Microsoft PowerPoint - Session 4 - 비아이씨엔에스발표.ppt
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1 국내외 TimesTen 구축사례 2006 년 8 월 24 일 ( 주 ) 비아이씨엔에스데이타베이스사업부이원철
2 TimesTen Enables a Real-Time World Real-Time Infrastructure Software Instantly Responsive Highly Scalable Continuously Available TimesTen provides real-time infrastructure software for managing events, transactions and data within performance-critical applications.
3 Agenda I. I. 개요 II. II. 국내구축사례 III. III. 해외구축사례 IV. IV. Q & A
4 1. 개요개요 최고의 ( 주 ) 비아이씨엔에스가당신과함께합니다 회 사 명 설 립 일 자 본 금 대표이사 임직원수 > > > > > ( 주 ) 비아이씨엔에스 1999년 7월 6일 950,000,000원박주성총 126명 (2006년 3월현재 ) 주 소 > 서울특별시송파구방이동 23-2 형인타워 13~11 층 2005 년실적 사업분야 > > 매출 105 억, 영업이익 4.3 억, 당기순이익 7.1 억 CRM, DW, BI, Database Consulting, IT Outsourcing
5 1. 개요데이타베이스사업부개요 Symantec APM 솔루션 Premier Partner IPLocks 국내총판 Secure.Data Gold Partner Informatica First Tier Partner Data 통합솔루션 -Informatica APM 솔루션 -Symantec i 3 DB 보안솔루션 - Secure.Data -IPLocks TimesTen 의 전문협력사 Service & Consulting - DB 기술지원서비스 - DB 컨설팅프로젝트 - 모델링, 개발프로젝트 ( 주 ) 비아이씨엔에스는 Database 제품부터관련분야솔루션제공및각종 DB 기술지원, 컨설팅에이르기까지 Database Total Solution 을제공하는데이터베이스전문업체입니다. Oracle 제품군 - Oracle EE, SE - TimesTen MMDB
6 1. 개요 Who use Timesten? Proven in Real-Time Deployments Over 1500 Companies Embed Oracle TimesTen NETWORKS TELECOM WALL STREET ENTERPRISES Real-time billing Value-added Services Order Matching Call Centers Voice over IP Revenue Assurance Risk Management Business Intelligence Mobile Networks Network and QOS Management Real-time Analytics SOA s
7 1. 개요 What is Timesten? TimesTen In-Memory Database Global Market Share 1위의 Technical Leading Main Memory DBMS 경쟁제품과차별화된다양한 Replication 기능과 ORACLE과의연계성을위한 Cache기능보유 Direct Data Access 기술을통해 1/100만초대의응답시간제공 MicroLogging TM 을통해데이터의무결성과안정성을보장 Instantly Responsive Highly Scalable Continuously Available Replication Network Oracle Cache Network DataServer B DataServer 고가용성을위해고성능, 다양한구성의 replication 환경제공 Cache Oracle 의데이터를 TimesTen Memory DB 에 cache 시키는연계성을제공 Primary Subscriber(s) Oracle
8 1. 개요 Why Timesten? Faster Systems Drive More Revenue 1. Increased Customer Loyalty 2. Cross-Sell, Up-Sell 3. Real-Time BPM, BAM 4. New Services Flexible Software Improves IT Productivity + Rev + Rev + Rev + Rev Customers are impatient Respond instantly and they ll keep coming back Unleash the intelligence in your data Create richer, more compelling interactions Be proactive Capture, analyze and use the data when it s most valuable to you and your customers Stand out from the crowd Applications previously impossible are now in reach Put TimesTen to work quickly Start immediately and deploy early 1. Easy, Familiar Standards 2. Many Deployment Options 3. Architected for Today THE BOTTOM LINE - Cost - Cost - Cost ++ Profit Power a wide variety of scenarios Enable new, extend existing, embed, cache, distribute use TimesTen across the organization Stay at the forefront Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), modular computing, and 64-bit systems are a natural fit with TimesTen s architecture Software for disseminating real-time operational information is helping United Airlines save $46 million this year by letting the airline react more quickly to unplanned events such as inclement weather, mechanical delays and crew shortages. Network World
9 2. 국내구축사례 (1) 제조 연 / 주조시스템 제강공정 연강공정 TimesTen 사용 공정에서발생하는데이터의실시간처리 이벤트수집 ( 공정처리 ) 구성환경 Sun/Solaris O/S, 14 CPU SunOne WebServer, Java Application 2 GB (1.5 G PermSize, 0.3 GB TempSize) Admin Console WebServer WebServer 설비제어용 PLC / DCS 장점 Replication 으로인해 failover 가자동으로이루어짐 타 DBMS 에비해월등히빠른처리속도 분산, 중복된업무의통합으로비용감소, 효율증대 무정지시스템 L4 Switch TimesTen L4 Switch Standby Active
10 2. 국내구축사례 (1) 제조 기존시스템 구축후시스템 애플리케이션서버 & DBMS 통합애플리케이션및 DBMS DBMS DBMS 웹서버 개발계 설비제어용 PLC/DCS 설비제어용 PLC/DCS 제강설비 연주설비 제강설비 연주설비 제철조업설비 제철조업설비 -1 초이내제어가가능한무정지통합시스템구현 ( 감시, 제어, 관리의편이성구현 ) - 통합제어를통한업무단순화를통한생산성향상 - 효율적인자원의사용구현
11 2. 국내구축사례 (2) 금융 MTS System 차세대트레이딩시스템현행및요구사항 시스템을통한단위시간당집중도증가 외부시스템 (BASE21) 성능개선에따른트레이딩시스템주문처리속도개선요구 H/W 증설시의과다한비용증가발생구성환경 4 CPU * 2 System (for Replication) Sun/Solaris O/S C - applications (ODBC) 200 MB DataStore Application 에 embedded 되어 Direct-Data Access 기대효과 빠른응답속도와안정성을제공한주문처리속도개선 (10 건 / 초 ->100 건 / 초 ) 기존 DDBMS 대비비용절감 완벽한실시간이중화및장애요인 (H/W Disk) 감소 near-zero administration BASE 21 TimesTen Standby Traders Order Routing TimesTen Active Trade Execution
12 3. 해외사례 (1) 금융 Hedge Fund: Unprofitable Architecture Only the first trade makes a profit Customer could not analyze data fast enough to make the trade first Real-time ticker data could not be combined with historic data fast enough Enterprise RDBMS was not fast enough Home-grown in-memory data structures lacked SQL functionality and were expensive to maintain Model Hedge Fund Traders Model Enterprise RDBMS : TOO SLOW Model Home Grown In-Memory Database INFLEXIBLE Real-Time Market Updates Should I Make This Trade? Real-Time Modeling of Current Market vs. History
13 3. 해외사례 (1) 금융 Profitable, Faster, Real-Time Decisions Oracle TimesTen provides a flexible SQL interface allows for easy aggregations of data Combining real-time ticker data with historic data is FAST and EASY Analysis of market data in sub-seconds, not minutes The customer can make the trade first, before their competitors Therefore, they make a profit and their competitor loses! Model #1 On-Demand Load of Selected Data Hedge Fund Traders Model #2 Model #N Real-Time Market Updates Real-Time Modeling of Current Market vs. History Historic Market Data
14 3. 해외사례 (2) 통신 TimesTen Enhances Telco Billing solution Large US-Based wireless provider Requires enhancements to Billing and Mediation Distinguishes external and internal customers for accurate billing Real-time calculation of billing and cross-charge Large number of concurrent users Thousands of simultaneous callers Low latency requirements Call and data setup Hardware and support costs Handles demand spikes in network usage
15 3. 해외사례 (2) 통신 Enhanced Billing TimesTen Usage Event capture & enrichment (CDR) Reference data lookups Real-time rating (Advice of Charge/Credit Approval) Application Capabilities Enable billing for new services Capture, correlate, aggregate, and format CDRs/IPDRs Real-time rating with Advice of Charge to support Pay-per-view movies & on-demand content Instantaneous credit check Value of Oracle TimesTen Tier 1 service provider 15+ million subs Extended the life of existing billing systems Mediation for voice services $3M savings/year (H/W support + administration) 4 months to production Unlimited scalability on cost-effective servers Shortened time to market for new services Guiding & Routing VoIP Phone Mobile Phone IPTV Access Networks Mediation System High Speed Bus Billing Events CDRs Billing Engines Phone Real-Time Rating Oracle
16 3. 해외사례 (3) 통신 Pre-Paid Billing Tier 1 - European Mobile Operator 82 million subscribers 50% Prepaid Batch Based Billing System End of Month Cannot Bill for Prepaid Data Services (Ring Tones, Images,etc.) Loss of Revenue Loyalty Services Bundling of Services (Usage Based Volume Discounts) Pre-Paid Billing Services Real-Time Customer Account Balance and Usage Denial of Service when Balance is used up Low Latency Requirements
17 3. 해외사례 (3) 통신 Pre-Paid Billing Architecture TimesTen Usage Event capture (active prepaid sessions & volume status) Reference data lookups (volume & content charging) Balance management (prepaid authentication/charging) Performance Metrics Adjunct prepaid applications response time sub 10ms 70/30 read/update workload Configuration 8-CPU server (plus hot-standby) Tru64 platforms Multiple Gigabytes TimesTen Oracle RDBMS Value of TimesTen Real-time charging for volume discounts & content A COTS, standards-based solution not proprietary Billing Engine BTS Volume Discounts Oracle Adjunct Prepaid Charging BSC MSC SS7 IN Prepaid Batch Billing Content Charging
18 3. 해외사례 (4) 통신 Authenticaton and Spending Control Turkish Mobile Operator 20+ Million Subscribers Young, Dynamic, Well-Educated Successful Rollout of VAS Services Parental Control of Spending Budgets for Teenagers Blacklist for VAS Services
19 3. 해외사례 (4) 통신 Authentication and Spending Control TimesTen Usage Event capture (billing events, VAS usage statistics) Reference data lookups (black/white list, budget) Performance Metrics Real-time read only access for 20 million subscribers Microseconds response time Configuration 2 Servers (hot standby) Sun/Solaris platforms 4GB Gigabytes TimesTen/Cache Caching with auto refresh from Oracle Oracle RDBMS Value of TimesTen Scale to support high value/margin valueadded services Meet government mandate for spending controls Eliminate network latency and timeouts Oracle Subscribers VAS Authentication SMSC Authentication Oracle RAN Billing Events SDP Authentication Layer VAS Budget Oracle Oracle Permissions Replication Database Subscriber Type Data
20 3. 해외사례 (5) 제조 RF Device Synchronization for Manufacturing Easy, flexible data synchronization using SQL XLA API immediately sees all transactions in Oracle and sends data to the RF devices Automatic replication of Oracle transactions to the RF devices via Cache Connect to Oracle Replication and failover if the synchronization system fails Plans for a larger implementation, scaling to many nodes (mated pairs) Data Synchronization XLA MASTER Cache Connect Replication and Failover XLA SECONDARY Cache Connect Auto-Refresh Transactions from Manufacturing Systems
21 3. 해외사례 (5) 제조 Manufacturing: Home-Grown RF Device Sync Need to synchronize RF device data with data from manufacturing in Oracle Home-grown data sync is inflexible: code must be re-written for even small changes No HA: if the application fails, the shop floor grinds to a halt Data Synchronization Home-Grown Data Sync Application Home-Grown Oracle Data Poller Transactions from Manufacturing Systems When it crashes, shop floor activity comes to a halt
22 3. 해외사례 (6)Enterprise Hosted CRM System: Unable to Provide Personalized Pages for Customers 10,000s of simultaneous users Static HTML pages lacked personalization Users, particularly sales reps, wanted to see their information in their way Database lookups for every generated HTML page overwhelmed the Oracle server Home-grown Java caching slowed down the system and did not have high availability Too much database I/O Worldwide Corporate Subscribers Home Grown Caching in Java SLOW, INFLEXIBLE, EXPENSIVE TO MAINTAIN Oracle Application Servers
23 3. 해외사례 (6)Enterprise Improved Customer Satisfaction User preferences are loaded from Oracle RAC into Oracle TimesTen upon login Preference information is now looked up in Oracle TimesTen HA through replication One API for both databases (JDBC) Fast response time means a better user experience Users now see personalized pages suited to their needs User experience is now noticeably better than their competitors NA Application Servers Standby 4-CPU Servers, Linux, 2 GB databases Dynamic Personalization Load Balancer Worldwide Corporate Subscribers Active Master Database JDBC Oracle Active EMEA / APAC Application Servers Load Balancer Master Database Standby
24 TimesTen Enables a Real-Time World Real-Time Infrastructure Software Instantly Responsive Highly Scalable Continuously Available TimesTen provides real-time infrastructure software for managing events, transactions and data within performance-critical applications
25 4. Q & A 감사합니다 Instantly Responsive Highly Scalable Continuously Available 연락처이원철이사
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Oracle TimesTen 을활용한 수강신청성능고도화방안 한국오라클 1 차례 Oracle TimesTen 소개 Oracle TimesTen 제품개요 Oracle TimesTen 적용사례 Oracle TimesTen과수강신청업무 결론 2 Oracle TimesTen 소개 3 Oracle TimesTen In-memory
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