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2 Instead of rededicating themselves to the exciting months and years ahead, they allow themselves to be overwhelmed with the mistakes that they made in the past.: they themselves matter a good deal of regret overwhelmed future-oriented 24 uneasy potential rededicate resolve enthusiasm 35,000 Toigeur Airways (TA) TA James Moore I was told by a TA employee that it was the airline s policy not to allow a passenger to make changes to a ticket purchased with reward miles.: that it ~ to V not to allow ~ with reward miles return ticket due to policy 25 reward mile employee convenience I believe (that) the biggest reason why so many salespeople fail is because they can t separate themselves from their product.: why the biggest reason 2

3 believe that the biggest reason is product have nothing to do with potential afford reject slam the door in one s face separate Every year, we throw away more than 125 million cell phones, which accounts for nearly 65,000 tons of toxic waste.: which which account for toxic waste donate charity gift card in return electronics free of charge submit@phg.com You can submit your photographs in person or via You can submit your photographs in person or via at submit@phg.com.: or in person via portrait submission announce submit via attach property submit@phg.com PHOTOHAUS 24 East 7th Avenue, Boston Cancun

4 % 7 7 (Children aged seven years and under are not allowed to participate.) Actual time spent with the dolphins is about forty minutes.: spent Actual time Actual time is incredible creature unforgettable marine snorkel additional info information actual refund cancel 29 There will be no separate dressing rooms for graduates. We suggest (that) you leave your personal belongings with your guests as there is no place to keep them during the ceremony.: suggest that ((that) you (should) leave ~) them your personal belongings graduate graduation ceremony celebrate rehearsal personal belongings participant separate dressing room provide Student Government Association Turkey displayed the biggest increase from 192 million tons in 2002 to 264 million tons in 2008.: from A to B A B emission emitter account for reverse display 4

5 (A) growling, purring occasionally (B) saving to to save to save pass (C) the early morning and evenings when It s impossible to know for sure if cats dream just like we do.: know if whisker paw growl purr chase nap adjust routine insufficient sufficient Starting in North India, it passes west through Pakistan and Afghanistan, continues through the Near East, crosses Africa as the Sahara, and leaping the Atlantic, ends in Mexico and the Southwest United States.: it passes, continues, crosses, ends (A, B, C, and D) belt the Near East leap similar quarter population construct harsh generous intense scarcity insufficient means shelter architecture resistant As one of the judges handed him an envelope, my heart began to beat faster and my palms began to sweat.: hand him an 5

6 envelope whirl judge bend whisper envelope sweat on the edge of one s seat eternity 34 (I never see her.) visible Getting out of the office and mixing with employees is a simple solution to a very common trust problem.: is employee organizational barrier to perception higher-up 35 If your supporting comments outweigh the critical ones, the other person will feel reassured that you re considering their idea and is likely to be more receptive to what you say.: the other person will feel is and reject normal avenue squash defensively argument hostile deliberately negative supporting outweigh receptive to 36 6

7 Plants know how to attract to their own rotting only those microorganisms and earthworms that will produce beneficial minerals for the soil where the plants siblings will grow.: attract only those microorganisms and earthwormsto their own rotting where the soil self-sufficient researcher consume fungi fungus attract microorganism earthworm beneficial sibling concentrate apparently critically 37 lingua franca A for example B lingua franca That is to say More and more today, English is used by Korean professionals on business in Brazil, by Polish hotel staff welcoming tourists from around the world, or by Indian workers who have taken up jobs in the Gulf States. by ~ A, B, or C welcoming who Polish hotel staffindian workers Polish the Gulf States rationally interact with colleague applicable lingua franca mother tongue 38 Those who have a fear of public speaking often tell themselves that people in the crowd will silently think bad things about them.: those who tell themselves presentation relaxed interact audience altogether 7

8 39 25 Despite the fact that the meals are identical, economists say, people nearly always eat the one for which they paid full price.: that the fact run out of special offer bargain ready meal snap up pop out unreheatable identical 40 B C 2~3 A B C A Put the flour in the mixing bowl. Beat the egg and mix it into the milk and pour that into the bowl, too.: You[you] edge remove topping thicken batter pour in cook [41-42] 41 8

9 42 catching They rush this way and that, dealing with emergencies, handling multiple projects at the same time, and never letting anything fall through the cracks. : dealing with ~, handling ~, never letting A, B, and C ~ once you ve got three or four misthrown projects in the air at work, no amount of rushing around is going to keep them from crashing to the ground.: once keep from juggle approach devote extraordinary rush emergency fall through the cracks It turns out that ~. in the air at work no amount of remarkable irreplaceable [43-45] A Wilson Glendale Mike Brian Wilson Mike (D) Wilson (C) Wilson (B) Brian Mike 43. Wilson Mike Brian DWilson C B Mike Brian 44. (a), (b), (c), (e) Mike Brian (d) her former chemistry professors 45. It was when Mrs. Wilson showed the creation to her former chemistry professors. It wasn t until months later that the potential importance of the discovery was fully understood.: It wasn t until that It is was that The curious boys decided to have a lab rat eat it to see if it was edible.: have a lab rat eat challenge chemical explode school board exclusive potential come up with edible substance 9

10 Instead of rededicating themselves to the exciting months and years ahead, they allow themselves to be overwhelmed with the mistakes that they made in the past.: they themselves matter a good deal of regret overwhelmed future-oriented 24 uneasy potential rededicate resolve enthusiasm When you look at a painting, a piece of sculpture, or a building, you experience exactly what the artist created without involving an intervening person.: experience what what sculpture intervene bring ~ to life composition to a degree physically ,825 Florida Everglades Everglades 99% Everglades Florida Bill Nelson Everglades 10

11 Florida Everglades Florida Florida Florida Everglades With their prey exhausted, the snakes will begin moving out of the Everglades in search of food pets, for example.: with swamp discard sighting envision exhausted belong 26 Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah She The storekeeper A price list stuck up crooked beside the candy told her she could buy half a loaf of oversweetened white bread, if she wanted, or a scoop of frozen peas.: stuck A price list A price list told combination convenience store storekeeper occupant wrinkled faded conserve stick up crooked oversweeten acknowledge 27 Aerobic do doing : why establish doing people establish people and train train to referred something referred to as suchsuch+a n cf. so a(n) is that that It s not surprising that the demands (that) you make on your body when you ask it to sustain an aerobic activity train your lungs to deliver oxygen and ~ : It that that the demands that which the demands train sustain 11

12 referred to as enzyme pronounced overlook establish metabolism lean extended 28 insufficient sufficient Starting in North India, it passes west through Pakistan and Afghanistan, continues through the Near East, crosses Africa as the Sahara, and leaping the Atlantic, ends in Mexico and the Southwest United States.: it passes, continues, crosses, ends A, B, C, and D belt the Near East leap similar quarter population construct harsh generous intense scarcity insufficient means shelter architecture resistant decreased the least In 1985 the freshwater species index was the highest, followed by the land species index and the marine species index.: followed by species freshwater compared to 30 biodiversity ecosystem decline Red Sea Thistlegorm Thistlegorm 1950 Jacques Cousteau 1992 Red Sea Thistlegorm Red Sea 4 Thistlegorm 8 12

13 (Being) Packed full of artifacts and lying in the clear waters of the Red Sea, the Thistlegorm is perhaps the most famous of all shipwrecks for divers.: Being be packed full of artifact shipwreck come at a price crawl armed merchant vessel supply machinery spot enter hold huge explosion 32 Marlborough 15 Blenheim Sword in the Stone T.H. White 31 I never see her. visible Getting out of the office and mixing with employees is a simple solution to a very common trust problem.: employee organizational barrier to perception higher-up So, for that matter, is the creation of a great painting, or an entrée, or a book, or a building like Blenheim Palace, which took the Duke of Marlborough s architects and laborers 15 years to construct. : which Blenheim Palace honorable procrastination may well parliamentary deliberation entrée mellow marinate marinade assassin devour 33 13

14 Plants know how to attract to their own rotting only those microorganisms and earthworms that will produce beneficial minerals for the soil where the plants siblings will grow.: attract only those microorganisms and earthwormsto their own rotting where the soil self-sufficient researcher consume fungi fungus attract microorganism earthworm beneficial sibling concentrate apparently critically 34 As they try to maneuver through times of guilt and austerity, marketers seek tactics that (they hope) will overcome consumers guilt and negative self-regard and will as a result revive consumption.: that tactics they hope that maneuver marketer tactic self-regard revive engage in compensatory deviate dip compensate refrain from inclined to give in to 35 14

15 physical clearing 37 state appreciate As she explained her struggles and feelings, I tried to figure out what exactly was bothering her.: figure out what exactly was bothering her what figure out reassure bridge simulate 36 bother recoil 3+1=8 Martin Gardner Numbers and mathematics exist whether humans know about them or not. / ~ four dinosaurs are now in the clearing, whether or not humans are around to appreciate this fact.: whether (A) (In addition) (B) (For example) ~ color helps facilitate perceptual organization, the process by which small elements become grouped perceptually into larger objects.: the process by which perceptual organization which the process A monkey with good color vision easily detects red fruit against a green background, but a color-blind monkey would find it more difficult to find the fruit.: find it to find the fruit contrive facilitate perceptual color vision enhance detect color-blind 15

16 (C) (A) The Coming Famine Julian Cribb Cribb (B) (C) (A) (B) In fact, wherever easy access to cheap food means (that) people buy more than they consume, we could all start by shopping smarter and cleaning our plates.: wherever means that swell yielding reclaim cut back on resource-intensive account for shifting finite Despite the fact that the meals are identical, economists say, people nearly always eat the one for which they paid full price.: that the fact run out of special offer bargain ready meal snap up pop out unreheatable identical We ignore the great variation that exists within each group and reduce its members to the common ground that ties all the members of that group together.: the great variation the common ground that 16

17 (exists, ties) classification variation distinguish differentiate reduce (to) membership trap [41-42] One result was a shift from the industry norm of hiding watch mechanisms within the case to making parts visible in order to show off the increasingly complicated, visually stimulating mechanical movements.: from A to B A B in order to V to manual calendar watch power movement quartz dominate quartz movement redouble insightful mechanism show off niche immune [43-45] (A) 8 Melissa Heckler Heckler Heckler (D) Heckler Heckler 17

18 (B) Heckler TV (C) Heckler Heckler 43. (A) Heckler (D) (B) (C) 44. (c) one girl[the girl] Melissa Heckler 45. (B) Heckler also asks the kids to collect stories from family members and friends. The school suggested that Heckler (should) not tell any family stories, assuming that the last thing such kids wanted to hear or talk about was family life.: suggest that should should It doesn t matter whether you ve had a rough life or a privileged one.: whether What matters is that you re telling them your story.: what at risk folk tale responsive moderator revelation dignity privileged Would you please establish a new fire station in our area, ~? From the very beginning it was fanned by strong winds, but it would not have spread so far and so quickly, if our firefighters had been able to arrive at the scene in time. if had would have tragedy faulty electrical wiring suburbs fan establish 19 Ellen Langer 18

19 Langer Langer Ellen Langer Ellen Langer She d long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn t cut an end off since.: She d ~ gotten hadn t cut roast routine long since mindlessly 20 New York TimesGuardian (A) some of the dollars spent (B) whatever whatever news (C) following Of course some of this decline in newspaper reading has been due to the fact that we are doing more of our newspaper reading online.that ~ online the fact on the decline migrate access wirelessly migration trail 21 the proscenium of a stage which on which Adapting novels be is other other did not encourage filming plays seemed suitable Being a hybrid art as well as a late one, film has always been in a dialogue with other narrative genres.being ~ one film As it is a hybrid ~ one take ~ for granted recycling adapt respectable novelization barbarous hybrid potent illusionist correspond to distinctive intervention mobility plot adaptation 19

20 22 Gilbert (excited) (hopeful) It gave me great pleasure to think about how my dream would become a reality.how ~ reality about stretch infinite decline accept emerge promise 23 contain Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that in doing so the individual stores up anger and resentment.here there the danger comes that ~ resentment the danger curb restraint constitute adopt discipline suppress infect resentment 24 Blue Celeste The fact that the ground is wet and there are mud puddles dotting the landscape means nothing to the 20

21 dogs. (that ~ landscape) The fact means that ~ landscape The fact kin kinship 26 emit hypothesis affect external circumstance in a flash dash out puddle splash 25 Belding Sherman This asymmetry translates into females who warn close kin by emitting alarm calls, while males generally do not emit calls since their dispersal from their natal areas means their blood kin typically do not benefit from such a warning. while since their blood ~ warning means natal relative dispersal asymmetry Only in terms of the physics of image formation do the eye and camera have anything in common.only be do the eye and camera do liken misleading perception entail adjust sensitive layer case retina obscure fundamental analogy ,000 21

22 200,000 Moreover, genes would undoubtedly have changed during the human revolution after 200,000 years ago, but more in response to new habits than as causes of them. would have sophisticated evolution undoubtedly revolution mutation gut vice versa retain lactose digestion process 28 Garrett Hardin (A) maximize (B) exceed To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge.to describe ~ greed to what ~ greed on which an area of pasture greed graze deterioration consequently maximize 29 pasture charge fraction inevitable exceed (GPS) (A) for example (B) On the other hand Those theories, though they describe the same phenomenon, constitute very different versions of reality. Those theories constitute though ~ phenomenon 22

23 physics predict observe gravity phenomenon constitute mass exert concept calculation navigate 30 Martin L. Hoffman deny realize Martin L. Hoffman, who has focused on the guilt that comes from harming others, suggests that the motivational basis for this guilt is empathetic distress. who ~ others Martin L. Hoffman that ~ others the guilt 3 suggests complementary sensitive make amends compensation capacity guilt empathetic distress 31 1,790 36, (A) disastrous constructive (B) superior inferior (C) prone resistant The anxious are more likely to fail even given superior scores on intelligence tests, as a study of 1,790 students in training for air traffic control posts discovered. the The anxious even given ~ tests zealous cognitive static stale routine intrude on undermine demanding air traffic controller chronically sabotage prone to (EAP) 1,000 23

24 1998 1, , , , , ,000 From 2004 to 2007 Korea had more than 200,000 researchers each year, recording the largest number in 2007.recording researcher active compare to annual 33 economically population previous growth Gregorio Dati Florence Later in life, he was honored to serve a number of posts in the city government. Over the years he wrote a diary, actually an occasional record in which he kept accounts of his commercial and family life.a diary actually ~ life in which an occasional record merchant enter into partnership profitable merchandise characteristic en route enterprise successive post occasional keep an account of commercial pioneer 34 Great Salt Lake Bear Weber Jordan Snake Columbia 20 1 Great Salt Lake The majority of salt in the Great Salt Lake is a remnant of dissolved salts that are present in all fresh water. The great climatic change the lake underwent and continued evaporation, exceeding the inflow of fresh water, reduced the lake to one-twentieth of its former size. The great climatic change continued evaporation reducedthe lake that/which the lake underwent The great climatic change hemisphere outlet close submerge meltwater overflow the Pacific Ocean undergo evaporation exceed inflow fresh water remnant 24

25 dissolve concentrate 35 gradually shrink Although praise may encourage children to continue an activity while an adult is watching, according to recent studies, they are less likely to continue the activity when the adult leaves or to repeat the activity in the future.to continue ~ leaves to repeat ~ future are less likely to or according to commitment verbal goody icing appealing flavor feel ill nourishment 36 What s dangerous about the Internet is, because it has the aura of technology around it, it has a totally undeserved instant credibility. What What s ~ Internet is because ~ around it it has ~ credibility The fact [that information is conveyed in this hightech manner] somehow adds authority to what is conveyed, when in fact the Internet is a global conveyer of unfiltered, unedited, untreated information.that ~ manner The fact when in fact aura undeserved instant credibility somehow add authority convey unfiltered unedited untreated dumb publish immediately have access to gossip ,000 (slow muscle fiber) (fast muscle fiber) 25

26 Why is it difficult to find a runner [who competes equally well in both 100-m and 10,000-m races]?it to find who ~ races a runner primary sustain generate sprinting 38 muscle fiber contraction endurance Scientists can lessen bias by running as many trials as possible and by keeping accurate notes of each observation made.byas many ~ as possible by running ~ by keeping ~ and bias lessen observation measurable 39 experiment accurate valid requirement genes jeans shorts Not all children of successful people become successful themselves. Not all... The number of unsuccessful people [who come from successful parents] is proof [that genes have nothing to do with success].who ~ parents 26

27 unsuccessful people that ~ success proof gene shorts disaster proof have nothing to do with be up to imitate copy terrific jot down In the early 1990s Norway introduced a carbon tax on emissions from energy, and it did seem to encourage environmental innovation.did seem If such similar countries can t come to an agreement, there is little hope for doing so with the vastly more diverse countries in the rest of the world.little doing so coming to an agreement carbon tax innovation notoriously harmonize emission circumstance myriad diverse 41 Examining personal narratives, researchers have found that those who cause harm tend to minimize the offense probably to protect themselves from shame and guilt.examining ~ narratives protect themselves those who cause harm offender victim narrative tend to downplay inflame reconciliation ensue ongoing inexcusable distortion assert 42 (B) (A) 27

28 (C) Look at the jam aisle. (B) A glance at the shelves (B) (A) (B) (C) Rational models of decision-making suggest that the way to find the best product is to take all of this information into account and to carefully analyze the different brands on display.to find ~ product the way that is that to take ~ account to carefully analyze ~ display that besiege cognitive rational take ~ into account backfire inspire generate verdict MTV MTV But MTV MTV Labels know the answer lies online, tapping the wordof-mouth forces that are replacing traditional marketing in creating demand, but they re still trying to figure out exactly how best to do it. that forces terminal launch playlist in heavy rotation unparalleled brutally tap word-of-mouth such evidence 1974 In fact Research has shown [that we automatically assign to good-looking individuals such favorable traits as talent, 28

29 kindness, honesty, and intelligence].that ~ intelligence has shown favoritism follow-up demonstrate bias assign trait consequence term appearance 45 John Adams Adams John Adams (A) contribute to (B) tempts Why, in country after country that mandated seat belts, was it impossible [to see the promised reduction in road accident fatalities]? it to see ~ fatalities mandate fatality measure legislation vulnerable pedestrian counterintuitive compensation inborn tolerance chance [46-47] Edgar Allan Poe Poe 1846Graham s Magazine Poe Poe Poe 46. Edgar Allan Poe 47. Edgar Allan Poe Sometimes, the best way to resolve a dilemma whether it s a writing dilemma or a thinking dilemma is simply to start writing. whether A or B A B to resolve a dilemma the best way to start writing 29

30 tease intriguing elusive vague dismiss argument subtle distinctness conceive forthwith advocate [48-50] (A) 5 29 (C) (B) (D) 49. (a)(b)(d)(e) (c) He 50. Driving back from the village, I stopped the car because a small woodchuck was traveling along the road, its belly almost flat to the gravel.driving ~ village I its belly ~ gravel (its belly) being and its belly was almost flat to the gravel If I hadn t come along he would have eventually died of starvation. hadn t come would have eventually died gravel burrow starvation spell chase cat litter mixture nibble orchard 48. (A) (C) (B) (D) 30

31 Johnson Richard Jackson I can only imagine what a terrible loss it must be. what a terrible loss it must be! I can only imagine prospect overwhelming extra in the meantime As he passed the crew of slaves, he asked several of them what their offenses were.as what were asked crew offense innocent lay[put, place] the blame on at fault seize scoundrel set ~ free admission 20 (A) these firsts many 31

32 (B) we can (do) anything to to contain (C) knowing And we re hoping you ll be willing to help these students make it through the program.: help (to) make to maneuver desktop publishing program budding compromise generously profession 21 the extrinsic reward be is which universities and laboratories in in which breakthroughs ones in that meaning Today, the world of innovation is far different from what it was a century ago.: what from was solitary oversimplify bubble out academia architecture quest extrinsic recognition 22 It s as if we are robots programmed to respond on cue to whatever demands the least time and attention, ~. whatever attention to dismiss preconceived notion self-concept on cue disregard skim time-consuming contemplate meditate 23 32

33 CEO CEO CEO CEO [Some of the ways we helped the CEOs remove their masks] were to actually name the masks, explore the significant personal and professional costs of upholding them, and ask the CEOs to reflect on the leader they most admired.some ~ masks ways were name, explore, ask to uphold indefinitely disguise sacrifice subordinate identity 24 overcome [Any fleeting thoughts suggesting that we might be at fault] typically are overcome by more powerful selfjustifying thoughts ~.: Any ~ fault thoughts are are overcome irrationally reasonable challenge make sense justify fleeting at fault typically recognize self-serving self-deceptive innate 25 Today, more and more parents shrug their shoulders, saying it s okay, maybe even something special.: 33

34 saying ~ special more and more parents baseline measure texture blistering tend panic shrug one s shoulders discourage isolated kindergartener accommodate vegetarian cue stamp mold conformity 26 *Rests would be history. rest rest In fact, it is a common saying among experienced musicians that a full measure of rest can hold more music than a full measure of blistering notes.in fact it that ~ notes misconception misinterpret reference point note pun discernible 27 That situation is fraught with inefficiency and high labor costs, since all four trades must be scheduled together, with at least three people watching while the fourth is at work. with estimate multiply A by B labor rate personnel tinsmith electrician millwright unbolt mount inefficiency 28 34

35 So we drive around in circles, inventing and rejecting successive hypotheses about where to find the scenic vistas that would entertain and enlighten the tourists.: inventing and rejecting that ~ tourists the scenic vistas tough out compass grain metaphor humanity fake principle geography empirical arrogant embarrassed scenic vista enlighten Thomas Hobbes Hobbes Hobbes Hobbes (A)pain (B)pleasure When asked by a friend if he would have done the same had there been no religious dictum or philosophical principle about helping the needy, Hobbes replied that he would.if had there been if if there had been if had there been philosopher come upon generous dictum principle relieve give to charities 30 25% Madagascar rosy periwinkle Madagascar 8,000 Madagascar 80% 50% Madagascar Madagascar (A) For instance (B) Madagascar Yet Madagascar s dilemma represents that of much of the 35

36 developing world.: that dilemma aesthetic biodiversity prescription 31 ethical fertility harbor cause by product It is not the target of the change, but [the decline in wine consumption] is a by-product of the emergence of the faster, more modern, on-the-go lifestyle.it but the decline ~ consumption the decline be is consumption per capita dwindle slash leisurely emergence on-the-go 32 (A) consistently occasionally (B) originates separate (C) misleading appealing This suggests that [activities like walking the dog and playing with the cat] only arise when time can be spared from the human owner s other commitments.: that activities ~ cat activities arise companionship partake asymmetrically termination commitment misleading 33 36

37 And they probably did internalize some bits and pieces of the material, but the illusion of knowledge led them to confuse the familiarity they had gained from repeated exposure to the concepts in the course with an actual understanding of them.: did confuse A with B A B the familiarity ~ course an actual ~ them Predatory fishes have less chance of encountering prey if the prey are members of a school because the individuals of the prey species are concentrated in compact units rather than dispersed over a much larger area.: less chance if the prey rather than well-defined school population predatory prey concentrate compact disperse illusion formidable encounter internalize bits and pieces familiarity exposure yield diminishing returns foster probe Liz Liz Tim! (tense) Tim (relieved) The figure stood so still and low to the ground that it might have been a stump.: so ~ that might have plump stealthy stump 37

38 36 Titanic Macon Macon 1935 California Big Sur ,500 Macon 1980 Nearly 800 feet long, the airship was completed in 1933 as part of an effort to equip the U.S. Navy with airborne military bases.: Nearly ~ long Nearly Being the airship overhead USS United States Ship airship equip airborne onboard launch fixed-wing plane see action debris wreck map sonar archaeologist 37 Warren McArthur 1908 Cornell Arizona Warren 44 Los Angeles 1933 New York Warren McArthur 1913 Arizona He relocated his factory back East to New York in 1933 where he designed and manufactured unique aluminum furniture.: where ~ furniture New York budding patent dealership venture relocate / / / / /2010 Over the four winter seasons, a steady increase was seen in the number of participants in both snowboarding and cross country skiing.: you we participation decrease 39 previous 38

39 Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel: At best, restorers and museum directors aesthetic preferences and historical theories drive restorations, for it is impossible to step outside one s historical context.: for it is ~ context restoration aesthetic subconscious refashion contemporary authentic aesthetics 40 This unspoken timetable provides you with a social clock, a schedule that tells you if you re keeping pace with your peers, are ahead of them, or are falling behind.: a social clock a schedule ~ behind if tells implicit keep pace with dissatisfaction flexible tolerant deviation exert these planes It follows, conversely, that between any origin and destination point, if the travel time or travel cost can be reduced, demand will increase.: It follows that ~ that if demand will increase destination resistance 39

40 conversely flight 42 transatlantic surge Ohio Canton Canton (B) Canton (C) 2 Canton ChicagoNew York Los Angeles Canton (A) Canton Canton Canton (B) Her explanation Canton (B) Canton (C) (A) That fact (C) (A) I remember hearing from a teacher that during World War II Canton was a major U.S. target of the Germans.: remember resident crystallize 43 facility fullness (C) (B) (A) (C) (B) (A) As we put the pieces together, we challenge ourselves to think of other ways to describe what we know.: As memorize investigate detective hence get the picture emperor ruler statement evidence shuffle put ~ together 44 40

41 While there are many places where this traditional view of a scientist still holds true, labs aren t the only place where science is at work.: while where this ~ true many places where science ~ work the only place traditional hold true lab laboratory be at work glassware sophisticated equipment be engaged in construction site architect 45 The Bourne Identity Matt Damon (A) (B) retrieve construct For example, when we meet Matt Damon s character in the movie The Bourne Identity, we learn that he has no memory for who he is, why he has the skills he does, or where he is from.: who ~ iswhy ~ doeswhere ~ from for amnesia inability recall reflect portray character exceedingly intact integrate rearrange dismiss conceal [46-47] romantic 46 41

42 47 Whatever they chose, they could not change their minds later.: Whatever ~ chose Despite thinking that we would like the freedom to change our minds, it appears that we are happier with our choices if we think they can t be changed, ~.: despite thinking ~ minds Despite romantic undo reversibility commitment worsen undermine satisfaction twist switch paradoxical built-in defense better off permanent [48-50] A) Maureen Ferris (C) Maureen (D) (B) 48 (A) Maureen Maureen Maureen (C) (C) (D) (B) 49(c) Maureen s mother (a)(b)(d)(e) 50(D) My only guiltless reading occurred at night, when the dishes were rattling in the dishwasher and the kids were in bed. And then one day, I finally understood what she had tried to show us, that reading was housework of the very best kind.: what she ~ understood what ~ us that ~ kind [The way I treasured my books] revealed the extent of how much I was already like my mother.: The way ~ bookshow much ~ mother of stern meticulous 42

43 messy stain laundry pile up in the midst of chore iron patch flush vow follow in one s footsteps treasure extent covertly struggle with mightily in brazen daylight guiltless Redbug Cameras Superimage However, when I purchased your newest model, the Superimage 2000, I could not have been more disappointed. could not have been more disappointed Enclosed is a copy of the original receipt and the repair bill.: Enclosed a copy of ~ bill is huge purchase acquire blurry complicate frustrated refund receipt 43

44 Vence 1940 me Henri Matisse came late to painting, having trained to be a lawyer to please his father. : having trained Henri Matisse having trained because[as] he had trained In 1917 Matisse began to spend winters in Vence, [where he donated a chapel of his own design that is one of the most moving religious buildings in Europe.]: where where ~ in Europe Vence that that ~ in Europe a chapel recover surgery how-to book attorney henceforth donate chapel devote oneself to detail 20 Deseada fragatas 1762 (A) the part that (B) the Indians who were (C) who This island is said to have obtained its name from the desire Christopher Columbus felt of seeing land on his second voyage in 1493.: This island say is said to have obtained is said belong to the Lesser Antilles voyage width abound in cavern restore possession 21 is is That What 44

45 may have p.p. almost instantly any individual coming the wave Because individuals can see, or sense, the wave coming toward them, they are ready to react more quickly than they would without such advance notice.: would react than they would (react) without such advance notice a school of fish flock command determine initiate astounding advance simultaneous 22 Sooner or later, since you cannot do what you are trying to do, you quit.: Sooner or later since you quit what you are trying to do cannot do perfection paralysis predictable steer cling to convinced irony spiral misdirect stall 23 A man standing on the street corner selling nonbreakable pens suddenly finds that the one (that[which]) he is demonstrating with breaks in half.: standing ~ pens A man finds finds that the one that breaks the one with that which demonstrate declare aspect initial resource overcome feat cliché 45

46 24 10 Water evaporating from the oceans may set off a runaway greenhouse effect that turns Earth into a damp version of Venus, wrapped permanently in a thick, white blanket of cloud.: wrapped Earth Earth wrap core contract degree evaporate runaway damp permanently blanket transformation shelter break down 25 Our anxiety is not about something specific, but more of a sense [that unknown and uncertain possibilities may be out of sight far ahead]. : A B not A, but B that ~ far ahead a sense cliff specific torch unarticulated 26 seize out of sight vague sensibly 46

47 Holding the hand of an unknown man reduced the response a little, on the average, but not as much as holding the husband s hand. : as as not not as much as ~ routine meditation distraction deal with demonstrate measurement moderately correspond to 27 Consequently, it is of the utmost importance to government, business, and the public at large [that the flow of services {provided by a nation s infrastructure} continues unimpeded in the face of a broad range of natural and technological hazards].: it that that ~ hazards that provided ~ infrastructure services provided the flow that continues ~, it is actually the loss of services {that these systems provide} [that is the real loss to the public].: it is ~ that actually ~ provide it is that that ~ provide services lifeline infrastructure rely on recovery utmost at large unimpeded hazard linkage transmission priority 28 ~ democracies can and typically are distinguished in terms of the extent to which they are socially oriented as opposed to individualistically oriented.: which to 47

48 the extent take on flavor dictatorship brutal benevolent anarchy as opposed to oriented individualistically 29 (A) (B) ~ the more they get to know a people, the more they forget how to see what is typical and distinctive about it.: the the what it a people When parents are required to judge their children, it is perhaps their customary thoughtlessness that makes them judge so mistakenly.: it is ~ that perhaps their customary thoughtlessness makes them judge so mistakenly. perhaps their customary thoughtlessness it is ~ that makes judge notice grasp distinctive trait up close farsighted thoughtlessness 30 (A) Also (B) for example Also, you may try to re-create the circumstances [which excited in you the emotions {that you want to excite in your audience}]. : which which ~ in your audience the circumstances that that ~ in your audience the emotions which excited that to excite persuasion strategic appeal imitate detached narrative refer to A as B comrade 48

49 31 (A) addiction adaptation adaptation (B) wither prosper wither (C) limit accustom limited They remain green and can start photosynthesis as soon as the weather is warm enough in spring, before there has been time for the new season s leaves to expand and start functioning.: as soon as for the new season s leaves to expand and start functioning region wintergreen semi-evergreen photosynthesis function take over poppy thrift saxifrage chickweed starwort 32 reduce boost increase Many consumers are willing to pay premium prices for organic foods, convinced that they are helping the earth and eating healthier.: convinced Many consumers One of the most frequent criticisms is that the crop yields of organic farms are much lower than those of traditional farms.: much lower those the crop yields by leaps and bounds drawback criticism yield conventional argument 33 Gralinski Kopp 15 49

50 By the time children were three, a new quality of rule emerged: Do not scream in a restaurant, run around naked in front of company, or pick your nose. : By the time By the time (when) socialize extent expand possessions niceties cognitive sophistication expand company pick one s nose 34 Léon Heuzey Léon Heuzey It is notable that we find no evidence in Classical times of tailors or dressmakers: the word itself barely exists in Greek or Latin. : It that permanence undergo transformation set forth exemplary clarity rectangular differentiation in accordance with fluid notable dressmaker , , What is noticeable is [that since the early 1990s, all four countries have consistently showed a steady increase in the number of U.S. S & E doctoral degree recipients].: What that 50

51 S & E (= Science and Engineering) doctoral recipient institution catch up to doctorate consistently barrier 36 Patience Lovell Wright Patience Patience Patience Patience She easily picked up information not only from her clients but also from women with whom she socialized often.: whom with women specialize in wax figure self-taught devoted break out thrive on overthrow backing abandon console 37 Gobi 3 In the late evening, they come out of their holes and look for food mostly seeds and plants.: come out of ~ look for they jerboa seed huge 38 hole adapt I (hopeless) (happy) One day I got so badly injured that I couldn t swim and come up for air.: so that ~ injured badly 51

52 aquarium trainer aimless depression inseparable 39 injured attach dispirited ignore affection New York New York Vendy Awards New York New York New York New York Vendy Awards New York New York Most of the vendors are immigrants bringing street versions of the world s diverse food traditions to this already international metropolis.: Most Most of are home stand pushcart vendor metropolis snack vegetarian track down offering Perhaps most significant was [the invention of a precise and unambiguous notation that could record a wide variety of rhythms and allowed music to be distributed in writing and performed accurately wherever it went].: [ ] was was approach profound impact unambiguous notation distribute sight-read innovation authorship 41 52

53 The rule requires [that one person try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided].: requires that that that should try norm embody in kind obligate transaction disapproval 42 wind shear wind shear Several plane crashes and near crashes have been attributed to dangerous downward wind bursts known as wind shear.: A is attributed to B A B Several plane crashes and near crashes attribute known as wind bursts plane crash be attributed to wind burst downdraft turbulence evaporate circular detect location altitude 43 (C) 8 8 (B) (A) (C) (B) (A) The underlying idea of world history is [that the interaction among human societies resembles not the relationships among billiard balls, but rather (the relationships) among bacteria].: that not A but B A B but rather the relationships underlying interaction billiard ball relate to fundamentally pore genetic alter make-up collide cue ball 53

54 44 51% One study The taste for caramels In monkey colonies, [where rigid dominance hierarchies exist], beneficial innovations do not spread quickly through the group unless they are taught first to a dominant animal.: where where exist monkey colonies unlessif not troop minor status ladder wrongheaded colony rigid dominance hierarchy innovation dominant illustration inch rank contrast A with B to this point 45 Mona Lisa Giaconda All art is creation, regardless of how closely the imitation approximates the original. (A) imitates Lenardo s Mona Lisa is not Mona Lisa. The latter has long since gone to her reward; the former will never die. (B) perishes The artist always contributes something new, something [that never was put together in precisely that way before].: [ ] that that way regardless of approximate rigorous ultimately subject aspect put together precisely gone to one s reward [46-48] (A) Grey Stone Grey (C) Grey 54

55 (D) Grey (B) 46 Grey Stone (A) (C) (C) (D) (B) 47(b) he Grey Stone 48(C) It was so fascinating to see how ordinary clay could turn into a beautiful pot. Grey Stone The first memory [(that / which) I have of visiting a working artist s studio] is a trip [(that/which) my family took to the studio of Grey Stone, a potter who made the dinnerware set our whole family has cherished for many years]. : The first memory that which a trip a potter ~ many years Grey Stone Even at that young age, looking around Grey s house and studio complex, I thought about how great it was [that he could work at home, with his family around him, and produce things with his own hands].: it that studio potter dinnerware cherish miscellaneous pastime stoneware flip inscription complex clay treadle inspection inscribe trim foot [49-50] Chris Greicius Chris Tommy Austin Chris Ron Cox Chris Chris Frank Shankwitz Chris Cox Arizona Chris Chris Shankwitz Chris Chris Shankwitz Make-A-Wish 8 49Chris Shankwitz Make-A-Wish 55

56 50 Chris Two days later, Chris died in the hospital, his uniform (being) close at hand.: his uniform ~ at hand close being obstacle stand in one s way make it to arrange for squad car swear ~ in honorary trooper close at hand prompt co-found 56

57 E ducational B roadcasting S ystem

58 Answers & Explanations Stephanie Betty Stephanie Best Wedding Stephanie Betty Betty Stephanie Betty Betty Stephanie One day in February 2009, Stephanie called Betty, her best friend, who was the only employee of her business Best Wedding.: her best friend Betty dwindling revenue colleague businesslike fashion figure out disengage document Evelyn Julie Julie Foulke Julie Julie Evelyn Julie Taking a closer look, she found her thumb to be somewhat more swollen.: Taking ~ look As she took a closer look nursery toss feverishly odd exclamation inflamed sore physician check on smooth 03 Lantin 7 8 Lantin 12,000 15,000 (a jeweler) 58

59 (a necklace) The man took the article, examined it, turned it over, weighed it, and took up a magnifying glass to look at it more closely.: The man took, examined, turned, weighed, took up to look at ~ closely imitation at length take up ceremony 04 workmanship article magnifying glass purchase Kate Joan 3 Joan Joan Joan Kate Kate Joan Joan Kate Joan Joan Kate Intent on one of the pictures, she took a step back and hit the small table, tipping it over.: Intent on one of the pictures Being tipping it over chat cup and saucer wander intent tip over negligence compensate volunteer fair particular 05 New Jersey Staten Island sheher she ~ glancing at the cars piling up behind her, she took two dollars from her purse and rang it up on the cash register.: glancing ~ her toll booth attendant remind A of B pile cash register 06 John John John 27 John When things didn t go his way, he began to go downhill, 59

60 complaining about the game, screaming at himself, and slamming his racket.: he began to go downhill he complaining, screaming, slamming fit temper singles match things don t go one s way go downhill slam nervous breakdown insult 07 The law about this considers such questions as whether this exists, what the meaning of this is, whether this has been broken, and what compensation is due to the injured party.: whether this exists, what the meaning of this is, whether this has been broken, what compensation is due to the injured party as definition mutual compensation 08 enforceable party Marie Curie Rob Rob 20 Rob Rob He had been putting off doing his chemistry report which was due on Monday.: had been -ing have ~ on one s mind put off assignment biography absently encyclopedia practically 09 This usually consists of conveyor belts on which workers perform specific functions.: which conveyor belts Rob manufacturing sequence assignment simplify determine component coordinate cross over 60

61 backtrack take the place of 10 accordingly Danny Pikes Peak Marathon Bob s #4 Bob s #4 Bob Bob Bob Danny But when running the actual marathon, he was feeling weary and tired.: when running hebe was be weary stuck lag overtake out of curiosity exhaustion 11 8,000 Their milk production was not a factor until much later in history when breeding for high milk production produced suitable cows.: not ~ until settle into intensify domesticate breeding play a part warfare She returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet of fresh roses, and drove 100 miles to meet her mother.: returnedcanceled picked updrove and wire sob place one s order direct A to B cancel bouquet 13 61

62 This gets influenced by a real world event, and has an impact on ~.: gets has This in that exchange be concerned with import export capital incredibly have an impact on 14 Kansas Walt Morris Morse,,, Walt Morris,. Flying over rural Kansas in an airplane one fall evening was a delightful experience for passenger Walt Morris.: Flying Flying ~ evening rural twinkle flash on and off grip armrest in case relieved 15 This is a piece of electronic equipment that uses invisible waves instead of wires.: that that ~ wires electronic equipment equipment invisible antenna reception volume controller adjust function specific 16 Kameron Brown Kameron Brown,,, Kameron Mr. Brown. ~, his neighbor, Mr. Brown, regretfully asked him if he could please take out the railroad ties and use rocks instead.: if ~ instead asked 62

63 tie backyard regretfully nerve reasoning replace A with B A B 17 He was presented as the ideal human being who was selfless and disciplined.: who who ~ disciplined human being translate intellectual exhibit admirable virtue attributed to Confucianism disciplined hold up (as) morality be dedicated to prosperity live up to 18 Greg Greg Greg 25 Tour de France,,, Greg, Greg. Greg started racing and winning in Europe.: and racing winning started stay in shape unbeatable count for much competition 19, (glass). Television picture tubes enable viewers to see the image that is formed inside the tube.: enable A to A unimaginable let in keep out transmit oxygen tube TV reveal contents 20 63

64 ,,, Egyptians, the first balls. And they developed what were probably the first balls.: what what ~ balls developed equipment pitch string sew (-sewed-sewn) stuff A with B A B warlike devise instruction think of A as B A B 21 2 This usually consists of two stories, the first (story) to shelter animals or machines and the second (story) to store hay or grain.: the first the second story refer to shelter supplies machinery decline sheet steel 3mm story 22 5,,, woven silk ties, printed silk ties. This in part accounts for the fact that they now represent only five percent of tie production.: that the fact luxurious essential accessory account for fall by the wayside periodic comeback counterpart mastery 23.,,,.,. this. Shaped like a soccer ball, this represents Earth as round rather than flat, ~.: Shaped ~ ball 64

65 this planet horizontally 24 spacecraft Tryggvi Emlisson Emlisson ,,, snowflake( ), superglue( ). He took a snowflake, locked it in a drop of the superglue, and kept it for decades.: tooklocked kept and superglue thin runny do an experiment for decades preserve DVD, DVD (library card) Books can be renewed once for the original loan period unless they are on reserve.: unless if ~ not unless they are on reserve if they are not on reserve check out renew reside free of charge signature registration reserve be responsible for 26 leaf fish leaf fish leaf fish,,, leaf fish, leaf fish. Its hunting technique is not to swiftly pursue its victim, but to wait for it.: not A but B A B imitate drifting swiftly pursue at an angle current unsuspecting snap at close range enable A to B A B suck in 27 (waves) 65

66 One way to use their energy is to focus them into a narrow channel, ~.: to use their energy One way consistency spin currently community 28 TV this phenomenon We are reminded daily of this phenomenon.: A be reminded of B remind A of B A B be reminded of tune merge current interaction 29 (Fear) chances are (that) he will begin to warm up.: chances are (that) hole up snail bet on odds in one s favor yearn for chances are (that) 30 Davis their feelings. It is instructive for women to understand that they don t need to feel guilty and ashamed about their feelings, she said.: It to understand ~ feelings to for motherhood innately conflict (with) instructive 31 anthropologist selfless nurture 66

67 (the neck of every human being). ~ the others shouted him down, saying that people would build an underwater boat to take themselves there to find it.: saying saying ~ it the others shout down planet craft destination as well 32, (film editors) They speed up the action by shortening or cutting slow scenes.: shortening cutting or by drag shorten presentation 33,,, (a traveler), (the guest in the next room). ~ he dropped one shoe by mistake, making a crashing sound in the silence of the night.: making making ~ night he available light sleeper make every effort by mistake crashing awaken toss and turn manage to get off in silence pound shoot assemble select fit in 67

68 ~ they helped people move to more productive areas.: helpto to share in participate in mark scarce productive vital Industrial Revolution population, This a play. This has a climax where the conflict reaches its peak.: where a climax conflict reveal run into complications make worse resolution 35 Marquesas , Society,,, Marquesas, Society. Great voyagers, Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands migrated to Hawaii over 1,600 years ago.: Great voyagers Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands migrate open edible claim navigation navigate medicinal descendant 36 climax 68

69 , ,540 Sitka Sitka (A) a ship traveling (B) where (C) longer even ~, a ship traveling through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of which held 28,800 floating bath toys.: a ship lost adrift float current 02 landfall completely possible technical solutions was were were placed It(= One company) its to the other company dividing did solve One company developed what it called a technology shelf, created by a small group of engineers, on which were placed possible technical solutions that other teams might use in the future.: what created technology shelf that technical solutions open-ended boundary deliberately ambiguous seeming clarity discipline territory 03 69

70 (A) is subtle (B) I was certain who (C) that the questions deal dealt ~ no matter how touchy the question, ~: no matter how ~ however ~ deviation subtle obvious acquaintance deal with significantly 04 variation pause abrupt sensitive touchy Malinowski the intimate details of family life observed observing observing He detailed intricacy in which the way the way how that in which make sound adventure adopts ~ as he tells it, such observations seem possible and accessible.: seem possible accessible fieldwork hallmark anthropology intricacy anthropologist standing account adventuresome exotic classic intensely adopt go on to routine stroll intimate accessible 05 Tory Higgins (A) that what. say what. (B) summarize read had. (C) they Asked. (Being) Asked ~ read 70

71 being. When induced to give spoken or written witness to something they doubt, ~: When induced be When they(= people) are induced Having said positive things, they also then liked the person more themselves.: having p.p. ~ themselves induce give witness (to) deceit compelling external summarize recipient be prone to adjust alter 06 try, (trying) to (to try). what is. we (are trapped). to see to. sound(~ ) (obvious). What is required is not a better diet, but an alternative way to feel comforted and relaxed.: what What is required, not A but B(A B). to feel ~ relaxed way. demonstrably paradox around countless implication resolve replace A with B A B leaky alternative 07 cor 300 La Rochefoucauld who are daring in taking a wholehearted stand for truth persons achieve. Latin word cor meaning. which a right course of action. to show It. their halfhearted individuals. On the other hand, halfhearted individuals are seldom distinguished for courage ~: seldom hardly, scarcely, rarely. derive from disapproval hostility contempt unwitnessed indifference wholehearted take a stand halfhearted distinguished welfare 71

72 08 (A) sosuch ~ that... ~, imprudent so. (B) try We think. (C) find them occupy occupied We anticipate the future as if we found it too slow in coming and we were trying to hurry it up.: as if (found, were), ( ~ ). hurry ~ up it hurry up. anticipate imprudent belong to arrange certainty wholly shed light on 09 jack-of-all-trades jack of all trades and master of none jacks of all trades and masters of none are does is shortened version shortened who those claim advertising became evident It refers to those who claim to be proficient at countless tasks, but cannot perform a single one of them well.: those who ~. who claim cannot jack-of-all-trades proficient knowledgeable substantial industrialist self-appointed 10 Potter Potter (A) other another (B) if (C) accepted remarked and 72

73 delicacy occasionally summerhouse Mr. Potter explained that ordinarily he never availed stride(-strode-stridden) himself of that privilege, but he had been to his cabin fiercely instinct and had met the man who was to occupy the other bed.: had p.p. humiliation relief transatlantic liner cabin accommodation inquire valuable pl. ordinarily avail oneself of 11 Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle George Meredith Meredith Meredith Conan Doyle Meredith Conan Doyle Meredith Conan Doyle judged that the fall was a mere slip and could not have hurt Meredith which where cause to to fall Conan Doyle heard ~ as if far ~ when Conan Doyle heard the old novelist fall behind him.: heard the old novelist fall 12 (A) the man held his chopsticks how (B) he placed (C) keep all the villagers himself Wanting to honor as well as observe him, the villagers prepared a banquet.: Wanting ~ him the villagers legend renowned flawless observe banquet slippery tofu excess propel fling

74 6 90 (A) encouraged (B) regularly sleeps in her parents room who (C) as as diverse While manned space missions are more costly than unmanned ones, they are more successful.: while whereas manned operate sensitive capability astronaut appropriate geographical irrelevant For example, a study recommends that babies be moved into their own room by three months of age. that (should) await typically furnish quarters child-rearing separation arrangement norm approximately diverse 14 is capable of and operating to place placing space missions ones equipment much a computer is as 15 (A) Whatever Whatever Whether A or B A B (B) Who we believe we are is (C) an identity ground grounded an identity (which is) grounded on ~ be No matter what we are shopping for, it is not primarily a brand we are choosing, but a culture, or rather the people associated with that culture.: no matter what whatever not A but B Artificial as this process is, this is what becomes our identity, ~: as Though this process is artificial 74

75 primarily recite subsequently demonstrate subtle artificial identity superficial distinguish 16 every every all game be used to take I made it up in response to my erroneous belief that what I was all worked up about was really important.: that my erroneous belief that what ~ about was in response to erroneous worked up circumstance spouse irrelevant perspective 17 Brown guess the back of a pickup truck hold was held held his students them allow to he filledaskedawarded most of Once he filled a fishbowl with marbles, asked the students to guess how many marbles there were, and awarded a free lunch to the winner.: once guess context work out hold fishbowl marble award estimate multiply (A) The average life is 75

76 (B) needed needed which are (C) measure where It is hard for street trees to survive with only footsquare holes in the pavement.: It for to Another question is whether adequate water supplies are getting into the growing area.: whether if is pavement factor make it nutrient adequate measure sewer 19 (A) have believed birth order ~ in adult life that (B) ~ and thus I am less aggressive be aggressive (C) as you accept other social roles accepting ~ people have been using birth order to account for personality factors such as an aggressive behavior or a passive temperament.: to account for ~ such as personality factors birth order account for aggressive temperament overbearing define mature insignificant 20 damage of your stuff damaging effort little have do late too All these things considered You are under the false impression that you do not have as many items to pack as you really do.: that the false impression. as ~ as. in no time with little effort be under the impression that pack possibility stuff 21 76

77 (A) sells want what (B) a few (C) selling ~ the first department store, a shop which sells many different items under one roof, opened in Paris.: a shop ~ roof the first department store opened introduction trade item replace individually prepackaged as making make averages the temperature caused as chocolate ~ even though it should not be used for decorations ~.: should last layer separation refrigerator freezer take on strike A as B A B (A) One was (B) put whatever (C) something do done I went on a weekend self-exploratory workshop, in the hope of getting a clue about how to live.: of hope getting ~ live hope confidence workshop occur to 24 self-exploratory sequence make out 77

78 a uniform a teenager which who stop must be The skillful mechanic has been replaced by a teenager in a uniform ~.: A teenager in a uniform ~ has replaced the skillful mechanic. impersonal attendant pull up to enclose non-functioning get rid of on-duty mechanic replace 25 (A) the grass that (B) both either (C) The perfume fills The first thing I notice upon entering this garden ~. uponon-ing as soon as I enter ankle-high variety countless polish bubble perfume breeze what things which which remembered things as to make way for muchfarstill because ~ one is looking at the past with fresh eyes and can isolate and, as it were, notice facts which previously existed undifferentiated among a mass of others.: one is looking can isolate (notice) which facts weaken make way for accuracy passage isolate undifferentiated recently

79 (A) such a(n)that... that (B) feel depressed depressin (C) get used to -ing teaching I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of job, and that I would certainly ~.: myself that accent at the (very) thought of remind fortunate 28 Unlike a stream, we cannot see a glacier move. move to Unlike a streama glacier cannot be seen to move to move moving the bodies are easily than raised Their distribution enables us to infer that in the recent past glaciers have been far more extensive ~.: enable A tothat infer glacier spectacular feature densely measurement erosion bedrock deposit recognizable distribution infer extensive evidence 29 (A) what why (B) unexpected (C) because of it helps us develop mental skills ~ some college students may value that possibility the most in taking philosophy courses.: that possibility simply put accurately mental amaze profound confuse possibility take a course 30 79

80 it get to get in the real job promise ~ no matter how much work you have, you will always relax during one full evening.: no matter how no matter how however demand perform overwhelm pressure 31 pastime at hand presentation relaxation 5 (A) to go to a car it (B) little (C) me carried my little feet carry Little did he know that he was fueling his son with a passion ~.: did outing passion grandstand 32 quality awesome is devotes a club (which is) devoted to mathematics equipment is better ~ than had better assumptions that It is so easy to include hidden assumptions that you do not see but that are obvious to others.: It to include assumptions that laboratory devote (to) criticism 33 equipment expose assumption 80

81 (A) encourage to create (B) Over the years have counseled people be am (C) powerfully how Not only does this enable us to choose our response to particular circumstances ~.: Not only act upon ~ circumstance initiative recognize make things happen counsel 34 be ignorantof that of that of long for a long time have have long known because of as such take ~ for granted Vision is normally so swift and sure, so dependable and informative, and apparently so effortless that we take it for granted.: so that rational appreciate ignorant apparently take for granted 35 Columbia 14,000 (A) our individuality expressing expressive our (B) Using offered usingthey (C) select were what ~ sociologists at Columbia University claim that we only like the music (that) we listen to because we know others enjoy it.: we listen to the music individuality sociologist claim popularity rankings 36 81

82 m etro lever depress slide things were demand my time and energy demanded was asked madestraightenedand did dusted ~ did whatever else came to my attention.: whatever did whatever else anything else that neglect straighten come to one s attention reverse deliberately account for 37 (A) watch try (B) A wait for A to to open (C) pushing a buttondepressing a lever (C) sliding ~ you have to open the doors yourself by pushing a button ~.: yourself for yourself 38 Things their be about to that great it the game win it(=the game) is won it Those who never make it are The mountain is steepest at the summit ~.: ex. This lake is deepest at this point. within reach endure day after day make it steep summit 39 82

83 (A) teams in that (B) short (C) scoring Such penalties result in a player being sent to an isolated area called the penalty box, ~.: result in being sent ~ the penalty box penalty violation offender 40 physical permissive 7 31 I hope that to go will go This decision was much consideration which some any ~ should allow me plenty of time to turn over the position to my replacement.: should to turn over time publishing company replacement transition rewarding 41 (A) be unlikely to (do) to (B) most best (C) have ~ to do with much ~ these reasons have as much to do with the historical availability of music as (they have to do) with its enduring quality.: as ~ as they have to do mainstream realistically performer secure credibility have much to do with availability enduring 42 (A) let (B) between A and B and violence acted (C) studies that demonstrate 83

84 Yet the average seventh grader spends at least four hours a week playing video games ~.: spend -ing survey violent distinction demonstrate publish theme decade 10 aggression % active What you do in the 15 to 30 minutes after eating your evening meal sends powerful signals to your metabolism.: What sends metabolism vigor set the stage intensity 02 84

85 potential sources of valuable information ~, we open ourselves up to new possibilities in our lives.: inform acknowledge surround likelihood shrink 03 agricultural production By the end of the Roman Imperium, however, Italy had been stripped of forest cover.: By the end of the Roman Imperium numerous explanation fall fertility yield imperium strip convert pastureland clear deforestation barren deterioration infrastructure 04 Lucé Lucé confidence in the claim In each instance, you communicated the extent to which you wanted to qualify your claim, to guard yourself by restricting the extent to which you are willing to be held accountable for the claim.: to which the extent 85

86 identical context chef comparable scrutiny knowledgeable qualify 05 illiteracy In other words, if we the ordinary people are to keep pace with science, we need more science writers, and more science writing that is clear, wise and eloquent, and that demands to be read.: be to that is ~ that demands ~ more science writing gist sufficient keep pace with eloquent exclude defensively shrug off exclusive realm relevance term plain complicated 06 Reddox PGA European Tour Reddox broaden its appeal later on Although people who belong to the same age group differ in many other ways, they do tend to share a set of values and common cultural experiences that they carry throughout life.: who ~ group people people differ marketer initially aggressively bar core audience context hand out commuter cab driver alert 07 86

87 tension collapse prosper balance flourish divergence succeed perish Companies that change constantly but without any consistent rationale will collapse just as surely as those that change not at all.: those companies that ~ all those pursue foster evolve adaptation inherently 08 enduring adhere modify rationale practice William Waits 20 Waits intimacy Gift-wrapping, in Waits s acute term, became a decontaminating mechanism that removed the presents from the normal flow of bought-and-sold goods and made them, for a single ceremonial moment, emblems of intimacy rather than commerce.: a decontaminating mechanism that removed made give way to manufacturer precisely intimate disguise invest with retailer decontaminate 09 promptness To stop being late, all one has to do is change the motivation by deciding that in all circumstances being on time is going to have first priority over any other consideration.: stop being late by deciding ~ that being on time, going ~ consideration 87

88 11 as a general rule motivation priority presto lifelong latecomer squeeze in enormously 10 Richard Dawkins instinct genes giving to charity Modern societies are much less close-knit and ~: much Modern societies When humans lived in small clan-based groups theory presume evolutionary natural selection feel pity for (= take pity on) clan pay back good turn close-knit charity chances are (that) ~ (A)selfishness (B) everybody else selflessness your neighbors utmost justice self-esteem genuine happiness eternal beauty You are the only person that matters; it is your sense of pleasure that you are trying to please.: the only person that it is... that please your sense of pleasure maximize strategy egocentric take ~ into account greedy brute get out of control selfishness selflessness 12 Gerald Wilkinson 88

89 Wilkinson Gerald Wilkinson mutual insurance system ~ biologist Gerald Wilkinson found that, when vampire bats return to their communal nests from a successful night s foraging, they frequently vomit blood and share it with other nest-mates, including even non-relatives. : biologist Gerald Wilkinson found that found that when vampire bats return ~, they frequently vomit ~ communal frequently vomit nestmate donor surplus starvation relatively it is likely that ~ eventually insensitivity Throughout Earth s history, an estimated 3 million to 100 million species have disappeared, which means that this year somewhere between three and a hundred species will vanish.: have disappeared 3 million to 100 million species have which corrupt component tow truck wiring circuit vanish extinction ecosystem drastic 14 team I unquestioned acceptance extreme conformity 89

90 This type of overdoing-it-deviance is dangerous, but it is grounded in completely different social dynamics from the dynamics that occur in the antisocial deviance enacted by alienated young people who reject commonly accepted rules and expectations.: it This type of overdoing-it-deviance that ~ expectations the dynamics who ~ expectations alienated young people deviance norm be committed to -ing overdo grounded dynamics enact 15 controls ~ you have involved yourself in his work so deeply that doing away with you would bring him great difficulty, or at least would mean valuable time lost in training another to replace you.: so that... that doing away with you would bring would mean or ultimate grant untouchable involve do away with 16 moving in the wind Along with this interesting finding, scientists have also concluded that, due to their greater range of motion, flowers with long, thin stalks attract more insects.: due to ~ that that flowers with long, thin stalks option elaborately petal static counterpart stalk 17 90

91 Blaise Pascal 19 Carl Friedrich Gauss without being able to say how one knows Fittingly so, sometimes true genius simply cannot be put into words.:put ~ into words true genius subconsciously philosopher intuition fittingly genius how to wait what waiting means the ability to delay satisfaction Patience It is nice to have what you want when you want it, but the ability to delay satisfaction is important.: It to have ~ it what have be used to -ing discomfort immediate delay virtue 19 a personalized treatment patient individuality The goal of medicine as it is currently practiced is to develop procedures and drugs that work equally well on all patients ~.: as it is currently practiced The goal of medicine is to develop ~ procedure regardless of genetics prevalent bio-mechanical roll off assembly line 91

92 come up with personalize 20 the one the world sees Get the negative of an old photograph that shows a front view of your face and have it developed into a pair of pictures ~: have it the negative of an old photograph experiment develop reverse interchange favorably 21 strong We are not surprised that furniture used beyond its intended purpose is broken ~: used which is The arms and legs of chairs, the heads and feet of beds, just like those of the people whom they serve, cannot be expected ~: those the arms and legs the heads and feet engineering well-defined circumstance intended blame abuse collapse 22 extending trust 92

93 24 as he was a one-man show, the biggest bottleneck preventing him from selling more doughnuts and coffee was the disproportionate amount of time (which) it took to make change for his customers.: as preventing which prevented it took which vendor passerby passersby bottleneck disproportionate larger-than-normal make change 23 NO the fear of rejection If you can accept NO for an answer, you can fearlessly ask for whatever you need.: whatever ask for anything that hold back ask for raise turn away fearlessly willing to do respect Just saying to yourself or someone ~ is a great start.: Just saying ~ is push down bring up unacceptable specific absolutely impossible deny stop A from -ing A acknowledge 25 93

94 ultimate satisfaction They avoid, whenever possible, situations that may bring about physical deprivation, including pain, hunger, and a need for sleep.: whenever it is it be satisfaction bring about temporarily deprive intense 26 want deprivation knowingly willingness in terms of Van Gogh, popular consumption( ). ~ the value of the original results not only from its uniqueness but from its being the source from which reproductions are made.: not only A but also B also. fine art reproduce postcard uniqueness purchase available valued endlessly original reproduction display adding knowledge to the experience The smell of gasoline going into a car s tank ~, when ~ in the United States, can allow ~.: The smell can allow. sense comprehend combine A with B A B galaxy refuel refine vast global trade

95 the latest digital technology( ~ everybody is expected to take out their mobiles, call into a computer, and using their keypads, direct the movements of puzzle pieces ~.: to take ~, call~, and direct, using. removed beep assume theatergoer beg performance keypad via interact combine A with B A B 29 accurate memories( ). ~ when an attempt to recall the second moment is confused ~, our brain starts to create a tale to take in different aspects ~.: to recall attempt, to create starts, to take in a tale self-centered note specific take in episode 30 interpreter current similar original mixture Jastrow Jastrow psychological ~ people can be made to believe that they once went on a non-existent trip in a hot-air balloon ~.: make be made to deceiver investigate illusionist participate in accuracy suggestion hot-air balloon manipulate perception 31 95

96 an unchangeable identity It was as difficult to stop being a lord as, more darkly, it was to cease being a servant.: stop, cease to. status comfortingly cease identity aspiration equation strip away inherit privilege under-privilege achievement hand down 32 FW Whole Foods HSR FW Whole Foods FW Whole Foods FW Whole Foods FW Whole Foods literary experience. It s the inspiring expressions that elevate the food into a more exciting experience ~.: It is ~ that the inspiring expressions. browse inspiring elevate dimension vegetarian pioneer organic come in handy 33, (the first draft), perfection. Make writing as easy for you as you can by not being concerned with how good the first draft is.: as ~ as one can as ~ as possible. blank set in motion be caught in convince first draft revision polish pursue 34 96

97 locating information. Page numbers became a possibility, as did indexes ~.: as~, ~. ex. He studies hard, as does his sister..) bind unroll browse separate cross-reference house reduce index contents workable 35 silence The reason (why) such negative communication is important is that it requires ~.: the reason why important, is convey absence between the lines directness enormous economical take place Michel de Montaigne. Montaigne. Montaigne Montaigne. If I am fighting with a strong and solid opponent ~, Rivalry, competitiveness and glory an intellectual sporting event I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives.: the practice of it find the ~ lives. essayist all at once rivalry well-ordered 37 fruitful soar competitiveness 97

98 forgetting Nothing is more frustrating than arriving at your destination only to realize ~.: (Nothing, Nobody ) than ~. vacation frustrate destination leave behind pajamas medication interfere with 38 Oscar Wilde Froude But can experience alone be the best way to be a manager? Oscar Wilde Froude, imperfect( ). ~ will help us to learn from mistakes and make better use of them in the future.: help to learn make and. help (to). familiar at the cost of essential instrument guidance 39 independence in daily lives ~ doctors in retirement villages in the United States encouraged residents to decide the details of their daily lives themselves.: encourage to relatively lengthen retirement resident previously caretaker take over striking 40 98

99 bond Environmental scientists chose two Chicago public housing projects, both of which had some buildings ~.: both of which and both of them environmental practically vegetation ultimately 41 housing project property greenery supervise fit your expectation ~ once you accept it, it will probably influence the way you respond to the neighbor.: once ~, the way how. the way how stick to evaluation accurate act groundless saint interpret 42 Paul Newman professional life If you happen to know about the celebrity s extracurricular interest, you might find ~.: happen chance to ~, ~. celebrity assume occupation be involved in a wide variety of cause extracurricular charity

100 (separation in people s minds of the scientific and the artistic) distinct., ~ not to say that the connections ~, just (to say) that the scientific and artistic aspects ~.: just to say. separation perception 44 architect E.B. White addiction a strong desire for some pleasurable activities ~ reading mystery books or ordering seeds by catalog is serious enough to be compared ~.: enough to addiction loosely refer to A as B A B [ ] mystery novel make an attempt to catalog be compared with represent 45 (ineffective) ~ college students experienced much stronger emotions when asked to imagine losses ~.: much, when asked when they were asked (they) + be(were). motivate gain as opposed to especially uncertainty potential critical decision-making in this vein as compared with

101 without some kind of feedback to a special section where ~.: visiting who visit, where a special section. section rough draft impact previously genius a single stroke of inspiration apparently random concept discard initial ~ I heard myself reacting to the words.: a stack of upset depressed somewhat miserable alright play back eye-opener perspective 47 That is (unfolding the idea) Young writers visiting the National Library are brought diversity. ~ the vast majority of Americans remain stubbornly monolingual.: (remain, keep, stay, lie ). underdeveloped when it comes to immigrant mother tongue vast majority stubbornly monolingual handicap address primarily eliminate minority bilingual misplaced assimilation disability 101

102 49 sensitivity to regional and individual differences Another vital factor is increasing one s responsiveness to the markets by providing products suited for the local communities that make up the market.: increasing is suited products which are introduction guarantee vital responsiveness make up one-size-fits-all strategy place emphasis on categorize analysis 50 tolerance ~ marine fish are considered challenging because it s difficult to keep the seawater quality and temperature stable ~.: consider (to be) ~ be considered (to be) ~. marine diverse challenging temperature 51 aquarium aquarist variation Stokoe Armstrong. Stoko Stokoe in a gestural state ~ deaf people are just as bright and able to handle abstract thought as hearing people, given equal education: as ~ as, given if they are given. shift primitive prejudice sign language abstract era 102

103 52 Rick Barry Barry Brancazio Barry underhand throw Barry greater chance of making a successful shot ~ there is a smaller window for the ball to go in ~.: to go window to to for arc typical sink, accurate physics 53 relationship at an angle fall short angle characteristic (lengthiness) When I would bring him what I thought was a finished piece of work ~.: ~ bring him the thing. I thought it was I thought assign attorney cross out clause phrase shrug omit surplus 54 constant competition ~ constant competition among species, in the course of which one species ~.: which constant competition. force evolution species temporary gain an advantage evolutionary innovation overtake apparently secure military term arms race numerous effective ultimately 103

104 asked when they are asked they are be their involvement will somehow affect the outcome of the toss If the coin is tossed and the outcome is concealed, people will offer lower amounts when asked for bets.: when overconfident the case heads conceal stock 02 outcome coin toss tails perception weed out those that do not fit the evidence Often in social scientific practice, even where evidence is used, it is not used in the correct way for adequate scientific testing.: where social scientific practice practice affirm instance uphold conflicting empirical distinctive falsify confirm 104

105 If you can take a different angle from the rest of the class in a paper, you re more likely to impress your professors Variety is the spice of life If I assign fifty students a five-page essay on the subject of why the Roman Empire fell, most of them are likely to say it was a combination of economic and social causes ultimately leading to a weakening of the frontiers.: it why ~ fell leading ~ frontiers a combination ~ causes assign combination ultimately frontier tricky risky back up solely persuasive reasoning argument potential objection brevity mighty 04 Microsoft Difficulty in assessing information ~ it was the table with fewer samples that led to the most sales.: it was ~ that... the table with fewer samples assess aggravate overabundance at one s disposal realm relevant clutter overload avoidance selection abundant complicated immediate shortage trustworthy fatigue indeterminacy complexity

106 we glimpse a bit more of the overall pattern of nature ~, so that the more clues we solve, the easier we find it to fill in the missing features: so that find it to fill ~ features uncover regularity algorithmic compression raw data exhibit explicit crack fundamental considerable ingenuity coherent entirety stay in England ~ in the south of England, the balance of advantage against disadvantage is so delicate that while some migrate to Spain and Portugal, the majority normally stay in England.:so that ~ that while hazard migration range starvation outweigh temporary superabundance ensure migrate migratory

107 a number of clear drops can dilute one red drop As your experiences with that person grow, the drops accumulate and the pool deepens.: as and reputation asset demoralize stain accumulate interaction dilute wash away 08 imbricate imbricate it keeps you from being long-winded A genuinely educated person can express himself tersely and trimly.: express himself A genuinely educated person paradox get the idea across big words resent impress clarify arrogance long-winded genuinely tersely trimly imbricate edge overlap arrangement sepal the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity 0 107

108 So far as you are wholly concentrated on bringing about a certain result, clearly the quicker and easier it is brought about the better.: the the so far as bring about resolve secure sufficiency induce weary till tend livestock in abundance spare be better off transaction execution asset the former approximate the latter infinity justify exact conditionally 10 Solomon Asch. Asch 12 Asch 70 caved in to group pressure Psychologist Solomon Asch wanted to discover whether people s tendency to agree with their peers was stronger than their tendency toward independent thought and rational judgment.: whether whether people s tendency was tendency peer rational judgment assemble visual perception segment obvious secretly instruct subject as it turned out cave in to 11 may be reluctant to think properly Few places are more conducive to internal conversations than a moving plane, ship, or train.: midwife conducive to internal peculiar correlation introspective 108

109 reflection be liable to stall help along reluctant paralyze on demand mimic be charged with a line of trees 12 as much of an exaggeration as the earlier onesideness It is a fundamental mistake to imagine that when we see the non-value in a value or the untruth in a truth, the value or the truth ceases to exist.: to imagine It that imagine fundamental cease relative rest on inner polarity phenomenon equilibrate in favor of exaggeration onesidedness in so far as universally fatal 13 indubitable we need to take our time However, people are unaware of this phenomenon and live under the illusion that when they are experiencing time pressure, they are also more creative.: that ~ creative the illusion frustration unaware phenomenon illusion pervasive account for squeeze in (into)

110 success divided by pretensions equals self-esteem To give up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get them gratified.: as... as ~ To give up pretensions to get them gratified humiliation back actuality potentiality entail pretension gratify 15 there is no nature on the planet at all Prehistoric peoples changed their surrounding ecosystems, whether by installing orchards in the Amazon or by hunting many large mammals to extinction in North America.: whether A or B A B by installing ~ by hunting ~ or realm unhindered barrier island by extension extinction profoundly food chain 16 brings multiple perspectives to bear on ~ the most salient feature of actual flesh-and-blood (as opposed to ridiculously idealized) individual moral 110

111 agents is surely the fact that every moral agent brings multiple perspectives to bear on every moral problem situation.: the most salient featurefeature be is that ~ situation the fact salient moral agent uncontested uncontroversial flesh-and-blood as opposed to ridiculously multiple perspective bear one-size-fits-all 17 David Lahti 200 having a similar pattern is no longer so much of an advantage Researchers have come to understand how the African village weaverbird prevents itself from being taken advantage of by cuckoos it is all down to the speckles on the eggs.: understand how ~ by cuckoos prevent from -ing the African village weaverbird itself village weaverbird take advantage of cuckoo spot colony demonstration evolution alter 18 We are creatures of habit Without them, our lives would be in chaos, and we would not get much accomplished.: Without them If it were not for them would be would not get freeway when it comes to routine indispensable chaos contemplate

112 wok hei 2005 Leuven ice cream does not taste that sweet straight from the fridge In Chinese food, the idea is that it should be boiling hot, because that is crucial to its flavor, embodied in the phrase wok hei, which means the breath or essence of the combination of tastes added by a hot wok.: it Chinese foodthat the idea that it should be boiling hot embodied ~ the idea being which wok hei crucial flavor embody essence combination confirm microscopic channel taste bud intense stacks of 20 are published not to be read but rather to be remembered Thus, most screenplays are published not to be read but rather to be remembered.:not A but B(A B) to be read to be remembered handy rely on pale imitation screenplay approximate worthwhile 21 Richard Warren 112

113 has its own version of perceptual completion The auditory system had filled in the missing speech information, so that the sentence seemed uninterrupted.: so that so thatcanmay/will auditory psychologist burst fill in uninterrupted apart from perceptual group 22 Bertolt Brecht epic theater alienation ~ to prevent the identification of the public with the figures of the drama take a step back from the performance to create a distance from the actions on the stage they repeatedly attempted to make it clear to their public that visiting the theater was not merely for the purpose of entertainment ~: it that automatically not merely ~, but... onstage facilitate epic theater alienation identification scattered narration commentary 23 A B Mary Laura Mary A B Laura B A 1,000 Mary Laura people regret their actions more than their failures to act ~ they would have been better off by $1,000 if they had taken different actions.: ifhadwould should/could/might have cast one s mind back invest switch be better off 113

114 take action inaction 24 1 being free often means also being naked However, the same technologies that help separate us from the crowds also make it possible to monitor and record our behaviors.: the same technologies make 5 make to it to prosperity previous quarter move about monitor have intimate knowledge of turn out to be Fraunhofer Institutes Munich 20 reduce leftover traces No matter how we shake or tap the bottle of ketchup, some of it refuses to come out.: no matter ever The leftovers first have to be removed from the packaging, which is expensive, time-consuming ~.: which the packaging refuse to do packaging annoying pose leftover time-consuming put an end to dilemma apply 26 the chain is very difficult to 114

115 break The reason that we keep making the same error repeatedly is that associations form between the ideas ~: that why that is add a column of figures have a tendency to persistent phenomenon repeatedly association connection established adopt unprofitable have so little salt in it The riddle was not solved until the 1970s, when the deep ocean openings were discovered.: not A until B B A when and then account for salt content continually add to runoff evaporation vapor as to riddle swallow (up) crack reemerge filter passage 28 distort the truth ~ they make it difficult for others to tell them the truth ~.: make find/believe/think (it) (for ) (to ) compel respond hateful offended at all costs (= at any cost) reaction 115

116 29 not to select a subject that is too difficult or odd No matter how many times I have drawn it, the perspective does not look right.: no matter ever principle incorrect right angle criticism 30 angle perspective accurate critic can be harmful to our well-being ~ we experience the disappointment of having our satisfaction with decisions reduced by all the options ~.: have option reject feature derive in light of opportunity cost be tempted to altogether 31 cold-energy foods should not consume raw and cold foods in excess This idea runs counter to all modern ideas about diet, 116

117 according to which, by eating raw vegetables and fruit, we can absorb ~.: which all modern ideas excessive consumption run counter to absorb to a certain extent moderate beneficial dryness digest tendency 32 Kate Jamie 1998 Stop Racism National Video Competition Kate Kate Kate Children pick up racist ideas from their surroundings as they grow up Kate says (that) the point of their video was to show that human beings are not genetically coded ~.: says that to show was to racism submission depict nursery accompany genetically code racist bias 33 multi boundary crossers find joy in the rich variety of human experience While detailed knowledge of a single area once guaranteed success, today the top rewards go to those ~.: while although once prevalent multi-cultural guarantee confidence boundary effective 34 multi-tasking entertainment reward realm expertise 117

118 be surprised at how much light there is underwater ~ as you move through the water, you will cause plankton to release tiny pulses of light, leaving beautiful glowing wakes trailing behind you.: as =when leaving and leave trailing leaving obviously properly organize straightforward reveal marine release pulse, wake trail 35 Dollus Bank Trevor Canfield Zebra Team 2 Gopak Mike Fangos Trevor Canfield Mike Fangos provide performance opportunities to the team members Stepping out of the way to give opportunities to others, however, does not mean giving up responsibility ~.: Stepping giving mean performance grab assignment credit crucial challenge make room for prestigious balance checkbook budget monitoring got more orders Dining with friends also contributes to consuming more calories.: contribute to 118

119 regarding consume contribute to 37 underestimate up to occasion ~ meet other members of its own species sufficiently often form social groups ~ its members should be able not only to learn and memorize but also to meet other members ~.: not only A but also B A(to learn ~) B(to meet ~) distinctive property inherit genetics imitation sufficiently dominant class 38 achieve their goal through different approaches Upon entering a record store, one encounters a wide variety of genres from easy listening to jazz and classical music.: upon on-ing as soon as encounter have in common rely on performance composer musical note instruction improvise He should have phoned me. 119

120 Realizing he wouldn t be ready, he sent me an at 8:30 p.m., telling me that we needed to reschedule. Realizing As he realized confirm puzzled show up classic typical 40 Angelina Jolie Matt Damon Madonna Gwyneth Paltrow Elizabeth 2 3,500 Elvis Presley Napoleon 1,500 how rare it is ~ something with her signature on it might sell for around $3,500.: something it something autograph depend on valuable signature rare 41 Stephanie Scott pit bull, Reilly Roo Stephanie pit bull. pit bull pit bull Devi Barry pit bull pit bull pit bull any type of dog can be trained to attack pit bull pit bull pit bull There s nothing about her that makes her different from any other dog.: that nothing makes 5 affectionate irresponsible give a bad name raise ban breed resident 42 had to learn to walk all over again 120

121 But as soon as he puts skis on his feet, it looks as though he ~.: as soon as as though as if humbling undergo somewhere [ ] tumble 43 get rid of them The most common mistake made by amateur photographers is that they are ~.: The most common mistake made which is subject impact recognize viewer be supposed to frame distract from exclude 44 Schopenhauer want to survive as individuals The philosopher Schopenhauer gave an example of porcupines trying to survive a cold winter.: trying which try porcupines philosopher huddle together pull away closeness keep from -ing community independence reflect 45 survive needle adjust distance likewise preserve duality Ernest Hemingway 121

122 choose a specific area and concentrate your efforts on it ~ the one life purpose to which every other must be secondary.: ~ the one life purpose. Every other must be secondary to the one life purpose. tame extend paralyze work against concentrate secondary Hobbiton Institute of Photography Hobbiton Institute of Photography In this digital age, images are essential units of information, and knowing how to use photography effectively is more important than ever.: knowing and to how to use photography effectively knowing enroll evaluate suggestion assign insightful on one s feet

123 Third, pick a mild-mannered puppy that is likely to be more forgiving and protective of his little owners.: that ~ owners a mild-mannered puppy his little owners his a mild-mannered puppy furry allergic non-shedding mild-mannered forgiving 03 KGM Big World Competition 18 KGM KGM KGM This is an official notice from KGM, the largest manufacturer of digital cameras in the world, regarding the rules of KGM s Big World Competition.: the largest manufacturer ~ the world KGM regarding competition eligible exceed comply disqualify display 04 (212) So we would like to request that you stop delivery to our home. If you have questions about this matter, please leave a message at (212) , and either my wife or I will call you back as soon as we can.:either A or B A B as ~ ascan... as ~ as possible publication keep up with daily paper request delivery call back reliable first-rate resume in the meantime 05 Future Leaders A B 123

124 07 I would encourage you to request a reference letter from those teachers with whom you have had the most opportunity to demonstrate those skills.: whom those teachers You have had the most opportunity to demonstrate those skills with those teachers. those teachers with letter of reference scholarship physics semester demonstrate 06 Think Business ABC Marketing Institute A good course will help you structure your presentations and improve your own personal style.: help (to) structure improve convince brush up on critique crucially structure flattering complimentary flattering Upon receiving your last letter, I rushed to look up the word ~: uponon-ing Upon receiving As soon as I received If you knew me well, you would know that I am shameless enough ~ knew would know flattering complimentary imply unintended shameless correspondence Carl Sandburg poetry 30 Sandburg Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg poetry 124

125 special trip Carl Sandburg Travel around the country with Carl Sandburg, a twentieth-century poet who has been called the voice of America.: a twentieth-century Carl Sandburg Visit rural back roads and busy cities, and meet friendly animals and ordinary people going about their daily lives.: going friendly animals and ordinary people hop aboard enthusiasm illustration pack 09 destination present capture imagination The descriptions of sound production have been rewritten in this edition so as to update the theory on which they were based and to provide better practical advice ~.: to update to provide The most significant kind of change in the new edition, however, is the result of the effort (that) we have made to introduce ~: effort that to introduce update figure accuracy gender-biased detect definite attempt balance reference significant carry out 10 ~ and there will be less money available for an unexpected situation that necessitates a sudden change of plan.: that an unexpected situation suffer budget confirm estimate just about emergency fund accommodation necessitate confident aspect

126 Any reader who feels she or he needs legal advice should consult legal counsel.: who Any reader should consult eyewitness a variety of practice reflect consult 12 account identity in operation expose counsel unique be used to -ing bowl 13 Hutt 3 Hutt We feel as if the day they entered our school were yesterday ~.: as if were inform requirement graduation certificate participate in on behalf of extend look forward to -ing 14 While (you are) riding, you are certain to discover new streets ~.: be be every once in a while alley

127 Don t waste time blaming yourself, your company, or your customer.: waste-ing in good faith inevitable apologize 16 strive point out I have had the opportunity to look them over ~.: over look 17 ~ the commercial bushmeat trade worldwide has become so large that many animals are literally on the edge of extinction.: so that... dawn rain forest in harmony with commercial literally on the edge of extinction endangered species 18 opportunity considerable appropriate journal literary look over genre current indicate Our service representatives found two problems contributing to the copier s breakdown.: find contributing 127

128 inspect contributing properly mechanical trade-in representative indication factor replacement capacity 19 Someone who reads only newspapers and books by contemporary authors looks to me like a near-sighted person.: Someone looks contemporary near-sighted prejudice on one s own stimulate at best insignificant monotonous enlightened taste preserve precious possession owe A to B A B ignorance 20 Yao Tandong 40 20% Yao 60% ~ annual glacial runoff on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas is roughly 20 percent more than that of 40 years ago.: that annual glacial runoff glacier melt at an alarming rate [] runoff plateau waterborne reverse predict decrease oasis pl. oases dry up , IMF We expect you to have completed your university studies ~.: expect to analytical regarding financial market doctoral degree competent 128

129 According to the graphs, the primary source of electricity generation in both 1971 and 2007 was coal and peat, accounting for over 40% of the total electricity generation.: the primary source was accounting for coal and peat generation account for 02 peat hydro ,000 1,000 1, ,000 1, , Except for hockey, which had more than 4 professionals per 1,000 high school participants, the remaining five sports all had ~: which ~ participants hockey comma median rank 03 earning respectively Search Engines Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc Wikipedia, Blogs, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc Social Media Sites Dedicated to a Specific Area 10 Social Media 18%, Sites Dedicated to a Specific Area 11% 10% 7% ~ the result exceeds the percentage of Sites Dedicated to a Specific Area by ten percent.: by preferred combine exceed 129

130 %(2004 ~ 2005) 7.1% (2000 ~ 2001) In urban areas, the percentage of male children with asthma in the period was lower than that of male children with asthma in the period.: that the percentage gender urban 05 diagnose rural Video blogging, which was the least familiar social media in 2007, showed the biggest increase in familiarity among the three media that showed an increase from 2007 to 2008.: showed Video bloggingthat showed ~ 2008 the three media familiarity prominent 06 respondent less more Overall, there are only two continents whose percentage of forest loss is greater than five percent.: whose two continents loss translate display 07 exhibit note

131 The only period where the growth rate in the number of hours worked exceeded the labor productivity growth rate was the period.: The only period where where ~ rate was output labor display exceed 08 be equal to productivity decline The above diagram shows the average retention rate of learning after 24 hours for various instructional methods which are categorized into different processing types.: which various instructional methods The instructional methods, Practice by Doing and Teach Others / Immediate Use of Learning, belonging to the processing type of Doing, result in 75% and 90% average retention, respectively.: belonging Practice by Doing and Teach Others / Immediate Use of Learning The instructional methods result instructional method processing type result in demonstration respectively 09 categorize bottom audiovisual discussion 3 39% % 75% MP % The percentage of desktop computer use is the highest, immediately followed by that of video game player use by all three student groups.: followed being The percentage of desktop computer use on a weekly basis be followed by with respect to

132 , 3 4 the enrollment rate for youth ages 7 13 was the highest during the entire period covered by the graph.: covered period. 299% 340% enrollment rate entire cover age group period overall ~ Mexico s crop produced the lowest ratios in yield and profit as (it was) compared to the conventional one.: as it(=mexico s crop) (was) The operating margin was negative from 2001 to 2003, being the lowest in 2002.: being The operating margin, and was. operating margin net profit negative 12 bar period transgenic yield ratio 13 conventional profitable The percentage of women who tend to choose a job based on past experience is higher than that of men.: The percentage is. women who ~ experience chart payment 132

133 sustainability workload commuting For young Australians aged from 15 to 19, friends was the biggest source of advice, (being) followed by parents.: followed being friends. survey conduct source relative progressively turn to dependence The chart above shows the changes in the number of birds and of bird species on an island ~.: of birds of bird species the number. species contain continuous note 16 observe decrease in contrast ,000 54,000, 68,000 The company reduced its water use by installing automatic faucets and water-saving toilets, saving 152,000 dollars.: saving The company, saving and saved. installation toilet carry out 17 faucet electricity reduce

134 This chart shows the changes in the total value of electronic merchandise produced by the top five countries ~.: produced electronic merchandise. electronic merchandise in comparison with notably achieve amount ~ the power level should be set to medium-high to cook meat properly in the microwave oven.: to cook~. by itself rib 19 properly breast ~ while Japan s remained unchanged.: remain 2. unchanged. consumption billion slightly 20 consume amount 80% 3% 12% 15% 15% 15% The lowest percentage of the patients who exercised felt worse after the program.: The lowest percentage of the patients felt. patients who exercised. back pain therapy moderate reduce 134

135 outnumber (Sciences) 1996, All academic areas reached their peak in their college graduates employment rate in 2002.: reach. arrive at(~ ). graduate consistently humanities peak the Brazilian Proposal That would mean ~ It would also mean ~ In other words, we should calculate what concentration of greenhouse gases each country has put into the atmosphere over time and use those figures to allocate emissions cuts.: calculate use should and negotiation concentration emit emission allocate bear 135

136 02 Albert Einstein unified field theory Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein the two theories Einstein wanted to illuminate the workings of the universe with a clarity never before achieved, allowing us all to stand in awe of its sheer beauty and elegance.: allowing Einstein seek for (-sought-sought) relentlessly encompass coherent undertaking passionate formulation underlie tremendous incompatible illuminate clarity stand in awe of ~ sheer There is no possibility of migrating or of storing food for the winter, which must seem to promise equally certain doom to a bird or bear.: which ~, and it must seem to ~ strive reproduce simulate predator complication settle ensure exhibit utterly incompatible

137 The central problem is that the voters in low-performing groups were trying to build social cohesion rather than to produce the highest returns.: that rather than to build social cohesion to produce the highest returns implication affection institution unanimously cohesion 05 bond dissent impair illustrate return The water cools and then is pumped back to the building where it absorbs more heat, and the cycle is repeated.: The water cools is where ~ heat the building geothermal loop 06 constant absorb Nelson Mandela Afrikaans Mandela 1960 Afrikaner Mandela Afrikaner Afrikaner Afrikaner Mandela Afrikaner Afrikaner Nelson Mandela Mandela By obtaining this perspective of how the Afrikaners looked at the world, ~: of exemplify to the disapproval of insight contribution perspective presidency invaluable

138 Playing with a toy or opening and closing your fists for a couple of minutes might be an answer.: or playing ~ toy opening ~ minutes urge occupy rub infected 08 resist fist pat Nevertheless, the kind of help that computers can provide is very limited.: the kind of help isthat computers can provide help calculation device methematician deserve statistical sub-problem repetitive whatsoever 09 A given amount of food is used more efficiently by the body if it is spaced throughout the day rather than eaten at one sitting.: than eaten it is standpoint treat ~ with consideration efficiently space symptom infrequent interval quantity 10 Prati 18 One doll, (which was) found near Prati in Rome, was made of ivory ~: which ~ Rome One doll (which) be(was) in line with 138

139 sensibility ivory awareness tiny decorate 11 elegant huge comb unlock ~ open disagreements and discussions are an excellent way of resolving the differences that inevitably develop among family members.: that that ~ members the differences cooperative shelter periodic conflict disagreement resolve inevitably be in tune with institution empty obligation bounds It was found that the more sociable a person was, the less subject he was to contagion.: It that capacity contact immune system establish in relation to efficiency questionnaire representative be exposed to be subject to good 20 fine 30 very fine 40extremely fine 50 almost perfect 60 The European grades, verbal descriptions, correspond roughly to every ten of the American grades.: verbal descriptions The European grades antique specialist scale description correspond to roughly aspiration intention 139

140 eventually When (they are) drawing human figures, children often make the head too large for the rest of the body.: When drawing (they) be(are) figure imbalance markedly rear detail 15 insight frontal enlarge exaggerated Few animals have been so mercilessly exploited for their fur as the beaver.: a few few mercilessly suburban 16 furry The more contact a group has with another group, the more likely it is that objects or ideas will be exchanged.: thethe architecture extent exclusion 17 diffusion exchange crucial 140

141 This important nutrient has tremendous health benefits and is found in a variety of foods such as vegetables and fruits.: and This important nutrient nutrient emphasize internal organs 18 The alchemist placed some mercury in the melting pot and heated it.: and The alchemist alchemist double-bottomed melting pot deceive copper brass mercury throw in be looked upon as behold lump 19 What happens in the vineyard is crucial.: what What ~ vineyard vineyard crucial to start with drain not necessarily fertile vine winery exposure irrigation tough fail to ripen 20 If the job to be done requires lots of unskilled labor, ~. : to be done (the job) contradictory proverb context survive complex

142 A poem will live or die depending on how it is read.: how it is read on oral recitation presenter catch attention (A) However (B) For example They do so probably to help smooth out the rough edges of life, to make the unbearable bearable and (to make) the offensive inoffensive.: make and to make the unbearable, the offensive the euphemism derive from substitute A for B B A objectionable blunt smooth out edge offensive 142

143 at variance with slum substandard 02 (A) (A) (A) (B) (B) (A) However (B) For example So, get in the habit of rereading your work and looking up words that the spell checker does not pick up.: of rereading looking completely lost spell checker look up hand in ,000 (A) (A) However (B) (B) (B) For instance A purely rational view would have predicted that interest rates would be the only factor that had an impact.: A purely rational view would have predicted But the scientists varied more than just the interest rate rational evaluate alternative encounter assume pitch take out a loan purely interest rate persuasive in essence lottery inquire 04 4 Erie (A) Erie 143

144 For example (B) Likewise Likewise, when the fuel cell becomes the automotive engine of choice, the car companies focusing on increasing the efficiency of the internal combustion engine may find themselves left behind.: the car companies focusing ~ engine left themselves perfection investment canal be regarded as efficiency advent downfall transportation automotive internal combustion engine innovation (A) (A) In contrast (B) (B) Furthermore Even though paper products may theoretically be biodegradable, in most landfills, they do not biodegrade.: even though in most ~ biodegrade instinctively biodegradable recyclable by-product economically virtually indefinitely component municipal landfill biodegrade emit carbon dioxide water pollutant 06 (A) However (B) Therefore However, today we are so interdependent that the concept of war has become outdated.: so ~ that... We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation and always keep in mind ~: must work keep independent relevance resolve ultimately circumstances outdated reconciliation appropriate 144

145 (A) On the other hand (B) however Besides creating more leisure time for workers, this move is expected to help ease unemployment.: help help (to)help Its low birth rate has resulted in fewer workers supporting more and more retired Germans in the generous state welfare system.: supporting fewer workers suspicious ethic intellectually hold ~ in high regard work week 1 result in welfare holding devices (A) (A) For instance (B) holding devices (B) Thus Thus, portrait studios universally employed various holding devices to assure the steadiness of ~: to assure to imprisonment subject object representation exposure eternal unshakable venture immobilize 09 (A) (A) However (B) That is Natural objects do not come with labels, of course, but 145

146 these days, most physical artifacts do.:. do come with labels exist information interpret label function 10 purpose neutral text lightweight James C. Carter 19 (A) James C. Carter For example (B) James C. Carter In other words ~ they were the leading citizens who helped to build the museums and hospitals, formed civic institutions, and moved in and out of government at all levels.: who helped, formed, moved lawyer unique landed aristocracy privileged civic distinguished play a key role 11 Manhattan Southern California 20 (A) a cab driver in Manhattan a waitress in Southern California Likewise (B) On the other hand ~ those who fail to act, who accept the limitations of their work without complaining, are likely to feel miserable about their lives.: who those are seek glamorous limitation 12 audition accept critical Paul Ekman Ekman

147 (A) Ekman For example (B) However Paul Ekman uses the term display rules for the social agreement about which feelings can be properly shown when.: which feelings, about which. competence hint mix 13 in this regard twist 1 (A) (A) Similarly (B) Although ~ these animals have developed visual systems uniquely adapted to their way of life.: adapted systems soaring incredible extraordinary adapted to tradeoff occasional 14 (A) (A) for example (B) (B) however ~ cultures have taken it for granted that a person was not fully human unless he or she learned to master thoughts and feelings.: it that unless if ~ not. take it for granted that master emotion lose one s temper be deprived of attempt

148 (A) (B) (B) ~ the cycles of Western economies during the 20th century had a significant impact on the prevalence of objects that emphasized design over styling ~.: that objects styling context prevalence the other way round interrelate distinct treatment appearance expressive simplification 16 (A) As a result (B) for example The different changes that took place in spoken Latin in different parts of the Roman Empire, for example, eventually gave ~.: The different changes that. for example gave. take place distinct accumulate mutually unintelligible give rise to (A) 17 except (B) unless Gentlewomen always had a man with them to show that they were respectable.: to show to ~. strict nobleman merchant craftsman idler seaman respectable ordinary acceptable 18 dialect circumstances (A) In fact 148

149 (B) Therefore ~ people often sell old record albums, bottles and books for pennies only to see them resold for tens or hundreds of dollars ~.: only to to see to see to see. storage junk potential collectible collection antique garage sale 19 paradigm paradeigma 24 (A) George Washington For instance (=for example) (B) since because die of throat infection bloodletting pint : 0.47 / : (A) (in effect) In effect (B) however The answer is that your brain has special circuits that help you build complete pictures ~.: circuits that. help (to). fingertip perceive representation in effect by contrast But if (it is) inaccurate, it can be harmful.: if it is. be paradigm stem from pattern scientific term perception assumption reference territory inaccurate 149

150 Memo

151 Memo

152 Memo

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.

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