大 韓 不 姙 學 會 誌 : 第 27 卷 第 4 號 2000
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1 : Kor. J. Fertil. Steril., Vol. 31, No. 3, 2004, 9 Melatonin Effects of Melatonin on the Meiotic Maturation of Mouse Oocytes in vitro Hee-Jin Ahn, In-Ha Bae Department of Biology, Graduated School, Sungshin Women's University Objective: Melatonin, which is secreted by pineal gland play an important role in the regulation of ovarian function via seasonal rhythm and sleep in most mammals. It also has a role in the protection of cells by removing toxic oxygen free radicals brought about by metabolism. In the present study, effects of melatonin on the mouse oocyte maturation were examined using two different culture conditions provided with 5% or 21% oxygen concentration. Material and Method: Immature mouse oocytes were obtained from the ovarian follicles of 3~4 weeks old ICR strain mice intraperitoneally injected with 5 I.U. PMSG 44 hour before. Under stereomicroscope, morphologically healthy oocytes with distinct germinal vesicle (GV) were liberated from the graafian follicles and collected using mouth-controlled micropipette. They were then cultured for 17 hour at 37, 5% CO 2 and 21% O 2 (95% air) or 5% CO 2, 5% O 2 and 90% N 2. New modified Hank's balanced salt solution (New MHBS) was used as a culture medium throughout the experiments. Effects of melatonin were examined at a concentration of µm, 0.01 µm or 1.0 µm. For the prevention of spontaneous maturation of immature oocytes during culture, dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcamp) and/or hypoxanthine were included in the medium. Results: Under 21% oxygen condition, oocytes cultured in the presence of 0.01 µm melatonin showed a significantly higher maturation rates, in terms of germinal vesicle breakdown (95.0% vs 89.0%) and polar body formation (88.1% vs 75.4%), compared to those cultured with µm or 1.0 µm melatonin. However, no difference was observed in oocytes cultured under 5% oxygen whether they were treated with melatonin or not. In the presence of 0.01 µm melatonin, oocytes either cultured under 21% or 5% oxygen exhibited no difference in the polar body formation (85.6% vs 86.7%). However, in the absence of melatonin, oocytes cultured under 21% oxygen exhibited lower polar body formation (74.7%). When oocytes were cultured in the presence of dbcamp alone or with varying concentrations of melatonin, those treated with both compounds always showed better maturation, i.e., germinal vesicle breakdown and polar body formation, compared to those cultured with dbcamp alone. At the same concentration of melatonin, however, oocytes exposed to 21% oxygen showed poor maturation than those to 5% oxygen. Similar results were obtained from the experiments using hypoxanthine instead of dbcamp. :, ) , Tel: (02) , Fax: (02) , ihbae@sungshin.ac.kr *
2 Conclusion: Based upon these results, it is suggested that melatonin could enhance the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes under 21% oxygen concentration, and release oocytes from the meiotic arrest by dbcamp or hypoxanthine regardless of the concentration of oxygen, probably via the removal of oxygen free radicals. Key Words: Mouse oocyte, Melatonin, dbcamp, Hypoxanthine, Oxygen (pineal gland) melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) / seasonal rhythm (ovarian function) (reproduction). melatonin (vaginal), (estrus cycle). 1 melatonin (offspring), (cattle), 14 (bovine), 15, 16 17, (age). 2 Melatonin (atresia) antral follicle. 3 melatonon, luteinizing hormone (LH). melatonin (serum) 3melatonin LH, 21 melatonin. 4 Brzezinski 5 melatonin progesterone melatonin. melatoninantigonadotropin gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). 6, Romero 7 system H 2 O 2 OH membrane-bound calmodulin melatoninbinding site melatonincalmodulinantagonist. Melatonin (melanophores) seasonal breeding mela- melatonin cyclic AMP (camp) Ca , 5% 21% 2-. 9, 10, 11,12 (sheep) 13 18,19. H 2 O super oxide dismutase (SOD),, hydroxyl radical, H 2 O (follicular fluid).,. 22 melatonin glutathione mannitol in vivo. 25 circadian rhythm tonin. 5% 21% melatonin
3 , 10, (ICR strain) 3~ I.U. (international unit)pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (Sigma), mmdibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcamp) M2 (M5A Wild, Swiss)26G. mouth-controlled micro- pipette (germinal vesicle; GV). 3. microdroplet mm NaHCO 3, BSA (0.4%), (60 15 mm, Falcon) melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) 40 µlnew modified hank's balanced salt Solution (New MHBS) equilibrated mineral oil (light oil) 37, 5% CO 2 95% 100%, 37, 5% CO 2, 5% O 2 90% N 2 100% solution (-20), (Forma Scientific, Model 3130) 2, 20~ , 15 Lb/inch Sigma (St Louis, MO). MHBS 280 mosm New MHBS mm NaCl, 5.37 mm KCl, 0.81 mm MgSO 4, 0.34 mm Na 2 HPO 4, 0.15 mm KH 2 PO 4, 1.71 mm CaCl 2, 5.56 mm glucose, 2.50 mm Na-Lactate, 0.30 mm Napyruvate, 10 mg/l phenol red, 100 units/ml penicillin-g, 52 mg/l streptomycin, 25.0 mm NaHCO 3, 0.4% bovine serum albumin (BSA) M mm N-2-(hydroxyethyl) piperazine- N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) ph, mm NaCl, 4.78 mm KCl, 1.19 mm MgSO 4, 1.19 mm KH 2 PO 4, 5.56 mm glucose, 100 units/ ml penicillin-g, 52 mg/l streptomycin 3 10 stock solution, mm CaCl 2, mm Na-Lactate, 0.33 mm Napyruvate100 stock solution stock solution 1. ph7.3~ ~290 mosm. 24 dbcampdulbecco's phosphate-buffered salined (PBS) 20stock. Melatonin ( µm, 0.01 µm 1 µm). hypoxan- 90 thine10 stock solution
4 1 mm (germinal vesicle breakdown; GVBD) 17 1 (first polar body; PB) (inverted phase contrast microscope, Labovert, Leitz, Germany). (germinal vesicle; GV), (GVBD) Figure 1. Effects of melatonin on the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes under 21% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of ten replicates. *p<0.05, **p<0.005 Figure 2. Effects of melatonin on the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes under 5% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of seven replicates
5 , 1 (PB) (perivitelline space). 6. Stu- dent's t-test. 1. melatonin 21%5% Figure 3. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes cultured for 17 hours under 21% O 2 or 5% O 2 in vitro. **p<0.005 Figure 4. Effects of melatonin on the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes under 21% O 2 or 5% O 2 in vitro. **p<
6 ( µm, 0.01 µm 1 µm)melatonin 4 (germinal vesicle breakdown; GVBD) 17 1 (first polar body; PB). 21% melatonin, 0.01 µm 1 (Figure 1). 5% (Figure 2, 3). Figure 5. Effects of melatonin on the germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocytes in the presence of dbcamp cultured for 4 hours under 21% O 2. The above results were obtained by pooling of nine replicates. *p<0.05, **p<0.005 Figure 6. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of dbcamp cultured for 17 hours under 21% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of nine replicates. *p<0.05, **p<
7 2. melatonin 21% Figure µm melatonin, 5% melatonin., 21% melatonin 0.01 µm 1 5% melatonin Figure 7. Effects of melatonin on the germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocytes in the presence of dbcamp cultured for 4 hours under 5% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of seven replicates. Figure 8. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of dbcamp cultured for 17 hours under 5% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of seven replicates. *p<0.05, **p<
8 1 (p<0.005), (Figure 4). 3. dbcamp melatonin dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcamp) melatonin. 21% 0.1 mm dbcamp melatonin Figure 9. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of dbcamp cultured for 17 hours under 21% O 2 or 5% in vitro. *p<0.05, **p<0.005 Figure 10. Effects of melatonin on the germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocytes in the presence of hypoxanthine cultured for 4 hours under 21% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of eight replicates
9 melatonin dbcamp (Figure 5, 6)., 5% 21% (Figure 7, 8, 9). 4. Hypoxanthine mela- tonin hypoxanthine Figure 11. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of hypoxanthine cultured for 17 hours under 21% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of eight replicates. *p<0.05 Figure 12. Effects of melatonin on the germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocytes in the presence of hypoxanthine cultured for 4 hours under 5% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of seven replicates
10 melatonin. 21%, µm0.01 µmmelatonin melato- ninhypoxanthine GV arrest (Figure 10, 11). hypoxanthinegybd 5% O 2 (Figure 12). Figure 13. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of hypoxanthine cultured for 17 hours under 5% O 2 in vitro. The above results were obtained by pooling of seven replicates. *p<0.05, **p<0.005 Figure 14. Effects of melatonin on the polar body formation of mouse oocytes in the presence of hypoxanthine cultured for 17 hours under 21% O 2 or 5% O 2 in vitro. *p<0.05, **p<
11 Hypoxanthine 4 (17 ) (Figure 13) 21% (Figure 14). (free radical oxygen, OH) (toxity)dna (death). mannitol, glutathione melatonin. 6 melatonin melatonin, 26 melatonin % 5% melatonin., 21% 0.01 µmmelatonin (GVBD)1 (PB) (Figure 1). 5% melatonin. 1 21% 0.01 µmmelatonin (Figure 2, 3)., melatonin21%, mrna oxygenstress 5% 21% melatonin 0.01 µmmelatonin, 5% melatonin. 21% 0.01 µm melatonin 5% melatonin 1 (Figure 4). melatoninoxygenstress 5% 21% 0.01 µm oxygen stress. (21%). Dumoulin 12. melatonin rat lipid peroxiation anti- oxidant status, 28 β-cells OH alloxan. 29,30 OH stress melatonin oxidative DNA damage, 32 brain cortexantioxidant enzyme DNA. 33,34, (in vitro fertilization)melatonin '2-cell block'. 31
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