지역특화자원을베리 ( 장어 ) 융합한 곤충기반 고소득 특화산업 육성 기획사업 지역특화자원을 ( 베리, 장어 ) 융합한곤충기반고소득특화산업육성기획사업최종보고서 주관연구기관 / 대한사료 ( 주 ) R&D 농림축산식품부 - 1 -
- 소리 삼
- 5 years ago
- Views:
1 지역특화자원을베리 ( 장어 ) 융합한 곤충기반 고소득 특화산업 육성 기획사업 지역특화자원을 ( 베리, 장어 ) 융합한곤충기반고소득특화산업육성기획사업최종보고서 주관연구기관 / 대한사료 ( 주 ) R&D 농림축산식품부 - 1 -
2 농림축산식품부장관귀하 이보고서를 지역특화자원을 ( 베리, 장어 ) 융합한곤충기반고소득특화산업육성 기획사업 의보고서로제출합니다 주관연구기관명 : 대한사료주식회사 주관연구책임자 : 조경훈 - 1 -
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6 Summary statement Ⅰ. Title Insect-based high-income specialized industry fostering project business which is fused with locally specialized resource (berry & eel) Ⅱ. Research achievement compared with the goals Research Goals Performance Conduction of survey on the - Survey on the demand of edible insect feed of freshwater fish/sea water fish farm demand on food insects Establishment of R&D roadmap Establishment of research and development plan - Establishment of a step-by-step R&D roadmap - Establishment of research and development promotion system - Establishment of R&D promotion strategy - Develop business model of insect industry and commercialize technology - Materialization of insect resources and industrialization of insect material - Regional resource reclamation and industrialization of insect material - Expansion of insect industry base Project Planning - Patentability and technical feasibility analysis - Develop business model of insect industry and commercialize technology Expert conferences and seminar - Materialization of insect resources and industrialization of insect material - Regional resource reclamation and industrialization of insect material - Expansion of insect industry base Ⅲ. Purpose and Necessity of R&D Purpose of R&D : Establishment of basis for activation of agriculture industry in Jeollabuk-do through realization of insect-based high-income specialized industry and employment creation Establishment of customized food / feed / cosmetic composite materials base using natural BT resources Identify the value of the raw material of brown goats and beetles (insects) and standardize raw materials Training insect experts (producers, breeding experts, insect utilization experts, etc.) to expand insect industry base - 5 -
7 Necessity of R&D The need to develop a resource that can replace the protein source in feeds due to a surge in international grain prices and a decrease in catches due to marine pollution and depletion of fish species worldwide Systematic industrialization needs to be supported by increasing trend of insect companies in the region Jeollabuk-do is the largest bokbunja production area in the nation and its efficacy is attracting attention due to its high polyphenol content in bokbunja byproducts, In Jeollabuk-do, about 30% of all fish feed companies are located in the country, which has a large impact on the feed industry for fish. Ⅳ. Content and scope of research and development Based on the diverse biological resources (bokbunja, eel) of Jeollabuk-do, we planned the scope and content of research and development to activate the agricultural industry in Jeollabuk-do Demand survey on demand of edible insect feed of freshwater fish / sea water fish farm Establishment of R&D roadmap - Establishment of a step-by-step R&D roadmap - Establishment of research and development promotion system - Establishment of R&D promotion strategy Establishment of major R&D plan - Develop business model of insect industry and commercialize technology - Materialization of insect resources and industrialization of insect material - Regional resources reclamation and industrialization of insect material - Expansion of insect industry base Planning for commercialization: Analysis of patentability and feasibility analysis for technology to be developed Holding expert meetings and seminars - Held an expert meeting such as the range of possible use of local specialized resources, the field of support, the securing of mass production technology, and the fusion technology of insect industry - 6 -
8 - Holding seminar on Insect Disease, Insect Industry and Food Ⅴ. R&D results Freshwater fish / sea water fish farm conducted a demand survey on food insect feed needs In this study, it was found that the freshwater fish / sea water fish farmers had a tendency to purchase eco-friendly diets made of berry and edible insects (improved immunity and improved digestion and absorption). Overall, it was surveyed that there is a demand on the site. Establishment of R&D roadmap From R&D to product production and utilization, we will develop a feedstock firearm capable of developing eel growth and immunity, and developing prototypes for the commercialization of freshwater fish/sea water fish feed ingredients. In addition, it has founder training for the activation of local economy, sales promotion, establishment of cooperatives, etc. R&D Product production Application Feed raw materialization ㆍDevelopment of indicator material ㆍ Analysis of bacterium + insect bioactivity ㆍDevelopment of technology to reduce production cost ㆍ Standardization of Insect Breeding in Jeonbuk ㆍ Standardization of eel specification ㆍ Development of eel, insect and berry prototype ㆍ Sales promotion ㆍ Entrepreneurship education (insect products) ㆍ Development of eel, insect and berry products ㆍ Established Cooperative Project Planning If it is developed through prior technology analysis results and research and development, it seems to be new and progressive. It is a very superior technology that dramatically increases the productivity of the fresh water fish/ sea water fish. It is analyzed as technology that distinguishes it from the prior patent technology. Since there is no separate investment cost, the business performance is analyzed as high. Conferences and seminars For this task, we held a meeting with the Korea Food Research Institute (KFDA) and - 7 -
9 experts related to Jeonbuk Biotechnology Promotion Agency, Berry Research Institute Ⅵ. Research results and performance utilization plan (Diversification of Materials) By using insect lipids or functional materials separated from insects, it can be used variously as a cosmetic and food additive material to enhance the added value of materials (Development of a business model linked to local specialty items) High-protein nourishing food that is linked to local issues (designated as a UNESCO conservation area) and traditionally famous bokbunja and pungcheon eel In accordance with the policy support of Jeollabuk-do & Gochang-gun for the local industry, the supply of eco-friendly/ safe feed stuffs is expanded to contribute to fostering high-value-added raw material industry - 8 -
10 CONTENTS Chapter 1. A summary of research project 11 Chapter 2. Current status of technology in domestic and abroad 24 Chapter 3. Research in developmental research 30 Chapter 4. Achievement of object and Contribution of research area 49 Chapter 5. Application of developed technology
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12 ( ) (,, ) ( 4.5% ) () (13 ) : 166 (2001 ) 834 (2011) (,,, ) 2000, () - () : 284$/(2011 6) 372$/( ) 10,138 (2014) 77% 7, % : ,701, 626, 1,
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21 국가식품클러스터 - 식품전문국가산업단지조성, 국내 외글로벌식품기업및연구소집적화를통한세계적인식품클러스터육성 - 기능성평가센터등 R&D 시설, 파일럿플랜트, 임대형공장, 지원센터 ) 등 6개기업지원시설조성완료 ( 16.9 월 ) 2016 총 232 만m2 (70 만평 ) 식품기업및연구소집적국가산업단지조성 새만금한중경제협력단지
22 전북연구개발특구지정 ( 15.7) - 전북의우수한 R&D 인프라집적화에따른산 학 연 관상호유기적인협력과네트워킹을통해혁신확산으로기술경쟁력강화및산업화촉진 - 특구내농진청등총 11개의국립및정부출연연구기관중본원 5개, 분원 3개등기술이전및사업화 민간육종단지 - 종자산업을국가신성장동력전략산업으로육성하기위해민간육종연구단지조성, Golden Seed 프로젝트등추진 - 방사선육종연구센터 ( 정읍, '13 완공 ) 등연구기반을조성하여민간의종자개발지원 54 m2규모단지에 20 개기업입주, 21 년종자수출 2억불달성 전북농생명 탄소산업집중투자 - 창조경제혁신센터를중심으로농생명융복합산업육성 - 미생물가치평가센터및농축산용미생물산업육성지원센터추진 - 농생명 SW융합클러스터구축 ('15~'19,255억) - 전북 바이오콤비나트플랜트구축 (GS칼텍스, 대상, 창해에탄올등 )
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24 3-23 -
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32 제 3 장
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35 제 2 절곤충산업기반조성을위한경제적타당성분석 ( 전북생물산업진흥원 ) 현재가치
36 부수익율
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43 R&D 생산 활용 사료원료화ㆍ지표물질개발ㆍ복분자 + 곤충생리활성분석ㆍ생산단가절감기술개발 ㆍ전북곤충사육표준화ㆍ장어사양표준화ㆍ장어, 곤충, 베리시제품개발 ㆍ판매홍보ㆍ창업교육 ( 곤충생산제품 ) ㆍ장어, 곤충, 베리상품개발ㆍ협동조합창립
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49 1 차년도 2 차년도 3 차년도 4 차년도 5 차년도 곤충에대한기 초데이터축적 지역특화자원을 활용한곤충사 료개발 지역특화워을 활용한양만사 료개발 곤충자원유래소 재의부가가치고 도화 기술이전 거래 온 - 오프라인홍보
50 밀기울또는곤충전용사료 계약혹은계열화 곤충농장 ( 고창군 ) 곤충자원사료원료화 ( 대한사료 ) 소비자
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52 1 차년도 2 차년도 3 차년도 4 차년도 5 차년도 곤충에대한기 초데이터축적 지역특화자원을 활용한곤충사 료개발 지역특화자원을 활용한양만사 료개발 곤충자원유래소 재의부가가치고 도화 기술이전 거래 온 - 오프라인홍보
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54 1 차년도 2 차년도 3 차년도 4 차년도 5 차년도 곤충에대한기 초데이터축적 지역특화자원을 활용한곤충사 료개발 지역특화자원을 활용한양만사 료개발 곤충자원유래소 재의부가가치고 도화 기술이전 거래 온 - 오프라인홍보
55 곤충에대한기 초데이터축적 지역특화자원을활용한곤충사료개발 지역특화자원을활용한양만사료개발 곤충자원유래소재의부가가치고도화 기술이전 거래 온 - 오프라인홍보
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58 지역특화자원을 활용한곤충사 료개발 지역특화자원을 활용한양만사 료개발 곤충자원유래소 재의부가가치고 도화 기술이전 거래 온 - 오프라인홍보
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60 + 1,. (, )... ( 1:4)., (),
61 1. 원료명 사용량 원료단가 ( 원 /kg) α-전분 22 2,050 밀글루텐 3 2,300 백색어분 (Pollack) 58 2,800 가수분해어분 13 4,100 MCP Vitamin Premix 0.5 7,500 Mineral Premix 0.3 2,800 기타 ( 기능성물질 ) ,,.,
62 6 ( ),,, [/ ]
63 , 7 () 65, () 44, 42, 33, () 22, () 18, () 17 [ ] , 2015, 2003, [ 5 ]
64 7 IPC () C12N, C07D, A61K, C12N. C12N, A61K, C07D -,,. 선행특허의청구범위분석, / 4 권리 공개 공개 출원번호 / 출원인 ( ) ( ) 발명의명칭 곤충을이용한양어용사료첨가제 담수어양식용사료, 담수어집어용사료및어류양식용고단백발효사료의제조방법및그방법으로제조되는사료 주요내용 / 청구범위 본발명은곤충을이용한양어용사료첨가제에관한것으로서, 더욱상세하게는갈색거저리와쌍별귀뚜라미와같은곤충을양어용사료원으로이용하여어류의성장촉진과면역력증대를가져와양식어류의생산성을향상시킬수있는양어용사료첨가제에관한것이다. 본발명의곤충을이용한양어용사료첨가제는갈색거저리와쌍별귀뚜라미를혼합한곤충혼합물로부터추출된제 1혼합추출액 100중량부에대하여양파즙부산물과감귤즙부산물을혼합한부산물혼합물로부터추출된제 2혼합추출액 10 내지 30중량부를함유한다. 본발명은저수지및댐이나호수등의수계에담수어 ( 개구리등의양서류도포함 ) 양식에필요한담수어양식용사료제조방법및그방법으로제조되는담수어양식용사료, 담수어포획에필요한담수어집어용사료제조방법및그방법으로제조되는담수어집어용사료및이들을이용하여제조되는고단백발효사료제조방법및그방법으로제조되는고단백발효사료에관한것이다. 본발명에서는폐기되는음식물을정제하여사용함으로써, 매우저가의어류사료의제조가가능하고, 어류의영양분
65 등록 ( ) 육식성내수면어류양식용사료및그제조방법 공급에필요한농산부산물, 대두박및밀기울등의혼합물을사용하여, 어류양식에필요한여러가지영양소를공급함으로써, 풍부한양양소를공급하는효과가있다. 또한, 본발명에서는저가의집어용사료를공급하는효과가있으며, 사료의주요성분인단백질과지방을기존해산어나어분을사용하지않고, 정제된음식폐기물을이용하는해산어등의고단백발효사료제조방법및이방법을이용하여제조되는기존에는없는저가의고단백발효사료를공급하는효과가있다. 본발명은육식성내수면어류양식용사료및그제조방법에관한것으로서, 구체적으로는미생물발효된미강 55~65중량 %, 동애등에유충 25~35중량 % 및동애등에유충의분변토 5~15중량 % 의비율로혼합한후분쇄한혼합분쇄물에유용성미생물을첨가하여발효시켜제조되는육식성내수면어류양식용사료및그제조방법에관한것이다. 본발명은미강과동애등에를혼합하여미꾸라지와같은육식성어류가잘소화시킬수있으면서번식력이강하고고단백의해롭지않은동애등에유충을활용함으로써저렴한비용으로사료를공급할수있으며, 미생물발효처리된원료를사용함으로써어류에게미처급이되지못한경우라도사료가부패하거나악취를풍기지않고양식환경을친환경적으로유도할수있으며, 수질오염을최소화할수있다. 아울러, 본발명은육식성내수면어류에고단백사료를공급함으로써영양상태를개선시키며나아가번식률을증진시킬수있다는다른장점이있다. 본발명은밀웜 (meal worm) 과동애등에 (hermetia illucens) 를포함하는관상어사료 (An aquarium fish feed composition) 에관한것이다. 등록 ( ) 밀웜과동애등에를포함하는관상어사료 본발명의밀웜및동애등에를포함하는관상어사료는단백질및유용한성분을다량함유한관상어용사료를생산함으로써수입대체효과, 치어치사율억제, 백점병에대한예방, 어항수질개선, 배설물감소등기능성사료로서의효능은물론분양과더불어치어류생존율을높여양어장수익향상에기여할수있다. 사료전체중량대비, 밀웜 (meal worm) 20~50 중량 %, 동애등에 (hermetia illucens) 1~15 중량 % 및 의수증기로 30 분 3 시간동안증숙한다음절단시킨칠면초 0.5~10 중량 % 를포함하는관상어사료.. /,, /, /
66 3 :, - :,,. -,,, :. : - :,,,,,. - :,. - :. :,, - :. - :,,. - :. - :
67 30 항목점수 / 배점내용 기술성 34/50 시장성 34/50 사업성 42/50 합계 110/150 평가대상기술은현재의양만사료제조기술을대체할가능성이높고기술에대한타당성을증명하기위한과제기획을추진하였음. 식용곤충산업이초기임에따라본평가기술의수명주기는성장기초기에해당한다볼수있음. 본기술이개발되면다수의산업분야에활용도가넓고다수제품분야에서지속적으로활용이가능하리라판단됨진출가능한시장은매우다양하고기존시장뿐만아니라신규시장의창출도가능해보임. 양어, 양만산업의시장은성장성과안정성면에서우세한것으로보임, 본평가기술을활용한제품이출시되어타사대비기존제품을비교해보면시장점유율이선두그룹에속할것으로판단됨사료제작시큰투자의추가적이설비가필요없으며또한평가대상기업의기술개발자원이풍부고수준이월등하게높으며핵심인력의추가기술개발이가능함, 초기투자비용및자본운영은계획중인것이있어별도의해당사업만을위한추가되는자본투자가없으며현재의판매, 마케팅망을활용할수있을것으로사료되어긍정적으로분석됨기술성부분에서는해당 R&D 연구개발을통해해당기술의완성도, 신뢰도를높여야하며특허출원이필요해보임. 시장성부분에는양만사료시장내에서타사와경쟁정도및경쟁구도의분석이필요해보이며현재의판매망과사업초기별도의투자비용이발생하지않으므로사업성은높은편임
68 7 (),, 번호일시장소주요내용
69 번호일시장소주요내용 전주한지산업센터 전라북도곤충산업발전을위한세미나 - 소재분야전문가강연 - 식품분야전문가강연
70 제 4 장목표달성도 연구목표달성도 (%) 수행내용 /
71 제 5 장연구결과의활용계획 1 2 ( )
72 ( ) ( ), 지역농산부산물 ( 복분자등 ) ( 곤충사료 ) ( 양어사료 ) ( 스토리개발 ) 곤충사육 풍천장어 ( 갈색거저리 ) 고단백식품 ( 정력 근력식품 ) 6 & / /.., &
73 3,,
74 ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ()] ( ) 2, 3 ( ) (, ) ( )
75 보고서겉표지뒷면하단에다음문구삽입
76 - 75 -
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