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2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째

272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울




I&IRC5 TG_08권



Korean Transliteration, eographic Units, and Proper ames The Korean language presents a number of problems for transliteration, because a couple of different systems are used at the same time. The most common schemes now in use are the South Korean inistry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism s system, the ccune-reischauer system, and the orth Korean system. The Center for onproliferation Studies uses the South Korean inistry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism s system in the orth Korea and South Korea country profiles, and its other work. owever, exceptions have been made for names of public figures, and proper names of localities, firms, geographic units, publications, and organizations due to their continued popular usage. The original names of places, organizations, and facilities, etc., have been included in parentheses throughout the profile; however, this text is illegible for browsers without the proper fonts or encoding. Tables for the South Korean inistry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism s system: Consonants Plosives ㄱ g k ㄲ kk k ㅋ k k ㄷ d t ㄸ tt - ㅌ t t ㅂ b p ㅃ pp - ㅍ p p

Consonants Affricates ㅈ j t ㅉ jj - ㅊ ch t Consonants Fricatives ㅅ s t ㅆ ss t ㅎ h h Consonants - asals (When the consonant is the first sound) (When vowel is following) (When vowel is not following) ㄴ n n n ㅁ m m m ㅇ ( 없음 ) ng ng Consonants Flowing Sounds ㄹ r l

Vowels ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔㅚㅟ a eo o u eu i ae e oe wi Double Vowels ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖㅘㅙㅝㅞㅢ ya yeo yo yu yae ye wa wae wo we ui

eographic ames and Units in Korea eographic place names include the administrative unit, except for cities, provinces and mountains. The administrative unit follows the place name, and a hyphen separates the place name and administrative unit. See the following table for an explanation of Korean geographic/administrative units. ote that due to popular usage TI uses place names "odong" rather than Ro-dong and Taepo-dong rather than "Daepo-dong" also that the place names include hyphens, but the missile names "odong" and "Taepodong" do not. Korean English Definition Examples 노동자구 odongjagu Special administrative districts for mining, forestry or others. Okpyeongnodongjagu 동 Dong Smallest administrative unit of a locality oegi-dong 리 Ri Village usudan-ri 구 u District within a town, village or city Dongdaemun-gu 읍 Eup Town Janggang-eup 군 un County wadae-gun 구역 uyeok District Daeseong-guyeok 지구 Jigu District eumho-jigu 시 Si City anggye-si 도 Do Province amgyeonbuk-do 도 Do Island ayang Island 산 San ountain t.eumgang 봉 Bong Peak ukmang Peak Proper ames, ames of People and Public Figures Korean names begin with the surname and are followed by the given name. The given name does not have a hyphen between the first and second syllables. "Lee" is used for the common name " 李 " or " 이 (South) / 리 (orth)," and "Park" is used for the common name " 朴 " or " 박."

Alternative spellings that have become standard for public figures are used: Chung Ju Young (Chung Chu Yŏng) : 정주영 Kim Dae Jung (Kim Tae Chung) : 김대중 Kim Il Sung (Kim Il Sŏng) : 김일성 Kim Jong Il (Kim Chŏng Il) : 김정일 Kim Jong Un : 김정은 Kim Young Sam (Kim Yŏng Sam) : 김영삼 Park Chung ee (Park Chŏng ŭi) : 박정희 Rhee Syngman (Lee Sŭng an) : 이승만 Roh oo yun (o u yŏn) : 노무현 Roh Tae Woo (o T'ae U) : 노태우 Lee yung bak (Lee yeong Bak) : 이명박 Proper ames for issiles odong ( 노동 ) Taepodong-1 ( 대포동 1 호 ) Taepodong-2 ( 대포동 2 호 ) wasong-5 ( 화성 5 호 ) wasong-6 ( 화성 6 호 ) usudan ( 무수단 ) Proper ames for Publications TI utilizes the same spellings adopted by major publications, even though it may not follow the rules of transliteration mentioned above. The following is a list of common news publications found in the orth Korea and South Korea country profiles:

Chosun Ilbo (Chosŏn Ilbo) : 조선일보 Chugan Chosun (Chugan Chosŏn) : 주간조선 Donga Ilbo (Tong'a Ilbo) : 동아일보 ankook Ilbo (an'guk Ilbo) : 한국일보 ankyoreh 21 (an'gyŏre 21) : 한겨레 21 ankyoreh Sinmun (an'gyŏre Shinmun) : 한겨레신문 Joongang Ilbo (Chung'ang Ilbo) : 중앙일보 Kook Bang Ilbo (Kukpang Ilbo) : 국방일보 Kukmin Ilbo (Kungmin Ilbo) : 국민일보 Kwahak Donga (Kwahak Tong'a) : 과학동아 Kyunghyang Shinmun (Kyŏnghyang Shinmun) : 경향신문 inju Joson (inju Chosŏn) : 민주조선 unhwa Ilbo : 문화일보 Rodong Sinmun (Rodong Shinmun) : 로동신문 Segye Ilbo : 세계일보 Seoul Sinmun (Sŏul Shinmun) : 서울신문 Shindonga (Shindong'a) : 신동아 Wolgan Chosun (Wŏlgan Chosŏn) : 월간조선 The ccune-reischauer Transliteration System TI no longer uses the ccune-reischauer system, in part because many browsers do not support the transliteration of vowels easily. Below are tables of the ccune-reischauer Transliteration System. ore information on this system can be found here. Vowels 모음ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣㅘㅝㅐㅔㅚㅟㅢㅙㅞㅒㅖ Vowel a ya ŏ yŏ o yo u yu ŭ i * e written as ë after ㅏ and ㅗ wa wŏ ae e * oe wi ŭi wae we yae ye

Consonants Initial consonant of the next syllable Final consona nt ㅇ ㄱ K ㄴ ㄹ L ㅁ ㅂ P ㅇ ( ) ㄱ K KK ㄴ ㄷ T D KT ㄹ (R) ㅁ ㅂ P B KP ㅅ S S KS ㅈ C/ J ㅊ C' J C ' KC ㅋ K' K' ㅌ T' T' ㅍ P' P' ㅎ KC' KK' KT' KP' K ' D LL B S J C' K' T' P' R L LL LD LL L LB LS LC LC' LK' LT' LP' R D B S J C' K' T' P' B PK PT PP PS PC PC' PK' PT' PP' P An initial consonant before a vowel to indicate absence of sound. When deciding whether g or k, b or p, d or t and j or ch is used, use g, b, d or j if it is voiced, and k, p, t or ch if it is not. Pronunciations such as these take precedence over the rules in the table above. Double Consonants 쌍자음ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉㄳㄵㄶㄺㄻㄼㄽㄾㄿㅀㅄ Double Consonants kk ss tch Ks(h) nj n lg n lg lm lb ls(h) lt lp l Bs(h)