7 1 2001 ; 115-130 (11), WHO The Morphology of Liver through the Electron Microscope (11) Tae Joong Sohn, M.D., Ph.D. Emeritus Prof essor, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Head, WHO Collaborating Centre f or Research and Training in Diagnostic Electron Microscopy, Taegu, Korea ( ) ( 6 3,4) (nucleus ). 2. 2. (, endoplasmic reticulum, ER) 1992 < > < endoplasmic reticulum > <,,, >. < ( )>. 1955 (, 1926 ) ER,. (A ) (I) 9. A. (endoplasm and ectoplasm) 2. (gel) (sol). (ect oplasm ), (endoplasm ).. endoplasmic reticulum endoplasm. B.? (What is endoplasmic reticulum?) 1945 (Rodney Robert Porter, 1917 ), 100 150 ยตm (lace- like reticulum ).,. endoplasm lace- like reticulum < endoplasmic reticulum, ER>. ER 1952., 115
The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 7. No. 1. 2001 F ig ure 1. Scanning electron microscopic image of liver from a mouse showing a junctional area of ser and rer. ( 44,200) 116
Tae Joong Sohn. The Morphology of Liver through the Electron Microscope (11) Fig ure 2. Nobel- prize winners 1974 in appreciation of searching structures and functions of the cell organelles using electron microscope (from left, A. Claude, C.R. de Duve and G.E Palade). ER, ER. ER. 1956 Sjรถstrand ER cytomembrane.,, ER. 1955 (George Emil Palade, 1912 ) 2. 15 nm (ribosome) rough - surfaced variety of ER, smooth - surfaced variety of ER. rough - surfaced ER rer, smooth - surfaced ER ser ( 1)., 1941 1943 (Albert Claude, 1899 1983),, (m icrosom e). 1956 Siekevitz 1945. 1956,, Sjรถstrand 3. -, - - cytomembrane.,, ER cytomembrane., - cytomembrane rer, - cytomembrane, - cytomembrane 117
7 1 2001. 1958 Schulz Paola 3 4 - cytomembrane,., endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi membrane, plasma membrane. C. (endoplasmic reticulum and Nobel prizes) ER ER < > 1972 (Gerald Mourice Edelman, 1929 ). ER 2 ER. 1974 (lysosome) (Christian Rene de Duve, 1917 ) 3 < > ( 2). < > 3. 1931 4 7 40., (T EM ) 0.1 nm, (SEM ) 0.5 nm. (0.2 0.3 nm ). ( ) (HRT EM ) (ZrO2) (Zr ) (O) (structural image) (image) HRT EM image. BC 4C (Democritus, 460? 370? BC),, 20C ( ), 2,500..,.,,,,,,,, ( ). 70.. < > (visualize)., (JD Bernal) 118
. (11) T able 1. Relationship between Cytoplasmic Matrix and ER Light microscopic level Cytoplasmic Martix Ergastoplasm 20C., ( )..., ( ) ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) ( ).... D. (relationship between cytoplasmic matrix and endoplasmic reticulum),. Electron microscopic level rer ER ser annulate lamellae ribosome, polysome, microtubule, microfilament etc matrix lamellar structured rer (matrix ) ( 1).. H - E.. (basophilic or chromidial substance). < ergos working > (erg astoplasm ). ( )....,,,,. 119
The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 7. No. 1. 2001 (hom og eneou s and structureless).. E. (ribosomes and polysomes or polyribosomes) 15 25 nm (ribosome).,,,. ( ) ( ), ( ), ( ) 2 ( ) ( 3, 4). ( ), 2 (subunit ). (ribonucleoprotein complex ) RNP (RNP particle). (RNA ). 70S (sedimentation coefficient ), 80S 80S, 70S.. 80S 60S, 40S, RNA. 10. (poly some) (polyribosome).,. RNA (mrna ). mrna 3 nm (mrna filament ). mrna filament. mrna. ( 64,000) mrna, 20 ( 3).,, 2. (mem - brane- bound form attached ribosome), (free form free ribosome)..,.,. F. (ultrastructure of endoplasmic reticulum) 5 6 nm ( ),,,.,, (compartment ).. 20% 120
Tae Joong Sohn. The Morphology of Liver through the Electron Microscope (11) 65%..,, 2. (rough - surfaced ER, rer agranular ER), (smooth - surfaced ER, ser agranular ER) ( 5, 6)..,.,. (homogenate).,,..... (rer) ( 3, 4),,,. (ergastoplasm ),.,... (surface image).. - 6- (glu cose- 6- phosphat ase). - 6- (lead method). (substrate) - 6-. - 6-, (matrix ) - 6-,,,. - 6-.,, ( ). (s ER) ( 5, 6).,.,,,, (Clara ) ( ),,..,,.,, 12 1
7 1 2001... ( ).. G. (rough- surfaced ER and protein synthesis)., (exocytosis )., (signal hypothesis). mrna (signal codon ), (initiation codon, AUG ) 3 '.. (signal sequence),... (signal peptidase). (detachment factor ).. (ly sosome),. ( )., (core carbohydrate)..,..,. H. (function of smooth- surfaced ER) 122
. (11),,,,,,,. (glycogen metabolism ) - 6-. (st eroid h orm on e metabolism ).,,..,. (Clara cell).., P - 450 (cytochrome P - 450).. (parietal cell), (intracellular canaliculus).... I. (special forms of endoplasmic reticulum) (Nissl s bodies)..., myeloid body,.. (sarcoplasmic reticulum ).. 1., ( ). (I). :, 1979. 2. ( ).. :, 1988. 3. ( ).. :, 1991. 4. ( ).. :, 1994. 5... :, 1994 6.. - -. :, 1996. 7., ( ). ( )- -. :, 1996. 8., ( ).. :, 1996. 9. Alberts B, et al: Essential cell biology - An introduction to the molecular biology of the cell -. New York: Garland publishing, Inc. 1998. 10... :, 1999. 11... :, 2001. 123
The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 7. No. 1. 2001 Fig ure 3. Scanning electron microscopic image of liver from a mouse showing ribosomes attached on membrane of rer which are consisted of small and large sub-particles. ( 208,000) 124
Tae Joong Sohn. The Morphology of Liver through the Electron Microscope (11) Fig ure 4. Scanning electron microscopic image of liver from a mouse showing ribosomes attached on membrane of rer which are forming small group with 10 20 ribosomes called polysome or polyribosome and mrna filament passing between small and large sub- particles of ribosomes(cited from NHK enterprise). ( 82,000) 125
7 1 2001 Fig ure 5. Scanning electron microscopic image of liver from a mouse showing ser, rer, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria. ( 36,000) 126
. (11) F ig ure 6. Scanning electron microscopic image of liver from a mouse showing ser. ( 104,000) 127
The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 7. No. 1. 2001 Fig ure 7. Transmission electron microscopic image of liver from a 2 years old, male patient with hepatic storage disease showing normal appearing hepatocytes containing numerous mitochondria, glycogen particles and well-developed rer. A whorled inclusion suggestive of sphingomyelin is also seen. ( 12,000) 128
Tae Joong Sohn. The Morphology of Liver through the Electron Microscope (11) Fig ure 8. Transmission electron microscopic image of liver from a 51 years old, male patient with alcoholic hepatitis showing mild degenerative changes of mitochondria, dilatation of bile canaliculus and degeneration of junctional complex. Deposition of numerous lipofuscin like materials in cytoplasm are also noted. ( 9,500) 129
7 1 2001 Fig ure 9. Transmission electron microscopic image of liver from a 55 years old, male patient with chronic active hepatitis showing degeneration of mitochondria, increase of ser and increase of negative images of collagen bundles. A few lipid droplet are also noted. ( 12,600) 130