의유산Ⅰ. 장서각李王職자료란? 2011 년 3 월에필자는동경대학교에서연구를할수있는기회를가지게되어 2 년 간의체류생활을시작하였다. 필자가동경을연구지역으로선택한것은訪日연구의 주제였던순종의行幸에관련된자료가가장많이남아있는곳이기때문이었다. 또 한동경소재의국가기관, 대학등에다양한

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?? 1990년대 중반부터 일부 지방에서 자체적인 정책 혁신 을 통해 시도된 대학생촌관 정책은 그 효과에 비자발적 확산 + 대한 긍정적 평가에 힘입어 조금씩 다른 지역으로 수평적 확산이 이루어졌다. 이? + 지방 A 지방 B 비자발적 확산 중앙 중앙정부 정부 비자발적

step 1-1



Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,




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212 영상기술연구 세대라고 할 수 있다. 이 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대란 60년대 일본의 영화사에서 과거세대와는 단 절된 뉴웨이브 의 흐름이 있었는데 오늘날의 뉴웨이브 세대를 뛰어넘는다는 의미에서 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대로 불린다. 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대 감독들의 경향은 개인적이고 자유분

p 19; pp 32 37; 2013 p ㆍ 新 興 寺 大 光 殿 大 光 殿 壁 畵 考 察 ; : 2006

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藏書閣32 제국의유산 - 장서각소장李王職자료의유래와특징 - 이왕무한국학중앙연구원전임연구원 Ⅰ. 장서각李王職자료란? Ⅱ. 대한제국황실의유산인이왕직 Ⅲ. 장서각이왕직자료가제시해주는연구향방 주제어이왕직, 대한제국, 황실, 궁내부, 장서각, 고종, 순종, 영친왕, 의친왕 투고일자 2014 년 9 월 16 일심사일자 2014 년 9 월 16~25 일게재확정일자 2014 년 9 월 26 일 342

의유산Ⅰ. 장서각李王職자료란? 2011 년 3 월에필자는동경대학교에서연구를할수있는기회를가지게되어 2 년 간의체류생활을시작하였다. 필자가동경을연구지역으로선택한것은訪日연구의 주제였던순종의行幸에관련된자료가가장많이남아있는곳이기때문이었다. 또 한동경소재의국가기관, 대학등에다양한한국사관련자료가산재해있다는것을이미논문과해제, 목록등으로상당부분파악을하고있어서연구가용이할것으로생각했다. 일본에서자료의열람은기관마다규정에따라신청하면국적이나내용에관련없이누구라도볼수있었다. 따라서 3개월정도의현지정착기간을거친뒤부터매일사료관들의자료를원본으로열람할수있었다. 그런데현지에서파악한한국관련자료의규모와범위는개인이감당하기에는불가능하였다. 예컨대 1876 년조선이개항한이후일본과관련한대부분의자료가기관별, 사안별로정리되어있어서연구주제관련자료를찾아서자칫연구의방향을잃어버리는우를범할수도있었다. 그런와중에서대한제국기황실에관련된기록이필자의주목을끌었다. 일본내에산재한대한제국황실의고종과순종, 영친왕, 의친왕등의기록들은자료분류상외국사로도존재했지만, 일본사에편입되어있는것이많았다. 그중에서도특히한국학중앙연구원의장서각에서눈에익었던李王職자료들이반가웠다. 2006~2007 년에이왕직자료를중심으로 왕실도서해제 를편찬할때장서각소장의이왕직자료들을처음접한이후늘그자료들의所從來에관심을가지고있었다. 일본에서마주친이왕직자료중에서宮內廳소장의구황실인물들의결혼및사망에대한의례적기록은장서각에소장된이왕직자료들의연혁을궁금하게했다. 또한필자가조선시대왕실의례에서行幸을주요테마로연구하던중이었으므로순종을비롯한대한제국기황실인물들의관련자료에대해서도관심과의문을지니지않을수없었다. 무엇보다이자료들이여전히발굴되지않은실정에서, 그것도일본사자료속에묻혀서방치되고있는듯한느낌은그소종래를밝혀야겠다는일종의사명감을자극하게되었다. 이런배경에서필자는장서각으로돌아와이왕직자료연구를위한준비작업에매진하게되었다. 주지하다시피오늘날한국에서왕실관련자료를소장하고있는곳 343 제국

藏書閣32 은서울대학교규장각과한국학중앙연구원의장서각이대표적인곳이다. 규장각은한국만이아닌해외에도그소장자료의규모와가치가잘알려져있다. 반면장서각은상대적으로잘알려져있지않고있다. 장서각은조선시대왕실과국가의문헌을보존하고민간고문서를수집, 연구하는학술연구기관이다. 더욱이 2011 년기준으로국보와보물 26종, 유네스코기록유산 342종 528 책이소장된한국학센터이다. 특히장서각은 1910 년부터 1945 년이전까지존재했던李王家와이왕직자료의유일본을가장많이소장하고있는곳이기도하다. 그럼에도아직까지국내외학계에그자료의내용은물론목록조차제대로소개되지않았다. 그결과이왕직은물론장서각소장이왕직자료에대한연구도본격적으로진행되지않고있다. 아마도그이유는장서각자료를생산하고관리했던이왕가와이왕직이식민지시기에만존재했고, 1950 년한국전쟁의여파로새롭게정비될시간도없이사라진것이가장큰이유라고생각된다. 장서각의기원은일본이한국을식민지로병합하던시기로거슬러올라간다. 1910 년 8월 30일, 대한제국의前宮內府禮式官玄百運이대구에내려가일본宮內省에서파견한勅使인式部官子爵이나바마사나와 [ 稻葉正繩 ] 를영접하였다. 칙사이나바는 9월 1일창덕궁에서순종에게明治天皇의詔書와하사품을전달하였다. 칙서의내용은순종을李王으로책봉한다는것이었다. 이로써대한제국황제는天皇家의일원인李王이되었으며, 대한제국황실은일본궁내성에서관리하는이왕가로재탄생하였다. 9월 8일고종의탄신일을 1주일앞두고거행된일이었다. 당시탄생한이왕직에서관리했던곳이장서각이다. 장서각은일제시대이왕가의도서관이며이왕직에서생산하고구입한典籍들을관리하던곳이다. 따라서장서각자료는조선시대왕실과대한제국황실은물론식민지기이왕가연구를위해반드시조사해야할대상이다. 현재이왕가와이왕직에대한자료조사는한국학중앙연구원장서각에서 왕실도서해제 1(2006), 2(2007) 로간행한해제가대표적이다. 그이외에는현재까지국내외에서이왕직자료의조사가진행되지않고있는상황이다. 344

의유산Ⅱ. 대한제국황실의유산인이왕직 이왕직자료는크게세부분으로나뉘어전해지고있다. 먼저국내에는이왕직의 전적을이관받은한국학중앙연구원장서각에주요부분이보존되어있으며, 일제강점기이왕직을감독한조선총독부에서생산내지는접수한것들이국가기록원에있다. 이외에도국립중앙도서관, 고궁박물관, 서울대학교규장각등에이왕직인물들의일기와문서및유물, 이왕직과총독부에서생산한전적의일부가전해진다. 이왕직의자료가분산된이유는대한민국정부수립과한국전쟁, 1960 년 6월 7일구황실재산관리총국의화재 1) 등으로인해 1945 년이전이왕직에서관리하던시스템이와해되었기때문이다. 무엇보다소장자료의이관배경과관리내역이담겼던기록들이모두유실되어장서각의기능이완전히정지되었다. 이러한역사적사건으로인해이왕직자료들을관리하던체제가무너지고산재되어있는상태로남게된것이다. 다만한국학중앙연구원의장서각에다수의이왕직 그림 1 李王職청사 ( 대한제국기황실궁내부 ) 1) 1960 년 6 월 7 일자 동아일보 에는창경궁내에있는구황실재산관리총국안에불이일어나청사와중요서류, 집기등을전소하고아침 5 시 10 분경진화되었는데, 경찰은방화에가장유력한수사관측을내리고있다고하였다. 345 제국

藏書閣32 자료들이남아있어서그원형을복원하는것이가능하다고생각한다. 필자가이런단언을할수있는것은이왕직관련자료는기본적으로대한제국황실과그인물들이남긴것으로그들의연대기적족적을따라가다보면연결고리들을링크할수있기때문이다. 몇가지사례를들어본다면, 먼저그림과관련된것이다. 최근에필자는장서각소장의이왕직일기, 순종실록, 고궁박물관의그림, 일본궁내청의일기및서류등이하나의사건으로인해양산된동일군의자료라는것을발견하였다. 이자료들은이왕직에서생산하거나파생된것으로 1917 년 6월순종이일본을방문할때이용한군함에관련된것이다. 장서각에소장된 ( 德壽宮贊侍室 ) 日記 에는순종일행이궁정열차를이용하여부산까지가서시모노세키 [ 下關 ] 로항해하였던선박을준비하던기사가있다. 이왕직에서는순종이이용할선박으로여객선인滿州丸를거론했으나궁내성과의협의에따라일본해군의군함으로결정하였다. 2) 이때일본해군이供奉艦으로준비한군함이히젠 [ 肥前 ] 이었다. 3) 다음의 < 그림 2> 는 1917 년 6월에순종이부산에서시모노세키사이의현해탄을항해한군함인히젠을스즈키시미츠로 [ 鈴木鍉三郞 ] 가그려서진헌한것이다. 이그림은현재고궁박물관에소장한것으로알려져있다. 4) 일본에서는메이지시기부터황족이해외시찰로바다를이동할때는군함을이용하는것이常例였다. 순종이일본에방문하기 1년전인 1916 년 4월에황족인강이노미야 [ 閑院宮 ] 부부가대만에도항할때도히젠을이용하고자했다. 5) 따라서위와같은사례를통해순종의행차와그에따른준비과정의사료들이한국과일본의각기관에산재되어있는것을알수있다. 또한이들사료는원래이왕직이생산하거나관리하던것으로모두하나의자료군으로정리되고파악되어야하는것이다. 2) 防衛省防衛研究所, 海軍省公文備考類 大正 6 年, 公文備考 권 10, 李王殿下来朝一件, 6 월 5 일전보. 3) 御東上日記 6 월 2 일, 6 월 6 일, 장서각 K2-4525. 肥前은 12,900 톤급의러시아군함으로원래이름이레트비잔 (Retvizan, Ретвизан) 이었다. 1902 년러시아가미국에주문해만든뒤러시아태평양함대에소속되었다. 1904 년 12 월여순항내에서일본육군의포격으로좌초되었다가일본해군이나포하여사용하였다. 일본제국해군의유일한미국제군함이었다. 4) 순종실록부록 권 8, 순종 10 년 10 월 5 일. 鈴木鍉三郞의그림은현재고궁박물관에소장되어있으며, 서지사항에는내용미상이라고되어있다. 스즈키의그림이현재고궁박물관소장군함이라고파악되는이유는그림상으로전함 1 척과호위구축함 2 척이보이며, 이왕가에헌상된군함그림이기록상으로이것외에는보이지않기때문이다. 또한위의두그림을비교해보더라도동일한군함임을짐작하게한다. 5) 防衛省防衛研究所, 海軍省公文備考類 大正 5 年, 公文備考 권 6, 閑院宮同妃両殿下台湾御差遣の件. 346

그림 2 순종의일본방문에이용한군함히젠 [ 肥前 ] 의사진 ( 위 ) 과그림 ( 아래 ) 락대전 은명나라초기에편찬된백과사전이다. 成祖인영락제가당시까지전해지던역대의문헌들을모아韻별로분류하여정리하게한것이다. 원래 22,877 권 10,095 책이었으나현재는 880여책정도만이남아있으며, 중국에는그절반의규모만이있고나머지는해외에흩어져있다. 그런데 영락대전 1책 (2 권 ) 이서울대학교중앙도서관에소장되어있는것이 2013 년이태진교수에의해발표되었다. 이태진교수에따르면이책의소종래는국사편찬위원회에소장된朝鮮史編修會자료가운데서 永樂大典의잔궐본에대하여 ( 永樂 347 제국의유산또하나의사례는최근서울대학교에서발표된 永樂大典 에관련된내용이다. 영

藏書閣32 大典殘闕本に就いて ) (4B6B 44) 란일본어필사본보고서를통해알수있다고하였다. 이사료는 영락대전 의眞僞감정및구입경위를밝힌보고서이다. 이보고서에의하면, 1914 년 5월에일본京都로출장간李王職의동식물관계기사오카다노부토시 [ 岡田信利 ] 가교토대학의나이토코난 [ 內藤湖南 ] 의부탁으로 영락대전 을가져와진위감정을거쳐구입한것으로되어있다. 이와관련해서한국학중앙연구원장서각의 唐版財産目錄 (K2-4639) 에는 1914 년에구입한당판, 즉중국서적중에 11월 13일 영락대전 1책을 200,000 엔을주고구입했다고하였다. 영락대전 의구입가격은 당판재산목록 에서 1911 년 9월 20일 二十四史 400책의 100,000 엔, 1914 년 3월 31일 續資治通鑑節要 10 책의 100,000 엔 爾雅義疏 7책의 120,000 엔에구입한사례들과비교하더라도고가이며, 당시이왕직고관의봉급이수천엔단위였던것을고려한다면상상을초월하는액수이다. 1912 년이왕직예산의歲入및歲出액수가 1,643,221 엔 6) 이었던것을감안하더라도 영락대전 의가격은물론이왕직에서이책의가치를매우중요하게여겼음을유추할수있겠다. 다만이왕직에서고종과순종의서거이후실록과보감을편찬하던방식을고려한다면자료의수집을위해거액을사용하는것은오히려자연스러운일이라고생각할수도있겠다. 그런데위와같이 영락대전 의소종래에대한자료들은장서각이외에국사편찬위원회, 서울대학교등에분산되어있었기때문에최근까지그출처를알수없었던것이다. 더욱이장서각소장의목록만으로는오늘날 영락대전 의소장처를알수없는것이다. 물론하버드대학에서간행한전세계 영락대전 의소장처에관한보고서를통해서서울대학교도서관에 1책이있음을알수있지만, 그것이이왕직에서구입한것이라는사실은산일된이왕직의자료를수합한이후에야파악할수있는것이다. 무엇보다한국학중앙연구원장서각에소장된이왕직자료들의연구를통해서만이기본적인사실들의내역을조사할수있을것이다. 마지막으로한사례를더소개한다면현재장서각에소장되어있는영친왕관련엽서이다. 다음의 < 그림 3> 은 1927 년 10월에영친왕이유럽을여행할때에창덕궁에거처하던순정효황후에게보낸엽서의앞과뒷면이다. 뒷면에 世子垠 이라는것을보면영친왕인것이분명하다. 6) 순종실록부록 권 3, 5 년 1 월 31 일. 348

그림 3 영친왕이유럽여행시순정효황후에게보낸엽서앞 ( 오른쪽 ) 과뒷면 ( 왼쪽 ) 방문지마다창덕궁으로문안인사를올리던관행에따라작성된것이다. 유럽여행에서도주요방문지마다위와같은형식으로방문인사를올렸다. 위엽서는스위스로생각된다. 이와관련된자료는일본외교사료관에 李王同妃兩殿下御渡歐一件 (L1.3.0,11), 방위연구소의영친왕이이용한군함관련사료들이다양하게존재한다. 이왕동비양전하어도구일건 은 1927 년영친왕이방문한유럽각국의영접및체류내용에대한각종문서들을상세하게시간별로모아놓은것이다. 그문서에서영친왕의유럽방문을주도한기관은이왕직이며, 이왕직에서는궁내성, 외무성, 해군성등여행에필요한여건을조성하기위해관련된기관에공문을발송및受付하였다. 그자료중에위의엽서가해당되는시기가정확하게기재되어있다. 따라서장서각의출처를알수없는영친왕의엽서가언제무슨목적으로생성되고전달되었는지를파악할수있다. 이와같이몇가지사례를통해볼수있듯이장서각의이왕직자료는국내외에산일된이왕직관련사료들을링크시키고스토리화할수있는황실의유산이라고평할수있는것이다. 기본적으로장서각의이왕직자료가없으면자료들의소종래를가늠하기어렵기때문이다. 그이유는국내외이왕직자료중에서장서각소장본에만이왕직의전체적인규모와진행상황을가늠할수있는연대기자료들이다수남아있기때문이다. 제국의유349 산< 그림 3> 의엽서내용은영친왕이일본에거처할때부터지방에행차를하게되면

藏書閣32 Ⅲ. 장서각이왕직자료가제시해주는연구향방 이왕직은대한제국기황실의궁내부가담당했던문서의생산과관리를담당한식민지기유일한공식적인기관이었다. 이왕직은조선왕실과대한제국황실의역사와문화전승을담당했다. 따라서조선시대왕실문화의역사적전승과문화적계승을위한종합적정리는근대기의연결고리였던이왕직을통해서만이가능한것이다. 이왕직이이왕가의인물, 생활, 행사를중심으로문서를생산하고관리했으며, 그와함께관련된자료를수집하여보관하는일을하였던것을감안하면당연한일이다. 이점은이왕직이왕실의전례와법통을세우기위한전모자료의수집과정리를진행한것에서도알수있다. 일제강점기에도지속적으로보첩류의정리와편찬이이루어진것이대표적인사례일것이다. 따라서 1945 년이전장서각의역사와시대적배경을바탕으로이왕직을기준으로해서그자료들을구분한다면, 1945 년해방이전이왕직산하장서각에서수집하고생산한모든도서와문서는이왕직자료라고부를수있을것이다. 특히조선시대전적을왕실과사가로구분하는시각에서장서각자료를논한다면, 대부분의왕실자료가이왕직자료에속했다고말하지않을수없다. 예컨대장서각의조선왕실자료에서큰비중을차지하는보첩류와전례서들은이왕직이주도했던조선왕실의의례와행사를위한기초자료이면서왕실을상징하는코드였기때문이다. 이런배경에서장서각의이왕직자료는대한제국의황실전통문화를계승한이왕가에대한연구를시작으로이왕직연구를위한본격적인토대가될것이다. 이를위해서는편린으로산재되어있는이왕직자료들의總合을위한연구와관심이필요하다. 350

Yiwangjik Materials Ⅰ. What is Jangseogak Yiwangjik material? Lee, Wang-moo In 2011 March, I was given opportunity to carry out a research at The University of Tokyo for two years. I chose Tokyo as my research location because it kept most of data related to Sunjong s royal visits which was the theme of the research related to visiting Japan. In addition, I presumed that the research was going to be made easy since I was already aware that many national institutes and universities in Tokyo had various materials related to Korean history, through the thesis, annotations and lists. To read materials in Japan, if you request for it according to the regulations of different institutes, anyone can have an access to it regardless of their nationality or the contents. So, after spending three months trying to settle down there, I read original materials in the archives every day. However, the vast amount and range of Korea related materials was beyond an individual s ability to handle. For example, most of the Japan related materials after Joseon opened a port in 1876 were organized by the institutes and issues that one might easily make an error of deviating from the focus of the study. Meanwhile, among them, the documents related to the imperial family of the great Han Empire caught my attention. Some of the Gojong, Sunjong, King Yeongchin and Uichin related documents that were prevalent across Japan were categorized as the history of foreign country, but much more documents belonged to the history of Japan. It was good to see some materials from them which I used to see at Jangseogak in the Academy of Korean Studies. In 2006-351 제국의유산The Heritage of Empire: Origin and Features of Jangseogak Owned

藏書閣32 2007, when I was compiling Wangshil doseo haeje based on Yiwangjik, I encountered Yiwangjik materials of Jangseogak for the first time, and ever since, I have always been interested in their history. Among some Yiwangjik materials found in Japan, the ceremonial records about marriages and funerals of old imperial families owned by the Imperial Household Agency of Japan reminded me of the Yiwangjik materials owned by Jangseogak. Since I have been studying on the royal visits as a main theme among the royal ceremonies of Joseon, I could not help having interest and curiosity on the materials regarding imperial families including Sunjong. Above all, the fact that these documents were still not excavated but buried and neglected as parts of Japanese history motivated me to reveal their origin and history. Under this context, I came back to Jangseogak and strove to prepare for the study of Yiwangjik materials. As a known fact, today, Kyujanggak in Seoul national university and Jangseogak in the Academy of Korean Studies are representative archives of royal materials. While Kyujanggak is well known domestically and internationally for its size and the value of the collections, Jangseogak is relatively not very well known. Jangseogak is an academic research institution which preserves Joseon s royal and national documents and collects and studies private old documents. As of 2011, it keeps 26 pieces of National treasures, 342 kinds of UNESCO Memory of the world, thus becoming the center of Korean studies with its 528 pieces of possessions. Particularly, Jangseogak owns the largest volumes of Yiwangga and Yiwangjik documents which existed from 1910 to 1945. Yet, until now, let alone its content, its list has not even been properly introduced to the academia in and outside of Korea. As a result, study on Yiwangjik and the related materials in Jangseogak have not yet been progressed in a full-scale. It may be because Yiwangga and Yiwangjik which produced and managed Jangseogak materials existed only during the colonial period, and had no time to be newly organized due to the Korean War in 1950. The origin of Jangseogak goes up to the time when Japan was absorbing 352

office of royal household, Beakun Hyun, went down to Daegu to greet Sikbugwan Jajak Doyeob Prime minister sent from Japanese office of royal household. The imperial envoy delivered the royal edict and gift of the Japanese Emperor to Sunjong in Changdeokgung palace on 1st September. The royal edict installed Sunjong as Yi king. So the Great Han Empire was integrated into the empire family of Japan as Yi kingdom and the imperial family of the Great Han Empire was born again into Yiwang royal family managed by Japanese office of royal household. This happened a week before Gojong s birthday, 8th September. Yiwangjik came from here, and this office was in charge of Jangseogak. Jangseogak was the library of Yiwang dynasty of Japanese rule and it was in charge of managing the books produced and purchased by Yiwangjik office. So, materials from Jangseogak must be studied in the study of Yiwang dynasty under the colonization, as well as in the study of royal family of Joseon and the Great Han empire. At present, data studies on Yiwang dynasty and Yiwangjik have been done by Jangseogak, the Academy of Korean Studies, represented as Royal book annotation 1(2006), 2(2007). No further studies have been carried out yet on Yiwangjik materials so far. Ⅱ. Yiwangjik, a heritage of the Great Han Empire Yiwangjik materials are stored in three different places. First of all, in Korea, most of the major parts are stored at Jangseogak in the Academy of Korean Studies which keeps the transferred documents from Yiwangjik. National Archives of Korea has some documents that were produced or received in the Japanese Government-General of Korea which was in charge of Yiwangjik during the colonial period. Other materials such as the diary, document and 353 제국의유산Korea. On 30th August 1910. The Great Han Empire s ex-translator officer of

藏書閣32 inheritance of Yiwangjik people, and the books published by Yiwangjik and the Government-General of Korea, are scattered around the National Library of Korea, National Palace Museum of Korea, and Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies. The reason why these materials were dispersed was because the pre-1945 Yiwangjik management system collapsed due to the establishment of Korean government, Korean War and the fire of Main directorate of phrase of the imperial administration of property bureau on 7th June, 1960. 1) Particularly, the records stating the background reason for moving the documents and their lists have been lost which paralyzed the function of Jangseogak. Because of such historical events, the system of managing Yiwangjik materials failed and they were left unattended. Only, at Jangseogak in the Academy of Korean Studies, a vast majority of Yiwangjik materials still remain which make it possible to restore the original forms of the materials. I can say Picture 1 Yiwangjik building (Under Great Han Empire, office of royal household) 1) DongA daily on 7th June 1960 reports that Cultural Heritage Administration in the site of Changgyeonggung palace was set on fire. It burnt the building, major documents and furniture, and was extinguished at round ten minutes past five in the morning. The police observes it to have been arson. 354

the imperial families of the Great Han Empire that when we trace them back chronologically, we can find the connecting links. I will take several examples. The first one is about the pictures. Recently, I found out that Jangseogak possessed Yiwangjik diaries, Records of Sunjong, pictures from the National Palace Museum of Korea and diaries and documents from Japanese Imperial household agency were all linked by one event. These materials were all published by or related to Yiwangjik which state the names of Picture 2 A photo and a picture of the warship, Hijen, used by Sungjong in his visit to Japan 355 제국의유산this for sure because Yiwangjik related materials are, basically, closely related to

藏書閣32 the warships and their details of activities when Sunjong was visiting Japan in June 1917. In Deoksugung chansisil Journal stored in Jangseogak, there is a passage about Sunjong s party travelling to Busan by a royal train and getting ready to depart to Shimonoseki by a vessel. Yiwangjik mentioned Manjuhwan, a passenger ship, as a vessel for Sunjong, but after a consultation with Japanese Imperial household agency, decided on a warship of Japanese navy. 2) What the Japanese navy prepared was Hijen. 3) <Picture 2> is a picture of Hijen which sailed fro Busan to Shimonoseki in June 1917, painted by Suzuki Shimizuro and presented to the king. The picture is now at the National Palace Museum of Korea. 4) In Japan, from Meiji, when the imperial families were travelling abroad or sailing across, it was their custom to use the warship. A year before Sunjong paid a visit to Japan, in April 1916, one of the imperial families Gangyinomiya couple tried to use Hijen to sail to Taiwan. 5) Anyway, as can be seen from the above example, we can see that many historical records regarding Sunjong s procession and its preparation are scattered across the institutes in Korea and Japan. In fact, these records were initially produced and organized by Yiwangjik and therefore, should have been categorized and fixed as one data set. Another example is related to Yeongrak Daejeon (Yongle Encyclopedia) announced by Seoul National University recently. Yeongrak Daejeon is an 2) Ministry of Defense the institute for defense studies, Haegunseonggongmunbigo year 6 Daejeong, Gongmunbigo volume 10, Yiwangjeonhanaejoilgeon, telegram on 5th June. 3) Eodongsangilgi 2nd, 6th June, Jangseogak K24525. Vizan was a Russian warship weighing 12,900tons. Its original name was Retvizan. It was first made in the U.S. in 1902 and belonged to the Russian pacific fleet. In December 1904, in the inside of harbor of Yeosun, it was stranded by the shelling of the Japanese military, but the Japanese navy seized and used it again. It was the only US warship in the Japanese royal navy. 4) Annals of Sunjong supplement volume 8, Year 10 of Sunjong, 5th October. Yeongmoksisamlang s picture is currently stored at National Palace Museum of Korea. Its bibliographical matters are unknown. Why we regard Suzuki s picture to be the same warship in the National Palace Museum of Korea is because in the picture, you can see one battleship and two destroyers in the picture and because this is the only documented picture about the warship dedicated to Yiwang dynasty. Also when comparing the two pictures, you can tell that they are identical. 5) Ministry of Defense the institute for defense studies, Haegunseonggongmunbigoryu year 5 of Daejeong, Gongmunbigo volume 6, Hanwongungdongburyangjeonhataemaneochagyeon. 356

literature throughout the time, and categorized them by the shyme. Originally, it consisted of 22,877 volumes 10,095 books, but now only about 880 books remain. About a half of them is in China, and the rest of them are dispersed around the world. Yet, Yeongrak Daejeon Book 1 (Volume 2) was found to be present in the center library of Seoul National University which was announced by Professor Lee, Taejin in 2013. According to the professor, the traces of the book can be found from the Japanese manuscript report called On Yeongrak Daejeon s incomplete sets (4B6B 44) among the materials from Korean History Compilation Committee. This historical record is a report stating the authentication and the details of purchasing Yeongrak Daejeon. According to this report, in May 1914, at the request of Nito Konan of the University of Kyoto, Okada Nobutoshi who was an Yiwangjik s officer relevant to animals & plants, on his business trip to Kyoto, Japan, brought Yeongrak Daejeon and purchased it after going through the authentication process. Also, in Dangpanjaesanmokrok (K2-4639) in Jangseogak, the Academy of Korean Studies, out of Chinese books purchased in 1914, on 13th November, they purchased book 1 of Yeongrak Daejeon in 200,000 Yen. Considering the price of Yishipsasa book 400 on 20th September 1911 was 100,000 Yen, Sokjachitonggamjeolyo book 10 on 31st March 1914 was 100,000 Yen, and Yiauiso book 7 was 120,000 Yen as written on Dangpanjaesanmokrok, the price of Yeongrak Daejeon was by far the most expensive, and given that the salary of the high ranking official in Yiwangjik was several thousand Yens, the price was beyond imagination. Since, in 1912, the revenue and expenditure of the Yiwangjik budget was 1,643,221 Yen, 6) one can infer from this that the price of Yeongrak Daejeon showed how Yiwangjik valued this book. Only, when we consider the method of compiling the annals and thesaurus in Yiwangjik after the death of Gojong and Sunjong, it may be regarded a natural thing to spend a 6) Ministry of Defense the institute for defense studies, Haegunseonggongmunbigoryu year 5 of Daejeong, Gongmunbigo volume 6, Hanwongungdongburyangjeonhataemaneochagyeon. 357 제국의유산encyclopedia compiled in early Ming dynasty. Emperor Yongle collected all the

藏書閣32 vast amount of money to collect the materials. Nevertheless, the materials about the original history of Yeongrak Daejeon were scattered around the National Institute of Korean History and Seoul National University other than Jangseogak. This is why we were not able to trace back its source until recently. Moreover, only with the list of Jangseogak archive, we cannot find out the holding institution of Yeongrak Daejeon. Of course, through the report on the archive of Yeongrak Daejeon in the world published by Harvard University, we can see that the library in Seoul National University owns book 1 of Yeongrak Daejeon, but to find out that it was purchased by Yiwangjik, we needed to collect all the scattered and lost materials of Yiwangjik. Above all, only through the study of the Yiwangjik materials at Jangseogak, in the Academy of Korean Studies, can we study on the records of the basic facts. One more example is a post card in Jangseogak which is related to King Yeongchin. The following <Picture 3> is the front and the back of the postcard that King Yeongchin sent to the Empress Sunjeonghyo in Changdwokgung in October 1927, when he was traveling Europe. This was surely from King Yeongchin since at the back is written Crown prince Eun. The postcard in <Picture 3> was written according to the custom of sending regards to the parents every time he was travelling to other regions since the Picture 3 A post card sent to Empress Sunjeonghyo from King Yeongchin during his trip to Europe. Front (right) and back (left) 358

regards following the same method. This postcard seems to be from Switzerland. Materials related to it is found from Yiwangdongbiyangjeonhaeodo guilgeon(l1.3.0,11) in Japanese diplomatic archives, and at the institute for defense, there are various materials about the vessel he used. Yiwangdongbiyangjeonhaeodoguilgeon compiled various documents regarding the details of King Yeongchin s visit to different European countries; like how they received him and the specifics of his stay there by the time line. According to the document, the institute that organized King Yeongchin s visit to Europe was Yiwangjik, and Yiwangjik sent and received official documents to the related offices such as the royal household, office of foreign affairs and admiralty, to provide the conditions fit for the trip. One of these materials states the exact date that fits with the date in the postcard. Therefore, King Yeongchin s postcard in Jangseogak without its source can now be traced back as to when and why it was created and delivered. As can be seen from several examples above, Yiwangjik materials of Jangseogak can be called as imperial inheritance which could link the scattered and lost historical records of Yiwangjik, and complete them into a narration. Without Yiwangjik materials of Jangseogak, it is basically impossible to trace the history of the materials. The reason is because among many Yiwangjik materials in and outside of Korea, only in the Janseogak materials can we found plenty of chronological materials through which we can estimate the whole volume and the progress of Yiwangjik materials. Ⅲ. The research direction suggested by Jangseogak Yiwangjik materials Yiwangjik was the only official institution during the colonial period which 359 제국의유산time he lived in Japan. In his Europe trip, from major places of visit, he sent his

藏書閣32 was in charge of production and management of the documents that were handled by the imperial palace of the Great Han Empire. Yiwangjik was responsible for transmitting the history and culture of Joseon royal family and Han Empire. Thus, the overall arrangement for the succession of Joseon royal history and culture has become possible only through Yiwangjik which functioned as a link between them and modern period. This comes very naturally when considering the role of Yiwangjik; it produced and managed Yi Dynasty documents based on their people, life and events, and it also collected and stored all the related materials. Yiwangjik also collected and categorized the whole materials to set up the protocols and regulations of the royal court. The fact that constant arrangement and compilation happened during the Japanese period is a representative example supporting this. Therefore, based on pre-1945 Jangseogak history and time setting, if we classify the materials with Yiwangjik as a standard, all the books and documents collected and produced by Jangseogak under Yiwangjik before the liberation in 1945, they can be called Yiwangjik materials. Particularly, when we were to talk about Jangseogak materials in the perspective of dividing the books of Joseon into royal and private ones, most of the royal documentations would belong to the Yiwangjik materials. For example, the genealogy books or protocol books that take up the big part of Joseon royal materials in Jangseogak were the basic data for the rituals and events of Joseon court organized by Yiwangjik, and the code representing the court. In this context, Yiwangjik materials in Jangseogak will be the genuine ground for the study of Yiwangjik, starting off with the study on Yi dynasty which inherited the Great Han Empire s traditional culture. For this, study and support to collect the whole materials of currently dispersed Yiwangjik materials is necessary. Key Words Yiwangjik, the Great Han Empire, Imperial family, the office of royal household, Jangseogak, Gojong, Sunjong, King Yeongchin, King Uichin 360