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The Korean Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 42, No. 1, March 2006, p. 34-39 Copyright 2006, The Microbiological Society of Korea z³ wz y yw k k Á Á k 1 Á½³ * w w w y w z³ wz lignin peroxidase (LIP), Mn-peroxidase (MNP) laccase w ³ z wù y z w ù x w ³. x w z³ z yw k wš w. w 23 36³ MNP ³ 30³ LIP y laccase ³ ƒƒ 11³ 12³. w z y w. wz y w k z ƒ z³ k w š ³ ƒ ù MNP y ³, poly R-478 polymeric dye anthron-type dye remazol brilliant blue R z y methylene blue, bromophenol blue congo red z q, ³ w k ùkþ. LIP, MNP laccase z y z³ bromophenol blue wš k 10% y x k. Key wordsý decolorization, dye compound, laccase, peroxidase, wood-rot fungi z³ z³, z³ z³ z p xk w f ƒ z³ w w. w z w z ƒ š w» w. w z ƒ z³ ƒ r š w. w w z yz (lignin peroxidase, Mn-peroxidase), y yz (glucose oxidase, glyoxal oxidase, aryl alcohol oxidase ) laccase w. z³ ƒ z ƒ š ƒ š w z y ƒ q w z³ z ww w ƒ. w xk t ù (8) ƒ z³ z y q wš ww w w ƒ j š q w. w w yw wz ù w w yw ù œ,, ƒ t ƒ w w ƒ *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 033-640-2314, Fax: 033-642-6124 E-mail: kyujkim@kangnung.ac.kr š (2, 3, 4, 6, 17, 18, 20). z³ w z p wz ù w ƒ yw k z³ wš w. ³ z ƒ l ³ ³ 1 wz Malt (1 l s 20 g, 20 g, rm 1 g, w 20 g) w 25 C 15 w o š ³ w xk, s p w w. œ ³ z w Kirk (12) 10 ml ³ ƒ 7 w 25 C 14 16 o w. k w 0.2% ƒw š w. w Difco t w. z y d LIP (lignin peroxidase) Kirk (19) w yw 1.0 ml 125 mm tartaric acid buffer (ph4.5) 450 µl,» 40 mm veratryl alcohol 50 µl, z 450 µl ƒw z 8 mm y 50 µl yw g 310nm Ÿ y d w. z y veratryl alcohol l (min) veratryl aldehyde (µmole) 1 unit 34

Vol. 42, No. 1 wz y k 35 w. MNP (Mn-dependent peroxidase) Gold (7) w yw 1.0 ml 0.5 M sodium tartrate buffer (ph5.0) 200 µl, H 2 O 677.5 µl, 10 mm MnSO 4 10 µl, z 100 µl w 8 mm y 12.5 µl yw g 238nm Ÿ y d w. z y (min) 1µmole Mn(II) y j 1 unit w. Laccase Harkin (9) xw syringaldazine» w š yw 0.04 M MES-NaOH buffer (ph 5.5) 2.5 ml 0.5 mm» 0.3 ml, z 0.2 ml ƒw 30 C o 40 z 530 nm Ÿ y d w. Lowry (13) Bradford (1) ww d w t bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical Co) w. š Ÿ d UVIKON UV/VIS Spectrophotometer ( 922, Kontron, UK) w d w. z d w t w» veratryl alcohol syringaldazine Aldrich t w. k k z y d w 0.2% (poly-r, remazol brilliant blue, methylene blue, bromophenol blue, congo red)ƒ ƒƒ w š w. ³ ƒ w ùkù k d w k rp» d w. ³ d š w ³ d w rp» w. ³ d w. ³ w 100 o C 90 w d w. š ³ z y x w ³ ƒ sw ³ 9³ sww 36³. Table 1 w ³ z³ ü z y, MNP+LIP+Lac+x, MNP+LIP-Lac+x, š MNP+LIP+ Lac-x xkƒ. w e ³» d ³ ü MNP+LIP-Lac- x MNP-LIP-Lac-x. w MNP z y. Laccase y ³ z y ³ y ƒ w. Hatakka (8) w z³ z y x j elš ù LIP-MNP, MNP-Lac, ƒ LIP-Lac w š w. ³ k Fig. 1 Fig. 5 t poly-r, RBBR (remazol brilliant blue), MB (methylene blue), BB (bromophenol blue) CR (congo red) w ³ 36³ ƒ k ³ ùkü. Fig. 1 poly-r w w k 10-20% Table 1. Enzymatic activity of 36 species of wood-rot fungi No. Species MNP (U/L) LIP (U/L) Laccase (U/L) 1 Coriolus versicolor KR-11W 156.1 22.2 0 2 Coriolus versicolor KR-65W 175.2 25.0 0.28 3 Coriolus versicolor KR-22W 263.4 35.8 0.65 4 Coriolus versicolor KR-323W 16.0 0 0.06 5 Coriolus versicolor KR-310W 193.0 0 0.04 6 Coriolus versicolor KR-317W 269.0 34.7 0 7 Coriolus versicolor KR-312W 129.6 3.6 0.34 8 Coriolus versicolor KR-42W 449.8 3.3 1.60 9 Coriolus versicolor KR-61W 112.0 5.6 3.13 10 Coriolus hirsutus KR-412W 133.9 0 0 11 Coriolus hirsutus KR-21W 71.2 0 0 12 Coriolus hirsutus KR-1W 39.9 0 0 13 Hymenochaete intricata KR-2W 359.4 0 0 14 Hymenochaete intricata KR-45W 295.4 0 0 15 Schizophyllum commune KR-36W 15.2 0 0 16 Schizophyllum commune KR-39W 0 0 0 17 Irpex lacteus KR-321W 0 0 0 18 Irpex lacteus KR-35W 573.7 0 0 19 Pycnoporus coccineus KR-41W 19.9 4.7 0.11 20 Trichaptum abietinum KR-46W 9.6 0 1.06 21 Trametes suaveolens KR-47W 48.2 0 0.92 22 Tyromyces lacteus KR-48B 0 0 0 23 Schizopora paradoxa KR-49W 86.1 0 0 24 Lentinus edodes KR-411W 13.0 0 0 25 Perenniporia medulla KR-51W 7.9 0 0 26 Fomitopsis rosea KR-62W 214.9 25.1 0 27 Inonotus mikadoi KR-314W 245.5 0 0 28 Cerrena unicolor KR-23W 0 0 0 29 Phanerochaete chrysosporium 446 76.7 10.0 0 30 Unidentified Brown-rot KR-53B 0 0 0 31 Unidentified Brown-rot KR-63B 48.1 0 0 32 Unidentified White-rot KR-JB-01 0 0 0 33 Unidentified White-rot KR-JW-01 24.4 0 0 34 Unidentified White-rot KR-JW-02 24.4 0 0.36 35 Unidentified White-rot KR-DW-01 258.8 31.9 0.08 36 Unidentified White-rot KR-DW-02 9.8 0 0 Total amounts of activity from the 8th day, 12th day, 16th day and 20th day of culture in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). LIP, lignin peroxidase; MNP, Mn-peroxidase.

36 Tae-Won Jang et al. Comparison of decolorization of poly-r by 36 strains of woodrot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. Fig. 1 도 낮았다. 구름버섯균은 대체로 poly-r 배지에서 생장과 탈색율 이 높았다. 치마버섯균(KR-36W, KR-39W)과 기계층버섯균(KR321W, KR-35W)은 MNP 활성과 비례하여 탈색율이 좌우되었다. 갈색 부후균(KR-48B, KR-53B, 및 KR-63B)은 생장율에 비해 탈 색이 10% 미만이거나 전혀 일어나지 않았다. 생장과 탈색이 일 어나지 않은 균들(KR-46W, KR-411W, KR-23W, JB-01, JW-01, 및 JW-02)과 생장은 양호하나 탈색이 전혀 일어나지 않거나 미 약한 균들(KR-61W, KR-36W, KR-39W, KR-321W, KR-47W, KR-48B, KR-53B, KR-63B, DW-01, 및 DW-02)이 예상외로 많 았다. Fig. 2는 RBBR 염료에 대한 분해양상으로 구름버섯균의 RBBR 염료에 대한 탈색율이 여전히 높았다. MNP활성이 높은 균들이 전반적으로 탈색율이 높았으나 구름버섯균(KR-323W, KR-310W), 및 치마버섯균(KR-36W, KR-39W)은 측정한 효소활 성도와 관계없이 양호한 탈색율을 보임으로서 다른 효소군의 존 재 가능성을 시사하고 있다. 갈색부후균은 poly-r 염료와 마찬가 지로 생장율은 양호하였으나 탈색율은 10% 미만이었다. 생장과 탈색이 일어나지 않은 균주들(KR-46W, KR-411W, KR-23W, JB01, JW-01 및 JW-02)과 생장은 양호하나 탈색이 일어나지 않은 균주들(KR-321W, KR-48B, KR-53B, 및 KR-63B) 이 다소 있었 다. Fig. 3은 염료 MB에 대한 결과로 BB 및 CR과 함께 생장과 비례하여 전반적으로 탈색율이 높았다. 생장과 탈색이 일어나지 않은 균으로는 KR-412W, KR-321W, KR-46W, KR-47W, KR411W, KR-23W, JW-01, JW-02 및 DW-02였으며 생장이 양호하 Kor. J. Microbiol Comparison of decolorization of remazol brilliant bule R by 36 strains of wood-rot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. Fig. 2 나 탈색이 일어나지 않는 균들로는 갈색 부후균(KR-48B, KR53B 및 KR-63B)과 KR-JB-01이었다. Fig. 4는 염료 BB에 대한 결과로 전반적으로 조사한 전체 균들에 대한 탈색율이 양호하였 다. 생장과 탈색이 일어나지 않은 균으로는 KR-412W, KR321W, KR-46W, KR-47W, KR-411W, KR-23W, KR-JB-01, KRJW-01, KR-JW-02, 및 KR-DW-02 등이다. 생장은 양호하나 탈색 이 되지 않은 균류에는 KR-36W, KR-39W였으며 갈색 부후균의 경우, KR-63B는 생장에 비해 탈색율이 10% 정도였으나 KR48B 및 KR-53B 는 생장과 탈색율이 양호하였으며 이는 다른 염료와는 달리 갈색 부후균의 BB염료 탈색에 다른 효소계의 존 재를 암시하는 것으로 생각된다. Fig. 5는 CR에 대한 것으로 전 균주에 대해 대체로 생장과 비례하여 염료 탈색율이 높았다. 갈 색 부후균의 경우는 생장은 양호하였으나 탈색은 일어나지 않았 다. 생장과 탈색이 전부 일어나지 않은 균들로는 KR-412W, KR- 45W, KR-46W, KR-47W, KR-411W, KR-23W, JB-01, JW-01, JW-02, 및 DW-02 였다. Table 1과 Fig. 1에서 Fig. 5까지의 실험 결과를 근거로 3 종 류의 리그닌 분해효소 활성도의 유형에 따라 36균주를 구분하여 염료탈색 및 생장율을 비교하여 분석한 결과(Table 2), MNP+ LIP+Lac+형 구름버섯균 혹은 MNP+LIP+Lac-형인 부후균에서 대체로 실험한 염료에 대하여 탈색율이 높았다. 그러나 MNP+ LIP-Lac-형이더라도 MNP활성이 높은 균주는 특히 poly-r과

Vol. 42, No. 1 wz y k 37 Fig. 3 Comparison of decolorization of methylene blue by 36 strains of wood-rot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. Fig. 4 Comparison of decolorization of bromophenol bule by 36 strains of wood-rot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. RBBR w k ùkþ. MB, BB CR z³ wš ³ w k yw. w MNP-LIP-Lac-x ³ ³ w wù k Table 2. Comparison of decolorization of poly-r, remazol brilliant blue R, methylene blue, bromophenol blue and congo red by 36 strains of wood-rot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. Category Strain Poly-R RBBR MB BB CR D G D G D G D G D G MP+LP+LC+ Coriolus versicolor KR-65W 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-22W 73 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-312W 50 90 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-42W 80 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-61W 0 50 65 100 100 100 83 83 80 80 Pycnoporus coccineus KR-41W 35 80 70 55 100 100 100 100 95 95 Unidentified White-rot KR-DW-01 30 70 90 55 100 100 95 95 100 100 MP+LP+LC- Coriolus versicolor KR-11W 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-317W 80 100 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fomitopsis rosea KR-62W 70 90 95 80 100 100 95 95 70 70 Phanerochaete chrysosporium ME446 80 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 MP+LP-LC+ Coriolus versicolor KR-323W 80 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus versicolor KR-310W 73 90 100 100 100 100 95 93 98 98 Trichaptum abietinum KR-46W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trametes suaveolens KR-47W 20 80 90 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified White-rot KR-JW-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

38 Tae-Won Jang et al. Kor. J. Microbiol Table 2. Continued Category Strain Poly-R RBBR MB BB CR D G D G D G D G D G MP+LP-LC- Coriolus hirsutus KR-412W 55 100 90 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coriolus hirsutus KR-21W 75 90 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coriolus hirsutus KR-1W 65 90 93 100 70 90 100 100 98 98 Hymenochaete intricata KR-2W 85 100 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hymenochaete intricata KR-45W 80 100 85 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 Schizophyllum commune KR-36W 15 90 70 95 100 100 0 100 98 95 Irpex lacteus KR-35W 85 100 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Schizopora paradoxa KR-49W 70 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Lentinus edodes KR-411W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Perenniporia medulla-paris KR-51W 70 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Inonitus mikadoi KR-314W 80 90 85 40 90 100 65 65 55 55 Unidentified Brown-rot KR-63B 10 90 5 90 0 100 10 100 0 100 Unidentified White-rot KR-JW-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified White-rot KR-DW-02 20 90 85 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 MP-LP-LC- Schizophyllum commune KR-39W 5 85 80 80 100 100 0 100 90 90 Irpex lacteus KR-321W 10 100 5 85 0 0 0 0 80 80 Tyromyces lacteus KR-48B 10 100 5 95 0 100 100 100 0 100 Cerrena unicolor KR-23W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified Brown-rot KR-53B 5 80 15 90 0 100 100 100 0 100 Unidentified White-rot KR-JB-01 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 RBBR: remazol brilliant blue R, MB: methylene blue, BB: bromophenol blue, CR: congo red, D: percentage of decolorization, G: percentage of growth MP: Mn-peroxidase, LP: lignin peroxidase, LC: laccase +: positive, -: negative t 3 wz wz ƒ. t w ew (10, 11, 15, 16). z³ w yw w w x ³ w k w (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20) wz ƒƒ w k w w (10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) w, w x z w ³ ww x w k z MNP y LIPz ƒ w w w ƒ. w w ( w ) w w. š x Fig. 5. Comparison of decolorization of congo red by 36 strains of wood-rot fungi in the presence of 12 mg/l Mn(II). Decolorization zone of radial growth was measured from the reverse side of plates referring to the growth of mycelium on agar media without dye compound. 1. Bradford, M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal. Biochem. 72, 248-250. 2. Bumpus, J.A., M. Tien, D. Wright, and S.D. Aust. 1985. Oxidation of persistent environmental pollutants by a white-rot fungus. Science, 228, 1434-1436. 3. Bumpus, J.A. and S.D. Aust. 1987. Biodegradation of DDT(1,1,1-

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