목 차 (CONTENTS) 총론 GENERAL SUMMARY 1. 인구추이 2. 국내총생산액추이 3. 주요도시의대기오염도추이 4. 주요도시의산성비추이 5. 주요강의수질오염도 (BOD) 추이 6. 상수도급수인구및시설용량추이 7. 하수처리인구및시설용량추이 8. 주요연안의수질오염도 (COD) 추이 9. 폐기물발생량 10. 유독물유통량추이 11. 대기오염배출시설변화추이 12. 폐수배출시설변화추이 13. 소음 진동배출시설변화추이 14. 환경영향평가협의실적추이 15. 환경기술인력현황 16. 환경오염방지시설공사실적추이 17. 환경오염피해보상변화추이 18. 환경관리청별관할구역도 19. 생태자연도 20. 자연환경보전지역현황 21. 토지피복분류도 1. Trend in Population 3 2. Trend in Gross National Product 3 3. Trend in Air Quality in Major Cities 4 4. Trend in Acid Rain in Major Cities 6 5. Trend in Water Quality in Major Rivers(BOD) 7 6. Trend in Population Served by Water Supply System & Plant Capacity 9 7. Trend in Population Connected to Sewerage System & Treatment Capacity 9 8. Trend in Water Quality in Major Coastal Areas(COD) 10 9. Generation of Wastes 10 10. Trend in Toxic Chemicals in Circulation 1 11. Trend in Air Pollutant Emitting Facilities 1 12. Trend in Waste Water Discharging Facilities 2 13. Trend in Noise & Vibration Generating Facilities 12 14. Trend in Env. Impact Assessment Consultation Results 13 15. Environmental Technology Manpower 3 16. Trend in Construction of Environmental Pollution Prevention Facilities 15 17. Trend in Environmental Pollution Damage Compensation 15 18. Jurisdiction Map of Environmental Offices 16 19. Map of Natural Ecology 17 20. Natural Environment Conservation Areas 8 21. Map of Landcover 19 제 1 부국민경제활동 NATIONAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Ⅰ. 인구 1. 인구밀도변화 2. 인구추이 Ⅰ. POPULATION 23 1. Trend in Population Density 25 2. Trend in Population 26
3. 시 도별인구 4. 경제활동인구 ( 총괄 ) 3. Population by City & Province 27 4. Economically Active Population 29 Ⅱ. 국민계정 Ⅱ. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 33 1. 경제활동별국내총생산 (GDP) 및국민총소득 (GNI) 2. 시 도별지역내총생산 (GRDP) 1. Gross Domestic Product by Economic Activity and Gross National Income 35 2. Gross Regional Domestic Product 36 Ⅲ. 에너지소비 Ⅲ. ENERGY CONSUMPTION 37 1. 1차에너지공급구조 ( 생산및수입 ) 2. 1차에너지소비 3. 에너지원별발전전력량 4. 주요에너지지표 5. 부문별최종에너지소비량 1. Primary Energy Supply Structure 38 2. Primary Energy Consumption 40 3. Electric Power Generation by Energy Source 1 4. Major Energy Indicators 42 5. Final Energy Consumption by Demand Sector 44 Ⅳ. 수송 Ⅳ. TRANSPORT 47 1. 도로연장 2. 시 도별도로연장 3. 차종별자동차등록대수 4. 철도차량보유현황 5. 선박등록대수 6. 항공기보유현황 7. 수송부문별에너지소비량 8. 도로의교통량현황 9. 수단별여객수송분담률 1. Length of Roads 49 2. Length of Roads by City & Province 50 3. Motor Vehicle Registration 52 4. Train Holdings 53 5. Ship Registration 54 6. Aircraft Holdings 55 7. Energy Consumption by Transport Sector 6 8. Road Traffic Volume 57 9. Domestic Passenger Traffic 58 Ⅴ. 산업 Ⅴ. INDUSTRY 59 1. 산업생산지수 2. 산업별투자현황 1. Industrial Production Index 60 2. Investment by Industry 62 Ⅵ. 농업 Ⅵ. AGRICULTURE 65 1. 농지면적변화추이 1. Area of Cultivated Land 66
2. 전 겸업별농가및농가인구 2. Farm Households & Population (Full-and Part-Time) 67 3. 농업용기구및기계보유 4. 가축사육현황 5. 작물생산량 3. Agricultural Implement & Machinery Holdings 8 4. Livestock 70 5. Agricultural Production 71 Ⅶ. 임업 Ⅶ. FORESTRY 73 1. 임목벌채 2. 산림피해 ( 병충해 / 산불 ) 3. 목재수입실적 3-1. 수종별원목수입실적 1. Logging 75 2. Forest Damage 76 3. Import of Forest Products 7 3-1. Import of Timber by Variety 78 Ⅷ. 물의이용 Ⅷ. USE OF WATER 81 1. 수자원현황 ( 강수량, 증발량 ) 2. 수자원용도별이용현황 3. 지하수이용현황 4. 먹는샘물판매량및판매금액 1. Status of Water Resources 82 2. Use of Water by Purpose 83 3. Use of Groundwater 84 4. Amount and Value of Natural Mineral Water Sold 86 Ⅸ. 토지의이용 Ⅸ. USE OF LAND 87 1. 시 도별면적및행정구역현황 2. 시 도별용도지역지정현황 3. 국토이용면적 4. 자연공원지정현황 5. 주요도시계획시설현황 6. 개발제한구역현황 7. 공유수면매립현황 8. 국가산업단지지정현황 9. 지방산업단지지정현황 10. 농공단지지정현황 1. Area & Administrative Unit by City & Province 8 2. Designation of Land Use by City & Province 0 3. Utilization Area of Land Category 92 4. Designation of Natural Parks 94 5. Designation of Urban Parks 95 6. Green Belts Designation 96 7. Reclamation of Tideland 97 8. Designation of National Industrial Complexes 8 9. Designation of Local Industrial Complexes 10 10. Designation of Rural Industrial Districts 108
Ⅹ. 환경오염물질배출 Ⅹ. GENERATION OF POLLUTANTS 109 가. 대기오염물질배출 1. 아황산가스 (SO 2 ) 배출량 2. 이산화질소 (NO 2) 배출량 3. 먼지 (TSP) 배출량 4. 일산화탄소 (CO) 배출량 5. 휘발성유기화학물질 (VOC) 배출량 6. 염화불화탄소 (CFCs) 와할론 (Halons) 사용량 A. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION 109 1. Emissions of SO 2 111 2. Emissions of NO 2 112 3. Emissions of TSP 113 4. Emissions of CO 114 5. Emissions of VOC 115 6. Use of CFCs & Halons 116 나. 수질오염물질배출 1. 산업별 ( 업종별 ) 폐수발생량및방류량현황 2. 산업별 ( 업종별 ) 오염부하량현황 3. 수계별폐수발생량및방류량현황 4. 수계별오염부하량현황 5. 공단별폐수발생량및방류량현황 6. 분뇨발생량및처리현황 7. 축산폐수발생량 B. WATER POLLUTANT DISCHARGE 117 1. Generation & Discharge of Waste Water by Industry 118 2. Pollutant Load by Industry 121 3. Generation & Discharge of Waste Water by River Basin 122 4. Pollutant Load by River Basin 124 5. Generation & Discharge of Waste Water by Industrial Complexes 125 6. Night Soil Generation & Treatment 129 7. Livestock Waste Water Generation 131 Ⅺ. 폐기물의발생 Ⅺ. GENERATION OF WASTES 133 1. 폐기물발생량 2. 생활폐기물발생량변화추이 3. 생활폐기물성상별발생량변화추이 4. 사업장일반폐기물발생량변화추이 5. 시 도별사업장일반폐기물발생현황 6. 지정폐기물성상별발생량변화추이 ( 전국 ) 1. Generation of Wastes 134 2. Generation of Domestic Wastes 135 3. Generation of Domestic Wastes by Material Type 137 4. Generation of General Industrial Wastes 24 5. Generation of General Industrial Wastes by City & Province 144 6. Generation of Specified Wastes by Material Type 148
7. 시 도별지정폐기물발생량변화추이 8. 폐기물해양배출량 7. Generation of Specified Wastes by City & Province 150 8. Discharge of Wastes at Sea 151 Ⅻ. 유해화학물질생산및소비 Ⅻ. PRODUCTION & CONSUMPTION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES 153 1. 비료생산및소비량 2. 농약생산및출하량 3. 유독물유통량현황 4. 화학물질유통량현황 1. Production & Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers 154 2. Production & Shipment of Pesticides 155 3. Toxic Chemicals in Circulation 15 4. Chemicals in Circulation 156 제 2 부환경상태 THE STATE OF ENVIRONMENT Ⅰ. 대기 Ⅰ. AIR QUALITY 159 1. 주요도시의아황산가스 (SO 2) 오염도 2. 주요도시의먼지 (TSP) 오염도 3. 주요도시의미세먼지 (PM 10) 오염도 4. 주요도시의일산화탄소 (CO) 오염도 5. 주요도시의이산화질소 (NO 2) 오염도 6. 주요도시의오존 (O 3) 오염도 7. 주요도시의빗물의산도 (ph) 8. 주요도시의납 (Pb) 오염도 1. Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2) Concentrations in Major Cities 160 2. Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) in Major Cities 170 3. Particulate Matter(PM 10) Concentrations in Major Cities 178 4. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Concentrations in Major Cities 182 5. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2) Concentrations in Major Cities 192 6. Ozone(O 3) Concentrations in Major Cities 202 7. Acidity(pH) of Rain in Major Cities 212 8. Lead(Pb) Concentrations in Major Cities 12 2 Ⅱ. 수질 Ⅱ. WATER QUALITY 223 1. 하천수의수질현황 2. 호소수의수질현황 3. 지하수수질기준초과현황 4. 먹는물의수질현황 5. 연안의수질현황 1. Water Quality of Rivers & Streams 24 2. Water Quality of Lakes 282 3. Exceeded Groundwater Quality Standards 22 4. Drinking Water Quality 323 5. Coastal Water Quality 324
Ⅲ. 소음 Ⅲ. NOISE 335 1. 소음도현황 ( 일반지역 ) : 낮 2. 소음도현황 ( 일반지역 ) : 밤 3. 소음도현황 ( 도로변지역 ) : 낮 4. 소음도현황 ( 도로변지역 ) : 밤 5. 항공기소음도현황 1. Noise Levels(General Areas) : Day 36 2. Noise Levels(General Areas) : Night 37 3. Noise Levels(Roadside Areas) : Day 38 4. Noise Levels(Roadside Areas) : Night 339 5. Aircraft Noise Levels at Monitoring Sites 04 Ⅳ. 토양 Ⅳ. SOIL 343 1. 토지용도별오염도 2. 오염우려지역별오염도 3. 토양측정망세부 ( 지점별 ) 운영결과 1. Soil Pollution by Land Use 344 2. Soil Pollution by Pollutant 346 3. Operational Result of Designated National Sites 4 8 Ⅴ. 야생동 식물 Ⅴ. WILDLIFE 409 1. 한국산생물종의현황 2. 멸종위기및보호야생동 식물현황 1. Korean Species 410 2. Endangered, Vulnerable Wildlife 41 Ⅵ. 산림 Ⅵ. FOREST 413 1. 임상별산림면적 ( 03) 2. 임상별임목축적 3. 연도별조림실적 4. 산림소유별면적 ( 03) 1. Forest Land Area by Forest Type 414 2. Growing Stock by Forest Type 414 3. Reforestation by Year 415 4. Forest Land Area by Ownership 416 Ⅶ. 기상및재해 Ⅶ. METEOROLOGY & DISASTERS 417 1. 기온 ( 연평균 ) 2. 풍속 ( 연평균 ) 3. 기상 ( 안개일수 ) 4. 풍수해 1. Air Temperature 418 2. Wind Speed 419 3. Foggy Days 420 4. Damage from Storms & Floods 421
5. 기상재해 ( 03) 6. 국내지진규모별발생빈도 7. 해양오염사고현황 ( 유류유출 ) 8. 화학물질관련사고현황 5. Meteorological Disasters 42 6. Frequency of Earthquakes by Magnitude 32 7. Marine Pollution Accidents 424 8. Chemical-related Accidents 425 제 3 부환경관리 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Ⅰ. 환경관리 Ⅰ. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 433 가. 대기관리 1. 대기환경기준 2. 대기배출허용기준 3. 제작차배출허용기준 4. 운행차배출허용기준 5. ( 지방 ) 환경청별대기측정망설치현황 6. 지자체별대기측정망설치현황 7. 연도별청정연료사용량, 사용의무지역및대상시설현황 8. 저황유공급및사용의무지역현황 9. 대기오염물질배출업소현황 A. AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT 433 1. Air Quality Standards 435 2. Permissible Air Pollutant Emission Standards 3 6 3. Emission Standards for Vehicles 47 4. Emission Standards for Vehicles in Use 85 4 5. Air Quality Monitoring Stations by Env. Management Office 461 6. Air Quality Monitoring Stations by City & Province 462 7. Amount of LNG Use, Use Area & Facilities 463 8. Supply & Use Area of Low Sulfur Fuel 465 9. Air Pollutant Emitting Facilities 467 나. 수질관리 1. 수질환경기준 2. 먹는물 ( 수돗물 ) 수질기준 3. 방류수수질기준 4. 폐수배출허용기준 5. 오수 분뇨및축산폐수방류수수질기준 6. 수질측정망현황 7. 폐수배출시설현황 8. 상수도보급현황 B. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 469 1. Water Quality Standards 470 2. Drinking Water Quality Standards 472 3. Discharged Water Quality Standards 473 4. Permissible Waste Water Discharge Standards 4 5. Discharged Water Quality Standards for Sewage, Night Soil & Livestock Waste Water 476 6. Water Quality Monitoring Sites 478 7. Waste Water Discharging Facilities 479 8. Water Supply Facilities 480
9. 하수도보급현황 ( 03) 9-1. 하수도보급율변화추이 10. 상수도요금현황 11. 하수도요금현황 12. 하수처리장현황 13. 하수처리시설의처리능력 14. 하수처리구역내인구현황 15. 농공단지폐수종말처리시설현황 16. 축산폐수처리시설현황 17. 공단폐수종말처리시설현황 18. 분뇨처리시설현황 9. Sewerage System Supply 481 9-1. Sewerage System Supply Rate 482 10. Water Supply Charges 483 11. Sewerage Charges 484 12. Sewerage Plants 485 13. Treatment Capacity of Sewerage Plants 9 8 14. Population Connected to Sewerage Area 499 15. Waste Water Treatment Plants in Rural Industrial Areas 500 16. Livestock Waste Water Treatment Plants 0 4 17. Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants 0 6 18. Night Soil Treatment Plants 507 다. 소음 진동관리 1. 소음환경기준 2. 공장소음 진동배출허용기준 3. 자동차소음허용기준 4. 생활소음 진동규제기준 5. 소음측정지점현황 6. 항공기소음측정지점현황 7. 소음 진동배출시설현황 C. NOISE & VIBRATION CONTROL 509 1. Noise Level Standards 51 2. Maximum Permissible Levels of Noise & Vibration 512 3. Maximum Permissible Levels of Automobile Noise 514 4. Maximum Permissible Levels of Neighborhood Noise & Vibration 517 5. Noise Monitoring Sites 518 6. Aircraft Noise Monitoring Sites 519 7. Noise & Vibration Generating Facilities 522 라. 폐기물관리 1. 처리방법별일반폐기물처리현황 2. 처리방법별지정폐기물처리현황 3. 일반폐기물처리시설현황 4. 생활폐기물관리구역거주인구추세 D. WASTE MANAGEMENT 525 1. Disposal of General Wastes 527 2. Disposal of Specified Wastes 528 3. General Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities 529 4. Population in Domestic Waste Collection Area 530
5. 폐기물재활용현황 6. 폐기물수출 입현황 마. 토양보전및유독물관리 1. 토양오염우려기준및대책기준 2. 시 도별특정토양오염유발시설설치신고현황 3. 유독물및관찰물질의지정기준 4. 유독물지정현황 5. 관찰물질지정현황 6. 제조 수입또는사용을금지하는화학물질현황 7. 제조 수입또는사용을제한하는취급제한유독물현황 8. 유독물등록업소현황 바. 야생동 식물관리 1. 멸종위기및보호야생동 식물지정현황 2. 천연기념물지정목록 3. 생태계위해외래동 식물지정현황 Ⅱ. 환경오염분쟁조정 1. 환경오염피해진정 2. 환경오염피해보상현황 3. 환경분쟁조정현황 Ⅲ. 환경오염방지투자 1. 환경관련예산 2. 환경오염방지투자현황 3. 생활폐기물처리비용 ( 쓰레기봉투판매현황 ) 4. 환경기술개발사업투자현황 5. Waste Recycling 532 6. Waste Export & Import 53 E. SOIL CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT OF TOXIC CHEMICALS 535 1. Soil Contamination Warning & Countermeasure Standards 536 2. Soil Contaminating Facilities by City & Province 537 3. Designating Guideline for Toxic Chemicals & Observational Chemicals 538 4. Designation of Toxic Chemicals 540 5. Designation of Observational Chemicals 75 5 6. Chemical Substances of which the Manufacture, Import, and Use is Forbidden 58 7. Toxic Chemicals of which the Manufacture, Import, and Use is Restricted 560 8. Registered Toxic Chemical Companies 16 5 F. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 567 1. Designation of Endangered, Vulnerable Wildlife 568 2. Designation of Natural Monuments 574 3. Designation of Harmful, Non-indigenous Animals & Plants 575 Ⅱ. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION DISPUTES COORDINATION 577 1. Petition on Env. Pollution Damage 578 2. Compensation for Env. Damage 579 3. Current Status of Environmental Dispute Resolution 580 Ⅲ. INVESTMENT FOR ENVRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL 583 1. Budget for Environmental Conservation 8 4 2. Investment in Enviromental Pollution Control Facilities 586 3. Expenditure on Domestic Waste Disposal (Sale of Trash Bags) 587 4. Investment in Environmental Technology Development Project 591
Ⅳ. 단속및행정처분현황 Ⅳ. INSPECTION & ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES 593 1. 대기배출시설단속및행정조치현황 2. 자동차배출가스단속및행정조치현황 3. 소음 진동배출시설단속및행정조치현황 4. 폐수배출시설단속및행정조치현황 5. 유독물등록업소단속및행정조치현황 6. 환경영향평가협의실적 7. 배출부과금부과및징수현황 8. 환경개선부담금부과및징수현황 9. 폐기물예치금부과및납부현황 10. 폐기물부담금부과및징수현황 11. 수질개선부담금부과및징수현황 1. Inspection of & Administrative Measures for Air Pollutant Emitting Facilities 595 2. Inspection of & Administrative Measures for Motor Vehicle Exhaust 596 3. Inspection of & Administrative Measures for Noise & Vibration Generating Facilities 89 4. Inspection of & Administrative Measures for Waste Water Discharging Facilities 599 5. Inspection of & Administrative Measures for Registered Toxic Chemicals Companies 0 6. Results of Environmental Impact Assessment Consultations 601 7. Imposition & Collection of Pollution Charges 20 8. Imposition & Collection of Environmental Improvement Charges 603 9. Imposition & Control of Waste Deposits 40 10. Imposition & Collection of Waste Treatment Charges 605 11. Imposition & Collection of Water Quality Improvement Charges 607 Ⅴ. 환경관리구역 Ⅴ. ENV. MANAGEMENT ZONES 609 1. 대기오염특별대책지역 2. 상수원보호구역및상수원특별대책지역지정현황 3. 교통소음 진동규제지역지정현황 4. 환경보전해역및특별관리해역지정현황 5. 조수보호구지정현황 6. 생태계보전지역지정현황 1. Air Pollution Special Measure Areas 11 6 2. Water Supply Source Protection Areas & Special Measure Areas 612 3. Designation of Traffic Noise & Vibration Control Areas 614 4. Designation of Environment Conservation Sea Areas & Special Management Sea Areas 02 5. Designation of Sanctuaries 62 6. Designation of Ecosystem Conservation Areas 3
Ⅵ. 국제환경협약 Ⅵ. INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONVENTIONS 625 1. 국제환경협약 2. 국제환경협약가입현황 1. International Environmental Conventions 72 2. Korean Signature of International Environmental Conventions 628 Ⅶ. 기타 Ⅶ. OTHERS 635 1. 환경기술자격교부자현황 2. 환경오염방지시설업등록현황 3. 환경친화기업지정현황 4. ISO 14000 인증기업현황 1. Environmental Technology Manpower 637 2. Registration of Companies for Pollution Control Facilities 637 3. Designation of Environmentally Friendly Companies 638 4. ISO 14000 Certified Companies 647 부록 APPENDICES 1. 환경부조직 2. 국립환경연구원조직 3. 지방환경관서조직 4. 지방환경관서위치 관할구역명세 5. 중앙환경분쟁조정위원회사무국조직 6. 산하단체조직 7. 환경관계위원회 8. 환경부소관비영리법인현황 9. 환경법규현황 10. 환경부승인통계 1. Organization of Ministry of Environment 697 2. Organization of National Institute of Environment Research 703 3. Organization of Regional Environment Offices 50 4. Jurisdiction of Regional Environment Offices 70 5. Organization of National Environmental Dispute Resolution Commission 708 6. Subsidiary Organizations 709 7. Environmental Committees 713 8. Nonprofit Environmental Corporations & Groups 714 9. Environmental Legislation 726 10. Approval Statistics 730
19. 생 태 자 연 도 Map of Natural Ecology 범 례 도, 광역시 행정구역도 1등급 2등급 3등급