Microsoft PowerPoint - DPC_0723

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1 프로젝트관리지식의 Framework 2004 년 7 월 23 일 한동환, PMP 강사소개 한동환 Homepage: 운영자 ( 시삽 ) 씨오텍과장 저서 골뱅이를요리하는사람들 - 사이간 (2000) 웹기획 - 정보게이트 (2002) 공공기관홈페이지구축 운영지침서 (2004)- 한국전산원 현재숭실대국제통상대학원 GPM(Global Project Management) 학과재학중 1

2 전체목차 : Project 관리지식이란? Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 Module 3. PMI / PMBOK Module 4. Certification : 영역별로살펴보는 Project 관리지식 Module 1. Project Scope Management Module 2. Project Time Management Module 3. Project Cost Management Section 3 : Project 관리지식의활용방안 Module 1. 리뉴얼사례 Module 2. Marketing 사례 Agenda of. : Project 관리지식이란? Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Module 2. Project 관리지식의영역 Module 3. PMI / PMBOK Module 4. Certification 2

3 Module 1. 프로젝트관리의개요 Module 1. Project 관리의개요 고속철도공사에서처음 5 년간공사진척도가겨우 15% 였습니다. 사업관리의노하우를몰랐기때문이죠. 프로젝트매니지먼트를도입한이후에는매년 15% 씩진척이됐습니다. 그는이어사업관리능력향상을위해 3 년이내에전체직원의 10% 를국제사업관리사 (PMP) 자격증을따도록하겠다 고강조했다. 한국철도시설공단정종환이사장조선일보기사

4 History of Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Project management approach is relatively modern: 기업혁신전략 (restructuring) 관리의새로운방법들과특별한관리기술들을적용시킴 비즈니스환경의변화 비용절감프로그램 자본프로젝트의확대 더나은기존회사자원사용과통제가필요 프로젝트관리 ( 여러기법중의하나 ) Application of Project Management Technique: 20 년전 : Confined to US DOD contractors and construction companies 오늘날 : Being applied in diverse industries and organizations History of Project Management 1960 년대중반 ~ 후반 : Module 1. Project 관리의개요 경영진들은새로운관리기법과조직구조에대해방안을찾기시작함 회사관리의대부분은프로젝트관리를위해비정형적인방법을사용함 1970 년대부터 1980 년대초반까지 : 기업들은현재구조로관리하기어렵다고판단함 더욱더많은기업들이비정형적인관리로부터탈피하고정형적인프로젝트관리프로세스로재구축함. 4

5 History of Project Management 1980 년대중반 ~2003 년 : Module 1. Project 관리의개요 1990년대들어서면서기업들은선택적인아닌필수적으로프로젝트관리를구축하기시작함 제조업의경우대랑자본이소요되고동시적으로발생하는많은프로젝트를관리하기위해프로젝트관리를진행함 많은프로젝트를통합적으로관리하기위한전사적프로젝트관리방법이중요해짐 (Enterprise PM Methodology) Project Manager Module 1. Project 관리의개요 프로젝트관리자는프로젝트의모든관점을통합하고, 필요한곳필요한시기에적절한지식과자원이가용한가를확인하여야하며, 그리고무엇보다도, 기대하는결과물이적시에, 효율적인방법으로생산되는가를확인하여야합니다 - Project Management - A Managerial Approach by Jack R. Meredith, 1995 The project manager is expected to integrate all aspects of the project, ensure that the proper knowledge and resources are available when and where needed, and Above all, ensure that the expected results are produced in a timely, cost effective manner 5

6 Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 프로젝트는 유일한제품, 또는서비스를창출하기위하여취해지는일시적인활동 이다. A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 A project can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that: Have a specific object to be completed within certain specifications Have defined start and end dates Have funding limits Consume human and nonhuman resources(i.e., money, people, equipment) 6

7 Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Project management is The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project. Understanding Project Management Project Management involves project planning and project monitoring and includes such item as: Project planning Definition of work requirements Definition of quantity and quality of work Definition of resources needed Project monitoring Tracking progress Comparing actual outcome to predicted outcome Analyzing impact Making adjustments Module 1. Project 관리의개요 7

8 Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Successful project management can then defined as having achieved the project objectives: Within time Within cost At the desired performance/technology level While utilizing the assigned resources effective and efficiently Accepted by the customer Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 TIME COST RESOURCES PERFORMANCE/TECHNOLOGY 8

9 Understanding Project Management Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Performance Required performance Target Budget limit Cost Due date Time ( schedule ) Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Understanding Project Management 9

10 Understanding Project Management Defining Project Success Module 1. Project 관리의개요 Traditional definition- Achieve project objectives: Within the allocated time period Within the budgeted cost At the proper performance or specification level Today-additional definitions: With accepted by the customer/user With minimum or mutually agreed upon scope changes Without disturbing the main work flow of the organization Without changing the corporate culture Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 10

11 Project Management Body of Knowledge Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 프로젝트관리, 실무 The Project Management Body of Knowledge Generally Accepted Project Management Knowledge and Practice 일반관리지식, 실무 General Management Knowledge and Practice Application Area Knowledge and Practice 응용분야지식, 실무 This figure is a conceptual view of these relationships. The overlaps shown are not proportional. Project Management Knowledge & Processes Project Management Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 Integration Project Plan Development Project Plan Execution Integrated Change Control Scope Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope Verification Scope Change Control Time Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control Cost Resource Planning Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting Cost Control Quality Quality Planning Quality Assurance Quality Control Human Resource Organizational Planning Staff Acquisition Team Development Communications Communications Planning Information Distribution Performance Reporting Administrative Closure Risk Risk Management planning Risk Identification Qualitative Risk Analysis Quantitative Risk Analysis Risk Response Planning Risk Monitoring and Control Procurement Procurement Planning Solicitation Planning Solicitation Source Selection Contract Administration Contract Closeout 11

12 Links among Groups in a Phase Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 Initiating Planning Controlling Executing (arrows represent flow of information) Closing Overlap of Groups in a Phase Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 12

13 Interaction between Phases Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 Design Phase Prior Phases Initiating Controlling Planning Executing Closing Implementation Phase Initiating Planning Controlling Executing Subsequent Phases Closing Relationships among the Initiating Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 To the Planning Initiating - authorizing the project or phase. 13

14 Relationships among the Planning Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 From the Initiating To the Executing From the Controlling Relationships among the Executing Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 From the Planning To the Controlling From the Controlling 14

15 Relationships among the Controlling Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 To the Planning From the Executing To the Executing To the Closing Relationships among the Closing Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 From the Controlling 15

16 Project Manager 를위한주요교육분야 Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 정규학교교육 - Psychology - Computer application - Statistics - Technical writing - Labor relations - Law - Economics - Personnel - Accounting - Merchandising - Contracting & procurement - Organization theory Workshop 등비정규교육 - Visual/graphics and communication - Negotiation - Conflict management - Personnel management - Organizational relationships (practice) - Group dynamics - Leadership techniques 대학원 Curriculum 사례 (1/2) George Washington University (Master of Science in Project Management, School of Business and Public Management) MGT231 Introduction to Project and Program Management MGT202 Mathematics and Statistics for Management MGT201 Organization, Management, and Leadership MGT267 Planning and Scheduling MGT215 Conflict Management MGT224 Executive Decision Making MGT290 Directed Computational Project Management MGT265 Risk Management MGT290 Project Estimating and Cost Management MGT268 Project Management Application FIN201 Financial Management ACCY201 Financial Accounting MGT232 International Science and Technology MGT234 Procurement and Contracting MGT290 Project Management for International Development Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 16

17 대학원 Curriculum 사례 (2/2) Module 2. Project 관리지식의분야 Western Carolina University (On-line Master of Project Management, College of Business) PM650 PM652 PM654 PM656 PM658 PM660 PM500 PM505 PM515 Project Management Systems Project Plan Development Project Plan Analysis and Approval Project Implementation Policies and Procedures Project Implementation; Monitoring and Production Project Completion and Professional Evolution Tools for Financial Management Statistics and Economics Legal and Ethical Issues Module 3. PMI / PMBOK 17

18 About PMI Module 3. PMI / PMBOK PMI(Project Management Institute) url: 년설립. 전세계 120 여개국에 13 만명이상회원. 프로젝트관리분야의표준제정, 공인자격시행, 각나라 ( 지역 ) 별운영, 매년가을연례 Seminar 개최, PM network 와 PMI Today 월간발행 1984 년첫 PMP 자격인증시행 1987 년, 1996 년, 2000 년발행 (2004 년가을업데이트예정 ) 회원가입비 : $119 What is PMBOK? Module 3. PMI / PMBOK The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is an inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 18

19 PMBOK 의구성 - The Project Management Framework Chapter 1-Introduction Chapter 2-The Project Management Context Chapter 3- Project Management Processes - The Project Management Knowledge Areas Chapter 4-Project Integration Management Chapter 5-Project Scope Management Chapter 6-Project Time Management Chapter 7-Project Cost Management Chapter 8-Project Quality Management Chapter 9-Project Human Resource Management Chapter 10-Project Communications Management Chapter 11-Project Risk Management Chapter 12-Project Procurement Management Section 3 - Appendices Section 4 - Glossary and Index Module 3. PMI / PMBOK PMBOK 의프로세스구성도 Module 3. PMI / PMBOK 5 개의프로세스그룹 9 개의프로젝트관리영역 39 개의프로세스 19

20 Application Area Extensions Module 3. PMI / PMBOK Need for application area extensions: Area-specific knowledge and practices can arise as a result of differences in: Cultural norms Technical terminology Social impact Project life cycle Examples of specific knowledge and practices: Construction: procurement Bioscience: regulatory environment Government contracting: government acquisition regulations Consulting services: project manager s sales and marketing responsibilities Extensions published: Construction Extension to PMBOK Guide Government Extension to PMBOK Guide Module 4. Certification 20

21 Introduction Module 4. Certification PMP(Project Management Professional) - 프로젝트관리전문가 History 1984 년부터미국의 PMI 가시행하는자격인증제도 >> 2004 년 6 월기준전세계약 79,823 Purpose - 프로젝트관리의전문성을배양하고프로젝트관리에종사하는사람들에게체계적인 PM기법을갖추도록하는목적 국내도입 년 6 월부터한국프로젝트관리기술회 (PROMAT) 가도입 년부터 CBT(Computer Based Testing) 방식으로전환. Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) PMP 시험출제영역 Module 4. Certification Project Initiation - 8.5% Project Planning % Project Execution % Project Control - 23% Project Closing - 7% Professional Responsibility % As of 4 March 2002, the examination blueprint changed to include an additional performance domain - Professional Responsibility. 21

22 응시자격 Module 4. Certification 1) Category 1- 학사학위이상신청일로부터최소 3년이상최대 6년이경과하지않은기간내최소 4,500시간 (36개월) 이상의 PM 실무경력자 2) Category2- 전문대졸및고졸이하신청일로부터최소 5년이상최대 8년이경과하지않은기간내최소 7,500시간 (60개월) 이상의 PM 실무경력자 3) 공통필수요건 35시간이상의 PM 교육이수 ( 누적합산가능 ) Examination Fee Module 4. Certification 1) 첫응시 PMI 개인회원 US $405 / 비회원 US $555 PMI 회원가입비 : US $119 * 회원가입후시험신청 - US $524 2) 재응시 > 불합격한날짜로부터 1년이내에응시 > PMI 회원 US$275 / 비회원 US$375 mation.asp 22

23 시험개요및합격기준 Module 4. Certification 1) 시험개요 1) 문제개수 : 200문제 ( 문제은행방식에의한매년 Update) 2) 시험시간 : 4시간 3) 시험방식 : CBT 4) 문제유형 : 4지선다 5) 2개국어동시선택 ( 영문, 한글 ) 6) 합격여부 : 시험종료시바로화면에표시됨 (Pass!) 2) 합격기준 137점이상. 절대평가방식 3) 시험연장 a one-time six-month extension will be given at no additional cost to the candidate. 연간전세계 PMP 증가추이 Module 4. Certification 연간 PMP 증가추이 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,

24 IT Project Certification Module 4. Certification CompTIA IT Project+ Certification 자격유지 (CCR, Continuing Certification Requirement) Module 4. Certification 시험합격후3년내에60PDU 취득및보고 *PDU: professional development units 매 3년주기로자격갱신 PMI 회원일경우 $75, 비회원일경우 $150을납부해야함 PDU 취득방법의예 Formal Academic Education: PM과관련된학점을대학 ( 원 ) 에서취득하는방법 Author or co-author of textbook that pertains to project management: 관련책저술 Practitioner of project management services for more than 1,500 hours per year: 년간 1500시간이상프로젝트참가경력 PMI Registered Education Providers 24

25 Agenda of. : 영역별로살펴보는 Project 관리지식 Module 1. Project Scope Management Module 2. Project Time Management Module 3. Project Cost Management Module 1. Project Scope Management 25

26 WBS(Work Breakedown Structure) Module 1. Project Scope Management A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project components that organizes and defines the total scope of the project: work not in the WBS is outside the scope of the project. WBS(Work Breakedown Structure) Module 1. Project Scope Management WBS 는프로젝트의업무범위를지정하는일종의방법론. 목표를실행가능한단위로분해한개념. 실행가능한단위로분해한다는것은목표를완수하기위해계층화된분류를하는것을뜻함. 목표를요약작업인 1 차적인개요로나누고, 각각에대해서하위작업인 2 차적인개요로나누어내려감. 실행가능한단위로분해하는것임. 이때분해기준은일관되어야하는것이원칙이며, 분해되는수준을개요수준이라고함. 26

27 WBS(Work Breakedown Structure) Module 1. Project Scope Management Work Sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result; a specific activity, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger undertaking; something produced or accomplished by effort, exertion, or exercise of skill. Breakdown To divide into parts or categories; to separate into simpler substances; to undergo decomposition. Structure Something arranged in a definite pattern of organization. WBS(Work Breakedown Structure) WBS 의두가지목적 WBS 의관리적기능 Module 1. Project Scope Management 1. To ensure that the project includes all the work needed. 2. To ensure that the project includes no unnecessary work. 1. 프로젝트목표를달성하기위하여수행되어야할모든작업을정의 1) 최종성과물로구성 2) Level of Effort 포함 2. 프로젝트내수행되어야할작업의누락, 중복을방지 3. 프로젝트참여자의공통언어 ( 의사전달도구 ) 4. 프로젝트비용관리와공정관리의기본틀제공 5. 프로젝트비용과공정의연계 ( 성과도측정 ) 6. 프로젝트진행중계획변경의체계적관리 27

28 WBS(Work Breakedown Structure) WBS 의계약적기능 Module 1. Project Scope Management 프로젝트의일부를외부조직을이용하여수행할경우 WBS 는계약관리의근간 1. 계약자의업무범위정의 1) 업무범위중복, 누락방지 2) WBS 를통한공통언어 3) 계약자의계약업무에대한대가산정의기준 2. 계약자의계약업무에대한대가산정의기준 (cost, schedule) 3. 계약자의작업수행현황보고기준 4. 계약자의성과품검수및기성산정기준 5. 계약변경의기준 (cost, schedule) Module 1. Project Scope Management WBS Example- Pharmaceutical( 도식화 ) 28

29 Module 1. Project Scope Management WBS Example- Process Plant Construction 1.0 System Design 1.1 System Engineering 1.2 Site Development 1.3 Civil Structures 1.4 Thermal Systems 1.5 Flow Systems 1.6 Storage Systems 1.7 Electrical Systems 1.8 Mechanical Systems 1.9 Environmental Systems 1.10 Instrumentation & Control Systems 1.11 Auxiliary Systems 2.0 Construction 2.1 Site Development 2.2 Civil Structures 2.3 Thermal Systems 2.4 Flow Systems 2.5 Storage Systems 2.6 Electrical Systems 2.7 Mechanical Systems 2.8 Instrument & Control Systems 2.9 Environmental Systems 2.10 Temporary Structure 2.11 Auxiliary Systems 3.0 Legal & Regulatory 3.1 Licensing (non-government)/permitting (government) 3.2 Environmental Impact 3.3 Labor Agreements 3.4 Land Acquisition 3.5 Other Legal/Regulatory Requirements 4.0 Project Management 4.1 Project Plan Development 4.2 Status Reports 4.3 Data Management 4.4 Configuration Management 4.5 Meetings (Minutes) 4.6 Contract Administration 5.0 System Test/Startup WBS Sample Module 1. Project Scope Management Aircraft System Project Management Training Data Air Vehicle Support Equipment Facilities Test and Evaluation Systems Engineering Management Equipment Technical Orders Organizational Level Construction Mock-ups Supporting PM Activities Facilities Engineering Data Intermediate Level Maintenance Operational Test Services Management Data Depot Level Developmental Test Test Airframe Engine Communication Navigation Fire Control This WBS is illustrative only. It is not intended to represent the full project scope of any specific project, nor to imply that this is the only way to organize a WBS on this type of project. 29

30 Module 2. Project Time Management Relationships among the Planning Module 2. Project Time Management From the Initiating To the Executing From the Controlling PMBOK 2000 Figure

31 Planning - Core 의포함내용 Scope Planning( 범위기획 ) Module 2. Project Time Management 미래의프로젝트결정을위한기초로서문서화된범위기술서를개발하는프로세스 Scope Definition( 범위정의 ) 주요프로젝트의인도물을더작고다루기용이한구성요소들로분할화하는프로세스 Activity Definition( 활동정의 ) 다양한프로젝트의인도물을만들어내기위하여반드시수행되어져야할특정한활동을명시하는프로세스 Activity Sequencing( 활동순서배열 ) 상호활동의의존도를명시하고문서화하는프로세스 Activity Duration Estimating( 활동기간산정 ) 각각의활동을완료하기위하여필요한작업기간의산정을산출하는프로세스 Schedule Development( 일정개발 ) 프로젝트일정을만들기위하여활동순서배열, 활동기간및자원요구사항을분석하는프로세스 Planning - Core 의포함내용 Risk Management Planning( 위험관리기획 ) Module 2. Project Time Management 프로젝트에서위험관리의계획및접근방법을결정하는프로세스 Resource Planning( 자원기획 ) 프로젝트활동을수행하기위한자원의종류 ( 인력, 장비, 자재및각자원 ) 의양을결정하는프로세스 Cost Estimating( 원가산정 ) 프로젝트활동을완료하기위하여요구되는자원의원가산정을개발하는프로세스 Cost Budgeting( 원가예산편찬 ) 각각의작업활동에전반적인원가산정을할당하는프로세스 Project Plan Development( 프로젝트계획개발 ) 다른기획프로세스의산출물을취하여체계적이고일관성있는문서에옮기는프로세스 31

32 Schedule Development Module 2. Project Time Management analyzing activity sequences, activity durations, and resource requirements to create the project schedule. Schedule 작성방법분류 - Technique 에의한분류 - Milestone chart( 또는 Event Chart) - Bar Chart( 또는 Gantt Chart) - Network 기법 (PERT/CPM) Milestone Chart Module 2. Project Time Management 32

33 Bar(Gantt) Chart Module 2. Project Time Management Network 기법 (PERT/CPM) Module 2. Project Time Management Network 기법의유래 PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) 1957, 미국해군의 Polaris Missile 개발을위해 PERT 기법첫적용 1958, Polaris 잠수함건조계획에전면적으로적용, 발전 미해군, 육군등정부기관에서체계적적용, 발전 단위작업의요소기간을불확실성하에서확률론적으로접근 Du=(o+4m+p)/6 연구개발사업의관리에효과적 CPM(Critical Path Method) 1957, 미국 Dupont 사의화학공장건설에첫적용 건설사업에널리응용 33

34 PERT Module 2. Project Time Management <Ex>PERT weighted average = 8 workdays + 4 X 10 workdays + 24 workdays = 12 days 6 where 8 = optimistic time, 10 = most likely time, and 24 = pessimistic time Network 기법 (PERT/CPM) Network 작성순서 Module 2. Project Time Management 요소작업의분류 (Work Breakdown) Duration 산정 Relation(Constraint) 부여 Time Analysis Duration, Relation 재검토, 조정 Resource Analysis Resource Allocation 재검토, 조정일정확정 (Target Schedule) 34

35 PDM (Precedence diagramming method) Module 2. Project Time Management [Network Logic Diagram Drawn Using the Precedence Diagramming Method] Activity-on-node(AON) Finish-to-start the from activity must finish before the to activity can start. Finish-to-finish the from activity must finish before the to activity can finish. Start-to-start the from activity must start before the to activity can start. Start-to-finish the from activity must start before the to activity can finish. ADM (Arrow diagramming method) Module 2. Project Time Management [Network Logic Diagram Drawn Using the Arrow Diagramming Method] Activity-on-arrow(AOA) ADM uses only finish-to-start dependencies. 35

36 Module 2. Project Time Management Project Network Diagram with Dates Module 2. Project Time Management CPM 일정 초안 작성 절차 1. Activity 정의 WBS 및 WBS Dictionary 2. Activity 배열 Network Diagram 산출물 단계 3. 작업시간 산정 작업단위 별 작업기간 4. CPM 일정 개발 일정 초안 36

37 CPM 작성이유 Module 2. Project Time Management 작업 Task들을논리적으로배열하고관계를도식화할수있다. 대안계획작성시다양한분석을가능하게한다. 실제진척도측정을용이하게한다. 적극적인시간관리및예방차원의관리를지원해준다. 고객과프로젝트팀간의의사소통의유용한도구로사용이가능하다. 자원할당을위한기초가되는기본바탕을제공한다. 프로젝트통제와진척도평가를위한기본으로사용한다. 각기법의특징 Module 2. Project Time Management 구분 Bar chart Network 기법 Pictorial Network Analysis 장점 -단순하고작성용이 -시각적으로현황파악용이 -보고용으로손쉽게활용 -일반적으로전산처리불필요 -작업의연계관계파악가능 -중점관리대상파악및관리용이 -작업의여유기간파악용이 -공정분석가능 -Time-Scaled 형태이므로시각적파악용이 -작업연계관계파악함 (Network기법의 Time scaled화 ) 단점 - 중점관리대상파악곤란 - 작업의여유기간파악곤란 - 후속공정지연분석곤란 - 복잡하고작성이어려움 - 시각적으로파악곤란 - 전산처리필요 - 내용이많을경우전산처리필요 37

38 Module 3. Project Cost Management Earned Value Management(EVM) Module 3. Project Cost Management 프로젝트진척을비용과일정을통합하여실작업의달성도를파악 비용과일정차이의분석을통하여완공시의지연또는초과를예측 완공시의비용과일정의예측을통하여금후의작업을수정할수있는기회를부여 비교항목이많고복잡하여공기가긴중 / 대형프로젝트에적당 미국의국방부 (DOD) 에서 1967년에개발한 C/SCSC(The Cost/Schedule Control Control Systems Criteria) 에서처음도입 38

39 Earned Value Management(EVM) Module 3. Project Cost Management cost cost 계획예산 계획예산 발생비용 발생비용 EV Time Time Module 3. Project Cost Management Earned value measurement methods - Sample CAP Work Package Work Package #1 Work Package #2 Work Package #3 Work Package #4 Total CAP EV Method Weighted Milestones Fixed Formula (25/75) Percent- Complete Estimates Percent- Complete With M/S Gates n/a Control Account Plan(CAP) Item Plan Earn Actual Plan Earn Actual Plan Earn Actual Plan Earn Actual Plan Earn Actual Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun % 67% 100% BAC

40 Module 3. Project Cost Management Earned Value Management(EVM) Earned Value Management(EVM) Module 3. Project Cost Management 일정차이 (SV, Schedule Variance) SV = EV - PV Negative is behind Schedule, Positive is ahead of Schedule 원가차이 (CV, Cost Variance) CV = EV AC Negative(-$) is over budget, Positive(+$) is under budget 일정성과인덱스 (Schedule performance index, 일정생산성 ) SPI = EV / PV 원가성과인덱스 (Cost performance index, 원가생산성 ) CPI = EV / AC 종료시점의산정 (Estimate at completion) EAC = BAC / CPI 종료까지의산정 (Estimate to complete) ETC = EAC AC 40

41 CPI & SPI 그래프 Module 3. Project Cost Management Under cost Ahead of Schedule 1.0 Over cost Behind Schedule SPI CPI Time CPI & SPI 상관관계도 Module 3. Project Cost Management 공정달성양호생산성저조 SPI 1.4 공정달성양호생산성양호 1 월 월 0.6 6월 0.8 4월 0.8 5월 3월 CPI 공정달성저조생산성저조 0.6 공정달성저조생산성양호 41

42 Module 3. Project Cost Management Forecasting final cost and schedule results 100% Status Date Budget 75% 50% Spend plan Planned Value=50% Earned Value=40% EV Schedule Variance 25% Year 1 Year 2 EV Schedule Status: ~ 2.5 months behind the planned schedule! Agenda of Section 3. Section 3: Project 관리지식의활용방안 Module 1. 리뉴얼사례 Module 2. Marketing 사례 42

43 Section 3 Module 1. 리뉴얼사례 Section 3 작업순서 Module 1. Renewal 사례 1. 작업범위설정 2. WBS 도식화 - Visio 3. WBS 작업 -MS Project 4. Activity List 작업 - Excel 5. Activity Description 작업 - Excel 6. Activity Sequencing & Duration Estimating - MS Project 7. Solicitation 8. Source Selection 9. Administration Contract 10. Now working. 43

44 Section 3 Module 2. Marketing 사례 Section 3 작업순서 Module 2. Marketing 사례 1. 기획서작업및제안 2. 기획회의 3. 업무범위설정 4. 일정설계 5. 자원할당 6. 시안작업 7. HTML 작업 8. 고객 List 확보 9. HTML 작업완료및검수 10. 메일발송 11. 종료 44

45 Question & Answer 45


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