Contents Quick and easy nutritious recipes for your baby Stage : First tastes Precious purée of potato and broccoli Saucy apples Bananas about avocado

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Your healthy weaning guide easy-to-prepare and nutritious recipes, including tips and tricks to wean your baby. Created with the help of nutritionist Dr. Emma Williams.

Contents Quick and easy nutritious recipes for your baby Stage : First tastes Precious purée of potato and broccoli Saucy apples Bananas about avocado Sunshine squash Stage : Soft chews Veggie heaven 0 Meaty mates Salmon, zucchini & sweet potato went for a swim Easy peasy purée A tale of plums and peaches The sweet side of chicken and apple Stage : Chunkier chews Chickpeas all noodled up 0 Cod and Potato party My first muesli Stage : From one year on The sweet side of pepper Happy broccoli ever after 0 Sunny asparagus Quick and easy nutritious recipes for your baby When it comes to introducing your baby to solid foods for the first time it s perfectly normal to feel confused. The huge amount of information available alone can be overwhelming, particularly if you re a first time parent. Babies will sometimes spit out the food prepared for them being unable to say what they do or don t want to eat. This can be quite challenging for parents when weaning their baby. But don t panic, work alongside your baby s requirements, and provide them with a variety of nutritious meals that will help them to grow up to be healthy and happy. We developed this booklet together with Nutritionist Dr. Emma Williams. It provides professional advice on weaning and on how to prepare nutritious meals effortlessly for your baby, so you can get more pleasure out of family meal times together. Expert advice Dr. Emma Williams is a Registered Nutritionist with a PhD in Human Nutrition. Emma has expertise in childhood growth and nutrition. As a clinical researcher in the pediatric department of a children s hospital,

she examined the growth and dietary intake of very young children (0- years) with growth problems and provided dietary advice to their parents. During time spent working as a Nutrition Scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, she provided expert nutritional advice on weaning, analyzed and checked the nutritional content of weaning recipes, and developed meal plans for very young children. She s also a member of the Nutrition Society and the UK Nutritionists in Industry group and a regular advisor to the media on the subject of nutrition. After over years of work in the field of human nutrition, Emma recently set up her own nutrition consultancy business. Our aim We hope this recipe booklet will help you when starting your baby on solid food. It includes some useful information and professional advice about the different stages of weaning, along with meal planner examples and appropriate recipes for the different stages of weaning. Each recipe has been developed using Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker to help you to provide nutritious food for your growing baby. The Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker gently steams fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. It can also blend your cooked ingredients to the consistency that most suits your baby s age and has a handy defrost and reheat function. All aimed at helping you to make healthy, wholesome meals quite easily for your baby. Starting to wean your baby Seeing your newborn baby grow and develop into a happy and healthy child is a really amazing and rewarding experience. What happens in a baby s first year of life may potentially influence his or her future health and providing healthy, nutritious food is an essential part of this process. Breast milk is the best first food a baby can have, because it contains all of the natural nutritional content your baby needs, along with important antibodies for added protection against infection, directly from mother to baby. It s recommended to breastfeed up to the age of months and if possible to continue to do so together with a healthy, balanced diet for up to years or longer if preferred. When it s not possible to breastfeed, infant formula is the next best substitute for breast milk. In terms of their ability to grow, a baby should gain between (.lbs) and kg (. lbs) in weight per month from 0- months, after which time, solid foods are required to promote further growth and development. Because babies are individuals and grow at different paces, it s really important not to rush them into weaning before they re ready. The earliest time to consider starting to wean a baby is months or weeks. But it usually takes around months for a baby s digestive system to work properly and be ready to digest food*. There are key signs that show when a baby seems to be ready to try solid food. These usually take place around - months and include: being able to sit up and hold their head steady; good hand, eye and mouth coordination (they can look at food, pick it up and put it in their mouth); the ability to swallow the food on offer, rather than push it all out. So look for all of these signs before weaning your baby. They may also become less satisfied with their milk feeds and start to show an interest in the foods that other people consume. All of these changes mark an important step in your baby s development. They re now ready to explore new tastes and textures in their diet. When first starting to wean your baby it s not so important how much they consume, it s more about getting them used to eating food in general. Babies won t need meals a day initially. You can simply start by offering them a little at a time until they get used to the taste, texture and feel of food in their mouth. Then you gradually increase the amount and variety of food your baby eats until they can eventually eat the same foods as the rest of the family, in smaller portions. Babies learn to like the foods they get used to. If you give them very salty, sweet or fatty foods and drinks they will be more likely to want them when they get older and you really don t want to create a fussy eater! Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutely essential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older. It s really hard to change what children eat when they get older so it s important to instil good food habits right from the very start. You are advised to do this from weaning onwards and to prepare foods from scratch using fresh ingredients. This way, you know exactly what your baby is eating. You should also try to preserve the nutritional composition of the foods you wish to prepare as much as possible, so that you get the maximum nutrition out of the ingredients you re using. Buying fresh ingredients and storing them appropriately by following storage instructions provided will help to maintain the nutritional content. This will also make sure that foods such as raw meat or fish are safe to eat. And making sure that food is prepared on clean surfaces using clean utensils will also protect your baby from harmful bacteria. Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutely essential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older. Steaming is a very healthy way to prepare food as it helps to keep the nutrients locked in. Using the Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker will help to retain the nutritional content of the initial ingredients in the final prepared meal for your baby. This is because the juices released from the steamer during cooking (steaming phase) are retained for mixing back into the food during blending (blending phase). Although this recipe booklet gives you some information related to weaning, there s also plenty of reliable information available to help you to decide if your baby is ready for weaning. For example, from your local baby clinic, doctor s office or online, as well as information to help you progress from one stage to the next, perhaps even other recipe ideas that you can use with your Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker. I really hope you enjoy this wonderful and exciting time in your child s growth and development, as they learn to experience new tastes and textures and get healthy eating habits that will enable them to grow into healthy, happy adults! Dr. Emma Williams, Nutrition Consultant These recipes have been carefully selected by a nutrition expert. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of any of the recipes in this booklet for your baby, particularly if an allergy to certain foods is suspected or known, please consult your doctor or child health care consultant as appropriate. * Consult your local doctor or child care health consultant if you feel you need further advice on when might be the best time to wean your baby.

Health and safety recommendations Babies are particularly vulnerable to the bacteria that can cause food poisoning so it s essential to follow simple health and safety guidelines when preparing and storing their food. Food preparation: Always make sure food is stored safely and stick to use-by dates. Prepare food in a clean kitchen using clean chopping boards and utensils. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food and your baby s hands before feeding. Make sure all bowls and spoons used for feeding are thoroughly cleaned prior to use. Philips Avent has a suitable range of sterilizers that are quick, easy and effective to use. Store cooked and raw meats separate from each other and from other foods in the fridge and keep them covered. Always wash your hands after touching raw meat. Sterile vacuum packed raw meat or fish shouldn t need washing prior to use, as this can spread harmful germs onto kitchen work surfaces and could lead to food poisoning. Use your own judgment if you re not sure that it s been previously washed (i.e. not vacuum packed/ foods bought in fresh food markets). Always wash fruit and vegetables and peel if necessary all root vegetables should be peeled and washed before use. Never add salt to foods intended for babies. You can add herbs and mild spices instead to make the foods tastier. If you must use stock in a recipe, use low or no salt stock. Avoid adding sugar to food unless required for taste (for example to sweeten tart fruit). Make sure food is cooked thoroughly and cool until it s lukewarm before serving. Food storage: Once prepared, cool the food as quickly as possible (within - hours) and place in fridge (at a temperature of C ( F) or below) or freezer (at a temperature of - C (0 F)). Most freshly prepared foods can be stored in the refrigerator for up to hours. Check your freezer guidelines to see how long you can store baby food safely usually - months. Batches of food can be prepared and stored in the freezer using the pot provided with your Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker you can purchase additional containers from the Philips range, they are also sterile, compact and suitable for stacking. You can write the name of the food and preparation date on a label and attach to the lid. Alternatively, use ice-cube trays, small freezer proof containers or freezer bags. If required, make sure the food is wrapped securely in cling film or kitchen foil. Frozen food should be defrosted thoroughly before heating. The Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker has defrost and reheat functions to meet all of your needs. Make sure reheated food is piping hot all the way through (steam should be rising from it) and allow it to cool sufficiently before serving. The Philips Avent warmer can also be used to heat your baby s food evenly and safely. If you re reheating food using a microwave, always stir the food and check its temperature before feeding your baby. Don t reheat food more than once. Never refreeze food after it s been thawed and never save and re-use foods that your child hasn t finished eating. Foods to avoid and food allergy: Certain foods are unsuitable for children under the age of months, including liver, raw shellfish, shark, swordfish and marlin, soft unpasteurized cheeses and honey. Make sure eggs or dishes containing egg are well cooked. If there s a history of food allergy within the family, exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of months is recommended. Where breastfeeding is not possible, for whatever reason, consult a medical practitioner for advice on the best type of formula to provide instead. Because the introduction of first foods can cause allergies, breastfeeding should be continued throughout weaning and care should be taken when introducing potentially allergenic foods such as milk, eggs, wheat, fish and shellfish offering them one at a time. If there s a history of peanut allergy in the family seek advice from a qualified medical practitioner. Because of the risk of choking, whole nuts, including peanuts, should not be given to children under years. Immediate signs of allergy (usually occurring within seconds or up to two hours) can include lip swelling, itchiness and hives, a red flushing of the face or body, a rash, worsening symptoms of eczema or difficulty breathing. If you think your baby is having an allergic reaction to food seek urgent medical advice in rare cases a severe reaction (anaphylaxis) can be life-threatening. Delayed reactions to food (usually associated with cow s milk allergy) can include nausea vomiting or reflux, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stools, a red bottom, and progressively worse eczema. In the longer term there may also be problems gaining weight. Because some of these symptoms (e.g. rashes and diarrhea) are also indicative of other illnesses, consult your healthcare practitioner for further advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare practitioner if you suspect your child may have a potential food allergy they should be your first port of call! Further guidance and information The quantity indicated in the recipes* should provide you with enough food to feed your baby, as well as some leftovers to portion up and store or freeze for later use. You can adapt the amount required to suit your needs, making sure to adjust the length of steaming required to the amount of ingredients used. Check ingredients and steaming time in the user manual for approximate steam times for specific ingredients. Final consistency of each recipe will depend on the type of ingredients used including the amount used and stage of weaning (i.e. smooth vs. lumpier consistency). Consistency may be altered via the addition of baby s usual milk or boiled water to the final recipe. For example, water may be used to thin down or baby rice may be added to thicken. Draining some of the water in the steamer before blending will also result in a thicker consistency. Recipe quantities are indicative these may vary depending on the nature of the ingredients used and cooking times. The number of portion sizes provided by each recipe is only a guide. Because every baby has different needs, the portion sizes may not reflect the amount required by your baby s appetite or needed to meet his or her growth requirements, meaning that the final portion size consumed may be different from the one indicated. The meal planners provided are simple examples of balanced meal plans for your baby according to each stage of weaning. As with the portions sizes, these may be used as a guide depending on you and your baby s personal preferences. Given the global nature of this product, some of the suggested meals within the meal plans are designed with different world food regions in mind, so feel free to choose meals more suited to your own cultural needs or requirements. Meal plans to have been designed to provide your baby with a taste of their first foods in increasing amounts and variety, alongside their usual milk drink as they progress through weaning. The meal plan for stage ( months+) is designed to provide your baby with contributions from all of the four main food groups. These include starchy foods (rice, potatoes, pasta); fruit and vegetables; dairy foods (full fat yogurt and cheese); and proteinbased foods (meat, fish) and alternatives such as eggs and pulses (dhal, lentils etc.). Portions are provided within the region of five, four, three and two portions per day respectively again these criteria may be used as a guide when feeding children aged - years to make sure they consume a balance of different foods in their diet. Use the photographic recipe guide as a quick visual reference when cooking with the Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker. When using the Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker for the first time please follow the full recipe instructions. * All recipes have been checked to make sure they contain appropriate amounts of calories, salt, sugar and fat suitable for babies and toddlers.

Up until now your baby will only be used to suckling milk from the breast or drinking formula from a bottle, by pushing the tongue forward to drink. Therefore, when starting to spoon feed for the first time they will automatically do this with their tongue, meaning that any food going in will be pushed back out the mouth with the tongue. Learning to eat food involves developing a whole can also purée fruit or vegetables. Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild (bland even) flavors at first. Start by offering your baby just a few teaspoons once a day, either during or after the usual milk feed (breast or formula). It s also a good idea to offer one food at a time so you can see how they respond to individual foods. As time progresses, you can then start offering solid Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild (bland even) flavors at first. Stage : First tastes The first stage of weaning (around - months) is all about exploring new tastes and textures for the very first time. Because your baby will only be used to the taste and texture of milk, the trick here is to introduce new foods gradually. Although it may take a little time at first, with a little patience your baby will be eating his/her own food in no time. new set of oral motor skills. For example, your baby will need to learn to use his/her lips to pull the food off the spoon and tongue to push the food to the back of the mouth and to swallow. Before this they had only ever used their jaw and cheek muscles for sucking so it s a completely new experience. Once your baby can swallow food, along with the other two signs for weaning (sitting up, picking things up and putting them in its mouth) they re well and truly ready to embark on an exploration of food. First foods can include puréed cereals, such as baby rice, oats, millet, corn noodles or well mashed cooked rice mixed with your baby s usual milk. You foods before their usual milk and gradually increase the frequency of feeds and the amount given. You can also experiment with different consistencies by adding less milk or water (cooled boiled) to thicken it up. After this you can start to offer different types of food and gradually increase meals from two to three times a day, so that baby can begin to experience lots of new tastes. In terms of your baby s fluid requirements, continue with normal milk feeds (breast or formula). If it s a very hot day offer formula-fed babies cooled boiled water if you think they are thirsty between feeds (breast fed babies don t need any water). 9

day meal planner Meal Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Breakfast Baby rice mixed with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with apple purée with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with pear purée with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with fruit purée (mixed) with baby s usual milk Baby rice mixed with banana and baby s usual milk Noon meal Carrot purée Precious purée of potato and broccoli (p ) Avocado & pea purée Duet of carrot and sweet potato (provided in app*) Broccoli purée Sunshine squash (p ) Carrot and parsnip purée Evening meal Saucy apples (p ) Puréed or mashed banana Pear purée (Adapt recipe: Saucy apples (p )) It s all in the mix (provided in app*) Saucy apples (p ) Bananas about avocado (p ) Once upon a pumpkin (provided in app*) Suitable for vegetarians * Philips Avent -in- healthy baby food maker app Suitable for freezing This meal planner is designed for when your baby has got used to his/her first taste of food, following a gradual introduction (- spoonfuls of food at first, at various mealtimes of your choice throughout the day, then slowly increasing the amount and number of meal occasions at your baby s own pace). Finish each meal with your baby s usual milk feed (breast or formula). Your baby will also need - of his/her usual milk feeds during the day. 0

Precious purée of potato and broccoli Ingredients: / large potato (approx. 00 g) / small broccoli (approx. 00 g) portions total min steam 0 min. Wash the broccoli and peel and wash the potato. Cut the potato and broccoli into about cm size cubes.. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position.. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level.. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position.. Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes.. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Suitable for vegetarians. Flip the jar over.. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. 9. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Add some of your baby s usual milk or boiled water if desirable to thin the purée. Suitable for freezing Nutrition tips: High in Vitamin K; Source of Vitamin C & Folate. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with baby rice or baby s usual milk. Make it with sweet potato instead of potato.

Saucy apples Ingredients: medium apple (ripe) (approx. 00 g) Wash, peel and core the apple. Cut the apple into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. total min steam min portions Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend or times for 0 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Bananas about avocado Ingredients: / medium avocado (ripe) (approx. 0 g) / medium banana (ripe) (approx. 0 g) 0 ml baby s usual milk (prepared as usual) Cut the avocado in half. Remove the seed and scoop out the flesh with a tablespoon. Peel the banana. Cut the avocado and banana into cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar. Put all of the fruits and baby s milk into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Nutrition tips: High in Folate; Source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin B, & Vitamin K. Serving/cooking tips: Best served immediately after preparation. Make it with papaya instead of the banana. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. total 0 min steam 0 min portion Blend or times for 0 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Sunshine squash Ingredients: / medium butternut squash (approx. 00 g) Wash, peel and slice the butternut squash in half then deseed. Cut the butternut squash into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Add some of your baby s usual milk or boiled water if desirable to thin the purée. total min steam min portions

Stage : Soft chews In terms of a baby s development, the sheer action of chewing soft and small lumps of food and moving food around the mouth with their tongue helps them to develop oral motor skills. Although at first the food may cause them to gag, cough or maybe even vomit in order to remove lumps of food from the back of their mouth, this doesn t mean they don t like the food on offer they are simply learning how to handle foods of a different consistency. Keep giving them foods with different textures so that they will learn to eat a variety of foods and become more receptive to trying new ones. Don t worry if they reject some foods at first, this is perfectly normal. Scientific evidence shows that food preferences can be influenced by repeated exposure to food, so the trick is to keep offering them the food on different occasions until they get used to the taste of it and will eventually accept it. It can take several attempts (sometimes up to tastes) for your baby to accept certain foods so be patient and persevere it will pay off. Remember that it s much easier to establish healthy food preferences when your baby is young so be sure to offer lots of different foods in these early years. Although most babies don t usually have any teeth at months of age they can actually begin to manage small soft lumpy foods (by grinding their gums). Because this stage is all about teaching them how to chew, begin by giving them soft finger foods, such as cooked vegetable sticks (carrots) or soft ripe The main food groups include: fruit sticks, little slices of toast and even soft cooked pasta shapes. Never give your baby whole grapes or whole cherry tomatoes as this may cause choking. If you want to give them to your baby, always slice them up. At this stage you can start to experiment more by introducing dishes made from a combination of different foods from the main food groups. Because this is a time period of rapid growth, your baby will have a higher requirement for nutrient rich foods so be sure to give plenty of variety! For example, all babies are born with an ample supply of iron. However, that starts to run out at around months of age, so it s essential that they get enough iron from their diet to ensure healthy growth and development. So give them plenty of foods containing iron, such as lean red meat, cereals, beans and green vegetables. If you are not sure about how much your baby needs to eat, let your baby guide you babies usually turn their head away or keep their mouth shut when they don t want any more food. For safety reasons never leave your baby unattended whilst eating. Continue giving them breast or formula feeds and offer sips of cooled boiled water from a training cup or mug with meals. Don t be tempted to give them any juice, as they will be getting plenty of Vitamin C from their milk feeds, as well as from fruit and vegetables. Now that your baby has been used to eating purée or soft mashed foods with relatively mild flavors, it s time to introduce different textures and stronger tastes, progressively moving to roughly mashed foods, so they can learn to chew. At this stage of weaning (from - months) babies should have started to progress onto meals a day, in larger quantities than before, alongside their usual milk (breast or formula).. Starchy foods rice, pasta, potatoes and other cereals;. Meat, fish and alternatives such as eggs and pulses (dhal, lentils etc.);. Fruits and vegetables;. Dairy products full fat yogurt and cheese. Full fat milk can also be used during cooking.

day meal planner Meal Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Breakfast Baby porridge with mashed pear Baby muesli with mashed mango Baby porridge with mashed banana Baby muesli with mashed blueberries Baby porridge with mashed peaches Baby muesli with banana Baby porridge with apple purée Finger foods with this meal Ripe pear pieces Ripe mango pieces Banana slices Ripe blueberries Ripe peach pieces Banana slices Soft cooked apple pieces * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. Noon meal Meaty mates (p ) with or without veggie heaven (p 0) Easy peasy purée (p ) (add meaty mates (p ) if desired) A party of beef, parsnip and potato (provided in app*) The sweet side of chicken and apple (p ) Salmon, zucchini & sweet potato went for a swim (p ) Turnip to the tune of sweet potato and beef (provided in app*) Playdate with lamb, potato and butternut squash (provided in app*) Finger foods with this meal Cooked broccoli florets Cooked cauliflower florets Cooked carrot sticks Cooked zucchini slices Cooked broccoli florets Cooked cauliflower florets Cooked broccoli florets * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. Evening meal A tale of plums and peaches (p ) Mashed banana mixed with plain yogurt Lentils with veggie friends (provided in app*) Mashed papaya with plain yogurt Squishy of Squash & Carrots (provided in app*) Mashed mango mixed with plain yogurt Veggie heaven (p 0) Finger foods with this meal Ripe peach or plum slices Banana slices Ripe melon slices Ripe papaya slices Butternut squash pieces Ripe mango pieces Cooked carrot pieces * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies in hot temperatures. 9

Veggie heaven Ingredients: / small cauliflower (approx. 0 g) / medium potato (approx. g) medium carrot (approx. 00 g) portions total min steam 0 min. Wash the cauliflower and wash and peel the potato and carrot. Cut the vegetables into about cm size cubes.. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position.. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level.. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position.. Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes.. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position.. Flip the jar over.. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. 9. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Nutrition tips: High in Vitamin C; Source of Vitamin B, Vitamin A & Vitamin K. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with meat or fish purée. Mix up with your favorite vegetables or cooked lentils when blending. 0

Meaty mates Remove any skin and fat of the meat. Cut the meat into about cm size cubes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Ingredients: fillet beef/lamb/chicken breast/pork (approx. 0 g) tablespoons puréed vegetables (p 0) total min steam 0 min portions Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. 9 Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool before serving portion. If required, mix tablespoon of meat purée with tablespoons of puréed vegetables. Salmon, zucchini & sweet potato went for a swim Ingredients: fillet salmon (approx. 00 g) small sweet potato (approx. g) / medium zucchini (approx. 90 g) total 0 min steam min portions Wash the zucchini and peel and wash the sweet potato. Remove any bones and skin of salmon. Cut the vegetables and salmon into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Easy peasy purée Ingredients: 00 g frozen peas small sweet potato (approx. 0 g) Defrost and wash the peas. Wash and peel the sweet potato. Cut the sweet potato into cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend to times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Add some of your baby s usual milk or boiled water to thin the purée if needed. total min steam 0 min portions

A tale of plums and peaches The sweet side of chicken and apple Ingredients: / medium peach (ripe) (approx. 0 g) large plum (ripe) (approx. g) 0 g yogurt Ingredients: / fillet chicken breast (approx. 0 g) small sweet potato (approx. g) / small apple (ripe) (approx. 0 g) total 0 min steam 0 min portion total min steam 0 min portions Wash, peel and core the fruits. Cut the fruits into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend to times for 0 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. Mix the fruit mixture with the yogurt and serve. Wash peel and core the apple, then peel and wash the sweet potato. Remove any skin and fat of the chicken breast. Cut all of the ingredients into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Nutrition tips: Peach and plum go perfectly together in this sweet tasting recipe. Add oats to the recipe for extra taste and texture as your baby gets older or some strawberries instead of plum. Serving/cooking tips: Add banana, apple or papaya instead of plum. Mix with custard instead of yogurt. Nutrition tips: High in Vitamin A; Source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B & Niacin. Serving/cooking tips: Use pork instead of chicken. Add parsnip to the sweet potato for extra flavor.

Because it s quite common for older children to reject new or previously accepted foods, typically around the age of, offering them a wide variety of foods at this stage will help them later. You should also start to include your baby in family meal times. This is because children learn to eat foods if they see other people eating them. Therefore, make sure they sit with the rest of the family whilst eating and organize meal times around other people, especially other children. Wherever possible encourage them to feed themselves, even if it s messy. Mealtimes are a time for learning and should be fun for your baby. Learning to self-feed will help to establish a healthy relationship with food in which they are actively involved in the process. In terms of the food on offer, try to offer much more variety and help your baby to progress onto finger foods with a different consistency, such as raw fruit and vegetable sticks. Continue to give breast or formula milk, but reduce it to two or three times a day. You can also give cooled boiled water if necessary. This is also the right time to try to phase out the use of bottles and introduce a training cup. Because baby s tummies are quite small they can fill up easily. Therefore, you should avoid giving them high-fiber foods, such as brown or wholegrain bread, as this will only fill them up leaving little or no room for other more nutritious foods that will give them the energy they need to grow. Fat is also important for energy production and contains valuable vitamins such as Vitamin A. For this reason, you should not give low fat milk, cheese or yogurt to babies under the age of years. Stage : Chunkier chews The third stage of weaning (from 9- months) is about widening your baby s taste experiences and moving on to foods with different textures. Food can be chopped, mashed or minced rather than puréed. In terms of their development, your baby should be starting to recognize foods by sight and beginning to associate them with their taste.

day meal planner Meal Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Breakfast My first muesli (p ) Toast & peanut butter (or a topping of your choice) Porridge and banana Baby omelet (well cooked) with spinach, cabbage or pak choi Cooked noodles or rice (well cooked) with vegetables Scrambled egg (well cooked) on toast or French toast Baby muesli with strawberries Finger foods within this meal Sliced melon Toast fingers Banana slices Toast fingers Pear slices Toast fingers Strawberry pieces Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack Mid-morning Snack Rice cakes Banana pieces Noon meal Finger foods to go with this meal Second course or afternoon snack Scrambled egg on toast with sliced cherry tomatoes Toast fingers with butter and/or sliced cherry tomatoes Fromage frais or yogurt Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack Fish fingers and bubble & squeak (cabbage or Brussels sprouts mixed with mashed potato, lightly fried) Fish finger pieces and/or sliced Brussels sprouts Cheese cubes, slices or strings & pineapple pieces Cheese cubes, slices or strings Mini sandwich with a soft filling of your choice Sliced grapes & apple pieces Fromage frais or yogurt Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack Fromage frais or yogurt Nuts about Squash, Tomato & Cheese pasta sauce (provided in app*) Pieces of butternut squash Bread sticks and hummus Rice pudding Sliced apple Sliced melon Chunky vegetable & lentil soup (add meat if desired) Buttered bread or pitta fingers for dipping Rice cakes and banana Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack Macaroni and cheese Sliced tomatoes & green beans Fruit compote with yogurt Beans on toast (add minced cheese for extra flavor) Toast fingers with butter Fromage frais or yogurt Evening meal Chickpeas all noodled up (p 0) (add meat if desired) Cod and Potato party (p ) Lamb (blended) & vegetable casserole with mashed potato topping Sweet cornered chicken (provided in app*) Salmon flakes with mashed potato Mild chicken & vegetable curry with rice Beef pieces (blended) with vegetables & mashed potato Finger foods to go with this meal Stir-fried vegetables Cooked broccoli florets Cooked carrot sticks Sliced bell peppers (red, orange or yellow) Cooked sugar snap peas, green beans or spinach Vegetable pieces Cooked carrot sticks Second course or evening snack Apple purée & custard Fruit crumble & natural yogurt Toast fingers with peanut butter Rice pudding Fromage frais or yogurt Toast fingers with a favorite topping Rhubarb crumble & custard Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack * Drinks include usual milk (breast or formula) (now -/day) and cooled boiled water for formula-fed babies living in hot temperatures. Drinks* - offer water (cooled, boiled) with each meal or snack * Fruit juice should only be consumed occasionally [ small glass of diluted unsweetened pure fruit juice ( part juice with 0 parts water) and only given at mealtimes to prevent dental decay]. 9

Chickpeas all noodled up Ingredients: / stalk celery (approx. 0 g) medium tomato (approx. 0 g) 0 g well cooked noodles (per portion) / medium carrot (approx. 0 g) 0 g cooked chickpeas 0 g well cooked beef purée (per portion) (p ) portions total 0 min steam 0 min. Wash the vegetables and peel and wash the carrot. Then slice the tomato in half and deseed. Cut the vegetables into about cm size cubes.. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients (except the chickpeas) into the jar. Replace and lock the lid to the right position.. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level.. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position.. Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes.. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position.. Flip the jar over then add the cooked chickpeas (cook the chickpeas separately).. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. 9. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool before serving portion with approximately 0 g of cooked noodles and 0 g of beef purée (p ). Nutrition tips: High in Zinc & Vitamin B; Source of Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Niacin & Vitamin B. Serving/cooking tips: Use fish or other meat purée (p ) instead of beef. For vegetarian meal serve the sauce with some cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice. 0

Cod and Potato party My first muesli Ingredients: fillet cod (approx. 00 g) / medium potato (approx. 0 g) 00 g well cooked rice porridge (per portion) Ingredients: 0 g blueberry (ripe) 00 g rolled oats (per portion) / medium peach (ripe) (approx. 00 g) / medium pear (ripe) (approx. 00 g) total min steam 0 min portions total 0 min steam 0 min portions Wash and peel the potato. Remove any bones and skin of the cod. Cut all of the ingredients into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0 min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. 9 Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. For your choice: to make sauce, blend to times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached; to baby who chews well, drain cooking water out and blend less time or use fork to press cooked food. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. Check carefully for any bones before serving portion with about 00 g of cooked rice porridge. Wash all of the ingredients, peel and core the peach and pear. Cut the peach and the pear into about cm size cubes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Set the steam time to 0 minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after 0 minutes. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. Blend to times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool before serving portion with about 00 g of rolled oats. Nutrition tips: High in Iodine; Source of Selenium & Vitamin B. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with meaty mates. Serve with cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice. Nutrition tips: Babies will love the taste of this fruity combination. The recipe helps to get more fruit in their diet mix and match different types of fruit to suit your own store cupboard needs and preferences! Serving/cooking tips: To add dairy to this recipe mix with natural yogurt. Use other fruits of your choice.

At this stage of weaning they should be consuming meals per day, plus some snacks in between mealtimes such as prepared fruit, vegetable sticks, yogurt, chunks of cheese, toast or rice cakes. Try to include some starch (bread, cereals, porridge, potatoes, rice, couscous or pasta), protein (meat, fish, eggs, lentils, beans, hummus, soya and tofu) and fresh fruit and vegetables with each meal. Dairy (milk, yogurt or cheese) should be included in three of their meals or snacks per day. One serving would include a glass of milk (0ml), a small bowl of yogurt or fromage frais or a matchbox piece of cheese. Their usual milk intake (breast or formula) will naturally Keep introducing them to new foods and try not to overload their plate, as large portions may be off-putting. Although there are no recommended portion sizes for toddlers, use their fist as a guide: their stomach will be around the same size as a clenched fist. As they become more active (from the age of ), you can gradually increase the portion size given. But to be sure, always be guided by your baby s appetite as to how much it can eat. Try to maintain its interest in learning to eat food by arranging meals on colorful plates, using lots of different shapes and themes (a smiley face will do the trick) and by combining different colors and Keep introducing them to new foods and try not to overload their plate, as large portions may be off-putting. Stage : From one year on Although every child is different, by the age of babies will be much more active. They may be crawling around the room at great speed, can pull themselves up and negotiate the room using the furniture or they may have even started to walk. Between learning to walk, talk and so much more it s a very active time. This requires a lot more energy and nutrients. That s why providing a healthy, balanced diet is so important. Until now, breast or formula milk will have been their main source of nourishment, but now it s time for solid food to take pole position. decrease at this stage so its fine to switch to whole cow s milk instead (unless there s an allergy to milk). Milk is an important source of calcium, which along with water should be your toddler s main drink. But don t give more than one pint of milk (around a day as this will only reduce their appetite for food which they need to help them to grow. They should consume around - servings of fluid per day (including milk drinks), served in a cup; one with each meal and one in between meals with snacks. textures. Let your baby feed him or herself as much as possible. You can help by cutting any difficult foods such as spaghetti. If your child starts to refuse food, take it away without making a fuss and wait until the next snack or mealtime before offering anything else. Try not to give sugary or high-fat food, as this will only encourage poor food habits in later life. Praise your baby for eating well as this will encourage good behavior and future learning. Eventually your toddler will be able to consume the foods eaten by the rest of the family so always remember to lead by example and eat healthily!

day meal planner Meal Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Breakfast Unsweetened breakfast cereal with whole milk Wheat biscuit and banana with whole milk Dumplings with a meat/fish and/or vegetable filling Porridge made with whole milk & grated apple Unsweetened breakfast cereal with whole milk Boiled or scrambled egg and toast Muesli made with whole milk Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Mid-morning snack Banana & rice/oat cake Handful of grapes Apple Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Mango Peach Pear Papaya segments Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Noon meal Cheese omelet with cherry tomatoes & cucumber batons Mini toasted sandwich with grilled ham and tomato Baby baked potato & beans (cheese topping optional) Sunny asparagus (p ) Spinach & mushroom frittata The adventures of Brocci, Cauli & the Chicken (provided in app*) Beans on toast Second course Dairy mousse Yogurt Fromage frais Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Dairy mousse Yogurt Fromage Frais Yogurt Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Afternoon snack Fruit granola bar Pitta bread with hummus Rice cakes & dried apricots Breadsticks & cucumber/carrot batons with dip of your choice Rice cakes & peanut butter or topping of your choice Carrot cake/ vegetable muffin Oat cakes, grapes & cheese/cheese spread Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Evening meal First bowl of Bolognese (provided in app*) Fruity lamb couscous with mangoes & raisins Colorful carrot feast (provided in app*) Pork chop, baked potato and beans Happy broccoli ever after (p 0) Chicken & vegetable curry & rice or noodles Beef with carrots and potatoes Second course Natural yogurt & fruit purée Rhubarb & custard Fresh fruit salad & natural yogurt Rice pudding & fruit purée Apple crumble & custard Strawberry purée & semolina Fruit trifle Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Evening/ bedtime snack Toast with peanut butter (or topping of your choice) Rice pudding Wheat biscuit with whole milk Toast with jam Wheat biscuit with whole milk Unsweetened breakfast cereal with whole milk Toast with a topping of your choice Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. Drinks* Always offer a drink at mealtimes, water or milk are suitable choices. * Offer your toddler - glasses or cups (approx. 00ml serving) of fluids a day. Drinks can include water, milk or unsweetened fruit juices. Water is a good choice, which should be made available throughout the day. * Toddlers require at least portions of dairy per day, one of which can include a glass of milk. Fruit juice should only be consumed occasionally [ small glass of diluted unsweetened pure fruit juice ( part juice with 0 parts water) and only given at mealtimes to prevent dental decay].

The sweet side of pepper Ingredients: / stalk leek (approx. 0 g) / small zucchini (approx. 0 g) / medium red bell pepper (approx. 0 g) medium tomato (approx. 0 g) 0 g well cooked rice (per portion) portions total 0 min steam min. Wash the vegetables then slice the tomato and the red bell pepper in half and deseed. Cut the vegetables into about cm size cubes.. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position.. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level.. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position.. Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes.. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position.. Flip the jar over.. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. 9. Blend or times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached. Food for older children should be chunkier to encourage chewing. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool before serving portion with about 0 g of cooked rice. Nutrition tips: High in Vitamin C. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with meat or fish purée. Serve the sauce with cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice. 9

Happy broccoli ever after Sunny asparagus Ingredients: fillet salmon (approx. 0 g) / small broccoli (approx. 0 g) 0 g well cooked pasta shells (per portion) Ingredients: stalk asparagus (green) (approx. 0 g) 00 g cooked new potatoes wedges (per portion) 0 g minced parmesan cheese (per portion) total min steam min portions total 0 min steam min portions Wash the broccoli, remove any bones and skin of the salmon. Cut the broccoli and salmon into about cm size cubes. Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes. Wash the asparagus and remove any coarse stalks. Cut the ingredients into about cm size portions. Set the steam time to minutes. It will start steaming and stop automatically after minutes. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. 9 Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Place the jar on the main unit then rotate it clockwise and lock it in the blend position. For your choice: to make sauce, blend to times for seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached; to baby who chews well, drain cooking water out and blend less time or use fork to press cooked food. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool before serving portion with about 0 g of cooked pasta shells. Remove the lid of the jar and put all of the ingredients into the jar. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Remove the lid of the water tank and pour water into the tank until it reaches the 0/ min level. Replace and lock the lid in the right position. Press to lock the jar in the steam position. Turn the steam button back to the OFF position. Flip the jar over. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. portion mix with 00 g cooked new potatoes wedges and 0 g minced parmesan cheese. Nutrition tips: High in Omega, Selenium, Iodine, Vitamin B, Thiamin, Vitamin D & Vitamin K; Source of Phosphorus, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate & Vitamin C. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with puréed vegetables. Serve with cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice. Nutrition tips: High in Phosphorus, Folate, Vitamin D & Vitamin K; Source of Calcium, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin C & Vitamin B. Serving/cooking tips: Serve with flaked salmon. Serve with noodles and a sauce of your choice. 0

0 目录 快捷方便的婴儿营养辅食食谱 第 阶段 : 初尝辅食 土豆西兰花泥 0 香甜苹果泥 香蕉牛油果泥 欢乐南瓜 第 阶段 : 柔软易嚼的食物 蔬菜天堂 肉泥配菜 0 三文鱼 西葫芦与红薯荟 0 轻松豌豆泥 0 桃李故事 香甜的苹果鸡肉烩 第 阶段 : 成形食物 鹰嘴豆面条 鳕鱼土豆荟 0 我的首个什锦麦片餐 第 阶段 : 自 岁起 甜椒酱 开心西兰花 阳光芦笋 9 快捷方便的 婴儿营养辅食食谱 谈到第一次为宝宝添加辅食, 如果您感到迷茫, 那非常正常 特别是当您是初次为人父母时, 接受到的信息量将会非常大 因为宝宝无法说出想吃或是不想吃什么, 他们有时会将为他们准备的食物吐出来 总之宝宝的辅食喂养对父母来说可能相当具有挑战性 但是不要惊慌失措, 而是要根据宝宝的需要, 为他们准备各种营养辅食, 从而帮助她们健康快乐成长 我们与营养学家 Emma Williams 博士共同编辑了这本手册 其中提供有关辅食喂养及如何为宝宝轻松制作营养美食的专业建议, 以便您可以从喂养宝宝中获得更多的乐趣 专家建议 Emma Williams 博士是拥有人类营养学博士学位的注册营养师 Emma 在儿童生长和营养方面具有专业知识 她曾作为一名儿童医院儿科临床研究员, 她研究了存在成长问题的幼儿 (0- 岁 ) 的生长过程和饮食摄入量并为他们的父母提供了饮食建议 作为营养科学家在英国营养基金会工作时, 她就辅食喂养提供了专业营养建议, 分析并检查了辅食喂养食谱的营养成分, 为幼儿制定了饮食计划 她同时还是英国营养协会和英国营养学家行业学会的会员以及营养学主题媒体的定期顾问 在人类营养学领域钻研超过 年以后,Emma 最近成立了自己的营养咨询公司

我们的目标我们希望这本辅食制作手册会在开始喂宝宝固体食物时提供帮助 其中包括一些有关辅食喂养不同阶段的实用信息和专业建议, 以及辅食喂养不同阶段的饮食计划示例和相应的食谱 各食谱均使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机制作, 以帮助您为成长中的宝宝提供营养食品 飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机可温和蒸 制水果 蔬菜 肉和鱼 还可以将蒸熟的原料搅拌至最适合宝宝年龄的颗粒度, 并具有方便的解冻和重新加热功能 这一切都是为了帮助您轻松为宝宝制作出有益于身体的健康食物 开始给宝宝添加辅食看到新生儿成长并发育成快乐 健康的孩子是一个非常神奇和有益的体验 宝宝降生后第一年所发生的事情可能会对他或她的未来健康产生潜在的影响, 在此过程中, 提供健康 营养的食物是重要的环节 母乳是能提供给宝宝的 最佳初始食物, 因为其中含有宝宝所需的所有天然营养成分, 以及由母亲直接传递给宝宝的增强抗感染能力的重要抗体 建议母乳喂养至 月龄, 可能的话可持续母乳喂养至 岁或更长时间 ( 如果您愿意 ), 同时配合其它食物提供健康 均衡的饮食 如果不能进行母乳喂养, 则婴儿配方奶粉是母乳的次佳替代品 就生长能力而言, 在 0- 个月期间, 宝宝每个月增加的体重应介于 0. 公斤 (. 磅 ) 和 公斤 (. 磅 ) 之间, 此后, 则需要喂食固体食物, 以促进进一步成长和发育 因为宝宝是独特的个体并会以不同的速度成长, 在他们准备好之前不要急于进行辅食喂养, 这一点非常重要 考虑 开始进行辅食喂养的最早时间是 个月或 周 但是, 宝宝的消化系统能够正常工作并准备好消化食物通常需要大约 个月的时间 * 宝宝似乎准备好尝试固体食物时, 会显示出 个重要迹象 这些迹象通常会在大约 - 个月时出现, 主要有 : 能够坐起来并使头部保持稳定 ; 良好的手 眼 口协调性 ( 他们能够看到食物 将其拾起并放入口中 ); 能够吞咽食物, 而不是全都吐出来 因此, 要在辅食喂养宝宝之前留意所有这些迹象 他们也可能开始对母乳喂养不那么满意, 表现出对其他人所吃的食物感兴趣 所有这些变化标志着宝宝成长中的重要步骤 他们现在准备好在饮食中探索全新的味道和口感 初次开始辅食喂养时, 宝宝的食量并不那么重要, 更重要的是让他们在整体上习惯吃食物 宝宝一开始不需要一日 餐 您可以从一次少量喂食开始, 直至他们习惯口中食物的味道 材质和感觉 然后, 您可以逐渐增加宝宝摄入的食物数量和种类, 直至他们最终能够与其他家人吃同样的食物 ( 小份的食物 ) 宝宝会学会喜欢他们经常吃的食物 如果您给他们喂食很咸 很甜或脂肪高的食物和饮品, 那么在他们长大后会更喜欢这些食物和饮品 如果您并不想打造一个偏食者, 那么从一开始就绝对有必要为宝宝提供一系列健康而有营养的食物, 因为这将确保他们在 从一开始就绝对有必要为宝宝提供一系列健康而有营养的食物, 因为这将确保他们在长大后一直摄入这类食物 长大后一直摄入这类食物 孩子长大后的饮食习惯真的很难改变, 所以, 从一开始就为他们逐步培养良好的饮食习惯非常重要 建议您从辅食喂养起开始这样做, 使用新鲜原料从头开始制作食物 这样, 您可以确切了解宝宝所吃的食物 您也应该尝试尽可能地保留您要制作的食物中的营养成分, 以便最大限度地获得所用原料中的营养 购买新鲜原料并按照随附的存储说明正确存储将有助于保留营养成分 同时, 这也可以确保放心食用肉类或鱼类等食物 还要确保使用清洁厨具的洁净表面准备食物, 同样可以防止宝宝受到有害细菌的侵害 蒸制是一种非常健康的食物制作方式, 其有助于保留食物 * 如果您觉得需要有关何时可能是对宝宝进行辅食喂养最佳时机的更多建议, 请咨询您当地的医生或幼儿健康顾问 的营养成分 使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机将有助于在宝宝食物的最终制作环节保留初始原料的营养成分 这是因为烹饪过程 ( 蒸制阶段 ) 中释放的汁液均被保留, 在搅拌 ( 搅拌阶段 ) 时重新混入食物中 虽然本辅食制作手册能够为您提供有关辅食喂养的一些信息, 但仍有大量可靠的信息可以帮助您确定宝宝是否已经准备好接受辅食喂养 例如, 通过当地的婴儿诊所 诊室或在线获得信息, 以及帮助您从一个成长阶段进行到下一个阶段的信息, 也许您还可以使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机制作其它食谱 我真诚希望您能享受孩子成长和发育阶段这个美妙和激动人心的时刻, 因为他们可以体验全新的味道和口感, 并养成健康的饮食习惯, 使他们能够成长为健康 快乐的成人! 营养顾问 Emma Williams 博士 这些食谱均已经过营养专家精挑细选 如果您对本手册中的任一食谱对宝宝的适用性有任何疑问, 特别是如果怀疑或已知会对某些食物过敏, 请根据情况联系您的医生或幼儿健康顾问 健康和安全建议宝宝极易受到细菌侵害, 可造成食物中毒, 所以, 在制作和存储婴儿食物时有必要遵循简单的卫生和安全准则 食品制作 : 务必确保妥善存储食物并遵循使用期限 在干净的厨房中使用洁净砧板和厨具制作食品 在制作食品之前彻底洗净双手, 喂食前洗净宝宝的双手 确保对所有用于喂食的碗和汤匙在使用之前进行彻底清洁 飞利浦新安怡拥有合适的系列消毒锅, 可对儿童餐具进行快速 轻松和有效地消毒 熟肉和生肉需要分开存储, 在冰箱中也与需要其它食物隔开并加以覆盖 接触生肉后一定要洗手 无菌真空包装的生肉或鱼在使用前无需清洗, 因为这可能会将有害细菌传播至厨房的工作台面上, 并可能导致食物中毒 如果您不确定食物是否预先洗过 ( 即无真空包装 / 食物购自新鲜食品市场 ), 请运用您自己的判断力 始终将水果和蔬菜洗净, 必要时去皮 - 所有根茎类蔬菜在使用前均应去皮并洗净 切勿向宝宝的食物中加盐, 可以添加香草和温和的香料让食物更美味 如果在食谱中必须使用高汤, 则使用低盐或无盐高汤 避免向食物中加糖, 除非需要调味 ( 例如, 将酸味水果变甜 ) 确保食物熟透, 冷却至温热再喂食 食物存储 : 制作后, 尽快将食物冷却 (- 小时内 ), 然后放入冰箱 ( 温度为 C ( F) 或以下 ) 或冷冻柜 ( 温度为 - C (0 F)) 中 大多数刚做好的食物可在冰箱中存储 小时 请查看冰箱指南, 了解婴儿食物可安全存储的时长 - 通常为 - 个月 可使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机随附的存储盒批量制作和在冰箱中存储食物 - 您可以购买额外的飞利浦系列存储盒, 这些存储盒同样采用无菌处理 小巧且适合堆叠 您可以在标签上写下食物名称和制作日期并贴在盒盖上 或者, 使用冰块盘 小型防冻存储杯或冰箱冷藏袋 如果需要, 确保用保鲜膜或锡纸牢固包裹食物 冷冻食物应在加热前彻底解冻 飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机具有解冻和重新加热功能, 可满足您的所有需求 确保再加热的食物始终热气腾腾 ( 应该有蒸汽冒出 ), 并在食用前充分冷却 您也可以使用飞利浦新安怡温奶器均匀而安全地加热宝宝的食物 如果用微波炉再加热食物, 则应在每次喂食前搅拌并检查食物温度 不可对食物进行多次再加热

切勿在食物解冻后重新冷冻, 切勿存储并重新加热食用孩子未吃完的食物 食物禁忌与过敏 : 某些食物不适合 月龄的孩子食用, 包括肝 生贝 鲨鱼 剑鱼和枪鱼 未经高温杀菌的软奶酪和蜂蜜 确保将鸡蛋或含鸡蛋的食物煮熟 如果您的家族有食物过敏史, 建议将纯母乳喂养持续至 月龄 如果出于某种原因无法进行母乳喂养, 则请咨询医师以获得用于替代母乳的最佳类型配方奶粉 因为引入辅食可能会造成过敏, 在整个辅食喂养期间应该始终持续进行母乳喂养, 在引入牛奶 鸡蛋 小麦 鱼和贝类等潜在过敏食物时应格外小心 - 每次只提供一种 如果您的家族有花生过敏史, 则需寻求合格医师的建议 因为存在窒息危险, 不得给 岁以下孩子提供完整坚果, 包括花生 过敏的直观迹象 ( 通常在几秒钟或两小时内出现 ) 可能包括嘴唇肿胀 瘙痒和荨麻疹 面部或身体出现潮红 皮疹 湿疹加重症状或呼吸困难 如果您认为宝宝对食物有过敏反应, 则需立即寻求医生的建议 - 在极少数情况下, 可能会发生危及生命的严重反应 ( 过敏性反应 ) 对食物的延迟反应 ( 通常与牛奶过敏有关 ) 可能包括恶心呕吐或反流 腹泻 便秘 便血 屁股发红和湿疹逐步恶化 从长远来看, 体重增加也可能有问题 因为某些症状 ( 例如皮疹和腹泻 ) 也是其他疾病的征兆, 请咨询您的保健医师以获得进一步的建议 如果您怀疑孩子存在潜在食物过敏, 请务必寻求合格保健医师的建议 - 他们应该是您最先咨询的人! 进一步的指导和信息 食谱 * 中标示的食物份量应足够您哺喂宝宝, 同时一些可支配的剩余部分, 可存储或冷冻以备后用 您可以根据需要调整食物份量, 确保根据所用原料量调整蒸制的时长 有关具体原料的大致蒸制时间, 请查阅用户手册中的 原料及蒸制时间 每种食物的最终颗粒度将取决于所用原料的类型, 包括份量和辅食喂养的阶段 ( 即颗粒细滑或粗糙 ) 可通过向做好的食物中添加婴儿常喝的牛奶或开水来调节黏稠度 例如, 可用水稀释或加入婴儿米粉增稠 在搅拌之前将蒸锅中的水沥出一些可使食物变得更稠 * 所有食谱均经过检查以确保其含有适合婴儿和幼儿摄入的适量卡路里 盐 糖和脂肪 食物份量是指示性的 - 这些可能会有所不同, 具体视所用原料的类型和烹饪时间而定 每个食谱所提供的份量数仅供参考 因为每个宝宝的需求不同, 份量可能无法反映出宝宝所需的饮食量或满足他或她生长需求的必需饮食量, 这意味着最终摄入的食物份量可能会与所标示的有所不同 饮食计划基于辅食喂养各阶段提供了宝宝均衡饮食计划的简单示例 与份量一样, 这些只作为参考, 具体取决于您及宝宝的个人喜好 鉴于本产品的全球性, 饮食计划中推荐的一些食物在设计时考虑了全球不同的饮食区域, 所以, 您可以随意选择更适合您自己文化需求或要求的食物 饮食计划 至 旨在在宝宝常喝的母乳或者配方奶的基础上, 通过不断增加食物数量和品种让宝宝品尝辅食的味道, 从而顺利进入辅食喂养 第 阶段 ( 个月以上 ) 的饮食计划旨在为宝宝提供四类主要食物的所有营养 其中包括淀粉类食物 ( 米饭 土豆 意大利面食 ); 水果和蔬菜 ; 乳制品 ( 全脂酸奶和奶酪 ); 富含蛋白质的食物 ( 肉 鱼 ) 及蛋类和豆类 ( 木豆 小扁豆等 ) 等替代食物 也给出份量如五 四 三或每天两份 - 这些准则同样只作为喂哺 - 岁孩子时的参考, 以确保他们在饮食中摄入不同食物以获得均衡营养 使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机进行烹饪时, 可使用操作图片作为快速指导 首次使用飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机时, 请按照完整食谱说明操作 第 阶段 : 初尝辅食 辅食喂养的第一阶段 ( 约 - 个月 ) 专为 宝宝第一次体验新味道和口感而设计 因为宝宝只习惯母乳的味道和口感, 这里的关键是逐渐引入新食物 虽然第一次可能需要一点时间, 要有一点耐心, 但是宝宝将很快会吃到他 / 她自己中意的食物 到现在为止, 宝宝只习惯于通过乳房吮吸母乳或通过奶瓶喝配方奶粉 ( 通过将舌头向前推才能喝到 ) 因此, 第一次开始用 喂食汤匙哺喂宝宝时, 他们会自动将舌头向前推, 这意味着喂进口中的任何食物都将被舌头推出来 学习吃食物涉及培养一套全新的口腔运动技能 例如, 宝宝需要学习使用他 / 她的嘴唇使食物脱离汤匙, 用舌头将食物推至口腔后部并吞咽 在此之前, 他们只是会用他们的下颚和脸颊肌肉进行吸吮 - 所以这是一种全新的体验 一旦宝宝可以吞咽食物, 并伴随有其他两个辅食喂养迹象 ( 可以坐起, 拾起食物并放入口中 ), 即表明他们真的准备好开始体验食物了 辅食可以包括谷类食物泥, 如婴儿米粉 燕麦 小米 玉米面条或捣碎的熟米饭 ( 拌入婴儿常喝的奶 ) 您也可以将水果或蔬菜搅成泥状 第一次制作泥状食物时, 应非常细滑, 而且非常松软, 采用非常温和 ( 甚至清淡 ) 的口味 先从只喂几茶匙开始, 每日一次, 选在正常喂奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 期间或之后 一次提供一种食物也是一个好主意, 可以了解他们对个别食物的反应 随着时间的推移, 您就可以开始 第一次制作泥状食物时, 应该非常细腻, 而且非常松软, 采用非常温和 ( 甚至清淡 ) 的口味 在正常喂奶之前提供固体食物并逐渐增加喂食频率和食物量 您也可以尝试各种黏稠度 : 减少加入的奶或水 ( 凉开水 ) 增稠 在此之后, 您可以开始提供不同种类的食物并将每天的喂食频率从两次逐步增加至三次, 以便宝宝开始体验多种全新味道 在宝宝的液体食物需求方面, 继续进行正常喂奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 天气非常热时, 如果您认为宝宝在两次喂食之间很渴 ( 母乳喂养的宝宝无需喝水 ), 则可以为用配方奶粉喂养的宝宝提供凉开水

天饮食计划 食物第 天第 天第 天 第 天第 天第 天第 天 早餐 婴儿米粉混合婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉混合苹果泥配婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉混合婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉混合梨泥配婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉混合婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉混合果泥 ( 混合型 ) 配婴儿常喝的奶 婴儿米粉配香蕉和婴儿常喝的奶 午餐胡萝卜泥土豆西兰花泥 (p 0) 牛油果和豌豆泥 胡萝卜和红薯泥 ( 参见 app*) 西兰花泥欢乐南瓜 (p ) 胡萝卜和欧洲萝卜泥 晚餐香甜苹果泥 (p ) 香蕉泥或香蕉茸 梨泥 ( 调整香甜苹果泥 (p )) 什锦果泥 ( 梨和苹果 ) ( 参见 app*) 香甜苹果泥 (p ) 香蕉牛油果泥 (p ) 美味的苹果南瓜泥 ( 参见 app*) 图示 : 适合素食者 图示 : 适合冷冻 * 飞利浦新安怡 合 健康婴儿辅食机移动应用 app 该饮食计划专为已经适应辅食味道的宝宝而设计, 然后逐步增加辅食喂养 ( 首先是 - 汤匙食物, 在一天中各用餐时间或您选择的时间喂食, 然后根据宝宝自身的节奏, 慢慢增加饮食数量和次数 ) 配合宝宝的正常喂奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 完成每餐 宝宝在白天还需要 - 次正常喂奶 9

土豆西兰花泥 食材 : / 大土豆 ( 约 00 克 ) / 小西兰花 ( 约 00 克 ) 份 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟. 将西兰花洗净, 将土豆去皮并洗净 将土豆和西兰花切成约 厘米见方的块. 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好. 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示. 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置. 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止. 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置. 翻转搅拌杯. 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 9. 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 如果想使泥变稀, 可加入一些婴儿常喝的牛奶或开水 Suitable for vegetarians Suitable for freezing 营养提示 : 富含维生素 K; 是维生素 C 和叶酸的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 可搭配婴儿米粉或婴儿常喝的奶喂食 制作时可用红薯替代土豆 0

香甜苹果泥 食材 : 中等苹果 ( 熟透 )( 约 00 克 ) 将苹果洗净, 去皮去核 将苹果切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 0 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 分钟 份 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止 香蕉牛油果泥 食材 : / 中等牛油果 ( 熟透 )( 约 0 克 ) / 中等香蕉 ( 熟透 )( 约 0 克 ) 将牛油果切半 去核并用汤匙挖出果肉 将香蕉去皮 将牛油果和香蕉切成 厘米的方块状 取下杯盖, 将所有水果和婴儿常喝的牛奶装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 营养提示 : 富含叶酸 ; 是维生素 C 维生素 E 钾 维生素 B 和维生素 K 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 最好在制作后立即喂食 制作时可用木瓜替代香蕉 0 毫升婴儿常喝的牛奶 ( 照常制作 ) 将搅拌杯置于底座上 ( 杯盖向上 ), 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 0 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 总时间 0 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份 欢乐南瓜 食材 : / 中等冬南瓜 ( 约 00 克 ) 总时间 分钟蒸煮时间 分钟 份 将冬南瓜洗净 去皮并切半, 然后去籽 将冬南瓜切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止 9 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定 在搅拌位置 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 如果想使南瓜泥变稀, 可加入一些婴儿常喝的牛奶或开水

就宝宝的发育而言, 咀嚼柔软和小块食物并用舌头在口中移动食物的完整动作有助于发育口腔运动技能 虽然一开始食物可能会导致他们作呕 咳嗽, 甚至呕吐 ( 为了吐出口腔后部的食物块 ), 但这并不意味着他们不喜欢所提供的食物 - 他们只是在学习如何处理不同黏稠度的食物 坚持为他们提供不同口感的食物, 以便他们学会吃各种各样的食物, 同时也更愿意尝试新的食物 如果他们在一开始时拒绝某些食物, 不要担心, 这是完全正常的 科学证据表明, 食物偏好会受到反复接触的食物的影响, 所以, 关键是要在不同时机持续为他们提供食物, 直至他们适应食物的味道并最终接受 让宝宝接受某种食物可能需要进行多次尝试 ( 有时会达到 次品尝 ), 所以要有耐心并坚持下去 - 一定会有作用的 请记住, 在宝宝年幼时更容易建立健康的饮食偏好, 所以要在头几年里确保提供很多不同食物 虽然大多数宝宝在 月龄时还没长牙, 但他们可以真正开始处理柔软的小块食物 ( 通过牙龈的研磨 ) 了 因为该阶段主要是教他们如何咀嚼, 从提供柔软的 小零食 开始, 如煮熟的蔬菜条 ( 胡萝卜 ) 或熟透的软水果条 小吐司片, 甚 至煮熟的柔软造型意面 切勿为宝宝提供整个葡萄或整个圣女果, 否则可能会导致窒息 如果您想喂食这类食物, 请务必切成小片 在该阶段, 您可以开始进行更多尝试, 引入各种食物组合 ( 来自主要食物 ) 制作的菜肴 因为这是一个快速成长的时间段, 宝宝会对营养丰富的食物有更高的需求 - 所以要确保提供品种丰富的食物! 例如, 所有宝宝在出生时铁的供应充足, 但在 月龄左右便开始耗尽了, 所以最重要的是从饮食中获取足够的铁, 才能确保宝宝健康成长和发育 因此, 应为他们提供大量含铁的食物, 如精肉 谷类食物 豆类和绿色蔬菜 如果您不确定宝宝的食量, 则可以让宝宝提供指导 - 宝宝在不想再吃食物时, 通常会将头转过去或将嘴紧闭 为安全起见, 切勿让宝宝在无人看管时进食 继续喂食母乳或配方奶粉并让宝宝在进食时用训练杯或水杯小口喝冷却的开水 不要尝试提供任何果汁, 因为他们可以通过吃奶以及水果和蔬菜获得充足的维生素 C 第 阶段 : 柔软易嚼的食物 现在, 宝宝已经习惯摄入具有相对温和口味的泥状食物或捣碎的软食, 应开始引入不同口感味道更浓的食物了, 逐渐过度至粗略捣碎的食物, 以便他们能够学习咀嚼 在辅食喂养的该阶段 (- 个月 ), 宝宝应开始过度至每日 餐, 食量较之前更大, 并配以常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 类主要食物包括 :. 淀粉类食物 - 米饭 意大利面 土豆及其他谷类食物 ;. 肉 鱼及蛋类和豆类 ( 木豆 小扁豆等 ) 等替代食物 ;. 水果和蔬菜 ;. 乳制品 - 全脂酸奶和奶酪 在烹饪时还可以使用全脂牛奶

天饮食计划 食物第 天第 天第 天 第 天第 天第 天第 天 早餐 婴儿粥配梨茸 婴儿牛奶什锦餐配芒果茸 婴儿粥配香蕉茸 婴儿牛奶什锦餐配蓝莓茸 婴儿粥配桃茸婴儿牛奶什锦餐配香蕉婴儿粥配苹果泥 搭配该餐的小零食熟透的梨条熟透的芒果条香蕉片 熟透的蓝莓熟透的桃条香蕉片柔软的熟苹果条 * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水 * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水 午餐 肉泥配菜 (p 0), 配或不配蔬菜天堂均可 (p ) 轻松豌豆泥 (p 0) ( 若需要可加入肉泥配菜 (p 0)) 欧洲萝卜 土豆和牛肉泥 ( 参见 app*) 香甜的苹果鸡肉烩 (p ) 三文鱼 西葫芦与红薯荟 (p 0) 牛肉配萝卜和红薯 ( 参见 app*) 羊肉配土豆和冬南瓜 ( 参见 app*) 搭配该餐的小零食熟西兰花 ( 小朵 ) 熟花菜梗 ( 小朵 ) 熟胡萝卜条 熟西葫芦片熟西兰花 ( 小朵 ) 熟花菜梗 ( 小朵 ) 熟西兰花 ( 小朵 ) * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水 * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水 晚餐桃李故事 (p ) 香蕉茸混合原味酸奶 小扁豆配蔬菜 ( 参见 app*) 木瓜茸配原味酸奶 橙色冬南瓜泥和胡萝卜泥 ( 参见 app*) 芒果茸混合原味酸奶蔬菜天堂 (p ) 搭配该餐的小零食熟透的桃片或李子片香蕉片熟透的香瓜片 熟透的木瓜片冬南瓜条熟透的芒果条熟胡萝卜条 * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水 * 对于生活在气温偏高环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 和冷却的开水

蔬菜天堂 食材 : / 小花菜 ( 约 0 克 ) / 中等土豆 ( 约 克 ) 中等胡萝卜 ( 约 00 克 ) 份 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟. 将花菜洗净, 将土豆和胡萝卜洗净 去皮 将蔬菜切成约 厘米见方的块. 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好. 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示. 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置. 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止. 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置. 翻转搅拌杯. 将其置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 9. 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 营养提示 : 富含维生素 C; 是维生素 B 维生素 A 和维生素 K 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以肉泥或鱼泥喂食 搅拌时可加入您喜爱的蔬菜或煮熟的小扁豆 9

肉泥配菜 食材 : 无骨肉片牛肉 / 羊肉 / 鸡脯 / 猪肉 ( 约 0 克 ) 汤匙蔬菜泥 (p ) 将肉去皮去脂肪, 切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 盛到碗中, 待其冷却后可喂食 份 如果需要, 可将 汤匙肉泥与 汤匙菜泥混合 三文鱼 西葫芦与红薯荟 将西葫芦洗净并去皮, 将红薯洗净 将三文鱼去骨去皮 将蔬菜和三文鱼切成约 厘米见方的块 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止 食材 : 无刺鱼片三文鱼 ( 约 00 克 ) 小红薯 ( 约 克 ) / 中等西葫芦 ( 约 90 克 ) 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 总时间 0 分钟 蒸煮时间 分钟 份 轻松豌豆泥 将豌豆解冻并洗净 将红薯洗净并去皮 将红薯切成约 厘米见方的块 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止 食材 : 00 克冻豌豆 小红薯 ( 约 0 克 ) 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 0 总时间 分钟蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 加入一些婴儿常喝的牛奶或开水可使菜泥变稀

桃李故事 香甜的苹果鸡肉烩 食材 : / 中等桃 ( 熟透 )( 约 0 克 ) 大李子 ( 熟透 )( 约 克 ) 0 克酸奶 食材 : / 无骨肉片鸡胸 ( 约 0 克 ) 小红薯 ( 约 克 ) / 小苹果 ( 熟透 )( 约 0 克 ) 总时间 0 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份总时间 分钟蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份 将水果洗净, 去皮去核 将水果切成约 厘米见方的块 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止 将苹果洗净, 去皮去核, 然后将红薯去皮 洗净 将鸡脯去皮去脂肪 将所有蔬菜切成约 厘米见方的块 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 0 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 盛到碗中, 待其冷却 将酸奶拌入水果混合物, 留待喂食 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 营养提示 : 该甜味食谱将桃和李子完美组合在一起 在宝宝逐渐长大时可加入燕麦以增加味道和口感或用一些草莓替代 李子 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 加入香蕉 苹果或木瓜, 替代李子 可拌入奶油冻, 替代酸奶 营养提示 : 富含维生素 A; 是维生素 C 维生素 B 和烟酸的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 可用猪肉替代鸡肉 可向红薯中加入欧洲萝卜以增添风味

因为对于大龄孩子来说拒绝新食物或之前接受的食物是极常见的事情 ( 通常在 岁左右 ), 在这个阶段提供各种各样的食物会对他们以后有所帮助 您也应该开始在家人吃饭时将宝宝纳入进来 这是因为如果孩子看到其他人吃食物也会学着吃 因此, 确保他们在进餐时与其他家人坐在一起, 组织饭局时与其他人 ( 尤其是其他孩子 ) 坐在一起 可以尽可能地鼓励他们自己吃饭, 即使是吃得到处都是 进餐时间就是学习时间, 对宝宝来说应该是充满乐趣的 学习自己进食有助于同食物建立起一种健康的关系, 因为宝宝会主动参与其中 在食物方面, 要尝试提供更多品种并帮助宝宝扩展到具有不同质地的小零食, 如生水果和蔬菜 条 继续喂食母乳或配方奶粉, 但要减少至每日两次或三次 必要时也可以提供冷却的开水 此时也是尝试逐步停止使用奶瓶并引入训练饮水杯的合适时间 因为宝宝的胃都很小, 所以很容易填满 因此, 要避免给他们提供黑面包或全麦面包等高纤维食物, 因为这类食物只能填满胃, 使胃剩下很小的空间或没有空间容纳其他更多营养食物 ( 提供成长所需能量 ) 脂肪也很重要, 可以产生能量并含有重要的维生素, 如维生素 A 出于该原因, 不应为 岁以下的宝宝提供低脂牛奶 奶酪或酸奶 第 阶段 : 成形食物 辅食喂养的第三阶段 (9- 个月 ) 是开始扩展宝宝味觉体验和转入不同口感食物的时候 了 可将食物切碎 捣碎或剁碎, 而不必做成泥状 就其成长而言, 宝宝应该可以开始通过视觉来认识食物并开始将其与味道联系起来

天饮食计划 食物第 天第 天第 天 第 天第 天第 天第 天 早餐 我的首个什锦麦片餐 (p ) 吐司和花生酱 ( 或您选择的配料 ) 粥和香蕉 婴儿煎蛋卷 ( 熟透 ) 配菠菜 卷心菜或小白菜 熟面条或米饭 ( 熟透 ) 配蔬菜 吐司或法式吐司炒蛋 ( 熟透 ) 婴儿牛奶什锦餐配草莓 搭配该餐的小零食香瓜片吐司条香蕉片 吐司条梨片吐司条草莓条 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) 上午点心米糕香蕉条奶酪块 片或串 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) 清爽干酪或酸奶大米布丁苹果片香瓜片 午餐 配有炒蛋的吐司和圣女果片 鱼条和煎土豆蔬菜饼 ( 卷心菜或芽甘蓝混合土豆茸, 微炸 ) 小三明治 ( 配以您选择的软馅料 ) 坚果配南瓜 番茄和奶酪意大利面酱 ( 参见 app*) 杂菜和小扁豆汤 ( 若需要可加肉 ) 通心面和奶酪 豆类配吐司 ( 可加入切碎的奶酪以增添风味 ) 搭配该餐的小零食 吐司条配黄油和 / 或圣女果片 鱼条和 / 或芽甘蓝片 葡萄片和苹果条 冬南瓜条 蘸食的黄油面包或皮塔饼条 西红柿片和四季豆 吐司条配黄油 副菜或下午点心清爽干酪或酸奶奶酪块 片或串和菠萝条清爽干酪或酸奶 面包条和鹰嘴豆泥米糕和香蕉烩水果配酸奶清爽干酪或酸奶 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) 晚餐 鹰嘴豆面条 (p ) ( 若需要可加肉 ) 鳕鱼土豆荟 (p 0) 羊肉 ( 打碎 ) 和砂锅菜配土豆茸配料 鸡肉和玉米配熟面条 ( 参见 app*) 三文鱼片配土豆茸 淡鸡肉和咖哩蔬菜配米饭 牛肉 ( 打碎 ) 配蔬菜和土豆茸 搭配该餐的小零食炒蔬菜熟西兰花熟胡萝卜条 甜椒片 ( 红色 橙色或黄色 ) 熟甜豆 四季豆或菠菜蔬菜条熟胡萝卜条 副菜或晚上点心苹果泥和蛋挞水果松脆饼和原味酸奶吐司条配花生酱 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) 大米布丁清爽干酪或酸奶吐司条配您喜欢的配料大黄配奶黄酱 饮品 * - 配合每餐或点心提供水 ( 凉开水 ) * 对于生活在高温环境下以配方奶粉喂养的宝宝, 饮品需包括常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 )( 现在 - 次 / 天 ) 和凉开水 果汁只能偶尔食用 [ 小杯稀释的未加糖纯果汁 ( 份果汁配 0 份水 ) 并只能在用餐时间提供以防止蛀牙 ]

鹰嘴豆面条 食材 : / 芹菜茎 ( 约 0 克 ) 中等番茄 ( 约 0 克 ) 0 克熟面条 ( 每份 ) / 中等胡萝卜 ( 约 0 克 ) 0 克熟鹰嘴豆 0 克熟牛肉泥 ( 每份 )(p 0) 份 总时间 0 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟. 将蔬菜洗净, 将胡萝卜去皮并洗净 然后将西红柿切半并去籽 将蔬菜切成约 厘米见方的块. 取下杯盖, 将所有原料 ( 鹰嘴豆除外 ) 装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好. 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示. 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置. 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止. 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置. 翻转搅拌杯 将单独煮熟的鹰嘴豆加入搅拌杯. 将其置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 9. 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 盛到碗中, 待其冷却后可配以 0 克熟面条和 0 克牛肉泥喂食 份 (p 0) 营养提示 : 富含锌和维生素 B; 是铁 磷 钾 烟酸和维生素 B 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以鱼或其他肉泥喂食 (p 0), 替代牛肉 对于素餐, 喂食时可以酱汁搭配一些熟面条 米饭或您选择的其它主食 9

鳕鱼土豆荟 我的首个什锦麦片餐 食材 : 无刺鱼片真鳕 ( 约 00 克 ) / 中等土豆 ( 约 0 克 ) 00 克现煮的米粥 ( 每份 ) 食材 : 0 克蓝莓 ( 熟透 ) 00 克燕麦片 ( 每份 ) / 中等桃 ( 熟透 )( 约 00 克 ) / 中等梨 ( 熟透 )( 约 00 克 ) 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份总时间 0 分钟蒸煮时间 0 分钟 份 将土豆洗净并去皮 将鳕鱼去骨去皮 将所有蔬菜切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0 min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 9 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 供您选择 : 制作酱汁, 搅拌 至 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 ; 对于咀嚼能力好的宝宝, 可将汤汁沥出, 缩短搅拌时间或用餐叉按压煮熟的食物 盛到碗中, 待其冷却 仔细检查是否有鱼骨, 然后配以约 00 克现煮的米粥喂食 份 将所有原料洗净, 将桃和梨去皮去核 将桃和梨切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分 钟后自动停止 9 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 盛到碗中, 待其冷却后可配以约 00 克燕麦片喂食 份 将蒸制时间设为 0 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 0 分钟后自动停止 营养提示 : 富含碘 ; 是硒和维生素 B 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以肉泥喂食 配以熟面条 米饭或您选择的其它主食喂食 营养提示 : 宝宝会喜欢这种水果组合的味道 本食谱有助于在饮食中获得更多水果 - 可根据自己的存储需求和喜好混合 搭配各类水果! 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 要在本食谱中添加乳制品, 可拌入原味酸奶 使用您选择的其它水果 0

在辅食喂养的该阶段, 宝宝应该每日摄入 餐, 并在两餐中间配一些点心, 如制作好的水果 蔬菜条 酸奶 块状奶酪 吐司或米糕 尝试每餐包括一些淀粉 ( 面包 谷类食物 粥 土豆 米饭 蒸粗麦粉或意大利面 ) 蛋白质 ( 肉 鱼 蛋类 小扁豆 豆类 鹰嘴豆泥 大豆和豆腐 ) 和新鲜水果及蔬菜 每日三餐或点心中应包括乳制品 ( 牛奶 酸奶或乳酪 ) 一份食物应包括一杯牛奶 (0 毫升 ) 一小碗酸奶或清爽干酪或一片火柴盒大小的奶酪 在该阶段, 他们常喝的奶 ( 母乳或配方奶粉 ) 自然会有所减少, 所以, 这是转换至全脂牛奶的好时机 ( 除非对牛奶过敏 ) 牛奶是钙的重要来源, 应该与水一起成为幼儿的主要饮品 但是每日提供量不要超过 品脱 ( 约 0. 千克 ), 因为这只会减少他们对有助于其成长的食物的食欲 他们每日应摄入 - 份液体 ( 包括乳饮品 ), 用水杯摄入 ; 一个是配合每餐, 一个是在两餐中间配合点心 不断为宝宝引入新食物, 但尽量不要给得过多, 因为份量过大可能会倒胃口 虽然未针对幼儿推荐份量, 但可以他们的拳头为参照 : 他们的胃大约与握紧的拳头同样大小 当他们变得更为活跃 ( 从 岁起 ) 时, 您可以逐渐增加食物份量 但一定要以宝宝的食欲 ( 按照食量 ) 为参照 尽量保持宝宝学习吃饭的兴趣 : 以彩色盘子准备食物, 使用大量不同形状和主题 ( 一个笑脸就能起作用 ) 并结合不同颜色和质地 尽可能让宝宝自己吃饭 您可以帮助宝宝切断难切的食物, 如意大利细面条 如果您的孩子开始拒绝食物, 可将其拿走, 不用大惊小怪, 等到下一次吃点心或进餐时间再提供其它食物 尽量不要提供高糖或高脂肪的食物, 因为这只能助长以后生活中的不良饮食习惯 对宝宝良好的吃饭行为加以夸奖, 因为这会鼓励养成良好的行为并促进进一步的学习 最终, 幼儿将能够摄入其他家人吃的食物 所以, 一定要记住以身作则, 吃得更健康! 不断为宝宝引入新食物, 但尽量不要给得过多, 因为份量过大可能会倒胃口 第 阶段 : 自 岁起 虽然每个孩子都是不同的, 但 岁的宝宝会更加活跃 他们可能会以极快的速度在房间里到处爬, 可以往高处攀爬并借助家具穿过房间, 甚至可能开始走路 在学习走路 说话之间, 宝宝有很多非常活跃的时间 这需要更多的能量和营养 这就是提供健康 均衡饮食如此重要的原因 到目前为止, 母乳或配方奶粉一直是宝宝获取营养的主要来源, 但现在是时候让固体食物打头阵了

天饮食计划 食物第 天第 天第 天 第 天第 天第 天第 天 早餐 不加糖早餐麦片配全脂奶 小麦饼干和香蕉配全脂奶 饺子 ( 肉 / 鱼和 / 或蔬菜馅 ) 由全脂奶和切碎的苹果做成的粥 不加糖早餐麦片配全脂奶 煮鸡蛋或炒鸡蛋和吐司 婴儿牛奶什锦餐 ( 用全脂奶 ) 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 上午点心香蕉和米糕 / 燕麦饼一把葡萄苹果 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 芒果桃子梨木瓜段 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 午餐 奶酪煎蛋卷配圣女果和黄瓜棒 迷你烘烤三明治配烤火腿和西红柿 婴儿烤土豆和豆类 ( 可选奶酪作为配料 ) 阳光芦笋 (p 9) 菠菜和蘑菇意大利烘蛋 花菜和西兰花沙拉配切碎的鸡肉和奶酪 ( 参见 app*) 豆类配吐司 副菜乳制品慕斯酸奶清爽干酪 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 乳制品慕斯酸奶清爽干酪酸奶 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 下午点心水果燕麦棒皮塔饼配鹰嘴豆泥米糕和杏干 面包条和黄瓜 / 胡萝卜棒配您选择的蘸料 米糕和花生酱或您选择的配料 胡萝卜蛋糕 / 蔬菜松饼 燕麦饼 葡萄和奶酪 / 软奶酪 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 晚餐 波隆那肉酱配熟意大利面 ( 参见 app*) 果味羊肉小米饭配芒果和葡萄干 五色饭 ( 参见 app*) 猪排 烤土豆和豆类开心西兰花 (p ) 鸡肉和咖哩蔬菜配米饭或面条 牛肉配胡萝卜和土豆 副菜原味酸奶和果泥大黄配奶黄酱 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 新鲜水果沙拉和原味酸奶 大米布丁和果泥苹果奶酥和蛋挞草莓泥和面包糠水果松糕 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 晚上 / 睡前点心 吐司配花生酱 ( 或您选择的配料 ) 大米布丁 小麦饼干配全脂奶 吐司配果酱 小麦饼干配全脂奶 不加糖早餐麦片配全脂奶 吐司搭配您选择的配料 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 饮品 * 务必在进餐时提供饮品, 水或奶均适合 * 每日为幼儿提供 -( 玻璃 ) 杯 ( 每份约 00 毫升 ) 的液体 饮品可以包括水 奶或未加糖果汁 水是一种很好的选择, 应全天提供 幼儿每日至少需要 份乳制品, 其中一份可包括一杯牛奶 * 果汁只能偶尔食用 [ 小杯稀释的未加糖纯果汁 ( 份果汁配 0 份水 ) 并只能在用餐时间提供以防止蛀牙 ]

甜椒酱 食材 : / 韭葱茎 ( 约 0 克 ) / 小西葫芦 ( 约 0 克 ) / 中等红甜椒 ( 约 0 克 ) 中等番茄 ( 约 0 克 ) 0 克现煮的米饭 ( 每份 ) 份 总时间 0 分钟 蒸煮时间 分钟. 将蔬菜洗净, 然后将西红柿和红甜椒切半并去籽 将蔬菜切成约 厘米见方的块. 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好. 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示. 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置. 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止. 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置. 翻转搅拌杯. 将其置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 9. 搅拌 或 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 年龄较大儿童应喂一些成形的食物以鼓励咀嚼 盛到碗中, 待其冷却后可配以约 0 克现煮的米饭喂食 份 营养提示 : 富含维生素 C 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以肉泥或鱼泥喂食 喂食时可以酱汁搭配熟面条 米饭或您选择的其它主食

开心西兰花 阳光芦笋 食材 : 无刺鱼片三文鱼 ( 约 0 克 ) / 小西兰花 ( 约 0 克 ) 0 克熟贝壳面 ( 每份 ) 食材 : 芦笋茎 ( 绿色 )( 约 0 克 ) 00 克蒸制的新土豆条 ( 每份 ) 0 克切碎的帕尔马干酪 ( 每份 ) 总时间 分钟 蒸煮时间 分钟 份总时间 0 分钟蒸煮时间 分钟 份 将西兰花洗净, 将三文鱼去骨去皮 将西兰花和三文鱼切成约 厘米见方的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 翻转搅拌杯 将搅拌杯置于底座上, 然后将其顺时针旋转, 锁定在搅拌位置 将芦笋洗净并去除粗茎 将蔬菜切成约 厘米见方 的块 取下杯盖, 将所有原料装入搅拌杯 盖好杯盖并在正确位置锁好 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止 将蒸制按钮转回 OFF ( 关 ) 位置 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 将蒸制时间设为 分钟 其会开始蒸制并在 分钟后自动停止 9 供您选择 : 制作酱汁, 搅拌 至 次, 每次搅拌 秒钟, 直至达到所需的黏稠度 ; 对于咀嚼能力好的宝宝, 可将汤汁沥出, 缩短搅拌时间或用餐叉按压煮熟的食物 盛到碗中, 待其冷却后可配以约 0 克熟贝壳面喂食 份 取下水箱盖, 将水倒入水箱, 直至达到 0/ min 水位标示 盖好盖子并在正确位置锁好 装好并按下搅拌杯, 以将其安放在蒸制位置 翻转搅拌杯 盛到碗中, 待其冷却 份拌入 00 克煮熟的新土 豆条和 0 克切碎的帕尔马干酪 营养提示 : 富含 Omega 硒 碘 维生素 B 硫胺素 维生素 D 和维生素 K; 是磷 核黄素 烟酸 叶酸和维生素 C 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以菜泥喂食 配以熟面条 米饭或您选择的其他主食喂食 营养提示 : 富含磷 叶酸 维生素 D 和维生素 K; 是钙 钾 硫胺素 维生素 C 和维生素 B 的来源 喂食 / 烹饪提示 : 配以三文鱼片喂食 可配以面条和您选择的酱汁喂食 9

K Contents 아기를위한빠르고간편한영양식레시피 단계 : 첫이유식 맛좋은감자브로콜리퓨레 90 잘익은사과즙 9 아보카도랑바나나랑 9 해님호박 9 단계 : 부드럽게씹기 9 닭고기와사과의달콤한만남 99 천국의채식요리 00 고마운고기요리 0 연어, 주키니호박, 고구마의물놀이 0 쉽지요퓨레 0 자두와복숭아이야기 0 단계 : 덩어리씹기 0 국수에말린병아리콩 0 대구와감자파티 처음먹는뮤즐리 단계 : 첫돌이후 달콤한피망 오래오래행복한브로콜리 0 볕좋은아스파라거스 아기를위한 빠르고간편한 영양식레시피 아기에게이유식을처음먹이기시작할때, 어디서부터시작해야할지막막한건당연합니다. 이유식정보는여기저기넘쳐나고첫아이인경우는더욱그렇습니다. 아기가정성껏만든이유식을뱉어내는경우도허다합니다. 어떤음식을먹고싶은지의사표현을할수없기때문이죠. 바로이런이유로부모들은아기이유식을매우힘들어합니다. 하지만더이상걱정하지마세요. 아기가원하는것을조금씩알아가면서영양가높은음식을다양하게먹인다면튼튼하고밝게자라는데도움이될것입니다. 우리는영양학전문가인 Emma Williams 박사와공동으로이레시피북을개발했습니다. 이레시피북은이유식과아기를위해간편하게영양식을준비하는방법에대한전문적인조언을제공합니다. 레시피와함께라면아이들의식사시간이보다즐거워질수있습니다. 0

전문가조언 Emma Williams 박사는인체영양박사학위를소지한공인영양사이자아동성장및영양전문가입니다. 아동전문병원소아과의임상연구원으로, 성장이더딘 0- 세의영유아의성장과식이섭취에대한연구를해왔으며부모들에게는영양에대한조언을하기도했습니다. 영국영양재단 (British Nutrition Foundation) 에서영양연구원으로재직하던시절이유식의영양에대한조언을제공하고, 이유식레시피의영양성분을분석및검사했으며영유아를위한식단을개발했습니다. 산업단체의영양협회및영국영양사협회의회원이자영양관련매체의정식고문역할을맡고있습니다. 년이상쌓아온인체영양분야경력을기반으로최근엔영양컨설턴트회사를직접설립했습니다. 우리의목적이레시피북은아기에게처음이유식을시작하는부모를대상으로작성되었습니다. 각이유식단계에대한유용한정보및전문적인조언과각이유식단계에적합한식단예시및레시피가나와있습니다. 각레시피는본제품을사용하여성장하는아기에게영양식을제공할수있도록개발되었습니다. 간은모유수유를하는것이좋으며상황에따라생후 년까지균형잡힌건강식과모유수유를병행하는것도좋습니다. 모유를먹일수없는경우차선책으로분유를먹일수있습니다. 아기가성장함에따라생후 개월간은매달체중이 에서 kg(.lbs) 까지늘며이시기부터는올바른성장과발육을돕기위해이유식을시작해야합니다. 아기마다성장속도가다르기때문에아기가준비되기전까지이유식을서두르지않는것이매우중요합니다. 아기의젖떼기는빠르게는 개월또는 주부터고려할수있지만, 아기의소화기가적절하게기능하고음식을소화할준비가되려면보통약 개월이걸립니다 *. 아기가이유식을받아들일준비가되면다음의 가지징후가나타납니다. 여기까지대개 - 개월정도가소요됩니다.. 똑바로앉아서머리를가눌수있습니다.. ( 음식을보면집어서입에넣을수있을정도로 ) 손과눈, 입의협응력이좋습니다.. 음식을주면뱉어내지않고삼킬수있습니다. 이유식을시작하기전에위의징후가모두나타나는지살펴보십시오. 모유나분유만으론충분치않아다른사람이먹는음식에관심을보일수도있습니다. 이러한모든변화는아기발달에있어중요한단계입니다. 아기들은이제음식을통해새로운맛과식감을탐험할준비가된것입니다. 유지할수있을뿐만아니라날고기와생선과같은음식을안심하고드실수있습니다. 깨끗한조리기구를사용하여위생적인환경에서음식을준비한다면유해세균으로부터아기를보호할수도있습니다. 찜은영양소가파괴되지않게해주는건강한조리법입니다. 필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터를사용하면아기에게먹일음식에원재료의영양성분을고스란히담아낼수있습니다. 조리 ( 찜조리단계 ) 중찜기에서빠져나온즙이유실되지않고블렌딩 ( 블렌딩단계 ) 에서음식에다시혼합되기때문입니다. 이레시피북에는이유식관련정보뿐만아니라아기에게이유식을시작해도될지믿고판단할수있도록, 지역소아과나진료실, 온라인을통해마련한다양한정보가담겨있습니다. 그외에도각이유식단계를넘어가는과정과필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터기로만들수있는기타레시피도소개되어있습니다. 아기가평생을이어갈건강한식습관을들일수있도록새로운맛과질감을경험하면서성장하고발달하는그멋지고흥미로운과정을여러분께서도함께즐기실수있기를진심으로바랍니다. Emma Williams 박사, 영양컨설턴트 본레시피북에서제공되는조리법은영양전문가가엄선한것입니다. 이레시피북의레시피가아기에게적합한지여부가의심되는경우, 특히특정식품에대한알러지가의심되거나알려져있는경우담당전문의또는소아과의사와적절히상의하십시오. 필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터는과일과채소, 고기, 생선을부드럽게찐다음아기의월령에가장적합한정도로골고루갈고섞을수있을뿐만아니라간편하게해동및재가열할수도있습니다. 아기를위해쉽고빠르게몸에좋은건강식을만들수있도록제작되었습니다. 아기젖떼기, 어떻게시작할까요? 신생아가밝고씩씩한아이로자라나는과정을지켜보는것만큼경이롭고뿌듯한순간은없을것입니다. 아기가첫돌이되기전까지일어나는일은이후아기의건강에잠재적인영향을미칠수있습니다. 그러므로건강하고영양이풍부한음식을먹이는것이이시기에는매우중요합니다. 아이에게최고의영양식품은바로모유입니다. 엄마에게서아기로직접전달되는모유에는아기가필요로하는모든천연영양성분과감염으로부터보호해주는주요항체가포함되어있기때문입니다. 생후 개월 이유식을처음시작할때는먹는양보다전반적으로음식을먹는데익숙해지도록신경써야합니다. 처음부터하루에세끼를먹일필요는없습니다. 처음에는한번에조금씩주면서입안에서음식의맛과식감을느끼도록적응시키는것이좋습니다. 그러다가섭취량과가짓수를점차늘려소량이라도다른식구들과같은음식을먹을수있도록합니다. 아기들은차츰익숙한음식을좋아하게됩니다. 짜거나달고, 기름진음식과음료를맛본아기들은커서도비슷한취향을갖게되기때문에입맛이까다로운아이가될수있습니다. 이유식을시작할때부터영양이풍부한건강식을다양하게먹여야커서도이러한음식을꾸준하게즐겨먹을수있습니다. 아이가다크고난후에식습관을바꾸는일은정말어렵기때문에애초부터좋은식습관을심어줄수있도록노력해야합니다. 신선한재료를선택하는것부터이유식은물론, 음식까지손수준비해야합니다. 그래야만아이가무엇을먹는지정확히파악할수있습니다. 준비한음식의영양소가가급적파괴되지않도록보관하여식재료의영양소를최대한살려요리하고싶으시다고요? 여기나온보관지침에따라신선한재료를구입및보관하면영양소를그대로 이유식을시작할때부터영양이풍부한건강식을다양하게먹여야어른이되어서도이러한음식을꾸준하게즐겨먹을수있습니다. * 최적의이유식시기에대해보다자세한조언이필요할경우항상주치의또는소아과전문의와의상담을추천합니다.

건강및안전권고사항아기는특히식중독을일으키는세균에취약하므로음식을만들고보관할때는항상다음과같이간단한건강및안전지침을따르십시오. 이유식만들기 : 식품을안전하게보관하고유효기간을준수하십시오. 깨끗한주방에서깨끗한도마와식기를이용해음식을조리하십시오. 음식조리전에는손을깨끗이씻고, 아기에게음식을먹이기전에아기의손도씻겨주십시오. 모든식기와스푼은사용전에깨끗하게세척해야합니다. 필립스아벤트는빠르고간편하게사용할수있는소독기제품을다양하게갖추고있습니다. 익힌고기와날고기는별도의장소에, 그리고냉장고에서도다른음식과따로보관하고항상덮어두십시오. 날고기를만진후에는항상손을깨끗하게씻으십시오. 멸균진공포장된날고기와생선은사용전에반드시씻을필요는없지만, 주방에유해세균을퍼뜨려식중독을일으킬수있으므로 ( 마트에서진공포장되지않은날고기와생선을구입해 ) 세척여부가확실하지않은경우에는상황에따라판단하십시오. 과일과채소는항상씻고필요한경우껍질을벗기십시오. 모든뿌리채소는사용하기전에껍질을벗기고씻습니다. 이유식에는소금대신허브와순한양념을넣으십시오. 레시피에따라고형소금을이용해야하는경우에는적게넣거나아예넣지않습니다. ( 시큼한과일을달게하는등 ) 맛을위해필요한경우를제외하고는가급적이유식에는설탕을넣지마십시오. 아기에게먹이기전에음식이완전히익었는지, 미지근해질때까지완전히식었는지확인하십시오. 이유식보관 : 조리가끝난음식은가능한빨리 ( ~ 시간이내 ) 식힌다음냉장고 ( C ( F) 이하 ) 또는냉동고 (- C (0 F)) 에보관하십시오. 갓조리된음식은최대 시간까지냉장고에보관할수있습니다. 안전한이유식보관기간은사용중인냉동고설명서를확인하십시오 ( 보통 ~ 개월 ). 음식은한꺼번에조리한후멸균처리되어보관에적합하도록필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터와함께제공된작은용기 ( 추가용기는필립스제품중구입가능 ) 에담은뒤뚜껑에음식이름과날짜를기록하거나라벨을부착하여냉동고에보관할수있습니다. 또는얼음 틀, 소형냉동고보관용용기또는냉동용백을사용하고, 필요한경우에는랩또는알루미늄호일을사용하여밀봉하십시오. 냉동된음식은완전히해동한후가열해야합니다. 필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터에는이러한필요사항을모두만족시킬수있는해동및재가열기능이있습니다. 재가열된이유식에서는뜨거운김이나므로아기에게먹이기전에충분히식히십시오. 필립스아벤트보틀워머를이용하면아기에게줄음식을안전하고균일하게가열할수있습니다. 전자레인지를사용하여이유식을재가열할경우아기에게먹이기전에골고루섞은후온도를확인하십시오. 음식은한번이상재가열하지마십시오. 해동한이유식은절대다시얼리지말고, 남은이유식은보관하거나재사용하지마십시오. 피해야할음식및식품알러지 : 간, 생조개, 상어, 황새치및청새치, 저온살균되지않은소프트치즈및꿀은 개월미만의아기에게적합하지않습니다. 달걀또는달걀이들어간음식은잘익혀주어야합니다. 음식알러지가족력이있는경우생후 개월간은모유수유를권장합니다. 모유수유를할수없는경우, 가장적합한유형의분유에대해전문의와상의하시기바랍니다. 이유식을시작하면알러지가발생할수있으므로이유를진행하면서모유수유를지속해야하며우유, 달걀, 밀, 생선, 조개등알러지를유발할수있는식품을시작할때는주의해야합니다 ( 한번에한가지씩제공 ). 땅콩알러지가족력이있는경우전문의와상담하십시오. 질식위험이있으므로땅콩을포함한통견과류는 세미만의유아에게제공해서는안됩니다. 몇초또는최대 시간이내에나타날수있는즉각적인알러지징후에는입술이부풀어오르거나가려움, 두드러기, 얼굴또는몸의홍조, 발진, 또는습진악화증상또는호흡곤란등이있습니다. 아기가음식에알러지반응을보이는경우즉시진찰을받으십시오. 심각한반응 ( 과민증 ) 은생명을위협할수있습니다. 음식에대한지연반응 ( 일반적으로우유알러지와관련되어있음 ) 에는구토또는역류, 설사, 변비, 혈변, 밑짓무름그리고점진적인습진악화등이있습니다. 장기적으로체중증가에문제가발생할수도있습니다. 이러한징후 ( 발진및설사 ) 는다른질병의징후를나타낼 수있으므로전문의에게자세한내용을문의하시기바랍니다. 아기에게식품알러지가발생할수있다고의심되는경우에는지체하지말고항상전문의와상의하십시오. 추가지침및정보 조리 * 양은아기가충분히먹을수있는양을제공해야하며, 조리하고남은음식은나중에먹을수있도록한번먹을분량으로나누어보관하거나냉동하십시오. 필요에맞게조리할양을정하고재료량에알맞게찜시간을조절하십시오. 사용설명서의 재료및찜조리시간 에서재료에따른대략적인시간을확인하십시오. 완성된이유식의농도는이유의양과단계 ( 연식 vs. 고형식 ) 를포함하여이용하는재료에따라결정됩니다. 농도는완성된이유식에아기가평소에먹는우유또는끓인물을넣어서조절할수있습니다. 물을넣으면묽어지고베이비라이스를넣으면진득해집니다. 더걸쭉하게하려면블렌딩하기전에찜기에물을약간넣으십시오. 이유식양은이용하는재료의특성과조리시간에따라다를수있습니다. 각레시피에서제공하는 회제공분량은참고용입니다. 아기마다식성이다르므로레시피가아기의식욕에맞는양을반영하거나성장요건을충족하는것은아닐수 있습니다. 따라서아기가먹는실제양은제시된분량과는다를수있습니다. 식단은각이유단계의균형잡힌식단에대한간단한예시일뿐입니다. 제공분량을참조하여아기의상황에맞게조절할수있습니다. 본제품은보편적인특성을지니고있으며식단에포함된일부식사는다양한식품군을고려하여설계되었으므로, 개인의문화적필요사항또는요건에보다적합한식사를선택하십시오. 식단 단계 ~ 단계는아기가처음음식을접하여평소에먹는모유또는분유와함께점점그양과종류를늘려가도록설계되었습니다. 식단 단계 ( 생후 개월이상 ) 는탄수화물식품 ( 쌀, 감자, 파스타 ), 과일및채소, 유제품 ( 전지방요거트및치즈 ), 단백질식품 ( 고기, 생선 ) 과달걀및콩류 ( 달, 렌틸등 ) 등의대체식품을포함한 대주요식품군이고루들어간음식으로구성되어있습니다. 매일각각,, 또는 회정도로제공합니다. 이기준을참고하여 - 세영아가균형잡힌음식을골고루섭취할수있도록하십시오. 레시피가이드사진을사용하여필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터로조리시빠르게보고참고할수있습니다. 필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터를처음사용하는경우전체레시피지침을따르십시오. * 모든레시피에는영유아에적합한양의칼로리, 소금, 설탕및지방이고려되었습니다.

아기는혀를밀어내는식으로젖을먹거나젖병을통해분유를먹는데익숙해져있기때문에처음스푼을시도하면자연스럽게혀로밀어냅니다. 따라서입으로들어간모든음식은혀를통해입밖으로나오게됩니다. 음식섭취법을습득한다는건아기들에게는새로운구강운동법을배우는것과마찬가지입니다. 예를들면아기는입술로스푼의음식을입안에넣고혀로음식을입안뒤쪽으로보낸후삼키는과정에익숙해져야합니다. 그전에는젖이나젖병을빨기위해턱과볼근육만사용했기때문에음식섭취는전혀새로운경험입니다. 아기가음식을삼킬수있고 ( 똑바로앉아서물건을집어입으로가져가는등 ) 다른 가지의이유징후까지보이면이유식을본격적으로시작해도좋습니다. 첫이유식에는베이비라이스, 귀리, 기장, 옥수수국수또는아기가평소에먹는우유를섞어잘으깬밥과같이부드럽게만든곡류를넣을수있습니다. 또한과일또는 야채를퓨레로만들수도있습니다. 퓨레는처음에는아주약한 ( 무미한 ) 맛으로아주부드럽고묽게만들어야합니다. 처음에는아기가모유또는분유를먹는중또는먹은후에하루에한번씩티스푼으로몇차례만주십시오. 이때각음식에대한반응을살펴보기위해한번에한가지음식만제공하십시오. 이후부터는평소에먹는우유를먹기전에이유식을주고서서히횟수와음식의양을늘려가십시오. 첨가하는우유또는 ( 끓여서식힌 ) 물의양을줄여걸쭉하게만드는등, 농도를달리하여시도해보십시오. 다른종류의음식을제공해보고점차하루에 - 회로식사를늘려가십시오. 이를통해아기는새로운맛을많이경험할수있게됩니다. 지속적인모유 / 분유수유로수분을보충해주십시오. 아주더운날씨로아기가목이마를것같다면분유를먹는아기에게는수유사이에끓여서식힌물을먹이십시오. ( 모유수유아기는수분보충이필요하지않습니다.) 단계 : 첫이유식 퓨레는처음에는아주약한 ( 무미한 ) 맛으로매우부드럽고묽게만들어야합니다. 이유의 단계 ( 약 - 개월 ) 는난생처음으로새로운맛과질감을탐색하는시기입니다. 아기는모유나우유의맛과질감에만익숙해져있으므로새로운음식은아기가느끼지못하게서서히늘려가는것이좋습니다. 처음엔시간이걸려답답할수있지만조금만지나면아기가금세새로운음식을받아들이게됩니다.

일분식단 식사 일 일 일 일 일 일 일 아침식사 아기가평소에먹는우유와혼합한베이비라이스 아기가평소에먹는우유, 사과퓨레와혼합한베이비라이스 아기가평소에먹는우유와혼합한베이비라이스 아기가평소에먹는우유, 배퓨레와혼합한베이비라이스 아기가평소에먹는우유와혼합한베이비라이스 아기가평소에먹는우유, 과일퓨레 ( 혼합 ) 와혼합한베이비라이스 바나나및아기가평소에먹는우유와혼합한베이비라이스 점심식사 당근퓨레 맛좋은감자브로콜리퓨레 (p 90) 아보카도와완두콩퓨레 당근과고구마 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 브로콜리퓨레해님호박 (p 9) 당근과파스닙퓨레 저녁식사잘익은사과즙 (p 9) 퓨레또는으깬바나나 배퓨레 ( 잘익은사과즙 (p 9) 이용 ) 배와사과를이용한혼합과일퓨레 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 잘익은사과즙 (p 9) 아보카도랑바나나랑 (p 9) 맛있는사과와호박퓨레 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 채식주의자에게도적합합니다 냉동가능합니다 * 필립스아벤트 -in- 이유식마스터어플리케이션 이식단은아기가첫번째음식맛에익숙해지면하루중선택한식사시간에처음에는 - 숟가락으로시작하다가아기의속도에맞춰섭취양과횟수를서서히늘려갈수있도록설계되었습니다. 먹일때마다아기가평소에먹는모유또는분유를함께먹이십시오. 아기는평소에먹는모유도하루에 - 회먹어야합니다. 9

맛좋은감자브로콜리퓨레 재료 : / 대형감자 ( 약 00g) / 소형브로콜리 ( 약 00g) 회분 총 분 스팀 0 분. 브로콜리는씻어두고감자도씻어서껍질을벗깁니다. 감자와브로콜리를약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다.. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다.. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다.. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다.. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다.. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다.. 용기를뒤집습니다.. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 9. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 퓨레를묽게만들려면아기가평소에먹는우유또는끓인물을약간넣습니다. Suitable for vegetarians Suitable for freezing 영양정보 : 비타민 K 는물론, 비타민 C 와엽산이풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 이유식또는아기가평소에먹는우유와함께차려냅니다. 감자대신고구마로도만들수있습니다. 90 9

잘익은사과즙 아보카도랑바나나랑 재료 : 일반잘익은사과 ( 약 00 g) 재료 : / 일반잘익은아보카도 ( 약 0 g) / 일반잘익은바나나 ( 약 0 g) 0 ml 아기가평소에먹는우유 ( 평상시와같이준비 ) 총 분 스팀 분 회분총 0 분스팀 0 분 회분 사과를씻어껍질을벗긴다음가운데씨를파냅니다. 사과를약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 0 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 아보카도를반으로자릅니다. 씨를빼고테이블스푼으로속을파냅니다. 바나나껍질도벗겨둡니다. 아보카도와바나나를 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로자릅니다. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든과일과아기가평소에먹는우유를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 0 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 영양정보 : 비타민 C. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 이유식또는아기가평소에먹는우유와함께차려냅니다. 사과대신배로만들거나두재료를함께사용해도좋습니다. 영양정보 : 엽산은물론, 비타민 C, 비타민 E, 칼륨, 비타민 B, 비타민 K 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 만들자마자바로먹는것이가장맛있습니다. 바나나대신파파야로도만들수있습니다. 9 9

해님호박 재료 : / 일반버터넛호박 ( 단호박 ) ( 약 00 g) 총 분 스팀 분 회분 버터넛호박 ( 단호박 ) 을씻어서껍질을벗기고반으로자른다음씨를제거합니다. 버터넛호박 ( 단호박 ) 을약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다. 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 퓨레를묽게만들려면아기가평소에먹는우유또는끓인물을약간넣습니다. 단계 : 부드럽게씹기 단계에서는상대적으로부드러운질감의퓨레나잘으깬음식을맛보았습니다. 지금부터는다른질감과더강한맛을접하다가점차덩어리가있는음식으로발전하게되는시기이므로씹는법을배울수있습니다. 이유 단계 ( 생후 - 개월 ) 에는평소에먹는모유또는분유와함께이전보다는더많은양으로하루에세끼를먹을수있게됩니다. 영양정보 : 버터넛호박은밝은오렌지색으로달콤한맛이나는호박으로, 아기가첫번째음식으로먹기에적합합니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 버터넛호박 ( 일명땅콩호박 ) 대신단호박으로조리할수있습니다. 이유식또는아기가평소에먹는우유와함께차려냅니다. 좀더풍부한맛을내려면파스닙을넣습니다. 9 9

아기의발달측면에서부드러운음식이나작은덩어리음식을씹고혀로입안에서음식을움직이는전과정은구강운동능력증진에도움이됩니다. 처음에는입뒤쪽으로음식덩어리를넘길때사레들리거나토하는등힘겨워보이지만음식이싫어서가아니라다양한음식을처리하는방법을익히는과정입니다. 다양한질감의음식을계속주다보면여러가지음식을맛보면서새로운음식도보다적극적으로받아들일수있습니다. 처음에거부하는음식이있다고해도지극히정상이기때문에염려할필요는없습니다. 식습관은음식에대한반복된노출에영향을받을수있으므로, 맛에익숙해지고자연스럽게받아들일때까지다양한방식으로음식을계속제공해보십시오. 어떤음식은받아들일때까지몇차례 ( 최대 회맛보기 ) 가걸릴수있으므로, 인내심을가지고기다려주십시오. 반드시효과가있을것입니다. 아기가어릴수록건강한식습관을형성하기쉬우므로이점을염두에두고아기가이시기에다양한음식을많이맛볼수있도록노력하십시오. 생후 개월된대부분아기는치아가아직나지않았지만작고부드러운음식덩어리는 ( 잇몸으로으깨 ) 먹을수있습니다. 이단계는씹는방법을가르치는단계이므로, 익힌채소스틱 ( 당근 ) 또는부드럽게잘익은과일스틱, 작게자른토스트, 그리고푹삶은파스타등의부드러운 핑거푸드 를제공해보십시오. 포도또는방울토마토를 통째로주면질식을일으킬수있으므로아기에게줄때는항상잘라주십시오. 이단계에서는주요식품군에속하는다양한음식을조합하여만든음식을먹여도좋습니다. 이단계는아기가급격하게성장하는시기이므로영양이풍부한음식이더욱많이필요해집니다. 다양한음식을많이제공해주십시오. 아기는충분한영양공급을받은상태로태어나지만약 개월부터소진되기시작하므로, 철분이함유된음식 ( 기름기없는붉은고기, 시리얼, 콩류및녹색채소 ) 을많이제공해야합니다. 아기는더이상먹고싶지않을때는머리를돌리거나입을다무는방식으로의사를표시하므로, 이를통해아기가먹어야하는양을알수있습니다. 이유식을먹는동안에는안전을위해아기를혼자두지마십시오. 모유또는분유수유를계속하고식사와함께끓여식힌물을훈련용컵에담아마실수있게하십시오. 모유또는분유, 과일및채소로부터많은양의비타민 C 를얻게되므로주스를마실필요는없습니다. 일분식단 식사 일 일 일 아침식사 으깬배를넣은아기죽 으깬망고를넣은아기으깬바나나를넣은뮤즐리아기죽 이식사와함께곁들일핑거푸드 잘익은복숭아조각 잘익은망고조각 바나나슬라이스 * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인끓여물을식힌식혀물을함께먹이면 좋습니다. 점심식사 고마운고기요리고기요리 (P 0) (p 를 0) 를넣거나넣거나넣지넣지않은않은미트미트퓨레 (P 퓨레 00) (p 00) 쉽지요간단한퓨레 (p (P 0) ( 원하는경우미트퓨레첨가 ) 파스닙, 감자및소고기퓨레 ((provided 어플리케이션에 in APP*) 포함 *) 이식사와함께곁들일핑거푸드 삶은브로콜리조각 삶은콜리플라워조각 삶은당근스틱 * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인끓여물을식힌식혀물을함께먹이면좋습니다. 대주요식품군은다음과같습니다.. 탄수화물식품 - 쌀, 파스타, 감자및기타곡류 저녁식사 자두와복숭아와복숭아자두이야기디저트 (p ( 레시피 0) 0) 플레인요구르트를섞은으깬바나나 채소를곁들인렌틸콩 ( ( 레시피어플리케이션에 / 앱 ) 포함 *). 고기, 생선, 달걀과콩류 ( 달, 렌틸등 ) 등의대체식품. 과일및채소 이식사와함께곁들일핑거푸드 잘채소를익은곁들인복숭아렌틸콩또는 ( 자두레시피슬라이스 / 앱 ) 바나나슬라이스 잘익은멜론슬라이스. 유제품 - 전지방요거트및치즈. 전지방우유는조리에도이용할수있습니다. * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인끓여물을식힌식혀물을함께먹이면좋습니다. 9 9

닭고기와사과의달콤한만남 재료 : 일 일 일 일 으깬블루베리를넣은아기뮤즐리 으깬복숭아를넣은아기죽 바나나를넣은아기뮤즐리 사과퓨레를넣은아기죽 / 필렛닭가슴살 ( 약 0 g) 소형고구마 ( 약 g) / 소형잘익은사과 ( 약 0 g) 잘익은블루베리잘익은복숭아조각바나나슬라이스살짝익힌사과조각 총 분 스팀 0 분 회분 * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인물을식혀함께먹이면좋습니다. 닭고기와사과의달콤한만남 (p 99) 연어, 주키니호박, 고구마의물놀이 (p 0) 순무와고구마를곁들인소고기 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 감자와버터넛호박을곁들인양고기 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 사과를씻어껍질을벗기고가운데씨를파냅니다. 고구마도씻어둡니다. 닭가슴살은껍질과지방부분을제거합니다. 모든재료를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로깍뚝썹니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 얇게저민삶은주키니호박 삶은브로콜리조각삶은콜리플라워조각삶은브로콜리조각 * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인물을식혀함께먹이면좋습니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 플레인요구르트를곁들인으깬파파야 버터넛호박과당근의오렌지퓨레 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 플레인요구르트를섞은으깬망고 천국의채식요리 (p 00) 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 잘익은파파야슬라이스버터넛호박조각잘익은망고조각삶은당근조각 * 평소에먹는분유또는분유를먹일수있으며, 더운날씨에는분유먹는아기에게끓인물을식혀함께먹이면좋습니다. 영양정보 : 비타민 A 는물론, 비타민 C, 비타민 B, 니아신이풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 닭고기대신돼지고기를사용할수있습니다. 좀더풍부한맛을내려면고구마에파스닙을넣습니다. 9 99

천국의채식요리 재료 : / 소형콜리플라워 ( 약 0 g) / 일반감자 ( 약 g) 일반당근 ( 약 00 g) 회분 총 분 스팀 0 분. 콜리플라워는씻어두고감자와당근은씻어서껍질을벗깁니다. 야채를약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다.. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다.. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다.. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다.. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다.. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다.. 용기를뒤집습니다.. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 9. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 영양정보 : 비타민 C 는물론, 비타민 B, 비타민 A, 비타민 K 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 고기또는생선퓨레와함께먹일수있습니다. 좋아하는채소또는삶은렌즈콩과섞어먹일수있습니다. 00 0

고마운고기요리 연어, 주키니호박, 고구마의물놀이 재료 : 필렛쇠고기 / 양고기 / 닭가슴살 / 돼지고기 ( 약 0 g) 큰술야채퓨레 (p 00) 재료 : 필렛연어 ( 약 00 g) 소형고구마 ( 약 g) / 일반주키니호박 ( 약 90 g) 총 분 스팀 0 분 회분총 0 분스팀 분 회분 고기의껍데기와지방부분을제거합니다. 고기를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로깍뚝썹니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 주키니호박 ( 애호박 ) 을씻어두고고구마도씻어서껍질을벗깁니다. 연어는뼈와껍질을제거합니다. 야채와연어를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로썹니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 회분을차려내기전용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 필요한경우미트퓨레 큰술과야채퓨레 큰술을섞어줍니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 영양정보 : 쇠고기로만든요리에는비타민 B, 아연은물론, 철, 인, 니아신, 비타민 B 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 야채퓨레와함께차려냅니다. 이퓨레는생선으로도만들수있습니다 ( 예 : 연어. 0/ 분 레벨로물을붓고 분동안찝니다 ). 영양정보 : 오메가, 비타민 D, 비타민 B, 비타민 A 는물론, 셀레늄, 니아신, 칼륨, 인이풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 주키니호박대신애호박또는시금치를사용할수도있습니다. 주키니대신시금치를사용할수도있습니다. 고구마대신감자를사용해도좋습니다. 0 0

쉽지요퓨레 자두와복숭아이야기 재료 : 00 g 냉동완두콩 소형고구마 ( 약 0 g) 재료 : / 일반잘익은복숭아 ( 약 0 g) 대형잘익은자두 ( 약 g) 0 g 요거트 총 분 스팀 0 분 회분총 0 분스팀 0 분 회분 완두콩을해동해서씻어둡니다. 고구마는씻어서껍질을벗깁니다. 고구마를 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 과일을씻어껍질을벗긴다음가운데씨를파냅니다. 과일을약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번 ~ 번정도블렌딩합니다. 필요한경우아기가평소에먹는우유또는끓인물을약간넣어퓨레를묽게만듭니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 0 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 과일혼합물을요거트와섞은다음차려냅니다. 영양정보 : 비타민 A 는물론, 비타민 K, 비타민 C, 비타민 B 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 고기또는생선퓨레와함께먹일수있습니다. 베이비파스타와곁들여보세요. 영양정보 : 복숭아와자두는이달콤한레시피에아주잘어울립니다. 월령이조금더높은아기의경우맛과식감이좋아지도록귀리를넣거나자두대신딸기를넣어도좋습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 자두대신바나나, 사과또는파파야를넣을수있습니다. 요거트대신커스터드를섞어도됩니다. 0 0

대개 년째에접어들면아기가새로운음식또는과거에잘먹었던음식을거부하는경우가종종나타나기때문에이단계에다양한종류의음식을접하게하면나중에가리는단계를수월하게넘어갈수있습니다. 아이들은다른사람이먹는것을보고음식먹는법을익히므로가족의식사시간에아기와함께하십시오. 다른가족과함께앉아먹도록하고주변의다른사람들, 특히아이들과함께식사할수있도록식사시간을정하십시오. 많이흘려서지저분하더라도음식을스스로먹을수있도록격려하고아기에게식사시간을배움의시간이자즐거운시간이될수있도록해주십시오. 스스로먹는과정에적극적으로관여하기때문에음식에대해긍정적인태도가형성됩니다. 더다양한음식을제공하고아기가점차다양한농도의 핑거푸드 ( 생과일, 채소스틱등 ) 를접할수있게하십시오. 하루에 ~ 번은모유또는분유수유를지속하십시오. 필요한경우끓인물을식혀서주십시오. 점차젖병사용을줄이고훈련용컵을시도해보십시오. 유아는성장을위해에너지를필요로하지만위가작고금방채워지므로일반적으로호밀빵이나통밀빵과같이고섬유질성분만으로구성된음식을주는일은피해야합니다. 에너지생산을위해서는지방역시중요하며지방에는비타민 A 와같은중요한비타민성분이포함되어있기때문에 세미만의유아에게는저지방우유, 치즈및요거트를주지않도록하십시오. 단계 : 덩어리씹기 이유 단계 (9 - 개월 ) 는아기가맛에대한경험을넓히고다양한질감의음식을접하게되는시기입니다. 음식은퓨레보다는다지거나으깨거나갈아서조리할수있습니다. 발달단계상이시기의아기들은눈으로보고음식을인식하기시작하며, 음식을보고맛을떠올릴수있습니다. 0 0

일분식단 식사 일 일 일 일 일 일 일 아침식사 처음먹는뮤즐리 (p ) 토스트와피넛버터 ( 원하는토핑추가 ) 죽과바나나 이식사와함께곁들일잘게썬멜론토스트핑거바나나슬라이스핑거푸드음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공치즈조각, 슬라이스오전간식떡바나나조각또는스트링 점심식사 이음식과곁들일핑거푸드 두번째코스또는정오간식 얇게썬방울토마토와스크램블에그를얹은토스트 버터및 / 또는얇게썬방울토마토를곁들인핑거토스트 프로마주프레또는요거트 음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공 저녁식사 이음식과곁들일핑거푸드 두번째코스또는저녁간식 국수에말린병아리콩 (p 0)( 원하는경우고기첨가 ) 피시핑거, 감자와양배추볶음 ( 살짝볶은양배추또는방울양배추, 으깬감자를곁들임 ) 핑거피시및 / 또는얇게썬방울양배추 치즈큐브, 슬라이스또는스트링및파인애플조각 대구와감자파티 (p ) 원하는속을부드럽게채운미니샌드위치 포도및사과슬라이스 프로마주프레또는요거트 으깬감자토핑을곁들인블렌딩한양고기및채소찜요리 볶은채소삶은브로콜리조각삶은당근스틱 사과퓨레및커스타드 음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공 과일크럼블및천연요거트 피넛버터를결들인핑거토스트 * 평소에먹는모유또는분유를먹일수있으며 ( - 일 ) 날씨가더운경우분유먹는아기에게는끓인물을식혀서함께먹이면좋습니다. 시금치, 양배추또는배추를곁들여완전히익힌베이비오믈렛 채소를곁들여푹삶은국수또는밥 완전히익힌스크램블에그를올린토스트또는프렌치토스트 베이비뮤즐리와딸기 토스트핑거배슬라이스토스트핑거딸기조각 음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공프로마주프레라이스푸딩잘게썬사과잘게썬멜론또는요거트 버터넛호박, 토마토및치즈를곁들인파스타 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 버터넛호박조각 브레드스틱및후무스 채소와렌틸콩수프 ( 원하는경우고기첨가 ) 버터바른빵또는찍어먹을수있는크기의피타빵 마카로니앤치즈 얇게저민토마토또는깍지콩 콩을얹은토스트 ( 풍미를더하려면다진치즈첨가 ) 버터를곁들인핑거토스트 * 과일주스는희석시킨무가당퓨레과일주스를작은컵으로 잔정도 (( 주스 ):0( 물 )) 가끔씩마시는것이좋고, 충치가생기지않도록식사시간에만제공해야합니다. 0 09 떡과바나나 음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공 삶은국수에곁들일닭고기와옥수수 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 얇게저민파프리카 ( 빨강, 주황또는노랑 ) 라이스푸딩 으깬감자를곁들인연어플레이크 익혀서꼬투리채먹는완두콩, 깍지콩또는시금치 프로마주프레또는요거트 음료 * - 식사또는간식과함께끓여서식힌물제공 요거트를곁들인과일콩포트 밥과함께먹는순한맛의치킨채소커리 야채스틱 좋아하는토핑을곁들인핑거토스트 프로마주프레또는요거트 채소및으깬감자를곁들인블렌딩한소고기 삶은당근스틱 루바브크럼블및커스타드

국수에말린병아리콩 재료 : / 대셀러리 ( 약 0 g) 일반토마토 ( 약 0 g) / 일반당근 ( 약 0 g) 0 g 익힌병아리콩 0 g 푹삶은국수 (회분) 0 g 잘익힌쇠고기퓨레 (회분) (p 0) 회분 총 0 분 스팀 0 분. 야채를씻어두고당근도씻어서껍질을벗깁니다. 토마토를반으로자른다음씨를제거합니다. 야채를약 cm 크기로깍뚝썹니다.. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든재료 ( 병아리콩제외 ) 를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다.. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다.. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다.. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다.. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다.. 용기를뒤집고익힌병아리콩을넣습니다 ( 병아리콩은따로삶아둡니다 ).. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 9. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 삶은국수약 0g 과쇠고기퓨레 0g 과함께 회분을차려내기전용기에옮겨담고식힙니다 (p 0). 영양정보 : 아연과비타민 B 는물론, 철, 인, 칼륨, 니아신, 비타민 B 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 소고기가없다면생선이나다른고기퓨레 (p 0) 를사용해도좋습니다. 채식을하는경우익힌파스타, 쌀또는즐겨먹는음식과소스를곁들여냅니다. 0

대구와감자파티 처음먹는뮤즐리 재료 : 필렛대구 ( 약 00 g) / 일반감자 ( 약 0 g) 00 g 쌀죽 (회분) 재료 : / 일반잘익은복숭아 ( 약 00 g) / 일반잘익은배 ( 약 00 g) 0 g 잘익은블루베리 00 g 으깬귀리 (회분) 총 분 스팀 0 분 회분총 0 분스팀 0 분 회분 감자를씻어껍질을벗깁니다. 대구의뼈와껍질을제거합니다. 모든재료를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로썹니다. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든재료를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 모든재료를씻어껍질을벗기고복숭아와배의씨를파냅니다. 복숭아와배를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로자릅니다. 용기뚜껑을열고모든재료를용기에넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 찜시간을 0 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 0 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 9 선택사항 : 소스를만들려면원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번 ~ 번정도블렌딩합니다. 잘씹는아기는국물을따라버리고짧은시간동안블렌딩하거나포크를사용하여조리된음식을찍어먹습니다. 용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 쌀죽 00g 과함께 회분을차려내기전뼈가없는지세심하게확인합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 으깬귀리 00g 과함께 회분을먹이기전용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 영양정보 : 요오드는물론, 셀레늄과비타민 B 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 고기퓨레와함께먹일수있습니다. 익힌파스타, 쌀또는좋아하는다른주식과곁들여냅니다. 영양정보 : 과일맛이나는이뮤즐리는아기입맛에딱맞을것입니다. 요리법에따라식단에더많은과일을추가할수있습니다. 아기의입맛과기호에맞춰다양한과일을섞어주십시오. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 이레시피에유제품을섞으려면천연요거트와혼합하세요. 좋아하는다른과일을사용할수도있습니다.

평소에먹는모유또는분유섭취량이자연스럽게감소하므로, 우유에알러지반응이있는경우를제외하고전유로바꿀수있습니다. 우유는중요한칼슘공급원으로, 물과함께유아가주로마시는음료입니다. 성장하는데필요한다른식품에대한식욕을감퇴시킬수있으므로하루에 파인트 ( 약 이상의우유를주지마십시오. 늘리십시오. 섭취할수있는양은아기의식욕을항상고려해야합니다. 아이가좋아하는다양한모양과테마를사용한화려한접시에음식을담고다양한색상과질감을조합하여음식에대한흥미를가질수있도록해주십시오. 가능한스스로먹게하되, 스파게티와같이먹기힘든음식은잘라주십시오. 아기가간식을거부하기시작했다면 꾸준히새로운음식을접하게하되, 접시에너무많이담지마세요. 많은양은거부감을줄수있습니다. 단계 : 첫돌이후 아이들마다다르지만첫돌아기는활동량이왕성해집니다. 빠른속도로방바닥을기어다니거나보이는건닥치는대로잡아당기고책장등을오르내리고걷기도합니다. 발과입을떼면서부터굉장히역동적으로움직이기때문에많은영양분과에너지를공급해주어야합니다. 균형잡힌건강식단이중요한이유가바로여기에있습니다. 지금까지주영양공급원이었던모유또는분유수유에서고형식으로넘어가야할때입니다. 우유를포함한수분을컵으로하루에약 - 회제공하십시오 ( 끼니마다 회, 끼니사이에간식과함께 회 ). 꾸준히새로운음식을접하게하되, 접시에너무많이담지마십시오. 많은양은거부감을줄수있습니다. 유아의권장섭취량은없지만, 유아의주먹크기를기준으로사용하십시오. 유아의위장은꽉쥔주먹크기와같습니다. 활동량이많아질수록 ( 세부터 ) 제공량을서서히 승강이를벌이지말고음식을치운다음다른어떤것도주지말고다음간식또는식사시간까지기다리게하십시오. 달거나고지방음식은좋지않은식습관으로발전할수있으므로가급적주지마십시오. 아기가잘먹는경우칭찬을해주시면좋은행동습관과학습에도움이됩니다. 머지않아이아이가다른식구들과동일한음식을먹게되는점을염두에두고언제나먼저모범을보여주시고건강한식습관을유지해주십시오. 이단계의아기는하루세끼는물론, 끼니사이에약간의간식 ( 손질된과일, 채소스틱, 요거트, 치즈덩어리, 토스트또는떡등 ) 을섭취하게됩니다. 각끼니에는약간의탄수화물 ( 빵, 시리얼, 죽, 감자, 쌀, 쿠스쿠스또는파스타 ), 단백질 ( 고기, 생선, 달걀, 렌틸콩, 콩류, 후무스, 대두분유및두부 ), 신선한과일과채소를넣어보십시오. 유제품 ( 우유, 요거트또는치즈 ) 은매일끼니또는간식에포함되어야합니다. 회제공분량은우유 잔 (0ml), 작은그릇의요거트또는프로마주프레나, 성냥갑하나크기의치즈입니다. 이단계에서는

일분식단 식사 일 일 일 일 일 일 일 아침식사 무가당블랙퍼스트시리얼과우유 우유를곁들인밀비스킷과바나나 고기 / 생선및 / 또는채소로속을채운만두 우유와간사과로만든죽 무가당블랙퍼스트시리얼과우유 삶은계란또는스크램블에그와토스트 우유를곁들인뮤즐리 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 바나나와쌀 / 귀리로오전간식포도한줌만든케이크 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 사과 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 망고복숭아배파파야조각 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 점심식사 방울토마토와길게자른오이를곁들인치즈오믈렛 구운햄과토마토를곁들인미니토스트샌드위치 베이비베이크포테이토또는콩류 ( 치즈토핑은옵션 ) 볕좋은아스파라거스 (p ) 시금치와버섯프리타타 잘게조각낸닭고기와치즈를곁들인콜리플라워와브로콜리 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 토스트에곁들인콩류 두번째코스유제품무스요거트 프로마주프레 ( 생치즈 ) 유제품무스 요거트 프로마주프레 ( 생치즈 ) 요거트 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 오후간식 과일그래놀라바 후무스를곁들인피타빵 떡과건살구 원하는디핑소스를곁들인브레드스틱, 길게썬오이 / 당근 토스트와피넛버터또는원하는토핑 당근케익 / 채소머핀 귀리케이크, 포도와치즈 / 치즈스프레드 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 저녁식사 볼로냐소스를얹은파스타 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 망고및건포도를곁들인과일양고기쿠스쿠스 화려한쌀요리 ( 어플리케이션에포함 *) 폭찹과구운감자및콩 오래오래행복한브로콜리 (p 0) 치킨야채커리를곁들인밥또는국수 당근과감자를곁들인소고기 두번째코스천연요거트와과일퓨레루바브와커스타드 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 신선한과일샐러드와천연요거트 라이스푸딩과과일퓨레사과크럼블과커스타드딸기퓨레와세몰리나과일트리플 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. 저녁 / 저녁간식 토스트와피넛버터 ( 원하는토핑추가 ) 라이스푸딩 우유를곁들인밀비스킷 잼을곁들인토스트 우유를곁들인밀비스킷 무가당블랙퍼스트시리얼과우유 원하는토핑을곁들인토스트 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. * 유아에게매일 - 잔또는컵 ( 약 00ml) 의수분을제공하십시오. 아이는물, 우유또는무가당과일주스를마실수있습니다. 물을선택하는것이좋으며, 물은하루종일섭취해야합니다. 음료 * 식사시간에는항상음료를제공하십시오. 물또는우유가좋습니다. * 유아는매일 회이상우유한컵을포함한유제품을섭취해야합니다. 과일주스는희석시킨무가당퓨레과일주스를작은컵으로 잔정도 (( 주스 ):0( 물 )) 가끔씩마셔야하며, 충치가생기지않도록식사시간에만제공해야합니다.

달콤한피망 재료 : / 대리크 ( 대파 ) ( 약 0 g) / 소형주키니호박 ( 약 0 g) / 일반빨간피망 ( 약 0 g) 일반토마토 ( 약 0 g) 0 g 밥 ( 회분 ) 회분 총 0 분 스팀 분. 야채를씻은다음토마토와빨간피망을반으로잘라씨를제거합니다. 야채를약 cm 크기의정육면체모양으로썹니다.. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든재료를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다.. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다.. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다.. 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다.. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다.. 용기를뒤집습니다.. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 9. 원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번이나 번정도블렌딩합니다. 월령이조금더높은아기에게는덩어리가약간있는음식을먹여씹는행동을자극하도록합니다. 쌀밥 0g 과함께 회분을차려내기전용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 영양정보 : 비타민 C 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 고기또는생선퓨레와함께먹일수있습니다. 익힌파스타, 쌀또는좋아하는다른주식과소스를곁들여냅니다. 9

오래오래행복한브로콜리 볕좋은아스파라거스 재료 : 필렛연어 ( 약 0 g) / 소형브로콜리 ( 약 0 g) 0 g 푹삶은조개모양파스타 (회분) 재료 : 대그린아스파라거스 ( 약 0 g) 00 g 햇감자로만든웨지포테이토 (회분) 0 g 파마산치즈간것 (회분) 총 분 스팀 분 회분총 0 분스팀 분 회분 브로콜리는씻어두고연어는뼈와껍질을제거합니다. 브로콜리와연어를약 cm 크기로썹니다. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든재료를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 9 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기를뒤집어본체에올려놓은다음, 시계방향으로돌려블렌딩위치에고정합니다. 선택사항 : 소스를만들려면원하는농도가될때까지 초동안 번 ~ 번정도블렌딩합니다. 잘씹는아기는국물을따라버리고짧은시간동안블렌딩하거나포크를사용하여조리된음식을찍어먹습니다. 익힌조개모양파스타 0g 과함께 회분을차려내기전용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 아스파라거스를씻고거친줄기를제거합니다. 재료를약 cm 크기로자릅니다. 용기뚜껑을열고용기에모든재료를넣습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 물탱크뚜껑을열고 0/ 분 레벨이될때까지탱크에물을붓습니다. 뚜껑을제자리에놓고고정합니다. 용기를눌러스팀위치에고정합니다. 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 스팀버튼을 꺼짐 위치로돌립니다. 용기를뒤집습니다. 용기에옮겨담고식힙니다. 햇감자로만든웨지포테이토 00g 과파마산치즈간것 0g 을곁들여 회분을차려냅니다. 찜시간을 분으로설정합니다. 찜조리가시작되고 분후자동으로중지됩니다. 영양정보 : 오메가, 셀레늄, 요오드, 비타민 B, 티아민, 비타민 D, 비타민 K 는물론, 인, 리보플라빈, 니아신, 엽산, 비타민 C 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 야채퓨레와함께차려냅니다. 익힌파스타, 쌀또는좋아하는다른주식과곁들여냅니다. 영양정보 : 인, 엽산, 비타민 D, 비타민 K 는물론, 칼슘, 칼륨, 티아민, 비타민 C, 비타민 B 가풍부하게함유되어있습니다. 먹이기 / 요리팁 : 얇게저민연어와함께차려냅니다. 좋아하는국수및소스와곁들입니다. 0