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zaap zseries Application Assist Processor JAVA JAVA JAVA

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zaap JAVA Infrastructure Simplification zseries zseries zseries zseries zseries zseries zseries 1 st Tier 2 nd Tier 3 rd Tier Client Client Client zaap 1 st Tier 2 nd Tier Client Client Client z/os z/os CP zaap z/os

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LINUX on zseries!! (LPAR) :: PR/SM :: z/vm Application Application Application Application Application Linux z/os Linux z/os Linux z/vm PR/SM PR/SM zseries zseries /

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Hewitt Associates Hewitt Associates - GRID 1% 25% CPU CPU 90%,


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Scale Out : /,, / / / LPAR,,,

- LINUX Intel,, DNS, RISC,,, (Middle-tier)RISC z/os QoS


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~ LINUX on zseries (HTML/HTTP) WebSphere WebServices (XML/SOAP) OGSA (GRID) XML is a simplified subset of SGML. SGML is a descendant of IBM's Generalized Markup Language (GML), developed in the 1960s by Charles Goldfarb, Edward Mosher and Raymond Lorie. GML http://wikipedia.org


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.,.. CHOP ; (self Configuring), (Healing), (Optimizing) (Protecting)