SEMANTICS 의미장 단어의관계 내포 ( 함축 ) 단어의의미와번역 2
WHAT IS SEMANTICS? The study of meaning is normally referred to as Semantics, from the Greek noun sema, sign, signal. A linguist studying meaning tries to understand why certain words and constructions can be combined together in a semantically acceptable way, while others cannot. 3 교재참조 (p. 19)
TRANSLATION VS. LINGUISTICS Translation Focuses on Meaning Catford Early Linguistics Does not Focus on Meaning Charles Hockett Translation-theory draws upon a theory of meaning 교재참조 (p. 19) Meaning is not so important to the study of language 4
MEANING WAS IN THE BLACK BOX OF THE MIND. I can t see how meaning is structured. 5 교재참조 (p. 19)
MODELING OF MEANING AT WORD AND SENTENCE LEVEL Concepts at Word Level Denotation Connotation Componential analysis Semantic fields Concepts at Sentence Level Presupposition Entailment 6 교재참조 (p. 19)
SEMANTIC FIELDS Each language is full of gaps and shifts when compared with other languages. same external reality 교재참조 (p. 19) 7
DIFFERENTIAL SLICING OF REALITY(1) 예시 ) the Inuit 8 교재참조 (p. 19)
DIFFERENTIAL SLICING OF REALITY(2) English French Put the light on Anneau Rapplique 9 교재참조 (p. 20)
HYPERNYM VS. HYPONYM(1) English German cook boil kochen simmer 10 교재참조 (p. 20)
HYPERNYM VS. HYPONYM(2) English arm hand leg foot Russian ruka noga 11 교재참조 (p. 20)
HYPERNYM VS. HYPONYM(3) A language that has no word for foreskin has only two hyponyms, one meaning uncircumcized male member and the other meaning circumcized male member. 교재참조 (p. 20) Igor Mel cuk (1978:292) 12
THE TRANSLATION OF FORESKIN OF THE BIBLE Bring back the foreskins of the Philistines (English) Bring back the non-circumcized male members of the Philistines (Literal Translation of Boulou) 13 교재참조 (p. 20)
DIFFERENTIAL SLICING OF REALITY WITHIN A LANGUAGE French baguette bagel croissant English bap bun teacake 14 교재참조 (p. 20)
SUPERFICIAL SIMILARITY (Loss of the non-central meaning) English sausage German wurst Italian butter burro 15 교재참조 (p. 21)
DIFFERENTIAL SLICING OF REALITY WITHIN A LANGUAGE(2) un bruit de soie, de chaises the rustle of silk the scraping of chairs 16 교재참조 (p. 21)
WORD RELATIONS Geoffrey Leech 17 교재참조 (p. 21)
Synonymy 동의어 ( 유의어 ): 어형은다르나뜻이같은말 예시 ) 태양, 해 교재참조 (p. 21) 18
Polysemy 다의어 : 두가지이상의뜻을가진단어 교재참조 (p. 21) 19
Homonymy 동음이의어 소리는같으나뜻이다 른낱말 동형이의어 모양은같으나뜻이다 른낱말 20 교재참조 (p. 21)
배 동음이의어 머리 다의어 21 교재참조 (p. 21)
Binary opposition 양분대립어 예시 ) alive/dead 22 교재참조 (p. 21)
Multiple opposition 다중대립어 예시 ) single/married/divorced 23 교재참조 (p. 22)
Polar opposition 양극대립어 예시 ) large/small 24 교재참조 (p. 22)
Relative opposition 상관대립어 - Directional vector 포함 예시 ) up/down 25 교재참조 (p. 22)
Relative Oppositions 의예시 ) -I own this cat. -This cat belongs to me. 26 교재참조 (p. 22)
개념적용의어려움 이론 정의 외국어능력 실제 사용 번역적용능력 27 교재참조 (p. 22)
IF YOU ENJOY IDLENESS 28 교재참조 (p. 22)
나태해지고싶으시다면 언어능력 나태함 의 부정적의미 번역능력 텍스트종류 텍스트기능 교재참조 (p. 22) 일반적인 언어사용 29
나태해지고싶으시다면 일반적인모화자 태양아래서여유를즐기고싶다면 If you just want to relax in the sun 30 교재참조 (p. 22)
따라서바위혹은자갈위에누운채로햇볕에타고있을것입니다. thus you will remain lying on rocks or on pebbles getting sun-burnt 31 교재참조 (p. 22)
Information flow Level of style Formal parallelism of structures Joseph Malone Directional Vectors EX) That pleases me I like that 32 교재참조 (p. 22) 32
번역시개념적용 SL text 직역보다는동의어사용 - 다양성, 완곡어법, 형식성등이원인 양극대립어사용 - 자주사용되는번역기술 33 교재참조 (p. 23)
CONNOTATION I devoted over 100 pages to this topic. It s just one aspect of associative meaning. This is not a very useful term. Who s right? 35 교재참조 (p. 23)
BRIOCHE 예시 1) On va manger de la brioche. relish, treat (do you feel it? How are you going to translate this?) 예시 2) Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.(st) Let them eat cake.(tt) (What is the difference?) *There is no apparent equivalent for this object in English at the denotational level. How is one to translate the connotational dimensions of the word? 교재참조 (p. 23) 37
CANTAL 사전은명시적의미만을제공한다 단어의함축은어떻게번역할것인가? 예 : texture, taste, smell, geography 38 교재참조 (pp. 23~24)
CONNOTATIONAL DIMENSIONS(1) Good Bad Active Passive Strong Weak Word Connotations <Osgood, Succi, Tannenbaum> 39 교재참조 (p. 24)
DIFFERENT CONNOTATION(1) Islamic Fundamentalists Western Media Fanaticism terrorism Islamic Media Martyrdom sacrifice 40 교재참조 (p. 24)
CONNOTATIONAL MEANING(1) Western Connotations Islamic Fundamentalists Good Bad Active Passive Strong Weak Bad Active Strong 41 교재참조 (p. 24)
CONNOTATIONAL MEANING(2) Islamic Connotations Islamic Fundamentalists Good Bad Active Passive Strong Weak Good Active Strong 42 교재참조 (p. 24)
CONNOTATIONAL DIMENSIONS(2) French academics positive/negative axis 43 교재참조 (p. 24)
DIFFERENT CONNOTATION(1) 예시 ) Juvénile = Juvenile? French-English Dictionary juvénile Adjective (a) young, youthful English-English Dictionary Juvenile Adjective (a) young, childish 44 교재참조 (p. 25)
DIFFERENT CONNOTATION(2) 예시 ) dreadful adventures dreadful adventures 예시 ) repeat performance? repeat Holocaust? Holocaust performance 교재참조 (p. 25) 45
LADMIRAL S TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES Ladmira s Solution Nontranslation Periparaphrase Minimal mistranslation 46 교재참조 (p. 25)
MINIMAL MISTRANSLATION Lamb of God (English) Seal of God (Inuit) 47 교재참조 (p. 25)
Inevitable (?) Loss in the Process of Translation Pure meaning Je suis allée à la gare pour chercher mon frére et ma soeur Ich bin zum Banhof gefahren um meine Geschwister abzuholen 화자가여자 French 일반적인운송수단 German 화자는누구나 모터로구동되는운송수단 brother & sister 중성처리 48 교재참조 (p. 26)
Catford(1965:49) 출발어와도착어가언어적으로동일한의미를갖 기는어렵지만동일한상황에서기능을할수있다. 예시 1) Man shall not live by bread alone. 사람은밥만먹고살수없다. 예시 2) Good morning? 식사하셨어요? 49 교재참조 (p. 26)