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5 INVITATION 학회장인사말 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 존경하는대한의용생체공학회회원여러분께, 2018년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회에참가하신회원여러분을진심으로환영합니다. 한반도의중심지인충주에소재한건국대학교글로컬 (glocal) 캠퍼스에서 AI in Biomedical Engineering: Major Tide in the 4th Industrial Revolution 라는주제하에춘계학술대회를개최하게되어매우기쁘게생각합니다. 특히이번 2018년도춘계학술대회를개최하는건국대학교의학공학과는 1989년도에설립된이래여러학제간융합연구를통해뛰어난연구수준및교육환경을보유함으로우수한인재를많이배출하는명문학과입니다. 이러한곳에서학술발표대회를개최하게되어정말기쁘게생각하며, 이대회를통해의공학분야의최신연구결과들을공유하고열정적인논의와교류를통해학문적인발전을도모할수있는계기가되기를바랍니다. 더욱이이번학술대회를통해최근화두로거론되고있는 4차산업혁명과연관성이깊은인공지능, 로봇기술, 빅데이터등의융합으로사람, 사물, 공간이연결되는새로운산업혁명시대를선도할의공학연구및교육방향을다시한번생각해보는시간이되었으면합니다. 이를위해삼성메디슨의조재문부사장님과가천대학교의김영보교수님을기조강연자로모시게되었고, 최근인공지능스타트업회사들을초청하게되었습니다. 저명한두분의강연과스타트업회사들의발표에참여하여보다나은발전을위한기회가되기를바랍니다마지막으로학술대회준비에열과성의을아끼지않으신탁계래조직위원장을비롯한건국대학교글로컬캠퍼스관계자여러분, 그리고김철홍, 변경민, 이종민학술이사를포함한학회임원및학술위원님들께진심으로감사를표합니다. 본춘계학술대회가더뜻깊은대회가될수있도록모든회원여러분들의적극적인참여와협조를부탁드립니다. 감사합니다 년 5 월 대한의용생체공학회회장이경중 3

6 INVITATION 조직위원장 2018년도춘계학술대회를맞이하며 2018년도제53회대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회를건국대학교에서개최하게된것을진심으로기쁘게생각합니다. 건국대학교는 1989년의학대학에의학공학과가설립되고, 1993년대학원이설립되었습니다. 1998년 의학공학부 로확대개편되어운영되던중, 2017년학교의장기발전계획에따라과학기술대학 ICT융합공학부 의 의학공학 전공으로운영이되고있습니다. 현재 12분의전공교수님들과 400여명의재학생과 2,000여명의졸업생을두고있습니다. BK21 플러스사업단소속대학원에서는 병원공학전문인력양성 이란과제로첨단의료기기개발과의료기기산업발전에기여하고있습니다. 1993년추계학술대회에이어두번째개최하게되는이시점에, 의공학의학술적발전과인력양성에중심적인역할을하고있는대한의용생체공학회학술대회를본교에서개최하게되어매우뜻깊게생각합니다. 2018년도춘계학술대회의성공적인개최를위해우리조직위원회는최선을다하여준비하였습니다. 학술대회준비기간동안협조를아끼지않으신이경중회장님을비롯한학술위원회위원여러분, 사무국관계자분들께깊은감사의말씀을드립니다. 또한, 물심양면으로지원하여주신우리대학의총장님을비롯한학교당국의적극적인도움은물론, 우리대학의학공학교수진들, 석박사과정생들및학부생들의동참이없었다면이번학술대회를준비하기어려웠을것입니다. 이지면을빌어감사의말씀을드립니다. 이번학술대회는우리학회의발전된모습을보여주는자리이며, 더나은지식의방향을모색할수있는기회의장입니다. 모쪼록조직위원회에서는이번학술대회가회원여러분들의학문적소통과모임의장이되도록최선을다하겠습니다. 바쁘신가운데에도찾아주신회원님들을환영하며깊은감사의말씀을드립니다. 모든회원여러분들의건승을기원합니다. 감사합니다 년 5 월 53 회춘계학술대회조직위원장탁계래 4

7 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 기조강연 1 좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) AI in Medical Imaging as a New Enabling Technology 조재문부사장 ( 삼성메디슨 ) 기조강연 2 좌장 : 이종민교수 ( 한양대 ) 4 차산업혁명과미래의학김영보 ( 가천대의대 ) Tutorial 1. 의료기기국제표준과인허가좌장 : 오현주심사부장 ( 식약처의료기기 ) Work Plan on KS(Korean Standards) of MFDS 김국한주무관 ( 식품의약품안전처 ) Development of electronic medical device software and quality verification 박종일대표 (( 주 ) 엠트리케어 ) 의료기기표준최신동향강범선기술이사 (( 주 ) 엠디랩 ) Tutorial 2. 딥러닝프로그래밍좌장 : 성준경교수 ( 고려대 ) 의료영상기반딥러닝기술의기초및응용성준경교수 ( 고려대 ) Tutorial 3. 공학자를위한전기생리학좌장 : 변효진교수 ( 연세의료원 ) 생체전기발생과전기전달김성준교수 ( 서울대 ) 생체전기를이용한근육수축과이상반응신터전교수 ( 서울대 ) 전기자극이근육및신경세포에미치는영향이형철교수 ( 서울대 ) Tutorial 4. 의학자를위한초음파해설좌장 : 안원식교수 ( 경희의료원 ) 초음파영상진단에사용되는소프트웨어알고리즘과하드웨어구현해설김찬모수석연구원 ( 삼성메디슨 ) 5

8 CONTENTS Tutorial 5. 의공학교육의운영방안과사례좌장 : 태기식교수 ( 건양대 ), 윤용현교수 ( 대림대 ) 의공학교육에서의기초의학과목강의방향 정동근교수 ( 동아대 ) 의료공학기업연계실전프로젝트운영사례 오도창교수 ( 건양대 ) 의공학공학교육인증과융합교육사례 조용석교수 ( 건양대 ) 국가직무능력표준 (NCS) 을활용한의공 ( 산업 ) 기사실기시험평가방법개발 최병철교수 ( 춘해보건대 ) Special session 1. 의료기기측정과표준좌장 : 강훈교수 ( 충북대 ) 의료기기개발에서측정의의미 안원식교수 ( 경희의료원혈류데이터센터 ) 측정은사람이한다 최종오책임연구원 ( 한국표준과학연구원 ) 의료기기측정과표준 임현균센터장 ( 한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터 ) 보건의료분야참조표준개발및활용사례 김창근책임연구원 ( 한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터 ) Special session 2. 대구경북 / 오송첨단의료기기개발지원센터좌장 : 김명남교수 ( 경북대 ) 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 How to prepare IEC , Ed.3 in the Lab : the official approval assessment service in the MDDC Introduction of Human Origin Biomaterials Development Center for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Establishment of ICT Clinical Trial Platform Industry 4.0: Smart Factory in Medical Device Industry 정재훈정봉수서수원손재범 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 The role and Performance of Medical device development center The supported R&BD cases for solving problems from clinical idea of Osong Medical device development center 송영준 문진희 6

9 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Special session 3. 인공지능스타트업소개좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) VUNO OBS KOREA 메디사피엔스 Special session 4. 신진연구자좌장 : 김희찬교수 ( 서울대 ) Inertial microfluidics for cancer mechanotyping and intracellular delivery 정아람교수 ( 고려대 ) of nanomaterials 곤충비행제어알고리즘의리버스엔지니어링 김안모교수 ( 한양대 ) 바이오프린팅기술을이용한생체조직제조 장진아교수 ( 포항공대 ) Brain organ-on-a-chip for biomedical research 정세훈교수 ( 인제대 ) Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy using Biomaterials 박천권교수 ( 성균관대 ) 일반연제 1 - Biomedical Instrumentation, Digital Healthcare Technology, Orthopedic and Rehabilitation 좌장 : 박성민교수 ( 포항공대 ) 14:30~16:00 1. 생체신호딥러닝 End-to-End 모델분석광운대학교컴퓨터정보공학부박철수 2. 운전시뮬레이션중외이도뇌전도기반졸음추정 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공, 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실홍승혁 1, 최상호 1, 권현빈 1, 박광석 2 3. Co-60 방사선원의등선량분포및상대깊이선량의동시측정을위한 1차원팬텀선량계개발중앙대학교공과대학에너지시스템공학부신현영, 신상훈, 변현기, 송시원, 박재형, 김지예, 이봉수 4. Support Vector Machine 을이용한디지털치아색조분석시스템오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터김민아, 김병연, 박병준, 이승락, 원영재 7

10 CONTENTS 16:00~17:30 1. 모바일헬스케어를위한광센서응용기술순천향대학교의용메카트로닉스공학과조재걸 2. 여성웰니스증진을위한웨어러블디바이스및생체신호분석알고리즘개발 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원, 2 아주대학교기계공학과, 3 아주대학교전자공학과 4 성균관대학교나노과학기술원, 5 스마디한수정 1, 김성민 1, 최슬기 1, 박석진 2, 이지훈 3, 임장균 4, 이정민 5, 오경식 5, 최영호 5, 이태린 1 3. 거울치료에활용할수있는가상손의착각유발가능성연구계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩임승의, 구정훈 일반연제 2 - Biomechanics 좌장 : 이정찬교수 ( 서울대 ) 1. 심근의국지적전기적흥분파형의지배적주파수와위상의분산분석을통한심실부정맥심각도예측 IT융복합공학과정다운, 임기무 2. Instrumented Timed up & Go test를이용한고령자낙상위험도정량적추적연구 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공, 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소서정우 1, 김태호 1, 이진수 1, 김정길 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 3. 세포수준의혈액유동수치해석적시뮬레이션연구 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원, 2 아주대학교기계공학부박석진 1,2, 이태린 1 4. 계단내리기시보행전략에따른무릎관절부하분석비교건국대학교의학공학과전형민, 최의범, 허재훈, 엄광문 5. 평활근내피불린-4 유전자가결손된쥐의상행경부대동맥에발생하는대동맥류의성장에따른생체역학적인특성 1 연세대학교기초과학연구원나노의학연구단 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 3 Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba, Japan 김정실 1,2, Jessica E. Wagenseil 2, Hiromi Yanagisawa 3 8

11 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 3 - Medical Imaging 좌장 : 유형석교수 ( 한양대 ) 1. 초음파및광음향영상을위한실시간지연-곱셈 -합빔형성알고리즘 1 POSTECH 창의IT융합공학과, 2 POSTECH 전자전기공학과전승완 1, 박은영 2, 김철홍 1,2 2. 딥러닝을이용한방사형좌표계에서의자기공명영상재구성방법 : AUTOMAP 과푸리에영역손실함수를이용하여서울대학교공과대학전기 정보공학부정성현, 윤재연, 정우진, 이두희, 이종호 3. CUDA 동적라이브러리를활용한 MATLAB 볼륨렌더러개발 1 포항공과대학교시스템생명공학부, 2 포항공과대학교창의 IT 융합공학과조성희 1, 김철홍 1,2 4. 종양조직분석을위한멀티모달바이오이미징시스템 1 DGIST, 정보통신융합전공, 2 DGIST, 나노 에너지연구부김지훈 1, 김은주 2, 황재윤 1 일반연제 4 - Neural Engineering 좌장 : 윤인찬교수 (KIST) 1. 공변량변화 (covariate shift) 로인한 P300 뇌파타자기의성능변화 1 한동대학교전산전자공학부, 2 광주과학기술원전기전자컴퓨터공학부이종민 1, 김지웅 1, 원경호 2, 권문영 2, 전성찬 2, 안민규 1 2. 뉴로피드백을접목한상지재활훈련후뇌활성화변화연구 1 계명대학교자연과학대학생명과학전공, 2 계명대학교의용공학과스마트랩, 3 서울대학교병원의생명연구원손지은 1,2, 임현미 2,3, 구정훈 2 3. 깜빡이는운동영상을이용한 BCI 동작관찰게임재활프로그램이뇌졸중환자의거울신경세포시스템활성에미치는효과 1 서울대학교병원의생명연구원, 2 계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩, 3 을지대학교병원재활의학과임현미 1,2, 강윤주 3, 최효선 3, 구정훈 2 4. 영화를함께시청시감정적공감정도에따른자율신경계신호간동기화연세대학교의공학과김현, 여동훈, 서부경, 허성진, 최성운, 김경환 9

12 CONTENTS 일반연제 5 - Medical Nano and Microtechnology, Biomedical Optics 좌장 : 최성용교수 ( 경희대 ) 1. 목시플록사신기반이광자현미경의피부암영상화 1 POSTECH 융합생명공학부, 2 기계공학부, 3 연세대학교의과대학장훈철 1, 장원혁 1, 이승훈 2, 오병호 3, 김기현 1,2 2. 광활성원자현미경을이용한초고해상도광학영상포항공과대학교창의IT융합공학과이승현, 박별리, 김철홍 3. 암연구위한나노포토닉스기반바이오센서에관한연구한국기계연구원의료기계연구실홍유찬 포스터 (2 분스피치 1) 좌장 : 천홍구교수 ( 고려대 ) 포스터 (2 분스피치 2) 좌장 : 김형식교수 ( 건국대 ) 포스터 (2 분스피치 3) 좌장 : 최명환교수 ( 성균관대 ) 포스터 ( 일반 ) 10

13 대한의용생체공학회제 25 대임원 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 직책 성명 소속 명예회장 박헌국 경희대학교 회장 이경중 연세대학교 수석부회장 김희찬 서울대학교 부회장 황혜령 루트로닉 감사총무이사기획이사학술이사편집이사교육이사 김명남 경북대학교 노정훈 부산대학교 기재홍 연세대학교 황도식 연세대학교 문치웅 인제대학교 최영빈 서울대학교 김철홍 포항공과대학교 변경민 경희대학교 이종민 한양대학교 이재성 서울대학교 지영준 울산대학교 남기창 동국대학교 태기식 건양대학교 윤용현 대림대학교 직책성명소속 교육이사 산학협력이사 국제협력이사 재무이사 정보전산이사 융합특임이사 홍보이사 조성보 정의헌 양종수 김국한 문정환 이레나 남윤기 신현정 이원진 윤의성 안원식 염호준 유선국 김법민 김묘원 김형식 송동진 송철규 가천대학교 GIST 경희대학교 대성마리프 성균관대학교 이화여자대학교 KAIST KAIST 서울대학교 KIST 경희대학교 을지대학교 연세대학교 고려대학교 대한의공협회 건국대학교 중원대학교 전북대학교 학술위원회 책임 이름 소속기관 김철홍 포항공과대학교 학술이사 변경민 경희대학교 이종민 한양대학교 김경환 연세대학교 김도원 전남대학교 김재욱 한의학연구원 김필한 KAIST 김형식 건국대학교 남승윤 부경대학교 박성민 포항공과대학교 박중열 중앙대학교 위원 박지호 KAIST 박한수중앙대학교 박형원 성균관대학교 변효진 연세의료원 성준경 고려대학교 안영진 식약처 염정열 고려대학교 오세홍 한국외국어대학교 우충완 성균관대학교 유병훈 상계백병원 책임 이름 소속기관 유형석 울산대학교 윤의철 대구가톨릭대학교 윤인찬 KIST 윤종인 대구가톨릭대학교 이상훈 경희대학교 이종호 서울대학교 임도형 세종대학교 장동표 한양대학교 전상범 이화여자대학교 정병조 연세대학교 위원 정철우 서울대학교 조성보 가천대학교 주세경 울산대학교 천홍구 고려대학교 최명환 성균관대학교 최병문 울산대학교 최성용 경희대학교 최연호 고려대학교 추준욱 한국기계연구원 태기식 건양대학교 황석원 고려대학교 11

14 대한의용생체공학회제 25 대임원 교육위원회 직책성명소속태기식건양대학교 교육이사위원 윤용현 대림대학교 조성보 가천대학교 정의헌 광주과학기술원 권성재 대진대학교 김도원 전남대학교 김동욱 전북대학교 김보형 한국외국어대학교 윤창한 인제대학교 김영모 건양대학교 김정호 대전과학기술대 김태성 경희대학교 김태화 안동과학대 김형건 성균관대학교 민세동 순천향대학교 박상혁 부경대학교 박성윤 동국대학교 박종원 경일대학교 박희준 계명대학교 직책 성명 소속 서종범 연세대학교 송동진 중원대학교 염호준 을지대학교 오대호 한림성심대 유욱재 건국대학교 이동훈 동명대학교 이상식 가톨릭관동대학교 이연수 대구가톨릭대학교 이종민 한양대학교 위원 이태용 이화여자대학교 임용규 상지대학교 임재근 강동대학교 조병서 동원대학교 지영준 울산대학교 최병철 춘혜보건대 최성욱 강원대학교 최승한 대구한의대학교 최연호 고려대학교 황한정 금오공과대학교 편집위원회 직책 성명 소속 편집이사 지영준울산대학교남기창동국대학교 김경아 충북대학교 김주명 광양보건대학교 김호철 을지대학교 노미숙 한국기계전기전자시험연구원 위원 박경민인천대학교송병섭대구대학교 양윤석 전북대학교 우지환 울산대학교 윤의철 대구가톨릭대학교 윤장원 호서대학교 직책 성명 소속 이전 UTSouthwesternUniversity 이계한 명지대학교 이상준 선문대학교 이충근 식품의약품안전평가원 임도형 세종대학교 위원 임용규상지대학교조성보가천대학교 최삼진 경희대학교 최성욱 강원대학교 최재순 울산대학교 / 서울아산병원 허두창 한국전기연구원 정보위원회 직책 성명 소속 정보이사 안원식경희대학교염호준을지대학교 위원 공현중 충남대학교 직책 성명 소속 유병훈 인제대학교 위원 이형철 서울대학교병원 12

15 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 조직위원회 직책 성명 소속 조직위원장 탁계래 건국대학교 이정한 건국대학교 김경섭 건국대학교 위원 엄광문 건국대학교 정순철 건국대학교 이정환 건국대학교 직책 성명 소속 전재훈 건국대학교 김형식 건국대학교 위원 최진승건국대학교유욱재건국대학교 김지원 건국대학교 최미현 건국대학교 13

16 2018 춘계학술대회프로그램 5 월 11 일 ( 금요일 ) K3 교수연구동 U11 교양강의동 컨벤션홀 102 호 103 호 104 호 105 호 10:00~11:30 튜토리얼 1 의료기기국제표준과 인허가 튜토리얼 2 딥러닝프로그래밍 좌장 : 오현주심사부장 좌장 : 성준경교수 11:30~12:00 ( 식약처의료기기 ) ( 고려대 ) 평의원회 특별세션 1 의료기기측정과표준좌장 : 강훈교수 ( 충북대 ) 12:00~13:00 점심식사 ( 개별 ) (K1 학생회관 ) / 포스터 ( 일반 ) 전시 (302 호 ) 13:00~13:20 개회식및임시총회 사회 : 기재홍교수 13:20~14:00 기조강연 1 조재문부사장 ( 삼성메디슨 ) AI in Medical Imaging as a New Enabling Technology 좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) 14:00~14:30 Tea Break 14:30~16:00 일반연제 1 Biomedical Instrumentation, Digital Healthcare Technology, Orthopedic and Rehabilitation 일반연제 2 Biomechanics 좌장 : 이정찬교수 ( 서울대 ) 특별세션 2 대구경북 / 오송첨단의료기기개발지원센터좌장 : 김명남교수 ( 경북대 ) 특별세션 3 인공지능스타트업소개 (Vuno, OBS Korea, 메디사피엔스 ) 좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) 일반연제 3 Medical Imaging 16:00~17:30 좌장 : 박성민교수 ( 포항공대 ) 좌장 : 유형석교수 ( 한양대 ) 18:00~ 저녁만찬 (K3 교수연구동컨벤션홀 )- 학회제공 14

17 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 5 월 12 일 ( 토요일 ) U11 교양강의동 상허홀 102 호 103 호 104 호 105 호 포스터 포스터 포스터 08:30~09:10 2분스피치 1 좌장 : 천홍구교수 2분스피치 2 좌장 : 김형식교수 2분스피치 3 좌장 : 최명환교수 ( 고려대 ) ( 건국대 ) ( 성균관대 ) 09:10~10:00 포스터 (2 분스피치 ) 전시 심사 (303 호 ) 10:00~10:40 기조강연 2 김영보교수 ( 가천대의과대학 ) 4차산업혁명과미래의학좌장 : 이종민교수 ( 한양대 ) 10:40~11:00 Tea Break 11:00~12:30 일반연제 4 Neural Engineering 좌장 : 윤인찬교수 (KIST) 일반연제 5 Medical Nano and Microtechnology, Biomedical Optics 좌장 : 최성용교수 ( 경희대 ) 12:30~13:30 점심식사 (K1 학생회관 )- 학회제공 튜토리얼 3 특별세션 4 튜토리얼 5 튜토리얼 4 공학자를위한 신진연구자 의공학교육의 의학자를위한 전기생리학 운영방안과사례 초음파해설 13:30~15:00 좌장 : 변효진교수 좌장 : 김희찬교수 좌장 : 태기식교수 좌장 : 안원식교수 ( 연세의료원 ) ( 서울대 ) ( 건양대 ) ( 경희의료원 ) 윤용현교수 ( 대림대 ) 15:10~15:30 폐회식 ( 시상및경품추첨, 상허홀 ) 15

18 오시는길 16

19 행사장안내 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 17


21 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 기조강연 1 좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 13:20~14:00 (K3 교수연구동컨벤션홀 ) AI in Medical Imaging as a New Enabling Technology 조재문부사장 ( 삼성메디슨 )


23 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 AI in Medical Imaging as a New Enabling Technology JaeMoon Jo, Ph.D. Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics Abstract The importance of AI has been elevated and even mentioned as the core technology that will lead The Fourth Industrial Revolution. AI-focused application in medical imaging received the most attention at RSNA (Radiological Society of North America). One plenary talk at RSNA stressed that fear of AI misguided radiologists and that radiologists should embrace AI as tools to reduce a workload and improve efficiency, precision and standardization. It needs to encourage them to accept AI as a tool for them, rather than as a threat to replacing radiologists. The deep learning technology is possibly able to go beyond the interpretation of medical images by radiologists if it can learn with enough data. However, since it is the physician's role and responsibility to confirm the disease with the medical images, the result provided by deep learning should only be used as a second opinion. The talk will introduce the novel application areas of deep learning and discuss new challenges for Samsung's medical image analysis and the initial results, as well as the opportunities for medical imaging with deep learning as a tool. Brief Biosketch Education 1991 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering 1986 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) M.E. in Electrical Engineering 1984 Seoul National University B.E. in Electrical Engineering Work Experience ~ Present Executive Vice President Advanced R&D Team Leader, Samsung Electronics & Samsung Medison ~ Senior Vice President DMC R&D Center, Samsung Electronics 21

24 기조강연 1 ~ Vice President Media SoC Team, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Electronics ~ Vice President SoC Platform Team, DMC R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Vice President DTV Team Leader, Digital Media R&D Center, Samsung Electronics ~ Samsung Electronics ~ Researcher University of California, Irvine Awards 2009 Samsung Awards of Honor 2007 Samsung Awards of Honor 2003 Samsung Awards of Honor 2003 Presidential Award at the 2003 Korea Multimedia Technology Award 22

25 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 기조강연 2 좌장 : 이종민교수 ( 한양대 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 10:00~10:40 (U11 교양강의동상허홀 ) 4 차산업혁명과미래의학 김영보 ( 가천대의대 )


27 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 4 차산업혁명과미래의학 김영보 교수가천대학교의과대학신경외과 Abstract Nowadays, 'Digital Transformation' is the mainstream in the world. Every company and organization is making a struggle to transform itself into a 'Network Organization'. If a machine has replaced human muscle work in the past, artificial intelligence is rapidly replacing human intelligence. AI, Claud, IoT, Big Data, and Blockchain are encouraging each other's growth in an exponential manner, and it is time for convergent thinking to adapt quickly to these changes and technologies in the world. In this rapidly changing era, this talk would share the recent experiences in medicine and medical technologies, especially, IBM Watson for Oncology and Softbank Robotics' Pepper Robot. Future medicine that the fourth industrial revolution will bring is expected to be transformed into a new concept of medical service platform such as preventive medicine, personalized medicine, and precision medicine. We try to watch the rapid transformation of these multinational corporations and think about future strategies in the medical field. Brief Biosketch M.D., College of Medicine, Hanyang University Ph.D. Postgraduate School, College of Medicine, Hanyang University ~ Vice CIO (Chief Information Officer) of Incheon Metropolitan City, ~ The Standing Director of Incheon Development Institute, incheon, Korea ~ Advisor, The Advanced Medical Industry Committee of President s Position ~ Visiting Research Professor, University of California, Irvine ~ Vice Director of NRI(Neuroscience research Institute), Gachon University ~ Professor, Department of Neurosurgery& Neuroscience research Institute, College of Medicine, Gachon University 25


29 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Tutorial 1 의료기기국제표준과인허가 좌장 : 오현주심사부장 ( 식약처의료기기 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 10:00~12:00 (U11 교양강의동 102 호 ) Work Plan on KS(Korean Standards) of MFDS 김국한주무관 ( 식품의약품안전처 ) Development of electronic medical device software and quality verification 박종일대표 (( 주 ) 엠트리케어 ) 의료기기표준최신동향 강범선기술이사 (( 주 ) 엠디랩 )


31 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Work Plan on KS(Korean Standards) of MFDS 김국한 주무관식품의약품안전처의료기기안전국기준규격팀 Abstract Tasks for KS(Korean Standards) are pushed forward aligned with action plans developed every year according to the 4 th Essential Plan for National Standards (2016~2020). The presentation will overview updates on the rationale for tasks of KS to be assigned to Korea MFDS as of July 2015 and achievement in Tasks for KS are largely divided into system overhaul to maintain and apply standards, making domestically developed standards international standards, and fostering experts in standards area. To this end, Technical Committees and Cooperation Organization for Standards Development are established. I would to share what we have achieved over time and the work plans to facilitate standards application. Brief Biosketch Researcher, ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) (Security Division) Researcher, KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) (Network management Division) Member of the Staff, SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. (Digital Media Division) 29

32 Tutorial 1 Development of electronic medical device software and quality verification 박종일 대표이사 엠트리케어 Abstract Recently, convergence electronic medical device development has spread and software functions and roles are increasing. For electronic medical devices, we are developing products based on the basic safety and essential performance standards (IEC ). Software development specifications applicable to electronic medical devices include programmable electrical medical systems of IEC , IEC (Medical Device Software - Software Life Cycle Process) and ISO (Medical Devices - Risk Management of Medical Devices) Based. This presentation will discuss various software development processes and quality assurance measures as the development of electronic medical devices. Brief Biosketch MTREECARE Inc. establishment of a company (Founder) ~ Developed and launched THERMOCARE Smart Thermometer ~ Development of Smart Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flowmeter(With A.I) ~ Working with the handbook on "PEMS" of the common standards for electrical and mechanical safety of electronic medical devices ~ A Study on the Development of the Standards for Human Safety and Reliability Evaluation of Wearable Devices 30

33 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 의료기기표준최신동향 강범선 기술이사 엠디랩 Abstract Korea and other countries have a stringent regulatory approval process for medical electrical equipment, because medical electrical equipment may cause serious risk to patients due to leakage of electricity, electromagnetic disturbances, biological safety and use errors, etc. The core of the regulatory approval process is to ensure that medical electrical equipment has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the international standards. To this end, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has established international standards that define medical electrical equipment safety requirements (e.g. IEC series). Therefore, this lecture will examine the latest trends in medical device standards. Brief Biosketch 2000 Engineering Bachelor, Dep. of Electrical engineering, Kunkuk University 2014 Engineering M.D., Dep. of Electronic engineering, University of Seoul 2001 ~ 2013 KTL, Director of Test and evaluate medical devices for international certifications 2013 ~ Present MDLab, Technical Director 2013 ~ Present MFDS SC62A, Expert committee member 2013 ~ Present IEC TC62/SC62A/WG14, Member 31


35 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Tutorial 2 딥러닝프로그래밍 좌장 : 성준경교수 ( 고려대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 10:00~12:00 (U11 교양강의동 103 호 ) 의료영상기반딥러닝기술의기초및응용 성준경교수 ( 고려대 )


37 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 의료영상기반딥러닝기술의기초및응용 성준경 부교수고려대학교바이오의공학부 Abstract In this tutorial, I will introduce an emerging research area, machine learning-based medical image analysis, with emphasis on convergence technology between computer science and brain science. Computational medical image analysis deals with computational problems arising from quantification of structures and functions of human organs by exploiting non-invasive imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasound imaging. A major challenge in this field is raised by massive high-dimensional non-euclidean imaging data, which are difficult to analyze using available techniques. In this talk, I will show that machine learning approaches can provide both effective and efficient solutions to those challenges. As examples of those solutions, I will present some of recent deep learning techniques, convolutional neural networks. Brief Biosketch Ph.D., Computer Science, Seoul National University ~ Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Computing, University of Utah ~ Assistant Research Professor, Department of Computer Science, KAIST ~ Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Soongsil University ~ Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University ~ Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University. 35


39 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Tutorial 3 공학자를위한전기생리학 좌장 : 변효진교수 ( 연세의료원 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 13:30~15:00 (U11 교양강의동 102 호 ) 생체전기발생과전기전달 김성준교수 ( 서울대 ) 생체전기를이용한근육수축과이상반응 신터전교수 ( 서울대 ) 전기자극이근육및신경세포에미치는영향 이형철교수 ( 서울대 )


41 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 생체전기발생과전기전달 김성준 교수서울대학교의과대학생리학교실 Abstract Electrical phenomena in living animals (bioelectricity) have drawn attention through human history. Also, the diagnostic and therapeutic implication of bioelectricity become more important in the era of U-health. In this part of the educational session, the underlying cellular mechanisms of action potential generation and conduction will be introduced. The contents would be, (1) early history of electrophysiology, (2) principles of action potential generation, (3) neural conduction of electrical excitation, (4) recordings on body surface (e.g. ECG). Brief Biosketch ~ Seoul Nation al University College of Medicine, M.D Seoul National University, M.S. and Ph.D.(Physiology) ~ University of Freiburg, Germany, Research Fellow ~ Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor ~ present SNU College of Medicine, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor ~ SNU College of Medicine, Associate Dean for Research Affairs ~ present Hypoxic/Ischemic Disease Institute, Director ~ SNU College of Medicine, Associate Dean for Students Affairs 2017 present Pfluger s Archiv-Eur J Physiol (Editorial Board) 2013 present Korean J Physiol Pharmacol (Editorial Board and Vice-Chief) 39

42 Tutorial 3 생체전기를이용한근육수축과이상반응 신터전 부교수서울대학교치의학대학원소아치과서울대학교치과병원 Abstract The impairment of activities at neuromuscular junction lead to abnormal muscle function. Impaired neuromuscular function is associated with various clinical diseases. Among them, general anesthesia induces blockade of neuromuscular function to prevent mobility during surgery. Clinically, the anesthesiologist use a device to quantify the extent of neuromuscular blockade. Especially, If anesthetized patients have a neuromuscular disease, the chances of causing an anesthetic-related neuromuscular problem are greater. Therefore, care should be taken not to develop neuromuscular complications by establishing an anesthetic plan for these patients. Also, in susceptible patients, some anesthetics can interfere with the homeostasis of calcium in the muscle microstructure, leading to life-threatening symptoms such as malignant hyperthermia. In this regard, it is reasonable to seriously consider the effect of general anesthetics on neuromuscular function. This lecture covers the basic electrophysiology of normal neuromuscular function and the methods of monitoring neuromuscular function, and the basic mechanism of neuromuscular blockade and complications. Brief Biosketch The main research topic Investigating the mechanism of sedation and general anesthesia Licensure 2000 licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the Korea 2005 Diplomate, Korean Board of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Academic positions 2012 ~ Present Director, Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology 2012 ~ Present Member, Board of Directors, Korean Society of Anesthetic Pharmacology 2013 ~ Present Director, Korean Association for Disability and Oral Health 40

43 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Effects of electrical stimulation on muscle and nerve cells 이형철 임상교수서울대병원마취통증의학과 Abstract Electrical stimulation affects the human body, especially muscle and nerve cell. After Luigi Galvani discovered the contraction of frog legs by applying electricity in 1780, many researchers have studied muscle and neuronal effects of electrical stimulations. These results are now being applied on many medical devices such as radiofrequency treatment of chronic pain, spinal cord stimulator, deep brain stimulation, electric convulsion therapy, cardiac pacemaker / defibrillator, and electric cautery. The purpose of this lecture is to review the history and basic physiology about the effect of electricity on the human body, how this phenomenon is used in current medical practice, and then we will consider the future application of this technology. Brief Biosketch ~ Undergraduate, Department of electric engineering, Seoul National University ~ Undergraduate, College of Medicine, Seoul National University ~ Intern, Seoul National University Hospital ~ Resident, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital ~ Public health doctor ~ Fellow, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital ~ Clinical Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital 41


45 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Tutorial 4 의학자를위한초음파해설 좌장 : 안원식교수 ( 경희의료원 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 13:30~15:00 (U11 교양강의동 105 호 ) 초음파영상진단에사용되는소프트웨어알고리즘과하드웨어구현 해설 김찬모수석연구원 ( 삼성메디슨 )


47 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Understanding Diagnostic Ultrasound 김찬모 수석연구원삼성메디슨 Abstract Diagnostic Ultrasound systems are being used for various medical applications with noninvasive, safe and real-time features. For medical diagnostic applications, a major advantage accrues from the ability of Ultrasound to penetrate biological tissue and to return signals that contain information from which the acoustic structure can be determined. Over the years, Ultrasound has adapted to new applications through new arrays suited to specific clinical purposes and to signal processing, measurement and visualization packages. The purpose of session is to provide an introduction of the essential physics, signal processing principles, overall hardware structure & software algorithm, diagnostic features and future trends of diagnostic Ultrasound. Brief Biosketch Ph.D., Dept. of Electronics, Konkuk University ~ Senior Engineer, Medison Co., Ltd, R&D Center ~ Lecturing Professor, Konkuk University ~ Visiting Professor, Konkuk University ~ Principal Engineer, Samsung Medison Co., Ltd R&D Center 45


49 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Tutorial 5 의공학교육의운영방안과사례 좌장 : 태기식교수 ( 건양대 ), 윤용현교수 ( 대림대 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 13:30~15:00 (U11 교양강의동 104 호 ) 의공학교육에서의기초의학과목강의방향 정동근교수 ( 동아대 ) 의료공학기업연계실전프로젝트운영사례 오도창교수 ( 건양대 ) 의공학공학교육인증과융합교육사례 조용석교수 ( 건양대 ) 국가직무능력표준 (NCS) 을활용한의공 ( 산업 ) 기사 실기시험평가방법개발 최병철교수 ( 춘해보건대 )


51 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 의공학교육에서기초의학과목강의방향 정동근 교수동아대학교의과대학의공학교실 Abstract Education in basic medicine in biomedical curriculum is essential for the work of medical engineering specialists and for collaboration with medical professionals. However, it is time-limited to adequately teach basic medicine within a limited time. Therefore, we need to select and concentrate for effective basic medical education. Through this lecture, I would like to introduce the range of medical literacy required in modern biomedical science. Biomedical engineering is a field that is applied to medical care and it is essential to understand basic medical terminology and human body structure and function because it is based on understanding of medical field. Clinical medicine should proceed to a level that understands the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Brief Biosketch M.D., Dept of Medicine, Pusan University Ph.D., Dept of Physiology, Pusan University ~ Professor, Dept of Physiology, Dept of Medical Engineering, College of Medicine, Dong-A University ~ Dean, College of Medicine, Dong-A University 49

52 Tutorial 5 의료공학기업연계실전프로젝트운영사례 오도창 교수건양대학교의공학부 Abstract Project-based education in engineering is very important. It is difficult to raise competent talent by learning simple knowledge in the age of fourth industrial revolution. In particular, the field of medical engineering is a fusion education in itself, so the experience of each semester project class is very important, and students in upper grades need to link them to graduation work or graduation thesis. Therefore, we propose a biomedical education based on the corporate needs, social problem solving theme, and field study idea. This research project is important not only for research topics but also for the research team. The research team is composed of 7~8 members, including corporate mentor, clinical professor, graduate student team leader, and 3~4 undergraduate students. Finally, from the teaching of this method, students develop problem definition and problem solving abilities in the practical field of biomedical engineering. Brief Biosketch Ph.D., Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Kyungpook National Univ ~ Associator Editor, Journal of Franklin Institute ~ Director of industry-academy cooperation, Konyang Univ ~ Manager of ACE(Advancement of College Education) Project ~ Dean of Academic Affairs, Konyang Univ ~ Executive Director, ACE Consortium ~ Dean of Biomedical Engineering College, Konyang Univ ~ Manager of Biomedical X-corps Research ~ Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Konyang Univ. 의료공학분야는그자체가 4차산업형융합교육이므로매학기프로젝트수업의경험이매우중요하고고학년의학생은이를졸업작품이나졸업논문으로연계할필요가있다. 따라서기업요구, 사회문제해결, 현장아이디어를주제로한의료공학실전문제연구를제안한다. 이연구과제수행교육은연구주제뿐만아니라연구팀의구성이중요하다. 연구팀은기업멘토와임상교수, 대학원생팀장과 3~4명의학부생을포함, 총 7~8명으로구성되어 700만원내외의지원금을가지고 50

53 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 프로젝트교과학점이수, 논문및특허발표, 학회 / 전시회참가를목적으로수행하게된다. 결국이러한방법의교육으로부 터학생들은의공학의실전분야에문제정의및문제해결능력을기르게된다. 설계교과이수를통한실전문제연구진행 1 년프로젝트진행절차 * 이논문은 2017 년도정부 ( 과학기술정보통신부 ) 의의재원으로한국연구재단 - 현장맞춤형이공계인재양성지원사업의 지원을받아수행된연구임 (No ) 51

54 Tutorial 5 의공학과공학교육인증 조용석 교수의료 IT 공학과건양대학교 Abstract reflected their features. Abstract( 영문 ): Accreditation for engineering education is an educational system that guarantees the quality of education of engineer. Especially, liberal arts for engineer, basic sciences, engineering design, and continuous quality improvement (CQI) of a program are essential parts of engineering education. Therefore, I would like to introduce the case of Konyang University which has built accreditation for engineering education system that is Brief Biosketch 건양대학교의료 IT 공학과교수 건양대학교공학교육혁신센터센터장 52

55 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 국가직무능력표준 (NCS) 을활용한의공 ( 산업 ) 기사실기시험평가방법개발 최병철 교수춘해보건대학교의료공학과 Abstract The practical test of the current engineer biomedial qualification test is performed in a subjective, one-response format, making it unsuitable for performing the technical verification required at the industrial site In this study, we have improved the validation of the job performance of the current qualification to a practical test method that complies with the National Competency Standard(NCS) to provide a customized solution Brief Biosketch Director of Research Development for Medical Device manufacturing field NCS Learning Module in Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET) Director of Research Development for NCS-based practical test evaluation method in Human Resources Development Service of Korea Ph.D., Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Busan National University ~ Professor, Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Choonhae College of Health Sciences 53


57 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Special session 1 의료기기측정과표준 좌장 : 강훈교수 ( 충북대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 10:00~12:00 (U11 교양강의동 105 호 ) 의료기기개발에서측정의의미 안원식교수 ( 경희의료원혈류데이터센터 ) 측정은사람이한다 최종오책임연구원 ( 한국표준과학연구원 ) 의료기기측정과표준 임현균센터장 ( 한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터 ) 보건의료분야참조표준개발및활용사례 김창근책임연구원 ( 한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터 )


59 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 의료기기개발에서측정의의미 안원식 혈류데이터센터장경희의료원 Abstract 19세기말에서 20세기초에 engineering 계열에서큰이슈중하나가동력비행체개발이었다. 당시내로라하는공학자들은저마다 최초의동력비행 영예를얻기위해노력하였으나아시다시피최초동력비행자는 Wright 형제다. 하지만라이트형제도 Bernoulli 정리와양력 ( 揚力 ), 유체역학을배웠지만많은실패를거듭하였다. 기존에알려진양력과유체역학상수를기반으로한날개구조를설계하였으나충분한양력을얻지못하였다. 라이트형제는유체역학상수가잘못되었을수있다고생각하며풍동실험을직접수행하여제대로측정된유체역학상수를구했다. 이를바탕으로기본적인날개구조와회전, 이륙, 착륙에필요한양력을계산하여적절한날개구조를만들었던것이다. 인류최초의동력비행기를완성한영광은제대로측정된유체역학상수를구한사람들에게돌아갔던것이다. 최근, 의학자와의공학자들은다양한의료기기개발에매진하고있다. Bernoulli 정리가양력발생의기본원리이듯이개발하고자하는의료기기의기본원리는대부분알려져있는경우가많다. 19C 말의양력과유체역학상수가부정확하듯이최근의료기기에들어가는측정자료의질이낮은경우가많다. 제대로된측정을위해서는정확한측정량설정, 측정값의추적가능성 ( 소급성 ) 확보, 불확실정도 ( 불확도 ) 산출이필요하다. 적절히측정된양질의자료와질높은참조표준이있어야임상적으로활용가능한의료기기를생산할수있을것이다. 특히, 비행기의양력뿐아니라조정을위한회전, 이륙, 착륙에서의상수값이필요하듯이정상인체를대상으로하는것이외에질병의진단과치료를대상으로하는의료기기의개발에서는적절한측정에의한믿을수있는상수값인참조표준이꼭필요하다고하겠다. 오늘 의료기기측정과표준 세션에서는질높은의료기기개발에필수적인 측정과표준 에대해함께알아보고자한다. Brief Biosketch 학력 : 의학학사 / 석사 / 박사 ( 서울대 ), 통계학학사 ( 방송대 ), 한의학사 ( 경희대 ) 대한의용생체공학회정보이사 ( 전 ) 서울의대마취과교수 ( 전 ) 서울대학교병원의료기기임상평가실장 ( 전 ) ISO TC 121 마취기및호흡회로국내위원장연구분야 : 자율신경계 / 호르몬계측정 57

60 Special session 1 측정은사람이한다. 최종오 책임연구원한국표준과학연구원 Abstract Metrology, the science of measurement, provides scientist including medical scientist/engineer with worldwide accepted guidance for reliable measurement results [1]. Based on the guidance, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the reliable measurement are discussed. Metrological traceability has something to do with the scientific authority of the measurement result. Then, to what base is the authority of the result traceable? Moreover, traceability should be conceived and established before the measurement is even started. Measurement uncertainty is nothing to do with error and is not the same as repeatability and reproducibility. Uncertainty is the measure of the reliability of your measurement. 1. Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. ISO (1995) Brief Biosketch 연구 ( 화학 ) 측정학, 불확 ( 실 ) 도, 표준물질, 숙련도평가, 데이터신뢰성연구품질경영시스템 (ISO17025, 34, 43, 9001) 운영측정능력평가, 측정품질, 측정표준관리및관련교육및세미나 활동측정및표준교육 ( 개념, 용어, 국제단위, 불확도, 소급성, 신뢰성등 ) 및가이드 9권국가지정 화학분석신뢰성 연구실운영불확도교육및자문 ( 교육 / 세미나 500회이상 ) 측정신뢰성및품질경영 (ISO 9001, 17025): 터키, 이란, 우즈베키스탄등중앙아시아 10 국해외초청세미나및자문 40회 : IAEA, APMP, APLMF, IMEKO, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 영국, 프랑스 58

61 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 의료기기측정과표준 임현균 센터장한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터교수, 과학기술연합대학원대학교, 의학물리학과 Abstract A big international workshop is scheduled from May 1~3, 2018 in Teddington, UK for reproducibility of scientific data: Improving Reproducibility in Research: The Role of Measurement Science. This program is prepared by the so called world leading NMI (National Metrology Institute) groups such as NIST, NPL, PTB, and KRISS. People will discuss on why it is not easy to reproduce the same results from many tests published in well-known journals including physical, chemical, and biological science with 37 scientists (i.e., speakers) from all over the world. Why are they discussing on this topic at this moment? In this session, medical measurements (i.e., soft-metrology) will be discussed why they are difficult to make firm standards. In addition, we will discuss on why we need to give them an attention, even though reproducibility could not be easily guaranteed. Brief Biosketch Baylor College of Medicine (2001) & NIDRR (2003) research fellow Center for Medical Metrology (2011), KRISS, Head ISO TC 173 WG 11 (2014~), Delegate National Center for Standard Reference Data (2017~), Head 59

62 Special session 1 보건의료분야참조표준개발및활용사례 김창근 책임연구원한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터 Abstract 우리는제4차산업혁명시대정밀의료를위한보건의료빅데이터개발및연구가활발하게진행되고이를이용한한국형왓슨개발등데이터기반의의료산업의빠른변화가진행되고있는시대를맞이하고있다. 보건의료빅데이터의개발은여러병원이협력하여구축해야하는일들이며각협력병원에서측정되는임상데이터를합치기위해서는고려해야할것들이많이있다. 여러병원에서서로의측정결과를신뢰하고활용할수있게해야하며, 서로다른브랜드의측정장비에대한교정그리고한국인고유표준참고치에대한기준도만들어야한다. 이런측면에서국가는국가품질인프라차원에서헌법및국가표준기본법에표준을정의하고개발및보급의역할을임무로하고있다. 이러한법적근거를바탕으로국가참조표준센터가 2006년에한국표준과학연구원내에설립되었으며현재 31개데이터센터가지정되어국가적으로필요한신뢰성이확보된데이터를생산및보급하고있다. 이런국가참조표준체계를통하여개발및활용되고있는참조표준에대하여보건의료분야사례를중심으로소개하고자한다. Brief Biosketch ~ 한양대학교물리학학사 (95.02) ~ 한양대학교플라즈마물리학석사 (98.08) ~ 한양대학교플라즈마물리학박사 (03.02) ~ 캐나다 INRS-EMT 연구소박사후연수원 ~ 한국기초과학지원연구원박사후연수원 2017 제6대국가참조표준센터장 ~ 현재 한국표준과학연구원국가참조표준센터책임연구원 헌법제 127 조 2 항 국가는국가표준제도를확립한다 " 국가표준 " 이란국가사회의모든분야에서정확성, 합리성및국제성을높이기위하여국가적으로공인된과학적ㆍ기 술적공공기준으로서측정표준ㆍ참조표준ㆍ성문표준등이법에서규정하는모든표준을말한다. 60

63 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 " 성문표준 " 이란국가사회의모든분야에서총체적인이해성, 효율성및경제성등을높이기위하여강제적으로또는자율적으로적용하는문서화된과학기술적기준, 규격, 지침및기술규정을말한다. " 측정표준 " 이란산업및과학기술분야에서물상상태 ( 物象狀態 ) 의양의측정단위또는특정량의값을정의하고, 현시 ( 顯示 ) 하며, 보존및재현하기위한기준으로사용되는물적척도, 측정기기, 표준물질, 측정방법또는측정체계를말한다. " 참조표준 " 이란측정데이터및정보의정확도와신뢰도를과학적으로분석ㆍ평가하여공인된것으로서국가사회의모 든분야에서널리지속적으로사용되거나반복사용할수있도록마련된물리화학적상수, 물성값, 과학기술적통계등 을말한다. 61


65 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Special session 2 대구경북 / 오송첨단의료기기개발지원센터 좌장 : 김명남교수 ( 경북대 ) 5월 11일 ( 금 ) 14:30~17:30 (U11 교양강의동 104호 ) 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 How to prepare IEC , Ed.3 in the Lab : the official approval assessment service in the MDDC 정재훈 ( 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) Introduction of Human Origin Biomaterials Development Center for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 정봉수 ( 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) Establishment of ICT Clinical Trial Platform 서수원 ( 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) Industry 4.0: Smart Factory in Medical Device Industry 손재범 ( 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 The role and Performance of Medical device development center 송영준 ( 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) The supported R&BD cases for solving problems from clinical idea of Osong Medical device development center 문진희 ( 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 )


67 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 How to prepare IEC , Ed.3 in the Lab : the official approval assessment service in the MDDC Jaehoon JUNG Safety Assessment Team Leader Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation Medical Device Development Center Abstract From Jan. 2015, IEC , Ed. 3 has been applied to domestic medical device approval. Medical device companies have been well counteracted the effect of IEC , Ed. 3. But there are limited or insufficient to take action against IEC , Ed. 3 in laboratories. In here, we present the important things in IEC , Ed. 3 and how to use Medical device development center for preparing the standard. Also the official approval assessment service provided in our center. Brief Biosketch Dr. Jung work at DGMIF as the safety assessment team leader from He received his doctor degree from Nagoya University, Japan. Before he came to DGMIF, he worked at MFDS as an industrial research official. Based on his experiences at MFDS, he works in an assessment of medical device at DGMIF. 65

68 Special session 2 Introduction of Human Origin Biomaterials Development Center for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Bongsu Jung Team leader, Principal Research Scientist Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) Biocompatibility Assessment Team, Medical Device Development Center Abstract Human origin biomaterials such as extracellular matrix (ECM), collagens, hyaluronic acid (HA), and mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) have been widely studied in research and clinical applications for regenerative medicine during the last decades. Numerous studies have reported that adipose tissue contains important tissue regenerative sources such as ECM, collagen, HA, and Adipose-drived stem cells (ASCs). Most of the obtainable human adipose tissue is ethically uncontroversial as it is waste material resulting from a liposuction or an abdominoplasty. We have installed infrastructure of Human Origin Biomaterials Development Center (HOBDC) for utilizing human adipose tissue for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. HOBDC has three major facilities such as adipose tissue-biomaterial fabrication facilities in 100~100,000 class cleanroom, biocompatibility testing facilities based on ISO10993-Good Laboratory Test (GLP), and 3D bioprinting facilities for prototype fabrication. Brief Biosketch DGMIF, Medical Device Development Center, Principal Research Scientist/Team leader University of California, Riverside, Bioengineering, Post-doctoral fellow / Assistant Research Scientist Staff University of Texas at Austin, Biomedical Engineering, MS, Ph.D. General Electric Healthcare Korea, R&D Center, Researcher Yonsei University, Biomedical Engineering, undergraduate Expert committee member for medical device in KEIT, KFDA, KHIDI, KIPO 66

69 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Establishment of ICT Clinical Trial Platform 서수원 수석연구원대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 Abstract The project was initiated to dramatically improve the economics and effectiveness of clinical trials by applying ICT technology to the clinical trials. This project, which is supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, is participated by Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) and 6 medical institutions including Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH) and Samsung Hospital. Currently, ICT clinical trial platform has been established at DGMIF (ICT based Clinical Trials Coordination Center). The clinical trials are in progress for 6 diseases (kidney transplantation, dementia, atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes). The Comparative mid-term evaluation of the ICT clinical trials vs. conventional clinical trials was carried out and 3 factors were compared (the number of visits, medication compliance, and drop-out rate). As the results, the number of visits decreased and the medication compliance (> 90%) and drop-out rate (< 10%) were significantly improved. After the completion of the ICT clinical trials, the economic value and usability of the ICT clinical trial system will be quantified through analysis and the guidelines for ICT clinical trial will be set. Brief Biosketch 2012 ~ present DGMIF, Chief Researcher 1996 ~ 2012 Samsung Hospital, Chief Researcher 2014 Presidential Citation For contributing to the development of the medical device industry 2000 Minister s Citation (Korea Ministry Information & Communication.) For helping to solve the Y2K problems of Korea in Medical Field 67

70 Special session 2 Industry 4.0: Smart Factory in Medical Device Industry Jaebum Son Principal Researcher Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation(DGMIF) Abstract Smart factory is the main goal of manufacturing field based on cyber-physical systems (CPS), internet of things (IOT), and cloud computing (CC) in fourth industrial revolution which is called industry 4.0. In Korea, smart factory has been promoted since 2014, aiming introducing 10,000 systems in small- and medium-sized companies. Korean medical device industry is the fifth most important field among them, but the implementation has not yet been successful since medical device industry is very different from other industrial fields in its nature. In this presentation, the compatibility of smart factory technology in Korean medical industry is analyzed and a strategy to introduce the smart factory system into Korean medical industry is discussed. Brief Biosketch Jaebum Son is a principal researcher of Medical Device Development Center of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation(DGMIF). He got PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2006, and served as an assistant professor in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Los Andes, Colombia, 2014 to He is an active member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. He is interested in research of medical robotics, medical device, smart systems in medical fields. 68

71 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 오송첨단의료기기개발지원센터역할및성과현황 송영준 부장오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터기획경영부 Abstract of the infrastructure. I ll introduce to the role of Osong Medical device development center for BT-based high-tech medical device. Since the 2010, I m explain to the example of the supporting cases that the center is cooperate to company, university, research institute and hospital. It describes the future direction of the center for healthcare industry development and the future supporting direction Brief Biosketch 1. Education - Chungbuk National University : Information and Communication Engineering (2004, Ph.D) 2. Main Carrier - LG Electronic, Assistant Researcher (1996~1998) - ETRI, Senior Researcher (2000~2003) - Chungbuk National University, Invited associate professor (2006~2011) - Osong Medical Innovation Foundation, General Manager (2011~ ) 3. Record of a research - Face Recognition Robust to left/right shadows; Facial Symmetry, etc. (paper : 50 ea) - Self-balancing wheelchair etc. (patent : 11 ea) 69

72 Special session 2 The supported R&BD cases for solving problems from clinical idea of Osong Medical device development center Jin-Hee, Moon Principal Researcher, Ph.D. Osong Medical Innovation Foundation Integrated Medical Technology Team manager in Dept. of R&D, Medical Device Development Center Abstract Osong Medical Device Development Center which is a part of Osong Hi-tech medical cluster aims to establish a coordinated infrastructure for R&BD of advanced medical devices utilizing diversified biotechnologies. And we ve developed Novel medical devices that invented from MD & other s idea at clinical field and operation room. Today, I ll introduce the results of R&BD and solving problems about novel devices from clinical idea. Brief Biosketch 1. Education - Seoul National University : Unified Master s and Doctor s course in biomedical engineering (2010, Ph.D) 2. Main Carrier - Research-Prof. in Korea University ( ~ ) - Osong Medical Innovation Foundation, Principal Researcher ( ~ ) Development Integrated medical technology Team Leader ( ~) - InJe University, Outside professor ( ~) 3. Record of a research - Solderable and electroplatable flexible electronic circuit on a porous stretchable elastomer, etc. (SCI(E) paper : 10ea) - Flexible electrodes for human body communication and method for preparing of the same, etc. (patent : 12 ea) 70

73 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Special session 3 인공지능스타트업소개 좌장 : 김철홍교수 ( 포항공대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 14:30~16:00 (U11 교양강의동 105 호 ) VUNO OBS KOREA 메디사피엔스


75 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Special session 4 신진연구자 좌장 : 김희찬교수 ( 서울대 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 13:30~15:00 (U11 교양강의동 103 호 ) Inertial microfluidics for cancer mechanotyping and intracellular delivery of nanomaterials 정아람교수 ( 고려대 ) 곤충비행제어알고리즘의리버스엔지니어링 김안모교수 ( 한양대 ) 바이오프린팅기술을이용한생체조직제조 장진아교수 ( 포항공대 ) Brain organ-on-a-chip for biomedical research 정세훈교수 ( 인제대 ) Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy using Biomaterials 박천권교수 ( 성균관대 )


77 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Inertial microfluidics for cancer mechanotyping and intracellular delivery of nanomaterials 정아람 조교수고려대학교바이오의공학부 Abstract Microfluidics, manipulation of fluids at the sub-millimeter scale, has been used to develop novel tools solving various biomedical problems. In my research group, we are particularly interested in creating high-throughput microfluidic systems for single-cell biology. We mainly utilize fluid inertia neglected in traditional microfluidic systems because it can be of great use to generate directional forces controlling particle/cell positions and engineer fluid streams in three dimensions, providing high flow and particle/cell controllability. In this talk, I will briefly discuss inertial microfluidics physics and present how these fundamentals can be applied to establish (1) an inertial microfluidic cell stretcher (imcs) for fully automated, high-throughput and near real-time cancer cell mechanotyping, and (2) an inertial cell Hydroporator (imch) for high-throughput, single-step and vector-free intracellular delivery of various nanomaterials. Brief Biosketch Professional experience ~ present Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University ~ Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA ~ Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA Education Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering Minor), Cornell University, 2011 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University, 2009 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University (SNU),

78 Special session 4 곤충비행제어알고리즘의리버스엔지니어링 김안모 조교수한양대학교생체공학과 Abstract Living organisms have evolved important behavioral features to cope with challenges in their lives. We propose to reverse-engineer neural algorithms for flight control of Drosophila melanogaster (vinegar flies), thereby contributing to build a biologicallyinspired, autonomous robots. With premiere genetic toolkits, we can now monitor and manipulate activity of specific nerve cells in behaving fruit flies. Recently, we investigated how predictions influence visually-guided flight control. Specifically, we monitored electrical activity of single visual neurons from tethered, flying Drosophila, to understand how their vision is dynamically influenced by internal predictions. We showed that when an animal makes rapid self-generated flight turns, its brain forms quantitatively tuned prediction signals, which is in turn routed to the visual system to suppress visual signaling. This predictive control algorithm has general implications for autonomous robots, and we are beginning to test the possibility of using it for a micro-drone system. Our study will provide new insights about sophisticated visuomotor processing in a small brain and open new avenues for intelligent, autonomous robotic systems. Brief Biosketch ~present Assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University ~ Postdoctoral associate, The Rockefeller University ~ Postdoctoral associate, Columbia University Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University 76

79 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 바이오프린팅기술을이용한생체조직제조 장진아 조교수포항공과대학교 Abstract Recent development of bioengineering enables to create human tissues by integrating various native microenvironments, including tissue specific cells, biochemical and biophysical cues. A significant transition of 3D bioprinting technology into the biomedical field helps to improve the function of engineered tissues by recapitulating physiologically relevant geometry, complexity, and vascular network. Bioinks, used as printable biomaterials, facilitate dispensing of cells through a dispenser as well as supports cell viability and function by providing engineered extracellular matrix. Successful construction of functional human tissues requires accurate environments that are able to mimic biochemical and biophysical properties of target tissue. Formulation of printable materials with stem cells are critical process to guide cellular behavior; however, this is rarely considered in the context of bioprinting in which the tissue should be formed. This talk will cover my research interests in building 3D human tissues and organs to understand, diagnose and treat various intractable diseases, particularly for cardiovascular disease. A development of tissue-derived decellularized extracellular matrix bioink platform will be mainly discussed as a straightforward strategy to provide biological and biophysical phenomena into engineered tissues. I will also discuss about a development of 3D vascularized cardiac stem cell patch that is generated by integrating the concept of tissue engineering and the developed platform technologies. Combined with recent advances in human pluripotent stem cell technologies, printed human tissues could serve as an enabling platform for studying complex physiology in tissue and organ contexts of individuals. Brief Biosketch Dr. Jinah Jang received her PhD in Division of Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnology at POSTECH (2015), and worked as postdoctoral fellow in Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH ( ) and Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine/Department of Pathology and Bioengineering at University of Washington ( ). She has joined the POSTECH in the spring of 2017 as an assistant professor in the Creative IT Engineering. Her research interest lies on the building the functional human tissues from stem cells via the 3D bioprinting technology and printable biomaterials. The successful achievements may lead towards clinical applications for providing advanced therapeutic methods, understanding disease mechanism and engineering micro-tissue models. 77

80 Special session 4 Brain organ-on-a-chip for biomedical research 정세훈 조교수인제대학교헬스케어 IT 학과 Abstract Organ-on-a-chip is a promising technology that allows mimicking in vivo organ functions through 3D multi-cellular structures and has the potential to enable accurate drug/toxicity screening as well as help better understand disease mechanisms. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the major bottleneck in developing effective therapeutics against neurological diseases, and thus better understanding the mechanisms behind this barrier formation is critical. However an in vitro system that accurately mimics this barrier structure and functions, while amenable to easy compound screening do not exist yet. Here we report a Brain-on-a-chip system consisting of a multiplex neurovascular chamber to establish multiple BBB structures on a single chip. The effects of endothelial-astrocyte co-culture and shear stress on barrier permeability were characterized by permeability analysis. Moreover, neuroinflammation testing and drug testing were demonstrated in the BBB chip. The results showed that the chip closely mimicked the in vivo brain and endothelial tissue environment. In this regard, this chip is expected to be used to accurately predict the BBB permeability of drug candidates during preclinical stages. Brief Biosketch 2018 Texas A&M University, Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D 서울대학교뇌과학석사 2006 한양대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학부학사 ~ 현재 인제대학교헬스케어IT학과조교수 2008 ~ 2013 삼성전기중앙연구소선임연구원 NIH-NINDS travel fellowship award 2017 ~ 현재 IEEE member 78

81 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy using Biomaterials 박천권 조교수성균관대학교글로벌바이오베디컬공학과 Abstract Unlike traditional approaches in oncology, cancer immunotherapy harnesses a patient s coordinated and adaptive immune system in order to combat the disease. Recent clinical data have supported the utility of this therapeutic modality. The benefits of cancer immunotherapy include the potential 1) to treat all types of cancer, regardless of the underlying mutations or cell of origin; 2) to prevent metastasis and relapse by generating memory antitumor immunity; and 3) to decrease side effects relative to conventional cytotoxic treatment approaches (e.g., chemotherapy and radiotherapy). Still, the therapeutic index of cancer immunotherapy must be improved, since the proportion of patients responding to this approach remains unsatisfactory and the therapy often causes systemic toxicity following parental administration. To address these issues, we used various biomaterials-based drug delivery approaches to deliver immunomodulatory compounds in a spatiotemporally controlled manner in order to improve their efficacy and safety relative to conventional systemic administration. Brief Biosketch ~ B.S. at Hanyang University ~ Ph.D. at Seoul National University (SNU) ~ Senior Researcher at Medical Research Center (SNU) ~ Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ~ Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University 79


83 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 1 Biomedical Instrumentation, Digital Healthcare Technology, Orthopedic and Rehabilitation 좌장 : 박성민교수 ( 포항공대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 14:30~17:30 (U11 교양강의동 102 호 ) 생체신호딥러닝 End-to-End 모델분석 박철수 ( 광운대학교컴퓨터정보공학부 ) 운전시뮬레이션중외이도뇌전도기반졸음추정 홍승혁 1, 최상호 1, 권현빈 1, 박광석 2 ( 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공, 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 ) Co-60 방사선원의등선량분포및상대깊이선량의동시측정을위한 1 차원팬텀선량계 개발 신현영, 신상훈, 변현기, 송시원, 박재형, 김지예, 이봉수 ( 중앙대학교공과대학에너지시스템공학부 ) Support Vector Machine 을이용한디지털치아색조분석시스템 김민아, 김병연, 박병준, 이승락, 원영재 ( 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 ) 모바일헬스케어를위한광센서응용기술 조재걸 ( 순천향대학교의용메카트로닉스공학과 ) 여성웰니스증진을위한웨어러블디바이스및생체신호분석알고리즘개발 한수정 1, 김성민 1, 최슬기 1, 박석진 2, 이지훈 3, 임장균 4, 이정민 5, 오경식 5, 최영호 5, 이태린 1 ( 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원, 2 아주대학교기계공학과, 3 아주대학교전자공학과 4 성균관대학교나노과학기술원, 5 스마디 ) 거울치료에활용할수있는가상손의착각유발가능성연구 임승의, 구정훈 ( 계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩 )


85 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Oral 1-1 생체신호딥러닝 End-to-End 모델분석박철수광운대학교컴퓨터정보공학부 In this talk, the applications of deep learning algorithm to physiological signals are introduced. Recently, several studies of deep learning approach to the physiological signals have been reported as a classifier using features extracted in conventional way. Due to the architecture of deep learning algorithm, its extraction of features from raw data can be expected without conventional feature engineering, that is, end-to-end model. The application of deep neural network to the raw data of ECG has been investigated to monitor stressful and normal conditions. Its results outperformed that of the conventional featurebased analysis using HRV parameters. This study also suggested the structure of deep neural network should be carefully designed with considering the properties of physiological signals. Additionally, the actigraphy data has been looked into using the deep neural network in the manner of the end-to-end learning. This also promotes the advantage of deep learning algorithm to produce the abstraction (feature) from the raw data compared to the feature-engineering method. Oral 1-2 운전시뮬레이션중외이도뇌전도기반졸음추정홍승혁 1, 최상호 1, 권현빈 1, 박광석 2 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 conducted with various data lengths considering the transitional traits of drowsiness. The features were sorted by their degree of importance using three types of ranking filters and the combined information. The composite ranking algorithm using multiple ranking methods improved the classification performance. The statistical measures of the performance of the classifications using machine learning indicated that the system based on the ear canal EEG is useful for detecting the drowsiness. Oral 1-3 Co-60 방사선원의등선량분포및상대깊이선량의동시측정을위한 1차원팬텀선량계개발 신현영, 신상훈, 변현기, 송시원, 박재형, 김지예, 이봉수중앙대학교공과대학에너지시스템공학부 In this study, we developed one-dimensional phantom dosimeter with organic scintillators which can simultaneously measure the isodose distribution and relative depth dose of Co-60 as a radioactive source employed in radiation therapy. The one-dimensional phantom dosimeter, which is composed of square-type organic scintillator and PMMA phantom. As experimental results, we simultaneously obtained information on the isodose distribution and relative depth dose of the Co-60 source. To evaluate the performance of developed one-dimensional phantom dosimeter, isodose distribution and relative depth dose are compared to Gafcromic TM EBT3 film and Monte-Carlo simulation, respectively. 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 We propose the ear canal Electroencephalography (EEG) system that can recognize drowsiness during daily life. The EEG was measured during the sustained-attention task of simulated driving. The classifications were 83

86 일반연제 1 Oral 1-4 Support Vector Machine 을이용한디지털치아색조분석시스템김민아, 김병연, 박병준, 이승락, 원영재오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 As the demand for esthetic dental treatment increases, the importance of dental shade selection for restoration increases and the demand for measurement accuracy has also increased. However, in the case of the spectrometer and the colorimeter, it is not possible to provide the limited measurement area and the image information about dental. Device based on image is uncomfortable to use because of their large size and poor shade-matching accuracy. In this study, Support Vector Machine(SVM) algorithm that enables optimal classification between groups was used to improve accuracy of dental shade-matching. We have proved that the accuracy of dental shade-matching by the SVM algorithm is 93.5 %. Oral 1-5 모바일헬스케어를위한광센서응용기술조재걸순천향대학교의용메카트로닉스공학과고령화에따른의료비의증가는보다효율적인의료시스템을필요로하며, 이에따라모바일헬스케어에대한기대가지속적으로증가하고있다. 병원이아닌장소에서수시로건강을측정해야하는환경에서는빠르고간편하면서도비침습적인생체신호측정방법이필수적이며, 광센서는이에가장적합한센서라고할수있다. 병원에서사용되는환자감시장치의여러기능중에서맥박, 호흡, 산소포화도, 심박변이도측정등이이미모바일제품과웨어러블디바이스로구현되었으며특히운동중맥박측정, 일주기리듬분석을위한조도측정기능은웨어러블디바이스에특화되어구현되고있다. 본강연에서는웨어러블기기또는모바일제품에사용되는광센서응용기술현황과, 각측정기능별광센서의 특징과이슈등을살펴보고자한다. 스마트워치에사용되는광센서의구조에따른신호품질, 반사형광센서를이용한산소포화도측정에서의정확도이슈등에대해소개하고자하며, 광센서를이용한피하지방측정기술과그에따른주요이슈들을살펴본다. Oral 1-6 여성웰니스증진을위한웨어러블디바이스및생체신호분석알고리즘개발 한수정 1, 김성민 1, 최슬기 1, 박석진 2, 이지훈 3, 임장균 4, 이정민 5, 오경식 5, 최영호 5, 이태린 1 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원, 2 아주대학교기계공학과 3 아주대학교전자공학과, 4 성균관대학교나노과학기술원 5 ( 주 ) 스마디 Various wearable devices have been suggested for improving women s wellness. However, such devices need further improvement for their healthcare with respect to their designs and functions. Here, we demonstrate a new wearable device for women s wellness. The device has six functions, i.e. acceleration, gyro, magnetic field, skin moisture, temperature, heart, and UV. In addition, the data, obtained from the sensors, are analyzed for figuring out a better healthcare service. Especially, we will report an artificial intelligence platform for the process. In the end of this talk, the entire process and the further work will be fully discussed. Oral 1-7 거울치료에활용할수있는가상손의착각유발가능성연구 임승의, 구정훈계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩본연구는가상현실이거울치료에활용될수있는지알아보기위해 Virtual reality(vr) 의가상아바타의몸을 84

87 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 자신의몸으로느끼는착각의정도를측정하였다. 이를위하여가상의아바타를피험자와일치시켜피험자의오른쪽손의움직임을아바타의왼쪽손의움직임과동기화되도록하여피험자의왼손위치를판단하게하였다. 그결과피험자의왼손이움직이지않았음에도불구하고피실험자는가상의왼손위치변화에따라, 자신의왼손위치를다르게보고하였다. 이는가상의왼손이실제왼손과착각을유발하였다고볼수있다. 따라서단순히거울을사이에두고치료하는방법을넘어복잡한거울치료를 VR로구현하면여러재활연구에효과적으로이용할수있을것이다. 85


89 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 2 Biomechanics 좌장 : 이정찬교수 ( 서울대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 14:30~16:00 (U11 교양강의동 103 호 ) 심근의국지적전기적흥분파형의지배적주파수와위상의분산분석을통한심실부정맥심각도예측정다운, 임기무 (IT융복합공학과) Instrumented Timed up & Go test를이용한고령자낙상위험도정량적추적연구서정우 1, 김태호 1, 이진수 1, 김정길 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 ( 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공, 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 ) 세포수준의혈액유동수치해석적시뮬레이션연구 박석진 1,2, 이태린 1 ( 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원, 2 아주대학교기계공학부 ) 계단내리기시보행전략에따른무릎관절부하분석비교 전형민, 최의범, 허재훈, 엄광문 ( 건국대학교의학공학과 ) 평활근내피불린-4 유전자가결손된쥐의상행경부대동맥에발생하는대동맥류의성장에따른생체역학적인특성김정실 1,2, Jessica E. Wagenseil 2, Hiromi Yanagisawa 3 ( 1 연세대학교기초과학연구원나노의학연구단 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 3 Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba, Japan)


91 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Oral 2-1 심근의국지적전기적흥분파형의지배적주파수와위상의분산분석을통한심실부정맥심각도예측정다운, 임기무 IT융복합공학과 The number of rotors present during ventricular fibrillation (VF) is a measure of the complexity of vortex pattern. Detecting the phase singularity at the center of the reentry rotor can help to understand the mechanism of vortex pattern generation and maintenance. Therefore, we quantitatively predicted the severity of VF according to local dominant frequency (DF) and phase singularity filaments of myocardium. As a results, we found that DF increases in the region where the excited waves are more chaotic, and the higher DF, the more phase singularity filament is distributed. Oral 2-2 Instrumented Timed up & Go test를이용한고령자낙상위험도정량적추적연구서정우 1, 김태호 1, 이진수 1, 김정길 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 Oral 2-3 세포수준의혈액유동수치해석적시뮬레이션연구박석진 1,2, 이태린 1 1 서울대학교차세대융합기술연구원 2 아주대학교기계공학부 Red blood cells are important in delivering oxygen in the body. So various researches have been carried out to predict the flow in the microvascular system. Recently, computational models are helpful to analyze realistic blood flow. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the hemodynamics of red blood cells at the cellular level in plasma of microvessels using immersed boundary method. In the model, red blood cells are treated as a mass-spring system in the Eulerian domain of plasma. Then, several cases are selected to validate the proposed method in microvessels. The simulation results are compared with the previous theoretical models and fully discussed the capability of the model. Oral 2-4 계단내리기시보행전략에따른무릎관절부하분석비교전형민, 최의범, 허재훈, 엄광문건국대학교의학공학과 This study is the quantitative follow-up study of the elderly fall risk using instrumented timed up and go (itug) test. Total sixty-nine subjects(faller:26, non-faller: 43) were involved this follow-up test. The thirty variables were collected by IMU sensor system(apdm Inc.) during two times in two years, six times in total, and variable value trend were compared among first, second and third test of the faller & non-faller. The all variables of total two years data were used for the logistic regression model. The accuracy was 70.2%, and AUC was 69.9%. Especially in the case of stair walking, when foot contact it receives a shock of 3~4 times the body weight, which causes a great burden on the joint. Therefore, this study is a basic study to suggest a gait strategy that can reduce the load on the knee joints when the stair walking by to investigate the difference of knee joint load according to various walking strategies. Seven men participated in this study. To measure kinetic data and kinematic data, Total of 4 steps with one force plate inserted in the 2nd step Highest peak force is forefoot contact in knee. Lowest peak force is rearfoot contact. 89

92 일반연제 2 Oral 2-5 평활근내피불린-4 유전자가결손된쥐의상행경부대동맥에발생하는대동맥류의성장에따른생체역학적인특성김정실 1,2, Jessica E. Wagenseil 2, Hiromi Yanagisawa 3 1 연세대학교기초과학연구원나노의학연구단 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 3 Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba, Japan Fibulin-4 is a major protein required for normal assembly of elastic fibers. Mice with a smooth muscle cell specific deletion of fibulin-4 (Fbln4 SMKO ) develop ascending aortic aneurysms. We investigated the mechanical behavior of the Fbln4 SMKO ascending aortae at postnatal day (P) 1, 7, 14 and 30. Aneurysms are not detectable by P7. Compared with the control, the outer diameters of Fbln4 SMKO aortae are significantly larger at P14 and P30. Fbln4 SMKO aortae exhibit more compliant behavior in the early stage of aneurysm development. However, above the physiological pressure, they are stiffer at P30 when the aneurysms become to establish. 90

93 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 3 Medical Imaging 좌장 : 유형석교수 ( 한양대 ) 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 16:30~17:30 (U11 교양강의동 105 호 ) 초음파및광음향영상을위한실시간지연 - 곱셈 - 합빔형성알고리즘 전승완 1, 박은영 2, 김철홍 1,2 ( 1 POSTECH 창의 IT 융합공학과, 2 POSTECH 전자전기공학과 ) 딥러닝을이용한방사형좌표계에서의자기공명영상재구성방법 : AUTOMAP 과푸리에영역손실함수를이용하여정성현, 윤재연, 정우진, 이두희, 이종호 ( 서울대학교공과대학전기 정보공학부 ) CUDA 동적라이브러리를활용한 MATLAB 볼륨렌더러개발 조성희 1, 김철홍 1,2 ( 1 포항공과대학교시스템생명공학부, 2 포항공과대학교창의 IT 융합공학과 ) 종양조직분석을위한멀티모달바이오이미징시스템 김지훈 1, 김은주 2, 황재윤 1 ( 1 DGIST, 정보통신융합전공, 2 DGIST, 나노 에너지연구부 )


95 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Oral 3-1 초음파및광음향영상을위한실시간지연-곱셈 -합빔형성알고리즘전승완 1, 박은영 2, 김철홍 1,2 1 POSTECH 창의IT융합공학과, 2 POSTECH 전자전기공학과 Delay-multiply-and-sum (DMAS) beamforming algorithm has higher resolution and contrast than delay-and-sum in both ultrasound and photoacoustic images. However, it has been difficult to utilize it in practice due to its high computational complexity. This paper presents a modified DMAS beamforming algorithm for a real-time implementation. We have successfully reduced its computational complexity by eliminating the combinatorial multiplication of the received signals. Simulation results by GPU implementation on PC show that the proposed algorithm achieves real-time frame rate by accelerating the beamforming process about 53 times than the existing algorithm. Oral 3-2 딥러닝을이용한방사형좌표계에서의자기공명영상재구성방법 : AUTOMAP 과푸리에영역손실함수를이용하여정성현, 윤재연, 정우진, 이두희, 이종호서울대학교공과대학전기 정보공학부 MRI is a non-invasive imaging modality which accompanies minimum or no harmful effects to the human subject. When the signal acquisition is done in non-cartesian coordinates, as is the case for radial imaging, reconstruction of images is time-consuming and computationally expensive. We managed to overcome these limitations using AUTOMAP, a recently proposed deep neural network designed for robust image reconstruction. Moreover, we found that adding Fourier domain loss improved the network to output image with more details preserved. Oral 3-3 CUDA 동적라이브러리를활용한 MATLAB 볼륨렌더러개발 조성희 1, 김철홍 1,2 1 포항공과대학교시스템생명공학부 2 포항공과대학교창의 IT 융합공학과 Volume rendering is important for medical imaging because it can provide an intuitive experience. Due to the high computational burden, the real-time implementing the volume rendering algorithm is difficult. Recently, advances in GPU technology make it easier to implement volume rendering algorithms in real-time applications and many software techniques were developed for volume rendering. However, most researchers have difficulty using volume rendering tools because they need to use specialized software for volume rendering. In this paper, we developed a CUDA-based volume rendering tool for MATLAB, the most popular software in the scientific and engineering world, to evaluate software performance. Oral 3-4 종양조직분석을위한멀티모달바이오이미징시스템 김지훈 1, 김은주 2, 황재윤 1 1 DGIST, 정보통신융합전공 2 DGIST, 나노 에너지연구부 We report a multimodal bioimaging system for tumor analysis ex vivo. Characterization of tumors excised from suspicious lesions is one of the important procedures during surgical operations. Particularly, residual tiny tumors at surgical sites after tumor resection can cause cancer recurrence or metastasis. For those reasons, we developed a multimodal bioimaging system including 93

96 일반연제 3 high-frequency ultrasound B-mode, acoustic radiation force impulse, and multispectral imaging modality. This system was evaluated with tissue-mimicking phantoms and then applied to examine colorectal tumors excised from cancer patients. The results shown here showed that the developed system has the potential to undertake characterizations of excised tumors. 94

97 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 4 Neural Engineering 좌장 : 윤인찬교수 (KIST) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 11:00~12:30 (U11 교양강의동 102 호 ) 공변량변화 (covariate shift) 로인한 P300 뇌파타자기의성능변화 이종민 1, 김지웅 1, 원경호 2, 권문영 2, 전성찬 2, 안민규 1 ( 1 한동대학교전산전자공학부, 2 광주과학기술원전기전자컴퓨터공학부 ) 뉴로피드백을접목한상지재활훈련후뇌활성화변화연구손지은 1,2, 임현미 2,3, 구정훈 2 ( 1 계명대학교자연과학대학생명과학전공, 2 계명대학교의용공학과스마트랩, 3 서울대학교병원의생명연구원 ) 깜빡이는운동영상을이용한 BCI 동작관찰게임재활프로그램이뇌졸중환자의거울신경세포시스템활성에미치는효과임현미 1,2, 강윤주 3, 최효선 3, 구정훈 2 ( 1 서울대학교병원의생명연구원, 2 계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩, 3 을지대학교병원재활의학과 ) 영화를함께시청시감정적공감정도에따른자율신경계신호간동기화 김현, 여동훈, 서부경, 허성진, 최성운, 김경환 ( 연세대학교의공학과 )


99 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Oral 4-1 공변량변화 (covariate shift) 로인한 P300 뇌파타자기의성능변화이종민 1, 김지웅 1, 원경호 2, 권문영 2, 전성찬 2, 안민규 1 through experience would be the reason. Therefore we could conclude that patients training with could maintain exercise effect after rehabilitation treatment with neurofeedback, which can be effectively used for rehabilitation research. 1 한동대학교전산전자공학부, 2 광주과학기술원 전기전자컴퓨터공학부 Although the success of P300 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) speller, it still suffers from the issue of habituation. We investigated the effects of habituation on individual speller accuracy in P300 BCI speller. With the data from 55 subjects, we found that letter accuracy decreases as test continues due to habituation. Moreover, the subject with high accuracy at the first session showed the larger decrease as time goes, meaning the effect of habituation varies across individuals. Oral 4-2 뉴로피드백을접목한상지재활훈련후뇌활성화변화연구 손지은 1,2, 임현미 2,3, 구정훈 2 1 계명대학교자연과학대학생명과학전공 2 계명대학교의용공학과스마트랩 3 서울대학교병원의생명연구원 In this study, we investigated the brain activity changes after game based upper extremity rehabilitation training with neurofeedback of one s concentration. As a result, in the comparison of before and after the training the interactions effects were significant (p value <0.05) in the Low Beta(14~20Hz) of T3 channel, High Beta(21~ 30Hz) of T4 channel, Gamma(31~50Hz) of P3 and P4 channels, and SMR(13~15Hz) of T3 and T4 channels and the mean value of brain wave was significantly increased after neurofeedback conditions compared to before the experiment. However, in the condition without neurofeedback, it was slightly changed or stational. The neural plasticity that the brain has the ability to learn Oral 4-3 깜빡이는운동영상을이용한 BCI 동작관찰게임재활프로그램이뇌졸중환자의거울신경세포시스템활성에미치는효과임현미 1,2, 강윤주 3, 최효선 3, 구정훈 2 1 서울대학교병원의생명연구원 2 계명대학교의과대학의용공학과스마트랩 3 을지대학교병원재활의학과 Action observation (AO) training based on the theory of activation of the mirror neuron system (MNS) is helpful for brain activation in patients with brain injury. In this study, we implemented AO game using the BCI (AO- BCI) technology using flickering action video and applied it for five stroke patients. The game provide the feedback of user s watching with ERD and SSVEP evoked by the flickering action video and gave real-time feedbacks while playing the game. We compared two conditions of the conventional AO game and the AO-BCI game. As result, the AO-BCI game showed superior MNS activation compared to the conventional AO training. This could represent that the AO-BCI game paradigm could effectively facilitate motor recovery after stroke. Oral 4-4 영화를함께시청시감정적공감정도에따른자율신경계신호간동기화김현, 여동훈, 서부경, 허성진, 최성운, 김경환연세대학교의공학과 People influence each other s behavioral and emotional 97

100 일반연제 4 states in social contexts. In this study, we investigated whether the synchronization of autonomic responses is associated with the convergence of their emotional responses. Continuous autonomic system signals were collected from sixteen dyads. Each dyad watched emotional movies together, seated side by side, without direct interaction. We found that co-present individuals who reported more similar emotional valence states or arousal states showed more synchronized autonomic responses. 98

101 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 일반연제 5 Medical Nano and Microtechnology, Biomedical Optics 좌장 : 최성용교수 ( 경희대 ) 5 월 12 일 ( 토 ) 11:00~12:30 (U11 교양강의동 103 호 ) 목시플록사신기반이광자현미경의피부암영상화 장훈철 1, 장원혁 1, 이승훈 2, 오병호 3, 김기현 1,2 ( 1 POSTECH 융합생명공학부, 2 기계공학부, 3 연세대학교의과대학 ) 광활성원자현미경을이용한초고해상도광학영상 이승현, 박별리, 김철홍 ( 포항공과대학교창의 IT 융합공학과 ) 암연구위한나노포토닉스기반바이오센서에관한연구 홍유찬 ( 한국기계연구원의료기계연구실 )


103 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Oral 5-1 목시플록사신기반이광자현미경의피부암영상화장훈철 1, 장원혁 1, 이승훈 2, 오병호 3, 김기현 1,2 1 POSTECH 융합생명공학부, 2 기계공학부, 3 연세대학교의과대학 integrating an optical excitation system and an atomic force microscopy. Since the pafm signal is primarily proportional to the optical absorption properties of the sample, pafm can provide the unique optical properties of gold nanoparticles and melanoma cell at the nanoscale. The pafm will be widely used in biological and material research. In skin cancer surgery, the rapid and accurate detection of surgical margin is required for precise and complete removal. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is currently used to guide the surgical margin, but has a limited detection contrast. In this study, we used a moxifloxacin based two-photon microscopy (moxi-tpm) as a high-speed and high-contrast method of human skin cancer. High-speed TPM was realized by using moxifloxacin as a cell-labeling agent. Various skin cancer tissues including squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and highly pigmented melanoma were visualized in cellular level resolution by using moxi- TPM, and these moxi-tpm images were compared with dermoscopic images and histology. These results showed that moxi-tpm could be used for guiding skin cancer surgery owing to its high imaging speed and resolution. Oral 5-3 암연구위한나노포토닉스기반바이오센서에관한연구홍유찬한국기계연구원의료기계연구실 The sensor system using nanoparticles is successfully detectable for cancer specific biomarker expression level, enzymatic activity, or micro-surrounding redox state. Thus, constant effort of integration of sensing technology using nanoparticles based nanophotonics would improve availability for nanobiosensor as cancer diagnostic and prognostic tools. Oral 5-2 광활성원자현미경을이용한초고해상도광학영상이승현, 박별리, 김철홍포항공과대학교창의IT융합공학과 Optical microscopy has been used to observe various microorganisms and small materials. However, it is difficult to observe a sample of less than 200 nm due to optical diffraction limit. Here recently developed photoactivated atomic force microscopy (pafm) successfully achieved lateral resolution of less than 10 nm by 101


105 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 포스터 (2 분스피치 1) 좌장 : 천홍구교수 ( 고려대 )


107 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 동결 / 융해및감마선조사에의해가교결합된 PVA/CMC 수화겔의특성신지연, 윤용현, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 Polyvinyl alcohol/sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (PVA/ CMC) hydrogels were prepared by physical crosslinking (cyclic freezing/thawing) and gamma (g)-ray irradiation to evaluate the effect of CMC concentration (2~8 wt%) on the mechanical properties and the biocompatibility of the PVA/CMC hydrogels. The swelling rate of PVA/CMC hydrogels regardless of irradiation rose with increasing CMC content from 2 wt% to 6 wt%. However, the swelling rate decreased when the CMC content was higher than 6wt% 스폰지코팅법으로제조한합성골이식재의특성김도현, 신지연, 윤용현, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 BCP (Biphasic calcium phosphate) bone grafts were successfully synthesized using the 45 ppi polyurethane sponge coating method. BCP scaffolds were mainly composed of hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate. As the number of BCP coatings increased from 1 to 5, the pore size and the wall size decreased. The BCP scaffolds showed no evidence of causing cell lysis or toxicity. And the cell proliferation results suggested that the BCP powders are highly applicable to the synthetic bone grafts 약물전달용 TiO 2 나노튜브제조이혜란, 이유진, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 Electrospinning was carried out using a 17G / 23G dual concentric nozzle and the core oil was chemically removed. Electrospun TiO 2 nanotubes were sintered at intervals of 50 o C from 500 o C to 650 o C. The structure was confirmed by TEM, XRD and BET analysis. The porous structure of the nanotubes was believed to be used as a drug delivery system. The TiO 2 nanofibers calcined at 500 showed anatase phase with a crystallite size of 16 nm, a diameter of 108±20 nm and a BET area of m 2 /g. On the other hand, the TiO 2 nanotube showed a mixture of anatase and rutile (76/24), the crystallite size of 11/7.4 nm, the diameter of 130±40 nm, and the BET area of m 2 /g, respectively 전기방사법으로제조한 PVDF / PU 섬유의특성 노정원, 허현서, 윤용현, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 The 23 wt% polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)/15 wt% polyurethane (PU) fibers were electrospun using the conjugated nozzle at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/h and an electric field of 15 kv. The formation of βcrystal phase in the PVDF and the PVDF/PU fibers was confirmed by FT-IR. After electrospinning, the as-spun fibers were immersed in a boiling water and then dried at 100 o C in a convection oven to make a crimp phenomenon. The crimps with a diameter of 4.13 ± 0.08 μm were observed for the PVDF/PU fibers after hydrothermal treatment without sacrificing the extent of βcrystal phase 생분해성 PLA / PCL 필름의특성 노정원, 이성은, 윤용현, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 Thermodynamically immiscible poly(lactic acid) (PLA) 105

108 포스터 (2 분스피치 1) and poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) were blended and solution-cast by adding the 3% compatibilizer (tributyl citrate, TBC) of the PCL weight. In the PLA/PCL composition range of 99/1 to 95/5 wt%, mechanical properties of the PLA/PCL films with TBC were always superior to those of the films without TBC. The tensile strength of 43.55±1.32 MPa was observed for the 93/7 PLA/PCL films without TBC, indicating that PCL addition is effective for strength. However, the tensile strength of 63±1.4 MPa was found for the 97/3 PLA/PCL with TBC, tensile strength dramatically increased 치과수복물용고분자침투세라믹의특성 신지연, 김도연, 이혜란, 이득용대림대학교의공융합과 being developed. However, ECMO using a pulsatile blood pump may pass through oxygenator and weaken its pulsatility, and cardiac load may increase due to the pump. In this study, when PLL controlled ECMO was applied to mock circulation system simulating blood pressure environment of living body, it was confirmed that the ECMO didn t significantly increase cardiac load. In addition, ECMO and blood pump EEP were compared, and it was confirmed that the developed ECMO maintained sufficient pulsatility 삼차원유한요소전기생리시뮬레이션을위한 CPU vs. GPU 병렬컴퓨팅성능비교 페브리안세티안토, 임기무금오공과대학교 IT융합공학과 Polymer-infiltrated ceramics (PIC) were prepared by monomer infiltration into porous leucite preforms and subsequent polymerization by varying the silane concentration in the range of 1% to 20% to investigate the effect of the silane concentration on the mechanical properties of the PILs. In this study, the polymer infiltrated ceramic composites (PIC) are prepared by modifying the ceramic matrix surface with silane solution before the monomer infiltration into the porous ceramic matrix to improve the interface strength between organic polymer and the inorganic ceramic 박동형 ECMO 의역박동제어시스템이순환계에 Cardiac electrophysiology study often use simulation to predict how cardiac will behave under various conditions. A representative mesh with sophisticated and large number of nodes are used in order to have a greater detail. As the result, computation time for solving series of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and partial differential equation (PDE) are affected by the size of the problem. GPU is designed to solve parallel problems which shown excellence when working with independent process and matrix. Our study shows that with huge number of ODEs, GPU parallelization can help to increase computation performance 미치는영향분석 김준영, 강성민, 최성욱 강원대학교기계융합공학과 원자력현미경을활용한암종별탄성차이에대한 연구 권상우 1,2, 한세직 2, 김근호 2 양우철 1, 김경숙 2 A pulsatile ECMO that doesn t affect cardiac load while maintaining blood circulation in patients with cardiopulmonary disease is needed and related equipment is 1 동국대학교물리학과 2 경희대학교의과대학생체의과학과 Cancer cell is a major challenging disease for human. 106

109 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 Although there are many studies to develop biomarkers for cancer cells, however there are no specific studies in biophysics fields about mechanical properties of cancer cells. Changing mechanical properties in micro-, nano-scale can be meaningful results on basic medical research. Therefore, in this study, we selected two types cancer cells (breast cancer, cervix cancer) and observed that the apparent difference in elasticity between the counterpart cell and cancerous cell by using force spectroscope system. And also, we could suggest that the physical indices of elasticity can be used to distinguish the types of cancer cells 근적외선분광기법기반뇌-컴퓨터접속의최적특징추출방법조사 이형탁 1, 신재영 2, 임창환 2, 황한정 1 1 금오공과대학교메디컬IT 융합공학과 2 한양대학교의공학과 The goal of this study was to find feature extraction methods most suitable for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-based brain-computer interface (BCI). NIRS data were recorded while twenty subjects performed mental arithmetic (MA) and baseline (BL) task 30 times each. We tested the following five feature types for classification of MA and BL: mean, slope, skewness, kurtosis, and variance. The highest accuracy was shown for mean features (76.35 ± 0.07%), and slope and skewness features also showed relatiely good performance (> 70%), compared to kurtosis and variance 뇌파동시측정을위한전류제한기반경두개직류자극시스템제작및검증 이윤성 1, 최가영 1, 전세현 2, 정영진 2, 황한정 1 1 금오공과대학교메디컬IT 융합공학과 2 동서대학교대학원융합방사선학과 & 보건환경연구센터 The purpose of this study is to verify whether our in-house transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) device based on current limiter can be applied during electroencephalography (EEG) recording without significant inflow of artifacts. In the experiment, we measured EEG while tdcs was applied to the subjects who repetitively closed and opened the eyes. It was shown that EEG spectral results were distorted during tdcs, but which was not significant, demonstrating that our tdcs device can be used during EEG measurement LED와초음파를이용한암세포증식억제모듈의개발 조경래, 서정혁, 최세운금오공과대학교메디컬IT 융합공학과 A non-invasive and low side effect cancer treatment based on ultrasonography and photodynamic therapy using reactive oxygen species was developed recently. Lasers excite high intensity are generally used in photodynamic therapy. However, the laser suffers from a few limits, such as high price and large size. Lightemitting diodes are simple and low-cost miniaturized were proposed as a substitutional excitation source for photodynamic therapy. In this work, we integrate ultrasound emitting 1Mhz which is the most applicable area for medical use with light emitting diode for developing a cancer cell proliferation control module and quantitatively analyze the suppression effect MRI촬영시치아교정기에의한영상왜곡교정 서영섭한국표준과학연구원의료융합표준센터 In this study, we reduced MR images artifacts induced 107

110 포스터 (2 분스피치 1) by dental braces at 1.5 T MRI system using permanent magnets PMMA 팬텀을이용한연성섬광영상가이드의성능평가 여원혁 1, 허유정 1,2, 최수연 1, 한기택 3, 장경원 4, 유욱재 1 1 건국대학교과학기술대학 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공, BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 2 ( 주 ) 메디앱솔 3 한국방사선진흥협회의료방사선정도관리센터 4 동남권원자력의학원연구센터 A gamma imaging probe system using a flexible scintillation image guide was fabricated. In this study, we measured the scintillation images with information regarding the gamma-ray distribution of a Co-60 radioisotope according to the depth of a PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) phantom. As an experimental result, the intensity of scintillation image was decreased with increasing depth of the PMMA phantom because of the attenuation of gamma-ray in the phantom 열희석법을이용한소변량측정센서의개발 박수진, 원인식, 김지운, 박성민, 최성욱강원대학교기계의용공학과, 강원대학교의학전문대학원흉부외과 that accurate measurement in real time is possible through correction table according to temperature and flow condition 진단방사선용광섬유방사선량계에대한온도의영향 최수연 1, 여원혁 1, 장경원 2, 신상훈 3, 이봉수 3, 윤원식 4, 유욱재 1 1 건국대학교과학기술대학 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공, BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 2 동남권원자력의학원연구센터 3 중앙대학교공과대학에너지시스템공학부 4 JPI 헬스케어 ( 주 ) We have studied the effect of temperature on the light output signal from a fiber-optic dosimeter (FOD) using a plastic scintillating fiber (PSF). During diagnostic X-ray beam irradiation, the scintillating light signal was measured using a dosimeter probe of the FOD. The probe was placed in a beaker with water on the center of a hotplate, under variation of the tube potential of a digital radiography (DR) system or the temperature of the water in the beaker. From the experimental results, the scintillator light output at the given tube potential decreased as the temperature increased in the temperature range from 25 to 50 C. We demonstrated that commonly used PSF has a significant temperature dependence in the clinical temperature range. The urine output must be measured in real time to manage critical patient. However, existing devices have problems with accuracy and cost, development of new sensors is required. Using thermistors and heater, we developed a sensor measuring urine output and evaluated its accuracy. We used the principle that the influence of atmosphere and heater temperature on urine temperature is inversely proportional to flow rate. Accuracy was calculated through repetitive in vitro experiments using saline solution. The sensor of this study, it is expected 펄스폭변조를이용한모의광용적맥파신호의구현정선형, 강예원, 전소윤, 강문혁, 윤용현대림대학교의공융합과 The photoplethysmography is measured using the change in light intensity according to the volume change due to 108

111 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 blood flow. The signal analysis makes use of the relative variation rather than the absolute measurement value. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a calibration device for verifying the quantitative reliability of the measured signal. In this study, we collected the data to generate the pseudo photoplethysmogram necessary for calibration of the photoplethysmography and presented it using pulse width modulation. As a result, the pseudo signal is confirmed that this can be used as a signal source of photoplethysmography calibration device 명상음악과전신진동운동이결합된복합감각자극이집중력에미치는영향에대한연구 정지수 1, 홍철운 1,2, 권대규 1,2 1 전북대학교바이오메디컬공학부, 2 전북대학교고령친화복지기기연구센터 This study was to investigate the effect of compound sensory stimulus combined with meditation music and whole body vibration on concentration. The study used whole body vibration chair to stimulate compound sensory stimulus and computerized neurocognitive test to compare with before and after stimulus. Concentration was decided by the accuracy and the reaction time of the inspections. This study showed that the compound sensory stimulus combined with meditation music and whole body vibration helps person s power of concentration especially in optical sense. Pulse transit time (PTT) is a time delay of pulse propagation between two body sites. The use of PTT is increasing in cardiovascular studies including in nonconstrained blood pressure (BP) measurements. The purpose of this study is to observe PTT changes according to BP changes and to investigate which PTT measurement method could reflect BP changes sensitively. For this, we calculated PTT E-F from between QRS and finger PPG, PTT S-F from between seismocardiography and finger PPG, and PTT F-T from between finger PPG and toe PPG. Then, we compared PTTs change according to BP changes. As a result, we found that PTT F-T have a highest correlation with systolic BP (p<0.01) 전기장자극에의한섬유아세포탄성변화 한세직 1, 박문영 1, 최병수 2, 김경숙 1 1 경희대학교의과대학생체의과학과 2 경희대학교물리학과 The cellular elasticity which is closely related to cell s mobility, differentiation, and diseases can be altered by electric filed stimulation (EFS). In this study, we observed changes in the elasticity of Human Dermal Fibroblast (HDFs) induced by EFS. To understand the alteration, the changes in F-actin according to the EFS time was also investigated. The elasticity of HDFs increased up to 4.4 times by EFS compared to the control group 측정방법에따른맥파도달시간변화와혈압변화상관성고찰한상진 1, 신항식 1,2 1 전남대학교바이오메디컬공학협동과정, 2 전남대학교의공학과 109


113 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 포스터 (2 분스피치 2) 좌장 : 김형식교수 ( 건국대 )


115 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 비침습적방법에의한염증성혈관질환이미징대동물실험사례이명영 1, 박상훈 1, 송철규 1 1 전북대학교전자공학부 1 전북대학교차세대바이오이미징연구센터 Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is the hybrid imaging technique that combines the high contrast and resolution due to optical imaging and ultrasound imaging, respectively. PAT is dependent on the optical coefficient for target. It can measure the tumor, blood clot etc. using contrast agent can targets the object. In this paper, we will detect the inflammatory carotid artery disease, especially the blood clot. Since the blood clot of carotid artery can move to brain and cause stroke, it is very dangerous. In the result, PA image is overlaid on the US image and we can show the inner blood clot of artery 미세먼지정량검출을위한표면증강라만분광용필터개발박재완, 최문식, 변경민경희대학교생체의공학과 Raman spectroscopy has been used as optical detection technique as it provides a unique signal depending on the composition of target material. While the signal of Raman spectroscopy is relatively weak, surfaced-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is known to amplify the signal intensity significantly. In this study, we demonstrate a quantitative measurement of fine dust concentration based on SERS techniques. We fabricate a fine dust filter combining membrane filter and Au nanoparticles. From SERS measurement, we confirm that the suggested method can improve the sensitivity and detection limit for fine dust materials of interest 병원내감시소홀구역취약환자의지속모니터링시스템개발임동준서효창최경민주세경울산대학교의과대학의공학과 표면증강라만산란분광법을활용한환경호르몬검출최문식, 변경민경희대학교생체의공학과 It is important to continuously monitor to the patient for manage various diseases. Representatively, continuous monitoring of the ECG is helpful in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia. It is necessary to develop a system that can continuously monitor the patient's emergency situation in hospital where surveillance is weak. In this study, we developed a portable patient monitoring system that measures and records various vital signal values in real time what measured patient ECG and PPG. Through this system, the survival rate of the patient can be increased by an immediate response in the emergency situation. Endocrine disrupter detection becomes very important in recent years because people are easily exposed to endocrine disrupters which can affect the physiology of the hormones in human endocrinology system. Raman spectroscopy can be a potential candidate as endocrine disrupter detection due to its unique advantages of outstanding sensitivity, fingerprinting ability, label-free detection, and real-time and nondestructive detection. More interestingly, Raman spectroscopy signals can be amplified in the presence of metallic nanostructures, which is called surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). In this study, we intend to demonstrate that SERS-based endocrine disrupter detection could provide 113

116 포스터 (2 분스피치 2) a higher sensitivity and a lower detection limit compared to a conventional detection technique 손목가속도센서와머신러닝알고리즘을이용한자동수면패턴분류 여민수 1, 구용서 2, 박철수 1 1 광운대학교컴퓨터공학과 2 서울아산병원신경과 Sleep pattern analysis is important for healthy life since it arranges memory and alleviates fatigue during one third of human life. In this study, automatic sleep scoring methods were proposed to replace conventional algorithms. Subjects wore wrist bands with accelerometer for 24/7 and wrote sleep diaries including their sleep information. The recorded accelerometer data from the subjects were investigated with various bandwidths and machine learning algorithms including deep learning technique. The result of random forest, which is feature-based model, showed highest accuracy, recall and precision 강화학습알고리즘을이용한생활패턴분석및인식 석우준 1, 박철수 2 1 광운대학교지능정보시스템임베디드 SW공학과 2 광운대학교컴퓨터공학과 Recognizing activity of daily living is very important and most challenging in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This paper proposes a framework for the recognition of motion primitives, using Deep Q-network, that is, a deep reinforcement learning algorithm. In this framework, the agent decides whether to classify the class or include more features using label information as a reward. After this training procedure, it could classify the class of the motions with high accuracy. The public data of UCI dataset for ADL recognition with wrist-worn accelerometer data set was utilized. Among the activities, the agent was trained to recognize whether the subjects climbed stairs or not as well as the other 6 movement. The classification accuracy by Deep Q-network was 93.0% and that of the traditional neural network 92.49% LASSO 기반의희소정준상관분석을이용한뇌영상유전체바이오마커관찰 김만수 1,3, 박현진 2,3 1 성균관대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학과 2 성균관대학교전자전기공학부 3 기초과학연구원뇌과학이미징연구단 Neuroimaging genetics is an emerging field to detect novel biomarkers associated with both genetic variants and neuroimaging features. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) has been proposed to investigate association between two high-dimensional data and LASSO regularization method was applied to get optimal solution. Existing algorithms can only be applied to two high-dimensional data. In this study, we enhanced the CCA method to solve association among two different neuroimaging modalities and genetic information 합성곱신경망을이용한심전도및뇌파기반멀티모달개인인증시스템설계 김지훈 1, 성동석 1, 박광석 2 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 In this study, we developed multi-modal based individual verification system based on ECG and EEG using convolutional neural networks. We analyzed EEG and ECG data of 100 healthy subjects from Korean EEG 114

117 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 database. We examined the capability of ECG and EEG as personal authentication. Alex-net based convolutional neural networks were used for data training and testing. We used Welch s power spectral density for 19 channel of EEG as network input feature data. For ECG, time domain based feature were extracted and linear discriminant analysis was conducted for identification. Score-based fusion method was used for multi-modal verification. The best result was 0.92% of EER in this research. The result shows that person identification can be performed with high accuracy using ECG and EEG multi-modal system in resting states 차원메디안정칙자를사용한콘빔단층영상재구성 정지은 1,2, 이수진 1 1 배재대학교전자공학과 2 쿠마모토대학정보전기전자공학과 We investigate a model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) method for cone-beam computed tomography (CT) using a three-dimensional (3-D) median regularizer. In order to validate the improved performance of our 3-D median regularizer (3-D MR) in cone-beam CT, we also implemented a 2-D MR applied to fan-beam CT and quantitatively compared their reconstruction results. According to our simulation results using a software phantom, the 3-D MR for cone-beam CT provides more accurate reconstructions than the 2-D MR for fan-beam CT in terms of the percentage error by taking more pixels from the adjacent slices into account in its regularization CT 흉부영상에서의고립성폐결절검출기법권준모 1, 박현진 2,3 1 성균관대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학과 2 뇌과학이미징연구단, 기초과학연구원 3 성균관대학교전자전기공학부 Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (SPN) is a round opaque nodule surrounded by pulmonary parenchyma. SPN is typically less than or equal to 3cm in diameter. In this study, we propose an algorithm for detecting SPN on computed tomography (CT) images. First, our algorithm performs noise reduction on each CT slice and lung region segmentation on the de-noised CT images. Second, nodule candidates are selected based on intensities of each CT slice. Histogram features are extracted from the nodule candidates. Lastly, random forest classifier is constructed to determine whether each candidate is SPN or not. Our algorithm resulted in 71% accuracy T1자기공명영상을이용한대뇌백질신경섬유지표예측 변경섭 1,2, 박보용 1,2, 박현진 2,3 1 성균관대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학과 2 뇌과학이미징연구단, 기초과학연구원 3 성균관대학교전자전기공학부 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a neuroimaging method that can measure structural information from water diffusion of neuronal fibers of the brain. T1-weighted image also contain this structural fiber information. In this study, we computed predicted tensor imaging by multivariate regression analysis using T1-weighted imaging. Then, we compared functional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) of the 115

118 포스터 (2 분스피치 2) predicted tensor imaging with those from real tensor imaging. Thirteen white matter regions showed significant correlations between FA of real tensor and predicted tensor imaging Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Emission Tomography Images Using High-Resolution Backprojection Xue Ren, Soo-Jin Lee Department of Electronic Engineering, Paichai University, Daejeon, Korea The liver, a major organ of the body, performs important functions such as detoxification, protein synthesis, glycogen regulation and hemocyte degradation. However, the liver is a target for many diseases and several non-invasive imaging techniques have been used. In this study, we have developed a new hyaluronate silica nanoparticle conjugates for liver-specific delivery and imaging for the diagnosis of liver diseases. The HA-SiNP conjugates showed high liver-specific targeting efficiency, strong optical absorbance near-infrared windows, excellent biocompatibility, and biodegradability. The liver-specific targeting efficiency was verified by in vivo photoacoustic imaging. This paper investigates a super-resolution (SR) method for positron emission tomography (PET), where the pixel resolution is increased by high-resolution (HR) backprojection in the iterative reconstruction process. Unlike conventional imaging systems, where the high-resolution data are usually transformed back into the low-resolution data by a downsampling operation, the corresponding transformation in PET reconstruction is performed by a forward projection operation. (A projection from a radiation source to a detector bin.) We note here that there can be two different approaches to implementing the forward projector in iterative reconstruction; low-resolution (LR) projector and HR projector. In this work, we investigate and compare the performances of the two different approaches using a software phantom and show that the HR projector provides more accurate SR reconstruction than the LR projector in terms of the percentage error 다양한형태학적특징을이용한피질모델기반뇌네트워크최용호 1 김보현 1 이종민 1 한양대학교생체공학과 Representing the characteristics of the brain as a network can provide novel insights into brain system. It is important to represent the human brain as a network that reflects morphological properties, however, it s limited by methodological problems that construct only group-level network. Several researchers have proposed constructing individual network using intensity similarity between regions to overcome this limitation. We extended previous framework by using morphological features extracted from brain surface model. In this study, we tried to determine whether each morphological network have small-world attributes 광음향영상을이용한간특정표적나노입자의 in vivo 간타게팅과정모니터링이동현, 김철홍 POSTECH 창의IT융합공학과 116

119 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 당뇨발진단및모니터링을위한근적외선분광법과 18F FDG PET 방사선영상기법의비교오르티즈메지로렌스 1,2, 서정현 1, 정영진 1,3 1 Dept. of Multidisciplinary Radiological Science, Graduate School, Dongseo University 2 College of Medical Radiation Technology, De La Salle Health Sciences Institute 3 Dept. of Radiological Science, Dongseo University The purpose of this study is to determine the use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) to provide a noninvasive way of detecting and monitoring foot diabetes complications in relation to radiographic imaging modality. In this study, several published materials were reviewed to determine how NIR can be used to measure the glucose concentration through the modified principle of Beer-Lambert law in comparison with 18 F FDG-PET as the best radiographic imaging modality for diagnosing the said hyperglycemic condition. relatively smaller than the strain of pig fat. The result suggests that laser-based TSI could be a new method for differentiating lipid 맘모그램에서딥러닝을활용한유방종양검출 박성진 1, 김영재 1, 유은영 2, 김광기 1 1 가천대학교의과대학의공학교실 2 가천대학교길병원영상의학과 Early detection of breast cancer is important for improving breast cancer prognosis and reducing mortality. In this paper, we propose computer aided diagnosis system for early detection of breast cancer. First, set the region of interest. and split train/test set. Then we use deep learning algorithms, in particular Resnet50 based Faster-RCNN model. And detected mammo mass. Deep learning training was performed on 134 tumors and tested with 30 tumors. A comparison with the result of manual detection by an expert showed 36.67% of sensitivity and 0.4 of FP/image 레이저기반열스트레인영상기술을이용한지질구분최창훈, 김철홍 POSTECH Medical Device Innovation Center We demonstrated laser-based thermal strain imaging (TSI) for lipid distinction, using an intravascular ultrasound catheter (IVUS) and a 1210-nm continuous-wave laser. The IVUS transducer obtained ultrasound rotation images from a phantom made of pig fat (lipid) and gelatin (water-bearing tissue) while the laser heated it. A result showed the pig fat was clearly distinguished by strong positive strain during the temperature increasing. On the other hand, the strain of gelatin was negative and 117


121 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 포스터 (2 분스피치 3) 좌장 : 최명환교수 ( 성균관대 )


123 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 실시간비표지광음향조직병리검사시스템개발백진우, 김진영, 안효상, 변경희, 최해룡, 유선영, 김철홍 POSTECH 창의IT융합공학과 Conventional intraoperative biopsy method, the frozen section, has an obstacle of a limited examination time in clinical scenarios. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a fast ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy (UV-PAM) system with a 2-axis waterproof microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) scanner. This scanner enables to scan 3 mm 3 mm range and acquire a volumetric image within 2 minutes, which is 7 times faster than the frozen section. The measured spatial and axial resolutions of the developed system are 2.2 and 39 μm, respectively. Finally, we have successfully obtained ex vivo histology-like PA images in the fixed live tissues 적외선체열영상정보를이용한 Machine Learning 기반척추질환자동진단시스템개발주해인, 이대혁, 예현해, 조예진, 김영모건양대학교의료공과대학의공학부 In this study, we developed an automatic diagnosis system of spinal diseases based on machine learning (ML) using thermal imaging device. The method of automatically diagnosing spinal diseases using thermal images can be determined by understanding that the left and right temperatures of the legs and soles are asymmetric. U-net is used to classify regions with large temperature differences according to disease temperature distribution pattern. Inception V3 models detect diagnosis rates by expressing the number of predicted outcomes as the probability of the highest disease. This study is expected to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of spinal diseases and to help diagnosis decision of medical personnel 집속초음파를이용한동물의뇌혈관장벽개통후물분자확산측정연구한문, 이은희, 정병진, 황지은, 박주영대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 In this study, the diffusion tensor MR imaging technique was used to evaluate water molecule diffusion after the blood-brain barrier disruption (BBBD) by a focused ultrasound (FUS) at normal and tumor brains. We also observed a protein (Aquaporin-4) which controls water molecule diffusion in the brain. The result demonstrate that water molecule diffusion decreased after BBBD and recovered after 24 hours. These results showed that FUS-induced BBBD could modulate water molecule diffusion in targeted brain and tumor region. We suggest that the method of measuring the water molecule diffusion after the BBBD by FUS can be applied to the brain disease treatment Effect of the shape of polymeric nanoparticles in cellular uptake Susmita Aryal, E. S. Oh, J. H. Key Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea The interaction between nanoparticles and cells is of significant interest. Here, we designed two different shaped PLGA nanoparticles with similar particle diameter, chemical composition and surface charge but different shape. Then the shape effect of particles in cellular uptake and behavior were studied. Discoidal particles were taken up in larger amounts and had faster internalization rate in contrast of spherical particles. It was also found that discoidal particles had greater impact on cell adhesion and cell migration. 121

124 포스터 (2 분스피치 3) 세포에대한나노입자의전기적영향을수치화하기위한유전영동장치오은설, 박인수, 최승엽, 이세영, 이상우, 기재홍연세대학교의공학부 Dielectrophoretic (DEP) device have been used to measure Biophysical/Biochemical properties of living things by the electrical analysis. Nanoparticles such as silica nanoparticles are widely used as drug carriers in biomedical applications. These applications act directly or indirectly on the cells. They are present in the cell membrane and cytoplasm, or even transform the structure of cells. Then, the electrical properties of cells are changed by nanoparticles. In this study, we treated silica nanoparticles on the MCF-7 breast cancer cells and measured the dielectric properties of treated cells by DEP device. We compared it with zeta potential data. The result from this study suggest this DEP device as a tool to estimate changes in the electrical properties of the cells 전기화학적동시환원을통한 3차원금나노입자 / 탄소나노튜브 / 환원된그래핀산화물나노복합체의합성과이를이용한전기화학면역센서이재면 1, 안용진 1, 이영주 2, 이기자 1,2 1 경희대학교일반대학원생체의과학협동과정, 2 경희대학교의과대학의공학교실 In this study, we introduce a new sensing platform based on 3D Au nanoparticles-decorated multi-walled carbon nanotube/reduced grapheme oxide nanocomposites (GNP/ MWCNT/rGO) for the detection of tryptase in nasal fluid as biomarker for allergy rhinitis. 3D GNP/ MWCNT/rGO was fabricated on glassy carbon electrode by one-step in-situ electrochemical deposition and co-reduction method. For the detection of tryptase, we prepared a sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor. As a result, 3D GNP/MWCNT/rGO based sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor showed a good sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility and stability. Therefore we expect that 3D GNP/MWCNT/rGO can be utilized as the effective immunosensing platform for detection of tryptase 펄스자기장에따른적혈구의형태변화 안효제, 신경훈, 이현숙상지대학교한방의료공학과 It is known that pulsed magnetic field (PMF) has a positive effect on the red blood cells (RBCs) rouleau formation which affects blood circulation. Based on these magnetic fields, we investigated the effect of PMF on the chemical treatment and osmosis of RBCs using microvascular model and smear method. As a result, PMF showed the effect of decreasing erythrocyte aggregation in the tbhp treated group and increasing blood flow velocity in the microvascular model with PMF. However the effect of PMF did not show much in the osmotic phenomenon due to NaCl causing outflow of H 2 O inside RBCs 폐암치료용 Discoidal Polymeric Nanoconstructs 박상효, 기재홍연세대학교의공학부 Lung cancer and pulmonary metastasis are the leading cause of cancer fatality worldwide. Lung cancer is difficult to diagnose early on as symptoms do not manifest early on, and there are many difficulties in 122

125 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 diagnosing and treating lung cancer because there are no effective treatments available as the transfer of lung cancer progresses. Nano/Micro particles have been developed for the imaging and treatment of various cancers. In this study, we use a top-down method. The top-down method can control the size and shape of the particles, has high loading contents, and thus varied functions and effects can be expected. We made Discoidal Polymeric Nanoconstructs (DPN) with an average diameter of 3μm. These particles were evaluated by Multisizer, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and fluorescence microscopy 향상된줄기세포유도효과를위한산화철나노입자에관한연구 윤완수, 기재홍연세대학교의공학부 Stem cell-based therapies have received much attention in regenerative medicine. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells are undergoing clinical trials for neural disease, inflammation, and tissue regeneration. Iron oxide nanoparticles induce the expression of specific membrane proteins of stem cells and show regenerative effects. We have reported engineered iron oxide nanoparticles encapsulated by poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) for enhanced homing effects than conventional 10nm iron oxide nanoparticles N-back task 수행시의뇌파를이용한인지부하정도분류 권주희 1, 김의진 2, 임창환 2, 김도원 3 1 전남대학교의공학협동과정 2 한양대학교생체의공학과 3 전남대학교의공학과 This study investigated whether it is possible to classify the cognitive load of a person using electroencephalogram during a cognitive task with different difficulties. Ten healthy participants underwent four sessions of n-back task with different difficulties in a pseudorandom order. EEG was recorded from 32 channels and preprocessed to measure the amplitude and latency of P300 component. The P300 amplitude and latency of Fz, Cz, and Pz was used as a feature for classification. The classification was done using support vector machine and evaluated using leave-one-out crossvalidation. The results show that we could successfully classify the difference between 1-back and 3-back condition with 5% error 뇌재활치료를위한전류제한기반 4채널경두개직류자극시스템제작 전세현 1, 정영진 1,2 1 동서대학교대학원융합방사선학과 & 보건환경연구센터 2 동서대학교방사선학과 The purpose of this study is to develop a system that enables the multi-focal stimulation of tdcs with high precision by developing a current limiting circuit. In order to estimate the safety and performance, the simple experiment was conducted according to IEC As a result, the developed 4X4 tdcs system has not only higher safety but also highest precision. The experiment showed that it can be directly applied to clinical practice 뇌전도와심층신경망을이용한렘수면행동장애환자의질환특이적특징추출 여동훈 1, 허성진 1, 차광수 1, 서부경 1, 김현 1, 최성운 1, 정기영 2, 김경환 1 1 연세대학교의공학과 2 서울대학교의과대학신경과 123

126 포스터 (2 분스피치 3) REM sleep disorder (RBD) is known as a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Although cognitive decline has been reported in patients with RBD, a clear neurophysiological mechanism has not yet been identified. In this study, we tried to classify patients and normal controls by using EEGs and an artificial neural network, and to extract the disease-specific features by calculating spatiotemporal features helpful for classification. The current density of visual area and frontal lobe within ms was the most important features. This may be due to decreased inhibitory attention ability of RBD patients and decreased function of top-down information processing to find target features 딥러닝뇌파분석을통한멀티미디어강의시청집중도분류 이희준, 박철수광운대학교컴퓨터공학과 Attention of a student during a lecture is important for the learning efficiency. In e-learning circumstances, it is easy to lose their attentions to the lecture compared to the traditional offline classroom due to the lack of interaction between the students and lecturer. In this study, we designed an experiment to analyze EEG responses of students to the e-learning multimedia material with and without their attentions. It was conducted on 8 subjects and their EEG signals were analyzed using a proposed CNN structure to classify between two conditions, attention and non-attention. The classification accuracy between the two conditions were 72.67%(±10.63) 오픈소스기반뇌파게임 : Mind Car 정성준 1, 김준호 1, 엄수상 1, 이성한 2, 전성찬 2, 안민규 1 1 한동대학교전산전자공학부, 2 광주과학기술원전기전자컴퓨터공학부 Although BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is a popular and hot research area, but establishing real-time system for conducting BCI and biofeedback researches is not easy due to the high technological requirements. In this paper, we introduce the open-source based real-time system featured with In-Game Training, Multi-modal Feedback, Gamification and Customization. We expect that this system will reduce the cost for building experimental systems, thus help BCI and biofeedback researchers focus on the brain research 외부잡음이귀주변뇌파에미치는영향및특성분석최수인, 최가영, 황한정금오공과대학교메디컬IT 융합공학과 In this study, we investigated the effect of physiological artifacts on electroencephalogram (EEG) measured around the ear, called Ear-EEG. When thirty subjects performed eye blinking, chin and neck movements, EEG is measured and two representative electrodes attached on frontal and ear areas were used for data analysis. Eye blink and neck movements influence frontal areas more significantly than ear areas in terms of amplitude, but chin movement did not considerably affect both frontal and ear areas. Event-related (de)synchronization (ERD/ ERS) pattern maps also showed similar results with the amplitude analysis results. 124

127 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 자극주파수대역이안정상태시각유발전위기반뇌-컴퓨터접속성능에미치는영향최가영 1, 김현욱 1, 장재홍 1, 정영진 2, 황한정 1 1 금오공과대학교메디컬IT 융합공학과 2 동서대학교방사선학과 The goal of this study is to share our steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) dataset for brain-computer interface (BCI) in order to allow other researchers to increase the performance of SSVEP-based BCI by applying their advanced algorithms using our SSVEP dataset. Thirty subjects took part in the experiment, and they conducted three SSVEP experiments with low-, mid-, and high-freqeucy band, respectivley, twice on different days. The mid-frequency band showed significantly higher classification accuracy than the low- and high-frequency band (low: ± 10%, mid: 90.07± 5%, high: ± 9%), demonstrating the feasibility of our dataset 수동형상지관절운동기기와연동하는기능적전기자극시스템개발권혁찬 1, 박은경 1, 한재인 2, 이현주 2, 김국한 3, 태기식 1 1 건양대학교의공학부, 2 건양대학교물리치료학과, 3 대성마리프 In this study, we developed a system for combining continuous passive motion (CPM) and functional electrical stimulation (FES), which are passive joint motion therapy devices, for active upper extremity rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients. The FES device consists of two channels and hardware is configured to produce the same output as the low frequency electric stimulation therapy. Each electrode with two channels was attached to the wrist extensor carpi muscle for wrist extension and the flexor carpi muscle for wrist flexion. The developed system provided a more efficient joint rehabilitation treatment by interfacing CPM equipment for upper limb paresis 치과위생사의근골격계질환예방을위한관성측정장치기반진료자세개선연구 이수호 1, 고미미 2, 정영진 1,2 1 동서대학교대학원보건과학과 & 보건환경연구센터 2 동서대학교방사선학과 The purpose of this study is to prevent occupationally related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) diseases of dental hygienists. In the experiment, IMU was used to measure the subject's data and the angle of each IMU was calculated using Python. The results of the data analysis showed that each operation and angles of each axis were obtained by IMU. If more data is gathered, it will be a prevention of WMSD 섬유의압박기능을활용한운동학적기능성이너웨어가근육활성도, 스윙거리및방향각에미치는영향 J.H. Oh 1, C.U. Hong 2, T.K. Kwon 3, C.H. Sin 4 1 Department of Healthcare Engineering, Graduate School of Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea 2 Division of Biomedical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea 3 Division of Biomedical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea Research Center of Healthcare & Welfare Instrument for the Aged, Chonbuk National Univ 4 Department of Physical education, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea The purpose of the present study is to analysis the muscle activity and motion for effective slice and hook prevention before and after wearing innerwear with compression function. The change of muscle activity 125

128 포스터 (2 분스피치 3) pattern before and after wearing innerwear was compared with the golf swing. The muscles of upper trapezius(ut), biceps muscle(bc), latissimus dorsi(ld), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris(bf), and gluteus medius(gm) were measurement. In addition, motion analysis equipment (swing baro)was utilized for further analyzes such as distance(m), direction angle( ), projection angle( ) and club speed(m/s). As a result of the experiment, the beginner showed the active state of the trapezius in the swing pattern of the muscles due to the tightness of the wrist and the functional gauge of the shoulder muscle, and also used the slice (R-29.9 ) type slice in the swing motion analysis. 126

129 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 포스터 ( 일반 ) 5월 11일 ( 금 ) Biomedical Engineering Education and Career Biomedical Optics Biomedical Robotics Medical and Bio-informatics Medical Imaging Medical Nano and Microtechnology Neural Engineering Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Engineering Biomedical Instrumentations System Biology, Physiological Modeling Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Artificial Organs and 3D Bioprinting Biomaterials Digital Healthcare Technology Biomechanics Sports Biomedical Engineering


131 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-001 3D 프린팅을이용한환자맞춤형이식 의료기기의방사선멸균적용방안 엄용운 crosstalk between microwells is significantly reduced. The novel fabrication method and Omega-well platform proposed in this study are highly practical, and thus will be useful tools in biology and pharmaceutical labs. 성균관대학교의료기기산업학과 In the manufacturing process of medical devices, sterilization has a significant effect on the safety and effectiveness of the product, so appropriate material selection and validation through verification is necessary. In recent years, patient-customized medical devices using 3D printing have been developed and used in various fields, but it is not easy to verify the effectiveness of sterilization because designs are changed according to patients. Therefore, it is reviewed for the application of radiation sterilization : selection of materials, selection of representative sample for validation, determination of sterilization dose, and selection of packaging system to maintain sterilization of product. P-002 CPU pin array를활용한 Omega(Ω) 형상의 microwell 김기덕, 박중열중앙대학교기계공학과 The Omega well array could be made by CPU micropin array without applying high-cost materials or procedures. Due to the unique downward-curved entrance shape of the Omega well, seeded cells could be fallen into the Omega-well. The special function of this Omega well not only makes the cells more efficient to use, but also has the function of collecting cells falling into the wells, promoting the formation of more spherical cell spheroids. Various characteristic analyses were performed by experiment and computer simulation. It is demonstrated that cell loss is minimized during cell seeding, a spheroid once produced does not easily escape, and P-003 경구투여백신전달을위한장용화코팅 MCM-48 나노입자의개발민창희 1, 김세나 1, 최영빈 1,2,3 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학과 3 서울대학교의학연구원의용생체공학연구소 In this study, we proposed the MCM-48 nanoparticles for enhanced oral vaccine delivery. For this purpose, the MCM-48 were treated for pore expansion, as well as with polyethylene glycol grafting (i.e., PEG-MCM-48). The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, N 2 adsorption/desorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy. To test this carrier, a model antigen, ovalbumin (OV) was impregnated in the PEG-MCM-48, which was then coated with Eudragit. The in vitro release study was performed in PBS. During 24 h, more than 50% OV was released at phs 6.8 and 7.4 while less than 10% release was observed at ph 1.2. P-004 미세구조마스크를사용한자외선조사과정에의한생체친화성 PEG 하이드로젤마이크로패터닝김영호, 공재성대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 Biocompatible polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel micropatterning has been presented for biomedical applications. Recently, various small medical devices such as biosensor chips, microfluidic devices, lab-on-a-chips, minaturized 129

132 포스터 ( 일반 ) analytical devices have been rapidly investigated for biomedical and biotechnological applications. Furthermore, hydrogel polymers and their preparation procedures have gained high interested to fabricate microstructured patterning. The PEG hydrogel is a biocompatible and photopolymerizable polymers. In the preparation of PEG micropatterning, microstructured stencils in the ranges of μm pattern widths were prepared. The PEG solution was exposed under UV light for 7-20 seconds at 26 mw/cm 2 intensity. Then the PEG micropatterned devices were prepared and characterized. P-005 치과용임플란트적용을위한 PEEK Polymer 의재료특성분석 정용훈 1, 정태곤 1, 양재웅 1, 정재영 1, 박광민 1, 이수원 1, 문대선 2, 김록영 2, 김호성 2 1 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 2 ( 주 ) 케이제이메디텍기업부설연구소 P-006 Assessing the Biodegradability of PLLA(Poly-L-Lactide) for Rhinoplasty Feasibility Jae-Wan Sim Department of Medical Device Management and Research, SAIHST, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea The purpose of this study is to evaluate for biodegradation of PLLA in in vitro conditions to determine whether it meets with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties required in rhinoplasty. PLLA scaffold samples were induced into PBS and lysozyme for 120 days and were tested for weight measurement, tensile strength evaluation, and scanning electron microscopy. No significant changes were found in weight, tensile strength, and SEM images. Keywords: PLLA, biodegradation, macroscopic physical properties, microscopic physical properties, rhinoplasty Poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) is a synthetic, this polymeric material that has been used as a biomaterial in orthopedics for many years, also PEEK use increases to replace conventional titanium alloy for dental implant with advantage of great mechanical and esthetic characteristics. To be sure as a dental material for implantation, implant stability and static/dynamic mechanical analysis were obtained for PEEK dental implant specimens. As based on the preliminary results, dental implant system with PEEK has an enough initial insertion stability and fatigue properties, could be considered one of alternative materials in particular for esthetic anterior tooth restoration. P-007 이동평균필터를이용한수술항법장치에사용되는광학식위치추적장비의정확도향상유지용 1, 이원진 1,2 1 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원방사선융합의생명전공 2 서울대학교치과대학영상치의학교실 The accuracy of the optical location tracking system used in surgery navigation devices in surgical operations is of paramount importance. Medical location tracking equipment used in surgical navigation systems is accurate enough to be used for surgery, but otherwise relatively inaccurate. In this study, the commercial optical tracking device using moving average filter was shown to be accurate enough to be used in surgical navigation system. 130

133 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-008 골전도진동체의효율향상을위한진동막형상설계방법박재성 1, 석진완 1, 김도연 1, 강하림 1, 나승대 2, 김명남 3 1 경북대학교대학원의용생체공학과 2 칠곡경북대학교병원의공학센터 3 경북대학교의학전문대학원의공학교실 Recently, the number of hearing loss patients have increased. because of aging population growth and excessiveness using multimedia devices. For hearing loss patients, hearing aids are used for a typical treatment. BAHA is a representative product of bone conduction hearing aids, which has different sound transmission mechanism. However it makes some problems such as causing skin dermatitis and discomfort of wearers because of percutaneous. To solve these problems, miniaturized implanted bone conduction hearing aid needs to be used. In this paper, not only torsion stress of membrane of transducer also displacement and stiffness by an edge area connected a fixed area have been studied. Therefore, an efficiency has increased secure displacement of resonance matched Acoustic Characteristics. P-009 고막타깃팅을위한초음파트랜스듀서배열의방향성분석석진완 1, 박재성 1, 김도연 1, 강하림 1, 나승대 2, 김명남 3 1 경북대학교대학원의용생체공학과 2 칠곡경북대학교병원의공학센터 3 경북대학교의학전문대학원의공학교실 Recently, due to the entry of an aging society and an increase of acquired auditory disorder, the population of hearing loss people is risen, which have induced gradual growth of the market. Despite positive points of the hearing aid market, Congestion of hearing aid market have come because hearing aid has problem discomfort of wearer, feedback, and the apparent reasons. To overcome these weakness from feedback, the methods are targeted at the tympanic membrane by a way to stimulate a particular region in which acoustic impedance is different for each frequency. In this paper, we fabricated micro directional speaker that can be inserted into the external canal using parametric array. After audible sound wave was generated by prototype micro ultrasonic transducer, which attempted directional verification for the possibility of efficient tympanic membrane targeting. P-010 Sit-to-stand five times test를이용한고령자낙상위험도평가에대한체계적문헌고찰 조혜미 1, 서정우 1, 김태호 1, 이진수 2, 김정길 2, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 The purpose of this study was to systematic review that elderly fall risk evaluation by sit-to-stand five times test. Question of SR was What is the difference between Faller and Non-Faller when performing STS5 test for the elderly? The final selected literature were total five. There was difference between Faller and Non-Faller at total time variable. P-011 판륜의확장이기능적승모판폐쇄부전에미치는영향 홍우재, 정수환, 김형건성균관대학교바이오메카트로닉스학과 Functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) develops when regional or global enlargement of the left ventricle 131

134 포스터 ( 일반 ) occurs, which is frequently associated with annular dilatation. We investigated the biomechanical characteristics of FMR development utilizing our computational mitral valve (MV) evaluation protocol. A computational model of a healthy MV at end diastole was created. Based on clinical FMR studies, a series of annular dilation was modeled with an increment of 1% up to 10% enlargement. While an increase of 1% in annular dimension did not show considerable difference in both leaflet coaptation and leaflet stress distribution at peak systole, annular dilation greater than 2% clearly demonstrated the occurrence of leaflet malcoaptation and increased stresses. Simulation-based evaluation of MV function related to annular dilation allows us to better understand the biomechanical characteristics of FMR. P-012 생체모방요추모델을이용한 pedicle screw system의생체역학적특성분석 강관수 1, 정태곤 1, 정용훈 1, 양재웅 1, 정재영 1, 박광민 1, 이수원 1, 우수헌 2, 박태현 2 1 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 2 메디쎄이기술연구소 In this study, biomechanical characterization of pedicle screw system have been investigated by static compression, tensile and torsion based on ASTM F1717 and motion analysis of flexion, lateral bending and axial rotation motion using biomimetic lumbar model. Results of static test were structural stability in comparison with literature. Range of motion (ROM) of intact lumbar model was decreased compered to lumbar model with pedicle screw system. The ROM ratio was greatly increased because the moment was concentrated at L4-L5 segment relative to L2-L3 segment. P-013 생체역학기반고령자낙상부상완화매트개발을위한기초연구김정길 1, 서정우 1, 김태호 1, 조혜미 1, 이진수 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 Although the fall of older people is very common in the home, studies on mats to prevent fall injuries are not enough. The purpose of this study is to find the optimum materials for the development of the fall injuries prevention mat. We compared the impact of three different types of mats and general flat on 10 healthy adults. The experiment was carried out by measuring the Max Acceleration(MaxAcc) and duration of the ankles and knees as they jumped from a 50cm square chair. All variables were measured by 3D Motion Analysis. Experiments have shown that PE(Cross-link) can reduce MaxAcc. of the knee and ankle joints. These results suggest that PE (Cross-link) is a suitable material for shock relief. In future development, it seems that mat development should be done by bonding other materials with PE(Corss-link) as the main material. P-014 CITEC을이용한연령별고령자의근력분석기초연구 이진수 1, 서정우 1, 김태호 1, 김정길 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 The purpose of this study was to examinehow the muscle strength affecting the occurrence of elderly falls varies with age. 97 healthy elderly participated in the experiment(age: 77.88±4.26years, weight: 60.51±10.62kg, 132

135 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 height: ±8.76cm). Among them, 21 males and 45 females were in the 70s group, and 12 males and 19 females in the 80s group, respectively.citec was used to measure maximal voluntary older males, the strengthof foot dorsiflexors, which affects the increase in fall rates, decreased,but in older females, the strengthof foot plantarflexors and hallux plantarflexors increased significantly, which needs further investigation. P-016 체계적문헌고찰을통한균형능력평가시 rambling trembling 기법활용연구동향김태호 1, 서정우 1, 이진수 1, 김정길 1, 최진승 2,3, 탁계래 2,3 1 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과, 2 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 3 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소 P-015 보행자속도감응형트레드밀보행시지속시간에따른보행변동성과프랙탈동특성의재현성패턴차이최진승 1,2, 서정우 3, 김태호 3, 이진수 3, 김정길 3, 탁계래 1,2 1 건국대학교 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공, 2 BK21플러스의공학실용기술연구소, 3 건국대학교일반대학원의학공학과 The purpose of this study was to identify the reliability of gait dynamics variables while self-paced treadmill walking according to walking durations, between-days and within-day. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the standard error of measurement (SEM) for the the mean, variability, and fractal dynamics of the stride time were used to evaluate the within-day and between-day reliability according to walking durations (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8min). The results showed that all variables were consistent for within-day reliability for all walking durations and trials. For between-day reliability, the average stride time were consistent for all walking durations and trials. In the result of one trial, the variability of long walking durations (more than 6 min) and the fractal dynamics of relatively short walking durations (less than 5 min) had lower reliability. The purpose of this study was to check the trend and validity of rambling trembling analysis by systematic review(sr). The question of SR is When assessing the balance ability of standing posture, what is the characteristics of research using rambling trembling analysis? The final selected literature were total twelve. The literature selected is summarized the subject and purpose of the study, and to suggest the advantages and application methodology of the rambling trembling analysis techniques compared to the existing COP analysis techniques. P-017 국소아킬레스건진동자극이고령자보행의수직및전후지면반발력에미치는영향 곽기영 2, 김희균 1, 고승훈 2, 김재성 2, 김유정 2, 김동욱 2,3 1 전북대학교대학원헬스케어공학과 2 전북대학교바이오메디컬공학부 3 전북대학교고령친화복지기기연구센터 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of focal Achilles tendon vibratory stimuli on mobility and stability of the elderly gait via ground reaction forces. A total of 10 elderly participated in this study. 3D Motion analysis was performed to investigate the ground reaction forces with the focal vibratory stimuli. As a results, first peak of vertical and anterior-posterior GRF decreased. Second peak of vertical GRF slightly increased while anterior-posterior GRF was not. These results imply that the focal vibratory stimuli may affect mobility and stability of the elderly gait. 133

136 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-018 머신러닝기반의족부압력예측이가능한저가형깔창시스템조예찬 1, 정현우 1, 김태형 1, 이경숙 2, 김경란 2, 최안렬 3, 문정환 1 P-020 척추경나사못디자인에따른고정력및구동토크에대한생체역학적평가최선각, 차은종, 김경아, 안윤호충북대학교의용생체공학과 1 성균관대학교생명공학대학바이오메카트로닉스학과 2 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업인안전보건팀 3 가톨릭관동대학교의료융합대학의료공학과 The foot pressure distribution (FPD) is used to provide clinically useful information, such as checking in advance for concentrated pressure points that can lead to pressure ulcers. If it is possible to predict FPD across the feet with a small number of pressure sensors, it increases economic efficiency and can be used for a variety of purposes. We used the insole system to estimate major foot pressures, and trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with these. Correlation coefficient between the results of test and the actual values was 0.92, which is quite high. P-019 장단기기억네트워크를활용한다양한낙상예측모델 김태형 1, 김유진 1, 최안렬 2, 문정환 1 1 성균관대학교생명공학대학바이오메카트로닉스학과 2 가톨릭관동대학교의료융합대학의료공학과 The pre-impact various fall prediction model using long short-term memory network is proposed. The accelerometer is measured from IMU sensor and specific feature is selected for various fall and activity daily livings (ADLs). Total of 10 falls and 14 ADLs is predicted through multi-class LSTM model with average classification accuracy and misclassification number of and 30, respectively. Therefore, the proposed model which predict fall prior to impact can reduce possible injuries by apply various fall protective systems. This study was performed to evaluate the pullout strength and driving torque of newly designed pedicle screws(type A : standard pedicle screw, Type B : single pitched and dual lead threaded screw, Type C : dual pitched and dual lead threaded screw). The tests were performed in accordance with the ASTM standards using polyurethane(pu) foam blocks. Pedicle screws newly developed with dual pitched and dual lead threaded design showed higher driving torque without decrease in pullout strength compared to the standard pedicle screw and could be inserted more rapidly with the same number of revolutions. P-021 단일공내시경수술을위한모듈형수술로봇포셉의설계 윤치순, 김영일, 이상식가톨릭관동대학교 If surgery is possible with minimal invasion, rapid recovery of the patient will acceleratereturn to daily life. One of these minimally invasive procedures, endoscopic surgery, involves surgery from two to three perforation and one perforation. Among these, single-hole endoscopic surgery in which a single hole is used is limited in size of the robot for surgery, and it is difficult for the force to be exerted to be greater than a certain level. In this paper, we focus on forceps design that meets the requirements of a single hole surgical robot. 134

137 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-022 파킨슨병환자와 SWEDD 환자의보행특성비교최윤혁 1, 권유리 1,2, 김지원 1,2, 권도영 3 1 건국대학교의학공학과, 2 BK21 플러스의공학연구소, 3 고려대학교병원신경과, SWEDD (Scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit) refers to patients diagnosed with PD (Parkinson s disease) who have no dopamine transporter scan. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the gait variables of PD and SWEDD are different. Eight patients with PD and 12 patients with SWEDD participated in this study. As outcome measure, integrated pressure over time (P*t) were derived from pressure data in hind, mid and fore section. P*t of SWEDD patients were significantly smaller than that of PD patients in hind and mid sections (p<0.05). In contrast, P*t of SWEDD patients were significantly greater than that of PD patients in fore section (p<0.01). These results suggest that gait variables would be useful for distinguishing SWEDD patients from PD patients. one of the components of the cell membrane. In this research, we observed the structure of DOPC membranes that containing cholesterol each different concentration. It was studied using Kelvin probe force measurement. When the lipid bilayer is containing high cholesterol levels, it observed more negatively charged. One of the reasons is zwitterionic properties of DOPC molecules. Their polar heads can reorient when the ionic strength changes. And at the high ph, molecules are dissociated to negative charged. This parameter characterizes surface charge. This data can offer better conditions for testing the liposome. P-024 다채널배열전극기반생체임피던스프로브를이용한대장염동물모델의전기적특성차이분석 이일화 1, 최현태 2, 이다빈 3, 이상훈 4, 우응제 5, 오동인 5 1 경희대학교전자정보대학생체의공학과 2 경희대학교일반대학원생체의과학과 3 경희대학교한의과대학한의학과 4 경희대학교한의과대학침구학교실 Keywords: SWEDD, Parkinson s disease, gait, foot pressure P-023 콜레스테롤함량의증가에따른 DOPC 인지질이중층의표면전위관찰 이은진, 여강인, 이상현, 김채원, 임종원, 최승엽, 이상우연세대학교의공학과 Cholesterol is a key component of cell membranes because it constitutes about 30 % of cell membranes. It has been studied in endocytosis, exocytosis, and the assembly of sphingolipid/cholesterol-enriched domains. Moreover, physical properties of lipid membrane (e.g., stiffness and surface potential) depend on cellular cholesterol levels. 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine(DOPC) is 5 경희대학교의과대학의공학교실 Back-shu point is used for evaluation and treatment in Korean medicine. However, there is no quantitative evaluation method for the state of back-shu point. We developed multi-electrode based bioimpedance spectroscopic probe to measure the electrical property of back-shu point to detect any variation. We prepared the mouse model for colitis and control group to measure the electrical property on the back. Bioimpedance spectrum were collected at 6 local regions in the back. From the experimental results, we observed a change in electrical properties between the control and colitis group at the lower level, especially at the S3 region. 135

138 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-025 진동및충격시험이홈헬스케어환경에서사용하는의료기기신뢰성에미치는영향에대한분석김은혜, 강민재, 김태형, 정재훈대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 As third edition of the basic safety standard for medical electrical equipment (IEC ) was issued in 2005, the vibration and impact tests were added to ensure the stability of the medical devices used in home healthcare environments. Accordingly, the interest in vibration and impact test for the reliability of medical devices has been increased, because the vibration and mechanical shock tests are added to the design process of the medical devices used in the home healthcare environment. To investigate the effect of vibration and impact tests on home health care devices in IEC , the tests are conducted based on the IEC using a blood glucose meter. From the results, we show the effect of these tests on reliability of the medical devices used in the home health care environment. P 리드심전도장치에서유도한 12-유도심전도에관한연구손장재 1, 양승만 1, 권순빈 1, 김희찬 2,3 1 서울대학교공과대학바이오엔지니어링협동과정 2 서울대학교의학연구원의용생체공학연구소 3 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 the device, we synthesized 12-lead ECG using linear regression, equation of which was established in 15 normal subjects. These reconstructed ECGs were compared with standard 12-lead ECG. Reconstruction of 12-lead ECG using a 3-lead patch-type device is feasible and possibly provides additional information compared to the single lead-ecg. However, further study is needed to verify its clinical usefulness. P-027 이식형의약품주입펌프의안전성및성능평가 김현영, 권정훈, 서효창, 임동준, 주세경서울아산병원아산생명과학연구원의공학연구소, 울산대학교의과대학 This paper presents an investigation on international standards and guidance related to evaluation of safety and performance for implantable infusion pumps. The relevant international standards and guidance are provided as a table. The safety and performance can be evaluated by general requirements for safety(iso ) and particular requirements for implantable infusion pumps(iso ). Based on this results, we will suggest new guidelines for mechanical and biological safety evaluation of implantable infusion pumps. P-028 인공달팽이관장치의안전성및성능평가 김현영, 권정훈, 서효창, 임동준, 주세경서울아산병원아산생명과학연구원의공학연구소, 울산대학교의과대학 The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is a vital diagnostic tool for cardiologists. The standard 12-lead system requires 10 electrodes to be attached on a wide bare area of the human body. However, to be applied in a mobile system, a reduced number of electrodes is mandatory. For these reasons, we propose the 3-lead patch-type ECG device. With the signals obtained from This paper presents an investigation on international standards and guidance related to evaluation of safety and performance for cochlear implant systems. The safety and performance can be evaluated by general requirements for safety(iso ) and particular requirements for cochlear implant systems(iso ). Based on this results, we will suggest new guidelines for 136

139 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 mechanical and biological safety evaluation of cochlear implant systems. P-029 골편재위치시술에서인공신경망을이용한골편충돌위치검출 우상윤 1, 이상정 1, 유지용 1, 강세룡 1, 최민혁 1, 이원진 2 1 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원방사선융합의생명전공 2 서울대학교치의학대학원영상치의학교실 Repositioning of bone segments is a surgical procedure to restore a bone segment to the correct alignment. Conventionally, the bone segments was handled freely by a surgeon based on the preoperative plan. Robot-assisted surgery systems have been recently studied for helping surgeons, but they need safety equipment and algorithms to avoid injury during the surgical procedure. To enhance safety issue, a force-torque sensor was attached to the end-effector of the robot arm, and force torque information was collected during the bone repositioning. Estimation algorithm of collision detection was developed in condition of octant on contact surface of the maxillary bone. P-030 의료기기임베디드소프트웨어에대한국제규격의요구사항과, 요구사항을문서화하기위한사례연구 조기석, 신은미성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 As regulations for medical devices are being strengthened around the world, proportionally the requirements on the embedded software are crucially handled. Namely, the embedded software governing the safety of medical device is required for software quality. For the entry to the global market, it s essential to align with international requirements and to secure the good quality. Through the review of international requirements and a case, the requirements on such software are analyzed and the effective model is suggested. Also, this study may be implemented as a suitable model for standardization as development methodology to each manufacturer in need. P-031 문헌적고찰을통해각국가의의료 3D 프린팅기술에대한규제현황비교분석 정지원 1, 백정환 1,2 1 성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원일반대학원의료기기산업학과 2 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원이비인후 - 두경부외과 With the introduction of 3D printing technology in the medical science, governments in many countries have proposed regulatory measures for public health and safety. This study provided a comparative analysis of the current state of regulations in Korea, US, and Europe. As a result, the viewpoints of regulating 3D printing technology varied, but the main purposes were the same. In addition, since they are in the initial stages of regulation, they need to be supplemented. Therefore, Many countries exchange information with each other and communicate with manufacturers. Then, 3D printing technology will become a promising in the medical science. P-032 국내의료기기소프트웨어의품질관리현황연구 원종아 1,2, 이진구 2, 허남구 2, 이예리 2, 남도현 1,2, 윤엽 1,2 1 성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 2 삼성서울병원미래의학연구원난치암연구사업단 As the type of industry changes, the functions of medical devices become more sophisticated, and the medical device software that controls them is increasing rapidly. 137

140 포스터 ( 일반 ) This study investigated the status of software quality management of domestic medical device manufacturers and the regulations and management status of domestic medical device software through literature review. In order to effectively manage the quality management of domestic medical device software, voluntary efforts of the companies, implementation of the government's support policy and suggestion practical guidelines of the regulatory authorities are necessary. P-033 레이저와드릴을활용한하이드로콜로이드드레싱홀가공시제품제작 신윤호, 김상호, 윤정호, 박충환, 승성민대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단, 첨단의료기기개발지원센터본연구의목적은하이드로콜로이드드레싱에홀가공을수행하고자하였다. 실험재료는시중에판매되고있는하이드로콜로이드드레싱을사용하였고홀가공을위하여드릴, 레이저, 드릴과레이저병합의세가지방법으로실험을수행하였다. 그결과드릴을사용한가공에서는이물질 (burr) 이발생하였고레이저가공은흡수층에그을림을발생시켰다. 이를보완하기위하여레이저를활용하여보호필름층가공후드릴을통해홀을가공하는방식으로수행하였다. 드릴과레이저를병합한가공과정에서흡수층이홀가공중압착현상을보였으나홀가공의외부형태를알아보기위해서는충분함을알수있었다. P-034 의료기기품질관리국제조화를위한의료기기단일심사프로그램분석 Jung-lye Ko Department of Medical Device Management and Research, SAIHST, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea regulatory audit of a medical device manufacturer s quality management system that satisfies the requirements of multiple regulatory jurisdictions. This program enable appropriate regulatory oversight of medical device manufacturers quality management systems while minimizing regulatory burden on industry and promote more efficient and flexible use of regulatory resources through work-sharing and mutual acceptance among regulators. This study reviewed audit model and guidelines for MDSAP P-035 Assessment of Neurometabolic Alterations Induced by Repeated Exposure to MK-801 on Prefrontal Cortex of Schizophrenic Animal Model: In vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H MRS) Study at 9.4T C.H. Yoo, K.H. Song, and B.Y. Choe Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Repeated exposure to dizocilpine (MK-801) can be used as a model of schizophrenia that incorporates disease progression. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H MRS) has been widely used to investigate schizophreniarelated alterations in glutamate (Glu). The purpose of this study was to investigate metabolic alterations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in an animal model of schizophrenia by using in vivo 1 H MRS. The results suggest that high-field in vivo 1 H MRS with short TE can quantify Glu and Gln with reliably low level of cross-contamination and that repeated exposure to MK-801 induces the progressive development of schizophrenia. The International Medical Divice Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) developed The Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) which allows the conduct of a single 138

141 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-036 낙상경험이있는고령자여성의 sagittal plane에서하지보행분석허재훈, 전형민, 최의범, 엄광문건국대학교의학공학과 Fall is closely related to the body's moving gait, and it affects the quality of life. Also, there are many cases in elderly women. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the gait patterns of elderly women who have fallen experience. Ten elderly women participated in this study. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected with a single force plate and motion capture camera. The angle, force, and moment on the sagittal plane were compared on both legs. There was no significance in the angle of walking on the faller but a larger force and moment appeared on the dominant side. The non-dominant side in the gait is considered to perform only the balance function. P-037 Introducing Fast Brain Cortical Surface Extraction Pipeline for GPU-Based Parallel Computer Heechan Park, Jong-Min Lee Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea We are developing a new application to extract brain surface from a volumetric Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) on nvidia CUDA programming platform using GPU-Based parallel computer. The application is based on well-known CIVET version 1.x pipeline and Constrained Laplacian Anatomic Segmentation using Proximities (CLASP) brain surface algorithm [1]. Because CIVET and CLASP algorithm is using a deformable-model based algorithm and is originally written with no parallelism, its completion time takes over several hours to extract a surface model from a volume image. To shorten pipeline completion time and to provide more immediate access to brain surface from a volume image, we applied a parallel computing and redesign a new pipeline system to them. We propose methods and software design to enhance the overall throughput performance. We also mix Marching Cube algorithm and Sphere mesh topology mapping method [5] to generate initial mesh to produce more accurate shape. P-038 적외선기반의 PSD 센서를이용한인체관절각도측정연구 오한별, 김지선, 전재훈건국대학교의학공학과 In the field of rehabilitation, joint angles are used as an important measure to evaluate the degree of recovery before and after treatment. In this paper, optical sensor based on the principle of triangulation is used. This method calculates the distance as a ratio of the current that is reflected by the distance and returns, so that it has an advantage that accurate output can be obtained without being affected by the color. Using these characteristics, the bending angle was detected using the output signal obtained from the experiment of adjusting the attachment slope and the attachment position of the sensor to the joint model. The system proposed in this study can measure the bending angle without restraining the center axis of the joint and has the advantages of being small, lightweight, and free from space - time constraints. 139

142 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-039 비침습적진단기기를이용한일시적토끼당뇨모델에서의누당측정조용찬 1, 이승호 2, 한재훈 1, 최영빈 1,2,3 radiofrequency system. The numerical model is based on coupled electric-thermal-flow problem and solved by COMSOL Multiphysics software. The numerical model result shows that larger lesions are obtained when the position of electrode is placed horizontally. 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 2 서울대학교의학연구원의용생체공학연구소 3 서울대학교의과대학의공학과 A non-invasive diagnostic device was developed to enable concurrent safe tear collection and glucose measurement, to overcome the current limitations in noninvasive measurement of tear glucose. The diagnostic device is comprised of an enzyme-based electrochemical sensor for tear glucose measurement, and a lid for safe contact to the preocular tissue surface during tear collection and measurement. The device was evaluated in diabetic rabbit model and exhibited fast collection of tear fluid, and high resolution to distinguish diabetic and normal tear glucose concentrations. Using the device, we confirmed there is a strong correlation between blood glucose concentration and tear glucose concentration in rabbit. P-040 식염수분사와 PI 컨트롤을고려한전극도자절제술용전극의수치해석 안진우, 김영진, 이승아, 정하철, 윤송우, 문진희오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터제품개발부첨단융합팀 Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the interventional therapy that be employed to eliminate cardiac tissue caused by arrhythmias. During radiofrequency catheter ablation, The thrombus can occur at electrode tip if the temperature of tissue and electrode is excess 100. To prevent this phenomenon, we investigated numerical model of electrode for radiofrequency catheter ablation considering saline irrigation and temperature-controlled P-041 깊이인식카메라를이용한 CT영상과전자기적위치추적장치간즉시적 / 자동적정합방법최민혁 1, 이상정 1, 우상윤 1, 유지용 1, 강세룡 1, 이원진 2 1 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원융합과학부방사선융합의생명전공 2 서울대학교치과대학구강악안면방사선학교실 Recently, minimally invasive endoscopic surgery (MIS) has been widely used. However, because of the limited surgical view, it is difficult to define the exact location of the anatomic structures. To solve this problem, an image guided surgery navigation system using a 3D position tracking device has appeared. For using the navigation system, registration is essential to align image coordinate system to patient physical coordinate system. Conventional registration was used manually, so accuracy and time efficiency are poor. In this study, we developed on-demand automatic registration method. By using this method, accuracy and time efficiency are better than that of conventional method. P-042 주변온도및측정거리를이용한온도보정방법 : 예비연구박종욱 1, 에르덴바야르 1, 이상민 2, 이경중 1 1 연세대학교의공학과, 2 창의테크전략기획팀 This study proposes a method for temperature compensation using ambient temperature and measurement distance. We developed a system for temperature measurement using MLX Data were obtained 140

143 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 according to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) thermometer test guide. The target temperature is 35.5 to 40.5, the ambient temperature and humidity are 13.5 to 40.5 and 0% to 95%, and were tested at distances of 0cm, 3cm, 6cm, respectively. Multiple regression analysis and polynomial regression analysis were performed to deduce the compensation formula using ambient temperature and measurement distance. The compensation results showed root-meansquare error (RMSE) of ±0.1 ~±0.2. Therefore, this method has potential to accurately measure body temperature. P-043 용량성전극배열을이용한심박수추정 이동석 1, 박광석 2 1 서울대학교협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 2 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 Electrocardiograph(ECG) is widely used to measuring irregular rhythm of heart activity, which is a gold standard to diagnose heart related disease such as heart attack. ECG measuring system using capacitive electrode has advantage of unobtrusiveness, without user s consciousness. However, the signal quality of capacitive electrode is poor when the contact between user s body and the surface of electrode is not firm. Also capacitive electrode is prone to motion artifacts. In this study, we designed capacitive electrode array and performed a pilot study for estimating heart rate when the source of noise is unknown. The correlation coefficient between estimated R-R interval and reference R-R interval was 0.90 and mean absolute error was 1.54 bpm. P-044 호흡기체분석법을이용한천식모니터링장치 M.H Lee 1,3, D.K Lee 2, O.W Kwon 2, K.H Lee 2, S.W Kang 3 1 Medical Device Development Center, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation 2 Daegu Research Center for Medical Devices, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 3 Kyungpook National University, College of IT Engineering, School of Electronics Engineering, Daegu Recently, asthma patients are increasing due to environmental factors. it is impossible to continuously monitor diseases such as X-rays and CT which are used continuously for asthma diagnosis. Therefore, researches are being actively carried out to develop a portable analyzing apparatus. We use to NO and VOCs gas sensors for understand the respiratory diseases which are representative gas biomarkers of respiratory diseases. In addition, to monitor physical conditions, we constructed a system to simultaneously analyze the chemical and physical state of the respiratory organ in single respiration by measuring the peak flow through a single pressure sensor and structure design. P-045 개인용고주파자극기의안전성시험평가방법이예진 1, 마미연 2, 전소혜 3, 안효진 3, 김호철 2, 박수강 3, 권범선 1, 남기창 1 1 동국대학교의과대학, 2 을지대학교보건과학대학, 3 한국기계전기전자시험연구원 Recently, interest and use of personal medical devices available at home has been increased. Because personal electrical stimulators utilize electrical and physical characteristics, safety and performance tests are required to ensure patient safety. Adverse events have been reported due to apply high frequency energy on the skin. Because they are used indiscriminately without the 141

144 포스터 ( 일반 ) regulation of maximum output power and maximum skin contact temperature. In this study, safety test for personal radiofrequency stimulator is proposed according to the characteristics of the device. P-046 정형외과수술용초음파핸드피스에관한연구 이주학, 최종균, 정세미, 김대관, 송태하, 차경래대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 The ultrasonic handpiece has excellent performance in protecting soft tissue and preventing excessive removal of bone tissue during orthopedic surgery. In this study, natural frequency analysis of horn and tip was performed because the natural frequency and oscillation frequency of horn and tip are set equal. As a result of analysis of natural frequency, only the fourth mode was analyzed in the single analysis of the horn, and the sixth mode was analyzed in the coupled model of the horn and tip. The results of this study will be referred to the setting of the oscillation frequency of the ultrasonic handpiece, and it is necessary to carry out the analysis of the natural frequency according to the shape of the tip. significant difference between EA and IR groups. LLLT at acupoint PC6 more effectively preserves cardiac function than EA. Our result implies that LLLT could be applied as a non-invasive treatment modality for cardiovascular disorders. P-048 순환보조장치테스트를위한혈류역학적혈압시스템개발 이도연, 강성민, 최성욱강원대학교기계융합공학과 Patients with heart disease are able to extend life until cardiac function is restored by using mechanical circulatory support device. Accordingly, development of a circulatory support device is underway and the method that evaluates performance of circulatory support device is needed. This study designed hemodynamic blood pressure system that uses rotary gear pumps. Also it can control minimum pressure and maximum pressure. By copying blood pressure of human body, it is expected that performance of circulatory support device can be evaluated and reliability can be improved. P-047 심장허혈재관류손상쥐에시행한전침과저강도레이저치료연구이수지 1, 이승민 1, 이상훈 1, 이경혜 2, 우종신 2, 김원 2 1 경희대학교한의과대학침구학교실 2 경희대학교의과대학심장내과 P-049 급성천식동물모델을이용한의료용흡입기성능평가장경화 1, 윤영순 1, 구남이 1, 임지연 1, 문상협 1, 최경훈 2, 박봉주 2, 남기창 1 1 동국대학교의과대학, 2 광운대학교전자바이오물리학과 The aim of this study was to investigate the cardioprotective effects of electroacupuncture (EA) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in rats with cardiac ischemic-reperfusion (IR) injury. Ejection fraction and fractional shortening with transthoracic echocardiography were preserved after IR injury in the LLLT group as much as in the sham operation group. There was no Nebulizers create an aerosol by agitating a medication solution, and deliver rapidly and directly aerosolized drugs into the airways to treat chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The nebulizer is continually developing to improve patient comfort and drug delivery efficiency in the airway. Three types of nebulizers have 142

145 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 been developed over the last 50 years: jet nebulizers, ultrasonic nebulizers and mesh nebulizers. There is a need to develop small animal models that can easily evaluate the in vivo drug delivery performance by nebulizer. We evaluated the therapeutic effect of salbutamol delivery by three different types of nebulizers on ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice. The results of this study showed that the treatment results of salbutamol were similar in the three different types of nebulizers, but the concentration of salbutamol in the serum was different. P-050 자동마사지의자를통한마사지가체간및하지부종에미치는영향 최유라, 임정환, 전철진, 조수현 바디프랜드, 메디컬 R&D센터 The study evaluates the effect of massages through automatic massage chair (AMC) with lymph massage principle applied on the trunk and lower extremity edema. The study categorized healthy 40 adults without specific diseases into an AMC group in which subjects are massaged by the AMC (Bodyfriend Inc., Seoul, Korea) and a resting group in which subjects rested without massages. Then, the study compared the two groups changes in extracellular water ratio (ECW ratio), which is an index of edema. The changes in ECW ratio before and after each intervention was compared. The results of the two groups were compared for analysis. The analysis showed that the AMC group showed a reduction of ECW ratio in both the trunk and two legs. On the other hand, the result of the resting group showed that there was a reduction of ECW ratio only in the left legs of the subjects. Further, the analysis showed that the AMC group had a greater reduction in the ECW ratio for the amount of changes. From the preliminary results, the study confirmed that the massage through an automatic massage chair is effective for ECW ratio for the trunk and lower extremity edema. P-051 비선형광학결정을이용한중적외선지방분해레이저시스템개발이지영, 오석원, 유한영, 서영석원텍 In this study, we developed a mid-infrared lipolysis laser system has two wavelength of 1980 nm and 2300 nm. The wavelengths of 1980 nm and 2300 nm are very absorbent of fat and water. We developed the world's first commercially available lipolysis laser system using these wavelength characteristics. The laser system was compactly designed using 808 nm LD and Nd:YVO 4 to generate 1064 nm wavelength, which is the pumping beam of the non-linear crystal. We measured the wavelength according to the temperature conditions of the non-linear crystal. P-052 비침습레이저지방분해시스템개발오석원, 이지영, 서영석 원텍 ( 주 ) Recently, Non-invasive body contour system using radio frequency(rf), high intensity focused ultrasound(hifu), Cryolipolysis and Laser is increasing rapidly market of aesthetic medicine for fat reduction. We have developed a single handpiece proto-type laser diode system with 1060nm and tested fat reduction of mini pig using developed system. Finally, based on the results we have developed 4-channel handpiece laser lipolysis system with function of contact cooling. 143

146 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-053 미니어쳐형광현미경을이용한마우스뇌혈관이미징칸모하마드아프잘 1, 유영승 2, 라종철 3, 정의헌 1,2 1 GIST 융합기술원생명공학과, 2 GIST 기계공학부, 3 한국뇌연구원뇌신경망연구부 Vascular imaging is important for the understanding of neural activity in the brain via neurovascular coupling and studying brain-associated disease such as stroke. A conventional tabletop microscope cannot allow microscopic imaging of the animal brain with an awake or freely moving mouse. We built a custom-made miniaturized fluorescence microscope weighing 3.3 g, which enables video-rate imaging of an anesthetized mouse brain vasculature. This miniscope can be utilized as a portable imaging tool for animal brain revealing neural activity in addition to the vascular imaging. P-054 새로운형광대장내시경을위한형광영상의 Spectral Unmixing 문효정 1,2, 심우현 3, 배상문 2,3, 김상엽 3,4, 조상환 2, 명승재 2,3,4,5 1 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터제품개발부로봇기기팀 2 에디스바이오텍 3 울산대학교의과대학서울아산병원아산생명과학연구원 4 울산대학교의과대학융합의학과 5 울산대학교의과대학서울아산병원소화기내과 In order to detect colon polyps with less miss rate, we devised a linear unmixing algorithm that distinguish fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and autofluorescence for a novel fluorescence colonoscopy. We scanned fluorescence imaging using the FITC green-fluorescent dye. Reference library was generated using the spectra of FITC and autofluorescence. Using the generated library, we found the optimal weighting matrix of linear unmixing method and apply it to the observed mixture spectrum image to identify and distinguish the FITC and autofluorescence. We found the similar results of the twounmixed data as found in commercial software. Therefore, we suggest our proposed linear unmixing algorithm as spectral unmixing method for a novel fluorescence colonoscopy. P-055 카테터삽입메커니즘설계및제어 이호열 1, 후젠카이 2, 문영진 2, 김영학 2, 남기병 2, 최재순 2 1 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터, 2 서울아산병원의공학연구소 This paper proposes a catheter inserting mechanism. The mechanism is a dual-gripper mechanism for inserting and rotating the catheter. The proposed mechanism has the advantage of large contact surface between the grippers and the catheter, like the human finger, for stable grip of the catheter. However, for continuous insertion, the grippers should be controlled interactively. To achieve this, we explain the motion-planning and trajectorygeneration methods. P-056 Electrical Impedance Characterization of 3-aminopropyldimethylethoxysilane Coating on Silicon Dioxide Surface Using Interdigitated Microelectrode Array Sang-Myung Lee 1, Won Woo Cho 2, Young Hyo Kim 3, Seong Hye Choi 4, Sungbo Cho 5 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Kangwon National University, Korea 2 CANTIS co., Korea 3 Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck surgery, School of Medicine, Inha University, Korea 4 Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Inha University, Korea 5 Department of Electronic Engineering, Gachon University, Korea 144

147 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 For label-free and real-time monitoring of the morphological and physiological changes in DNA, protein, and cells, the electrical impedimetric biosensors attract an attention. To increase the affinity of the target, the modification of sensor surface using the self-assembled monolayer can be employed. In this study, the electrical impedance of the 3-aminopropyldimethylethoxysilane coated on the surface of silicon dioxide was characterized using an interdigitated microelectrode. The experimental result showed that APMES affected the ionic distribution resulted in the increase of the impedance magnitude at low frequencies. It is required to understand how the APMES on SiO 2 between the electrodes affect the electrode interfacial impedance. P-057 초음파하지정맥류치료프로토콜개발을위한혈관팬텀의수축률변화관찰 정태웅, 신경원, 김성철, 노수미, 김주영, 윤창한, 최흥호인제대학교의용공학부 Recently, many researches for ultrasonic varicose vein treatment have been reported due to the benefits of safety and real time monitoring. The ultrasonic treatment method uses the thermal contraction induced by High-intensity focused ultrasound. In this study, the contraction ratio of blood vessel mimicked tube by adjusting the duty ratio were compared, in order to evaluate the contraction ratio of blood vessels due to residual heat in the surrounding tissues by ultrasound treatment of varicose veins. Consequently therefore, the effects of residual heat was confirmed by the results of experiments. These result could be useful for the development of the varicose vein ultrasonic therapy protocol. P-058 임부의심전도측정을통한자궁근전도신호측정가능성확인연구정순희성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 The purpose of this study is to develop a wearable patch type preterm birth prediction monitoring system, which analyzes the results of ECG signals collected during pregnancy over 25 weeks. The bio-signal data for this result is collected, and the clinical evaluation items and the clinical research procedures are constructed to develop the clinical protocol. Through the exploratory clinical trials, we construct basic biometric data DB for development of the preterm birth prediction system, and validate bio signal validation through VOC consultation and derive VOC. P-059 목표체온유지치료를위한비침습적뇌온도추정모델성동석 1, 심수영 2, 서길준 3, 박광석 4 1 서울대학교의학연구원의용생체공학연구소 2 LG 전자 CTO 부문소프트웨어센터 3 서울대학교의과대학의학과응급의학교실 4 서울대학교의과대학의학과의공학교실 This paper introduces a temperature model that can estimate the deep brain temperature based on two temperatures acquired from a double sensor thermometer. Although there are some differences between a brain temperature and a core body temperature, the temperature of pulmonary artery, which is the gold standard of a core body temperature, is used during the therapeutic hypothermia. However, there are no safe way to measure the exact brain temperature. Therefore, we applied double sensor thermometer, which is one of the non-invasive thermometer that can measure core body 145

148 포스터 ( 일반 ) temperature. Invasive and non-invasive brain temperature was acquired from nine different pigs, which have been through swine cardiac arrest model. Leave one-subject out cross validation was conducted and the root mean square error between the invasive and non-invasive brain temperature was C. Additionally, the average of concordance correlation coefficient was P-060 치과보험청구소프트웨어발전방향 이동현성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 With the development of IT, various technologies are converging to create synergy effect. Dental software is also required to combine technologies from other fields. Patient image identification, various dental equipment control, and marketing functions are being added to the software functions that were limited to existing insurance claims, and customer demands are also increasing. Through this study, we will analyze the newly added functions and the effects that can be obtained when they are added. P-061 심층순환신경망기반의심방세동예측 에르덴바야르, 박종욱, 강동원, 이경중연세대학교의공학과 In this study, we proposed a prediction model of atrial fibrillation (AF) based on deep long short-term memory (LSTM) using arbitrary normal ECG signal. The proposed model was designed with 3-layers LSTM units that selection experimentally. Batch-normalization and dropout were used to improve the learning rate and optimization. The performance was evaluated for three AF databases, the results showed the precision of 86.0%, recall of 83.0% and F1-score of 83.0%, respectively. LSTM can be used effective tool for prediction of the AF to accurately diagnose. P-062 심혈관질환의실시간자동진단을위한건식전극바이오센서가있는스마트의류 박은빈, 이종하계명대학교의과대학의용공학과 The typical method of monitoring arrhythmia is to use a body patch type sensor with a wet electrode. It has several problems caused by wet electrodes for long-term monitoring. Thus, we develop a Smart Outhdoor Shirts equipped with a dry electrode electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor for a cardiac arrhythmia computer aided diagnosis system in this study. The sensor can be inserted in a console close to the chest, charged, used to communicate wirelessly, and connected with a smartphone application. According to experiments, the ECG signals measured by the smart shirt indicated that 97.5±1% of the signals could be measured in an immobile state and at least 85.2±2% of the signals could be measured during movement. In addition, we propose a computer aided diagnosis system for detecting cardiac arrhythmia. It was determined through experiments that the system can detect arrhythmia with an accuracy of 98.2±2%. P-063 정신적스트레스에대한심박변이도측정을위한광용적맥파적용비교연구 박철진, 이승재, 이종실, 김인영한양대학교생체공학과 Recently, people are very interested in mental stress by circumstance or work, because of their individual healthcare. Our body regulate stress through the autonomic nervous system(ans). In many bio-signals showing ANS, Heart rate variability (HRV) is mainly 146

149 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 one of the indicators. However, for the HRV measurement, it is necessary to measure the R peak of the electrocardiogram (ECG), and a large number of electrodes are required to indicate this. Therefore, in this study, we measured the electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram (PPG) simultaneously in the mental stress situation, and compared the peak interval variabilities of the two signals. Finally, it will be possible to measure mental stress through optical application pulse waves, not electrocardiograms, which require many electrodes for stress measurement. P-064 전동안마기를통한마사지중웨어러블디바이스를이용한파장별광용적맥파평가 김민성, 안현준, 이종실, 김인영, 장동표 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Recently, various kin ds of electrical massagers for the stress and health care of modern people are increasing rapidly. Generally, electrocardiograms and photoplethysmography are used to check the stress and physical condition of electrical massagers. However, photoplethysmography is a method using light and is very susceptible to noise such as motion noise. In this paper, we compared the motion artifacts according to wavelength by measuring the noise effects of light sources in the massage state. As a result, it was concluded that the green light in the wrist area is less affected by the movement than the other wavelengths light source and it is easy to measure during the massage. P-065 사이클로그램을이용한무릎관절염분류이효진, 이승재, 이종실, 김인영한양대학교생체공학과 Until now various radiological or clinical classification criteria are used to defining knee osteoarthritis (OA), but there is no gold standard. It is needed to develop other classification criteria for consensus on which criterion should be used as gold standard to define knee OA. In this paper, we propose a new criterion to define and classify knee OA using the change of bilateral lower limb s joint angles during locomotion. To analyze the joint angle change, we used a cyclogram for hip joint angle and knee joint angle. We extracted geometric characteristics from cyclogram and classified them by PCA and FNN. P-066 3축가속도계를이용한개인걸음걸이식별 S. J. Lee, S. I. Kang, H. J. Lee, I. Y. Kim, J. S. Lee Department of bio-medical engineering, Hanyang, Seoul, Korea Recently, a large number of studies on behavioral biometric gait of the person is being conducted in a sense of characteristics of gait using the IMU sensor. In this paper, 3-axis accelerometer data obtained from H-IMU, which we developed using a combination of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer sensors are measured on the left thigh. By using gravity and direction vector component, 3-axis accelerometer data are compensated for disorientation error and displacement error. The compensated acceleration data are converted into a 2D plane to extract 22 features. Using SVM(Support Vector Machine), identification accuracy is 97%. This would bring smartphone gait authentication into reality in the near future. 147

150 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-067 심전도의위상공간에서의기하학적특징을이용한개인인증김도현, 김민성, 김인영, 이종실한양대학교생체공학과 In this paper we propose a new method for human recognition by phase-space reconstruction (PSR) of a single-lead ECG signal. To reconstruct a single-lead ECG signal into phase space, we used a time delay technique. We extracted the geometric features through the trajectory from the phase space and performed the recognition by using support vector machine. The results were performed on 14 subjects. The accuracy was 95.8% when the delay was 10ms. Based on this result personal authentication was conducted. The results show 96.5% accuracy, 2.54% FAR and 4.33% FRR. P-068 ph 조건에따른포도당의통증완화효과연구이재민 성균관대학교 SAIHST 의료기기산업학과 Of various kinds of sensory receptors, TSPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1) is inseparably linked not only to the aforementioned neurogenic inflammation but also to interleukin, e.g. IL-3, IL-l3, IL-31. TLSP is delivering pruritic signals through TRPV1 at nerve endings and TRPV1 receptors are caught in a vicious circle to expedite TSLP secretion. It s in regards to a compound mainly made of glucose, which satisfies at ph to serve either as prevention or improvement purpose for inflammation related diseases. It generates the effects similar to RVPV1 antagonist by opening of TREK1 or control of neurons stimulation of the nerve resulted by hyperpolarization due to opening of TREK1. Thus, it has effects to prevent, improve or treat inflammation related diseases or pains. P-069 Radiomics 를이용한 Glioblastoma 환자들의생존기간예측조환호 1,2, 박현진 2,3 1 성균관대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학과 2 뇌과학이미징연구단, 기초과학연구원 3 성균관대학교전자전기공학부 Glioblastoma is a primary malignant brain tumor with poor prognosis. Predicting patient survival in a noninvasive manner can be of great help in clinical planning to deal with this aggressive tumor. Combining the latest machine learning algorithms with image processing, Radiomics has recently emerged as one of the powerful analytical methodologies in the field of radiology. In this study, radiomics has been applied to four MRI modalities 162 glioblastoma patients to predict overall survival. Five radiomics features were found to be significant. Both training and validation performance of the model showed a significant level of p-value <.05. P-070 TCGA 데이터베이스를이용한위암예측을위한진단인자와모델링 J.S Yoo 1, E.J Cha 1, K.A Kim 1, H.S Shon 2 1 Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea 2 Medical Research Institute, School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea Although stomach cancer-related death decreased constantly by treatment of advanced technology, Stomach cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Korea. Here we describe a diagnosis factor and prediction modeling for diagnosis. From The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA), We studied race classified 334 transcription profiling cancer & normal sample. 205 genes selected by comparison analysis in IPA(Ingenuity pathway analysis) with p-value(p=0.001) and fold-change 148

151 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 (FC=3). Construction Stomach cancer prediction modeling with IPA and finding the most significant diagnosis factor(adam12, ENSG ) with ROC(Receiver operating characteristic) curve for diagnostic ability. P-071 비ST분절상승심근경색환자의주요심장사건판별을위한심근표지자 H. S. Shon 1, J. S. Park 2, K. O. Kim 3, E. J. Cha 2, K. A. Kim 2 1 Medical Research Institute, School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea 3 Department of Nursing, Woosong College 2 Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the globe and also have been increasing in Korea. Especially, as recently living environment has been westernized with socio-economic development in Korea, the rate of cardiovascular diseases have been increasing steadily. Also, along with the aging of our society the mortality caused by acute myocardial infarction has been increasing. In this paper, using KorMI (Korea Working Group of Myocardial Infarction) data, we performed the discriminant analysis and ROC analysis of significant factor to find out the cardiac marker that causes MACE (Major Adverse Cardiac Events) of NSTEMI patients among the patients with cardiac infarction. These results can be used as biological marker to diagnose and prognose NSTEMI patients. P-072 의료용바코드스캐너의사용성평가에관한연구박영상, 윤지영, 최해룡, 임형규, 황현이, 금창윤, 제희광, 서수원대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 The aim of this study is to evaluate usability of Medical Barcode Scanner based on design. Two type barcode scanners were developed to evaluate usability: Wearable Barcode Scanner(WBS) and Gun-type Barcode Scanner(GBS). Both devices were evaluated by hospital practitioner and related expert. Although the WBS was worn on the wrist and was excellent in mobility, it caused pain in the wrist for a long time. GBS was able to easily target the barcode compared to WBS, and was highly evaluated for usability. These results are expected to be used as a key measure to improve usability. P-073 현미경영상을통한세포표현형특징추출및정량화강미선 1, 양세정 2, 김명희 1 1 이화여자대학교컴퓨터공학과 2 연세대학교의공학부 Information extracted from an image of cancer cells is closely connected to cancer medicines. In order to analyze the information, in this paper, we propose a method to generate quantitative data after the normalization by dividing the threshold algorithm-based nucleus region in cell images obtained from a fluorescence microscopy, extracting numerical values related to morphology and fluorescence intensities on segmented regions. This method can be useful for drug reaction level prediction by extracting information from the change of cell level after drug treatment. 149

152 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-074 무구속생체인증및생체데이터측정시스템개발김찬일, 이종하계명대학교의과대학의용공학과 Acute manifestation of diseases during driving is difficult to predict. In this case, taking immediate action is the only way to prevent secondary accidents. To solve this problem, full-time biometric measurement that does not require any action from the user is necessary. So, many wearable medical devices are developed to measure and collect biosignal data. However, even though wearable devices have become more miniaturized and simplified, several problems remain such as allergic reaction to the device or wearability in everyday setting. To solve these problems, we propose patch-less biosignal measurement system in driving environment. This allows measurement of biometric data without requiring any action from the user s end. And since there is no contact between the device and the user, this measuring method makes it possible to monitor in real time without causing allergic reaction. P-075 음성신호기반비접촉식거짓말분류알고리즘개발김영명 1, 유승민 1, 소순원 2, 강동훈 3 육순현 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 2 한양대학교일반대학원생체공학과 3 한양대학교공과대학생체공학과 artificial intelligence-based contactless lie classification using voice signals with deep learning. It takes five features for the classification of target's voice comprised of 'Yes or No'. The four features are generated from pitch (the maximum and minimum values of truth and false) and the other is the response time to be answered to question. The learned Deep Neural Network(DNN) gives an average precision of % and a standard deviation of P-076 DCNN을이용한치과 X-ray 파노라마영상기반치주염검출 강세룡 1, 최민혁 1, 유지용 1, 이상정 1, 우상윤 1, 이원진 1,2 1 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원방사선융합의생명전공 2 서울대학교치의학대학원영상치의학교실 In this paper, we will examine the method of periodontitis detection using DCNN and its accuracy. DCNNbased neural network was used to detect periodontal disease in dental X-ray panoramic images. We constructed neural network structure and learning data using NVIDIA DIGITS. The deep convolutional neural network was modified with the structure based on NVIDIA's DetectNet, which was made by modifying googlenet. Based on the results of the clinician's reading, the accuracy was assessed by 5-fold cross validation. The mean map was 0.68, the precision was 0.8, and the recall was To improve accuracy, it is necessary to modify the neural network structure, and further data acquisition for the detection of other types of periodontitis is being set as a future research goal. Lie detection used in existing criminal investigations is a contact-type that requires the consent of the subjects for investigation. Furthermore, different results are produced according to the inspector's judgment criteria. These are the significant flaws of Polygraph. The purpose of this research is to develop a more objective 150

153 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-077 유방암내뇌전이의 ADC 히스토그램분석과아형분류박미진 1, 방성규 1, 안성준 2, 이종민 1 1 한양대학교생체공학과 2 연세대학교강남세브란스병원영상의학과 A breast cancer is the second most frequent cause of brain metastases after lung cancer, with metastases occurring in 10-16% of patients. Since treatments depend on the molecular subtype of breast cancer, it plays a key role in a prognosis and treatment selections. In this study, we aimed to investigate imaging characteristics extracted from apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) which could assist in differentiating breast cancer molecular subtypes. We used features from ADC histogram analysis to classify subtypes of breast cancer. P-079 딥러닝신경망을활용한해마영역분할홍진우, 방성규, 이종민한양대학교생체공학과 In many neuroscience and clinical studies, some of region-of-interest (ROI) in the human brain are frequently investigated due to their relationship with brain diseases such as dementia. ROI quantitative analysis of human brain structures has crucial role to understand various brain disorder or brain degeneration. However, automatic hippocampus segmentation remains challenge due to their complexity and limitation of MRI. This study investigates a 3D deep learning networks for hippocampus segmentation in human MRI and evaluate an efficiency. The proposed method achieves high accuracy of segmentation using an end-to-end approach. P-078 딥러닝을활용한자기공명영상에서의표준화섭취계수비율예측방성규, 홍진우, 이종민한양대학교생체공학과 P-080 영상유전학분석을통한파킨슨병진단모델개발원지혜 1,2, 박현진 2,3 1 성균관대학교전자전기컴퓨터공학과 2 뇌과학이미징연구단, 기초과학연구원, 3 성균관대학교전자전기공학부 Many researches have been done on Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid PET imaging is helpful in diagnosing these Alzheimer's diseases. However, it is difficult for patients to recommend amyloid PET because it is an expensive brain imaging technique. Now, it is possible to acquire PET images from MRI images with the development of deep learning. Here, we obtained the SUVR value of amyloid PET on MRI images using deep learning, and based on it, we performed classification of the positivity of beta amyloid. Imaging genetics is a tool to extract genetic variants associated with imaging featuresas intermediate phenotypes. We applied imaging genetics to diagnoseparkinson s disease(pd) by extracting significant genetic variants associated with chosenimaging features. The imaging features were related tothe differencesbetween the normal controls and PD. We built a linear regression model with only genetic features obtained from imaging genetics.our model explained the presence or absence of PDwellonlygenetic information(adjusted R^2=0.77). Our model was applied to a test set, which yielded high correlation (r=0.9765, p<0.01) and low root mean squareerror (RMSE= ) between the predicted and actual diagnosis of PD. 151

154 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-081 하이브리드위치추적기술기반악교정수술가이드시스템이상정 1, 우상윤 1, 유지용 1, 최민혁 1, 강세룡 1, 이원진 2 1 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원융합과학부방사선융합의생명전공 2 서울대학교치의학대학원영상치의학교실 An orthognathic surgery is performed for treating maxillofacial deformities related to the acquired and inherited faults. In conventional image-guided orthognathic surgery, in general, researchers choose an optical tracking system or an electromagnetic tracking system to track the maxillary and mandibular bone segments. However, the optical tracking system had limitations due to the line-of-sight requirement and the relatively bulky tracking tools. In the case of the electromagnetic tracking system, there were disadvantages that interference occurred due to the metal-made surgical tools and the electronic surgical devices. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this study, we developed a hybrid tracking technology that coubld complement each other's disadvantages by using both tracking systems simultaneously P-082 TRACULA 기반특발성정상뇌압수두증환자에대한주요백질경로의분할비등방성분석신인태김선직윤의철대구가톨릭대학교의공학과 In this paper, a fractional anisotropy of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus (INPH) was investigated in a set of major white matter pathways using TRACULA (TRActs Constrained by UnderLying Anatomy, Our findings may suggest a possibility for considering in white matter integrity differentiation between INPH and AD, and may help us understand the potential pathophysiology of disturbances associated with INPH. P-083 영역간부피상관관계를이용한그래프이론에서의정상인과연소성근간대성간질환자사이의형태학적연결성변화 이민우 1, 박강민 2, 도대국 1, 서솔아 1, 천송이 1, 문치웅 1 1 인제대학교의용공학부 2 인제대학교해운대백병원신경과 Various methods have been developed to investigate the human brain, especially the graph theory, one of human brain network analysis methods, has an advantage that it can grasp the characteristics of the brain network. In this study, we quantitatively analyze the network change of morphological association between normal and JME patients, and investigate hub regions to find their network characteristics using graph theory. P-084 몬테칼로시뮬레이션을이용한진단용엑스선장치의선량계측표시방법론개발및환자의유효선량평가 S.Y. Lee, T.H. Lee, H.S. Na, M.J. Kim Department of Medical Device Research Division Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Chung ju Korea Radiation exposure is on the rise due to the continuous progress and frequent use of radiation devices for diagnosis and treatment in the medical field. Therefore, The International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) requires displaying the radiation doses measured during diagnostic radioactive examinations. This study inspected the efficacy of methodology for dose measurement through the Monte Carlo simulation and provided a methodology for dose measurement. As a result of comparing MCNPX(Monte Carlo N-Particle extended 152

155 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 v2.7, USA) results and actual measured values, the relative errors were 3.4% and 3.6%. As a result of calculating the mean effective doses of general X-ray examinations, the range of mean effective doses per test varied from <0.01 msv to 0.87 msv. P-086 자체차폐방사선수술시스템의정확도를높이기위한영상정합양세정 1, 강미선 2 1 연세대학교의공학부 P-085 뇌혈관장벽조절모니터링을위한경두개골케비테이션매핑김창수, 박주영 첨단의료기기개발지원센터, 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 In this study, the feasibility of transcranial passive acoustic mapping (PAM) with a linear acoustic array receiver was investigated via ex-vivo experiment. Two focused ultrasound transducer, 653 khz and 1 MHz central frequency, were adopted to generate a localized acoustic pressure field. A thin tube, which served as a flow channel for microbubble, was placed on the focal point to expose the microbubble in a controlled pressure field. The raw data received by 128 channel linear array was collected in the ultrasound imaging system for later post mapping process. A coherent factor was incorporated into a conventional passive beamforming algorithm in order to suppress the incoherence signal on the mapped image. The performance of PAM was tested on a tissue mimicking phantom prior to the transcranial mapping. A good matching of source location shown on ultrasound imaging and PAM was achieved. Finally, passive imaging of microbubble cavitation through the intact skull was shown with the linear imaging array. A negligible distortion of mapped source location was observed on 635 khz sonication. However, a significant distortion of source location was shown on 1MHz sonication and the appropriate compensation is desirable. This technique may be useful for the monitoring and control of transcranial focused ultrasound treatment, such as FUS-induced blood-brain barrier disruption, for which no real-time monitoring technique currently exists. 2 이화여자대학교컴퓨터공학과 The ZAP-X is a novel self-contained and first-of-its-kind self-shielded therapeutic radiation device dedicated to brain and neck radiosurgery. To complete the accurate tracking system, a precise registration of KV and DRR images is required. To improve the registration process, we apply a noble segmentation method on the skull of head. Experimental results with a phantom demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. P-087 휴지상태의기능적자기공명영상에서주파수에따른고유연결네트워크의변화 박영훈, 박미진, 이종민한양대학교생체공학과 Intrinsic connectivity network (ICN) is defined as 10 ICNs in resting state brain and regions of ICNs are used as functional ROI. However, based on the fact that strength of each ICN varies with frequency, it is unlikely that ROI of each ICN will belong exclusively to one ICN along the frequency. To observe ROI of each ICN changes along the frequency, we first constructed 9 frequency connectivity matrixes with 141 ROIs overlapped of 10 ICNs. Next, ICN connectivity ratio of each ROI was calculated. We found that ROI of each ICN changes along the frequency. 153

156 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-088 심혈관기능모니터링을위한다채널다중모드패치형프로브개발윤상연 1, 이기준 2, 김재관 3, 황재윤 1 DGIST 정보통신융합전공 could improve the power of association studies by reducing the phenotypic heterogeneity therefore, could find additional genetic factors attribute to AD. In this study, we performed the gene-based association study with cortical thickness in order to identify novel AD susceptible genes. When patients suffering cardiac arrest are occurred, the emergency medical service(ems) is one of the most important procedures to save their life or escaping for critical damages to internal organs. In particular, implementation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(cpr) is usually determined by using a carotid artery palpation method which is a conventional method measuring the heart pulse by tactile sense directly. However, this method has several shortcomings in the determination such as blockage of the cerebral blood flow, low detection accuracy, and damage to internal organs. Therefore, in order to overcome these shortcomings, we develop a multi-channel multimodal patch-type probe based on Doppler ultrasound and pulse oximeter techniques which allow to measure blood flow rate and blood oxygen concentration on the carotid artery simultaneously for quantitative monitoring of cardiovascular functions of patients. P-090 3D U-net을이용한백질병변자동분할박길순, 이종민한양대학교생체의공학과 White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are brain regions of abnormal signal in T2-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI). These regions are correlated with several neurological and vascular disorders. So, the studies of these disorders are need to precise detection and quantification of WMH. In this study, we propose a novel method for automatic WMH segmentation using 3D U-net which is deep learning based semantic segmentation method. The proposed method shows better segmentation performance (mean Dice index: ) than intensity-based WMH segmentation method (mean Dice index: ) that was conventionally used. P-089 유전자기반영상유전분석을통한알츠하이머위험유전자발굴김보현, 최용호, 이종민한양대학교생체공학과 P-091 정상백질과백질병변의미세구조통합성비교양진주 1, 박길순 1, 서상원 2, 김솔희 3, 이종민 1 1 한양대학교생체의공학과 2 성균관대학교삼성서울병원신경과 3 하비머드공대 Many genetic studies have identified novel genetic loci for Alzheimer's disease (AD) including APOE over the past several decades, but all of them except APOE seem to have very modest effects. Imaging genetics is an integrated research field that combines neuroimaging and genetics to assess the impact of genetic variation on imaging measures as an endophenotype. Imaging genetics White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are typically detected on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) or T2 weighted MRI and are commonly observed in older adults and patients with vascular cognitive impairment. In this study, we investigated whether integrity of NAWM or those of WMHs are an 154

157 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 appropriate risk-stratification tool to distinguish patients with vascular cognitive impairment from cognitively normal elderly in identically same degree distribution of patients WMHs. We hypothesized that integrity of NAWM would have more predict for cognitive impairment than those of WMHs, because it is likely that the compromised integrity of NAWM reflects overall dysfunction of the brain although they may be influenced by under same pathology of the presence of WMH. P-093 첨단수사기법개발을위한복합생체정보데이터베이스구축및활용김주영 1, 김지윤 1, 남보름 2, 강동훈 3, 김영명 1, 소순원 2, 유승민 1, 육순현 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 2 한양대학교일반대학원생체공학과 3 한양대학교공과대학생체공학과 P-092 첨단수사기법개발을위한얼굴지표데이터베이스의통합및활용남보름 1, 김주영 2, 김지윤 2, 강동훈 3, 유승민 2, 육순현 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교일반대학원생체공학과 2 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 3 한양대학교공과대학생체공학과 This paper presents facial landmark extraction algorithm for detection micro facial expression using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). At the time of speech, people reveal personal psychological states with micro facial expressions. Face databases were used to extract facial landmarks for comprehending personal psychological states. To take advantage of each face database, we integrated MUCT DB, 300-W DB, and 3D MENPO DB. Neural network was trained by the integrated face database. Through the performance analysis, artificial neural network learning successfully extracted facial landmarks based on human facial characteristics. This result shows that the face database integration was effective in extracting facial landmarks. This paper proposes acquisition of multi-modal biometrics information to overcome limitations of existing forensic science techniques and polygraph. The multi-modal biometric information is composed of ECG, PPG and GSR which are well known as conventional contact type biometric information, and non-contact biometric information including real video, thermal video and voice. The lie was obtained by requesting to produce a lie when the first visit and measuring the lie status during the second visit. A total 45 of lie subjects were collected and a simple artificial neural network learning and testing was conducted to verify this data. Among the 45 data, C3D-LSTM artificial neural network was learned based on 132 question data of 6 participants who had a high level of immersion, and 70% of them were used as learning data and 30% as verification data. As a result, the accuracy of the learning data converged up to 95%. This leads to an interpretation that there is a specific pattern in the lie data and that learning is possible through this pattern. However, in the result of using the verification data, it is interpreted that over-fitting has occurred, so additional collection of data is required. 155

158 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-094 딥러닝기반비접촉식거짓말탐지기술개발을위한 RGB영상의 IR영상근사화알고리즘기술개발김지윤 1, 김영명 1, 김주영 1, 소순원 2, 육순현 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 2 한양대학교일반대학원생체공학과 Since John Larson developed polygraph in 1921, which has measured variations in breathing, blood pressure, and pulse simultaneously, there is a persistent controversy that the suspect s human rights are infringed. To overcome this, studies are being made on non-invasive polygraph based on the subject s speech, RGB image, and IR images. This paper proposes IR image data augmentation algorithm which could be an basis for further studies of non-invasive polygraph. We developed an IR image simulation of RGB images by red scale weighting and colormap changing in matlab. The algorithm hasn t received a quantitative assessment, but it shows similarity between IR simulation images and real IR images. P-095 PET/CT 영상내폐영역분할및폐종양추출알고리즘연구양수 1, 김해원 2, 임상헌 1, 최원준 1, 정진교 1, 이종하 1 accomplished by comparing automated analysis results to the manual assessment. The experimental results show that our method effectively performed to segment in various lung cases that large tumors, SPNs, and lung wall stick together. P-096 초음파영상에서좌심실경계를추출하기위한딥러닝기반알고리즘 장재성, 안치영국가수리과학연구소산업수학전략연구부 In this paper, we propose a deep-learning based automated left ventricle (LV) segmentation method. The proposed method is designed to enhance the performance LV segmentation by using the U-net architecture. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we perform some numerical experiments with clinical echocardiography data, consisting of apical four chamber view images. Despite small amounts of dataset, the experimental results show that the proposed method is promising. P-097 Thiol-ene 반응을통한습 / 건식 DNA 코팅의비교 여강인, 이은진, 최승엽, 이상우연세대학교의공학과 1 계명대학교의과대학의용공학과 2 계명대학교의과대학핵의학과 In the traditional lung segmentation algorithms, those not consider juxta-pleural nodules or large tumors, sufficiently. In this paper, we proposed that a novel fully automated lung segmentation algorithm which is aim at lung cases containing tumor or SPNs. The proposed methods consist of initial lung segmentation, adaptive maximum intensity projection, tumor candidate extraction, optimal lung segmentation. The validation was Bio-chip is useful for sensing of biomedical agents and in vitro diagnosis such as hemodiagnosis, genetic mutation, or protein detection for the early diagnosis of diseases. One of the important factor in ensuring bio-chip efficacy for accurate data acquisition is its uniform coating. Recently, direct and quick reaction of monothiolated oligonucleotides on alkenylated silicon surfaces is reported. However, Thiol-ene techniques about immobilization condition (e.g., medium, temperature, and coupling agent concentration) are still not stable. Our first 156

159 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 investigation aimed to study the deposition quality of the silane functional group (i.e., vinyltrimethoxysilane) depending on different coating methods (i.e., wet and evaporation treatment). We observed that the vacuum evaporation treatment showed lower RMS roughness using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), suggesting more uniform deposition on silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ) substrate. To verify their influences on DNA immobilization, we coated the oligonucleotides with modified thiol functional group and Cy5 TM on vinyl-functionalized SiO 2 substrate with thiol-ene reaction. We evaluated macro coating quality by fluorescence microscopy and micro-coating quality by AFM. Congruously, we observed uniformed coating in both macro and micro scales. This suggests that evaporation methods may be better than traditional wet coating methods. P-098 세포의물리적환경제어를위한코팅방법 유제원 1, 최연호 1,2 P-099 마이크로웨이브를이용한아밀로이드응집체합성기술이원석 1, 최예성 2, 이상원 2, 이규도 2, 이상우 1, 윤대성 2 1 연세대학교의공학과 2 고려대학교바이오의공학부 Amyloid aggregates have emerged as a significant hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer s diseases. Though it has been recently reported that the microwave heating assists the amyloid aggregation compared to the conventional heating method, the mechanism how microwave induces the formation of amyloid aggregates has remained unclear. In this study, we investigate the formation of oligomeric amyloid aggregates by the microwave irradiation at a microscale volume of solution. We believe that this microwave technology has the potential to be a simple and facile manner for the study of amyloid aggregation in the presenceof chemical agents or nanomaterials. 1 고려대학교바이오융합공학과 2 고려대학교바이오의공학부 Cell adhesion plays an important role in cell function and differentiation. However, conventional cell culture methods, the shape or position of cell attachment is very randomly attached, resulting in the function of a single cell and difficulty in tracing it later. Here, we fabricated patterned PDMS membrane and coated the gelatin with the desired shape. A dark field microscope was used to confirm that the gelatin was coated in the desired shape. When the cells were cultured on the coated area, it was confirmed that the cell shape was formed similar to the coated shape. P-100 세포막코팅된전기화학적혈당센서 : 포도당에대한고선택성구현김인수, 이규도, 윤대성고려대학교바이오의공학과 Since diabetes mellitus patients are increasing year by year, not only treatment but glucose monitoring has been one of the major concerns. In this regard, several electrochemical devices for glucose monitoring have already been developed. However, it has still suffered from unwanted electrochemical signals by innumerable molecules which are dissolved in the human blood and some of which interfere the enzymatic interaction with glucose. In this study, we developed an electrochemical enzymatic biosensor with greater selectivity for glucose than conventional ones, which is achieved by coating of 157

160 포스터 ( 일반 ) cell membrane extracted from red blood cells or cancerous cells. P-101 현장진단형분자진단을위한산화그래핀과핵산분해효소를이용한등온신호증폭기술 정찬호, 김중현대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 Here, we present a novel way to detach multiple RNA probes per single target DNA from graphene oxide (GO) with RNase H(RH) for a POCT. Because of the action of RH and preferential adsorption of single-stranded nucleic acids to GO, single target DNA could be used to detach up to 10 thousands of probes allowing detection of target DNA as low as 2 attomoles within 30 minutes. In the presentation, we will discuss the details in the results. P-102 유체역학적집속을위한마이크로유체칩시뮬레이션 최준혁, 이덕호, 이화연, 박강백, 여인규, 천정무, 김다혜, 정봉수 DGMIF 첨단의료기기개발지원센터생체적합성평가팀 We present a model of microfluidic flow and use it to simulate a whole flow focusing device. Microfluidic devices present a unique powerful platform for working with living cells. We simulated to find an optimal structure for red blood cell and white blood cell flow rates, flow pressures in microfluidic channels using COMSOL multiphysics. From the result, we found that S-shape(5-curved) structure is better than 1-cureved shape and 3-curved structure in vertical distribution rate(vdr). S-shape and 1-cureved shape, 3-curved shape structures have VDR of % and 38.70%, %, respectively. P-103 다중채널뇌전증환자의뇌파와 EMD를통한발작과백그라운드신호의특징비교도대국 1, 서솔아 1, 이민우 1, 김태형 2, 천송이 1, 문치웅 1,3 1 인제대학교의용공학부 2 양산부산대병원의학연구소 3 인제대학교 u-항노화헬스케어연구소 The aim of this study is to compare feature between seizure and background signal using EMD in multichannel epilepsy EEG. it is important to identify the features of seizures using EEG for epilepsy patient. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), which is one of the methods to find the feature of EEG, can extract the basis functions from the data itself. Several studies have been conducted to characterize seizures, but most have been compared on a single channel. So this study compare feature between seizure and background signal using multi-channel EMD. Coefficient of variation and fluctuation index was calculated by each Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) from EMD. Each value statistically verified using normality test and 2 sample t-test. P-104 Deep Learning 을이용한 MSA 환자의 SWI와 R2* 영상간성능비교서솔아 1, 이재혁 2, 김태형 3, 천송이 1, 이민우 1, 도대국 1, 문치웅 1,4 1 인제대학교의용공학과 2 양산부산대학교병원신경과 3 양산부산대학교병원의생명융합연구소 4 인제대학교 u-항노화헬스케어연구소 MSA patients increase atrophy and iron deposition in subcortical structures depending on disease progression. In this study, we used Deep Learning to identify MRI techniques that distinguish between MSA patients and normal subjects. From each images, we extracted regions, caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, as a 158

161 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 region of interest in each of the left and right hemispheres. In the case of SWI, train accuracy reached 100% for about 60 iterations, but for R2*, train accuracy reached 90% for about 800 iterations. The test accuracy of the SWI is 100% and the test accuracy of the R2* is about 63.6%. P-105 시뮬레이션환경에서뇌경막외피질뇌파 (epidural ECoG) 측정을위한나사타입의전극 (Screw type Electrode) 효용성연구 임석빈 1, 최호석 1, 이세호 1, 이경민 2, 김인영 1, 장동표 1 electric nerve stimulation associated with micturition has been studied. Especially, treatment through tibial nerve electrical stimulation has already been reported to improve the problem of overactive bladder in many studies. However, preclinical experiments to develop optimal stimulation parameters are performed in anesthetized laboratory animals. it is necessary to implant the electrical stimulator completely into a laboratory animal to see what physiological changes after stimulation in a free environment. Therefore, in this study, we planned a fully implanted tibial nerve stimulation system capable of electric stimulation or optogenetic stimulation. 1 한양대학교의공학교실, 2 서울대학교신경과 P-107 Recently, several studies have adopted epidural electrocorticogram (eecog) which has advantage both EEG and depth recording for BCI. However, previous research which using screw type eecog cannot be acquire the clear brain signal because it could be influenced by skull and scalp artifact. For advanced research, we design new screw type titanium electrode which has high electric conductivity and zirconia ceramics socket that reduce artifact signal. we investigate validity of new screw type electrode with ceramics socket compared with reference electrode. As results, electrode with socket distributed high EM field inner socket from brain source and decreased current density of artifact source. P-106 과민성방광치료를위한전임상실험용이식형경골신경자극시스템 이재웅 1,2, 박은경 2,3, 이규성 1,2,3 1 성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 2 삼성서울병원스마트헬스케어. 의료기기융합연구센터 3 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원 Overactive bladder have generally been treated with medication. However, there is a high probability of side effect for each individual. Therefore, method of treating 무선전력전송을이용한전임상용삽입형신경자극기의개발및유효성평가 김태우 2, 박은경 2,3, 이규성 1,2,3 1 성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 2 삼성서울병원스마트헬스케어 의료기기융합연구센터 3 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원 The treatment and recovery of peripheral nerve injuries in society is becoming a very important topic. but the clinical application of peripheral nerve regeneration due to problems such as biological interaction, walarian degeneration, complicated pathological response of injured tissue much research is needed. In addition, peripheral nerve regeneration studies are mostly non-clinical experiments using small animals with the size of the stimulator is very limited. In order to solve this problem, it was necessary to use new electrical stimulation system for a small animal experiment with a simpler method than the existing system. In this study, we developed an implantable wireless neurostimulator using an animal model of sciatic nerve injury and verified the effectiveness of the neurostimulator developed using behavioral evaluation. 159

162 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-108 메시지- 모듈기반객체지향적뇌-기계인터페이스플랫폼개발정인혜, 현성용, 김성민, 강봉근, 최종률, 오성석, 이성준, 이병훈, 김민건, 손정우대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 Brain-machine interface (BMI) research is carried on for medical purpose in several research groups. However, there is no unified platform to incorporate each groups result for better system. In this study, we have constructed an object-oriented, message-based BMI platform that provides compatibility of multiple programming languages and easy connection to devices. The platform is composed of three components: modular components, control module and communication modules. The platform handles message by defining the message type, analyzing and sending the message to target modules. This platform can be used for universal brain-machine interface due its object-oriented nature. P-109 국소진동자극주파수특성이 Mu rhythm의활성에미치는영향김희균 1, 곽기영 1, 고승훈 2, 김재성 2, 김유정 2, 김동욱 2,3 stimulus position and frequency. This means that stimulation of subthreshold intensity induces activity in the sensorimotor area and dependent on stimulus location and frequency. P-110 분화유도된중뇌복측신경줄기세포에서의실시간도파민분비측정 조현우, 오윤배, 강유민신호진, 박천호, 김인영, 장동표한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 Monitoring dopamine(da) release in dopaminergic cell culture is crucial for stem cell study. Fast scan cyclic voltammetry(fscv) could be an applicable technique due to high sensitivity, selectivity, and temporal resolution. Nevertheless, the instability of background currents in FSCV technique limited the monitoring time. To overcome this drawback, we applied charge-balancing multiple fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (CBM-FSCV) combined with dual background subtraction method. With CBM-FSCV, we could monitor endogenously released DA concentration change from ex-vivo live dopaminergic cell media over 24 hours with no background drift detected. it is expected that this tool could be useful for cell culture related study. 1 전북대학교대학원헬스케어공학과 2 전북대학교공과대학바이오메디컬공학부 3 전북대학교고령친화복지기기연구센터 The purpose this study was to estimate the effect of vibration stimulus and frequency characteristics on the sensorimotor area applied to peripheral senses through the activity analysis of Mu rhythm. 10 adult males participated in the study. EEG measurements and analyzes were performed to investigate brain activity in the sensorimotor area. Mu rhythm activity was decreased as a result of the subthreshold intensity vibratory stimulation, and the Mu rhythm activity was different by P-111 고속순환사각파형전압전류법을이용한신경전달물질분류박천호, 김재경, 강유민, 신호진, 조현우, 김인영, 장동표한양대학교생체의공학과 We proposed a new type of voltammetric technique, which we called large amplitude Fast Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry (FCSWV), for improving a selectivity of neurotransmitters in the brain. FCSWV 160

163 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 consists of a large amplitude periodic square pulse signal (>0.3V) superimposed on a staircase waveform. By combining principal component regression, we showed a significant improvement in the differentiation of dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine in their mixture compared to FSCV In addition, it was evaluated for the detection of dopamine in the striatum in vivo. In conclusion, large amplitude FCSWV would be one of promising tools in neuroscience research area. P-112 기계적변형에따른유연성평면코일의무선전력전달효율에관한시뮬레이션 윤승현, 서정민, 김성준서울대학교공과대학전기정보공학부 Inductive link is a method of wireless power transmission within a short distance. Power transmission efficiency decreases drastically as the distance increases. The transmission coil can be designed as a patch type to fix it to the skin and maximize the transmission efficiency. In this case, mechanical deformations of the coil can occur depending on body shape or other physical characteristics of the wearer, which in turn changes the electrical characteristics of the coil. In this study, we investigated how the electrical characteristics of the coil change according to the mechanical deformation through simulation and calculated the power transmission efficiency. P-113 다중파형고속스캔순환전압전류법을사용한장기간신경전달물질측정을위한사용하기쉬운툴박스 강유민, 신호진, 박천호, 조현우, 김인영, 장동표 FSCV(Fast scan cyclic voltammetry) has been used as a technique that estimate the changing concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain. Conventional FSCV has a limitation for long-term measurement due to unstable background signal. Recently, we had developed chargebalancing multiple waveform and dual background subtraction technique to minimize temporal variation in its background current. In this research, we will present the software package that consists of multiple waveform generation, and real-time data acquisition and processing, and multiple waveform FSCV displays modules. P-114 신경보철용유도코일에전류를공급하는방법에대한고찰 김채빈 1, 권태목 1, 성재훈 1, 김경환 2, 김성준 1 1 서울대학교전기정보공학부, 2 연세대학교의공학부 Neural prosthetic device is an implanted device that electrically stimulate the neural tissue for the regeneration of the senses, movement, or brain function. A coil pair is widely used for transmitting the power and data to the implanted unit. The operation principle of the coil link is that electric current flowing through the transmitting coil generates the magnetic field, and the magnetic field induce the voltage across the receiving coil, where the induced voltage can be used for power supply and communication. Although numerous transmitter circuit designs are explored for better power efficiency, data rate, and tolerance to distance variation, the most simple method suitable for the beginner is perhaps the current generator attached to the transmitting coil. In this paper, we propose a method of configuring simple current generator for the coil links in the neural prosthetic devices. 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체공학과 161

164 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-115 서로다른압력자극으로유발된 ERP 패턴차이에관한연구조지훈, 최미현, 정순철 건국대학교과학기술대학 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 In this study, the stimulation of the puff and the suction of the air were applied to the index finger to compare the event related potential (ERP) from the C3 and the FC5 area. One session consisted of Preparing Phase (3sec.), Operation Phase (3sec.) and Rest Phase (9sec.). This session was repeated to 60 times for each puff and suction. In result, when the same strength of suction and puff stimulation were presented to the fingers, the suction stimulation caused a more sensitive response in the somatosensory area (C3) and the motor area (FC5) than the puff stimulus. P-116 신경자극장치제어를위한 FPGA 기반의데이터송신장치심신용, 윤승현, 김성준서울대학교전기정보공학부 Recently, a fully-implantable neural stimulator is constructed and wirelessly operated in a body. Especially for the stimulator powered by batteries, it is expected to work at longer range than that of inductively-coupled coils, while the data of stimulus parameters are transmitted precisely. In this paper, an FPGA-based data transmitter to control a neural stimulator is presented. The transmitter was fabricated using FPGA and ZigBee module, which can modulate the data conveniently without an error and transfer them with low power at 10 m or more. The data were successfully transmitted and measured on a display of a receiver. P-117 특발성렘수면행동장애환자의회귀억제결함및베타대역에서비정상적대뇌활동허성진 1, 여동훈 1, 차광수 1, 서부경 1, 김현 1, 최성운 1, 정기영 2, 김경환 1 1 연세대학교의공학과 2 서울대학교의과대학신경과 Idiopathic rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) is a sleep disorder characterized by dream enactment behavior and the loss of muscle atonia during REM sleep. We investigated spatiotemporal and spectral characteristics of cortical activities during visuospatial attentional task with recording electroencephalogram (EEG) in IRBD. We found a behavior inhibition of return deficit and abnormal cortical activities in beta-band in IRBD patients. P-118 운전피로도와뇌파스펙트럼파워간상관관계분석 서부경, 여동훈, 김현, 허성진, 최성운, 김경환연세대학교의공학과 In this study, to develop real time driver's vigilance/ fatigue tracking system, we tried to detect driver's fatigue from short EEG and autonomic nervous system signals. In the 90 min monotonous driving situation, 64 channel EEG from scalp, PPG, GSR and SKT were measured from both hands, and the expression of the driver 's face were recorded. The videos of the subjects were evaluated on a scale of 9 points per minute based on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Short-time Fourier transform was performed to EEG. We found the significant correlation between KSS and delta-, alphaband power. As a result of training the artificial neural network, average classification performance was 67.21% and maximum 68.90%. 162

165 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-119 레이저광출력에따른광화학적뇌손상발현차이의조직학적분석박혜진 1, 오성석 1, 최종률 1, 김준식 2, 유래형 2, 안상현 2, 이성준 1, 강봉근 1, 손정우 1 1 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 2 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단실험동물센터 Photo-thrombosis is a modality of an artificial induction of blood clots in blood vessels on selected areas by photochemical activations with Rose Bengal and LASER light irradiations. In this study, we induced photothrombosis in rat brains with various output powers of irradiated LASER light to seek optical power conditions for efficient photo-thrombosis generations with minimized burning tissue damages. The result of this study can be employed to develop a quantified brain damage animal models that could be applied in preclinical tests of advanced diagnostic or therapeutic modalities. P-120 온라인게임중게임중독군과정상군간의뇌활동의차이김주리 1, 황종호 1, 김선애 1, 박진식 1, 정영철 2, 남궁기 2, 장동표 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교의공학교실 2 연세대학교정신과학교실 The purpose of this study is to extract objective indicators for Internet game addiction monitoring. Through Young's Internet Addiction Test (YIAT), subjects were classified into normal group (YIAT <50) and addiction group (YIAT> 50) and brain waves were measured during the game (more than 20 min, 3 times). In this study, the results showed that the theta power decreased due to the cognitive dysfunction in the addicted group compared to the normal group during the game, and the beta power decreased due to the decrease in attention. As a result, it was confirmed that the theta and alpha power could be used as an indicator of internet game addiction. P-121 레이저절삭시닝기술로제작된폴리머기반의심부전극 최광진, 신수원, 김성준서울대학교전기ž정보공학부 The polymer-based neural depth electrode applicable to conventional connectors is proposed. The thicknesses of the connection pad and the electrode shank were controlled by applying a laser ablations to only a specific region. The fabricated depth electrode has a thickness of 370 μm at the connection pad and 250 μ m at the electrode shank, respectively. Moreover, in vitro measurements were performed to evaluate the feasibility as a neural stimulation electrode. P-122 양측대뇌피질자극을위한액정폴리머기반평면형신경전극 안승희, 윤승현, 김성준서울대학교전기ž정보공학부 A surface-type neural electrode using liquid crystal polymer is suggested. This electrode is designed for bilateral cortical stimulation of rat. The electrode has Y-shape, therefore two branches are targeting each left and right somatosensory cortex. Each branch has two round stimulation channels with 300 μm diameter. The electrode is fabricated by MEMS based patterning process, thermal pressing process, and UV laser process. After the fabrication, the electrodes are verified by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. 163

166 포스터 ( 일반 ) P-123 생체삽입장치를위한향상된 ASK 복조회로서정민, 심신용, 윤승현, 김성준서울대학교전기정보공학부 An improved amplitude shift-keying (ASK) demodulation circuit is developed for implantable devices in this paper. Conventional ASK demodulator consisting of an envelope detector and filters is widely used for wireless power and data transmission due to its simplicity. However, its performance depends on external factors such as distance and alignment between antennas. To remove the dependency, an envelope detector, a set of diodes, and a comparator were utilized in our newly designed circuit. An experiment for wireless transmission was conducted varying distance between the coils from 3.0 mm to 11 mm to compare performances of the conventional and the suggested demodulation circuits. According to the results, the devised ASK demodulation circuit was superior than the conventional demodulation circuit in either transmission distance and demodulation accuracy. P-124 연관기억기능평가를위한클러스터기반뇌파분석송솔웅, 조재욱, 최재영, 최정봉, 박진식, 김인영, 장동표 P-125 차량용음파진동시트연구오승용 1, 강승록 2, 홍철운 3, 권대규 3,4 1 전북대학교헬스케어공학과, 2 전북대학교병원의료기기중개임상시험지원센터, 3 전북대학교바이오메디컬공학부, 4 전북대학교고령친화복지기기연구센터 The purpose of this study was to develop a vehicle seat that provides sound vibration in order to reduce fatigue caused by driving a vehicle and to analyze its effectiveness. They exercised gait with slope of 8.5 degree and 4km/h during 30min as high intensity exercise. We measured the lactate level in the blood during rest with vibration and zero-g posture. The results showed that lactate level in the blood decreased by 55.6% with vibration stimulus but it decreased at 38.5% without vibration. We found that the relaxation rest provided with the vibration could the more effective method for reducing the fatigue of human body. P-126 상과염환자를위한휴대용전기자극치료기기개발권혁찬 1, 박은경 1, 김규리 1, 한재인 2, 이현주 2, 김국한 3, 태기식 1 1 건양대학교의공학부, 2 건양대학교물리치료학과, 3 대성마리프 한양대학교생체의공학과 Integration of visual working memory features is called binding memory or relational memory. We measured EEG while subjects performed object-location relational memory task. With Regression ERP and Cluster-Mass analysis, we found that there is difference between binding and swap error conditions when 500ms after recall at right posterior electrode sites. The purpose of this study is to develop electric stimulation therapy suitable for treatment of lateral and medial phase epicondylitis and to have portability for use anywhere, anytime. The electrical stimulation mode is designed to output the electrical characteristics that are used in clinical applications for inflammation relief therapy. In addition, lateral and medial phase epicondylitis can be caused by a recurrence of illness or chronic pain without continuous treatment. Therefore, it was designed to be able to charge by using a lithium polymer battery, so that a device 164

167 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 having portability was developed and it was possible to receive treatment anytime and anywhere. This portable stimulation system will be useful for rehabilitation of lateral and medial phase epicondylitis. P-127 성별에따른한국어음성기반연령분류딥러닝알고리즘기술개발 소순원 1, 유승민 2, 김영명 2, 김지윤 2, 조백환 3, 육순현 1, 김인영 1 1 한양대학교일반대학원생체공학과 2 한양대학교의생명공학전문대학원생체의공학과 3 성균관대학교삼성융합의과학원의료기기산업학과 Speaker recognition technology through voice information is a technology that has attracted attention in modern society, and it is emerging as an important technology for confirming the identity in systems such as electronic commerce and forensic medicine. In this study, we aimed to develop deep learning algorithm for gender age classification by combining deep learning and speaker recognition technology. Here, the 13 th order MFCC(Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) were extracted from the spoken voice data of males in their 20s, 30s, 50s and females in their 30s, 40s, 50s and datasets were constructed to learn the models. Our model confirmed the classification accuracy of 78.6% and 71.9% for males and females, respectively. P-128 미소유체칩기반배양액흐름의조절을통한 PC12 세포의분화연구 이승아, 박하나, 정하철, 안진우, 문진희, 김영진오송첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터제품개발부 Understanding the factors promote neuronal cell differentiation is important for the design of neuronal tissue and neuronal interface models. We prepared a microfluidicbased chip enables a continuous flow of medium to the cells through osmotic pumping without external power source. The flow effect on the growth and differentiation of PC12 cells into neuronal-like cells was investigated using cell viability, morphology, and immunostaining of GAP43. We demonstrate that flow effects have the potential to improve the neuronal differentiation such as elongation and neurite extension compared to the control models for 7 days. P-129 원심미세유체기반 3차원세포배양기술을이용한치주세포거동관찰 이기훈 1, 이의룡 2, 박중열 1 1 중앙대학교기계공학부, 2 중앙대학교병원구강악안면외과 Various forms of three-dimensional cell co-culture are very important culturing methods to simulate the actual environment and observe the cell reactions and interactions. In this study, a centrifugal microfluidic system was used to form a complex three dimensional tissue structure of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal ligament cells and bone marrow stem cells were co - cultured. As a result, it was confirmed that the co - cultured tissue was cultured in the form of bone marrow stem cells surrounding periodontal ligament cells. P-130 탈세포화과정의정량평가를위한영상처리기법에관한연구 김기한, 이정한, 김형식건국대학교과학기술대학 ICT융합공학부의학공학전공 BK21+ 의공학실용기술연구소 In this study, we proposed a method that can evaluate decelluarization process of rate of change for cell necrosis and tissue structure using an image processing 165

168 포스터 ( 일반 ) method. To extract feature of cell, colored raw images were converted into grayscale and indexed images. Also tissue structure is extracted by separating the RGB components from the original image. To evaluate the proposed method, a custom made electroporator was used in range of 250 volts and pulse width of 100 μs on the arotic valve of the pig. From the results, the cell and tissue structure extracted and a numerical calculation of ratio was possible at each time after electroporation. P-131 집속초음파이용뇌혈관장벽조절을통한뇌약물전달향상법 정병진, 한문, 박주영대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단첨단의료기기개발지원센터 The purpose of this study is to develop a new bloodbrain barrier disruption (BBBD) protocol to enhance drug delivery into the target brain. FUS protocol (1 Mpa, 10 ms tone burst, 1 Hz PRF, 120 sec, without microbubbles) was additionally applied before BBBD protocol (0.47 or 0.6 Mpa, 10 ms tone burst, 1 Hz PRF, 120 sec, with microbubbles). In targeted brain, we found that an anticancer agent, Doxorubicin (DOX) was 2~3 times more delivered with the combined FUS+ BBBD protocol compared with the BBBD protocol. This study showed that the combined FUS+BBBD could be applied clinically to effectively deliver therapeutic agents into the target brain without brain tissue damage. P-132 꿀잠슬립센서 : 무구속심탄도측정센서 박찬용바이텔스 ( 주 ) Ballistocardiography is a signal that records the heartbeat. We propose a signal processing device that detects a heartbeat based on a healthy subject's ballistocardiogram. This device is designed to be applied to the micro controller of the low-end, low-memory devices being used in a wearable or portable device. We implemented a device for measuring heart rate and find large peak for heart rate. The agreement of the proposed device with an ECG reference has been evaluated. A sensitivity of 93.1, positive predictivity of 93.3 was achieved on 7 hour recordings from 6 subjects. P-133 The effects on mental fatigue and the cognitive function of mechanical massage and binaural beats provided by automatic massage chairs Jeong-Hwan Lim, Hyeri Kim, Chul Jin Jeon, Soohyun Cho Medical R&D Center, Bodyfriend, Seoul, Korea In the present study, we verified whether the mechanical massage using automatic massage chairs (AMC) and binaural beats affect the mental fatigue recovery and cognitive enhancements. 25 healthy adults used an AMC (Bodyfriend Inc., Seoul, Korea) that could provide mechanical massage and binaural beats for 20 minutes. Mental fatigue and sustained attention were assessed before and after receiving mechanical massage and listening binaural beats using electroencephalogram (EEG) and d2-test. As the results of EEG analysis, the mental fatigue statistically significantly decreased further in receiving a mechanical massage and listening to the binaural beats on the AMC compared to taking a rest or receiving a mechanical massage only on the AMC. In addition, sustained attention was statistically significantly increased after using the mechanical massage and binaural beat. From these results, we demonstrated that the mechanical massage and binaural beats using AMC are effective in reducing mental fatigue and improving the cognitive function. 166

169 2018 년대한의용생체공학회춘계학술대회 P-134 심근섬유화조건하에서의심장세동발생기전에대한전기생리학적분석김유석, Aroli Marcellinus, 이지영, 임기무 메디컬IT 융합공학과, IT융복합공학과 In this study, we analyzed the effect of myocardial fibrosis with atrial fibrillations causes cardiac remodeling. We used the 3D electrophysiology model of the finited element human atrium and ventricle model with CRN and TN2006 cell ion model. We simulated electrical conduction through myocardial tissue with fibroblast regions. AF and VF induced at fibrotic cardiac model through rapid pacing and then it sustained re-entrant wave forms. P-135 스펙트럼이동을이용한청진음강화 P-136 자연광 LED의사용이야간수면중자율신경계의활성에미치는영향권현빈 1, 최상호 1, 진형원 1, 오성민 2, 이유진 2, 박광석 3 1 서울대학교공과대학협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 2 서울대학교병원수면의학센터 3 서울대학교의과대학의공학교실 Previous studies have demonstrated the effect of light spectrum on sleep architecture across the nocturnal time and sleep electroencephalography. This study investigated effect of different LED light spectra on autonomic nervous activity. Ten healthy subjects were exposed by general light and blue-wavelength filtered light during three hours before sleep. The results showed that bluewavelength light reduces sleepiness after light exposure and increased sympathetic nervous activity during first half sleep. 정동근 동아대학교의과대학의공학교실 The heart sound of a healthy normal person is concentrated in the frequency region where the auditory sensitivity of the human body is low. Moving the frequency components of the stethoscopic sound to high frequencies can enhance the auditory stimulation of the human body by transforming the spectrum rather than amplifying the sound. For this purpose, the spectrum of the stethoscopic sound was shifted to the right and the inverse FFT was performed to reconstruct the sound. This study suggests that spectral shift can enhance auditory stimuli during auscultation without increasing the intensity of the stethoscopic sound. 167

170 SMART DUO DECA-ECV CATHETER Steerable electrophysiology mapping catheter Duo Deca-ECV catheters allow for pacing and recording where identifying ECV Catheter 3E Effective! Easy! Essential! Reduce Energy, Increase Safety! ORDERING INFORMATION Catheter Model No. French Size No. of Electrode Distal Reach Electrode Spacing Usable Length(mm) Caution : Federal Law(USA) restricts this device to sale by on the order of physician. Carefully read all instructions for prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions. Failure to do so my result in patient complications. The Standard relies on the physician to determine, assess and communicate to each patient all foreseeable of the procedure. Remarks SM720SJD 7F 20 Super Large Curl mm 950 Steerable SM720SKD 7F 20 Super Large Curl mm 950 Steerable SM720SMD 7F 20 Super Large Curl mm 950 Steerable SM720SND 7F 20 Super Large Curl mm 950 Steerable SM720SOD 7F 20 Super Large Curl mm 950 Steerable Important Information : The SMART TM Duo Deca-ECV catheter is indicated for use in temporary intracardiac electrocardiographic recording mapping, and/or pacing. This device is contraindicated for use as an ablation catheter. Please refer to the "Instructions for Use" prior to using this device for complete listing of Indications, Contradictions, Warnings, Precautions, Potential Adverse Effects and instructions for use. CLINICAL BENEFIT Twenty electrode allows for single catheter mapping of the global sequence of activation in the right atrium. The Standard Co., Ltd. 120, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15880, Korea TEL : FAX :




( ) 발표순서 논문번호 성명 소속 2분스피치 (1)-1 18FG_013 신지연 대림대학교 2분스피치 (1)-2 18FG_016 신지연 대림대학교 2분스피치 (1)-3 18FG_027 이혜란 대림대학교 2분스피치 (1)-4 18FG_017 노정원 대림

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