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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~


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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관




Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention Lesson 7 단원설정취지 실생활에서흔히접하는광고를주제로이야기를나누며의사소통능력을기르고광고에서사용되는기법을소개함으로써광고가소비자에게미치는영향에대해생각해보게한다. 단원목표 Communicative Functions 궁금증표현하기 I wonder if you ve seen the recent ad. 구체적정보말하기 To be more specific, advertisers use attractive models. 이해부족말하기 It isn t clear to me what kind of advertisement you mean. Grammar Points Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Hollywood movies do this all the time with what they call a teaser trailer. Period Section Page Activity Master Plan 1 Listen Listen & Speak 1 pp. 138~139 Listening to dialogs about classified ads and TV commercials Having a conversation about advertising 2 Listen & Speak 2 Speak in the Real World pp. 140~141 Listening to a dialog about advertising and doing a role-play Having a conversation with a survey researcher on advertisements 3 Before Reading Reading pp. 142~143 Building background knowledge of the main text Reading the first part of the text 4 Reading p. 144 Reading the second part of the text 5 Reading After Reading pp. 145~146 Reading the last part of the text Working with comprehension check-up questions 6 Language Focus Writing 1 pp. 147~148 Reviewing vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar points Answering some questions related to grammar points 7 Writing 2 p. 149 Writing a sales advertisement 8 Express Yourself pp. 150~151 Listening to a radio advertisement Reading a passage about the most impressive advertisement Talking and writing about the most memorable advertisement 9 Check Yourself pp. 152~153 Reviewing this lesson by answering five types of questions 10 Project Culture Link pp. 154~155 Designing an advertisement Finding out various international advertising festivals or awards

1 Listen / Listen & Speak 1 pp. 138~139 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Listen A Warm-up Listen and choose what the conversation is about. a b c Warm-up Hello, everyone. Open your books to page 136. What is the title of lesson 7? The title is Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention. What do you think the lesson is about? It s about various advertising techniques and their effects. Now, look at the Grammar Points and Communicative Functions. They are useful grammatical structures and expressions that you will learn in this lesson. Let s read them out loud together one by one. Today we re going to study Listen and Listen & Speak 1. First, let s start with Listen. B C Listen and Choose 1. What does the girl want to buy? a the jacket on sale b the new shoes her favorite actor promotes c a 3D model of a television 2. What do advertisers do to influence consumers? a They advertise their products a lot. b They use attractive models in their ads. c They use their own products. Listen and Answer Listen and choose the most appropriate responses from the box. 1. Development 2. 3. Listen A Warm-up 1. You re going to listen to a dialog. Choose the right picture for what the speakers are talking about. Script G: Did you read the school newspaper? 너학교신문읽었니? B: No, not yet. Is there any hot issues? 아니, 아직. 어떤화제가되는사건이있니? G: No, but you should check a new section of free classified ads for students. 아니, 하지만학생용새무료항목별분류광고란을꼭확인해봐. B: Free classified ads? What are they? 항목별분류광고? 그게뭐야? G: If you want to advertise something, you can place an advertisement for free. 만약네가뭔가광고하고싶다면, 너는무료로광고를낼수있어. place an advertisement: 광고를내다 What is the answer? Right. The speakers are talking about classified ads. B Listen and Choose 1. 138 Lesson 7 Let s move on to B. Now, we re going to listen to a dialog. Listen and choose the right answers to the two questions. Script a I wonder if this ad really works. b It s information on advertising. To be more specific, it s about how to advertise on the Internet. c Can you give me a hand? d Classifieds mean short classified advertisements in newspapers. G: I wonder if you ve seen the recent ad for L sportswear on TV. 나는네가최근 TV에서 L 스포츠의류광고를본적이있는지궁금해. B: No, I haven t. Is there anything interesting in it? 아니, 본적없어. 그광고에뭐재미있는것이있니? G: Guess who s the model for the TV commercial. 그 TV 광고의모델이누구인지알아맞춰봐. B: Your favorite actor, Dojin? 네가제일좋아하는배우도진? G: Right! I want to buy the shoes that he wears. 맞아! 나는그가신은신발이사고싶어. B: Oh, come on. He s just promoting the shoes. 오, 제발. 그사람은단지그신발을홍보하고있을뿐이야. G: I don t care. He looks so cool when he wears them in the ad. 신경안써. 광고에서그신발을신고있을때그사람은정말멋져보여. B: That s what advertisers intend. To be more specific, 196 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention Listen Further 1. What can the boy NOT stand? a the ads interrupting TV programs b the channel changing c other children watching TV commercials 2. What kind of ads does the girl enjoy watching? a ads for sales b ads for TV programs c ads for body care products Listen and Talk Listen & Speak 1 1. Listen and check the answer to each question. 1 What does the woman wonder about? the T electronics TV commercial the T electronics advertisement on the Internet What kind of music is used? a French song country music What does the woman want to know? the meaning of the song what the ad promotes 2. Complete the dialog with the answers from above and practice it with your partner. A : I wonder if you ve ever seen ( the thing ). B: Well, I m not sure. A : To be more specific, it is the advertisement that has ( kind of music ) in the background. B: I got it. I think I saw it. A : Do you know ( the thing she wants to know )? B: I m afraid not. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 139 Script 1. G: Can I talk to you for a minute? 잠깐이야기좀할수있니? B: Sure. What s up? 물론이야. 무슨일이니? G: I wonder if this ad really works. 이광고가정말효과가있는지궁금해서. 2. B: I didn t see you this afternoon. Where were you? 오늘오후에너안보이더라. 어디에있었니? G: I was busy searching for some information in the computer lab. 컴퓨터실에서정보를좀찾느라바빴어. B: What information? 어떤정보? G: It s information on advertising. To be more specific, it s about how to advertise on the Internet. 광고에관한정보야. 구체적으로말하면, 인터넷에광고를하는방 법에관한거야. 3. G: Do you know how to create classifieds? 너는항목별분류광고를어떻게내는지아니? B: Well, it isn t clear to me what you mean by classifieds. 글쎄, 항목별분류광고가무엇을의미하는지잘모르겠어. G: Classifieds mean short classified advertisements in newspapers. 항목별분류광고는신문에있는짤막하고주제별로분류된광고를 의미해. advertisers use attractive models to influence consumers like you. 그게광고주들이의도하는거야. 구체적으로말하면, 광고주들은너같은소비자들에게영향을주려고매력적인모델을써. G: I know, but I need shoes, anyway. 나도알아, 하지만어쨌든나는신발이필요해. look cool 멋져보이다 Listen to the dialog again and check the answers. Teaching Tips 처음한번들려주면서문제를풀게하고답을확인한후, 빈칸채우기 worksheet를이용하여다시한번들으면서빈칸채우기를하도록한다. 마지막으로다시한번학생들에게대화를들려주며내용을정리하게할수있다. C Listen and Answer 1. This time, you will listen to three short dialogs and choose the most appropriate responses from the box. search for ~ 을찾다 Are you done? Let s check the answers together. Listen & Speak 1 Now, let s move on to page 139, Listen & Speak 1. Listen Further 1. Listen and answer the questions. Script G: I think advertisers make really good advertisements nowadays. 요즘광고주들이정말좋은광고들을만드는것같아. B: Yeah, many interesting commercials are on TV, but I can t stand the ads interrupting programs. 응, TV 에재미있는광고들이많아, 하지만나는그광고들이프로그램 사이에끼어드는건견딜수가없어. G: What do you do when they interrupt programs? To be more specific, do you watch them or change the channel? Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 197

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 광고들이프로그램이중간에나오면뭘하니? 구체적으로말하면, 광고 들을보니아니면채널을바꾸니? B: I usually change the channel. What about you? 나는보통채널을바꿔. 너는어때? G: I enjoy watching TV commercials. 나는 TV 광고보는것을즐겨. B: Really? I wonder what kind of ad you enjoy. 정말? 네가어떤광고를즐기는지궁금해. G: I enjoy ads for body care products. 나는바디케어제품광고를즐겨봐. B: Do you buy the products when you go shopping? 네가쇼핑갔을때그제품들을구매하니? G: Sometimes I do. 가끔사. Let s check the answers together. Listen and Talk 1. Listen to a monolog about an advertisment and check the answer to each question. Script W: I wonder if you ve ever seen the T electronics TV commercial. More specifically, it is the advertisement that has a French song in the background. It doesn t show the product but only some images. I want to know what the ad promotes. I asked my friends about it but nobody had any clue! It isn t clear to us what the ad intends. Do you know anything about the ad? 나는네가 TV에서 T 전자의광고를본적이있는지궁금해. 좀더구체적으로말하면, 그광고는배경음악으로프랑스음악이나와. 그것은제품은보여주지않고몇몇이미지들만보여줘. 나는그광고가홍보하는것이무엇인지알고싶어. 내친구들에게그광고에대해물어봤지만아무도단서를가지고있지않았어. 그광고가의도하는것이무엇인지모르겠어. 너는그광고에대해뭔가아는것이있니? more specifically 구체적으로말하면 Are you done? Now, let s check the answers together. 나는네가 TV 에서 T 전자의광고를본적이있는지궁금해. B: Well, I m not sure. 글쎄, 잘모르겠어. A: To be more specific, it is the advertisement that has a French song in the background. 구체적으로말하면, 그것은배경에프랑스음악이나오는광고야. B: I got it. I think I saw it. 알겠다. 그것을본적이있는것같아. A: Do you know what the ad promotes? 그광고가무엇을홍보하는지아니? B: I m afraid not. 모르겠어. Wrap-up Let s review today s lesson. When you want to tell specific information, how do you start? Right. To be more specific, or More specifically. You did a good job today. See you next class. More for Your Class Useful Expressions for This lesson how, why. I wonder if she can make it in time. = I wonder whether she can make it in time. I wonder how to start this machine. I wonder why you called me yesterday. To be more specific, we will be able to receive them from 1st January, 2014. = To be more concrete, we will be able to receive them from 1st January, 2014. = More specifically, we will be able to receive them from 1st January, 2014. 3. Complete the dialog with the answers from above and practice it with your partner. Then, switch the roles. Script A: I wonder if you ve seen the T electronics TV commercial. It isn t clear to me what kind of advertisement you mean. = I am not sure what kind of advertisement you mean. = I don t understand what kind of advertisement you mean. 198 Lesson 7

2 차시 Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real World pp. 140~141 학습 목표: ➊ 대화를 듣고 주제와 세부 사항을 이해할 수 있다. Listen & Speak 2 ➋ 광고에 대한 대화를 가지고 역할놀이를 할 수 있다. ➌ 거리에서 설문 조사를 하는 말을 듣고 이해하며 대화에 Dialog Practice 참여할 수 있다. 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. 수업 자료: textbook, computer, CD-ROM, dictation sheet Yumi: Minsu, I wonder if you can help me with my social studies project. Minsu: I ll try. What kind of project is it? Yumi: I m studying people s opinions about techniques of advertising. Can I ask you some questions? Minsu: Sure. Go ahead. Warm-up Yumi: Have you seen the commercial for children on TV? Minsu: It isn t clear to me what Hello, everyone. Today, we re going to study Listen & Speak 2 and Speak in the Real World. Open your books to page 140. kind of advertisement you mean. Yumi: To be more specific, it s a toy commercial. Minsu: Oh, I got it. Yumi: What do you think of that kind of advertisement? Minsu: Well, actually I don t like ads aimed at kids. 2. Listen again and check your answers. Then, practice the dialog with your partner. Development Role-play Listen & Speak 2 Do a role-play with the information below. a Dialog Practice b a classified ad in the newspaper an ad of Wanted it is not effective at all 1. 대화를 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 내용 추측하기 First, read the dialog in the box and guess the words for the blanks. c a poster on the street advertising poster for a Rock and Roll festival it is eye-catching an d an ad sent to you by e-mail an ad showing new products it is annoying 2. 대화를 듣고 빈칸 채우기 This time, listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. Dialog 140 Your Own Lesson 7 G: Minsu, I wonder if you can help me with my social studies project. 민수야, 내 사회 과제 좀 도와줄 수 있니? B: I ll try. What kind of project is it? 해 볼게. 어떤 과제니? G: I m studying people s opinions about techniques of advertising. Can I ask you some questions? 광고 기법에 대한 사람들의 의견을 조사하고 있어. 질문 몇 가지 해도 될까? B: Sure. Go ahead. 물론이야. 계속 해. G: Have you seen the commercial for children on TV? 너는 TV에서 아이들을 대상으로 하는 광고를 본 적 있니? B: It isn t clear to me what kind of advertisement you mean. 어떤 종류의 광고를 의미하는지 잘 모르겠어. G: To be more specific, it s a toy commercial. 구체적으로 말하면, 장난감 광고야. B: Oh, I got it. 아, 알았다. 3. 동영상을 보며 정답 확인하기 Let s check the answers while watching the video clip. 4. 대화 연습하기 Practice the dialog with your partner. Role-play 1. 주어진 정보를 이용하여 대화를 만든 후, 연습하기 Let s do a role-play with the information below. Look at the dialog cues to practice. They are for a substitution drill. Are there any unfamiliar words or expressions? Choose one of the roles in the dialog and practice the dialog with your partner using the cues for the pink-colored parts. Then, switch the roles and practice it again. G: What do you think of that kind of advertisement? 그런 종류의 광고에 대해 어떻게 생각해? B: Well, actually I don t like ads aimed at kids. 글쎄, 사실 나는 아이들을 대상으로 한 광고를 별로 좋아하지 않아. what kind of 어떤 종류의 Script G: Minsu, I wonder if you can help me with my social studies project. 민수야, 내 사회 과제 좀 도와줄 수 있니? Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 199

Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real World pp. 140~141 B: I ll try. What kind of project is it? 해볼게. 어떤과제니? G: I m studying people s opinions about techniques of advertising. Can I ask you some questions? 나는광고기법에대한사람들의의견을조사하고있어. 질문몇가지해도될까? B: Sure. Go ahead. 물론이야. 계속해. G: Have you seen a classified ad in the newspaper / a poster on the street / an ad sent to you by e-mail? 너는신문에서항목별분류광고를 / 길에서포스터를 / 너의이메일로보내진광고를본적있니? B: It isn t clear to me what kind of advertisement you mean. 어떤종류의광고를의미하는지잘모르겠어. G: To be more specific, it s an ad of Wanted / an advertising poster for a Rock and Roll festival / an ad showing new products. 구체적으로말하면그것은 구인 광고야. / 록앤롤축제를위한광고포스터야. / 신제품들을보여주고있는광고야. B: Oh, I got it. 아, 알겠다. G: What do you think of that kind of advertisement? 너는그런종류의광고에대해어떻게생각해? B: Well, actually it is not effective at all / it is eyecatching / it is annoying. 글쎄, 사실그것은전혀효과적이지않아. / 눈에띄어. / 성가셔. On the Street 1. Answer the survey and compare your answers with your partner s. 2. Check the conversation below. A: Good afternoon. I m from T Company. We re doing a survey. I wonder if I can ask you a few questions. It won t take long. B: Sure. Go ahead. A: Have you seen the ad for our T smartphone? B: Yes, I have. A: Could you tell me how the ad was? B: Actually, I like it. To be more specific, the background music and the slogan are quite appealing. A: Do you want to buy one because of the ad? B: Yes, I already bought a cell phone from T Company three months ago. A: Thank you for your time. B: Not at all. 3. Make your own dialog and do a role-play with your partner. Speak in the Real World Age: Man Woman 1. Have you seen the ads for Electronics Company products? Yes No 2. What was the product? Smartphone TV Computer Etc ( ) 3. Do you like the ad? Yes No 4. What do you like about the ad? background music model slogan Etc ( ) 5. Do you want to buy the product because of the ad? Yes No Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 141 Now, make your own cues for the dialog. B : Well, actually it bothers me because it encourages teenagers to wear makeup. 3. I d like you to volunteer for your dialog presentation. Any volunteers to present? Sample Dialog : G: Minsu, I wonder if you can help me with my social studies project. B : I ll try. What kind of project is it? G: I m studying people s opinions about techniques of. advertising Can I ask you some questions? B : Sure. Go ahead. G: Have you seen the advertisement for S company on TV? B : It isn t clear to me what kind of advertisement you mean. G: To be more specific, it s a teen commercial for beauty products. B : Oh, I got it. G: What do you think of that kind of advertisement? Teaching Tips - B번의 Role-Play 활동을하기전학생들에게자신이본광고의종류에대해발표하게하고, 광고와관련된영어어휘를학습한후, 역할놀이를하도록한다. - 광고의구체적인특성과광고에대한의견을다루고있는대화문이므로학생들이대화에들어갈정보를스스로만들어대화를완성하는활동을하기전에대화에사용할정보들을미리조사하여실제성과유용성이있는정보를가지고활동하도록한다. Speak in the Real World Now, let s move on to Speak in the Real World. You re going to listen to a conversation on the street and watch the video clip. Then, you will make your own dialog. Let s get started. 1. Look at the picture and the form. Who do you think 200 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention the woman is? Yes, she might be a researcher. What is the form about? It is a survey questionnaire about advertisements. through a role-play. Next time, we ll study the reading section. It s about advertising techniques to catch your eyes. Now, answer the survey questionnaire by ticking the right options based on your own experience. 3. Watch the video clip and listen to the conversation on the street below. Then, think of the situation you are being surveyed. Script A: Good afternoon. I m from T Company. We re doing a survey. I wonder if I can ask you a few questions. It won t take long. 안녕하세요. T사에서나왔습니다. 우리는설문조사를하고있습니다. 몇가지질문을해도될까요? 오래걸리진않을겁니다. B: Sure. Go ahead. 물론이에요. 물어보세요. A: Have you seen the ad for our T smartphone? T 스마트폰광고를본적이있으신가요? B: Yes, I have. 네, 본적있어요. A: Could you tell me how the ad was? 그광고가어땠는지말씀해주실래요? B: Actually, I like it. To be more specific, the background music and the slogan are quite appealing. 사실, 저는그광고를좋아해요. 자세히말하면, 배경음악과슬로건이매우매력적이에요. A: Do you want to buy one because of the ad? 광고를보고스마트폰을사고싶으신가요? B: Yes, I already bought a cell phone from T Company three months ago. 네, 이미몇달전에 T사의핸드폰을샀어요. A: Thank you for your time. 시간내주셔서감사합니다. B: Not at all. 천만에요. 4. Make your own dialog based on the survey questionnaire you did above and then role-play the conversation with your partner. Wrap-up Today, we ve practiced talking about advertisements. We also practiced the survey conversation on the street More for Your Class More Topics for Conversations about Advertising 1. Why do you think there are so many advertisements on TV, the radio, etc.? 2. Do you enjoy watching TV commercials? (If yes, what do you enjoy about them?) 3. What kind of advertisements usually get your attention? 4. What is the most funniest advertisement you have ever seen? Describe it. 5. Which celebrities have you seen in advertisements? Do you like them? Common Techniques Advertisers Often Use 1. Using slogans and weasel words Slogans are the most common thing in advertising. In catchy slogans, weasel words are used. They persuade consumers to buy the products. 2. Celebrities for Models When people watch their favorite celebrities using products in advertisement, they feel like buying the products. That s why advertisers use celebrities or famous personalities as a model for the products. 3. Suggesting solutions These advertisements suggest simple solutions. If you use the products, all your problems will be solved. 4. Using statics and facts In the advertisement, numbers, evidence and statistics are shown to consumers. They prove that the products work well. 5. Using attractive music In TV commercials, music is used as an indirect way to advertise the products. 6. Showing humorous situations TV commercials and newspaper advertisements show humorous situations to make consumers buy the products. They draw people s attention. 7. Making consumers feel good If the advertisements make consumers feel good and happy, they buy the products. It is one of the most common advertising techniques. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 201

3 차시 Before Reading / Reading pp. 142~143 학습 목표: ➊ 광고에 대한 질문에 답을 하면서 읽기 지문에 대한 배경 Before Reading 지식을 쌓을 수 있다. ➋ 제시된 새로운 어휘와 표현을 익힐 수 있다. A Answer the questions about advertisements and share the answers with classmates. ➌ 광고와 광고 구호에 대한 글을 읽으면서 그 내용을 이해 할 수 있다. 수업 자료: textbook, computer, CD-ROM Warm-up 1. Do you enjoy watching advertisements on TV? Yes No 2. Do you buy products because of ads? Yes No 3. Do you think advertising aimed at children should be allowed? Yes No 4. Do you feel annoyed when ads interrupt TV programs? Yes No 5. Do you think people buy a particular brand because of ads? Yes No B Match the product with the advertising slogan. Open your books to page 142. Today, we re going to do some pre-reading activities before you read the main text. Then read the first page of the main text. Let s start with Before Reading. 1. I Want to Keep Running Smart Drivers Smart Choice! The Natural Taste Look Who Is Shining Bright! You Still Pay Cash; 2. 3. Development Before Reading A 4. Answer the questions about advertisements and share the answers with classmates. 5. 1. 광고에 대한 질문에 답하기 Are you interested in advertisements? Look at A. There are five questions about advertising. They are like survey questions. Answer the questions. 142 2. 응답에 대한 학급 통계 내보기 Let s share the answers with classmates. I d like to check how many of you have the same answers. Te a c h i n g B Match the product with the advertising slogan. 1. 제품과 광고 문구 짝지어보기 Read the instructions first. Do you know what to do in B? Match the product with the most appropriate advertising slogan. 2. 정답 확인하기 Are you done? Let s check the answers together. Te a c h i n g Tips 교과서에 제시된 광고 문구 이외에 학생들이 인상깊었던 광고 문구는 무 엇이었고 그 광고의 어떠한 점이 인상적이었는지 자유롭게 이야기해 보게 함으로써 앞으로 읽게 될 읽기 지문에 대한 배경지식을 활성화 할 수 있다. 202 Lesson 7 I Pay with This Lesson 7 Reading 1. 그림과 제목을 보고 본문 내용 추측하기 What is the title of Reading? It is Ways to Catch Your Eye. Can you guess what the text is about? Right. It s about advertising techniques. Tips 교사가 칠판에 각 질문별로 Yes / No 칸을 만들어 질문별로 학생들에게 손을 들어 보라고 해서 통계를 내어 광고에 대한 학생들의 생각을 공유할 수 있다. That Nobody Can Resist! 2. 새로운 어휘 학습하기 First, let s learn the new words in this lesson. [ New Words ] media n. 매체 a way of expressing your ideas advertisement n. 광고 an announcement in the media about a product, service, event, etc. commercial a. 상업의 involving the buying and selling of goods trigger v. 야기하다 to cause something to begin emotion n. 감정, 정서 a feeling promotion n. 홍보, 선전 an attempt to make a product popular 3. 본문을 읽고 표현 정리하기 Now, read the text and check any unfamiliar expressions.

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 4. 본문을 다시 읽고 중심 내용 파악하기 Reading Read the passages again and find what the main idea is in this reading. Ways to Catch Your Eye 5. 구문 확인하기 Let s study some important structures. Advertisements are everywhere. They appear in various traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television commercials, radio advertisements, [Structures ] outdoor advertising or direct mail, or new media such as websites and text messages. Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. 5 How does it build the brand, trigger emotion, get people to take action, or plant a belief in the minds of buyers? One of the most effective ways is to use advertising slogans. They are short, often memorable Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. : used to 앞에는 관계대 명사 + be동사(which is) 가 생략되어 used(과거분사)가 a advertising phrases to draw attention to a product. They persuade consumers to buy something. Such slogans as form of communication(명사구) 뒤에서 직접 수식하고 있다. 10 Smart Drivers Smart Choice convinces the customer persuade + 목적어(행위자) + 목적보어(to부정사) 는 (목적어)가 that buying a smart car will make them smart. Besides 하도록 설득하다 라는 표현이다. slogans, advertisers use different advertising techniques to make their promotion more appealing. The following shows some common advertising 15 techniques. One of the most effective ways is to use advertising slogans. : One of 복수명사 + 단수동사 구문으로, ~ 중의 하나 는 이다 를 의미하며 one이 주어이므로 단수동사인 is가 왔다. to use advertising slogans 는 to부정사의 명사적 용법으로 광 고 구호를 사용하는 것 으로 해석되며, 동사 is의 보어가 된다. Q 1. What are the examples of new media? 2. What are advertising slogans? media[ d ] advertisement[ r iz ] emotion[ ] promotion[ ] Besides slogans, advertisers use different advertising techniques to make their promotion more appealing. : Besides slogans에서 besides는 전치사로, ~외에도 를 의미한다. commercial[ ] to make는 to부정사의 부사적 용법으로, ~하기 위하여 로 해석 trigger[ ] 한다. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 143 cf. besides 뒤에 콤마(,)가 있으면 부사로, 게다가, 또한 이라는 의미이다. Translation 당신의 눈을 사로잡는 방법들 광고는 도처에 있다. 광고는 신문, 잡지, 텔레비전 광고, 라디오 광고, 옥 외광고, 우편 광고와 같은 다양한 전통적 매체나, 웹 사이트나 문자 메시지 같은 새로운 매체에도 나타난다. 광고는 청중에게 제품, 아이디어, 또는 서 비스 측면에서 무엇인가 행동을 취하라고 설득하기 위해 사용되는 의사소 통의 한 형태이다. 광고가 어떻게 브랜드를 구축하고, 감정을 이끌어내고, 사람들이 행동을 하게 만들고, 혹은 구매자의 머리 속에 믿음을 심는 것일까? 가장 효과적인 방법들 중 하나는 광고 구호 를 이용하는 것이다. 그것은 어떤 제품에 주의 를 끄는 짧고 종종 기억하기 쉬운 광고 문구이다. 그것은 소비자에게 뭔가 를 사라고 설득한다. 스마트한 운전자의 스마트한 선택 과 같은 광고 구호 들은 소비자에게 스마트한 차를 사는 것이 자신들을 스마트하게 만들 것이 라고 설득한다. 광고 구호 외에도 광고주들은 자신들의 홍보가 더 호소력이 있게 하기 위해 다른 광고 기법을 사용한다. 다음은 몇 가지 흔한 광고 기법 을 보여 준다. [ Useful Phrases ] such as : ~ 같은 take action : 행동을 취하다 with respect to : ~의 측면에서 draw attention to : ~에 관심을 끌다 6. 질문에 답하면서 세부 내용 파악하기 Answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Answer : 1. They are websites and text messages. 2. They are short, often memorable advertising phrases to draw attention to a product. More Questions 1. What is the definition of advertising on the page? Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action to products, ideas, or services. 2. What passages probably follow this text? Passages about some common advertising techniques probably follow it. Wrap-up Today, we ve learned about advertising and advertising slogans. Next class, we will read the text about advertising techniques. That s all for today. See you. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 203

4 Reading p. 144 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Warm-up Last class, we read the first page of Reading. It is about the introduction to advertising and advertising slogans. Today, we re going to continue to read the text and learn about two kinds of advertising techniques. Open your books to page 144. Development Reading 1. Look at the first picture and subtitle on the top left of the page. Do you know what the subtitle car PPL in a film means? Look at the second picture. The picture is the teaser of a movie. Can you guess what we re going to learn from this page? Yes. We re going to learn about PPL and teaser advertisements. 5 10 15 20 Q 144 Lesson 7 car PPL in a film 1. Where could customers find PPL? 2. What do Hollywood movies do all the time? First of all, have you heard of PPL(Product Placement)? PPL is an indirect advertisement where products or services are exposed to consumers in TV programs, films, music videos or even online games. For example, in an episode of a recent popular TV series, the main actress used a new smartphone. So, the viewers wondered what kind of phone it was. Another example of PPL is in a film where the main character mentions his sneakers several times, showing the sneakers on the screen. Generally, PPL aims to place the products in the right programs without giving the impression of an advertisement. Another common advertising technique is the Teaser Advertisement. Advertisers release a teaser advertisement ahead of the actual launch when they want to attract public interest for a new product or service. For example, Hollywood movies do this all the time with what they call a teaser trailer. Some teaser trailers are released without the title, but there is only an opening date. This creates a huge buzz in the market. Teaser ads do not show the actual product. They just tease the product. Most viewers don t know exactly what the ad sells. That s how teaser ads build word of mouth for new products or services before they are officially available. placement[ ] expose[i ] sneaker[ ] impression[ ] teaser[ ] launch[ ] buzz[ ] the teaser of a movie First, let s learn the new words. [ New Words ] placement n., putting something or someone in a place or position expose v. make visible by uncovering something sneaker n. a soft shoe worn for sports or casual occasions impression n., an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone teaser n. a short introductory advertisement for a product, especially one that does not mention the name of the thing being advertised launch n., an event to introduce something new buzz v., a long continuous sound caused by lots of people talking at once 3. Now, you read the text silently and check any unfamiliar words or phrases. Translation 우선, 제품배치 (PPL) 에대해들어본적이있는가? 제품배치 (PPL) 는간접광고로제품이나서비스가텔레비전프로그램, 영화, 뮤직비디오, 심지어온라인게임속에포함되어소비자들에게노출되는것이다. 예를들어, 최근인기텔레비전시리즈의한회에서주연여배우가새스마트폰을사용했다. 시청자들은그것이어떤전화기인지궁금해했다. 제품배치 (PPL) 의또다른예는화면에운동화를보여주면서주인공이자기운동화를여러번언급하는영화속에있다. 일반적으로제품배치 (PPL) 는광고라는인상을주지않으면서적당한프로그램에제품을배치하는것을목표로한다. 또다른흔한광고기법은티저광고이다. 광고주들은신제품과서비스에대한대중의흥미를끌고싶으면실제출시하기전에티저광고를내보낸다. 예를들어, 헐리우드영화들은소위티저예고편으로항상이방식을쓴다. 어떤티저예고편들은제목없이개봉일만공개한다. 이것은시장에엄청난입소문을일으킨다. 티저광고는실제제품을보여주지않는다. 단지제품에애가타게한다. 대부분의시청자들은그광고가무엇을파는지정확히알지못한다. 그런방식으로티저광고는신제품과서비스가공식적으로구입가능하기전에그것들에대한입소문을낸다. [ Useful Phrases ] first of all :, hear of : ~ aim to : ahead of :, 204 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention what they call :, that s how : ~ word of mouth : 4. This time, read the text aloud and see what it is about. It is about two kinds of advertising techniques. One is PPL. It stands for Product Placement. You can see PPL from time to time when you watch TV shows. The other is the Teaser Advertisement. It attracts the viewers curiosity of products, events, or movies and leads the viewers to buy them. Teaching Tips 본문을읽은후에제품배치 (PPL) 장면이있는동영상을보여주거나티저광고의예를소개함으로써학생들이본문을더잘이해할수있게돕는다. Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s and answer the questions. Answer : 1. They could find PPL in TV programs, films, music videos or even online games. 2. Hollywood movies release a teaser trailer ahead of the actual release of a film. More Questions 1. What is the definition of PPL? It is an indirect advertisement where products or services are exposed to consumers in TV programs, films, music videos or even online games. 5. Let s check some important sentence structures. [ Structures ] First of all, have you heard of PPL(Product Placement)? 2. When is the teaser advertisement released? It is released before the actual launch of a new product or service. : PPL is an indirect advertisement where products or services are exposed to consumers in TV programs, films, music videos or even online games. : So, the viewers wondered what kind of phone it was. : Another example of PPL is in a film where the main character mentions his sneakers several times, showing the sneakers on the screen. : Hollywood movies do this all time with what they call a teaser trailer. : That s how teaser ads build word of mouth for new products or services before they are officially available. 6. Wrap-up Today, we read the second part of the main text. What is it about? It is about Product Placement and Teaser Advertisements. We learned what they are and how they are used. That s all for today. Next class, we will keep reading the rest part of the text. Have a good day. More for Your Class More Reading Material for Teaser Advertisement Buzz Marketing: For the longest time, buzz marketing or word of mouth marketing was not given credit. Also, it was not recognized as an effective advertisement technique. Today, it is widely indicated as one of the best advertisement methods. It is a good way to increase sales and therefore, it is often repeated. Buzz marketing is used in teaser advertisement and PPL(Product Placement). For example, in 2008, before the movie Cloverfield was released, the teaser of the film was shown. However, only the title was revealed, not date of release. This created a huge buzz in the market. Nowadays, increasing of the Internet users almost every industries are using buzz marketing. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 205

5 Reading / After Reading pp. 145~146 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Warm-up Today we re going to read the last part of the text and work on with comprehension check-up questions. Look at page 145. Do you notice how online search engines generate ads that are related to your search? Contextual advertising is a very specifically targeted form of Internet marketing. This contextual advertising technique is quite modern. An automated system scans the text of a website for keywords and sends advertisements that match the content which the user is viewing. Many search engines also make use of contextual advertising for displaying ads on the search result pages. For example, when you type jeans on search engines, you can see the websites of clothing shops in power links or sponsored links. There are many different advertising techniques other than the ones mentioned above. Advertising today has become an important marketing tool to increase the sales and profits of a business. Advertisers keep trying to persuade customers to use their products and services. When the product you ve seen in an advertisement looks great, think critically and buy smart. 5 10 Development Reading 1. First, let s study the new words. [ New Words ] generate v., to produce contextual a., of context (the Q 1. Where do search engines display advertisements? 2. What do advertisers keep trying to do? the girls buying a T-shirt smart circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea) specifically ad., in detail, clearly generate[ ] contextual[ ] specifically[ ] target[ ] automate[ ] profit[pr fit] Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 145 target n., a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack automate v. convert(a process or facility) to a large, automatic operation profit n., a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in business Now, you read the text silently and check any unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] make use of : ~ Translation 온라인검색사이트가당신의검색과관련된광고를어떻게생성하는지알아차렸는가? 문맥광고는아주구체적으로대상을설정한인터넷마케팅형태이다. 이문맥광고기법은상당히현대적이다. 자동화된시스템으로핵심어를찾아웹사이트의글을스캔한후, 사용자가보고있는내용에맞는광고를내보내는것이다. 많은검색사이트도또한검색결과페이지에광고를싣기위해문맥광고를이용한다. 예를들어, 당신이검색사이트에 jeans( 청바지 ) 라고치면 파워링크 나 스폰서링크 안에서옷가게사이트를볼수있다. 위에서언급한것들외에도다른광고기법도많다. 오늘날광고는판매와사업수익을증가시키는중요한마케팅도구가되었다. 광고주들은자신들의제품과서비스를이용하도록고객을설득하려고끊임없이애쓴다. 어떤광고에서본제품이좋아보이면, 비판적으로생각한후똑똑하게구매하라. other than : ~ 3. This time, read the text again and find out what contextual advertising is and how it is used. 4. Now, let s check some structures we should learn. [ Structures ] An automated system sends advertisements that match the content which the user is viewing. : There are the ones mentioned above. : Advertising to increase the sales and profits of a business. : Advertisers keep trying to persuade customers to use 206 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention After Reading A Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box below. Traditional media 1. includes newspapers, magazines, television commercials, radio advertisements, outdoor advertising or direct mail. 2. Advertising is used to persuade viewers, readers or listeners to take some action. Advertising slogans 3. are short, often memorable phrases in advertising. an indirect advertisement 4. PPL(Product Placement) is where products or services are exposed to consumers in TV programs, films, music videos or online games. Teaser advertisements 5. do not show the product itself, but they just tease the product. 6. Many search engines use contextual advertising. teaser advertisements traditional media advertising slogans B Match each description with a title. 1. 2. 3. Product Placement Teaser Advertisement Contextual Advertising C Complete the table based on the reading text. Advertising technique Product Placement an indirect advertisement take some action contextual advertising a a very specifically targeted form of Internet marketing ads that build word of mouth for new products b before those products are available c not giving the impression of an advertisement Teaser Advertisement Contextual Advertising looks great, we should think critically and buy smart. After Reading A Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box below. 1. Fill in the blanks using the expressions below. Are you done? Let s check the answers together. 146 Lesson 7 Example In an episode of a recent popular TV series, the main actress used a new smartphone. Hollywood movies do this all the time with what they call a teaser trailer. websites of shops in sponsored links B Match each description with a title. 1. Match each title with an appropriate descriptions. their products and services. : When the product you ve seen in an advertisement looks great, think critically and buy smart. : 5. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Answer : 1. They display ads on the search result pages. 2. They keep trying to persuade customers to use their products and services. More Questions 1. How do search engines generate ads that are related to your search? An automated system scans the text of a website for keywords and sends advertisements that match the content which the user is viewing. 2. What can we learn as a consumer from this text? When the product we ve seen in an advertisement Let s check the answers together. C Complete the table based on the reading text. 1. Write the examples of PPL and teaser advertisement. Are you done? Now, check the answers together. Wrap-up Today, you read the last part of the text and checked how well you understood it. You did very well. Bye. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 207

6 Language Focus / Writing 1 pp. 147~148 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Language Focus Vocabulary 1. advertisement achievement placement 2. promotion expression discussion Warm-up Today, we re going to study page 147, Language Focus and page 148, Writing 1. In Language Focus, we are going to review Vocabulary, Useful Expressions, and Grammar. Writing 1 is for your grammar check-up. Complete the sentences by changing the given words. 1. Some research focused on student achievement at school.(achieve) 2. We don t have to do promotion in Asia. We just release his movie.(promote) Useful Expressions 1. Products or services are exposed to consumers in TV programs. 2. Advertisers release a teaser advertisement ahead of the actual launch. 3. Many search engines also make use of contextual advertising. Development Language Focus Vocabulary 1. First, let s learn a word formation in Vocabulary. If a final word element is -ment or -ion, it s a noun. Look at the example words in number 1. Can you guess how the words were formed? They were made by adding the suffix -ment to verbs. How about the words in number 2? They were also formed by adding a noun suffix -ion to verbs. -ment and -ion can be added to many verbs in order to form nouns. Now, let s do the Check-up questions. Complete the sentences by changing the given words. What are the best words for the blanks? Fill in each blank to complete the sentence. 1. Is it good for children to be exposed to two different languages at the same time? 2. I am going to a job fair this afternoon. What is the best way to make use of the fair? 3. You need to know how to set a table for dinner ahead of time. Grammar 1. Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. How does it build the brand, trigger emotion, get people to take action, or plant a belief in the minds of buyers? 2. Hollywood movies do this all the time with what they call a teaser trailer. Most viewers don t know exactly what the ad sells. cf. This is the longest novel that I have ever read. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 147 2. ahead of e.g. I will be there five minutes ahead of time. 5. 3. make use of e.g. You should make use of this opportunity.. Useful Expressions 1. Let s review the expressions in bold. Can you tell me the meaning of each expression? 1. be exposed to e.g. Nowadays young children are exposed to too much fast food. Fill in each blank with an appropriate expression to complete the sentence. Then, let s check the answers together. 208 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention Writing 1 Grammar Check-up in Writing A. Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined words into the correct forms. 1. I persuaded him coming to the party. I persuade him to come to party. 2. He encouraged me try again. He encouraged me to try again. 3. Her father allowed her sleeping over in her friend s house. Her father allowed her to sleep over in her friends house. B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate word. 1. I know the thing which you like. I know what you like. 2. You can get the thing that you want for a birthday gift. You can get what you want for a birthday gift. 3. He did not listen to the thing which his teacher said. He did not listen to what his teacher said. Grammar in Context Correct the underlined parts. When you make an advertisement, be sure to make a title which will get people s attention. The title will make all the difference when it comes to (A) getting consumers noticed your ad. When people read the newspapers, you typically scan the pages for the titles (B) what catch your attention. Many people only read the articles with the most interesting title. A title is (C) that makes or breaks your advertisement. A Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined words into the correct forms. 1. Look at the sentences. Each sentence has a mistake in underlined part. Correct the part. Let s check the answers together. B Fill in each blank with the appropriate word. 1. First, read the given sentence. Then fill in the blank to complete the sentence. Have you finished? What are the answers? 148 Lesson 7 Grammar 1. Now, let s review the grammar that we ve studied in the Reading section. 1. to e.g. My mother allows me to buy new sneakers.. 2. what e.g. He told me what he saw in the exhibition. = He told me the thing that(which) he saw in the exhibition. Writing 1 Grammar Check-up in Writing Grammar in Context 1. Read the paragraph and correct the underlined parts. Translation 광고를만들때, 반드시사람들의관심을끌제목을만들어라. 소비자들이당신의광고를알아차리게하는데그제목이엄청난효과를낼것이다. 신문을읽을때, 사람들은보통관심을사로잡을제목을찾아페이지를훑어본다. 많은사람들은가장흥미로운제목을가진기사만을읽을뿐이다. 제목은광고를성공시키기도하고실패하게만들기도하는것이다. Are you done? Let s check the answers. Answer : (A) getting consumers to notice your ad (B) that catch your attention (C) what makes or breaks your advertisement Wrap-up Let s wrap up today s lesson. Today, we ve studied Language Focus and Writing 1. You did very well today. See you next class. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 209

7 Writing 2 p. 149 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Step 1 Brainstorm Imagine you will open a shop. What kind of shop would you like to open? Writing 2 Warm-up Open your books to page 149, Writing 2. Today, we re going to do some writing activities. You will write an sale advertisement. Let s get started. Development Step 2 Prepare Prepare a sale advertisement for your shop, answering the following questions. 1. What is the name of the shop / brand? 2. What items are on sale? 3. When is your business hours? 4. How long does the sale run? 5. What kind of sale is it? It is a seasonal sale or an opening sale? Writing 2 STEP 1 Brainstorm 1. Have you ever thought about opening a shop in the future? Imagine you will open a shop. What kind of shop would you like to open? Sample Answer : I d like to open a clothing shop. / I want to open a restaurant. / I d like to open a winter sports shop. Step 3 Write Write an advertisement for a sale. Adventure store Opening Sale up to 70% off selected items! 40% off all snowboards, skis, boots, poles and bindings! Sale Runs August 19th~22nd Business Hours 10:00 A.M. ~ 07:00 P.M. Sale Items: Sale Runs: Business Hours: Compare your answer with your partner s. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 149 STEP 2 Prepare 1. In order to prepare a sale advertisement for your shop, you should consider a few things. Answer the following questions in full sentences. This will help you to prepare the ad. Sample Answer 1 : 1. It is Amy s Beauty Shop. 2. Selected sunscreens, all body care prcducts, and all hair care products are on sale. 3. It is from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday. It is from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 4. It runs from May 1st to May 7th. 5. It is a seasonal sale. plastic envelopers are on sale. 3. It is from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. It is from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekends. 4. It runs from March 10th to March 18th. 5. It is an opening sale. Teaching Tips 수준별수업의일환으로, 초급반의경우는 Step 2의질문에답을쓸때, Step 3에있는광고의내용을가지고질문에답을완성해보게한후, 자신이생각하는가게에대한질문에도답하게한다. STEP 3 Write 1. Based on the answers to the above questions, write an advertisement for a sale. Look at the sample writing first. Then, fill in the underlined part. Sample Writing 1 : Sample Answer 2 : 1. It is BBD Stationery Shop. 2. Selected pens and pencils, all notebooks, and all Seasonal Sale Amy s Beauty Shop 210 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention Sale Items: Up to 30% off selected sunscreens 20% off all body care products 10% off all hair care products Sale Runs: from May 1st to May 7th Business Hours: Sunday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sample Writing 2 : BBD Stationery Shop Opening Sale Sale Items: Up to 40% off selected pens and pencils 30% off all notebooks 10% off all plastic envelopes Sale Runs: from March 10th to March 18th Business Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m Weekends 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 2. Are you done with the writing? Who s not done yet? Let s share your advertisement with the class. Any volunteers to present it? Good job. Thanks for your presentation. Let s give a big hand to the presenter. Wrap-up Today, we wrote an advertisement for a sale. Next class, we will study Express Yourself. See you next class. More for Your Class Writing Clinic a / an the Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 211

8 Express Yourself pp. 150~151 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Warm-up Today, we re going to study pages 150 and 151, Express Yourself. In this section, we will do four kinds of activities related to four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. First, we will do a listening activity in A. Next, we will do a reading activity in B and then speaking and writing activities in C. Development Express Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. You re going to listen to an advertisement. Listen carefully and answer the questions. Script M: Keep your clothes looking great on the move. Use this handy steamer from Momo. You can use it on any clothes. The steamer heats up in seconds. You don t need to wait. It s light and small enough to fit into your luggage when traveling. The Momo steamer handy unit comes with a small cleaning brush, a measuring cup, and an instruction manual. 이동중에도당신의옷을근사하게보이도록유지하세요. Momo의이소형스팀다리미를사용하세요. 당신은이것을어떤옷에도사용할수있습니다. 스팀다리미는몇초만에뜨거워집니다. 기다릴필요가없습니다. 여행할때여행가방에도충분히들어갈정도로가볍고작습니다. Momo 소형스팀다리미는작은청소용솔, 계량컵, 설명서로구성됩니다. Listen again and check your answers. B Read and answer the questions. 1. Look at the pictures. What is he doing in the picture? He is drinking an energy drink. Can you guess the topic of the passage? Yes, I think it s about an advertisement for an energy drink. Express Yourself 150 Lesson 7 A Listen and answer the questions. B Read and answer the questions. Read the passage and answer the following questions. Translation The advertisement that most impressed me was about an energy drink. It was a TV commercial. It starts with a scene in a gym. Everyone is busy exercising. A big strong guy is struggling with 120 kg weights. The trainer is encouraging him, counting. A very skinny guy comes and asks with a gesture to use the weights. He changes the weights to 180 kg, has an energy drink, and does his set easily. He gets up and hands the drink bottle to the guy. Then he says, Now it s all yours! and winks at him. I found the situation to be very funny. 나에게가장인상적인광고는에너지음료수에관한것이었다. 그것은텔레비전광고였다. 그광고는헬스클럽장면으로시작된다. 모두가운동하느라바쁘다. 크고힘이센남자한명이 120 킬로그램의역기를가지고분투중이다. 트레이너가숫자를세면서그를격려하고있다. 아주마른남자한명이와서몸짓으로역기를좀사용하자고부탁한다. 그는역기를 180 킬로그램으로바꾸고, 그음료수를마신후, 자신의세트를쉽게끝마친다. 그는일어나서그음료수병을그남자에게건넨다. 그리고나서 이제나머지는당신이다마셔요! 라고말하며그에게윙크를한다. 나는그상황이아주재미있다고느꼈다. 3. Now, let s check the answers. 1. What kind of product is being advertised in the ad? A steamer is being advertised in the ad. 2. What are at least two advantages of the product? The steamer heats up in seconds. It s light and small. 1. What kind of product is being advertised in the commercial? An energy drink is being advertised in the commercial. 2. Make a short advertising slogan for the ad above as in below. e. g. The Real Energy, You Really Need! It Is Time to Drink Energy, The Real Energy Drink! Listening Reading C Your Opinion We re going to do writing and speaking activities at the same time. 1. Make a small group and then talk about the most memorable advertisements that you have seen, their target audiences, and so on. 212 Lesson 7

k iting+spea Lesson 7 Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention C Your Opinion 1. Talk with your group members about the most memorable advertisements that you have seen, their target audiences, and so on. Wr ing When you talk, you can use the following expressions. The most memorable advertisement I ve seen is. I saw the advertisement. It is aimed/targeted at. It was appealing because. 2. Summarize your group talk with the given table. Name Memorable advertisement Media Creating a luxurious Target What makes Wanted to buy the audience the ad effective product or service Mina S car on TV Adults visual effect Yes 3. Prepare your presentation about the memorable advertisement. You can use the following expressions. advertisements. The most memorable advertisements are M coffee ad and S car ad. Most of them are TV commercials and targeted at adults. The ways to make ads effective are slogans and models for the ads. Three of us wanted to buy the product but the rest didn t. Sample writing 2 : In our group, we talked about advertisements. The most memorable advertisements are Q smartphone ads and K laptop ads. Most of them are TV commercials and targeted at all the viewers. Good graphics and persuasive advertising copy make ads effective. All of us wanted to buy the product. 4. Are you done? This time, make a one-minute presentation in front of your class. Listen carefully to the presenters while they make their presentations. In our group, we talked about advertisements. The most memorable advertisements are. Most of them are and targeted at. The ways to make ads effective are. of us wanted to buy the product but the rest didn t. 4. Do a one-minute presentation in front of your class. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 151 Sample Answer 1 : The most memorable advertisement I ve seen is a M coffee ad. / I saw the advertisement on TV more than ten years ago. / It was aimed at adults, especially coffee lovers. / It was appealing because of the advertising slogan, I want to meet warm-hearted people. Sample Answer 2 : The most memorable advertisement I ve seen is a K company ad. / I saw the advertisement on TV a few months ago. / It was an ad to improve the company s image, so that it was targeted at all the viewers regardless of age. / It was appealing because it had vivid graphics and was persuasive advertising copy. Now, summarize your group s talk with the given table. 3. Prepare your presentation about the memorable advertisement. You can use the following expressions. Sample Writing 1 : In our group, we talked about Wrap-up Today, we did four kinds of activities for the topic of the most impressive advertisement. First, we listened to the ad for the Momo steamer and then read about the funny TV commercial, and finally presented the most impressive advertisement of your group after writing about it. More for Your Class Special Advertising Media Press, television, and radio have been widely used in advertisement industry. Nowadays, cinema, online advertising, and outdoor signs represent a very special media. Cinema Advertising It is one of the most effective media for younger groups. Online Advertising Internet and web advertising deliver marketing messages to attract new customers. The most effective use is through search engines. Outdoor signs Posters, billboards and electronic displays are the main outdoor signs. They are very short and simple and can easily catch the eyes of passers-by. Advertising Techniques to Get Your Attention 213