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Contents Culture & Arts Center March vol 경 상 남 도 문 화 예 술 회 관 예술과 삶 의 공존, 그 영혼 속에 낙원을 Discovery Performance 1

FINAL TIME RANKING 결승( 타임순) 종합순위 Men's 1,500m Freestyle WR 14:34.56 Grant Hackett AUS 2001/07/29 Fukuoka UR 15:02.83 Vladimir Salnikov URS 1983 Event

목 차 I. 교육 계획의 기저 1 1. 경북 교육 지표 1 2. 구미 교육의 지표 2 3. 경북 및 구미 유치원 교육의 방향 3 4. 유치원 현황 4 II. 본원 교육 목표 7 1. 본원의 교육 목표 및 운영 중점 7 2. 중점 교육활동 추진 계획 8 III. 교육과정



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4저널(10월호).ok :42 PM 페이지50 DK 전문가 연재 나 결국 실패하고 말았다. 포니의 출현은 참으로 모험이었으나 한국 최초의 고유모델 개발로 포니신화 (legend of Pony) 를 만들었다. 포 니신화 는 훗날 파산에서 기아자동 차를

,126,865 43% (, 2015).,.....,..,.,,,,,, (AMA) Lazer(1963)..,. 1977, (1992)

1 - OZ Viewer / 상권분석

,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),



July 24, 2013 Freehold Area Running Club Summer Series 5K Week 5 Place First Name Last Name Age Sex Age Group Time Place First Name Last Name Age Sex




1 - OZ Viewer / 상권분석

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Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 Rank Bib Name 1 8 BJOERGEN Marit NOR 1:22:17.6 0.0 1 Cumulative 3:04.7 +1.1 7 6:22.6 0.0 1 10:06.1 0.0 =1 14:20.0 0.0 1 Sector 3:04.7 +1.1 7 3:17.9 0.0 1 3:43.5 +6.1 =15 4:13.9 +2.8 7 Cumulative 17:03.7 +0.6 2 20:22.0 0.0 1 23:48.0 0.0 1 27:00.7 0.0 1 Sector 2:43.7 +3.3 15 3:18.3 +0.5 3 3:26.0 +1.8 3 3:12.7 0.0 1 Cumulative 30:39.7 0.0 1 34:43.8 0.0 1 37:19.5 0.0 1 40:40.4 0.0 1 Sector 3:39.0 0.0 1 4:04.1 0.0 1 2:35.7 0.0 1 3:20.9 0.0 1 Cumulative 44:18.3 0.0 1 47:30.9 0.0 1 51:14.0 0.0 1 55:18.7 0.0 1 Sector 3:37.9 +2.6 4 3:12.6 0.0 1 3:43.1 0.0 1 4:04.7 0.0 1 Cumulative 57:54.6 0.0 1 1:01:14.1 0.0 1 1:04:39.4 0.0 1 1:07:55.0 0.0 1 Sector 2:35.9 0.0 1 3:19.5 0.0 1 3:25.3 0.0 1 3:15.6 0.0 1 Cumulative 1:11:33.5 0.0 1 1:15:43.0 0.0 1 1:18:20.8 0.0 1 1:22:17.6 0.0 1 Sector 3:38.5 0.0 1 4:09.5 0.0 1 2:37.8 +2.2 4 3:56.8 +20.5 =12 2 7 PARMAKOSKI Krista FIN 1:24:07.1 +1:49.5 2 Cumulative 3:04.0 +0.4 =4 6:24.3 +1.7 3 10:07.4 +1.3 6 14:22.3 +2.3 9 Sector 3:04.0 +0.4 =4 3:20.3 +2.4 8 3:43.1 +5.7 =10 4:14.9 +3.8 12 Cumulative 17:05.5 +2.4 8 20:25.8 +3.8 5 23:51.9 +3.9 4 27:13.7 +13.0 5 Sector 2:43.2 +2.8 =12 3:20.3 +2.5 =5 3:26.1 +1.9 =4 3:21.8 +9.1 4 Cumulative 31:00.8 +21.1 2 35:17.5 +33.7 3 38:02.2 +42.7 3 41:31.5 +51.1 2 Sector 3:47.1 +8.1 3 4:16.7 +12.6 5 2:44.7 +9.0 =7 3:29.3 +8.4 2 Cumulative 45:07.8 +49.5 2 48:37.9 +1:07.0 3 52:32.4 +1:18.4 4 56:41.8 +1:23.1 3 Sector 3:36.3 +1.0 3 3:30.1 +17.5 =9 3:54.5 +11.4 =9 4:09.4 +4.7 2 Cumulative 59:21.1 +1:26.5 2 1:02:44.7 +1:30.6 2 1:06:28.5 +1:49.1 2 1:09:46.1 +1:51.1 2 Sector 2:39.3 +3.4 2 3:23.6 +4.1 2 3:43.8 +18.5 7 3:17.6 +2.0 2 Cumulative 1:13:33.6 +2:00.1 2 1:17:47.1 +2:04.1 2 1:20:23.4 +2:02.6 2 1:24:07.1 +1:49.5 2 Sector 3:47.5 +9.0 2 4:13.5 +4.0 2 2:36.3 +0.7 3 3:43.7 +7.4 3 3 19 NILSSON Stina SWE 1:24:16.5 +1:58.9 3 Cumulative 3:06.6 +3.0 =15 6:26.8 +4.2 11 10:08.1 +2.0 =7 14:20.2 +0.2 2 Sector 3:06.6 +3.0 =15 3:20.2 +2.3 7 3:41.3 +3.9 5 4:12.1 +1.0 2 Cumulative 17:03.1 0.0 1 20:26.4 +4.4 6 23:54.1 +6.1 6 27:24.7 +24.0 8 Sector 2:42.9 +2.5 =9 3:23.3 +5.5 9 3:27.7 +3.5 6 3:30.6 +17.9 12 Cumulative 31:13.5 +33.8 7 35:33.9 +50.1 7 38:20.2 +1:00.7 7 41:50.5 +1:10.1 6 Sector 3:48.8 +9.8 =4 4:20.4 +16.3 6 2:46.3 +10.6 11 3:30.3 +9.4 5 Cumulative 45:36.3 +1:18.0 7 48:59.2 +1:28.3 7 52:44.1 +1:30.1 5 57:00.6 +1:41.9 5 Sector 3:45.8 +10.5 6 3:22.9 +10.3 2 3:44.9 +1.8 2 4:16.5 +11.8 4 Cumulative 59:42.1 +1:47.5 4 1:03:07.4 +1:53.3 4 1:06:39.5 +2:00.1 4 1:10:00.4 +2:05.4 4 Sector 2:41.5 +5.6 4 3:25.3 +5.8 4 3:32.1 +6.8 2 3:20.9 +5.3 3 Cumulative 1:13:50.6 +2:17.1 4 1:18:04.6 +2:21.6 4 1:20:40.2 +2:19.4 4 1:24:16.5 +1:58.9 3 Sector 3:50.2 +11.7 5 4:14.0 +4.5 4 2:35.6 0.0 1 3:36.3 0.0 1 Page 1/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 4 2 OESTBERG Ingvild Flugstad NOR 1:24:18.0 +2:00.4 4 Cumulative 3:04.9 +1.3 8 6:26.1 +3.5 8 10:07.3 +1.2 5 14:21.3 +1.3 6 Sector 3:04.9 +1.3 8 3:21.2 +3.3 14 3:41.2 +3.8 4 4:14.0 +2.9 8 Cumulative 17:06.8 +3.7 11 20:24.6 +2.6 3 23:54.5 +6.5 7 27:23.5 +22.8 6 Sector 2:45.5 +5.1 19 3:17.8 0.0 1 3:29.9 +5.7 8 3:29.0 +16.3 9 Cumulative 31:14.3 +34.6 8 35:35.4 +51.6 8 38:19.8 +1:00.3 6 41:51.3 +1:10.9 7 Sector 3:50.8 +11.8 7 4:21.1 +17.0 7 2:44.4 +8.7 4 3:31.5 +10.6 =8 Cumulative 45:29.8 +1:11.5 6 48:56.8 +1:25.9 6 52:44.5 +1:30.5 6 57:01.3 +1:42.6 6 Sector 3:38.5 +3.2 5 3:27.0 +14.4 =3 3:47.7 +4.6 3 4:16.8 +12.1 5 Cumulative 59:42.4 +1:47.8 5 1:03:06.8 +1:52.7 3 1:06:39.0 +1:59.6 3 1:10:00.1 +2:05.1 3 Sector 2:41.1 +5.2 3 3:24.4 +4.9 3 3:32.2 +6.9 3 3:21.1 +5.5 4 Cumulative 1:13:50.1 +2:16.6 3 1:18:04.0 +2:21.0 3 1:20:39.8 +2:19.0 3 1:24:18.0 +2:00.4 4 Sector 3:50.0 +11.5 3 4:13.9 +4.4 3 2:35.8 +0.2 2 3:38.2 +1.9 2 5 5 KALLA Charlotte SWE 1:25:14.8 +2:57.2 5 Cumulative 3:03.6 0.0 =1 6:25.3 +2.7 5 10:06.9 +0.8 4 14:21.5 +1.5 7 Sector 3:03.6 0.0 =1 3:21.7 +3.8 =18 3:41.6 +4.2 6 4:14.6 +3.5 10 Cumulative 17:04.4 +1.3 4 20:22.5 +0.5 2 23:48.6 +0.6 2 27:07.6 +6.9 2 Sector 2:42.9 +2.5 =9 3:18.1 +0.3 2 3:26.1 +1.9 =4 3:19.0 +6.3 2 Cumulative 31:01.6 +21.9 3 35:17.1 +33.3 2 38:01.6 +42.1 2 41:32.4 +52.0 3 Sector 3:54.0 +15.0 11 4:15.5 +11.4 2 2:44.5 +8.8 =5 3:30.8 +9.9 7 Cumulative 45:24.4 +1:06.1 5 48:52.4 +1:21.5 5 52:47.2 +1:33.2 7 57:14.3 +1:55.6 7 Sector 3:52.0 +16.7 12 3:28.0 +15.4 6 3:54.8 +11.7 11 4:27.1 +22.4 14 Cumulative 1:00:01.2 +2:06.6 6 1:03:31.9 +2:17.8 6 1:07:10.4 +2:31.0 6 1:10:35.3 +2:40.3 6 Sector 2:46.9 +11.0 9 3:30.7 +11.2 6 3:38.5 +13.2 4 3:24.9 +9.3 6 Cumulative 1:14:25.4 +2:51.9 6 1:18:46.2 +3:03.2 6 1:21:29.7 +3:08.9 6 1:25:14.8 +2:57.2 5 Sector 3:50.1 +11.6 4 4:20.8 +11.3 5 2:43.5 +7.9 7 3:45.1 +8.8 =4 6 9 NISKANEN Kerttu FIN 1:25:19.2 +3:01.6 6 Cumulative 3:03.6 0.0 =1 6:23.4 +0.8 2 10:06.5 +0.4 3 14:21.2 +1.2 5 Sector 3:03.6 0.0 =1 3:19.8 +1.9 =3 3:43.1 +5.7 =10 4:14.7 +3.6 11 Cumulative 17:05.1 +2.0 6 20:25.0 +3.0 4 23:49.2 +1.2 3 27:12.6 +11.9 3 Sector 2:43.9 +3.5 16 3:19.9 +2.1 4 3:24.2 0.0 1 3:23.4 +10.7 5 Cumulative 31:02.7 +23.0 5 35:18.5 +34.7 5 38:03.0 +43.5 4 41:33.1 +52.7 4 Sector 3:50.1 +11.1 6 4:15.8 +11.7 4 2:44.5 +8.8 =5 3:30.1 +9.2 4 Cumulative 45:08.4 +50.1 3 48:37.0 +1:06.1 2 52:31.5 +1:17.5 3 56:48.8 +1:30.1 4 Sector 3:35.3 0.0 1 3:28.6 +16.0 8 3:54.5 +11.4 =9 4:17.3 +12.6 6 Cumulative 59:34.0 +1:39.4 3 1:03:07.9 +1:53.8 5 1:06:55.5 +2:16.1 5 1:10:22.0 +2:27.0 5 Sector 2:45.2 +9.3 7 3:33.9 +14.4 10 3:47.6 +22.3 13 3:26.5 +10.9 7 Cumulative 1:14:14.3 +2:40.8 5 1:18:36.7 +2:53.7 5 1:21:23.5 +3:02.7 5 1:25:19.2 +3:01.6 6 Sector 3:52.3 +13.8 7 4:22.4 +12.9 7 2:46.8 +11.2 11 3:55.7 +19.4 10 7 3 DIGGINS Jessica USA 1:25:54.8 +3:37.2 7 Cumulative 3:04.0 +0.4 =4 6:26.4 +3.8 9 10:15.7 +9.6 23 14:28.1 +8.1 16 Sector 3:04.0 +0.4 =4 3:22.4 +4.5 23 3:49.3 +11.9 26 4:12.4 +1.3 =3 Cumulative 17:08.5 +5.4 14 20:28.8 +6.8 9 23:57.5 +9.5 8 27:23.8 +23.1 7 Sector 2:40.4 0.0 1 3:20.3 +2.5 =5 3:28.7 +4.5 7 3:26.3 +13.6 7 Cumulative 31:09.1 +29.4 6 35:33.6 +49.8 6 38:20.7 +1:01.2 8 41:52.2 +1:11.8 8 Sector 3:45.3 +6.3 2 4:24.5 +20.4 11 2:47.1 +11.4 13 3:31.5 +10.6 =8 Cumulative 45:40.8 +1:22.5 8 49:08.3 +1:37.4 8 52:58.2 +1:44.2 8 57:24.8 +2:06.1 8 Sector 3:48.6 +13.3 8 3:27.5 +14.9 5 3:49.9 +6.8 4 4:26.6 +21.9 =12 Cumulative 1:00:08.9 +2:14.3 7 1:03:39.7 +2:25.6 7 1:07:22.2 +2:42.8 7 1:10:49.9 +2:54.9 7 Sector 2:44.1 +8.2 6 3:30.8 +11.3 7 3:42.5 +17.2 6 3:27.7 +12.1 9 Cumulative 1:14:40.9 +3:07.4 7 1:19:08.1 +3:25.1 7 1:21:56.0 +3:35.2 7 1:25:54.8 +3:37.2 7 Sector 3:51.0 +12.5 6 4:27.2 +17.7 10 2:47.9 +12.3 14 3:58.8 +22.5 19 Page 2/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 8 1 WENG Heidi NOR 1:26:25.5 +4:07.9 8 Cumulative 3:05.3 +1.7 9 6:28.7 +6.1 17 10:06.1 0.0 =1 14:20.5 +0.5 3 Sector 3:05.3 +1.7 9 3:23.4 +5.5 25 3:37.4 0.0 1 4:14.4 +3.3 9 Cumulative 17:04.5 +1.4 5 20:29.6 +7.6 10 24:14.1 +26.1 11 27:44.9 +44.2 12 Sector 2:44.0 +3.6 17 3:25.1 +7.3 =12 3:44.5 +20.3 15 3:30.8 +18.1 13 Cumulative 31:37.6 +57.9 9 36:03.0 +1:19.2 10 38:46.7 +1:27.2 9 42:21.1 +1:40.7 11 Sector 3:52.7 +13.7 8 4:25.4 +21.3 =13 2:43.7 +8.0 2 3:34.4 +13.5 14 Cumulative 46:19.6 +2:01.3 11 49:46.6 +2:15.7 10 53:36.7 +2:22.7 9 58:02.3 +2:43.6 10 Sector 3:58.5 +23.2 18 3:27.0 +14.4 =3 3:50.1 +7.0 5 4:25.6 +20.9 11 Cumulative 1:00:45.7 +2:51.1 9 1:04:16.3 +3:02.2 9 1:07:58.1 +3:18.7 9 1:11:27.4 +3:32.4 9 Sector 2:43.4 +7.5 5 3:30.6 +11.1 5 3:41.8 +16.5 5 3:29.3 +13.7 10 Cumulative 1:15:20.2 +3:46.7 9 1:19:49.1 +4:06.1 9 1:22:34.8 +4:14.0 9 1:26:25.5 +4:07.9 8 Sector 3:52.8 +14.3 9 4:28.9 +19.4 12 2:45.7 +10.1 8 3:50.7 +14.4 8 9 4 STADLOBER Teresa AUT 1:26:31.7 +4:14.1 9 Cumulative 3:04.3 +0.7 6 6:26.6 +4.0 10 10:09.8 +3.7 13 14:20.9 +0.9 4 Sector 3:04.3 +0.7 6 3:22.3 +4.4 22 3:43.2 +5.8 =12 4:11.1 0.0 1 Cumulative 17:05.4 +2.3 7 20:27.0 +5.0 7 23:52.4 +4.4 5 27:13.5 +12.8 4 Sector 2:44.5 +4.1 18 3:21.6 +3.8 7 3:25.4 +1.2 2 3:21.1 +8.4 3 Cumulative 31:02.3 +22.6 4 35:17.9 +34.1 4 38:03.6 +44.1 5 41:33.4 +53.0 5 Sector 3:48.8 +9.8 =4 4:15.6 +11.5 3 2:45.7 +10.0 10 3:29.8 +8.9 3 Cumulative 45:08.9 +50.6 4 48:39.0 +1:08.1 4 52:30.8 +1:16.8 2 56:40.5 +1:21.8 2 Sector 3:35.5 +0.2 2 3:30.1 +17.5 =9 3:51.8 +8.7 6 4:09.7 +5.0 3 Cumulative 1:00:30.7 +2:36.1 8 1:04:01.6 +2:47.5 8 1:07:49.4 +3:10.0 8 1:11:17.0 +3:22.0 8 Sector 3:50.2 +1:14.3 45 3:30.9 +11.4 8 3:47.8 +22.5 14 3:27.6 +12.0 8 Cumulative 1:15:10.5 +3:37.0 8 1:19:43.6 +4:00.6 8 1:22:34.1 +4:13.3 8 1:26:31.7 +4:14.1 9 Sector 3:53.5 +15.0 10 4:33.1 +23.6 13 2:50.5 +14.9 17 3:57.6 +21.3 14 10 24 ISHIDA Masako JPN 1:26:38.4 +4:20.8 10 Cumulative 3:09.6 +6.0 25 6:30.6 +8.0 24 10:13.8 +7.7 22 14:26.2 +6.2 14 Sector 3:09.6 +6.0 25 3:21.0 +3.1 =12 3:43.2 +5.8 =12 4:12.4 +1.3 =3 Cumulative 17:09.6 +6.5 16 20:34.7 +12.7 13 24:14.0 +26.0 10 27:49.2 +48.5 15 Sector 2:43.4 +3.0 14 3:25.1 +7.3 =12 3:39.3 +15.1 11 3:35.2 +22.5 18 Cumulative 31:45.9 +1:06.2 16 36:08.9 +1:25.1 15 38:55.6 +1:36.1 13 42:31.1 +1:50.7 14 Sector 3:56.7 +17.7 15 4:23.0 +18.9 9 2:46.7 +11.0 12 3:35.5 +14.6 16 Cumulative 46:20.7 +2:02.4 13 49:53.0 +2:22.1 13 53:47.4 +2:33.4 12 58:06.3 +2:47.6 11 Sector 3:49.6 +14.3 9 3:32.3 +19.7 13 3:54.4 +11.3 8 4:18.9 +14.2 7 Cumulative 1:00:53.5 +2:58.9 11 1:04:26.1 +3:12.0 11 1:08:10.3 +3:30.9 10 1:11:47.3 +3:52.3 11 Sector 2:47.2 +11.3 10 3:32.6 +13.1 9 3:44.2 +18.9 8 3:37.0 +21.4 16 Cumulative 1:15:40.0 +4:06.5 11 1:20:02.3 +4:19.3 11 1:22:49.2 +4:28.4 11 1:26:38.4 +4:20.8 10 Sector 3:52.7 +14.2 8 4:22.3 +12.8 6 2:46.9 +11.3 =12 3:49.2 +12.9 7 11 12 SEDOVA Anastasia OAR 1:26:46.8 +4:29.2 11 Cumulative 3:08.9 +5.3 23 6:30.2 +7.6 23 10:12.4 +6.3 17 14:28.7 +8.7 18 Sector 3:08.9 +5.3 23 3:21.3 +3.4 15 3:42.2 +4.8 8 4:16.3 +5.2 17 Cumulative 17:09.3 +6.2 15 20:36.1 +14.1 14 24:14.6 +26.6 12 27:43.1 +42.4 11 Sector 2:40.6 +0.2 2 3:26.8 +9.0 15 3:38.5 +14.3 10 3:28.5 +15.8 8 Cumulative 31:38.4 +58.7 10 36:02.4 +1:18.6 9 38:47.6 +1:28.1 10 42:19.4 +1:39.0 10 Sector 3:55.3 +16.3 13 4:24.0 +19.9 10 2:45.2 +9.5 9 3:31.8 +10.9 10 Cumulative 46:07.1 +1:48.8 9 49:40.8 +2:09.9 9 53:36.8 +2:22.8 10 58:01.9 +2:43.2 9 Sector 3:47.7 +12.4 7 3:33.7 +21.1 15 3:56.0 +12.9 12 4:25.1 +20.4 =9 Cumulative 1:00:47.3 +2:52.7 10 1:04:22.7 +3:08.6 10 1:08:18.2 +3:38.8 11 1:11:43.0 +3:48.0 10 Sector 2:45.4 +9.5 8 3:35.4 +15.9 11 3:55.5 +30.2 18 3:24.8 +9.2 5 Cumulative 1:15:37.5 +4:04.0 10 1:20:01.6 +4:18.6 10 1:22:48.3 +4:27.5 10 1:26:46.8 +4:29.2 11 Sector 3:54.5 +16.0 12 4:24.1 +14.6 9 2:46.7 +11.1 =9 3:58.5 +22.2 17 Page 3/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 12 6 HAGA Ragnhild NOR 1:27:11.5 +4:53.9 12 Cumulative 3:05.5 +1.9 10 6:25.5 +2.9 7 10:09.0 +2.9 10 14:27.9 +7.9 15 Sector 3:05.5 +1.9 10 3:20.0 +2.1 =5 3:43.5 +6.1 =15 4:18.9 +7.8 19 Cumulative 17:10.7 +7.6 17 20:38.2 +16.2 =17 24:20.6 +32.6 17 27:49.7 +49.0 16 Sector 2:42.8 +2.4 8 3:27.5 +9.7 16 3:42.4 +18.2 14 3:29.1 +16.4 10 Cumulative 31:43.5 +1:03.8 14 36:14.8 +1:31.0 16 39:03.4 +1:43.9 16 42:36.3 +1:55.9 16 Sector 3:53.8 +14.8 =9 4:31.3 +27.2 16 2:48.6 +12.9 15 3:32.9 +12.0 11 Cumulative 46:38.2 +2:19.9 16 50:08.8 +2:37.9 16 54:06.1 +2:52.1 15 58:35.5 +3:16.8 15 Sector 4:01.9 +26.6 23 3:30.6 +18.0 11 3:57.3 +14.2 14 4:29.4 +24.7 15 Cumulative 1:01:25.0 +3:30.4 14 1:05:01.9 +3:47.8 14 1:08:50.0 +4:10.6 15 1:12:23.1 +4:28.1 15 Sector 2:49.5 +13.6 11 3:36.9 +17.4 =12 3:48.1 +22.8 16 3:33.1 +17.5 11 Cumulative 1:16:17.4 +4:43.9 14 1:20:46.0 +5:03.0 15 1:23:26.4 +5:05.6 13 1:27:11.5 +4:53.9 12 Sector 3:54.3 +15.8 11 4:28.6 +19.1 11 2:40.4 +4.8 5 3:45.1 +8.8 =4 13 17 ANDERSSON Ebba SWE 1:27:14.8 +4:57.2 13 Cumulative 3:06.6 +3.0 =15 6:27.1 +4.5 12 10:08.8 +2.7 9 14:21.9 +1.9 8 Sector 3:06.6 +3.0 =15 3:20.5 +2.6 9 3:41.7 +4.3 7 4:13.1 +2.0 5 Cumulative 17:03.9 +0.8 3 20:28.2 +6.2 8 24:08.4 +20.4 9 27:42.6 +41.9 10 Sector 2:42.0 +1.6 3 3:24.3 +6.5 10 3:40.2 +16.0 12 3:34.2 +21.5 17 Cumulative 31:39.0 +59.3 11 36:03.6 +1:19.8 11 38:48.3 +1:28.8 11 42:18.9 +1:38.5 9 Sector 3:56.4 +17.4 14 4:24.6 +20.5 12 2:44.7 +9.0 =7 3:30.6 +9.7 6 Cumulative 46:20.1 +2:01.8 12 49:48.3 +2:17.4 11 53:40.4 +2:26.4 11 58:11.5 +2:52.8 13 Sector 4:01.2 +25.9 22 3:28.2 +15.6 7 3:52.1 +9.0 7 4:31.1 +26.4 16 Cumulative 1:01:02.9 +3:08.3 13 1:04:40.2 +3:26.1 13 1:08:27.1 +3:47.7 12 1:12:04.3 +4:09.3 13 Sector 2:51.4 +15.5 16 3:37.3 +17.8 14 3:46.9 +21.6 11 3:37.2 +21.6 17 Cumulative 1:16:03.9 +4:30.4 12 1:20:40.8 +4:57.8 12 1:23:27.5 +5:06.7 14 1:27:14.8 +4:57.2 13 Sector 3:59.6 +21.1 16 4:36.9 +27.4 18 2:46.7 +11.1 =9 3:47.3 +11.0 6 14 20 KOWALCZYK Justyna POL 1:27:21.8 +5:04.2 14 Cumulative 3:06.4 +2.8 14 6:27.9 +5.3 14 10:10.7 +4.6 15 14:24.1 +4.1 11 Sector 3:06.4 +2.8 14 3:21.5 +3.6 16 3:42.8 +5.4 9 4:13.4 +2.3 6 Cumulative 17:06.6 +3.5 10 20:37.4 +15.4 16 24:19.2 +31.2 16 27:50.7 +50.0 17 Sector 2:42.5 +2.1 =6 3:30.8 +13.0 19 3:41.8 +17.6 13 3:31.5 +18.8 14 Cumulative 31:44.9 +1:05.2 15 36:07.0 +1:23.2 13 38:57.0 +1:37.5 15 42:32.3 +1:51.9 15 Sector 3:54.2 +15.2 12 4:22.1 +18.0 8 2:50.0 +14.3 16 3:35.3 +14.4 15 Cumulative 46:28.4 +2:10.1 14 50:03.1 +2:32.2 14 54:02.5 +2:48.5 14 58:34.4 +3:15.7 14 Sector 3:56.1 +20.8 14 3:34.7 +22.1 17 3:59.4 +16.3 16 4:31.9 +27.2 17 Cumulative 1:01:25.6 +3:31.0 15 1:05:02.5 +3:48.4 15 1:08:49.1 +4:09.7 14 1:12:22.7 +4:27.7 14 Sector 2:51.2 +15.3 =14 3:36.9 +17.4 =12 3:46.6 +21.3 9 3:33.6 +18.0 12 Cumulative 1:16:19.3 +4:45.8 15 1:20:42.5 +4:59.5 14 1:23:25.0 +5:04.2 12 1:27:21.8 +5:04.2 14 Sector 3:56.6 +18.1 13 4:23.2 +13.7 8 2:42.5 +6.9 6 3:56.8 +20.5 =12 15 27 ZHAMBALOVA Alisa OAR 1:27:27.2 +5:09.6 15 Cumulative 3:09.9 +6.3 26 6:29.4 +6.8 21 10:12.6 +6.5 18 14:29.3 +9.3 19 Sector 3:09.9 +6.3 26 3:19.5 +1.6 2 3:43.2 +5.8 =12 4:16.7 +5.6 18 Cumulative 17:11.7 +8.6 19 20:38.2 +16.2 =17 24:15.9 +27.9 13 27:42.1 +41.4 9 Sector 2:42.4 +2.0 5 3:26.5 +8.7 14 3:37.7 +13.5 9 3:26.2 +13.5 6 Cumulative 31:39.5 +59.8 12 36:04.9 +1:21.1 12 38:49.2 +1:29.7 12 42:22.6 +1:42.2 12 Sector 3:57.4 +18.4 16 4:25.4 +21.3 =13 2:44.3 +8.6 3 3:33.4 +12.5 12 Cumulative 46:19.4 +2:01.1 10 49:50.6 +2:19.7 12 53:47.7 +2:33.7 13 58:11.0 +2:52.3 12 Sector 3:56.8 +21.5 16 3:31.2 +18.6 12 3:57.1 +14.0 13 4:23.3 +18.6 8 Cumulative 1:01:02.1 +3:07.5 12 1:04:39.7 +3:25.6 12 1:08:27.6 +3:48.2 13 1:12:02.3 +4:07.3 12 Sector 2:51.1 +15.2 13 3:37.6 +18.1 15 3:47.9 +22.6 15 3:34.7 +19.1 14 Cumulative 1:16:04.3 +4:30.8 13 1:20:41.9 +4:58.9 13 1:23:28.8 +5:08.0 15 1:27:27.2 +5:09.6 15 Sector 4:02.0 +23.5 18 4:37.6 +28.1 19 2:46.9 +11.3 =12 3:58.4 +22.1 16 Page 4/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 16 15 BOEHLER Stefanie GER 1:28:42.2 +6:24.6 16 Cumulative 3:06.1 +2.5 12 6:28.1 +5.5 15 10:13.6 +7.5 21 14:32.7 +12.7 20 Sector 3:06.1 +2.5 12 3:22.0 +4.1 =20 3:45.5 +8.1 23 4:19.1 +8.0 20 Cumulative 17:24.0 +20.9 20 21:01.2 +39.2 20 24:53.0 +1:05.0 21 28:29.0 +1:28.3 21 Sector 2:51.3 +10.9 22 3:37.2 +19.4 22 3:51.8 +27.6 21 3:36.0 +23.3 19 Cumulative 32:29.8 +1:50.1 20 37:04.9 +2:21.1 21 39:57.9 +2:38.4 21 43:37.1 +2:56.7 21 Sector 4:00.8 +21.8 17 4:35.1 +31.0 =19 2:53.0 +17.3 18 3:39.2 +18.3 18 Cumulative 47:29.9 +3:11.6 19 51:04.0 +3:33.1 18 55:05.0 +3:51.0 18 59:30.1 +4:11.4 17 Sector 3:52.8 +17.5 13 3:34.1 +21.5 16 4:01.0 +17.9 17 4:25.1 +20.4 =9 Cumulative 1:02:22.0 +4:27.4 18 1:06:00.5 +4:46.4 17 1:09:47.9 +5:08.5 17 1:13:25.4 +5:30.4 17 Sector 2:51.9 +16.0 17 3:38.5 +19.0 16 3:47.4 +22.1 12 3:37.5 +21.9 18 Cumulative 1:17:22.1 +5:48.6 17 1:21:55.5 +6:12.5 17 1:24:47.0 +6:26.2 16 1:28:42.2 +6:24.6 16 Sector 3:56.7 +18.2 14 4:33.4 +23.9 14 2:51.5 +15.9 18 3:55.2 +18.9 9 17 11 BJORNSEN Sadie USA 1:28:50.2 +6:32.6 17 Cumulative 3:03.8 +0.2 3 6:24.4 +1.8 4 10:08.1 +2.0 =7 14:23.3 +3.3 10 Sector 3:03.8 +0.2 3 3:20.6 +2.7 =10 3:43.7 +6.3 =18 4:15.2 +4.1 14 Cumulative 17:06.3 +3.2 9 20:36.6 +14.6 15 24:28.9 +40.9 18 28:08.6 +1:07.9 18 Sector 2:43.0 +2.6 11 3:30.3 +12.5 18 3:52.3 +28.1 22 3:39.7 +27.0 23 Cumulative 32:17.8 +1:38.1 18 36:52.9 +2:09.1 19 39:46.0 +2:26.5 17 43:31.0 +2:50.6 18 Sector 4:09.2 +30.2 24 4:35.1 +31.0 =19 2:53.1 +17.4 19 3:45.0 +24.1 21 Cumulative 47:31.6 +3:13.3 20 51:05.1 +3:34.2 19 55:04.4 +3:50.4 17 59:31.0 +4:12.3 18 Sector 4:00.6 +25.3 21 3:33.5 +20.9 14 3:59.3 +16.2 15 4:26.6 +21.9 =12 Cumulative 1:02:21.6 +4:27.0 17 1:06:02.0 +4:47.9 18 1:09:48.7 +5:09.3 18 1:13:26.4 +5:31.4 18 Sector 2:50.6 +14.7 12 3:40.4 +20.9 18 3:46.7 +21.4 10 3:37.7 +22.1 19 Cumulative 1:17:23.2 +5:49.7 18 1:21:59.9 +6:16.9 18 1:24:51.9 +6:31.1 18 1:28:50.2 +6:32.6 17 Sector 3:56.8 +18.3 15 4:36.7 +27.2 17 2:52.0 +16.4 20 3:58.3 +22.0 15 18 22 MATINTALO Johanna FIN 1:28:58.2 +6:40.6 18 Cumulative 3:08.5 +4.9 22 6:29.1 +6.5 19 10:10.1 +4.0 14 14:25.1 +5.1 13 Sector 3:08.5 +4.9 22 3:20.6 +2.7 =10 3:41.0 +3.6 3 4:15.0 +3.9 13 Cumulative 17:07.4 +4.3 12 20:31.8 +9.8 12 24:16.6 +28.6 14 27:46.2 +45.5 13 Sector 2:42.3 +1.9 4 3:24.4 +6.6 11 3:44.8 +20.6 16 3:29.6 +16.9 11 Cumulative 31:40.0 +1:00.3 13 36:08.3 +1:24.5 14 38:56.3 +1:36.8 14 42:30.5 +1:50.1 13 Sector 3:53.8 +14.8 =9 4:28.3 +24.2 15 2:48.0 +12.3 14 3:34.2 +13.3 13 Cumulative 46:28.6 +2:10.3 15 50:04.3 +2:33.4 15 54:06.8 +2:52.8 16 58:41.7 +3:23.0 16 Sector 3:58.1 +22.8 17 3:35.7 +23.1 18 4:02.5 +19.4 18 4:34.9 +30.2 19 Cumulative 1:01:32.9 +3:38.3 16 1:05:12.6 +3:58.5 16 1:09:09.9 +4:30.5 16 1:12:51.5 +4:56.5 16 Sector 2:51.2 +15.3 =14 3:39.7 +20.2 17 3:57.3 +32.0 19 3:41.6 +26.0 22 Cumulative 1:17:00.5 +5:27.0 16 1:21:49.1 +6:06.1 16 1:24:49.3 +6:28.5 17 1:28:58.2 +6:40.6 18 Sector 4:09.0 +30.5 21 4:48.6 +39.1 24 3:00.2 +24.6 27 4:08.9 +32.6 25 19 18 HENNIG Katharina GER 1:29:48.9 +7:31.3 19 Cumulative 3:07.9 +4.3 20 6:28.9 +6.3 18 10:09.5 +3.4 12 14:39.5 +19.5 22 Sector 3:07.9 +4.3 20 3:21.0 +3.1 =12 3:40.6 +3.2 2 4:30.0 +18.9 24 Cumulative 17:26.9 +23.8 22 21:01.5 +39.5 21 24:52.9 +1:04.9 20 28:25.8 +1:25.1 20 Sector 2:47.4 +7.0 20 3:34.6 +16.8 20 3:51.4 +27.2 19 3:32.9 +20.2 16 Cumulative 32:30.2 +1:50.5 21 37:04.3 +2:20.5 20 39:57.1 +2:37.6 20 43:35.1 +2:54.7 =19 Sector 4:04.4 +25.4 19 4:34.1 +30.0 18 2:52.8 +17.1 17 3:38.0 +17.1 17 Cumulative 47:27.0 +3:08.7 17 51:03.9 +3:33.0 17 55:07.1 +3:53.1 19 59:51.4 +4:32.7 19 Sector 3:51.9 +16.6 11 3:36.9 +24.3 19 4:03.2 +20.1 19 4:44.3 +39.6 23 Cumulative 1:02:50.8 +4:56.2 19 1:06:36.2 +5:22.1 19 1:10:39.1 +5:59.7 19 1:14:14.6 +6:19.6 19 Sector 2:59.4 +23.5 23 3:45.4 +25.9 23 4:02.9 +37.6 23 3:35.5 +19.9 15 Cumulative 1:18:18.0 +6:44.5 19 1:22:52.9 +7:09.9 19 1:25:42.8 +7:22.0 19 1:29:48.9 +7:31.3 19 Sector 4:03.4 +24.9 19 4:34.9 +25.4 15 2:49.9 +14.3 15 4:06.1 +29.8 23 Page 5/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 20 16 SAARINEN Aino-Kaisa FIN 1:30:32.2 +8:14.6 20 Cumulative 3:06.3 +2.7 13 6:28.3 +5.7 16 10:12.0 +5.9 16 14:34.3 +14.3 21 Sector 3:06.3 +2.7 13 3:22.0 +4.1 =20 3:43.7 +6.3 =18 4:22.3 +11.2 21 Cumulative 17:25.4 +22.3 21 21:02.3 +40.3 22 24:54.0 +1:06.0 22 28:31.1 +1:30.4 22 Sector 2:51.1 +10.7 21 3:36.9 +19.1 21 3:51.7 +27.5 20 3:37.1 +24.4 21 Cumulative 32:36.5 +1:56.8 22 37:19.2 +2:35.4 22 40:16.0 +2:56.5 22 43:58.2 +3:17.8 22 Sector 4:05.4 +26.4 21 4:42.7 +38.6 24 2:56.8 +21.1 24 3:42.2 +21.3 20 Cumulative 48:00.5 +3:42.2 22 51:39.6 +4:08.7 22 55:49.4 +4:35.4 22 1:00:23.2 +5:04.5 20 Sector 4:02.3 +27.0 24 3:39.1 +26.5 20 4:09.8 +26.7 20 4:33.8 +29.1 18 Cumulative 1:03:19.2 +5:24.6 20 1:07:02.2 +5:48.1 20 1:11:03.1 +6:23.7 20 1:14:44.0 +6:49.0 20 Sector 2:56.0 +20.1 19 3:43.0 +23.5 =20 4:00.9 +35.6 22 3:40.9 +25.3 21 Cumulative 1:18:54.7 +7:21.2 20 1:23:34.4 +7:51.4 20 1:26:28.7 +8:07.9 20 1:30:32.2 +8:14.6 20 Sector 4:10.7 +32.2 24 4:39.7 +30.2 21 2:54.3 +18.7 22 4:03.5 +27.2 21 21 32 FRANKOWSKI Rosie USA 1:31:11.4 +8:53.8 21 Cumulative 3:10.7 +7.1 28 6:34.3 +11.7 27 10:29.1 +23.0 27 15:02.0 +42.0 27 Sector 3:10.7 +7.1 28 3:23.6 +5.7 26 3:54.8 +17.4 27 4:32.9 +21.8 28 Cumulative 17:54.0 +50.9 27 21:36.1 +1:14.1 26 25:24.5 +1:36.5 26 29:10.0 +2:09.3 26 Sector 2:52.0 +11.6 26 3:42.1 +24.3 25 3:48.4 +24.2 18 3:45.5 +32.8 27 Cumulative 33:11.3 +2:31.6 25 37:51.1 +3:07.3 24 40:46.9 +3:27.4 24 44:34.2 +3:53.8 24 Sector 4:01.3 +22.3 18 4:39.8 +35.7 22 2:55.8 +20.1 22 3:47.3 +26.4 22 Cumulative 48:25.2 +4:06.9 24 52:10.3 +4:39.4 24 56:20.2 +5:06.2 23 1:00:56.9 +5:38.2 23 Sector 3:51.0 +15.7 10 3:45.1 +32.5 23 4:09.9 +26.8 21 4:36.7 +32.0 20 Cumulative 1:03:55.8 +6:01.2 23 1:07:42.1 +6:28.0 24 1:11:46.6 +7:07.2 24 1:15:32.5 +7:37.5 24 Sector 2:58.9 +23.0 22 3:46.3 +26.8 24 4:04.5 +39.2 25 3:45.9 +30.3 26 Cumulative 1:19:33.8 +8:00.3 23 1:24:10.0 +8:27.0 21 1:27:00.1 +8:39.3 21 1:31:11.4 +8:53.8 21 Sector 4:01.3 +22.8 17 4:36.2 +26.7 16 2:50.1 +14.5 16 4:11.3 +35.0 26 22 10 von SIEBENTHAL Nathalie SUI 1:31:27.9 +9:10.3 22 Cumulative 3:07.6 +4.0 =18 6:29.2 +6.6 20 10:12.7 +6.6 19 14:28.4 +8.4 17 Sector 3:07.6 +4.0 =18 3:21.6 +3.7 17 3:43.5 +6.1 =15 4:15.7 +4.6 16 Cumulative 17:10.9 +7.8 18 20:39.1 +17.1 19 24:34.5 +46.5 19 28:11.2 +1:10.5 19 Sector 2:42.5 +2.1 =6 3:28.2 +10.4 17 3:55.4 +31.2 26 3:36.7 +24.0 20 Cumulative 32:18.0 +1:38.3 19 36:51.5 +2:07.7 18 39:46.9 +2:27.4 18 43:27.9 +2:47.5 17 Sector 4:06.8 +27.8 22 4:33.5 +29.4 17 2:55.4 +19.7 21 3:41.0 +20.1 19 Cumulative 47:28.0 +3:09.7 18 51:16.0 +3:45.1 20 55:45.1 +4:31.1 20 1:00:40.6 +5:21.9 21 Sector 4:00.1 +24.8 20 3:48.0 +35.4 =28 4:29.1 +46.0 =39 4:55.5 +50.8 29 Cumulative 1:03:35.5 +5:40.9 21 1:07:18.0 +6:03.9 21 1:11:24.0 +6:44.6 21 1:15:02.0 +7:07.0 21 Sector 2:54.9 +19.0 18 3:42.5 +23.0 19 4:06.0 +40.7 29 3:38.0 +22.4 20 Cumulative 1:19:17.6 +7:44.1 21 1:24:12.6 +8:29.6 22 1:27:14.1 +8:53.3 22 1:31:27.9 +9:10.3 22 Sector 4:15.6 +37.1 29 4:55.0 +45.5 29 3:01.5 +25.9 29 4:13.8 +37.5 29 23 25 BEROUSKOVA Katerina CZE 1:31:41.4 +9:23.8 23 Cumulative 3:09.3 +5.7 24 6:32.0 +9.4 26 10:20.0 +13.9 26 14:49.3 +29.3 26 Sector 3:09.3 +5.7 24 3:22.7 +4.8 24 3:48.0 +10.6 25 4:29.3 +18.2 22 Cumulative 17:41.0 +37.9 25 21:20.8 +58.8 24 25:13.5 +1:25.5 23 28:52.8 +1:52.1 23 Sector 2:51.7 +11.3 24 3:39.8 +22.0 23 3:52.7 +28.5 24 3:39.3 +26.6 22 Cumulative 32:57.5 +2:17.8 23 37:38.9 +2:55.1 23 40:34.8 +3:15.3 23 44:22.3 +3:41.9 23 Sector 4:04.7 +25.7 20 4:41.4 +37.3 23 2:55.9 +20.2 23 3:47.5 +26.6 23 Cumulative 48:21.9 +4:03.6 23 52:08.0 +4:37.1 23 56:20.7 +5:06.7 24 1:00:58.5 +5:39.8 24 Sector 3:59.6 +24.3 19 3:46.1 +33.5 24 4:12.7 +29.6 24 4:37.8 +33.1 21 Cumulative 1:03:56.5 +6:01.9 24 1:07:39.5 +6:25.4 23 1:11:40.2 +7:00.8 22 1:15:25.6 +7:30.6 23 Sector 2:58.0 +22.1 21 3:43.0 +23.5 =20 4:00.7 +35.4 21 3:45.4 +29.8 25 Cumulative 1:19:35.1 +8:01.6 24 1:24:25.4 +8:42.4 23 1:27:24.1 +9:03.3 23 1:31:41.4 +9:23.8 23 Sector 4:09.5 +31.0 22 4:50.3 +40.8 27 2:58.7 +23.1 26 4:17.3 +41.0 33 Page 6/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 24 13 NEPRYAEVA Natalia OAR 1:32:10.4 +9:52.8 24 Cumulative 3:05.6 +2.0 11 6:25.4 +2.8 6 10:09.1 +3.0 11 14:24.7 +4.7 12 Sector 3:05.6 +2.0 11 3:19.8 +1.9 =3 3:43.7 +6.3 =18 4:15.6 +4.5 15 Cumulative 17:07.9 +4.8 13 20:31.0 +9.0 11 24:16.8 +28.8 15 27:48.4 +47.7 14 Sector 2:43.2 +2.8 =12 3:23.1 +5.3 8 3:45.8 +21.6 17 3:31.6 +18.9 15 Cumulative 31:58.3 +1:18.6 17 36:45.8 +2:02.0 17 39:47.2 +2:27.7 19 43:35.1 +2:54.7 =19 Sector 4:09.9 +30.9 25 4:47.5 +43.4 26 3:01.4 +25.7 28 3:47.9 +27.0 24 Cumulative 47:40.9 +3:22.6 21 51:27.4 +3:56.5 21 55:49.1 +4:35.1 21 1:00:41.9 +5:23.2 22 Sector 4:05.8 +30.5 28 3:46.5 +33.9 25 4:21.7 +38.6 36 4:52.8 +48.1 27 Cumulative 1:03:42.8 +5:48.2 22 1:07:26.7 +6:12.6 22 1:11:42.9 +7:03.5 23 1:15:17.3 +7:22.3 22 Sector 3:00.9 +25.0 25 3:43.9 +24.4 22 4:16.2 +50.9 35 3:34.4 +18.8 13 Cumulative 1:19:32.3 +7:58.8 22 1:24:33.1 +8:50.1 24 1:27:44.4 +9:23.6 24 1:32:10.4 +9:52.8 24 Sector 4:15.0 +36.5 27 5:00.8 +51.3 32 3:11.3 +35.7 37 4:26.0 +49.7 37 25 28 CARL Victoria GER 1:32:42.4 +10:24.8 25 Cumulative 3:07.6 +4.0 =18 6:27.6 +5.0 13 10:13.0 +6.9 20 14:43.4 +23.4 23 Sector 3:07.6 +4.0 =18 3:20.0 +2.1 =5 3:45.4 +8.0 22 4:30.4 +19.3 25 Cumulative 17:34.8 +31.7 23 21:20.4 +58.4 23 25:22.9 +1:34.9 25 29:08.1 +2:07.4 25 Sector 2:51.4 +11.0 23 3:45.6 +27.8 26 4:02.5 +38.3 30 3:45.2 +32.5 26 Cumulative 33:16.9 +2:37.2 26 37:54.9 +3:11.1 25 40:49.7 +3:30.2 25 44:46.0 +4:05.6 25 Sector 4:08.8 +29.8 23 4:38.0 +33.9 21 2:54.8 +19.1 20 3:56.3 +35.4 30 Cumulative 48:42.7 +4:24.4 25 52:37.5 +5:06.6 25 56:56.8 +5:42.8 25 1:01:45.6 +6:26.9 25 Sector 3:56.7 +21.4 15 3:54.8 +42.2 =36 4:19.3 +36.2 33 4:48.8 +44.1 26 Cumulative 1:04:51.2 +6:56.6 25 1:08:47.5 +7:33.4 25 1:12:57.3 +8:17.9 25 1:16:48.2 +8:53.2 25 Sector 3:05.6 +29.7 30 3:56.3 +36.8 34 4:09.8 +44.5 32 3:50.9 +35.3 29 Cumulative 1:20:59.2 +9:25.7 25 1:25:48.7 +10:05.7 25 1:28:45.7 +10:24.9 26 1:32:42.4 +10:24.8 25 Sector 4:11.0 +32.5 25 4:49.5 +40.0 25 2:57.0 +21.4 25 3:56.7 +20.4 11 26 23 PATTERSON Caitlin USA 1:32:43.6 +10:26.0 26 Cumulative 3:07.3 +3.7 17 6:31.4 +8.8 25 10:16.6 +10.5 25 14:48.3 +28.3 25 Sector 3:07.3 +3.7 17 3:24.1 +6.2 28 3:45.2 +7.8 21 4:31.7 +20.6 26 Cumulative 17:40.1 +37.0 24 21:21.3 +59.3 25 25:13.7 +1:25.7 24 28:55.4 +1:54.7 24 Sector 2:51.8 +11.4 25 3:41.2 +23.4 24 3:52.4 +28.2 23 3:41.7 +29.0 24 Cumulative 33:10.1 +2:30.4 24 37:57.1 +3:13.3 26 40:57.7 +3:38.2 26 44:46.8 +4:06.4 26 Sector 4:14.7 +35.7 29 4:47.0 +42.9 25 3:00.6 +24.9 =26 3:49.1 +28.2 26 Cumulative 49:00.7 +4:42.4 26 52:48.7 +5:17.8 26 57:04.1 +5:50.1 26 1:02:01.7 +6:43.0 26 Sector 4:13.9 +38.6 35 3:48.0 +35.4 =28 4:15.4 +32.3 27 4:57.6 +52.9 33 Cumulative 1:05:07.5 +7:12.9 26 1:09:00.8 +7:46.7 26 1:13:00.1 +8:20.7 26 1:16:49.4 +8:54.4 26 Sector 3:05.8 +29.9 32 3:53.3 +33.8 29 3:59.3 +34.0 20 3:49.3 +33.7 27 Cumulative 1:20:59.7 +9:26.2 26 1:25:49.6 +10:06.6 26 1:28:45.0 +10:24.2 25 1:32:43.6 +10:26.0 26 Sector 4:10.3 +31.8 23 4:49.9 +40.4 26 2:55.4 +19.8 24 3:58.6 +22.3 18 27 21 BROCARD Elisa ITA 1:33:33.5 +11:15.9 27 Cumulative 3:10.1 +6.5 27 6:38.4 +15.8 28 10:43.7 +37.6 31 15:24.6 +1:04.6 31 Sector 3:10.1 +6.5 27 3:28.3 +10.4 32 4:05.3 +27.9 32 4:40.9 +29.8 31 Cumulative 18:22.3 +1:19.2 31 22:14.8 +1:52.8 31 26:18.8 +2:30.8 31 30:11.8 +3:11.1 31 Sector 2:57.7 +17.3 31 3:52.5 +34.7 34 4:04.0 +39.8 32 3:53.0 +40.3 34 Cumulative 34:32.2 +3:52.5 30 39:25.1 +4:41.3 30 42:29.4 +5:09.9 29 46:27.3 +5:46.9 29 Sector 4:20.4 +41.4 34 4:52.9 +48.8 32 3:04.3 +28.6 36 3:57.9 +37.0 34 Cumulative 50:39.5 +6:21.2 29 54:19.0 +6:48.1 29 58:31.1 +7:17.1 29 1:03:11.2 +7:52.5 29 Sector 4:12.2 +36.9 34 3:39.5 +26.9 21 4:12.1 +29.0 23 4:40.1 +35.4 22 Cumulative 1:06:07.3 +8:12.7 28 1:09:54.8 +8:40.7 28 1:13:49.2 +9:09.8 28 1:17:34.2 +9:39.2 27 Sector 2:56.1 +20.2 20 3:47.5 +28.0 25 3:54.4 +29.1 17 3:45.0 +29.4 24 Cumulative 1:21:49.3 +10:15.8 27 1:26:27.5 +10:44.5 27 1:29:21.9 +11:01.1 27 1:33:33.5 +11:15.9 27 Sector 4:15.1 +36.6 28 4:38.2 +28.7 20 2:54.4 +18.8 23 4:11.6 +35.3 27 Page 7/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 28 39 MANNIMA Tatjana EST 1:34:27.7 +12:10.1 28 Cumulative 3:16.1 +12.5 40 6:39.9 +17.3 30 10:44.5 +38.4 32 15:26.1 +1:06.1 32 Sector 3:16.1 +12.5 40 3:23.8 +5.9 27 4:04.6 +27.2 31 4:41.6 +30.5 32 Cumulative 18:22.9 +1:19.8 32 22:16.5 +1:54.5 32 26:30.3 +2:42.3 32 30:22.7 +3:22.0 32 Sector 2:56.8 +16.4 29 3:53.6 +35.8 37 4:13.8 +49.6 39 3:52.4 +39.7 32 Cumulative 34:43.8 +4:04.1 33 39:35.3 +4:51.5 32 42:38.9 +5:19.4 32 46:36.6 +5:56.2 34 Sector 4:21.1 +42.1 37 4:51.5 +47.4 =28 3:03.6 +27.9 =33 3:57.7 +36.8 =32 Cumulative 50:41.3 +6:23.0 31 54:28.6 +6:57.7 30 58:46.3 +7:32.3 31 1:03:43.6 +8:24.9 30 Sector 4:04.7 +29.4 25 3:47.3 +34.7 27 4:17.7 +34.6 =30 4:57.3 +52.6 31 Cumulative 1:06:50.2 +8:55.6 30 1:10:47.4 +9:33.3 31 1:14:53.0 +10:13.6 31 1:18:36.9 +10:41.9 30 Sector 3:06.6 +30.7 34 3:57.2 +37.7 36 4:05.6 +40.3 28 3:43.9 +28.3 23 Cumulative 1:22:49.0 +11:15.5 30 1:27:32.3 +11:49.3 30 1:30:25.6 +12:04.8 29 1:34:27.7 +12:10.1 28 Sector 4:12.1 +33.6 26 4:43.3 +33.8 22 2:53.3 +17.7 21 4:02.1 +25.8 20 29 14 HAAG Anna SWE 1:34:31.0 +12:13.4 29 Cumulative 3:08.0 +4.4 21 6:29.7 +7.1 22 10:15.8 +9.7 24 14:45.4 +25.4 24 Sector 3:08.0 +4.4 21 3:21.7 +3.8 =18 3:46.1 +8.7 24 4:29.6 +18.5 23 Cumulative 17:43.8 +40.7 26 21:38.7 +1:16.7 27 25:43.7 +1:55.7 27 29:36.3 +2:35.6 28 Sector 2:58.4 +18.0 =33 3:54.9 +37.1 38 4:05.0 +40.8 =34 3:52.6 +39.9 33 Cumulative 33:54.2 +3:14.5 28 38:50.4 +4:06.6 28 41:54.6 +4:35.1 28 45:50.2 +5:09.8 28 Sector 4:17.9 +38.9 33 4:56.2 +52.1 35 3:04.2 +28.5 35 3:55.6 +34.7 29 Cumulative 50:11.9 +5:53.6 28 54:00.0 +6:29.1 28 58:16.2 +7:02.2 28 1:03:10.3 +7:51.6 28 Sector 4:21.7 +46.4 =38 3:48.1 +35.5 30 4:16.2 +33.1 29 4:54.1 +49.4 28 Cumulative 1:06:12.6 +8:18.0 29 1:10:04.0 +8:49.9 29 1:14:11.7 +9:32.3 29 1:18:01.7 +10:06.7 29 Sector 3:02.3 +26.4 28 3:51.4 +31.9 28 4:07.7 +42.4 30 3:50.0 +34.4 28 Cumulative 1:22:24.5 +10:51.0 29 1:27:24.8 +11:41.8 29 1:30:27.2 +12:06.4 30 1:34:31.0 +12:13.4 29 Sector 4:22.8 +44.3 31 5:00.3 +50.8 31 3:02.4 +26.8 31 4:03.8 +27.5 22 30 37 NISHIKAWA Emily CAN 1:34:31.7 +12:14.1 30 Cumulative 3:14.6 +11.0 34 6:41.0 +18.4 32 10:38.2 +32.1 28 15:11.0 +51.0 28 Sector 3:14.6 +11.0 34 3:26.4 +8.5 30 3:57.2 +19.8 28 4:32.8 +21.7 27 Cumulative 18:08.3 +1:05.2 28 21:55.5 +1:33.5 28 25:49.5 +2:01.5 28 29:34.4 +2:33.7 27 Sector 2:57.3 +16.9 30 3:47.2 +29.4 28 3:54.0 +29.8 25 3:44.9 +32.2 25 Cumulative 33:45.8 +3:06.1 27 38:37.3 +3:53.5 27 41:35.7 +4:16.2 27 45:23.9 +4:43.5 27 Sector 4:11.4 +32.4 27 4:51.5 +47.4 =28 2:58.4 +22.7 25 3:48.2 +27.3 25 Cumulative 49:33.6 +5:15.3 27 53:17.1 +5:46.2 27 57:28.9 +6:14.9 27 1:02:28.7 +7:10.0 27 Sector 4:09.7 +34.4 31 3:43.5 +30.9 22 4:11.8 +28.7 22 4:59.8 +55.1 37 Cumulative 1:05:36.0 +7:41.4 27 1:09:24.8 +8:10.7 27 1:13:36.2 +8:56.8 27 1:17:34.9 +9:39.9 28 Sector 3:07.3 +31.4 37 3:48.8 +29.3 26 4:11.4 +46.1 34 3:58.7 +43.1 35 Cumulative 1:22:02.9 +10:29.4 28 1:27:13.0 +11:30.0 28 1:30:18.0 +11:57.2 28 1:34:31.7 +12:14.1 30 Sector 4:28.0 +49.5 39 5:10.1 +1:00.6 36 3:05.0 +29.4 32 4:13.7 +37.4 28 31 29 SHEVCHENKO Anna KAZ 1:35:36.1 +13:18.5 31 Cumulative 3:14.4 +10.8 =32 6:58.9 +36.3 42 11:07.9 +1:01.8 42 16:04.9 +1:44.9 42 Sector 3:14.4 +10.8 =32 3:44.5 +26.6 44 4:09.0 +31.6 36 4:57.0 +45.9 45 Cumulative 19:12.1 +2:09.0 43 23:08.1 +2:46.1 43 27:13.1 +3:25.1 40 31:03.5 +4:02.8 40 Sector 3:07.2 +26.8 44 3:56.0 +38.2 40 4:05.0 +40.8 =34 3:50.4 +37.7 30 Cumulative 35:13.8 +4:34.1 38 40:06.5 +5:22.7 37 43:09.5 +5:50.0 37 47:09.3 +6:28.9 37 Sector 4:10.3 +31.3 26 4:52.7 +48.6 31 3:03.0 +27.3 31 3:59.8 +38.9 36 Cumulative 51:18.0 +6:59.7 37 55:19.4 +7:48.5 37 59:35.3 +8:21.3 37 1:04:32.8 +9:14.1 37 Sector 4:08.7 +33.4 30 4:01.4 +48.8 42 4:15.9 +32.8 28 4:57.5 +52.8 32 Cumulative 1:07:36.7 +9:42.1 37 1:11:30.8 +10:16.7 36 1:15:48.8 +11:09.4 36 1:19:41.7 +11:46.7 36 Sector 3:03.9 +28.0 29 3:54.1 +34.6 31 4:18.0 +52.7 36 3:52.9 +37.3 30 Cumulative 1:23:50.2 +12:16.7 34 1:28:37.7 +12:54.7 34 1:31:29.6 +13:08.8 34 1:35:36.1 +13:18.5 31 Sector 4:08.5 +30.0 20 4:47.5 +38.0 23 2:51.9 +16.3 19 4:06.5 +30.2 24 Page 8/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 32 31 TYULENEVA Valeriya KAZ 1:35:38.0 +13:20.4 32 Cumulative 3:15.0 +11.4 =35 6:55.2 +32.6 40 11:03.7 +57.6 40 15:47.2 +1:27.2 34 Sector 3:15.0 +11.4 =35 3:40.2 +22.3 41 4:08.5 +31.1 35 4:43.5 +32.4 33 Cumulative 18:45.6 +1:42.5 34 22:37.7 +2:15.7 34 26:39.6 +2:51.6 34 30:31.5 +3:30.8 35 Sector 2:58.4 +18.0 =33 3:52.1 +34.3 =32 4:01.9 +37.7 28 3:51.9 +39.2 31 Cumulative 34:43.2 +4:03.5 32 39:39.5 +4:55.7 34 42:41.0 +5:21.5 35 46:35.2 +5:54.8 32 Sector 4:11.7 +32.7 28 4:56.3 +52.2 36 3:01.5 +25.8 29 3:54.2 +33.3 27 Cumulative 50:40.8 +6:22.5 30 54:31.7 +7:00.8 32 58:45.8 +7:31.8 30 1:03:44.6 +8:25.9 32 Sector 4:05.6 +30.3 26 3:50.9 +38.3 32 4:14.1 +31.0 25 4:58.8 +54.1 35 Cumulative 1:06:51.6 +8:57.0 32 1:10:48.1 +9:34.0 32 1:14:52.1 +10:12.7 30 1:18:47.4 +10:52.4 31 Sector 3:07.0 +31.1 36 3:56.5 +37.0 35 4:04.0 +38.7 24 3:55.3 +39.7 32 Cumulative 1:23:13.3 +11:39.8 31 1:28:18.9 +12:35.9 31 1:31:20.0 +12:59.2 31 1:35:38.0 +13:20.4 32 Sector 4:25.9 +47.4 37 5:05.6 +56.1 34 3:01.1 +25.5 28 4:18.0 +41.7 34 33 36 KOLOMINA Yelena KAZ 1:35:38.4 +13:20.8 33 Cumulative 3:16.9 +13.3 41 6:54.3 +31.7 39 11:02.4 +56.3 38 15:49.3 +1:29.3 38 Sector 3:16.9 +13.3 41 3:37.4 +19.5 39 4:08.1 +30.7 34 4:46.9 +35.8 =35 Cumulative 18:48.2 +1:45.1 =36 22:39.2 +2:17.2 36 26:41.5 +2:53.5 36 30:30.0 +3:29.3 34 Sector 2:58.9 +18.5 35 3:51.0 +33.2 31 4:02.3 +38.1 29 3:48.5 +35.8 28 Cumulative 34:45.4 +4:05.7 35 39:34.8 +4:51.0 31 42:38.4 +5:18.9 31 46:36.0 +5:55.6 33 Sector 4:15.4 +36.4 31 4:49.4 +45.3 27 3:03.6 +27.9 =33 3:57.6 +36.7 31 Cumulative 50:41.7 +6:23.4 32 54:30.1 +6:59.2 31 58:47.8 +7:33.8 32 1:03:44.4 +8:25.7 31 Sector 4:05.7 +30.4 27 3:48.4 +35.8 31 4:17.7 +34.6 =30 4:56.6 +51.9 30 Cumulative 1:06:51.1 +8:56.5 31 1:10:47.3 +9:33.2 30 1:14:55.5 +10:16.1 32 1:18:49.9 +10:54.9 32 Sector 3:06.7 +30.8 35 3:56.2 +36.7 33 4:08.2 +42.9 31 3:54.4 +38.8 31 Cumulative 1:23:14.3 +11:40.8 32 1:28:20.1 +12:37.1 32 1:31:22.1 +13:01.3 32 1:35:38.4 +13:20.8 33 Sector 4:24.4 +45.9 =34 5:05.8 +56.3 35 3:02.0 +26.4 30 4:16.3 +40.0 30 34 26 COMARELLA Anna ITA 1:35:48.7 +13:31.1 34 Cumulative 3:11.9 +8.3 30 6:48.2 +25.6 36 10:58.1 +52.0 36 15:48.5 +1:28.5 37 Sector 3:11.9 +8.3 30 3:36.3 +18.4 37 4:09.9 +32.5 40 4:50.4 +39.3 38 Cumulative 18:48.2 +1:45.1 =36 22:37.6 +2:15.6 33 26:40.5 +2:52.5 35 30:37.0 +3:36.3 36 Sector 2:59.7 +19.3 36 3:49.4 +31.6 30 4:02.9 +38.7 31 3:56.5 +43.8 39 Cumulative 34:54.3 +4:14.6 36 39:46.5 +5:02.7 36 42:55.7 +5:36.2 36 46:53.9 +6:13.5 36 Sector 4:17.3 +38.3 32 4:52.2 +48.1 30 3:09.2 +33.5 40 3:58.2 +37.3 35 Cumulative 51:03.7 +6:45.4 36 54:55.5 +7:24.6 34 59:15.8 +8:01.8 34 1:04:02.1 +8:43.4 34 Sector 4:09.8 +34.5 32 3:51.8 +39.2 33 4:20.3 +37.2 =34 4:46.3 +41.6 24 Cumulative 1:07:03.9 +9:09.3 34 1:10:57.8 +9:43.7 34 1:15:02.5 +10:23.1 33 1:18:59.7 +11:04.7 33 Sector 3:01.8 +25.9 =26 3:53.9 +34.4 30 4:04.7 +39.4 26 3:57.2 +41.6 34 Cumulative 1:23:24.1 +11:50.6 33 1:28:22.0 +12:39.0 33 1:31:27.8 +13:07.0 33 1:35:48.7 +13:31.1 34 Sector 4:24.4 +45.9 =34 4:57.9 +48.4 30 3:05.8 +30.2 35 4:20.9 +44.6 35 35 30 PELLEGRINI Sara ITA 1:36:07.3 +13:49.7 35 Cumulative 3:10.8 +7.2 29 6:42.8 +20.2 33 10:56.3 +50.2 34 15:47.9 +1:27.9 35 Sector 3:10.8 +7.2 29 3:32.0 +14.1 35 4:13.5 +36.1 =43 4:51.6 +40.5 41 Cumulative 18:48.4 +1:45.3 38 22:41.1 +2:19.1 38 26:51.4 +3:03.4 37 30:51.3 +3:50.6 37 Sector 3:00.5 +20.1 37 3:52.7 +34.9 36 4:10.3 +46.1 38 3:59.9 +47.2 40 Cumulative 35:12.3 +4:32.6 37 40:07.3 +5:23.5 38 43:10.6 +5:51.1 38 47:14.6 +6:34.2 38 Sector 4:21.0 +42.0 36 4:55.0 +50.9 34 3:03.3 +27.6 32 4:04.0 +43.1 =38 Cumulative 51:37.6 +7:19.3 38 55:24.8 +7:53.9 38 59:40.1 +8:26.1 38 1:04:28.2 +9:09.5 36 Sector 4:23.0 +47.7 41 3:47.2 +34.6 26 4:15.3 +32.2 26 4:48.1 +43.4 25 Cumulative 1:07:30.0 +9:35.4 35 1:11:20.7 +10:06.6 35 1:15:26.2 +10:46.8 35 1:19:26.3 +11:31.3 35 Sector 3:01.8 +25.9 =26 3:50.7 +31.2 27 4:05.5 +40.2 27 4:00.1 +44.5 37 Cumulative 1:23:50.6 +12:17.1 35 1:28:44.9 +13:01.9 35 1:31:50.4 +13:29.6 35 1:36:07.3 +13:49.7 35 Sector 4:24.3 +45.8 33 4:54.3 +44.8 28 3:05.5 +29.9 34 4:16.9 +40.6 32 Page 9/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 36 38 PROCHAZKOVA Alena SVK 1:36:50.0 +14:32.4 36 Cumulative 3:15.6 +12.0 39 6:52.1 +29.5 38 11:01.2 +55.1 37 15:48.1 +1:28.1 36 Sector 3:15.6 +12.0 39 3:36.5 +18.6 38 4:09.1 +31.7 37 4:46.9 +35.8 =35 Cumulative 18:46.1 +1:43.0 35 22:38.2 +2:16.2 35 26:39.5 +2:51.5 33 30:29.8 +3:29.1 33 Sector 2:58.0 +17.6 32 3:52.1 +34.3 =32 4:01.3 +37.1 27 3:50.3 +37.6 29 Cumulative 34:44.7 +4:05.0 34 39:39.6 +4:55.8 35 42:40.2 +5:20.7 34 46:34.8 +5:54.4 31 Sector 4:14.9 +35.9 30 4:54.9 +50.8 33 3:00.6 +24.9 =26 3:54.6 +33.7 28 Cumulative 50:42.0 +6:23.7 33 54:36.4 +7:05.5 33 58:56.7 +7:42.7 33 1:03:56.0 +8:37.3 33 Sector 4:07.2 +31.9 29 3:54.4 +41.8 35 4:20.3 +37.2 =34 4:59.3 +54.6 36 Cumulative 1:06:56.8 +9:02.2 33 1:10:51.3 +9:37.2 33 1:15:16.5 +10:37.1 34 1:19:21.6 +11:26.6 34 Sector 3:00.8 +24.9 24 3:54.5 +35.0 32 4:25.2 +59.9 38 4:05.1 +49.5 38 Cumulative 1:23:51.4 +12:17.9 36 1:29:03.5 +13:20.5 36 1:32:17.6 +13:56.8 36 1:36:50.0 +14:32.4 36 Sector 4:29.8 +51.3 40 5:12.1 +1:02.6 38 3:14.1 +38.5 39 4:32.4 +56.1 41 37 40 LI Xin CHN 1:38:04.9 +15:47.3 37 Cumulative 3:17.0 +13.4 42 6:55.5 +32.9 41 11:05.3 +59.2 41 15:51.2 +1:31.2 40 Sector 3:17.0 +13.4 42 3:38.5 +20.6 40 4:09.8 +32.4 39 4:45.9 +34.8 34 Cumulative 18:53.5 +1:50.4 39 22:52.0 +2:30.0 40 27:00.4 +3:12.4 38 31:01.2 +4:00.5 39 Sector 3:02.3 +21.9 38 3:58.5 +40.7 42 4:08.4 +44.2 36 4:00.8 +48.1 41 Cumulative 35:22.4 +4:42.7 40 40:24.9 +5:41.1 39 43:32.6 +6:13.1 39 47:40.4 +7:00.0 39 Sector 4:21.2 +42.2 38 5:02.5 +58.4 38 3:07.7 +32.0 38 4:07.8 +46.9 42 Cumulative 52:02.1 +7:43.8 39 55:56.2 +8:25.3 39 1:00:23.9 +9:09.9 39 1:05:22.0 +10:03.3 39 Sector 4:21.7 +46.4 =38 3:54.1 +41.5 34 4:27.7 +44.6 37 4:58.1 +53.4 34 Cumulative 1:08:28.2 +10:33.6 39 1:12:32.2 +11:18.1 39 1:16:42.3 +12:02.9 37 1:20:54.3 +12:59.3 37 Sector 3:06.2 +30.3 33 4:04.0 +44.5 39 4:10.1 +44.8 33 4:12.0 +56.4 42 Cumulative 1:25:19.7 +13:46.2 37 1:30:32.7 +14:49.7 37 1:33:37.9 +15:17.1 37 1:38:04.9 +15:47.3 37 Sector 4:25.4 +46.9 36 5:13.0 +1:03.5 39 3:05.2 +29.6 33 4:27.0 +50.7 38 38 35 ANTYPENKO Tetiana UKR 1:38:17.3 +15:59.7 38 Cumulative 3:18.2 +14.6 43 7:00.1 +37.5 44 11:11.7 +1:05.6 44 16:05.3 +1:45.3 43 Sector 3:18.2 +14.6 43 3:41.9 +24.0 43 4:11.6 +34.2 41 4:53.6 +42.5 43 Cumulative 19:11.8 +2:08.7 42 23:06.9 +2:44.9 42 27:15.5 +3:27.5 41 31:11.6 +4:10.9 41 Sector 3:06.5 +26.1 42 3:55.1 +37.3 39 4:08.6 +44.4 37 3:56.1 +43.4 38 Cumulative 35:37.9 +4:58.2 41 40:43.1 +5:59.3 41 43:54.6 +6:35.1 41 47:56.4 +7:16.0 41 Sector 4:26.3 +47.3 42 5:05.2 +1:01.1 40 3:11.5 +35.8 42 4:01.8 +40.9 37 Cumulative 52:08.5 +7:50.2 40 56:05.9 +8:35.0 40 1:00:38.3 +9:24.3 40 1:05:48.7 +10:30.0 40 Sector 4:12.1 +36.8 33 3:57.4 +44.8 39 4:32.4 +49.3 44 5:10.4 +1:05.7 40 Cumulative 1:08:59.5 +11:04.9 40 1:13:00.0 +11:45.9 40 1:17:28.0 +12:48.6 40 1:21:27.5 +13:32.5 39 Sector 3:10.8 +34.9 39 4:00.5 +41.0 =37 4:28.0 +1:02.7 41 3:59.5 +43.9 36 Cumulative 1:25:49.5 +14:16.0 38 1:30:53.1 +15:10.1 38 1:34:00.7 +15:39.9 38 1:38:17.3 +15:59.7 38 Sector 4:22.0 +43.5 30 5:03.6 +54.1 33 3:07.6 +32.0 36 4:16.6 +40.3 31 39 34 HYNCICOVA Petra CZE 1:39:14.7 +16:57.1 39 Cumulative 3:15.3 +11.7 37 6:50.4 +27.8 37 11:02.9 +56.8 39 15:54.1 +1:34.1 41 Sector 3:15.3 +11.7 37 3:35.1 +17.2 36 4:12.5 +35.1 42 4:51.2 +40.1 40 Cumulative 18:56.8 +1:53.7 41 22:49.4 +2:27.4 39 27:04.7 +3:16.7 39 31:00.0 +3:59.3 38 Sector 3:02.7 +22.3 39 3:52.6 +34.8 35 4:15.3 +51.1 41 3:55.3 +42.6 37 Cumulative 35:20.5 +4:40.8 39 40:28.0 +5:44.2 40 43:37.1 +6:17.6 40 47:43.3 +7:02.9 40 Sector 4:20.5 +41.5 35 5:07.5 +1:03.4 41 3:09.1 +33.4 39 4:06.2 +45.3 40 Cumulative 52:12.0 +7:53.7 41 56:09.3 +8:38.4 41 1:00:40.1 +9:26.1 41 1:05:59.0 +10:40.3 41 Sector 4:28.7 +53.4 46 3:57.3 +44.7 38 4:30.8 +47.7 42 5:18.9 +1:14.2 44 Cumulative 1:09:11.3 +11:16.7 41 1:13:11.8 +11:57.7 41 1:17:46.5 +13:07.1 41 1:21:52.0 +13:57.0 41 Sector 3:12.3 +36.4 40 4:00.5 +41.0 =37 4:34.7 +1:09.4 43 4:05.5 +49.9 39 Cumulative 1:26:18.5 +14:45.0 40 1:31:36.0 +15:53.0 39 1:34:49.3 +16:28.5 39 1:39:14.7 +16:57.1 39 Sector 4:26.5 +48.0 38 5:17.5 +1:08.0 42 3:13.3 +37.7 38 4:25.4 +49.1 36 Page 10/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 40 33 SERONOSOVA Polina BLR 1:39:36.0 +17:18.4 40 Cumulative 3:14.4 +10.8 =32 6:40.9 +18.3 31 10:39.2 +33.1 29 15:19.0 +59.0 29 Sector 3:14.4 +10.8 =32 3:26.5 +8.6 31 3:58.3 +20.9 30 4:39.8 +28.7 30 Cumulative 18:13.6 +1:10.5 30 22:02.6 +1:40.6 30 26:17.1 +2:29.1 30 30:10.5 +3:09.8 30 Sector 2:54.6 +14.2 28 3:49.0 +31.2 29 4:14.5 +50.3 40 3:53.4 +40.7 35 Cumulative 34:33.0 +3:53.3 31 39:37.2 +4:53.4 33 42:39.6 +5:20.1 33 46:37.3 +5:56.9 35 Sector 4:22.5 +43.5 39 5:04.2 +1:00.1 39 3:02.4 +26.7 30 3:57.7 +36.8 =32 Cumulative 50:59.0 +6:40.7 34 54:59.2 +7:28.3 36 59:30.6 +8:16.6 36 1:04:53.0 +9:34.3 38 Sector 4:21.7 +46.4 =38 4:00.2 +47.6 41 4:31.4 +48.3 43 5:22.4 +1:17.7 45 Cumulative 1:08:07.8 +10:13.2 38 1:12:14.3 +11:00.2 38 1:16:57.1 +12:17.7 39 1:21:11.9 +13:16.9 38 Sector 3:14.8 +38.9 43 4:06.5 +47.0 =41 4:42.8 +1:17.5 44 4:14.8 +59.2 43 Cumulative 1:25:59.0 +14:25.5 39 1:31:41.5 +15:58.5 40 1:35:01.6 +16:40.8 40 1:39:36.0 +17:18.4 40 Sector 4:47.1 +1:08.6 44 5:42.5 +1:33.0 44 3:20.1 +44.5 44 4:34.4 +58.1 42 41 43 SCARDONI Lucia ITA 1:40:26.3 +18:08.7 41 Cumulative 3:15.0 +11.4 =35 6:44.5 +21.9 34 10:58.0 +51.9 35 15:50.8 +1:30.8 39 Sector 3:15.0 +11.4 =35 3:29.5 +11.6 34 4:13.5 +36.1 =43 4:52.8 +41.7 42 Cumulative 18:55.2 +1:52.1 40 22:58.0 +2:36.0 41 27:16.6 +3:28.6 42 31:20.2 +4:19.5 42 Sector 3:04.4 +24.0 41 4:02.8 +45.0 45 4:18.6 +54.4 43 4:03.6 +50.9 42 Cumulative 35:50.3 +5:10.6 42 41:03.2 +6:19.4 42 44:14.0 +6:54.5 42 48:26.8 +7:46.4 42 Sector 4:30.1 +51.1 44 5:12.9 +1:08.8 45 3:10.8 +35.1 41 4:12.8 +51.9 46 Cumulative 52:53.9 +8:35.6 42 56:52.1 +9:21.2 42 1:01:21.2 +10:07.2 42 1:06:29.8 +11:11.1 42 Sector 4:27.1 +51.8 44 3:58.2 +45.6 40 4:29.1 +46.0 =39 5:08.6 +1:03.9 39 Cumulative 1:09:35.5 +11:40.9 42 1:13:43.5 +12:29.4 42 1:18:09.2 +13:29.8 42 1:22:20.8 +14:25.8 42 Sector 3:05.7 +29.8 31 4:08.0 +48.5 43 4:25.7 +1:00.4 39 4:11.6 +56.0 41 Cumulative 1:26:54.2 +15:20.7 42 1:32:23.4 +16:40.4 41 1:35:43.4 +17:22.6 41 1:40:26.3 +18:08.7 41 Sector 4:33.4 +54.9 41 5:29.2 +1:19.7 43 3:20.0 +44.4 43 4:42.9 +1:06.6 44 42 45 YEATON Jessica AUS 1:40:54.8 +18:37.2 42 Cumulative 3:19.0 +15.4 44 6:59.9 +37.3 43 11:09.6 +1:03.5 43 16:05.7 +1:45.7 44 Sector 3:19.0 +15.4 44 3:40.9 +23.0 42 4:09.7 +32.3 38 4:56.1 +45.0 44 Cumulative 19:12.4 +2:09.3 44 23:13.7 +2:51.7 44 27:34.6 +3:46.6 43 31:42.7 +4:42.0 43 Sector 3:06.7 +26.3 43 4:01.3 +43.5 43 4:20.9 +56.7 44 4:08.1 +55.4 43 Cumulative 36:12.6 +5:32.9 43 41:28.7 +6:44.9 44 44:47.9 +7:28.4 43 48:55.6 +8:15.2 43 Sector 4:29.9 +50.9 43 5:16.1 +1:12.0 46 3:19.2 +43.5 45 4:07.7 +46.8 41 Cumulative 53:13.7 +8:55.4 43 57:29.4 +9:58.5 43 1:02:06.3 +10:52.3 43 1:07:22.6 +12:03.9 43 Sector 4:18.1 +42.8 36 4:15.7 +1:03.1 45 4:36.9 +53.8 45 5:16.3 +1:11.6 43 Cumulative 1:10:42.2 +12:47.6 43 1:14:56.5 +13:42.4 43 1:19:29.1 +14:49.7 43 1:23:35.9 +15:40.9 43 Sector 3:19.6 +43.7 44 4:14.3 +54.8 44 4:32.6 +1:07.3 42 4:06.8 +51.2 40 Cumulative 1:27:59.9 +16:26.4 43 1:33:11.5 +17:28.5 43 1:36:27.5 +18:06.7 43 1:40:54.8 +18:37.2 42 Sector 4:24.0 +45.5 32 5:11.6 +1:02.1 37 3:16.0 +40.4 41 4:27.3 +51.0 39 43 41 BROWNE Cendrine CAN 1:41:23.9 +19:06.3 43 Cumulative 3:15.4 +11.8 38 6:44.8 +22.2 35 10:42.8 +36.7 30 15:19.2 +59.2 30 Sector 3:15.4 +11.8 38 3:29.4 +11.5 33 3:58.0 +20.6 29 4:36.4 +25.3 29 Cumulative 18:12.9 +1:09.8 29 21:59.0 +1:37.0 29 26:03.1 +2:15.1 29 29:58.3 +2:57.6 29 Sector 2:53.7 +13.3 27 3:46.1 +28.3 27 4:04.1 +39.9 33 3:55.2 +42.5 36 Cumulative 34:22.2 +3:42.5 29 39:24.0 +4:40.2 29 42:30.0 +5:10.5 30 46:34.0 +5:53.6 30 Sector 4:23.9 +44.9 40 5:01.8 +57.7 37 3:06.0 +30.3 37 4:04.0 +43.1 =38 Cumulative 51:02.3 +6:44.0 35 54:57.1 +7:26.2 35 59:16.3 +8:02.3 35 1:04:21.7 +9:03.0 35 Sector 4:28.3 +53.0 45 3:54.8 +42.2 =36 4:19.2 +36.1 32 5:05.4 +1:00.7 38 Cumulative 1:07:31.3 +9:36.7 36 1:11:45.9 +10:31.8 37 1:16:47.4 +12:08.0 38 1:21:36.2 +13:41.2 40 Sector 3:09.6 +33.7 38 4:14.6 +55.1 45 5:01.5 +1:36.2 45 4:48.8 +1:33.2 45 Cumulative 1:26:52.8 +15:19.3 41 1:32:53.6 +17:10.6 42 1:36:26.7 +18:05.9 42 1:41:23.9 +19:06.3 43 Sector 5:16.6 +1:38.1 45 6:00.8 +1:51.3 45 3:33.1 +57.5 45 4:57.2 +1:20.9 45 Page 11/12

Alpensia Centre Start : 15:15 End : 17:14 44 42 CHI Chunxue CHN 1:42:03.2 +19:45.6 44 Cumulative 3:35.8 +32.2 47 7:35.5 +1:12.9 47 12:06.6 +2:00.5 47 17:15.9 +2:55.9 47 Sector 3:35.8 +32.2 47 3:59.7 +41.8 46 4:31.1 +53.7 47 5:09.3 +58.2 46 Cumulative 20:27.4 +3:24.3 47 24:42.7 +4:20.7 47 29:10.1 +5:22.1 =45 33:28.3 +6:27.6 46 Sector 3:11.5 +31.1 46 4:15.3 +57.5 46 4:27.4 +1:03.2 45 4:18.2 +1:05.5 46 Cumulative 38:00.5 +7:20.8 46 43:11.3 +8:27.5 46 46:27.8 +9:08.3 46 50:35.8 +9:55.4 46 Sector 4:32.2 +53.2 45 5:10.8 +1:06.7 =43 3:16.5 +40.8 44 4:08.0 +47.1 43 Cumulative 55:00.1 +10:41.8 46 59:05.6 +11:34.7 46 1:03:34.5 +12:20.5 45 1:08:45.3 +13:26.6 45 Sector 4:24.3 +49.0 42 4:05.5 +52.9 44 4:28.9 +45.8 38 5:10.8 +1:06.1 41 Cumulative 1:11:58.4 +14:03.8 45 1:16:02.5 +14:48.4 44 1:20:22.3 +15:42.9 44 1:24:18.6 +16:23.6 44 Sector 3:13.1 +37.2 42 4:04.1 +44.6 40 4:19.8 +54.5 37 3:56.3 +40.7 33 Cumulative 1:28:52.5 +17:19.0 44 1:34:05.7 +18:22.7 44 1:37:22.4 +19:01.6 44 1:42:03.2 +19:45.6 44 Sector 4:33.9 +55.4 42 5:13.2 +1:03.7 40 3:16.7 +41.1 42 4:40.8 +1:04.5 43 45 46 KAMINSKAYA Valiantsina BLR 1:42:27.6 +20:10.0 45 Cumulative 3:34.7 +31.1 46 7:34.6 +1:12.0 46 12:00.2 +1:54.1 46 17:10.8 +2:50.8 46 Sector 3:34.7 +31.1 46 3:59.9 +42.0 47 4:25.6 +48.2 46 5:10.6 +59.5 47 Cumulative 20:26.5 +3:23.4 46 24:42.1 +4:20.1 46 29:10.1 +5:22.1 =45 33:27.3 +6:26.6 45 Sector 3:15.7 +35.3 47 4:15.6 +57.8 47 4:28.0 +1:03.8 46 4:17.2 +1:04.5 45 Cumulative 37:59.9 +7:20.2 45 43:10.7 +8:26.9 45 46:26.8 +9:07.3 45 50:35.1 +9:54.7 45 Sector 4:32.6 +53.6 46 5:10.8 +1:06.7 =43 3:16.1 +40.4 43 4:08.3 +47.4 44 Cumulative 54:59.7 +10:41.4 45 59:04.3 +11:33.4 45 1:03:33.9 +12:19.9 44 1:08:45.0 +13:26.3 44 Sector 4:24.6 +49.3 43 4:04.6 +52.0 43 4:29.6 +46.5 41 5:11.1 +1:06.4 42 Cumulative 1:11:57.4 +14:02.8 44 1:16:03.9 +14:49.8 45 1:20:31.7 +15:52.3 45 1:24:51.3 +16:56.3 45 Sector 3:12.4 +36.5 41 4:06.5 +47.0 =41 4:27.8 +1:02.5 40 4:19.6 +1:04.0 44 Cumulative 1:29:28.5 +17:55.0 45 1:34:45.1 +19:02.1 45 1:37:59.7 +19:38.9 45 1:42:27.6 +20:10.0 45 Sector 4:37.2 +58.7 43 5:16.6 +1:07.1 41 3:14.6 +39.0 40 4:27.9 +51.6 40 Did Not 44 TIKHONOVA Yulia BLR Cumulative 3:13.3 +9.7 31 6:39.6 +17.0 29 10:45.5 +39.4 33 15:34.4 +1:14.4 33 Sector 3:13.3 +9.7 31 3:26.3 +8.4 29 4:05.9 +28.5 33 4:48.9 +37.8 37 Cumulative 18:37.5 +1:34.4 33 22:40.2 +2:18.2 37 Sector 3:03.1 +22.7 40 4:02.7 +44.9 44 Cumulative Sector Cumulative Sector Cumulative Sector Cumulative Sector 47 COMEAU Anne-Marie CAN Cumulative 3:21.2 +17.6 45 7:11.2 +48.6 45 11:26.0 +1:19.9 45 16:17.0 +1:57.0 45 Sector 3:21.2 +17.6 45 3:50.0 +32.1 45 4:14.8 +37.4 45 4:51.0 +39.9 39 Cumulative 19:28.3 +2:25.2 45 23:25.2 +3:03.2 45 27:41.7 +3:53.7 44 31:54.8 +4:54.1 44 Sector 3:11.3 +30.9 45 3:56.9 +39.1 41 4:16.5 +52.3 42 4:13.1 +1:00.4 44 Cumulative 36:19.2 +5:39.5 44 41:28.0 +6:44.2 43 44:48.7 +7:29.2 44 48:57.6 +8:17.2 44 Sector 4:24.4 +45.4 41 5:08.8 +1:04.7 42 3:20.7 +45.0 46 4:08.9 +48.0 45 Cumulative 53:16.4 +8:58.1 44 57:35.6 +10:04.7 44 Sector 4:18.8 +43.5 37 4:19.2 +1:06.6 46 Cumulative Sector Cumulative Sector Legend: = Equal sign indicates that two or more competitors share the same rank Rk Rank Page 12/12