wrist = 손목 = ~ 하면서 03 그녀는아기의손목과손가락을가볍게문질렀다. 04 그런다음두뺨에눈물을흘리며그녀 S V S' V' 는간호사에게로몸을돌렸다. [ ] 는동시성이강조된시간의부사절 [ ] =, tears streaming down her cheeks. [ ] 를독립분사구문으로전환가능 S' V' O' V S 05 언제아기를안을수있나요? 라고 Lina가물었다. 04 Then 1 she turned to the nurse [as tears streamed down her cheeks]. 05 When can I hold her? asked Lina. 06 Probably later today. [After the doctor checks her], said the nurse. 가주어 07 It is important [that 2 you bond with her]. The more you are around her, S V C S' V' the better it will be for the baby. C2 S2 V2 good의비교급으로 be의형용사보어 소재 Lina 의갓출산한아기와의극적교감 S' V' O' V S [ ] 는시간의부사절 [ ] 는 It의진주어절 S1 V2 Much의비교급으로 are를수식하는부사 06 아마도오늘나중에요. 의사선생님께서그녀를검사하신후일겁니다. 라고간호사가말했다. 07 당신이아기와유대감을형성하는것이중요합니다. 당신이아기곁에더많이있을수록, 아기에게더좋을겁니다. 08 Lina wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of 3 her free hand. S V O = 등, 뒤쪽 08 Lina 는자신의나머지손등으로뺨에서눈물을닦았다. 09 You don t have to worry, my little darling, Lina whispered. I m going S' V' S V S" 09 걱정할필요없어, 사랑하는아가야. 내가바로여기너와함께있을거란다. 나는너를정말로집으로데려가고싶어. 라고 Lina가속삭였다. V" S V O can hardly wait to V = V하는것을거의기다릴수없다, = 빨리 V하고싶다 서술형 [ 조건 ] 1 ' 나는너를빨리집에데려가고싶다.' 의의미가되도록영작 2 can hardly를포함할것 10 그녀가놀랍게도, 그아기는눈을뜨고 S V1 O1 V2 O2 Lina의손가락을움켜쥐었다. to one's + 추상명사 = ~ 이 하게도 one's를주어처럼, 추상명사를서술어처럼해석한후에 ' 하게도 ' 를붙임 11 커다란기쁨이그녀에게솟구쳐올라 S V 왔다. surge = 큰파도 a surge of ~ = 큰파도같은 ~, 커다란 ~ to be right here with 4 you. I can hardly wait to take you home. 10 To 5 her surprise, the baby opened her eyes and grasped Lina s finger. 11 A surge of joy shot through her. 01 opening 창, 구멍, 틈 02 incubator 인큐베이터, 조산아보육기 03 rub 문지르다, 비비다 04 wrist 손목 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 stream 흐르다, 흘러나오다 06 cheek 뺨 07 bond 유대감을형성하다 08 wipe 닦다 20 09 whisper 속삭이다 10 grasp 움켜쥐다, 움켜잡다 11 surge 큰파도, 동요 12 shoot 세차게나오다, 분출하다

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 21 M E M O QUESTION 30 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? The nurse showed Lina an opening in the side of the incubator. Lina slipped her hand in and touched her daughter s hand. She lightly rubbed the baby s wrist and fingers. Then 1 she turned to the nurse as tears streamed down her cheeks. When can I hold her? asked Lina. Probably later today. After the doctor checks her, said the nurse. It is important that 2 you bond with her. The more you are around her, the better it will be for the baby. Lina wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of 3 her free hand. You don t have to worry, my little darling, Lina whispered. I m going to be right here with 4 you. I can hardly wait to take you home. To 5 her surprise, the baby opened her eyes and grasped Lina s finger. A surge of joy shot through her. 정답 30 4 21 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 22 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 31 빈칸추론 소재 경쟁에대한생물학과경제의공통적시각 01 [When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural selection], he = ~ 할때 S' V' O' = 자연선택, 자연도태 S [ ] 는전치사에의한형용사구 created a picture [of the evolutionary process {in which organismic V O created a picture of = described, depicted 어휘변형출제가능 adaptation was ultimately caused by competition for survival and S' V' { } 는관계절 01 Charles Darwin 이자신의자연선택이론을전개했을때, 그는유기체의적응은결국생존과번식을위한경쟁에의해일어난다고진화과정을묘사했다. reproduction}]. = 번식 bear resemblance to ~ = ~ 을닮다 resemblance = similarity 02 이생물학상의 생존경쟁 은경쟁시장 S V = 지니다 O = 상당한유사성 에서경제적성공을얻으려고애쓰는사업자들사이의인간으로서의분투와상당히닮았다. S' V' strive for ~ = ~ 을얻으려고애쓰다 [ ] 는관계절 02 This biological struggle for existence bears considerable resemblance to the human struggle between businessmen [who are striving for economic success in competitive markets]. O' 03 Long [before Darwin published his work], social scientist Adam Smith 03 Darwin이자신의연구를발표하기오 S' V' O' S 래전에, 사회과학자 Adam Smith는 [ ] 는시간의부사절이미사업에서경쟁이경제적효율과 had already considered [that in business life, competition is the driving 적응이면에있는추진력이라고생각 V [ ] 는 considered의목적어절 S" V" 했다. driving force = 추진력, 원동력 force behind economic efficiency and adaptation]. C" [adaptation 적응 / adoption 채용, 채택 ] 어휘선택 = 놀라운 = surprising how는 similar를수식하는의문부사 { } 는 the ideas를수식하는관계절 04 It is indeed very striking [how similar the ideas are {on which the founders 04 진화생물학과경제학의근대이론창 S V C C' S' V' S" 시자들이자신의주된견해의근거로 가주어 [ ] 는명사절로 It의진주어절 that (X) / which (X) 어법둔사상이얼마나비슷한가는정말매 (of modern theory in evolutionary biology and economics) based their 우놀랍다. ( ) 는 the founders를수식하는형용사구 V" base A on B = A를 B에근거를두다 on which가 on B임 main thoughts}]. O" 01 natural selection 자연선택 02 evolutionary 진화의, 진화론에의한 03 adaptation 적응 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 04 reproduction 번식 05 strive for ~ 을얻으려고애쓰다 06 driving force 추진력 22 07 striking 놀라운, 이목을끄는 08 founder 창시자 09 *organismic 유기체의

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 23 M E M O QUESTION 31 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 2 혼란시키는 3 비현실적인 4 관습적인 5 복잡한 When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process in which organismic adaptation was ultimately caused by competition for survival and reproduction. This biological struggle for existence bears considerable resemblance to the human struggle between businessmen who are striving for economic success in competitive markets. Long before Darwin published his work, social scientist Adam Smith had already considered that in business life, competition is the driving force behind economic efficiency and adaptation. It is indeed very striking how the ideas are on which the founders of modern theory in evolutionary biology and economics based their main thoughts. 1 similar 2 confusing 3 unrealistic 4 conventional 5 complex 정답 31 1 23 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 24 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 32 빈칸추론 소재 독일의영국에대한폭탄공격의실패원인 01 In 1944 the German rocket-bomb attacks on London suddenly escalated. S = increased 01 1944년독일군의, 런던에대한로켓 V 포공격이갑자기증가했다. 02 Over two thousand V 1 flying bombs fell on the city, [killing more than S V [ ] 는분사구문 wounded (X) 어법 five thousand people and wounding many more]. killing 과병렬 = 시종일관 03 Somehow, however, the Germans consistently missed their targets. S V O 02 2,000 개가넘는 V 1 비행폭탄이도시에떨어져, 5,000 명이넘는사람들의목숨을앗아갔고, 그보다더많은사람들에게부상을입혔다. 03 하지만웬일인지독일군은시종일관자신의목표물을빗맞혔다. 04 Bombs [that were intended for Tower Bridge, or Piccadilly], would fall S S' V' V [ ] 는관계절 well short of the city, [landing in the less populated suburbs]. 05 This was [because, {in fixing their targets}, the Germans relied on secret agents {(whom) they had planted in England}]. 06 They did not know [{that these agents had been discovered}, and {that in their place, English-controlled agents were giving them subtly deceptive information}]. 07 The bombs would hit farther and farther from their targets [every time they fell]. [ ] 는앞문장의결과를함축한분사구문 fall short of ~ = ~ 에못미치다 [why / because] 문맥상어휘선택 S V = 정할때, 정하는데있어서 S' V' [ ] 는명사절로 was의보어절 O' O" S" V" { } 는관계절 S V S'1 V'1 [ ] 는 know의목적어절 S' 직 O'2 S V' V [ ] 는두개의 {that 절 } 이 and 로연결됨 S'2 V'2 간 O'2 = 점점더멀리 < 부사구 > 04 Tower Bridge 나 Piccadilly 로의도된폭탄은도시에한참못미쳐서, 사람이더적게거주하는교외에떨어지곤했다. 05 이것은독일군이목표물을정할때그들이영국에배치해둔비밀요원들에게의지했기때문이었다. in one's place = ~ 대신에 06 그들은이비밀요원들이발각되었고, 대신영국의지휘하에있는요원들이그들 ( 독일군 ) 에게교묘하게거짓정보를제공하고있다는사실을몰랐다. [ ] 는시간의부사절 every time = each time = whenever 07 폭탄은떨어질때마다목표물에서점점더먼곳을맞히곤했다. 08 By the end of the attack they were landing on cows in the country. = 공격이끝날무렵에 by ~ing = ~ 함으로써 09 By [feeding the enemy wrong information], the English army gained a strong advantage. O S V 원문빈칸 V' 간O' 직O' [ ] 는동명사구로 By의목적어 feeding = giving S V 08 공격이끝날무렵에그것들 ( 폭탄 ) 은시골에있는암소위로떨어지고있었다. 09 적에게잘못된정보를제공함으로써영국군은큰이득을얻었다. 01 rocketbomb 로켓포 02 flying bomb 비행폭탄 03 wound 부상을입히다 04 consistently 시종일관 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 miss 빗맞히다, 못맞히다 06 target 목표물, 표적 07 fall short of ~ 에못미치다 08 suburb 교외, 근교 24 09 plant 배치하다, 심다 10 secret agent 비밀요원 11 deceptive 거짓의

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 25 M E M O QUESTION 32 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 대중에게정직함 2 적에게물러날기회를제공함 4 시종일관하나의목표에집중함 5 미지의곳을탐험함 In 1944 the German rocket-bomb attacks on London suddenly escalated. Over two thousand V 1 flying bombs fell on the city, killing more than five thousand people and wounding many more. Somehow, however, the Germans consistently missed their targets. Bombs that were intended for Tower Bridge, or Piccadilly, would fall well short of the city, landing in the less populated suburbs. This was because, in fixing their targets, the Germans relied on secret agents they had planted in England. They did not know that these agents had been discovered, and that in their place, English controlled agents were giving them subtly deceptive information. The bombs would hit farther and farther from their targets every time they fell. By the end of the attack they were landing on cows in the cou ntry. By, the English army gained a strong advantage. 1 being honest with the public 2 giving the enemy a chance to retreat 3 feeding the enemy wrong information 4 focusing on one goal consistently 5 exploring the unknown places 정답 32 3 25 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 26 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 33 빈칸추론 소재 사람과상품의상호작용 commodity = 상품, 생산품, 일용품 원문빈칸 S V on a daily basis = 매일 = every day 01 Most people interact with commodities on a daily basis. 01 대부분의사람이매일상품과상호작용을한다. what은전치사 on의선행사를포함한목적격관계대명사 [ ] 는조건의부사절 = 1번문장 spend A on B = B에 A를소비하다 에서 B가 what이됨 02 여러분이실제로멈춰생각해보면, 보 S' V'1 V'2 S O S" V" 통의사람이자신의돈을쓰는것의대 [ ] 는명사절로전치사 of의목적어절 부분은상품소비를중심으로돌아간 다. O" V revolve around ~ = ~ 을중심으로돌다 02 [If you really stop and think about it], most of [what average people spend their money on] revolves around the consumption of commodities. 03 [When you wake up in the morning], you might drink a cup of coffee. S' V' S V O [ ] 는시간의부사절 04 On the way to work, you might put gasoline in your car. = 출근하는길에 S V O 05 [When you pay your electric bills, buy a car, buy clothes, or even bake a S' V'1 O'1 V'2 O'2 V'3 O'4 V'4 [ ] 는시간의부사절 cake], you are spending money on commodity-related expenses. O'4 S V O = 상품과관련된경비 03 아침에잠에서깨어나면, 여러분은커피한잔을마실지도모른다. 04 출근하는길에여러분은자신의차에휘발유를넣을지도모른다. 05 전기요금청구서대금을치르거나, 자동차를사거나, 옷을사거나, 혹은심지어케이크를구울때조차, 여러분은상품과관련된경비에돈을쓰고있다. 06 The prices of these items are dependent on the prices of the physical S V C 06 이러한물품의가격은실물의가격에의해좌우된다. be dependent on ~ = depend on ~ = ~ 에좌우된다, ~ 에의존하다 commodities. 07 For instance, [when crude oil prices rise because of increased tensions in the Middle East], you can easily see this in gasoline prices. 08 [When excessive heat drives up demand for natural gas], you can also see this in your utility bill. O = ~ 할때 crude = 천연그대로의, 가공하지않은 = raw crude oil = 원유 S' S V O = 과도한 drive up ~ = ~ 을증가시키다 V' = ~ 때문에 = 고조된긴장 = 6번문장의내용 S' V' O' S V enhance / increase 등으로변형가능 = 공과금청구서 utility = 유용, 유익, 효용 ; 유용한것 ( 특히, 전기, 수도, 가스 ); 공익사업 07 예를들면중동지역의고조된긴장으로인해원유가격이오를때, 여러분은휘발유가격에서이를쉽게볼수있다. 08 과도한더위로인해천연가스의수요가증가할때, 여러분은또한여러분의공과금청구서에서도이를볼수있다. 01 spend money on ~ 에돈을쓰다 02 revolve around ~ 을중심으로돌아가다 03 consumption 소비 04 commodity 상품 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 05 bill 청구서 06 expense 경비, 비용 07 be dependent on ~ 에의해좌우되다 08 crude oil 원유 26 09 tension 긴장 10 the Middle East 중동지역 11 drive up ~ 을증가시키다, ( 값을 ) 올리다 12 utility bill 공과금청구서

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 27 M E M O QUESTION 33 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 2 너무많이쓰고나중에후회한다 3 어느정도빚을지고있다 4 에너지보존의필요성을느낀다 5 천연자원의중요성을이해한다 Most people. If you really stop and think about it, most of what average people spend their money on revolves around the consumption of commodities. When you wake up in the morning, you might drink a cup of coffee. On the way to work, you might put gasoline in your car. When you pay your electric bills, buy a car, buy clothes, or even bake a cake, you are spending money on commodity-related expenses. The prices of these items are dependent on the prices of the physical commodities. For instance, when crude oil prices rise because of increased tensions in the Middle East, you can easily see this in gasoline prices. When excessive heat drives up demand for natural gas, you can also see this in your utility bill. 1 interact with commodities on a daily basis 2 spend too much and regret later 3 are in debt to some extent 4 feel the need for energy conservation 5 understand the importance of natural resources 정답 33 1 27 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 28 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 34 빈칸추론 원문빈칸 01 Our sense of [how deprived we are] is relative. 소재 상대적개념의불우한감정 are we (X) 어순어법 간접의문문이므로 S C' S' V' V C [absolute 절대적인 / relative] 어휘선택 [ ] 는간접의문의명사절로전치사 of의목적어절 deprive = 빼앗다 / deprived = 빼앗긴, 곤궁한, 가난한 = badly off how는 deprived를수식하는의문부사 01 우리가얼마나불우한가에대한우리의느낌은 상대적 이다. both A and B에의해 is의두개의보어가병렬로연결됨 S1 V1 C1 S' V' C'1 = 탐구해보면 02 이것은분명하기도하고 ( 탐구해보면 ) 아주심오한관찰이며, 그것은그렇지 [ ] 는관계절 않으면당혹스럽게만드는모든종류 의관찰을설명해준다. C'2 S2 V2 O2 puzzled (X) 어법 puzzling과 observations는능동관계이므로 02 This is an observation [that is both obvious and (upon exploration) deeply profound], and it explains all kinds of otherwise puzzling observations. 1 Do you think? + Which has a higher suicide rate? 2 위의질문에 Yes or No 로대답할수없으므로의문사가문두로이동됨 3 위의질문에 Yes or No 로대답할수있으면나열된그대로의어순이유지됨 4 Which = Which of the two kinds of countries 03 Which [do you think], for example, has a higher suicide rate: [countries {whose citizens declare themselves (to be very happy), (such as Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, and Canada)}], or [countries {like Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain}, {whose citizens describe themselves 04 Answer: the so-called happy countries (has a higher sucide rate). 05 [If you are depressed in a place {where most people are pretty unhappy}], 06 But can you imagine [how difficult it must be {to be depressed in a country (where everyone else has a big smile on their face)}]? 서술형 ( 순수영작 ) [ 유형 ] 우리말과일부어휘제시형순수영작 otherwise = 그렇지않으면 심오하게관찰하고탐구해보지않으면 S S' V' V O = 자살률 declare ~ to be = ~ 이 하다고분명히말하다 S"1 V"1 O"1 OC"1 ( ) 는 countries를수식함 { } 는관계절로 whose는 countries를이어받아서 citizens를수식하는소유격관계대명사 S"2 V"2 O"2 두개의 [ ] 부분은의문사 Which의질문의대상 Which와호응해서두개의 [ ] 부분이 or로연결됨 03 예를들어, 다음중에서어느곳이더자살률이높다고생각하는가? 스위스, 덴마크, 아이슬란드, 네덜란드, 그리고캐나다처럼시민들이스스로매우행복하다고분명히말하는나라들인가, 아니면시민들이스스로매우행복한것은전혀아니라고묘사하는그리스, 이탈리아, 포르투갈, 그리고스페인과같은나라들인가? ( ) 는 countries를수식하는형용사구 like ~ = ~ 와같은 = such as ~ = ( 부정문에서 ) 전혀 { } 는 countries를수식설명하는관계절 as (not very happy at all)}]? whose는 countries를이어받아서 citizens를수식하는소유격관계대명사 OC"2 ( ) 는 describe의목적보어 describe A as B = A를 B라고묘사하다 04 정답은소위행복한국가들이다. S V O = 이른바, 소위 3번문장의질문에대한답으로 ( ) 는문맥상명확하므로생략됨 [ ] 는조건의부사절 = in which [happy / unhappy] 문맥상어휘선택 05 대부분의사람들이꽤불행한곳에서 S' V' C' S" V" C" 여러분이우울하다면, 여러분은여러 depressing (X) 어법 { } 는관계절분주변의사람들과여러분자신을비 you compare yourself to those [around you] and you don t feel all that 교하며그렇게아주나쁘다고느끼지 S1 V1 O1 [ ] 는형용사구 S2 V2 않는다. [ ] = who are around you that은부사로 ' 그렇게, 그정도로 ' 의뜻 bad. = people all = 모두, 전적으로 = completely C2 [ ] 는명사절로 imagine의목적어절 how는 difficult를수식하는의문부사 S V C' S' V' 의문문유도 가주어 S" V" O" ( ) 는관계절 06 그러나여러분은나머지모든사람들 { } 는 it의진주어이얼굴에커다란미소를짓고있는나 must be ~ = ~ 임에틀림없다라에서우울하다는것이얼마나어려운일임에틀림없을지를상상할수있겠는가? 서술형대비 6번문장은공부재료가많이있으므로충분히학습할것을권합니다. 01 observation 관찰 02 exploration 탐구, 탐험, 답사 03 profound 심오한 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 04 otherwise 그렇지않으면 05 puzzling 당혹스럽게만드는 06 suicide 자살 28 07 declare 분명히말하다, 선언하다 08 describe 묘사하다

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 29 M E M O QUESTION 34 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 누가잘못인지 3 무엇이진정으로할가치가있는지 4 언제우리가다른사람을도와야하는지 5 어떤나라가더많은권력을가졌는지 Our sense of is relative. This is an observation that is both obvious and (upon exploration) deeply profound, and it explains all kinds of otherwise puzzling observations. Which do you think, for example, has a higher suicide rate: countries whose citizens declare themselves to be very happy, such as Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, and Canada, or countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, whose citizens describe themselves as not very happy at all? Answer: the so called happy countries. If you are depressed in a place where most people are pretty unhappy, you compare yourself to those around you and you don t feel all that bad. But can you imagine how difficult it must be to be depressed in a country where everyone else has a big smile on their face? 1 who is to blame 2 how deprived we are 3 what is truly worth doing 4 when we should help others 5 which countries have more power 정답 34 2 29 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 30 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 35 = ~ 에대한 S V O contentment = 만족도 ; 안도 01 몇가지이유에서회사들은직원의업무만족도를높이고자한다. content = (~ 에 ) 만족하고있는 (~ with) content = 만족시키다 content = 만족 ( 감 ) 01 Companies would like to enhance employee contentment on the job for several reasons. 02 Job satisfaction increases productivity [because happy employees work harder], [allowing them {to produce more at a lower cost}]. 03 1 Moreover, in many service organizations, client satisfaction often depends directly on the attitudes of employees, [who are the company s face for customers]. C' 무관한문장 02 행복한직원들이더열심히일하기때문에업무만족도는생산성을높이고, 그들이더낮은비용으로더많은것을생산하게한다. { } 는간접의문절로 by의목적어절 04 사람들의구매패턴은그들이구매를 S' V' S" V" 경험하는동안어떻게느끼는가에의해영향을받기때문에, 행복한직원들은중요하다. S V = are important 04 2 [Because people s purchasing patterns are affected by {how they feel during the buying experience}], happy employees matter. 05 3 [When workers are dissatisfied], their unhappiness makes the customer s experience worse; as a result, consumers buy less, and company performance suffers. 06 4 In other words, [when a product costs more, but is worth it], its value becomes acceptable to the consumer. 05 직원들이만족하지못하면, 그들의불행은고객들의경험을악화시키고, 그결과고객들은구매를덜하며, 회사의실적은어려움을겪는다. 06 ( 다시말해서, 제품의가격이더비싸지만그만한가치가있다면, 그것의가치는소비자들에게받아들여진다.) C { } 는간접의문절로 know의목적어절 what은의문대명사로 makes의주어 07 분명히업무에서무엇이직원들을만 S V C [ ] 는 it의진주어 S' V' 족하게하는가를회사가아는것은중 가주어 for companes는 to know의의미상의주어요하다. 07 5 Clearly, it is important [for companies to know {what makes their employees satisfied with their jobs}]. 소재 회사원의업무만족도 = 왜냐하면 S V O S' V' { } 는 allowing의목적보어 V" O" OC" allow ~ to V = ~ 이 V하게하다 [ ] 는앞문장내용의결과를함축한분사구문 allowing ~ = which allows ~ = so it allows ~ which와 it는앞문장의내용전체 03 게다가, 많은서비스조직에서자주고 S 객만족은직접적으로직원들의태도에달려있으며, 그들은고객에대한회사의얼굴이다. V O S' V' [ ] 는 employees를부가적으로설명하는관계절 [ ] 는이유의부사절 V O' [ ] 는조건의부사절 S' V' C' S V O OC S"1 V"1 S"2 V"2 OC' 어법주의 = the product S' V'1 V'2 C'2 S [ ] 는조건의부사절 01 enhance 높이다, 향상하다 02 productivity 생산성 03 moreover 게다가 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 04 organization 조직 05 purchasing 구매 06 suffer 어려움을겪다, 고생하다 30 07 value 가치 08 acceptable 받아들일수있는 09 *contentment 만족 ( 감 )

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 정리 복습 31 M E M O QUESTION 35 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? Companies would like to enhance employee contentment on the job for several reasons. Job satisfaction increases productivity because happy employees work harder, allowing them to produce more at a lower cost. 1 Moreover, in many service organizations, client satisfaction often depends directly on the attitudes of employees, who are the company s face for customers. 2 Because people s purchasing patterns are affected by how they feel during the buying experience, happy employees matter. 3 When workers are dissatisfied, their unhappiness makes the customer s experience worse; as a result, consumers buy less, and company performance suffers. 4 In other words, when a product costs more, but is worth it, its value becomes acceptable to the consumer. 5 Clearly, it is important for companies to know what makes their employees satisfied with their jobs. 정답 35 4 31 2017 년고 1 학년 1 학기 1 회대비

2017년 3월고2 모의고사 분석노트 분석 해석 32 목적 주제 제목 요지 주장 요약 어조 성격 심경 분위기 지칭 세부내용 어법 어휘 빈칸 순서 연결어 무관한문장 문장넣기 Question 36 글의순서 소재 스프링클러시스템 01 James Francis was born in England and emigrated to the United States at S V1 V2 01 James Francis 는영국에서태어나열여덟살에미국으로이주했다. age 18. contributions to ~ = ~ 에대한공헌 02 One [of his first contributions to water engineering] was the invention of 02 물공학에대한그의첫번째공헌중 S [ ] 는형용사구 V C 하나는현재방화 ( 防火 ) 를위해건물에 one of ~ 복수명사 어법 = 방화 [ 화재예방 ] 서널리사용되는스프링클러시스템 the sprinkler system [now widely used in buildings for fire protection]. 의발명이었다. [ ] 는과거분사구 now widly used ~ = which is now widely used ~ [ ] 는현재분사구 03 (B) Francis s design involved a series of perforated pipes [running 03 (B) Francis의디자인은건물전체에 S V O = 뻗어있는뻗어있는, 일련의구멍을낸파이프를 run (X) 어법포함했다. throughout the building]. perforate = 구멍을내다 perforating (X) 어법 pipes와 perforated는수동관계 04 It had two defects: it had to be turned on manually, and it had only one S V O S'1 V'2 S'2 V'2 valve. O'2 05 (A) [Once the system was activated {by opening the valve}], water would S' V' = 개방함으로써, 개방으로 S = 일단 ~ 하면 { } 는방법의부사구 flow out everywhere. V 04 그것은두가지결점이있었는데, 손으로켜야했으며, 단지 하나 의밸브만있는것이었다. 05 (A) 밸브의개방으로일단시스템이작동되면, 물이사방에서쏟아져나오곤했다. 06 [If the building did not burn down], it would certainly be completely S' V' S [ ] 는조건의부사절 flooded. V would be에연결되는 flood의과거분사 Only+ 부사구가문두에옴에따라동사 + 주어의어순으로도치됨 07 (C) [Only some years later, {when other engineers perfected the kind of sprinkler heads (in use nowadays)}], did the concept become popular. 08 They turned on automatically and were activated only [where actually S needed]. S' V' { } 는 some years later를부연설명하는관계절 06 건물이불에타버리지않았을때는그것은틀림없이완전히물에잠기게되었다. 07 (C) 몇년후에다른엔지니어들이요즈음에사용되는종류의스프링클러헤드를완성했을때에야비로소그개념은대중화되었다. ( ) 는형용사구 V S V C in use ~ = which were in use ~ 부정부사구가문두에오면서 the concept became did the concept become이됨 V1 turn on = ( 전등, 스위치등이 ) 켜지다 needing (X) 어법 [ ] = where they are actually needed perfet = 완성하다 08 그것은자동으로켜지고, 실제로필요 V2 한곳에서만작동되었다. [ ] 는장소 or 상황의부사절 where ~ = ~ 곳에서, ~ 하는경우에 서술형 [ 조건 ] Only where로문장을시작할것 [ 정답 ] 은아래표시 [ 서술형정답 ] : Only where actually needed did they turn on automatically and were they activated. 01 emigrate ( 타국으로 ) 이주하다 02 contribution 공헌, 기여 03 water engineering 물공학 04 fire protection 방화 ( 防火 ) 05 activate 작동시키다, 작동하다 2017년고2학년 1학기 1회대비 06 flow out 쏟아져나오다 07 burn down 타버리다, 전소되다 08 flood 침수시키다 09 a series of 일련의 10 defect 결점, 결함 32 11 manually 손으로, 수동으로 12 perfect 완성하다 13 in use 사용되는 14 concept 개념 15 *perforate 구멍을내다