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www.uhak2min.com SEOUL BUSAN 2017. 9. 2(Sat) ~ 3(Sun) / COEX 2017. 9. 9(Sat) ~ 10(Sun) / BEXCO

SHOW OUTLINE TITLE EVENT 45 th Korea Study Abroad Fair 34 th Korea Emigration & Investment Fair American Education Fair DATE VENUE ORGANIZED BY EXHIBITION PROFILE <Seoul Event> 2017.9. 2(Sat) ~ 3(Sun) / COEX Hall A (1F) <Busan Event> 2017. 9. 9(Sat) ~ 10(Sun) / BEXCO Exhibition Center 2, Hall 5 (3F) Korea Trade Fairs. Ltd. _ Study-abroad for degrees and language courses _ Early Study Abroad and Exchange Student Programs _ Local education for English and foreign languages _ Embassies, Cultural Institutes and Tourism Boards _ Test/Certificate _ Smart Education _ Overseas employment and internship programs _ Related services : Banks, Insurance, Finance, Medical Service, Transportation etc. _ Emigration consulting agencies _ Foreign investment consulting _ Law office and related law consulting

SHOW OUTLINE Sponsors Australian Embassy / DAAD(German Academic Exchange Service) / Education Ireland / Embassy of Canada Embassy of India / Embassy of Spain / Embassy of the People s Republic of China / Fulbright Commission(www.fulbright.or.kr) / Italian Cultural Institute / Korean Overseas Study Association / Malaysian Embassy / New Zealand Embassy / Nuffic NESO Korea / Philippine Department of Tourism-Korea / South African Embassy Seoul / The British Council IELTS Students, Parents, for overseas employment and emigration, Teachers and Educators Exhibitors : 175 Schools and Companies from 22 countries KOREA STUDY ABROAD FAIR Australia(3) / Canada(15) / China(8) / Chinese Taipei(16) / France(3) Germany(3) / Hongkong, China(2) / India(1) / Ireland(1) / Italy(1) / Macau, China(4) Malaysia(3) / Malta(1) / New Zealand (6) / Philippines(5) / Singapore(2) / Spain(1) Sweden(1) / Switzerland(3) / UK(8) / USA(36) / Korea(1) / Multinational(31) KOREA EMIGRATION & INVESTMENT FAIR Australia(1) / Canada(1) / Germany(1) / Malaysia(2) / USA(6) / Multinational(8) / Korea(1)

Exhibition Outline_Seoul

Exhibition Outline_Seoul

Exhibition Outline_Seoul

Exhibition Outline_Busan

Exhibition Outline_Floor plan_seoul

Exhibition Outline_Floor plan_busan

_Total 30,861 visitors *From this turn, we would like to inform you that family unit and guests of accompanying registration are processed and counted singularly. (The no. of visitors in Busan includes both Study Abroad fair and Emigration fair.)

_Study Abroad Fair * Number of 25,847 ( The no. of visitors in Busan includes both Study Abroad fair and Emigration fair.) Office worker * Age (%) 17.1 6.8 Elementary School Student Middle School 6.6 student 9.2 14 High school student 46.3 *From this turn, we would like to inform you that family unit and guests of accompanying registration are processed and counted singularly.

_Study Abroad Fair * Interests (%) * Interest Rates - Countries ( Multiple choice question type) ( Multiple choice question type) 31.7 USA 23.4 22.2 15.7 Canada Australia UK New Zealand Germany 10.1 8.7 8.2 6.8 20.6 12.4 Japan Singapore 3.5 5.6 8.1 6.8 2.6 1.2 0.7 1.8 China France Switzerland 2.7 2.6 2.1 Philippines 2 Ireland 1.9 Others 6.4 0 5 10 15 20 25

_Emigration & Investment Fair * Number of 8,286 ( The no. of visitors in Busan includes both Study Abroad fair and Emigration fair.) * Age (%) 18 3.1 19.1 28.2 31.6 *From this turn, we would like to inform you that family unit and guests of accompanying registration are processed and counted singularly.

_Emigration & Investment Fair * Interests (%) ( Multiple choice question type) * Interest Rates - Countries ( Multiple choice question type) 27.7 22.9 Canada 26.7 USA 24.7 13.7 11.8 9.6 7.7 5.5 Australia New Zealand Malaysia 9.9 11.8 13.4 1.4 0.1 2 Germany 8.2 Etc. 7.5 0 10 20 30

_Online - Search engines, Network banners, Facebook, Instagram advertising - Radio (CBS FM (Seoul, Busan), SBS FM, KNN (Busan)) and External media advertising - Press release distribution - Overpass signboard, Yes 24 affiliation - Free admission ticket distribution etc.



_ Offline, Press Release

Seminar_Study Abroad(Seoul) Seminar - COEX 3F Conference Room Sep. 2 (Sat) Government Seminar Study in USA Room 307 Room 308 13:00~13:50 영국문화원국제공인영어시험 IELTS 소개와준비팁 U.S. Embassy 미국교육과학생비자신청과정 14:00~14:50 스웨덴대사관스웨덴석사유학설명회, 북유럽에서영어로유학하기 John F. Kennedy Catholic High School 미국최고의사립중ㆍ고등학교 15:00~15:50 주핚독일고등교육진흥원 (DAAD) Study and Research in Germany West Wind Aviation West wind 학교소개 16:00~16:50 영국문화원국제공인영어시험 IELTS 소개와준비팁

Seminar_Study Abroad(Seoul) Seminar A - Seminar Room A in the Venue (Study Abroad) 13:00~13:50 Sep. 2(Sat) Independent-Thinkers 영국명문대학진학하기 Oxbridge, Imperial, LSE, UCL, Warwick 진학을위핚준비방법 Sep. 3(Sun) 주핚캐나다대사관캐나다유학허가증설명회 14:00~14:50 종로유학원캐나다유급인턴십돈벌면서취업, 스펙쌓기! 종로유학원낮은내신으로캐나다명문대진학하기 15:00~15:50 앞으로유학원뉴질랜드고등학교졸업후 ( 나라별 ) 대학진학에관핚설명회 16:00~16:50 EF 이제는독일이다! 독일어학연수및유학설명회

Seminar_Study Abroad(Seoul) Seminar B Seminar Room B in the Venue (Study Abroad) Sep. 2(Sat) Sep. 3(Sun) 12:00~12:50 Admission Masters 미국명문대학진학의새로운트렌드 13:00~13:50 핚미교육원미국주립대장학생신 / 편입 14:00~14:50 감자유학쉽게가는미국명문대 & 국내사립대학보다저렴핚미국주립대진학설명회 유학네트세계명문대학진학, 그것이알고싶다! 15:00~15:50 유학네트미국고등학교졸업후, 대학 3 학년편입학 감자유학 2018 년미국괌 & 필리핀세부겨울영어캠프 16:00~16:50 ETS TOEFL ETS 가직접알려주는 TOEFL 시험준비비법 ( 참가자에게실젂 TOEFL 연습문제제공예정 )

Seminar_Emigration(Seoul) Seminar C Seminar Room C in the Venue (Emigration & Investment) Sep. 2(Sat) Sep. 3(Sun) 13:00~13:50 유원인터내셔널말레이시아이주비자유학설명회 CMB 리저널센터 EB-5 미국투자이민프로그램소개 14:00~14:50 이민법인대양캐나다부자되기정착세미나 - 교육, 부동산, 금융, 법률 모스컨설팅안젂핚미국투자이민프로젝트 - 이제는결정핛시기 15:00~15:50 클럽이민 450 세대 2,000 개미국투자이민비자수속실적, 미국투자이민설명회 핚마음이민법인미국과캐나다투자이민비교 16:00~16:50 IAAG 글로발이민대안파나마멕시코미국 미국투자이민 / 캐나다영주권특별세미나

Seminar_Study Abroad(Busan) Seminar A - Seminar Room A in the Venue (Study Abroad) Sep. 9 (Sat) Sep. 10 (Sun) 13:00~13:50 주핚캐나다대사관캐나다유학허가증설명회 주핚캐나다대사관캐나다교육설명회 14:00~14:50 감자유학 2018 년미국괌 & 필리핀세부겨울영어캠프 종로유학원몬트리올 - 자녀무상교육및유학후이민 15:00~15:50 유학네트미국명문대랭킹 44 위위스콘신대학교입학설명회 앞으로유학원뉴질랜드고등학교졸업후 ( 나라별 ) 대학진학에관핚설명회

Seminar_Emigration(Busan) Seminar B - Seminar Room B in the Venue (Emigration & Investment) Sep. 9 (Sat) Sep. 10 (Sun) 13:00~13:50 클럽이민 450 세대 2,000 개미국투자이민비자수속실적, 미국투자이민설명회 유원인터내셔널말레이시아의보석, 조호바루이스칸다르부동산설명회 14:00~14:50 핚마음이민법인미국과캐나다투자이민비교 온누리국제법인원금회수가장빠르고확실핚미국투자이민프로그램! 15:00~15:50 이민법인대양 뉴질랜드변호사가직접젂하는뉴질랜드생활정보및이민의모든것

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Exhibitor s Name Australia Canada Education Queensland International / DOM Education Pty. Ltd. KoAussie I WORLD INTERNATIONAL GROUP Pty Ltd. AA Canada Branksome Hall Asia Careback KIMOKRAN I.S.C North Toronto high school SD43 Coquitlam School District Study Nova Scotia, Canada - The Language Centre at Saint Mary's University TBC Education / Toronto Catholic District School Board The Embassy of Canada Uhaktree University of Regina Vancouver Film School Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island West SD 84 (The Best Edu) WOORI EDUCATION & IMMIGRATION

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country China Chinese Taipei Exhibitor s Name Beijing No 39 middleschool Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Huamao International School Maple Leaf International School Nanshan Golf School (Shanghai Normal University) The Second Foreign Language School Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University WEIHAI DAGUANGHUA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL WEIHAI ZHONGSHI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Aletheia Univ. Chinese Culture Univ. Dayeh Univ. Ivy Collegiate Academy Kunshan Univ. Mingdao University Nanhua Univ. National Taiwan Normal Univ. National Taiwan Univ.

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Chinese Taipei France Germany Hongkong China India Ireland Italy Exhibitor s Name National Tsing Hua Univ. Shu-Te Univ. Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu Taiwan Education Center Tamkang Univ. Trinity Music Language Academy (Taiwan) Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages CAFA FORMATIONS emlyon business school EU FRANCE German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Humboldt-Institut Rheinland Privatschule Peoplerer HK The Education University of Hong Kong INDORA EDUCATION AGENCY PRESTIGEUHAK IL CUOCO ALMA

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Korea Macau China Malaysia Malta Multinational Exhibitor s Name WEBESTHOLDINGS Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao Macau University of Science and Technology University of Macau University of Saint Joseph APFT KOREA EDUCATION MALAYSIA MALAYEDU Malta Oversea Educational Institute Bada Education Centre BUKBUSAN CUSTOMS Cambridge Korea Center Chongro Overseas Educational Institute (Gangnam, Busan) Daesan Global Education Sdn Bhd DOUM EDUCATION edm education Eduhouse EF Education First ETS TOEFL

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Multinational Exhibitor s Name Gamjauhak Global Standard English Language School HANKYOREH ETI SERVICE INC HJ Global Edu HY Overseas Education Service Jeju Free International City Developmet Center JS Education Group KOEC-Yuhakcenter Co., Ltd. KOKOS LCI Education Network Le Cordon Bleu Korea Inc. MOFA Working Holiday Info Center Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea SMEAG GLOBAL SCHOOL SMG Foundation The Uhak Twoway Study Consulting UHAKNET UNHCR Korea WENS Global YC College

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Exhibitor s Name New Zealand Philippines Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland APRO EDUCATION LTD. (NEW ZEALAND) Embassy of New Zealand in Korea SiS international Education TREDU We Love NZ Y2NZ (Rangitoto College) Concordia Overseas Education Nanuri International School Philippine Department of Tourism QQ English Solsoledu Concordia Overseas Education (JCU/Singapore) Shinseki Education Co. Go! Go! España Embassy of Sweden in Seoul Concordia Overseas Education (BHMS/Swiss) IMI SWITZERLAND Olive Institute for International Education

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Exhibitor s Name UK USA British Council Korea IELTS Hana Education Hove College Brighton Independent Thinkers Education Lets Go UK North London Collegiate School Jeju SAEdu ST EDMUND'S COLLEGE ADMISSION MASTERS American & Australian Boarding Schools International American International Education Foundation (AIEF) Asia Pacific International School, Hawaii Campus BAU California State University, San Bernardino Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Fulbright Commission, Korea Hult International Business School ibest Illinois Institute of Technology

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country Exhibitor s Name USA Jcation John F. Kennedy High School Johnson & Wales University KoAm Education Alliance Korean-American Education Center (KEC) Mentora College Naeil School NDU Education-Davidson Academy NDU Education-Peoria Christian School New York Film Academy Northern Illinois University Oak International Redman Consulting Group L.L.C Shoreline Community College, WA South Seattle College Southern Utah University St. Thomas More School SUNY-Oneonta

Exhibitors List_Study Abroad Fair * Alphabetical order Country The Chinese University of Hong Kong Exhibitor s Name USA The University of Toledo Time Tree Education U.S. Embassy, Seoul, Education USA Korea Vargas University Westwind School of Aeronautics WISE Institute of International Education

Exhibitors List_Emigration Fair * Alphabetical order Country Australia Canada Germany Korea Malaysia Multinational USA Exhibitor s Name GA CONSULTING. CO LTD SUCCESS TRUSTED ADVISORS - DTAX GLAMI Co., LTD Enterrem U1 INTERNATIONAL (MM2H) SDN.BHD Capconsulting.co.Ltd CLUB EMIGRATION FIRM DAE YANG Immigration Corporation Daum Immigration Corp IAAG Korea Shipping Co. Ltd. Onnuri International Corp. SJ Imin CMB Regional Centers Doeul Law LLP Hanmaum Immigration Corp. MOS Consulting Namu Emigration BCI (Bether Capital Inc.)

Next Fair 2018 Spring KOREA Study Abroad & Emigration Fair Seoul 2018. 2. 10.(Sat) ~ 11(Sun) / COEX 3F, Hall C, D Busan 2018. 2. 3.(Sat) ~ 4(Sun) / BEXCO Center 1 Contact Suite 710, Gukheo-Daero 750(Youido-Dong, Kumsan Building), Yeongdeungpo-Gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. 82-2-783-8261 / Fax. 82-2-784-6810 Email info@ktfairs.com / www.uhak2min.com