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The Korean Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 43, No. 2, June 2007, p. 124-129 Copyright 2007, The Microbiological Society of Korea ½e w Lactococcus lactis W-44 w z e e w ½ 1 Á 2 Á 3 Á½ 4 Á½ 5 Á 6 Á 7 Á 1 Á½ 1 Á 1 Á 5 * w œw 'FSNFOUFDI w w y w w w w w w û w w w l w ³ w z g z ƒ ƒ e (Paralichthys olivaceus) mw. ½e w³y w ³ W-44 w z 16S rdna» mw Lactococcus lactis W-44 w. L. lactis W-44 w z ww, y w flavonoids naringenin, hesperitin w ƒƒ 10 6 ƒw y w. L. lactis W-44 w z z e ƒ n w, z n w s³ ƒ x w ƒ. w 0.2% (v/v) z n w x e ƒ w ùkû. w l ³ z e» ƒ w ƒ y w. Key words ý citrus fruit, fermentation, flounder cultivation, lactic acid bacteria ü 1990 z l w w ³ ƒ xy š, w»y y ƒƒeƒ t y, š y. e(paralichthys olivaceus) Ÿ ù, i, w sw, 10-27 o C š, w (2). e v ü ü ewš, 2003, e 13,000-15,000m š (2, 19). ù ƒw y y ü w w wš š, w» w x w w w ü ³ xw w e z ƒ y wš. w w û ü ƒ w wì w 2, p w ü w y w ƒ (8). w w w,» w, w ƒ w ƒ w š(11, 13, 22, 25), *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 82-51-240-7735, Fax: 82-51-243-2259 E-mail: ahnsc@pusan.ac.kr»,,, w (6, 16), (26), š w ƒ (12, 16) n w, w, z š. w» ƒ, ƒœ ù t œ s» w ƒ. v 20% w ƒœ w vƒ ù w š s» w w y w v š (3). flavonoid yw naringin hesperidin š naringenin hesperetin rutin, diosmine, nobiletin, tangeretin 60 flavonoidƒ w (10, 20, 23). y w y, y» y, w, w», w, w³, w, w,, x y š (1, 4, 9, 18, 24). w flavonoid yw xk flavonoid 50-80% w w glucose, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose, y α-1,4ù β-1,4 w wš. naringin hesperidin xk w (3), w xk naringin hesperidin y w naringenin hesperetin w w y,, w y 124

Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 125. ù ü (Microbial Models of Mammalian Metabolism)w xk in vitro z ù w w xk y w, y y w ù yww yw ù yw w k m w w w xk y z z w ³ w y k. ³ w zwš z y w p w ƒw ù ƒ jš ü z y z mw w y y ƒ ù w y» w (7). ³ ƒ wš, w³y, y w y x ³ ù Ÿ w ƒ š ³ ƒ ù w w z š. w ³ wz w y y g ü w y y w šƒ ³ ³ ƒ y ³ w z ƒ ƒwš (19, 25). w p ³ ½e w y wš ³ w z g e ƒ w e e w w ³ w z ƒ ƒ y wš x ww. w³y ³ ƒ ½e»k m z t wš w þ w. z, 24 ü ³ 10 w 100 µl w ³ nystatin w w w ³ ƒ ùkú ¾ 30 o C w» w. ³ w w» w ³ MRS agar ³ k (17) w. ³ w³y w ³ w z w p 16S rdna 28 1,524»¾ 1,497 bp» w z CLUSTAL W software (EBI, UK) wš w (27). w³y w³ d w ³ x spoton-the-lawn method (5) w w³y w. ³ MRS 2z w 30 C o 16-18 w z š 3µl wš 30 C o 18 w. Colonyƒ x w x³ 5 10 6-5 10 7 CFU/ml w MRS soft agar (MRS+ agar 0.7%) 8 ml ³ w z, spot w y j» w³y w. ³ w³ well-diffusion assay w (5). x³ 1% w MRS soft agar (0.7%) 8 mm well š ³ 100 µl ƒw ƒ x³ 18 w well ùkù y j» ³ w³ y w. w, w³y ùkü ³ 1 N NaOH ƒw yw ù α-chymotrypsin, trypsin, protease type IX type XIV wz w, x³ w w³y w w³y,» y w. z w z û ƒ (23, ª ) w w w., s³ 11.0 Brix, 0.85, z ww» wš, x ¾ -20 o C w. ³ z w» MRS (Difco, USA) w š, v w ƒw. L. lactis W-44 50 ml MRSƒ ƒ 250 ml Erlenmyer flask 18 w z, 200 ml MRSƒ ƒ 250 ml Erlenmyer flask 28 o C 150 rpm k w, s 600 nm Ÿ d w ùkü. ³ agar 1.5% (w/v)ƒ sw MRS w š w š, 4 w w w. Flavonoid z y flavonoid w w» w methanol (MeOH) 2 q w, œ» w. MeOH xkw z chloroform, butanol w zwš ƒ z k z MeOH w 5 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml š w high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)w. naringenin hesperetin w d w» w HPLC Shimadzu LC-6A (Shimadzu, Japan), YMC ODS-18 (4.6 250 mm, S-4 µm, YMC, Japan) column, 0.01% trifluoroacetica acid (Sigma Co., USA)ƒ w 30% acetonitrile (Merck Co., Germany), 1.0 ml/min photodiode array (Shimadzu, Japan)ƒ e» w (21). flavonoid t naringenin (Sigma Co., USA) hesperetin (Sigma Co., USA) w

126 Min Soo Kim et al. Kor. J. Microbiol HPLC w. HPLC» mw flavonoid peak d w w e w w y w. x y x e e ü e w e w w y w z x w. x x, s³ 8.94±1.04 cm, 8.5±2.94 g w. x ƒ 115 2 ton (φ 150 100 cm) ³ x FRP 7 e k w. x q e w z 0.02-10% ƒw g w. n 1.0% 2-3z/ œ w 16 n w. z ƒw n w w. ü 1 ton, 1 15-18z y g. x», (DOmeter, DO-14P), ph (ph-meter, HM-12P), Ÿw (S/ Mill-E, ATAGO) w 1 d w. š w³y ³ ½e ³ MRS agar w w 600 ³ x spot-on-the-lawn method (5) w w³y w w³y ƒ w ³ W-44 w. ³ W-44 ³, j» 0.6-0.7 1.1-1.55 µm. w W-44 16S rdna 28 1524»¾ 1,497 bp» w ³ 16S rdna» CLUSTAL W software (EBI, UK) w z, evolutionary distance phylogenetic tree w Lactococcus lactis ATCC19435 Lactococcus lactis ATCC19257 ƒƒ 100, 99.4% ew y wš, L. lactis W-44 w (Fig. 1). L. lactis W-44 w³y L. lactis W-44 ³ ƒ w w³y w» w well-diffusion assay x³ w w³ w Table 1 ùkü. x³ Lactobacillus 8 ³, Leuconostoc 5 ³ Pediococcus w ³ ƒ w. ³ q³ Listeria monocytogenes KCTC 3710 w Candida albicans KCTC 1940, Bacillus subtilis KCTC 1013 Staphylococcus aureus KCTC 1928 w w³y ùkù ³ w³ y y w. w L. lactis W-44 wz α-chymotrypsin w w³y w, w³y L. lactis W-44ƒ w w³ peptide. Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rdna sequences showing the position of L. lactis W-44. Scale bar represents 0.01 substitution per nucleotide position. Table 1. Antimicrobial spectrum of L. lactis W-44 Test microorganisms Antimicrobial activity Lactobacillus brevis subsp. brevis KCTC 3498 + Lactobacillus plantarum KCTC 3099 +++ Lactobacillus plantarum MT-13 + Lactobacillus viridesceus KCTC 3504 ++ Lactobacillus parabuchineri KCTC 3503 +++ Lactobacillus vaginalis KCTC 3515 + Lactobacillus confusus KCTC 3499 ++ Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei KCTC 3510 +++ Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides KCTC 3531 ++ Leuconostoc carnosum KCTC 3525 + Leuconostoc lactis KCTC 3528 ++ Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCTC 3100 +++ Leuconostoc mesenteroides supsp. dextranicum KCTC 3530 ++++ Pediococcus dextrinicus KCTC 3506 ++++ Listeria monocytogenes KCTC 3710 ++ Staphylococcus aureus R209 KCTC 1928 - Escherichia coli KCTC 1924 - Bacillus cereus KCTC 1013 - Candida albicans KCTC 1940 - +, weak; ++, middle; +++, strong; ++++, very strong; -, none

Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 127 Fig. 2. Changes in the composition of naringenin and hesperitin in the citrus (Citrus sinensis) fruit fermented by L. lactis W-44. L. lactis W-44 z w ü naringenin hesperetin w y MRS 10% (v/v) ƒw, ƒ ³w z, L. lactis W-44 w 28 C o 150 rpm k w z ww. Naringenin hesperitin w L. lactis W-44 124, 188 ng/g ù, 7 z 1295, 1105 ng/g» w 10.4, 5.9 ƒw (Fig. 2). w naringenin hesperitin w L. lactis W-44 s óù exponential phase» l ƒw» w, ü w k š flavonoid w k w». z ƒ e z L. lactis W-44 z z (0.02-10%, v/w) ƒw n w 16 w 4 d w Table 2 3 t w. Table 2 ùkù x z, z ƒw 15.9±1.8 cm 177% ùkü, 0.2% z ƒw x 15.8±1.9-16.6± 1.8 178-186% ùký w 4.5% z ùkü. w, Table 3 t w 50.5±16.9 g 579% ùkü, 0.2% z ƒw x 700% e ùký w 20.9% z ùkü. wr, s x w e w 13%, ƒ x 9-15% ƒ x ù( ), w j ƒ z n w. z w e z L. lactis W-44 ³ ³ w w³y, vü y x flavonoids k» w, w x z e w» ƒ wš. x e x mw ³ w z z w e w, xw» w ƒe ƒ» w». Table 2. Changes of total length of Paralichthys olivaceus by oral administration of citrus fruit fermented by L. lactis W-44 Treatment concentration Total length (cm) Growth rate Relative growth rate Initial Final Control 9.00±1.01 15.94±1.85 177 100.0 0.02 8.87±1.05 15.79±1.89 178 100.6 0.1 8.98±1.05 16.42±1.88 183 102.8 0.2 8.92±1.00 16.61±1.75 186 104.5 10 8.92±1.10 15.94±1.72 178 100.6 Table 3. Changes of body weight of Paralichthys olivaceus by oral administration of citrus fermented by L. lactis W-44 Treatment concentration Average body weight (g) Growth rate Relative growth rate Initial Final Control 8.71±2.89 50.47±16.91 579 100.0 0.02% 8.40±2.95 48.84±16.51 581 100.3 0.1% 8.61±3.11 58.06±19.42 674 116.4 0.2% 8.34±2.64 58.41±16.49 700 120.9 10% 8.44±3.09 49.24±15.58 583 100.7

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Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 129 ABSTRACT : Effect of Citrus Fermented by Lactococcus lactis W-44 Isolated from Kimchi on Growth of Cultured Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus Min Soo Kim 1, Sang Wook Moon 2, Young Don Lee 3, Se Jae Kim 4, Yeong Jin Kim 5, Jun Won Lee 6, Jeong Hee Lee 7, Jung Sook Lee 1, Bo Yeon Kim 1, Jong Seog Ahn 1, and Soon Cheol Ahn 5 * (1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2 Fermentech Co., 3 Marine and Environment Research Institute, Cheju National University, 4 Department of Biological Science, Cheju National University, 5 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, 6 Medical Research Center For Gene Regulation, Medical School, Chonnam National University, 7 Il Hae Co.) We evaluated the use of citrus fruit fermented by lactic acid bacteria, as a feed supplement for flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) cultivation. For the fermentation, a lactic acid bacterial strain W-44 showing antibacterial activity was isolated from kimchi. From the phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rdna sequence, the strain W- 44 was identified as Lactococcus lactis. After the fermentation of citrus fruit with L. lactis W-44, the contents of naringenin and hesperetin, bioactive flavonoid aglycones, were increased about ten-fold and six-fold, respectively. The effects of fermented citrus fruit-based feed additives (CFBFA) were tested on the growth of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. There were significant differences in average total length and body weight between the experimental and control group. The growth rate of the experimental group fed with the 0.2% CFBFA-supplemented diet was increased 4.5% and 20.9% more than the control group in total length and body weight, respectively. These results suggest that the fermented citrus fruit could be used as a functional feed additive for flounder cultivation.

The Korean Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 43, No. 2, June 2007, p. 124-129 Copyright 2007, The Microbiological Society of Korea ½e w Lactococcus lactis W-44 w z e e w ½ 1 Á 2 Á 3 Á½ 4 Á½ 5 Á 6 Á 7 Á 1 Á½ 1 Á 1 Á 5 * w œw 'FSNFOUFDI w w y w w w w w w û w w w l w ³ w z g z ƒ ƒ e (Paralichthys olivaceus) mw. ½e w³y w ³ W-44 w z 16S rdna» mw Lactococcus lactis W-44 w. L. lactis W-44 w z ww, y w flavonoids naringenin, hesperitin w ƒƒ 10 6 ƒw y w. L. lactis W-44 w z z e ƒ n w, z n w s³ ƒ x w ƒ. w 0.2% (v/v) z n w x e ƒ w ùkû. w l ³ z e» ƒ w ƒ y w. Key words ý citrus fruit, fermentation, flounder cultivation, lactic acid bacteria ü 1990 z l w w ³ ƒ xy š, w»y y ƒƒeƒ t y, š y. e(paralichthys olivaceus) Ÿ ù, i, w sw, 10-27 o C š, w (2). e v ü ü ewš, 2003, e 13,000-15,000m š (2, 19). ù ƒw y y ü w w wš š, w» w x w w w ü ³ xw w e z ƒ y wš. w w û ü ƒ w wì w 2, p w ü w y w ƒ (8). w w w,» w, w ƒ w ƒ w š(11, 13, 22, 25), *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 82-51-240-7735, Fax: 82-51-243-2259 E-mail: ahnsc@pusan.ac.kr»,,, w (6, 16), (26), š w ƒ (12, 16) n w, w, z š. w» ƒ, ƒœ ù t œ s» w ƒ. v 20% w ƒœ w vƒ ù w š s» w w y w v š (3). flavonoid yw naringin hesperidin š naringenin hesperetin rutin, diosmine, nobiletin, tangeretin 60 flavonoidƒ w (10, 20, 23). y w y, y» y, w, w», w, w³, w, w,, x y š (1, 4, 9, 18, 24). w flavonoid yw xk flavonoid 50-80% w w glucose, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose, y α-1,4ù β-1,4 w wš. naringin hesperidin xk w (3), w xk naringin hesperidin y w naringenin hesperetin w w y,, w y 124

Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 125. ù ü (Microbial Models of Mammalian Metabolism)w xk in vitro z ù w w xk y w, y y w ù yww yw ù yw w k m w w w xk y z z w ³ w y k. ³ w zwš z y w p w ƒw ù ƒ jš ü z y z mw w y y ƒ ù w y» w (7). ³ ƒ wš, w³y, y w y x ³ ù Ÿ w ƒ š ³ ƒ ù w w z š. w ³ wz w y y g ü w y y w šƒ ³ ³ ƒ y ³ w z ƒ ƒwš (19, 25). w p ³ ½e w y wš ³ w z g e ƒ w e e w w ³ w z ƒ ƒ y wš x ww. w³y ³ ƒ ½e»k m z t wš w þ w. z, 24 ü ³ 10 w 100 µl w ³ nystatin w w w ³ ƒ ùkú ¾ 30 o C w» w. ³ w w» w ³ MRS agar ³ k (17) w. ³ w³y w ³ w z w p 16S rdna 28 1,524»¾ 1,497 bp» w z CLUSTAL W software (EBI, UK) wš w (27). w³y w³ d w ³ x spoton-the-lawn method (5) w w³y w. ³ MRS 2z w 30 C o 16-18 w z š 3µl wš 30 C o 18 w. Colonyƒ x w x³ 5 10 6-5 10 7 CFU/ml w MRS soft agar (MRS+ agar 0.7%) 8 ml ³ w z, spot w y j» w³y w. ³ w³ well-diffusion assay w (5). x³ 1% w MRS soft agar (0.7%) 8 mm well š ³ 100 µl ƒw ƒ x³ 18 w well ùkù y j» ³ w³ y w. w, w³y ùkü ³ 1 N NaOH ƒw yw ù α-chymotrypsin, trypsin, protease type IX type XIV wz w, x³ w w³y w w³y,» y w. z w z û ƒ (23, ª ) w w w., s³ 11.0 Brix, 0.85, z ww» wš, x ¾ -20 o C w. ³ z w» MRS (Difco, USA) w š, v w ƒw. L. lactis W-44 50 ml MRSƒ ƒ 250 ml Erlenmyer flask 18 w z, 200 ml MRSƒ ƒ 250 ml Erlenmyer flask 28 o C 150 rpm k w, s 600 nm Ÿ d w ùkü. ³ agar 1.5% (w/v)ƒ sw MRS w š w š, 4 w w w. Flavonoid z y flavonoid w w» w methanol (MeOH) 2 q w, œ» w. MeOH xkw z chloroform, butanol w zwš ƒ z k z MeOH w 5 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml š w high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)w. naringenin hesperetin w d w» w HPLC Shimadzu LC-6A (Shimadzu, Japan), YMC ODS-18 (4.6 250 mm, S-4 µm, YMC, Japan) column, 0.01% trifluoroacetica acid (Sigma Co., USA)ƒ w 30% acetonitrile (Merck Co., Germany), 1.0 ml/min photodiode array (Shimadzu, Japan)ƒ e» w (21). flavonoid t naringenin (Sigma Co., USA) hesperetin (Sigma Co., USA) w

126 Min Soo Kim et al. Kor. J. Microbiol HPLC w. HPLC» mw flavonoid peak d w w e w w y w. x y x e e ü e w e w w y w z x w. x x, s³ 8.94±1.04 cm, 8.5±2.94 g w. x ƒ 115 2 ton (φ 150 100 cm) ³ x FRP 7 e k w. x q e w z 0.02-10% ƒw g w. n 1.0% 2-3z/ œ w 16 n w. z ƒw n w w. ü 1 ton, 1 15-18z y g. x», (DOmeter, DO-14P), ph (ph-meter, HM-12P), Ÿw (S/ Mill-E, ATAGO) w 1 d w. š w³y ³ ½e ³ MRS agar w w 600 ³ x spot-on-the-lawn method (5) w w³y w w³y ƒ w ³ W-44 w. ³ W-44 ³, j» 0.6-0.7 1.1-1.55 µm. w W-44 16S rdna 28 1524»¾ 1,497 bp» w ³ 16S rdna» CLUSTAL W software (EBI, UK) w z, evolutionary distance phylogenetic tree w Lactococcus lactis ATCC19435 Lactococcus lactis ATCC19257 ƒƒ 100, 99.4% ew y wš, L. lactis W-44 w (Fig. 1). L. lactis W-44 w³y L. lactis W-44 ³ ƒ w w³y w» w well-diffusion assay x³ w w³ w Table 1 ùkü. x³ Lactobacillus 8 ³, Leuconostoc 5 ³ Pediococcus w ³ ƒ w. ³ q³ Listeria monocytogenes KCTC 3710 w Candida albicans KCTC 1940, Bacillus subtilis KCTC 1013 Staphylococcus aureus KCTC 1928 w w³y ùkù ³ w³ y y w. w L. lactis W-44 wz α-chymotrypsin w w³y w, w³y L. lactis W-44ƒ w w³ peptide. Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rdna sequences showing the position of L. lactis W-44. Scale bar represents 0.01 substitution per nucleotide position. Table 1. Antimicrobial spectrum of L. lactis W-44 Test microorganisms Antimicrobial activity Lactobacillus brevis subsp. brevis KCTC 3498 + Lactobacillus plantarum KCTC 3099 +++ Lactobacillus plantarum MT-13 + Lactobacillus viridesceus KCTC 3504 ++ Lactobacillus parabuchineri KCTC 3503 +++ Lactobacillus vaginalis KCTC 3515 + Lactobacillus confusus KCTC 3499 ++ Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei KCTC 3510 +++ Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides KCTC 3531 ++ Leuconostoc carnosum KCTC 3525 + Leuconostoc lactis KCTC 3528 ++ Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCTC 3100 +++ Leuconostoc mesenteroides supsp. dextranicum KCTC 3530 ++++ Pediococcus dextrinicus KCTC 3506 ++++ Listeria monocytogenes KCTC 3710 ++ Staphylococcus aureus R209 KCTC 1928 - Escherichia coli KCTC 1924 - Bacillus cereus KCTC 1013 - Candida albicans KCTC 1940 - +, weak; ++, middle; +++, strong; ++++, very strong; -, none

Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 127 Fig. 2. Changes in the composition of naringenin and hesperitin in the citrus (Citrus sinensis) fruit fermented by L. lactis W-44. L. lactis W-44 z w ü naringenin hesperetin w y MRS 10% (v/v) ƒw, ƒ ³w z, L. lactis W-44 w 28 C o 150 rpm k w z ww. Naringenin hesperitin w L. lactis W-44 124, 188 ng/g ù, 7 z 1295, 1105 ng/g» w 10.4, 5.9 ƒw (Fig. 2). w naringenin hesperitin w L. lactis W-44 s óù exponential phase» l ƒw» w, ü w k š flavonoid w k w». z ƒ e z L. lactis W-44 z z (0.02-10%, v/w) ƒw n w 16 w 4 d w Table 2 3 t w. Table 2 ùkù x z, z ƒw 15.9±1.8 cm 177% ùkü, 0.2% z ƒw x 15.8±1.9-16.6± 1.8 178-186% ùký w 4.5% z ùkü. w, Table 3 t w 50.5±16.9 g 579% ùkü, 0.2% z ƒw x 700% e ùký w 20.9% z ùkü. wr, s x w e w 13%, ƒ x 9-15% ƒ x ù( ), w j ƒ z n w. z w e z L. lactis W-44 ³ ³ w w³y, vü y x flavonoids k» w, w x z e w» ƒ wš. x e x mw ³ w z z w e w, xw» w ƒe ƒ» w». Table 2. Changes of total length of Paralichthys olivaceus by oral administration of citrus fruit fermented by L. lactis W-44 Treatment concentration Total length (cm) Growth rate Relative growth rate Initial Final Control 9.00±1.01 15.94±1.85 177 100.0 0.02 8.87±1.05 15.79±1.89 178 100.6 0.1 8.98±1.05 16.42±1.88 183 102.8 0.2 8.92±1.00 16.61±1.75 186 104.5 10 8.92±1.10 15.94±1.72 178 100.6 Table 3. Changes of body weight of Paralichthys olivaceus by oral administration of citrus fermented by L. lactis W-44 Treatment concentration Average body weight (g) Growth rate Relative growth rate Initial Final Control 8.71±2.89 50.47±16.91 579 100.0 0.02% 8.40±2.95 48.84±16.51 581 100.3 0.1% 8.61±3.11 58.06±19.42 674 116.4 0.2% 8.34±2.64 58.41±16.49 700 120.9 10% 8.44±3.09 49.24±15.58 583 100.7

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Vol. 43, No. 2 z e e w 129 ABSTRACT : Effect of Citrus Fermented by Lactococcus lactis W-44 Isolated from Kimchi on Growth of Cultured Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus Min Soo Kim 1, Sang Wook Moon 2, Young Don Lee 3, Se Jae Kim 4, Yeong Jin Kim 5, Jun Won Lee 6, Jeong Hee Lee 7, Jung Sook Lee 1, Bo Yeon Kim 1, Jong Seog Ahn 1, and Soon Cheol Ahn 5 * (1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2 Fermentech Co., 3 Marine and Environment Research Institute, Cheju National University, 4 Department of Biological Science, Cheju National University, 5 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, 6 Medical Research Center For Gene Regulation, Medical School, Chonnam National University, 7 Il Hae Co.) We evaluated the use of citrus fruit fermented by lactic acid bacteria, as a feed supplement for flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) cultivation. For the fermentation, a lactic acid bacterial strain W-44 showing antibacterial activity was isolated from kimchi. From the phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rdna sequence, the strain W- 44 was identified as Lactococcus lactis. After the fermentation of citrus fruit with L. lactis W-44, the contents of naringenin and hesperetin, bioactive flavonoid aglycones, were increased about ten-fold and six-fold, respectively. The effects of fermented citrus fruit-based feed additives (CFBFA) were tested on the growth of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. There were significant differences in average total length and body weight between the experimental and control group. The growth rate of the experimental group fed with the 0.2% CFBFA-supplemented diet was increased 4.5% and 20.9% more than the control group in total length and body weight, respectively. These results suggest that the fermented citrus fruit could be used as a functional feed additive for flounder cultivation.