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1 대한척추외과학회지제 16 권제 2 호 Journal of Korean Spine Surg. Vol. 16, No. 2, pp 95~103, 2009 DOI: /jkss 요부변성후만증환자의보행전후골반경사각의변화 김환정 강종원 김하용 성환일 박건영 # 박재국 $ 서동욱 최원식 이한철 을지대학교의과대학정형외과학교실, 대전보훈병원 #, 홍성의료원 $ Change of Pelvic Tilt before and after Gait in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis Abstract Whoan-Jeang Kim, M.D., Jong-Won Kang, M.D., Ha-Yong Kim, M.D., Hwan-Il Sung, M.D., Kun-Young Park, M.D. #, Jae-Guk Park, M.D. $, Dong-Wook Seo, M.D., Won-Sik Choy, M.D., Han-Chul Lee, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Eulji University School of Medicine, Hongseong Medical Center $, Daejeon Veterans Hospital # Study Design: This is a retrospective study. Objectives: We wanted to verify the value of radiography and gait analysis to analyze the changes of the pelvic tilt before and after gait in the patients with LDK. Summary of Literature Review: Patients with lumbar degenerative kyphosis show dynamic changes that are closely associated with the motion of pelvis. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 18 lumbar degenerative kyphosis patients who didn t have multiple vertebral compressio fractures, a past history of spinal surgery or surgery for degenerative arthritis of the knee or hip, and obesity which causes marker errors on the gait analysis. Pelvic tilt was statistically evaluated by utilizing radiographs and dynamically utilizing the gait analysis. The linear parameters of the gait cycle and the kinematic data were obtained from the gait analysis. Results: The LDK patients mean walking velocity was 80.7 cm/s, and it was largely decreased to 65% of the normal value. The cause of the decreased walking velocity was a decrease of stride length, and not a decrease of cadence. The mean static pelvic tilt in the gait analysis was -1.3±8.0, and there were 8 cases of anterior tilt and 10 cases of posterior tilt. The mean pelvic tilt during gait was 12.5±8.2, and there were 17 cases of anterior tilt and 1 case of posterior tilt. It was statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the mean static pelvic tilt in gait analysis and the mean pelvic tilt during gait and the Pearson s correlation coefficient was Conclusions: Though there was no statistical significance, we observed anterior pelvic rotation after gait on the radiographs. As fatigue of the pelvic extensor muscles increases during gait, anterior pelvis tilt increases with statistical significance on the gait analysis. Therefore, we feel gait analysis is useful for evaluating the dynamic change of the pelvic tilt in patients with LDK. Key Words: Lumbar degenerative kyphosis, Pelvic tilt, Gait analysis Address reprint requests to Jong-Won Kang, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Eulji University College of Medicine, 1306, Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu Daejon, , Korea Tel: , Fax: , jwkang@eulji.ac.kr
2 대한척추외과학회지 Vol. 16, No. 2, 2009 서 론 사를통한골반경사각의변화를분석함으로써그유용성에대하여알아보고자하였다 년일본의 Takemitsu 등은퇴행성변화에의하여중년의여성에서주로생기는편평배부 (flatback) 변형을보고하면서요부변성후만증 (Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis: LDK) 이라고명명하였다 1,2). 요부변성후만증의척추변형은다른척추변형과는달리일차적으로근육의약화에따른이차적인골격의변형을초래하여 3), 보행함에따라허리가점점더굽어지고, 골반의경사도변하는동적으로구부려지는것이기때문에단순방사선검사로는척추, 골반, 하지의상관관계를잘파악할수없어최근에는보행분석검사로그동적인상태를파악하고있다 4). 방사선학적골반경사각은정상적으로는 pelvic incidence 에의해크게영향을받지않고 10~15 사이의좁은범위에위치하므로, 골반경사각의변화는병적인상태에서의골반의균형이나보상의정도를알수있는가장중요한지표이다 5). 특히요부변성후만증환자에서는앞으로구부려지는것을보상하기위하여골반이후방회전하게되므로골반경사각이커지게된다. 이에저자들은요부변성후만증으로진단받은환자에대하여보행전후단순방사선검사와보행분석검 연구대상및방법 척추시상면불균형으로진단받고수술받은 32 명의환자중다발성압박골절이있거나, 척추수술을받은과거력이있는경우, 슬관절이나고관절의퇴행성질환으로수술을받은경우및표지자를정위치에설치하기어려운고도비만환자를제외한요부변성후만증 18 예를대상으로하였다. 이들환자군의평균연령은 64 세 (56~ 72 세 ) 이었고, 남자가 2 명, 여자가 16 명이었다 (Table 1). 환자의평가는수술전보행분석검사와방사선검사로하였다. 수술전보행분석검사를위해본연구에서는 Eagle 카메라시스템과 AMTI 힘판 (Advanced mechanical technology Inc. force plate, Watertown, MA, USA) 을하드웨어로사용하였다. 동작포착 (motion capture) 의횟수를 120 Hz( 초당 120 회포착 ) 로하였고, 동작포착을위한포착공간 (capture volume) 은 7 m 로설정하였다. 자료의처리는 Eva Real Time (EvaRT, Ver 4.2, Motion Analysis CA, USA) 과 Orthotrak (Motion Analysis, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) 소프트웨어를이용하였다. Table 1. Demographics of the patients and radiographic and kinematic results No Age Sex Diagnosis TT RS (β) RD (β) GS GD F LDK, SS L4-5 c instability 1 43 (47) 40 (50) F LDK, SS L4-5, SL L4 on L (44) F LDK 2 57 (33) 54 (36) F LDK 3 37 (53) 30 (60) F LDK, SS L3-4, (54) 20 (70) M LDK, SS L2-3, (59) 31 (59) F LDK 2 29 (61) 42 (48) F LDK, DLS, SS L3-4, (40) 30 (60) F LDK 1 36 (54) 47 (43) F LDK, SS L4-5, SL L4 on L (25) 56 (34) F LDK 2 29 (61) 36 (54) F LDK 3 39 (51) 33 (57) F LDK 4 52 (38) 54 (36) F LDK 3 57 (33) 50 (40) F LDK 3 34 (56) 34 (56) F LDK 4 51 (39) 47 (43) M LDK 4 44 (46) 41 (49) F LDK 2 48 (42) 37 (53) M (46.4) 40.1 (49.9) No, number; TT, Takemitsu type; RS, radiographic static pelvic tilt, RD, radiographic pelvic tilt after gait; GS, static pelvic tilt in gait analysis, GD, pelvic tilt during gait in gait analysis; LDK, Lumbar degenerative kyphosis, SS, spinal stenosis; SL, spondylolisthesis; DLS, Degenerative lumbar scoliosis; M, mean
3 요부변성후만증환자의골반경사 김환정외 수동적반사표식자 (passive reflective marker) 는가장일반적으로사용되는 Modified Helen-Hayes 방법에의해상지, 하지및체간에부착하였다. Helen-Hayes 방법은각분절별로세개의표식자를부착하여, 하나의분절을인식하도록하는방식이다 (Fig. 1). 보행분석검사는환자가우선표식자를부착하고동작분석실의중앙에서가장편안한위치로기립하여각표식자의위치를캡쳐 ( 정적자료, static or standing data) 하였다. 이후, 환자는 7 m 의포착공간을편안한속도와자세로약 5 분간반복보행하도록하였고, 마지막 5 회의보행을캡쳐했으며이중 3 회의자료를취합하여평균값 ( 동적자료, walking or dynamic data) 을구하였다. 보행분석검사를통해보행의선형지수와운동형상학데이터를구하였다. 보행선형지수는보행속도 (walking velocity), 분속수 (cadence), 보장 (step length), 활보장 (stride length), 양발간격, 단하지지지기 (single support), 양하지지지기 (double support), 발들림시기 (time of toe off) 를측정하였다. 각분절간의움직임인운동형상학자료 (kinematic data) 는기립시와보행시골반과체간에서실시간 (real time) 으로변화하는회전각도를시상면 (sagittal plane), 관상면 (coronal plane), 횡단면 (transverse plane) 에서측정하였다. 보행분석검사에서골반의인식은좌, 우 ASIS 에각각, 그리고 PSIS 의중간점에부착된표식자등총세개의표식자를캡쳐하여이루어진다. 운동형상학자료에서표시되는골반경사각은수평면에대한 ASIS-PSIS 간에연결한선의기울기값으로전방경사가커질수록값이커진다. 정상인에서는약 10 도의골반경사각을보인다 (Fig. 2A). 체간은양측견봉에각각부착한표식자와양측후상장골극 (PSIS) 의중간점에부착한표식자로체절 (segment) 을형성하여, 흉요추를하나의강체로정의하여움직임을캡처하였다. 운동형태학에서체간의움직임은골반에대한상대적인움직임으로정의된다. 방사선검사는기립시에서양팔을어깨에대고슬관절은최대한신전한위치에서두부와골반을포함한척추전장의전후면및측면단순상을촬영하였다. 촬영은환자가보행하기전에일회촬영하였고, 약 15 분간병원복도를계속보행한후다시일회촬영하였다. 골반경사각은척추전장측면상에서고관절축을지나는수선과고관절축과제 1 천추체상연의중심을잇는선이이루는각을측정하여구하였다 6). 이방법에의하면, 골반경사각은수직선 (plumb line) 에대한골반의기울기를측정하는것으로전방으로골반이기울수록값은 Fig. 1. Modified Helen-Hayes Method. Reflective markers are placed each points. Fig. 2. Method of Pelvic Tilt Measurement. Pelvic tilt obtained in gait analysis means slope for horizontal line (A), but in standing lateral X-ray means slope for plumb line (B). So, β value is used for analysis of correlation between pelvic tilt in gait analysis and in standing lateral X-ray
4 대한척추외과학회지 Vol. 16, No. 2, 2009 Fig. 3. Classification of Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis by Takemitsu. It is classified into 4 types by degree of lumbar kyphosis in radiographic findings. 작아지게되며, 보행분석검사의운동형상학자료인수평선에대한골반기울기 (Fig. 2A) 와는의미가다르다고할수있다. 따라서본연구에서는보행분석검사에서구한골반경사각과방사선학적골반경사각의상관관계를구하기위해방사선학적측정치 (α) 를수평면에대한기울기값으로바꾸기위해 90 에서뺀값 (β) 을구하여통계처리하였다 (Fig. 2B). Takemitsu 는방사선소견상허리의후만변형의정도에따라, 척추전체가 1 자로편평해진환자를제 1 형 (straight back), 허리의약간의후만변형상태를제 2 형 (mild lumbar kyphosis), 좀더심한후만변형상태를제 3 형 (moderate lumbar kyphosis), 척추전체가심한후만변형을보이는상태를제 4 형 (extended round back) 으로분류하였는데 1) (Fig. 3), 이분류법을이용하여전례를저자 2 명이분류하였다. 18 예중제 1 형 2 례, 제 2 형 8 례, 제 3 형 6 례, 제 4 형 2 례로, 변형의정도가작은제 1 형과제 2 형 10 례를 A 군으로, 변형의정도가큰제 3 형과제 4 형 8 례를 B 군으로나누어후만변형의정도에따른방사선검사와보행분석검사의유의성에대해서알아보았다. 통계학적으로 SPSS v13.0 을이용하였으며, one sample t-test 및 Mann-Whitney U test 를사용하였다. 결 과 보행분석검사에서측정한보행선형지수는표 1 과 같다. 정상군의값은검사자들마다약간의차이가있지만 7,8,9) 본연구에서는 Orthotrak 소프트웨어에내장되어있는 21 세이상의성인정상치를사용하였다. 평균보행속도는 80.7 cm/s 로정상군에비교하여 65% 로크게감소하였다. 평균분속수는 steps/min( 정상의 106%), 평균활보장은 89.3 cm( 정상의 61%), 평균양발간격은 11.2 cm ( 정상의 94%) 로측정되었고, 보행속도감소의원인은분속수가감소하여서가아니라환자의활보장이감소하였기때문이었다. 입각기는 61.9~62.5%( 정상의 102~103%), 유각기는 37.5~38.1%( 정상의 95~96%) 였고, 입각기중단하지지지기는 37.5~38.1%( 정상의 95~96%) 였다 (Table 2). 보행분석검사에서보행전측정한골반경사각은평균 -1.3±8.0 로전방경사 8 예, 후방경사 10 예였으며, 보행중측정한골반경사각은평균 12.5±8.2 (14.1± 8.4~10.8±8.4 ) 로전방경사가 17 예, 후방경사 1 예로측정되어통계학적으로유의한차이를보였으며 (p<0.05), 상관관계계수는 로매우유의한상관관계를보였다 (Fig. 4). 보행도중체간은골반에비해전방으로 10 도전방경사되어있었으며, 요부변성후만증의형태학적진단을반영하였다. 보행전방사선학적골반경사각은평균 43.6±10.5 였으며, 전예에서 15 도이상으로후방경사에해당하였다. 15 분보행후측정한골반경사각은평균 40.1± 10.1 였으며, 전예에서 15 도이상이었다 (Table 1). 보행전 - 후방사선학적골반경사각은두군간의통계학적으
5 요부변성후만증환자의골반경사 김환정외 Table 2. Results of linear parameters during gait Subject Normal Percentage (%) p-value Velocity (cm/s) % Cadence (steps/min) % Stride Length (cm) % Step Width (cm) % Right Step Length (cm) % Weight Accept (% cycle) % Single Support (% cycle) % Weight Release (% cycle) % Stance (% cycle) % Swing (% cycle) % Left Step Length (cm) % Weight Accept (% cycle) % Single Support (% cycle) % Weight Release (% cycle) % Stance (% cycle) % Swing (% cycle) % (One-sample t-test) Fig. 4. Pelvic Tilt in Gait Analysis. It shows that pelvis tilts anteriorly with statistical significance in gait analysis. Fig. 5. Radiographic Pelvic Tilt. There is no statistical significance in radiographic pelvic tilt before and after gait. Table 3. p-value of pelvic tilt in each group Group A (Type I, II) Group B (Type III, IV) RS 44.8± ±7.92 P=0.570 RD 41.7± ±8.45 P=0.514 P=0.457 P=0.024 GS 0.71± ±9.12 P=0.277 GD 10.83± ±10.94 P=0.408 P=0.048 P=0.030 RS, radiographic static pelvic tilt; RD, radiographic pelvic tilt after gait GS, static pelvic tilt in gait analysis; GD, pelvic tilt during gait in gait analysis
6 대한척추외과학회지 Vol. 16, No. 2, 2009 Fig. 6. Trunk and Pelvic kinematics. 로유의한차이를보이지않았다 (p>0.05)(fig. 5). 방사선학적으로계측된수평선에대한골반기울기 (β) 와보행분석검사에서측정된골반경사각사이에는 보행전이나후에통계학적으로유의한차이를보이지않았다 (p>0.05). Takemitsu 의방사선분류로나눈 A 군과 B 군간골반
7 요부변성후만증환자의골반경사 김환정외 경사각의유의한차이는없었으며 (p>0.05), A 군내에서보행전후골반경사각은보행분석검사에서만유의한차이를보였으며, B 군에서는방사선검사와보행분석검사모두에서통계학적으로유의한차이를보였다 (p<0.05)(table 3). 고 찰 요부변성후만증은허리신전근육이위축되고약해지면서요추의전만이소실이되고보행중몸이계속앞으로구부러지는변형이다. 요부변성후만증에서등이앞으로구부러지면시상면의균형을무너뜨려, 고관절 - 골반 - 천추 - 요추부를중심으로체간과상지의무게에비례하는전방회전모멘트를형성하게되므로, 환자가기립시나보행시에비정상적인부하가걸리게된다. 이 10) 등은이경우고관절신전근육 ( 대둔근, 중둔근, 슬관절굴곡근등 ) 이과도하게수축하여골반을후방회전시켜지렛대의길이를줄이거나, 상지를고관절의중심선보다후방에위치시켜무게중심을후방으로이동시키고부하량을줄이는등의보상기전을사용한다고보고하였다. 그리고장시간보행후고관절신전근육들이부하를감당하지못할정도로피로해지는경우골반은후방경사를이루지못하고, 전방으로경사가증가하 Fig. 7. Difference between radiographic static posture and static posture in gait analysis. This difference may be one of causes that have no correlateion between radiographic examination and gait analysis. 게되는것이요부변성후만증의역동적시상면변형이라할수있다. 요부변성후만증이오래되어이러한현상이장기간지속되는경우배부근육이변성되었던것과유사하게고관절신전근육역시변성및약화가유발되어골반의전방회전이고착될수있을것으로사료된다. 본연구에서는이러한요부변성후만증의역동적시상면형태를알아보기위하여골반경사각을보행전 - 후에측정하였으며, 두가지방법으로하였다. 본연구에서방사선학적으로계측한골반경사각은보행전평균 43.6, 보행후평균 40.1 로두군간에통계학적으로의미있는차이를보이지않았으며, 표준편차도크게나타났다. 반면보행분석검사를통해측정된골반경사각은보행전평균 -1.3, 운동중평균 12.5 로통계학적으로의미있는차이를보였으며, 매우높은음의상관관계를보여, 보행후전방경사가심해지는것을알수있었고, 보행전후방경사가심했던환자일수록보행후전방경사가많아지는것을일차함수로표현이가능할정도의뚜렷한경향을보였다 (Fig. 4). 이는요추부의후만변형이클수록기립시에골반의후방경사를크게하여상체의기울어짐을보상하고있다가, 큰후방경사를만들기위해강하게수축하고있던골반신전근육이보행하는동안쉽게피로해지고, 중 - 장거리보행으로이상태가지속되면골반신전근육은결국작용을못하게되어골반의전방회전이크게나타나는것으로사료된다. Takemitsu 방사선분류상제 3,4 형의심한후만변형으로보이는환자와제 1,2 형의환자에서모두보행전방사선검사와보행분석검사에서골반이후방경사되어있었으며, 비록통계적으로유의성은없었지만, 제 3,4 형에서후방경사정도가크게나타났다. 또한보행전후골반경사각의변화는제 1,2 형에서는보행분석검사에서만유의성이있었던반면, 제 3,4 형의심한후만변형에서는단순방사선검사와보행분석검사모두에서통계학적인유의성을볼수있었다. 이는제 1,2,3,4 형모두를대상으로측정한보행전 - 후방사선학적골반경사각에서통계학적유의성은없었지만, 제 3,4 형의심한후만변형을보이는환자에서는방사선검사도유용성이있다는것을반증한다. 보행선형지수로확인할수있었던환자들의보행형태는활보장이줄어들기때문에보행속도가줄어들며, 유각기에비해입각기가길어지고, 입각기중에서도양하지지지기가증가한다는것이었다. 이러한현상은역학적으로불리한시상면상의형태로인해근육의피로를줄이기위한보상기전으로사료된다. 활보장이줄어드는이유는환자의횡단면상의골반움직임이극소화된것이중요한이유가될수있다. 정상적으로인체는
8 대한척추외과학회지 Vol. 16, No. 2, 2009 보행동안횡단면상에서골반이약 10 도내회전 - 외회전하면서보폭을늘린다. 하지만요부변성후만증으로시상면상에서신전근육으로강하게고정된골반은시상면뿐만아니라다른평면상에서도운동이극도로제한된다 (Fig. 6). 관상면상에서도골반의상하움직임은거의 0 도 ( 정상 7 도 ) 에가까웠는데, 이것도양측중둔근이동시에강하게수축하여골반을고정하기때문으로, 이처럼상하운동이제한되는경우보행도중하지의위치에너지와운동에너지간의효과적인전환이일어날수없게된다. 본연구에서방사선학적계측은보행전 - 후골반경사각이서로상관관계가없었고, 보행분석검사결과와도상관관계를보이지않았다. 이러한결과를보인이유는여러가지가있을수있다. 그원인을알아보기위해환자들이운동전기립방사선사진을촬영할때의자세와보행분석검사실에서정적자료를캡쳐할때의자세를비교하였다. 가장큰차이는환자들이방사선촬영시에는정해진방법대로상지를끌어안고가슴에놓았던반면에 (Fig. 7A), 보행분석검사실에서정적자료를캡쳐할때는가장편안한위치에서기립하였기때문에상지의위치는제각각으로대체로고관절의중심보다후방에위치하는경향 (Fig. 7B) 을보였다. 환자들이보상기전을편하게사용할수있었던보행분석실과는달리, 상지의무게를후방에위치하여전방회전모멘트를줄이는보상기전을못하게하거나, 혹은더부하를증가시킨상태에서는환자들이골반을이용한보상기전을사용하는데한계가있었던것이가장큰이유로사료된다. 이러한결과는향후요부변성후만증환자의방사선검사를판독하거나그방법을개선하는데있어참고자료가될수있을것이다. 보행분석검사의경우좀더일률적인동적결과를얻을수있었지만, 표식자부착의어려움과이로인한오차가있을수있음을유념해야한다. 특히체간이전방경사가있기때문에환자가조금만비만하여도전상장골극 (ASIS) 에표식자를부착하기가어려우며, 정확한위치에부착한다하더라도피부 - 표식자간의움직임으로인한오차가커진다. 따라서요부변성후만증환자의보행분석검사시에는골반표식자를위한벨트를사용하는것이타당하리라사료된다. 보행분석검사시보행중오히려골반이후방으로기울어지는경우가 4 례있었는데, 이는양측 PSIS 를잇는중심선아래쪽에표지자를잘못위치시켰던경우였다. 결 론 비록통계학적인유의성은없었지만보행전과 15 분보행후촬영한단순방사선검사에서골반이전방으로경사되는경향을보였으며, 보행분석검사에서는보행도중골반신전근육의피로가증가함에따라골반이전방경사되는것을통계학적으로확인할수있었다. 따라서요부변성후만증환자에서골반경사각의동적인변화를보기위해서는보행분석검사가유용하리라사료된다. 본연구는요부변성후만증환자의수술전 data 로만분석하였기때문에, 이를토대로추후수술후임상및방사선학적결과와연관된종합적인연구가필요하리라사료된다. 참고문헌 01) Takemitsu Y, Harada Y, Iwahara T, Miyamoto M, Miyatake Y: Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis : Clinical, radiological and epidemiological studies. Spine 1988; 13: ) Takemitsu Y, Harada Y, Iwahara T: Low back pain and aging change of spine in Japanese farmers aged more than 40 years. Nippon Seikeigeka Gakkai 1984; 58: ) Andersson BJ, Ortengren R: Myoelectric back muscle activity during sitting. Scand J Rehab Med 1974; 3: ) Lee CS, Kim YT, Kim EG: Clinical study of Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis. J Korean Spine Surg 1997; 4: ) Lee CS, Chung SS, Chung KH, Kim SR: Significance of Pelvic Incidence in the Development of Abnormal Sagittal Alignment. J Korean Orthop Assoc 2006; 41: ) Legaye J, Duval-Beaupe re G, Hecquet J, Marty C: Pelvic incidence: a fundamental pelvic parameter for three-dimensional regulation of spinal sagittal curves. Eur Spine J 1998; 7(2): ) Murray MP, Drought AB, Kory RC: Walking patterns of normal men. J Bone Joint Surg 1964; 46: ) Sutherland DH, Olshen R, Cooper L, Woo SL: The development of mature gait. J Bone Joint Surg 1980; 62: ) Chung CY, Park MS, Choi IH, Cho TJ, Yoo WJ, Kim JY: Three dimensional gait analysis in normal Korean -A Preliminary Report. J Korean Orthop Assoc 2005; 40:
9 요부변성후만증환자의골반경사 김환정외 ) Lee CS, Lee CK, Kim YT, Hong YM, Yoo JH: Dynamic sagittal imbalance of the spine in degenerative flat back: significance of pelvic tilt in surgical treatment. Spine 2001; 26: 국문초록 연구계획 : 후향적연구연구목적 : 요부변성후만증으로진단받은환자에대하여보행전후단순방사선검사와보행분석검사를통한골반경사각의변화를분석함으로써그유용성에대하여알아보고자하였다. 대상및방법 : 척추시상면불균형으로진단받고수술받은 32명의환자중다발성압박골절이있거나, 척추수술을받은과거력이있는경우, 슬관절이나고관절의퇴행성질환으로수술을받은경우및표지자를정위치에설치하기어려운고도비만환자를제외한요부변성후만증 18예를대상으로하였다. 이들환자군의평균연령은 64세 (56~72 세 ) 이었고, 남자가 2명, 여자가 16명이었다. 환자들의방사선학적평가및보행분석검사를시행하였다. 방사선학적으로골반경사각을측정하였고, 보행분석자료는보행의선형지수와운동형상학데이터를구하였다. 결과 : 평균보행속도 (Walking velocity) 는 80.7 cm/s로정상군에비교하여 65% 로크게감소하였다. 평균분속수 (cadence) 는 108.7(steps/min, 정상의 106%), 평균활보장 (Stride length) 은 89.3 cm( 정상의 61%), 양발간격 (Step Width) 은평균11.2 cm ( 정상의 94%) 로측정되었고, 보행속도감소의원인은분속수가감소해서가아니라환자의활보장이감소하였기때문이었다. 보행분석검사에서측정한보행전골반경사각은평균 -1.3±8.0 로전방경사 8예, 후방경사 10예였으며, 보행중측정한골반경사각은평균 12.5±8.2 (14.1±8.4~10.8±8.4 ) 로전방경사가 17예, 후방경사 1예로측정되어통계학적으로의미있는차이를보였으며 (p<0.05), 상관관계계수는 -0.88로매우유의한상관관계를보였다. 결론 : 비록통계학적인유의성은없었지만보행전과 15분보행후촬영한단순방사선검사에서골반이전방으로경사되는경향을보였으며, 보행분석검사에서는보행도중골반신전근육의피로가증가함에따라골반이전방경사되는것을통계학적으로확인할수있었다. 따라서요부변성후만증환자에서골반경사각의동적인변화를보기위해서는보행분석검사가유용하리라사료된다. 색인단어 : 요부변성후만증, 골반경사, 보행분석검사 통신저자 : 강종원대전광역시서구둔산동 1306 을지대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 Tel: Fax: jwkang@eulji.ac.kr
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
Lumbar spine
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Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery Acute Epidural Hematoma Following Cervical Spinal Fracture in a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis Natural
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Kinematic analysis of success strategy of YANG Hak Seon technique Joo-Ho Song 1, Jong-Hoon Park 2, & Jin-Sun Kim 3 * 1 Korea Institute of Sport Scienc
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요부변성후만증환자에서의술후시상면교정에대한방사선학적분석 대한척추외과학회지제 16 권제 3 호 Journal of Korean Spine Surgery Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 177~185, 2009 DOI:10.4184/jkss.2009.16.3.177 김환정 강종원 양대석 강성일 박건영 # 박재국 $ 성환일 최원식 을지대학교의과대학정형외과학교실,
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만성세균성전립선염모델흰쥐에서 의항염효과 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Lycopene on Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Rat Model Cho Hwan Yang, Dong Wan Sohn, Yong-Hyun Cho From the Department of Urology, The Catholic University
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Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Soc Spine Surg Dec;20(4): Proxima
Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery Proximal Junctional Problems in Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Sagittal Imbalance Patients and Relevant Risk Factors Whoan Jeang Kim, M.D., Dae Geon
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Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2004 Objective: Ultrasonography (USG) of joints has a unique position for the diagnosis of joint diseases. Bone surface, cartilage, periarticular soft tissue and their pathologic
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Received : 2011. 11. 16 Reviewed : 2011. 11. 25 Accpeted : 2011. 12. 5 A Case Report of Prescribing Yanghyeolgeopung-tang(yangxuequfeng-tang) to Two Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation and Headache
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Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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직장암환자의전직장간막절제술의 예측인자분석 : 불완전절제와절제시간에영향을미치는인자에관한연구 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Degree of Difficulty in Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: Investigation of the Factors Affecting Incomplete
25 3 (2004 9 ) J Korean Oriental Med 2004;25(3):20-31 1), 2), 3) 1) 2) 3) Grope for a Summary Program about Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK)etc. Discussed in WIPO Hwan-Soo
Analysis of Outcomes after Resection of Sarcomatous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Purpose: Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rare. Therefore, the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis
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Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
ABSTRACT Development of statistical method to modeling tooth healthspan curves in Korean Jung Hoi In Department of Dentistry The Graduate School, Yonsei University Development of statistical method to
Vol.5, No.5, October (2015), pp.471-479 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ajmahs.2015.10.50 스마트온실을 위한 가상 외부기상측정시스템 개발 한새론 1), 이재수 2), 홍영기 3), 김국환 4), 김성기 5), 김상철 6) Development of Virtual Ambient Weather Measurement
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Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
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example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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Effects of baseball expertise and stimulus speeds on coincidence-anticipation timing accuracy of batting Jong-Hwa Lee, Seok-Jin Kim, & Seon-Jin Kim* Seoul National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results]
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Examination of the Hip & Pelvic 고관절을구성하는 bone 대퇴골 (femur) - 신체무게지탱, 지면반발력전달 - frontal plane : 대퇴경과대퇴각도약 125 도염전각은 12 도형성 골반 (pelvic) - 관골 : Ilium + pubic bone + Ischium - pubic symphisis, SI joint - closed
Review Article Randomization, What is the Proper Method? Jin Ho Hong, M.D., Jae Chul Yoo, M.D. Shoulder & Sports medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Purpose: Among the numerous
1. 교과목 개요 심리학 연구에 기저하는 기본 원리들을 이해하고, 다양한 심리학 연구설계(실험 및 비실험 설계)를 학습하여, 독립된 연구자로서의 기본적인 연구 설계 및 통계 분석능력을 함양한다. 2. 강의 목표 심리학 연구자로서 갖추어야 할 기본적인 지식들을 익힘을 목적으로 한다. 3. 강의 방법 강의, 토론, 조별 발표 4. 평가방법 중간고사 35%, 기말고사
자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 A B Fig. 1. High-contrast spatial resolution in phantom test. A. Slice 1 with three sets of hole arr
Original Article pissn 1738-2637 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(2):129-134 The Survey of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality according to in Korea 1 자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 1 Hyun-Hae
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230 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 I. 서 론 청소년의 언어가 거칠어지고 있다. 개ㅅㄲ, ㅆㅂ놈(년), 미친ㅆㄲ, 닥쳐, 엠창, 뒤져 등과 같은 말은 주위에서 쉽게 들을 수 있다. 말과 글이 점차 된소리나 거센소리로 바뀌고, 외 국어 남용과 사이버 문화의 익명성 등
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Sang Jun Kim, MD, PhD Application of 3D Printing in the Orthotic Fields Hallux Valgus, Charcot Marie Tooth, ADL Kit, Foot Insole, Wrist Pain, Foot Drop Development of Automated Program for Ankle Foot Orthosis
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제5회 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 심포지엄 Program 1 ANESTHESIA (Room 2층 대강당) >> Session 4 Updates on PNB Techniques PNB Techniques for shoulder surgery: continuou
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A Spatial Location Analysis of the First Shops of Foodservice Franchise in Seoul Metropolitan City Younghee Lee* 1 1 (R) 0 16 1 15 64 1 Abstract The foodservice franchise is preferred by the founders who
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Abstract Kim Dal-Rae, Kim Sun-Hyung* Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee Univ. *Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung-Hee
Suseong gu Council Daegu Metropolitan City www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr Contents SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY 10 www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr 11 SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY
REVIEW ARTICLE Kor J Spine 7(1):1-9, 2010 시상면상불균형 서울우리들병원신경외과 장지수 Sagittal Imbalance Jee-Soo Jang, MD Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul Wooridul Hospital, Seoul, Korea Sagittal imbalance in adult population
1. 요추퇴행성질환의질환별단계별분류연구 1.1 Osteophyte - Atsushi Fujiwara 등에의한분류 (1) grade 1: no osteophyte (2) grade 2: mild or possible osteophyte (3) grade 3: modera
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Buy one get one with discount promotional strategy
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531 김민지 외: 미숙아에 발생한 의인성 식도천공과 기종격증 및 종격동염 A B C D E F Fig. 1. Chest radiographs and CT scans of a premature infant. Chest radiograph at 6 days after birth (A) shows left paravertebral radiolucency at the