TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Teaching the Word and Changing the World Torch Trinity Graduate University, founded in 1998 by a cooperative effort

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2011 Handbook




TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Teaching the Word and Changing the World Torch Trinity Graduate University, founded in 1998 by a cooperative effort between the Torch Mission Center in Korea and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the USA, is an evangelical, mission-focused, multicultural seminary located in the heart of Seoul, Korea. With full accreditation from the Korean Ministry of Education and the Asia Theological Association, Torch Trinity seeks to train ministers and Christian leaders on the international stage with solid biblical, missional, and multicultural education in the English language. As of 2012, twenty-seven full-time faculty members and approximately 560 students in various masters and doctoral programs represent nearly thirty nations and a variety of evangelical denominations worldwide. By God s grace, Torch Trinity is fast becoming an important contributor to the evangelization and transformation of the world.

CONTENTS FORWARD TTGU 2012 년 2 학기 이사장인사말 Chairperson 총장칼럼 Message from the President CONVERSATION 03 05 통권제 16호발행발행인발행처편집학생기자번역디자인사진 2012년 12월 24일김상복횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교오현주최은영김지수이난희이왕우정순덕최하은이왕우문조슈아김필원양승호 기술을사역의도구로 Using Technology as A Ministry Tool ACTION 미디어를사역의도구로 Media in Ministry 인도네시아선교여행 Indonesia Mission Trip 아가페재팬 Agape Japan 07 11 15 19 문의 02) 570-7372 팩스 02) 570-7379 홈페이지 우리나라에도선교지가있다 A Mission Field in Our Country REVIEW 23 Cover Story: Media in ministry 미디어를사역의도구로 우린토치스타일! Torch Trinity Style! 사랑의책나눔 Sharing Love, Sharing Books 졸업생들의한마디 Parting Words Faculty News 신임교수인터뷰 : 김은희교수 New Faculty: Dr. Grace Eun Hee Kim 자서전쓰기강좌 Lessons on Writing Autobiography 횃불트리니티한동대교류협력협약식 TTGU & HGU MOU 센터뉴스 Center News 동문회소식 Alumni Association News 기부자인터뷰 Interview with our Sponsors 횃불트리니티발전기금현황 Torch Trinity Development Fund 29 31 33 43 47 49 50 51 57 59 62

FORWARD CHAIRPERSON S GREETINGS 이사장인사말 Dr. Hyung-Ja Lee, Chairperson 이형자이사장 선교의허브 강의동건축이이제막바지에왔습니다. 신축강의동은아주튼실하게지었습니다. 지난 5월에공사가시작된이후, 공기의절반이상을기초공사와육중한철제빔을연결해서골격을갖추는데사용했습니다. 철제빔골격이완성되자, 나머지공사는일사천리로진행되었습니다. 유리창을달고, 타일을깔고, 페인트를칠하고, 인테리어를하는데는그렇게많은시간이들지않았습니다. 이제봄이오면신축건물은하나님의말씀을배우고가르치는열기로가득할것입니다. 가슴이설렙니다. 졸업시즌입니다. 3년동안, 혹은 2년동안신학과목회의기초와골격을세우기위해서애쓰신여러분께격려의박수를보냅니다. 히브리어, 헬라어시험준비로밤을새운분도계시고, 논문발표와과제제출로진을빼신분들도계실줄압니다. 교회사역과신학공부를같이하신분들은아마숨이찼을겁니다. 이제진력을다해세운학문의기초와목회의골격에멋진살을붙일시간이되었습니다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교에서배운탄탄한실력이라면여러분이세계어디를가더라도하나님의말씀을가르치고, 천국복음을전파하고, 모든약한것을고치는데부족함이없으리라믿습니다. 학교를사랑하는마음으로여러분모두가참여해주신 느헤미야프로젝트 는학교발전에큰도움이될뿐만아니라, 학생들에게는목회를배우는 현장학습 의시간이되었을줄압니다. 그리스도의몸은함께지어져가는것입니다. 모든정성을다해준여러분께깊이감사드립니다. 여러분의앞길을은혜와평강을주시는예수그리스도의이름으로축복합니다. Our goal to increase and upgrade the hub of mission and evangelism is almost complete. The construction began in May, and after spending more than half of the projected timespan of the construction on reinforcing the foundation and strengthening supporting structures, the building took shape rapidly. Soon, this new building will be in full action, teaching the Word, changing the world. We are absolutely thrilled in anticipation of what God has in store for the next chapter of Torch Trinity Graduate University. I would like to thank all of our students, staff, faculty, family and friends who took part in the Nehemiah Project. What you have done not only helps the school grow, but I am sure it was a growing experience for all of us, especially the students as they practice what happens in real life ministry all the time. Thank you for your love for our school. Many of our students are graduating. Some have been with us three years, and others have been with us for two years, building the theological foundation and raising up the pillars and walls, getting ready for your ministry. I applaud you in all your strenuous endeavors. All those hours you have spent memorizing Greek and Hebrew, preparing for presentations and exams, writing papers and dissertations and planning for the next step will yield great fruit. Now is the time for you to embellish the building that you have begun construction here by entering into ministry. I am certain that God will use everything you have learned while you were at Torch Trinity Graduate University in your teaching, preaching, healing and restoring the broken world. Christ. I pray God s grace and peace upon your life in Jesus 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

3 4 MASS MEDIA AND MASS MINISTRY 대중매체와대중사역 Dr. Sang-Bok David Kim, President 김상복총장 오래전내가미국에서신학생이었을때, 우연히기독교교육학과과목중 텔레비전활용 이란생소한선택과목이눈에들어왔다. 미래에는매스미디어가사역을위해중요한도구가될것이라는생각이들어그과목에등록했다. 교수님도전문가가아니었지만사역을위한텔레비전활용에대한강의를조금하셨고, 여섯명의학생들이한조가되어서로도와가며 30분짜리 TV프로그램을제작해서그지역케이블텔레비전에올려야했다. 학생들은다양한역할을했다. 프로그램기획, PD, 카메라맨, 녹음팀, 작가, 편집인, TV사회자, 연기자등돌아가면서별의별일을다하며그과목을통해어떻게 TV 프로그램을만들어내는지를배워갔다. 한프로그램이완성되면그테이프를가지고케이블 TV 방송국에갔다. 방송국이라해보았자 6평정도되는작고허술한시멘트건물안에방송기계가있고높은안테나가있는정도였다. 그때방송국이너무허술해서놀랐다. 문을열고들어가서테이프를기계에꼽고스위치를켜면방송이되는것이었다. 내프로그램이끝날때까지아무도없는거기에앉아서기다리면다음사람이다른테이프를갖고와넣는다. 그게방송국의전부였다. 별것아닌과목이었고아주작은경험이었다. 그런데그작은 TV 방송경험이내평생방송사역의세계를열어준문이되었다. 신학생시절에시작된그작은경험이반세기동안오늘에이르기까지계속되고있는방송과관련된사역과연결될줄은몰랐었다. 금년 4월 CTS TV 방송국은 3년전부터준비해오던새기획프로그램 7000미라클 을드디어시작하며나를 7000미라클 의공동진행자 (co-host) 로초청했다. 한국에서너무도잘알려져있는 KBS 저녁뉴스전앵커신은경권사와함께그프로그램을진행한다. 완전한프로와완전한아마추어의컴비네이션호스트이다. 7000미라클 은오전 9시 30분, 오후 3시, 밤 11시하루에세번씩주 5일방송하는프로그램이다. TV방송의프로인신은경권사말에의하면이렇게프로그램을많은시간방송하는것은텔레비전세 Many years ago when I was a student at a theological seminary in the United States, I noticed an elective course called TV for Christian Education. Thinking that mass media would be an important tool for ministry in the future, I signed up for the course. One lecture was based on how to produce a TV program, and the professor assigned thirty-minute programs to air on the local cable TV channel. With a simple video camera, a monitor, and a recorder in a small studio, we had the chance to play diverse roles. These roles included planners, producers, cameramen, writers, editors, actors, and even program hosts for one another. We took our finished products and went to the cable TV station, only to find out that there was almost nothing inside but a tape player and a tall antenna. The door was open, but no one was inside. We walked in and turned on the tape at the designated time and sat there until someone else showed up with the next tape to be played. It was a humble chance to get a small taste of TV production for one semester. This small door that had opened up the world of mass media so many years ago introduced me into broadcasting ministry for the rest of my life. Yes, a small door indeed, but certainly a powerful one that turned into a life-long involvement of public media in my ministry lasting until this day. Since April this year, I was invited to co-host with Shin Eun-Kyung the highly celebrated KBS TV evening news former anchorwoman for a program called 7,000 Miracles on CTS TV Station. This program airs five days a week, Monday through Friday, and three times a day, 9:30 AM, 3:00 PM, and 11:00 PM. The program, 7,000 Miracles, has been in the works for more than two years and finally set to broadcast not only in Korea, but also all around the world. Prior to the TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

FORWARD 계에서는있을수없는기획이라고했다. 이프로그램은국내뿐만이아니라전세계에위성으로동시에방송이된다. 지난 6개월동안 7000미라클 이진행되고있다. 신학생때의작은출발이일생의사역에영향을주고있다. CTS는나에게생소한방송국이아니다. 7000미라클 프로그램전에도나는 CTS TV에서 오늘의양식 을여러해동안매일방송해왔고지금도하고있다. 목회를하고있었을때는매주방송설교를해왔다. 또오랜세월동안각종특별프로그램에참여해왔다. CTS 방송외에도 CGN과 Good TV, CBS와극동방송, 전에는아시아방송까지수십년간계속해서방송사역을해왔다. 1990 년귀국후한국에서방송을떠난적이한해도없었다. 라디오와 TV는계속내사역의일부분을차지해왔다. 신학생때 TV 과목을택한이후미국에서도방송사역이시작되어계속방송을해왔다. 1972년인디아나폴리스에서기독교 TV 방송국이처음설립되었을때내가교수로있던대학의이사중한분이사장이었는데, 그분이나에게매주금요일저녁 7시-8시한시간씩을줄터이니무슨방송이든지해달라는요청을받고, 2년동안 Colleges and Issues Forum 이라는이름으로사회저명인사들과인터뷰를하는대담프로를했다. 요즘식으로말하면토크쇼였는데다양한사회적인이슈들을기독교적관점에서해석해가는프로그램이었다. 나에게는새로운경험이었다. 그이후에도방송국들과연계가되며나의사역에많은문들이열리곤했다. 인디아나주의시골에서 9년간목회와교수및방송사역들을해왔는데대도시로나가서사역하고싶은소원이생겼다. 네개의학교로부터초청을받았다. 그중미국의수도워싱톤교외에있는워싱톤신학대학및캐피털신학대학원으로옮겨가기로결정을했다. 우선초교파복음주의신학교라제일마음에들었고미국의수도에있다는것이좋았다. 또한가지이유는학교에방송프로그램이있다는것이나의관심을끌었다. 그학교에가서매일 15분씩기독교방송국을통해성경공부를인도할수있었다. 나의방송사역은이렇게계속되었다. 새학교에도착한다음해인 1978년한국교민들을위한워싱톤기독교방송국을설립하여 1990년귀국하기까지 12년간이사장으로방송과운영을맡았다. 방송을통해가정, 비즈니스그리고자동차안으로전파를통해예수그리스도의복음을전하였고, 또한워싱턴, 메릴랜드, 버지니아지역의한인들에게직접찾아가그리스도의복음과하나님의말씀을매주전하려했다. 신학생때처음관심을갖게된방송사역이이렇게계속연결되고있었다. program, I had already been on CTS TV everyday with Our Daily Bread for many years as well as on Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) radio for the first seven years after my return to Korea from the U.S. in 1990. My weekly sermons have been on FEBC since 1979. In 1972, I was asked to produce a one hour program for a Christian TV station in Indianapolis, Indiana after I began to teach at a seminary in Indiana. For two years I produced a program called Colleges and Issues Forum that would air between 7 PM to 8 PM on Friday evenings, a golden hour for TV audiences. This was a program that interviewed respected Christian leaders who were asked to discuss diverse issues from a Christian perspective. In today s terms, it would be a talk show. Hosting was certainly a new and challenging experience, but I did my best. Since then, various Christian radio stations have invited me for interviews, which opened up many doors for my ministry. After nine years of the pastorate, teaching, and broadcasting ministries on the farm land of Indiana, I wanted to transfer to another school in a large city. I was blessed to have four invitations from seminaries. In the summer of 1977, I decided to join Washington Bible College and Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, Maryland a suburb of Washington D.C., the capital city of the United States. I joined because I liked this non-denominational evangelical school and its location. But there was one other reason I accepted their invitation. They had daily Bible study radio program, which sparked my interest. When I became a faculty member, I conducted fifteen-minute Bible studies every morning on the Christian radio station. Within its range, the radio program included the White House, the House of Representatives, and the entire political and diplomatic community as well as ordinary citizens. After two years, I became involved with the board as chairman in establishing the Washington Christian Broadcasting System. It was a weekly radio program that reached out the gospel of Jesus Christ on the air waves to homes, businesses, and cars covering the greater metropolitan cities Maryland and Virginia. I served for eleven years until I returned home to Korea in 1990. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

5 6 시작이중요하다. 또관심이중요하다. 그때부터한국의극동방송과아시아방송을통해한국, 중국, 북한을향한방송이시작되었고, 그라디오방송사역도최근교회목회에서은퇴할때까지계속되었다. 워싱턴에서시작한나의라디오방송사역은하와이, 뉴욕, 시카고, 로스앤젤레스, 테네시, 괌까지확장되었다. 매스미디어에대한관심은문서출판으로이어졌다. 미국에서벧엘출판사를설립하며영 한이중언어 오늘의양식 을 1980년부터출판하고신앙성장시리즈책자들을발행하여당시기독교문서가부족하던시대에문서사역을시작했다. 오늘의양식 은 32년이지난오늘까지도미국과한국에서계속출간되고있다. 문서를통한대중사역이시작되어수많은책들이출판되었고, 1,500여종류의각종글들이신문과잡지와저널등에실렸다. 이모든이야기를장황하게나열하는것은신학생시절처음노출되었던기독교교육을위한 TV과목하나가한사람의사역에서어떻게쓰임받게되었는지나의사역을통해보여줌으로써미래의사역을준비하고있는신학생들과젊은목회자들이매스미디어와대중을위한사역에관심을시작하도록도전하고싶은간절한마음이있어서이다. 지금은내가매스미디어에관심을갖기시작했던오래전시대와는너무도다르게발전하고있다. IT의기술적발전은눈부시다. 한국은세계제1의 IT 왕국이되었다. 스마트폰, 이메일, 트위터, 페이스북, 블로그, 파워포인트, 인터넷, 라디오, TV, 서적, 신문, 잡지, 작은글들등현세대에게주어진매체는끝이없다. 이제신학생들이일찍부터복음전파와말씀선포를위한종합적안목을개발하고구체적인방법들을배워차세대사역을위한최선의자원들을총동원해서효과적인사역들을할수있기를바라는마음이있다. 신학생들과젊은목회자들은눈을크게뜨고이시대에주신많은가능성을통해예수그리스도의복음을위한효율적이고이시대에맞는대변인들로준비를시작하였으면한다. 미래를위해신학생시절에눈을뜨라. 시작할시간이다. 지금이바로그때이다. 하늘이하나님의영광을선포하고궁창이그의손으로하신일을나타내는도다. 날은날에게말하고밤은밤에게지식을전하니. 언어도없고말씀도없으며들리는소리도없으나. 그의소리가온땅에통하고그말씀이세상끝까지이르도다하나님이해를위하여. 하늘에장막을베푸셨도다. 시편 19장1-4절 너희는나라들가운데에전파하라공포하라깃발을세우라숨김이없이공포하여이르라. 예레미야 50장2절 The interest in mass media has led me to start Bethel Press to publish the bilingual Our Daily Bread and other Christian literature series of spiritual growth, which continues even today. Back in those days, thirty some years ago in the U.S., Christian literature was limited in number in the Korean language. I also became involved in broadcasting on FEBC once again, but this time in Korea for China and North Korea. This broadcasting ministry was carried to Hawaii, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Guam, Korea, and finally, Washington, D.C. Now out of all of the experiences I have listed above, I would like to draw close attention back to the seminary course I took as a student as a theological student. There are definitely many changes that have happened since then. Today s information technology is far superior to what I have been exposed to in my generation. The current seminary students and young ministers have many media tools widely available for them to effectively communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God to the lost and confused world. The media enables them to reach out on both personal and public levels through cell phones, email, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, e-books, internet articles and newspapers. These are the few of the many other means that are available to this current generation. But with great inventions, there also comes greater challenges. Here is my challenge to the ministerial students today: open your eyes widely to see possibilities, and be responsible learners of the tools available today in order to be effective messengers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Be well equipped and well trained as the spokespersons for our Lord and his Kingdom. Now is the time to start. Heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork, day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun. Psalm 19:1-4 Declare among the nations. Proclaim, and set up a standard; Proclaim, do not conceal it. Jeremiah 50:2 TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

CONVERSATION USING TECHNOLOGY AS A MINISTRY TOOL 기술을사역의도구로 Dr. Eddie Byun (Professor of Practical Theology) 에디변박사 ( 실천신학과교수 ) 도구인가? 아니면유혹인가? 기술 (Technology) 은도구가될수도있고, 유혹이될수도있다. 우리가기술을현명하게사용한다면기술은일을하는시간을단축시켜줄것이다. 하지만기술을오용하면많은시간을낭비하게된다. 현대의디지털시대에는다양한기술을이용하여복음을세상에널리전파할수있는가능성이무궁무진하다. 이제는예수그리스도의이름을들어보지도못한 닫힌 나라들에사는사람들에게복음을전하는것이자신의안락한집에서떠나지않고도가능한시대가되었다. 또한그리스도인들이설교, 자료, 성경주석들을접하는것과다른사람들을연락하는방법이인터넷기술의개발로인하여이전에생각지도못했던방법으로발달했다. 반면에사람들이해야할일들을다제쳐놓고는스마트폰으로오락을하거나, 인터넷서핑, 소셜미디어에접속해서수많은시간을허비하는것또한전례없는일이되었다. 누군가말하길, 페이스북과트위터덕분에이제우리는시간이없어서기도를못했다는핑계를댈수없게되었다 고했다. 이는우리가사는현세대를되돌아보게하는말이다. 수많은시간이컴퓨터앞에서허비되고, 수많은시간이스마트폰을들여보다가사라져간다. 기술개발에많은시간이투자된만큼, 그리스도를본받아가는우리들은각자에게주어진시간과기술을현명하게사용해야한다. 하나님의영광을위한도구사도바울은우리에게모든일을다하나님의영광을위하여하라 ( 고전 10:31) 고말씀하시는데, 이에는먹는것, 마시는것, 공부하는것뿐만아니라기술을활용하는것도포함되어있다. 기술을활용하는것과관련된위험요소들, 그리고시간을허비하는 A Tool or A Temptation Technology can either be a tool or a temptation. If we use it wisely, technology can be a great time saver. If we misuse it, it can be a time waster. There is great potential in this digital age to reach the world with the gospel like never before. The gospel can be shared in traditionally closed countries with people who have never heard of the name of Jesus without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. In addition, the access that Christians have to sermons, resources, commentaries, and people through the internet is unprecedented in human history. But on the flip side, there has never been such an era where people could spend hours each day playing video games, surfing the net, and engaged in social media through their smart phones without ever getting any work done. Someone once said that thanks to Facebook and Twitter, we can never say that the reason we didn t pray was because of a lack of time. Those are humbling words that reflect the generation we live in. Hours are spent behind a computer. Hours are spent on our phones. So with the huge amount of time invested in technology, the follower of Christ must use those hours well. A Tool for the Glory of God Paul tells us that whatever we do, it must be done to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31) that includes eating, drinking, studying, and using technology. So while much could be said about the dangers and wastefulness that technology can be for us, I will choose to focus on the how 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

7 8 것의부정적인면에대하여말할수있는것들이많겠지만, 여기서는우리에게주어진사역가운데하나님의영광을위하여기술을활용하는것에초점을맞추고자한다. 하나님의이름을영광되게하기위하여영향력을펼치라인터넷과소셜미디어가우리에게제공하는좋은점은서로가직접만나지는못할지라도전세계어디에있는사람과도항상연결되어있을수있다는점이다. 예를들자면페이스북은 친구들 과연결을해주고, 트위터는 팔로워 들과연결을해준다. 최근에페이스북은전세계적으로 10억명의가입자를넘겼다. 지금까지이렇게많은사람들이한포털에모인적이없었다. 청소년들, 그들의부모들, 그리고심지어연로하신분들까지도사랑하는사람들과연락하고항상연결되어있는소통수단으로페이스북을빠르게받아들이고있다. 이제우리와상시연결되어있는소셜네트워크를통하여다른이들에게정보를제공하고, 그들에게영감을주고, 그들에게영향력을행사하여, 하나님의이름에영광을돌리는방법을제시해보고자한다. 우리는사람들과오늘점심에뭐를먹었는지바깥날씨가어떤지와같이목표도없고생산적이지도않은일상의정보를공유하기보다, 그들에게여호와의길을가르치고, 더거룩한삶을추구하도록영감을주는것들을제공할수있다. 잠언 27장 17절은 철이철을날카롭게하는것같이사람이그의친구의얼굴을빛나게하느니라 고말한다. 우리가알든모르든, 우리가페이스북, 트위터, 블로그, 구글 +, 혹은텀블러등여러소셜미디어계정에게재하는모든것들은어떤내용을게재하느냐에따라그것을보는이들로하여금부정적인부분들에초점을맞추고불평하게만들수도있고, 반대로더더욱하나님을닮아가고거룩한삶을살도록인도할수도있다. 예를들면, 오늘아침에일어났는데, 밖에비가내리고있다. 그런데당신은비오는것이질색이다. 그래서당신의친구들과팔로워들에게당신의그런감정을알리기위해 지긋지긋한비! 라고쓸수있다. 아마몇몇친구들은바로 좋아요 를누를수도있고, 다른이들은 그러게! 비싫어! 라고답할수도있을것이다. 그런데지금당신은무엇을한것인가? 당신은당신친구들로하여금당신의삶의부정적인부분에초점을맞추게했다. 그렇다면어떻게하면이상황에서당신의영향력안에있는사람들로하여금당신주변에일어나는일을긍정적이고하나님께영광돌리는사건으로변화시킬수있을까? 날씨에대해불평하는대신 ( 날씨든다른무엇이든, we can use this tool for the good of our ministry and for the glory of God. Expanding Our Influence to the Glory of God s Name A valuable element that the internet and social media has offered to us is the ability to connect with people from all over the world, even if we may never actually meet them in person. Facebook connects you to friends and Twitter has followers. Recently, Facebook passed the 1 billion user mark worldwide. There has never been a portal that brings so many people together into one place. Teens and parents and even the elderly have quickly embraced Facebook to be the means in which they can share their lives and stay in touch with loved ones. A few ways to take advantage of this connectedness is to use our social networks as a means to inform, inspire, and to influence others to the glory of God s name. Instead of just sharing random tidbits of our day, such as what we ate for lunch or how the temperature was for the day, we have the potential to instruct people in the ways of the Lord and inspire them to live for greater godliness through this social media. Proverbs 27:17 tells us that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Whether we realize it or not, what we post on our Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Google+, Tumblr, or whichever media you use, has the potential to influence others to focus on the negative through our complaining or influence others towards godliness as we point them to Jesus. Let me give you an example. Let s say you wake up to a rainy day and you hate rainy days. So you decide to let all your friends and followers know by writing a simple post: I hate the rain! You quickly get a few likes and others who say, Me too! I hate rain! What you have just done is used for your influence to have others focus on the negative part of your day. How could we have redeemed this for the good of others and for the glory of God? Instead of complaining about the weather (or about anything else, since complaining is also a sin - see Phil. 2:14), you could write instead: God, as you shower us with rain today, may you rain down revival over this nation. Or you could write a verse such as Hosea 6:3: Let us know; let us TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

CONVERSATION 불평은죄를짓는것이다 빌 2:14을참고하라 ), 이렇게글을게재할수있다. 하나님, 오늘우리에게비를내려주시듯, 이나라에부흥을내려주소서. 혹은 그러므로우리가여호와를알자힘써여호와를알자그의나타나심은새벽빛같이어김없나니비와같이, 땅을적시는늦은비와같이우리에게임하시리라하니라 ( 호세아 6:3) 과같은말씀을게재할수도있다. 거룩한설교자로돌변하여당신의공간을명설교문으로도배하라는말은아니다. 하지만여기서이야기하고자하는것은첫째, 당신이게재하는글이영향력이있다는것을인지하고, 둘째, 당신은당신자신에게초점을돌릴수도있고, 혹은하나님께서우리에게주신은사와가능성에초점을맞출수있다는것을명심해야한다는것이다. 어떤사람들은자신의소셜미디어계정을시간때우는취미로만생각한다. 물론그것도괜찮다. 하지만복음을전하는자인우리는개인의소셜미디어계정도그것을우리사역의연장선상에서보아야한다. 나는나의친구들과팔로워들을나의 온라인 회중이라생각하고, 나의소셜미디어계정으로그들을축복하려고노력한다. 물론내개인의일상의사진과글을올리기도하지만, 가능한한사람들을하나님과하나님의말씀을향하도록표지판역할을하려고노력한다. 때로는하나님과의친밀한묵상의시간가운데배운것들을나누기도하고, 내삶에하나님께서내려주시는복에대해나누기도한다. 소셜미디어계정은상황에따라다르겠지만기도제목을나누는매체이기도하다. 이것은나자신과내가참여하고있는사역을위해많은중보자들을동원하는데최적의매체이다. 소셜미디어를사역의한부분으로볼때에비로소우리는하나님나라의확장과예수그리스도의이름에영광돌리는수단으로사용할수있는것이다. 그저또하나의틈틈이방문하는웹사이트로생각할때, 소셜미디어는유혹이되거나, 시간을허비하는도구가되거나, 나자신의명성을떨치는수단으로악용될수있다. 따라서나는여러분에게소셜미디어를통해자신의진솔한모습을보여줄것을바라지만, 자신이속해있는사회공간에서하나님의축복이되려고노력하기를권한다. 전천후준비태세사역을위해기술을활용하는방법은또있다. 이것은특히목회자, 교육가혹은설교자에게아주큰도움이되는기술이다. 바로 클라우드 기반의파일저장체계이다. 미디어파이어, 박스, 드롭박스등의무료온라인저장소들덕분에요즘에는설교문, press on to know the Lord; His going out is sure as the dawn; He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth. Now, I am not saying turn into a Holy Joe preacher and turn every post into a sermon, but what I am saying is 1) know you have influence with what you post and 2) you have great potential to focus on the good gifts of God in our lives or to focus on ourselves instead. Some see their social media accounts as just something fun to pass the time, which is totally fine. But for the minister of the gospel, we must also see it as an extension of our ministry. I basically see the friends and followers I have as an online congregation to be a blessing to. I post personal pictures and comment on regular life events, but I also take the opportunity to point people to God and his Word whenever I can. I sometimes share what I learned in my devotional time with the Lord and the way that I see God s blessings in my life. I also use social media as a means to share prayer requests when appropriate, to increase prayers for myself or the ministry that I am a part of. When we see this as an extension of ministry, we can use social media as a tool to further God s Kingdom and bring glory to his name. When we see it simply as just another website to visit, it can easily become a temptation, a time-killer, or a means to expand the glory of MY name instead. I encourage you to be real, but also strive to be a blessing to those in your social circles. Being Ready In Season and Out of Season One other way to use technology as a ministry tool, especially for the pastor, teacher, and preacher, is to take advantage of cloud based storage. Thanks to many free online storage sites (such as MediaFire, Box, Dropbox, and others), we can now have access to our sermons, lectures, and resources anywhere we go without actually carrying around the physical files anymore. Most of these online or cloud storage services also have a smart phone app as well, so as long as you have your smart phone or computer tablet with you, you can theoretically access all of your information at a moment s notice. So what this means for the pastor, for example, is that he can now not only back up sermons, illustrations, 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

9 10 강의안, 자료등을손에들고다닐필요가없게되었다. 이러한클라우드기반저장소들은스마트폰을위한앱들도모두준비되어있기때문에, 스마트폰이나인터넷연결이가능한태블릿 PC나넷북만있으면전세계어디서든지자신이필요한모든자료를바로준비할수있다. 목회자에게이기술은무엇을의미하는가? 이기술은설교문, 예화, 성경공부자료, 강의안등을클라우드기반에예비로저장해놓을수있을뿐아니라, 언제어디서나활용할수있게한다는것을의미한다. 나는동역하는모든사역자들에게 언제나설교할수있도록준비하라 고말한다. 특히예배에참석할때에는더욱그렇다. 예배순서상에는설교자로들어있지않더라도언제어떻게설교자로서섬겨야만할지모르기때문이다. 언젠가태국에선교여행을갔었을때현지에모였던사람들이내가목사라는것을알게되어설교를부탁했던적이있었다. 비상시를위해나는 예비 설교를외우고있기도했지만, 다행히내아이패드에 20 여개의설교문을가지고있었기때문에그중에서선택할수있었다. 또한번은수련회에초청된강사가갑자기아파서못오는바람에세미나에서강의할사람이필요했던적이있다. 나는내클라우드기반저장소에서과거에사용했던강의안들가운데적절한강의안을찾을수있었기때문에그위기도모면할수있었다. 항시나는내설교문, 강의안, 사역자료들을사용할수있기때문에, 언제나어디서나설교, 가르침, 성경공부인도나지도자훈련을할수있다. 따라서이기술을통해나는언제나, 그리고누구에게나자료를제공하고섬길수있는것이다. 이것이바로전천후필요에따라섬길수있는준비태세를갖추는것이다. 잘쓰이기위해잘준비하라인생은짧다. 그리고우리의이짧은인생은여러모로기술과연관되어있다. 따라서지혜롭게살려면우리에게주어진모든기술의노예가되지않고, 이들이우리를섬기도록잘사용해야한다. 이글을마무리하면서횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교학생들과독자들의삶이기술에얽매여노예가되는것이아니라, 주어진기술로인하여언제나어디서나도움이되고축복이되는삶을살기를기도한다. 주어진이시간가운데하나님의영광을위해잘쓰이기위해필요한기술과지식을잘준비하기를바란다. Bible study notes, and lectures online, he can also access these resources anywhere and be ready to preach or teach in a moment s notice. I tell my pastoral team at church to always be ready to preach, especially if you are going to attend a worship service. You may not be the scheduled preacher, but you never know when your services as a preacher may be needed. There was one time I was in Thailand for a mission trip when I was suddenly asked to preach because that group found out I was a pastor. I had a backup sermon memorized for such an occasion, but I also had about twenty other sermons I could have picked from which I keep in my ipad. On another occasion, a guest speaker for a retreat fell ill and we needed another seminar speaker. I was able to access my online storage account and pick from several courses I had taught before. Since I am connected to my sermons, lectures, and ministry tools wherever I go, I am able to preach or teach a Bible study or do leadership training anywhere at any time. As a result, technology is a tool through which I become a resource for others wherever I am. In season or out of season, I am able to give to others as needed. Prepare Well to Be Used Well Life is short, and so much of our brief lives here on earth are connected to technology. So to live wisely, we must use technology as tool to serve us, so that we do not become slaves to it. As I finish writing this article, I am lifting up a prayer for the students at Torch Trinity Graduate University that your life will not be wasted because of technology, but your life will become a resource and blessing because of it. Prepare well in this season of gathering skills and knowledge, that you may be used well for the glory of his name. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the good news of God s grace. Acts 20:24 (ESV) 내가달려갈길과주예수께받은사명곧하나님의은혜의 복음을증언하는일을마치려함에는나의생명조차조금도귀한 것으로여기지아니하노라 사도행전 20 장 24 절 TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

CONVERSATION MEDIA IN MINISTRY 미디어를사역의도구로 Interview with Dr. Ted Baehr, Founder of MOVIEGUIDE 테드베어박사 ( 무비가이드대표 ) Q: 헐리우드의변화에대해간단하게설명해주십시오. 현대영화와텔레비전프로그램에서도덕성이사라져가는이유는믿음의사람들이문화속에서빛과소금의역할을하지않고있기때문입니다. 1933년부터 1966년까지기독교인들은헐리우드에서강력한세력이었습니다. 그당시로마가톨릭품위군단이란단체와몇년후에생긴프로테스탄트필름커미션에서는모든대본을검열하여많은관중을위한품위있는영화를만들기위해노력했습니다. 이런노력으로 스미스씨워싱톤에가다, 아름다운인생, 그리고 성모마리아의종 과같은작품들이나오게되었습니다. 1922년에서 1933년까지기독교인들은검열위원회를만드는등, 건전한헐리우드를만들기위해온갖시도를다했지만모두실패했습니다. 기독교인들이자발적으로헐리우드제작사들이많은관중을위한컨텐츠를만들도록영향력을미치기전까지는성공하지못했던것입니다. 1933년기독교인들이헐리우드영화에뛰어들기전미국영화는섹스, 폭력등이난무한도덕적파산상태에 Q: What happened to Hollywood? Why is it so difficult to find wholesome films that families can watch? Part of the reason for the breakdown of morality in movies and television today, and in the culture at large, is that people of faith retreated from being salt and light in the culture. From 1933 to 1966, Christians were one of the predominant forces in Hollywood. During that period, the Roman Catholic Legion of Decency and the Protestant Film Commission (which started several years after the Legion of Decency) read every script to ensure that movies represented the largest possible audience by adhering to high standards of decency. As a result, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, It s a Wonderful Life and The Bells of St. Mary s rang out across the land! It took ten years and God s grace acting through three dedicated Christian men to position God s people 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

11 12 있었습니다. 하지만그후 10여년동안헌신된세명의기독교인들을통해헐리우드영화계에하나님의은혜가전해지게되었고도덕성을되찾게된것이었습니다. 그러던중 1966년에헐리우드영화제작자들의만류에도불구하고프로테스탄트필름오피스가문을닫게되었는데, 이것은폭력, 섹스, 사탄숭배, 사악하고반종교적편견이담긴영화들이봇물처럼쏟아지게하였을뿐아니라, 영화관객들의수도 4천4 백만에서 2천만으로줄어들게만들었습니다. Q: 사역에미디어를접목시키는것에는어떠한이점이있습니까? 오늘날대중매체는어린이들에게가장영향력있는교육매체입니다. 미국에서는아이들이 17세가되기까지평균약 40,000 시간을미디어에투자하는반면, 학교에는 11,000시간, 부모와의관계에는 2,000시간, 교회에는기껏 800시간밖에투자하지않습니다. 그결과아이들은조상들의믿음과가치관을이어받지못하고있습니다. 한연구에의하면청소년의 90% 가부모의가치관을버린다고합니다. 1950년에약 70% 의어린이들이성경이야기를안다고대답한반면, 2001년에는오직 4% 만이성경의이야기를안다고답했습니다. 윤리적기준이세워지지않는한우리아이들은다양한여러문제들로커다란고통을겪을수밖에없을것입니다. 따라서그리스도를믿는믿음과올바른가치관을가진자들이대중매체에서도최고의전달자들이되어야합니다. 신약성서는 설교하다 ( 영문으로 preaching ) 라는단어에다섯가지헬라어단어가사용됩니다. 그중가장흔히쓰이는것이 케리쪼 라는단어인데, 예수님께서이단어를약 63% 정도사용하십니다. 이단어의원뜻은 장터에나가서복음을외치다 입니다. 우리도영화와텔레비전이라는장터에나가그리스도의사신으로복음을외치는자가되어야합니다. 왜냐하면그것이예수그리스도께서우리에게명령하신것이고, 우리가부름을받은이유입니다. to be such a powerful moral influence on Hollywood. As the videotape Hollywood Uncensored all too clearly demonstrates, prior to the involvement of these Christian men in 1933, American movies were morally bankrupt full of nudity, perversity, and violence. From 1922 to 1933, church-going men and women tried everything, including creating censorship boards, to influence Hollywood to make wholesome entertainment. Nothing succeeded until Christians volunteered to work alongside the Hollywood studios to help them reach the largest possible audience. When the Protestant Film Office closed its advocacy offices in Hollywood in 1966 (in spite of many pleas to stay by the top Hollywood filmmakers), not only did it open the floodgates to violence (The Wild Bunch), sex and Satanism (Rosemary s Baby), and perverse anti-religious bigotry (Midnight Cowboy), it also caused a severe drop in movie attendance from 44 million tickets sold per week to about 20 million. Q: What are some facts that our Christian culture should know? The mass media of entertainment are the primary teachers of our children. The average child sees 40,000 of media by the time they are 17-years-old, compared to 11,000 hours in school, 2,000 with parents, and 800 hours in church if they go for an hour every Sunday. Q: 목회자나선교사들이자신들의사역에미디어를활용할수 있는방법에는어떤것들이있습니까? 목회자나선교사들은자신에게맡겨진양들이미디어와문화에대해지혜로울수있도록가르쳐야합니다. 성도들에게영감을주고, 격려하고, 나아가그들이다른사람들을그리스도의제자를삼을수있도록준비시키는데좋은영화를사용할수도있습니다. As a result, our children have lost contact with the values and faith of their forefathers. In fact, one study finds that 90% of our youth are abandoning the values of their parents. The number of children familiar with the Bible has TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

CONVERSATION gone from 70% in 1950 to 4% in 2001. Without moral guidelines, children are facing an epidemic proportion of sexually transmitted diseases and other physical and psychological problems. Therefore, it is critical that people of faith and values become the best communicators through the mass media of entertainment. The New Testament uses five Greek words which we translate as preaching in English. The most common word is kerysso, which Jesus uses 63% of the time. It means to go into the marketplace to proclaim or herald the good news of the gospel. This book intends to help you to do just what Jesus commanded to help you herald his Good News in movies and television. 또한대중매체를통해복음의위대한이야기와믿음을가진사람들의이야기들을제대로전하는것도올바른미디어활용법이라생각합니다. Q: 미디어를사역에활용하는데있어서불리하거나, 위험한요소는어떤것이있습니까? 미디어활용에위험한요소도물론있습니다. 한예는사역자가제대로점검하지못하고사역에해가될수있는내용이담겨있는미디어를사용하는것입니다. 다른예는성경의멋진이야기들을보통수준의영화나컨탠츠로만들어버려그것을접하는사람들이성경이야기에대한흥미를잃게하여결국복음을떠나게만드는것입니다. Q: 학생들이사역지에나아가서그들에게주어진미디어관련도구들을잘사용할수있도록준비시키는방법은어떤것입니까? 신학대학원에서는학생들이문화, 매스미디어와연예계에대한성경적인신학을가질수있도록준비시켜야합니다. 그렇게하려면신학교는학생들이문화와미디어에대한이해와지식을가질수있도록도와야하고, 또이야기를흥미롭게전할수있는기술과사역에서사용할수있는좋은이야기들도가르쳐야합니다. 이에대한좋은자료를소개해주는것도필요합니다. Q: What should pastors and missionaries (people in ministry) be aware of regarding today s media? Pastors and missionaries can integrate media into their ministry by: teaching their congregation to be media and culture wise; using great movies to inspire, encourage and equip; and, using the mass media of entertainment to tell the grand old story of the gospel and great stories of the faith. The disadvantages are legion. Some involve using detrimental media examples and entertainment because of a lack of media wisdom. Others involve not knowing how to create great stories and so creating mediocre movies and entertainment that bore and alienate the audience. Q: How could the theological seminary betterequip its students in order that they would be able to utilize the tools of media available for them in their fields of ministry? The theological seminary should build their students understanding of biblical theology with regard to the culture of the mass media of entertainment. To do so, the seminary should teach the student to be culture wise and media wise as well as the basics of great storytelling and great stories in the mass media of entertainment. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

13 14 About Ted Baehr 무비가이드대표인테드베어박사는개신교필름커미션과로마가톨릭품위군단에의해헐리우드가황금기를누리던 1946 년, 무대와영화, 텔레비전에서모두성공적이었던테오도르베어 ( 예명로버트 텍스 알렌 ) 과에블린피어스부부사이에서태어났다. 그는뉴욕에서성장하면서부모님을따라광고, 영화와연극무대에출연하였다. 그러던중 1975년, 캐논필름의독립영화들을위해자금조달을하던중성경을읽어보라는친구의권유에의해그의개인적인삶과일에대한관점에큰변화가일어나게되었다. 그리스도를향한믿음과성령에충만하여테드는성요한성당신학대학원에서공부하였으며, 벨헤이븐대학에서인문학박사학위를취득했다. 그리고그는뉴욕시립대의텔레비전센터책임자가되고, 1978년, 굿뉴스통신사역을시작했다. 그는또한성공회통신워크샵을시작했다. 1983년, 전미기독교교회협의회의통신이사회와전미종교인방송인협회를섬기던무렵위대한영화제작자켄웨일스 ( 핑크팬더, 크리스티등제작 ) 의소개로조지하임릭을만나프로테스탄트필름오피스가했던역할과그것이지금은폐쇄된상태에있다는것을듣게되었다. 조지하임릭과그의아내루실의권유로테드는연예계의유명인사들을연락하게되고, 1985 년기독교필름및텔레비전커미션사역과무비가이드사역을시작하였다. 하임릭은프로테스탄트필름오피스자료들을테드에게기증하였고, 현재까지그자료들은무비가이드사에보관되어있다. 무비가이드사역은프로테스탄트필름커미션에서사용하던동일한기준과안목으로영화가운데긍정적인변화를불러일으키고, 연예계경영진들, 대중그리고특히자녀를둔부모들에게매스미디어선택에있어높은기준을가지도록훈련시킴으로이분야에성경적인가치관을다시금일깨우는사역을감당하고있다. In 1946, at the height of the Golden Age of Hollywood inspired by the Protestant Film Office and the Catholic Legion of Decency, Ted Baehr, the founder of MOVIEGUIDE was born to Theodore Baehr (whose stage name was Robert Tex Allen) and Evelyn Peirce, both successful stage, screen, and television actors. Growing up in New York, Ted followed in his parents footsteps, performing in commercials, movies, television, and stage. It wasn t until 1975 that Baehr s life turned. While Ted was financing independent movies for Canon Films, a friend suggested that he read the Bible, which changed his perspective both professionally and personally. Filled with the Holy Spirit through his faith in Jesus Christ, Baehr decided to attend seminary at the Institute of Theology at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and received his Doctor of Humanities (HHD) from Belhaven College. He then accepted a position as the Director of the Television Center at the City University of New York and started the Good News Communications ministry in 1978. He also established the Episcopal Communicate Workshops. In 1983, while Ted was serving on the Communications Board of the National Council of Churches and the National Religious Broadcasters, the great movie producer Ken Wales (The Pink Panther and Christy) introduced Ted to George Heimrich and George s work at the now-defunct Protestant Film Office. Inspired by George Heimrich and George s beloved wife Lucille, Dr. Baehr began contacting prominent members of the entertainment industry, and in 1985, formed the Christian Film & Television Commission ministry and MOVIEGUIDE : A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment. Heimrich donated his Protestant Film Office files to the ministry, where they now reside. The ministry uses the same vision for positive change in those files to redeem the values of the mass media of entertainment according to biblical principles by influencing key entertainment executives to adopt higher standards and by informing and equipping the public, especially parents with children and families. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

ACTION JUNE 25 @Incheon @Hong Kong @Jakarta JUNE 26 @STT Moriah @Cideng INDONESIA MISSION TRIP TTGU 2012 Summer Mission 기간 : 2012 년 6 월 25 일 - 7 월 7 일 참가자 : 오현주박사 ( 기독교교육학과교수 ), 홍경화박사 ( 기독교상 담학과교수 ), 마디나바이지기토바 ( 기독교교육학석사과정, 1 학 년 ), 드미트리보고모로브 ( 목회학석사과정, 3 학년 ), 첸이천 ( 목회학 석사과정, 2 학년 ), 조준희 ( 목회학석사과정, 2011 년졸업 ), 권영인 ( 목회학석사과정, 2 학년 ), 이혜진 ( 목회학석사과정, 2 학년 ), 이지 훈 ( 목회학석사과정, 3 학년 ), 이영찬 ( 목회학석사과정, 2 학년 ), 캐 서린나인골란 ( 신학석사과정, 1 학년 ), 박유선 ( 기독교상담학석사 과정, 1 학년 ), 이바네이드더소사 ( 목회학석사과정, 1 학년 ), 송준 환 ( 교수가족 ), 위다야노 ( 목회학석사과정, 2 학년 ) 사역파트너 : 인도네시아모리아성경대학학생들및미국생수의 강선교교회선교팀 사역장소 : 세르퐁의모리아성경대학, 시뎅과덤핏의거리 ( 철도변 ), 자카르타의한센병마을, 자카르타의사무실과교회들, 반둥의고아원과교회 사역내용 : - 모리아성경대학학생들을대상으로한기독교교육과목및기독교상담과목수업 - 모리아학생들과철도변아웃리치사역 - 한센병마을사역 - 어린이사역 - 고아원사역 - 지역교회와모리아성경대학에서의예배인도와말씀증거사역 Date: 2012 June 25 - July 7 Participants: Dr. Hyun Joo Oh (CE), Dr. Kyungwha Hong (CC), Madina Baizhigitova (MACE, 1st year), Dmitry Bogomolov (MDiv, 3rd year), Yi-Chun Chen (MDiv, 2nd year), Jhunhee Jho (MDiv graduate), Young In Kwon (KMDiv, 2nd year), Hye Jean Lee (KMDiv, 2nd year), Jihun Lee (MDiv, 3rd year), Yeongchan Lee (MDiv, 2nd year), Cathryne Nainggolan (ThM, 1st year), Yoo Seon Park (KCC, 1st year), Ivaneide de Sousa (MDiv, 1st year), Joonhwan Song (faculty family member), Widayano (MDiv, 2nd year) Ministry partner: Students of Moriah Bible College at Serpong, Indonesia & Mission team from Living Water Mission Church from Cerritos, CA, USA (for the 1st week) Ministry places: Moriah Bible College in Serpong, Streets at Cideng & Dumpit, Leprosy Village in Jakarta, Local offices & churches in Jakarta, Orphanage & church in Bandung Ministries: -Teaching CE & CC classes by professors for students at Moriah Bible College -Railroad & street outreach ministry with Moriah students (going to the sites & inviting children to Moriah) -Ministry to a village of Hansen s Disease patients -Children s ministry -Local worker outreach ministry -Orphanage ministry (children s ministry, sports activity) -Leading worship and preaching at local churches & Moriah

JUNE 28 @STT Moriah @Bumi Indah @Dumpit JUNE 30 @Bandung JUNE 27 @Logos Church @Leprosy Village JUNE 29 @STT Moriah @Bandung 난이렇게많이받았는데 - 유은성난주러왔을뿐인데오히려내가받고갑니다. 눈물닦아주러왔을뿐인데내눈물만흘리고갑니다. 씻어주러왔을뿐인데오히려내가씻겨졌습니다. 고쳐주러왔을뿐인데오히려내가치료되어갑니다. 전하러왔는데이미이곳에계신예수를보고갑니다. 꿈을가지고와꿈을보고돌아갑니다. 사랑하러왔는데더큰사랑을받고돌아갑니다. 죽은영혼살리러와내가살아서갑니다. 박유선 ( 기독교상담학과 1학년 ) 마지막밤, 우리팀은모리아성경대학에서간증시간을가졌다. 짧은나눔으로그땅에서의 10일을담아내기란쉽지않았다. 그래서 난이렇게많이받았는데 라는찬양으로마음을대신했었다. 처음이글을쓰면서, 글로표현하기에그곳에서주신은혜들이온전히전달되지않을것같아염려되었다. 그만큼그땅에서의이야기들은너무나강하고따뜻하게남아있다. 하나님께서는인도네시아에서의하루하루를통해많은것을말씀하셨다. 먼저하나님의이끄심을경험케하셨다. 본래의계획과다른일정가운데서도순적하게흘러가는모든시간은하나님의이끄심이었다. 그곳에서만나는아이들과하나되어나누는호흡은우리의노력이아니었다. 사역의매순간은, 우리를통해일하기원하시는하나님의마음과우리보다앞서일하고계신하나님을묵상하게했다. 두번째로인도네시아친구와의식사교제는내안에숨겨져있던마음을보게했다. 길을지나가던남자아이들이인도네시아친구를향해뭐라고했는데, 친구는현지언어를알아들을수없는나를위해상황을통역해주었고, 이말을덧붙였다. 피부색이 다르다고나를놀리는거야. 하지만하나님께서날만드셨기때문에나는만족해. 괜찮아. 그말속에서나는 그들보다피부색이하얀내가더우월한존재이고, 높은사람이낮은사람을도와주기위해이곳에온것 이라생각하는나를보게되었다. 그후온전히감사함으로기도하는그친구의모습은선교는더우월해서가아니라받은것을나누기위해가는것임을깨닫게했다. 세번째로하나님께서는이땅의영혼들을통해나를향한하나님의마음을재확인하게하셨다. 인도네시아의인사는헤어질때정중한악수와함께, 꼭이마나자신의가슴에악수한손을끌어와댄다. 나는이들의인사를그냥문화로만이해할뿐무감각했었다. 하지만일주일이지나, 마주잡은손을가슴에소중하게품는그들의모습에서하나님의음성이그들을통해전달되는것을느낄수있었다. 내가널소중하게만들었단다. 그동안나는하나님께서나를사랑하신다는사실을머리로는기억했지만가슴으로는잊고지냈다. 하지만인도네시아를향한발걸음은 나와하나님사이의사랑의회복 을위한하나님의아름다운계획이었다. 처음으로간단기선교인인도네시아아웃리치는짧은시간이지만나의삶에중요한지점이되었다. 이번발걸음은세계를품는다는것이너무나추상적이었던나의신앙에 열방, 세계, 모든민족 이라는단어를품게해주었다. 또한나의삶에서하나님과의관계가운데새로운점검과깨달음을주었다. 인도네시아에서만난아이들이나에게하나님의사랑을가슴으로기억하도록도운것처럼, 나또한상담을통해모든사람을귀하고아름답게만드신하나님의사랑을온전히전달하기를기도한다. 또한나의모든삶이온전히선교적삶이되기를소망한다.

JULY 2 @STT Moriah JULY 1 @Bandung @Jakarta JULY 3 @STT Moriah Yi-Chun (Jenny) Chen (2nd year, M.Div) It might seem cheesy to say that I have learned a lot in this mission trip, however, it was exactly that during my two weeks in Indonesia. I still remember the beginning of our mission trip. Pastor John Lee (missionary who invited our team to Indonesia) gave us an assignment. He wanted each one of us to think and pray who Jesus is and who I really am throughout this mission trip. To be honest, when I first heard about the questions he gave us, deep inside of my heart I was mocking at him and thought they were silly questions. I admit that I had a lot of pride in the beginning due to my past mission experiences. I judged and complained many times by looking at my team and the ministries we were doing. However, through serving together with Moriah students, God awakened me by comparing their contentment and my discontentment. When we went to visit Moriah s female dormitory, each student was only given one plastic drawer to keep their belongings and they have to share a room with other 12 girls. I have far more possessions beyond than them yet I am not satisfied with what I own. What I have learned from them is thankfulness. They never complain of what they do not have but always be thankful of what they have. This is one of the lessons that God had taught me to be thankful always. The second lesson that I have learned in this mission trip is humility. As I shared, I had pride. I saw myself higher than the Indonesians. I thought I knew better, from a better country. I was there to do mission to help them to have a better life. Yet, by seeing how Moriah students served us and the way that the kids showed their gratitude by shaking and putting our hands on their heads. I was floored. I totally forgot that my only purpose in this mission trip is to serve and love Indonesians. I had failed. Pastor John Lee shared that we were not better than them, we were just more fortunate than them. If they were given the same families, same education backgrounds and same chances that we had, they were likely to do much better than us. They were neither different nor lower than us. We are all precious in God s eyes and he loves and treasures us the same. The last lesson I have learned in this mission trip is teamwork. Before our team departed, one of our main prayer requests is team unity. To be honest, our team did not have any team bonding until we were actually in the mission field. I did not love or care about my teammates when I was in Korea, I did not know anything about them. However, God did an amazing work in our team. Throughout the whole mission trip, we did not have any conflict; we cared and treasured one another. We built up strong intimacy; we have turned from teammates to a family within two weeks. I still remembered the first day when I came back to Korea; I woke up in my room without hearing anyone singing in the bathroom or hearing any noise in the kitchen. I felt so lonely and strange, like something was missing. We were the team of flexibility, no matter how much the schedule changed or suddenly if a new schedule popped up, we dealt with it. No one complained or argued about it, we quickly adjusted our schedule and were ready to jump into whatever was waiting in front of us. Every single person had one specific role in our team; the team was never completed if one was missing. It was my honor to serve with this team and I appreciated everyone s hard work. Being humble, being thankful, and being flexible are the three main lessons that God taught me in this mission trip. Through this mission trip, I realized how narrow-minded and arrogant I was. God allows me to re-examine myself and changed my attitude in front of him. The questions that Pastor John Lee challenged us in the beginning, who is Jesus and who am I challenges me even until now I still cannot answer them perfectly. All I know throughout this mission trip is that, Jesus loves each one of us and I am his disciple who is continually being shaped and trained by him. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

JULY 6 @Jakarta @Hong Kong @Incheon 17 18 JULY 4 @STT Moriah Cathryne Nainggolan (1st year, Th.M in New Testament) Misi Allah dalam dunia merupakan pekerjaan yang terlampau besar untuk dilakukan tanpa kerjasama atau jejaring. Hal yang tidak pernah terbayangkanpun menjadi mungkin terjadi ketika dilakukan dalam kerjasama berjejaring. Inilah salah satu nilai penting yang nyata terlihat dalam pelayanan Mission Trip Torch Trinity Graduate University (TTGU) 2012 ke Tangerang-Indonesia. Dr. John Lee adalah orang yang memungkinkan terjadinya kerjasama antara TTGU dengan Moriah Bible College (MBC), satu sekolah teologia di Tangerang-Indonesia yang dibentuk berdasarkan visi untuk mendidik hambahamba Tuhan dan pendidik Kristen yang misioner dan cakap dalam mengajar. Sekolah ini terbentuk pada tahun 2007 dan fokus mereka adalah melayani dan memperhatikan kelompok masyarakat yang termarjinalkan. Sungguh kerjasama ini terjalin dengan luar biasa apik selama 12 hari pelayanan TTGU di Indonesia. JULY 5 @Jakarta Seluruh mahasiswa MBC diberikan kesempatan mendapatkan pengajaran dari dua profesor terbaik TTGU yaitu Prof. Oh Hyun Joo dan Prof. Hong Kyunghwa. Kedua profesor tersebut memberikan kuliah padat selama delapan hari di kampus MBC dan seluruh mahasiswa mengikuti seluruh sesi perkuliahan tersebut dengan antusias. Mahasiswa MBC pun menjadi partner jejaring yang menjadi berkat luar biasa bagi tim TTGU, karena mereka memperkenalkan pelayanan-pelayanan khusus yang selama ini mereka jalankan. Salah satunya adalah pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang tinggal di bantaran kereta api. Pada saat itulah tim TTGU melihat langsung tempat tinggal, pergaulan dan keadaan keseharian masyarakat yang bergelut keras sepanjang harinya. Yang teramat mengharukan adalah masyarakat yang datang dengan tekanan hidup yang berat tetap menyambut kedatangan tim dengan hangat dan penuh tawa. Perkenalan dengan misionaris Lee yang telah melayani selama 10 tahun di sebuah daerah sejuk di kota Bandung membawa kami mengunjungi sebuah rumah yatim piatu yang beliau bina. Jarak usia anak-anak yang tinggal di rumah tersebut tergolong besar yaitu dari usia 3 tahun hingga usia 18 tahun. Namun itu pulalah yang membuat rumah yatim piatu ini layaknya sebuah keluarga. Terlihat jelas anak yang lebih besar bertanggung jawab terhadap anggota yang lebih kecil. Disiplin rohani adalah salah satu yang ditanamkan misionaris Lee kepada seluruh anak rohaninya. Seluruh anggota yatim piatu tanpa terkecuali tanpa terkecuali telah terbiasa bangun pada pukul empat di pagi hari dan bersama-sama melakukan saat teduh pagi. Sungguh membanggakan. Terlintas kembali kisah yang mengubah sejarah Inggris yang memasuki era baru pada abad 19. Perkenalan William Wilberforce kepada Kristus dimulai dengan perkenalannya dengan Issac Milner yang kemudian memperkenalkannya kepada buku Phillip Doddrigge, The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Hidup baru Wilberforce di dalam Kristus juga mempertemukannya dengan John Newton, seorang yang mengalami perubahan hidup radikal dari pembenci Allah menjadi pemuja Allah. Bimbingan Newtonlah yang terus mendukung Wilberforce berjuang untuk melawan sistem hukum perbudakan di Inggris. Wilberforce berjuang hingga ia menutup usianya. Ia menutup usia tiga hari setelah akhirnya Parlement Inggris menandatangani penghapusan sistem perbudakan di seluruh kerajaan Inggris pada tahun 1833. Kekuatan jejaring di dalam tangan Tuhan akan menghasilkan perubahan besar yang menyejarah. Demikian pula perkenalan dan kerjasama yang telah ada antara TTGU dan MBC pasti mengerjakan sebuah hal yang besar di tanah Indonesia bagi Dia pada waktu-nya. Kemuliaan bagi Allah. KEKUATAN JEJARING ~Ulasan Singkat Indonesia Mission Trip Torch Trinity 2012~ TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

ACTION AGAPE JAPAN 아가페재팬 Dr. Eiko Takamizawa (Professor of Missions) 에이코다카미자와박사 ( 선교학과교수 ) Korean translated by: 정연진 ( 영어목회학석사과정 3 학년 ) 아가페재팬 (Agape Japan) 팀이처음으로횃불트리니티 동문들로결성되어선교여행을시작한것은 2000 년이었습니다. 그이후지금까지열개의팀들이 다카오교회 를방문해왔습니다. 첫번째 아가페재팬 (Agape Japan) 팀원들중하나였던 남진수목사님은졸업후다카오교회에선교사로파송되었습니다. 현재남선교사님은훌다사모님과함께 7 년째그교회를 섬겨오고있습니다. 그분들의헌신덕분에다카오교회는극적인 성장을보여왔고현재부흥을경험하고있습니다. 이번여름에도 2012 아가페재팬팀 이 7 월 3 일부터 7 월 10 일까지다카오교회를방문해교회를섬겼습니다. 교회지도자들과 우리팀은어떻게섬길것인가에대해사전에많은논의를 했습니다. 다카오교인들께서는올해우리팀에게큰기대와 신뢰를보여주셨습니다. 이것을보며주님께서기름을채워주실 것을믿고많은그릇을준비했던사렙다여인이생각났습니다. 주님은그여인이준비한만큼그그릇들을모두채워주셨습니다. 주님께서우리모두를사용하셔서아름다운선교의열매들을 맺어주셨습니다. 이에우리팀의보고를나누고자합니다. Agape Japan Mission Trip started in 2000 with the first group of TTGST alumni. Since then, ten teams have visited Takao Church. One of the first Agape Japan members was Rev. Nam Jinsoo, and he became a missionary for Takao Church after his graduation. He has been serving there for seven years with his wife, Hulda. Because of their contribution, Takao Church has been growing dramatically and is currently experiencing a revival. This summer, Agape Japan 2012 visited Takao Church again and served from July 3rd to 10th. Church leaders and our team discussed a lot beforehand how to serve. The Takao Church members had a great faith and expectation about our mission team this year. It reminded me of the woman in Zarephath who prepared the vessels for the oil to be filled by God. As much as she prepared, the Lord filled them all. The Lord used all of us to bring about beautiful fruits of Mission. Here are some reports from the members. Yusuke Ishibashi (1st year, M.Div) 10 年以上に渡って続けられてきたトーチトリニティの日本宣教チーム Agape Japanは今年も 9 名を伴って東京西部にある高尾キリスト教会を訪問しました いつも暖かい歓迎ときめ細やかなホスピタリティで チームを励ましてくださる教会ですが 今回は一週間をまったく一緒に活動する計画をたて 定期集会から特別集会までをチームと教会との協力体制ですすめました 今回は教会から大きな期待をよせられていることを感じました 子供たちには良い信仰のお手本を 信仰のゆらいでいる若者には信仰の確信を 最終的な一歩をふみだせていない求道者の方には決断を とチームへの期待がしっかりとビジョンとしてうちだされておりました 奇しくも チーム9 人はちょうど 3つに分かれてそれぞれのグループにあたることができました 3 人の通訳者がいた事もとても役にたちました 一週間の活動は ひとつひとつが願い祈ったとおりにすすみ たくさんのすばらしい実を見ることができたのです その一つは Yさんの 11 月の洗礼です チームが高尾教会の方から学んだ事もたくさんありました 83 歳になっても祈り深く牧会をつづける藤田牧師 また 人生の様々な苦難を信仰によって笑顔をたやさずに生きる聖徒達の証し 犠牲をはらって奉仕する南宣教師ご夫妻の献身など チームがうけためぐみは数えきれません 神様があつめてくれた今年のチームは 年も賜物もバラバラに思えたのに この活動をとおして家族のような絆ができて その一致もまた 神様の栄光をあらわす道具だったと思います イエスキリストの福音を必要としている日本に トーチトリニティからのアガペジャパンは続きます

19 20 Q: 여러분에게선교여행은어떤의미가있었습니까? 이여행은저의첫번째해외선교여행이었는데일본에서성령하나님을경험하니아주놀라웠습니다. 특별히주방에서섬겼던어린고등학생들, 그어떤역경에도굴하지않고하나님을향한아주신실한믿음을보여주시던한권사님, 그리고하나님의말씀을사랑하는어린꼬마들, 한작은교회에서 50년넘게신실하게목회를해오신너무도겸손하신목사님의모습등우리가만나는사람들을통해하나님의소망을볼수있었습니다. 또한미션스쿨인 아오야마가꾸인 ( 靑山學園 ) 에방문했을때, 나도언젠가는고국베트남에서젊은세대에게자유롭게하나님의말씀을가르칠수있는미션스쿨을세울수있겠다는꿈을꾸게됐습니다. 폴트랜저에게일본선교여행은내적으로많은것들을가르쳐주었습니다. 팀에서저는두번째로어린나이였습니다. 다른나이많은형제분들이기혼자셨는데그분들과휴식시간에훌륭한대화들을나눌수있었습니다. 그분들이아버지로서각자의가족에대한마음을나누는모습을보면서저는하나님아버지의마음을더잘이해하게됐습니다. 하나님은진실로팀원들을통해저를가르치셨고, 가족의중요성을다시금깨닫게해주셨습니다. 장영준 Q: 어떤분들이가장인상이깊었습니까? 이번일본선교에서가장생생하게기억에남는분은진정한겸손과섬김의대명사이신후지타목사님입니다. 83 세의고령에도불구하고후지타목사님은날마다하나님께올려드리는기도와중보로기쁘게성도들을섬기시고매주일신실하게복음을전하십니다. 그분은말씀하셨습니다. 저는한주동안대부분의시간을제방에서교회를위한기도와금식으로보냅니다. 조셉이후라키리추저는다카오교회에서믿음의여인들을만났습니다. 가족들중에서유일하게믿음을가진분들도있었지만, 그럼에도그분들은예수그리스도와함께하나님을전심으로사랑하고신뢰하면서믿음의여정을걷고있었습니다. 그분들의말은항상찬양과기쁨으로가득차있었습니다. 나이가있으신분들은젊은이들에게전능하신하나님을의지하라고격려합니다. 교회의규모가그리크지는않아도이자매님들은하나님과의친밀한관계를바탕으로한강한신뢰와믿음을가지고있습니다. Q: What did the mission trip mean to you? This was my first international mission trip, and I was so amazed experiencing the Spirit of God in Japan. I could see God s hope through the people we met very young high school students who served in kitchen, an old lady who is so faithful to God no matter how many trials she experiences, little boys who love the Word of God, and a humble pastor with fifty years of faithful ministry in a small church As we visited Aoyoma Gakuin Christian High School, I began dreaming that someday we could build a Christian school in my country too, where we will be able to teach the Word of God to the younger generation freely. Paul Tran The Japan mission trip taught me much internally through the team. I was the second youngest member and every older male in our team was married, and this made for amazing conversations in our down times. Each father shared his heart for his respective family, and through this, I came to understand the Father s heart better. God truly worked through the members of the team to teach me and remind me of the importance of family. Young Joon Jang Q: Who impressed you the most? For me, the most vivid picture of my mission experience in Japan is Pastor Fujita a person of true humility and servanthood. At the age of 83, Pastor Fujita joyfully serves his congregation through pouring out daily prayers and supplication to God on their behalf and faithfully preaching the gospel every Sunday. He said, I spend most of my time in my room praying and fasting for the church throughout the week. Joseph Ihura Kirichu I saw women of faith in Takao Church. Although some are the only believers in their families, they faithfully walk their journey with Christ by loving and trusting God wholeheartedly. Their words are always filled with praise and joy. The elders encourage younger ones to rely on God who is almighty. Regardless of the size of the church, these brothers and sisters have strong faith firmly founded in their intimate relationship with God. They are truly witnesses of Christ. Yusuke Ishibashi TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

ACTION 그분들이야말로진정한예수님의증인들입니다. 유스케이시바시 먼저저는일본교인분들이외로움가운데서도믿음을 지키려고매우애쓰신다는것을알게됐습니다. 또한일본기독교의 아주긍정적인부분도발견했습니다. 저는다카오교회에서아주 신실하고, 성숙하며, 신뢰와큰믿음을가진그리스도인들을 만났습니다. 특별히마스다여사님의최악의상황에서도자신의 믿음을잘지키며, 긍정적인태도를유지해나가는모습은저에게 큰감동을주었습니다. 저는일본교회의미래가아주밝다고 생각하며그분들을축복하고기도해드리고싶습니다. Q: 하나님께서당신을어떻게사용하셨나요? 정연진 ( 다니엘 ) 우리여행의마지막예배는사전의계획없이이뤄졌습니 다. 찬양과경배로예배를시작하면서, 고난가운데서도하나 님을구하는다카오교인들을위해진심으로기도하게됐습니 다. 우리는성령께서그들가운데서역사하시도록부르짖었습 니다. 성령님안에서함께기도를드리는데삼십분이훌쩍지 났습니다. 교회의많은성도님들이예전에경험하지못한기름 부으심을경험하셨습니다. 그분들은눈물을흘리며예배시간 이너무경이로웠다고하셨습니다. 할렐루야! Q: 다른선교여행팀들에게무슨말을해주고싶으세요? 김기원 저는 아가페재팬 이하나님께서보시기에아주성공 적이었다고믿습니다. 왜냐하면우리가서로를사랑했기 때문입니다. 능력에있어서는특별히뛰어난사람이없었지만 우리의사랑과포용과기쁨으로드리는순종을통해하나님께서 뛰어나게역사하셨습니다. 하나님께서모든것을예비하셨고, 우리는그계획에함께참여해서그분의임재가운데서즐거운 시간을가졌습니다. 우리의협력가운데서우리가한모든 일들을통해그분께서영광을받으셨습니다. 하승연 ( 소피아 ) 남선교사님 (2001 졸업, M.Div) 아가페재팬 팀에대한우리의기도가모두응답됐습니다. 한어머니는이런말씀을하셨습니다. 마치천국에있는것 같았어요! 다른나라사람들과함께즐기며, 저와제아들도그런 교제가운데함께하다니요! 다른분은이렇게말씀하셨습니다. I learned firsthand that Japanese people struggle with loneliness. However, I also found very positive aspects of Japanese Christianity. I met very sincere, mature, confident, and faithful Christians in Takao Church. I was especially so moved by Mrs. Masuda who has kept her faith and positive attitude of life in the worst environment and time of her life. I think the Japanese Church has a bright future. I want to bless them and also pray for them. Q: How did God use you? Daniel Yunjin Jung The last worship of our trip happened without planning. As we began worshipping in praise and worship, we sincerely prayed for the believers of Takao Church who were suffering and seeking for God. We cried out for the Holy Spirit to work in them. We ended up praying for thirty minutes just calling upon the Spirit s presence. Many of the church members have not experienced such anointed worship before, and they shared that the worship time was so wonderful with tears in their eyes. Hallelujah! - Kiwon Kim Q: What would you suggest to other mission trips? I believe that Agape Japan was very successful in God s eyes because we loved each other. Nobody was outstanding in our team in any skill, but he was outstanding through our love, acceptance, and joyful obedience. God had prepared everything and we simply joined in his plan together, having fun in his presence. Through our team work, he was glorified in all that we did! - Sophia Seungyeon Ha Greetings from Missionary Jinsoo Nam (Class of 2001, M.Div) I graduated in 2001 as one of the first batch of graduates of Torch Trinity (formerly Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology). Since then, I and my wife have been serving in Takao Church as missionaries for ten years. One of the exciting events for Takao Church is to receive Agape Japan teams from Torch Trinity every summer. The first team came in 2001. I was one of the members. Since

제아들이자기인생에서만난가장중요한사람은예수님과 영씨 ( 장영준 ) 라고하네요! 교회를떠났던고등학생들이좋은 역할모델들을만나서교회로되돌아왔습니다. 태신자들은이번 11 월에세례를받기로결정했습니다. 아가페재팬 팀에대한 이야기들이교회내에서한동안계속됐습니다. 우리도 11 월에 첫번째선교여행으로횃불트리니티를방문하기로했습니다. 다카오교회의목소리들 백제의왕은일본에불교를전해주었지만, 아가페재팬 팀은그리스도의사랑과열정을우리교회에전해주었습니다. 비록팀원들의국적과나이가달랐지만그들은성령안에서 하나였습니다. 우리가어디에가든지그들은찬양을했습니다. - 교인, 후지이씨 아가페재팬 팀은아이들에게귀를기울여듣고그아이들의 눈높이에맞춰대화를나눠주었습니다. 팀원들은아이들에게 친구가되어아주가까이다가가주었습니다. 고등학교에다니는 여학생들이자신들의깊은상처와문제들을터놓고이야기할수 있었고, 아이들은팀원들의밝은웃음과재미있게어울리는시간들 속에서자신들이받아들여지는느낌을받았다고했습니다. 오하타씨 then, at least ten teams have visited Takao Church from Torch Trinity. We are very excited when they come to our church, because they help remind us to have a big picture of the world. Testimonies from Iraq, India, Vietnam, and Nepal, they open our eyes and motivate to pray for them. As Korean Christians came and met Japanese individuals, they also change their views on Japanese people. They are moments of reconciliation. This summer, too, an Agape Japan team came. During their stay with us, they served everyone well. One mother said, It was like heaven! People from different countries were enjoying one another in fellowship, including my son and me. Another said, My son said the most important person in his life is Jesus and Mr. Young! High school students who have backslid from the church came back as they had the chance to meet good older role models. The seekers were motivated to make decisions as team members encouraged them. Love changed small children, youth, mothers, and seekers. The team indeed brought God s love to Takao Church. VOICES FROM TAKAO CHURCH If the King of Baekjae brought Buddhism to Japan, the Agape Japan team brought the true savior and joy through Christ s love and passion to our church Although members vary in nationality and age, they were all one in the Spirit. Wherever we went out they were singing praise songs - Church Member, Mr. Fujii The Agape Japan team listened to children and talked at their level. The team quickly became friends and remained close to the children. High school girls could share their deeper hurts and problems openly, and young children felt accepted by the team members genuine smiles and during the fun times they shared. - Mrs. Ohata

ACTION A MISSION FIELD IN OUR COUNTRY 우리나라에도선교지가있다 이하니 ( 한국어목회학석사과정 2학년 ) 선교지의요건은무엇일까? 우리는먼저복음을알지못하는땅, 진정한자유에대해알지못하고억압혹은상처로소외된사람들을떠올린다. 그러나오늘의네트워크시대에서바울이받은선교의비전, 진정한이방인은누구일까? 복음을알지못하는지역, 고통가운데있는사람들은멀리있지않다. 이번횃불트리니티신학대학교대학원의엔젤프로젝트도그러한생각에서시작된것이었다. 한국어목회학과의강퐁이, 이난희, 이하니, 정기은, 최미화, 최환열과영어목회학과의제임스엉, 최유리, 기독교교육학과제임스리, 기독교상담학과비키리등의다양한문화와언어의배경을가진 10명의학생들이 Vicky Lee (1st year, MACC) What are the attributes of a mission field? When asked this question, people often think of others who do not know the gospel, who live in hurt and suffering, and who live far away. However, this is not what the Apostle Paul had in mind as a missionary. He worked closely reaching the Gentiles moving from Jerusalem to Antioch to Ephesus to Rome. Under this paradigm, knowing that we too can work closely to our own school, our Angel Project stayed in Korea and worked outside Seoul. To begin the project, a team of ten students rich in culture and language collaborated with our systematics 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

23 24 정미연교수님과함께모였다. 이들의모임과준비자체가연합을 위한시작이었고우리의준비가영어목회학과정졸업생이자, 선배님이신조요섭목사님의임마누엘교회에서 8 월 15 일에서 18 일까지의일정가운데빠짐없이주님의일하심을볼수있는 시간이되기를기도했다. 그의안에서건물마다서로연결하여주안에서성전이되어가고너희도성령안에서하나님의거하실처소가되기위하여예수안에서함께지어져가느니라 에베소서 2 장 21-22 절 경기도양주에위치한임마누엘교회는그이름처럼 하나님께서항상우리와함께계심을감사하는창립 1 주년을 지난 8 월 15 일, 엔젤프로젝트사역첫날에맞이하였다. 이날 설교를하신이영운교수님께서는롯이택했던것처럼보기에 좋은땅으로나아가지않은아브라함의순종을들어언약의 1 주년을축복하셨다. 학생들의특순과풀룻연주자이신한국어 목회학석사과정김태형전도사님의연주가더해져서자리를 더욱풍성하게하였다. 양주는서울인접지역임에도불구하고 교육환경과지역복음화는크게뒤쳐져있었다. 또한농촌, 공장, 학교가함께있는지역적특성을활용하여노인분들과 외국인노동자들어린이들을위한프로그램을연구했다. 팀은 교회를통해서좀더소통을확장시키고연결의계기가되기를 원했는데, 영어에대해관심이많은아이들과부모들을위해 너는 특별하단다 이란모토로어린이영어캠프와정미연교수님의 국제화시대를위한자녀교육세미나를준비했고, 학교와주거 밀집지역에서노방전도를하며소통의계기를마련하기위해 노력했다. 노인분들만생활하시는홍복동마을을방문하여정성화 간호사님과함께의료사역과마을회관청소로그마을을섬기는 시간을가졌고, 인근공장을방문하여외국인노동자들을위해 다과회를열며그들을축복하고기도했다. 특히상담과이유니 교수님과베트남의정유미선교사님께서함께하셔서다문화가정 상담사역을맡아주셨다. 또한객원팀원으로폴트랜과션리가 도움을주었다. 준비과정에서부터사역의마무리까지교내외의 theology professor, Dr. Miyon Chung. The students were Poong-Lee Kang, Nanhee Lee, Hani Lee, Kieun Chung, Mihwa Choi, and Hwan-Youl Choi from the Korean Master of Divinity program, James Aung and Yuri Choi from the English Master of Divinity program, James Lee (MACE), and Vicky Lee (MACC). The collaboration of the group itself was the beginning of a great start. Pastor Joseph Cho graduated from our school s divinity department. Together, we prayed for the Lord to administer his work through the mission project scheduled to date from August 15 to 18. This verse comes to mind: In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:21-22 (NIV) Our Angel Project began with the opening ceremony of Immanuel Church, located in Yangju, Kyeonggi Province on August 15. Dr. Young Woon Lee (CE professor of TTGU) gave a beautiful sermon on Abraham s faithful submission to the Lord. Celebrations continued with a special song prepared by the mission team including a special flute performance by Tae-Young Kim (KMDiv).

ACTION 많은분들의도움과기도로인해나아갈수있었음을고백한다. 과정마다주의이름으로함께한그들의헌신과사랑은우리들이주의 몸의어떤지체이고동역자인지를더욱깨닫게해주었다. 엔젤프로젝트사역은누군가를도와주는것이아니었다. 오히려아이들의미소에서외국인의눈빛에서목사님과사모님의 섬김에서더큰것을받고배우면서주의이름으로서로를세워주는 것이라는것을체험했다. 이러한섬김과세움은우리에게도전이 되었고, 또한지리적으로남북분단의현실을근접하게볼수 있어서믿음의뿌리를생각하게하는계기가되었다. 이를계기로 역사를통해우리나라에서일어난 1907 년평양대부흥운동을 생각해보았다. 부흥의물결은매일의말씀사경회와기도회를통해 한반도전역으로걷잡을수없이퍼져나갔으며, 그결과선교사를 세계에서두번째로많이배출하는나라로서현재그열매를보고 있다. 그러나안타깝게도백여년전의부흥의근원지였던평양의 문은지금굳게닫혀있다. 이제는우리나라복음의마지막선교지인 북한이우리의과제로남아있다. 복음화의시작이평양을통해서 부어졌듯이이제우리가더욱성령충만으로준비되어야한다. 선교사를어느나라보다많이배출한한국의그섬김이임마누엘 하나님의역사를통해더욱이땅가운데연합으로열매맺기를 간절히기도한다. 그런즉저희가믿지아니하는이를어찌부르리요듣지도못한이를어찌믿으리요전파하는자가없이어찌들으리요 로마서 10 장 14 절 There were prominent differences in education despite its close proximity to Seoul. We quickly took notice to the demographical and commercial topography of the area which comprised of factories, farms, and schools. Our team prepared programs to reach the elderly, children, and migrant workers. We established relationships that would create ties to Immanuel Church. With the motto You are special, the team hosted an English camp for students interested in learning English. Dr. Miyon Chung held seminars using a theme, Children s Education in a Globalized Generation. The team also conducted street evangelism in the school and residential areas. The team visited Hong-Bok Dong, a village for the elderly. Nurse Sung-Wha Jung practiced medical ministry there while other team members cleaned the village s Community Hall. Refreshments, along with blessings and prayers, were prepared for the factory workers. Dr. Eunnie Rhee (CC professor of TTGU) and a local missionary graciously assisted in our work. Multicultural family counseling sessions were available to multicultural families. Paul Tran and Shawn Lee also came as guests members. We humbly confess that our work greatly benefited because of the assistance and prayers of people. Their faithfulness helped us in our preparation and execution. The dedication and love we received in Jesus name enabled us to further realize and see how big the kingdom of God is. Angel Project was not just a mission of helping and serving others. The children s smiles, people s sparkling eyes, the pastor and his wife s sincerity, they all contributed to the true essence of raising one another in the name of the Lord. On another note, we were challenged to reflect on Korea s early Christian movements since we were nearby the demilitarized zone. Korean Christianity began in the northernmost parts of the peninsula and so we recalled our history about Pyongyang s Revival in 1907. Daily devotionals, Bible classes, and evangelization spread like wildfire in the early part of the twentieth century. We see the fruits of that beautiful era. Korea sends the second largest missionary force into the world (after the

25 26 United States). However, today, Pyongyang is sealed off. It was once a Christian center. Now it is a place for missions. We are ready for the fullness of God to return to Pyongyang. We earnestly pray for Korea s unification and for the words of God penetrate North Korea with power. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14 (NIV) TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

ACTION KAZAKHSTAN 2006.06.19-06.27 LEBANON 2006.06.19-06.27 ISRAEL 2006.06.19-06.27 JORDAN 2006.06.19-06.27 TAJIKISTAN 2006.06.12-06.23 2007.06.11-06.22 NEPAL 2013.02 BHUTAN 2013.02 INDIA 2012.01.15-01.21 UGANDA 2011.07.11-08.03 SRI LANKA 2007.01.08-01.16 KENYA 2011.07.11-08.03 Angel Project & Mission Trip 엔젤프로젝트및선교여행 June 2006- February 2013 2006 레바논 + 요르단 + 이스라엘 Lebanon + Jordan + Israel 타지키스탄 Tajikistan 2007 스리랑카 Sri Lanka 카자흐스탄 + 타직키스탄 Kazakhstan + Tajikistan 2008 터키, 이스탄불 Istanbul, Turkey 카자흐스탄 + 타직키스탄 Kazakhstan + Tajikistan

27 28 KOREA 2012.08.15-08.18 JAPAN 2008.07.23-08.08 2008.11.03-11.05 2012.07.03-07.10 VIETNAM 2013.02 INDONESIA 2008.02.07-02.19 2012.06.25-07.07 2011 인도네시아, 바탐 Batam, Indonesia 케냐 + 우간다 Kenya + Uganda 2012 인도, 나갈랜드 Nagaland, India 일본, 도쿄 Tokyo, Japan 대한민국, 양주 Yangju, Korea 인도네시아 Indonesia 2013 네팔 + 부탄 Nepal + Bhutan 베트남 Vietnam

REVIEW TORCH TRINITY STYLE 우린토치스타일! TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교입학설명회 Aileen Choi (1st year, MTS) 아름다운가을단풍과추석을맞이하기전, 횃불트리니티에서는끝나가는여름을입학설명회로마무리하였다. 올해에도작년에이어서한국인지원자와외국인지원자시간을따로마련함으로써방문하는이들에게보다편하고즐거운입학설명회와채플이되었던것같다. 이번해는입학설명회일정이추석과인접해있어다른해에비해서많은참석자들이오지못해아쉬웠지만, 보다더오붓한시간을가졌던것같다. 김상복총장님그리고이정숙학장님의따뜻한환영인사와학교소개에이어서재학생들의소개가있었다. 횃불트리니티최초의라오스출신학생인푸앙찬타봉 ( 기독교교육학전공 ) 과이형배 ( 목회학석사과정 ) 학생의간증이있었다. 학교로오게된계기와학교의장점을소개하여오신많은이들의궁금증을학생입장에서풀어주었다. As summer was coming to an end, Torch Trinity s semester was just starting. On September 27, 2012, TTGU once again had the blessed chance to share the school with both Korean and foreign prospective students. Separate times were available for each language program, and the prospective students had the chance to be in a comfortable and enjoyable environment. Unlike previous open houses, this year s open house was scheduled closely to one of Korea s biggest holidays, Chusok, which explains why there were visibly fewer participants. However, the smaller number of participants allowed for a more intimate time. The open house program for English speakers started with the chapel. All participants were invited to join the Thursday chapel service. During chapel time, a special greeting was performed by current students who remade 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

29 30 입학설명회이후가진목요연합채플시간에는모든횃불트리니티의식구들과참가자들이잊지못할특별한무대, 바로 강남스타일 이아닌 토치스타일 로입학설명회에큰즐거움을안겨주었다. 하나님의은혜와인도속에서올해에도어김없이입학설명회에학교에관심이있는예비지원자들과학교공동체의모든가족들이함께모일수있게되어더욱즐겁고편안한시간이될수있었던것같다. the internationally popular song Gangnam Style to Torch Style. Everyone was laughing and smiling. It was an unforgettable moment for all who participated. After the chapel, President Sang-Bok David Kim and Associate Dean Steven Chang introduced the school where prospective students had the opportunity to learn more about the school s vision, programs, and other important facts. Many students seemed enthusiastic and did not hesitate to ask questions. Faculty members were eager to answer and help out. We thank God for his unchanging grace in making open house memorable and joyful. We look forward to seeing those who visited us, and enjoyed and prayed with us at this year s open house. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW 사랑으로사랑을전하는따뜻한나눔, 사랑의책나눔 행사 SHARING LOVE, SHARING BOOKS 정순덕 (KM.Div 1 학년 ) 2012년 9월 25~26일이틀간횃불트리니티신학대학원도서관앞작은테이블에는빼곡히쌓인신앙서적들이즐비해있었다. 책사세요!! 사랑의책나눔입니다!! 모든수익금은따뜻한나눔이되어꼭필요한학생들에게전달됩니다!! 학교가떠나가라외쳐대던소리와함께, 미소가떠나지않은채즐거워보이는학생들의모습은가던발걸음을멈추어손때묻은책앞에서게했다. 횃불트리니티신학생이추천하는사랑의책나눔 이라는이름의이행사는재정으로어려움을겪는지체들이지속적으로학업을이어갈수있는데도움을주기위한목적을가지고목회학석사한국어과정 1학년학생들의자발적참여로시작되었다. 특별히이행사는학우들각자소장한책의기증을통해이루어졌는데, 사랑의책기증은 2, 3학년학생들과교수님들까지자신이소장한책을아낌없이나누는아름다운모습으로이어졌다. 몇개의테이블에한권한권정성껏진열된책들사이흐르는기타소리와찬양, 커피와차로웃음짓는미소, 자신이소장한책을다른이들에게나누는은혜의교제는사역과학업으로바쁜일상을보내는횃불트리니티를기쁨으로가득채웠다. 학생들과교수님, 온누리교회성도분들의귀한참여를통해이틀동안약 2,200,000 만원의재정이모아졌으며, 이장학금은꼭필요한학생들에게전달되었다. 행사를통해기쁨을나누던한지체의말이떠오른다. 작년에몸이아파서휴학했을때동기들이많이챙겨줬었어요. 한달밖에공부하지못했는데도오래된공동체보다더많은힘이되는걸느꼈어요. 사랑에빚진자가되었다는생각이들었어요. 할수있는일이있다면, 그사랑을나누고갚고자하는마음이있었죠. 무거운짐들은서로가나누어질때가벼워지잖아요. 함께할수있어감사하고좋았던 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

31 32 시간이었습니다. 앞으로도횃불트리니티안에아름다운일들이지속되길기대하며연합과교제, 사랑의한마음을통해하나님나라를이루어가는귀한공동체가되길소망한다. 그러므로그리스도안에무슨권면이나사랑의무슨위로나성령의무슨교제나긍휼이나자비가있거든마음을같이하여같은사랑을가지고뜻을합하여한마음을품어 빌립보서 2장1-2절 The first year Korean M.Div class put together a Book Sharing event in order to help fellow students who were experiencing financial struggles. Books were donated by students, staff and faculty members, and the sales totaled about 2,200,000 KRW (about 2,000 USD), donated to the school as a scholarship fund for those students who have financial needs. One of the students who hosted the event said, We wish that the Torch Trinity community would continue to grow together, building the Kingdom of God through sharing and serving one another. We thank those who supported us and donated books to us. So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Philemon 2:1-2 (ESV) TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW PARTING WORDS BY GRADUATING STUDENTS! KMACC 박선홍대학원입학한지엊그제같은데벌써졸업을앞두고이렇게글을쓰네요지난 2년간상담과신학의균형잡힌공부를통해나자신을치유하시는하나님의손길을느낄수있었음에감사드립니다늘국제적인마인드로세상을바라볼수있도록도와주신김상복총장님과교수님들께감사드립니다앞으로상담전문가로주님다시오실길을예비하고싶습니다. 정정일성도의품격과상담자의품격을깨닫고배우는과정이었는데 TTGU에허락하심을감사합니다. 보냄받은자의삶가운데지속적으로누구를만나든지품격있게대하며살아갑시다. 수고많으셨습니다. 홍영민 (Hong Young Min) 작년인생의 turning point를갖고자광야로 나가는심정으로기도로하나님의인도를구하며이곳의문을두드리던기억이어제일같습니다. 마치는이시점에서건강과열정과지혜를허락하신하나님께감사드리며앞으로마음껏충성되이하나님의일을하겠습니다. God bless torch trinity! & Peace be with you! MTS 신현가 다시주님의부름을받아검은땅으로나아가면서저는이곳에서받은소중한영적훈련이결코헛되지않았음을증거하겠습니다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

33 34 MA/CC Yoon Na Lee Two years at Torch Trinity was a great time for me. I have been taught many things intellectually, spiritually, and relationally. I thank all the members of Torch Trinity: faculty, staff, and students, and especially my classmates who have made my school days fulfilling. Thank you, God, and praise the Lord! Songklot Runromwaree (Thailand) Th.M I have been deeply touched by the love of Jesus Christ through the loving hearts of the professors at Torch Trinity. Now, I am going to reach out with the heart of Jesus Christ as well. Hyung Soon Im Systematic Theology My wife and I would like to thank God for giving us an opportunity to learn more at Torch Trinity. We appreciate Torch Trinity for helping us study and minister well. MA/CE Phouangmalay Chanthavong (Laos) It is my honor and great privilege to be the first student from Laos studying at Torch Trinity. I have learned a lot through my stay in Korea. Torch Trinity has trained and prepared me for my future ministry. I have gained much more than simply knowledge. God bless you. Eun Hee Heo My husband and I would like to thank God for giving us the opportunity to learn more at Torch Trinity. We appreciate Torch Trinity for helping us study and minister well. George C. Intuya (Philippines) Mission First of all, I really thank the Lord for this great opportunity to study at Torch Trinity. It has been a great blessing and great training for me to be equipped for future ministry. I would like to thank my professors, especially those in the ICS department for their love and effort to impart their knowledge, wisdom, and partnership in my life. May the Lord bless this fruitful ministry through your teaching. I am also thankful for my sponsors whom God used through TSMS to provide for our daily needs while studying at Torch Trinity. God bless your kind heart as you shared many blessings. Torch Trinity was a great place for me to study. My knowledge expanded and was sharpened. Research study and meeting new friends were of great value to network and partner in ministry in the future. My plan is to serve God in the mission field where people have not heard the message of Christ s salvation. I am praying and planning to go to Myanmar to serve as a missionary. Thank you very much! God bless Torch Trinity! Soli Deo Gloria! TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW KMDiv 강연미횃불트리니티에서의시간은나의신앙, 물질, 관계, 비전을재점검하는시간이었다. 3년동안나를격려하고, 기다려주고, 은혜로채워주셨던하나님께감사드린다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원에서공부할수있도록기회주시고, 영적성장의장을허락해주신학교와여러모로도움주신교학처교직원들께아울러감사를전한다. 실력과영성, 관대함과겸손함, 사랑과배려로강의를이끌어주셨던교수님들께진심으로감사드린다. 횃불트리니티교수님들은한마디로 참아름다운사람들 이다. 전문가로서, 영성과겸손을겸비한교수로서, 이학교에헌신하신것자체만으로도존경받기에충분하다고생각한다. 특히안덕원교수님의예배학강의는해박한지식, 수많은자료와정보를수집하는성실함, 진솔함이묻어나는탁월함그자체였다. 이렇게멋진교수님들을횃불로보내주심에순간순간얼마나감사하고감격했던가! 그동안교수님들을통해배운지식과교훈을이제세상으로나가하나님의사랑을전하는자로서의사명을다하겠습니다. 어디든주님이부르시는곳에순종함으로달려가서그사랑을흘러보낼것이다. 예수님을전하는축복의통로로사용되어지기를소망합니다. 또한부족한나를이끌어준 6기동기생들에게도감사와사랑을전하고싶습니다. 모두들졸업후에도각자의삶의터전, 사역의현장에서승리하며하나님이기뻐하는삶이되기를축복합니다. 김기열 5년전 너희는서울로가라 는메시지의매듭이트리니티졸업이다. 하나님이준비하신곳으로데려가시는생생한체험의시간이었다. 좋은교수님과생명의법으로사는동기분들의도움과신실한기도에더감사했다. 이제교과서속의창조주와삶의의미, 배움터, 취업을잇는지역단위사역을이끄실하나님을기대하며힘껏달린다. 김미나 3년동안횃불트리니티신학대학원을다니며하나님이행하신일들을잊을수없을것같다. 어찌이부족한자를신학교에보내서신학을공부하게하시고하나님의종이되는훈련을통해하나님의사람으로빚어가시는지주님의은혜에감사할따름이다. 때론울기도하고힘들다고투정도많이부렸지만, 돌아보면하나님의은혜를잊을수없다. 이곳에서정말로귀한동역자들과교수님들을만난것이인생에큰선물인것같다. 또한채플시간찬양과말씀의은혜를통해마음이새로워지고힘을받았다. 계속적으로복음의횃불을들고열방을향해빛을비추고거룩한주의종들을많이배출하는학교가되기를축복한다. 강인숙복음에기초한기본기가탄탄한학교에, 십자가의삶을살아내시는교수님들, 주님안에서함께좁은길로격려하며갈소중한동기들과의선후배들과의만남, 저의순종을기뻐받으시며힘든훈련과연단의과정을함께하신주님이계셔, 이 3년이제인생의가장소중한시간으로기억될듯합니다. 김미화초교파적인신학교가저에게좋았습니다. 많은정보들을접할수있었고많은사색을통해저의신앙의뿌리가복음위에서더욱견고해져가는시간들이었습니다. 공부할수있도록여건들을마련해주신학교관리자및교직원들, 그리고최선을다해사랑으로열심히가르치신교수님들, 3년감함께나누고, 섬기면서걸어온동기들, 모두에게감사를드립니다. 이제졸업후에도서로격려와위로가되기를바랍니다사랑하고축복합니다! ^^ 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

35 36 Th.M Nati Khoochotikul (Thailand) Old Testament I owe sincere and earnest gratitude to Torch Trinity for giving me the opportunity to study with a full scholarship under the TSMS program. I also thank all my professors and friends here at TTGU. My memory with TTGU will be forever cherished. Lastly, I thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and God. You are the one and the Holy One when I lived in Korea. Thanks be to God. Salai Tha Luai (Myanmar) Systematic Theology First of all, I want to praise the name of the Lord for bringing me here to Torch Trinity Graduate University and his provision during these four semesters. I can boldly declare that Torch Trinity is one of the best places for God s servants to be trained for the ministries, because not only does Torch Trinity hold faithful doctrines, but also is faithful in teaching and inspiring students into a spiritual life. I am deeply thankful to my Systematic Theology professors as well as Church History professors for their kindness, excellent teaching, and faithfulness to the Word of God. They are indeed wonderful leaders who diligently guide all levels of students into a deeper concentration on the Word of God. I pray that the Lord may give them more wisdom and strength to serve him more by teaching men and women from around the world. Moreover, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the Onnuri Community Church for their financial support and prayers. Without their support, I could not be in this wonderful place. Finally, I would like to promise that I will be faithful in teaching God s Word to the people of Myanmar as I have been trained here at Torch Trinity. I am so happy and am feeling so good for the privilege that I have had here for studying theology as well as experiencing spiritual lessons. I am so proud to be graduating from Torch Trinity. May our good Lord continue to bless and use Torch Trinity for his own glory until he returns! All glory be to the Lord! Marcin Jozef Mendon (Poland) Church History What astonishes me the most is that in Torch Trinity both academic quality and spirituality are combined together. Office staff, librarians, and professors pursue one goal which is to equip the students for their ministries. This task is being accomplished in a loving, Christian atmosphere. I would like to thank the faculty members and staff for their great guidance and help. I will definitely recommend this university to my friends and those interested in studying church history and theology. I thank the Lord for leading me to Torch Trinity. MDiv Catherine Allen (England) Torch Trinity has been an amazing time getting to know God more and being trained to do his work. I ve met some great professors and made awesome friends. James Aung (Myanmar) Thank you Torch Trinity! I am so proud being a part of you. You will always be a part of my life. May blessings flow through and in you until our Lord comes. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW KMDiv 김석준 3년동안의신학교의생활은내삶속에서하나님과더욱깊은교제를할수있도록인도해주셨던시간이었습니다. 그시간들을주심에감사합니다김영숙졸업? 졸업! 하나님의은혜이고저에겐기적입니다. 인생을살면서은혜를경험하고, 은혜를배우는시간이었습니다. 앞으로의삶도주님의은혜로사는삶이길소망하며졸업하면천국을맛볼것같습니다. 김현성 횃불트리니티에서의 3년은앞으로의삶과사역의여정가운데그리스도의흔적을더욱아름답게남길수있는준비와훈련의시간이었습니다.!! 노성경 3년의시간동안주어진사람들과상황들에충분히감사하지못한것이후회됩니다. 그럼에도하나님앞에서저의한계와연약함을깊이보게하신하나님의은혜에감사합니다 김지연길게만느껴졌던 3년이라는시간이이렇게빨리지나갈줄몰랐습니다. 3년의시간동안참으로많은것을배웠습니다. 신앙의균형을배웠고공동체를배웠고바른신학을배웠습니다. 좋은학교에서훌륭하신교수님들과좋은학우들과공동체를이루어생활할수있었던것은하나님의은혜였다고생각합니다. 이제는이배움을실천하는일이남은것같습니다. 다시선교지로나갈때이배움이좋은밑거름이되어많은영혼들을살리는데사용되어지기를소원합니다. 하나님의임재와기름부으심이끊이지않는횃불트리니티가되기를기도하겠습니다. 류리얼떨결에입학해서허둥지둥보낸 3년이었지만, 횃불트리니티는저에게종합훈련세트였습니다. 시간과재정관리, 개인묵상과공동체관계훈련, 믿음과헌신테스트등등등. 그러나, 하나님이펼치실제인생의퍼즐한조각을끼운것같아뿌듯합니다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

37 38 MDiv Sungjun Bang I have many unforgettable memories of Torch Trinity. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the mission classes, the Kiheung dormitory, and countless cups of black coffee. Yoo Kyoung Boo I am so thankful for how God has been taking care of me, providing everything I need. I will miss those times, and all my friends and professors who helped me to grow in faith. Thank you! Makito Fukuzawa (Japan) It was a good three years to study at Torch Trinity! I especially want to send deep appreciation to all of Torch Trinity for the immense love you have shown for Japan after the great earthquake and tsunami last year. Seung Yeon Ha Torch Trinity is very special in my life. I have been struggling with English and my weaknesses here. I have learned humility and how to depend on God. I also learned how to play ping pong. I met precious friends and professors! I also gained a new perspective to see this broken world. Everything was done by grace in divine providence. Thank you Lord! I love Torch Trinity! You En Han It s my great honor to be at Torch Trinity. God gave me such a blessed time with wonderful professors and lovely classmates. I am going to miss Torch Trinity. May God bless all Torch Trinity men and women to be branches clinging hard to the True Vine and bearing spiritual fruits at every moment of their lives! Jun Gi Hong I thank God because everything was from the wondrous grace of the Lord. I will serve whoever, wherever God sends me, to do the work of the Lord for his glory and joy as a graduate of Torch Trinity. He has done, is doing, and will do [great things]! Dong Hwee Gu I thank God for this school! I still remember the interview when a professor asked me, Why do you want to study at Torch Trinity? I said, I want to learn about mission, because I haven t learned it before. Now, I know what mission is. I have learned and experienced it and I have been called to accomplish it. Hallelujah! Jinsung Jeon Our school, TTGU taught me many things. Especially, I learned humility through people from various culture and backgrounds. I thank my classmates, faculty members, and Torch Trinity. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW KMDiv 박혜숙하나님의은혜로여기까지왔습니다. 인도해주신하나님께감사드립니다! 백승식 3년이라는시간이정말꿈처럼지나갔습니다. 지난시간을더듬어보면하나님은혜라고백하지않을수가없다. 어려운시간들이있었지만그때마다인도하시고보호하셨던선한목자되신여호와를경험하는시간이었습니다. 졸업한후에도이런신뢰를바탕으로주님만바라며주의길을걷길소망합니다. 안능환졸업하니까시원섭섭하네요 ~ 더열심히공부하지못한게가장후회됩니다. 주어진시간에최선을다하는후배학우님들되시기바랍니다. 이난희지난 3년의시간은사역자로써새롭게훈련을받는귀한시간이었습니다. 이제는사역의장으로나아가면서더두렵고떨리지만, 학교에서의시간은앞으로의삶에귀한밑거름이되리라생각됩니다. 복종순돌이켜보면모든것이은혜였다. 학교로인도함을받은것, 학업중에도직장을계속다닐수있었던것, 수업을들을수있는건강을주신것, 밀리지않고등록금을낼수있었던것, 좋은교재로공부할수있었던것, 그리고무엇보다도좋은동기들, 좋은사람들을만날수있었던것, 이모든것이주의은혜였다. 하나님감사합니다. 손병규졸업직전까지도나를다루시는하나님의손길을느낍니다. 하나님마음에합한한사람을만들기위해지난 3년을사용하셨음을믿습니다. 온전함으로의걸음을내디딜수있게통로가되어준횃불트리니티를위해기도할것이며, 마음속에기억할것입니다. 이은구나에게신학공부를할수있는시간과여건이주어진것은하나님의은혜입니다. 신대원과정이시간과체력이많이요구되어공부하는동안얼굴주름은늘고 (?) 흰머리가늘어났지만나에게는잊을수없는소중한시간이었습니다. 신대원과정을통하여나의신앙의지평이새롭게되었고, 신앙의스펙트럼의확장으로신앙의균형을어느정도는잡을수있게되었으며, 나와다른신앙관을가진이들을이해할수있게된것은큰소득입니다. 신대원과정은신학공부를시작할때의기대의성취와함께나의신앙과지식에대한겸손을배우는시기였습니다. 그리고관심이있지만잘이해하지못하는신학적인것들에대하여접근하는방법을배울수있었기에열정적으로강의를해주신교수님들에게깊은감사를드립니다. 신대원에입학하기전에귀납적성경연구를하면서성경이쓰여진원어에대한공부를하고싶은것도신대원입학의동기중의하나였지만, 이것은앞으로졸업후에도여전히나에게는큰도전이되는영역입니다. 내가신학을공부한것이앞으로의나자신과나와관계를맺는모든이들의삶을과거보다더욱풍성하게할것이라는기대에부풀어있습니다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

39 40 MDiv Hermann Kim (Australia) Dearest Torch Trinity Family, Biggest thank you for being part of my four amazing years of wrestling, growing, suffering (a little) for Jesus (ha!) and simply becoming a healthier worshiper! With me, I take shared memories with my classmates of: many hours of reading mind blowing teachings and writing, not so mind blowing papers; engaging in legit discussions on ministry and theology like if pistis was subjective, objective, or plenary; sleeping on the library leather sofas; sitting at the cafe with a hundred Onnuri women while drinking my strawberry smoothie; walking to McDonalds with classmates; feeling God s presence during chapel; thinking the fifth floor was the Sahara Desert during the summer, while Israel Hall was Antarctica during the winter; the times I was convicted by the HS not to go on the internet during class; watching other people on Facebook during class (oh snap!); having a light bulb turn on about God s Word time and time again; laughing with classmates at other classmates; and sometimes wishing the internet would work in room 101. These memories were simply the cherry on top, as I was most thankful for the way God used my Torch Trinity family (awesome professors!) to see theology as a means to increase in my heartfelt doxology! Yi Le Kim Shalom! It has been an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience for me here at Torch Trinity. It was a struggle, but at the same time, I was truly blessed. It has been a time of strengthening and encouragement to be equipped for future ministry. I thank God for his guidance, strength, blessing, and last but not least, letting me meet my wife here. I pray that God will continue to bless Torch Trinity and use this institution mightily for his glory. God bless! Eun Young Kwon My time at Torch Trinity was filled of grace! Thanks be to the Lord! Praise God! Jooyeon Kim I survived Torch Trinity thanks to my classmates. We helped each other and endured the suffering together. Jihun Lee It has been a tremendous blessing to be a part of the Torch Trinity family. Torch Trinity has been imprinted in my memory permanently. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW KMDiv 전영주횃불에서보낸지난 3년의시간은앞으로걸어가는길속에서의미있게다가오게될것같습니다. 신학을공부할수있는 3년의시간이주어짐에감사했습니다. 하나님께충성된사역자로, 영혼을사랑하는사역자로살아가겠습니다. 이홍림횃불트리니티에서공부한 3년간은내생애최고의시간들이었습니다! 주님과동행하며이웃하는사람들과약속의땅으로계속나아가고자합니다! 교수님, 교직원, 학우여러분, 사랑합니다! 횃불트리니티여, 영원하여라! 정덕희 3년동안하나님의신실하심을보았습니다. 그동안보여주신마음들을잊지않고살아갈수있기를소원합니다. 정오숙횃불트리니티란이름을처음들은것은입학하기전 10년전즈음이었습니다. 입학할때면접하시는교수님께하나님께서좋은학교라고말씀해주셨다는말씀을드렸었지요. 정말좋은학교였습니다. 3년의시간이너무빨리지났습니다. 그리고이안전지대를나가는것이두렵기도합니다. 그러나이곳에서의배움과교수님과학우들과의만남은학교의문을나간뒤에더빛을발할것이라확신합니다. 장정권복음주의적신학의토대위에많은믿음의학우들과함께공부할수있어서감사했습니다. 아울러다문화경험을통해진지한선교적자세를 3년내내갖도록도와준영어권학생들과의교류는앞으로의목회와사역에큰밑걸음이되리라봅니다. 성령으로더욱뜨겁게일어나는횃불이되기를기대합니다. 최미화 TTGU에서의시간은정말제인생에서가장중요한터닝포인트였습니다. 귀한교수님들의가르침과 6기동기들그리고선, 후배와의만남은앞으로저의인생에가장아름답게빛나고또주님오실날까지소중하게기억될것입니다 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

41 42 MDiv Sun Young Lee It is hard to say good-bye to one of my favorite places in the world, Torch Trinity, and my dear classmates! I am grateful that God has given me the opportunity to be here at Torch Trinity, where I have learned to enjoy studying and had meaningful fellowships for the last three years. Until my time at Torch Trinity, I did not think that the academic pursuit of God will help my faith to grow, but I found that I was very wrong. All the academic disciplines drew me closer to God and gave me a deeper hunger for him. And the diversity of Torch Trinity benefited my heart to shift and my mind to be sharpened toward kingdom of God. Looking back at these years, I can only say that I was indeed blessed, and now filled with deep gratitude to my ever-patient God, open and approachable professors, faithfully serving staff members, and all my classmates who taught me how to love. So, I pray that Torch Trinity may continue to be a blessing to you and all the nations! Wang Lee My first day as a student at Torch Trinity, an MACE student from South Africa said to me, Torch Trinity is not much, and what this school can offer you may be limited in terms of classes or services. But if you come with an attitude of what can the school do for me? then you won t be able to truly experience and learn what God has for you here. Try to think, What can I do for this school? What can I do for this community? and you will find life in this family much more fulfilling, and God will give you more than just academic learning. That, to me is what Torch Trinity is about. It is not just about academics, but it is about becoming better mirror images of Christ. I just hope that all of us here reflect more of Christ like that. Much has happened in the past three years here. I am sure that God had a reason for each and every moment even if I cannot understand all just yet. Thank you for being an amazing family. Till we meet again, χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη ἀπὸ θεοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν! Sungkeun Park The Word of God came to me through Torch Trinity. Teaching, preaching, and healing! God bless Torch Trinity! Netra Lal Tamrakar (Nepal) This has been a great moment of my life to be a part of the Torch Trinity family, sharing fellowship with the children of God in an international atmosphere, which reflects the original purpose of God s creation for human beings. I really appreciate the academics, sound teaching, and the missionfocused imparting of Torch Trinity to students from all around the world. It has indeed has matured me in the Word of God and obedience to him. So now, the Lord is taking me back to Nepal after graduation to establish churches and create an educational ministry there. I thank my Lord who made all these things possible for me. Also I offer my heartfelt gratitude to the Torch Trinity leadership, all the professors, staff, and friends who shared their knowledge and love; they have blessed me. Your precious contribution to my life will be counted all the time. I love you, Torch Trinity! Tran Thuyen (Vietnam) It was a great journey during last three years at Torch Trinity. I have gained and grown a lot in my spiritual knowledge of God thanks to the professors and my classmates. Looking back at these years, I am so overwhelmed with love and blessings from my Torch Trinity family. I will be missing and praying for you all. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

FACULTY NEWS FACULTY NEWS Dr. Sang-Bok David Kim President Kim was invited as the main speaker for the French-speaking Region Mission Conference in Montreal (Oct. 4-7), where over six-hundred missionaries, church members and youth from the French speaking regions gathered. He was also a crucial part of the WEA-WCC Dialogue which took place at Seoul Church on Oct. 22, representing the World Evangelical Alliance, and presenting on the topic of The Unity of the Church and the Mission. Dr. Kim also presented The Path that the Korean Church must take: Seeking an Evangelical Solution at the Korea Evangelical Theological Society on Oct. 27. Dr. Kim was invited to speak at the Onnuri Community Church in Osaka, Japan on Nov. 11, where Rev. Bong Joo Moon, one of our MTS alumni is serving. He was invited to speak at the Installation service of GP Mission on Nov. 12, and he also presented as one of the main speakers of the International Symposium on Social and Cultural Involvement of Christians, hosted by Kurios International on Dec. 17. In family news, Dr. Kim s third daughter, Christine Lee was ordained as the first Korean American female priest in the American Episcopalian Church at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. Dr. John Song Vice-president Song was in London from Aug. 1 to 16, serving with Lay Witness for Christ International as its Global Director for Asia, visiting and encouraging Olympians from all over the world and sharing the Gospel to them. This is Dr. Song s eighth participation in the Olympics ministry. Dr. Jung-Sook Lee Dean Lee taught at seminary in China immediately after returning from her sabbatical semester, just before semester began. Then, she attended different international meetings on behalf of our school and Korea during this semester while teaching three classes. The first meeting was Asia Forum for Theological Education held in Jakarta, Indonesia, to talk about the ways to better cooperate among Asian schools, where she was elected as a member of continuation committee. The second meeting was Overseas Council s Institute for Excellence in Bangkok. These meetings helped her to be better acquainted and connected with theological schools in Asia. In October, she attended the Third Doctoral Consultation and ICETE (International Council of Evangelical Theological Education) International Consultation held in Nairobi, Kenya. There, she presented Torch Trinity s doctoral program and received lots of positive comments from many participants. She was visited by two Kenyan alumni there and heard of their active ministries in local seminaries. In November, she led a group of 17 participants from ATA Korea to attend ATA Korea/Japan Theological Conference at Kobe Lutheran Theological 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

43 44 Seminary in Kobe, Japan. She responded papers both at the 30th Anniversary Conference by Institute of Christian History in Korea held at the Methodist University, and in the Refo500 Theological Conference held at Chongshin University. Dr. Deok-Weon Ahn Dr. Ahn s article on the preaching of Rev. Dr. William Willimon appeared in the Ministry and Theology, August 2012 issue. He presented his article, Christian Initiation from the Perspective of Postcolonialism: Resistance, Apophasis, and the Third Space on Sept. 21, 2012 for Korean Academy of Liturgy. His sermon, God s Words through a Donkey was published in the September 2012 issue of The Words. Dr. Ahn also presented Worship of KAICAM (Korean Association of Independent Churches and Missions) for the newly ordained pastors on Oct. 5, 2012 at Halleluiah church. His article, The Intimate Relationship between the Word and the Lord s Supper in John Wesley s Theology and Liturgy was presented and published for the 60th academic conference of Korean Evangelical Theological Study ( on Oct. 27, 2012. Dr. Eddie Byun Onnuri English Ministry, where Dr. Byun serves as lead pastor, HOPE Be Restored - a freedom and justice ministry of Onnuri English Ministry, and Torch Trinity Christian Counseling Center with Torch Trinity Graduate University have become official partners in the fight against trafficking in Korea. With the partnership of Torch Trinity s Counseling Department, HOPE Be Restored will launch one of the first Christ-Centered, Gospel-Based aftercare centers for Korea - bringing hope and restoration for survivors of sex trafficking. Dr. Grace Eun Hee Kim Dr. Kim served as the moderator for the Institute of Korean Theological Information Network s 100th anniversary seminar, and performed a piece as well. You can also catch Dr. Kim on the Far East Art Television every Sunday evening at 17:00 and 22:00. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

FACULTY NEWS Dr. Yoon-Hee Kim Dr. Yoon-Hee Kim s translation of The Meaning of Pentateuch (by Sailhamer, InterVarsity Press, p. 612) has been published in December, 2012. Dr. Kim also presented her paper, How to Preach Genesis at the Korean Society of Old Testament Studies on Dec. 6. Starting in 2013, she will be serving as the vice chair of the Evangelical Old Testament Society as well as the vice chair of the Korean Society of Old Testament Studies. She is also the chairperson of the Women s committee of Korean Evangelical Fellowship. Also in 2013, she will be serving as the Chairperson of the Commission on the Women s Concerns of Asian Evangelical Fellowship/ Alliance. She will be attending the Asian Evangelical Women Leaders Consultation which is going to be held in Manila, Philippines in February, to be officially introduced as the new chairperson. Dr. Kang Hack Lee Dr. Lee has become an editor for Spirituality and Social Welfare. He also presents a paper, Spiritual Experiences of Francis of Assisi and Social Work at a forum of the Society of Spirituality and Social Welfare, on June 8. He participated as one of the writers for Spiritual Ministry, one of the series for manuals of various ministries, published by General Assembly of Korean Jesus Presbyterian Church (TongHab), commemorating a centennial anniversary of establishing the General Assembly. Dr. Hyung Jin Park During the summer and fall, Dr. Park traveled to offer lectures on mission history in two countries, along with his presentation entitled The Osan Hakkyo ( 五山學校 ): A Seedbed for Christian Nationalist Education during its Foundational and Formative Years 1907-1945 at the 8th International Seminar on the History of Christianity in North East Asia held in Tokyo. He also published an article, A Comparative Study of Mission History between Islam and Christianity: From the Perspective of the Translation Theory in the Muslim-Christian Encounter, the journal of the Torch Trinity Center for Islamic Studies. Dr. Park and other TTGU professors conducted the open public lectures on Writing Your Own Life Story as a NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) project on humanities. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

45 46 Dr. Hyun Joo Oh Dr. Oh was appointed as one of the vice presidents of the Korea Society of Christian Education and Information Society in June 2012. The term will last until May 2013, and she is in charge of the Christian Schools division. She is also serving as a regional guest editor of the special supplement issue of the Christian Education Journal, which will be published in September 2013. The special issue is focused on the church s educational ministry from the international perspectives. She is the guest editor for the region of the East and Southeast Asia. Dr. Cristian Rata Dr. Rata spent this summer in Korea and continues to raise with his wife his 3 small children. It is more fun now with a little girl (Talitha Gladys) who started to crawl. In November, he presented three papers: two at Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) in Milwaukee, and one at Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in Chicago. Dr. Eiko Takamizawa Dr. Eiko Takamizawa has been appointed as Vice Chairperson for Asian Society of Missiology. She will be working with other leaders from five different countries and the US. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

FACULTY NEWS NEW FACULTY: Dr. Grace Eun Hee Kim 신임교수인터뷰 : 김은희박사 ( 실천신학과교수 ) Q: 교수님의교육배경및경력을간단하게말씀해주시겠습니까? 저는계명대학교피아노과를졸업하고미국노스캐롤리나주에있는 Southeastern Theological Seminary에서교회음악석사과정 (1985-1987) 을이수하였고, 피츠버그에있는 Duquesne University의 School of Music에서음악석사학위 (1992-1993) 를, 시카고의 American Conservatory of Music 음악박사학위 (1993-1995) 를받았습니다. 동대학원교수로재직한후귀국하여계명대학교, 장로회신학대학교, 한국성서대학교대학원에출강하였고, 교회오르가니스트로섬기며예배음악세미나와강의를했습니다. 2004년부터 2012년까지총신대학교교수로총신콘서바토리소장과, AGO Korea Chapter Dean 미국오르가니스트협회회장을역임하였습니다. 이번가을학기부터 TTGU 실천신학교수로부임하여예배음악을가르치게되었습니다. 그외에도극동아트TV의 교회가있는풍경 프로그램의연주와진행을맡고있습니다. Q: 이곳에서짧게나마교수로지내시면서지금까지어떤경험을하셨는지요? 섬기는본을보여주시는총장님과교수님들, 교직원모든분들의겸손하고헌신적인모습에참많은감명을받았습니다. 또한학생들의모습이활기차고밝아서너무좋습니다. 짧은 Q: Would you briefly introduce your academic background and experiences? I received an undergraduate degree in piano performance from Kei-Myung University. After my graduation, I began church music studies (MCM) at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina (1985-1987). I received Master of Sacred Music from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1992-1993). While pursuing a doctorate of Musical Arts from the American Conservatory of Music (1993-1995), I was invited to teach as a professor. When I came back to Korea, I began to teach at Kei-Myung University, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, and Korean Bible Graduate University. From 2004 to 2012, as an assistant professor, I served as the Director of Conservatory at Chongshin University and the Dean of American Guild of Organists, Korean Chapter. I joined Torch Trinity in the fall of 2012 to teach worship music as a faculty member of the Practical Theology Department. I also serve as a presider as well as an organist of Far East Art TV entitled Church with a View. Q: How is your experience thus far at TTGU? It is very moving and humbling to see how President Sang-Bok David Kim, professors and staff members serve 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

47 48 시간이었지만교수님들간에도서로배려하고섬기는모습과, 교수님들과학우님들간에도서로존중하는모습을보며횃불트리니티는참으로복음적이며, 예수그리스도중심, 선교중심, 성경중심의학교임을경험했습니다. 또한학생들이학교에대한자부심을가지고하나님을향한순수한열정으로학업에임하는모습이감동이됩니다. 가장인상적인일은입학설명회날모두가단합된일치감과기쁨으로축제의감격을함께나누며누리는모습이었습니다. with servants hearts. Students are very enthusiastic and energetic. Although it has only been a short period, I ve experienced that Torch Trinity is Gospel-passionate, that is, Christ-centered, missions-focused and Bible-oriented. Above all, both students and faculty members respect and value one another. It is very inspiring when I see students genuine love and passion for ministry. One of the most memorable moments was that everyone celebrated together and participated in unity during the school s open house. Q: 신학교교수로서교수님께서가지고계신꿈과비전을이야기해주세요. 저는찬송은하나님께서인생에게주신최고의선물이며, 인간을지으신목적이며신학이라고믿습니다. 하나님께서모든사람들에게주신영혼의거문고줄을하나님을향해연주할수있도록올바른예배와음악, 찬송을가르치고싶습니다. 찬송생활의감격으로목회현장에서힘들고지칠때영성과감격을잃지않도록예배와찬송을가르치고싶습니다. 언젠가천국에가서주님과함께찬양할때까지주님을바르게예배하고찬송하는참된예배자로사역할수있도록제게주신모든찬송의은사들을통해섬기고싶습니다. Q: 교수님의가족을비롯한개인적인부분 [ 취미, 좋아하는음식등 ] 에관해알려주세요. 선친께서는 40년간장로교목사님으로목회를하셨어요. 어려서부터예배와찬송이제삶의중심되는환경에서자라났습니다. 대학시절 CCC 활동을통해전도자로헌신하여 1985년결혼하고함께 10년간유학을했습니다. 남편은현재한국성서대학교선교신학교수로섬기고있으며, 딸 ( 지현만24 세 ) 과아들 ( 정준만20세 ) 과함께한가정을이루고있으며, 휴고 ( 애완견 ) 도함께지내고있습니다. 취미는여행과산책, 전시회, 연주회가기, 그리고맛있는음식과커피를좋아합니다. Q: Would you like to share your dream or vision as a seminary professor? I believe that music is one of the greatest gifts God gave to human beings. As His supreme creatures and as believers, we can praise Him through music. I also believe that music, specifically hymns, not only bring glory to God, but deepen our understanding of the Word and our knowledge in doctrine and theology. I want to share the joy of praising God through music and I hope every student will experience and learn the true meaning of worship. Q: Would you introduce your family and personal things like hobby, favorite food, and so on? My father ministered for forty years as a Presbyterian pastor before he passed away. As a pastor s kid, I grew up in a praise and worship-centered home. I met my husband through Campus Crusade for Christ. While in college, we decided to devote our lives to the Lord. We married in 1985 and studied abroad together for ten years in the U.S.A. My husband is a professor in the Missions Department at Korean Bible University. We have two children, JoAnn (age 24) and Joseph (20), and a little white dog, Hugo. I love to travel, take morning walks, go to exhibitions, and recitals on my free time. I m also a foodie and love drinking really good coffee! Q: 추가적으로나누고싶으신말씀이있으십니까? 각기다양한은사들과재능들로서로를세워주고, 높여주는 TTGU 공동체가되기를소원합니다. Q: Is there anything else you want to share with us? I pray that the varieties of different gifts and talents will be encouraged and respected in one another in unity with diversity among our community at Torch Trinity. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

REVIEW MY LIFE, MY STORIES: Lessons on Writing Autobiography 나의삶, 나의자서전 : 자서전쓰기강좌 Dr. Hyung Jin Park (Professor of Missions) 박형진박사 ( 선교학과교수 ) 이번가을교육과학기술부에의해인문주간으로지정된 10 월 29 일부터 11 월 4 일까지 나의삶, 나의자서전 이라는제목으로 자서전쓰기강좌가횃불트리니티에의해개최되었다. 이는 한국연구재단 (NRF) 의지원하에약 30 여개이상의학술및 지역단체가참여한행사로, 올해는 치유의인문학 이라는주제로 열렸다. 이강좌는인생후반에들어선이들을대상으로, 지나온 자기의삶을뒤돌아보고, 자기삶의의미와가치를재발견해 보자는취지에서기획되었다. 이강좌는시민들을상대로인문학을 대중화하고자하는교육과학기술부와연구재단의취지에발맞추어 본교교정외에도서초구민회관내서초문화원에서도각각 8 주간씩 진행되었다. 이번강좌엔총 80 여명이등록수강하였으며, 일반시민들을 대상으로열린교양강좌라는형태로공감대를갖고접촉하며 지역사회에기여할수있었다는면에서의미가있었다. For this fall s Week of Humanities (from October 29 to November 4, 2012), the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology appointed the lectures titled My Life, My stories: Lessons on Writing Autobiography from Torch Trinity to be one of the humanities projects for the citizens. With the support of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), over thirty academic institutions as well as local organizations participated under the theme of Humanities that Heals. Lectures by Torch Trinity were intended for those who have reached a point in their lives of reflecting back on their past experiences to rediscover purpose and value. Not only the Torch Trinity students, the lecture series was also created for the general public, hoping to promote the humanities among them. With this shared intention in mind, the civic center of Seocho-gu supported our lecture by opening venue for eight weeks. In total, eighty people signed up to participate in the lecturers. It was meaningful to be able to not only share our passion and knowledge of liberal arts with the public, but also to be able to contribute back to the community by serving with our gifts. Lectures 강의내용 동서고금을통해본인생이야기 ( 박형진교수 ) 이야기의의미구성과파워 ( 안덕원교수 ) 인간의발달단계를통해본자기성찰 ( 오현주교수 ) 가계도 (genogram) 를통해본자기발견 ( 홍경화교수 ) 인간과인생의영성적이해 ( 이강학교수 ) 3 회의자서전쓰기의실제워크숍 ( 박형진교수 )

49 50 Torch Trinity Graduate University Handong Global University Sign MOU 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한동대학교교류협력협약 2012년 12월 13일에횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교와한동대학교의교류협력협약식이있었다. 한동대학교의김영길총장, 최도성국제화부총장, 박혜경대외협력처장과횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교의김상복총장, 송용필대외협력부총장, 이정숙교학처장과장승혁교학부처장이참석한자리에서양학교는세계속의대학으로성장발전하기위한협력협약을체결하였다. On December 13, 2012, a Memorandum of Understanding agreement was signed between Torch Trinity Graduate University and Handong Global University. In attendance were President Young-Gil Kim, Vice-President of Internationalization Do Sung Choi and Director of Public Affairs Hye Kyung Park from Handong Global University, and President Sang-Bok David Kim, Vice-President of Public Relations John Song, Dean of Academics Jung-Sook Lee and Associate Dean of Academics Steven Chang from Torch Trinity Graduate University. This agreement was signed as a joint effort to further advance both institutions in the global academic ministry.

CENTER NEWS Torch Trinity Counseling Center (TTCC) 횃불트리니티상담센터는 2012년 8월 31일홈페이지 ( 를새롭게단장하면서, 횃불트리니티기독상담센터 에서 횃불트리니티상담센터 로센터이름을변경하였다. 이는기독상담센터로서의세계관을고수하면서도비기독교인들에게접근성을높이고기독상담사역을확장하고자하는의미를갖는다. 2011년 12월 19일, 2012년도서울가정법원의지정상담기관으로선정된데이어, 올가을에는서울가정법원의호평을받으며 2013년도협력기관으로다시지정되었다. 이러한발전과함께 10월 18일에는교계와관련된여섯기관과 MOU를맺어기존의교류를더욱활성화하면서기독상담프로그램을제공하며협력하고있다. 본센터와 MOU 를체결한기관은한국독립교회선교단체연합회, 한국중앙교회, 최초의기독교민영교도소인소망교도소, 온누리영어예배팀, 밀알두레학교, 독수리기독학교이다. 이날본교회의실에서개최된 MOU 체결식은본교김상복총장님을비롯하여각기관대표등 12명이참석하여각기관의사역과꿈, 본교상담센터와의협력이필요한부분들을구체적으로나누며따뜻하고은혜로운분위기에서진행되었다. 본상담센터는 MOU기관들과긴밀한상호업무교류및기독교상담및프로그램의연구, 개발, 제공을통해건강한복음에근거하여하나님나라를함께세워가는것을목적으로한다. 구체적으로첫째, 개인상담, 집단상담, 심리검사, 학생. 학부모. 교사. 교인의교육및상담등을통해기독상담관련자원을제공하며, 둘째, 기독상담프로그램의연구및개발과운영을공동으로수행하며, 셋째, 기독상담에대한인지도를높여공동홍보와활성화를위해노력을기울이고있다. 이미 9월에한국독립교회선교단체연합회의 162명의목사고시의인성고시를맡아심층면접과선발을위한유익한도움을제공하며교계의호응을얻은바있다. Starting from August 31, 2012, the Torch Trinity Christian Counseling Center comes to you with a new name Torch Trinity Counseling Center. This new name entails that while the center continues to adhere to its Christian perspective, it hopes to make Christian counseling accessible to non-christians as well as Christians. On December 19, 2011, the center was appointed as one of Seoul Family Court s Selected Counseling Centers for the Year 2012, and this past September, the center was appointed again for the year of 2013, earning the title, Seoul Family Court s Distinguished Counseling Center. In addition, the center was responsible for the MMPI test and the in-depth interview of Korean Association of Independent Churches and Missions (KAICAM) pastoral examination. Not only with KAICAM, it also signed MOUs with other organizations in October including Korea Central Church, Hope Prison (the first Christian privatized penitentiary), Miral Dure School, and Eagle Christian School. Through the MOUs, the center endeavors to create stronger ties with the community as well as to provide Christian counseling. Within the center, there are Intern-Resident Programs held every semester. Ten students have successfully completed the program in this past spring and are currently working as professional counselors. Five more students registered in the fall semester; they went through training and education that would equip them to become better counselors. Beyond this, there have been different opportunities to work with the general public by offering free lectures for the public. Lecture topics include: Imago (Image) Couples Therapy by Jae-Eun Oh (Soongshil University) The Process-Based Intervention Model The Big 5: 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

51 52 본상담센터는 12월 14일 기독상담에서의과정적이고지향적존재로서의인간관의적용 이라는공개특강개최후 MOU 기관들의협력요청내용과재학생, 졸업생등의꿈을담은동영상을상영함으로, 하나님의나라를확장하고자하는기독상담학과학생들과전문기독상담자들의사명과비전을모아보았다. 하나님안에서자신의정체성을회복하고개개인의소명을발견하여하나님께영광을돌리겠다는목적으로설립된횃불트리니티상담센터는앞으로도계속하여상담, 연구, 교육을통해목회자, 선교사, 신학생, 내담자와상담자들을포함한심리적. 영적어려움에처한기독교인과비기독교인에게도움이되기를기대한다. Changes of Human Condition by Chang Dae Kim (Seoul National University), Understanding Group Dynamics by Kyung In Kwon (Kwangwoon University) Applying Christian Counseling s Understanding of Humans as Process Oriented Beings by Jin Kim (former psychology professor at Boramae Hospital). These monthly lecture series have been helpful for current students as well as counselors to strengthen their qualities as Christian counselors. They also have been excellent opportunities for the general public to consider the importance of Christian counseling. Through all of this, the center was reminded of what it envisioned for Torch Trinity s Counseling Center: To glorify God through helping his people restore their identity and discover their callings. As the center has been helping both Christian leaders and non-christians through psychological and spiritual counseling, research, and education, it remains faithful in its calling to serve and glorify God s kingdom. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

Torch Trinity Center for Biblical Research (TTCBR) 2012년하반기에는특별히지난학기부터시작된성경강좌프로그램이좋은반응을보이면서성서학연구소의고정강좌로자리를잡아가고있다. 이번학기에는김윤희교수의사사기강좌인 사사시대와우리시대 가단지목회자들을대상으로하지않고, 성경을깊이공부하고자하는평신도지도자들에게도개방되어많은사람들로부터폭넓은관심을끌고있다. 특히이번학기에는재학생들보다졸업생들과외부수강자들의많은신청으로인해 70 여명의수강자들이매주월요일아침에이강의를듣고있다. 특히 CGN-TV에서이강좌를녹화해서방송을하기로결정해서매강좌를지금녹화하고있는중이다. 하반기에는내년입학을준비하는학생들이성경시험스터디가이드를많이구매하는기간이어서이기간동안성경시험스터디가이드의판매부수가많아지고있다. 그에따라이책에대한관심이높아지면서이책을학생들에게좀더도움이되도록업그레이드하고있으며곧수정증보판이출간될예정이다. 여전히성서학관련세미나와콜로키움은이번학기에도좋은반응을얻고있다. 특히이번학기부터모든콜로키움에박사과정학생들이참석할수있게되어교수들의논문을통해학생들의학위논문과연구논문작성에실제적인도움이되고있다. 앞으로도신, 구약콜로키움을통해좀더폭넓은연구활동과박사과정학생들의좋은배움의기회가확대될것으로기대된다. 이번학기에는 2번의신약세미나와 2번의구약세미나를실시하였다. 구체적인일정은다음과같다. 9월 12일-신약세미나 - 박노훈교수 ( 연세대 ) 10월 10일-신약세미나 - 정용한교수 ( 명지대 ) 10월 31일-구약세미나 - 황선우교수 ( 총신대 ) 9월 15일-한국어과정을위한구약세미나 - 김구원교수 ( 개신대 ) 앞으로도성서학연구소가우리학교학생들뿐아니라졸업생및목회자들, 그리고평신도지도자들을위한강좌들과세미나들을통해서말씀을가르치는사역에많은도움을줄수있도록준비하고있다. The biblical studies seminar is now official. Everyone s enthusiastic participation from last semester at Torch Trinity s Center for Biblical Research made it possible. One of these seminars was led by Dr. Yoon-Hee Kim, called The Time of Judges and Modern Times. It was open to ministers and the laity. The open invitation was well received. Up to seventy people signed up to attend every Monday morning. It was also filmed on CGN-TV. This semester s biblical studies seminars and colloquiums continue to receive positive responses. Starting from this fall, all colloquiums have been made available for PhD students to observe and learn through dissertations. This was helpful in that students were able to think about their theses and research. The center hopes to continue in assisting doctoral students in their research through both Old and New Testament colloquiums. The center had a chance to hold a total of four seminars: two for each testament. One was created in the Korean program. September 12, 2012 New Testament seminar by Professor Noh-Hoon Park (Yonsei University) October 10, 2012 New Testament seminar by Professor Yong-Han Jung (Myungji University) October 31, 2012 Old Testament seminar by Professor Sun-Woo Hwang (Chongshin University) September 15, 2012 Old Testament seminar for the Korean program by Professor Ku-Won Kim (Reformed Theological Seminary) In the following years, biblical research seminars and works will continue to equip not only the ministry of Torch Trinity s alumni or current members, but aim to serve leaders in the laity.

53 54 Torch Trinity Center for Islamic Studies (TTCIS) 1992년한국교계내에서이슬람선교를위한건전한연구풍토와건강한선교적태도를확산시키는데기여하고자설립된 횃불트리니티한국이슬람연구소 는한국과세계속에서이슬람권을위한학문활동과저술, 선교사역을지속적으로감당하고있다. 특별히상설강좌, 아랍어강좌, 특별강좌, 소식지및저널발간등이슬람에관한깊이있고지속적인연구활동을위해주력하고있다. 올해 2012년은본연구소가횃불트리니티신학대학원으로이양된지 5년째되는해이며, 설립 20주년을맞는뜻깊은해이기도하다. 올하반기에특이할만한협력행사는 이슬람파트너쉽 모임이다. 이슬람파트너쉽 은국내약50여개의선교단체와선교기관이연합한모임으로서, 이슬람을이해하고무슬림을효과적으로선교하기위해결성된것이다. 김아영한국이슬람연구소소장은이모임의실행위원으로섬기며, 국내이슬람선교와연구발전에지속적으로기여하고있다. 2012년하반기에김아영소장은이슬람파트너쉽실행위원3명과함께이슬람선교에대하여기념이될만한서적인 From seed to fruit 를공동번역하여번역서가출간되었다. 한국이슬람연구소의강좌중아랍어강좌는수강생들의지속적인인기를얻고있는신뢰할만하고유익한강좌로평가를받고있다. 올하반기에는초급반을운영할계획이다. 초급반을마친수강생이중급을수강하면, 고급반을수강할수있으며, 고급반에서는꾸란읽기도하고있다. 한국이슬람연구소는 Muslim-Christian Encounter 라는학술저널을재창간하여매년 2차례발간하고있으며이슬람선교에도움을줄수있는이슬람신학, 정치, 문화전반에관한다양하고실질적인주제들을심도있게다루고있다. 올해는한국이슬람연구소 20주년을맞이하여, 하반기에 2권의저널출판을계획하여진행하고있다. 8월에는 Women in Islam 이라는주제로이슬람여성에대한현대적이고다양한이슈들을다루었으며, 특별기고논문으로 Colin Chapman, Peter Riddle과같은세계의 In 1992, there was a call within the Christian community to create a wholesome understanding of Islam and increase awareness in missions. Torch Trinity Center for Islamic Studies (TTCIS) responded and has been actively working through an academic environment and in ministry. The center has consistently held lectures on special topics, in and on the Arabic language, along with publishing journals and newsletters. Publications demonstrate a great depth of research in Islam. This year marks the twentieth year anniversary as well as the fifth year since the center became a part of Torch Trinity Graduate University. One of this fall s highlight has been the unique collaborative event called Islam Partnership. This partnership consisted of fifty mission organizations that came together to collaborate on how to produce effective missionaries to Muslims and how to better understand Islam. The director, Dr. Ah-Young Kim, served as an executive committee member. She has dedicated her efforts in enhancing research in Muslim missions in Korea. With three other executive committee members, Dr. Kim published both Korean and English versions of her noteworthy book From Seed to Fruit this fall. The Arabic language lecture has continuously gained popularity and recognition as trustworthy and edifying. The center opened a beginner s level class this fall, and once students successfully finish this level, they will be able to move onto an intermediate level, and eventually to the advanced level and read the Quran. The Institute of Islamic Studies issued the second edition of their academic journal, Muslim-Christian Encounter. This provides an in-depth study on Islam theology, politics, and culture that can help missionaries in practical ways. As the institute celebrates its twentieth year, members are working to publish two volumes of journal articles. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

CENTER NEWS 저명한이슬람전문가들의글도게재하였다. 12월에는세계적으로저명한학자인김세윤박사, Dudley Woodberry 교수와협력에서 Suggestions on Doing Islamic Studies in Korean Context as a Christian 라는주제로출판이진행될계획이며이와더불어 20 주년특별논문집이 한국이슬람연구소 20년사 & 전문가의눈으로본이슬람의다양한이슈들 이라는주제로출간되었다. 한국이슬람연구소는 이스마엘우리의형제 라는소식지를매년 4차례출간하고있다. 선교사들의연구논문과서평, 선교현장의현장이슈를다룬보고서들을만날수있으며. 올상 하반기에는 113, 114호가출간되었다. In addition, other events continued this year. In August, the center explored modern issues including Women in Islam. Writings from Islam experts, such as Colin Chapman and Peter Riddle contributed. The internationally renowned, Dr. Sae-Yoon Kim and Professor Dudley Woodberry, published their works this December in Suggestions on Doing Islamic Studies in the Korean Context as a Christian. Along with this, essays contributed in celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the center. The Institute of Islamic Studies 20th Anniversary & Seeing Issues in Islam through the Eyes of Professionals were published. The Institute has also been faithfully publishing their newsletter, Ishmael, Our Brother, for four years. The 113th and 114th issues are published. Here the public can read the works of missionaries research theses, book reviews, and issues on the mission field. Torch Trinity Center for Educational Ministry (TTCEM) 2012년가을학기기독교교육센터는몇가지행정적인변화를맞아서새로운준비를하고있다. 지금까지진행되어오던강좌들에대한대폭적인개편작업을하고있고, 매년봄에개최되는센터의주행사인어린이영어사역컨퍼런스를청소년영어사역까지포함하여어린이사역자들과교사들뿐아니라청소년사역자들과교사들까지도움을주려고준비하고있다. 또한컨퍼런스의대상을어린이사역에서청소년사역에까지확장해서교육부서의핵심인어린이와청소년교육에필요한다양한사역의정보와경험들을공유하고새로운패러다임을제시해줄수있는컨퍼런스로거듭나게되리라기대한다. 내년컨퍼런스도 3월마지막주토요일에횃불트리니티에서개최될예정이다. This fall, Torch Trinity Center for Education and Ministry (TTCEM) began the semester with several executive changes. The lecture series of the center have been drastically reorganized and the English Children s Ministry Conference also took up a new format. What used to be a conference solely for children s ministers and teachers now welcomes youth ministers and teachers. The center aims to create a new paradigm by using the conference to find the necessary tools required to build a greater children and youth ministry. The goal is to encourage the new generation to become leaders. With the new addition of the youth ministry, the conference prepares itself to become a blessing for all who serve the young. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

55 56 이번학기에도사역자네트워크모임과기독교교육과상담에대한세미나가열렸다. 특별히지난 10월 22일에있은사역자네트워크모임에서는본교기독교교육학과출신최은수졸업생이운영하는 WeMake ( 영어예배공과교육자료제작회사 ) 팀과협동으로영어예배에관련된다양한정보와자료들을나누고공과에쓸수있는자료를무료로제공해서어떻게적용할것인지를배우는유익한시간이었다. 이모임에영어예배를담당하는많은사역자들과교사들이참석해서자신들의실제영어예배를진행하면서부딪치게되는어려움들을나누면서서로에게실제적인도움들과조언들을통해많은도움을주고받는시간이되었다. 지난 9월 26일에는조나단강박사을모시고 Member Care와 MK Counseling에관한세미나를열었다. Christian Counseling & Education Partners의회장인조나단강박사는상담학박사학위와교육학박사학위를둘다가지고이두분야에깊이관여하고계시기때문에이번세미나를상담학과교육학학생들을위한세미나로준비하였다. 상담학과와교육학과의교수들과학생들이참여하였으며, 실제적인현장에서의적용에대한질문들이많아서어느때보다뜨거운열정들을확인할수있는시간이었다. The Pastor s Network meeting was held on October 22 with the help of an alumna, Eun-Soo Choi. She is a graduate from Torch Trinity s Christian Education program. Currently, she is the manager of the WeMake team. At the meeting, she gave helpful information regarding English ministries for children. Useful handcrafts that ministers can use were passed out. WeMake is a company that makes crafts to be used for English ministry and education. The gathering was a productive time for all ministers and educators to reflect on their experiences and to discuss issues that they have faced followed by solutions that they can use in difficult situations. Thanks to WeMake, diverse leaders were able to encourage one another and enjoy helpful resources. A seminar held on September 26 was led by Dr. Jonathan Kang. As a prestigious and passionate leader, he shared his knowledge on member care and missionary children (or MKs missionary kids ) counseling. Dr. Kang serves as the chairman of Christian Counseling and Education Partners and continues to actively pursue his interests in counseling and education. This opened up a chance for many of the counseling and education students to attend and ask questions as the endeavor to become educators and counselors. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI NEWS 동문채플및동문초청의밤 지난 10월 11일 ( 목 ) 오후 4시기쁨홀에서는총동문회가중심이된동문초청예배가드려졌다. 동문초청행사는총동문회가주관하여매년봄과가을에본교를졸업한동문들을초청하여함께예배하고식사하며교제하는귀한자리이다. 이날엔특히 2기총동문회를중심으로증축기금모금행사를통해모금한 7천여만원을 2기총동문회의김창식회장이학교측에전달하였다. 기금을모금하기에는짧은기간이었지만각기수대표들을중심으로모든동문들이적극동참해큰성과를거둘수있게되어하나님께감사드리는귀한시간이었다. 이날예배설교는온누리교회담임이신이재훈목사께서해주셔서더욱은혜로운시간이되었고, 예배후에는재학생들에게간식이제공되는등풍성한시간이었다. 동문초청의밤행사에서는오랜만에모교를찾은동문들이교수들과재학생, 그리고동문들끼리교제하며목회현장에서의어려움과기쁨을나누기도했다. 저녁식사후에는총동문회주최의탁구대회도열려교수, 교직원, 두란노서원, 재학생과동문들이팀을구성해참여하여 1등을놓고열띤경기를펼치기도했다. 1등은두란노서원팀이차지해서모든참석자들의뜨거운박수속에금일봉을받는기쁨을누렸다. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

57 58 한편동문초청예배후에진행된동문총회에서는 3기총동문회가구성되고발족되었다. 2기총동문회장으로 2년동안의임기를마친김창식동문 (2008년 KMdiv 졸업 ) 은그동안의사역을이끌어주신하나님께감사하며앞으로새롭게총동문회를이끌어갈 3기총동문회에대한동문들의적극적성원을부탁했다. 3기총동문회장으로는송영태동문 (2008 년 MTS 졸업 ) 께서추대되어 2년동안총동문회를이끌어가게되었다. 송영태총동문회장은 3기총동문회는학위과정졸업동문뿐아니라 CEO과정졸업동문들을자문단과부회장단, 그리고발전위원등으로참여케하는등총동문회조직을확대하여모두가함께동문들을섬기기위해노력하고, 또한이런총동문회조직의확대를통해강화된선교역량으로국내외동문선교사님들과목회자를섬기는데앞장서겠다는포부를밝히기도하였다. 그리고각교회와기관에서사역하는동문들과재학생들을체계적으로네트워크하여동문선후배들의사역기회가확대되도록돕는일등에대해서도적극나서겠다고밝혔다. 제26회한국독립교회및선교단체연합회목사안수식지난 10월 22일에는한국독립교회및선교단체연합회에서주최한제26회목사안수식이할렐루야교회에서열렸다. 121명이목사로안수받은이날안수식에서 18명의본교졸업동문이목사로세워졌다. 총동문회에서는임원들이안수식에참석하여선물을증정하는등안수받은동문들을격려하고축하하였다. 강민구강한대권태형김병선김진김현박진억박희철백환승 신우령안명준양성수최명화홍민표 Victor Young Chun Marcus Angelo Corpenning Yoo-kyung Jodie Kim Jonathan Douglas Neufeld 자문위원위촉및동문사역설명회 3기총동문회는취임후첫공식행사로자문위원들을위촉하고총동문회임원들과함께총동문회의사역계획을설명하는자리를가졌다. 11월 13일믿음홀에서 11시 40분부터진행된이날행사에는김상복총장과송용필부총장, 그리고이정숙교학처장이함께하였고, 자문위원들과다수의임원들이참석했다. 행사는찬양과기도로시작하여김상복총장의인사말과위촉장수여식, 그리고사역설명순으로진행되었고, 엔젤프로젝트도소개되어많은동문들의관심을끌었다. 이날기업체의임원과 CEO로활약하고있는동문들 16명이자문위원으로위촉되었고, 14명의부회장단, 발전위원단과총무단이소개되었다. 특히총동문회의사역방향을설명한송영태회장은총동문회에서기존에진행하던사역 ( 장학금수여, 동문선교사 후원등 ) 을비롯해해외동문들을돕기위한선교센터건립계획을발표했다. 이미 2011년졸업동문이사역하는미얀마의양곤에 1호교회를세웠던경험을바탕으로 2013년에는네팔에선교센터를짓는계획을설명하고동문들의적극적인동참을호소하였다. 또한국내에서사역하는동문들을섬기기위한계획도발표되어많은참석자들의호응을얻었는데, 개척한동문들의교회를재능기부형식으로섬기는이계획은앞으로더욱구체화될것이다. 개척동문들을섬기기위한이계획에동참하길원하거나도움이필요한개척동문들은총동문회에문의하면자세한설명을들을수있다. 국내외동문들을섬기기위해팔을걷어부친총동문회의행보가좋은열매를거둘수있도록중보기도를부탁드린다. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

GIVING TO TORCH TTGU 기부자인터뷰 이홍림 Hong Lim Lee 옥스퍼드대학교수이며미래학자인제임스마틴은먼우주에서온외계인이지구상의인류를목격한다면 지구인들은곧스스로자멸할수있는위기에도달해있는데놀랍게도지구에는경영대학원만넘쳐나고지구와인류의생존을가르치는학교는찾아볼수없다 고놀라워할것이라고말했습니다. 오늘날우리가처해있는상황을정확하게지적하고있다고생각됩니다. 횃불트리니티의존재이유가여기에있다고확신합니다. 횃불트리니티는우리인류의미래를구하기위한사명을띤사람들을길러내고자하는취지로설립된비교적역사는짧지만글로벌명문대학으로급성장하고있는대학입니다. 따라서이대학건물의증축을위해벽돌한장을쌓아올리는일은바로세상에그리스도의복음을전파하는일이며, 인류의미래를구하기위한느헤미야의사명에동참하는손길이라생각됩니다. James Martin, professor at Oxford University and Britain s leading futurologist once said, If aliens from far corners of the universe witnessed earth, they would be surprised by the fact that despite the reality of near extinction of the planet, the earth is filled with graduate programs in management, but no school that teaches survival skills for the planet and for humans. I believe he has rightly pinpointed the current state of the world, and here lies the very reason for the existence of Torch Trinity Graduate University. Though Torch Trinity Graduate University has a relatively short history, it was established to train those who are called to save all men and women from judgement, and is rapidly growing. Thus, participating in the expansion project brick-by-brick is also an indirect way of preaching the Gospel to the world, saving humanity and taking part in the call of Nehemiah. 무명 Anonymous 좋은학업의기회를허락하신학교의은혜에 박영준 Young Joon Park 은혜의동산인횃불트리니티대학원에공부를허락하시고, 한량없는은혜를부어주시는주님께영광을돌립니다. 기쁘고감사한마음으로기부에참여하고있습니다. All glory to God who has allowed me to study here at Torch Trinity Graduate University, and showered me with grace. I am grateful and excited to be a part of this expansion project. 감사하고, 하나님의선한일꾼들을양성하는귀한사역에동참하고자모교사랑의마음을전한것뿐입니다. I thank the Torch Trinity Graduate University for a precious opportunity to study, and my desire is to partner with my alma matter in raising up good and faithful servants for the LORD. 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

59 60 이원희 Wonhee Lee 주님께서은혜로저를횃불트리니티에보내주셨다고생각합니다. 학교가있기에제가이곳에있을수있기에, 하나님께서동참하는마음을주셔서후원하게되었습니다. 우리학교증 축되고나면교수님들학생여러분들보다좋은환경에서지내실수있을꺼라생각하면너무너무기대되고기쁩니다. It was God s grace that brought me to Torch Trinity Graduate University. I am here, because the scho ol is here. Knowing that all of our students and faculty will be able to enjoy the new building soon is exciting. 김원진 Won Jin Kim 부르심에합당한준비를하고자기쁨으로학업을이어가던중학교건물증축과느혜미야프로젝트를보면서적은금액이지만학교발전에마음을실어야겠다는생각으로기부에참여하게되었습니다. 학교발전을위한기도와기부가우리모두의기쁨이될것입니다. Though I am in the process of learning and preparing for the ministry God has called me to, I feel called to give and be a small part of the building expansion project every month. All our giving and praying for Torch Trinity Graduate University will return to us as great joy. 조요섭 Yo Sup Cho 신대원졸업후에목회현장에서사역하면서신대원시절의모든것이감사했고소중했으며교수님들과동문들이생각났습니다. 매월 2만원씩적은금액이지만소액기부를통해서선지동산사랑하는마음을키워볼까합니다. 바라기는모든동문들이이일에함께기쁨으로동참했으면합니다. Looking back at the seminary days, every little memory is significant to me and the ministry I am a part of. I cannot give much, but I hope to grow a love for my alma matter. I just wish every alumni would partner in raising our school up. TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

GIVING TO TORCH 기부자들이보내는증축프로젝트응원메시지 날로날로발전하는학교를지켜보는졸업생의맘이기쁩니다. 할렐루야!!! - 강시란 NO RESERVES, NO RETREATS, NO REGRETS - 권내현 증축을통해선교의횃불을더욱밝힐 토치트리니티, 파이팅!! - 김문숙 복음으로무장된그리스도의사람들! 새로운강의동통해더욱태어나기를기도합니다 ~^^ - 김은혜 새강의동과더불어빛과진리의말씀을생명으로불태우는 토치 되기를기도합니다 ^^ - 김종영 귀하고구별된하나님께서기뻐하시는장소가되길소원합니다 ~^ ㅡ ^- 김현 감사하고기쁩니다. 주님께온전히드려지는강의동, 횃불트리니티되길 ~ - 무명 별로많이내지못해서쩝쩝... 다음기회에좀더!!!!!!!! - 무명 증축을계기로은혜가더욱넘치는신대원이되길기도합니다. - 문성기 증축공사를위하여아낌없이동참하시고끝까지불편함을감내해준학생들을바라볼때하나님께감사를드리게됩니다. - 박종석 증축파이팅! 횃불의발전을진심으로축하합니다. - 백인호 아브라함이믿음으로이삭을드린모리아산이솔로몬성전의터가된것같이헌신과수고로증축된건물을통해주님의몸된교회를반석위에세우는수많은믿음의사람이나오게되길바랍니다. - 이경석 14 살의횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교가증축을통하여믿음의청년으로우뚝자라서길늘기도합니다. - 이석규 강의동증축은횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교의도약의발판입니다. - 이은구 학교의증축을축하합니다 ^^* 더욱더커진건물만큼횃불트리니티를향한하나님의큰비전과소망이이세대에모두이루어지길 ~ - 전경아 제게큰축복이된횃불트리니티! 사랑으로응원합니다. - 차동재 증축에참여할기회를주셔서감사드립니다. 마음만은더많이드리고싶어요. - 황보정언 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

61 62 횃불트리니티발전기금현황 2012 년 7 월 1 일 ~2012 년 11 월 30 일 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교의발전을위한귀한사랑과정성에진심으로감사드립니다. 횃불트리니티발전기금현황은연 2 회발행되는횃불트리니티매거진에 2 분기로나누어실리게됩니다. 국내 * 발전기금 ( 일반 ) * 발전기금 ( 지정 ) 1. 건축기금 Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) Faculty Werho, Ken 2,000,000 President 김상복 104,000,000 이혜수 50,000 Alumni/ae 김희순 60,000 V. President 송용필 3,000,000 전경아 20,000 박만규 50,000 석좌교수 조종남 600,000 주혜정 60,000 박시형 100,000 주선애 ( 채플설교 한정훈 40,000 박진억 30,000 사례금기부 ) 100,000 홍일영 350,000 박희철 600,000 Faculty Chang, Steven 900,000 Student 권현지 400,000 안경택 30,000 Choi, Michael 500,000 김문숙 15,000 전정식 300,000 Jent, Glenn A. 1,000,000 박찬빈 5,000,000 정미아 50,000 Takamizawa, Eiko 500,000 이석희 400,000 정진석 120,000 김윤희 250,000 이은구 1,000,000 최미정 60,000 김철해 600,000 황우현 1,000,000 Other 김혜자 30,000 박형진 600,000 서계원박선홍 50,000 안덕원 325,000 Alumni/ae 강시란 100,000 오현주 600,000 강철호 1,200,000 이유니 300,000 강한대 100,000 이영운 600,000 강현구 300,000 정미연 300,000 권내현 100,000 최순진 500,000 권수원 500,000 최흥식 400,000 김병선 100,000 Faculty 가족 송근존 ( 홍경화 ) 3,000,000 김병준 100,000 Staff 강희선 25,000 김종호 ( 김숭희 ) 10,000,000 김은혜 60,000 김원진 25,000 박언숙 150,000 김중성 500,000 박종석 250,000 김창식 500,000 양승호 30,000 김현 30,000 이광호 30,000 김희순 200,000 이명기 300,000 노한주 200,000 이원희 3,000,000 문봉주 946,232 이석규 150,000 문성기 1,000,000 이채홍 60,000 박옥지 ( 박에스더 ) 150,000 TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY

GIVING TO TORCH Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) 배형선 30,000 차동재 100,000 419 선교회 100,000 백인호 250,000 차영덕 5,000,000 갈렙바이블 손한기 500,000 채형기 100,000 아카데미 500,000 송영태 500,000 최옥경 100,000 고명진목사 : 채플 신덕신 300,000 최재연 500,000 설교사례금기부 100,000 신지희 300,000 현영찬 200,000 고민진 260,450 심양섭 200,000 황능준 200,000 김다윗 (CMI) 1,000,000 안구현 300,000 황보정언 100,000 김승욱목사 안호천 50,000 주식회사알씨티 ( 할렐루야교회 ) 3,000,000 양성수 ( 불침번교회 ) 300,000 ( 대표 : 박희철 ) 10,000,000 리상숙목사 오종석 50,000 루디아횃불회 권용옥 5,000,000 ( 국군교회 ) 1,300,000 오충환 100,000 기영자 1,000,000 무명 오혜연 50,000 문혜성 1,000,000 ( 하늘의보물 ) 300,000 오효선 50,000 이시진 1,000,000 무명 10,000 유인우 50,000 이영주 1,000,000 무명 ( 강의동 유종성 100,000 이준자 1,000,000 증축후원금 ) 300,000 육정원 30,000 Church 남서울비전교회 유분희 300,000 이경석 100,000 ( 최요한 ) 500,000 이만신목사 1,000,000 이계용이기증 200,000 500,000 대전명성교회 ( 김형식 ) 1,000,000 이진화목사 (CMI) 1,000,000 이상욱 500,000 밝은교회 500,000 최윤정 400,000 이원복 10,000,000 새순교회 이윤재 200,000 ( 마평택 ) 1,000,000 이정 50,000 새하늘교회 150,000 이철 10,000,000 생명의말씀교회 263,850 이해숙 20,000 아일랜드방주교회 300,000 임선아 100,000 여의도순복음성 임태조 200,000 북교회 ( 정재명 ) 300,000 전정식 1,000,000 타카오그리스 정유희 50,000 도교회 300,000 조대희 200,000 하늘과땅이만나 조요섭 200,000 는교회 ( 김현철 ) 300,000 조요셉 600,000 할렐루야교회 400,000 조원보 100,000 Others CMI( 국제대학 조중자 100,000 선교협의회 ) 9,000,000 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교

63 64 2. 장학금 3. 연구기금 * 이슬람연구소 4. 현물기부 * 도서 Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) Position Name Amnt ( ) Faculty Student 이유니 박영준 1,000,000 3,000,000 Faculty Church 김아영 내수동교회 500,000 500,000 Others 주식회사케이씨비에스 ( 라비블 ) 3,008,340 이수진 1,800,000 명성교회 이재키자경이홍림 3,000,000 1,000,000 선교위원회사랑의교회 500,000 1,500,000 5. 동문선교기금 Alumini/ae 이기증 1,000,000 사랑의교회 조요섭 120,000 대학 3 부 50,000 Position Name Amnt ( ) Church 과천교회 1,000,000 송도예수소망교회 1,500,000 Alumni/ae 구자영 2,000,000 목동제일교회 5,000,000 송파제일교회 60,000 Others 김희준 19,500,000 온누리교회 125,920,000 아현교회 500,000 신은주 20,000,000 할렐루야교회 6,180,000 양의문교회 ( 장년 ) 200,000 유승식 1,000,000 Others 권덕수 30,000,000 온누리교회 500,000 이보형 1,000,000 Others 고려신학대학원 30,000 최병기 3,090,000 김성운 30,000 해외 남광상사 ( 대표 : 김용현 ) 10,000,000 한국인터서브선교회 250,000 Position Name Amnt ($) 루디아횃불회 1,680,000 이명경 1,000,000 Church LA 또감사선교교회 40,000 사 ) 두란노서원재 ) 경원문화재단재 ) 동혜장학재단횃불총동문회 2,000,000 15,000,000 9,000,000 3,000,000 * 교수 Position Name Amnt ( ) Others ( 주 ) 알앤엘바이오 ( 대표 : 라정찬 ) 6,492,000 * 2012 년 7 월 1 일 ~11 월 30 일발전기금합계 510,070,872 US $40,000.00 TORCH TRINITY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY