희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

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중학교 3 학년영어교과서 14 종 주요의사소통기능문시험지 * 본책에나온의사소통기능문을여러번반복해서보고, 영어를우리말로쓰시오. < 문제 > 문제 / 고민묻기 You look down. What s the matter? I didn t get a good score on my essay. Oh, I m sorry to hear that. < 관심과선호 > 관심묻기 Do you find the music club interesting? Yes, it interests me a lot. It helps me to relieve my stress. 선호묻기 Which do you prefer, getting up early or staying up late? I prefer staying up late because I enjoy listening to the radio at night. < 계획과희망 > 계획묻기 What are you planning to do this summer? I ve always wanted to learn how to swim. I m finally going to take swimming lessons. 장래희망묻기 What do you want to be in the future? I would like to become a movie director and make great movies. How about you? 1

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han become a best-selling writer? He said that reading many books helped him become a good writer. He said that he used to read five books a week. 강조하여전달하기 What should I do to speak well in front of people? First of all, it is important to speak clearly. < 의견 > 의견묻기 What do you think of driving an electric car? In my opinion, it can reduce air pollution. 만족 / 불만족묻기 Are you satisfied with your new apartment? Yes, I m pretty satisfied with it. It is close to the subway station. 동의 / 반대묻기 I think junk food should be banned from schools. Don t you agree? I agree with you. If students keep eating it, it makes them fat and unhealthy. 2

궁금한점묻기 I wonder why the band is so popular. I think the reason is that their songs are simple and catchy. 불평말하기 Excuse me. I d like to complain about this steak. It s too rare. I m sorry, sir. Let me take that back to the kitchen. < 이유 > 이유묻기 I think Kate is creative. What makes you think so? She has many ideas, and they are new and original. < 확인 > 알고있는지확인하기 Ⅰ Have you heard the rumor about Dave? Yes, I have heard it several times, but it isn t true. 알고있는지확인하기 Ⅱ Are you aware that you hung the picture upside down? Oh, no! Thank you for telling me. 확신여부묻기 Are you sure that you turned off the light? Absolutely, I did, Mom. 기억여부묻기 Did you remember you should call your grandmother? 3

I nearly forgot. Thanks. 의도확인하기 Do you know about La Tomatina? You mean the festival in Spain, right? Right. I wish I could go there. 오해지적하기 Toronto is the capital of Canada, right? I m afraid your answer s wrong. It s Ottawa. < 감사와기원 > 감사하기 Thank you for finding me my locker key. I appreciate your help. It s my pleasure. I m glad to be of help. 격려하기 We lost the baseball game again. Maybe I m not a very good player. Never give up! You will be better next time. 기원하기 I have a presentation in English class tomorrow. I m so nervous. Don t forget to make eye contact with others. That s the point. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. < 감정표현 > 속상함표현하기 Christine, you look upset. You got that right. I m annoyed that my boyfriend didn t answer my calls. 4

희망 / 기대표현하기 Ⅰ Did you know that there is a big soccer game next Monday? Of course! I want to watch this game at the stadium. Will you join me? I d love to. Why don t we buy the tickets in advance? Sure. I can t wait to see the soccer match. 희망 / 기대표현하기 Ⅱ What are you looking forward to doing this weekend? I am looking forward to visiting Jake s new house. 놀람표현하기 Weren t you amazed when the singer showed up suddenly on the stage? Of course I was. I was surprised to see him in person. 걱정표현하기 I can t have dinner with you. I must go home now. Is something wrong? My sister has broken her arm. I m really concerned about her. 후회표현하기 I wrote the wrong answer on my math test. I should have been more careful. That s too bad. Don t be in a hurry next time. < 요청 > 허락 / 허가요청하기 Would you mind my using your earphones? Of course not. Here you are. 5

설명요청하기 Can you explain how to get a discount? You need to download the coupons from the website, first. 반복요청하기 My name is Broderick, and it is spelled B-R-O-D-E-R-I-C-K. I m sorry, sir. Could you repeat that please? 충고요청하기 I left my laptop on the subway. What should I do? I think you should call the Lost and Found. 표현 / 정의요청하기 How do they say Goodbye. in Chinese? They say Zaijian. and it means See you again. < 사과 > 사과 / 수용하기 We missed the train because of me. It s my fault, Joe. I should have left home earlier. Never mind. Let s wait for the next train. < 당부 > 당부 / 금지하기 Ⅰ Gosh, I almost caused an accident when I crossed the street just now. You must be frightened. Make sure that you look both ways carefully. 당부 / 금지하기 Ⅱ You re supposed to hand in the book report today. 6

Oh, thanks for reminding me. < 가능성 > 가능성말하기 Is it possible for humans to live on Mars? Well, I think it is impossible because of its temperature. Occasionally it drops to below -60 C. < 가정 > 가정하여말하기 What would you do if you became the CEO of a big company? Well, I would donate money to the poor. < 발표 > 환기하기 / 주제소개하기 Hey, guys! Are you paying attention? Now, I m going to explain the history of the palace. 7