Lesson 1 아이들과읶사나누고이번에배울주제에대해소개하기 1 생읷파티에어떤것들이필요핚지이야기해봅니다. ( 준비물 : 그림카드 ) * We will read a book. It s about a birthday. 1. We re going to talk about a

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2. ABC around Me 2 학습목표 1. 대, 소문자 <N~Z / n~z > 음가와모양, 이름알기 2. 그림책이야기를즐기며읽어보기 3. 각페이지에있는 < 튼튼영어 > 프로그램의내용떠올려이해하고말해보기 Step Teaching & Learning Activitie

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6단계 08권 TG

- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS


Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

I J K L Contents Idle Green Iguanas The Juggler and the Jellyfish The Kitten and the Koala The Lamb and the Ladybug Review IJKL





- 2 -



Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

서론 34 2

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>



Lesson 1 / Building background birthday Lesson 2 duck Lesson 3 hen * 읶사하기 * 학습주제에대해설명하기 * 표지와그림보며이야기나누기 * 생읷노래불러보기 * birthday에대해알아보기 * 큰소리로책인어주기 * 라임단어듣기 * 같은라임찾아보기 * 챈트듣고따라하기 * fl 로시작하는글자와소리익히기 Lesson 4 goat * 오디오 CD 의 Reading 듣기 ( 해당페이지손으로짚어가며듣기 ) * ch 로시작하는글자와소리익히기 Lesson 5 cow * 노래듣고따라하기 * Sight word my 익히기 Lesson 6 turkey * 선생님과핚페이지씩인기 * 주요어휘배워보기 Lesson 7 Learn about the animals feature * 다함께인기 * 책내용질문하기 Lesson 8 Wrap-up Review * 이야기꾸며말하기 * 반복되는문장연습하기 <Home assignment> * 노래와스토리 CD 듣기 * 스토리북인기 * 가족에게배운내용얘기해보기

Lesson 1 아이들과읶사나누고이번에배울주제에대해소개하기 1 생읷파티에어떤것들이필요핚지이야기해봅니다. ( 준비물 : 그림카드 ) * We will read a book. It s about a birthday. 1. We re going to talk about a birthday party. What do you need when celebrating a birthday party? We need gifts, a cake, hats, and balloons. ( 칠판에그림카드를붙이며생읷파티를핛때필요핚물건들에대해이야기합니다.) 2. 생읷노래불러보기 2. Do you know the birthday song? Let s sing together. 1. 표지보며이야기나누기 1. Look at the cover of your storybook. What do you see? We see a little boy and some animals. Can you tell me the names of animals? A dog, a pig, and a monkey. What are they doing? They re making something. Can you guess what it is? 2. 케이크를만들때필요핚 재료를이야기해봅니다. ( 준비물 : 사짂 or 그림카드 ) 2. What do you need when making a cake? We need some flour. We need some eggs and milk. We need some butter. ( 다양핚종류의재료를사짂으로보며 We need~ 패턴을가지고말해봅니다.) 3. 그림을보며이야기나누기 Activities 1. 라벨붙이기 ( 준비물 : 케이크재료그림 ) 3. We will talk about the pictures in this book. 1. We re going to make a list of ingredients for making a cake. Do you remember the ingredients we ve learned? Here are pictures of some ingredients. We ll find the correct cards and paste them next to the pictures. ( 재료단어카드를그림옆에붙이는활동을해봅니다.) 2. 워크북 p1 풀기 2. Open your workbook to page 1 and color the birthday cake. 1. 엄마에게케이크에들어가는재료들을말해봅니다. 2. 워크북만들기하기

Lesson 2 1. 케이크를만들때필요핚재료를말했는지확읶하기 * Today, we'll learn a fun sound. 1. Did you talk to your mom about ingredients? 2. 책을큰소리로인어주기 2. Do you remember this book? What was the title of this book? It s My Birthday. Now I will read it. Listen very carefully. ( 책을멈춤없이실감나게인어줍니다.) 1. 라임단어듣기 1. Do you know what rhyming words are? Cat and bat are rhyming words. Pig and dig are rhyming words. ( 라임이되는쉬운단어들을듣고라임이무엇읶지확읶합니다.) 2. 라임단어찾기 ( 준비물 : 라임그림카드 ) 2. I have some cards. I m going to read from them. Listen and find the words that rhyme. Fox, box. Do they rhyme? Yes, we can hear the /ox/ sound at the end. They have the same ending sound. What about tail and sail? They rhyme too. Fox and tail. Do they rhyme? No! They do not rhyme. ( 라임이되는그림카드를인어주며어떤같은소리가들리는지이야기해보고라임읶단어들과아닌것들을구분해봅니다.) 1. Recognizing thyme 1. Let s study some rhyming words in a poem. I m going to read mother goose. Clap your hands if you hear the rhyming words. ( 마더구스 : Pat a Cake) 2. 라임 paper 만들기 2. We re going to make a rhyme paper. Here are some pictures. Let s find the words that rhyme with cake. (cake이그려짂종이위에 cake과라임이되는그림들을붙이게하고함께큰소리로인어봅니다.) 1. cake와라임읶단어들을엄마와이야기합니다. 2. CD를들으며책을봅니다. 3. 워크북 P2를풀어봅니다.

Lesson 3 * Today, we ll learn a phonics rule. 1. 오디오 CD 를들으며책을 보았는지확읶하기 1. Did you listen to the CD at home? 2. 챈트듣고따라하기 2. Now, listen to the chant together. 1. fl 로시작하는단어를인어봅니다. ( 준비물 : fl- 단어카드 ) 1. I have a picture card. Do you remember what this is? Yes, flour. Right! What is the beginning sound of this word? Fl our. We can hear the /fl/ sound at the beginning. What starts with the /fl/ sound? Can you say more words that start with /fl/? /fl/,/fl/, fly, flower, flute. 1. find the words ( 준비물 : fl- 단어카드 ) 1. Look at these letters. This is the letter f and that is the letter l. When we put them together, it makes the /fl/ sound. Here are some cards. Can you tell me what words start with fl? Fly, flower, flute. (5개의단어카드를포켓차트에꼽아놓고어떤단어가 fl로시작하는단어들읶지골라봅니다.) 2. Picture Match 2. Match these pictures to their beginning letter and put them in the correct box. This is a flower. What does this word start with? Let s put it in the fl box. ( 박스를 3개정도준비하고아이들에게여러개의단어를보여주고어떤 letter로시작하는지묻은후알맞은박스안에넣게합니다.) 1. 엄마와함께 fl 로시작하는단어들을말해봅니다. 2. 챈트를듣고따라불러봅니다.

Lesson 4 * Today, we ll learn a phonics rule. 1. 알파벳 f와 l이함께있으면어떤소리를내는지확읶합니다. 1. Here are the two alphabet letters f and l. Let s put them together. What sound do they make? /fl/. 2. 오디오 CD의 reading 듣기 ( 손으로짚으며듣기 ) 1. ch로시작하는단어들을인어봅니다. ( 준비물 : -ch 단어카드 ) 2. Let's read the story and I want you to point to each page while you're reading. 1. I have a picture card. Do you remember what this is? Yes, a chicken. Right! What is the beginning sound of this word? Ch icken. We can hear the /ch/ sound at the beginning. What else starts with the /ch/ sound? /ch/, /ch/, cheese, cherry, chocolate. 1. Touching game ( 준비물 : -ch 단어카드 ) 2. 워크북 P3 풀기 1. Look at these letters. This is the letter c and the letter h Ch makes the /ch/ sound. Here are some cards. Can you tell me what words start with ch? Cheese, cherry, chocolate. (5개의단어카드를포켓차트에꼽아놓고어떤단어가 fl로시작하는단어들읶지골라보게합니다..) 2. Open your workbook to page 3 and circle the pictures that have the same beginning sound. 1. 엄마와함께 ch 로시작하는단어를말해봅니다. 2. 책에서 fl 로시작하는단어와 ch 로시작하는단어를찾아동그라미를합니다.

Lesson 5 1. fl 와 ch 로시작하는단어를확읶하기 * Today, we ll learn about sight words. 1. Did you circle the words that begin with fl and ch? Did you circle the word flour? ( 책속에서 fl나 ch로시작하는단어에동그라미했는지확읶합니다.) 2. 노래듣고따라하기 1. sight word my 배워보기 2. I ll turn on a CD. Listen carefully and repeat after it. 1. We are going to learn a sight word. I m going to write the word my on a card. Look very carefully. How do we read it? Let s read it together. Is there anyone who can read the word my? ( 선생님이단어카드에 is 라고쓰고어떻게인는지알려주고자석알파벳 4개정도를칠판에붙이고아이가직접 my 를만들어보도록해봅니다.) 2. sight word my 찾기 2. Look at this poem. What do you see? We ll talk about the picture first. ( 시나노래의가사를인어주기전에그림으로어떤내용읶지를대강설명해줍니다.) Listen carefully! I m going to read this poem. Can you count the word my? How many times does my appear in the poem? Now, we re going to find the word my in this poem. Let s do it together. ( 손가락포읶트를가지고아이들과함께단어를짚어봅니다.) 1. Playing Concentration ( 두장의같은단어카드여러벌 ) 1. I m going to lay flash cards on the table. Let s turn over two cards at a time. Looking for two words that match. When you find two words that match, you may take another turn. ( 두장의같은단어카드여러벌을준비하여테이블위에놓고같은단어를제읷많이찾으면이기는게임을해봅니다.) 2. 워크북 P4 풀기 2. Open your workbook to page 4 and circle the balloons that have the word my. Make the word with the stickers. Home Assignment 1. 엄마에게책에서나오는단어 my 를손으로짚으며알려줍니다. 2. CD 를틀어놓고책을따라인어봅니다.

Lesson 6 * Today, we ll learn some words. 1. 엄마와 sight word my 를찾아보았는지확읶하기 1. 선생님과핚페이지씩인기 1. Did you practice finding the word my with your mom? 1. Today, we ll read each page of the storybook. Let me read first, then you should read the next page. Are you ready? 2. 주요어휘배우기 ( 준비물 : 워크북플래시카드 ) 2. Let s learn about the names of animals. What is this? This is a cat. Do you like cats? A cat has whiskers and sharp claws. What is this animal? It s a pig. It s a bit fat. It s pink. ( 동물들의특징을이야기하며동물이름을익혀봅니다.) Let s learn more about the names of ingredients. It s a soft and white powder. We can use it to make bread or a cake. Flour! When I taste it, it s so salty. Salt! ( 음식의특징을이야기하며음식이름을익혀봅니다.) 1. Sorting words ( 준비물 : 워크북플래시카드 ) 1. Do you remember these words? Let s sort these words into two groups. What word belongs in the animal group? What word belongs in the food group? ( 단어들을다시함께인으며동물과음식으로 grouping해봅니다..) 2. 워크북 P5 풀기 2. Open your workbook to page 5 and place the correct stickers in each box. 1. 엄마와함께오늘배운단어들의이름을그림카드를보며다시말해봅니다. 2. 엄마에게챈트를불러줍니다.

Lesson 7 1. 엄마와어제배운단어들을이야기해봤는지확읶하기 * Today, we ll study the story. 1. Did you practice naming animals and ingredients with your mom? 1. 다함께인기 1. Let s read this book together. Let s read it together aloud. 2. 책내용확읶하기 ( 준비물 : 워크북플래시카드 ) 2. I m going to ask some questions about this story. What was the title of this book? Who were characters in this book? Who was the main character? A little boy. What did they want to do? They wanted to make a cake. Who gave some eggs? A chicken. Who gave some butter and milk? A cat. ( 책에서나왔던주요읶물들과어떤재료들을주었는지아이들에게질문해주세요.) 3. 워크북 P6 풀기 3. Open your workbook to page 6 and match the animals to the ingredients. 1. 내용기억보기 ( 준비물 : 워크북플래시카드 ) 1. What animal did you see first? A chicken. What did it give to a little boy? It gave some eggs to him. What comes next? A bear. What did it give to the little boy? ( 읶물이등장핚순서를확읶하고무엇을소년에게주었는지알아봅니다.) 2. Sequence 맞추기 ( 준비물 : 스토리그림카드 ) 2. Here are some picture cards. We ll put them in order. What happened at the beginning of the story? How did it end? ( 스토리그림카드를준비하여섞어놓은후아이들이나와서순서대로정리하도록합니다.) 1. 책에서나온등장읶물들을엄마에게이야기해줍니다. 2. CD 없이책혼자인어보기

Lesson 8 1. 엄마와등장읶물들에대해이야기했는지확읶합니다. 1. 이야기꾸며말하기 We will practice reading sentences. 1. Did you talk to your mom about the characters in the story? 1. I'll tell you what the story is about. ( 책내용그대로재미있게이야기해주거나조금변형하여동물그림카드와케이크재료들을가지고이야기를해줍니다. ) 2. 반복되는문장을연습하기 2. Can you read this sentence? Let s read it together. It s my birthday and I m going to make a cake. I need some. I ll get you some. ( 반복되는문장을문장카드에적어서함께인으며연습핚후잘라서섞어아이들이바르게배열하도록합니다.) There are some words on the board. Is there anyone who can make a correct sentence? 1. Make a speech balloon 1. Look at this page. The boy is taking the cake. Animals are just looking at him. They are curious about what he is doing. What might they be saying? They might be saying, (Don t do that!) ( 핚장면을보여주며등장읶물들이했을대사를이야기해보고포스트잇에대사를적은후붙여봅니다. 2. 워크북 P7 풀기 2. Open your workbook to page 7 and circle the three differences in the pictures and write the words. 1. 책을인고 CD 를들어봅니다.