12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 모세가기도로바로왕에게임한심판들이나타나게한것처럼 ( 출 7-12), 교회도적그리스도위에대환난의심판들이기도로나타나게할것이다. 출애굽기와사도행전에나오는기적들과심판들은기도를통하여전세계적으로증가되고나타

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2014 HSC Korean Continuers

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우리들이 일반적으로 기호


泰 東 古 典 硏 究 第 24 輯 이상적인 정치 사회의 구현 이라는 의미를 가지므로, 따라서 천인 합일론은 가장 적극적인 경세의 이론이 된다고 할 수 있다. 권근은 경서의 내용 중에서 현실 정치의 귀감으로 삼을 만한 천인합일의 원칙과 사례들을 발견하고, 이를 연구하여

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사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은


End Times 마이클비클 Chapter 12: Overview of the Book of Revelation 요한계시록개관 THE BOOK OF REVELATION: JESUS END-TIME BATTLE PLAN FOR THE CHURCH I. 요한계시록 : 교회를위한예수님의마지막때의전투계획 The Book of Revelation reveals the glory of Jesus (Rev. 1:1) and His specific plan to transition the earth to the age-to-come. These events require our deep involvement. 요한계시록은예수님의영광을드러내며 ( 계 1:1) 이땅을다가올시대로전환시키는것에대한그분의상세한계획을드러내고있다. 이러한사건들은우리의깊은참여를필요로한다. B. There are 4 parts in the structure of Revelation. The 4th part has 5 chronological sections in which the events occur in sequential order. There are 7 main symbols in the Book. 요한계시록은구조적으로 4 개의파트로되어있다. 4 번째파트에는 5 가지연대기적섹션이있는데, 이는순차적인순서로발생하는사건들을말한다. 요한계시록에는 7 가지중요한상징들이존재한다. C. The main theme of Revelation is Jesus return to earth to rule all the nations. Evil governments will resist this. His End-Time battle plan is to physically destroy all the evil governments on earth by releasing His judgments on them during the Great Tribulation as described in Rev. 6-19. 요한계시록의가장중요한주제는열방을다스리기위해이땅에오시는예수님의재림에관한것이다. 악의정부들은이것에저항할것이다. 예수님의마지막때의전략은요한계시록 6 장 -19 장에묘사되어있듯이대환난의시기에그분의심판을풀으심으로서땅위에존재하는모든악의정부들을물리적으로파괴하는것을말한다. D. As the Book of Acts describes the power of the Holy Spirit that was released through the early Church, so the Book of Revelation describes the power of the Holy Spirit that will be released through the End- Time Church. I refer to Revelation as the End-Time Book of Acts. It is a canonized prayer manual that informs us of the ways in which Jesus will manifest His power. 사도행전에, 초대교회를통해임하셨던성령님의능력이묘사되어있듯이, 요한계시록은마지막때의교회를통해성령님의능력이임하게될것이라고묘사하고있다. 나는요한계시록을 마지막때의사도행전 이라고부른다. 이책은예수님이그분의능력을어떤방식들로나타내실지를우리에게알려주는 정경환된기도메뉴얼 라할수있다. E. As Moses released God s judgments on Pharaoh by prayer (Exod 7-12), so the Church will release the Great Tribulation judgments on the Antichrist by prayer. The miracles and judgments in Exodus and Acts will be multiplied and released worldwide through prayer. The greatest demonstrations of power in history will be openly manifest by Jesus and Satan (Rev. 12:9; 13:2). 18 I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades [authority of hell] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Mt. 16:18-19) 181

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org 모세가기도로바로왕에게임한심판들이나타나게한것처럼 ( 출 7-12), 교회도적그리스도위에대환난의심판들이기도로나타나게할것이다. 출애굽기와사도행전에나오는기적들과심판들은기도를통하여전세계적으로증가되고나타나게될것이다. 예수님과사탄에의해서역사상가장큰능력의실례들이공개적으로드러나게될것이다. 18 또내가네게이르노니너는베드로라내가이반석위에내교회를세우리니음부의권세 ( 지옥의권세 ) 가이기지못하리라 19 내가천국열쇠를네게주리니네가땅에서무엇이든지매면하늘에서도매일것이요네가땅에서무엇이든지풀면하늘에서도풀리리라하시고 ( 마 16:18-19) F. Revelation is Jesus battle plan to allow the sin in man s heart to fully come to the surface and then to drive evil off the planet through the praying Church. These judgment events do not happen to us as helpless victims of Satan but are released through us as participants with Jesus. Jesus judgments are released to remove all that hinders love. He is at war to have His wedding. 요한계시록은인간의마음속에있는죄가표면으로완전히드러나게한후에, 기도하는교회를통해지구상에서악을완전히몰아내기위한예수님의전투계획이다. 이러한심판의사건들은사탄에게속수무책으로당하는피해자들같이우리에게일어나는것이아니라, 예수님과동참하는자인우리를통해서나타나게되는것이다. 예수님의심판들은사랑을방해하는모든것들을제거하도록나타나게될것이다. 예수님은그분의결혼을위해서전쟁에참여하고있는것이다. G. The 7 main symbols: all events and numbers in Revelation are to be taken in their plain meaning (literal) unless specifically indicated not to (Rev. 1:20; 5:6; 11:8; 12:1, 3, 9; 17:7, 9, 15-18, etc.) 1. Dragon: is symbolic of Satan (Rev. 12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17; 13:2, 4; 16:13; 20:2) 2. First Beast: is symbolic of the Antichrist (Rev. 13; 14:9-11; 17:3-17; 19:19-21; 20:4, 10) 3. Another Beast: is symbolic of the False Prophet called another Beast just once (Rev. 13:11) 4. Seven Heads: are 7 empires from history that persecuted Israel (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, revived Roman Empire of Dan. 2:41-42; 7:7; Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:3-16) 5. Ten Horns: represents a 10-nation confederation that serves the Antichrist (Rev. 17:12-13) 6. Harlot Babylon: will be a worldwide demonically inspired religious and economic system based in the rebuilt city of Babylon, near Baghdad in Iraq (Rev. 17-18; Jer. 50-51) 7. Woman with a Male-child (Jesus): is the faithful remnant of Israel through history (Rev. 12) 여인과남자아이 ( 예수님 ): 이스라엘의역사속에서살아남은신실한자들 ( 계12장 ) mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 182

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 7 가지주요상징들 : 요한계시록에있는모든사건들과숫자들은특별히그렇게하지말라고하지않는이상있는그대로의 ( 문자적 ) 의미로받아들여져야한다. ( 계 1:20; 5:6; 11:8; 12:1, 3, 9; 17:7, 9, 15-18, 등등 ) 1. 10개의뿔 : 적그리스도를섬기는 10개의연맹국가 ( 계 17:12-13) 2. 용 : 사탄을상징한다 ( 계12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17; 13:2, 4; 16:13; 20:2) 3. 첫번째짐승 : 적그리스도를상징한다 ( 계 13; 14:9-11; 17:3-17; 19:19-21; 20:4, 10) 4. 또다른짐승 : 거짓선지자를상징하는데, 이표현은딱한번사용되었다 ( 계 13:11) 5. 일곱머리 : 역사상이스라엘을박해했던일곱제국들을말한다 ( 이집트, 앗시리아, 바벨론, 페르시아, 그리스, 로마, 새로탄생한로마제국 ( 단2:41-42; 7:7; 계 12:3; 13:1; 17:3-16) 6. 음녀바벨론 : 이라크의바그다드근처의고대바벨론을제건한도시를근거로하여마귀적인영향력을받은세계적인종교적경제적악한영의조직체 ( 계 17-18; 렘 50-51) 7. 여인과남자아이 ( 예수님 ): 이스라엘의역사속에서살아남은신실한자들 ( 계12장 ) STRUCTURE OF REVELATION: 4 PARTS AND 5 SECTIONS (IN THE 4TH PART) II. 요한계시록의구조 : 4 파트와 5 섹션 (4 번째파트안에있음 ) Rev. 1 Pt. 1 John s CALLING to prophesy about the End-Times: John gave 18 truths about Jesus majesty that formed the way he prophesied about the End-Times, which are meant to equip us. Rev. 2-3 Pt. 2 Jesus gave 7 LETTERS to 7 churches: the instructions Jesus gave to these 7 churches about overcoming sin give us practical insight into what we must also overcome today. Rev. 4-5 Pt. 3 Jesus takes the SCROLL: contains the earth s title deed and His battle plan to cleanse it. Rev. 6-22 Pt. 4 Jesus BATTLE PLAN: includes Great Tribulation judgments against the Antichrist. Jesus reveals His main storyline of love to cleanse the earth of evil. His battle plan is seen in 5 chronological sections that describe events that unfold in sequential order. Each section is followed by an angelic explanation to help us understand that section. 계 1 장파트 1 마지막때에관한예언을하도록요한을부르심 : 요한은우리에게예수님에관한 18 개의진리를주었다. 그것은우리를준비하기위해서자신이종말에관해예언하였던그길을형성하게하였다. 계 2-3 장파트 2 예수님이 7 편지를 7 교회에주셨다 : 예수님이 7 교회에주었던죄를극복하는가르침을통하여, 오늘날에도이시대를반드시이겨야하는우리에게실제적인통찰력을제공한다. 계 4-5 장파트 3 예수님은두루마리 (scroll) 를취하신다 : 이두루마리는이땅의권리증서와이땅을정결케하실예수님의전투계획을포함한다. 계 6-22 장파트 4 예수님의전투계획 : 적그리스도에대한대환난의심판을포함한다. 예수님은악으로부터지구를정결케하시려고그분의사랑의중요한줄거리를소개하신다. 예수님의전투계획은 5 가지연대적부분으로나뉘어져있는데, 각사건들은시간의순서대로설명하고있다. 각부분들은천사들의설명이뒷받침하고있어서, 우리가그것들을이해하는데도움을주고있다. 183

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org The 5 Chronological Sections: tell us what happens to the Antichrist s followers in 21 judgment events (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls). These intensify in severity as they unfold. that informs us of the ways in which Jesus will manifest His power. The 5 Angelic Explanations: function as a parenthesis, putting the storyline on pause. They answer questions arising from the chronological sections: Why is God s wrath so severe? What will happen to us? Angels explain to John what happens to God s people including what Jesus will do to help us and what the Antichrist will do to persecute us. Rev. 6 Rev. 7 Rev. 8-9 Rev. 10-11 Chronological Section #1: the SEAL JUDGMENTS against the kingdom of darkness. Angelic Explanation #1: we receive PROTECTION from judgments and falling away. Chronological Section #2: the TRUMPET JUDGMENTS against the Antichrist s empire. Angelic Explanation #2: we receive DIRECTION by great increase of prophetic ministry. Rev. 11:15-19 Chronological Section #3: the SECOND COMING PROCESSION and the Rapture. The 7th and Last Trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52; Rev. 10:7; 1 Thes. 4:16): Jesus replaces all governmental leaders on earth in a hostile takeover. In His Procession, Jesus first travels across the sky to rapture the saints (every eye sees Him; Rev. 1:7), then through the land of Edom (modern day Jordan; Isa. 63:1-6), then into Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives. Rev. 12-14 Rev. 15-16 Rev. 17-18 Angelic Explanation #3: the Antichrist s violent CONFRONTATION against the saints justifies that all his governments must be taken over. Satan is on earth. Chronological Section #4: the BOWL JUDGMENTS destroy evil infrastructures in society Angelic Explanation #4: the SEDUCTION of Babylon s evil religion will permeate and infiltrate all the structures of society, requiring that Babylon be totally destroyed. Rev. 19-20 Chronological Section #5: Jesus TRIUMPHAL ENTRY to Jerusalem (Rev. 19:11-21:8) Rev. 21-22 Angelic Explanation #5: the RESTORATION of all things (Acts 3:21, Rev. 21:9-22:5). mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 184

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 5 가지연대적부분들 : 21 개의심판사건들 ( 일곱인심판, 일곱나팔심판, 일곱대접심판 ) 때에적그리스도의추종자들에게어떤일이일어나는가를우리에게알려준다. 그심판들이하나씩펼쳐질때마다그참혹함은더욱강해진다. 5 가지천사의설명 : 삽입구 ( 괄호 ) 같은역할로줄거리에 잠시멈춤 을넣은것이다. 이 5 가지천사의설명은연대적섹션에서발생하는궁금증에대한답을해준다 : 하나님의진노는왜그토록혹독한것일까? 우리에겐어떤일이일어날것인가? 천사들은요한에게예수님이우리를어떻게도울것이며, 적그리스도가우리를박해하는내용은무엇인지를포함하여하나님의사람들에게무엇이일어날것인지를설명한다. 계 6 장연대적섹션 #1: 인심판 - 어둠의왕국을대적한다. 계 7 장천사의설명 #1: 심판과하나님으로부터떨어져나감으로부터보호함을받는다. 계 8 장 -9 장 연대적부분 #2: 적그리스도제국에대한나팔심판 계 10 장 -11 장천사의설명 #2: 예언사역의급격한증가에의한방향제시를받게된다. 계 11:15-19 연대적부분 #3: 재림의과정과휴거. 일곱번째나팔 ( 고전 15:52; 계 10:7; 살전 4:16): 예수님은이땅의적대적탈취자들인모든정치지도자들을교체시키신다. 예수님의행진을보면, 먼저예수님은성도들을휴거시키기위해온하늘을가로지르실것이다 ( 각사람의눈이그를보겠고 ; 계 1:7) 그런후에에돔땅을통과하여 ( 현재의요르단 ; 사 63:1-6), 예루살렘으로들어오셔서올리브산 ( 감란산 ) 으로가신다. 계 12 장 -14 장 천사의설명 #3: 성도들과맞서는적그리스도의격렬한대결 ( 대적 ) 은그가모든정부들을점령해야된다는것을정당화한다. 사탄이땅위에존재한다. 계 15 장 -16 장연대적부분 #4: 대접심판이사회안에있는악의기반시설들을파괴한다. 계 17 장 -18 장 천사의설명 #4: 음녀바벨론의악한종교의유혹이모든사회구조에스며들고침투하게될것이기에바벨론은완전한파괴되어져야한다. 계 19 장 -20 장연대적섹션 #5: 예수님의예루살렘으로의승리의입성 ( 계 19:11-21:8) 계 21 장 -22 장천사의설명 #5: 모든것의회복 ( 행 3:21, 계 21:9-22:5) 185

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org III. THE BOOK OF REVELATION IS FOR EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND 모든사람이이해할수있는요한계시록 My goal is to provide a roadmap so all have confidence that they can understand the Book of Revelation. It was written to be understood by all. The majority of the people through history were uneducated. I want to expose a common lie that it is impossible to understand this book unless you are a scholar. 나의목표는로드맵 ( 안내지도 ) 을제공하여모든사람들이요한계시록을이해할수있다는자신감을갖도록하는데있다. 이책은모든사람이해할수있도록씌여졌다. 역사상대다수의사람들은교육을받지못한자들이었다. 나는이제학자가아니고서는이책을이해하는것이불가능하다는그흔한거짓말이폭로되길원한다. B. The Bereans searched the Scriptures to see if the things that Paul said were true (Acts 17:10-11). I do not ask anyone to accept my views, rather I urge you to think for yourself. Truth is never hurt by scrutiny but rather it is confirmed. You must boldly challenge all ideas that you hear. Refuse any that you cannot clearly see confirmed in Scripture for yourself. 11 These were more fair-minded in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so (Acts 17:11). 베뢰아에있는자들은사도바울의말한것이진리인지를알아보기위해성경을연구했다 ( 행 17:10-11). 나는어느누구에게도나의견해를강요하지않는다. 그보다는차라리여러분스스로생각해보기를권하는것이다. 진리는철저히검토한다고해서손상되지않는다, 오히려더욱굳건해지는것이다. 여러분은듣게되는모든생각들에대해서담대하게도전해야한다. 여러분스스로성경안에서명확하게확인할수없는것들은받아들이지말아야한다. 11 베뢰아에있는사람들은데살로니가에있는사람들보다더너그러워서간절한마음으로말씀을받고이것이그러한가하여날마다성경을상고하므로 ( 행 17:11). C. Related to the End-Times, I try to always clarify which one of the 3 positions that I speak from. We want to boldly proclaim our biblical convictions, to carefully qualify our informed opinions, and to rarely speak our personal theories. 마지막때와관련해, 나는말할때언제나세가지입장을명확하고분명하게하려고노력한다. 우리는우리의성경적확신들에대해서는담대하게선포하고, 우리의정보에입각한의견들은조심스럽게고려하며, 아주드물지만우리의개인적인생각들을나누길원한다. D. The most controversial point in this study is found in my belief that the Church will go through the Tribulation (in great victory and power). This differs from the popular pre-tribulation Rapture view that teaches that the Church will be raptured at any minute and will therefore, miss the End-Time revival and crisis. The Bible teaches that the Church will be raptured. The issue is one of timing. The Church will be raptured at the end of the Tribulation, rather than at its beginning. I honor the godliness and wisdom of many who hold the pre-tribulation Rapture view, but I see it as a serious mistake that will leave many unprepared. We can disagree in a spirit of meekness without a spirit of debate. The reality of the Tribulation is too weighty to reduce it to arguments. mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 186

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 교회가환난을통과할것 ( 위대한승리와능력안에서 ) 이라는나의믿음이요한계시록을공부하는가운데가장논쟁점이되리라여겨진다. 이는널리알려져있는환난전휴거설의견해즉, 교회가어느시점에든휴거될수있기에, 따라서믿는이들은말세의부흥과위기와는상관없다고가르치는견해와는다른것이다. 성경은교회가휴거된다고가르친다. 논쟁점은바로휴거의시기에관한것이다. 교회는환난전에휴거되는것이아니라, 환난끝에휴거될것이다. 나는환난전휴거설을지지하는많은분들의신앙심과지혜를존중하지만, 많은사람들로하여금준비되지못한상태로남게하기에심각한실수라고여겨진다. 우리는논쟁의영으로서가아니라, 온유함의영으로서로가동의하지않을수있다. 환난의실상은너무나심각하여논쟁으로줄일수있는그런것이아니다. E. Revelation gives us more information on the End-Times than any other book in Scripture. In other words, it is so helpful in preparing the Bride, which is Jesus passion for this generation. It was written to help God s people participate in the great End-Time drama that shifts history to the age-to-come and to endure persecution so as to overcome in great victory (Rev. 12:11; 15:2). 요한계시록은성경의어느책보다도마지막때에대한더많은정보를제공한다. 다르게표현하자면, 이책은이세대를향한예수님의열정인신부들를준비시키는데에많은도움을준다. 이책은하나님의사람들이위대한종말의드라마에참여할때, 다가올시대의역사를바꾸며, 핍박을견디며, 위대한승리할수있도록도움을주기위해서쓰여진것이다. ( 계 12:11;15:2) F. Revelation is unique. It is the only book in the Bible in which God promises a special blessing to anyone who reads or hears it (Rev. 1:3) and a curse to anyone who adds to or takes from it. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. (Rev. 1:3) 7 Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book 18 If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues in this book 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life (Rev. 22:7-19) 요한계시록은독특하다. 이책은성경에서유일하게이를읽거나듣는자에게특별한축복을약속하셨고 ( 계 1:3), 더하거나빼는자에게저주하신다고하셨다. 3 이예언의말씀을읽는자와듣는자들과그가운데에기록한것을지키는자들은복이있나니때가가까움이라 ( 계 1:3) 7 이두루마리의예언의말씀을지키는자는복이있으리라하더라 18 만일누구든지이것들외에더하면하나님이이두루마리에기록된재앙들을그에게더하실것이요 19 만일누구든지이두루마리의예언의말씀에서제하여버리면하나님이이두루마리에기록된생명나무와및거룩한성에참여함을제하여버리시리라 ( 계 22:7-19) 187

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org G. The Book of Revelation reveals the glory of Jesus (Rev. 1:1) and His specific plan to transition the earth to the age-to-come. There will be unique dynamics in the generation Jesus returns that are absolutely necessary in preparing the nations for His return. These events require our deep involvement. Jesus gives us essential strategic information to equip us to fully participate. 요한계시록은예수님의영광을드러내며 ( 계 1:1) 다가올시대로이땅이전환되는것에대한그분의명확한계획을드러낸다. 예수님이다시오시는세대에는그분의다시오심을위해열방을준비시키는데절대적으로필요한독특한역동성이있게될것이다. 요한계시록의사건들은우리의깊은참여를요구한다. 예수님은우리로전적으로참여할수있도록준비하기위한핵심적이며전략적인정보를우리에게주신다. H. The main theme of Revelation is Jesus return to earth to rule all the nations. Evil governments will resist this. His End-Time battle plan is to physically destroy all the evil governments on earth by releasing His judgments on them during the Great Tribulation as described in Rev. 6-19. 요한계시록의가장중요한주제는예수님께서열방을다스리기위해이땅에다시오시는것이다. 악의정부는이에대항할것이다. 예수님의마지막때의전략은계시 6-19 장에묘사되어있듯이대환난의시기에악의정부들을심판하셔서이땅위에있는모든악의정부들을물리적으로완전하게파괴시키는것이다. I. The Bride is anointed to partner with Jesus in bringing in the Harvest and judging the Antichrist s worldwide empire as a key part of His plan to drive evil off the earth. 주님의신부는기름부음을받은예수님의파트너가되어대추수시기에추수하는것과이땅에서악을몰아내는그분의계획중가장핵심부분인전세계적인적그리스도제국을심판하는일에함께하게된다. J. As stated before, the five chronological sections in the Book of Revelation tell us the main storyline of judgment events that are released on the earth by the Praying Church in the order they occur. The five chronological sections (seals, trumpets, and bowls) tell us happens to the Antichrist s empire. 전에언급했듯이요한계시록에있는 5 가지연대적부분은기도하는교회에의해서이땅에발생하는나타나게되는순서대로심판사건들의주요줄거리를말해준다. 5 가지연대적섹션 ( 인, 나팔, 대접 ) 은적그리스도제국에무슨일이생기는지를알려준다. K. After each of the chronological sections, an angel explains to John why the events just described are necessary. These explanations function as a parenthesis that puts the storyline on pause as they answer questions as Why is God s wrath is so severe? and What will happen to the saints? 각연대적섹션뒤에는천사가요한에게왜그사건들이필요한지를설명한다. 이설명들은줄거리에 잠시멈춤 을배치한삽입구절 ( 괄호 ) 와같은기능으로왜하나님의진노하심은이처럼혹독한것인가? 과연성도들에게는어떤일이발생할것인가? 등의질문에답한다. L. The five angelic explanations tell us what will happen to God s people. These act as parenthetical sections that describe the Antichrist s attack against God s people and/or God s intervention to help them with power, protection and direction. 다섯가지천사의설명들은하나님의사람들에게무슨일이일어날지를말해준다. 이설명들은하나님의사람들을향한적그리스도의공격에대해서와그리고 / 혹은능력, 보호하심, 방향제시로성도들을도우시는하나님의개입하심을묘사하는삽입구절과같은역할을하고있다. mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 188

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation IV. PT. 1 JOHN S CALLING TO PROPHESY ABOUT THE END-TIMES 파트 1 마지막때에관해예언할것에대한요한의부르심 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him [Jesus] to show His servants--things which must shortly take place. He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John 19 Write the things which you have seen and the things which will take place after this. (Rev. 1:1, 19) 1 예수그리스도의계시라이는하나님이그 ( 예수님 ) 에게주사반드시속히일어날일들을그종들에게보이시려고그의천사를그종요한에게보내어알게하신것이라 19 그러므로네가본것과지금있는일과장차될일을기록하라 ( 계 1:1, 19) The Book of Revelation is called the revelation of Jesus because it reveals His heart, power and leadership in preparing the nations for God s glory. The Father s purpose in giving us this book is to reveal the beauty of Jesus. It is secondarily a book about events in the End-Times. John was to prophesy about the End-Times in context to revealing the majesty of Jesus. 요한계시록은하나님의영광을위해열방을준비시키고자하는예수님의마음과능력과리더십을드러내기에 예수님의계시 라불려진다. 이책을우리에게주신하나님아버지의목적은예수님의아름다움을드러내는것이다. 마지막때에일어날 사건들 에관한것들은부차적인것이다. 요한은예수님의위엄을드러내려는맥락에서마지막때에관한예언을했던것이다. B. If we read Revelation right, it causes us to adore Jesus and to trust His leadership as we see His dramatic plans in the End-Times. His wise and loving plans combine God s sovereignty (in manifesting His love and righteousness), human free will and satanic rage to result in the Great Ingathering of souls and a victorious Church without violating justice or man s free will. This book is very dear to Jesus and is a great gift from Him to us. We see His beauty as a King and Priest (Rev. 1). We hear His counsel to prepare us as His beloved Bride (Rev. 2-3) as we partner with His plan to clean the earth and replace governments to rule the earth (Rev. 20). 만약우리가요한계시록을바르게읽는다면, 예수님의마지막때의극적인계획들을보면서우리는예수님을사모하게되고, 그분의리더십을신뢰하게될것이다. 그분의지혜롭고사랑이담긴계획은하나님의주권 ( 그분의사랑과정의를나타내는 ), 인간의자유의지, 그리고사탄의격분이함께어우러져있는데, 이사탄의격분은의로움이나인간의자유의지를범하지않고, 승리하는교회와영적대추수의결과로나타나는것이다. 이책은예수님께서매우소중하게여기시는책이며, 우리에게는그분으로부터받은위대한선물이다. 우리는왕과제사장으로서의그분의아름다움을본다 ( 계 1). 우리는예수님을사랑하는신부로 ( 계 2-3) 준비시키는지혜곧우리가그분의계획에협력하여정부를교체하고이땅을깨끗게하여, 이땅을다스리도록하시는지혜를듣는다. 189

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org PT. 2 LETTERS TO THE 7 CHURCHES (REV. 2-3) V. 파트 2 일곱교회를향한편지들 ( 계 2-3 장 ) Jesus spoke prophetically to 7 churches in the first century calling them to be overcomers (Rev. 2-His prophetic messages are intended to give us instruction on how to best prepare for His coming in the midst of the End-Time dynamics. Jesus promised us eternal rewards (Rev 2:7, 10, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21). No one knows more about how to prepare Jesus Bride than Jesus Himself. 예수님은 1 세기의일곱교회들에게그들은승리자 ( 이기는자 ) 들이라고예언적으로말씀하셨다 ( 계 2 장 -3 장 ). 그분의예언적메세지는종말의격동가운데에서그분의다시오심을위해우리가어떻게최선으로준비할수있는지에대한가르침을주기위해의도된것이다. 예수님은우리에게영원한상급에대해약속하셨다 ( 계 2:7,10,26; 3:5,12,21). 예수님의신부를어떻게준비시켜야되는지에대해예수님보다더잘아는자는없다. VI. PT. 3 JESUS RECEIVES THE 7-SEALED SCROLL (REV. 4-5) 파트 3 예수님이일곱인으로봉인된두루마리를받으신다 ( 계 4-5 장 ) Jesus takes a 7-sealed scroll from the Father. The scroll represents the title deed of the earth and the battle plan to judge, cleanse and prepare the nations for Jesus rule over all the earth while bringing the Church to a mature Bride who partners with Him in the plan seen in Rev 6-22. 예수님이일곱인으로봉인된두루마리를아버지께로부터가져오신다. 그두루마리가나타내는것은이땅의권리증서라는것과전투계획이다. 이것은요한계시록 6-22 장에보여지듯이교회를예수님과함께동역하는파트너로서성숙한신부로부르시는동안에, 심판과이땅을정결케하는것그리고온땅을통치하시려는예수님을위해열방을준비시키는전투계획을나타낸다. B. Revelation 4 gives us the greatest revelation of God s beauty in Scripture. What God put around Himself expresses His beauty to creation. I refer to Rev. 4 as the beauty realm of God. 요한계시록 4 장은성경에서하나님의아름다움에대한가장위대한계시를우리에게준다. 하나님께서그분주위에있도록한것은창조물에게그분의아름다움을표현하고있다. 나는계 4 장을 하나님의아름다움의영역 이라고부른다. C. After the Father s beauty is revealed in Rev. 4, then His plan to exalt Jesus as a human king over all the earth is set forth in Rev. 5. The primary theme in the Book of Revelation is Jesus coming back to take over all the nations. This is the inheritance that the Father promised Him. 계 4 장에서아버지의아름다움이드러난후에, 계 5 장에서는예수님을온땅을다스리는만인의왕으로높이시는그분의계획이제시되어있다. 요한계시록에서의주요주제는열방을다시인계받기위해다시오시는예수님이다. 이는아버지께서예수님께약속하신유업이다. mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 190

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation VII. CHRONOLOGICAL SECTION #1: THE SEAL JUDGMENTS (REV. 6) 연대적섹션 #1: 인심판들 ( 계 6 장 ) The seven seals are released by Jesus, the Lamb of God (Rev. 5:5; 6:1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12; 8:1). 1 I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals... (Rev. 6:1) 일곱인들이예수님, 하나님의어린양에의해서풀리게된다 ( 계 5:5; 6:1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12; 8:1). 1 내가보매어린양이일곱인중의하나를떼시는데 ( 계 6:1) THE SEVEN SEALS (Rev. 6:1-17; 8:1) 1. First seal (White Horse): Antichrist s political aggression (Rev. 6:1-2) 2. Second seal (Red Horse): bloodshed and World War (Rev. 6:3-4) 3. Third seal (Black Horse): famine and economic crisis (Rev. 6:5-6) 4. Fourth seal (Pale Horse): disease and death to 1/4 of the earth (Rev. 6:7-8) 5. Fifth seal (Prayer Movement): prayer movement strengthened by the martyrs (Rev. 6:9-11) 6. Sixth seal (Cosmic Disturbances): cosmic crisis (Rev. 6:12-17) 7. Seventh seal (Anointed Prayer): prayer movement strengthened by angels 일곱인의심판 ( 계 6:1-17; 8:1) 1. 첫째인( 흰말 ): 적그리스도의정치적공격 ( 계 6:1-2) 2. 둘째인( 붉은말 ): 피흘림과세계전쟁 ( 계6:3-4) 3. 세째인( 검은말 ): 기근과경제적위기 ( 계6:5-6) 4. 네째인( 청황색말 ): 질병과지구인구 ¼의사망 ( 계6:7-8) 5. 다섯째인( 기도운동 ): 순교자들에의해강화되는기도운동 ( 계6:9-11) 6. 여섯째인 ( 우주천체의소동들 ): 천체의위기 ( 계6:12-17) 7. 일곱째인 ( 기름부으심받는기도 ): 천사들에의해강화되는기도운동 191

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org B. These 7 seal-judgments target the kingdom of darkness (Harlot Babylon, etc.). God lifts His restraining hand off evil men so that they attack one another with great hatred and destroy one another s resources. The restraints of man s sin are lifted so that the truth of man s wickedness and lawlessness is seen. 이일곱가지인심판들은어둠의왕국을대상으로한것이다 ( 바벨론음녀, 등등 ). 하나님은악한자들을억제하고있었던손을떼셔서서로깊이혐오하며공격하면서서로의자원들을파괴하도록하신다. 인간의죄에대한제한이풀어지면서인간의사악함과무법함의진실이드러나게된다. C. The events include the Antichrist conquering evil nations that aligned with the Harlot Babylon (Rev. 17:16-17), world wars, economic crisis, famine and disease, etc. The fifth and sixth seals open the heavens to release God s power (Rev. 6:9-17). The sixth and seventh seals involve heavenly activity. 이사건들은적그리스도가음녀바벨론과동맹을맺은악의정부를정복하는것과 ( 계 17:16-17), 세계전쟁들, 경제적위기들, 기근과질병들등을포함한다. 다섯째와여섯째인은하늘을열어하나님의능력이나타나게한다 ( 계 6:9-17). 여섯째와일곱째인은하늘에서의활동을포함하고있다. VIII. ANGELIC EXPLANATION #1: PROTECTION (REV. 7:1-17) 천사의설명 #1: 보호하심 ( 계 7:1-17) 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand? (Rev. 6:17) 17 그들의진노의큰날이이르렀으니누가능히서리요하더라 ( 계 6:17) This angelic explanation emphasizes God s protection of His people in answering the question, Who can stand in the midst of so much pressure? John sees a divine sealing on people that gives them protection from God s judgment and from yielding to compromise in the midst of the Antichrist s persecutions (Rev. 7:1-17). There will be 144,000 Jewish believers who will stand in victory (Rev. 7:1-8). God s judgments come on the Antichrist and not God s people. Jesus will protect the saints from compromise under pressure of persecution as seen in Gentile believers (7:9-17) from every different nation and situation standing without wavering in persecution. 3 Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. 4 I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 of all the tribes of Israel were sealed 9 Behold, a great multitude of all nations before the Throne clothed with white robes 10 saying, Salvation belongs to our God (Rev. 7:3-10) 천사의설명은 누가이런힘든압박속에견딜수있을까? 라는질문에답하면서하나님의사람들에대한하나님의보호하심을강조하고있다. 요한은하나님의심판으로부터의보호와적그리스도의박해때문에타협하고굴복하는것으로부터보호하는거룩한인치심이하나님의사람들위에있는것을보았다 ( 계 7:1-17). 144,000 명의믿는유대인들이승리로서게될것이다 ( 계 7:1-8). 하나님의심판들은적그리스도에오는것이지하나님의사람들에게오는것이아니다. 모든다른나라와상황속에서이방인신자들이보여주었듯이박해속에서흔들리지않고서있었던것처럼, 예수님은박해의압박아래에서타협하려는것으로부터성도들을보호하실것이다. mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 192

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 3 이르되우리가우리하나님의종들의이마에인치기까지땅이나바다나나무들을해하지말라하더라 4 내가인침을받은자의수를들으니이스라엘자손의각지파중에서인침을받은자들이십사만사천이니 9 이일후에내가보니각나라와족속과백성과방언에서아무도능히셀수없는큰무리가나와흰옷을입고손에종려가지를들고보좌앞과어린양앞에서서 10 구원하심이보좌에앉으신우리하나님과어린양에게있도다하니 ( 계 7:3-10) B. God puts a protective seal on His people before He strikes the earth (Rev. 7:3). Other believers (Gentiles) will be sealed by God (Rev 9:4). In the Exodus, Israel received a protective mark on their doors that saved their first born from death. The Goshen Principle: Ex. 8:22-23; 9:4, 6, 26. 하나님은이땅을치시기전에그분의백성들위에보호의인을주실것이다 ( 계 7:3). 다른믿는자들 ( 이방인들 ) 도하나님의인치심을받을것이다 ( 계 9:4). 출애굽기에서이스라엘은그들의문설주에 보호하는표시 를받음으로그들의장자들을죽음으로부터구할수있었다. 고센 (Goshen) 의원리 : 출 8:22-23; 9:4, 6, 26. IX. CHRONOLOGICAL SECTION #2: SIX TRUMPETS (REV. 8:2-9:21) 연대적섹션 #2: 여섯나팔 ( 계 8:2-9:21) The trumpet judgments are supernatural acts of God through nature (first four trumpets) and through the release of demons (fifth and sixth trumpet) to destroy the Antichrist s resources. 나팔심판은자연을통하여 ( 처음네개의나팔심판들 ) 그리고악을풀어줌을통하여 ( 다섯째와여섯째나팔 ) 적그리스도의자원들을파괴하는하나님의초자연적인역사들이다. 1. First trumpet (Food Supply): burning 1/3 of the earth s vegetation (Rev. 8:7) 2. Second trumpet (Food Supply): destroying 1/3 of the sea (Rev. 8:8-9) 3. Third trumpet (Water Supply): poisoning 1/3 of the earth s fresh water (Rev. 8:10-11) 4. Fourth trumpet (Light, Energy): darkening 1/3 of the earth s light (Rev. 8:12) 5. Fifth trumpet (Torment): releasing demonic locusts that torment for 5 months (Rev. 9:1-12) 6. Sixth trumpet (Death): releasing demonic horsemen that kill 1/3 of the earth (Rev. 9:13-21) 1. 첫째나팔 ( 음식공급 ): 이땅의초목의 1/3이불에탄다 ( 계8:7) 2. 둘째나팔 ( 음식공급 ): 바다의 1/3이파괴된다 ( 계8:8-9) 3. 세째나팔 ( 물자원 ): 이땅의물의 1/3에독이풀어진다 ( 계8:10-11) 4. 네째나팔 ( 빛, 에너지 ): 이땅의빛이 1/3이어둡게된다 ( 계8:12) 5. 다섯째나팔 ( 고통 ): 악의메뚜기를내보내 5개월간의고통을받게된다 ( 계9:1-12) 6. 여섯째나팔 ( 죽음 ): 악의말탄기수들을내보내지구의 1/3을죽이게된다 ( 계9:13-21) 193

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org X. ANGELIC EXPLANATION #2: DIRECTION (REV. 10:1-11:13) 천사의설명 #2: 방향제시 ( 계10:1-11:13) Rev. 10:1-11:13 is an angelic explanation after the crisis of the six trumpet judgments. This section is focused on the welfare of the saints as God promises to provide prophetic direction and power by releasing an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17-21). 계 10:1-11:13 은여섯나팔심판들의위기이후에이어진천사들의설명이다. 이부분은하나님이예언적인방향제시를하실것이며, 전례없던성령님의쏟아부으심에의한능력을주시겠다고약속하셨던성도들의행복에초점이맞추어져있다 ( 행 2:17-21). B. God has concealed key prophetic information that will be vital in the End-Times. He will reveal it to the Church (Rev. 10:4). He will raise up the Two Witnesses (prophets) who will help God s people with great power during the last 3½ years of the Tribulation. Jesus will also raise up prophetic messengers who will carry the seven thunders prophetic messages. My prayer is for 10,000 forerunners to serve in the End-Time drama in each local and regional part of the earth. 하나님은마지막때에필수적인예언적인정보를숨기시고계신다. 그분은교회에이것을드러내실것이다 ( 계 10:4). 그분은대환난의마지막 3 년반동안에큰능력으로하나님의사람들을도와줄두증인 ( 선지자 ) 을일으키실것이다. 예수님은또한 일곱천둥과같은예언적메세지들 을전달할예언적메신저들을일으키실것이다. 나의기도는마지막때에 10,000 명의선두주자들이이땅의각지방과지역들에서섬기게되는것이다. XI. CHRONOLOGICAL SECTION #3: SECOND COMING AND RAPTURE (REV. 11:14-19) 연대적섹션 #3: 재림과휴거 ( 계11:14-19) 15 The seventh angel sounded voices saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord 17 You have taken Your power and reigned. (Rev. 11:15-17) 51 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed-- 52 in a moment at the Last Trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible... (1 Cor. 15:51-52) 15 일곱째천사가나팔을불매하늘에큰음성들이나서이르되세상나라가우리주와그의그리스도의나라가되어그가세세토록왕노릇하시리로다하니 17 전능하신이여친히큰권능을잡으시고왕노릇하시도다 ( 계 11:15-17). 51 우리가다잠잘것이아니요마지막나팔에순식간에홀연히다변화되리니 52 나팔소리가나매죽은자들이썩지아니할것으로다시살아나고우리도변화되리라 ( 고전 15:51-52) The Second Coming Procession begins with the Rapture at the time of the Last Trumpet or the 7th trumpet (Rev. 11:15; 1 Cor. 15:52). The Last Trumpet signals the time that Jesus raptures the Church. The Rapture is the first event in the Second Coming Procession (that has three stages). First, Jesus comes across the earth in the sky (Rev. 1:7) to rapture the saints. Second, He comes across the land (Isa. 63:1-6; Hab. 3:3-16). Third, Jesus enters Jerusalem (Mt. 23:39) using the 7 bowls of wrath to destroy the Antichrist s armies gathered at Jerusalem (Zech. 12:1-3; 14:1-5). mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 194

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 재림의행진은마지막나팔혹은일곱번째나팔이불때휴거와함께시작된다 ( 계 11:15; 고전 15:52). 마지막나팔은예수님이교회를휴거하는때를알리는신호이다. 휴거는재림행진 ( 세가지단계가있는 ) 의첫번째사건이다. 첫번째로, 예수님께서성도들을휴거하기위해하늘에서온땅을가로질러오실것이다 ( 계 1:7). 두번째로, 그분은땅을가로질러오신다 ( 사 63:1-6; 합 3:3-16). 세번째로, 예수님은예루살렘에모여있는적그리스도의군대들을멸하려고 ( 슥 12:1-3; 14:1-5) 진노의일곱대접심판을사용하셔서예루살렘에입성하신다 ( 마 23:39). B. John highlights five things in the 7th Trumpet. First, the kingdoms of the earth come under Jesus manifest leadership. Second, the nations become enraged at Jesus leadership. Third, the unrighteous dead will be judged (evaluated and pronounced guilty) then spend 1,000 years in Hades (their temporary prison) until they are thrown in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Fourth, the saints will be rewarded. Fifth, the rebellious are destroyed by the 7 bowls of wrath (Rev. 16). 요한은일곱째나팔에서다섯가지를강조한다. 첫째, 세상의왕국들은예수님의명백한리더십아래에있게된다. 두번째, 열방들은예수님의리더십에격분하게된다. 세번째, 의롭지않게죽은자들이심판받게될것이다 ( 행위로심판받고유죄선고를받음 ). 그런후에불못에던져지기전까지 ( 계 20:11-15) 1000 년을음부 ( 하데스 : 임시감옥 ) 에있게된다. 네번째, 성도들이상급을받게된다. 다섯째로, 배역한자들은진노의일곱대접으로파멸하게되어있다 ( 계 16 장 ). XII. ANGELIC EXPLANATION #3: CONFRONTATION (REV. 12:1-14:20) 천사의설명 #3: 대결 ( 대적 ) ( 계 12:1-14:20) This angelic explanation occurs immediately after the announcement of Jesus replacing all the governments on earth (Rev. 11:15). This section gives insight as to why God s wrath is so severe as to require that many governments be replaced. The answer is that found in understanding the Antichrist s violent confrontation against the saints and all that is good. In Rev. 12-13, Satan makes war through his two vessels the Antichrist and False Prophet. In Rev. 14, the saints are assured of their full victory and of the Antichrist s sure defeat. 이천사의설명은예수님이지구상의모든정부들을교체한다는공고 ( 계 11:15) 를하신직후에바로나오는것을볼수있다. 이천사의설명에서는이땅의모든정부를교체해야될만큼하나님의진노하심이그토록혹독할수밖에없는이유에대한통찰력을제공한다. 그이유는적그리스도가성도와모든선한것들에반대하여격렬하게대적하는것을이해함으로서발견할수있다. 계시록 12-13 장에서사탄은자신의두가지도구로사용하는적그리스도와거짓선지자를통해서전쟁을일으킨다. 계시록 14 장에서성도들은완전한승리와적그리스도의분명한패배를보장받게된다. B. In Rev. 13:1-10, the Antichrist will wage war against God and His people with a political, military and economic alliance of a ten-nation confederation. In Rev. 13:11-18, the False Prophet will be devoted to causing all nations to worship Satan and the Antichrist (Rev. 13:4, 8). 계시록 13:1-10 에보면, 적그리스도는정치적, 군사적, 경제적연맹관계에있는열개동맹국과함께하나님과그의백성들을대적하여전쟁을일으킬것이다. 계시록 13:11-18 에보면, 거짓선지자는모든열방들로하여금사탄과적그리스도를경배하도록하는데전념하게될것이다 ( 계 13:4, 8). 195

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org XIII. CHRONOLOGICAL SECTION #4: 7 BOWLS OF GOD S WRATH (REV. 15:1-16:21) 연대적섹션 #4: 하나님의진노의일곱대접 ( 계 15:1-16:21) The 7 bowls of wrath are the third and final numbered judgment series (Rev. 16). Jesus will release the 7 bowls in a way that parallels Moses releasing the ten plagues of Egypt against Pharaoh (Exod 7-12). The bowls will be poured out over a 30-day period as Jesus marches up through Jordan to fight the final battle in the Armageddon campaign in Jerusalem and to rescue the remnant of Israel (Zech. 12:1-9; 14:1-5; Isa. 63:1-6; Hab. 3:3-16). 진노의일곱대접은심판시리즈의세번째이며마지막심판이다 ( 계 16 장 ). 예수님은모세가바로왕에맞서서이집트의열가지재앙을풀어낸것과유사한방식으로일곱대접을풀어내실것이다 ( 출 7-12 장 ). 대접들은예수님께서예루살렘에서마지막전투인아마겟돈전쟁을치르고이스라엘의남은자를구하기위해서, 요르단을통과해행진하는 30 일의기간동안에쏟아부어질것이다 ( 슥 12:1-9; 14:1-5; 사 63:1-6; 합 3:3-16). B. The Second Coming Procession occurs over a 30-day period which can be seen by comparing the 1,260 days in Rev. 11:2-3; 12:6, 14; 13:5 with the 1,290 days of Dan. 12:11. 재림행진은계시록 11:2-3; 12:6,14; 13:5 에나오는 1,260 일과다니엘서 12:11 의 1,290 일을비교하는것으로알수있듯이 30 일기간에이루어지는것이다. C. The 7 bowls of wrath (3rd Judgment series) recalls the ten plagues of Egypt (Exod 7-12). 1. First bowl (Sores): painful sores on those who worship the Antichrist (Rev. 16:1-2) 2. Second bowl (Food Supply): destroying the sea with blood and killing all in it (Rev. 16:3) 3. Third bowl (Water Supply): poisoning the earth s fresh water with blood (Rev. 16:4-7) 4. Fourth bowl (Torment): scorching heat and fire from the sun (Rev. 16:8-9) 5. Fifth bowl (Destruction): darkness on the Antichrist s global empire (Rev. 16:10-11) 6. Sixth bowl (Global Guilt): deceiving the nations to come to Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16) 7. Seventh bowl (Annihilation): shaking by earthquakes and hail stones (Rev. 16:17-21) mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 196

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation 진노의일곱대접 ( 세번째심판시리즈 ) 은이집트의열가지재앙을상기시킨다 ( 출 7-12 장 ). 1. 첫째대접 ( 통증 ): 적그리스도를숭배하는자들에게임하는고통스러운종기 ( 계 16:1-2) 2. 둘째대접 ( 음식공급 ): 피로바다가파괴되어그안의생물체가다죽게됨 ( 계 16:3) 3. 세째대접 ( 물공급 ): 땅에있는모든물에피로인한독성이퍼짐 ( 계 16:4-7) 4. 네째대접 ( 고통 ): 태양으로부터오는타는듯한열과불 ( 계 16:8-9) 5. 다섯째대접 ( 파괴 ): 전세계의적그리스도의제국에어두움이임함 ( 계 16:10-11) 6. 여섯째대접 ( 전세계적죄악 ): 열방들을속여아마겟돈으로오게함 ( 계 16:12-16) 7. 일곱번째대접 ( 전멸 ): 지진과우박으로인해진동함 ( 계 16:17-21) XIV. ANGELIC EXPLANATION #4: SEDUCTION BY BABYLON (REV. 17:1-19:10) 천사의설명 #4: 바벨론에의한유혹 ( 계 17:1-19:10) This angelic explanation section us tells why such severe judgment is necessary, requiring that Jesus dash all the infrastructures of society by the bowl judgments. The answer is that they were deeply infiltrated by the evil seductions of Babylon whose complete influence must be removed. 8 I [the Father] will give You [Jesus] the nations for Your inheritance... 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter s vessel. (Ps. 2:8-9) 이천사의설명부분은모든사회의기반이되는것들을대접심판으로부서뜨리는것이요구되는지, 그리고왜이처럼혹독한심판이필요한지를말해준다. 그대답은그것들속에스며들어있는바벨론의악한유혹들의영향력이완전히제거되어야만하기때문이다. 8... 내가 ( 하나님아버지 ) 이방나라를네 ( 예수님 ) 유업으로주리니... 9 네가철장으로그들을깨뜨림이여질그릇같이 부수리라하시도다 ( 시 2:8-9) B. The judgment of the Great Harlot (Rev. 17) and the fall of Babylon (Rev. 18) will destroy many of the resources for the infrastructures of darkness. The Marriage supper of the Lamb is the revelation that motivates us during this time (Rev. 19:7-10). 큰음녀의심판 ( 계 17 장 ) 과바벨론의몰락 ( 계 18 장 ) 은흑암의많은내부구조적자원들을파괴시키게될것이다. 어린양의혼인잔치는이시대에우리에게동기를부여하는계시이다 ( 계 19:7-10). 197

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org XV. CHRONOLOGICAL SECTION #5: TRIUMPHAL ENTRY (REV. 19:11-21:8) 연대적섹션 #5: 승리의입성 ( 계19:11-21:8) 11 Behold, a white horse. And He [Jesus] who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 14 And the armies in heaven followed Him on white horses. 15 Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them 16 He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS 20 The Beast [Antichrist] was captured, and with him the False Prophet hese two were cast alive into the Lake of Fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. (Rev. 19:11-21) 11 또내가하늘이열린것을보니보라백마와그것을탄자 ( 예수님 ) 가있으니그이름은충신과진실이라그가공의로심판하며싸우더라 14 하늘에있는군대들이 백마를타고그를따르더라 15 그의입에서예리한검이나오니그것으로만국을치겠고친히그들을철장으로다스리며 16 그옷과그다리에이름을쓴것이있으니만왕의왕이요만주의주라하였더라 20 짐승이 ( 적그리스도 ) 잡히고그앞에서표적을행하던거짓선지자도함께잡혔으니 이둘이산채로유황불붙는못에던져지고 21 그나머지는말탄자의입으로부터나오는검에죽으매모든새가그들의살로배불리더라 ( 계 19:11-21) In this section, John describes Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the victorious King (Rev. 19:11-21) to end the Armageddon campaign and to destroy the armies of the Antichrist. These passages describe Jesus Second Coming to Jerusalem to sit on an earthly Throne as King over all kings. He will cast the Antichrist and False Prophet in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:20). 이섹션에서요한은예수님이아마겟돈전투를종결하고, 적그리스도의군대들을파멸시키기위해승리의왕으로서예루살렘에승리로입성하는것 ( 계 19:11-21) 을묘사한다. 이구절들은예수님께서모든왕중에왕으로이땅의보좌에앉으시기위해서예루살렘에재림하시는것을묘사한다. 그분은적그리스도와거짓선지자를불못에던지실것이다 ( 계 19:20). B. Jesus will cast Satan into prison (Rev. 20:1-3) and establish the Millennium (Rev. 20:4-10). 2 He [angel] laid hold of Satan and bound him for 1000 years; 3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit 4 I saw thrones, and they [saints] sat on them They lived and reigned with Christ for 1000 years 6 They shall reign with Him 1000 years. (Rev. 20:2-6) 예수님은사탄을감옥에던져넣으실것이며 ( 계 20:1-3), 천년왕국을세우실것이다 ( 계 20:4-10). 2 ( 천사가 ) 용을잡으니 사탄이라잡아서천년동안결박하여 3 무저갱에던져넣어 4 또내가보좌들을보니거기에앉은자들 ( 성자들 ) 이있어 그리스도와더불어천년동안왕노릇하니 6 천년동안그리스도와더불어왕노릇하리라 ( 계 20:2-6) C. The Millennium is a literal 1,000-year period in which Jesus will rule the whole world from Jerusalem in righteousness and peace. Millennium is from the Latin mille (a thousand). 천년왕국이란예수님께서예루살렘에서정의와평화로온세상을다스리는문자그대로 1,000 년동안의기간을말한다. 천년왕국은 mille (1000) 라는라틴어로부터유래된것이다. mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 198

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation XVI. ANGELIC EXPLANATION #5: RESTORATION (REV. 21:9-22:5) 천사의설명 #5: 회복 ( 계 21:9-22:5) This angelic explanation describes the Bride reigning in the Garden of Eden forever. Jesus will restore to us all that He originally intended in creating the Garden of Eden. An angel explains to John the dynamic quality of life in the New Jerusalem that will come down to the Millennial earth to release a supernatural dimension of glory to our reign on the earth. 19 Repent that your sins may be blotted out, so that 20 He [the Father] may send Jesus 21 whom heaven must receive [keep] until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began. (Acts 3:19-21) 이천사의설명은신부가에덴의동산에서영원히다스릴것을설명한다. 예수님은하나님께서에덴동산의창조에서원래의도하셨던모든것들을우리에게회복시키실것이다. 한천사는요한에게, 우리의다스림에영광의초자연적차원을나타내기위해서, 이땅의천년왕국으로내려올새예루살렘에서의역동적인삶의질에대해설명한다. 19 그러므로너희가회개하고돌이켜너희죄없이함을받으라이같이하면 20 또주 ( 아버지 ) 께서너희를위하여예정하신그리스도곧예수를보내시리니 21 하나님이영원전부터거룩한선지자들의입을통하여말씀하신바만물을회복하실때까지는하늘이마땅히그를받아두리라 ( 행 3:19-21) B. At the Second Coming, Jesus will establish His Throne of Glory on earth in Jerusalem. 31 When the Son of Man comes in His glory then He will sit on the Throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them (Mt. 25:31-32) 17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the LORD, and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem. (Jer. 3:17) 재림때에예수님은이땅위의예루살렘에자신의영광스러운보좌를수립할것이다. 31 인자가자기영광으로 올때에자기영광의보좌에앉으리니 32 모든민족을그앞에모으고각각구분하기를 ( 마 25:31-32) 17 그때에예루살렘이그들에게여호와의보좌라일컬음이되며모든백성이그리로모이리니곧여호와의이름으로말미암아예루살렘에모이고다시는그들의악한마음의완악한대로그들이행하지아니할것이며 ( 렘 3:17) C. Jesus Throne will be connected to the Holy of Holies in the Millennial Temple (Ezek. 43:4-7). Jesus Throne is in the earthly Millennial Jerusalem and the heavenly New Jerusalem. 3 The Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it (New Jerusalem). (Rev. 22:3) 예수님의보좌는천년왕국의성전에서지성소에연결될것이다 ( 겔 43:4-7). 예수님의보좌는이땅의천년왕국에그리고하늘의새예루살렘에있을것이다. 3 그어린양의보좌가그가운데에있으리니 ( 새예루살렘 ) ( 계 22:3) 199

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org D. Does Jesus have one Throne or two? Is it on the Millennial earth or in the New Jerusalem? Yes! His Throne of glory is both on earth and in Heaven. It is one Throne with two expressions. 예수님의보좌는하나인가아니면두개인가? 이땅의천년왕국에있나아니면새예루살렘에있나? 그렇다! 그분의영광의보좌는이땅과하늘에다있다. 두개의표현을가진하나의보좌를말하는것이다. E. I suggest that Jesus Throne of glory is a vast governmental complex with the far upper end of it extending into the New Jerusalem and the far lower end of it based in the Millennial Temple in Jerusalem in what I refer to as a Corridor of Glory between the two Jerusalems. 나는이렇게제안하려한다. 예수님의영광의보좌는방대한통치복합체로 먼윗끝부분 은새예루살렘으로뻗어연결되어있고 먼아래끝부분 은천년왕국의성전에기초를두고있는데, 나는이두예루살렘사이에있는것을 영광의통로 라부른다. F. The New Jerusalem will descend to a place above Millennial Jerusalem on Mt. Zion. This will create a vast governmental complex with a Corridor of Glory that joins them together. This governmental center of heaven and earth is referred to as Jesus Throne of glory (Mt. 19:28; 25:31). This is seen when taking into account all the specific details of the prophetic Scriptures. 새예루살렘은시온산위에있는천년예루살렘의하늘위의어느한장소로내려오게될것이다. 이것이 영광의통로 릍통해서, 둘을서로연결하여방대한 통치복합체 를형성하게된다. 이하늘과땅의정부의중심이예수님의영광의보좌로불리게된다 ( 마 19:28; 25:31). 이것은예언적구절들의모든구체적인정보들을참조할때해석을할때볼수있다. G. There are four reasons the New Jerusalem is close to Millennial Jerusalem yet not on the earth. First, Millennial Jerusalem is about 10 square miles or 4,500 rods X 4,500 rods (a rod is approx. 10.5 feet; Ezek. 48:30-35; 45:6; 48:15-19). The New Jerusalem is 1,380 miles and thus it is too large for the 10 mile area of Millennial Jerusalem. Most believe the unit of measure is rods (10.5 feet) not cubits. NKJV adds the word cubits in italics to designate it is not in the original text. 새예루살렘이천년예루살렘과가깝게있으나여전히땅위에내려오지않는 4 가지의이유들이있다. 첫번째, 천년예루살렘은약 10 제곱마일또는 4,500 로드 X 4,500 로드 ( 한로드는대략 10.5 피트이다 ; 겔 48:30-35; 45;6; 48:15-19). 새예루살렘은 1,380 마일이기에, 이는 10 마일반경인천년예루살렘에비해너무나큰것이다. 대부분의사람들이치수를잰단위는큐빗 (cubit) 이아니라, 로드 (rod: 10.5feet) 라고믿고있다. NKJV 성경에는 cubits 라는단어가첨가되어있으나흘림체로표기해이것이성경의원본에나온것이아님을명시하고있다. H. Second, the kings of the Millennial earth come into the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:24-26). 24 The [Millennial] nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the [Millennial] earth bring their glory and honor into it 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it(rev. 21:24-26). 두번째로, 천년왕국의왕들이새예루살렘안으로들어오게된다 ( 계 21:24-26). 24 ( 천년 ) 만국이그빛가운데로다니고 ( 천년 ) 땅의왕들이자기영광을가지고그리로들어가리라 26 사람들이만국의영광과존귀를가지고그리로들어가겠고 ( 계 21:24-26) mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 200

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation I. Third, the leaves in the New Jerusalem are for the healing of the Millennial nations. Therefore, people on the Millennial earth have access to these healing leaves (Rev. 22:2). 2 The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the [Millennial] nations. (Rev. 22:2) 세번째로, 새예루살렘의잎사귀들은천년왕국을치료하기위해서존재한다. 그러므로, 이땅의천년왕국의사람들은이치유의잎사귀들을접할수있다 ( 계 22:2). 2 그나무잎사귀들은 ( 천년 ) 만국을치료하기위하여있더라 ( 계 22:2) J. Fourth, angels guard the entry to the City to keep sinners out (Rev. 21:12, 27; 22:14-15). Angels guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam sinned Gen. 3:22-24). 12 She had a. high wall with 12 gates, and 12 angels at the gates (Rev. 21:12) 27 There shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb s Book of Life. (Rev. 21:27) 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter through the gates into the city 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters (Rev. 22:14-15) 네번째, 천사들이죄인들로들어가지못하도록그도시의입구를지키게된다 ( 계 21:12,27; 22:14-15). 천사들은아담이범죄한후에에덴의동산으로들어가는입구를지켰었다 ( 창 3:22-24). 12 크고높은성곽이있고열두문이있는데문에열두천사가있고 ( 계 21:12) 27 무엇이든지속된것이나가증한일또는거짓말하는자는결코그리로들어가지못하되오직어린양의생명책에기록 된자들만들어가리라 ( 계 21:27) 14 자기두루마기를빠는자들은복이있으니이는그들이생명나무에나아가며문들을통하여성에들어갈권세를받으려함이로다 15 개들과점술가들과음행하는자들과살인자들과우상숭배자들과및거짓말을좋아하며지어내는자는다성밖에있으리라 ( 계 22:14-15) 201

12. 요한계시록개관 국제기도의집한국인사역 www.ihopkorean.org K. The New Jerusalem descends to earth two times or in two stages. First, it descends at the Second Coming to begin the Millennium (Rev. 21:10). The second time it descends is after the Millennial earth is cleansed with fire to become the New Earth that has no sea (Rev. 21:2). 10 He showed me the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God (Rev. 21:10) 2 I, John, saw the holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven (Rev. 21:2) 새예루살렘이이땅에두차례혹은두단계로내려온다. 처음은예수님의재림시에천년왕국을시작하기위해내려온다 ( 계 21:10). 두번째는바다가없는새땅이되기위해지구의천년왕국이불로정화된후에내려온다 ( 계 21:2). 10 성령으로나를데리고크고높은산으로올라가하나님께로부터하늘에서내려오는거룩한성예루살렘을보이니 ( 계 21:10) 2 또내가보매거룩한성새예루살렘이하나님께로부터하늘에서내려오니 ( 계 21:2) L. By understanding the structure of Rev. 21-22 we see the two descents of the New Jerusalem. We know that the events in Rev. 21:9-22:5 refer to the Millennium because the nature of what is described includes the eternal and temporal realms being together. In other words, we see the eternal state of the resurrected saints in the New Jerusalem along with Millennial conditions. 우리는계시록 21-22 장의구조를이해함으로새예루살렘의두번의내려온다는사실을보게된다. 우리는묘사된자연이영원한영역과임시적인영역을함께존재하는것을묘사하기에계 21:9-22:5 에있는사건들이천년왕국을지칭하는것임을알게된다. 다시말해서, 우리는천년왕국의상황에서처럼새예루살렘에서영원한부활체를입은성도들을보게된다. M. The same angel showed John the Bride in Rev. 21:9-10 and the Harlot Babylon in Rev. 17:1-3. They are parallel visions that are both clearly parenthetical sections in which an angel explains significant details and events that do not occur on earth in chronological order. Because Rev. 21:9-22:5 is a parenthetical section, its events do not occur until after the events in Rev. 21:1-8 (the New Heavens and Earth, etc.). The descent of the New Jerusalem in Rev. 21:2 is the last event in the last chronological section (Rev. 19:11-21:8). 계시록 21:9-10 에서신부를요한에게보여주었던그 같은 천사가계시록 17:1-3 에서는음녀바벨론을요한에게보여주었다. 그것은서로상응하는비전으로중요한세부사항들이며, 이땅에연대적인순서로발생하지않는사건들인 명확히삽입구로제시된부분들 이다. 계 21:9-22:5 이삽입부분이기때문에, 이것들의사건들은계 21:1-8( 새하늘과새땅, 등등 ) 이후에발생하는사건이아니다. 계 21:2 에서내려오는새예루살렘은마지막연대적섹션 ( 계 19:11-21:8) 에있는마지막사건을말하는것이다. N. The City s size: the walls extend 1,380 miles (about 7,000,000 ft.) in length, height, and width (Rev. 21:12b-14). A furlong (NIV stadia) is a Greek measurement that is approx. 600 feet). Outer space is 800 miles from earth. The walls are 216 feet or 72 yards thick (21:15-17). 도시의크기 : 벽의길이와높이와넓이는 1,380 마일에달한다 ( 약 7,000,000 피트 ) ( 계 21:12b-14). 퍼롱 (NIV 에서는스타디아 ) 은그리스단위로약 600 피트를말한다. 지구로부터바깥우주까지는 800 마일의높이에해당한다. 벽의두께는 216 피트또는 72 야드이다 (21:15-17). mikebickle.org 를방문하시면, 무료자료들이있습니다. 202

12. Overview of the Book of Revelation O. John gives us an internal view of the City as the ultimate Garden of Eden. He describes the City s beauty (21:22-27) and its life with face to face communion with God (22:1-5). It is a worshipping City with no temple (21:22; 22:4a); an illuminated City with no sun (21:23; 22:5); a governmental City with God s Throne (21:24, 26; 22:3-5d); a servant City that works (21:25b; 22:3c, 5a) and a holy City without any sin (21:27, 8; 22:14-15). 요한은그도시의내부의모습을궁극적인에덴의동산이라고한다. 그는도시의아름다움을묘사하고 (21:22-27) 그삶은하나님과얼굴과얼굴을마주대하는교제의삶으로묘사한다 (22:1-5). 그곳은성전이없는 (21:22; 22:4a); 예배를드리는도시이다 ; 태양이없이도빛을발하는도시이다 (21:23; 22:5); 하나님의보좌가있는통치하는도시이다 (21:24; 26; 22:3-5d); 일하는섬김의도시이다 (21:25b; 22:3c,5a). 그리고죄악이없는거룩한도시이다 (21:27,8; 22:14-15). 203