W: Can I help you? M: Hi. I m Frank Smith. I m here to confirm my reservation for a flight to Singapore next week. W: Let me see. [typing sound] Hmm.

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2007 학년도대학수학능력시험외국어영역듣기대본 M: How may I help you, ma am? W: I m looking for a blanket to go with my mattress covers. M: What size are the covers? W: Queen size. M: Do they have any patterns? W: Yes, they do. One has flowers and the other has stripes. M: Well, in that case, I think a plain blanket would be good. W: You mean one with no patterns? Why is that? M: Too many different patterns don t go well together. Besides, we re currently offering two plain blankets for the price of one. W: Sounds great. I ll go for it.

W: Can I help you? M: Hi. I m Frank Smith. I m here to confirm my reservation for a flight to Singapore next week. W: Let me see. [typing sound] Hmm. There seems to be a problem. M: What do you mean? Can t I have a vegetarian meal? W: It s not that. Your reservation has been canceled. M: Are you kidding? What are you talking about? I booked it ages ago. W: I m sorry, but you didn t pay for the ticket. M: Of course I paid for it. Just a minute. I ll call the bank to check. W: OK. [pause] M: Umm... I don t know what to say. There is no record of the payment. It must have slipped my mind.

M: These are full-scale models of human beings. They weigh the same as humans, and their arms and legs perform the same motions. They are made to simulate the behavior of a human body in a motor-vehicle crash, and to record as much data as possible during the simulation. They are very important for the development of new makes and models of all types of vehicles, from family cars to aircraft.

W: Is there anything to eat, George? I m starving. M: I thought there was some pizza in the refrigerator, dear, but it s gone. W: I don t feel like cooking. Why don t we order out? M: OK. Let s get some Chinese food. W: No, it s too greasy. How about Korean food instead? M: Now you mention it, I d like a Korean meal. W: The restaurant down the street is pretty good. M: I ve forgotten their phone number. Can you find it for me? W: Sure! I ll look it up for you. [pause] It s 3104-3699. M: OK. What would you like? W: Well, I love Bibimbap. M: Anything else? W: No, just ask them to make it quick.

W: Next, please. [pause] I m sorry to have kept you waiting. M: What took you so long? I ve been waiting for almost half an hour. W: I m afraid some computers in our office were infected with a virus. They ve just been fixed. M: I see. W: May I have your name and student ID number, please? M: Johnson Stoneham, SC453679. W: OK. Let s see. [typing sound] Your school fees for this semester are 4,900 dollars. M: Do I have to pay late fees as well? I know I m a little late. W: No. You re OK. Late fees will be charged from next week. M: Thank you very much.

[Mobile phone rings.] M: Is that you, honey? What s up? W: I m trying to get into our apartment, but the new doorlock seems to be out of order. M: Really? Why don t you call customer service? W: I already did. They re going to send a man to fix it. M: I see. How long is it going to take him to arrive? W: They said no more than thirty minutes. M: And what are you going to do in the meantime? W: Actually, I d like to get your suit from the dry cleaner s before they close. M: That s a good idea. [slight pause] Don t worry. I ll be home in ten minutes. I ll take care of the problem. W: Thanks. See you soon.

W: Today is a special day. Jane and Kevin are having their second wedding ceremony. You might think this is unusual, but they have gone through an extremely difficult time. Kevin had a car accident three years ago, and his legs were paralyzed. Jane lovingly took care of her husband, and a miracle happened: He was able to walk again. So, they are going to confirm their love with this ceremony. You ve guessed it! This is the latest episode of the popular soap opera, Forever Love. It will be on Channel 12 at 9:30 this evening, as scheduled. Don t miss it.

M: Can you make one copy of this document? It has 100 pages. W: Certainly, sir. Do you want color, or black and white? M: Just black and white. How much will that be? W: We charge five cents a page for black and white. M: Do you do binding? W: Yes, sir. There s a three-dollar extra charge. M: OK. Please bind the copies. When will it be finished? W: We re in the middle of an urgent job right now, so it will take about two hours. M: Two hours? In that case I ll have lunch, and I ll be back to pick it up later. W: OK. That s 100 black and white copies plus binding.

W: Matthew, look at those old pots behind the glass. M: You mean, over there in the section on ancient pottery? W: Yes. I never imagined that all these old things could be so interesting. M: You re right. I ve learned about them in school. But they seem so real here. W: I know. You can imagine them being used in real life. M: It s like watching a documentary, or moving back in time. W: Do you think that things from our lives will be put here in the future? M: Of course. In years to come, this building will have exhibitions about our lifestyles, including fashion, sport, shopping, and everything else. W: Wow! I ve never thought about that before.

M: Hi, Jennifer. What s new? W: Not much. I m organizing these documents. M: That s what you say every time I see you these days. W: I know. I have all these documents to organize, but there s no room in this office to put all the folders. M: Haven t you heard of a scanner? W: No. What do you mean? M: You scan your documents, and save them as computer files. Then, you can have more space in your office. I use mine all the time. W: Wow! I didn t know there was such a thing. Can I borrow yours? M: Yes. I ll bring it to your office right now. It s very easy to use. W: Thanks. You re an angel. M: You ll be surprised how much it will help you. W: Let s have dinner tonight after I finish scanning. I ll treat you.

W: Jack, what are you doing? M: Hey, Julia. I want to buy a notebook computer, so I m looking at this price comparison site. W: Ah, have you decided which one you re going to buy? M: Yes. Model PJ6370. You can see it here on the screen. W: I see what you mean. How much are you willing to pay? M: Up to 1,500 dollars. W: And how about the warranty period? M: It should be two years at least. W: Why don t you get an extra battery? M: I don t really need one, but I d like a wireless mouse. W: Well, it seems like there s only one place to buy it from. M: You re right. This site is so helpful.

[news music] M: This is Tommy Jones with the Morning News. Here are today s headlines: Researchers have found a treatment for cancer using wild mushrooms. A United Nations report says that the number of polar bears is rapidly decreasing. The Best Director s Prize at the Venice Film Festival went to a Korean director. Doctors warn about the increasing number of overweight children. That s all for now. I ll be back in a few minutes. [news music]

M: Hi, I d like to get a refund for my bike. W: Could you wait over there? I ll be with you in a minute. M: Hold your racket and keep your eyes on the ball. W: OK. I ll do my best. I ve never done this before. M: Keep pedaling. You ll soon be able to ride by yourself. W: Wow, this is great fun. Don t let go. M: Wake up. It s time to try your new bike. W: But I m doing my math homework now. M: Sweetheart! Please put your helmet on. W: What helmet? Oh, I forgot to bring it.

M: Hi, Grandma. W: Hello, Sammie. Where are you off to? M: It s Saturday, so I m going to play football in the park with my friends. W: Didn t you hear the weather forecast? M: No, I didn t. Why? What s the problem? W: There s a heavy rainstorm coming soon. You shouldn t go outside. M: What do you mean, Grandma? It s not raining. I m sure it ll be OK. W: Can t you see the clouds coming? And the wind is getting stronger. M: But I ve promised to meet my friends. Please let me go. W:

M: I m sorry I m late. W: That s all right. I ve been reading the newspaper. M: I really enjoyed going to the zoo last week. Where are we going today? W: I thought we could visit the art galleries downtown. M: OK. Is there anything interesting? W: Let s have a look in the newspaper. [pause] Here it is. M: Oh, yes. There s an exhibition of video art in the town hall. W: You like video art, don t you? M: Yes, I love it. W: But I don t like all those flashing screens and bright lights. M:

W: Hi, Eric. Thanks a lot for helping me with the flat tire the other day. M: Oh, don t mention it. By the way, my dad bought me a guitar yesterday. Do you know anyone who has a guitar book? W: Why? Are you planning to take guitar lessons? M: No. I m going to practice by myself. W: Are you? My uncle runs a record shop and gives free guitar lessons. M: Really? Could I take some lessons from him? W: Yes, you could. But his shop is about three hours away by car. M: Oh, dear! W: Don t be disappointed. I ll teach you. I learned from my uncle. M: That ll be great, though I know you re busy these days. W:

W: Peter walks into the kitchen and finds his father preparing the breakfast. It seems that his mother became ill during the night, and will have to stay in bed for some time. So, Peter goes to his mother and tells her not to worry and to get well soon. He even volunteers to do the cooking for the family until she gets well again. Peter s mother is deeply impressed by his kind offer, though she has already arranged for his aunt to come and do the cooking. In this situation, what would Peter s mother most probably say to him? Peter s mother: