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1. 목삼각 Triangle of the Neck 넓은목근 (platysma) 빗장위신경 (supraclavicular cutaneous nerves) 바깥목정맥 (external jugular vein) 피부신경작은뒤통수신경 (lesser occipital nerve) 큰귓바퀴신경 (great auricular nerve) 가로목신경 (transverse cervical nerve) 얼굴신경의턱모서리가지와목가지목빗근 (SCM) 중간목갈비근 (scalenus medius) 앞목갈비근 (scalenus anterior) 복장목뿔근 (sternohyoid) 목신경고리 (ansa cervicalis) 미주신경 (vagus nerve) 바깥목동맥 (external carotid artery) 위갑상동맥 (superior thyroid artery) 가로막신경 (phrenic nerve) 갑상목동맥가로목동맥 (transverse cervical artery) 오름목동맥속가슴동맥어깨위동맥 (suprascapular artery) 등쪽어깨동맥더부신경 (accessory nerve) 목동맥갈림목동맥팽대 (carotid sinus) 턱목뿔근신경 (mylohyoid nerve) 혀밑신경 (hypoglossal nerve) 혀동맥 (lingual artery) 갑상샘오른엽 (right lobe) 왼엽 (left lobe) 갑상샘잘룩 (isthmus) 피라밋엽 (pyramidal lobe) 되돌이후두신경 (recurent laryngeal nerve) 위목신경절중간목신경절어깨위신경가슴림프관척추동맥갑상목동맥아래갑상동맥오름목동맥가로목동맥등쪽어깨동맥속가슴동맥위갑상동맥 위후두가지혀동맥얼굴동맥오름인두동맥뒤통수동맥 2. 얼굴의얕은부분과머리덮개 Superficial Face and Scalp 이마힘살눈둘레근눈꺼풀부분눈확부분눈썹주름근눈살근코근위입술콧방울올림근위입술올림근작은광대근입꼬리올림근큰광대근입꼬리당김근입꼬리내림근아랫입술내림근입둘레근볼근눈확위신경도르래위신경눈확아래신경턱끝신경얼굴신경가지- 관자얼굴가지관자가지광대가지목얼굴가지볼가지턱모서리가지목가지귀밑샘관가로얼굴동맥바깥목동맥아래턱뒤정맥깨물근얕은관자동맥관자근얼굴동맥턱끝밑동맥아랫입술동맥위입술동맥 - 1 -

가쪽코가지눈구석동맥얼굴정맥온얼굴정맥각막공막결막눈물언덕눈물유두눈물점 3. 머리뼈안 Cranial Cavity 중간뇌막동맥중간뇌막동맥고랑위시상정맥굴가쪽정맥주머니 (lateral lacuna) 거미막과립 (arachnoid granulation) 과립오목 (granular) 후각신경안장가로막뇌하수체깔대기눈동맥속목동맥눈돌림신경도르래신경갓돌림신경삼차신경절중간뇌막동맥큰바위신경작은바위신경눈돌림신경갓돌림신경얼굴신경속귀신경혀인두신경미주신경더부신경혀밑신경 4. 눈확 Orbit 도르래신경이마신경위빗근이마신경위눈꺼풀올림근도르래위신경눈확위신경눈물샘신경 눈물샘동맥위곧은근위빗근온힘줄고리가쪽곧은근코섬모체신경갓돌림신경눈돌림신경시각신경코섬모체신경갓돌림신경해면정맥굴속목동맥섬모체신경절 3 겹의뇌막눈동맥중심망막동맥눈꺼풀판눈확가로막눈물샘눈확부분눈꺼풀부분안쪽눈꺼풀인대 (medial palpebral lig.) 눈물주머니공막각막맥락막섬모체홍채시각신경원반황반 5. 머리척주연결과머리뼈분리덮개막고리십자인대치아돌기날개인대교감신경줄기위목신경절 6. 척주앞부위 prevertebral region와척주가쪽부위 lateral vertebral region 위 / 중간 / 아래목신경절목긴근머리긴근앞목갈비근척추동맥 - 2 -

7. 머리뼈바닥바깥면 External base of skull 위목신경절인두결절미주신경의아래신경절위후두신경더부신경붓인두근혀인두신경혀밑신경 8. 인두 pharynx 붓목뿔인대위인두수축근중간인두수축근아래인두수축근갑상목뿔막위후두신경의속가지위후두동정맥붓인두근혀인두신경되돌이후두신경코중격중간 / 아래코선반귀관의인두구멍귀관융기인두오목인두편도귀관인두주름목구멍잘룩혀편도입천장혀활입천장인두활편도오목목구멍편도정중혀덮개주름후두덮개계곡후두덮개후두어귀조롱박오목위후두신경의속가지되돌이후두신경 9. 머리의시상면 Bisection of head 10. 관자부위 temporal region 11. 관자아래부위 infratemporal region 아래이틀신경 아래이틀동정맥혀신경턱목뿔근신경날개근정맥얼기아래턱뒤정맥위턱동맥볼가지고실끈신경아래턱신경아랫니틀동맥중간뇌막동맥 12. 턱관절 temporomandibular joint 13. 코안 nasal cavity 벌집뼈의수직판보습뼈코중격연골위 / 중간 / 아래코선반위 / 중간 / 아래코길벌집융기갈고리돌기반달틈새벌집깔대기중간벌집뼈벌집코눈물관뒤벌집뼈벌집나비벌집오목나비굴큰입천장신경날개입천장신경절날개관신경 14. 입천장과입안 Palate and Oral cavity 턱목뿔근턱끝목뿔근턱끝혀근혀자체근육혀위세로근혀아래세로근혀수직근혀가로근혀신경고실끈신경귓바퀴관자신경턱밑샘턱밑신경절턱밑샘관붓혀근 - 3 -

붓인두근붓목뿔근두힘살근의뒤힘살혀동맥목뿔위가지혀등가지혀밑동맥깊은혀동맥입천장긴장근입천장올림근연골판입천장혀활입천장인두활입천장혀근입천장인두근목젖근붓혀근혀밑주름띠혀밑샘턱목뿔근혀밑주름혀밑샘관턱밑샘관혀밑언덕턱밑샘혀신경턱밑신경절혀밑신경혀바깥유래근육턱끝혀근턱목뿔근목뿔혀근붓혀근입천장혀근입천장혀활입천장인두활편도오목목구멍편도 16. 후두 Larynx 갑상연골빗선속후두신경아래후두신경 ( 되돌이후두신경 ) 위후두동맥아래후두동맥반지갑상관절되돌이후두신경반지모뿔관절정중반지갑상인대반지갑상근빗모뿔근가로모뿔근뒤반지모뿔근가쪽반지모뿔근갑상모뿔근성대근모뿔덮개근후두안뜰후두실성대문아래공간 17. 귀 Ear 고실위오목망치뼈모루뼈등자뼈고막긴장근망치뼈자루고실끈신경고실곶등자뼈피라밋융기달팽이창가쪽반고리뼈관융기얼굴신경관고막긴장근 15. 인두 Pharynx 귀관인두근입천장인두근붓인두근인두솔기위인두수축근중간인두수축근아래인두수축근 - 4 -

1. Anterior Triangle of the Neck 얕은층구조물넓은목근 (platysma) 빗장위신경 (supraclavicular cutaneous nerves) 더부신경의척수부분 (spinal accessory nerve) 작은뒤통수신경 (lesser occipital nerve) 큰귓바퀴신경 (great auricular nerve) 얼굴정맥 (facial vein) 아래턱뒤정맥 (retromandibular vein) 앞목정맥 (anterior jugular vein) 깊은층구조물머리널판근 (splenius capitis) 어깨올림근 (levator scapulae) 뒤목갈비근 (scalenus posterior) 중간목갈비근 (scalenus medius) 앞목갈비근 (scalenus anterior) 빗장밑동맥 (subclavian artery) 팔신경얼기 (brachial plexus) 가로막신경 (phrenic nerve) 빗장뼈의제거 어깨목뿔근 (omohyoid) 빗장밑정맥 (subclavian vein) 가로목동맥 (transverse cervical artery) 어깨위동맥 (suprascapular artery) 근육삼각 어깨목뿔근의위힘살 (superior belly of the omohyoid) 복장목뿔근 (sternohyoid) 복장방패근 (sternothyroid) 방패목뿔근 (thyrohyoid) 방패연골 (thyroid cartilage) 반지연골 (cricoid cartilage) 반지방패막 (cricothyroid membrane) 목동맥삼각턱밑삼각경계두힘살근의앞힘살 - 어깨목뿔근의위힘살 (superior belly of the omohyoid) (anterior belly of the digastric muscle) - 두힘살근의뒤힘살 (posterior belly of the digastric) 두힘살근의뒤힘살 - 목빗근 (sternocleidomastoid) (posterior belly of the digastric mescle) 신경턱밑샘 (submandibular gland) - 혀밑신경 (hypoglossal nerve) 턱목뿔근 (mylohyoid) - 목신경고리의위뿌리붓목뿔근 (stylohyoid) (superior root of the ansa cervicalis) 턱목뿔근신경 (mylohyoid nerve) - 아래뿌리 (inferior root) - 미주신경 (vagus nerve) - 온목동맥 (common carotid artery) - 속목정맥 (internal jugular vein) - 위후두신경 (superior laryngeal nerve) - 속후두신경 (internal laryngeal nerve) - 방패목뿔막 (thyrohyoid membrane) - 바깥후두신경 (external laryngeal nerve) - 반지방패근 (cricothyroid) 동맥 - 온목동맥 (common carotid artery) - 속목동맥 (common carotid artery) - 바깥목동맥 (external carotid artery) - 위갑상동맥 (superior thyroid artery) - 위후두동맥 (superior laryngeal artery) - 혀동맥 (lingual artery) - 얼굴동맥 (facial artery) - 뒤통수동맥 (occipital artery) - 오름인두동맥 (ascending pharyngeal artery) - 목동맥팽대 (carotid sinus) 정맥 - 속목정맥 (internal jugular vein) - 아래턱뒤정맥 (retromandibular vein) - 온얼굴정맥common facial vein) - 혀정맥 (lingual vein) - 위갑상정맥 (superior thyroid vein) - 1 -

2. Visceral of the Neck 얕은층구조물얼굴정맥 (facial vein) 아래턱뒤정맥 (retromandibular vein) 앞목정맥 (anterior jugular vein) 아래턱뼈 ( 하악골, mandible) 목동맥삼각경계 - 어깨목뿔근의위힘살 (superior belly of omohyoid) - 뒤힘살근의뒤힘살 (posterior belly of digastric) - 목빗근 (sternocleidomastoid) 신경 - 혀밑신경 (hypoglossal nerve) - 목신경고리의위뿌리 (superior root of ansa cervicalis) - 미주신경 (vagus nerve) - 위후두신경 (superior laryngeal nerve) - 속후두신경 (internal laryngeal nerve) - 방패목뿔막 (thyrohyoid membrane) - 바깥후두신경 (external laryngeal nerve) - 반지방패근 (cricothyroid) 근육삼각어깨목뿔근의위힘살 (superior belly of omohyoid) 복장목뿔근 (sternohyoid) 복장방패근 (sternothyroid) 방패목뿔근 (thyrohyoid) 방패연골 (thyroid cartilage) 반지연골 (cricoid cartilage) 반지방패막 (cricothyroid membrane) 턱밑삼각두힘살근의앞힘살 (anterior belly of digastric muscle) 두힘산근의뒤힘살 (posterior belly of digastric muscle) 턱밑샘 (submandibular gland) 턱목불끈 (mylohyoid) 붓목불끈 (stylohyoid) 턱목뿔근신경 (mylohyoid nerve) 동맥 - 온목동맥 (common carotid artery) - 속목동맥 (internal carotid artery) - 바깥목동맥 (external carotid artery) - 위후두동맥 (superior laryngeal artery) - 혀동맥 (lingual artery) - 얼굴동맥 (facial artery) - 뒤통수동맥 (occipital artery) - 오름인두동맥 (ascending pharyngeal artery) - 목동맥팽대 (carotid sinus) 정맥 - 속목정맥 (internal jugular vein) - 아래턱뒤정맥 (retromandibular vein) - 온얼굴정맥 (common facial vein) - 혀정맥 (ingual vein) - 위감상정맥 (superior thyroid vein) 갑상샘오른엽 (right lobe) 왼엽 (left lobe) 갑상샘잘룩 (isthmus) 피라밋엽 (pyramidal lobe) 위갑상동맥 (superior thyroid artery) 아래갑상동맥 (inferior thyroid artery) 기관 (trachea) 식도 (esophagus) 되돌이후두신경 (recurent laryngeal nerve) 부감상샘 (parathyroid gland) 목뿌리가로목동맥 (transverse cervical artery) 어깨위동맥 (suprascapular artery) 빗장밑동맥 (subclavian artery) 갑상목동맥 (thyrocervical trunk) 척추동맥 (vertebral artery) 교감신경줄기 (stymparthetic trunk) - 2 -

3. Brain &Cranial Cavity 머리덮개뼈의제거관자근 (temporalis) 뒤고리뒤통수막 (posterior atlanto-occipital membrane) 큰구멍 (foramen magnum) 뇌의적출후각망울 (olfactory bulb) 시각교차 (optic shiasma) 깔때기 (infundibulum) 시각신경 (optic nerve) 속목동맥 (internal carotid artery) 눈돌림신경 (oculomotor nerve) 가돌림신경 (abducent nerve) 뇌막경질막 (Dura Mater) 머리뼈속막 (endocranium) 중간뇌막동맥 (middle meningeal artery) 위시상정맥굴 (superior sagittal dural sinus) 가로정맥굴 (transverse dural sinus) 가쪽정맥공간 (lacunae laterales) 거미막과립 (arachnoid granulation) 대뇌반구 (cerebral hemisphere) 소뇌반구 (cerebellar hemisphere) 거미막과립 (Arachnoid) 연질막 (Pia Mater) 경질막주름 (Dural Folds) 소뇌천막 (tentorium cerebelli) 쇠뇌낫 (falx cerebelli) 대뇌낫 (falx cerebri) 볏돌기 (crista galli) 아래시상정맥굴 (inferior sagittal dural sinus) 곧은정맥굴 (straight sinus) 정맥굴합류 (confluens of the sinuses) 앞머리뼈우묵 (Anterior Fossa) - 나비뼈 (sphenoid) - 벌집뼈 (ethmoid) - 이마뼈 (frontal bone) 중간머리뼈우묵 (Middle Fossa) - 나비뼈 (sphenoid) - 관자뼈 (temporal bone) - 뇌하수체 (pituitary gland) - 뇌하수체오목 (hypophyseal fossa) - 해면정맥굴 (cavernous sinus) - 가돌림신경 (abducent nerve) - 눈돌림신경 (oculomotor nerve) - 도르래신경 (trochlear nerve) - 삼차신경 (trigeminal nerve) - 속목동맥 (internal carotid artery) - 삼차신경절 (trigeminal ganglion) - 눈신경 (ophthalmic division) - 위턱신경 (maxillary division) - 아래턱신경 (mandibular division) 뇌의겉모습관찰대뇌반구 - 이마엽 (frontal lobe) - 관자엽 (temporal lobe) - 뒤통수엽 (occipital lobe) - 마루엽 (parietal lobe) - 가쪽고랑 (lateral sulcus) - 중심고랑 (central sulcus) 아랫면 - 척추동맥 (vertebral arteries) - 뒤아래소뇌동맥 (posterior inferior cerebellar arteries) - 뇌바닥동맥 (basilar artery) - 앞아래소뇌동맥 (anterior inferior cerebellar arteries) - 위소뇌동맥 (superior cerebellar arteries) - 뒤대뇌동맥 (posterior cerebral arteries) - 뒤교통동맥 (posterior communicating arteries) - 속목동맥 (internal carotid arteries) - 대뇌동맥고리 (cerebral arterial circle) - 중간대뇌동맥 (middle cerebral artery) - 앞대뇌동맥 (anterior cerebral arteries) - 앞교통동맥 (anterior communicating artery) 머리뼈우묵 뒤머리뼈우묵 (Posterior Fossa) - 다리뇌 (pons) - 숨뇌 (medulla) - 속귀길 (internal acoustic meatus) - 목정맥구멍 (jugular foramen) - 혀밑신경관 (hypoglossal canal) - 3 -

머리뼈의주요구조물 위턱뼈 (maxillary bone) 광대뼈 (zygomatic bone) 이마뼈 (frontal bone) 눈물뼈 (lacrimal bone) 벌집뼈 (sphenoid bone) 나비뼈 (sphenoid bone) - 큰날개 (greater wing) - 작은날개 (lesser wing) 입천장뼈 (palatine bone) 시각신경관 (optic canal) 위눈확틈새 (superior orbital fissure) 아래눈확틈새 (inferior orbital fissure) 눈확아래고랑 (infraorbital groove) 앞벌집구멍 (anterior ethmoidal foramen) 뒤벌집구멍 (posterior ethmoidal foramen) 벌집체판 (cribriform plate) 벌집뼈의종이판 (lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone) 안구의해부 공막 (sclera) 각막 (cornea) 맥락막 (choroid) 섬모체 (ciliary body) 홍채 (iris) 망막층 (retinal layer) 시각신경원반 (optic pailla, optic disc) 동공 (pupil) 눈물샘오목 (lacrimal fossa) 코눈물관 (nasolacrimal duct) 4. Orbit 오른쪽눈확, 위로부터의접근 눈확뼈막 (periorbita) 이마굴 (frontal air sinus) 앞벌집 (anterior ethmoid air cell) 뒤벌집 (posterior ethmoid air cell) 위눈확틈새 (superior orbital fissure) 시각신경관 (optic canal) 신경과근육 - 도르래신경 (trochlear nerve) - 위빗근 (superior oblique) - 이마신경 (forntal nerve) - 도르래위신경 (supratrochlear nerve) - 눈확위신경 (supraorbital nerve) - 위눈꺼풀올림근 (levator palpebrae superioris) 눈물샘신경 (lacrimal nerve) 눈물샘 (lacrimal gland) 위곧은근 (superior rectus) 눈돌림신경 (oculomotor nerve) - 섬모체신경절 (ciliary ganglion) 가쪽곧은근 (lateral rectus) 가돌림신경 (abducent nerve) 코섬모체신경 (nasociliary nerve) 긴섬모체신경 (long ciliary branch) 아래곧은근 (inferior rectus) 아래빗근 (inferior oblique) 혈관 - 위정맥 (superior ophthalmic vein) - 눈동맥 (ophthalmic artery) - 속목동맥 (internal carotid artery) - 시각신경 (optic nerve) - 4 -

5. Spinal Cord 깊은층근육 머리널판근 (Splenius capitis) 목널판근 (Splenius cervicis) 목덜미인대 (ligamentum nuchae) 머리반가시근 (semispinalis capitis) 척추세움근 (Erector spinae) - 엉덩갈비근 (iliocostalis) - 가장긴근 (longissimus) - 가시근 (spinalis) 가로돌기가시근육 (Transversospinalis) - 척주곁근육 (paravertebral muscles) 뒤통수밑부위큰뒤통수신경 (greater occipital nerve) 아래머리빗근 (obliquus capitis inferior) 위머리빗근 (obliquus capitis superior) 큰뒤머리곧은근 (rectus capitis posterior major) 작은뒤머리곧은근 (rectus capitis posterior minor) 뒤통수밑신경 (suboccipital nerve) 척추동맥 (vertebral nerve) 중간층근육 위뒤톱니근 (serratus posterior superior) 아래뒤톱니근 (serratus posterior inferior) 척주관과척수 가시끝인대 (supraspinous ligament) 가시사이인대 (interspinous ligament) 황색인대 (ligamenta flava) 척수막 (Spinal membranes) - 경질막바깥공간 (epidural space, extradural space) - 경질막 (dura mater) - 거미막 (arachnoid mater) 척수 (spinal cord) 연질막 (pia mater) 치아인대 (denticulate ligaments) 앞뿌리와뒤뿌리 (ventral and dorsal roots) 뒤뿌리신경절 (dorsal root ganglion) - 척수신경 (spinal nerve) 척수원뿔 (conus medullaris) 말총 (cauda equina) 종말끈 (filum terminale) - 5 -

6. Pharynx and Larynx 인두의바깥면중간인두수축근 (middle constrictor) 위인두수축근 (superior constrictor) 날개아래턱솔기 (pterygomandibular raphe) 아래인두수축근 (inferior constrictor) 방패목뿔막 (thyrohyoid membrane) 위후두신경의속후두가지 (internal laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal nerve) 되돌이후두신경 (recurent laryngeal nerve) 입천장부위 (palatine region) - 붓인두근 (stylopharyngeus muscle) - 혀인두신경 (glossopharyngeal nerve) 인두의내부코인두 (nasal pharynx) - 뒤콧구멍 (nasal choanase) - 코사이막 (nasal septum) - 귀인두관 (suditory tube) - 귀관융기 (torus tubarius) 입인두 (oral pharynx) - 입천장혀활 (palatoglossal arch) - 입천장인두활 (palatopharyngeal arch) - 목구멍편도 (palatine tonsil) 후두인두 (laryngeal pharynx) - 후두덮개 (epiglottis) - 조롱막오목 (pirirform recess) - 속후두신경 (internal laryngeal nerve) 혀편도 (lingual tonsil) 혀밑부위코인두의벽입안뜰 (vestibule) 입천장혀근 (palatoglossus muscle) - 위턱뼈 (maxilla) 입천장인두근 (palatopharyngeus muscle) - 광대활 (zygomatic arch) 귀관 (auditory tube) - 턱뼈가지 (ramus of mandible) - 귀인두관구멍 (opening of eustachian tube) - 근육돌기 (coronoid porcess) 입천장올림근 (levator veli palatini muscle) - 깨물근 (masseter muscle) 입천장긴장근 (tensor veli palatini muscle) - 주름띠 (renulum) - 배오목 (scaphoid fossa) - 귀밑샘관구멍 (orifice of parotid) - 날개갈고리 (hamulus) - 혀주름띠 (frenulum linguae) - 물렁입천장 (soft palate) - 깊은혀정맥 (deep lingual vein) - 턱밑샘관구멍 (opening of submandibular duct) - 혀밑주름 (lpica sublingualis) - 날개갈고리 (hamulus of medial pterygoid plate) 혀밑샘오목 (sublingual fossa) - 턱목뿔근 (mylohyoid) - 턱끝목뿔근 (geniohyoid muscle) - 턱끝혀근 (genioglossus) 혀밑샘 (sublingual gland) 턱밑샘관 (submandibular duct) 턱밑샘 (submandibular salivary gland) 혀신경 (lingual nerve) 턱밑신경절 (submandibular ganglion) 목뿔혀근 (hyoglossus muscle) 혀밑신경 (hypoglossal nerve) - 6 -

7. Superficial Face and Scalp 머리뼈의주요구조물이마뼈 ( 전두골, frontal bone) 위턱뼈 ( 상악골, maxilla) 광대뼈 ( 권골, zygomatic bone) 아래턱뼈 ( 하악골, mandible) 이빨 (teeth) 눈물뼈 ( 누골, lacrimal bone) 관상봉합 (coronal suture) 시상봉합 (sagittal suture) 정수리점 (bregma) 뒤통수뼈 ( 후두골, occipital bone) 시옷봉합 (lambdoid suture) 시옷점 (lambda) 바깥귀길 ( 외이도, external auditory meatus) 광대활 ( 권골궁, zygomatic arch) 꼭지돌기 ( 유돌기, mastoid process) 붓돌기 ( 경상돌기, styloid process) 붓꼭지구멍 (stylomastoid foramen) 입의근육입꼬리내림근 (depressor anguli oris) 큰광대근 (zygomaticus major) 위입술올림근 (levator labii superioris) 입둘레근 (orbicularis oris) 입술샘 (labial gland) 아래입술동맥 (inferior labial artery) 두피피부 (skin) 결합조직 (connective tissue) 널힘줄 (aponeurosis) 성긴결합조직 (loose areolar connective tissue) 머리뼈막 (pericranium) 이마근 (frontalis) 뒤통수근 (occipitalis) 머리덮개널힘줄 (galea aponeurotica) 얼굴신경과얼굴의혈관관자가지 (temporal branch) 광대가지 (zygomatic branch) 볼가지 (buccal branch) 턱모서리가지 (mandibular branch) 귀밑샘 ( 이하선, parotid gland) 깨물근 (masseter) 귀밑샘관 (parotid duct) 볼근 (buccinator) 얼굴동맥 (facial artery) 얼굴정맥 (facial vein) 눈꺼풀의관찰눈둘레근 (orbicularis oculi) - 눈확부분 (orbital portion) - 눈꺼풀부분 (palpebral portion) 피부감각신경눈확위신경 (supraorbital nerve) 눈확위구멍 (supraorbital foramen) 눈확위패임 (supraorbital notch) 눈확아래신경 (infraorbital nerve) 눈확아래구멍 (infraorbital foramen) 턱끝신경 (mental nerve) 턱끝구멍 (mental foramen) - 7 -

8. Deep Face 뼈의특징적구조물관자뼈 ( 측두골, temporal bone) 붓돌기 (styloid process) 꼭지돌기 (mastoid process) 바깥귀길 (external acoustic meatus) 턱관절오목 (mandibular frossa) 아래턱뼈 ( 하악골, mandible) 턱뼈머리 (head) 턱뼈목 (neck) 턱뼈가지 (ramus) 턱뼈각 (angle) 턱뼈머리 (head) 붓꼭지구멍 (stylomastoid foramen) 관자우묵 (temporal fossa) 광대활 (zygomatic arch) 근육돌기 (coronoid process) 턱뼈패임 (mandibular notch) 턱뼈혀돌기 (lingula) 턱뼈구멍 (mandibular foramen) 턱목뿔근선 (mylohyoid line) 나비뼈의가쪽날개판 (lateral pterygoid palte of sphenoid) 위턱뼈의관자아래면 (infratemporal surface of maxilla) 날개입천장오목 (pterygopalatine fossa) 나비뼈의큰날개 (greater wing of sphenoid) 타원구멍 (foramen ovale) 뇌막동맥구멍 (foramen spinosum) 근육과신경귀밑샘관 (parotid duct) 가로얼굴동맥 (transverse facial artery) 얼굴신경의가지 (branches of facial nerve) 관자가지 (temporal branch) 광대가지 (zygomatic branch) 볼가지 (buccal branch) 턱모서리가지 (mandibular branch) 목가지 (cervical branch) 아래턱뒤정맥 (retromandibular vein) 바깥목동맥 (external carotid artery) - 얕은관자동맥 (superficial temporal artery) - 위턱동맥 (maxillary artery) 두힘살근의뒤힘살 (posterior belly of digastric muscle) 붓목뿔근 (stylohyoid) 깨물근 (masseter muscle) 관자아래우묵 (infratemporal fossa) - 아래이틀신경 (inferior alveolar nerve) - 아래이틀동맥 (inferior alveolar artery) - 턱목뿔근신경 (mylohyoid nerve) - 나비아래턱인대 (sphenomandibular ligament) - 혀신경 (lingual nerve) - 가쪽날개근 (lateral pterygoid) - 고실끈신경 (chorda tympani nerve) - 볼신경 (buccal nerve) - 귓바퀴관자신경 (auriculotemporal nerve) - 중간뇌막동맥 (middle meningeal artery) - 뒤이틀동맥 (posterior superior alveolar artery) 턱관절 (temporomandibular joint) - 관절주머니 (joint capsule) - 가쪽인대 (temporoandibular ligament) - 관절원반 (articular disc) 혀분계고랑 (sulcus terminalis) 혀막구멍 (foramen cecum) 버섯유두 (fungiform papillae) 실유두 (filiform papillae) 성곽유두 (vallate papillae) 정중혀덮개주름 (median glossoepiglottic fold) 후두덮개계곡 (valleculae) 혀편도 (lingual tonsil) 9. Palate and Oral Cavity - 8 -

10. Nasal Cavity 코안코안의가쪽뼉위턱뼈의입천장돌기 (palatine process of maxilla) 귀관 (auditory tube) 입천장뼈의수평판 (horizontal plates of palatine 아래콧길 (inferior meatus) bones) 코눈물관 (nasolacrimal duct) 앞니구멍 (incisive foramen) 반달틈새 (hiatus semilunaris) 큰입천장구멍 (gerater palatine foramen) 벌집뼈융기 (ethmoidal bulla) 작은입천장구멍 (lesser palatine foramne) 깔때기 (infundibulum) 입천장뼈의수직판 (perpendicular plate of palatine 중간벌집 (middle ethmoid air cells) bone) 날개입천장오목 (pterygopalatine fossa) 나비굴 (sphenoid sinus) 날개관 (pterygoid canal) 파열구멍 (foramen lacerum) 나비입천장구멍 (sphenopalatine foramen) 위턱뼈의이마돌기 (frontal process of maxilla) 아래코선반 (inferior concha, inferior turbinate) 중간코선반 (middle conchae) 위코선반 (superior conchae) 위턱굴 (maxillary sinus) 코눈물뼈관 (nasolacrimal canal) 이마굴 (frontal sinus) 벌집체판 (cribriform plate) 코사이막 (nasal septum) - 보습뼈 (vomer) - 벌집뼈수직판 (perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone) - 사이막연골 (septal cartilage) 코입천장신경 (nasopalatine nerve) 앞니관 (incisive canal) 날개입천장신경절큰입천장신경 (greater palatine nerve) 큰입천장동맥 (greater palatine artery) 큰입천장정맥 (greater palatie vein) 나비입천장동맥 (sphenopalatine artery) 날개관신경 (nerve of pterygoid canal) 앞벌집 (anterior ethmoid air cells) 뒤벌집 (posterior ethmoid air cells) 눈확아래관 (infraorbital canal) - 눈확아래신경 (infraorbital nerve) - 눈확아래동맥 (infraorbital artery) - 눈확아래정맥 (infraorbital vein - 9 -

1. 호흡기조직 01. NASAL EPITHELIUM SEC cilia Ciliated pseudo-stratified epithelium (Respiratory epithelium) Goblet cell Lymphoid follicle Basal cell 02. EPIGLOTTIS L.S. H&E Goblet cell Ciliated pseudo-stratified epithelium (Respiratory epithelium) Stratified squamous epithelium Collagen fiber Lymphoid follicle 03. LARYNX FRONTAL SEC Thyroid gland Skeletal muscle Hyaline cartilage of cricoid cartilage Ciliated pseudo-stratified epithelium (Respiratory epithelium) Ligament Skeletal muscle Hyaline cartilage Ciliated pseudo-stratified epithelium (Respiratory epithelium) Stratified squamous epithelium Vocal fold 04. TRACHEA & ESOPHAGUS C.S annular ligament Trachea Esophagus Ciliated pseudostratifi edepithelium (Respiratory epithelium) Hyaline cartilage Goblet cell Macrophage Alveolar sac Capillary 2. 순환기조직 01. ARTERY MUSCULAR ARTERY Smooth muscle in TA INTERNAL ELASTIC LAMINA Tunica adventitia Tunica media Tunica intima Smooth muscle in Concentric cell layer Elastic fiber Vasa vasorum Lumen External elastic lamina collagen 02. VEIN Tunica adventitia Tunica media Tunica intima Smooth muscle 03. ARTERY VEIN & NERVE C. S. H&E Artery Nerve Adipose tissue 04. AORTA HUMAN C.S. H&E ELASTIC ARTERY Tunica adventitia Tunica media Tunica intima Smooth muscle in Concentric cell layer Elastic fiber Vasa vasorum Adipose tissue Internal elastic lamina 05-1. LUNG SEC. MAL Hyaline cartilage Bronchus Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Alveolar duct Hyaline cartilage 05. VENA CAVA HUMAN C.S. H&E vein Smooth muscle capillary Tunica adventitia Tunica media Tunica intima - 1 -

Internal elastic lamina collagen 06. ENTRIRE HEAR MAMMAL L.S. H&E. vein endothelium arteriole Cardiac muscle Purkinje s fibers 3. 림프조직 01. THYMUS Capsule Medulla Interlobular septa Cortex Fibroblast Type I cells (subcapsularepithelial cells) Stromalcell Thymocytes(developing T cells) Type I (paraseptalepithelial cells) Type II cells (thymiccortical epithelial cells Macrophage Type I cells (subcapsularepithelial cells) Thymicdark epithelial cells (type IV thymicepithelial cells) Hassall's corpuscles 02. THYMUS-FETAL Capsule Hassall's corpuscles Medulla Cortex Interlobular septa 03. THYMUS -AGE INVOLUTED Trabecula Red pulp White pulp Capsule Germinal center Adipose cell Hassall's corpuscles 04. SPLEEN Capsule Trabecula Red pulp White pulp Germinal center 05. LYMPH NODE Germinal Trabecula Capsule Lymphoid follicle Cortex Medulla Outer Cortex Deep Cortex 06. PALATINE TONSIL Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Capsule vessle Lymphoid follicle 07. PHARYNGEAL TONSIL stratified squamous epithelium Lymphoid follicle 08. LINGUAL TONSIL Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Capsule Lamina propria Lymphoid follicle Germinal center 09. LYMPH VESSEL VALVE 4. 소화기조직1 1. LINGUAL PAPILLA -FILIFORMPAPILLAE Filiformpapillae Non-keratinized squamousepithelium Skeletal muscle dense collagenous lamina propria Non-keratinized squamousepithelium Fungiform papillae Skeletal muscle dense collagenous lamina propria Non-keratinized squamousepithelium Deep cleft - 2 -

Skeletal muscle Circumvallate papillae Taste bud Von Ebner sglands (aggregation of serous gland) 2. PAROTID GLAND Intercalated duct Serous acini Striated duct Entero endocrine cellat Cell division 6-4. STOMACH-BODY Surface mucous cell Parietal cell Muscularis mucosa Chief cell Gastric pits Gastric Glands Surface mucous cell 3. SUBLINGUAL GLAND Intercalated duct Mucous acinus Serous acinus Fibrous tissue septum Excretory duct 4. SUBMANDIBULARGLAND Striated duct Mucous acinus Serous demilunes Serous acinus 5. ESOPHAGUS Non-keratinized squamousepithelium Muscular layer Lamina propria Muscularis mucosa Submucosa Longitudinal muscle Circular muscle 6-1. STOMACH-GASTRO-OESOPHAGEALJUNCTION Non-keratinized squamousepithelium Muscularis mucosa Submucosa Muscular layer Muscularis mucosa Submucosa Glandular secretory mucosa 6-5. STOMACH-PYLORUS Gastric pits Muscular layer Gastric Glands Parietal cell Mucous cell Ruga Mamillated Area 7-1. DUODENUM Muscular layer Brunner s gland Plicaecirculares Submucosa Muscularis mucosa Longitudinal muscle Circular muscle Brunner s gland Panethcell Goblet cell Microvilli Muscularis mucosa Simple columnar epithelium (absorptive cell) 8. ILEUM -PEYER SPATCH Lamina propria M-cell Intraepithelial lymphocyte 6-2. STOMACH-FUNDUS1 Surface mucous cell Parietal cell Muscularis mucosa Gastric pits Chief cell 6-3. STOMACH-FUNDUS2: ENTERO-ENDOCRINE CELL 9-1. RECTUM Muscular layer Circular muscle Rectal mucosa Longitudinal muscle Muscularis mucosa - 3 -

Lymphocyte aggregate Intestinal gland Myenteric plexus Longitudinal muscle Ganglion cell Medulla Cortex Major calyx Renal pelvis Renal papilla Inner medulla Outer medulla 5. 소화기조직2 1-1. PANCREAS Ducts Islets of Langerhans Island Fat cellsepta Interlobular ducts Centroacinar cell Interlobular duct Intercalated duct glandular acini 2. LIVER Portal tract Terminal hepatic vein Sparse collagenous tissue Hepatocytes Lymphatics Terminal portal vein Bile ductules Hepatic artery Terminal hepatic vein Hepatic sinusoids Hepatocytes 3-1. GALL BLADDER Lamina propria Muscular layer Spiral valve of Heister Submucosa Collagenous adventitial coat Tall columnar epithelium Lamina propria Mucous cell Microvilli 6. 비뇨기조직 01. KIDNEY Medullary ray Cortical labyrinth Glomerular capillary Collecting duct Glomerular capillary Proximal tubule Distal tubule Brush boarder 혈관다발 Collecting duct Medulla Proximal tubule Distal tubule Glomerular capillary Cortex Collecting duct Medulla 02-1. KIDNEY -MEDULLA Collecting duct Medulla 02-2. KIDNEY-GLOMERULAR CAPILLARY 혈관다발 Collecting duct Medulla Bowman s capsule 1Parietal epithelium cell 2podocyte Capsular space Glomerulus 1endothelial cell 2Mesangialcell Mesangial matrix 02-3. RENAL CORPUSCLE Glomerulus - 4 -

Macula dansa Basement membrane Proximal convoluted tubule Brush boder spermatozoa Seminiferous tubule sheath Leydig cell Myoid cell 03. URETER Lumen of ureter Blood vessel Urothelium(transitional epithelium) Lamina propria Longitudinal layer Circular layer 2. EPIDIDYMIS Sperm pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia-principal cell Basal cell Smooth muscle Blood vessel 04. BLADDER Transitional epithelium Lamina propria Longitudinal layer Outer circular layer Outer longitudinal layer Outer adventitial coat Inner longitudinal layer Umbrella cell Capillary Lamina propria 05. URETHRA Cavernous sinus Inner circular layer Transitional epithelium Lamina propria Outer longitudinal layer 7. 남성생식기조직 1. TESTIS Tunica albuginea Interlobular septa Connective tissue Seminiferous tubule Epididymis Ductus deferens Basal lamina Type A Spermatoginia Type B Spermatoginia Sertoli cell Primary Spermatocyte Spermatid 3-1. SPERMATIC CORD Spermatic artery Ductus deferens Spermatic vein Venous plexus Adipose cell 3-2. DUCTUSDEFERENS Muscularis adventitia Sperm pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia Basal cell 4. PROSTATE : YOUNG& OLDER Mucosal gland submucosal gland Prostatic concretions 5. SEMINAL VESICLE Secretory granule Smooth muscle Pseudostratifiedcolumnar epithelium Simple columnar epithelium 6. PENIS Corpus cavernosum Tunica albuginea Corpus spongiosum Urethra Venous spaces Trabeculae of the corpus 7. SPERM SMEAR Connecting piece Head - 5 -

Acrosome, Nucleus Middle piece Annulus Principal piece End piece 8. 여성생식기조직 01-1. OVARY medulla cortex Superficial epithelium 01-2. OVARY-PRIMORDIAL FOLLICLE Primordial follicle Follicular epithelial cell Zona pellucida oocyte Theca cell 01-3. OVARY-PRIMARY FOLLICLE oocyte Granulosa cell Zona pellucida Theca cell Primary follicle 01-4. OVARY-SECONDARY FOLLICLE oocyte Zona pellucida Granulosa cell antrum Theca cell Secondary follicle 01-5. OVARY-GRAAFIANFOLLICLE Corona radiata Zona pellucida Basement membrane Theca interna oocyte Theca externa antrum Cumulus oophorus 01-6. OVARY-GRAAFIANFOLLICLE Atretic follicle Early atretic follicle 2. OVARY (CORPUS LUTEUM) Theca-lutein cells Corpus Luteum Granulosa-lutein cells 3. OVARY (CORPUS ALBICANS) Corpus Albicans Fibroblast Stroma 4-1. FALLOPIAN TUBE ISTHMUS Non-ciliated(Peg)cell : secretory cell Cillia& cilliated cell Simple columnar epithelium Lamnina propria 4-2. FALLOPIAN TUBE.AMPULLA Mucosa Muscularis Serosa 5. VULVA Keratinizing squamous epithelium Rete ridges Granular cell layer Maturing squamous cells Loose connective tissue 6. VAGINA myometrium Stratified squamous epithelium Basal cell Mucosa layer 7. UTERUS (ENDOMETRIUM-PROLIFERATIVE) Uterine gland myometrium basal layer of endometrium functional layer of endometrium 8. UTERUS(ENDOMETRIUM-SECRETORY) myometrium endometrium endometrial gland(coiled) Simple columnar epithelium Spiral artery 9. UTERUS(ENDOMETRIUM-MENSTRUAL) myometrium - 6 -

endometrium Basal layer Functional layer Leakage of blood Lamina propria with blood vaginal epithelium uterine cervix-vaginal transition cervical gland lamina propria cervical epithelium 10-1. CERVIX-EXOCERVIX muscle layer nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium Lamina Propria 10-3. CERVIX(ENDOCERVIX) Mucus-secreting simple columnar epithelium cervical (mucous) glands. 11. MAMMARY GLAND (ACTIVE) Ducts Stroma 12. MAMMARY GLAND (INACTIVE) DenseConnectivetissue Myoepithelial cell Ducts Stratified cuboidal epithelium cell Alveolar lumen Lobule Alveoli stratum spinosum stratum corneum 02. SKIN -PIGMENTED Stratum spinosum dermis Melanin pigment melanocyte 03. SKIN -DERMIS Epidermis Hypodermis Dermis Papillary dermis Reticular dermis 04-1. ECCRINESWEAT GLAND -SECRETORY CELLS Myoepithelial cell Clear cell Dark cell Secretory cell 04-2. ECCRINESWEAT GLAND -DUCT CELLS Basal layer Luminal layer Stratified cuboidal epithelium Secretory cell Duct cell 05-1. APOCRINE SWEAT GLAND Hair follicle Apocrine sweat glands 9. 피부조직 01-1. SKIN -EPIDERMIS (THICK) Malpighian layer stratum basale stratum spinosum stratum granulosum stratum lucidum stratum corneum intercellular bridge epidermal ridge 01-2. SKIN -EPIDERMIS (THIN SKIN) stratum basale Simple Cuboidalepithelial cell (Low columnar epithelial cell) Myoepithelial cell 6. SEBACEOUS GLAND Sebum secreting cell Basal lamina Basal cell 7. HAIR FOLLICLE Glossy membrane Dermal papilla Cortex - 7 -

Cuticle Henle slayer Huxley s layer 8. PACINIAN CORPUSCLE Nerve fiber Pacinial corpuscle 9. MEISSNER CORPUSCLE Meissner corpuscle Dermis Epidermis 10. 내분비조직 01-1. PITUITARY GLAND Posterior lobe Anterior lobe Intermediate lobe; colloid-containing cysts 02. ADENOHYPOPHYSIS (ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND) Basophils Chromophobes Acidophil s Capillaries 03. NEUROHYPOPHYSIS (POSTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND) Pituicytes Capillaries with connective tissues Harringbody Exon 04. THYROID GLAND Follicular cell; simple cuboidal epithelium Parafollicular cell Colloid-filled lumen Thyroid follicle 05. PARATHYROID GLAND Oxyphil Cells Chief Cells 06-1. ADRENAL GLAND, CORTEX&MEDULLA Medulla Cortex Capsule Cortex 06-2. ADRENAL GLAND, CORTEX Zona glomerulosa Capsule zona fasciculata zona reticularis Capillary sinus Medulla 06-3. ADRENAL GLAND, CORTEX ZONA RETICULARIS Spongiocytes; that have many lipid droplets 07. ADRENAL GLAND, MEDULLA Oxyphil Cells Chief Cells chromaffin cells Capillary sinus Ganglion cell 11. 특수감각조직 1. ANTERIOR EYE BALL Lens Cornea Iris Anterior chamber Sclera Choroid Retina Posterior chamber Extraocular muscle Vitreous body 2. SCLEROCORNEAL JUNCTION Iris Cornea Ciliary process Sclera Conjuctiva Anterior chamber Posterior chamber Lens Canal of Schlemm Ciliary muscle - 8 -

3. LENS Lens fibers Epithelial cells Capsule 7-2. UPPER EYELID epithelium Sweat gland Skeletal Muscle fiber 4-1. POST. EYE BALL Optic disc Optic nerve Blood vessel Vitreous body 4-2. POST. EYE BALL Retina Choroid sclera Pigmented Epithelium 5-1. RETINA sclera Choroid Retina 5-2. RETINA Ganglion cell Inner plexiform layer Inner Nuclear layer Outer plexiform layer Outer nuclear layer Rods and cones Pigmented epithelium 6-1. LACRIMAL GLAND Lymphatic nodule Blood vessel lobule 6-2. LACRIMAL GLAND lymphocyte Blood vessel duct stroma 8. UPPER EYELID skin Serous gland Elastic cartilage 9. COCHLEA Helicotrema Scalavestibuli Cochlear duct Modiolus Spiral ganglion Scalatympani 10. CORTIORGAN Reissner's membrane Outer hair cell spiral ligament basilar membrane Corti's tunnel Cochlear duct Spiral limbus Spiral ganglion 11. CRISTA AMPULLARIS Connective tissue Basement membrane Endolymph Osseous tissue Cupula Epithelium Vestibular nerve 7-1. UPPER EYELID Duct of meibomian gland Skeletal Muscle fiber Meibomian gland conjunctiva - 9 -