ArcGIS Version 8.3 &
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1 ArcGIS Version 8.3 &
2 ArcGIS ArcGIS 8.2, ArcSDE 8.2 ArcIMS 4.0 G.Net MapObjects Java 1.0, ArcPad 6.0 ArcGIS 8.3 & ArcIMS ESRI ArcGIS 9 & ArcIMS 9 ArcGIS Schematics ArcGIS Server
3 ArcGIS ArcGIS 8.2 & ArcSDE 8.2 ArcIMS 4.0 G.Net MapObjects Java 1.0 ArcPad 6.0
4 ArcGIS 8.2 ArcReader Publisher Extension spatial adjustment Cartography, annotation 3D Analyst ArcObjects ISO
5 ArcReader viewer (ArcExplorer ) Publisher extension Map PMF: Published Map File Read-Only ArcGIS Desktop Stand-alone CD Web
6 ArcGIS Scalability ArcInfo ArcEditor ArcView ArcReader
7 ArcReader ( ( ) ArcMap cartography Pan, Zoom, Bookmark,, Geography Network Web
8 Publisher Extension ArcGIS Publisher Extension (PMF) PMF Tool ArcReader ArcMap ArcCatalog Map Control (MapControl.ocx) & Page Layout Control (PageLayoutControl.ocx) ArcIMS ArcMap Server
9 PMF / ArcMap MXD Publisher MXD PMF PMF ArcReader ArcReader PMF Published Map File ArcMap MXD Publisher MXD PMF
10 ArcGIS Spatial Adjustment Transformation Rubber sheeting Edge matching
11 Cartography
12 3D D Analyst 3D
13 Spatial Analyst Workstation ArcInfo GRID ArcGIS 8.2 Groundwater function Multivariate function Color model conversion function Data conversion function UI CutFill function / /
14 ArcObjects Control Map Control: MapControl.ocx Page Layout Control: PageLayutControl.ocx ArcMap ISO ISO 19115
15 ArcSDE 8.2 Raster ArcSDE Geodatabase Oracle 9i 64-bit Oracle Linux(Intel 32)
16 ArcIMS 4.0 ArcMap Server extension ( ) ArcObjects ArcGIS Metadata Server ( ) extension ArcCatalog, WMS Connector OpenGIS WMS 1.1 Specification Zipped Serialization File (*.sez)
17 ArcMap Server ArcGIS publish Map document: MXD, PMF Map document ArcIMS map service Spatial server ArcMap server document ArcIMS :, annotation : Versioned geodatabase, CAD, linear referencing
18 ArcMap Server ArcMap Client.mxd.pmf ArcIMS + ArcMap Server
19 Metadata Server central repository XML document publish
20 G.Net Spatial Data Infra (SDI) ESRI / ArcIMS, ArcGIS
21 G.Net & ArcIMS, ArcGIS ArcIMS Metadata Server G.Net ArcGIS ArcCatalog catalog author ArcSDE repository
22 MapObjects Java 1.0 Java & GIS Java API : esri_mo10.jar J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) MapObjects Windows ( ) ArcIMS platform Applet
23 ArcPad 6.0 GIS Windows CE GPS (PLGR) ArcPad 6: end-user ArcPad 6 Application Builder:, ArcPad Studio
24 ArcGIS 8.3 & ArcIMS ArcGIS 8.3 ArcIMS 4.0.1
25 ArcGIS 8.3 Topology Geodatabase Disconnected editing Linear Referencing Extension ArcScan, Survey Analyst, Tracking Analyst ArcGIS Schematics & Schematics SDK
26 Topology Geodatabase Topology: Feature (relationship) feature class feature feature class / / (rule) : cluster tolerance, feature class rank, error, exception Topology wizard: ArcInfo & ArcEditor
27 ArcCatalog Topology Wizard ArcGIS Tool
28 Topology Rule 25 rule ArcGIS 8.3 Cannot overlap one another Must completely cover Boundaries must be covered by Must not have dangles Must not overlap [ ] ( ) ( ) Validate, error
29 Topology Topology (rule) Topology (property) Topology Validate : 3 Fix Topology Error feature Validate
30 Shared Geometry (on-the-fly) Database Validate cluster tolerance feature class rank * rank feature class
31 Geodatabase Topology Topology feature class Polygon, point, line feature topology spatial constraint ArcSDE coverage topology
32 tool Trim Extend Copy features Explode multi-parts dockable Edit Task
33 Disconnected Editing Geodatabase versioning ArcEditor Field unit geodatabase feature check-out disconnect Off-line geodatabase check-in ArcInfo Geodatabase LAN / WAN
34 ArcPad Geodatabase version shapefile PC (Pocket PC) copy ArcPad Pocket PC PC Geodatabase version update Geodatabase Shapefile
35 Linear Referencing Dynamic segmentation tool core Route, Point, linear event Route, event display/query Event ArcObjects
36 Linear Referencing ( )
37 ArcScan Extension Scan raster vector ArcScan ArcMap Object Editor Workstation ArcInfo + Raster clean up, editing Raster (interactive) (batch) Shapefile geodatabase feature
38 ArcScan Extension ( )
39 Survey Analyst (survey) GIS GIS import geodatabase Feature survey data Adjustment
40 Survey Analyst GIS Feature Survey Survey Point Measurement ( )
41 Tracking Analyst GIS Temporal Point polygon (ArcIMS Tracking Server ) Tacking Server for ArcIMS ArcMap client
42 Tracking Analyst ( )
43 ArcGIS 8.3 Desktop Desktop ArcEditor Topology Complete Editing Lin Ref: create / edit ArcView Distributed GeoDBs ArcScan New edit tools Lin Ref: display/query New Data & Maps Quality Survey Analyst ArcInfo Lin Ref: event geoprocessing
44 ArcGIS Schematics Schematic & Schematic geodatabase, ArcGIS Schematics version ( ) ArcGIS Schematics SDK version ( ) : application : ArcGIS extension * Schematic: Feature
45 Geographic vs. Schematic Geographic Schematic
46 Schematics
47 Schematics
48 Schematics
49 Schematics & Geodatabase Schematics Tables 3D Maps Geo- Database Photos 2D Maps Images
50 Schematic object By attribute By location By network tracing By manual selection Schematic ( ) (representation type) (graphic manipulation)
51 (1) Geographic Geo-schematic Schematic
52 (2) Orthogonal Smart Tree Smart Tree + Backbone Backbone
53 (1) Sub-network 1 2 3
54 (2) Sub-network / 1 2
55 (3) Parallelism 1 2
56 (4) / 1 2
57 (5) / 1 2
58 Outside & Inside Plant
59 Schematics & (1) Geographic Geo-schematic Schematic Schematic GIS schematic Schematic view GIS schematic Geodatabase
60 Schematics & (2) Schematic Schematic workspace parameter, symbol editor Schematics designer ArcGIS Schematics SDK, GIS
61 Schematics Designer
62 ArcGIS Schematics France Telecom ( ) 2001 BMT 5, ArcEditor 900 & Schematics 123 GEONIS ( ) / / / : 500 Schematics 106 Three Valleys Water & Wessex Water ( )
63 ArcGIS Schematics,,,., (,,,, )
64 ArcIMS Z39.50 Connector JRE 1.4 JSP Viewer Metadata Import/Export SGI Platform ( / ) Tracking Server
65 ArcIMS Road Map Tracking Server ArcIMS ArcMap Server Metadata Server ArcIMS 4.0 Route Server ArcIMS
66 ArcGIS, ArcIMS Beta 2 ArcGIS 8.3 Release 2002 ArcGIS 8.3 Extension Spatial Analyst 3D Analyst Geostatistical Analyst ArcPress Publisher ArcScan Survey Analyst Tracking Analyst ArcGIS Schematics & ArcGIS Schematics SDK 11 Maplex Labeling Extension 8.3 ArcIMS ArcGIS 8.3 ArcIMS Tracking Server ArcIMS (2003 )
67 ESRI ArcGIS 9 & ArcIMS 9
68 ArcGIS 9 ArcGIS + ArcSDE + ArcIMS Version , Information System for Geography geodatabase ArcIMS 9 ArcGIS Server
69 ArcGIS(ArcIMS) 9 Next Generation ArcToolbox Network Analyst 3D Geodatabase :, cartography database GIS ArcGIS Server Unix Information System for Geography
70 ,,, ArcToolbox
71 Network Analyst ( ) Navigation: turn, transfer, travel cost, restriction Tour (TSP) Direction
72 3D D GIS ArcGlobe 3 Geodatabase Terrain & 3D Vector geodatabase On-the-fly TIN 3D
73 Geodatabase GIS 3D object, Terrain Raster catalog, raster attribute XML Multi-set relationship classes: multiple origin classes, multiple destination classes Network : non-spatial connectivity, network attribute shape pict doc <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- <!DOCTYPE metadata SYSTEM " --> - <metadata xml:lang="en"> - <Esri> <CreaDate> </CreaDate> <CreaTime> </CreaTime>
74 Database Cartography (element) database Generalization Map series
75 Disconnected editing Replication Disconnected Editing Version 8.3 Replicated Data Management Version 9 Check-Out Check-In ( )
76 ArcIMS 9 & ArcGIS Server ArcGIS Server ArcIMS ArcGIS Web Application Tier.NET Java
77 Web XML: SOAP: / XML UDDI Portal: / UDDI Portal WSDL: Find Find UDDI / Client Publish Connect Connect Use & Use SOAP WSDL Web Service
78 ArcGIS ArcGIS Web Browser Wireless External Client Web Application.Net Java Web Server Map ArcGIS Service (ArcObjects) Catalog Geodatabase Geoprocessing GIS Service
79 ArcGIS on Unix ( ( ) ArcObjects on Unix ESRI research agenda ArcIMS ArcMap Server extension ArcReader Unix : Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux(Red-Hat) (SGI, Tru64: )
80 DEMO ArcGIS 8.2 & 8.3
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ArcGIS for Desktop 고급지리정보매핑, 컨텐츠작성및공유데스크탑 2012. 6. 13 한국에스리기술서비스본부 대리김정열 순서 1. ArcGIS for Desktop 개요및구성 2. 새로워진 ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop 1) 고품질의맵작성과레이아웃향상 2) 편집생산성증대 3) 지오프로세싱기능강화 4) 지리정보컨텐츠공유
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IT 2005. 06. 02. IT IT Windows 3503 4463 4178 64% Solaris 142 56 36 Digital UX 37 24 9 Tru64 30 20 26 Server & DeskTop UNIX HP-UX 27 IRIX 19 FreeBSD 12 7 15 8 5 17 9 2% AIX 5 3 3 Linux 348 400 516 8% Apple
Windows Embedded Compact 2013 [그림 1]은 Windows CE 로 알려진 Microsoft의 Windows Embedded Compact OS의 history를 보여주고 있다. [표 1] 은 각 Windows CE 버전들의 주요 특징들을 담고
OT S / SOFTWARE 임베디드 시스템에 최적화된 Windows Embedded Compact 2013 MDS테크놀로지 / ES사업부 SE팀 김재형 부장 / 또 다른 산업혁명이 도래한 시점에 아직도 자신을 떳떳이 드러내지 못하고 있는 Windows Embedded Compact를 오랫동안 지켜보면서, 필자는 여기서 그와 관련된
Interoperability :,, Reusability: : Manageability : Accessibility :, LMS Durability : (Specifications), AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) : 1988, /, LMS IMS : 1997EduCom NLII,,,,, ARIADNE (Alliance
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
Basic Netw rk 1. ก ก ก 2. 3. ก ก 4. ก 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ก 5. ก 6. ก ก 7. ก 3 ก ก ก ก (Mainframe) ก ก ก ก (Terminal) ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก 4 ก (Dumb Terminal) ก ก ก ก Mainframe ก CPU ก ก ก ก 5 ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก
I I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 GIS II II-1 II-2 II-3 III III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV GIS IV-1 IV-2 (Complement) IV-3 IV-4 V References * 2012.
: 2013 1 25 Homepage: Contact: I I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 GIS II II-1 II-2 II-3 III III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV GIS IV-1 IV-2 (Complement) IV-3 IV-4 V References
Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 (daedoo@eeinfokaistackr), (kkuumm00@orgionet) KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory MCM, PCB (mentor) : da & Summary librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup &
CORBA TMN Surveillance System DPNM Lab, GSIT, POSTECH Email: Contents Motivation & Goal Related Work CORBA TMN Surveillance System Implementation Conclusion & Future Work 2 Motivation
Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
<4D F736F F F696E74202D20332DC1F6B9DDC1A4BAB8BDC3BDBAC5DB>
"Seoul National University 21 세기한국의미래 서울대학교에너지자원공학과 [3] GIS 와소프트웨어 오늘의강의들여다보기 GIS 소프트웨어의구성 GIS 소프트웨어의구조및유형 상용 GIS 소프트웨어의종류 ( 시연 ) 서울시 GIS 포털 ( 시연 ) Google Earth ( 시연 )A ArcGIS 2 GIS 소프트웨어 방법 M 사람 N GIS
<목 차 > 제 1장 일반사항 4 I.사업의 개요 4 1.사업명 4 2.사업의 목적 4 3.입찰 방식 4 4.입찰 참가 자격 4 5.사업 및 계약 기간 5 6.추진 일정 6 7.사업 범위 및 내용 6 II.사업시행 주요 요건 8 1.사업시행 조건 8 2.계약보증 9 3
열차운행정보 승무원 확인시스템 구축 제 안 요 청 서 2014.6. 제 1장 일반사항 4 I.사업의 개요 4 1.사업명 4 2.사업의 목적 4 3.입찰 방식 4 4.입찰 참가 자격 4 5.사업 및 계약 기간 5 6.추진 일정 6 7.사업 범위 및 내용 6 II.사업시행 주요 요건 8 1.사업시행 조건 8 2.계약보증 9 3.시운전 및 하자보증 10
Oracle Mobile Solution 소개
Agenda Introduction IMDB and LBS Oracle9iASWE LBS Support in Oracle9iASWE Developing LBS Apps on Oracle9iASWE DEMO What is LBS? Location-Based Service through Wireless Internet on Handsets Cellular Phones
TRIBON 실무 DRAFT 편 조선전용 CAD에 대한 기초적인 사용 방법 기술 기술지원팀
TRIBON 실무 DRAFT 편 조선전용 CAD에 대한 기초적인 사용 방법 기술 기술지원팀 1. 1-1) TRIBON 1-2) 2D DRAFTING OVERVIEW 1-3) Equipment Pipes Cables Systems Stiffeners Blocks Assemblies Panels Brackets DRAWINGS TRIBON Model Model
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( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
100% 2003222 : : : () PGPnet 1 (Sniffer) 1, 2,,, (Sniffer), (Sniffer),, (Expert) 3, (Dashboard), (Host Table), (Matrix), (ART, Application Response Time), (History), (Protocol Distribution), 1 (Select
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Solaris Express Developer Edition : 2008 1 Solaris TM Express Developer Edition Solaris OS. Sun / Solaris, Java, Web 2.0,,. Developer Solaris Express Developer Edition System Requirements. 768MB. SPARC
UDP Flooding Attack 공격과 방어
황 교 국 ( SK Infosec Co., Inc MSS Biz. Security Center Table of Contents 1. 소개...3 2. 공격 관련 Protocols Overview...3 2.1. UDP Protocol...3 2.2. ICMP Protocol...4 3. UDP Flood Test Environment...5
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A Study of Web GIS Service of Geophysical Data Chung-Weon Oh** GIS. Web 2.0.,, Rest url Web,,, GIS. Web 2.0 GIS,. GIS,,, Web 2.0 Abstract : The growing interest and communication of wide range of local
A Study of GIS Service of Weather Information* Chung-Weon Oh**,..,., Web 2.0 GIS.,.,, Web 2.0 GIS, Abstract : Due to social and economic value of Weather Information such as urban flooding, demand of Weather
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PowerPoint Presentation
OGC 표준기반의 공간자료분석과시각화기술개발 - - 오픈소스기반응용연계기술개발 -. 2016년 10월 19일제86회 Open Technet 공간정보공개SW 기술세미나 Mango System inc. 이민파 ( 오픈소스와 OGC 표준 - 일러두기 - 본자료는모두 Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC 을따릅니다.
Building Mobile AR Web Applications in HTML5 - Google IO 2012
Building Mobile AR Web Applications in HTML5 HTML5 -, KIST -, UST HCI & Robotics Agenda Insight: AR Web Browser S.M.AR.T: AR CMS HTML5 HTML5 AR - Hello world! - Transform - - AR Events 3/33 - - - (Simplicity)
PARTS BOOK SPS/C-B1202 Series This is a parts book. It cannot be used as a manual. A-45 A-46 A-44 A-44 A-50 A-47 A-36 A-57 A-56 A-37 A-55 A-42 A-38 A-51 A-50 A-49 A-48 A-54 A-52 A-39 A-40 A-41 A-13 A-11
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4. API. API. API..,.. 1 ,, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24, Working Group ISO " (Architecture) " (API, Application Program Interface) " (Metafile and Interface) " (Language Binding) " (Validation Testing and Registration)"
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모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례와 시장 전망 및 신 사업전략 2011. 10 AGENDA 01 02 03 모바일 산업의 환경변화 모바일 클라우드 서비스의 등장 모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례 AGENDA 01. 모바일 산업의 환경 변화 가치 사슬의 분화/결합 모바일 업계에서도 PC 산업과 유사한 모듈화/분업화 진행 PC 산업 IBM à WinTel 시대 à
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[Caution] Attention to red sentence 3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R520/ 1 2 1 1. As shown in picture, adhere Knob to the end closely into the arrow direction(1), then push the battery up (2). 2. Picture
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MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66
Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66 1999 3 13 ~ 1999 3 14 :
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기술 이력서 2.0
Release 2.1 (2004-12-20) : : 2006/ 4/ 24,. < > Technical Resumé / 2006.04 Works Projects and Technologies 2 / 15 2006.04 Informal,, Project. = Project 91~94 FLC-A TMN OSI, TMN Agent
요약 1
Globalization Support Guide Using Oracle and Java Version 1.0 2003.03 목차 요약 1. 해결과제 2. Multilingual Database 3. Multilingual Web Application 4. Multiple Time Zone 5. Multiple Currency
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Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Crash Unity SDK... Log & Crash Search. - Unity3D v4.0 ios
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특허청구의 범위 청구항 1 게임 서버 또는 미들웨어에 의해, 사용자 단말기로부터, GPS 정보, IP 정보, 중계기 정보 중 적어도 하나를 이 용한 위치 정보와, 상기 사용자 단말기에 설정된 언어 종류를 포함하는 사용자 정보를 수신하는 단계; 상기 게임 서버 또는 미들
(51) Int. Cl. (19) 대한민국특허청(KR) (12) 등록특허공보(B1) G06Q 50/00 (2006.01) (21) 출원번호 10-2010-0074348 (22) 출원일자 2010년07월30일 심사청구일자 (56) 선행기술조사문헌 KR1020010104538 A* KR1020060124328 A* 2010년07월30일 *는 심사관에 의하여 인용된
1 1....6 1.1...6 2. Java Architecture...7 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit)...8 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment)...9 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM)...10 2.4 JVM...11 2.5 (runtime)jvm...12 2.5.1 2.5.2
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Microsoft Word - s.doc
오라클 백서 2010년 9월 WebLogic Suite를 위해 최적화된 오라클 솔루션 비즈니스 백서 개요...1 들어가는 글...2 통합 웹 서비스 솔루션을 통해 비즈니스 혁신 추구...3 단순화...4 기민한 환경 구축...5 탁월한 성능 경험...6 판도를 바꾸고 있는 플래시 기술...6 오라클 시스템은 세계 최고의 성능 제공...6 절감 효과 극대화...8
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CONTENTS 01 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom을 소개합니다 촬영부터 출력까지 간편한 사진 작업 (Simplify photography from shoot to finish) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 작업공간(Workspace)
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP LIGHTROOM 글 신동향 사진 신동향, 정한진, 김석준 CONTENTS 01 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom을 소개합니다 촬영부터 출력까지 간편한 사진 작업 (Simplify photography from shoot to finish) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 작업공간(Workspace) 02