Antony and Cleopatra Webster's Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC, and AP Test Preparation William Shakespeare TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Adv

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Antony and Cleopatra Webster's Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC, and AP Test Preparation William Shakespeare TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Adv

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step 1-1


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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권두 칼럼 쁜 활동과 끊임없이 따라다니는 질투와 감시의 눈길을 피해 스도의 부활을 목격했기 때문이었다. 다시 사신 그리스도를 예수께서 이 집에 오시면 언제나 정성이 가득 담긴 음식을 그들이 눈으로 보고 손으로 만져 보았는데 도무지 아니라고 대접받고 휴식을 취했던 것으로



Being friends with the face in the mirror

합격기원 2012년 12월 정기모의고사 해설.hwp


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Until I Make Your Enemies(k)


272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울


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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구











Free ebooks ==> ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA WEBSTER'S KOREAN THESAURUS EDITION for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC, and AP Test Preparation William Shakespeare TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.

Antony and Cleopatra Webster's Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC, and AP Test Preparation William Shakespeare TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.

Free ebooks ==> ii ICON CLASSICS Published by ICON Group International, Inc. 7404 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 USA Antony and Cleopatra: Webster's Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC, and AP Test Preparation This edition published by ICON Classics in 2005 Printed in the United States of America. Copyright 2005 by ICON Group International, Inc. Edited by Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. (INSEAD); Copyright 2005, all rights reserved. All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Copying our publications in whole or in part, for whatever reason, is a violation of copyright laws and can lead to penalties and fines. Should you want to copy tables, graphs, or other materials, please contact us to request permission (E-mail: ICON Group often grants permission for very limited reproduction of our publications for internal use, press releases, and academic research. Such reproduction requires confirmed permission from ICON Group International, Inc. TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-497-90027-0

iii Contents PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR... 1 PERSONS REPRESENTED... 2 ACT I... 4 ACT II... 32 ACT III... 76 ACT IV... 121 ACT V... 157 GLOSSARY... 182

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William Shakespeare 1 PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR Webster s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in English courses. By using a running English-to- thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this edition of Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare was edited for three audiences. The first includes -speaking students enrolled in an English Language Program (ELP), an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) program, an English as a Second Language Program (ESL), or in a TOEFL or TOEIC preparation program. The second audience includes English-speaking students enrolled in bilingual education programs or speakers enrolled in English speaking schools. The third audience consists of students who are actively building their vocabularies in in order to take foreign service, translation certification, Advanced Placement (AP ) 1 or similar examinations. By using the Webster's Thesaurus Edition when assigned for an English course, the reader can enrich their vocabulary in anticipation of an examination in or English. Webster s edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of difficult and potentially ambiguous English words. Rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are given lower priority compared to difficult, yet commonly used words. Rather than supply a single translation, many words are translated for a variety of meanings in, allowing readers to better grasp the ambiguity of English, and avoid them using the notes as a pure translation crutch. Having the reader decipher a word s meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If a difficult word is not translated on a page, chances are that it has been translated on a previous page. A more complete glossary of translations is supplied at the end of the book; translations are extracted from Webster s Online Dictionary. Definitions of remaining terms as well as translations can be found at Please send suggestions to The Editor Webster s Online Dictionary 1 TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.

Free ebooks ==> 2 Antony and Cleopatra PERSONS % REPRESENTED MARK ANTONY, OCTAVIUS CAESAR, } triumvirs M. AEMILIUS LEPIDUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS, VENTIDIUS, EROS, SCARUS, DERCETAS, DEMETRIUS, PHILO, MAECENAS, AGRIPPA, DOLABELLA, PROCULEIUS, THYREUS, GALLUS, MENAS, MENECRATES, } VARRIUS, } } friends to Caesar friends to Pompey friends to Antony TAURUS, Lieutenant-General to Caesar CANIDIUS, Lieutenant-General to Antony SILIUS, an Officer in Ventidius's army EUPHRONIUS, an Ambassador from Antony to Caesar army: 육군, 군대, 큰무리, 큰무리떼, 단체.

William Shakespeare 3 ALEXAS, MARDIAN, } SELEUCUS, attendants %on Cleopatra DIOMEDES, CHARMIAN, IRAS, A SOOTHSAYER A CLOWN CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt OCTAVIA, sister to Caesar and wife to Antony OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, MESSENGERS, and other ATTENDANTS sister: 자매, 누이, 언니, 자매의, 수녀, 짝의, 여자친구, 여자형제, 여성단체, 부인회, 동생. wife: 여자, 처, 아내, 부인.

Free ebooks ==> 4 Antony and Cleopatra ACT I SCENE I. ALEXANDRIA. A ROOM IN CLEOPATRA'S PALACE. % [Enter DEMETRIUS and PHILO.] PHILO. Nay, but this dotage of our general's O'erflows the measure: those his goodly eyes, That o'er the files and musters of the war Have glow'd like plated Mars, now bend, now turn, The office and devotion of their view Upon a tawny front: his captain's heart, Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst The buckles on his breast, reneges all temper, And is become the bellows and the fan To cool a gipsy's lust. [Flourish within.] Look where they come: Take but good note, and you shall see in him The triple pillar of the world transform'd alexandria: 나일강어귀의항구, 알렉산드리아. bellows: 풀무, 주름상자, 폐, 주름상자. bend: 구부리다, 굴복시키다, 굽히다, 굴곡, 주시하다 - 굽다, 결삭, 경향, 힘을쏟다 - 굽이, 당기다, 기울이다, 굴복하다. breast: 가슴, 유방, 흉부, 무릅쓰다, 가슴에받다, 가슴통을달다, 가슴을대다, 가슴모양의부분, 대담하게 맞서다, 젖퉁이, 헤치고나아가다. pillar: 기둥, 주석, 기둥모양의것, cool: 시원한, 냉담한, 차가운, 기둥모양의우체통, 기둥으로뻔뻔스러운, 식다, 냉정히, 냉정, 받치다, 붉은기둥모양의우체통. 훌륭한, 냉기, 정미, 가라앉히다. plated: 도금한, 장갑의. devotion: 귀의, 헌신, 애착, 전념, tawny: 황갈색, 황갈색의. 기도, 전렴. triple: 세부분으로된, 세겹의, dotage: 노망, 익애, 망령, 맹목적애정, 삼중으로되다, 삼배의수, 삼배의양, 맹목적애정. 삼중으로하다, 삼배으로되다, goodly: 잘생긴, 상당한, 용모가삼루타, 삼배으로하다, 삼중의. 단정한, 훌륭한, 잘생긴, 큰. hath: 직설법, 현재.

William Shakespeare 5 Into a strumpet's fool: behold and see. [Enter ANTONY and CLEOPATRA, with their trains; Eunuchs fanning her.] If it be love indeed, tell me how much. % There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd. I'll set a bourn how far to be belov'd. Then must thou needs find out new heaven, new earth. [Enter an ATTENDANT.] ATTENDANT. News, my good lord, from Rome. Grates me:--the sum. Nay, hear them, Antony: Fulvia perchance is angry; or who knows If the scarce-bearded Caesar have not sent His powerful mandate to you: 'Do this or this; Take in that kingdom and enfranchise that; Perform't, or else we damn thee.' How, my love! Perchance! Nay, and most like:-- You must not stay here longer,--your dismission Is come from Caesar; therefore hear it, Antony. -- Where's Fulvia's process?--caesar's I would say?--both?-- beggary: 거지생활, 패거리, 극빈, 거지신세, 거지, 거지사회. behold: 보다. bourn: 시내, 목적지, 개울, 경계, 영역, 한계. damn: 저주하다, 빌어먹을, 파멸시키다, 비난하다, 제기랄, 지금도, 지금도 - 제기랄, 빌어먹을, 빌어먹을 - 조금, 욕을퍼붓다, 욕을퍼붓다. enfranchise: 석방하다, 공민권을 부여하다, 해방하다, 선거권을주다, 자치권을주다, 참정권을주다. fool: 바보, 속이다, 농담하다, 어리석은짓을하다, 어릿광대, 우롱하다, 희롱하다, 풀, 놀리다, 낭비하다, 바보취급을받는사람. heaven: 하늘, 천국, 상공, 하느님, 천제, 어머나. mandate: 위임, 요구, 명령, 훈령, 위임통치령으로하다, 위임통치령, 성직수임명령, 국제연맹이위임 통치국으로지정하다, 선거민의의원에대한요구, 직무집행영장, 특히성직수임의로마교황의명령. nay: 아니, 거절, 반대투표, 거부, 그뿐만아니라, 불가능하다, 그렇기는커녕, 그렇기는하나, 라기보다는, 반대, 뿐만아니라. needs: 꼭, 어떻게든지. perchance: 아마, 우연히, 어쩌면. thou: 너는, 네가, 달러, 당신은, 천개, 파운드.

Free ebooks ==> 6 Antony and Cleopatra Call in the messengers.--as I am Egypt's queen, Thou blushest, Antony; and that blood of thine Is Caesar's homager: else so thy cheek pays shame When shrill-tongu'd Fulvia scolds.--the messengers! Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch Of the rang'd empire fall! Here is my space. Kingdoms are clay: our dungy earth alike Feeds beast as man: the nobleness of life Is to do thus [Embracing]; when such a mutual pair And such a twain can do't, in which I bind, On pain of punishment, the world to weet We stand up peerless. % Excellent falsehood! Why did he marry Fulvia, and not love her?-- I'll seem the fool I am not; Antony Will be himself. But stirr'd by Cleopatra.-- Now, for the love of Love and her soft hours, Let's not confound the time with conference harsh: There's not a minute of our lives should stretch Without some pleasure now:--what sport to-night? Hear the ambassadors. Fie, wrangling queen! Whom everything becomes,--to chide, to laugh, To weep; whose every passion fully strives To make itself in thee fair and admir'd! beast: 짐승, 가축, 짐승같은놈, 식용소, 동물, 짐승같은사람, 축생, 네발짐승. cheek: 건방진말, 볼, 뺨, 궁둥이, 측면, 에게건방지게말하다, 건방지게굴다, 뻔뻔스러움, 철면피, 건방진행위, 건방진태도. chide: 꾸짖다, 꾸짖어쫓아내다, 미친듯이날뛰다, 에게잔소리하다, 미친듯이날뛰다. clay: 점토, 육체, 찰흙, 자질, 흙, 인격, 인품, 사기담뱃대, 천성, 진흙, 인체. confound: 혼동하다, 꺾다, 저주하다, 좌절시키다, 제기랄, 당황케하다, 곤혹케하다, 난처하게하다, 당황케하다, 제기랄가벼운욕망할자식, 제기랄망할자식. dungy: 더러운, 똥같은, 똥같은, 지저분한. melt: 녹다, 가엾은생각이나다, 녹아없어지다, 녹아섞이다, 풀리다, 용해, 누그러지다, 흩뜨리다, 감정따위가 누그러지다, 소리가부드럽게울려퍼지다, 부드럽게울려퍼지다. nobleness: 고결, 고상, 당당함, 장엄, 고매, 고귀, 장대, 웅장. thee: 너를, 너에게. thy: 그대의. weep: 울다, 흘리다, 눈물을흘리다, 슬퍼하다, 스며나오게하다, 물방울이듣다, 비탄하다, 스며내다, 에눈물을흘리다, 물기를내뿜다, 가지를축늘어뜨리다.

William Shakespeare 7 No messenger; but thine, and all alone To-night we'll wander through the streets and note The qualities of people. Come, my queen; Last night you did desire it:--speak not to us. % [Exeunt ANTONY and CLEOPATRA, with their Train.] DEMETRIUS. Is Caesar with Antonius priz'd so slight? PHILO. Sir, sometimes when he is not Antony, He comes too short of that great property Which still should go with Antony. DEMETRIUS. I am full sorry That he approves the common liar, who Thus speaks of him at Rome: but I will hope Of better deeds to-morrow. Rest you happy! [Exeunt.] SCENE II. ALEXANDRIA. ANOTHER ROOM IN CLEOPATRA'S PALACE. [Enter CHARMIAN, IRAS, ALEXAS, and a SOOTHSAYER.] CHARMIAN. Lord Alexas, sweet Alexas, most anything Alexas, almost most absolute Alexas, where's the soothsayer that you praised so to the queen? O that I knew this husband, which you say must charge his horns with garlands! ALEXAS. Soothsayer,-- absolute: 무조건의, 절대의, 전제의, 순수한, 기계어로쓰인, 절대온도의, 독립의. desire: 원하다, 정욕, 욕구, 바라다, 욕구 - 바라는것, 바라다 - 소원, 바라는것, 소원, 바람, 욕망, 희망. horns: 어느한쪽. husband: 남편, 절약하다, 절약가, 남편이되다, 검약하다. liar: 거짓말쟁이. messenger: 심부름꾼, 선구, 연줄에 달아바람에울게하는종이, 전조, 사자. o: 오, ㅇ자형, 알파벳 15 번째의문자, ㅇ자형의것, ㅇ형. queen: 왕비, 여왕, 퀸, 면, 여왕다운, 모기, 여왕으로서군림하다, 여왕의, 여왕벌, 퀸으로쓰다, 졸을퀸으로쓰다. slight: 경멸, 근소한, 약한, 얕보다, 적은, 훌쭉한, 가냘픈, 모자라는, 하찮은, 경시하다, 조금도. soothsayer: 점쟁이, 예언자. sweet: 단것, 사탕, 캔디, 친절한, 신선한, 상냥한, 상냥하게, 향기로운, 맛있는, 귀여운, 순조롭게. thine: 너의것. wander: 헤매다, 옆길로벗어나다, 헛소리하다, 오락가락하다, 두서없이되다, 길을잘못들다, 걸어돌아다니다, 꾸불꾸불흐르다, 꾸불꾸불이어지다, 종잡을수없게되다, 거닐다.

Free ebooks ==> 8 Antony and Cleopatra SOOTHSAYER. Your will? CHARMIAN. Is this the man?--is't you, sir, that know things? SOOTHSAYER. In nature's infinite book of secrecy A little I can read. % ALEXAS. [Enter ] Show him your hand. Bring in the banquet quickly; wine enough Cleopatra's health to drink. CHARMIAN. Good, sir, give me good fortune. SOOTHSAYER. I make not, but foresee. CHARMIAN. Pray, then, foresee me one. SOOTHSAYER. You shall be yet far fairer than you are. CHARMIAN. He means in flesh. IRAS. No, you shall paint when you are old. CHARMIAN. Wrinkles forbid! ALEXAS. Vex not his prescience; be attentive. attentive: 친절한, 경청하는, 정중한, 주의깊은, 주의깊은. banquet: 연회, 향을을받다, 향연 - 향응하다, 연회대접을받다, 연회를베풀어대접하다. enter: 참가하다, 시작하다, 들다, 에들어가다, 에들다, 에들어가다, 신고하다, 박히다, 떠오르다, 등장하다, 들어박히다. flesh: 고기, 육체, 살, 인류, 육욕, 식육, 생물, 살집, 살색, 과육, 친척. forbid: 금하다, 허락지않다, 금지하다, 방해하다, 하는일이절대로없기를. foresee: 예견하다, 미리알다. fortune: 행운, 부, 운, 재산, 운명, 운수, 재산을주다, 우연히일어나다, 운명의여신. infinite: 무한의, 막대한, 끝없는, 무한대, 부정의, 부정형의, 무한한공간, 무한량, 완전무결한, 무한, 무수한. paint: 그리다, 도료, 화장품, 연지, 페인트, 페인트칠, 채료, 화장하다, 페인트칠하다, 페인트칠하다, 그림물감. prescience: 예지, 통찰, 선견, 혜안. quickly: 빨리, 서둘러서. wine: 포도주, 포도주를마시다, 붉은포도주빛, 기운을돋우는것, 취하게하는것, 포도주용제, 적포도주색, 을포도주로대접하다, 기운나게하는것, 포도주파티.

CHARMIAN. Hush! SOOTHSAYER. You shall be more beloving than beloved. % CHARMIAN. I had rather heat my liver with drinking. ALEXAS. Nay, hear him. William Shakespeare 9 CHARMIAN. Good now, some excellent fortune! Let me be married to three kings in a forenoon, and widow them all: let me have a child at fifty, to whom Herod of Jewry may do homage: find me to marry me with Octavius Caesar, and companion me with my mistress. SOOTHSAYER. You shall outlive the lady whom you serve. CHARMIAN. O, excellent! I love long life better than figs. SOOTHSAYER. You have seen and prov'd a fairer former fortune Than that which is to approach. CHARMIAN. Then belike my children shall have no names:--pr'ythee, how many boys and wenches must I have? SOOTHSAYER. If every of your wishes had a womb, And fertile every wish, a million. CHARMIAN. Out, fool! I forgive thee for a witch. belike: 아마. companion: 동료, 동무, 동반자, 갑판승강구의덮개문, 말동무, 안내서, 이야기상대로고용된여자, 짝, 천창, 최하위훈작사, 패. drinking: 음주의, 마시기의, 음용의. fertile: 번식력이있는, 비옥한, 다산하는, 풍부한, 다산인, 창조력이풍부한, 핵분열물질의원료가될수있는. forenoon: 오전. forgive: 용서하다, 삭치다, 빚을탕감하다, 빚을탕감하다, 면제하다, 삭히다, 관대히봐주다. heat: 열, 뜨거워지다, 발정, 노력, 더위, 흥분, 상기, 열심, 클라이맥스, 뜨겁게하다, 따뜻해지다. homage: 존경, 복종, 신종의예, 경의. liver: 생활자, 거주자, 간장, 적갈색, 간, 사는사람, 닭따위의간, 돼지따위의간, 송아지따위의간, 의생활을하는사람, 간장색깔. mistress: 정부, 애인, 여교사, 주부, 부인, 여지배자, 여주인, 연인, 여왕, 한집안의안주인, 주인. outlive: 보다오래살다. widow: 미망인, 과부, 과부로만들다, 아내를여윈, 돌리고남은패, 빼앗다, 샴페인술, 과부가되게하다. witch: 마녀, 마법을쓰다, 마녀의, 호리다, 매혹적인여자, 못된할멈, 쭈그렁할멈, 매혹하다, 보기흉한노파, 아주매력있는여자.

Free ebooks ==> 10 Antony and Cleopatra ALEXAS. You think none but your sheets are privy to your wishes. % CHARMIAN. Nay, come, tell Iras hers. ALEXAS. We'll know all our fortunes. Mine, and most of our fortunes, to-night, shall be--drunk to bed. IRAS. There's a palm presages chastity, if nothing else. CHARMIAN. E'en as the o'erflowing Nilus presageth famine. IRAS. Go, you wild bedfellow, you cannot soothsay. CHARMIAN. Nay, if an oily palm be not a fruitful prognostication, I cannot scratch mine ear.--pr'ythee, tell her but worky-day fortune. SOOTHSAYER. Your fortunes are alike. IRAS. But how, but how? give me particulars. SOOTHSAYER. I have said. IRAS. Am I not an inch of fortune better than she? CHARMIAN. Well, if you were but an inch of fortune better than I, where would you choose it? alike: 똑같은, 같은, 같게, 같이, 서로같은. bedfellow: 잠자리를같이하는사람, 친구, 아내. chastity: 순결, 간소, 청순, 성적금욕, 정숙. famine: 기근, 대부족, 식량부족, 고갈, 굶주림. fruitful: 비옥한, 다산인, 열매가잘열리는, 열매가잘열리는, 이익이많은, 수확이많은, 열매를많이맺는, 풍작을가져오는. oily: 기름의, 기름바른, 유질의, 말솜씨가좋은, 입에발린, 유성의. palm: 손바닥, 승리, 우승하다, 종려나무의가지, 종려, 장갑의손바닥, 야자, 손바닥모양의부분, 속여서안기다, 수척, 종려나무. particulars: 상세. privy: 옥외변소, 비밀의, 내밀히관여하고있는, 당사자, 몰래관여하는, 일개인의, 은밀히관여하여 알고있는, 에은밀히관여하여알고있는, 에은밀히관여하는, 에몰래관여하여알고있는, 에몰래관여하는. prognostication: 예지, 예언, 전조, 예시. scratch: 긁다, 긁힌상처, 말살하다, 갈겨쓰다, 근근히살아가다, 긁는일, 소정의규준에달하다, 어쩌다맞기, 우비어파다, 지우다, 찰과상. soothsay: 예언하다, 점치다.

IRAS. Not in my husband's nose. % William Shakespeare 11 CHARMIAN. Our worser thoughts heavens mend!--alexas,--come, his fortune! his fortune!--o, let him marry a woman that cannot go, sweet Isis, I beseech thee! And let her die too, and give him a worse! and let worse follow worse, till the worst of all follow him laughing to his grave, fiftyfold a cuckold! Good Isis, hear me this prayer, though thou deny me a matter of more weight; good Isis, I beseech thee! IRAS. Amen. Dear goddess, hear that prayer of the people! for, as it is a heartbreaking to see a handsome man loose-wived, so it is a deadly sorrow to behold a foul knave uncuckolded: therefore, dear Isis, keep decorum, and fortune him accordingly! CHARMIAN. Amen. ALEXAS. Lo now, if it lay in their hands to make me a cuckold, they would make themselves whores but they'd do't! Hush! Here comes Antony. CHARMIAN. Not he; the queen. [Enter ] Saw you my lord? No, lady. beseech: 간청하다, 탄원하다, 간원하다, 원하다, 청하다. cuckold: 오쟁이진남편, 부정한여자의남편, 의아내와사통하다, 오쟁이지다, 부정한짓을하다, 남의아내와간통하다. deadly: 치명적인, 심한, 몹시, 죽음같은, 주검처럼, 용서할수없는, 용서할수없는 - 주검처럼, 죽음과같은, 죽은사람과같은, 매우효과적인, 살려둘수없는. decorum: 예의바름, 고상함, 단정, 예의바름. foul: 반칙, 엉클어진, 더럽히다, 더러운, 더러워지다, 반칙하다, 꽉막힌, 악취있는, 충돌하다, 반칙의, 엉클어지다. goddess: 여신. grave: 수수한, 무덤, 명심하다, 새기다, 중대한, 진지한, 묘혈, 심각한, 중요한, 예사롭지않은, 침침한. handsome: 상당한, 활수한, 단정하게잘생긴, 훌륭한, 멋진. heartbreaking: 진력나는, 가슴이터질듯한, 따분한, 싫증나는, 애끓느마음을자아내는, 애끓는, 단장의슬픔을안겨주는. knave: 잭, 하인, 약한, 신분이낮은사내, 무뢰한, 악한, 남자아이. sorrow: 불행, 슬픔, 고난, 슬픈, 슬퍼보이는, 아쉬움, 슬퍼하다, 후회, 고생.

Free ebooks ==> 12 Antony and Cleopatra CHARMIAN. No, madam. % Was he not here? He was dispos'd to mirth; but on the sudden A Roman thought hath struck him.--enobarbus,-- Madam? Seek him, and bring him hither.--where's Alexas? ALEXAS. Here, at your service.--my lord approaches. We will not look upon him: go with us. [Exeunt CLEOPATRA, ENOBARBUS, CHAR., IRAS, ALEX., and SOOTHSAYER.] [Enter ANTONY, with a MESSENGER and ATTENDANTS.] MESSENGER. Fulvia thy wife first came into the field. Against my brother Lucius. MESSENGER. Ay: But soon that war had end, and the time's state Made friends of them, jointing their force 'gainst Caesar; Whose better issue in the war, from Italy Upon the first encounter, drave them. approaches: 구혼. bring: 제기하다, 이끌다, 초래하다, 일으키다, 낳다, 데리고오다, 가지고오다, 가져오다, 갖다주다, 이르게하다. brother: 형제, 동포, 동료, 친구, 동지, 우방군주, 여보게. encounter: 회전, 우연히만남, 교전, 부닥치다, 만나다, 마주침, 교전하다, 대항하다. exeunt: 퇴장하다. field: 경기장, 밭, 벌판, 분야, 싸움터, 산지, 바탕, 광장, 영상면, 내야, 표면. force: 힘, 폭력, 무력, 완력, 지배력, 효력, 압력, 경찰대, 강탈하다, 떠맡기다, 폭포. hath: 직설법, 현재. issue: 유출, 나오다, 내다, 발행물, 유래하다, 생기다, 발행, 발포하다, 출판하다, 출구, 발포. lord: 영주, 하느님, 주인, 군주, 권력자, 영지, 주권, 신, 지배자, 남편, 귀족. mirth: 환락, 명랑, 유쾌. soon: 빨리, 기꺼이, 곧, 이내, 이윽고, 하자마자, 하자마자, 하고싶다, 보다는차라리, 일찍. struck: 파업으로폐쇄된. sudden: 돌연한, 갑작스런, 돌연. thy: 그대의. wife: 여자, 처, 아내, 부인.

William Shakespeare 13 Well, what worst? MESSENGER. The nature of bad news infects the teller. % When it concerns the fool or coward.--on:-- Things that are past are done with me.--'tis thus; Who tells me true, though in his tale lie death, I hear him as he flatter'd. MESSENGER. Labienus,-- This is stiff news,--hath, with his Parthian force, Extended Asia from Euphrates; His conquering banner shook from Syria To Lydia and to Ionia; Whilst,-- Antony, thou wouldst say,-- MESSENGER. O, my lord! Speak to me home, mince not the general tongue: Name Cleopatra as she is call'd in Rome; Rail thou in Fulvia's phrase; and taunt my faults With such full licence as both truth and malice Have power to utter. O, then we bring forth weeds When our quick minds lie still; and our ills told us Is as our earing. Fare thee well awhile. awhile: 잠시, 잠깐. banner: 기, 기치, 주장, 주요한, 군기, 현수막, 전단표제 - 일류의, 전단표제, 제 1 위의, 제목을크게붙이다, 신문의톱전단에걸친제목. conquering: 정복하는. earing: 돛윗귀를활대에매는가는밧줄, 돛의윗귀를활대에잡아매는가는밧줄. fare: 음식물, 가다, 먹다, 지내다, 승객, 일어나다, 요금, 여행하다, 대접받다, 운임, 되다. forth: 앞으로, 밖으로, 보이는곳에, 에서바깥에, 보이는곳에, 이후. mince: 맵시를내며종종걸음으로걷다, 조심스레말하다, 잘게다지다, 완곡하게말하다, 고기따위를잘게저미다, 잘게썬고기, 잘게저미다, 점잔빼며종종걸음으로걷다, 조심스럽게말하다. stiff: 시체, 딱딱한, 빡빡한, 독한, 강세의, 완고한, 뻣뻣한, 되게반죽된, 딱딱한사람, 잘움직이지않는, 경직한팽팽한. taunt: 조롱, 조롱거리, 욕설, 냉소, 욕하여... 시키다, 높고잘정비된, 조롱하다, 의장을갖추고. truth: 성실, 진실, 진리, 사실, 정직, 사실은, 사실을말하면, 정말, 박진성. utter: 말하다, 전적인, 절대적인, 완전한, 행사하다, 나타내다, 발음하다, 순전한, 무조건의, 발언하다, 입밖에내다.

Free ebooks ==> 14 MESSENGER. At your noble pleasure. [Exit.] Antony and Cleopatra From Sicyon, ho, the news! Speak there! FIRST ATTENDANT. The man from Sicyon--is there such an one? SECOND ATTENDANT. He stays upon your will. % Let him appear.-- These strong Egyptian fetters I must break, Or lose myself in dotage.-- [Enter another MESSENGER.] What are you? SECOND MESSENGER. Fulvia thy wife is dead. Where died she? SECOND MESSENGER. In Sicyon: Her length of sickness, with what else more serious Importeth thee to know, this bears. [Gives a letter.] Forbear me. [Exit MESSENGER.] There's a great spirit gone! Thus did I desire it: What our contempts doth often hurl from us, We wish it ours again; the present pleasure, By revolution lowering, does become doth: 현재형, 직설법. ho: 호, 허허, 저런, 어이, 흥. hurl: 퍼붓다, 내던지다, 내던짐, 던지다, 세게던지기, 차로운반하다. length: 길이, 기간, 세로, 기장, 특정표준의길이, 음절의길이, 정신, 행동의철저한범위, 시간적인길이, 보트의정신, 모음의길이. lose: 실패하다, 지다, 잃다, 벗어나다, 패하다, 줄다, 정신팔리다, 을잃게하다, 손해보다, 늦어서못타다, 쇠하다. lowering: 내려가는, 비천한, 저하시키는, 저하, 낮게하는. myself: 나자신, 내자신, 자기. noble: 고귀한, 훌륭한, 귀족, 고결한, 귀중한, 당당한, 숭고한, 유명한, 뛰어난, 독선가, 노블금화파업파괴지도자. ours: 우리의것, 우리의가족, 우리의연대따위, 우리의임무, 우리의회사. revolution: 혁명, 회전, 주기, 운행, 공전, 선회, 회귀, 공전주기, 대변혁, 변혁, 격변. sickness: 병, 역겨움, 구역질, 메스꺼움, 앓음. speak: 이야기하다, 탄원하다, 표명하다, 이야기하다, 울리다, 연설하다, 말하다, 성명하다, 나타내다, 쓰다, 에게말을걸다. spirit: 기분, 기질, 정신, 영혼, 사람, 생기, 유령, 알코올, 인물, 시대정신, 신.

William Shakespeare 15 The opposite of itself: she's good, being gone; The hand could pluck her back that shov'd her on. I must from this enchanting queen break off: Ten thousand harms, more than the ills I know, My idleness doth hatch--ho, Enobarbus! [Re-enter ] What's your pleasure, sir? I must with haste from hence. % Why, then we kill all our women: we see how mortal an unkindness is to them; if they suffer our departure, death's the word. I must be gone. Under a compelling occasion, let women die: it were pity to cast them away for nothing; though, between them and a great cause they should be esteemed nothing. Cleopatra, catching but the least noise of this, dies instantly; I have seen her die twenty times upon far poorer moment: I do think there is mettle in death, which commits some loving act upon her, she hath such a celerity in dying. She is cunning past man's thought. Alack, sir, no: her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love: we cannot call her winds and waters, sighs and tears; they are greater storms and tempests than almanacs can report: this cannot be cunning in her; if it be, she makes a shower of rain as well as Jove. celerity: 민첩함, 기민함, 신속, 빠르기, 속도. cleopatra: 클레오파트라, 이집트최후의여왕. compelling: 강제적인, - 하지않을수없는, 강력한, 사람을가만히두지않는, 어쩔수없는, 억지의, 감탄하지않을수없는. cunning: 교묘한, 교활한, 귀여운, 노련한, 멋있는, 숙련, 솜씨, 현명한, 재간있는, 약삭빠른, 빈틈없음. dies: 날, 일. enchanting: 매혹적인. haste: 서두름, 급속, 재촉하다, 서두르다, 서두르게하다, 성급, 급함. idleness: 무위, 게으름, 태만, 놀고지냄. loving: 사랑하는, 애정을품고있는, 친애하는, 남을사랑하는, 충실한. mettle: 용기, 기질, 정열, 성질, 열정, 성미. mortal: 치명적인, 인간의, 인간, 불치의, 길고긴, 생각할수있는, 지루한, 죽어야할, 죽어야할것, 사람, 가능한 - 죽어야할것. pluck: 잡아당기다, 담력, 용기를불러일으키다, 용기, 꽃과과일따위를따다, 털을잡아뽑다, 잡아채다, 현악기의튕겨소리내다, 낙제, 낙제시키다, 낙제시키다 - 획당기다 - 잡아당김. unkindness: 불친절, 몰인정, 무정, 매정.

Free ebooks ==> 16 Antony and Cleopatra Would I had never seen her! O sir, you had then left unseen a wonderful piece of work; which not to have been blest withal would have discredited your travel. % Fulvia is dead. Sir? Fulvia is dead. Fulvia? Dead. Why, sir, give the gods a thankful sacrifice. When it pleaseth their deities to take the wife of a man from him, it shows to man the tailors of the earth; comforting therein that when old robes are worn out there are members to make new. If there were no more women but Fulvia, then had you indeed a cut, and the case to be lamented: this grief is crown'd with consolation; your old smock brings forth a new petticoat:--and, indeed, the tears live in an onion that should water this sorrow. The business she hath broached in the state Cannot endure my absence. And the business you have broached here cannot be without you; especially that of Cleopatra's, which wholly depends on your abode. abode: 체류, 주거, 거주, 주소. comforting: 기분을돋우는, 격려하는, 위안이되는, 기분을돋구는. consolation: 위로, 위자, 위안이되는것, 위안이되는것, 위안, 위안의, 위문의. endure: 지탱하다, 견디다, 참다, 겪다, 인내하다, 받다, 받다 - 인내하다, 허용하다. lamented: 애도를받는. onion: 양파, 양파냄새, 머리가돈, 인간, 눈을양파로비벼서눈물나게하다, 양파로비벼서눈물나게하다. sacrifice: 희생타, 희생, 투매하다, 헌신, 싸구려로, 그로인한손실, 제물, 희생타로진루시키다, 희생적행위, 희생하다, 희생타를치다. smock: 스목, 스목을입히다, 장식주름을내다, 겉옷, 임신복, 여성용속옷, 작업겉옷을입히다, 작업복을입히다, 작업복, 주름장식을달다. thankful: 감사하고있는, 감사의, 감사하는. therein: 그속에, 그점에서, 그가운데에. unseen: 눈에보이지않는, 보이지않는, 본적이없는, 아직본일이없는, 즉석의, 보이지않는것. withal: 게다가, 또한, 으로써, 그위에, 을가지고있는, 을나타내어, 을사용하여, 을상대로, 을합쳐서, 의몸에지니고, 의일원으로서.

William Shakespeare 17 No % more light answers. Let our officers Have notice what we purpose. I shall break The cause of our expedience to the queen, And get her leave to part. For not alone The death of Fulvia, with more urgent touches, Do strongly speak to us; but the letters too Of many our contriving friends in Rome Petition us at home: Sextus Pompeius Hath given the dare to Caesar, and commands The empire of the sea; our slippery people,-- Whose love is never link'd to the deserver Till his deserts are past,--begin to throw Pompey the Great, and all his dignities, Upon his son; who, high in name and power, Higher than both in blood and life, stands up For the main soldier: whose quality, going on, The sides o' the world may danger: much is breeding Which, like the courser's hair, hath yet but life And not a serpent's poison. Say, our pleasure To such whose place is under us, requires Our quick remove from hence. I shall do't. [Exeunt.] SCENE III. ALEXANDRIA. A ROOM IN CLEOPATRA'S PALACE. answers: 응답. contriving: 도모. dare: 도전하다, 위험을무릅쓰다, 모험적으로해보다, 감히 ~ 하다, 용기가있다, 도전, 무릅쓰다. deserts: 당연한응보. empire: 제국, 절대지배권, 대영제국, 왕국, 제일프랑스제국시대풍의, 제왕의주권. expedience: 편의, 방편, 사리, 편의한것, 형편. poison: 독, 해독, 헤치다, 독살하다, 해로운, 폐해 - 독을넣다, 폐해, 독약, 못쓰게하다 - 해로운, 못쓰게하다, 독을넣다. quick: 빨리, 재빠른, 성급한, 민감한, 살아있는, 이해가빠른, 급소, 서둘러서, 상처의붉은살, 빠른, 중요부분. remove: 이전, 제거하다, 진급, 옮기다, 해임하다, 떠나다, 거리, 치우다, 이동, 간격, 단계. slippery: 불안정한, 미끄러운, 믿을수없는, 속임수의, 뻔뻔스러운, 의미가선명하지않은, 잡을데가없는. soldier: 용사, 군대에복무하다, 군인, 꾀부리다, 전사, 빤들거리다, 사병, 용병, 군인이되다, 훈제청어, 병사. strongly: 강하게, 튼튼하게, 열심히, 맹렬히, 공고히, 강경히, 강경하게, 격심하게. urgent: 긴급한, 중요한, 강요하는, 긴급하다, 죄어치는.

Free ebooks ==> 18 Antony and Cleopatra [Enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, IRAS, and ALEXAS.] Where is he? CHARMIAN. I did not see him since. % See where he is, who's with him, what he does:-- I did not send you:--if you find him sad, Say I am dancing; if in mirth, report That I am sudden sick: quick, and return. [Exit ALEXAS.] CHARMIAN. Madam, methinks, if you did love him dearly, You do not hold the method to enforce The like from him. What should I do, I do not? CHARMIAN. In each thing give him way; cross him in nothing. Thou teachest like a fool,--the way to lose him. CHARMIAN. Tempt him not so too far; I wish, forbear; In time we hate that which we often fear. But here comes Antony. [Enter ] I am sick and sullen. cross: 교차하다, 교배시키다, 가로지르다, 십자가, 고난, 가로의, 잡종의, 부정, 가로줄을긋다, 건너가다, 비뚤어진. dancing: 무도, 춤, 댄스홀, 무도장, 댄스연습, 댄스. exit: 퇴장하다, 출구, 퇴출구, 퇴장, 나감, 퇴거, 끝내기, 퇴거하다. hate: 미워하다, 증오, 좋아하지않다, 몹시싫어하다, 따돌리다, 증오의대상, 미움. hold: 지탱하다, 소유하다, 끌다, 품다, 효력이있다, 유지하다, 견디다, 보류하다, 잡다, 쥐다, 나아가다. methinks: 라고생각되다. method: 방법, 순서, 방식, 질서, 체계, 메서드. send: 보내다, 내리다, 던지다, 내다, 빠지게하다, 시키다, 쏘다, 전도하다, 쫓아버리다, 베풀다, 주시다. sick: 창백한, 병의, 병자용의, 욕지기가나는, 그리워하는, 넌더리 나는, 상태가좋지않은, 싫증이나는, 토하다, 병자의, 싫증이나서. sullen: 음산한, 찌무룩한, 지르퉁한, 찌푸린얼굴, 육중한, 실쭉한. wish: 소원, 바라다, 빌다, 기원, 이기를빌다, 떠맡기다, 면좋겠다고생각하다, 기원하다, 바람, 희망하다, 바라는바.

William Shakespeare 19 I am sorry to give breathing to my purpose,-- Help me away, dear Charmian; I shall fall; It cannot be thus long, the sides of nature Will not sustain it. % Now, my dearest queen,-- Pray you, stand farther from me. What's the matter? I know by that same eye there's some good news. What says the married woman?--you may go. Would she had never given you leave to come! Let her not say 'tis I that keep you here,-- I have no power upon you; hers you are. The gods best know,-- O, never was there queen So mightily betray'd! Yet at the first I saw the treasons planted. Cleopatra,-- Why should I think you can be mine and true, Though you in swearing shake the throned gods, Who have been false to Fulvia? Riotous madness, breathing: 호흡, 동경, 발성, 열망, 휴식, 미풍, 부동, 숨쉬는, 숨쉬는동안, 숨을불어넣음, 호흡법. dear: 친애하는, 귀여운, 귀여운사람, 아니그런데, 귀중한, 참, 비싸게, 비싼, 친애하는사람, 애인, 사랑하는사람. false: 가짜의, 가락이맞지않는, 거짓의, 틀린, 부정의, 가의, 임시의, 불성실한, 꾸민, 그릇된, 의사의. farther: 더먼, 좀더, 그위에, 더욱더, 더멀리, 더욱이, 더앞선, 더멀리, 더먼, 더뒤의, 더나중의. hers: 그여자의것. mightily: 힘차게. mine: 광산, 풍부한자원, 지뢰, 나의것, 기뢰, 나의가족들광산, 철광, 보고, 광갱, 비밀수단으로파괴하다, 비밀수단으로뒤엎다. riotous: 분방한, 폭동의, 폭동을일으키는, 굉장히재미있는, 떠들썩한, 소란스러운, 술마시고 떠드는, 크게히트한. shake: 악수하다, 휘두르다, 떨어버리다, 흔들다, 흔들어깨우다, 흩뿌리다, 흔들어떨어뜨리다, 진동하다, 전음을쓰다, 흔들리게하다, 떨다. sustain: 버티다, 확인하다, 유지하다, 받다, 견디다, 부양하다, 승인하다, 지지하다, 훌륭히해내다, 입다, 계속하다. swearing: 서약, 욕을퍼붓기.

Free ebooks ==> 20 Antony and Cleopatra To be entangled with those mouth-made vows, Which break themselves in swearing! Most sweet queen,-- Nay, pray you, seek no colour for your going, But bid farewell, and go: when you su'd staying, Then was the time for words: no going then;-- Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Bliss in our brows' bent; none our parts so poor But was a race of heaven: they are so still, Or thou, the greatest soldier of the world, Art turn'd the greatest liar. % How now, lady! I would I had thy inches; thou shouldst know There were a heart in Egypt. Hear me, queen: The strong necessity of time commands Our services awhile; but my full heart Remains in use with you. Our Italy Shines o'er with civil swords: Sextus Pompeius Makes his approaches to the port of Rome; Equality of two domestic powers Breed scrupulous faction: the hated, grown to strength, Are newly grown to love: the condemn'd Pompey, Rich in his father's honour, creeps apace Into the hearts of such as have not thriv'd Upon the present state, whose numbers threaten; bent: 굽은, 초원, 황야, 마음을기울인, 열심인, 경향, 허리가굽은, 성벽, 겨이삭속또는그와비슷한포아풀과의잡초, 그줄기, 기호. bid: 말하다, 입찰하다, 명하다, 입찰하다 - 값을매기다, 입찰하다 - 부른값, 초대하다, 값을다루다, 값매기다, 공고하다 - 값을매기다, 노력하다, 매기다. entangled: 뒤얽히게하는, 분규를일으키게하는, 빠뜨리는. faction: 실록소설, 당파, 파벌, 도당, 파당, 실화소설, 당쟁, 당내의파, 당내의당, 내분, 의뜻. farewell: 안녕, 고별, 작별의인사, 작별의인사, 작별인사를하다, 작별. hated: 미워하는. honour: 명예, 도의심, 면목, 명성, 우등, 존경, 끗수가가장높은패, 명예가되는것, 명예상, 에영광을주다, 인수하다. inches: 신장. necessity: 필수품, 궁핍, 필요, 필요성, 필연, 필요물, 불가피, 긴급한필요, 궁상, 궁경, 불가결한것. newly: 다시, 새로이, 최근에, 요즈음, 최근. pray: 빌다, 제발, 기원하다, 간원하다, 기원하여이루어지게하다, 기도하다, 기도하다 - 바라다, 바라다, 에게기원하다, 에게간청하다. scrupulous: 양심적인, 고지식한, 신중한, 주의깊은, 정확한, 꼼꼼한.

William Shakespeare 21 And quietness, grown sick of rest, would purge By any desperate change. My more particular, And that which most with you should safe my going, Is Fulvia's death. % Though age from folly could not give me freedom, It does from childishness:--can Fulvia die? She's dead, my queen. Look here, and, at thy sovereign leisure, read The garboils she awak'd;at the last, best. See when and where she died. O most false love! Where be the sacred vials thou shouldst fill With sorrowful water? Now I see, I see, In Fulvia's death how mine receiv'd shall be. Quarrel no more, but be prepar'd to know The purposes I bear; which are, or cease, As you shall give theadvice. By the fire That quickens Nilus' slime, I go from hence Thy soldier, servant, making peace or war As thou affect'st. Cut my lace, Charmian, come;-- But let it be: I am quickly ill and well, So Antony loves. My precious queen, forbear; folly: 어리석음, 어리석은짓, 어리석게돈만많이들인물건, 우론, 막대한돈을들인어처구니없는큰건축, 글래머걸출연자, 어리석은행동. ill: 서투른, 병든, 나쁜, 나쁘게, 불행, 악, 불친절하게, 불친절한, 고난, 병고, 형편이나쁜. lace: 매질하다, 레이스, 끈, 장식, 가미하다, 몰, 줄무늬로하다, 비난하다, 에끈을꿰다, 소량의진 술, 끈으로죄다. loves: 사랑. quietness: 조용함, 평온, 고요함, 마음의평정, 휴양. sacred: 신성한, 종교적인, 모신, 바쳐진, 바친, 신성불가침의, 신의사자인, 전용되는. servant: 하인, 봉사자, 고용인, 머슴, 부하, 공무원, 종업원, 하인의. slime: 찰흙을칠하다, 찰흙, 점액, 끈적끈적한것, 찐득찐득한것, 진흙투성이가되다, 점액으로뒤덮다, 언짢은것, 악의세계, 미꾸라지처럼미끈미끈빠져나가다, 더러운것. sorrowful: 슬픈, 가슴아픈, 슬퍼보이는, 애처로운, 슬퍼하는, 슬프게하는, 슬픔에젖은, 후회하는. sovereign: 주권자, 최고의, 최상의, 주권이있는, 자주의, 군주, 독립의, 독립국, 영국의옛날의일파운드금화, 영국의옛 1 파운드금화, 특효가있는.

Free ebooks ==> 22 Antony and Cleopatra And give true evidence to his love, which stands An honourable trial. % So Fulvia told me. I pr'ythee, turn aside and weep for her; Then bid adieu to me, and say the tears Belong to Egypt: good now, play one scene Of excellent dissembling; and let it look Like perfect honour. You'll heat my blood: no more. You can do better yet; but this is meetly. Now, by my sword,-- And target.--still he mends; But this is not the best:--look, pr'ythee, Charmian, How this Herculean Roman does become The carriage of his chafe. I'll leave you, lady. Courteous lord, one word. Sir, you and I must part,--but that's not it; Sir, you and I have lov'd,--but there's not it; That you know well: something it is I would,-- O, my oblivion is a very Antony, And I am all forgotten. adieu: 이별, 안녕, 작별인사. aside: 떨어져서 - 방백, 옆에, 떼어서, 독백, 곁으로, 곁에, 방백, 별도로하고, 생각하지않고, 따로두고. blood: 피, 순종, 혈통, 혈액, 살육, 멋있는젊은이, 혈기, 피의, 피비린내나는, 새로운체험을시키다, 다루기어려운. carriage: 탈것, 몸가짐, 운반, 수송, 태도, 운임, 통과, 운반대, 유모차, 포가, 처리. chafe: 쓸려서벗겨지게하다, 약올리다, 찰상, 약오름, 약오르다, 부딪히다, 비벼서따뜻하게하다, 몸을비벼대다, 짜증, 몸을비비다 - 찰과상, 벗어지게하다. excellent: 우수한, 탁월한, 아주훌륭한. forgotten: 망각된. honourable: 고귀한, 명예로운, 존경할만한, 고위의, 영광의, 존경할만한. lady: 귀부인, 부인, 숙녀, 양, 성모마리아, 기품있는여성, 모마리아, 애인, 여자변소, 여성용화장실, 여자. meetly: 상당히, 적당히. oblivion: 망각, 잊기쉬움, 잊기. perfect: 완전한, 전적인, 결점없는, 숙달한, 완료의, 정확한, 마무리하다, 맞았어요, 아주잘했어요, 완벽합니다, 완벽해요.

But that your royalty Holds idleness your subject, I should take you For idleness itself. % 'Tis sweating labour To bear such idleness so near the heart As Cleopatra this. But, sir, forgive me; Since my becomings kill me, when they do not Eye well to you: your honour calls you hence; Therefore be deaf to my unpitied folly, And all the gods go with you! upon your sword Sit laurel victory! and smooth success Be strew'd before your feet! Let us go. Come; Our separation so abides, and flies, That thou, residing here, goes yet with me, And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee. Away! [Exeunt.] William Shakespeare 23 SCENE IV. ROME. AN APARTMENT IN CAESAR'S HOUSE. [Enter OCTAVIUS CAESAR, LEPIDUS, and ATTENDANTS.] CAESAR. You may see, Lepidus, and henceforth know, It is not Caesar's natural vice to hate deaf: 귀머거리의, 들으려하지않는, 귀머거리들, 귀를기울이지않는. fleeting: 덧없는, 무상한, 잠깐동안의, 어느덧지나가는, 빨리지나가는, 빨리지나가는. hence: 그러므로, 사라져, 이제부터, 여기서부터, 그결과, 여기서부터, 금후, 이세상에서떠나라, 이런까닭에. henceforth: 차후, 이후, 금후. kill: 죽이다, 기세를꺾다, 시내, 잡은 것, 수로, 살생, 보내다, 말라주게하다, 말살하다, 살인하다, 말라죽게하다. laurel: 명예, 월계관, 승리, 월계수, 승리의표시로서의월계수의잎, 승리의표시로서의월계수의가지, 월계수의가지, 월계수의잎. rome: 로마, 고대로마시, 카톨릭교회. separation: 분리, 별거, 이탈, 이혼, 이별, 분리점, 제대, 간격, 해고, 분리선. smooth: 유창한, 매끄러운, 반드럽게함, 부드러운, 입에당기는, 평지, 반드러운부분, 수염없는, 반드러운, 멋진, 귀에거슬리지않는. sweating: 고문, 고역, 발한, 착취당함. unpitied: 연민의정을받지못하는, 동정을받지못하는. vice: 악습, 육체적결함, 나쁜버릇, 사악, 결점, 부도덕, 바이스, 대리로서, 악, 악덕, 병. victory: 승리, 승리의여신, 정복.

Free ebooks ==> 24 Antony and Cleopatra Our great competitor. From Alexandria This is the news:--he fishes, drinks, and wastes The lamps of night in revel: is not more manlike Than Cleopatra;, nor the queen of Ptolemy More womanly than he: hardly gave audience, or Vouchsaf'd to think he had partners: you shall find there A man who is the abstract of all faults That all men follow. % LEPIDUS. I must not think there are Evils enow to darken all his goodness: His faults in him seem as the spots of heaven, More fiery by night's blackness; hereditary Rather than purchas'd; what he cannot change Than what he chooses. CAESAR. You are too indulgent. Let's grant it is not Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy; To give a kingdom for a mirth; to sit And keep the turn of tippling with a slave; To reel the streets at noon, and stand the buffet With knaves that smell of sweat: say this becomes him,-- As his composure must be rare indeed Whom these things cannot blemish,--yet must Antony No way excuse his foils when we do bear So great weight in his lightness. If he fill'd His vacancy with his voluptuousness, Full surfeits and the dryness of his bones Call on him for't: but to confound such time That drums him from his sport, and speaks as loud As his own state and ours,--'tis to be chid blackness: 흑점, 검정, 흑색, 검음. competitor: 경쟁자, 경쟁상대. composure: 침착, 냉정, 평정, 자제. darken: 어둡게하다, 모호하게하다, 어둡게되다. dryness: 건조, 냉담, 정열이없음, 인정미없음, 무미건조, 금주. enow: 충분한. indulgent: 관대한, 멋대로하게하는, 어하는, 응석을받아주는부모, 엄하지않은, 제멋대로하게하는. kingdom: 계, 왕국, 분야, 세계, 왕토, 신정, 왕의통치. lightness: 밝기, 광량, 가벼움, 환함. reel: 얼레, 릴, 비틀거리다, 잣다, 감는틀, 실패, 술술, 실을뽑다, 얼레에감다, 현기증얼레에감다, 현기증나다. revel: 술잔치, 한껏즐기다, 주연을베풀다, 환락, 음주등에낭비하다, 에빠지다, 술마시고흥청거림, 매우기뻐하다, 마시고흥청거리다, 술로 낭비하다, 몹시즐기다. tumble: 넘어지다, 공중제비를하다, 뒹굴다, 전략하다, 구르다, 구르다시피달려오다, 딱마주치다, 부닥치다, 좌우로흔들리다, 폭락하다, 넘어뜨리다. vacancy: 공허, 결원, 공석, 방심, 틈, 빈곳, 공백, 빈자리, 빈자리, 공간, 빈터. womanly: 여자다운, 여성에게어울리는, 여자같은.

William Shakespeare 25 As we rate boys, who, being mature in knowledge, Pawn their experience to their present pleasure, And so rebel to judgment. % [Enter a MESSENGER.] LEPIDUS. Here's more news. MESSENGER. Thy biddings have been done; and every hour, Most noble Caesar, shalt thou have report How 'tis abroad. Pompey is strong at sea; And it appears he is belov'd of those That only have fear'd Caesar: to the ports The discontents repair, and men's reports Give him much wrong'd. CAESAR. I should have known no less: It hath been taught us from the primal state That he which is was wish'd until he were; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream, Goes to and back, lackeying the varying tide, To rot itself with motion. MESSENGER. Caesar, I bring thee word Menecrates and Menas, famous pirates, Make the sea serve them, which they ear and wound With keels of every kind: many hot inroads They make in Italy; the borders maritime Lack blood to think on't, and flush youth revolt: No vessel can peep forth but 'tis as soon famous: 유명한, 근사한, 악명높은, 멋진. flag: 기, 포석을깔다, 기를올리다, 기로꾸미다, 둘쨋줄칼깃, 시들다, 판석포장도로, 판석, 플래그, 붓꽃의무리, 신호로정지시키다. flush: 홍조, 흥분, 플러시, 평평하게하다, 붉어지다, 왈칵흐름, 같은높이의, 동일평면의, 푸르르날아오르다, 평평하게, 잔뜩가진. peep: 출현, 나타나다, 삐악삐악, 엿보기, 엿보다, 작은소리로이야기문드러지다, 부패물, 타락시키다, 하다, 훔쳐봄, 훔쳐보다, 들여다보는부패시키다, 부패하다, 부패병, 구멍, 짹짹울다, 작은새따위가헛소리, 타락. 짹짹우는소리. shalt: 직설법현재. primal: 주요한, 원시의, 최초의, vagabond: 방랑자, 방랑하는, 떠도는, 근본의, 제일위. 불량배, 변변찮은, 방랑성의, 부랑자, rebel: 반역자, 반역의, 모반하다, 행로가일정치않은, 유랑자, 반란을일으키다, 몸서리치다, 반감을부랑성의, 부랑성벽의. 가지다, 반대하다, 반도, 반란군병사, varying: 변화하는, 바뀌는. 반발하다, 반항자. vessel: 배, 도관, 용기, 비행선, 그릇, rot: 부패, 썩다, 썩음, 썩어맥관, 관, 사람.

Free ebooks ==> 26 Antony and Cleopatra Taken as seen; for Pompey's name strikes more Than could his war resisted. % CAESAR. Antony, Leave thy lascivious wassails. When thou once Was beaten from Modena, where thou slew'st Hirtius and Pansa, consuls, at thy heel Did famine follow; whom thou fought'st against, Though daintily brought up, with patience more Than savages could suffer: thou didst drink The stale of horses, and the gilded puddle Which beasts would cough at: thy palate then did deign The roughest berry on the rudest hedge; Yea, like the stag when snow the pasture sheets, The barks of trees thou browsed'st; on the Alps It is reported thou didst eat strange flesh, Which some did die to look on: and all this,-- It wounds thine honour that I speak it now,-- Was borne so like a soldier that thy cheek So much as lank'd not. LEPIDUS. 'Tis pity of him. CAESAR. Let his shames quickly Drive him to Rome; 'tis time we twain Did show ourselves i' thefield; and to that end Assemble we immediate council: Pompey Thrives in our idleness. LEPIDUS. To-morrow, Caesar, I shall be furnish'd to inform you rightly berry: 열매, 커피의열매, 딸기의열매, 열매를따다, 물고기의알 - 열매가열리다, 장과, 알, 말린씨앗, 딸기류의열매, 장과가열리다. borne: 시야가좁은, 마음이좁은. cough: 기침, 기침하다, 불연소음을내다, 을마지못해건네다, 을마지못해털어놓다, 기침병, 죄를자백하다, 기침소리, 불연소음, 기침소리를내다, 헛기침하다. daintily: 우미하게, 섬세하게, 우아하게, 가려서, 맛있게, 섬세히, 놀기, 트럼프따위혼자서놀기. 결백하게까다롭게, 좋은것만가리어, stag: 수사슴, 남자들만의, 수짐승, 꼼꼼히, 꼼꼼하게, 풍미있게. 여자를동반치않은남자, 수컷, gilded: 금도금한, 화려한. 남자만으로, 남자만의, 여자동반 lascivious: 음탕한, 선정적인. 없이가는사람, 권리주매매상, palate: 구개, 미각, 위턱, 취미, 기호. 권리주매매인, 남성용포르노의. pasture: 방목하다, 목장, 목초, 목초지, stale: 김빠진, 피곤한, 굳어진, 시시한, 야구장, 야구장의외야, 풀을신선치않은, 케케묵은, 생기가없는, 뜯어먹다, 방목장, 가축을방목하다. 탁한, 신선하지않은, 신선미가없는, patience: 인내, 끈기, 혼자노는카드맛이없어지게하다. 놀이, 혼자하는카드놀이, 혼자서

Both what by sea and land I can be able To front this present time. % CAESAR. Till which encounter It is my business too. Farewell. LEPIDUS. Farewell, my lord: what you shall know meantime Of stirs abroad, I shall beseech you, sir, To let me be partaker. CAESAR. I knew it for my bond. [Exeunt.] William Shakespeare 27 Doubt not, sir; SCENE V. ALEXANDRIA. A ROOM IN THE PALACE. [Enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, IRAS, and MARDIAN.] Charmian,-- CHARMIAN. Madam? Ha, ha!-- Give me to drink mandragora. CHARMIAN. Why, madam? abroad: 널리, 해외에, 틀려서, 퍼져서, 집밖에, 밖에, 집밖으로, 잘못하여, 외국으로, 본거지외에서, 국외로. alexandria: 나일강어귀의항구, 알렉산드리아. beseech: 간청하다, 탄원하다, 간원하다, 원하다, 청하다. bond: 증서, 사로잡힌, 끈, 결합하다, 기반, 노예의, 묶는것, 새끼, 사로잡히다, 보세창고에넣다, 보증인 - 채권으로대체하다. drink: 마시다, 흡수하다, 취하다, 술에소비하다, 술에소비하다, 음료를마시다, 큰강, 한모금, 술을많이마시다, 을위해축배를들다, 음주. farewell: 안녕, 고별, 작별의인사, 작별의인사, 작별인사를하다, 작별. front: 전선, 태도, 표면, 싸움터, 전면, 용모, 을향하다, 정면의, 앞쪽, 으로, 앞면에붙이다. lord: 영주, 하느님, 주인, 군주, 권력자, 영지, 주권, 신, 지배자, 남편, 귀족. mandragora: 맨드레이크. partaker: 관계자, 분담자, 관여자, 함께하는사람, 함께하는사람. present: 선물, 있는, 현재의, 현재시제, 겨누다, 소개하다, 추천하다, 현재, 내놓다, 배알시키다, 상연하다. sea: 바다, 놀, 선원이되다, 온통, 해상에서, 항해중에, 할바를모르고, 퍼짐, 호수, 일대, 얼근히취하여.

Free ebooks ==> 28 Antony and Cleopatra That I might sleep out this great gap of time My Antony is away. % CHARMIAN. O, 'tis treason! CHARMIAN. Thou, eunuch Mardian! MARDIAN. You think of him too much. Madam, I trust, not so. What's your highness' pleasure? Not now to hear thee sing; I take no pleasure In aught an eunuch has; 'tis well for thee That, being unseminar'd, thy freer thoughts May not fly forth of Egypt. Hast thou affections? MARDIAN. Yes, gracious madam. Indeed! MARDIAN. Not in deed, madam; for I can do nothing But what indeed is honest to be done: Yet have I fierce affections, and think What Venus did with Mars. O Charmian, aught: 아마, 아무래도상관없다, 어떤일, 어떤것, 무엇이든. deed: 행위, 실행, 행동, 업적, 증서. eunuch: 환관, 내시, 독신자, 거세된남자, 거세된남자, 유약한남자. fierce: 지독한, 흉포한, 맹렬한, 사나운, 싫은, 열렬한. fly: 날다, 파리, 날리다, 조종하다, 달아나다, 순식간에없어지다, 비행하다, 비행, 도망하다, 달리다, 펄럭이다. gap: 간격, 산협, 차이, 결합, 산이끊어진데, 갈라진틈, 갈라진틈, 갭, 터진틈, 익간격, 빈곳. gracious: 상냥한, 친절한, 정중한, 우아한, 기품있는, 자비로운, 관대한, 존귀한, 품위있는, 우미한, 유익한. hast: 단수. highness: 전하, 높음, 고가, 고위, 높이. honest: 정직한, 섞지않은, 성실한, 진짜의, 평판이좋은, 거짓이없는, 기특한. pleasure: 기호, 오락, 의지, 쾌락, 즐거움, 욕구, 유쾌, 즐기다, 특히육체적쾌락, 육체적쾌락, 만족시키다. sing: 노래하다, 지저귀다, 울다, 울리다, 윙윙거리다, 픽픽하다, 시를짓다, 노래가되다, 소리치다, 자백하다, 노래를짓다. treason: 반역, 배신, 반역죄.

William Shakespeare 29 Where think'st thou he is now? Stands he or sits he? Or does he walk? or is he on his horse? O happy horse, to bear the weight of Antony! Do bravely, horse! for wott'st thou whom thou mov'st? The demi-atlas of this earth, the arm And burgonet of men.--he's speaking now, Or murmuring 'Where's my serpent of old Nile?' For so he calls me.--now I feed myself With most delicious poison:--think on me, That am with Phoebus' amorous pinches black, And wrinkled deep in time? Broad-fronted Caesar, When thou wast here above the ground I was A morsel for a monarch: and great Pompey Would stand and make his eyes grow in my brow; There would he anchor his aspect and die With looking on his life. % [Enter ALEXAS.] ALEXAS. Sovereign of Egypt, hail! How much unlike art thou Mark Antony! Yet, coming from him, that great medicine hath With his tinct gilded thee.-- How goes it with my brave Mark Antony? ALEXAS. Last thing he did, dear queen, He kiss'd,--the last of many doubled kisses,-- This orient pearl: his speech sticks in my heart. Mine ear must pluck it thence. amorous: 요염한, 연애의, 연애를하고있는, 사라을표시하는, 호색의, 연애를하고있는, 사랑을표시하는, 사랑의, 호색적인. anchor: 닻, 정착시키다, 힘이되는것닻을내려멈추다, 힘이되는것최종주자, 닻의, 의지할힘이되는것, 야구팀에서제일가는강타자, 맨끝사람, 닻을내리다, 닻으로고정시키다, 주저앉다. bravely: 용감하게, 화려하게. delicious: 맛있는, 멜리셔스, 유쾌한 - 멜리셔스, 유쾌한, 상쾌한. hail: 싸락눈, 퍼붓다, 빗발치듯쏟아지다, 이라부르며맞이하다, 큰소리로부르다, 인사, 환호, 의출신이다, 인사하다, 우박, 싸라기눈. monarch: 군주, 제주왕나비. morsel: 소량, 한조각, 한입, 한입, 음식물의한입. orient: 동쪽, 동양, 동쪽으로향하게하다, 동쪽의, 떠오르는, 질이 좋은진주, 성단을교회의동쪽으로오게세우다, 태양따위솟아오르는, 적웅시키다, 일정한방향으로향하게하다, 의진상을규명하다. serpent: 뱀, 뱀자리, 악마, 유혹자, 음험한사람, 세르팡, 뱀같은사람, 뱀좌. thence: 그때부터, 그러므로, 거기서부터, 그런고로, 그곳에서부터. tinct: 염료착색한, 색조, 빛깔, 물들인. wrinkled: 주름진, 주름살지는.

Free ebooks ==> 30 Antony and Cleopatra ALEXAS. 'Good friend,' quoth he 'Say, the firm Roman to great Egypt sends This treasure of an oyster; at whose foot, To mend the petty present, I will piece Her opulent throne with kingdoms; all the east, Say thou, shall call her mistress.' So he nodded, And soberly did mount an arm-girt steed, Who neigh'd so high that what I would have spoke Was beastly dumb'd by him. % What, was he sad or merry? ALEXAS. Like to the time o' the year between the extremes Of hot and cold, he was nor sad nor merry. O well-divided disposition!--note him, Note him, good Charmian; 'tis the man; but note him: He was not sad,--for he would shine on those That make their looks by his; he was not merry,-- Which seem'd to tell them his remembrance lay In Egypt with his joy; but between both: O heavenly mingle!--be'st thou sad or merry, The violence of either thee becomes, So does it no man else.--mett'st thou my posts? ALEXAS. Ay, madam, twenty several messengers. Why do you send so thick? Who's born that day When I forget to send to Antony beastly: 짐승같은, 더러운, 대단히, 지겨운, 잔인한, 지독한, 지독하게, 지긋지긋한, 오싹할만큼싫은, 싫은, 몹시. heavenly: 하늘의, 천국같은, 훌륭한, 천부의, 거룩한, 근사한, 타고난, 천국의, 멋진, 천국과같이. mend: 고치다, 개선하다, 정정하다, 걸음을빠르게하다, 수선하다, 수선, 행실따위를고치다, 사태가호전되다, 개량하다, 꺼질듯한불을 살리다, 개심하다. merry: 즐거운, 명랑한, 유쾌한, 거나한, 흥겨운, 거나하게취한기분의. opulent: 부유한, 풍부한, 풍부. oyster: 굴, 모려, 골반양쪽의오목한속에있는살점, 닭의골반양쪽의오목한속에있는살점, 입이무거운사람. quoth: 말하였다, 언제나주어앞에놓음, 언제나주어에놓음. remembrance: 기념, 기억, 회상, 추억, 기념품, 기억력, 전갈, 기억의범위, 유물, 잊지않고있음, 안부를묻는전언. soberly: 분별있는, 진지한, 술이깨다, 취하지않은, 수수한, 마음이가라앉다, 마음을가라앉히다, 냉정한, 과장없는, 맑은정신의, 침착하게. violence: 폭력, 모독, 폭행, 난폭, 손해, 침해, 맹렬, 격렬함, 격렬.

Shall die a beggar.--ink and paper, Charmian.-- Welcome, my good Alexas.--Did I, Charmian, Ever love Caesar so? CHARMIAN. O that brave Caesar! Be chok'd with such another emphasis! Say 'the brave Antony.' CHARMIAN. The valiant Caesar! By Isis, I will give thee bloody teeth If thou with Caesar paragon again My man of men. % CHARMIAN. By your most gracious pardon, I sing but after you. My salad days, When I was green in judgment:--cold in blood, To say as I said then!--but come, away; Get me ink and paper: he shall have every day A several greeting, Or I'll unpeople Egypt. [Exeunt.] William Shakespeare 31 bloody: 피의, 피투성이를만들다, 심한, 피투성이의, 잔인한, 지독한, 피비린내나는, 무척, 다루기어려운, 굉장히, 살벌한. brave: 용감한, 용사, 화려한, 도전하다, 훌륭한, 용감하게해내다, 전사. die: 주사위, 죽다, 소멸하다, 거푸집, 나사틀, 희미해지다, 화인, 죽을것같다, 주사위꼴로자른것, 주사위도박, 점점작아지다. green: 청춘, 녹색, 속기쉬운, 숫된, 초원, 초록색의, 풋내기의, 푸른풀로덮인, 골프장, 공유의풀밭, 녹색안료. ink: 잉크, 먹물, 잉크를칠하다, 잉크로쓰다, 잉크로더럽히다서명하다, 인쇄용잉크. paragon: 모범, 전형, 일품, 뛰어난인물, 둥글고알이큰좋은품질의진주, 모범으로삼다, 비교하다, 이십포인트활자, 천캐럿이상의 완전한다이아몬드. salad: 샐러드, 샐러드용야채. unpeople: 주민을없애다, 무인지경으로만들다, 에서주민을철거하다, 에서주민을절멸시키다, 에서주민을없애다, 개성을잃은사람들. valiant: 용감한, 훌륭한, 용맹스런.

Free ebooks ==> 32 Antony and Cleopatra ACT II SCENE I. MESSINA. A ROOM IN POMPEY'S HOUSE. % [Enter POMPEY, MENECRATES, and MENAS.] POMPEY. If the great gods be just, they shall assist The deeds of justest men. MENECRATES. Know, worthy Pompey, That what they do delay they not deny. POMPEY. Whiles we are suitors to their throne, decays The thing we sue for. MENECRATES. We, ignorant of ourselves, Beg often our own harms, which the wise powers Deny us for our good; so find we profit By losing of our prayers. POMPEY. I shall do well; delay: 유예, 지연, 늦게하다, 지연시키다, 지체하다, 연기하다 - 늦어지다, 연기하다, 늦어지다, 지체하다 - 지연, 지연기간, 우물쭈물하다. deny: 부정하다, 면회를거절하다, 거절하다, 부인하다. ignorant: 무식한, 을모르는, 무지몽매한, 무지에서비롯되는, 무지한. losing: 승산없는, 실패의, 패배의, 실패, 지는. 슬기롭다, 양식, 학문이있는, 알고 sue: 고소하다, 간청하다, 구혼하다, 있는. 소송을제기하다, 소송을일으키다, worthy: 훌륭한, 명사, 하기에족한, 여자이름, 청원하여손에넣다, 에게훌륭한인물, 상당한, 가치있는, 사람, 간청하다. 가치있는. throne: 왕좌, 왕위, 옥좌, 왕권, 교황의자리, 즉위시키다, 왕좌에앉히다, 교황의성좌, 좌품천사, 군주, 왕위에앉다. wise: 방법, 알리다, 현명한, 정도, 영리해보이는, 분별있는, 슬기로운,

The people love me, and the sea is mine; My powers are crescent, and my auguring hope Says it will come to the full. Mark Antony In Egypt sits at dinner, and will make No wars without doors: Caesar gets money where He loses hearts: Lepidus flatters both, Of both is flatter'd; but he neither loves Nor either cares for him. % MENAS. Caesar and Lepidus Are in the field: a mighty strength they carry. POMPEY. Where have you this? 'tis false. MENAS. From Silvius, sir. POMPEY. He dreams: I know they are in Rome together, Looking for Antony. But all the charms of love, Salt Cleopatra, soften thy wan'd lip! Let witchcraft join with beauty, lust with both! Tie up the libertine in a field of feasts, Keep his brain fuming; Epicurean cooks Sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite; That sleep and feeding may prorogue his honour Even till a Lethe'd dullness. [Enter VARRIUS.] How now, Varrius! VARRIUS. This is most certain that I shall deliver:-- Mark Antony is every hour in Rome William Shakespeare 33 brain: 두뇌, 뇌, 지력, 지적인사람, 두뇌부, 지적지도자. crescent: 초승달, 초승달모양의기장, 차차커지는, 초승달모양, 초승달모양의, 초승달모양의광장, 초승달기, 초승달모양의, 초승달의, 초승달꼴롤빵, 회교. feeding: 급송, 급수, 송전, 목초지, 먹음, 사양, 거세지는, 급송하는, 음식물을섭취하는, 섭식. libertine: 난봉꾼, 방탕자, 방탕한 사람, 방탕한. lust: 육욕, 열망, 색정, 강한욕망, 갈망, 열망하다, 색욕을일으키다, 갈망하다. mighty: 거대한, 강대한, 굉장한, 힘센, 위대한, 몹시, 센, 물체가센, 사람이센. prorogue: 정회하다, 정회되다, 의회가정회되다, 정회시키다, 특히영국에서의회를정회시키다. sauce: 소스, 건방짐, 과일의설탕 조림, 맛을내다, 에게무례한말을하다, 흥미를더하는것, 술, 뻔뻔스러움, 뻔뻔스런말을하다, 설탕조림, 소스를치다. soften: 부드럽게하다, 저항력을약화시키다, 연성으로하다, 상냥하게하다, 저항력을약화시키다, 연하게하다, 연약하게하다, 덜다, 누그러지다, 누그러지게하다, 낮게하다. witchcraft: 마력, 매력, 마법, 요술.

Free ebooks ==> 34 Antony and Cleopatra Expected: since he went from Egypt 'tis A space for further travel. % POMPEY. I could have given less matter A better ear.--menas, I did not think This amorous surfeiter would have donn'd his helm For such a petty war; his soldiership Is twice the other twain: but let us rear The higher our opinion, that our stirring Can from the lap of Egypt's widow pluck The ne'er lust-wearied Antony. MENAS. I cannot hope Caesar and Antony shall well greet together: His wife that's dead did trespasses to Caesar; His brother warr'd upon him; although, I think, Not mov'd by Antony. POMPEY. I know not, Menas, How lesser enmities may give way to greater. Were't not that we stand up against them all, 'Twere pregnant they should square between themselves; For they have entertained cause enough To draw their swords: but how the fear of us May cement their divisions, and bind up The petty difference, we yet not know. Be't as our gods will have't! It only stands Our lives upon to use our strongest hands. Come, Menas. [Exeunt.] bind: 동이다, 덩굴, 감다, 제본, 구속하다 - 묶는것, 속박하다 - 굳어지다, 끈, 매다, 변비를일으키게하다, 속박하다, 장정하다. cement: 시멘트, 유대, 접합제, 시멘트로바르다, 결합, 백악질, 굳히다, 결합하다, 굳게하다, 양회, 접합하다. draw: 끌다, 그리다, 당기다, 묘사하다, 뽑아내다, 자아내다, 이끌어내다, 접근하다, 이끌다, 제비, 빠지다. greet: 들어오다, 보이다, 인사하다, 들리다, 맞다, 에게인사하다, 눈에띄다. lap: 무릎, 싸다, 핥다, 기르는환경, 한바퀴돌다, 아랫자락, 기꺼이듣다, 접어겹치다, 한번감기, 처진부분, 무릎부분. lesser: 보다작은, 보다적은, 보다작은, 보다적게. opinion: 의견, 평가, 소신, 판단, 감정, 여론, 선악의판단, 전문가의의견. petty: 소규모의, 하찮은, 사소한, 옹졸한, 자그마한, 하급의, 도량이좁은. pregnant: 임신한, 함축성있는, 뜻깊은, 가득찬, 풍부한, 다산의, 의미심장한, 현명한, 연구심이풍부한, 창의성이풍부한, 충만한. square: 정사각형, 평방의, 광장, 방진, 한구획, 정사각형의, 정사각형으로하다, 공평한, 곱자, 정직한, 충분한. twice: 두번, 두번, 두배로.