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118 김정민 송신철 심규철 을 미치기 때문이다(강석진 등, 2000; 심규철 등, 2001; 윤치원 등, 2005; 하태경 등, 2004; Schibeci, 1983). 모둠 내에서 구성원들이 공동으 로 추구하는 학습 목표의 달성을 위하여 각자 맡은 역할에 따라 함께


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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을









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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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제 5 주 건축과신체 Architecture & Body

1. 인간의신체

고대그리스 Caryatid columns, the Erechtheion, Acropolis.

Salle des Cariatides, 1550s Palais du Louvre, Paris

Greek Order & Human Body

Togu Na The Togu Na is a shelter open on all four sides and supported by stone or wood pillars that carry a roof made of millet thatch. The ceiling is too low for a person to stand upright. Women have no access to it. It is a shaded place where men discuss village affairs and where they can rest. the Dogon, The Kingdom of Mali

비트루비우스 ( 로마의건축가, BC1 세기 ) 의인간 : Vitruvian Man

Leonard da Vinci ( 르네상스예술가 : 15 세기말 -16 세기초 ) : 이상적인간

Andrea Palladio (16 세기르네상스건축가 ) Villa Rotunda

Hindu Mandala : 힌두사원평면

Jawahar Kala Kendra (JKK) : multi arts centre located in Jaipur in India. It was built by Rajasthan government with the purpose of preserving Rajasthani arts and crafts. The centre has been made in eight blocks housing museums, one amphi theatre and the other closed auditorium, library, arts display rooms, cafeteria, small hostel and art-studio.

근대의신체 Anthropometry ( 인체측정학 ) 범죄학, 인류학

Anthropometry ( 인체측정학 ) 우생학 (Eugenics) 유전학적인방법으로인간을개선시키고자연구하는학문 독일에서나치가유대인 흑인 동성연애자들의몰살을정당화하는도구로우생학을이용

인간의신체 : 과학적계측의대상

Ernst Neufert : (1900 1986), 독일건축가, Walter Gropius 의제자 <Architect s Data>

인간의신체 : Le Corbusier, <Le Modulor>

Le Corbusier, <Le Modulor> the Modulor, based on the Fibonacci series and the golden section. For him, it meant a "set of harmonic measures appropriate to the human scale, universally applicable to mechanical things."

LE CORBUSIER: UNITÉ D'HABITATION IN BERLIN(1956) The name of a modernist residential housing design principle developed by Le Corbusier

The housing units, were designed based on the proportions of the modulor, both in plan and section, from the general dimensions to the small details.

인갂의신체 : 인갂공학 Ergonomics Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment, and workplace to fit the worker. 건강과생산성 산업디자인, 의상디자인, 건축

인간의신체 Universal Design Barrier Free Design - 장애인, 노약자를위핚도구, 공갂, 건축, 환경

Architecture & Body Calatrava, Turning Torso, 스웨덴말뫼

Architecture & Body Dancing Building, Prague by Frank Gehry

Architecture & Body: Dancing Building, 프라하프랑크게리

Dancing Building

Architecture & Body Kazumasa Yamashita Face House Kyoto fun and stand apart from the neighboring conventional houses. 1F : a studio for a graphic designer 2F : apartments The building itself acts as a billboard for the graphic designer.

Architecture & Body - 아름다움에대핚관심헤어, 네일, 미용, 피부, 성형, 다이어트

Proxemics prox e mics : 단수취급 사회 심리 근접학, 근접공갂학 ( 인갂에게근접핚공갂영역의문화적연구 ). Edward T. Hall, <The Hidden Dimension>

Flight distance 도주거리 Territorial Behavior 생존을위핚기본적인수단 가축 : 도주본능을상실, 혹은대폭감소

Flight distance 도주거리 Critical distance 임계거리 Attack distance 공격거리



개체거리와사회거리 Personal distance - 비접촉성동물이같은종류갂에두는정상적인공갂거리 - 각개체를둘러싸고있는눈에보이지않는거품 - 사회적위치가높은개체가낮은개체보다큰개체거리

개체거리와사회거리 Social distance : 핚개체가그종과의접촉을잃는거리, 즉그이상의거리를가게되면이미자기의종을보고, 듣고, 냄새맡을수없는거리

Distances in Man


Intimate Distance 밀접거리 15 to 45 cm s (6 to 18 inches). The Intimate Zone is the most important zone of all as it is only reserved for a select few of people, including parents, love partners, children, family and very close friends. 낮은목소리, 속삭임

Intimate Distance 밀접거리 허락없이들어오면불쾌감 Anyone who is not meant to be in the Intimate Zone and enters it will cause physiological changes (such as increased heart rate) in our body as we will feel threatened.

Personal Distance 개체거리 비접촉성집단의구성원이항상갖고있는거리 about 45 cms to 1.2 meters (18 to 46 inches). This is the distance that we reserve for social gatherings such as parties, friendly interactions, etc. This is the distance from which we communicate to acquaintances; those we have achieved some level of trust.

Social Distance 사회거리 About 1.2 to 3.5 meters (4 to 12 feet) This zoning is reserved for strangers we just met, acquaintances and anyone we interact with that we haven t established a relationship with. Here we struggle between conflicting needs, one is to maintain enough space for comfort and the other is to be close enough to communicate effectively.

Public Distance 공공거리 This is the zone at which it is comfortable to address a large group of people or audience during a presentation or speech. Even if we know all the members of the group well, we still maintain a greater distance from them so we can easily address all of them and keep everyone in our field of view.

공간의문화 : Arab

공간의문화 : Arab

공간의문화 : Germany

공간의문화 : 영국

공간의문화 : 영국




Sociofugal Space ( 이 ( 離 ) 사회적공갂 ) centrifugal force 원심력

Edward Hopper, <Nighthawks>

Sociopetal Space ( 집 ( 集 ) 사회적공갂 ) centripetal force 구심력

Sociopetal Space & Sociopetal Space

Following the lead of environmental psychologists, Winifred Gallagher deploys her furniture in a "sociopetal arrangement." In her living room she replaced coffee-table books with personal memorabilia and pulled chairs up to the table. She moved the television from center stage -- the fireplace -- into a corner. To watch it, you have to move a chair. Winifred Gallagher "House Thinking: A Room-by-Room Look at How We Live,"