KISEP Original Articles 생물정신의학 Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1997 Fluoxetine과 Haloperidol의병합투여시정신병리및추체외로증상의변화 이민수 * 한창수 * 김제원 ** 원경식 ** 곽동일 ** Changes of Psychopathology and Extrapyramidal Symptoms When Co-administering Fluoxetine and Haloperidol Min-Soo Lee, M.D.,* Chang-Su Han, M.D.,* Jae-Won Kim, M.D.,** Kyung-Sik Won, M.D.,** Dong-Il Kwak, M.D.** ABSTRACT O bjectivesthe authors have intended to know the drug interaction of fluoxetine and haloperidol when coadministering two drugs to the chronic schizophrenics by assessing the changes of positive, negative symptoms and extrapyramidal symptoms. MethodWe selected 38 patients, the chronic schizophrenics with no physical problems. they are randomly assigned to placebo group and drug group. And then, placebo or fluoxetine 20mg were administered to the subjects of each group during 8 week period. We have assessed their psychopatholgy and extrapyramidal symptoms using Positive and Negative Syndrome ScalePANSS, Clinical Global ImpressionCGI, Simpson-Angus Scale at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 week during the period. Results38 patients have completed the study during 8 weeks. 1 PANSS, CGIno significant difference between groups and no significant change according to the times. 2 Simpson-Angus Scaleno significant changes. ConclusionWhen co-administering fluoxetine and haloperidol, there were no significant changes of psychopathology and extrapyramidal symptoms. These results suggest that it is safe to coadminister fluoxetine to schizophrenic patients with haloperidol treatmemt. KEY WORDSFluoxetineHaloperidolDrug interaction. 서 Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Department of Psychiatry, Dong-In Hosptal, Pusan, Korea 론 - 121 -
1. 연구대상 대상및방법 2. 연구방법 1) Fluoxetine 의병합투여 2) 임상반응평가 3) 통계분석 1. 인구학적특성 결 2. 정신병리의변화 3. 추체외로부작용의변화 과 - 122 -
Table 1. Characteristics of the patients entering the study Flouxetine group N19 Control group N19 Sexmalefemale 136 136 NS Ageyears 39.78 7.93 38.57 8.47 NS Dosage of Haloperidol 24.2117.10 25.9220.77 NS Weightkg 60.31 6.64 63.6811.48 NS Heightkg 162.10 6.19 164.00 5.32 NS Blood pressure Systolic 124.7312.18 121.0511.49 NS Diastolic 76.84 8.85 75.26 7.72 NS Pulse rate 92.21 9.99 88.94 9.96 NS Student t-test, two-tailed Each values are expressed as meansd Fig. 1. Comparison of PANSS positive scale value between the groups. Table 2. Comparison of PANSS positive scale score between the groups* Floxetine**N19 16.505.35 15.255.52 16.313.09 16.192.79 16.192.79 Control**N19 14.911.64 13.964.38 15.091.38 15.091.38 15.091.38 *Each values are expressed as meansd **Fluoxetine+Haloperidol group ***Placebo+Haloperidol group Group effectf1.03, df1/36, nonsignificant Time effectf0.29, df4/144, nonsignificnat GroupPANSS positive score interactionf0.32, df4/144, nonsignificant Table 3. Comparison of PANSS negative scale score between the groups* Floxetine**N19 19.314.47 19.734.85 19.214.23 19.054.23 18.314.46 Control***N19 17.685.89 17.475.88 17.685.62 17.475.16 17.264.87 *Each values are expressed as meansd **FluoxetineHaloperidol group ***PlaceboHaloperidol group Group effectf1.05, df1/36, nonsignificant Time effectf1.99, df4/144, nonsignificant GroupPANSS negative score interactionf0.89, df4/144, nonsignificant Table 4. Comparison of PANSS general scale score between the groups* Floxetine**N19 34.156.16 34.106.16 34.216.44 34.157.22 34.107.21 Control***N19 31.687.28 32.317.68 31.847.38 31.788.10 31.527.75 *Each values are expressed as meansd **FluoxetineHaloperidol group ***PlaceboHaloperidol group Group effectf1.03, df1/36, nonsignificant Time effectf0.29, df4/144, nonsignificant GroupPANSS general score interactionf0.32, df4/144, nonsignificant Table 5. Comparison of clinical global impression scale values between the groups* Floxetine**N19 4.311.25 4.471.17 4.471.147 4.471.21 4.471.21 Control***N19 4.421.30 4.421.30 4.421.30 4.421.30 4.471.34 *Each values are expressed as meansd **FluoxetineHaloperidol group ***PlaceboHaloperidol group Group effectf0.00, df1/36, nonsignficant Time effectf0.53, df4/144, nonsignificant GroupCGI score interactionf0.39, df4/144, nonsignificant - 123 -
Fig. 2. Comparison of PANSS negative scale value between the groups. Fig. 4. Comparison of clinical global impression scale values between the groups. Fig. 3. Comparison of PANSS general scale value between the group. Fig. 5. Comparison of simpson-angus scale value between the groups. Table 6. Comparison of simpson-angus scale values between the groups* Floxetine**N19 4.685.03 4.735.07 4.735.17 3.835.74 4.476.05 Control***N19 3.004.42 3.365.02 3.155.25 2.425.04 2.475.12 *Each values are expressed as meansd **FluoxetineHaloperidol group ***PlaceboHaloperidol group Group effectf0.98, df1/36, nonsignificant Time effectf2.06, df4/144, nonsignificant GroupSimpson-Anugs scale score interactionf0.22, df4/144, nonisngnificant 고찰 - 124 -
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