Microsoft PowerPoint - CMMI친해지기_M1_CMMI Overview_wbchae [호환 모드]

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1 Introduction to CMMI - Module 1: Overview 2007 by Bizpeer

2 다루는내용 프로세스정의 프로세스관리중요성 모델사용 CMMI 배경 CMMI 개요 프로세스개선효과 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 2

3 프로세스란무엇인가? 프로세스정의 프로세스 : A sequence of steps performed for given purpose (IEEE-STD-610) 소프트웨어프로세스 : The set of activities, methods, practices & transformations that people use to development and maintain software and associated product (CMM-DEV V1.2) 프로세스 : Activities that can be recognized as implementations of practices in a CMMI Model. (CMMI) Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 3

4 프로세스의일반정의 프로세스는주어진목적을달성하기위하여수행하는관행들의집합으로여기에는절차, 방법, 도구, 사람들을포함함 태스크들의관계를정의하는절차와방법들 A B C D 프로세스 툴과장비들 스킬, 교육및동기부여가되어있는직원들 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 4

5 왜프로세스에초점을맞추어야하는가? 제품에만초점을두면다음이누락됨 Scalability Issues ( 문제의원인은?) 더나은방법은? 프로세스에초점을두면다음이예측가능 반복적인성과 ( 균일한품질 ) 프로젝트경향치 제품특성치 프로세스관리개념 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 5

6 미성숙한프로세스란? Ad hoc 프로세스 ; 프로젝트팀원 / 관리자에의해즉석으로만들어지는프로세스 엄격하게따르지않음 각개인의역량에의존 진척도및품질이가시적이지않음 일정에맞추기위해제품의기능성및품질을상호절충 위험을수반하고있는신기술을적용 막대한유지보수비용 품질을예측곤란 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 6

7 성숙한프로세스란? 실제업무를일관성있게수행하여완료프로세스를정립, 문서화하고지속적으로개선 사업가치를획득할수있는모범적프로세스를정립 프로세스에대한이해 프로세스의실천 프로세스의생활화 경영층및조직구성원들에게가시성을제공 프로세스를모범적으로통제 제품및프로세스측정기법을적용 기술을원칙적으로적용 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 7

8 효과적인프로세스 효과적인프로세스는프로세스성과 (Performance) 를예측할수있음. 예를들면, 프로세스를따랐을때견적한비용, 일정과일치할수있어야하고, 또한최종제품의품질은고객의요구를충족시킬수있어야함 ( 프로세스능력 ; Process Capability) People Procedures and Methods Q 요구사항 Process 제품서비스 Tools and Equipments 프로세스를따름으로서기대되는결과를예측하기위해서는프로세스를명시적으로정의, 관리, 예측, 통제할수있어야함 ( 프로세스성숙 ; Process Maturity) Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 8

9 프로세스개선및관리전제사항 제품의품질은개발및유지보수에사용되는해당프로세스의품질에의해크게좌우된다. The quality of a product is largely determined by the quality of the process that is used to develop and maintain it. Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 9

10 Five Principal idea of CMMI 1. Planning, tracking and schedule management 2. Requirements definition iti and configuration management 3. Process Assessment 4. Quality measurement and continuous improvement 5. Evolutionary improvement Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 10

11 프로세스모델이란? 프로세스모델은효과적인프로세스들을기술하는요소들의체계화된집합임 프로세스모델은 Deming, Crosby, Juran 등의프로세스관리철학에대한집합체임 프로세스모델에포함된프로세스들은경험에의하여효과적이라고입증된것임 과거 30 년동안이들이론들이많은조직들에공통된문제점들을다루는데에사용되어왔음 소프트웨어프로세스모델의예 : CMMI, SPICE 등 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 11

12 프로세스모델은어떻게사용하는가? 프로세스모델은다음과같이사용됨 프로세스개선목표와우선순위등의설정그리고프로세스개선 안정적이고, 유용한그리고성숙한프로세스들에대한지침제공 조직차원의프로세스개선활동지원 CMMI 모델의사용예 : 공급조직의능력평가 조직의자체적인프로세스개선 외주업체의능력평가 외주프로젝트의모니터링 프로젝트의위험평가 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 12

13 프로세스모델기반개선의이점 프로세스모델에서는다음사항들을제공함 공통의용어 공유가능한비전창출 업계의모범적인프로세스 / 관행활용 활동들의우선순위화를위한프레임워크 신뢰성있고일관된평가를위한프레임워크제공 국내외업계와의비교가능 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 13

14 History of CMMs CMM for Software v1.1 (1993) INCOSE SECAM (1996) Systems Engineering CMM v1.1 (1995) Software CMM v2, draft C (1997) EIA 731 SECM (1998) Integrated Product Development CMM (1997) v1.02 (2000) v1.1 (2002) CMMI for Development CMMI for Acquisition v1.2 (2006) CMMI for Services v1.2 (2007) v1.2 (2007) Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 14

15 CMM 들의종류 SW CMM Staged SW Development System Engineering CMM Continuous System Engineering System Engineering Capability Model Continuous System Engineering SW Acquisition CMM Staged SW Acquisition System Security Engineering CMM Continuous Security Engineering Personal SW Process Staged Individual SW Development FAA-iCMM Continuous SW Engineering, g Systems Engineering, and Acquisition IPD-CMM Hybrid Integrated Product Development People CMM Staged Workforce SPICE Model Continuous SW Development Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 15

16 The CMMI Contributors 미국방성 (DoD) 이후원하고, 업체들과정부및 SEI 등이협력함 100 명이상의인원이참여함 U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force Federal Aviation Administration National Security Agency SW Engineering Institute ADP, Inc. AT&T Labs BAE Boeing Computer Sciences Corporation EER Systems Ericsson Canada Ernst and Young General Dynamics Harris Corporation Honeywell KPMG Lockheed Martin Motorola Northrop Grumman Pacific Bell Q-Labs Raytheon Reuters Rockwell Collins SAIC SW Productivity Consortium Sverdrup Corporation TeraQuest Thomson CSF TRW Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 16

17 CMMI 모델의표현 - Representations Continuous Staged Proce ss Area Capa ability ML5 ML4 ML3 ML2 ML 1 PA PA PA 하나의프로세스영역또는프로세스영역들의일부에대해 조직에걸쳐, 수립된프로세스영역들의집합에대해.... Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 17

18 프로세스능력 vs 조직성숙도 프로세스영역에대한능력 (Capability) 과조직의성숙도 (Maturity) 는유사한개념임 프로세스영역능력 (Process Area Capability) 하나의프로세스영역또는특정관행에관련한프로세스들을다룸 조직성숙도 (Organizational i Maturity) 조직에걸쳐, 프로세스영역들의집합을다룸 조직상의프로세스들이특정성숙도단계에서평가된다면, 이들평가된프로세스들은프로세스영역능력으로비교될수도있음 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 18

19 다음의모델들을계승함 SW CMM--Staged SECM--Continuous IPD CMM--Hybrid 왜표현형식이두가지인가? [CMMI Representations] CMMI 제품개발팀에는각유형의 Representation에대한지지자들이있음 하나의 Representation 접근법선정이매우어려웠음 동일한내용을가지고모델의두가지 Representation을지원하자는약속이초기에이루어졌음 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 19

20 CMMI -Staged Representation의이점 이행을위한로드맵제공 : 프로세스영역들의그룹 이행순서 SW-CMM 으로부터의전환이쉬운유사한구조 Staged ML5 ML4 ML3 ML2 ML 1 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 20

21 CMMI - Continuous Representation의이점 사업목적및목표들에따라특정한프로세스영역들에중점을둘수있는최대의유용성을제공 시스템공학업계로부터변환이쉬운유사한구조 Continuous Process s Area Capab bility PA PA PA Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 21

22 CMMI Product Suite Models Representations Staged Continuous Disciplines SE (System Engineering) SW (Software Engineering) HW (Software Engineering) Training i Materials Appraisal Methods Introduction to CMMI Intermediate Concepts of CMMI Instructor Training SCAMPI Lead Appraiser Training SCAMPI B and C Team Leader Training Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) SCAMPI Method Description Document (MDD) Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 22

23 반드시기억할것 모델은프로세스가아님 모델에서는 누가 (Who does it) 또는 어떻게 (How to do) 등이아닌 하여야할것 (What to do) 을제시함 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 23

24 프로세스개선이익의범주 일정및예산추정개선 Cycle Time 개선 생산성증대 품질개선 ( 결함측정 ) 고객만족도증대 종업원사기증대 투자효과증대 (ROI) 품질비용절감 Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 24

25 Module 1. End Introduction to CMMI_M1_Overview 25

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