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1 Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture Korean J Environ Agric. 017;36(3): Korean Online ISSN: Published online 017 September Print ISSN: Research Article Open Access 국내육성된향미품종의이앙시기별이화학적특성및향기성분비교분석 조준현 1, 1 송유천, 이광식, 최식원, 이미자, 장기창, 김현영, 강현중, 박기도, 서우덕 * 1, Physicochemical Characteristics of Cultivated Aromatic Rice Germplasm and Comparative Analysis of Flavor Components During Transplanting Time Jun Hyun Cho 1,YouChunSong 1,KwangSikLee,SikWonChoi,MiJaLee, Ki Chang Jang,HyunYoungKim, Hyeon Jung Kang,KiDoPark and Woo Duck Seo * ( 1 Division of Crop Foundation, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA), Wanju, 55365, Korea, Department of southern crop, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA), Miryang, 5045, Korea) Received: August 017/ Revised: 14 September 017/ Accepted: 5 September 017 ORCID Copyright c 017 The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture Woo Duck SEO This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract BACKGROUND: The Aromatic rice which is characterized by the flavor of Nurungji when cooked rice, and consumption is increasing recently. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physicochemical characteristics and aroma components of five aromatic rice cultivars according to transplanting time. METHODS AND RESULTS: Quantitative analysis of protein, fat, fatty acid and essential amino acid for five aroma rice cultivars(hyangmibyeo ho, Aromi, Mihyang, Aranghyangchal, Heughyang)and transplanting time was analyzed by crude protein analyzer, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC) and viscosity analysis was done by using rapid viscosity analyzer (RVA). The content of -acetyl-1-pyrroline (AP) was determined by gas chromatography mass spectrometer. (GC-MS) As a result, the average protein and lipid contents were 6.5% and.4%, respectively. The content of essential amino acid showed the highest content at 104.4mg/g. There was no *Corresponding author: Woo Duck Seo Phone: ; Fax: ; swd00@korea.kr significant change in normal nutrients during the transplanting time. By RVA, cv.hyangmibyeo ho showed the highest peak and total setback viscosities and lowest breakdown viscosity in early transplantation. The content of AP in flavor varieties and transplanting time was quantitatively analyzed by GC-MS. Among the cultivars, Aromi showed the highest AP contents at 66.7 μg/100gin normal transplanting time. CONCLUSION: cv.aromiandhyangmibyeohowere excellent physicochemical properties and AP components contents amongaromatic rice cultivars tested. Theiroptimaltime to transplant was at the beginning of June in the area of Miryang. Key words: Aroma components, Aromatic rice, GC-MS, LC, Physicochemcial properties, RVA, -acetyl-1-pyrroline 서,,. 론 175
2 176 Chog et al. Fig. 1. Whole grain (left) and polished aromatic rice (right) cultivars. (Oh et al., 015).,, 1,, (Son et al., 00). (Kim and Kim, 1987), (Gomez and Datta, 1975; Juliano, 1985) (Son et al., 00). (Choi et al., 01), (Somponget al., 011) (Jang et al., 015) (Hu et al., 003) (Shao et al., 015).,, (Buttery et al., 1988) (Lee et al., 1991) 1993, 1 (Choi et al., 1995) (Ha et al., 1996), (Moon et al., 1998). (Gas chromatography, GC) - (Gas chromatography Mass, GC-MS) 00 (Bryant and McClung, 011; Mahmud et al., 016). -acetyl- 1-pyrroline (AP) (Lee and Kim, 1999; Kim et al., 008; Wakteet al., 016).,,, AP. 재료및방법 시험재료및재배방법 Hyangmibyeo ho, Aromi, Mihyang, Aranghyangchal, Heughyang 5 (Fig. 1) 5, 5 15, g 0. 10a 9 kg, 4.5 kg, 5.7 kg cm. 시약 -Acetyl-1-pyrroline (AP) Parchem fine & Specialty Chemicals (NY, USA), Amylose from potatos fatty acid methyl ester Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, MO, USA). AQC-Derivatized Amino Acid Waters (MA, USA). 이화학적특성평가 15% 4. (, SYY88-TH), Mesh. 1), Kjeldahl (Juliano, 1985) (Kjeltec Auto Anlayzer, Foss, USA). g 00 ml Kjeldahl (H SO 4 )10mL 1g 40 0 h ml 45% (NaOH) 5 ml 35 ml, %
3 Physicochemical Charactceristics of Cultivated Aromatic Rice 177 (H 3BO 4 )5mL 0.1N (N), 5.95(%). 10 g 90 3h Soxhlet 4 h 90 Soxhlet. ) (Kim et al., 014) Soxhlet 100 ml 00 mg 0.5 N NaOH/MeOH 10 ml. 10% BF3/MeOH 5 ml 5 min.5mln- 15 ml n- (Na SO 4 ) (Flame Ionization Detector, FID) GC (Agilent 7890A system, Agilent, CA, USA). HP-INNOWax (30 m 0.5 mm 0.5 μm, Agilent), , 60 /5 min /5 min. 3) Juliano (1971) 0.1 g 95% 1 ml 1 N NaOH 9 ml 15 min ml, 10 ml 1 N ( ) ml % I -KI (Iodine ) 4 ml ml 30 0 min UV/Vis (60 nm). 4) ( g) 80%(v/v) 5 ml 30 4 hr, (3,000 rpm,10 min) 80% 50 ml. 1 ml 5% 1 ml 5 min, (10,000 rpm, 10 min). 0.0 N 1 ml, 0. μm. Waters (MA, USA) AccQ-Tag amino acid analysis AccQ Tag amino acid analysis column ( mm, Waters, MA, USA) (ACQUITY UPLC system, Waters, MA, USA). 아밀로그램및호화특성분석 Rapid Visco Analyzer (Newport, RVA-3D, UK) g ml 50 1 min, min 50 (gelatinization temperature), (hot viscosity), (peak viscosity), (cool viscosity), (breakdown), (setback) (Deffenbaugh and Walker, 1989; Kim et al, 01). AP 향기성분정량분석 AP 10 g 0 ml Headspace sampler (HSS) headspace autosampler (LECO, USA) min 1 ml AP. GC TOF-MS Pegasus 4D (LECO, USA) 1 Rtx-5MS (30 m 0.5 mm 0.5 μm), Rxi-17Sil MS (1. m 0.15 mm 0.15 μm) (Nam et al., 016) - (Pegasus 4D-D TOF system, Leco, MI, USA). AP 1, 5, 10 ppm GC (R ) 통계처리 3. SAS 9. (SAS Institute Inc.) PC package package (ANOVA) Duncan (Duncan s multiple range test) a=0.05 결과및고찰 향미의품종별, 이앙시기별이화학적특성평가 1),
4 178 Chog et al. Table 1. Comparison of the protein, lipid and amylose contents of aromatic ricecultivarsby transplanting time (n=3) Transplanting date May June 5 Cultivars Physicochemical properties (%) Proteina Lipid 1) Amylose 1) Hyangmibyeo ho 6.8±0.1b.5±0.1bc 0.1±1.4a Aromi 7.3±0.a.3±0.c 18.8±1.a Mihyang 5.8±0.1d.5±0.1bc 19.6±1.1a Aranghyangchal 5.9±0.d 3.0±0.1a 9.1±0.6b Heughyang 6.±0.1c.6±0.1b 19.1±0.9a Hyangmibyeo ho 7.±0.a.5±0.ab 19.4±.1a Aromi 7.0±0.1a.±0.b 19.7±1.5a Mihyang 6.0±0.b.5±0.1ab 0.9±.3a Aranghyangchal 6.±0.1b.7±0.1a 7.5±0.b Heughyang 6.±0.0b.4±0.ab 19.8±0.6a Hyangmibyeo ho 6.8±0.ab 1.8±0.1c 1.6±.1a Aromi 7.0±0.a.3±0.1b 0.7±1.8a June 0 Mihyang 6.4±0.1c 1.9±0.c 1.3±1.4a Aranghyangchal 6.6±0.bc.7±0.a 7.3±0.3b Heughyang 6.4±0.c.4±0.1b 0.8±3.1a *Means in the same column by the same letter are not significantly different at the level of 0.05 by using Duncan s multiple range test.. (Kim et al., 008). 8.3% 7~9% (Lee et al., 1989). 6.4% (Kim et al., 008). 5.8~7.3% 5 6.4%, %, %. Mihyang 6.1% Aromi 7.1% (Table 1)...6%,.5%,.% (Table 1). (Oleic acid), (Linoleic acid) (Linolenic acid) 3. (C18:1), (C18:) (C18:3) (Hegstedet al., 1993), (Lee et al., 01). 19.7%, 19.7%, 0.1% 80.3%, 80.3%, 79.8%. 37.~45.9% Mihyang, Aromi (Table ). ) (amylose),,, (Kim et al., 014). 17~3% 17.3%, 17.4%, 18.3%. Aranghyangchal 7.9% 18.8~1.3% Heughyang (Table 1).. 1) 75%,
5 Physicochemical Charactceristics of Cultivated Aromatic Rice 179 Table. Comparison for fatty acid of aromatic ricecultivarsby transplanting time (n=3) Transplanting date May June 5 June 0 Cultivars Palmitic acid (C16:0) Stearic acid (C18:0) Oleic acid (C18:1) Fatty acid content (%) 1) Linoleic acid (C18:) Linolenic acid (C18:3) Hyangmibyeo ho 0.±1.5a 1.8±0.1d 43.5±.5a 33.3±1.6b 1.±0.1bc.0±1.7a 78.0±4.5a Aromi 17.1±1.8bc.0±0.1c 44.7±3.4a 35.±.1ab 1.1±0.1c 19.1±.1ab 80.9±5.8a Mihyang 15.1±1.1c 1.9±0.1cd 45.9±.8a 35.9±1.8ab 1.1±0.1c 17.0±1.1b 83.0±6.6a Aranghyangchal 17.7±0.9ab.5±0.1a 41.8±4.1a 36.7±1.a 1.3±0.1b 0.1±1.4a 79.9±6.4a Heughyang 18.3±1.1ab.±0.1b 40.±.a 37.7±1.5a 1.5±0.1a 0.5±1.1a 79.5±5.a Hyangmibyeo ho 19.9±0.8a 1.8±0.1b 4.±.5ab 34.8±1.4a 1.4±0.1a 1.7±.a 78.3±5.1a Aromi 17.9±1.4ab 1.7±0.1b 4.7±.4ab 36.5±1.5a 1.±0.1b 19.6±.1abc 80.4±4.5a Mihyang 15.5±0.5c 1.8±0.1b 43.9±.ab 37.7±1.5a 1.±0.1b 17.3±0.c 8.7±4.9a Aranghyangchal 18.9±1.ab.3±0.a 39.7±3.4b 37.7±.1a 1.4±0.1a 1.±1.3ab 78.8±4.4a Heughyang 16.7±1.9bc 1.8±0.1b 45.4±1.5a 34.7±1.9a 1.4±0.1a 18.5±0.4bc 81.5±5.4a Hyangmibyeo ho 0.6±1.4a 1.3±0.1c 41.6±1.6a 34.8±1.8b 1.7±0.1a 1.9±1.a 78.1±5.1a Aromi 18.1±0.9b 1.6±0.1b 4.8±.1a 36.3±1.6b 1.±0.1c 19.7±0.8bc 80.3±4.8a Mihyang 17.4±0.4b 1.7±0.1ab 41.8±.4a 37.8±1.3ab 1.3±0.1c 19.1±0.6c 80.9±4.a Aranghyangchal 0.1±1.1a 1.0±0.1d 37.±.1b 40.1±1.8a 1.6±0.1ab 1.1±0.5ab 78.9±4.6a Heughyang 17.1±0.9b 1.8±0.1a 43.9±1.7a 35.7±1.6b 1.5±0.1b 18.9±0.9c 81.1±4.1a SF* USF** *SF: saturated fatty acid, **USF: unsaturated fatty acid Means in the same column by the same letter are not significantly different at the level of 0.05 by using Duncan s multiple range test Table 3. Essential amino acid of aromatic rice cultivars by transplanting time (n=3) Transplanting date Cultivars Essential amino acid contents (mg/g) Ile Leu Lys Met Phe Thre Trp His Total May June 5 Hyangmibyeo ho 6.7±0.1d 6.±0.1c 6.4±0.6a 9.5±0.1d 5.4±0.a 18.3±0.a.1±0.1a 13.4±0.a 108.1±.1ab Aromi 7.8±0.b 7.±0.a 3.9±0.6c 10.4±0.4c 3.±0.cd 18.5±0.1a.1±0.1a 10.4±0.d 103.5±.4bc Mihyang 6.±0.1e 5.9±0.1d.1±0.5d 11.6±0.4a.8±0.3d 17.9±0.b 1.5±0.1c 11.5±0.c 99.5±3.1c Aranghyangchal 7.±0.1c 6.8±0.1b 3.4±0.3c 10.5±0.1c 3.6±0.3c 17.9±0.1b 1.9±0.1b 10.4±0.d 101.7±3.5c Heughyang 8.5±0.a 7.4±0.1a 5.1±0.4b 11.1±0.1b 4.1±0.b 18.4±0.a.±0.1a 1.4±0.1b 109.±.8a Hyangmibyeo ho 6.5±0.1d 6.4±0.1bc 8.4±0.3a 9.8±0.1d.1±0.1a 16.3±0.ab.0±0.1c 1.5±0.1a 104.1±1.9a Aromi 7.7±0.b 7.±0.1a 4.8±0.c 10.4±0.1c 1.8±0.3ab 16.4±0.1a.4±0.1a 10.4±0.c 101.1±.1ab Mihyang 6.7±0.1cd 6.±0.c 3.9±0.4d 11.4±0.4b 18.4±0.3c 16.1±0.1b 1.6±0.1e 11.6±0.1b 95.9±1.8c Aranghyangchal 6.9±0.1c 6.6±0.1b 4.5±0.4cd 1.1±0.5a 1.4±0.b 15.6±0.1c 1.8±0.1d 10.5±0.1c 99.4±1.6bc Heughyang 8.4±0.a 7.3±0.1a 5.8±0.5b 10.3±0.cd.1±0.4a 16.±0.1ab.±0.1b 11.4±0.b 103.7±.a Hyangmibyeo ho 6.6±0.d 6.5±0.1b 6.5±0.3a 9.9±0.1c 0.6±0.a 16.±0.1c.1±0.1a 11.1±0.b 99.5±.ab Aromi 7.6±0.b 7.±0.1a 4.5±0.b 10.3±0.1bc 0.4±0.a 17.3±0.1a.1±0.1a 11.4±0.1b 100.8±.8ab June 0 Mihyang 6.4±0.d 6.1±0.1c 3.8±0.4c 10.6±0.4b 16.9±0.1d 16.8±0.1b 1.8±0.1b 11.3±0.b 93.7±.4c Aranghyangchal 7.1±0.1c 6.±0.1c.±0.d 11.6±0.3a 0.1±0.1b 15.8±0.d 1.8±0.1b 11.8±0.a 96.6±.3bc Heughyang 8.9±0.a 7.4±0.a 4.±0.bc 10.5±0.1b 19.8±0.1c 17.±0.a.±0.1a 1.1±0.1a 10.3±.1a Means in the same column by the same letter are not significantly different at the level of 0.05 by using Duncan s multiple range test.. (Yoon et al., 016)., Table 3. Mihyang 93.7~ 99.5 mg/g, Heughyang 10.3 ~ 109. mg/g mg/g,
6 180 Chog et al mg/g, 99.8 mg/g.... Hyangmibyeo ho. 신속점도측정기(RVA) 에의한호화특성 RVA (Peak), (Breakdown) (Sonet al., 00). Table 3, RVA 5 Heughyang, Aranghyangchal, Mihyang, Aromi, Hyangmibyeo ho 70.1, 71.3, 73.6, 73.7, ~70 Hyangmibyeo ho. (Peak, P) Hyangmibyeo ho, Aromi 79.3, 58.8 RVU Aranghyangchal 71.7 RVU. (Final viscosity) Aromi 55.3 RVU Aranghyangchal 4.7 RVU. (Breakdown) (shear) (Kim et al., 01). Hyangmibyeo ho 15.3 RVU Aranghyangchal 38.4 RVU. (Setback) Hyangmibyeo ho RVU Heughyang 39.4 RVU. Hyangmibyeo ho. Aranghyangchal 01.1~79.3 RVU 185.9~6. RVU, 194.8~34.4 RVU 66.6~15.3 RVU 64.1~140.1 RVU, 55.4~113.6 Table 4. Pasting properties of aromatic rice cultivars by transplanting time using RVA (n=3) Transplanting date May June 5 Cultivars Initial pasting temperature ( ) Peak (P) Trough (T) Viscosity Final viscosity (RVU)1) Breakdown (P-T) Setback Hyangmibyeo ho 74.1±0.05a 79.3±0.a 16.9±0.d 199.4±1.5d 15.3±10.5a -78.9±8.e Aromi 73.7±0.03b 58.8±0.b 156.7±0.5a 55.3±1.4a 10.1±.5b -3.5±1.5b Mihyang 73.6±0.08c 49.1±0.3c 14.3±0.5b 31.8±.5b 106.8±1.4b -17.±.6c Aranghyangchal 71.3±0.05d 105.6±0.e 50.1±0.3e 63.9±.5e 55.5±1.d -41.6±1.9d Heughyang 70.1±0.03e 01.1±0.4d 134.6±0.4c 18.1±3.8c 66.6±1.0c 17.0±1.4a Hyangmibyeo ho 7.±0.06a 6.±0.3a 1.1±0.4c 01.8±3.b 140.1±1.8a -60.4±.e Aromi 71.8±0.03b 35.9±0.3c 150.±0.6b 49.8±3.5a 85.7±4.5b 13.8±0.5b Mihyang 71.8±0.0b 40.4±0.b 156.3±0.4a 45.±.8a 84.±.1b 4.8±0.1c Aranghyangchal 69.±0.0c 71.7±0.e 33.4±0.5d 4.7±1.5c 38.4±1.9d -19.0±0.5d Heughyang 69.1±0.04d 185.9±0.d 11.8±0.5c 07.3±4.8b 64.1±1.4c 1.4±0.8a Hyangmibyeo ho 68.±0.0d 34.4±0.5a 10.8±0.6d 18.4±4.3c 113.6±6.5a -16.1±1.4c Aromi 70.±0.05b 3.3±0.6b 136.4±0.7b 41.7±5.1a 86.8±1.7b 18.4±1.1b June 0 Mihyang 70.5±0.03a 07.3±1.1c 13.8±0.5c 4.1±4.1c 74.5±5.1c 16.8±0.5b Aranghyangchal 68.0±0.0e 90.1±0.5e 3.9±0.6e 43.6±0.5d 57.±.d -46.5±3.3d Heughyang 68.8±0.0c 194.8±0.8d 139.4±0.8a 34.3±3.3b 55.4±0.9d 39.4±1.8a Means in the same column by the same letter are not significantly different at the level of 0.05 by using Duncan s multiple range test. 1) RVU: Rapid Visco Units
7 Physicochemical Charactceristics of Cultivated Aromatic Rice 181 RVU ~55.3 RVU 01.8~49.8 RVU, 18.4 ~41.7 RVU -78.9~ 17.0 RVU -60.4~1.4 RVU, -46.5~39.4 RVU. Hyangmibyeo ho, Aromi. 향미품종, 이앙시기별향기성분정량분석비교, (Buttery et al., 1988).. -acetyl-1- pyrroline (AP) GC GC-MS. Fig., AP GC-MS. Aromi 41.7~66.7 μg/100 g AP Mihyang 10.5~.1 μg/100 g. AP 37.4 μg/100 g, 31.5 μg/100 g, 37.4 μg/100 g AP 6 5~0. Kim (008) AP,, AP.,. Aromi AP GC-MS,.. Fig.. AP contents of aromatic rice cultivars by transplanting time and GC-MS fragmentation pattern of AP. 5.8~7.3% 5 6.4%.6±0.1%,.5±0.1%,.±0.1%.. Hyangmibyeo ho 15.3RVU. 3., -acetyl-1-pyrroline (AP) Aromi 41.7~66.7 μg/100 g AP 37.4 μg/100 g, 31.5 μg/100 g, 37.4 μg/100 g. 6 5~0. Notes The author declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgement This work was carried out with the support of the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Development of aromatic rice and identification of flavor chemicals for export quality, Project No. PJ ) of the Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea. 적 요 References 1., Buttery, R. G., Turnbaugh, J. G., & Ling, L. C. (1988). Contribution of volatiles to rice aroma. Journal of
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열화상 측정기를 이용한 안마의자의 인체 영향 평가 박세진, 구준모, 이현자 한국표준과학연구원 생활계측그룹 Evaluation of Massage Chair Effect on Human Body using Infrared Imaging/Radiometric Camera Se Jin Park, Jun Mo Koo, Hyun Ja Lee Human L ife Measurement
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한국 출산력의 저하 요인에 관한 연구
가족계획실천율 가족계획실천자 세 유배우부인 조출생률 년간 총출생아수 연앙인구수 일반출산율 년간 총출생아수 가임연령 여자연앙인구수 합계출산율 세 연령층 여성이 출산한 출생아수 세 연령층 여성의 연앙인구수 즉 합계출산율 합 6 계 출 산 율 5 4 3 2 1 1960 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001
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11-1480523-000748-01 배경지역 ( 백령도 ) 에서의 대기오염물질특성연구 (Ⅲ) 기후대기연구부대기환경연구과,,,,,,, Ⅲ 2010 목차 ⅰ ⅲ ⅳ Abstract v Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ i 목차 Ⅳ ii 목차 iii 목차 iv 목차 μg m3 μg m3 v 목차 vi Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ μm μg m3 1 Ⅰ. 서론 μg m3 μg m3 μg m3 μm 2
목 차 회사현황 1. 회사개요 2. 회사연혁 3. 회사업무영역/업무현황 4. 등록면허보유현황 5. 상훈현황 6. 기술자보유현황 7. 시스템보유현황 주요기술자별 약력 1. 대표이사 2. 임원짂 조직 및 용도별 수행실적 1. 조직 2. 용도별 수행실적
用 役 指 名 願 금번 貴 社 에서 실시하고자 하는 用 役 에 참여하고자 當 社 의 指 名 願 을 提 出 하오니 審 査 하시고 指 名 하여 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 2014년 (주)하우드 엔지니어링 종합건축사사무소 대표이사 문 홍 길 대표이사 채 희 대표이사 이 재 규 대표이사 김 성 우 SUBMISSION We are submitting our brochure
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제 출 문 경상북도 경산시 농업기술센터 귀하 본 보고서를 6차산업수익모델시범사업 농산물가공품개발 연구용역 과제의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2014 년 11 월 19 일 주관연구기관명 : 영남대학교 총괄연구책임자 : 한 기 동 연 구 원 : 김 상 욱 이 수 형 이 상
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11-1480523-000702-01 환경중잔류의약물질대사체분석방법확립에 관한연구 (Ⅱ) - 테트라사이클린계항생제 - 환경건강연구부화학물질연구과,,,,,, Ⅱ 2010 목차 ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ Abstract ⅳ Ⅰ Ⅱ i 목차 Ⅲ Ⅳ i 목차 ii 목차 iii Abstract α β α β iv Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ 1 Ⅱ. 연구내용및방법 Ⅱ. 2 Ⅱ. 연구내용및방법
한약재품질표준화연구사업단 작약 ( 芍藥 ) Paeoniae Radix 생약연구과
한약재품질표준화연구사업단 작약 ( 芍藥 ) Paeoniae Radix 생약연구과 - 2 - KP 11 CP 2015 JP 16 Paeoniae Radix Paeoniae Radix Alba Paeoniae Radix Rubra Paeoniae Radix Paeonia lactiflora Pallas paeoniflorin, albiflorin 2.3% Paeonia
Suseong gu Council Daegu Metropolitan City www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr Contents SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY 10 www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr 11 SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY
A Comparative Study on the Commuting Regional Type According to the Features of Foreigner Commuting Ju-Hyun Ryu* Abstract The purposes of this study are to identify many implications of commuting regional
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics (2014) 27(1), 13 20 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5351/kjas.2014.27.1.013 Maximum Tolerated Dose Estimation by Stopping Rule and SM3 Design in a Phase I Clinical Trial
한약재품질표준화연구사업단 고삼 ( 苦參 ) Sophorae Radix 생약연구과
한약재품질표준화연구사업단 고삼 ( 苦參 ) Sophorae Radix 생약연구과 - 1 - KP 11 Sophorae Radix Sophora flavescens Solander ex Aiton oxymatrine, matrine 1.0% CP 2015 Sophorae Flavescentis Radix Sophora flavescens Aiton - JP 16
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp DOI: * Strenghening the Cap
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.27-43 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.3.201809.27 * Strenghening the Capacity of Cultural Arts Required in Special Education
FPS게임 구성요소의 중요도 분석방법에 관한 연구 2 계층화 의사결정법에 의한 요소별 상관관계측정과 대안의 선정 The Study on the Priority of First Person Shooter game Elements using Analytic Hierarchy Process 주 저 자 : 배혜진 에이디 테크놀로지 대표 Bae, Hyejin AD Technology