66 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤 Kooka et al. (1998) m 4-5 m. (ontogenetic vertical migration) (Yamamura et al., 22; Duffy-Anderson et al., 23; Smart et al.,
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1 한수지 5(1), 65-76, 217 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 5(1),65-76,217 생활사기반모델을이용한동해명태 (Gadus chalcogrammus) 의개체군평가 김규한 손명호 1 현상윤 * 부경대학교자원생물학과, 1 국립수산과학원제주수산연구소 A Life Stage-based Model for Assessing the Walleye Pollock Gadus chalcogrammus Population in the East Sea Kyuhan Kim, Myoung Ho Sohn 1 and Saang-Yoon Hyun* Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea 1 Jeju Fisheries Research Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Jeju 6368, Korea Since the late 199s, walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus fisheries in Korean waters have been considered collapsed. Although many fisheries scientists suspect that the collapse might have been triggered by overexploitation of juvenile pollock or environmental changes, such conjectures have been neither tested nor investigated, partially because of limited data on the population. There has been no survey of the population, and the ages of fish in fishery catch have rarely been identified. Instead, fishery catch data from included information about two life stages, juveniles and adults, and data on catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) during and those on fish length and weight during had been sporadically collected from commercial fisheries. To test hypotheses about the collapse of the pollock fisheries, we used a statistical linear model with juvenile CPUE as the response variable, and abiotic (e.g., water temperatures) and biotic factors [e.g., adult pollock, flatfishes (Pleuronectidae sp.), and sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus) CPUEs] as the explanatory variables. The model results indicated that depletion of the pollock population was associated with both biotic (adult pollock and flatfishes abundance) and abiotic factors (mid-water temperatures in February and October). We further interpreted the results from ecological and biological perspectives, suggesting possible mechanisms. Key words: Pollock population depletion, Generalized linear model, Catch-per-unit-effort, Fisheries selectivity 서론 (Gadus chalcogrammus) , (climate regime shift) (Zhang et al., 2; Zhang and Gong, 25; Kim et al., 27).., Nishimura (1969) 2-5 C 2 m (permanent thermocline) 5 C 2 m. Gong and Zhang (1986) Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 5(1) 65-76, February 217 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 27 December 216; Revised 13 February 217; Accepted 14 February 217 *Corresponding author: Tel: Fax: address: shyun@pknu.ac.kr Copyright 217 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 65 pissn: , eissn:
2 66 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤 Kooka et al. (1998) m 4-5 m. (ontogenetic vertical migration) (Yamamura et al., 22; Duffy-Anderson et al., 23; Smart et al., 213; Parker-Stetter et al., 215) (Kim, 1978), 1975 ( : ) ( ) (Fig. 1a). Kang et al. (213) % Longline CPUE (kg basket -1 ) Catch in MT ( 1 3 ) Danish-seine CPUE (kg haul -1 ) (b) (c) (a) Year Juvenile Adult Longline Gillnet Gillnet CPUE (kg sheet -1 ) Fig. 1. Data on fishery catches of adult and juvenile pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the East Sea (a), and catch per unit effort (CPUE) collected from gillnet and longline fisheries (b), and Danish seine fishery (c). A sheet is a unit area of the gillnet whose width ranges from 45 m to 72 m and whose height ranges from 4 m to m. One basket in the longline contains about 3 hooks (recruitment to the adult population),,.,, ( ). Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) (Yabuki and Honda, 25; Mori et al., 212) (Shida et al., 27; Funamoto, 211; Funamoto et al., 213; Funamoto et al., 214). (i.e., ).,. (Generalized linear model:glm),.,, (Pleuronectidae sp.) (Arctoscopus japonicus),. 재료및방법 생물학적정보 ,,,.,,,. 12,45 5,699 (47%), 2,668 (22%), 1,632 (14%), 69 (6%) 1,356 (11%)., 39 1 ( , , 21) (Total
3 생활사기반동해명태개체군평가 67 length: TL) (Fork length: FL) , 1989, cm. (survey). (Fig. 2). (Table 1)., Kim and Huh (1978) ( 27 cm) 27 cm., (i.e., ) ( 27 cm) (> 27 cm) 9:1, 199 (i.e., ) 3:1., ( ). Table 1. Annual juvenile and adult pollock Gadus chalcogrammus catches by four major pollock fisheries in Korean waters Year Adult catch by fishery (MT) Juvenile catch by fishery (MT) Danish Gillnet Longline Trawl Total Danish Gillnet Longline Trawl Total ,264 1, ,369 38,69 11,592 5, , ,175 52, ,4 69, ,721 8, ,349 64, ,714 92, ,11 1, ,444 52, ,322 88, ,291 7,78 1,533 1,68 11,582 5, ,463 34, ,464 13,916 4,863 5,698 26,941 33, ,922 65, ,79 18,89 2,992 5,219 46,81 47, ,296 89, ,826 19,5 1,738 4,779 37,843 47, ,88 94, ,4 12,78 7,624 4,177 28,585 31, ,75 55, ,435 18,395 12,11 3,458 39,398 37, ,792 65, ,534 22,892 5,817 9,96 46,23 22, ,67 37, ,182 21,454 7,411 8,36 46,47 19, ,554 31, ,674 5,953 5,219 3,945 19,791 8, ,825 13, ,382 5,753 2,457 1,649 13,241 1, ,32 2, ,11 6,41 2,939 2,162 15,612 6,4 4 1,236 7, ,154 4,85 1,867 1,496 9,62 13, ,34 15, ,664 1,137 1,951 2,533 8,285 6, ,295 1, ,71 1,612 1, ,962 3, ,584 4, ,649 2,422 2,446 1,558 8,75 2, ,53 7, ,94 2,131 3, ,2 1, ,839 3, ,635 2, ,723 1, , ,76 1, ,332 1, ,79 3, , ,19 6,
4 68 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤 CPUE 자료 ,, (catch-per-uniteffort: CPUE) (Fig. 1b, 1c and Fig. 3)., CPUE.,,, CPUE CPUE. (i.e., ) (1-3 ) (1-3 ). CPUE CPUE CPUE.,., CPUE, CPUE CPUE. 반응변수 27 cm,., CPUE 2 (recruitment to the fishery). CPUE, CPUE., ( cm) Park et al. (1978) von Bertalanffy [L t =65.4 (1 exp.223 (t+.249) )]. t, L t t (cm) von Bertanalffy FL TL FL. FL-TL, FL= TL (r 2 =.98, n=8189) FL (a) 39 Frequency 3 (b) (c) Total length (cm) Fig. 2. Length-frequency distribution of walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus caught by gillnet (a), longline (b), and Danish seine (c) fisheries Fig. 3. Blocks [approximately 3 3 (nautical mile) 2 ] in dark gray where the CPUE data were collected. Those encompassed by the solid and broken lines denote major locations where gillnet and longline fisheries, and Danish seine fishery were operated, respectively
5 생활사기반동해명태개체군평가 69 (13-25 cm) von Bertalanffy.7-2. CPUE CPUE CPUE (r>.8, P-value<.5) CPUE CPUE , (1-3 ) 17-2 cm (i.e., cm) 1 (Fig. 2c), t CPUE 1-3 t 2, 6-8 t 1. CPUE. 설명변수 (abiotic) (Fig. 3). (Kim and Yoo, 27), 7. (KODC) (KODC, 211) Feb Apr Depth (m) Jun Oct Aug Dec Temperature ( ) Fig. 4. Bimonthly vertical temperature profiles of Block 7 during Each solid line indicates an annual temperature profile of every other month (i.e., February, April, June, August, October, and December).
6 7 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤 15 m -15 m 5 m (Fig. 4). (multicollinearity)..7 (P-value<.5).,, CPUE. CPUE CPUE CPUE (Spawning Stock Biomass: SSB). CPUE. CPUE CPUE CPUE. 시차적용 (Winter and Swartzman, 26). CPUE 1 2 CPUE 1 2 (timelag). CPUE Response variable Juvenile CPUE (Jan~Mar in year t) Juvenile CPUE (Jun~Aug in year t) Age-2 in year t Age-1 in year t Candidate explanatory variables Temperatures (year t-2) Adult CPUEs (Oct~Mar in year t-2) Flatfishes CPUE (Jan~Mar in year t) Sandfish CPUE (Jan~Mar in year t) Temperatures (year t-1) Adult CPUEs (Oct~Mar in year t-1) Flatfishes CPUE (Jun~Aug in year t) Sandfish CPUE (Jun~Aug in year t) Fig. 5. Diagram depicting all the variables considered for the linear model. In the candidate explanatory variables, the numbers subtracted from t (e.g., t-1 and t-2, where t denotes the year index), indicate time delays by which CPUE of juveniles at age-1 and age- 2 were used as that of juveniles at age (Fig. 5). 일반화선형모델 (Generalized linear model: GLM). Y=X β+ε Y (n 1) log ( CPUE t ). n t CPUE (skewness). X (n p) (design matrix) (interaction term). p β. ε. (analysis of deviance: AN- ODEV) (Hyun et al., 214). (D) (saturated model) (proposed model) (likelihood ratio) 2 (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989; Dobson and Barnett, 28)., D = 2 (l saturated l proposed ) = 2 (l proposed l saturated ) l., D (null model). (nested model) ( D). 2 ( df) (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989; Dobson and Barnett, 28): D~ 2 df. 모델진단.. (Cook s distance), C i (Cook and Weisberg, 1982) C i =(b b (i) ) T (Χ T X)(b b (i) )/ (p MSE). i C i 1 b, b (i)
7 생활사기반동해명태개체군평가 71 i, MSE T. (externally studentized residual) d i. d i =e i /( MSE (i) (1 h ii )) e i i, MSE (i) i h ii (hat matrix) i. (n p 1) t 1.5 d i >t(1 /2; n p 1) (Kutner et al., 25). n, p.. (ridge trace) (mean-centering). (Variance Inflaction Factor: VIF). (ridge estimator), ^ β( )=X T X+ I) -1 X T Y (biasing parameter), ^β( ) (Hoerl and Kennard, 197)., ^β( ). 가입과정분석 SSB. CPUE., 1 6 CPUE CPUE. (i.e., CPUE),. 결과 모델의선택과진단 Table 2 1+Temp1.15_Feb+Long+Temp15_Oct+Flat+Long Temp15_Oct. Shapiro-Wilk (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965; R Core Team, 213) (Pvalue=.35) (Fig. 6), Breusch-Pagan (Breusch and Pagan, 1979; R Core Team, 213; Hothorn et al., 215) (P-value=.55) Sample quantiles Theoretical quantiles Fig. 6. Quantile-quantile plot of residuals for the final model. Table 2. Model selection summary. Temp 1.15_Feb, Long, Temp 15_Oct, and Flat denote the average of water temperatures at the depths of 1 and 15 m in Feburary, longline CPUE, that of water temperatures at the depth of 15 m in October, and flatfishes CPUE, respectively Model Linear form D df ΔD Δdf P-value AIC 1 Null NA NA NA Temp 1.15_Feb Temp 1.15_Feb + Long Temp 1.15_Feb + Long + Temp 15_Oct Temp 1.15_Feb + Long + Temp 15_Oct + Flat Temp 1.15_Feb + Long + Temp 15_Oct + Flat + Long Temp 15_Oct
8 72 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤. (Fig. 7a). 5 (numerical instability). Fig. 7b. (Table 3). Standardized coefficient (a) (b) Temp 1.15_Feb Long Temp 15_Oct Flat Long Temp 15_Oct Temp 1.15_Feb Long Temp 15_Oct Flat Long Temp 15_Oct Biasing parameter (θ) Fig. 7. Ridge trace plots describing trends of the estimated coefficients as a function of biasing parameters θ before (a) and after (b) mean-centering. 모델결과 (final model) (Table 3b).., (Afshartous and Preston, 211). 2 1 m 15 m., m CPUE (interaction effect) (Fig. 8). 어획의영향 3 CPUE (r>.7) 4 (r>.9) (Table 4). CPUE CPUE 1 3,, 3 4. Fig. 9 Table 3. Estimates of coefficients (Coef) of explanatory variables and their standard errors (SE) in the best model before mean-centering (a) and those after mean-centering (b). Temp 1.15_Feb, Long, Temp 15_Oct, and Flat denote the average of water temperatures at the depths of 1 and 15 m in Feburary, longline CPUE, the average of water temperatures at the depth of 15 m in October, and flatfishes CPUE, respectively Explanatory variable (a) Before mean-centering (b) After mean-centering Coef SE t P-value Coef SE t P-value Intercept Temp 1.15_Feb Long Temp 15_Oct Flat Long Temp15_Oct
9 생활사기반동해명태개체군평가 73 6 Environmental effect Fishing effect 5 Temp15_Oct ( ) Juvenile CPUE (log of Kg/haul) Long (kg/basket) Temp 15_Oct ( ) Fig. 8. Three-dimensional plot of the interaction term, Long and Temp 15_Oct. Those two variables associated with the interaction term were mean-centered (e.g., Long c =Long-Long and Temp 15_Oct c =Temp 15_Oct-Temp 15_Oct, where the subscript c denotes the mean-centering procedure; the means of the two variables, Long and Temp 15_Oct are 9.9 kg/basket and 4.91 C, respectively).. 고찰,. (Montgomery et al., 215)., Temp1.15_Feb (+) Flat (+) Age- Age-1, 2 Adult Long ( ) Fig. 9. Summary for interpreting study results. The dashed arrows show pathways of significant explanatory variables and those in parentheses indicate a direction of effect (i.e., -, + and denote negative, positive and interaction effects, respectively). Areas separated by gray represent a major source of mortality on each life stage of walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus; environmental effect on those in white; fishing effect on those in gray m. 15 m 15 m (Temp 1.15_Feb Temp 15_Oct)., 15 m m. Table 4. Time-lagged correlations between catch and CPUE of juvenile, and those of adult. Those in parentheses denote a type of fishery used for data collection, and values followed by an asterisk denote significant difference (P-value<.5) Data Shift value in year Juvenile catch Adult catch.576*.688*.836*.939*.867*.716* Juvenile CPUE (Danish seine) Adult CPUE (gillnet) *.787*.672*.4.32 Adult CPUE (longline) *.796*.671*
10 74 김규한ㆍ손명호ㆍ현상윤. (1) Temp 1.15_Feb: 2 1 m 15 m Cushing (1969). 1 m 15 m. (spring bloom) (Yamada et al., 24),., Shida et al. (27) 2 1-2, Funamoto et al. (214) m, 2., Shida et al. (27) 2. (2) Flat: (3) Long Temp 15_Oct: CPUE 1 15 m., 1 15 m.,..,. 1 (fall bloom) (Heintz and Vollenweider, 21)., (1) Temp 1.15_Feb.,.. Francis and Bailey (1983) Olla and Davis (199).,, m. (uncertainty).. CPUE (survey), CPUE 25. (variance). Park et al. (1978) von Bertalanffy (deterministic model),.. Kooka (212) von Bertalanffy Park et al. (1978), Park et al. (1978)., Kooka (212), Park et al. (1978)
11 생활사기반동해명태개체군평가 75,.,.,, CPUE.,,. 사사,,,,,,,. (215 ). References Afshartous D and Preston RA Key results of interaction models with centering. J Stat Educ 19, Breusch TS and Pagan AR A simple test for heteroscedasticity and random coefficient variation. Econometrica 47, Cook RD and Weisberg S Residuals and influence in regression. Chapman and Hall, London, U.K., Cushing D The regularity of the spawning season of some fishes. ICES J Mar Sci 33, icesjms/ Dobson AJ and Barnett A. 28. An introduction to generalized linear models. CRC press, Boca Raton, U.S.A., Duffy-Anderson J, Ciannelli L, Honkalehto T, Bailey KM, Sogard S, Springer A and Buckley T. 23. Distribution of age-1 and age-2 walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea: sources of variation and implications for higher trophic levels. In: The Big Fish Bang: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Larval Fish Conference. Browman HI and Skiftesvik AB, eds. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Francis RC and Bailey KM Factors Affecting Recruitment of Selected Gadoids in the Northeast Pacific and East Bering Sea in: From Year to Year, Wooster WS, ed. A Washington Sea Grant Publication, Seattle, U.S.A., Funamoto T Causes of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment decline in the northern Sea of Japan: implications for stock management. Fish Oceanogr 2, Funamoto T, Yamamura O, Kono T, Hamatsu T and Nishimura A Abiotic and biotic factors affecting recruitment variability of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Fish Oceanogr 22, Funamoto T, Yamamura O, Shida O, Itaya K, Mori K, Hiyama Y and Sakurai Y Comparison of factors affecting recruitment variability of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan off northern Japan. Fish Sci 8, s z. Gong Y and Zhang C The walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) stock in Korean waters. Int North Pac Fish Comm 45, Heintz RA and Vollenweider JJ. 21. Influence of size on the sources of energy consumed by overwintering walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 393, Hoerl AE and Kennard RW Ridge regression: Biased estimation for nonorthogonal problems. Technometrics 12, Hothorn T, Zeileis A, Farebrother R, Cummins C, Millo G and Mitchell D lmtest: Testing linear regression models. R package. Hyun S-Y, Cadrin SX and Roman S Fixed and mixed effect models for fishery data on depth distribution of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder. Fish Res 157, dx.doi.org/1.116/j.fishres Kang S, Park JH and Kim S Size-class estimation of the number of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma caught in the southwestern East Sea during the 197s-199s. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 46, kfas Kendall A, Incze L, Ortner P, Cummings S and Brown P The vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Oceanograph Lit Rev 5, 399. Kim H and Yoo S. 27. Relationship between phytoplankton bloom and wind stress in the sub-polar frontal area of the Japan/East Sea. J Mar Syst 67, org/1.116/j.jmarsys Kim S, Zhang C, Kim J, Oh J, Kang S and Lee JB. 27. Climate variability and its effects on major fisheries in Korea. Ocean Sci J 42, Kim WS and Huh S Meristic and morphometric observations on nogari and Alaska Pollack. J Oceanol Soc 13, Kim YM Stock Assessment of small size fishes of Alaska Pollack, Theregra chalcogramma (PALLAS), in the Eastern Sea of Korea. Bull Fish Res Dev Agency 19, KODC (Korea Oceanographic Data Center) NFRDI (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) Serial Oceanographic Observation[Internet]. Retrieved from
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The recent (2001-2010) changes on temperature and precipitation related to normals (1971-2000) in Korea* Kyoungmi Lee** Hee-Jeong Baek*** ChunHo Cho**** Won-Tae Kwon*****. 61 (1971~2000) 10 (2001~2010).
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:3~20 Received: 2016/12/04, Accepted: 2016/12/27 Revised: 2016/12/27, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] This study aims to comprehensively analyze
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The Spatial and temporal distributions of NET(Net Effective Temperature) with a Function of Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed in Korea* Inhye Heo**, Youngeun Choi***, and Won-Tae Kwon**** Abstract :
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자연과학연구 제27권 Bulletin of the Natural Sciences Vol. 27. 2013.12.(33-44) 교통DB를 이용한 교통정책 발굴을 위한 통계분석 시스템 설계 및 활용 Statistical analytic system design and utilization for transport policy excavation by transport
서강대학교 기초과학연구소대학중점연구소 심포지엄기초과학연구소
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Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
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한국 출산력의 저하 요인에 관한 연구
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
통계연구(2015), 제20권 제3호, 71-92 변수선택 기법을 이용한 한국 프로야구의 득점과 실점 설명 1) 김혁주 2) 김예형 3) 요약 한국 프로야구에서 팀들의 득점과 실점에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 규명하기 위한 연구를 하였 다. 2007년부터 2014년까지의 정규리그 전 경기 자료를 대상으로 분석하였다. 전방선택법, 후방 소거법, 단계별 회귀법, 선택법,
조사연구 권 호 연구논문 한국노동패널조사자료의분석을위한패널가중치산출및사용방안사례연구 A Case Study on Construction and Use of Longitudinal Weights for Korea Labor Income Panel Survey 2)3) a
조사연구 권 호 연구논문 한국노동패널조사자료의분석을위한패널가중치산출및사용방안사례연구 A Case Study on Construction and Use of Longitudinal Weights for Korea Labor Income Panel Survey 2)3) a) b) 조사연구 주제어 패널조사 횡단면가중치 종단면가중치 선형혼합모형 일반화선형혼 합모형
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.22, No.6, 2006, pp.485~493 Estimation of Quantitative Precipitation Rate Using an Optimal Weighting Method with RADAR Estimated Rainrate and AWS Rainrate Hyun-Mi Oh,
연세대학교 상경대학 경제연구소 Economic Research Institute Yonsei Universit 서울시 서대문구 연세로 50 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gS gu, Seoul, Korea TEL: (+82-2) 2123-4065 FAX: (+82- -2) 364-9149 E-mail: yeri4065@yonsei.ac. kr http://yeri.yonsei.ac.kr/new
Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region* Boosung Kim** Abstract : Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 20-40대 여성의 외모만족도가 미용관리태도에 미치는 영향 홍수남 1, 김효숙 2 * 1 건국대학교 뷰티사이언스디자인학과, 2 건국대학교 의상디자인과 Effects of Extrinsic Body Satisfaction on Beauty Management Behavior of
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Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
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Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
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2 3 20. 1 2 4 4. 7.7. 8. 9. 9. 30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 그림 2. 남극해 지도, 보호구역 지정이 합의되었거나 제안된 구역 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 O'Leary, B. C., Winther-Janson, M., Bainbridge, J.
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Geomorphic Development of Marine Terraces at Jeongdongjin-Daejin area on the East Coast, Central Part of Korean Peninsula Soon-Ock Yoon*, Sang-Ill Hwang** and Hak-Kyun Ban*** Abstract : In this paper we
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A Variation of Summer Rainfall in Korea* Seungho Lee** and Won Tae Kwon*** Abstract : Daily rainfall data from 14 stations during 1941 to 2000 were analyzed in order to examine the characteristics of the
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한수지 51(5), 579-589, 2018 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51(5),579-589,2018 한국남동해안의용승과관련된물리환경 이재철 * 김대현 1 부경대학교해양학과, 1 오션테크 해양시스템연구소 Physical Envirionment Associated with Upwelling off the Southeast
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Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
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1. (Gastropoda), (Prosobranchia), (Mesogastropoda), (Pleuroceridae),,,. 3 7,.,,.,,.,.. (Habe and Itagaki, 1978), (Nakano and Nishiwaki, 1989), (Koike et al., 1992), (Nakano and Izawa, 1996). (S. forticosta)
공학박사학위 논문 운영 중 터널확대 굴착시 지반거동 특성분석 및 프로텍터 설계 Ground Behavior Analysis and Protector Design during the Enlargement of a Tunnel in Operation 2011년 2월 인하대
저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는 아래의 조건을 따르는 경우에 한하여 자유롭게 이 저작물을 복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연 및 방송할 수 있습니다. 이차적 저작물을 작성할 수 있습니다. 다음과 같은 조건을 따라야 합니다: 저작자표시. 귀하는 원저작자를 표시하여야 합니다. 비영리. 귀하는 이 저작물을 영리 목적으로 이용할 수 없습니다.
한국의 북한 핵개발에 대한 인식과 대응 3 한국의북한핵개발에대한인식과대응: 3 차 핵실험 이후* 1)박영호 ( 통일연구원) 국문요약 2013년 2월 12일 북한의 3 차 핵실험은 국내외에 커다란 충격을 주었다. 북한의 핵능 력이 진전되고 북한은 경제건설과 함께 핵 무력건설을 김정은 시대의 발전전략으로 채택 했다. 북핵문제의 패러다임이 변화했다. 한국 사회에서의
1. 교과목 개요 심리학 연구에 기저하는 기본 원리들을 이해하고, 다양한 심리학 연구설계(실험 및 비실험 설계)를 학습하여, 독립된 연구자로서의 기본적인 연구 설계 및 통계 분석능력을 함양한다. 2. 강의 목표 심리학 연구자로서 갖추어야 할 기본적인 지식들을 익힘을 목적으로 한다. 3. 강의 방법 강의, 토론, 조별 발표 4. 평가방법 중간고사 35%, 기말고사
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한수지 49(6), 856-861, 2016 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 49(6),856-861,2016 음향산란층의식별을위한에코그램분석방법의비교 최석관 윤은아 1 * 한인우 1 오우석 1 국립수산과학원원양자원과, 1 전남대학교수산과학과 Comparison of Echogram Analysis Methods for
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics (2013) 26(1), 201 208 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5351/kjas.2013.26.1.201 A Note on Model Selection in Mixture Experiments with Process Variables Jung Il Kim a,1
CONTENTS 2019 Good Design Award 2 2 2 2 01 02 04 05 06 08 GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 Schedule Entry First screening period April 3 Open for Entries May 23 Entry Deadline / Due Date of submission for Application
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
Recent Changes in Summer Precipitation Characteristics over South Korea Changyong Park* JaYeon Moon** Eun-Jeong Cha*** Won-Tae Yun**** Youngeun Choi***** 1958 2007 6 9 6 9 10 10 10 10 10 Abstract This
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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개화기 다언어(多言語) 학습서와 근대 한일 양국어* 李康民 ** i kangmin@hanmail.net The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey to analyze the 13 types of multi language textbooks published in Japan during the time
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오용록의 작품세계 윤 혜 진 1) * 이 논문은 생전( 生 前 )에 학자로 주로 활동하였던 오용록(1955~2012)이 작곡한 작품들을 살펴보고 그의 작품세계를 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 한국음악이론이 원 래 작곡과 이론을 포함하였던 초기 작곡이론전공의 형태를 염두에 둔다면 그의 연 구에서 기존연구의 방법론을 넘어서 창의적인 분석 개념과 체계를 적용하려는
디지털포렌식학회 논문양식
ISSN : 1976-5304 http://www.kdfs.or.kr Virtual Online Game(VOG) 환경에서의 디지털 증거수집 방법 연구 이 흥 복, 정 관 모, 김 선 영 * 대전지방경찰청 Evidence Collection Process According to the Way VOG Configuration Heung-Bok Lee, Kwan-Mo
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* FA. FA FA. (2013) FA. (separating equilibrium),. (pooling equilibrium)..,. (Free agency, FA). (Reserve clause) : 2015 9 16, : 2015 11 13, : 2015 12 7 *. ** Department of Economics, University of Texas
l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
2 大 韓 政 治 學 會 報 ( 第 18 輯 1 號 ) 과의 소통부재 속에 여당과 국회도 무시한 일방적인 밀어붙이기식 국정운영을 보여주고 있다. 민주주의가 무엇인지 다양하게 논의될 수 있지만, 민주주의 운영에 필요한 최소한의 제도적 조건은 권력 행사에서 국가기관 사이의
대한정치학회보 18집 1호, 2010년 6월:49~74 노무현 대통령과 이명박 대통령의 지도력과 국정운영 비교 : 임기 초 지도력 특성과 국민지지 * 1) 이 강 로 전주대학교 요 약 한국에서 민주주의가 뿌리를 내리기 위해서는 대통령의 지도력 행사에 제도만이 아 니라 여론과 같은 외부적 요인을 통해 체계적으로 견제할 수 있어야 한다. 대통령의 지도력 특성을