Theme 10 Collective Intelligence & Collaboration 2016 忠北大學校金相郁敎授 본자료에수록된내용을무단사용할경우저작권법에위반됩니다. 0
Contents 순서 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 / 2 2. 소통과협업의조건 /15 1
1. 인터넷의사회화와 집단지성 2
개관 (Awareness) 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 New Cybernomics Long-Tail Economy Attention Economy Social Intelligence Economy Socialization of the Internet 개인화 (Personal): 권력의이동 관계적 (Relational): 자아의확장 협력적 (Collaborative): 집단적지성 3
소셜 (Social) 의 3 대속성 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Mass Media Social Media Personal Relational Collaborative 4
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Personal 권력의이동 Producer ( 소수의황새 ) Produser ( 다수의뱁새 ) 긴꼬리경제 (Long-tail Economy) 5
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Relational 존재의의미 I ( 人 ) ( 수목적개인 ) Me ( 人間 ) ( 관계속개인 ) 관심경제 (Attention Economy) 6
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Collaborative 개인의역할 Thinking Being ( 생각하는존재 ) Filtering Cell ( 정보여과세포 ) 확장된자아 (Extended Self: Social Filtering) 7
집단지성 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 8
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Collective Intelligence? Collective Stupidity? 9
조직원과대중의차이 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 조직 (Organizational) 사회 (Social) 역할론 ( 조직차원 ) Taxonomy Folksonomy 존재론 ( 관계차원 ) Synchro-Social Asynchro-Mass 행위론 ( 개인차원 ) Processes Stigmergy 10
새로운정보화전략 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 정보화기조의변화 Mass Informatization ( 효율성 / 반응성추구 ) Social Informatization ( 개방 / 공유기반의가치창조 ) 정보처리관점의변화 Alphanumeric Processing 개별 ( 人 ) 중심의데이터처리 Context Processing 관계 ( 人間 ) 중심의맥락처리 11
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 데이터에대한시각변화 Resource for Work Processing ( 업무자원 ) Resource for Value Creation ( 가치자원 ) 정보환경에서국민의역할변화 Consumer ( 제공된서비스의 수동적소비자 ) Prosumer ( 서비스의능동적소비자 ) Cresumer ( 서비스의창조적생산소비자 ) 12
종합정리 인터넷의사회적특성 (Socialization of the Internet) 1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 개인화 (Personalized) 관계적 (Relational) 협력적 (Collaborative) 소비의개인화 (Toffler, 1980) 디지털적존재 (Negroponte, 1996) 디지털적자아 (Hermans, 2010) 중심의이동 엘리트 (Elites) 대중 (Crowds) 소비의변화수동적 (Consuming) 능동적 (Prosuming) 창조적소비 (Cresuming) 창조적소비를통한 사회의역동성촉진 행동의준거프로세스 (Process) 스티그머지 (Stigmergy) 행태의변화규범적 (Prescriptive) 발현적 (Emergent) 집단재능 (Collective Talent) 발현적집단재능을 조장하는환경조성 개인의존재 생각하는존재 (Thinking Being) 정보여과세포 (Filtering Cell) 역할의변화독립적자아 (Independent Self) 확장된자아 (Extended Self) 집단지성 (Collective Intelligence) 대중의집단지성을 촉진하는여건조성 소셜정보화 (Social Informatization) ( 가능수단 ) 정보서비스플랫폼 (Information Service Platform) 13
1. 인터넷의사회화와집단지성 Service to Crowd: Orchestra 에서 Jazz 서비스로전환 지속가능성 (Sustainability) 작동가능성 (Practicability) 정보플랫폼서비스 (Information Platform Services) S O C I A L 플랫폼의사회적속성 : S O C I A L. 흥미적속성 (Stimulus-rich) 유기적속성 (Organic) 협력적속성 (Collaborative) 지능적속성 (Intelligent) 순응적속성 (Adaptive) 연결적속성 (Linked) 14
2. 소통과협업의조건 15
2. 소통과협업의조건 기업의내외부소통과협업의비중이 2015년에이르면전체업무의 90% 까지확대될것이다. -Gartner 16
17 2. 소통과협업의조건
2. 소통과협업의조건 In business, long tail economy is a phrase coined by Chris Anderson, in 2004. He argued that products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters. This phenomenon appears in a number of areas as socialization on the Internet is getting more activated. In the Internet common individuals have become media by themselves expressing their ideas and talents; and communicate with one another, which forms in turn collective intelligence. In short, the Internet has become a crucial means to let oneself known to others and to form collective intelligence of the many, which is stronger and smarter than that of the chosen few. Task 7-3: Explain about Long-tail Economy and discuss its implication in terms of collective intelligence. 18
2. 소통과협업의조건 How many cases can you think of where a paper clip is applied? Which situation do you think can help us think of more use cases of the clip: Think alone or think together with others? In which situation do you think you can think of more use cases of the clip: In psychological stability or under stress? How do you think others thoughts influence your thought: Positively or negatively? And what the implication you can draw from this? 19
2. 소통과협업의조건 Premise of Collective Intelligence The many is smarter than the few. Ninety-nine less smarter people is smarter than one smartest person. Collective Intelligence emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making. It is an emergent property from the synergies among people and the ways of processing information that continually learns from feedback than these elements acting alone. Collective Intelligence refers to capacity of networked ICTs (Information communication technologies) to enhance the collective pool of social knowledge by simultaneously expanding the extent of human interactions. Collective intelligence strongly contributes to the shift of knowledge and power from the individual to the collective. 20
4 Types of Comm. For Collaboration 2. 소통과협업의조건 21
2. 소통과협업의조건 Ba 와소통의 4 가지유형 대화 토론 경험적창의 (Experiential Creativity) 반추 실천적창의 (Exercising Creativity) 표현적창의 (Enunciated Creativity) 검색 실험적창의 (Experimental Creativity) 22
2. 소통과협업의조건 대화 Experiential Creativity ( 경험적창의 ) 펀 (Fun) 하게놀아라. 일은놀이의결과물을체계화하는과정일뿐이다. 악마는디테일에숨어있다. 세심한관찰이필요하다. 남다른관찰은다른세계와의결합으로촉진된다. 23
2. 소통과협업의조건 Devil is in the detail. 聽 視 24
2. 소통과협업의조건 토론 Enunciative Creativity ( 표현적창의 ) Mother and Child Reunion 을기억하는가? 사랑은움직이는거야! 이런것들이바로표현적창의의전형이다. 구름에달가듯이가는나그네 25
2. 소통과협업의조건 Simon came up with the title after seeing a chicken and egg dish called "Mother and Child Reunion" on the menu at a Chinese restaurant in Jamaica, At least, the Ostriches in the film are still alive. Enjoy. 26
2. 소통과협업의조건 검색 Experimental Creativity ( 실험적창의 ) 익히알다시피최근변화의특성은한마디로 규칙성을찾기어려운불연속혁신적 이다. 규칙적 ( 연속, 반복적 ) 환경에서우수한성과를보이는사람이불연속혁신적환경에서도과연우수한성과를보일수있을까를검증할수있는실험을생각해보자. 이런것이바로실험적창의이다. 27
2. 소통과협업의조건 뽕잎 28
2. 소통과협업의조건 반추 Exercising Creativity ( 실천적창의 ) 배운것을현실상황에서실천해보는것도창의가필요하다. 가장큰이유는이론과실제가다를수있기때문이다. Six Sigma의실패사례나 영리한고양이밤눈이어둡다 는속담이그예. 소비의개인화 를실천한영농조합법인한국애플리즈의 글자사과 사례 29
30 2. 소통과협업의조건
2. 소통과협업의조건 Our discussion will go on to Theme 11. Systems Thinking as a New Way of Thinking in Complex World. 31