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2012-2013 Research Models And Diet & Bedding

Research Models Lab Animal Catalogue

Lab Animal Catalogue 04 Contents Research Models ORIENT BIO INFORMATION 06-20 ORIENT BIO INFORMATION CD(SD)IGS ORIENT BIO RESEARCH MODELS 22-25 OUTBRED RATS CD IGS CD IGS Hairless Wistar Rats Wistar Han IGS Obese Prone Obese Resistant Zucker Long-Evans 26-32 INBRED RATS Brown Norway GK Dahl/Salt Sensitive SS-13 BN Buffalo CDF TM (Fischer) F344 (Fischer) Lewis WKY PCK SHHF Copenhagen SHR SHROB SHRSP ZDF 32 HYBRID RATS ZSF1 33-34 OUTBRED MICE CD-1 CF-1 TM Swiss Webster (CFW ) SKH1 35-39 INBRED MICE BALB / c FVB C3H 129 C57BL / 6 Fox Chase CB17 TM DBA / 2 DBA / 1 SJL THE POUND MOUSE TM 40-41 HYBRID MICE B6D2F1(BDF1) B6C3F1 CD2F1(CDF1) CB6F1 42-45 IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS CD-1 Nude BALB / c Nude NU/ NU NIH-III Nude Rats Fox Chase SCID Fox Chase SCID Beige NOD SCID SCID Hairless Outbred (SHO TM ) 46-47 GUINEA PIGS/ HAMSTERS/ GERBILS RABBITS Hartley Guinea Pigs IAF Hairless Guinea Pigs LVG Hamsters Mongolian Gerbils New Zealand White Rabbits 48 DISEASE MODELS Disease Models Table 49-51 RABBITS/ BEAGLE SPF Rabbits Covance Beagle 52 PRIMATE Monkey

05 Orientbio Research Models Contents Diet & Bedding JAX RESEARCH MODELS 54-59 INBRED STRAINS 129S1/ SvlmJ 002448 A/J 000646 C57BL/ 6J 000664 FVB/NJ 001800 NOD/ ShiLtj 001976 AKR/J 000648 TALLYHO/ JngJ 005314 SJL/ J 000686 60-61 HYBRID STRAINS B6CBAF1/J 100011 B6SJLF1/J 100012 NZBWF1/J 100006 NZBWF1/J 100008 62-67 MUTANT STRAINS C57BL/ 6J-Apc Min /J 002020 NOD.Cg-Prkdc scid ll2rg tm1wjl /SzJ 005557 B6.129P2-Apoe tm1unc /J 002052 NOD.CB-Prkdc scid /J 001303 B6.V-Lep ob /J 000632 B6.129S7-Rag tm1mom /J 002216 B6SJL-Tg(sod1*G93A)1Gur/J 002726 BKS.cg-Dock7 m /Lep db 000642 ORIENT BIO DIET & BEDDING 70-71 INFORMATION 72-81 LABDIET 5L79 5053 5025 5002C33 5008 82-87 TESTDIET 58Y1 58Y2 58V8 88-93 LABDIET(Beagle, Primate) 5LL9 5007 5048 94-97 BETA CHIP ASPEN SHAVING BED-Oʼ COBS 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 06 The best partner for biological researching service SPF 50 SPF/ VAF (SPF:Specific Pathogen Free/ VAF:Virus Antibody Free),

07 Orientbio Research Models Orientbio Informations Biosecurity Biosafety Diagnostic laboratory Biosafety Humane Care International Genetic Standardization (IGS) IGS Stock IGS omplementary Services for Research Models haracterization/phenotyping Preconditioning Biosecurity (IGS) (Humane Care) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 08 Orientbio Animal Facilities ( Nude Mouse ) (100% all in all out) HEPA FILTER : Carbon Filter R/ T 6set tonset Autoclave : set

09 Orientbio Research Models Orientbio Animal Facilities SPF Isolator QC (100% all in all out) HEPA FILTER : Carbon Filter R/ T 4set Autoclave : Local 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 10

11 Orientbio Research Models Customer Service Customer Service TEL (031)730-6100 FAX (031)730-6715 E-mail order@orient.co.kr TEL (031)730-6114 FAX (031)730-6715 E-mail order2@orient.co.kr D.O.B., Date of Birth FAX E-mail CRJ G.P Jax Fax, E-mail, Fax 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 12

13 Orientbio Research Models BARRIER 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 14 Closed Colony Charles River Japan(Gnotobiote) Random) Closed Colony Mice CrljOri:CD1(ICR) Crl:CF1 Crl:CFW(SW) RATS Crl:CD(SD) CrljOri:Wistar Crl:WI(Han) Crl:OP(CD) Crl:OR(CD) Crl:LE Guinea Pigs CrlOri:HA Closed Colony Inbred Charles River NIH Inbred Mice BALB/ canncrljori C3H/ HeNCrljOri C57BL/ 6NCrljOri DBA/ 1JNCrljOri DBA/ 2NCrljOri FVB/ NCrl 129S2/ SvPasCrl SJL/ JorlCrl RATS LEW/ CrljOri SHR/ NCrljOri F344/ DuCrljOri F344/ NCrl BN/ Crl GK/ TohiCskCrljCrl WKY/ NCrl BUF/ CrCrl COP/ CrCrl Hybrid B6D2F1/ CrljOri B6C3F1/ Crl CD2F1/ Crl CB6F1/ Crl ZSF1-Lepr fa Lepr cp /Crl Inbred Hybrid MUTANTS CAnN.Cg- Foxn1 nu /CrljOri Crl:CD1-Foxn1 nu Crl:NU-Foxn1 nu Crl:NIH-Lyst bg Foxn1 nu Btk xid Crl:NIH-Foxn1 rnu CB17/Icr-Prkdc scid /IcrCrl CB17/Icr.Cg-Prkdc scid Lyst bg /Crl NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid /IcrCrl

15 Orientbio Research Models Charles River Group IGS( International Genetic Standard ) Charles River Reference Charles River Closed colonyigsreference ReferenceReference Æ??????Æ Æ??????Æ 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 16 breeder Marker backcross tester

17 Orientbio Research Models SPF/ VAF Charles River B. bronchiseptica C. kutscheri K. oxytoca K. pneumoniae P. multocida P. pneumotropica Pasteurella sp. Ps. aeruginosa Pseudomonas sp. Staph. aureus Strep. pneumoniae Beta Strep. sp.-group B&G Salmonella sp. C. rodentium Citrobacter sp. Sabouraund Dextrose Agar Dermatophyte Test Medium Lice Mites Aspiculuris tetraptera Syphacia muris Syphacia obvelata Chilomastix sp. Entamoeba sp. Giardia sp. Hexamastix sp. Monocercomonoides sp. Retortamonas sp. Spironuleus sp. Trichomonads SEND PVM MHV MVM MPV-1 MPV-2 NS-1 GDVII REO EDIM LCMV ECTRO MAV 1 & 2 MCMV K POLY HANT MPUL ECUN CARB MTLV CPIL LDV Tyzzer s Disease RRV Screen Gross Necropsy Exam Helicobacter bilis Helicobacter hepaticus Helicobacter genus M. pulmonis Streptobacillus moniliformis MNV PCR 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 18 USA PMI LAB Diet 5L79 PMI, INC Bedding Northeastern Products Corp. Beta-Chip, Aspen-Shavings SOUTHERN TESTING & RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC.

19 Orientbio Research Models Breeder 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 20 TRANSGENIC SERVICES Charles River Group Colony SURGICAL SERVICES Technician CONTRACT STAFFING SERVICES Facilities Management Group SOP Technical/non-technical training SEROLOGY SERVICES Charles River Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ELISA)Indirect Fluorescent Antibody(IFA) Hemagglutination Inhibition(HAI) COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH MONITORING Animal Colony Bacteriology Parasitology Protozoa Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology GENETIC MONITORING Charles River Inbred F1 Hybrid Transgenic mouse Knockout Mouse Polymerase Chain Reaction Charles River MAXBAXSM(Marker Assisted Accelerated Backcrossing) Transgenic Rodents Genotype backcross Animal Research Model

Orient Bio Research Models

Lab Animal Catalogue 22 OUTBRED RATS Lab Animal Lab Animal CD IGS Rats Crl:CD(SD) hybrid hooded Wister rat Robert W. Dawley Sprague Dawley, IncCharles River IGS Foundation Colony Colony isolator foundation colony IGS International Genetic Standard System Albino. General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, nutrition, diet-induced obesity, oncology Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) CD Hairless Rats Crl:CD-Hr hr Charles River WilmingtonCrl:CD(SD) colony barrier room Charles River Raleigh, NC hairless mutation euthymic Hairless, albino background. Wound healing model, dermatology

23 Orientbio Research Models OUTBRED RATS Wistar Rats CrljOri:Wistar Wister Institute Charles River Scientific Farm, Ltd Charles River colonyhydronephrosis White (Albino) General multipurpose model, infectious disease research, safety and efficacy testing, aging Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) Wistar Han IGS Rats Crl:WI(Han) BRL Han Wistar GlaxoWellcome Charles River UK Charles Riverisolator foundation colony IGSInternational Genetic Standard System White (Albino) General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, oncology Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 24 OUTBRED RATS Obese Prone Rats (OP-CD) Crl:OP(CD) Crl:CD(SD) OP-CD(obese Prone)OR-CD(Obese Resistant) outbred colony Leptin receptor controlcrl:or(cd) White (Albino) Obesity, metabolic syndrome 600 OP AND OR MALE AND FEMALE WEIGHTS ON RD 12492 DIET 500 OP-CD MALE WEIGHT IN GRAMS 400 300 200 OR-CD MALE OP-CD FEMALE OR-CD FEMALE 100 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AGE IN WEEKS Obese Resistant Rats (OR-CD) Crl:OR(CD) Crl:CD(SD) OP-CD(obese Prone)OR-CD(Obese Resistant) outbred colony White (Albino) OP-CD control model NOTE OP-CDOR-CD colonycharles River (Purina 5L79)

25 Orientbio Research Models OUTBRED RATS Zucker Rats Crl:ZUC-Lepr fa aboratory of Comparative Pathology of Theodore and Lois Zucker in Stow, MA13M strain colonynucleus colony Pharmaceutical colonycharles River Four principal coat color variants: 1.predominantly brown; 2.brown and white; 3.predominantly black; 4.black and white. insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome, genetic obesity Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) Long-Evans Rats Crl:LE Dr. LongDr.EvansWister institute white femalewild gray male Canadian Breeding Farm and Laboratories Charles River White with black hood and white with brown hood. general multipurpose model, behavioral research, diet-induced obesity Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 26 INBRED RATS INBRED RATS Brown Norway Rats (BN) BN/ Crl Silvers and Billingham Wister InstitueKing Ratspen-bred colonyking and Aptekman wild rats colonymutation Radiobiology Institute Charles River Non-agouti brown. genetic mapping, respiratory inflammation, aging, immunological dysfunction, transplantation research MHC HAPLOTYPE RT1n Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) GK Rats GK / TohiCskCrljCrl Goto-Kakizaki non-obese Wistarsubstrain GK Rat SendaiTohoku UniversityGotoKakizaki Charles River 2006Charles River White (Albino) non-obese Type 2 diabetes, mild hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia

27 Orientbio Research Models INBRED RATS Dahl/Salt Sensitive Rats (Dahl/SS) SS/JrHsdMcwiCrl Harlan SS/Jr colonydr. Theodore Kurtz(UCSF, CA) Dahl/SS rats(ss/jrhsd)congenic control groupinbred Medical College of Wisconsinstrain residual heterozygosity marker-selected breeding Homozygosity genome wide scan at 20cM homozygouscowley at al. 2000, Physiol. Genomics 2:107-115 Charles River White (Albino) hypertension, diastolic heart failure, nephropathy SS-13 BN Rats SS-13 BN /McwiCrl Medical College of Wisconsin Charles River White (Albino) Dahl/SS control model Consomic rat nomenclature references the recipient parental strain and the chromosome donor strain. The SS-13 BN indicates that chromosome 13 in the BN was transferred to, and used to replace, chromosome 13 in the Dahl/Salt Sensitive Rats. Buffalo Rats BUF/ CrCrl H. Morrisbuffalo stockheston NIHF National Cancer Institute Animal Production Program(Cr)Charles River White (Albino) Carcinogenesis, oncology MHC HAPLOTYPE : RT1 b 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 28 INBRED RATS Fischer Rats (CDF TM ) F344/ DuCrljOri (Fischer )#344rats ColonyColumbia University Institute for Cancer ResearchM.R. Curtis DunningStrain inbreddunningcharles RiverF68 White (Albino) general multipurpose model, aging, safety and efficacy testing, surgical model, oncology, nutrition Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) F344 Rats (SAS FISCH ) F344/ NCrl SASCO Charles River White (Albino). general multipurpose model, aging, safety and efficacy testing, surgical model, oncology, nutrition MHC HAPLOTYPE : RT1 lv

29 Orientbio Research Models INBRED RATS Lewis Rats LEW/CrljOri 1950Dr. Lewis Winstar stock TulaneCharles RiverF White (Albino) transplantation research, induced arthritis/inflammation, experimental allergic encephalitis, STZ-induced diabetes MHC HAPLOTYPE : RT1 l WKY Rats WKY/ NCrl outbred Wistar stockkyoto School of Medicine NIH. SHR/ N strainstock. NIHCharles RiverF White (Albino) SHR control model, ADHD model MHC HAPLOTYPE : RT1 l Weight(groms) Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 30 INBRED RATS PCK Rats PCK/ CrljCrl-Pkhd1 PCK / Crl polycystic kidney Charles River CD rat colonypkhd1 gene mutation Katsuyama autosomal recessive Pkhd1 gene mutationhuman ARPKD(autosomal-recessivepolycystic kidney disease) Charles River White (Albino) Polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive trait SHHF Rats SHHF/ MccGmiCrl-Lepr CP /Crl colonybreeding stockg.d. Searle and Compay J.E. MillerLabUniversity of Chicago Medical SchoolDr. Sylvia McCune SHROB ratshr/n ratdr. McCune colonycongestive heart failure inbred Genetic Models, Inc.Charles River White (Albino) Heart failure, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, nephropathy, insulin resistance Copenhagen Rats COP/ CrCrl Columbia University Institute for Cancer researchcurtis National Cancer InstituteCharles River White with a brown hood. Carcinogenesis, prostatic adenocarcinoma model, oncology

31 Orientbio Research Models INBRED RATS SHR Rats SHR/ NCrljOri 1963OkamotoKyoto School of Medicine outbred Wistar Kyoto male female OkamotoNational Institutes of Health FNIHCharles RiverF 2007 White (Albino) genetic hypertension, hypertensive drug research, ADHD model, safety and efficacy testing Weight(groms) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) SHROB Rats SHROB/ KolGmiCrl-Lepr CP /Crl mutationcase Western reserve Unversity School of medicinedr.simon Koletsky Lab mutationhypertensive ratnormotensive Sprague Dawley rat colonycase Western reserve Unversity School of medicine closed colony Genetic Models, Inc. Charles River White (Albino) Hypertension, hyperinsulinemia, obesity, nephropathy, metabolic syndrome, hyperlipidermia Stroke Prone Rats (SHRSP) SHRSP/A3NCrl SHRSPOkamotoAokiWistar-Kyoto A3 sublinegeneration F36YamoriNational Institutes of Health Charles River White(Albino) Stroke, ADHD model, nephropathy, hypertension, osteoporosis 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 32 INBRED RATS HYBRID RATS ZDF Rats ZDF-Lepr fa /Crl IndianapolisEli Lilly Research CenterDr. Walter Shaw LabOutbred Zucker rats Colonymutation mutationcolonyindiana University Medical School(IUMS)Dr. Julia Clark lineage inbreedingiumsdr. Richard Peterson Lab ZDF ratinbred linegenetic Models, Inc. Charles River Black hood with black stripe down the length of the back. Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, obesity, hyperinsulinemia NOTE LabDiet ZDF ZDF rats HYBRED RATS ZSF1 Rats ZSF1-Lepr fa Lepr cp / Crl hybrid ratzdfshhfratcross modelindianaindianapolisgenetic Models, Inc. Charles River Black hood with black stripe down the length of the back. hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, nephropathy, metabolic, syndrome

33 Orientbio Research Models OUTBRED MICE CD-1 Mice CrljOri:CD1(ICR) Lausann, Centre AnticancereuxRomandDr. de CoulonNoninbred stock malefemale albinostock Swiss mice Rockefeller InstituteDr. Clara Lynch Weight(groms) 60 50 40 30 20 10 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE Hauschka Ha/ ICR stockinstitute for Cancer Research(ICR)Charles RiverCharles River 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) White (Albino) ; Carries black agouti behind its albino gene. general multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, surgical model, pseudopregnancy CF-1 TM Mice Crl:CF1 Missouri CarworthRockefeller Institute Swiss mice Carworth LineProgeny OutbredStock Carworth CF-1 Colonyrepresentative cross Weight(groms) 50 40 30 20 10 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE section River White (Albino) ; Carries brown behind its albino gene. General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 34 OUTBRED MICE SKH1 Mice CrlOri:SKH1-Hr hr non-pedigreedhairless strain of micenew York City Temple UniversityTemple UniversitySkin and cancer Charles Rivereuthymicimmunocompetent Hairless, albino background Euthymic and Immunocompetent Wound healing model, dermatology, safety and efficacy testing Swiss Webster Mice (CFW ) Crl:CFW(SW) stockrockefeller InstituteSwiss micelarge colony Dr. Leslie Webster inbreedingrockefeller Institute Carworth CarworthHighly inbred Weight(groms) 50 40 30 20 10 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE lineprogeny outbredstock Carworth CFW colonyrepresentative cross 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) sectioncharles River White (Albino) General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing

35 Orientbio Research Models INBRED MICE BALB/c Mice BALB/ canncrljori J. BaggOhio pet stock Bagg albino 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION McDowellinbred SnellF1935Andervont 1951AndervontNIHF NIHCharles River Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE White (Albino) General multipurpose model, hydridoma development, monoclonal antibody production, infectious disease 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) Fighting TH FVB Mice FVB/ NCrl outbred Swiss colony[n:gp(s)]inbred strain Friend leukemia virus B strainfv1 b allele lineinbreeding strainfvbnihcharles River White (Albino) Transgenic/ knockout model development 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 36 INBRED MICE C3H Mice C3H / HeNCrljOri strongbagg albino DBA 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION 193042 AndervounHestonF HestonNIHF NIH Charles River Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE Agouti(wild-type) Safety and efficacy testing, oncology, neurological disorders, retinal degeneration 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) MTV MHC HAPLOTYPE : H2 k 129 Mice* 129S2/ SvPasCrl Jackson LabDr. L.C. Stevens Dr. StevensDr. J.L. Guenet LabPasteur Institute line1996iffa CredoCharles River Light-bellied agouti Transgenic/knockout model developmen MHC HAPLOTYPE : H2 b Isolator maintained.

37 Orientbio Research Models INBRED MICE C57BL / 6 Mice C57BL / 6NCrljOri 50 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION C.C. Littlestrains CBRCL 40 Miss Abby Lathrop's stock Strain HallJackson Lab Jackson LabNIH NIHCharles River Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE Black General multipurpose model, diet-induced obesity, transgenic/ knockout model knockout model 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) development, safety and efficacy testing, immunology TH1 Fox Chase CB17 TM Mice* C.Bka-lgh b / IcrCrl BALB/c backgroundcbl / Ka immunoglobulin heavy chain allele (lgh-b)congenic strainfox ChaseCharles River White (Albino) CB17 SCID control model MHC HAPLOTYPE : H2 d Isolator maintained. 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 38 INBRED MICE DBA/ 2 Mice DBA / 2NCrljOri coat colorstock 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION C.C. Littleinbred mice strain sublinecrosses subline1 subline MiderMiderNIH Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE NIHCharles River Non-agouti, Dilute brown. 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) safety and efficacy testing, immunolog Chloroform, Ethylene Oxide DBA/ 1 Mice DBA / 1JNCrljOri The Jackson Lab Hoffman(1965) NIH(1967) Charles River Charles River2007 Non-agouti, Dilute brown

39 Orientbio Research Models INBRED MICE SJL Mice* SJL /JOrlCrl strainswiss WebsterJackson Lab James Lambertstrain CNRS-CSEAL, Orleans, Iffa Credo Iffa CredoCharles River White (Albino) Immunology, retinal degeneration, transgenic/knockout model development Isolator maintained THE POUND MOUSE TM C57BL / 6NCrl-Lepr db-lb / Crl Charles River barrierc57bl / 6NCrl colony leptin receptor proteinhetero x heteromating Black Obesity, hyperinsulinemia, unsulin resistance, dyslipidemia, elevated leptin levels 85 MALE 85 FEMALE 70 70 WEIGHT IN GRAMS 55 40 25 Male C57BL/ 6NCrl Male C57BL/ 6NCrl-Lepr db-lb / Crl WEIGHT IN GRAMS 55 40 25 Female C57BL/ 6NCrl Female C57BL/ 6NCrl-Lepr db-lb / Crl 10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 AGE IN WEEKS AGE IN WEEKS 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 40 HYBRID MICE B6D2F1 Mice (BDF1) B6D2F1/ CrljOri C57BL / 6DBA/2 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE Black Safety and efficacy testing, transgenic/knockout Weight(groms) 30 20 FEMALE model, transplantation research, behavioral research 10 C57BL / 6 DBA/2 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) B6C3F1 Mice B6C3F1/ Crl 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION C57BL / 6 C3H Agouti(wild-type) Safety and efficacy testing, transgenic/ knockout model development Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks)

41 Orientbio Research Models HYBRID MICE CD2F1 Mice (CDF1) CD2F1/ Crl BALB/c DBA/2 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION Brown Safety and efficacy testing, transplantation research, monoclonal antibody production Weight(groms) 30 20 MALE FEMALE 10 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) CB6F1 Mice CB6F1/ Crl 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION BALB/cC57BL/6 Agouti Transplantation research, monoclonal antibody production Weight(groms) 30 20 10 MALE FEMALE 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 42 IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS BALB/c Nude Mice CAnN.Cg-Foxn1 nu / CrljOri BALB/cABorn-nuCharles River Laboratoies Janpan(CRLJ) BALB/cAnCrj-nucrossesback-crosses BALB/cAnCrj-nuCRLJ inbredbalb/c nude Thymus T-cells Hairless, albino background umor biology and xenograft research CD-1 Nude Mice * Crl:CD1-Foxn1 nu Crl:NU-Foxn1nuCD-1mousenude gene WilmingtonCharles River Laboratories 1979Thymus T-cells Hairless, albino background Tumor biology and xenograft research Outbred, isolator maintained. Weight(groms) 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks)

43 Orientbio Research Models IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS NU/ NU Nude Mice * Crl:NU-Foxn1 nu NIH BALB/c congenicinbred outbredoutbred stockstrain ThymusT-cells Weight(groms) 50 40 30 20 10 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE Hairless, albino background. Tumor biology and xenograft research Outbred, isolator maintained. 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) NIH-III Nude Mice * Crl:NIH-Lyst bg Foxn1 nu Btk xid NIH-IIINIH ThymusT-cell Nude immune systemmutations x-linked immune defect(xid)beige(bg) Xid mutationt-independent B lymphocytes Bg homozygotescytotoxic in vitro to tumor cellsnatural killer(nk) cells NIH-III T-independent B lymphocytes NK cell Hairless,light to dark gray pigmented skin Tumor biology and xenograft research Outbred, isolator maintained. Nude Rats(RUN )* Crl:NIH-Foxn1 rnu NIH nude ratinbred rat strain National Institute of HealthCharles River athymic nude rattperipheral lymphoid Thymusdependent area White, black, black & white Tumor biology and xenograft research Outbred, isolator maintained. 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 44 IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS Fox Chase SCID Mice (C.B-17 SCID)* CB17/ Icr-Prkdc scid / IcrCrl SCID mice genetic autosomal recessive mutation(scid) Fox Chase Cancer CenterBosma C.B-17/Icr mice SCID micebt lymphocytes severe combined immunodeficiency micenk cells, macrophagesgranulocytes IFFA CREDO foundation colonycharles River White (Albino) Tumor biology and xenograft research Inbred, isolator maintained. Fox Chase SCID Beige Mice * CB17/ Icr.Cg-Prkdc scid Lyst bg / Crl Genetic autosomal recessive mutations SCIDbeige Congenic mouse. SCID miceb severe combined immunodeficiency beige mutation defective NK(natural killer) cell GuelphCroy,et al.c.b-17scid/scid C57BL/6 bg/ bg mice Charles River White (Albino) Tumor biology and xenograft research Inbred, isolator maintained. NOD SCID Mice * NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid / IcrCrl SCID mutationnon-obese diabetic SCID mutationhomozygous TB NK(natural killer) cells Fredrick Cancer Research and Development CenterCharles River White (Albino) Tumor biology and xenograft research Congenic, isolator maintained.

45 Orientbio Research Models IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS SCID Hairless Outbred Mice (SHO TM )* Crl:SHO-Prkdc scid Hr hr 50 40 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION Hairless SCIDCharles RiverCrl:HA- MALE Prkdc scid Crl:SKH1-Hr hr Prkdc scid Hr hr Homozygous mutationscid hairless Weight(groms) 30 20 FEMALE 10 Hairless, albino background. Tumor biology and xenograft research Outbred, isolator maintained. 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) IMMUNODEFICIENT MODELS Strain Hair T Cell B Cell NK Cell BALB/c Nude NO NO YES YES CD-1 Nude NO NO YES YES NU/ NU NO NO YES YES NIH-III Nude NO NO NO Impaired RUN Nude NO NO YES YES CB17 SCID YES NO NO YES SCID Beige YES NO NO Impaired NOD SCID YES NO NO Impaired SHO TM YES NO NO YES Note: Opportunistic organism 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 46 OUTBRED GUINEA PIGS Hartley Guinea Pigs CrlOri:HA MillhillMedical Research Council Charles River White (Acromelanic Albino) Vaccine, Pesticide, Weight(groms) 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3 MALE FEMALE MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) IAF Hairless Guinea Pigs Crl:HA-Hr hr Montreal s Institute Armand Frappier(IAF)albino Hartley guinea pigs colony MutationCharles River euthymicimmunocompetent Hairless, albino background) dermatology Weight(groms) 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age(weeks)

47 Orientbio Research Models OUTBRED HAMSTERS GERBILS RABBITS LVG Golden Syrian Hamstersc Crl:LVG(SYR) Syria Lakeview original colony closed outbred colony Charles River Medium tan Weight(groms) 250 200 150 100 50 0 3 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION FEMALE MALE 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) Mongolian Gerbilsc Crl:MON ( Tum) StockTumblebrook Farms Predominantly agouti with some black. Weight(groms) 120 100 80 60 40 20 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION MALE FEMALE 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 Age(weeks) New Zealand White Rabbits Crl:KBL ( NZW) NZB Nagano Kitayama K.K Lab Charles River White (Albino) Weight(groms) 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 MEAN WEIGHT /- STANDARD DEVIATION FEMALE MALE 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 Age(weeks) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 48 RESEARCH MODELS OVERVIEW DISEASE MODELS Charles RiverDisease Models Program Characteristic POUND MOUSE OP-CD OR-CD Dahl/ SS SS-13 BN* SHR Stroke Prone Insulin Resistance Hyperinsulinemia Type 2 Diabetes Fasting Hyperglycemia Hypertension? Obesity Cardiovascular Disease Hypertriglyceridemia Hypercholesterolemia Nephropathy Leptin Receptor Defect Special Diet Requirements Genetics I O O I C I I Characteristic SHROB SHROB Lean GK ZDF ZSF1 Zucker Insulin Resistance Hyperinsulinemia Type Diabetes Fasting Hyperglycemia Hypertension Obesity Cardiovascular Disease Hypertriglyceridemia Hypercholesterolemia Nephropathy Leptin Receptor Defect Special Diet Requirements Genetics,1,2,1 I I I I H O I = Inbred O = Hybrid C = Consomic *Dahl/ SS control = Exhibits the characteristic = Does not exhibit the characteristic? = Unknown at this time 1 = Hydronephrosis(Interference) 2 = Hydronephrosis(Interference) is found infrequently

49 Orientbio Research Models SPF RABBITS New Zealand White SPF Rabbits Yac; NZW (KBL) Items Pasteurella multocida Bordetella bronchispetica Salmonella spp Eimeria spp Ear mange Body mange Gross pathology (Lung, Liver, Othe organs) Test method SPF rabbit YAC; NEW(KBL) No. of positive/ No. of Tested 0/15 0/15 0/15 0/15 0/15 0/15 No significant lesions Bacleriology Parasitology Gross pathology 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 50 BEAGLE COVANCE Beagle Preventive Health Programs BacteriologyParasitologyBlood Chemistry and HematologyExternal Parasite Control Program Prophylactic Program Age 5 week 5 week 5 week 7 week 10 week 14 week 14 week 15 week Vaccines Bordetella / Parainfluenza / Adenovirus Type 2 vaccine Canine Parvovirus vaccine Pyrantal Pamoate Distemper / Adenovirus Type 2 / Parainfluenza and Parvo vaccine 7 week Pyrantal Pamoate Distemper / Adenovirus Type 2 / Parainfluenza / Parvo and Leptospira bacterin vaccine Distemper / Adenovirus Type 2 / Parainfluenza / Parvo and Leptospira bacterin vaccine Rabies vaccine Bordetella / Parainfluenza / Adenovirus Type 2 vaccine Weights - KG 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 Male Average Female Average Average Body Weights 0.0 6 10 14 17 20 15 30 14 18 Age in Weeks Female Average Male Average

51 Orientbio Research Models BEAGLE COVANCE Research Products, Michigan 2007 Beagle Baseline Data Blood Chemistry Reference Rang Units 4 month Male Beagle 4 month Male Beagle 6 month Female Beagle 6 month Male Beagle 8 month Male Beagle 8 month Male Beagle Glucose 70-138 mg/ dl 109 108 73 91 88 92 Urea Nitrogen 6.0-25 mg/ dl 16 17 17 18 19 17 Creatinine 0.5-1.6 mg/ dl 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 Total Protein 5.0-7.4 g/ dl 5.2 5.1 5.6 5.6 6 6.1 Albumin 2.7-4.4 g/ dl 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 Total Bilirubin 0.1-0.3 mg/ dl 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Alkaline Phosphatase 5-131 U/ L 164 176 97 100 79 86 ALT(SGPT) 12-118 U/ L 29 26 32 33 37 40 AST(SGOT) 15-66 U/ L 39 36 38 33 33 34 Cholesterol 92-324 mg/ dl 140 141 180 162 162 146 Calcim 8.9-11.4 mg/ dl 11.3 11.2 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.7 Phosphorus 2.5-6.0 mg/ dl 8.9 8.8 7.6 7.6 6.6 6.1 Sodium 139-154 meq/ L 147 147 148 147 149 148 Potassium 3.6-5.5 meq/ L 5.2 5.1 5.2 5 4.8 4.5 Chloride 1.2-120 meq/ L 109 110 110 110 112 110 Albumin/ Globulin 0.8-2.0 RATIO 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 BUN/ creatinine ratio 4.0-27 RATIO 35 36 30 31 29 28 Globulim 1.6-3.6 g/ dl 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.9 2.9 Lipase 77-695 U/ L 229 244 288 344 281 408 Amylase 290-1125 U/ L 510 528 672 648 716 675 Triglycerides 29-291 mg/ dl 58 63 55 62 45 43 CPK 59-895 U/ L 452 409 354 238 188 193 GGTP 1.0-12 U/ L <5 <5 5 5 5 <5 Magnesium 1.5-2.5 meq/ L 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Corrected Calcium N/A N/A 12 11.9 11.4 11.5 11.2 11.1 CBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit WBC RBC MCV MCH MCHC Platelet Count Platelet estimate Differential Neutrophils Bands Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils 12.1-20.3 g/ dl 11.7 12.1 14.5 15.2 16.1 16.6 36-60 % 36.7 37.5 46.2 48.2 49.9 51.1 4.0-15.5 thousand/ 14.2 15 12.4 13 12.6 12.1 4.8-9.3 million/ ul 5.45 5.59 6.68 6.93 7.38 7.68 58-79 fl 67 67 69 70 68 67 19-28 pg 21.5 21.6 21.7 22 32.3 21.6 30-38 g/ dl 32 32.3 31.3 31.6 32.3 32.4 170-400 thousand/ 442 425 387 418 337 324 Adequate N/A INC INC ADEQ INC ADEQ ADEQ 2060- Actual 8169 9537 7662 7818 8046 7722 0-300 Actual 0 0 0 0 0 0 690-4500 Actual 4816 4390 3960 4193 3624 3250 0-840 Actual 693 727 515 616 617 681 0-2500 Actual 393 229 216 244 242 284 0-150 Actual 150 116 92 129 101 138 Other Tests T4 1.0-4.0 ug/ dl 2.7 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.2 Occult Heartworm Negative N/A all ENG all ENG all ENG all ENG all ENG all ENG 20% gia, 75% gia, 60% gia, Fecal (gia=giardia, coc=coccdia) 5% coc 15% coc 70% gia, 80% gia, 10% coc 35% gia, 85% 100% 100% 100% 95% 85% Giardia Antigen positive positive positive positive positive positive Number Tested 20 20 20 20 20 20 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 52 MONKEY Monkey Monkey Cynomolgus / Rhesus 1. Hematological Value WBC 10. 3 / RBC 10. 6 / HGB g/dl HCT % MCV fl MCH pg MCHC g/dl PLT 10. 3 / Mean 10.38 5.38 13.29 39.81 74.03 24.74 33.43 331.56 SD 2.05 0.33 0.81 2.02 2.84 1.13 0.99 77.64 2. Differential Count NEU LYM MONO EOS EOS % % % % % Mean 25.62 68.36 3.90 0.64 1.46 SD 10.34 8.83 2.16 0.33 0.59 3. Serum Chemistry TP ALB GLU AST ALT BUN T-BIL CHO ALP Crea TG A/G g/dl g/dl mg/dl IU/ L IU/ L mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl IU/ L mg/dl mg/dl g/dl Mean 7.3 4.3 106.2 37.2 32.9 23.9 0.2 175.6 1394.1 0.6 36.7 1.4 SD 0.6 0.3 25.3 7.8 15.7 5.2 0.1 38.0 403.3 0.1 26.4 0.1

JAX Mice Research Models

Lab Animal Catalogue 54 JAX INBRED STRAINS 129S1/SvlmJ 002448 Key features Widely used to produce targeted mutants Developed to be a control for mice produced from steel-derived ES cell lines Identical to 129S1/Sv Oca2-p Tyr-c Kitl Sl-j / except for the region surrounding the Kitl gene on Chromosome 10 High incidence of spontaneous testicular teratomas Spontaneous mutation of the disrupted in schizophrenia 1 gene (Disc1 del ) Susceptible to anthrax lethal toxi Undergoing complete sequencing by the Mouse Genomes Project Appearance White-bellied agouti MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Gene targeting, cancer, neurobiology, anthrax Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67(contains 6% fat) A/J 000646 Key features General purpose strain Highly susceptible to spontaneous and carcinogen -induced lung tumors Multiparous females develop mammary adenocarcinomas with high incidence Hypersusceptible to cigarette smoke-induced emphysema Susceptible to allergen-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma due to the presence of the hemolytic complement deficient (Hc 0 ) allele Structural lung damage in induced asthma in A/J closely mimics that of asthma in human patients Hemolytic complement deficient (Hc 0 ), contributing to asthma susceptibility Homozygous for dysferlin gene mutation (Dysf prmd ); progressive muscular dystrophy develops at approximately 20 weeks of age Resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis Common Name A Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 a Research Applications Cancer (lung, breast), emphysema, asthma, immunology research, muscular dystrophy, craniofacial defects, atherosclerosis, age-related hearing loss, anthrax Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat)

55 JAX Mice Research Models JAX INBRED STRAINS C57BL/6J 000664 Key features Most widely used and best characterized inbred mouse strain Most popular background for constructing genetically modified strains Breeds well, long-lived, low tumor susceptibility Highly susceptible to diet-induced obesity Relatively resistant to obesity-induced diabetes Highly susceptible to diet-induced atherosclerosis DSS-induced inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mode Homozygous for cadherin 23 (otocadherin) mutation (Cdh23 ahl ), conferring age-related hearing loss Homozygous for nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase mutation (Nnt C57BL / 6J ), conferring impaired glucose homeostasis Prone to microphthalmia and associated eye abnormalities Resistant to audiogenic seizures Susceptible to hereditary hydrocephalus (one to four percent prevalence) Prone to hair loss associated with overgrooming and dermatitis Preference for alcohol and morphine Resistant to anthrax toxin and to Sterne anthrax strain Primitive hematopoietic stem cells with greatly delayed senescence (a dominant trait) Common Name B6, Black 6 Appearance Black; a/a MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Diet-induced obesity with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD), age-related hearing loss, eye abnormalities, bone density, hydrocephaly, malocclusion, hair loss and dermatitis, addiction, anthrax Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) C57BL/ 6J 000664 Research Applications 1 Chen et al. 2000. PMID: 10781902 2 Clee and Attie. 2007. PMID: 17018838 3 Dietrich. 1998. Mouse Phenome Database website, www.jax.org/phenome, June 2005 4 Drake et al. 2001. PMID: 11328966 5 Ferraro et al. 1998. PMID: 9861641 6 Freeman et al. 2006. PMID: 16804088 7 JAX NOTES. 2003. 489:9-11 8 www.jax.org/jaxmice/gsp 9 Johnson et al. 1997. PMID: 9447922 10 Keithley et al. 2004. PMID: 14759567 11 Melo et al. 1996. PMID: 8640219 12 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 13 Paigen. 1995. PMID: 7625360 14 Phillips et al. 1994. PMID: 7986372 15 Roberts et al. 1998. PMID: 9720874 16 Rossmeisl et al. 2003. PMID: 12882911 17 Smith et al. 1994. PMID: 7898027 18 Sundberg JP. 1994. MGI:77872 19 Waterston et al. 2002. PMID: 12466850 20 Welkos et al. 1986. PMID: 3081444 21 Zygourakis and Rosen. 2003. PMID: 12746874 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 56 JAX INBRED STRAINS FVB/NJ 001800 Key features Well-characterized and widely used background strain for transgenic mouse models Fertilized eggs with prominent pronuclei-ideal for pronuclear injection to produce large litters of transgenic offspring Sensitivity to Friend leukemia virus B strain due to Friend virus susceptibility 1 mutation Hemolytic complement deficient (Hc 0 ), conferring various immune defects Highly susceptible to chemically-induced squamous cell carcinoma Homozygous for phosphodiesterase 6B, cgmp, rod receptor, beta polypeptide mutation (Pde6b rd1 ) conferring early-onset retinal degeneration Resistant to collagen-induced arthritis primarily due to mutations in T cell receptor alpha (Tcra- V11.1) and beta ( Tcrb-V ) genes More aggressive, active and anxious than C57BL/ 6J High basal body temperature, low stress-induced hyperthermia Susceptible to anthrax toxin Extensive phenotypic information Resequenced by the NIEHS-supported Resequencing Project Common Name FVB, Friend Virus B Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 q Research Applications Transgene construction, immunology, cancer, retinal degeneration, behavior, thermoregulation, anthrax, control strain Diet This strain is maintained on LabDiet JL Rat and Mouse/ Irr 6F 5LG4/5LL4 (contains 6% fat) at our Sacramento, Calif. facility and LabDiet NIH Rat and Mouse/ Auto 6F 5K52/5K67(6% fat) at our Bar Harbor, Maine facility. Weight Chart above based on mice from Bar Harbor. FVB/ NJ 001800 Research Applications 1 Bouwknecht and Paylor. 2002. PMID: 12429412 2 Bowes et al. 1990. PMID: 1977087 3 Chang et al. 2002. PMID: 11853768 4 Dietrich. 1998. Mouse Phenome Database, www.jax.org/phenome 5 Hennings et al. 1993. PMID: 8242866 6 www.jax.org/jaxmice/gsp 7 JAX NOTES. 2007. 504:3 8 Karp et al. 2000. PMID: 10973279 9 Mineur and Crusio. 2002. PMID: 11827736 10 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 11 Osman et al. 1999. PMID: 10436178 12 Taketo et al. 1991. PMID: 1848692 13 Wetsel et al. 1990. PMID: 2303408

57 JAX Mice Research Models JAX INBRED STRAINS NOD/ShiLtj 001976 Key features Extensively used as a model for type 1 diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Background strain for numerous immunocompromised mutants and immune-regulating transgenics Females develop higher incidence of diabetes than males (90-100% by 30 weeks of age vs. 40-60% by 30-40 weeks) Diabetes severity depends on environment, including housing conditions, health status Hemolytic complement deficient (Hc 0 ), conferring various immune defects Unique MHC haplotype ( H2 g7 ) Defective antigen presenting cell function, NK cell function, T cell regulation, and macrophage cytokine production Impaired wound healing Homozygous for cadherin 23 (otocadherin) mutation (Cdh23 ahl ), conferring severe hearing impairment Extensive phenotypic information Extensive physiological data available at Common Name Non-obese diabetic Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 g7 Research Applications Type 1 diabetes( IDDM ), immunology, autoimmunity, wound healing, age-related hearing loss Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) NOD/ShiLtj 001976 Research Applications 1 Acha-Orbea and Scarpellino. 1991. PMID: 1855817 2 Darby et al. 1997. PMID: 9076954 3 Fan et al. 2004. PMID: 15067061 4 www.jax.org/jaxmice/gsp 5 Karp et al. 2000. PMID: 10973279 6 Keithley et al. 2004. PMID: 14759567 7 Leiter EH. 1998. In: NOD Mice and Related Strains: Research Applications in Diabetes, AIDS, Cancer, and Other Diseases. RG Landes, Austin 8 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 9 Serreze and Leiter. 1994. PMID: 7710714 10 Wetsel et al. 1990. PMID: 2303408 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 58 JAX INBRED STRAINS AKR/J 000648 Key features High incidence of lymphatic leukemia: ubiquitous, ecotropic murine leukemia retrovirus AKV linked to disease development Susceptible to diet-induced obesity with type 2 diabetes Hyporesponsive to high fat and cholesterol diets; relatively resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis Cholesterol ester depletion in the adrenal cortex due to the sterol O-acyltransferase 1 mutation Hemolytic complement deficient (Hc 0 ), conferring various immune defects Resistant to anthrax toxin Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 k Research Applications Leukemia, diet-induced obesity with diabetes, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, endocrine defects, immunology, anthrax Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67(contains 6% fat) TALLYHO/JngJ 005314 Key features Developed at The Jackson Laboratory; Swissderived: related to ST/ bj (000688), SJL/J (000686), FVB/NJ (001800), and NON/ ShiLtJ (002423) Males normoglycemic at weaning, impaired glucose tolerance by eight weeks, most chronically hyperglycemic (400-600mg/dl ) after puberty; females normoglycemic normoglycemic, may be used as controls Hyperglycemia associated with recessive noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus1(tanidd1) Chr 19 locus Tanidd1 interacts with other loci, including Tanidd2 on Chr 13, Tanidd3 on Chr 15, TallyHoassociated body weight (Tabw) on Chr 7, TallyHo-associated fat pad (Tafat ) on Chr 6 and Tabw2 on Chr 6 Obesity associated with Tabw2 on Chr 6 Common Name TALLYHO, TH Appearance White MHC Haplotype H2 s2 Research Applications Type 2 diabetes, obesity, vascular dysfunctions Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat)

59 JAX Mice Research Models JAX INBRED STRAINS SJL /J 000686 Key features High incidence of reticulum cell sarcomas resembling Hodgkin s disease (approximately one year of age) Susceptible to virus-or DMBA-induced leukemia Highly susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis Homozygous for the dysferlin gene mutation (Dysf im ), resulting in progressive muscular dystrophy Regenerates injured muscle faster than BALB/c mice Males extremely aggressive; fighting often fatal Resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis Homozygous for phosphodiesterase 6B, cgmp, rod receptor, beta polypeptide mutation (Pde6b rd1 ), resulting in retinal degeneration Relatively immunocompetent (only reduced NK cells only) control for type 1 diabetes model, NOD/ShiLtJ (001976) Extensive phenotypic information Common Name SJL, Swiss Jim Lambert Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 s2 Research Applications Hodgkin s disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis ( EAE ), muscular dystrophy, muscle regeneration, aggression, retinal degeneration, type 1 diabetes control strain Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) SJL / J 000686 Research Applications 1 Bittner et al. 1999. PMID: 10508505 2 Bowes et al. 1990. PMID: 1977087 3 Chang et al. 2002. PMID: 11853768 4 Crispens. 1973. PMID: 4351481 5 Dal Canto et al. 1995. PMID: 8527856 6 Festing, www.informatics.jax.org/external/ festing/mouse/docs/sjl 7 JAX NOTES. 1999. 477:1-4 8 JAX NOTES. 2003. 489:9-11 9 McGeachie and Grounds. 1995. PMID: 7781025 10 Mitchell et al. 1992. PMID: 1423478 11 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 12 Murphy. 1963. MGI:50986 13 Myers et al. 1970. MGI:70600 14 Nishina et al. 1993. PMID: 8355588 15 Page and Glenner 1972. PMID: 5064209 16 Vafiadaki et al. 2001. PMID: 11234777 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 60 JAX HYBRID STRAINS B6CBAF1/J 100011 Key features F1 hybrid between female C57BL/6J (000664) and male CBA/J (000656) mice Genetically uniform; heterozygous at all loci where parental strains differ Possesses hybrid vigor: more resistant to disease, survive better under stress, live longer, and have larger litters than either parental strain Mixed MHC haplotype: accepts tissue transplants from either parental strain Body weight by age data Appearance Agouti MHC Haplotype H2 b/k Research Applications Useful as hosts for tissue transplants (e.g., tumors, skin, and ovaries) from either parental strain. Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) B6SJLF1/J 100012 Key features F1 hybrid between female C57BL/6J (000664) and male CBA/J (000656) mice Genetically uniform; heterozygous at all loci where parental strains differ Possesses hybrid vigor: more resistant to disease, survive better under stress, live longer, and have larger litters than either parental strain Mixed MHC haplotype: accepts tissue transplants from either parental strain Body weight by age data Common Name B6SJL Appearance Agouti MHC Haplotype H2 b/s Research Applications Useful as hosts for tissue transplants (e.g., tumors, skin, and ovaries) from either parental strain. May be more robust than parental strains for studies such as those involving some deleterious mutations, radiation, behavior, and bioassays for nutrients, drugs, pathogens. Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat)

61 JAX Mice Research Models JAX HYBRID STRAINS B6D2F1/J 100006 Key features F1 hybrid between C57BL/6J (000664) female and DBA/2J (000671) male mice Genetically uniform; heterozygous at all loci where parental strains differ Possesses hybrid vigor: more resistant to disease, survive better under stress, live longer, and have larger litters than either parental strain Mixed MHC haplotype: accepts tissue transplants from either parental strain Extensive phenotypic information 1 Extensive physiological data summary available at www.jax.org/jaxmice/support/ Appearance Black MHC Haplotype H2 b/d Research Applications Useful as hosts for tissue transplants (e.g., tumors, skin and ovaries) from either parental strain. Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) NZBWF1/J 100008 Key features F1 hybrid between female NZB/BlNJ (000684) and male NZW/LacJ (001058) mice Genetically uniform; heterozygous at all alleles where parental strains differ Mixed MHC haplotype; accepts tissue transplants from either parental strain Develops a lupus-like disease characterized by high levels of antinuclear antibodies,hemolytic anemia, proteinuria, and progressive immune complex glomerulonephritis(incidence and (incidence and severity of symptoms more pronounced in females) Develops cortical anomalies similar to those in people with dyslexia Average lifespan: females, 245 days; males, 406 days Common Name CB6 Appearance Agouti MHC Haplotype H2 d/z Research Applications Lupus, dyslexia, hosts for tissue transplants (e.g., tumors, skin, and ovaries from either parental strain) Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 62 JAX MUTANT STRAINS C57BL /6J-Apc Min /J 002020 Key features Model for breast and intestinal cancers; highly susceptible to spontaneous intestinal adenomas and susceptible to mammary adenocarcinoma Harbors the Apc Min allele, the heritable, dominant, homozygous lethal, chemically induced multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli ( Apc) gene May carry a dominant modifier of min (Mom2) gene that reduces polyp number and incidence in heterozygotes Females too sick to raise litters, become anemic and die by four months Appearance Black MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Cancer (intestinal and breast) and stem cell research Diet LabDiet 5K20 (contains 10% fat) NOD.Cg-Prkdc scid Il2rg tm1wjl /SzJ 005557 Key features Carries the true null interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain mutation: not be confused with the NOG mouse, whith has a truncated interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain Homozygous for a targeted mutation of the interleukin 2 receptor, gamma chain (Il2rg) gene, and for Prkdcscid, the spontaneous severe combined immune deficiency (scid) mutation of the protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide (Prkdc) gene, resulting in severe defects in both innate and adaptive immunity No leakiness with age Better engraftment of human hematopoietic stem cells and peripheral-blood mononuclear cells than that in any other mouse strain. Excellent model to study human specific pathogens such as HIV: can essentially be engrafted with a human immune system Common Name NOD scid gamma (NSG), NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull, NOD-scid IL2Rgnull Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 g7 Research Applications Allogeneic and xenogeneic grafts, infectious disease/ human specific pathogens, regenerative medicine Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat)

63 JAX Mice Research Models JAX MUTANT STRAINS B6.129P2-Apoe tm1unc /J 002052 Key features Homozygous for the apolipoprotein E ( Apoe) gene knockout on 57BL/6 background Abnormal lipid homeostasis: markedly high levels of total plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, and low HDL levels; high LDL and VLDL levels; prone to xanthomas Develops atherosclerosis on regular chow diet (4.5% fat, 0.022% cholesterol); atherosclerosis accelerates significantly on artherogenic diet. Cardiovascular defects: high transaortic and transmitral blood velocities, high stroke volume, inelastic vessels, cardiac hypertrophy, low hematocrit ; prone to stenosis Exercise fails to reduce oxidative stress Reduced body weight Abnormal blood brain barrier Ear and hearing defects Low levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (enos) in aortic wal Impaired spatial learning and vertical activity Premature death: 35% die by 18 months Common Name Apoe knockout Appearance Black MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Alzheimer s, atherosclerosis and other cardiac research, behavior and learning defects, diet-induced obesity, hearing defects, lipid metabolism, neurodegeneration Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) B6.129P2-Apoe tm1unc /J 002052 Research Applications 1 Fullerton et al. 2001. PMID: 11312553 2 Guo et al. 2005. PMID: 16051453 3 Hartley et al. 2000. PMID: 11045969 4 Moghadasian et al. 2001. PMID: 11726538 5 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 6 Piedrahita et al. 1992. PMID: 1584779 7 Raber et al. 1998. PMID: 9724804 8 Walker et al. 1997. PMID: 9358763 9 Young et al. 2005. PMID: 15550530 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 64 JAX MUTANT STRAINS NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid /J 001303 Key features Severe deficiency in both adaptive and innate immunity due to the combined effects of the NOD background and the spontaneous severe combined immune deficiency(scid ) mutation in the DNA activated protein kinase catalytic polypeptide (Prkdc) gene, resulting in lack of functional T and B cells (no detectable IgM, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, or IgA) and low NK cell activity Better engraftment of human lymphoid malignancies than nude mice (Foxn1 deficient), Rag1 deficient mice or scid mutant mice on other genetic backgrounds Diabetes-free throughout life: control for the diabetes-prone NOD/ShiLtJ strain High incidence of thymic lymphomas leading to mean lifespan of 8.5 months under SOPF conditions Homozygous for Hc 0, the deficient (0) mutation of the hemolytic complement (Hc) gene, conferring allergen-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness Part of our unique Genetic Stability Program Extensive physiological data summary available at Common Name NOD Scid Appearance Albino MHC Haplotype H2 g7 Research Applications Allogeneic and xenogeneic grafts, islet transplantation, B cell, T cell, and complement functions, toxicology, thymic lymphomas Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) NOD.17-Prkdc scid /J 001303 Research Applications 1 Hudson et al. 1998. PMID: 9844934 2 JAX NOTES. 2005. 498:1-3 3 Karp et al. 2000. PMID: 10973279 4 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 6 Shultz et al. 2007. PMID: 17259968 7 Wetsel et al. 1990. PMID: 2303408

65 JAX Mice Research Models JAX MUTANT STRAINS B6.V-Lep ob /J 000632 Key features Homozygous for leptin (Lep) gene spontaneous mutation on a C57BL/6J background Recognizably obese when about four weeks old; gains weight even on regular chow Diabetes phenotypes: transiently hyperglycemic, glucose intolerant, hyperinsulinemic, and severely insulin resistant Low threshold for stimulation of insulin secretion High serum triglyceride levels High LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels Hyperphagic and hypometabolic Adipose tissue transplants prevent obesity, normalize insulin sensitivity Hypercorticism Impaired thermoregulation Impaired wound healing Dysregulated pituitary and adrenal glands Cardiac muscle defects; left ventrical hypertrophy All females and most males are sterile Extensive phenotypic information from previous mouse-based research Common Name Lep ob, ob, Obese Appearance Black, fat; Black, lean MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Endocrine ( hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas) defects, cardiovascular defects, fertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, thermoregulation, type 2 diabetes, wound healing Diet LabDiet 5K20 (contains 10% fat) B6.V-Lep ob /J 000632 Research Applications 1 Barouch et al. 2003. PMID: 12885755 2 Charlton. 1984. PMID: 6393185 3 Chen et al. 1993. PMID: 8360782 4 Chua et al. 2002. PMID: 12136396 5 Dong et al. 2006. PMID: 16394172 6 Kampfer et al. 2005. PMID: 15855344 6 Kampfer et al. 2005. PMID: 15855344 7 Klebanov et al. 2005. PMID: 16002549 8 Mcginnis et al. 1992. MGI Ref ID J:13151 9 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 10 Nishina et al. 1994. PMID: 8177042 11 Sainsbury et al. 2002. PMID: 12000791 12 Sakkou et al. 2007. PMID: 175507802 13 Zhang et al. 1994. PMID: 7984236 031-730-6100

Lab Animal Catalogue 66 JAX MUTANT STRAINS B6.129S7-Rag1 tm1mom /J 002216 Key features Homozygous for a knockout of the recombination activation gene1(rag1) gene on a C57BL/ 6J genetic background Produces neither mature B nor T cells; spleen and bone marrow contain no IgM or IgD staining cells Preferable to other RAG1 NULL strains when MHC must be matched with MHC restriction of a T cell receptor Produces neither CD3 nor T cell receptor (TCR) alpha-beta positive cells Contains 15 to 130 times fewer thymocytes than do heterozygous or wild-type sibling Appearance Black MHC Haplotype H2 b Research Applications Cancer, immunodeficiency, transplantation, toxicology, vaccine development Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) B6SJL-Tg(sod1*G93A)1Gur/J 002726 Key features Hemizygous for the human superoxide dismutase1(sod1) transgene on a mixed C57BL/6 by SJL genetic background Neuromuscular degeneration similar to human ALS Metabolic defects: abnormal insulin, leptin, and corticosterone levels, abnormal adipose tissue morphology, increased oxygen consumption and energy expenditure Life span of 19-23 weeks Hybrid B6 and SJL genetic background Maintained by breeding hemizygous carriers (preferably males) to B6SJLF1 hybrids Common Name AGWA Appearance Multiple coat colors MHC Haplotype H2 b, H2 bs2, or H2 s2, Research Applications Neuromuscular disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig s Disease), metabolism Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat)

67 JAX Mice Research Models JAX MUTANT STRAINS BKS.cg-Dock7 m / Lep db 000642 Key features Homozygous for Leprdb, the spontaneous diabetes (db) mutation of the leptin receptor (Lepr) gene from DBA/J on a C57BLKS/J genetic background Obese by three to four weeks old Abnormal lipid levels: high HDL, LDL, VLDL, and triglyceride levels Polyphagic Severe liver steatosis Low body temperature Diabetes phenotypes: hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, abnormal islet morphology; peripheral neuropathy Exogenous insulin fails to control blood glucose levels Renal defects: increased creatinine clearance, decreased albumin secretion Increased gluconeogenic enzyme activity Cardiovascular defects Increased metabolic efficiency Reproductive defects: sterile, low uterine and ovarian weights, low ovarian hormone production and hypercytolipidemia in follicular granulosa and endometrial epithelial tissue layers Common Name Lepdb, db, diabetic Appearance Black, fat: Leprdb Black, lean: m Leprdb Misty (grey), lean: Dock7 m MHC Haplotype H2 d Research Applications Type 2 diabetes, endocrine defects (pancreas, hypothalamus, and pituitary), fertility, immunodeficiency, metabolism, obesity, thermoregulation, wound healing Diet LabDiet 5K52/5K67 (contains 6% fat) BKS.cg-Dock7 m / Lep db 000642 Research Applications 1 Brem et al. 2007. PMID: 17275236 2 Chen et al. 1996. PMID: 8608603 3 Garris. 2004. PMID: 14729450 4 Greer et al. 2006. PMID: 16113078 5 How et al. 2006. PMID: 16443782 6 Hummel et al. 1966. PMID: 5918576 7 Kanda et al. 2006. PMID: 16691291 8 Leiter et al. 1979. PMID: 8931014 9 Mouse Phenome Database,. www.jax.org/phenome 10 Nishina et al. 1994. PMID: 8177042 11 Raizada et al. 1980 PMID: 6997311 12 Robertson and Sima. 1980. PMID: 6991317 13 Trayhurn. 1979. PMID: 573463 14 Uchida et al. 2005. PMID: 15685168 15 Wendt et al. 2003. PMID: 12651605 16 Werner et al. 1994. PMID: 7930669 031-730-6100