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고든 비 힝클리 대관장은 연차 대회의 마지막 모임에서 다음과 같이 말씀했다. 이 위대한 대회에 참여한 사람 모두가 선한 영향을 받았기를, 우리 개개인이 지난 이틀 간의 경험으로 인해 더 나은 남자와 여자가 되었기를 바랍니다. 우리 개개인이 주님께 더욱 가까이 다가가는


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


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1 Pau/loj avpo,stoloj VIhsou/ Cristou/ kat evpitagh.n qeou/ swth/roj h`mw/n kai. Kurio,u VIhsou/ Cristou/ th/j evlpi,doj h`mw/n Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 우리구주( 救主 ) 하나님과우리소망( 所望 ) 이신그리스도예수의명령( 命令 ) 을따라 그리스도예수의사도( 使徒 ) 된바울은 2 Timoqe,w gnhsi,w te,knw evn pi,stei ca,rij e;leoj eivrh,nh avpo. qeou/ patro.j h`mw/n kai. Cristou/ VIhsou/ tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 믿음안에서참아들된디모데에게편지( 便紙 ) 하노니하나님아버지와그리스도 예수우리주( 主 ) 께로부터은혜( 恩惠 ) 와긍휼( 矜恤 ) 과평강( 平康 ) 이네게있을지어다 3 Kaqw.j pareka,lesa, se prosmei/nai evn VEfe,sw poreuo,menoj eivj Makedoni,an i[na paraggei,lh j tisi.n mh. e`terodidaskalei/n As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 내가마게도냐로갈때에너를권( 勸 ) 하여에베소에머물라한것은어떤사람들을명( 命 ) 하여다른교훈( 敎訓 ) 을가르치지말며 4 mhde. prose,cein mu,qoij kai. genealogi,aij avpera,ntoij ai[tinej zhth,seij pare,cousin ma/llon h' oivkonomi,an qeou/ th.n evn pi,stei nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work--which is by faith. 신화( 神話 ) 와끝없는족보( 族譜 ) 에착념( 着念 ) 치말게하려함이라이런것은믿음 안에있는하나님의경륜( 經綸 ) 을이룸보다도리어변론( 辯論 ) 을내는것이라 5 to. de. te,loj th/j paraggeli,aj evsti.n avga,ph evk kaqara/j kardi,aj kai. suneidh,sewj avgaqh/j kai. pi,stewj avnupokri,tou The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 경계( 警戒 ) 의목적( 目的 ) 은청결( 淸潔 ) 한마음과선( 善 ) 한양심( 良心 ) 과거짓이없는 믿음으로나는사랑이거늘 6 w-n tinej avstoch,santej evxetra,phsan eivj mataiologi,an

Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 사람들이이에서벗어나헛된말에빠져 7 qe,lontej ei=nai nomodida,skaloi mh. noou/ntej mh,te a] le,gousin mh,te peri. ti,nwn diabebaiou/ntai They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm. 율법( 律法 ) 의선생( 先生 ) 이되려하나자기( 自己 ) 의말하는것이나자기( 自己 ) 의 확증( 確證 ) 하는것도깨닫지못하는도다 8 Oi;damen de. o[ti kalo.j o` no,moj eva,n tij auvtw/ nomi,mwj crh/tai 아노라 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 그러나사람이율법( 律法 ) 을법( 法 ) 있게쓰면율법( 律法 ) 은선( 善 ) 한것인줄우리는 9 eivdw.j tou/to o[ti dikai,w no,moj ouv kei/tai avno,moij de. kai. avnupota,ktoij avsebe,sin kai. a`martwloi/j avnosi,oij kai. bebh,loij patralw, aij kai. mhtralw,aij avndrofo,noij We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 알것은이것이니법( 法 ) 은옳은사람을위( 爲 ) 하여세운것이아니요오직 불법( 不法 ) 한자( 者 ) 와, 복종( 服從 ) 치아니하는자( 者 ) 며, 경건( 敬虔 ) 치아니한자( 者 ) 와, 죄인( 罪人 ) 이며, 거룩하지아니한자( 者 ) 와, 망령( 妄靈 ) 된자( 者 ) 며, 아비를치는 자( 者 ) 와, 어미를치는자( 者 ) 며, 살인( 殺人 ) 하는자( 者 ) 며 10 po,rnoij avrsenokoi,taij avndrapodistai/j yeu,staij evpio,rkoij kai. ei; ti e[teron th/ u`giainou,sh didaskali,a avnti,keitai for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 음행( 淫行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 며, 남색( 男色 ) 하는자( 者 ) 며, 사람을탈취( 奪取 ) 하는자( 者 ) 며, 거짓말하는자( 者 ) 며, 거짓맹세( 盟誓 ) 하는자( 者 ) 와, 기타( 其他 ) 바른교훈( 敎訓 ) 을 거스리는자( 者 ) 를위( 爲 ) 함이니 11 kata. to. euvagge,lion th/j do,xhj tou/ makari,ou qeou/ o] evpisteu,qhn evgw, to me. that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted 이교훈( 敎訓 ) 은내게맡기신바복( 福 ) 되신하나님의영광( 榮光 ) 의복음( 福音 ) 을

좇음이니라 12 Kai. Ca,rin e;cw tw/ evndunamw,santi, me Cristw/ VIhsou/ tw/ kuri,w h`mw/n o[ti pisto,n me h`gh,sato qe,menoj eivj diakoni,an I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 나를능( 能 ) 하게하신그리스도예수우리주( 主 ) 께내가감사( 感謝 ) 함은나를 충성( 忠誠 ) 되이여겨내게직분( 職分 ) 을맡기심이니 13 to.n pro,teron o;nta bla,sfhmon kai. diw,kthn kai. u`bristh,n avllv hvleh,qhn o[ti avgnow/n evpoi,hsa evn avpisti,a \ Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 내가전( 前 ) 에는훼방자( 毁謗者 ) 요핍박자( 逼迫者 ) 요포행자( 暴行者 ) 이었으나도리어 긍휼( 矜恤 ) 을입은것은내가믿지아니할때에알지못하고행( 行 ) 하였음이라 14 u`perepleo,nasen de. h` ca,rij tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n meta. pi,stewj kai. avga,phj th/j evn Cristw/ VIhsou/ The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 우리주( 主 ) 의은혜( 恩惠 ) 가그리스도예수안에있는믿음과사랑과함께넘치도록풍성( 豊盛 ) 하였도다 15 pisto.j o` lo,goj kai. pa,shj avpodoch/j a;xioj o[ti Cristo.j VIhsou/j h=lqen eivj to.n ko,smon a`martwlou.j sw/sai w-n prw/to,j eivmi evgw, Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. 미쁘다모든사람이받을만한이말이여그리스도예수께서죄인( 罪人 ) 을 구원( 救援 ) 하시려고세상( 世上 ) 에임( 臨 ) 하셨다하였도다죄인( 罪人 ) 중( 中 ) 에내가 괴수( 魁首 ) 니라 16 avlla. dia. tou/to hvleh,qhn i[na evn evmoi. prw,tw evndei,xhtai VIhsou/j Cristo.j th.n pa/san makroqumi,an pro.j u`potu,pwsin tw/n mello,ntwn pisteu,ein evp auvtw/ eivj zwh.n aivw,nion But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 그러나내가긍휼( 矜恤 ) 을입은까닭은예수그리스도께서내게먼저일절( 一切 )

오래참으심을보이사후( 後 ) 에주( 主 ) 를믿어영생( 永生 ) 얻는자( 者 ) 들에게본( 本 ) 이 되게하려하심이니라 17 tw/ de. basilei/ tw/n aivw,nwn avfqa,rtw avora,tw mo,nw sofw/ qew/ timh. kai. do,xa eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn avmh,n Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 만세( 萬歲 ) 의왕( 王 ) 곧썩지아니하고보이지아니하고홀로하나이신하나님께 존귀( 尊貴 ) 와영광( 榮光 ) 이세세( 世世 ) 토록있어지이다아멘 18 Tau,thn th.n paraggeli,an parati,qemai, soi te,knon Timo,qee kata. ta.j proagou,saj evpi. se. profhtei,aj i[na strateu,h evn auvtai/j th.n kalh.n stratei,an Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 아들디모데야내가네게이경계( 警戒 ) 로써명( 命 ) 하노니전( 前 ) 에너를 지도( 指導 ) 한예언( 豫言 ) 을따라그것으로선( 善 ) 한싸움을싸우며 19 e;cwn pi,stin kai. avgaqh.n sunei,dhsin h[n tinej avpwsa,menoi peri. th.n pi,stin evnaua,ghsan holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. 믿음과착한양심( 良心 ) 을가지라어떤이들이이양심( 良心 ) 을버렸고그믿음에관( 關 ) 하여는파선( 破船 ) 하였느니라 20 w-n evstin ~Ume,naioj kai. VAle,xandroj ou]j pare,dwka tw/ Satana/ i[na paideuqw/sin mh. blasfhmei/n Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. 그가운데후메내오와알렉산더가있으니내가사단에게내어준것은저희로 징계( 懲戒 ) 를받아훼방( 毁謗 ) 하지말게하려함이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전1:1~20)

1 Parakalw/ ou=n prw/ton pa,ntwn poiei/sqai deh,seij proseuca,j evnteu,xeij euvcaristi,aj u`pe.r pa,ntwn avnqrw,pwn I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- 그러므로내가첫째로권( 勸 ) 하노니모든사람을위( 爲 ) 하여간구( 懇求 ) 와 기도( 祈禱 ) 와도고( 禱告 ) 와감사( 感謝 ) 를하되 2 u`pe.r basile,wn kai. pa,ntwn tw/n evn u`peroch/ o;ntwn i[na h;remon kai. h`su,cion bi,on dia,gwmen evn pa,sh euvsebei,a kai. semno,thti for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 임금들과높은지위( 地位 ) 에있는모든사람을위( 爲 ) 하여하라이는우리가모든 경건( 敬虔 ) 과단정( 端正 ) 한중( 中 ) 에고요하고평안( 平安 ) 한생활( 生活 ) 을하려함이니라 3 tou/to ga.r kalo.n kai. avpo,dekton evnw,pion tou/ swth/roj h`mw/n qeou/ This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 이것이우리구주( 救主 ) 하나님앞에선( 善 ) 하고받으실만한것이니 4 o]j pa,ntaj avnqrw,pouj qe,lei swqh/nai kai. eivj evpi,gnwsin avlhqei,aj evlqei/n who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 하나님은모든사람이구원( 救援 ) 을받으며진리( 眞理 ) 를아는데이르기를원( 願 ) 하시느니라 5 ei-j ga.r qeo,j ei-j kai. mesi,thj qeou/ kai. avnqrw,pwn a;nqrwpoj Cristo.j VIhsou/j For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 하나님은한분이시요또하나님과사람사이에중보( 中保 ) 도한분이시니곧사람이신그리스도예수라 6 o` dou.j e`auto.n avnti,lutron u`pe.r pa,ntwn to. martu,rion kairoi/j ivdi,oij time. who gave himself as a ransom for all men--the testimony given in its proper 그가모든사람을위( 爲 ) 하여자기( 自己 ) 를속전( 贖錢 ) 으로주셨으니기약( 期約 ) 이 이르면증거( 證據 ) 할것이라 7 eivj o] evte,qhn evgw. kh/rux kai. avpo,stoloj avlh,qeian le,gw evn Cristw/ ( ouv

yeu,domai dida,skaloj evqnw/n evn pi,stei kai. avlhqei,a And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle--i am telling the truth, I am not lying--and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles. 이를위( 爲 ) 하여내가전파( 傳播 ) 하는자( 者 ) 와사도( 使徒 ) 로세움을입은것은 참말이요거짓말이아니니믿음과진리( 眞理 ) 안에서내가이방인( 異邦人 ) 의스승이 되었노라 8 Bou,lomai ou=n proseu,cesqai tou.j a;ndraj evn panti. to,pw evpai,rontaj o`si,ouj cei/raj cwri.j ovrgh/j kai. dialogismou/ I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. 그러므로각처( 各處 ) 에서남자( 男子 ) 들이분노( 憤怒 ) 와다툼이없이거룩한손을 들어기도( 祈禱 ) 하기를원( 願 ) 하노라 9 w`sau,twj kai. ta.j gunai/kaj evn katastolh/ kosmi,w meta. aivdou/j kai. swfrosu,nhj kosmei/n e`auta,j mh. evn ple,gmasin h' crus,w ( h' margari,taij h' i`matismw/ polutelei/ I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 또이와같이여자( 女子 ) 들도아담( 雅淡 ) 한옷을입으며염치( 廉恥 ) 와정절( 貞節 ) 로 자기( 自己 ) 를단장( 丹粧 ) 하고땋은머리와금( 金 ) 이나진주( 眞珠 ) 나값진옷으로하지 말고 10 avll o] pre,pei gunaixi.n evpaggellome,naij qeose,beian di e;rgwn avgaqw/n but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. 오직선행( 善行 ) 으로하기를원( 願 ) 하라이것이하나님을공경( 恭敬 ) 한다하는 자( 者 ) 들에게마땅한것이니라 11 gunh. evn h`suci,a manqane,tw evn pa,sh u`potagh/ \ A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 여자( 女子 ) 는일절( 一切 ) 순종( 順從 ) 함으로종용( 從容 ) 히배우라 12 gunaiki. de. dida,skein ouvk evpitre,pw ouvde. auvqentei/n avndro,j avll ei=nai evn h`suci,a be silent. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must 여자( 女子 ) 의가르치는것과남자( 男子 ) 를주관( 主管 ) 하는것을허락( 許諾 ) 지 아니하노니오직종용( 從容 ) 할지니라

13 VAda.m ga.r prw/toj evpla,sqh ei=ta Eu[a For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 이는아담이먼저지음을받고이와가그후( 後 ) 며 14 kai. VAda.m ouvk hvpath,qh h` de. gunh. avpathqei/sa evn paraba,sei ge,gonen\ And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 아담이꾀임을보지아니하고여자( 女子 ) 가꾀임을보아죄( 罪 ) 에빠졌음이니라 15 swqh,setai de. dia. th/j teknogoni,aj eva.n mei,nwsin evn pi,stei kai. avga,ph kai. a`giasmw/ meta. swfrosu,nhj\ But women will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. 그러나여자( 女子 ) 들이만일( 萬一 ) 정절( 貞節 ) 로써믿음과사랑과거룩함에 거( 居 ) 하면그해산( 解産 ) 함으로구원( 救援 ) 을얻으리라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전2:1~15)

1 pisto.j o` lo,goj Ei; tij evpiskoph/j ovre,getai kalou/ e;rgou evpiqumei/ Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. 미쁘다, 이말이여사람이감독( 監督 ) 의직분( 職分 ) 을얻으려하면선( 善 ) 한일을 사모( 思慕 ) 한다함이로다 2 dei/ ou=n to.n evpi,skopon avnepi,lhpton ei=nai mia/j gunaiko.j a;ndra nhfa,leon sw,frona ko,smion filo,xenon didaktiko,n Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 그러므로감독( 監督 ) 은책망( 責望 ) 할것이없으며한아내의남편( 男便 ) 이되며, 절제( 節制 ) 하며, 근신( 謹愼 ) 하며, 아담( 雅淡 ) 하며, 나그네를대접( 待接 ) 하며, 가르치기를 잘하며 3 mh. pa,roinon mh. plh,kthn mh. aivscrokerdh/( avllv evpieikh/ a;macon avfila,rguron not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 술을즐기지아니하며, 구타( 毆打 ) 하지아니하며, 오직관용( 寬容 ) 하며, 다투지아니하며, 돈을사랑치아니하며 4 tou/ ivdi,ou oi;kou kalw/j proi?sta,menon te,kna e;conta evn u`potagh/ meta. pa,shj semno,thtoj He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 자기( 自己 ) 집을잘다스려자녀( 子女 ) 들로모든단정( 端正 ) 함으로복종( 服從 ) 케 하는자( 者 ) 라야할지며 5 eiv de, tij tou/ ivdi,ou oi;kou prosth/nai ouvk oi=den pw/j evkklhsi,aj qeou/ evpimelh,setai (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) ( 사람이자기( 自己 ) 집을다스릴줄알지못하면어찌하나님의교회( 敎會 ) 를돌아보리요 ) 6 mh. neo,futon i[na mh. tufwqei.j eivj kri,ma evmpe,sh tou/ diabo,lou He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall

under the same judgment as the devil. 새로입교( 入敎 ) 한자( 者 ) 도말지니교만( 驕慢 ) 하여져서마귀( 魔鬼 ) 를 정죄( 定罪 ) 하는그정죄( 定罪 ) 에빠질까함이요 7 dei/ de. auvto.n kai. marturi,an kalh.n e;cein avpo. tw/n e;xwqen i[na mh. eivj ovneidismo.n evmpe,sh kai. pagi,da tou/ diabo,lou He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. 또한외인( 外人 ) 에게서도선( 善 ) 한증거( 證據 ) 를얻은자( 者 ) 라야할지니 비방( 誹謗 ) 과마귀( 魔鬼 ) 의올무에빠질까염려( 念慮 ) 하라 8 Diako,nouj w`sau,twj semnou,j mh. dilo,gouj mh. oi;nw pollw/ prose,contaj mh. aivscrokerdei/j Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 이와같이집사( 執事 ) 들도단정( 端正 ) 하고일구이언( 一口二言 ) 을하지아니하고 술에인박이지아니하고더러운이( 利 ) 를탐( 貪 ) 하지아니하고 9 e;contaj to. musth,rion th/j pi,stewj evn kaqara/ suneidh,sei They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 깨끗한양심( 良心 ) 에믿음의비밀( 秘密 ) 을가진자( 者 ) 라야할지니 10 kai. ou-toi de. dokimaze,sqwsan prw/ton ei=ta diakonei,twsan avne,gklhtoi o;ntej They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. 이에이사람들을먼저시험( 試驗 ) 하여보고그후( 後 ) 에책망( 責望 ) 할것이없으면 집사( 執事 ) 의직분( 職分 ) 을하게할것이요 11 gunai/kaj w`sau,twj semna,j mh. diabo,louj nhfale,ouj pista.j evn pa/sin In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 여자( 女子 ) 들도이와같이단정( 端正 ) 하고참소( 讒訴 ) 하지말며절제( 節制 ) 하며모든 일에충성( 忠誠 ) 된자( 者 ) 라야할지니라 12 dia,konoi e;stwsan mia/j gunaiko.j a;ndrej te,knwn kalw/j proi?sta,menoi kai. tw/n ivdi,wn oi;kwn A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his

children and his household well. 집사( 執事 ) 들은한아내의남편( 男便 ) 이되어자녀( 子女 ) 와자기( 自己 ) 집을잘 다스리는자( 者 ) 일지니 13 oi` ga.r kalw/j diakonh,santej baqmo.n e`autoi/j kalo.n peripoiou/ntai kai. pollh.n parrhsi,an evn pi,stei th/ evn Cristw/ VIhsou/ Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. 집사( 執事 ) 의직분( 職分 ) 을잘한자( 者 ) 들은아름다운지위( 地位 ) 와그리스도예수 안에있는믿음에큰담력( 膽力 ) 을얻느니라 14 Tau/ta, soi gra,fw evlpi,zwn evlqei/n pro.j se. ta,cion\ Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, 내가속( 速 ) 히네게가기를바라나이것을네게쓰는것은 15 eva.n de. bradu,nw i[na eivdh/ j pw/j dei/ evn oi;kw qeou/ avnastre,fesqai h[tij evsti.n evkklhsi,a qeou/ zw/ntoj stu/loj kai. e`drai,wma th/j avlhqei,aj if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. 만일( 萬一 ) 내가지체( 遲滯 ) 하면너로하나님의집에서어떻게행( 行 ) 하여야할 것을알게하려함이니이집은살아계신하나님의교회( 敎會 ) 요진리( 眞理 ) 의기둥과 터이니라 16 kai. o`mologoume,nwj me,ga evsti.n to. th/j euvsebei,aj musth,rion\ Qeo.j evfanerw,qh evn sarki, evdikaiw,qh evn pneu,mati w;fqh avgge,loij evkhru,cqh evn e;qnesin evpisteu,qh evn ko,smw avnelh,fqh evn do,xh Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory. 크도다경건( 敬虔 ) 의비밀( 秘密 ) 이여그렇지않다하는이없도다그는 육신( 肉身 ) 으로나타난바되시고영( 靈 ) 으로의( 義 ) 롭다하심을입으시고 천사( 天使 ) 들에게보이시고만국( 萬國 ) 에서전파( 傳播 ) 되시고세상( 世上 ) 에서믿은바 되시고영광( 榮光 ) 가운데서올리우셨음이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전3:1~16)

1 To. de. pneu/ma r`htw/j le,gei o[ti evn u`ste,roij kairoi/j avposth,sontai, tinej th/j pi,stewj prose,contej pneu,masin pla,noij kai. didaskali,aij daimoni,wn The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 그러나성령( 聖靈 ) 이밝히말씀하시기를후일( 後日 ) 에어떤사람들이믿음에서떠나 미혹( 迷惑 ) 케하는영( 靈 ) 과귀신( 鬼神 ) 의가르침을좇으리라하셨으니 2 evn u`pokri,sei yeudolo,gwn kekauthriasme,nwn th.n ivdi,an sunei,dhsin Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 자기( 自己 ) 양심( 良心 ) 이화인( 火印 ) 맞아서외식( 外飾 ) 함으로거짓말하는 자( 者 ) 들이라 3 kwluo,ntwn gamei/n avpe,cesqai brwma,twn a] o` qeo.j e;ktisen eivj meta,lhyin meta. euvcaristi,aj toi/j pistoi/j kai. evpegnwko,sin th.n avlh,qeian They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 혼인( 婚姻 ) 을금( 禁 ) 하고식물( 植物 ) 을폐( 廢 ) 하라할터이나식물( 植物 ) 은하나님이 지으신바니믿는자( 者 ) 들과진리( 眞理 ) 를아는자( 者 ) 들이감사( 感謝 ) 함으로받을 것이니라 4 o[ti pa/n kti,sma qeou/ kalo,n kai. ouvde.n avpo,blhton meta. euvcaristi,aj lambano,menon\ For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 하나님의지으신모든것이선( 善 ) 하매감사( 感謝 ) 함으로받으면버릴것이없나니 5 a`gia,zetai ga.r dia. lo,gou qeou/ kai. evnteu,xewj because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. 하나님의말씀과기도( 祈禱 ) 로거룩하여짐이니라 6 Tau/ta u`potiqe,menoj toi/j avdelfoi/j kalo.j e;sh dia,konoj VIhsou/ Cristou/ evntrefo,menoj toi/j lo,goij th/j pi,stewj kai. th/j kalh/j didaskali,aj h- parhkolou,qhkaj\ If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of

Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed. 네가이것으로형제( 兄弟 ) 를깨우치면그리스도예수의선( 善 ) 한일군이되어 믿음의말씀과네가좇은선( 善 ) 한교훈( 敎訓 ) 으로양육( 養育 ) 을받으리라 7 tou.j de. bebh,louj kai. graw,deij mu,qouj paraitou/ gu,mnaze de. seauto.n pro.j euvse,beian\ Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 망령( 妄靈 ) 되고허탄( 虛誕 ) 한신화( 神話 ) 를버리고오직경건( 敬虔 ) 에이르기를 연습( 鍊習 ) 하라 8 h` ga.r swmatikh. gumnasi,a pro.j ovli,gon evsti.n wvfe,limoj h` de. euvse,beia pro.j pa,nta wvfe,limo,j evstin evpaggeli,an e;cousa zwh/j th/j nu/n kai. th/j mellou,shj For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 육체( 肉體 ) 의연습( 鍊習 ) 은약간( 若干 ) 의유익( 有益 ) 이있으나경건( 敬虔 ) 은 범사( 凡事 ) 에유익( 有益 ) 하니금생( 今生 ) 과내생( 來生 ) 에약속( 約束 ) 이있느니라 9 pisto.j o` lo,goj kai. pa,shj avpodoch/j a;xioj\ This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 미쁘다, 이말이여모든사람들이받을만하도다 10 eivj tou/to ga.r kai. kopiw/men kai. ovneidizo,meqa( o[ti hvlpi,kamen evpi. qew/ zw/nti o[j evstin swth.r pa,ntwn avnqrw,pwn ma,lista pistw/n (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. 이를위( 爲 ) 하여우리가수고( 受苦 ) 하고진력( 盡力 ) 하는것은우리소망( 所望 ) 을 살아계신하나님께둠이니곧모든사람특( 特 ) 히믿는자( 者 ) 들의구주( 救主 ) 시라 11 Para,ggelle tau/ta kai. di,daske Command and teach these things. 네가이것들을명( 命 ) 하고가르치라 12 mhdei,j sou th/j neo,thtoj katafronei,tw avlla. tu,poj gi,nou tw/n pistw/n evn lo,gw evn avnastrofh/ evn avga,ph evn pneu,mati( evn pi,stei evn a`gnei,a Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an

example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 누구든지네연소( 年少 ) 함을업신여기지못하게하고오직말과행실( 行實 ) 과 사랑과믿음과정절( 貞節 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여믿는자( 者 ) 에게본( 本 ) 이되어 13 e[wj e;rcomai pro,sece th/ avnagnw,sei th/ paraklh,sei th/ didaskali,a Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 내가이를때까지읽는것과권( 勸 ) 하는것과가르치는것에착념( 着念 ) 하라 14 mh. avme,lei tou/ evn soi. cari,smatoj o] evdo,qh soi dia. profhtei,aj meta. evpiqe,sewj tw/n ceirw/n tou/ presbuteri,ou Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you. 네속에있는은사( 恩賜 ) 곧장로( 長老 ) 의회( 會 ) 에서안수( 按手 ) 받을때에 예언( 豫言 ) 으로말미암아받은것을조심( 操心 ) 없이말며 15 tau/ta mele,ta evn tou,toij i;sqi i[na sou h` prokoph. fanera. h= evn pa/sin Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 이모든일에전심전력( 全心全力 ) 하여너의진보( 進步 ) 를모든사람에게나타나게하라 16 e;pece seautw/ kai. th/ didaskali,a evpi,mene auvtoi/j\ tou/to ga.r poiw/n kai. seauto.n sw,seij kai. tou.j avkou,onta,j sou Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 네가네자신( 自身 ) 과가르침을삼가이일을계속( 繼續 ) 하라이것을행( 行 ) 함으로 네자신( 自身 ) 과네게듣는자( 者 ) 를구원( 救援 ) 하리라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전4:1~16)

1 Presbute,rw mh. evpiplh,xh j avlla. paraka,lei w`j pate,ra newte,rouj w`j avdelfou,j Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 늙은이를꾸짖지말고권( 勸 ) 하되아비에게하듯하며젊은이를형제( 兄弟 ) 에게하듯하고 2 presbute,raj w`j mhte,raj newte,raj w`j avdelfa.j evn pa,sh a`gnei,a older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. 늙은여자( 女子 ) 를어미에게하듯하며젊은여자( 女子 ) 를일절( 一切 ) 깨끗함으로 자매( 姉妹 ) 에게하듯하라 3 Ch,raj ti,ma ta.j o;ntwj ch,raj Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. 참과부( 寡婦 ) 인과부( 寡婦 ) 를경대( 敬待 ) 하라 4 eiv de, tij ch,ra te,kna h' e;kgona e;cei manqane,twsan prw/ton to.n i;dion oi=kon euvsebei/n kai. avmoiba.j avpodido,nai toi/j progo,noij\ tou/to ga,r evstin kalo.n kai. avpo,dekton evnw,pion tou/ qeou/ But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. 만일( 萬一 ) 어떤과부( 寡婦 ) 에게자녀( 子女 ) 나손자( 孫子 ) 들이있거든저희로먼저 자기( 自己 ) 집에서효( 孝 ) 를행( 行 ) 하여부모( 父母 ) 에게보답( 報答 ) 하기를배우게하라 이것이하나님앞에받으실만한것이니라 5 h` de. o;ntwj ch,ra kai. memonwme,nh h;lpiken evpi. to,n qeo.n kai. prosme,nei tai/j deh,sesin kai. tai/j proseucai/j nukto.j kai. h`me,raj The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. 참과부( 寡婦 ) 로서외로운자( 者 ) 는하나님께소망( 所望 ) 을두어주야( 晝夜 ) 로 항상( 恒常 ) 간구( 懇求 ) 와기도( 祈禱 ) 를하거니와 6 h` de. spatalw/sa zw/sa te,qnhken But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. 일락( 逸樂 ) 을좋아하는이는살았으나죽었느니라

7 kai. tau/ta para,ggelle i[na avnepi,lhptoi w=sin Give the people these instructions, too, so that no one may be open to blame. 네가또한이것을명( 命 ) 하여그들로책망( 責望 ) 받을것이없게하라 8 eiv de, tij tw/n ivdi,wn kai. ma,lista tw/n oivkei,wn ouv pronoei/ th.n pi,stin h;rnhtai kai. e;stin avpi,stou cei,rwn If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 누구든지자기( 自己 ) 친족( 親族 ) 특( 特 ) 히자기( 自己 ) 가족( 家族 ) 을돌아보지 아니하면믿음을배반( 背叛 ) 한자( 者 ) 요불신자( 不信者 ) 보다더악( 惡 ) 한자( 者 ) 니라 9 Ch,ra katalege,sqw mh. e;latton evtw/n e`xh,konta gegonui/a e`no.j avndro.j gunh, No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, 과부( 寡婦 ) 로명부( 名簿 ) 에올릴자( 者 ) 는나이육십( 六十 ) 이덜되지아니하고한 남편( 男便 ) 의아내이었던자( 者 ) 로서 10 evn e;rgoij kaloi/j marturoume,nh eiv evteknotro,fhsen eiv evxenodo,chsen eiv a`gi,wn po,daj e;niyen eiv qlibome,noij evph,rkesen eiv panti. e;rgw avgaqw/ evphkolou,qhsen and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds. 선( 善 ) 한행실( 行實 ) 의증거( 證據 ) 가있어혹( 或 ) 은자녀( 子女 ) 를양육( 養育 ) 하며 혹( 或 ) 은나그네를대접( 待接 ) 하며혹( 或 ) 은성도( 聖徒 ) 들의발을씻기며혹( 或 ) 은 환난( 患難 ) 당( 當 ) 한자( 者 ) 들을구제( 救濟 ) 하며혹( 或 ) 은모든선( 善 ) 한일을좇은 자( 者 ) 라야할것이요 11 newte,raj de. ch,raj paraitou/\ o[tan ga.r katastrhnia,swsin tou/ Cristou/ gamei/n qe,lousin As for younger widows, do not put them on such a list. For when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ, they want to marry. 젊은과부( 寡婦 ) 는거절( 拒絶 ) 하라이는정욕( 情欲 ) 으로그리스도를배반( 背叛 ) 할 때에시집가고자함이니 12 e;cousai kri,ma o[ti th.n prw,thn pi,stin hvqe,thsan\ Thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first

pledge. 처음믿음을저버렸으므로심판( 審判 ) 을받느니라 13 a[ma de. kai. avrgai. manqa,nousin perierco,menai ta.j oivki,aj ouv mo,non de. avrgai. avlla. kai. flu,aroi kai. peri,ergoi lalou/sai ta. mh. de,onta Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to. 또저희가게으름을익혀집집에돌아다니고게으를뿐아니라망령( 妄靈 ) 된폄론( 貶論 ) 을하며일을만들며마땅히아니할말을하나니 14 bou,lomai ou=n newte,raj gamei/n teknogonei/n oivkodespotei/n mhdemi,an avformh.n dido,nai tw/ avntikeime,nw loidori,aj ca,rin\ So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. 그러므로젊은이는시집가서아이를낳고집을다스리고대적( 對敵 ) 에게 훼방( 毁謗 ) 할기회( 機會 ) 를조금도주지말기를원( 願 ) 하노라 15 h;dh ga,r tinej evxetra,phsan ovpi,sw tou/ Satana/ Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan. 이미사단에게돌아간자( 者 ) 들도있도다 16 ei; tij pisto.j h` pisth. e;cei ch,raj evparkei,tw auvtai/j kai. mh. barei,sqw h' evkklhsi,a i[na tai/j o;ntwj ch,raij evparke,sh If any woman who is a believer has widows in her family, she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need. 만일( 萬一 ) 믿는여자( 女子 ) 에게과부( 寡婦 ) 친척( 親戚 ) 이있거든자기( 自己 ) 가 도와주고교회( 敎會 ) 로짐지지말게하라이는참과부( 寡婦 ) 를도와주게하려함이니라 17 Oi` kalw/j proestw/tej presbu,teroi diplh/j timh/j avxiou,sqwsan ma,lista oi` kopiw/ntej evn lo,gw kai. didaskali,a The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. 잘다스리는장로( 長老 ) 들을배( 倍 ) 나존경( 尊敬 ) 할자( 者 ) 로알되말씀과가르침에 수고( 受苦 ) 하는이들을더할것이니라 18 le,gei ga.r h` grafh, Bou/n avlow/nta ouv fimw,seij kai, :Axioj o` evrga,thj tou/

misqou/ auvtou/ For the Scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages." 성경( 聖經 ) 에일렀으되곡식( 穀食 ) 을밟아떠는소의입에망을씌우지말라하였고또일군이그삯을받는것이마땅하다하였느니라 19 kata. presbute,rou kathgori,an mh. parade,cou evkto.j eiv mh. evpi. du,o h' triw/n martu,rwn Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. 장로( 長老 ) 에대( 對 ) 한송사( 訟事 ) 는두세증인( 證人 ) 이없으면받지말것이요 20 tou.j a`marta,nontaj evnw,pion pa,ntwn e;legce i[na kai. oi` loipoi. fo,bon e;cwsin Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning. 범죄( 犯罪 ) 한자( 者 ) 들을모든사람앞에꾸짖어나머지사람으로두려워하게하라 21 Diamartu,romai evnw,pion tou/ qeou/ kai. Kuri,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ kai. tw/n evklektw/n avgge,lwn i[na tau/ta fula,xh j cwri.j prokri,matoj mhde.n poiw/n kata. pro,sklisin I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism. 하나님과그리스도예수와택( 擇 ) 하심을받은천사( 天使 ) 들앞에서내가엄( 嚴 ) 히 명( 命 ) 하노니너는편견( 偏見 ) 이없이이것들을지켜아무일도편벽( 偏僻 ) 되이하지 말며 22 Cei/raj tace,wj mhdeni. evpiti,qei mhde. koinw,nei a`marti,aij avllotri,aij\ seauto.n a`gno.n th,rei Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. 아무에게나경솔( 輕率 ) 히안수( 按手 ) 하지말고다른사람의죄( 罪 ) 에간섭( 干涉 ) 지 말고네자신( 自身 ) 을지켜정결( 淨潔 ) 케하라 23 Mhke,ti u`dropo,tei avllv oi;nw ovli,gw crw/ dia. to.n sto,macon sou kai. ta.j pukna,j sou/ avsqenei,aj Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and

your frequent illnesses. 이제부터는물만마시지말고네비위( 脾胃 ) 와자주나는병( 病 ) 을인( 因 ) 하여 포도주( 葡萄酒 ) 를조금씩쓰라 24 Tinw/n avnqrw,pwn ai` a`marti,ai pro,dhloi, eivsin proa,gousai eivj kri,sin tisi.n de. kai. evpakolouqou/sin\ The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them. 어떤사람들의죄( 罪 ) 는밝히드러나먼저심판( 審判 ) 에나아가고어떤사람들의죄( 罪 ) 는그뒤를좇나니 25 w`sau,twj kai. ta. kala. e;rga pro,dhla evsti,n kai. ta. a;llwj e;conta krubh/nai ouv du,natai In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even those that are not cannot be hidden. 이와같이선행( 善行 ) 도밝히드러나고그렇지아니한것도숨길수없느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전5:1~25)

1 {Osoi eivsi.n u`po. zugo.n dou/loi tou.j ivdi,ouj despo,taj pa,shj timh/j avxi,ouj h`gei,sqwsan i[na mh. to. o;noma tou/ qeou/ kai. h` didaskali,a blasfhmh/tai All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered. 무릇멍에아래있는종들은자기( 自己 ) 상전( 上典 ) 들을범사( 凡事 ) 에마땅히 공경( 恭敬 ) 할자( 者 ) 로알지니이는하나님의이름과교훈( 敎訓 ) 으로훼방( 毁謗 ) 을받지 않게하려함이라 2 oi` de. pistou.j e;contej despo,taj mh. katafronei,twsan o[ti avdelfoi, eivsin avlla. ma/llon douleue,twsan o[ti pistoi, eivsin kai. avgaphtoi. oi` th/j euvergesi,aj avntilambano,menoi Tau/ta di,daske kai. paraka,lei Those who have believing masters are not to show less respect for them because they are brothers. Instead, they are to serve them even better, because those who benefit from their service are believers, and dear to them. These are the things you are to teach and urge on them. 믿는상전( 上典 ) 이있는자( 者 ) 들은그상전( 上典 ) 을형제( 兄弟 ) 라고경( 輕 ) 히 여기지말고더잘섬기게하라이는유익( 有益 ) 을받는자( 者 ) 들이믿는자( 者 ) 요 사랑을받는자( 者 ) 임이니라너는이것들을가르치고권( 勸 ) 하라 3 ei; tij e`terodidaskalei/ kai. mh. prose,rcetai u`giai,nousin lo,goij toi/j tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ kai. th/ kat euvse,beian didaskali,a If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 누구든지다른교훈( 敎訓 ) 을하며바른말곧우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도의말씀과 경건( 敬虔 ) 에관( 關 ) 한교훈( 敎訓 ) 에착념( 着念 ) 치아니하면 4 tetu,fwtai mhde.n evpista,menoj avlla. nosw/n peri. zhth,seij kai. logomaci,aj evx w-n gi,netai fqo,noj e;rij blasfhmi,ai u`po,noiai ponhrai, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 저는교만( 驕慢 ) 하여아무것도알지못하고변론( 辯論 ) 과언쟁( 言爭 ) 을좋아하는 자( 者 ) 니이로써투기( 妬忌 ) 와분쟁( 紛爭 ) 과훼방( 毁謗 ) 과악( 惡 ) 한생각이나며 5 paradiatribai. diefqarme,nwn avnqrw,pwn to.n nou/n kai. avpesterhme,nwn th/j avlhqei,aj nomizo,ntwn porismo.n ei=nai th.n euvse,beian avfi,staso avpo. tw/n

toiou,twn) and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. 마음이부패( 腐敗 ) 하여지고진리( 眞理 ) 를잃어버려경건( 敬虔 ) 을이익( 利益 ) 의 재료( 材料 ) 로생각하는자( 者 ) 들의다툼이일어나느니라 6 e;stin de. porismo.j me,gaj h` euvse,beia meta. auvtarkei,aj\ But godliness with contentment is great gain. 그러나지족( 知足 ) 하는마음이있으면경건( 敬虔 ) 이큰이익( 利益 ) 이되느니라 7 ouvde.n ga.r eivshne,gkamen eivj to.n ko,smon dh/lon o[ti ouvde. evxenegkei/n ti duna,meqa\ For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 우리가세상( 世上 ) 에아무것도가지고온것이없으매또한아무것도가지고가지못하리니 8 e;contej de. diatrofa.j kai. skepa,smata tou,toij avrkesqhso,meqa But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 우리가먹을것과입을것이있은즉족( 足 ) 한줄로알것이니라 9 oi` de. boulo,menoi ploutei/n evmpi,ptousin eivj peirasmo.n kai. pagi,da kai. evpiqumi,aj polla.j avnoh,touj kai. blabera,j ai[tinej buqi,zousin tou.j avnqrw,pouj eivj o;leqron kai. avpw,leian People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 부( 富 ) 하려하는자( 者 ) 들은시험( 試驗 ) 과올무와여러가지어리석고해( 害 ) 로운 정욕( 情欲 ) 에떨어지나니곧사람으로침륜과멸망( 滅亡 ) 에빠지게하는것이라 10 r`i,za ga.r pa,ntwn tw/n kakw/n evstin h` filarguri,a h`j tinej ovrego,menoi avpeplanh,qhsan avpo. th/j pi,stewj kai. e`autou.j perie,peiran ovdu,naij pollai/j For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 돈을사랑함이일만( 一萬 ) 악( 惡 ) 의뿌리가되나니이것을사모( 思慕 ) 하는 자( 者 ) 들이미혹( 迷惑 ) 을받아믿음에서떠나많은근심으로써자기( 自己 ) 를찔렀도다 11 Su. de, w= a;nqrwpe tou/ qeou/ tau/ta feu/ge\ di,wke de. dikaiosu,nhn euvse,beian pi,stin avga,phn u`pomonh,n pra o,thta

But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 오직너하나님의사람아이것들을피( 避 ) 하고의( 義 ) 와경건( 敬虔 ) 과믿음과 사랑과인내( 忍耐 ) 와온유( 溫柔 ) 를좇으며 12 avgwni,zou to.n kalo.n avgw/na th/j pi,stewj evpilabou/ th/j aivwni,ou zwh/j eivj h]n kai. evklh,qhj kai. w`molo,ghsaj th.n kalh.n o`mologi,an evnw,pion pollw/n martu,rwn Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 믿음의선( 善 ) 한싸움을싸우라영생( 永生 ) 을취( 取 ) 하라이를위( 爲 ) 하여네가 부르심을입었고많은증인( 證人 ) 앞에서선( 善 ) 한증거( 證據 ) 를증거( 證據 ) 하였도다 13 paragge,llw soi evnw,pion tou/ qeou/ tou/ zwopoiou/ntoj ta. pa,nta kai. Cristou/ VIhsou/ tou/ marturh,santoj evpi. Ponti,ou Pila,tou th.n kalh.n o`mologi,an In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you 만물( 萬物 ) 을살게하신하나님앞과본디오빌라도를향( 向 ) 하여선( 善 ) 한 증거( 證據 ) 로증거( 證據 ) 하신그리스도예수앞에서내가너를명( 命 ) 하노니 14 thrh/sai, se th.n evntolh.n a;spilon avnepi,lhpton me,cri th/j evpifanei,aj tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도나타나실때까지점( 點 ) 도없고책망( 責望 ) 받을것도 없이이명령( 命令 ) 을지키라 15 h]n kairoi/j ivdi,oij dei,xei o` maka,rioj kai. mo,noj duna,sthj o` basileu.j tw/n basileuo,ntwn kai. ku,rioj tw/n kurieuo,ntwn which God will bring about in his own time--god, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 기약( 期約 ) 이이르면하나님이그의나타나심을보이시리니하나님은복( 福 ) 되시고 홀로한분이신능( 能 ) 하신자( 者 ) 이며만왕( 萬王 ) 의왕( 王 ) 이시며만주( 萬主 ) 의 주( 主 ) 시요 16 o` mo,noj e;cwn avqanasi,an fw/j oivkw/n avpro,siton o]n ei=den ouvdei.j avnqrw,pwn ouvde. ivdei/n du,natai\ w- timh. kai. kra,toj aivw,nion avmh,n

who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen. 오직그에게만죽지아니함이있고가까이가지못할빛에거( 居 ) 하시고아무 사람도보지못하였고또볼수없는자( 者 ) 시니그에게존귀( 尊貴 ) 와영원( 永遠 ) 한 능력( 能力 ) 을돌릴지어다아멘 17 Toi/j plousi,oij evn tw/ nu/n aivw/ni para,ggelle mh. u`yhlofronei/n mhde. hvlpike,nai evpi. plou,tou avdhlo,thti avll evn tw/ qew/ tw/ zw/nti( tw/ pare,conti h`mi/n plousi,wj pa,nta eivj avpo,lausin Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 네가이세대( 世代 ) 에부( 富 ) 한자( 者 ) 들을명( 命 ) 하여마음을높이지말고 정( 定 ) 함이없는재물( 財物 ) 에소망( 所望 ) 을두지말고오직우리에게모든것을 후( 厚 ) 히주사누리게하시는하나님께두며 18 avgaqoergei/n ploutei/n evn e;rgoij kaloi/j euvmetado,touj ei=nai koinwnikou,j Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 선( 善 ) 한일을행( 行 ) 하고선( 善 ) 한사업( 事業 ) 에부( 富 ) 하고나눠주기를좋아하며 동정( 同情 ) 하는자( 者 ) 가되게하라 19 avpoqhsauri,zontaj e`autoi/j qeme,lion kalo.n eivj to. me,llon i[na evpila,bwntai th/j aivwnio,u zwh/j In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 이것이장래( 將來 ) 에자기( 自己 ) 를위( 爲 ) 하여좋은터를쌓아참된생명( 生命 ) 을 취( 取 ) 하는것이니라 20?W Timo,qee th.n parakataqh,khn fu,laxon evktrepo,menoj ta.j bebh,louj kenofwni,aj kai. avntiqe,seij th/j yeudwnu,mou gnw,sewj Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, 디모데야네게부탁( 付託 ) 한것을지키고거짓되이일컫는지식( 知識 ) 의 망령( 妄靈 ) 되고허( 虛 ) 한말과변론( 辯論 ) 을피( 避 ) 하라 21 h[n tinej evpaggello,menoi peri. th.n pi,stin hvsto,chsan ~H ca,rij meta. sou/) avmh,n @pro,j Timo,qeon prw,th evgra,fh avpo, Laodikei,aj h[tij evsti,n mhtro,polij

frugi,aj th/j Pakatianh/j# which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. 이것을좇는사람들이있어믿음에서벗어났느니라은혜( 恩惠 ) 가너희와함께 있을지어다 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자딤전6:1~21)